Middle School Handbook 2021

Page 17

Middle School Transition Program Making the move to Secondary School

Our Peer Support program connects

marks an important transition in every

girls with Year 10 mentors so they can

girl’s educational journey.

enjoy the support of a trusted older role model as they make the transition to

We know each student experiences the

Secondary School.

Primary to Secondary transition differently, taking their own time to adjust to their

Peer Support Leaders offer regular contact

new routines.

outside the formal sessions organised by the school, helping Year 7 students with

Through our Compass program, each

settling in and friendship concerns.

girl joins with a group of 16 students who meet regularly in a safe and welcoming

Through the transition, students are

environment to support each other

encouraged to focus on their wellbeing

through our holistic Mind-Body-Spirit

through sufficient sleep, exercise and

program, and who remain together

healthy eating, and having a sensible

through to Year 12. Students will also

amount of screen time.

have one Directions class each week, which gives an opportunity for each girl

Our Homework Help, Study Skills and

to build skills in making positive choices

Organisation sessions are designed to

and managing their own academic,

help girls to manage the transition to

emotional and social wellbeing.

secondary school.

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