More people living in rural, remote and First Nations communities will benefit from free ferry service when travelling for non-emergency medical specialist appointments through an expansion to the Travel Assistance Program (TAP).
“The Travel Assistance Program lessens the financial burden for people who have to travel away from home for health-care services, meaning they can focus on their health instead of their wallet,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Health.
“Although travel on BC Ferries has long been covered for people through TAP, expanding coverage to privately managed ferry routes means more people living in rural, remote and First Nations communities will benefit from much-needed help with their travel costs.”
Beginning Dec. 19, 2024, seven additional ferry routes are being added to TAP, which supports patients with the cost of ground, air or ferry travel to access non-emergency medical specialist services not available in their own community.
In 2023-24, 98,248 TAP approvals were issued.
“Dealing with health-related matters can be stressful enough, without the added burden of extra travel costs,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Transportation and Transit. “Through BC Ferries and TAP, we’re making sure that people travelling for medical reasons have their travel costs covered, and that essential travel is as affordable and stress-free as possible.”
The expansion includes round trip travel on the following independently operated ferry routes:
Tahsis and Kyuquot to Gold River
Dodge Cove to Prince Rupert
Lasqueti Island to French Creek
Bamfield, Kildonan and Haggard’s Cove to Port Alberni
Ahousaht and Hot Springs Cove to Tofino
Metlakatla, Oona River, Kitkatla and Hartley Bay to Prince Rupert
Tuck Inlet to Prince Rupert, Aero Point (Lax Kw’alaams Ferry)
“Access to quality health care shouldn’t depend on where in B.C. you choose to live,” said Debra Toporowski, parliamentary secretary for rural health. “By making TAP available to people living in these ferry-dependent communities, we’re not only reducing financial strain for people who have to travel outside their community for care. We’re also making health-care access more equitable and ensuring that people in rural and remote communities don’t get left behind.”
TAP is a corporate partnership between the Ministry of Health and private transportation carriers.
Eligible medical specialist services include:
Expanding TAP is part of the Province’s work to improve health equity for people living in rural and remote communities and builds on investments in medical travel and accommodation support through the Canadian Cancer Society and Hope Air.
Punjabi Editor
Adver tising Executive
The P atrika pMjwbI p`iqRkw
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal
non-emergency medical specialist services available at the closest location outside the patient's community; and diagnostic procedures, laboratory procedures, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine procedures, BC Cancer Agency, Transplant Units, HIV/AIDS treatment at St. Paul's Hospital, specialty clinics at BC Children's Hospital and other tertiary care hospital services.
Chief Editor/Publisher : Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager : Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: R onnie Sidhu mu`K AYfItr/pRkwsæk: fw: AYNfI is`D jnrl mYnyjr: dyv is`DU AYfiminstrysæn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI is`DU pMjwbI AYfItr AYfvrtweIijMæg mYnyjr tweIipst lyAwaUt fIjæweIn gRwiPk fIjæweInr gurdIp isMG gryvwl
Graphic Designer
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
Administration Assistant : Gurneet Sidhu AYfiminstrysæn AisstYNt : gurnIq is`DU
(joigMdr isMG sMunV) Éflsf dIvfn susfietI rOs strIt vYnkUvr ivKy mOzryt iswK aqy ihMdU susfietIaF dI iek BrvIN qy hMgfmI mIitMg hoeI ijs ivc lgBg 20 gurduafiraF qy mMidrF dy numfieMdy Èfiml hoey . Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy pRDfn kuldIp isMG QFdI vloN bulfeI geI ies mIitMg ivc susfietIaF dy puwjy numfieMidaF df svfgq kridaF mIitMg dy eyjMzy dIaF kfpIaF vMzIaF geIaF. ies mOky srbsMmqI nfl XunfeItz iswK aYNz ihMdU aYsosIeyÈn afP nfrQ amrIkf nfm
dI jQybMdI dy gTn
df aYlfn kridaF
kÈmIr isMG DflIvfl nUM aYsosIeyÈn df pRDfn qy muwK bulfrf cuixaf igaf. mIit-
Mg dOrfn kYnyzf ivc
vwKvfdI qy Drm dy nfm qy PuwtpfAU qfkqF
dI sKq inMdf kridaF
ihMdU-iswK BfeIcfrk sFJ nUM mËbUq krn df aihd kIqf igaf. ies mOky pfs kIqy gey miqaF ivc kYnyzf ivc vsdy ihMdU isK
BfeIcfry ivcfly eykqf bxfeI rwKx aqy gurU
GrF qy mMidrF dy bfhr ivKfivaF qy ros
mujfhiraF dI iKlfPq df PYslf kridaF
XunfeItz iswK aYNz ihMdU aYsosIeyÈn afP
nfrQ amrIkf dI 20 mYNbrI kmytI df vI gTn kIqf igaf. aYsosIeyÈn dI pRDfngI
leI kÈmIr isMG DflIvfl df nfm Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy mOjUdf pRDfn kuldIp
isMG QFdI vloN pyÈ kIqf igaf ijsdI qfeId rxjIq isMG hyar vloN kIqI geI qy hfËr numfieMidaF ny hwQ KVy krky pRDfngI cox aqy hor miqaF nUM pRvfngI idwqI. ies mOky muwK bulfiraF ivc ivc jrnYl isMG BMzfl, igafnI hrkIrq isMG, prÈoqm goiel, blvMq isMG sMGyVf, suirMdr isMG jwbl, pRIq sMDU, kulvMq isMG ZysI, kuldIp isMG, mlkIq isMG DfmI, blijMdr isMG bYNs, hrjIq sohpfl, gopfl lohIaf, sqIÈ kumfr, rmyÈ bKÈI, inrml (norm) sMGf ny sMboDn kridaF aYsoeIÈyn dy gTn aqy pfs kIqy miqaF dI pRsMsf kridaF aYsosIeyÈn df dfierf pUry nfrQ amrIkf qwk vDfAux aqy
BfeIcfrk sFJ nUM mËbUq krn df swdf idwqf.
hryk bulfry ny ikhf ik ies aYsosIeyÈn df
gTn smyN dI vwzI ËrUrq sI aqy sfiraF ny
Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy pRDfn kuldIp isMG
QFdI qy smuwcI pRbMDk kmytI dy ies Auprfly
dI ÈlfGf kIqI. afAux vfly kuJ ku idnF ivc
kor kmytI dI mIitMg bulfky aYsosIeyÈn dI mËbUqI qy mksd dI kfmXfbI leI ivcfrF kIqIaF jfxgIaF. kÈmIr isMG DflIvfl aqy kuldIp isMG QFdI ny sfry nuMmfieidaF df phuMcx qy DMnvfd kIqf.
ijkrXog hY ik nvMbr mhIny kYnyzf dy gurU GrF qy mMidrF ivc BfrqI kONsl vloN kONslr syvfvF leI lgfey gey kYNpF df ivroD kridaF KfilsqfnI smrQkF vloN ros mujfhry kIqy gey sn. brYNptn aqy srI ivc iehnF ivroD pRdrÈnF dOrfn ihMsk JVpF AuprMq hflfq qxfapUrx bx gey sn. Kflsf dIvfn susfietI vYnkUvr dI agvfeI hyT mOzryt susfietIaF dI iek hMgfmI dOrfn iehnF ros mujfhiraF df ivroD kridaF adflq qoN iehnF pRdrÈnF iKlfP afrzr vI pRfpq kIqy gey sn. hux BivwK ivc KfilsqfnI ivroD pRdrÈnF qy rok aqy kYnyzIan BfeIcfrfk sFJ dI mËbUqI leI mOzryt susfietIaF vloN ies sFJI aYsosIeyÈn df gTn mhwqvpUrx qy vwzf kdm smiJaf jFdf hY.
More than 280 million trees were planted in B.C. forests in 2024 due to the Province’s efforts.
of their legal requirements to regenerate harvested areas.
“2024 was a banner year for tree planting in B.C., including celebrating 10 billion trees planted since 1930,” said Ravi Parmar, Minister of Forests. “Our government’s commitment to sustainable forests has seen us lead the country by planting more than two billion trees since 2017.”
Caring for B.C.’s forests has come a long way since reforestation programs began in 1930. Meticulous planning goes into selecting which types of trees are seeded and encouraged to grow on public lands. This year, 13 different native tree species were chosen in an effort to preserve natural ecosystems and prioritize key characteristics, such as resilience to climate change.
The Province’s 2024 reforestation efforts were primarily focused on fire-damaged areas. This was in addition to the work undertaken by forest tenure holders as part
“We are in good shape right now based upon a run of strong years and the government’s commitment to tackling the impacts of climate change through adaptation and keeping reforestation programs at a level to help regrow our forests,” said John Betts, executive director, Western Forestry Contractors’ Association. “Our members have been adapting to the concept of a restoration economy targeting ecosystem resilience through all kinds of different planting programs.”
B.C. Timber Sales (BCTS), a division of Ministry of Forests responsible for managing vast areas of forested public land, also marked a milestone this year. More than one billion trees have been planted since the organization was founded in 2003. BCTS supports local jobs and communities by issuing approximately 40 tree-planting contracts to small business operators throughout the province every year.
Jennifer Glougie has been reappointed by Niki Sharma, Attorney General, as chair of the BC Labour Relations Board and the Employment Standards Tribunal following a merit-based recruitment process.
Glougie has served as chair of the BC Labour Relations Board and the Employment Standards Tribunal since February 2022. She has been reappointed to a five-year term that will begin on Feb. 5, 2025.
Glougie holds a law degree from the University of Victoria and a PhD in linguistics from the University of British Columbia. She is a member of the Law Society of British Columbia and the Canadian Bar Association, as well as the Canadian Linguistics Association, the International Association of Forensic Linguists, and the International Law and Language Association.
As part of her private practice, Glougie was involved in labour education through the Canadian Labour Congress and various labour councils throughout the province. She served as associate chair of the BC Labour Relations Board from May 2018 to February 2022.
The BC Labour Relations Board is an independent administrative tribunal with the mandate to mediate and resolve disputes related to unionized workplaces under the Labour Relations Code. The Employment Standards Tribunal conducts hearings of appeals and decisions made by the Employment Standards Branch, which is established under the Employment Standards Act. Combined, these mechanisms provide workers and employers with the ability to resolve workplace disputes in a fair and efficient manner.
You are what you eat, so you should pay attention to the things you consume. While you’ll want to avoid things that are high in sugar, fat and salt, there are some so-called “superfoods” that are packed with nutrients and other factors that can help boost your health. Here are five superfoods that should be in your diet.
Dark leafy greens
When making salads, skip the iceberg lettuce – which is mostly water. Instead, opt for nutrient-rich greens like arugula, dandelion leaves, spinach and kale.
While you may think of ginger as a cure for an upset stomach (your mom was right, it does work for that), ginger root also contains vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Add fresh ginger to stir-fried dishes or to give a spicy kick to your tea.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds come from a flowering plant native to Mexico. They’re low-calorie (about 100 calories per ounce) but filled with fibre, protein, antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc. Use them to boost the nutrients in your salads and smoothies.
Betalains, the pigments that give these durable root vegetables their rich colours, are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Ovenroasted beets are a simple side dish to serve alongside your family’s favourite protein, or let them cool and then chop them into a salad.
California prunes
A serving of five prunes has only 100 calories but is a source of fibre, potassium, vitamin K and other essential nutrients. They don’t require refrigeration, making them a handy snack. You can also make a simple prune puree that you can use to replace sugar, eggs or oil in your favourite dessert recipes.
swjx jI ! hwsidaF dy Gr vwsdy,
ipafrf isMG gurny klF
ÉuÈIaF ivc invyÈ krogy qF hfsy Puwtxgy. Auwgxf AuhI huMdf jo bIjogy. duwKF ivwc invyÈ krn ’qy Augxf roxy ny hI huMdf. ÉuÈ rihx nfl ijAUx dy sfl vDdy hn qy sfl vDx nfl Aumr GtdI hY. soc lYxf ik Aumr sflF ivwc vDfAuxI hY jF ijAUx ivwc. iËMdfidlI ijAUx dI Aumr ivwc vfDf krdI hY. ijho ijhf aOrf afpxy afly-duafly isrjogy AuhI aOrf afly duafly bx jfxf hY. lflc dI koeI jUh nhIN huMdI qy sbr df koeI iTkfxf nhIN huMdf. sbr pfxI dy qupky ’qy vI af skdf qy lflc df rwj smuMdr zIk lYx qy vI nhIN afAuNdf. lflc rox dI Xfqrf hY qy sbr hfisaF df lMmyrf rfh. cmkdI dunIaf lflc dI axbuJI qy DuKdI awg hY. sbr-sMqoK suwK df isMGfsn hY ijs ’qy bYTf hr bMdf mhfrfjf huMdf hY. iËMdgI nfn-stfp bxI peI hY. DIrj, TrHMmf qy Tihrfa iehdIaF rukxgfhF nhIN rhIaF. iewk ÉuÈI iehdI sMquÈtI nhIN bxdI. mnuwK ÉuÈIaF dI pRfpqI dy rfh df lMmyrf pFDI bx igaf hY. nqIjf iËMdgI afrfm qy suwK dI kqlgfh bxdI jf rhI hY. iKMzy pMD qy iKMzy mn nfl kdy inÈfnf nhIN lgfieaf jf skdf. iekfgrqf duwKF df aMq ibMdU huMdI hY. iËMdgI Coty Coty aihsfsF df
joV huMdI hY. iehI aihsfs iËMdgI dI loa nUM mwTf mwTf mwGdf rwKdy hn. aihsfs kdy qoVdy ny kdy joVdy ny, kdy iKlfrdy ny kdy smytdy ny, kdy guxf huMdy hn qy kdy vMzy jFdy ny. ienHF ’c vihMdI iËMdgI iewk Èfndfr rUp Dfrn kr lYNdI hY. bcpn ’c iqwqlIaF PVnf bhuq vwzf aihsfs hY. vwzy ho ky vI iKaflI iqqlIaF PVnf ÉuÈI df vwzf somf bx skdf hY. aihsfsF nUM ijAuNdy rwKo PuwlF vFg iKVy rhogy. inwky-inwky rosy iËMdgI nUM mwTf-mwTf mGfeI rwKdy hn. ruwsx df hwk AuhnUM hY ijhnUM mMn jfx df hunr afAuNdf hY. irÈiqaF ivcly vwzy-vwzy rosy iËMdgI nUM dojk bxf idMdy hn. iËMdgI rygx lwgdI hY. Gr hfisaF qoN ibrvy ho jFdy hn. Gr hwsxf Buwl jFdy hn. hr bMdy dI iewk slqnq huMdI hY qy Auh Aus slqnq df mhfrfjf. ies slqnq ’qy mfx ÉuÈIaF df iswDf rfh hY. iksy dI vwzI slqnq vwl Jfk ky afpxy rfj nUM Cotf nf kro. quhfzf afpxf dfierf qy afpxI smrwQf hY. dUijaF dI slqnq ivwc byvjf vwjx dI loV nhIN qy afpxI slqnq ivwc ibnF vjfh dfKl nf hox idE. Éud dI slqnq ’qy mfx iswDf hfisaF dI KyqI hY. hvf nfl rusxf bMd kro. pwiqaF ny
kudrq dy inXmF muqfibk ihlxf hY, quhfnUM kI ieqrfË? lihrF ny smuMdr dI ihwk ’qy nwc ky Èor mcfAuxf hY, quhfnUM kI eIrKf? hr Èih dI afpxI afËfdI hY qy afpxI cfl. quhfzI afpxI msqI qy mOj. afpxI mOj nUM ibnF vjhf dUijaF dI msqI nfl nf tkrfAux idE. duwKF df mfeIns hoxf hfisaF df joV huMdf hY. bhuqI isafxp bMdy nUM AuNglF qoVn lgf idMdI hY. msq rih ky ijAuxf lMbI iËMdgI ijAUx df hunr hY. irÈqy iËMdgI dy duwK-suwK df sMquln krdy hn. irÈqy inwGy qF Gr hwsdf. irÈqy kuVwqx Bry qF Gr roNdf. hr irÈqy df iewk ivlwKx rol huMdf. mUMhi jhf bxf ky irÈqy df svfd Érfb nf kiraf kro. hr iewk nUM imldy smyN ichry ’qy muskrfht pihn ilaf kro. irÈqf Gr isrjdf. ijhVy Gr klyÈ dI PYktrI bx jfx, Aus Gr dy hfsy, suwK qy cYn KMB lf ky
Auwz jFdy hn. brkqF Aus Gr qoN muwK moV lYNdIaF hn. dunIaf df sB qoN vwzf afnMd ikrq dy inBfa ivwc hY. ikrq ivclI byeImfnI bMdy nUM duKI krdI hY. ijhVIaF kOmF ikrqI hn AunHF dy hfsy dy ieMzYks dI AucfeI bhuq iËafdf huMdI hY. ikrqI nf hoxf ivhlf hoxf huMdf hY. ivhlV mn ny Èrfrq kr ky duwK isrj hI lYxf hY. skUn df Kurnf ikrq qoN munkr hox krky hY. quhfzI smwisaf quhfzI soc dy hfx dI huMdI hY. hwl vI smwisaf nUM quhfzI soc ny hI krnf hY. dUsry dI soc slfh huMdI hY, hwl nhIN. soc df bMd hoxf duwK df pYdf hoxf huMdf hY. soc dI rys ’qy pYr rwK ky hfisaF dI spIz vDfeI jf skdI hY qy rox ’qy brykF lgfeIaF jf skdIaF hn. mnuwK df sMkt ieh hY ik jo cIË
aMdr hY Auh AuhnUM bfhr lwBdf. svrg mnuwK dy aMdr hY pr lwB Auh svrg nUM bfhr irhf hY. nqIjf iËMdgI duwKF dI slqnq bxdI jf rhI
hY. iesy duivDf krky Dfrimk dunIaf ny mnuwK leI aYsI dunIaf isrj idwqI hY ik suwK-duwK kFzF ivwc vMzy hoey hn. agly jnm dy suwK ivwc mnuwK df ieh jnm duwK kuMz bxdf jf irhf hY.
iehI jnm ivwc lwjq nfl ijAu lvo, agly jnm qoN itMzIaF lYxIaF. BivwK dy suMdr jIvn dI kfmnf krky mnuwK
afDuink jIvn nUM nrk bxf irhf hY.
iËMdgI nrk svrg df nhIN, suwK-duwK df joV hY. iËMdgI nUM ÉUbsUrq bxfAux
leI hfisaF dy PfrmUly lgfE. rox dy
PfrmUly iËMdgI leI nrk hn. so afE
hfisaF qy joV qy guxF df PfrmUlf lgf
ky iËMdgI nUM skUn nfl lbryË bxfeIey
aqy rox qy Gtf qy vMz df PfrmUlf lgf
ky iËMdgI roxy nUM mnÌI krIey| CotIaF
CotIaF gwlF nUM idl dy ivwc irVkI
jfxf idmfÊ dI ibmfrI hY. mn dy pfey
iKlfry iekwTy krdf mnuwK iËMdgI df
cYn qy suwK Ko bYTdf. smJ ieh hovy ik
ikhVf iKlfrf hUMiJaf jf skdf. suwK
dIaF bFgF mnuwK dy afpxy hwQ hoxIaF
cfhIdIaF hn. mn qy idmfÊ gMd mukq
bxf lvo. dunIaf df sB qoN vwzf gMd
ienHF dovF aMdr iekwTf huMdf hY. ieh
gMd hfisaF qy bYrIar lgf idMdf hY
qy rox dy rfh dI zfeIvrÈn iswDI kr
idMdf hY. mn dy hwsx nfl sfrf jwg
Thfkf mfr ky hwsdf. roNdy mn iksy
Drvfs dy Xog nhIN rihMdy. hwsdy mn
dIaF AuzfrIaF dI dUrI asIm huMdI hY.
gMd nfl Bry idmfÊ qy mn ivwc hfsy
leI spys nhIN bcdI.
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
New actions are being implemented to help more people find affordable homes in the communities where they live and work.
“Everyone should be able to afford a home in their chosen community, but high home costs and real estate speculators are making that a challenge,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Finance. “We are working to ensure there are more affordable homes available for people, whether they’re renting or buying, through measures like the B.C. home-flipping tax and property transfer tax exemptions.”
Starting Jan. 1, 2025, the B.C. homeflipping tax will be in place to discourage investors from buying housing to turn a quick profit.
workers, can find a place to live they can afford in the communities they love.”
Other measures to help make homeownership more accessible and improve the supply of housing, which came into effect April 1, 2024, are new thresholds for the first-time homebuyers’ program and the newly built home exemption.
mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI
* AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog. * ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
People who sell their home within two years of buying will be subject to the tax, unless they qualify for an exemption, such as divorce, job loss or change in household membership. It is expected approximately 4,000 properties will be subject to the tax in 2025. All revenue from the tax will go directly into strengthening housing programs and building new affordable homes in B.C.
“The B.C. home-flipping tax is just one more tool in our toolbox to help people find affordable housing,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing and Municipal Affairs. “We’re working to deliver more homes so the people who keep our communities working, like teachers, nurses and construction
The threshold for the first-time homebuyers’ program was increased to $835,000 from $500,000. Qualifying individuals will receive an exemption on the property transfer tax on the first $500,000 of the home’s value. Since April 1, more than 22,000 firsttime home buyers – an increase from approximately 9,500 in 2023 – were helped into their homes through this program, saving as much as $8,000 in property transfer tax.
To encourage the construction of new homes and support families to take the next step in home ownership, the threshold for the newly built home exemption was increased from $750,000 to $1.1 million. In 2024, this helped approximately 10,300 purchasers buy new homes, nearly 3,000 more than last year.
The Province is also supporting the delivery of more rental homes. New purpose-built rental buildings of four units or more, purchased between Jan. 1, 2025, and Dec. 31, 2030, may also qualify for an exemption from the general property transfer tax.
The B.C. government has appointed a new chair and three new directors to the BC Hydro board of directors, ensuring the important work of keeping rates affordable, expanding critical electricity infrastructure to meet future demand, and effective management of drought and power imports continues to be prioritized.
Glen Clark has been appointed the new chair of the BC Hydro board of directors. Clark will take over the post from current chair, Lori Wanamaker, whose term will end on Dec. 31, 2024. Clark brings extensive leadership, corporate relations and resource development experience to the position, as a former premier and minister of finance and corporate relations, as well as former president of the Jim Pattison Group, a
multinational corporation with diverse holdings.
Merran Smith is president of New Economy Canada and brings awardwinning leadership uniting industry, government and civil-society partners to solve society’s most pressing social and ecological challenges. She represents Canada on the C3E International Ambassador Corps. The founder of Clean Energy Canada, Smith is broadly recognized as a fearless advocate and national leader in advancing Canada’s clean, zero-carbon economy.
Brynn Bourke is executive director of the BC Building Trades (BCBT). Under her leadership, BCBT has opened the College of the BC Building Trades, launched a youth ambassador program to connect apprentices with high
school students, secured enhanced sanitation protocols on construction sites and supported initiatives that reduce barriers for under-represented groups to enter the trades. Bourke is a board member of BuildForce Canada and SkillPlan.
Don Kayne is president and CEO of Canfor Corporation, and former CEO of Canfor Pulp Products Inc. Kayne has deep experience in international sales and marketing, human resources and executive compensation through 45 years with the forest company. Kayne has served the forestry industry in many roles, including numerous current and past leadership positions with provincial, national and international forestry-related associations and organizations.
The new directors will occupy spaces on the board left by Amanda Hobson and Victoria McMillan, whose terms are ending, and Irene Lanzinger and Daryl Fields, who are retiring.
Directors Nalaine Morin and Chief Clarence Louie, whose terms on the board will end on Dec. 31, 2024, have been reappointed for an additional two-year term. The remainder of the board is unchanged.
The board of directors is responsible for providing oversight and direction of BC Hydro, such as the implementation of relevant energy policy decisions of the Province. The board chair provides leadership in guiding the board’s activities in the best interests of BC Hydro and British Columbians.
pRo. nv sMgIq isMG
sfihbËfidaF qy mfqf jI dy aMiqm sMskfr leI gurU-Gr dy ainn syvk dIvfn tozr mwl ny sony dIaF mohrF adf kr ky ËmIn ÉrIdI. sMsfr dy ieiqhfs ’c ieh sB qoN mihMgI ËmIn hY. ijs QF sfihbËfidaF qy mfqf jI df aMiqm sMskfr hoieaf, AuwQy awj-kwlH gurduafrf joqI srUp suÈoiBq hY. dunIaf df ieiqhfs pVHIey qF pqf lwgdf hY ik ijMny ÈhId iswK Drm ’c hoey hn, Eny iksy hor Drm ivc nhIN hoey. iswK Drm dI buinafd hI ÈhIdIaF ’qy rwKI geI hY. gurU gRMQ sfihb ’c bfxIkfrF ny swcI suwcI pRIq df afDfr ÈhIdI nUM mMinaf hY. ies Drm dy anuafeIaF ’c jy vwzI Aumr vfly qy bËurgF dIaF axigxq kurbfnIaF hn, AuwQy Coty qy mfsUm bwicaF ny vI hwk-swc dI Éfqr jUJ mrn nUM qrjIh idwqI. ‘sfkf srihMd’ ieho ijhI hI lUM kMzy KVHy kr dyx vflI dfsqfn hY, ijs ’c inwkIaF qy mfsUm ijMdF ny afpxy pRfxF dI afhUqI dy ky iswK Drm dI nINh pwkI kIqI.
iqMn ihwisaF ’c vMizaf igaf pirvfr: dsmyÈ ipqf anMdpur df iklHf ÉflI krn ipwCoN jdoN srsf ndI qoN pfr hoey, qF AunHF df pirvfr iqMn ihwisaF ’c vMizaf igaf. vwzy sfihbËfdy afpxy gurU ipqf smyq cmkOr vwl cly gey, mfqf suMdrI qy mfqf sfihb kOr
BfeI mnI isMG nfl idwlI cly gey, jdoNik
Coty sfihbËfdy bfbf Ëorfvr isMG qy bfbf
Ìiqh isMG, ijnHF dI Aumr isrÌ swq qy nON sfl dI sI, dfdI mfqf gujrI nfl srihMd vwl cly gey.
vwzy sfihbËfidaF dI kurbfnI: poh df sfrf mhInf hI iswK ÈhIdIaF dI idl kMbfAU
Gtnf vflf hY, ijs ivc gurU goibMd isMG jI dy vwzy sfihbËfdy bfbf ajIq isMG qy bfbf
juJfr isMG cmkOr dI krblf aMdr Èhfdq df jfm pI gey. iewQy iek pfsy BuwKy-ipafsy qy Qkfvt nfl cUr igxqI dy cflI ku isMG sn, jdoNik dUjy pfsy ds lwK dI muÊl ÌOj sI. dunIaf dy ieiqhfs ’c ieho ijhI asfvIN jMg df ikDry koeI iËkr nhIN imldf. ieh vfikaf 22 dsMbr 1704 eI. df hY. ‘gMij
ÈhIdF’ dy krqf awlHf Xfr ÉF jogI ny ies
pRsMg nUM ieAuN icqiraf hY: bws eyk ihMd myN qIrQ hY Xfqrf ky lIey. ktfey bfp ny bwcy jhF, Éudf ky lIey.
sfkf srihMd: ies Gtnf qoN pMj idn ipwCoN
27 dsMbr nUM Coty sfihbËfdy vËIr ÉF sUbf
srihMd dy hukm nfl nINhF ’c icxvf ky ÈhId kr idwqy gey. Coty sfihbËfidaF dy ÈhIdI sfky nUM ieiqhfs ivc ‘sfkf srihMd’ dy nF nfl jfixaf jFdf hY. ies sfky nUM pVHn-
suxn vflf koeI vI iensfn awKF ’coN hMJU vhfey ibnF nhIN rih skdf. pirvfr nfloN awz hox ipwCoN dfdI mfqf gujrI jI qy Coty sfihbËfidaF nUM AunHF df purfxf rsoeIaf gMgU afpxy ipMz KyVI lY igaf. pihlI rfq iqMnF ny kuMmy mfÈkI dy Gr ibqfeI. gMgU dy idl ’c byeImfnI af geI qy Aus ny mfqf gujrI jI dI hIry-jvfhrF dI QYlI curf leI. ipwCoN loB-lflc ’c aMnHf ho ky iqMnF nUM igRÌqfr krvf idwqf. pihlF ienHF nUM moirMzf ivKy ihrfsq ’c rwiKaf igaf, iPr srihMd phuMcf idwqf igaf.
TMZy burj ’c krvfieaf kYd: srihMd df sUbydfr vËIr ÉF, jo cmkOr dI jMg ivwcoN inrfÈ priqaf sI, ny iqMnF jixaF nUM TMZy burj ivc kYd krvf idwqf qy afs-pfs sÉq pihrf lf idwqf. srdIaF dIaF iBafnk TMZIaF-XÉ rfqF ’c bËurg dfdI aqy poiqaF nUM TMZ qoN bcx leI koeI grm kwpVy nhIN idwqy gey qy nf hI AunHF nUM Kfx pIx leI kuJ idwqf igaf. vËIr ÉF df iÉafl sI ik TMZ qy BuwK dy kihr qoN afqur ho ky bwcy ieslfm Drm kbUl krn leI hF kr dyxgy pr Auh nhIN sI jfxdf ik ienHF mfsUmF dIaF rgF ivc gurU goibMd isMG ijhy mhfn sUrbIr df ÉUn hY qy ienHF df dfdf (gurU qyg bhfdr) aqy pVdfdf (gurU arjn dyv) pihlF hI ÈhIdI dI imsfl pRjvwilq kr cuwky hn. gurU goibMd isMG dy iek ÈrDflU moqI rfm mihrf ny pihrydfrF nUM Dn qy gihixaF dI irÈvq dy ky bwicaF qy mfqf jI leI duwD dI syvf kIqI. lflc qy zrfvy dy ky eIn mMnx nUM ikhf: vËIr ÉF dy drbfr ivc iqMn idn bwicaF nUM pyÈ kIqf igaf. pihly idn vËIr ÉF dy iek tozI suwcf nMd ny muwK drvfËf bMd kr ky CotI iKVkI KolH idwqI, qF jo bwcy jdoN iKVkI rfhIN pRvyÈ krn qF isr Jukf ky aMdr afAux pr sfihbËfdy muÊlF dI cfl nUM BFp gey qy AunHF ny pihlF isr aMdr krn dI QF afpxy pYr dI juwqI vËIr ÉF nUM ivKfeI qy aMdr jFidaF hI bulMd afvfË ivc ‘vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf inwkIaF ijMdF vwzy sfky : lUM kMzy KVHy kr dyx vflI dfsqfn hY ‘sfkf srihMd’
vfihgurU jI kI Ìiqh’ df nfarf lgfieaf. sUbydfr ny mfsUmF nUM lflc qy zrfvy dy ky eIn mMnx nUM ikhf pr ieh gurU goibMd isMG dy sfihbËfdy sn, jo isr ktfAuxf qF jfxdy sn, isr JukfAuxf nhIN.
ijAuNdy jIa kMDF ’c icxnf: sUby dI kcihrI ’c nvfb mlyrkotlf Èyr muhMmd ÉF, dIvfn suwcf nMd qy kfËI mOjUd sn. sUby ny nvfb nUM ikhf ik Auh bwicaF nUM mfr ky ienHF dy ipqf qoN afpxy Brf nfhr Éfn dI cmkOr dI jMg ’c hoeI mOq df bdlf lY lvy pr nvfb ny ieqrfË kIqf, ‘ksUr bfp df, sËf mfsUm bwicaF nUM’, ieh ikwQoN df iensfÌ hY?’ nvfb ny mfsUmF dy hwk ivc ‘hfa df nfarf’ mfiraf. dIvfn suwcf nMd dy AuksfAux ’qy kfËI ny Pqvf dy ky bwicaF nUM ijAuNdy jIa kMDF ’c icxn dI gwl kIqI qy vËIr Éfn ny ies dI pRvfngI dy idwqI. jdoN qIjy idn vI bwcy afpxy Drm ’qy atwl rhy qF sUby ny Auprokq hukm dI qfmIl krn nUM ikhf. ÉUnI dIvfr jdoN sfihbËfidaF dI grdn qk phuMc geI qF ÈfÈl byg-bfÈl byg nfmI do jwlfdF ny
mfsUmF dy sIs DV nfloN vwK kr idwqy. TMZy burj ’c kYd bËurg mfqf gujrI jI nUM jdoN ieh Ébr imlI qF AunHF ny prmfqmf df Èukr kridaF afpxy pRfx vI iqafg idwqy.
gurduafrf sRI joqI srUp suÈoiBq: sfihbËfidaF qy mfqf jI dy aMiqm sMskfr leI
gurU-Gr dy ainn syvk dIvfn tozr mwl ny sony dIaF mohrF adf kr ky ËmIn ÉrIdI. sMsfr dy ieiqhfs ’c ieh sB qoN mihMgI ËmIn hY. ijs QF sfihbËfidaF qy mfqf jI df aMiqm sMskfr hoieaf, AuwQy awj-kwlH gurduafrf joqI srUp suÈoiBq hY. ieh Ébr jdoN nUrf mfhI rfhIN gurU goibMd isMG kol phuMcI, qF AunHF ny kfhI dy bUty nUM jVHoN puwtidaF Prmfieaf, ‘hux muÊl sfmrfj dI jVH puwtI jf cuwkI hY.’ ies vfikaf qoN Cy sfl bfad dÈmyÈ ipqf qoN QfpVf lY ky bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ny muÊlIaf slqnq dy bÉIey AuDyV idwqy qy srihMd dI iewt nfl iewt KVkf idwqI. cwpVicVI dy asQfn ’qy hoeI gihgwc lVfeI ivc vËIr ÉF nUM mfr ky bfbf bMdf isMG ny sfihbËfidaF dI ÈhIdI df bdlf lY ilaf.
rfq nUM sONdy smyN Ìon CfqI ‘qy rwKx dI hY afdq qF ho jfE sfvDfn, iksy vI smyN vwj skdI hY Éqry dI GMtI
sONdy smyN Pon nUM sIny ‘qy rwKxf Éqrnfk ho skdf hY, ikAuNik ies nfl keI smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. ipCly kuJ sflF ivwc, ieh iewk afm ruJfn bx igaf hY ik lok lytdy hoey afpxf mobfeIl CfqI ‘qy rwKdy hn. Pon nUM CfqI ‘qy rwKx nfl idl ‘qy dbfa pY skdf hY, ijs nfl idl dIaF smwisafvF vD skdIaF hn. mobfeIl PonF qoN inklx vflIaF vfeIbRyÈnF hr idn idl nUM kmËor kr rhIaF hn. ies kfrn keI vfr quhfzf idl ibmfr ho skdf hY. ies dy nfl hI lgfqfr aijhf krn nfl idl dy dOry df Éqrf vI vwD skdf hY.
sfh lYx ivwc smwisaf : Pon nUM sIny ‘qy rwKx nfl sfh lYx ‘c qklIÌ ho skdI hY, ijs nfl afksIjn dI kmI ho skdI hY. sfh lYx ivwc qklIÌ quhfzI iËMdgI nUM vI musIbq ivwc pf skdI hY. Ìon nUM lgfqfr CfqI ‘qy rwKx nfl afksIjn dI kmI ho skdI hY.
Pon dI grmI nfl cmVI ‘qy jlx ho skdI hY, ijs nfl cmVI dIaF smwisafvF vD
skdIaF hn. Ìon qoN inklx vflI vfeIbRyÈn quhfzI cmVI leI bhuq Éqrnfk hY. jo quhfzy leI bhuq sfrIaF smwisafvF pYdf kr skdI hY. aijhy ‘c Pon nUM isrhfxy dy hyTF aqy CfqI ‘qy rwKx qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY.
nINd ‘c pryÈfnI : Ìon nUM CfqI ‘qy rwKx nfl nINd ivwc ivGn pY skdf hY, ijs nfl nINd dI guxvwqf Krfb ho skdI hY. ies leI lytdy smyN Pon nUM sIny ‘qy rwKx qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ies dI bjfey, Ìon nUM iksy surwiKaq QF ‘qy rwKo, ijvyN ik bYwzsfeIz tybl ‘qy jF almfrI ivwc ijwQy qusIN afpxf Ìon rwKdy ho. sONdy smyN Ìon nUM afpxy qoN dUr rwKx dI koiÈÈ kro
ikAuNik Ìon afpxy kol rwKxf quhfzI ishq leI bhuq Éqrnfk ho skdf hY. jF Ìon nUM pUrI qrHF bMd kro aqy iesnUM afpxy qoN dUr rwKo qF jo qusIN ÈFqI nfl sO sko.
BC Hydro has added a new solar-energy project to the clean-energy projects selected to advance from its call for power.
On Dec. 9, 2024, the Province announced that BC Hydro has selected nine windenergy projects through its 2024 call for power that will supply renewable, affordable electricity to growing communities throughout B.C.
While BC Hydro was preparing the public disclosure of the successful projects, one of the projects voluntarily withdrew and was not included in the announcement. BC Hydro has offered a 30-year electricitypurchase agreement to the next-highest evaluated project in order to maximize the power generation available through this call for power.
The newly added project is the ShTSaQU Solar Project in the southern Interior near Logan Lake, which will provide 104 megawatts of capacity. The Independent Power Producer partner is BluEarth Renewables Inc. and the First Nation partner is Oregon Jack Creek.
Collectively, these 10 clean and renewable projects will generate approximately 5,000 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, enough to power half a million new homes, and will increase BC Hydro’s current supply by 8%. These projects are spread across nearly every region in the province. Their development and construction are expected to generate between $5 billion and $6 billion in private capital investment.
BC Hydro engaged extensively with First Nations on the design of the call for power, and included a requirement that projects must have a minimum 25% equity ownership held by First Nations. Eight of the 10 successful energy projects will have 51% equity ownership. This represents $2.5 billion to $3 billion of ownership by First Nations in new renewable energy projects in the province.
The Province and BC Hydro are committed to holding regular competitive calls for power based on electricity demand to ensure that B.C. has the clean electricity it needs as the economy and population grow, while keeping rates affordable.
In addition to the call for power, BC Hydro is implementing several actions to meet the increasing demand from population
growth, housing construction, business and industrial development, and transportation. These actions will power more than one million new homes in the coming years. This includes: adding the Site C hydroelectric dam, which will power 500,000 homes; investments in energy efficiency, which are expected to save 2,000 gigawatt hours of electricity annually (enough to power 200,000 homes);
renewing existing electricity-purchase agreements; and exploring the use of utility-scale batteries.
Solar projects with a capacity equal to or more than 50 megawatts require an environmental assessment by the BC Environmental Assessment Office.
While we usually only think of our stomach when we’re hungry, a healthy gut is important to your overall health. Your stomach is filled with countless good bacteria that help with everything from digestion to bone health and your immune system. Here are some easy ways to keep your stomach in top shape.
Eat more fibre
You’ve likely heard that it’s important to eat fibre to promote regularity. But fibre
also feeds and promotes the diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut.
Some foods, including prunes, contain soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibres can be digested, while insoluble fibres help foods pass through your digestive system.
A serving of about five prunes has only 100 calories but provides a source of potassium, vitamin K, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. They don’t require refrigeration, so you can keep them in your desk drawer for a handy mid-day snack.
Look for nutritious alternatives
Looking for ways to reduce the sugar, eggs or oil in your favourite recipes? A simple prune puree is a great option.
Their natural sweetness means you can swap out one-third to one-half of the sugar in a recipe. You can replace up to three large eggs in any recipe by using ¼ cup (60 ml) of puree for each egg. Reduce the amount of butter or oil a recipe calls for by using an equal amount of prune puree.
To make the puree, simply blend about 8 pitted prunes with some hot water.
Prime Minister Trudeau with MPs
Harjit Sajjan, Terry Beech, Randeep Sarai, Sukh Dhaliwal and Taleeb Noormohamed, and Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley, among others. PRIME Minister Justin Trudeau visited the Shri Guru Ravidass Community Center in Burnaby and shared his appreciation for the contributions being made by the congregation and members of the society. Trudeau's visit generated a lot
of excitement as this was the first visit of a sitting prime minister to the Guru Ravidass Temple in Burnaby in the 42-year history of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabha (Vancouver). Trudeau spoke of the values of "equality" prescribed by Guru Ravidass, and said these are the same values of Canada. Trudeau also had a tour of the community center and met members of the congregation in the langar hall. Trudeau mentioned
that he would be pleased to return to the Guru Ravidass Center once it is completed. A couple of months ago, Trudeau had also visited the Guru Ravidass Temple situated in his own riding in Montreal. On behalf of the congregation and the board of the organization, President Harjit Sohpaul and General Secretary Amarjit Lealh welcomed Trudeau and ministers Harjit Sajjan and Terry Beech, parliamentary
secretary and associate minister Randeep Sarai, MPs Sukh Dhaliwal and Taleeb Noormohamed, and Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley. Sohpaul also acknowledged the continued support of MPs Sajjan, Sarai and Dhaliwal. Sajjan was particularly acknowledged for arranging Trudeau's visit to the center.
Hasrat Sandhu
The incidents that took place on the 21st and 27th of December 1704 AD are the days that hold very dear memories for the Sikhs around the world. The martyrdom of the four “Sahibzaade” (Sons) is an important and integral part of the Sikh history and the occasion of their martyrdom is remembered, and commemorated both with great vigour and very acute sadness, by the Sikh community every year in the month of December, also known to be the month of “Poh”. Chaar Sahibzaade, (‘Chaar’ means four and ‘Sahibzaade’ refers to the sons or scions, young men of genteel birth) is a term endearingly used for the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th guru of the Sikhs. Guru Sahib, the four Sahibzaade, Mata Gujari Kaur, Guru’s Mahil, Mata Jeeto Ji, his wife, the five Panj Piaras and a few hundred Sikhs left Anandpur Sahib on the chilly night of 20 December 1704 towards Ropar (in present-day Punjab).
On the intervening night of 20–21 December, the Mughals breached the vows and attacked Guru’s entourage at a site on the Sarsa rivulet some 25 kms from Anandpur Sahib. The Guru’s family was separated and broken away. This spot is now known as “Pariwar Vichhora” and the Gurudwara Sahib is also built up there in their honour as “Gurudwara Pariwar Vichhora Sahib”. Guru’s Mahil left with Bhai Mani Singh towards Delhi. Guru Gobind Singh Ji with two elder Sahibzaade, 5 Panj Piaras, and 40 Sikhs proceeded towards Chamkaur and reached there on the afternoon of 21 December. The famous Chamkaur battle, also known as the Battle of Chamkaur Sahib, was a battle fought between the Khalsa, that took place on December 22 and the older Sahibzaade, called the ‘Vaada Sahibzaade’, attained martyrdom
while fighting the powerful and very well-equipped Mughal army comprising of thousands at the young age of 18 and 14 years old respectively. Three Panj Piaras and 40 Sikhs laid down their lives fighting the 10 lakh strong mighty Mughal army. Another Sikh, who resembled the Guru, Sangat Singh, donned the Guru’s clothes and remained with the soldiers. Negotiations broke down and the Sikh soldiers chose to engage the overwhelming Mughal forces, thus allowing the Guru to escape.
The next morning, the remaining Sikhs were martyred by the Mughal forces. During the battle, Guru Ji’s two youngest sons, Zorawar and Fateh and their grandmother Mata Gujri Ji got separated from the rest of the Sikhs.
A former servant, Gangoo, a Kashmiri pandit, from his house, saw them and suggested that they come with him to his village. They were grateful for his help and went with him. However, the servant breached their trust and in greed of money, disclosed their location to the Mughal. The Mughals came to the house and captured them.
All three were imprisoned in the Open Tower (Thanda Burj), in chilling winters with no mats to sleep on, just strands of straw as their bedding. The sons were brought to Wazir Khan, the
governor of that state. Wazir Khan believed in Emperor Aurangzeb’s vision. Wazir Khan told the Sahibzaade that he would spare their lives if they converted to Islam. Even at such a young and juvenile age, the two Sahibzaade stood steadfast and firm to the Khalsa Panth and refused to convert to Islam. As a result, Wazir Khan ordered that a brick wall be put up around them. The two Sahibzaade attained martyrdom by being bricked alive. Mata Gujar Kaur could not bear the trauma of her young
grandsons getting martyred and the same day, upon hearing the news, left for her heavenly abode.
On 27 December 1704, a heinous and cold-blooded crime was committed in the Sarzameen of Sirhind. The younger pair called the ‘Chotta Sahibzaade’ was martyred together by the Mughals in Sirhind at the tender age of 6 and 9 years respectively. This place is now known as “Jyoti Swaroop Gurudwara Sahib”
Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India.
2025 krbsfeIz
klYkÈn kYlMzr
2025 krbsfeIz klYkÈn kYlMzr nUM GrF qwk
phuMcfAux ivwc kYnyzf post lybr rukfvt dy kfrn dyrI ho skdI hY.
invfsI abbotsford.ca/collectionschedule 'qy nvIN gfeIz aqy 2025 smF-sfrxI nUM afnlfeIn zfAUnloz aqy dyK skdy hn.
aYbtsPorz krbsfeIz klYkÈn aYp 'qy 2025 dy smF-sfrxI vI AuplbD hn. aYp nUM muPq ivwc zfAunloz kro aqy dubfrf kdy vI sMgRih df idn nf Cwzo! aYp nUM nvInqm cyqfvnIaF aqy Krfb mOsm kfrn sMgRih dy pRBfvF nfl vI apzyt kIqf igaf hY. quhfzIaF gwzIaF nUM smyN 'qy rokx df ieh sB qoN vDIaf qrIkf hY
klYkÈn zya rImfeINzr aqy srivs alrt pRfpq krn leI
aYbtsPorz krbsfeIz klYkÈn aYp zfAUnloz kro. nfl hI, sYNkVy afeItmF leI rIsfeIkilMg aqy inptfry dI jfxkfrI leI vyst ivËfrz qwk phuMc kro.
aYbtsPorz ivc srdIaF iek jfdUeI smF hY, ijs ivc TMzI svyr, brP nfl Zky phfV aqy CuwtIaF dI KuÈI dI Bfvnf hvf ivc Br jFdI hY[ hflFik, ijvyN-ijvyN qfpmfn Gtdf hY aqy idn Coty huMdy hn, bhuq sfry lokF nUM Gr dy aMdr ipwCy htx aqy qMdrusqI dy rutIn nUM rokx df lflc imldf hY[ iPr vI, srdIaF dy mhIinaF dOrfn ikirafÈIl rihxf srIrk ishq aqy mfnisk qMdrusqI dovF nUM bxfeI rwKx leI ËrUrI hY[ Èukr hY, aYbtsPorz srgrm rihx leI bhuq sfry mOky pRdfn krdf hY, ijs nfl TMzy mOsm ivwc vI aMdoln nUM qrjIh dyxf afsfn ho jFdf hY. srdIaF dOrfn srIrk gqIivDI keI kfrnF krky mhwqvpUrn huMdI hY. srIrk ishq
dy idRÈtIkox qoN, inXmq ksrq quhfzI
pRqIroDqf pRxflI nUM vDfAuNdI hY, ijs nfl
Ëukfm aqy PlU vrgIaF mOsmI ibmfrIaF nUM rokx ivwc mdd imldI hY[ ieh quhfzy pfck
ikiraf nUM vI ruwJy rwKdf hY, CuwtIaF dy mOsm dy nfl aksr afAux vfly afrfmdfiek
KfixaF aqy idldfr KfixaF df mukfblf krdf hY[ mfnisk qOr ‘qy, ikirafÈIl rihxf srdIaF dy blUË df mukfblf krn dy sB qoN vDIaf qrIikaF ivwcoN iewk hY[ ksrq
aYNzoriPn-kudrqI mUz bUstr jfrI krdI
hY - jo qxfa, icMqf, jF mOsmI Bfvnfqmk ivkfr dIaF BfvnfvF nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd kr skdI hY. afpxI rutIn ivwc aMdoln nUM Èfml krky, qusIN nf isrP afpxy srIr dI
dyKBfl kr rhy ho blik sfl dy sMBfivq cuxOqIpUrn smyN dOrfn afpxy idmfg df pflx poÈx vI kr rhy ho.
aYbtsPorz, afpxy suMdr lYNzskyp aqy jIvMq BfeIcfry dy nfl, ies srdIaF ivwc srgrm rihx dy axigxq qrIky pyÈ krdf hY[ bfhrI AuqÈfhIaF leI, Èihr dy pfrk aqy trYl srIrk gqIivDI leI sMpUrn sYitMg pRdfn krdy hn[ iml lyk pfrk, iesdy cMgI qrHF rwK-rKfa vfly rsiqaF dy nfl, qyË srdIaF dI sYr jF joigMg leI iewk afdrÈ sQfn hY[ qfËI hvf aqy jMmI hoeI JIl aqy brP nfl Zky ruwKF dy Èfndfr idRÈ ies nUM iewk qfËf aqy ÈkqIÈflI anuBv bxfAuNdy hn. iewk hor idlcsp sfhs leI,
sumfs phfV ivKy pwQrF dI pVcol krn ‘qy ivcfr kro[ ies kudrqI adBuwq DrqI rfhIN sYr krnf nf isrP iewk vDIaf ksrq hY blik aYbtsPorz dI srdIaF dI suMdrqf dI pRÈMsf krn df iewk mOkf vI hY[ ienzor ivklp AunHF lokF leI vI BrpUr hn jo TMz qoN dUr rihxf psMd krdy hn. aYbtsPorz dy mnorMjn kyNdr, ijvyN ik mYtskI aqy aYbtsPorz mnorMjn kyNdr, qMdrusqI klfsF, svIimMg pUl aqy skyitMg irMk pRdfn krdy hn[ ieh suivDfvF sfry qMdrusqI pwDrF nUM pUrf krdIaF hn aqy ikirafÈIl rihx leI iewk inwGy, svfgqXog vfqfvrx dI pyÈkÈ krdIaF hn.
bfkI pMnf: 19
afpxy mnpsMd bRFzF 'qy ivÈyÈ sfl dy aMq dy sOidaF nfl vwzI bcq kro!
bcq kro
$800 qwk dI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl), kYnyzf dI
gvrnr jnrl mYrI sfeImn ny vYnkUvr invfsI
pMjfbI mUl dy aMgryjLI iPlm inrdysLk ivwk srIn nUM srvAuWc snmfn ‘afrzr afP kYnyzf’ nfl snmfinq
kIqf hY. iPlm inrdysLk ivwk srIn nUM ieh AuWc snmfn klf dy Kyqr ivc pfey gey sLfndfr Xogdfn
bdly idwqf igaf hY. 79 sflf ivwk srIn 1963 ‘c
kYnyzf afey sn qy AunHF ny pRmuwK mIzIaf adfry sI
bI sI nfl kYmrfmYn vjoN nOkrI kIqI. ivwk srIn ny aMgryjLI iPlm ‘pYsYjLrjL’ qoN sMn 1980 ‘c iPlm inrdysLk vjoN afpxy kYrIar dI sLurUafq kIqI. qy
Auh hux qwkqkrIbn do drjn aMgryjLI iPlmF df inrdysLn kr cuwky hn ijnHF ivc ‘kolz kmPrt’, ‘hfrz tU PfrgYt’, ‘d vyitMg gym’, ‘lv afn dI sfeIz’, ‘ey sLfeIn afP rynboajL’, ‘ey mdrjL nfeItmyar’, ‘sI pIpl’ qy Bfrq-pfk vMz qy bxI iPlm ‘pfrtIsLn’ pRmuwK hn. ‘pfrtIsLn’ iPlm ‘c ihMdI iPlm aiBnyqf mrhUm ierPfn Kfn, afrIaf bwbr qy lKivMdr isMG lwKf ny vI aihm BUimkf inBfeI sI. kYnyzf dI gvrnr jnrl mYrI sfeImn ivwk srIn df snmfn krdy hoey
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl), rfiel kYnyzIan
mfAuNitz puils dy sInIar pMjfbI aiDkfrI cIP suprzYNt sLrnjIq isMG ‘sLfn’ igwl nUM loar mynlYNzjL ieMtrfryitz
tImjL df aPsr ieMcfrj inXukq kIqf igaf hY. rfiel
kYnyzIan mfAuNitz puils dI loar mynlYNz izstikt sInIar lIzrisLp tIm ‘c sLrnjIq isMG igwl ieko iek pMjfbI puils aiDkfrI hn ijnHF nUM aihm ahudf idwqf igaf hY. ijlHf mogf dy bfGf purfxf nyVly ipMz rfjyafxf dy sLrnjIq isMG igwl CotI Aumr ‘c sMn 1969 ‘c kYnyzf afey sn. AuWc ivwidaf pRfpq krn qoN bfad Auh 1989 ivc rfiel kYnyzIan mfAuNitz puils ivc bqOr kFstybl BrqI hoey sn. kFstybl qoN ieMspYktr qy iPr suprzYNt qy jUn 2020 qoN Auh afr[ sI[ aYm[pI[ ‘c cIP suprzYNt vjoN syvfvF inBf rhy hn. Auh jFc eyjMsI ieMtrfryitz homosfeIz ienvYstIgysLn tIm dy aprysLn aiDkfrI vI rhy hn. kYnyzf dI gvrnr jnrl mYrI sfeImn ny ies sfl PrvrI ‘c sLrnjIq isMG igwl nUM kYnyzf puils dy AuWc snmfn ‘afrzr afP mYirt’ nfl snmfinq kIqf sI.
kYnyzf dI pMjfbx amrIkf dI tIm ‘c golP KyzygI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl), isrP golP Kyzx
vflIaF aOrqF leI amrIkf ‘c bxI aMqr rfsLtrI sMsQf lyzIjL pRoPYsLnl golP aYsosIeysLn ny kYnyzf dI nfmvr pMjfbx golPr svnfh gryvfl nUM sfl 2025 vfsqy afpxI tIm mYNbr bxfieaf hY. sMn 1950 ‘c hoNd ‘c afeI aYl[pI[jI[ey[ dI ies tIm ivc svnfh gryvfl kYnyzf dI ieko iek golP iKzfrn hY. amrIkf dI lyzIjL pRoPYsLnl golP aYsosIeysLn dIaF iKzfrnF 2025 ‘c 35 golP tUrnfmYNtF ivc ihwsf lYxgIaF ijnHF ‘coN 22 tUrnfmYNt amrIkf dy vwK-vwK sLihrF ‘c hoxgy jd ik 13 tUrnfmYNt kYnyzf, ieMglYNz, PrFs, skftlYNz, isMgfpur, QfeIlYNz, mYksIko, mlysLIaf, cIn, korIaf qy jpfn ivKy hoxgy. 23 sflf svnfh gryvfl ny awT sfl dI Aumr ivc golP KyzxI sLurU kIqI sI qy vwK-vwK sLRyxIaF ivc hoey golP mukfbilaF ‘c Auh iqMn vfr cYNpIan bxI hY. amrIkf dy dwKxI kYrIlonf sUby klymsn XUnIvristI ivKy sfieMs ‘c pRI mYzIsn dI pVHfeI kr rhI svnfh gryvfl df Cotf Brf jOrzn gryvfl tYins df vDIaf iKzfrI hY.
cfr sfihbËfidaF nUM smripq
kIqI geI
kYligrI( sqnfm isMG Zfa): arpn ilKfrI sBf dI dsMbr mhIny dI mfisk mIitMg zf[ jogf isMG shoqf aqy kysr isMG nIr dI pRDfngI hyT koso hfl ivc hoeI.skwqr jrnYl isMG qwgV ny dyÈ Bgq Xfdgr hfl dy siBafcfr ivMg dy knvInr amolk isMG dy Brf guljfr isMG sdIvI ivCoVf dyx vfry jfxkfrI sFJI kIqI. sBf vwloN Èok mqf pfieaf igaf pirvfr nfl hmdrdI df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf. sBf vwloN iksfnI morcy dI hmfieq krn leI apIl vI kIqI geI. AunHF afiKaf ik sfzy BfeIcfry leI nvMbr dsMbr mhIny ÈhfdqF dy mhIyny hn. asIN AunHF mhfn ÈhIdF dI Xfd ivc awj dI ieh mIitMg srbMsdfnI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy cfr sfihbËfidaF nUM smripq kIqI jfvygI.
drÈx isMG brfV ny kvI drbfr dI ÈurUafq kIqI. AunHF ny ny gurU jI dy aMnd pur Cwzx qoN lY ky Édrfxy dI Zfb qwk dI dfsqfn nUM kivqf rfhIN ibafn kIqf.nfl hI AunHF afpxI jIvn sfQx ijs ny lYkcrfr dy qOr qy lMbF smF ividafrQIaF nUM sfieMs aqy mYQ pVHfieaf nUM Xfd kridaF bhuq hI Bfvuk kivqf vI sFJI kIqI. gurmIq kor srpfl ny afpxy ivcfr sFJy kridaF ‘hEmYN’ nUM dUr krn leI gurbfxI dy hvfly nfl pyÈ kIqf. jsvMq isMG aigafnI ny ruhfnIaq gwl kridaF gurbfxI nUM arQF nfl pVHx aqy aml krn leI sroiqaF nUM pRyirq kIqf. jsvIr isMG ishoqf ny iswK ieiqhfs bfry afpxy ivcfr kivqf rfhIN sFJy kIqy. zf[ hrimMdrpfl isMG ny pRvfnf jI df iliKaf gIq mfqf guËrI jI ‘GoVIaF lflF dIaF gfvy’ myrf nF guËrI myrI awl guËrI afpxI bulMd avfË ivc pyÈ kIqI qF mfhOl bhuq hI Bfvuk ho igaf. zf[ jogf isMG shoqf ny jsvIr isMG ishoqf dIaF do kivqfvF (hy akfl purK qyrf mYN Èukr mnf irhf hF, ‘qyry bilhfr sux klgI vfilaf’) sfj nfl suxf ky sroiqaF nUM inhfl kIqf. kysr isMG nIr ny gurU nfnk dyv qoN gurU goibMd isMG dy pirvfr dI jbr Ëulm ivruD avfË AyuTfAux dy jyry nUM ibafn krdI kivqf pyÈ krky pRBfivq kIqf.AunHF afiKaf ik koeI ivrly hI srkfrI jbrF nfl twkr lNYdy hn.
sqnfm isMG Zfa ny krnYl isMG pfrs dI bhuq hI mkbUl kivqf ‘ikAuN PVI ispfhIaF ny BYxo ieh hMsF dI joVI’ kvIÈrI rMg ivc pyÈ kIqI.sroiqaF vwloN dfd hfsl kIqI.ipRMsIpl bldyv isMG duwlt ny gurU jI dy Coty sfihbËfdy dy srsf ndI dy ivCoVy qoN lY ky TMzy burË qwk sfihbËfidaF aqy mfqf guËrI jI dy dwuKF df vrnx kridaF moqI mihry dI aqy dIvfn tozr mwl dI kurbfnI nUM sFJf kIqf.ieMjI[ jIr isMG brfV ny sfihbËfidaF nUM ÈrDf dy Puwl Byt kridaF afpxy ivcfr pyÈ kIqy. kuldIp kOr GtOVf ny vI cfry sfihbËfidaF dIaF kurbfnIaF nUM sIs JukfAuidaF afpxy ivcfr sFJy kIqy. ienHF bulfiraF qoN ibnF ies sfihqk aqy ieiqhfsk ivcfr crcf ivc gurmIq isMG Zfa, mihMdr kOr kflIrfey, avqfr kOr qwgV, ipRqpfl isMG mlHI aqy sUbf syÉ, ny iËkr Xog Xogdfn pfieaf. skwqr jrnYl isMG qwgV ny gurU qyg bhfdr dI ÈhIdI qoN lY ky cfry sfihbËfidaF dIaF ÈhIdIaF nUM ÈrDfËlI idMidaF, styj qoN Coty Coty kfiv toitaF nfl mhOl nUM KuÈgvfr bxfeI rwiKaf.
aÉIr qy zf[ jogf isMG ny pyÈkfrIaF nUM slfhuMidaF hoieaf hfËrIn df DMnvfd kIqf. AunHF afiKaf ik awj dI ieh iekwqrqf iek XfdgfrI iekwqrqf hovygI.AunHF afs pRgt kIqI ik afpF iesy qrHF afAux vfly smyN vI sfihqk aqy ieiqhfsk ivcfrF krdy rhIey.AunHF jfxkfrI idMidaF afiKaf ik aglI mIitMg 11 jnvrI nUM koso hfl ivc hovygI. nvyN sfl ivc Pyr imÜ bYTx qmMnf nfl nvyN sfl dIaF ÈuB kfmnfvF nfl mIitMg dI smfpqI hoeI.
srdIaF dOrfn ikirafÈIl rihxf iksy kMm vFg mihsUs krn dI ËrUrq nhIN hY[ aMdoln nUM mËydfr bxfAux leI sDfrx gqIivDIaF nUM quhfzI roËfnf rutIn ivwc buinaf jf skdf hY. CuwtIaF dIaF rOÈnIaF dI pRÈMsf krn leI guaFZ ivwc GuMmxf jF ipCokV ivwc pirvfrk snobfl lVfeI quhfnUM ikirafÈIl rwKdy hoey ipafrIaF XfdF bxf skdI hY. CuwtIaF ‘qy Xfqrf krn vfilaF leI, pRqIroD bYNz vrgy hlky sfËo-sfmfn nUM pYk krnf jF qyË afnlfeIn ksrq rutIn lwBxf ieh suinÈicq krdf hY ik srIrk gqIivDI quhfzy kfrjkRm df ihwsf bxI rhy, cfhy qusIN ikqy vI ho.
srdIaF dI qMdrusqI dI kuMjI quhfzI mfniskqf nUM sMpUrnqf qoN ieksfrqf vwl qbdIl krnf hY. CotIaF koiÈÈF ijvyN ik
15 imMt dI sYr, iewk CotI ksrq, jF iewQoN qwk ik iKwcxf vI mhwqvpUrx Prk ilaf skdf hY[ tIcf ruwJy rihxf aqy aMdoln df anMd lYxf hY, nf ik asMBv sMpUrnqf df
tIcf rwKxf[ ieh XQfrQvfdI phuMc CuwtIaF dy mOsm dOrfn qxfa dI bjfey srIrk gqIivDI nUM KuÈI df sroq bxfAux ivwc shfieqf krdI hY.
aYbtsPorz df afkrÈx kudrqI suMdrqf aqy BfeIcfrk Bfvnf dy imÈrx ivwc hY, jo ies nUM srdIaF dI qMdrusqI nUM apxfAux leI shI jgHf bxfAuNdf hY[ cfhy ieh ÈFqIpUrn bfhrI sYr df anMd lYxf hovy, iqAuhfrF dIaF gqIivDIaF ivwc ihwsf lYxf hovy, jF Gr dy aMdr srgrm rihx dy sDfrx qrIky lwBxf hovy, ies mOsm ivwc awgy vDx dy mOky byaMq hn[ aMdoln nUM qrjIh
dy ky, qusIN afpxy afp nUM ishq aqy KuÈI dy qohÌy nfl pyÈ kr rhy ho, ijs nfl qusIN
srdIaF dI pyÈkÈ krn vfly sfry jfdUeI
cIËF ivwc iBwj skdy ho[ ies leI, afpxy
sB qoN afrfmdfiek skfrP nUM PVo, Krfb hvf ivwc bfhr inklo, aqy ikirafÈIl
rihx idE afpxI srdIaF nUM inwG, KuÈI
aqy jIvn ÈkqI dI khfxI ivwc bdl idE.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl), kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr aYbtsPorz invfsI AuWGy pMjfbI trFsportr qy iksfn avqfr isMG iZwloN nUM kYnyzf ‘c kysr dI
KyqIkrn vfly pihly pMjfbI vjoN mfx pRfpq hY. dunIaF dy sB qoN mihMgy KfD pdfrQ vjoN jfxy jFdy kysr df qkrIbn 90 pRqIsLq
Auqpfd iekwly ierfn ivc huMdf hY aqy Bfrq spyn, ietlI, grIs aqy aPLgfinsqfn ivc vI kysr dI KyqI kIqI jFdI hY. ijLlHf
PrIdkot dy ipMz rfmsr dy jMmpl avqfr
isMG iZwloN sMn 1998 ‘c Bfrq qoN kYnyzf afey sn. trwikMg ‘c sKq imhnq krn dy nfl nfl avqfr isMG iZwloN qy AunHF dy Brf jgqfr isMG iZwloN ny sMn 2006 ‘c 25 eykV bilAU byrI dI KyqI sLurU kIqI qy sMn 2016 ivc AunHF qjLrby vjoN Bfrq qoN kysr dy kuJ blbjL mMgvfey pr Auh bhuqy kfmXfb nf ho sky. 2019 ivc iPr dubfrf koisLsL kIqI qF kuJ kfmXfbI hfsl hoeI. iPr 2021 ivc
jdoN kysr dy Puwl qoVn leI iqafr hoey qF aYbtsPorz ivKy nvMbr dy awD ivc afey hVHF dI Byt cVH gey ijs kfrn qkrIbn 5 lwK zflr df nuksfn hoieaf. lgBg sfrI Psl qbfh ho geI sI pr Gr dy gfrzn ivc kuJ blbjL bc gey sn ijnHF nUM dubfrf bIijaf igaf. avqfr isMG iZwloN ny dwisaf ik kysr dy blbjL agsq ‘c lfey jFdy hn qy Auh akqUbr nvMbr ‘c iqafr ho jFdy hn. 165 PuwlF qoN 1 gRfm kysr bxdf hY. qy mfrkIt ivc 1 gRfm sLuwD kysr 50 zflr df hY. AunHF dwisaf ik Bfrq qoN hux ivdysLF ‘c kysr dy bIj Byjx qy pfbMdI hY. avqfr isMG iZwloN ny ikhf iek qoN pMj eykV vfly iksfnF leI kysr dI KyqI bhuq lfhyvMd hY ikAuNik ies vfsqy msLInrI dI ijLafdf loV nhIN pYNdI. avqfr isMG iZwloN nUM kYnyzf ‘c jykr ‘kysr ikMg’ kih ilaf jfvy qF ies ivc koeI aiqkQnI nhIN hovygI. sMprk kro: 778-878-6576.
If you’re hosting a New Year’s party, you’ll want to make sure it’s a memorable one for your guests – and yourself. Here are some tips on hosting a bash that will set the stage for a fabulous 2025.
Establish a dress code
While you may not want to go fully black-tie formal, sweatpants and hoodies don’t exactly set the party mood. Figure out the right balance and let your guests know how to dress ahead of time.
Party like it’s 2025
Your guests are going to want to share the pictures from your big soiree. Make it easy by printing out a guest password so they can easily access your Wi-Fi. You can also put out extra chargers for guests to top up their phones. If you have a printer like the HP Envy 6100
series, guests can send photos directly from their phones to print onsite as an added takeaway.
Plan activities
Party games are great icebreakers to help strangers get to know each other. Classics like charades, 20 Questions or “two truths and a lie” will get the party started.
Another option, particularly for family gatherings, is to have some age-appropriate activity sheets. HP Printables, for example, feature a variety of seasonal colouring sheets, puzzles or games for guests of all ages that are free and easy to print at home.
Eat, drink and be merry
For a small group, you might want to organize a sit-down dinner. But for a larger gathering, finger foods are best.
To make it easier and cost-effective, consider asking your guests to bring a potluck item.
For drinks, make sure you have ice, mix for cocktails and some non-alcoholic drink options available.
Set up your countdown
You don’t want to be scrambling at the last minute trying to figure out how your guests will count down the end of the year. Will you watch one of the televised ball drops? Or will you just
gather together and count down the year as a group? Whatever your plan, set a timer to remind you to start getting organized about 30 minutes before midnight.
Note that for younger children, there are online countdowns you can use so they can celebrate the New Year without having to stay up to midnight.
Is your job in a bit of a rut? Maybe you’re worried about being downsized. Or you have recently been let go. Whatever your reasons for seeking out the next stage in your career path, here are four steps to help get you there.
Consider what excites you
There’s an old saying that if you love what you do for a living, it will never feel like work. If you’re not in love with your current role, consider what you’re passionate about and explore related job opportunities. You may, for example, have a hobby, such as baking or cooking, that you could parlay into a new role.
Tap into your skillset
When reviewing job applications, employers are looking for a mix of hard and soft skills. Hard skills are things that you have been trained to do, such as operating a specific piece of equipment or experience with a software program. Start by looking for jobs that are seeking people with your existing skills.
Soft skills are things like leadership or the ability to work as part of a team. If you don’t have a lot of experience in leadership or working as part of a larger team, charities and other organizations are often looking for volunteers. Before hunting for your next job, investigate opportunities where you can give back to the community while also growing your skills and experience.
Enhance your education
Once you’ve identified any shortcomings in your skills and experience, look for ways to fill those gaps. Options for growth include taking parttime or night school courses online or at a local school, or signing up for an apprenticeship program.
Explore growth industries
While you’re looking for your next job, you should research the most indemand roles employers are trying to fill. One broad-ranging field is infor-
mation technology (IT). According to the Information and Communications Technology Council, Canada will need an additional 250,000 employees in the digital economy in 2025. If you want to get into the IT field, organizations such as ComIT can provide you with free technology training and help with job skills like resume building and interviewing.
hux quhfzy idmfg ivwc ieh svfl af irhf hovygf ik svyr dI sYr krn df sB qoN vDIaf smF ikhVf hY. ies df jvfb hY ik quhfnUM sUrj cVHn qoN bfad hI svyr dI sYr krnI cfhIdI hY.
svyry ibsqr qoN AuwT ky iswDy svyr dI sYr 'qy jfxf afpxy afp nUM iPwt rwKx leI sB qoN vDIaf afdq hY pr hr mOsm ivwc ieh afdq cMgI nhIN huMdI, blik ieh kihMdy hn ik quhfzI ieh afdq quhfnUM Éqry ivwc pf skdI hY ikAuNik srdIaF dy mOsm ivwc svyry AuwTdy hI DuMd jF kVfky dI TMZ ivwc svyr dI sYr krnf Éqry qoN KflI nhIN huMdf hY.
svyry TMZ 'c jfxf ikAuN hY Éqrnfk
jsivMdr duhrf
mfihrF anusfr srdIaF ivwc svyr dI sYr krn jfx qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ies dy do
kfrn iek qF bhuq iËafdf hvf pRdUÈx qy
dUjf qfpmfn ivc qbdIlI. mfhrF anusfr
ÈihrI KyqrF ivwc rihx vfly lokF nUM srdIaF ivwc svyr dI sYr krn qoN prhyË krnf cfhIdf hY. ies df kfrn ieh hY ik mOjUdf smyN ivc hvf pRdUÈx ivc kfÌI vfDf hoieaf hY.
dIvflI qoN bfad hvf pRdUÈx bhuq Éqrnfk
ho igaf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc ieh PyPiVaF nUM pRBfivq kr skdf hY.
hfrt strok df vwD jFdY Éqrf
srdIaF ivwc svyr dI sYr krn nfl idl dy
dOry df Éqrf vI vwD jFdf hY. drasl pUrI
rfq qusIN grm rjfeI jF kMbl ivwc nINd pUrI
krdy ho. jdoN svyry AuwT ky svyr dI sYr leI
jFdy hF qF srIr df qfpmfn bdl jFdf hY. quhfzy srIr dy qfpmfn ivwc qbdIlI ieMnI jldI anukUl krn ivwc asÌl ho jFdI hY qF ies nfl hfrt strok df Éqrf vD jFdf hY.
ieh do simaF 'qy kr skdy ho mOrinMg vfk hux quhfzy idmfg ivwc ieh svfl af irhf hovygf ik svyr dI sYr krn df sB qoN vDIaf smF ikhVf hY. ies df jvfb hY ik quhfnUM sUrj cVHn qoN bfad hI svyr dI sYr krnI cfhIdI hY. jdoN sUrj cVHdf hY qF mOsm bdl
jFdf hY qy TMZ dI qIbrqf kfÌI hwd qwk Gwt jFdI hY. TMZ ivwc svyr dI sYr CfqI qy isr leI nuksfndyh huMdI hY.
Èfm df ieh smF vI sB qoN vDIaf : jykr iksy kfrn qusIN svyr dI sYr leI nhIN jf
skdy qF qusIN Èfm nUM vI sYr leI jf skdy ho pr iDafn rwKo ik ieh dupihr qoN bfad jdoN afKrI smF huMdf hY, ijs nUM sUrj zuwbx qoN iewk jF zyZ GMty df pihlF smF ikhf jFdf hY. qusIN ies smyN Èfm dI sYr leI jf skdy ho. ies nfl quhfnUM sUrj df inwG vI imlygI qy quhfzf idl vI surwiKaq rhygf.
srdIaF df mOsm ishqmMd PlF aqy sbËIaF df BMzfr ilafAuNdf hY. lok ies nUM afpxI zfeIt ivwc Èfiml krdy hn. ies nfl ishq nUM keI Pfiedy huMdy hn. lok ienHF PlF dI vrqoN keI qrHF nfl krdy hn. kuJ afpxI Kurfk ivwc slfd dy rUp ivwc Pl Èfml krdy hn jdoN ik kuJ smUdI jF jUs pIxf psMd krdy hn. awj asIN quhfnUM amrUd dy jUs bfry dwsx jf rhy hF. srdIaF ivwc jykr qusIN roËfnf amrUd df jUs pINdy ho qF quhfnUM keI Pfiedy iml skdy hn. srdIaF dy idnF ivwc bfËfrF ivwc cMgy amrUd dyKy jf skdy
hn. afE jfxdy hF amrUd dy PfieidaF bfry. srdIaF ivwc mOsmI ibmfrIaF df Éqrf vwD jFdf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc amrUd quhfzI ieimAUintI nUM mËbUq krn ivwc mddgfr sfbq ho skdf hY. amrUd ivwc ivtfimn sI BrpUr mfqrf ivwc pfieaf jFdf hY. ieh ieimAUn isstm nUM mËbUq krn ‘c mddgfr hY. srdIaF ivwc amrUd df jUs pIx nfl srIr nUM iksy vI qrHF dy ienPYkÈn nfl lVn ivwc mdd imldI hY. jykr qusIN kbË dI smwisaf nfl jUJ rhy ho qF srdIaF ‘c amrUd df jUs ËrUr pIxf cfhIdf hY. amrUd
ivwc PfeIbr dI cMgI mfqrf pfeI jFdI hY. ies kfrn ieh pfcn ikiraf nUM TIk rwKx ‘c mdd krdf hY. ies Pl df rs pIx nfl pyt drd, soj aqy gYs vrgIaF smwisafvF qoN vI rfhq imldI hY. srdIaF ivwc cmVI
KuÈk aqy byËfn ho jFdI hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc amrUd df rs sfzI cmVI nUM ËrUrI pOÈx pRdfn krdf hY. ieh cmVI dI nmI nUM bxfeI rwKx aqy ies nUM cmkdfr bxfAux ivwc mddgfr hY. jykr qusIN roËfnf amrUd df jUs pINdy ho qF ies nfl ichry ‘qy kudrqI inKfr afAuNdf hY. afm qOr ‘qy srdIaF ivwc
Bfr vDx dI smwisaf huMdI hY. aijhy ‘c amrUd df jUs Bfr GtfAux ‘c mddgfr ho skdf hY. ies ivwc Gwt kYlorI smwgrI huMdI hY aqy quhfnUM lMby smyN qwk pUrf mihsUs huMdf hY. nfl hI, ieh mYtfboilËm nUM qyË krdf hY, jo Bfr GtfAux ivwc mdd krdf hY. amrUd df rs bxfAux leI qfËy aqy pwky amrUd lE. AuhnF nUM Coty tukiVaF ivwc kwto. imksr ivwc suafd leI QoVHf pfxI aqy Èihd pfE. ies nUM iPltr kro. qusIN ies ivc pudInf jF kflf nmk vI imlf skdy ho.
kdy ipMzF dI rsoeI df aihm aMg huMdI sI kfVHnI
sMjIv JFjI, jgrfAuN
ieh isrÌ duwD kfVHn dy hI nhIN sgoN KIr
bxfAux dy vI kMm afAuNdI hY. pr awjkwlH ieh kfVHnI sfzy qoN lgpg Kuws cuwkI hY. hflFik kuJ lok hfly vI ies nUM ivrfsq dy icMnH dy rUp ivc afpxy GrF ivc vrqdy
hn. pihly simaF ivc iËafdfqr BFzy imwtI
dy hI huMdy sn. kuJ ipwql aqy kFsI dy vI huMdy sn. imwtI dy BFizaF nUM hI sfry kfrjF leI vriqaf jFdf sI. ienHF BFizaF ivwcoN hI iek BFzf hY kfVHnI. kfVHnI asl ivc Aus BFzy nUM ikhf jFdf hY ijs ivc duwD nUM
Aubfilaf jFdf hY. sfrf idn ies ’qy ipaf duwD Aubldf Bfv kVHdf rihMdf hY, ies leI ies nUM kfVHnI ikhf jFdf hY. cIkxI imwtI dI bxI ieh kfVHnI asl ivc GVy vrgf hI iek moty qly vflf brqn huMdf hY. kfVHnI df mUMh cftI dy mUMh nfloN QoVHf ijhf Cotf huMdf hY. ies ivc lgpg 10-12 iklo (asl ’c iltr) duwD af jFdf hY. pihlF ieh lgpg hryk Gr ivc hI huMdI sI. pr hryk twbr afpxy ihsfb isr ’qy afpxy duwD dI vrqoN dy ihsfb nfl ies nUM vwzf qy Cotf rwKdf sI.
Bfv keIaF kol kfVHnI CotI aqy keIaF kol iËafdf vwzI vI huMdI sI. svyry duwD nUM co ky kfVHnI ivc pf ky hfry ivc Dr idwqf jFdf sI. hfry dy inMmy-inMmy syk ’qy ieh duwD hOlI-hOlI
Aubldf-kVHdf rihMdf hY. hOlI rÌqfr nfl
grm ho ky Aublx kfrn duwD dy poÈk qwq
Aus ivc pUrI qrHF mOjUd rihMdy hn qy iËafdf
kVHn nfl ieh duwD kfVHnI dy rMg vrgf QoVHf
ijhf lflI ’qy ho jFdf hY. ijhVf pIx leI
bhuq suafdlf lwgdf hY. ieh isrÌ duwD
kfVHn dy hI nhIN sgoN KIr bxfAux dy vI kMm
afAuNdI hY. pr awjkwlH ieh kfVHnI sfzy qoN
lgpg Kuws cuwkI hY. hflFik kuJ lok hfly
vI ies nUM ivrfsq dy icMnH dy rUp ivc afpxy
GrF ivc vrqdy hn. pr ieh lok QoVHy hn.
jF ieMÖ kih lE awj-kwlH dy bwcy ies nUM
GVf kih ky hI sfr idMdy hn. hflFik ieh
GVy qoN vwKrI huMdI hY. ies df qlf motf huMdf hY ikAuNik qly ny hmyÈf syk sihxf huMdf hY.
jsivMdr duhrf
qxfa kolYstRol nUM vDf skdf hY. Xogf, iDafn qy hor qxfa GtfAux vflIaF qknIkF kolYstRol nUM GtfAux ivwc mdd kr skdIaF hn.
kolYstRol kMtRol dy nuksy : idl df dOrf, kfrzIak arYst vrgy mfmly ikMnI qyËI nfl vwD rhy hn, qusIN ies gwl qoN aMdfËf lgf skdy ho ik hr roË ienHF kfrn iksy nf iksy dI mOq hox dI Gtnf huMdI hY. ies df sB qoN vwzf kfrn idl dI dyKBfl nf krnf hY. idl dI CotI ijhI smwisaf vI kdoN jfnlyvf bx skdI hY, ies bfry kuJ nhIN ikhf jf skdf. ies leI ieh ËrUrI hY ik asIN ies df Kfs iDafn rwKIey. idl dIaF ibmfrIaF df sB qoN vwzf kfrn kolYstRol df vDxf hY. kolYstRol vDx kfrn DmnIaF blfk ho skdIaF hn, ijs kfrn idl dy dOry qy stRok df Éqrf vD skdf hY. aijhy 'c kolYstRol nUM kMtrol krn leI quhfnUM afpxI zfeIt 'c kuJ gwlF df iDafn rwKxf cfhIdf hY.
kolYstRol Gwt krn vfly PUz afeItms
GulxÈIl ryÈf- Ets, jON, Pl (syb, nfÈpfqI), sbËIaF (gfjr, ÈkrkMdI) qy dflF ivwc GulxÈIl ryÈy BrpUr huMdy hn. ieh ryÈy srIr qoN kolYstRol nUM dUr krn ivwc mdd krdy hn.
PYtI iPÈoj- sYlmn, mYkryl, tUnf qy sfrzIn vrgIaF mwCIaF ivwc Emygf-3 PYtI aYisz pfieaf jFdf hY. ieh idl dI ishq leI cMgy hn qy kolYstRol nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd krdy hn.
zRfeI PrUts - bdfm, aKrot, kfjU qy ipsqf vrgy zRfeI PrUts ivwc PfeIbr pfieaf jFdf hY. ieh kolYstRol nUM Gwt krn 'c mdd krdy hn.
soieaf pRozYkt- toPU, soieaf duwD qy soieafbIn kolYstRol nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd kr skdy hn.
Pl qy sbËIaF- iËafdfqr Pl qy sbËIaF ivtfimn, Kixj qy aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl
BrpUr huMdIaF hn. ieh idl dI ishq leI
cMgy hn qy kolYstRol nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd krdy hn.
kolYstRol vDfAuNx vfly PUz afeItms
sMiqRpq PYts - mwKx, iGE, lfl mIt, pnIr qy nfrIal dy qyl ivwc sMiqRpq crbI dI
mfqrf vDyry huMdI hY. ieh kolYstRol nUM vDf skdy hn.
tRFs PYt- pYkz PUz afeItmF, bykrI pRozkts qy Pfst PUz ivwc trFs PYt dI mfqrf iËafdf huMdI hY. ieh kolYstRol nUM vDfAuNdy hn qy idl dIaF ibmfrIaF df Éqrf vDfAuNdy hn.
kolYstRol vfly PUts- aMzy dI ËrdI, aMgF df mfs (ijgr, gurdf) qy kuJ sI PUts ivwc kolYstRol iËafdf huMdf hY. kolystRol Gwt krn leI hor qrIky
ksrq - inXimq ksrq kolYstRol nUM GtfAuNdI hY qy idl dI ishq nUM suDfrdI hY. Bfr Gt kro - jy quhfzf Bfr iËafdf hY qF Bfr GtfAux nfl kolYstRol Gwt ho skdf hY. smoikMg Cwzo - smoikMg kolYstRol nUM vDfAuNdI hY qy idl dIaF ibmfrIaF df Éqrf vI vD jFdf hY.
qxfa Gwt kro - qxfa kolYstRol nUM vDf skdf hY. Xogf, iDafn qy hor qxfa GtfAux vflIaF qknIkF kolYstRol nUM GtfAux ivwc mdd kr skdIaF hn.
rIlË dyKx nfl sV skdf hY quhfzf idmfÊ, 'bryn rOt' qoN
jYn-ËI 'c ieh smwisaf qyËI nfl vD rhI hY. ies leI kuJ aijhy nusKy nUM aËmfAux dI loV hY, ijs nfl idmfg nUM ishqmMd rwiKaf jf skdf hY aqy idmfg nUM sVn qoN bcfieaf jf skdf hY. afE jfxdy hF aijhy nusiKaF bfry. lfeIPstfeIl zYsk, nvIN idwlI : awj dI ruJyivaF BrI iËMdgI 'c asIN sfry aksr afpxy idmfg nUM Evrloz kr idMdy hF. soÈl mIzIaf, smfrtÌon qy lgfqfr jfxkfrI dy hVH nfl sfzf idmfÊ Qk jFdf hY. ies siQqI nUM aksr 'Brian Rot' ikhf jFdf hY. hfl hI 'c afksPorz ny vI 'bRyn rot' nUM vrz afP id eIar aYlfinaf hY. ies dy bfad qoN hI ieh hor vI crcf 'c af igaf hY. ieh iek aijhI siQqI hY, ijs ivc idmfg dI kMm krn dI smrwQf Gwt jFdI hY, sfzf iDafn kmËor ho jFdf hY qy asIN bhuq iËafdf qxfa mihsUs krdy hF.
jYn-ËI 'c ieh smwisaf qyËI nfl vD rhI hY. ies leI kuJ aijhy nusKy nUM aËmfAux dI loV hY, ijs nfl idmfg nUM ishqmMd rwiKaf jf skdf hY aqy idmfg nUM sVn qoN bcfieaf jf skdf hY. afE jfxdy hF aijhy nusiKaF bfry.
bRyn rot dy lwCx
Poks 'c kmI
XfddfÈq kmËor hoxf
aYNËfietI qy stRYws
nINd nf afAuxf
mUz sivMgs
ikReytIivtI dI Gft
PYsly lYx 'c pryÈfnI
bRyn rot qoN ikvyN bc skdy hF ?
izjItl iztOks
hr idn kuJ smyN leI Pon qy soÈl mIzIaf qoN dUr rho.
notIiPkyÈn nUM Gwt qoN Gwt kro.
ikqfbF pVHo, imAUiËk suxo jF nycr ivc smF guËfro.
pUrI nINd lE
pUrI nINd lYx nfl idmfg rIcfrj huMdf hY qy qfËf
mihsUs krdf hY.
roËfnf 7-8 GMty dI nINd lYx dI koiÈÈ kro.
loVINdI nINd kfrn, idmfg jfxkfrI nUM ibhqr
ZMg nfl stor krn dy Xog huMdf hY, ijs nfl
XfddfÈq 'c suDfr huMdf hY.
mYzItyÈn qy Xog
mYzItyÈn qy Xog qxfa GtfAux qy idmfÊ nUM ÈFq
krn 'c mdd krdy hn.
inXmq rUp 'c mYzItyÈn qy Xog kro.
iPËIkl aYktIivtI
aYksrsfeIË krn nfl idmfÊ 'c afksIËn df
Plo vDdf hY qy qxfa Gtdf hY.
roËfnf 30 imMt dI aYksrsfeIË kro.
hYldI zfeIt
Pl, sbËIaF qy zrfeI PrUts Kfx nfl idmfÊ qMdrusq rihMdf hY.
pRosYsz PUz qy jMk PUz Kfx qoN bco.
nvIaF cIËF iswKo
nvIaF cIËF iswKx nfl idmfÊ aYkitv rihMdf hY.
koeI nvF kors kro, iek nvIN BfÈf iswKo jF koeI
nvIN hObI ivksq kro.
soÈl kunYkÈn
dosqF qy pirvfr nfl smF ibqfE.
soÈl aYktIivtI 'c ihwsf lE.
stRYws mYnyjmYNt
qxfa GtfAux leI vwK-vwK qknIkF dI vrqoN kro, ijvyN ik zUMGf sfh lYxf, sMgIq suxnf jF msfj.
iek smyN 'c iek kMm kro
mltItfsikMg qoN bco.
iek smyN 'c iek kMm vwl iDafn idAu. nycr dy nyVy rho
nycr 'c smF ibqfAux nfl qxfa Gtdf hY qy ikReytIivtI vDdI hY.
Brian Rot qoN bcx leI kuJ hor qrIky bhuq sfrf pfxI pIE.
inXmq rUp 'c bRyk lE. ikReytIivtI soc rwKo.
hfsf-mËfk kro.
afpxIaF hdF nUM jfxo qy svIkfr kro.
gurjMt isMG iswDU brnflf – 9815377100
cmkOr gVIey nI aVIey nmn qYnUM, PLiqh aMq dI qYnUM bulf cwly.
XuwgF qwk nf imtUgI Xfd qyrI, iewk idn hI BfvyN ibqf cwly.
suwqy pey sI, XuwgF qoN Bfg qyry, KUn zolH ky asIN jgf cwly.
awKF sfhvyN vfr ky lfl dovyN, krqy purK df hukm pugf cwly.
lfloN vwD ipafry ipafiraF df, drd Guwt ky sIny nfl lf cwly.
puwq hox qF jwg qy hox aYsy, Drm hyq jo sIs ktvfa cwly.
ajIq ijwiqaf jMg df Kyl sfrf, hoxI mOq nUM ikvyN kMbfa cwly.
lfVI mOq nUM vr gey lfl myry, klgI sohxI dsqfr ‘qy lf cwly.
juJfr jUiJaf jMg dy ivc aYsf, gfny sLgnF dy sohxy sjf cwly.
puwqr lfzly mF dy lfl sohxy, dfdy-ipqf dI sLfn vDf cwly.
Xfd jwg ‘qy rhUgI sdf AuWcI, swcKMz qoN ishrf bMnvf cwly.
JwKV jLulmF df Juwilaf kihr bx ky, sbr isdk dy nfl inBfa cwly.
PLrjL imly sI ijhVy krqfr vwloN, sLukr sLukr hY awj pugf cwly.
zrdy pey ny mOq qoN lok aYvyN, isMG mOq nUM gly lgfa cwly.
pihlF hoey nf awgy nUM hovxy ny, kOqk jMg ivc ijhVy idKf cwly. sMgq isMG dy sIs ‘qy dyh klgI, qfVI mfr ky jYkfry lf cwly.
hukm mMn ky pMj ipafiraF df, ‘boly so inhfl’ gjf cwly.
mYN AujVF, AujVy nf pMQ myrf, idl dy aMdroN dyie duaf cwly.
suwK afpxy pMQ qoN vfr idwqy, ihMd AujVnoN awj bcfa cwly. pMQ pRsqIE! puwqro! ipafirE vy, quhfzy vfsqy KusLI lutfa cwly. myry ipafirE! puwqro sLyr isMGo, vsdy rihE vy pMQ drsf cwly.
BfgF vflVy afAuxgy eys rsqy, pYVF ijhVIaF KLflsy pf cwly. hukm mMinaf jLrf nf sIa vwtI, Drm Kfqr jo qygF vfh cwly.
duwK EV ky sfry srIr AuWqy, gloN PLfhf gLulfmI df lfh cwly.
AuWjVI ihMd ny qFhI qF vsxf hY, KUn jVF ‘c ijsm df pf cwly. JMzy JUldy rihxgy jwg aMdr, bUtf iswKI df asIN jo lf cwly.
afvy aFc nf nfnk dy bfg qfeIN, ijLMmyvfrIaF quhfzy ‘qy pf cwly.
rihxf eyky dy nfl ipafirE vy, gwl isry dI QonUM bqfa cwly.
rfj krUgf Kflsf KLlk AuWqy, qKLq quhfzy leI pMj zhfa cwly.
kfj awgy ny asF dy hor bfkI, krqy purK dI lY rjLf cwly.
gfAuNdI rhUgI sdf hI gIq dunIaF, gurjMt sLfier qoN bYNq ilKvf cwly.
hrivMdr kOr ‘inwkI’
nfnk qoN pihlF jIss hI sI ijsny PYlfeIaF muhwbqF
sfzy gunfhF leI Auh sUlI ciVHaf sB nUM hY pqf
kiRsims kihMdy 25 dsMbr nUM ijs idn ies msIhy ny jnm ilaf
pr Buwl nf jfxf sfQIE ies mhIny gurU goibMd isMG ‘qy sI kihr Zfihaf
Gr-pirvfr, sfQI, sYnf hI nhIN cfry puwqrF nUM vI gvfAuxf ipaf
vkq lwgy ikRsims idaF jsLnF qoN kuJ pMny ieiqhfs dy ProilE jLrf
srsf ndI ivCoVf, TMZf burj, jMg cmkOr dI gVHI df piVHE jLrf
swc, hwk qy Drm dI Kfqr idsMbr mhIny ivc idwqy blIdfn iknHF
ikRsims jIss nUM vI quhfzI mnjLUr nhIN hoxI, puwq goibMd dy Xfd kIqy ibnF
rONgty KVH jFdy, rUh kMb jFdI pVH sLhIdIaF goibMd dy lflF dIaF
asIN krjLdfr hF goibMd dy hwd qoN ikqy gunfhgfr nf hux bx jfeIey
ienHF sLhIdIaF nUM awKoN prHy krky ikqy, afpxy vjUd qoN nf izwg jfeIey
‘inWkI’ kihMdI mnfE ikRsimsF BfvyN pr iswK hox dy PrjL qoN nf ienkfr krIey
idsMbr mhIny goibMd dy lflF dIaF kurbfnIaF df vI hfrf-nfrf BrIey kol bYT sfrf pirvfr swjxoN AunHF dIaF sLhIdIaF df iPr ijLkr krIey nvyN sfl dy iek pRx vjoN koeI idn ajIq, jLorfvr, juJfr, Pqih isMG dy nfm krIey
blijMdr kOr sLyrigwl
poh mhInf, sIny TMZ pfvy, srsf afpxf pRkop idKfvy.
hoxI af phuMcI pfAux ivCoVy, KLyrUM-KyrUM kr peI muskrfey. kflLIaF GtfvF, bwdl cuPyry, poiqaF nfl, mF jMglF ‘c Pyry. dfdI-dfdI krdy poqy puwCdy, ipqf qy vIr nhIEN idsdy.
dfdI sIny lf bwicaF nUM afKy, ipwCy-ipwCy afAuNdy qyry vwzy vIry. TMZy burj dIaF kflIaF rfqF, buwZVI mF TMZ nfl kurlfvy. ispfhI lYx bwicaF nUM af gey, poiqaF nUM cuMm-cuMm dfdI smJfvy.
iswKI Drm nUM lfj nf lfieE, drd hMZf iswKI inBfieE.
Drm qy aMbr rwj rwj roey, nIhF ‘c bwcy jd gey kohy. pfk rUhF ‘blijMdr’ awj vI AuQy, jwg sfry df sfrf Zukdf ijwQy.
poh mhInf sIny TMZ pfvy, srsf afpxf pRkop idKfvy.
myK: rfj drvfr qoN zr, Dn hfnI, krjf isr cVHy, apmfn df zr, sMqfn suK, Xfqrf qoN cot df Kqrf, dsMbr 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, jnvrI 7, 8 asLuB.
ibRK: vfXU rog, acfnk ksLt, afriQk sMkt, afpixaF nfl JgVf, iesqrI ksLt, imwqr imlfp, dsMbr 22, 23, 30, jnvrI 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuB.
imQun: imwqr bMDU suK, ishq TIk, iesqrI qy sMqfn qoN ksLt, mhIny dy aMq ivwc afmdn qoN vwD Krcf, dsMbr 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, jnvrI 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuB.
krk: vfXU rog, Dn lfB, sMqfn hyqU ivsLysL Krc iesqrI suK, kMm bdlI qoN lfB. dsMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, jnvrI 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuB.
isMG: ishq TIk, imwqr bMDU ksLt, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk, kfrobfr TIk, jLmIn-jfiedfd qoN lfB. dsMbr 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, jnvrI 7, 8 asLuB.
kMinaf: KUn dI KrfbI, BfeI BYxF jF bMDUaF nfl JgVf, iesqrI pwK sLuB, kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI. dsMbr 22, 23, 30, jnvrI 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuB.
qulf: swt df zr, BfeI jF bMDUaF qoN sihXog, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwK sLuB, kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI, dsMbr 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, jnvrI 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuB.
ibRsick: srIr ksLt nyqr qy swt df zr, bMDU suK, Dn lfB hovy, mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL Krc hovy. dsMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, jnvrI 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuB.
Dn: ishq TIk, Dn lfB ho ky vI PjUlKrcI, BrfvF qy imwqrF df sihXog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, sQfn bdlI qy kMm bdlI df ivcfr. dsMbr 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, aqy jnvrI I 7, 8 asLuB.
mkr: ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB ho ky PjUl Krc, imwqr bMDU suK, Xfqrf ivwc swt df Kqrf, dsMbr 22, 23, 30, jnvrI 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuB.
kuMB: pyt dI KrfbI, gupq sLwqrU qoN zr, iesqrI pwK qoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, kMm bdlI df ivcfr. dsMbr 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, jnvrI 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuB.
mIn: ishq ivwc KrfbI, lfB ho ky vI Dn dI hfnI, afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, iesqrI pwK dI icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc gVbVI, mfnisk pRysLfnI hovygI. dsMbr 17, 18, 26, 27, jnvrI 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuB.
Be cautious about what you bring to an end or the way in which you go about winding something up, especially if you think it will open up more choices. The situation will have to be revisited mid April next year. Other things would have changed by then. It might be wiser to let things take their own course right now.
Something that started off as a small thing when it comes to helping out somebody else that seems to keep on growing would be best dealt with now, especially if it is turning into a habit or interfering with your regular routines. It has probably taught you to take more notice of what is important to you, rather than getting distracted..
New directions involving other people can be smooth running if things are done their way. While there might be a lot in common, their determination might clash with yours. If you have been attempting to come to an agreement, this might need to be left for now and revisited mid April as things will likely have changed by then.
Something is winding up on a personal level perhaps in ways you were not expecting that is generating thought of all sorts of possibilities in the long term. Someone can play a powerful role here. However it is to eventually settle will not become evident until January to April next year. Meanwhile just go with the flow.
You can have success in getting something out of the way that has been on your mind for a while but the energy just hasn’t been there. Not that you will feel overly energised just yet. It is more a realisation that time is running out. You know you will feel a lot better once this is done, especially if others have a good view of it.
Something needs to be put into place once and for all so that you know what needs to be spent rather than other things coming up all the time. Whatever you do now can create changes that may not be fully implemented until next year, between January and April. You need to be straightforward and practical with any discussions.
There can be a willingness to let something go that has been a personal priority but doesn’t fit well with someone else. It will be more important to establish underlying stability in situations involving others. This can be temporary as other opportunities to focus on your wishes will arise next year from January to April. Patience can pay off.
The New Moon this week occurs in your sign providing you with the opportunity to generate changed directions on a personal level. Anything that has not been heading in the direction you had hoped might be better let go right now. Becoming more practical can appeal to you, especially when it comes to stability with finances.
There can be new directions building up in the background that will provide the opportunity to put a stable foundation in place. This is likely tied into the decisions of somebody else and something may need to wind up so they can take the next step. There could be more than one stage of development attached to this as well.
It might be time to develop a new attitude when it comes to commitments or obligations in your life, especially if they affect your finances. If you have accepted things without thinking, you could recognise this has to stop. This can only happen when you take the time to analyse what you can realistically manage and follow through.
Changes in somebody else’s life may make you realise things are moving on and it will not be the same for you. This is encouraging you to think about what is important to you. It can actually be freeing you up to do so. This is a first stage. New people can come into your life, especially from January to April next year.
New possibilities in the long term can begin to feel more probable or realistic. This could leave behind a level of personal doubt or insecurity. This can be tied to you becoming more aware of what has been important for a long time but needs to be modified in some way for the future. The second stage can occur January to April next year.
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Amendments to divorce laws and rules will allow people to use both official languages in B.C. Supreme Court divorce matters.
On Dec. 1, 2024, amendments to the federal Divorce Act, as well as changes to the Supreme Court Family Rules, came into force. Together, these updates will give people who speak French the ability to conduct their Divorce Act court proceedings in French, whereas previously they would have been required to privately hire an interpreter.
With these changes, people can file documents in either official language, both online and in person, at any court registry. They can also have proceedings heard in French, have transcripts or orders prepared in French and give evidence in both official languages.
Changes to the Family Rules also allow the use of French for claims made
under family law provincial legislation, most notably the Family Law Act, if they also make claims under the Divorce Act in the same case — called joint relief proceedings. By allowing French to be used in joint relief proceedings, it eliminates the need to hold two separate hearings and trials, most often with identical parties, children and evidence or filing two sets of identical documents and presenting the same evidence twice.
The amendments also extend time limits for filing response documents to allow time for parties to translate documents and grant explicit authority for judges to manage bilingual files in judicial case conferences, case planning conferences and trial management conferences to help parties minimize delays.
This project has been supported by the Department of Justice Canada.
sqvMq dy Gr ijs idn DI ny jnm ilaf qF Auh buwJ ijhf igaf sI. AusdI mF ny ikhf, ‘koeI nf puwq hOslf rwK, ieh vI Aus rwb dI hI dyx hY.’ ‘pr mF, myrIaF afsF qF imwtI ’c iml geIaF nf...ikMnf soicaf sI ik muMzy nUM pVHf ilKf ky vwzf aÌsr bxfvFgf...jy pVHfeI ’c Ërf kmËor hoieaf qF KyzF vfly pfsy pf dyvFgf...pr ies kuVI....’ ‘pr ieh sB qF kuVI nUM vI bxfieaf jf skdf....’ sqvMq dI gwl ivcfilAuN hI kwtidaF mF ny jvfb idwqf. ‘pVHfeI qF TIk hY, pr KyzF ivwc bfhr aMdr jfxf pYNdf...DI df Dn hY....koeI AunI iewkI ho geI.....’ ieh kihMdy hoey, sqvMq ihriKaf hoieaf clf igaf. hOlI-hOlI smF
bIq df igaf. DI ijs df nF brkq rwiKaf igaf sI, Aus ny sfry pirvfr nUM aijhIaF moh dIaF qMdF ’c jkiVaf ik koeI Auhdy ibnF sfh nhIN sI lYNdf. brkq do GVI awKoN ਓhly kI huMdI ik sfry twbr dy Bfa dI bx jFdI. pr sqvMq ajy vI iewk ajIb ijhI
kÈmkÈ ivwc rihMdf sI. BfvyN Auh brkq dIaF sfrIaF ËrUrqF df iDafn rwKdf sI pr pirvfr dy hor jIaF vFg Aus nfl bhuqI KuwlH ky gwl nhIN sI krdf. brkq hux 9vIN klfs ivwc ho geI sI. ijvyN-ijvyN Auh juafn ho rhI sI, sqvMq dI bycYnI vI vwDdI jf rhI sI. iewk idn Auh afpxI GrvflI mnjoq nUM boilaf, ‘DIaF sPyd cfdr vrgIaF huMdIaF hn, sPyd cfdr ijs ’qy iewk vfr dfÊ lwg igaf qF ijMnf mrËI Do lvo, inÈfn qF rih hI jFdf hY.’
‘sqvMq! qusIN ikAuN nhIN afpxI qMg iKaflI nUM Cwz dy...mYnUM qF lwgdf qusIN sfeIko ho gey A...aijhI GtIaf gwl...Auh vI afpxI DI bfry!!...smJ nhIN afAuNdI quhfzy nfl lVF jf quhfzf kI krF?’ kihMidaF mnjoq, kmry df drvfËf tpfk mfr ky clI geI. sqvMq nUM lwigaf, ijvyN ieh drvfËf Ausdy mUMh ’qy iswDf af ky vwijaf hovy. ikMnf hI icr Auh inMmoJUxf ijhf ho ky bYTf irhf, Pyr mobfiel kwZ ky Aus ivwcoN kuJ pVHn lwigaf. ies Gtnf nUM qkrIbn iewk mhInf bIq igaf sI. brkq
arÈdIp isMG inwJr
ny jUzo dy aMzr-16 mukfbilaF ivwc styt pwDr ’qy golz mYzl hfsl kIqf. brkq dI ies kfmXfbI krky, sfry pirvfr ivwc ÉuÈI aqy hulfs dI iewk lihr dOV rhI sI. sqvMq ny vI ÉuÈ huMidaF DI nUM gly nfl lgf ilaf, pr ijvyN hI brkq ny ikhf, ‘pfpf! hux nYÈnl Kyzx leI bMglOr jfxf pYxf.’ qF sqvMq dIaF awKF cuMiDaf geIaF, Aus nUM sB kuwJ DuMdlf ijhf idsx lwigaf aqy Aus ny iekdm brkq nUM Dwkf mfr ky pfsy kr idwqf aqy isr PV ky bYT igaf. brkq nUM kuJ smJ nf afieaf. mnjoq bolx hI lwgI sI ik sws ny ieÈfry nfÜ cuwp krvf idwqf.
‘qyry pfpf nUM kdy-kdy GuMmyr cVH jFdI hY, cwkr afAux lwgdy hn, Pyr AunHF nUM pqf nhIN lwgdf kI kr rhy ny. jf myrI lfzo DI, qUM jf
ky afrfm kr.’ BfvyN mF afpxy puwq dI ies
krqUq qoN ihrK Kf geI sI pr Pyr vI gwl
’qy prdf pfAux leI, Auh ieh gwl bolI sI.
‘GuMmyr qF AudoN dI hI cVHI hoeI jdoN dI afh
jMmI hY, bQyrf smJf ilaf pr ieh bMdf qF
ieMJ GuwgUaF vFg krdf ijvyN koeI tUxf twp igaf hovy. pqf nhIN ijhVy awKF ’qy Kopy cfVHI
bYTf kdoN AuqfrU...AuqfrU vI jF nhIN...rwb hI
jfxy.’ brkq dy cly jfx qoN bfad mnjoq iewko sfhy sws nUM ikMnf kuwJ bol geI. ‘koeI nf puwq, rwb pfAU sumwiqaf... qUM hOslf rwK.’ kih ky sws ny Ausdf moZf QfpiVaf.
rfq dI rotI Kfx qoN bfad sfry kMm mukf ky jdoN mnjoq sOx leI kmry ivwc afeI qF
sqvMq koeI ikqfb pVH irhf sI. ‘nf afh kI kIqf awj qusIN!...brkq ’qy kI asr ipaf hoxf quhfzI ies hrkq df...kdy idmfÊ KolH ky vI rwiKaf kro...’ mnjoq dI afvfË ivwc ies qrHF dI qlÉI dyK ky sqvMq ny ikqfb pfsy rwK idwqI aqy boilaf, ‘DrqI dy Auh dUjy KUMJy ’c af bMglOr, aYdF ikwdF Byj dyvF brkq nUM, Auh vI iekwly.’ ‘ieMzIaf ’c hI
hY...koeI vIËf nHIN lwgdf AuwQy jfx df...nfly
sfzI DI nUM dunIaF dyKx df mOkf imlygf... jykr nYÈnl ijwq geI qF soco ikMnf nfm rOÈn hovygf quhfzf, myrf, sfry pirvfr df.’
ieh kihMidaF mnjoq dIaF awKF ivwc iewk cmk af geI sI, aYsI cmk ijvyN brkq ny swcmuwc hI nYÈnl vI ijwq leI hovy. pr sqvMq AusdI gwl iblkul nËraMdfË krdy hoey boilaf, ‘mYnUM isrÌ aYnf pqf hY ik myrI DI ikqy nhIN jfvygI.’ aqy Pyr pfsf vwt ky, Auwqy cfdr vlyt ky sON igaf. AuwDr brkq nUM nINd nhIN sI af rhI. Aus dIaF awKF awgy pfpf vwloN mfiraf Auh Dwkf vfr-vfr GuMm irhf sI. Auh AuwT ky dfdI dy kmry vwl jfx lwgI, pr dfdI nUM ikAuN izstrb krnf, soc ky muV afpxy kmry ivwc af geI. sqvMq hux kMm ’qy afm nfloN pihlF inkl jFdf sI. Auh koiÈÈ krdf ik brkq dy sfhmxy ijMnf Gwt afvy Enf hI cMgf hY ikAuNik brkq dy nYÈnl Kyzx jfx leI kMnsYNt Pfrm ’qy dsqÉq krn dI loV sI aqy Auh nhIN sI cfhuMdf ik ikqy brkq awgy Auh zol jfvy aqy kMnsYNt Pfrm Auwqy dsqÉq kr dyvy. nYÈnl Kyzx df kMnsYNt Pfrm jmHF krvfAux leI isrÌ do idn rih gey sI. ‘mMmf, dfdI, qusIN pfpf nfl gwl ikAuN nhIN krdy...jF qF pfpf qoN sfeIn krvf idAu...jF mMmf qusIN afp sfeIn kr do...gfrzIan kMnsYNt dI loV hY, eyË a mdr qusIN vI kr skdy E sfeIn.’ iblkul roxhfkI aqy byvws afvfË ivwc brkq ny guhfr lgfeI. ‘koeI nf, awj Èfm nUM qyry pfpf nfl gwl krdy hF.’ mF aqy dfdI ny iekwiTaF hI idlfsf idwqf. ‘mMmf plIË!...dfdI plIË!’ kihMidaF brkq hwQ ivwc PiVaf kMnsYNt Pfrm lY ky afpxy kmry ivwc clI geI. brkq nUM ies qrHF awkIN plfhIN hwQ mfrdy dyK, ijwQy AunHF nUM brkq ’qy qrs af irhf sI AuwQy hI sqvMq dy ies qrHF pwQr bx jfx ’qy guwsf vI af irhf sI. Èfm ho geI, sB sqvMq dy afAux dI AuzIk ivwc bYTy sn. pr jdoN Auh kfÌI dyr qwk nf afieaf qF mnjoq ny pqf krn leI Pon kIqf. pr sqvMq ny
Pon kwt ky mYsyj kr idwqf ik Auh ibËI hY, dyr nfl afvygf. Ausdy Gr afAux qwk sfry
sON cuwky sI. mnjoq ny drvfËf KolH ky gwl krnI cfhI pr sqvMq ny ikhf ik Auh Qwikaf
hoieaf hY aqy Kfxf bfhr hI Kf afieaf hY aqy kwpVy bdl ky sON igaf. aglI svyr jdoN nfÈqf krn leI Auh zfeIinMg tybl ’qy af ky bYiTaf qF mF bolI, ‘puwq! qyry nfl iewk gwl krnI sI.’ ‘qusIN gwl bfad ivwc kirE, pihlF ieh dwso brkq ikwQy hY? Auh ikAuN nhIN afeI nfÈqf krn?’ ‘skUl leI iqafr ho rhI, bs afAuNdI hI hovygI.’ mnjoq ny jvfb idwqf. ‘Eky.’ kih ky sqvMq tybl ’qy ipaf aKbfr cuwk ky pVHn lwg ipaf. aYny ivwc brkq vI af ky bYT geI. AusnUM dyKidaF hI sqvMq ny puwiCaf, ‘ikwdF cwl rhI bytf qyrI nYÈnl dI iqafrI?’ sqvMq dy mUMhoN ieh svfl sux ky hYrfnI ivwc iewk vfr qF mnjoq dy hwQ ivclI rotI Cuwt ky izwg peI. Auh soc rhI sI ik afh AultI gMgf ikwDroN vg qurI. ‘pfpf! TIk cwl rhI, pr AuwQy jfx leI kMnsYNt Pfrm ’qy quhfzy sfeIn cfhIdy ny.’ kihMidaF brkq ny kMnsYNt Pfrm sqvMq dy awgy rwK idwqf. sqvMq ny Jt Pfrm ’qy sfeIn kr idwqy aqy brkq nUM klfvy ivwc lYNidaF boilaf, ‘myrIaF bYst iivÈË qyry nfl ny, igv iet XUar 100%...jo qUM krn jf rhI bs Auwsy ’qy Poks rwKIN.’ ‘jI pfpf! QYNk XU.’ kihMidaF brkq ny kMnsYNt Pfrm bYwg ivwc pf ilaf aqy puwTIaF CflF mfrdI skUl clI geI. jdoN mnjoq nfÈqf krn leI zfeIinMg tybl ’qy afeI qF Ausdy kuwJ puwCx qoN pihlF hI sqvMq boilaf, ‘kwlH afpxy dosq gurI dy Gr iewk iPlm dyK irhf sI. ijs ivwc hirafxy dy iewk pwCVy ijhy ipMz df idhfqI ijhf idKx vflf ivakqI afpxIaF cfr bytIaF nUM aYnI imhnq krvfAuNdf ik Auh dyÈ leI mYzl ijwq ilafAuNdIaF hn. Auh kihMdf ik mfrI CorIaF, CoroN sY kMm hY ky. jd iewk anpVH idhfqI ivakqI aijhI soc rwK skdf hY, mYN qF Pyr mfstrj izwgrI pfs hF. mYN afpxI DI dI prvfË ivwc ikvyN rukfvt pf skdf hF.’ QoVHI dyr pihlF jo sfry pirvfr nUM DuVkU lwigaf hoieaf sI nUM sqvMq dI ies bdlI soc ny ÈFq kr idwqf sI.
Entering a new year is the perfect time to set some financial goals. Whether your goals are to pay off debt or save for your children’s post-secondary education, the key is to have a plan.
The first thing to do is to identify and prioritize your goals. Then, set a dollar amount and a timeframe for each goal. The amount of time you have to achieve your goals can affect how you plan to save and invest.
If you’re saving for a major purchase within a year or two, your focus will be on building your savings. You’ll want to
keep your money protected and easily accessible, such as keeping it in a savings account.
If you’re putting money away for a longterm goal, such as your retirement or your child’s education, you may want to consider a broader range of investment types, including bonds and mutual funds. Keep in mind that some investments are complex and can be risky. More risk may be acceptable if your goal is longer-term because you have more time to recover any financial losses. You need to figure out what level of risk you’re comfortable
with. Talk to an investment professional or financial advisor to find the investment options that are right for you. You can also work with them to come up with a plan.
If you can, you should also consider setting money aside for an emergency fund as part of your goals. That way, you’ll be covered in part or in full if you have unexpected expenses, like a home or car repair. Start by figuring out what you can put aside every week. Even if it’s not a lot, it can add up quickly.
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has a free and unbiased financial
goal calculator designed to help you manage your debt and savings goals. Access this tool and other useful financial tips at canada.ca/money.
When people struggle to pay off their debt, it can add a lot of stress to their lives. Financial stress can even lead to health problems, including everything from insomnia to more serious issues like high blood pressure and depression. If paying down your debt is becoming a challenge, small actions can make a difference.
Assess your debt load and set a timeframe for all your debts
Start by making a list of all your debts. Then, set goals for paying down your debts and track your debt-repayment progress. Prioritize paying down high-interest debts first. That way, you’ll pay less interest over the term of your loan. If you have multiple high-interest debts, consider consolidating them into a single loan with a lower inter-
est rate. Consolidating your debts means you’ll only have to make one monthly payment rather than pay each one individually.
Review your budget
Review your budget carefully to see where you can cut costs to rebalance your spending to debt-repayment ratio. If you don’t have a budget, take some time to make one. Having a budget that lays out your income and expenses is an effective way to manage your day-to-day finances.
To help you get started, try the Financial Consumer Agency’s online budget planner tool. It will help you identify areas where you can cut expenses to put more money towards paying down your debt.
Seek advice
If you’re struggling to keep up with payments, be proactive and contact your bank or creditor immediately. There could be options available to you. Banks are expected to help individuals who are struggling to pay their mortgages due to exceptional circumstances such as high household debt, increased cost of living and rapid increases in interest rates. For example, they could offer you a lower interest rate on your debt, extend your payments over a longer period and reduce your minimum monthly payment amount.
You may also consider consulting a financial advisor or credit counsellor for guidance. If you are considering that option, make sure that the agency is in good standing with a provincial or national association. And remember that no reputable
credit counselling agency will charge you for the first meeting.
Managing your debt isn’t always easy, but there are resources to help you. Find unbiased and fact-based information you can count on at canada.ca/money.
Part of living a happy and healthy life requires investing in wellness and selfcare. Like people, our precious pets also benefit from having more than just their basic needs met. From exercise to pampering, there are several simple things you and your pet can do together to improve overall wellness and quality of life. Check out some ideas below:
Practice self-care together: Pamper yourself and your pup at the same time by planning an in-home spa day. A facial for you and a “pawdicure” for your dog is a fun way to unwind while also getting some essential grooming done. Don’t forget to
put on a movie or some soothing music and throw on your comfiest clothes.
Get active: Exercise can be one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time with your pooch. Start the day off with a hike together or plan to incorporate some interactive playtime with games, such as fetch or hide-and-seek, into your daily routine. Physical activity is a great way to keep both you and your pet mentally stimulated while also decreasing stress and improving mood and sleep, among many other benefits.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet: It might seem obvious, but diet is key to maintaining overall wellness. There are a variety of healthy snacks you can share with your pup like carrots, blueberries and other nutrient-dense fruits and veggies. For pets specifically, consider choosing a pet food that offers a complete and balanced diet such as Now Fresh Good Gravy, a nutrient-dense kibble that is enriched with a hydrating bone broth coating and can be fed wet or dry depending on your pup’s preference.
Go green: Taking care of ourselves also means taking care of our planet and mak-
ing small changes that reduce our carbon pawprints. Being a sustainable pet parent doesn’t have to be complicated. Think simple: upcycling old clothing into new pet accessories or tug toys, choosing to walk or bike more and drive less, or purchasing pet food made with recyclable packaging, such as Now Fresh Good Gravy Salmon Recipe for Dogs.
Just remember, it’s never too late to start improving your health and wellness habits. By integrating some or all of these wellness tips into your daily routine, you can directly contribute to a happier and healthier life for you and your pet.
People in Abbotsford have better rider amenities and improved transit service thanks to the recently completed Montrose Avenue Transit Exchange. The City of Abbotsford and BC Transit, in partnership with the Province of BC, are pleased to announce the completion of the transit exchange, which opened for service in November.
The new transit exchange, located in Historic Downtown Abbotsford between McDougall Avenue and South Fraser Way, provides residents with greater access to transit and an improved rider experience. The completed exchange features 10 bus bays, new shelters with bench seating, accessible sidewalks, bike lockers and racks, garbage bins, improved street
lighting, in addition to new crosswalks and wayfinding. People will see better connections throughout Abbotsford by increasing service capacity for the City’s future transit network between Highstreet Shopping Centre and the University of the Fraser Valley.
This project was originally identified as a priority in the City’s 2018 Transportation and Transit Master Plan to enhance connectivity in the community, accommodate future increases in transit service levels and support the City’s future transit network. The project was first announced in August 2023, and construction started in January of this year. The new exchange was funded in part thanks to a nearly $3.9M investment by the Province of BC.
The holiday season – and heading into a new year, while often joyful, can also bring heightened stress, anxiety and even feelings of loss or exhaustion. It’s a time when the support of others can make all the difference. Here are a few tips to safeguard your mental health and extend care to those around you during this busy season and beyond.
Move your body. Exercise, even when it feels like the last thing you want to do, can be a powerful tool for boosting your mood. Just 15 minutes of aerobic activity – whether it’s a brisk walk, a dance session in your living room or a quick jog – can release endorphins that help alleviate stress.
Seek professional help. If the holiday blues become overwhelming, professional support is just a call away. The
Government of Canada’s 211 hotline provides 24/7 access to mental health professionals who can offer immediate help and connect you with local resources tailored to your needs.
Reach out to someone you trust. Don’t underestimate the power of connection. Confide in a trusted friend, neighbour, coworker or family member about how you’re feeling. A simple coffee date, a video chat or even a phone call can make a world of difference. Sometimes, just knowing someone is there to listen can lift a heavy burden. Give back to make a difference. The simple act of giving, especially to those in need, can quickly help shift your mood to feeling more positive. Every second, a person receives food assistance from World Vision Canada, for
example, in partnership with the World Food Programme. It only takes seconds to give, and your gift will be multiplied seven times, so $15 that feeds a child for one month will grow to $105. Turning hunger into hope will help anyone feel better.
Practice mindfulness and self-compassion. During the hustle and bustle of everyday life, take moments to slow down and focus on the present. Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, can help reduce stress. Remember to be kind to yourself; it’s okay to take breaks and set boundaries to protect your wellbeing.
Practice gratitude. Taking time to acknowledge what you’re grateful for can shift your perspective and improve mental health. Whether it’s a small daily practice or a heartfelt thank you to someone who’s made a difference in your life, focusing on gratitude can foster resilience and a sense of peace.
Jasbir Bhogal
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-300-2885
Email: jbhogal@murraygmabbotsford.com
Rushal Chawla
Financial Services Manager
Phone: 604-300-7015
Email: rchawla@murraygmabbotsford.com
Sunil Desai
Sales Manager
Phone: 778-868-5757
Email: sdesai@murraygmabbotsford.com
Ned Bhatti
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-308-4944
Email: nbhatti@murraygmabbotsford.com