Power Source Magazine - September 2022

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A Tenfiftyseven Media Magazine September 2022


Be a Better Co-Writer


Christian Country Music Crossroad

Living for Legacy

CHARTS $4.50


Power Team. Publlisher TenFiftySeven Media Group Editor in Chief CeCe Owens Deputy Editor Monica Walker Senior Editor Mandy Hall Contributors Corey Lee Barker, Rebecca Higgins, KristeNicole, Jodie A. Webb, Monica Walker, Mandy Hall, CeCe Owens, Gene Reasoner Chief Photography Editor Ben Gibson Contributing Photography Cheryl O'Neal, CeCe Owens, Mandy Hall Hair & Makeup (Cover) Sharla Pruitt Higgins

SUBSCRIPTIONS www.PowerSourceMagazine.com PowerSource@TenFiftySevenMedia.com The Power Source Magazine is published by TenFiftySevenMedia Group


Songwriters Cafe Legendary Patriot Congitatin with Gene Godly Woman Power Source Charts

Music Happenings News Fixin's On the Road Reads Rewind/Review In the Next Issue


Hi there

WELCOME TO THE NEW POWER SOURCE We are greatly honored to bring

Much love to Delnora for gracing

this publication back to you. We

the cover, sharing her family and

are TenFiftySeven Media Group,

just being incredible in all ways.

you will learn more about us in

The words of her hit song "Blank

the center of this issue.

Page" inspired our company and this magazine relaunch. We hope

With attention to the legacy of

you like the way we filled the

this magazine, we are bringing

pages of this issue and all of the

you a new look at connecting the

issues that follow!

artists, family, fans, and industry of Christian Music together. Be Empowered,

Cece Owens Mandy Hall

Monica Walker



"I'M THERE" JAMIE TRENT " I'M THERE," the latest single from Singer - Songwriter JAMIE TRENT. "This song is about family and faith. It's about a father's love for his daughter and the promise to be beside her every step of the way along her journey. That being said, this is not a ballad. It's a fun and catchy song that will have you singing along in no time." - Jamie Trent

'I'm There', available now on all music platforms.




DELNORA CONVERSATION WITH THE AWARD-WINNING ARTIST DELNORA REED ACUFF It is the light that enters the room first noticed, regardless of night or day, the atmosphere changes immediately announcing the arrival of the multi-award winning singer, songwriter Delnora. She grew up in Princeton, WV and has been performing her signature blend of roots, country, and folk music across the country since she was a teenager, continuing a long and distinguished family tradition in music. In 2021, Delnora released a new album entitled, “Blank Page”. Five songs were co-written with Corey Lee Barker, and those were co-produced by Chris Golden. The other six songs were co-produced by Josh Swift and include cowrites with Jeff Bates, Thomas Mac, and Reed Nielsen, as well as the legendary Joe Allen. In June of this year, the album titled single “Blank Page” was awarded Inspirational Song of the Year and Delnora was named New Artist of the Year at the 27th Annual Inspirational Country Music Association Awards.

THIS YEAR, WITH THE RE-LAUNCH OF THIS PUBLICATION, IT WAS WITHOUT QUESTION WHO WAS THE ONE FOR THE FIRST COVER, AND THE EXTRA BLESSING WAS GETTING TO SPEND MORE TIME JUST TALKING WITH DELNORA. It was just over a year ago, when I had the pleasure of meeting, Delnora backstage at an event when looked at me as if we had been friends for a lifetime to ask about 8

something on her dress. Moments later she walked onto the stage to sing “Blank Page,” which struck a permanent note in my heart. Walking back off the stage, she said to me, “My hair is such a mess, I am such a mess, this is my first time away from my son, well God knows all about my mess so to Him be the Glory.” To some it might read as a rambling, but not if you

know her, this is the heart of the woman. She is genuine and gives you 100 percent of herself. Many months later, while working on the “Speak to Me” Video, a duet she recorded with Andrew Marshall, I got the chance to ask about the focal point of her merchandise table, the suitcase. Sitting on the swing of the venue porch, Delnora

shared how it was her mother’s suitcase, taken to the hospital for her birth, she takes everywhere on her faith journey. As the story continued, it was clear the suitcase represented this singer/songwriter best; a history never forgotten, the music that flows, the foundation of faith, her love of family, the devotion to friends and all of it packed together goes wherever she goes. WHAT IS THE FIRST MOMENT YOU CAN REMEMBER THAT MUSIC CAME INTO YOUR LIFE? Music was always a part of my life. My dad, mom, and almost my entire family played and sang music. My dad’s guitar and my mom’s piano were ever present. And my favorite songs from my great granddaddy’s repertoire of old-time fiddle tunes (now archived in the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress) were played at every family gathering, whether big or small. I was literally born into it and thought everyone sat around playing music & sharing it with each other. The one distinct memory we can all now point to came from a cassette recording. My Dad was stationed in Germany so that’s where I was born. He would send cassette tape recordings to my Grandparents of him playing and singing along with snippets of our general life there. Those recordings are so precious and what made us realize that I was singing along with my dad before I could even talk! You can hear me in the background cooing in harmony with my daddy. It’s especially cool when you recognize that I had absolutely nothing to do with it. The gift is just that... a gift. And it’s from God.

SONGWRITING, WHAT IS THAT PROCESS FOR YOU? WHAT INSPIRES OR HOW DO YOU HEAR THE IDEA OF A SONG? Songwriting is such a broad subject because there isn’t just one way it occurs. Ideas and inspiration come from life, from day to day living, from joys and pain, and from trying to process all the feelings. It’s often an untangling process between spirit and flesh, which is always interesting. I’ve often been inspired by other writers, artists, and preachers, especially my Pastor, Bobby Davis, who speaks often in rhyme. The rhymes help me remember the sermons better and leave me inspired afterward - even more so if my toes got stepped on good. Growth is like that. Some of my favorite songwriting comes from the uncomfortable places in life and is such a matter of the heart for me. It’s vulnerable and often takes me places that I would rather not share but the Holy Spirit won’t let me let go of it until I do. Other times it is as simple as trying to get a blank page open for a writing session and suddenly recognizing just how true that is of our lives as well - He gives us a blank page. So, I write it and God does with it what HE wants and it’s not up to me what happens with it. WHAT IS A FAVORITE MEMORY OF THIS MUSIC JOURNEY, PAST OR PRESENT THAT YOU HOLD? The farther along I get in this journey, the

the front porch, singing silly songs with my 6 yr. old or worshipping with my brothers & sisters in Christ. Finding the true joy of where God has me in the present while tipping my hat to the past and where the journey has brought me…Where HE leads, I will follow. YOU ARE AN AWARD-WINNING ARTIST AND WIFE, TELL US ABOUT YOUR HOWIE? This guy... My guy... My person. The one with the warmest smile I’ve ever seen. Whose calming presence draws me close with a quiet strength. I am so grateful for this hardworking, playful, intelligent, sincere, kind, brilliant and oh so handsome hubs of mine. Thank God for the gift he has been to me and so many others. Our story is a whole article in and of itself. We don’t have enough room here but suffice it to say that: ours is a story of redemption and I love him more with each passing day. AND THEN THERE IS THE BOY, WHAT AMAZES YOU ABOUT YOUR SON? EVERYTHING! Timothy Alan “Reed” Acuff is truly Mommy’s Perfect Note. I thank God every day that He picked me to be Reed’s Mommy. My prayer is that he become EXACTLY who God knit him in my womb to be. He is so very special, created for a unique purpose and I’m just so blessed that my biggest most important

WITH YOUR SONG “BLANK PAGE” WE ALL RELATE TO THOSE WORDS AND THE INDUSTRY HAS CERTAINLY PAID ATTENTION WITH AWARDS, WHAT HAS THIS SONG BROUGHT TO YOU AS THE ARTIST? I stand in awe. Absolutely love that God took a moment of human frustration and turned it into a moment of deep spiritual truth. I wrote this song with Corey Lee Barker, and it is such a gift. Literally, as I was trying to pull up a blank page on my computer screen and couldn’t get it... I spoke out loud, “if I could just get a Blank Page” and we both looked at each other... wouldn’t we all like to have a Blank Page… and the song was born... Only because of Jesus, can we ALL have a Blank Page. My prayer is that everyone that hears this song, hears the good news...Only because of Jesus can we all begin anew… fresh… every day… forgiven… a “Blank Page”.

To God Be the Glory!

I HAVE A LOT OF AMAZING MUSICAL MEMORIES THAT I COULD START LISTING OR NAME-DROPPING BECAUSE AT THE HEART OF ME I’M STILL QUITE A “FAN GIRL!” more I stand amazed at THE Giver of the gifts and how HE has woven a lifetime worth of connections and relationships in a way that I couldn’t have possibly planned… I’m just thankful for the journey and even though I’m oh so unworthy, God has seen fit to redeem and use it for HIS good.

job is to love him with all that I have. He amazes me daily. Again, this is another one where I could go on and on and on… A whole article in itself. He is my miracle.

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” 1 Samuel 1:27-28


So, I guess to answer your question, I’m going to soak in every second that I can and make every memory a favorite whether it’s playing music with my dad on 9



“The ironic part of the writing of this song is that Jeff Bates & I wanted to talk about how we all need to find the Man at the Well and in writing the song we realized that The Man came to the well so that she could find Him… He came to be found.”

Everybody knows the story from the Bible, about the woman at the well. She always seems so “other.” I mean, not many of us have had five husbands, right? But upon closer examination, we find that we have a lot more in common than we thought. We’ve all been rejected, we’ve all felt ashamed, we’ve all avoided certain situations that make us feel uncomfortable, we’ve all felt unworthy at one point or another. Yet, this is who Jesus chose and was the first person He commissioned to go out in the world and tell that HE was the Messiah! A woman! THIS woman!! AND she got to tell things that even His closest disciples had not yet been given permission to tell. How amazing is that?! And He came on that day, at that hour, to that well, specifically to meet her. Wow! The ironic part of the writing of this song is that Jeff Bates & I wanted to talk about how we all need to find the Man at the Well and in writing the song we realized that The Man came to the well so that she could find Him… He came to be found. After recording this song, A friend of ours, who is the assistant Director of a TV series called “The Chosen,” was hosting a screening at our church. When I saw the scene with the woman at the well from season 1 episode 8, I about jumped up out of my seat when she said, “he told me everything I’ve ever done”! The scene was completely anointed. The Spirit was all over it! I was bawling… everyone in the room was crying… In that moment we all identified with her and were given hope by Him. I looked at my husband Howie and I said, “the line in my song is he told me things about myself that I’d never told anybody else…” I knew I wanted to meet the actress, Vanessa DeSilvio, and if I ever had the opportunity, I wanted to talk to her about this scene. It was a dream. So, we pitched the idea for a video to our friend Adam Drake over coffee. He made a few phone calls and was able to line up Vanessa and a film crew on the actual set of The Chosen! Next thing we know, we’re headed to Texas and recently just finished filming so I cannot wait to see it!! Vanessa is a precious Sister in Christ, and I cannot wait for you guys to hear from her mouth about this scene and impact. In the meantime here’s a link to the scene: https://youtu.be/ordhsDeAt60 11





PRESLEY. That same label would give us Johnny Cash, we will talk about him in just a bit. This was all happening in the 1950’s and what a decade it would be as Nashville responds to the radio audience liking Rock Music by removing the twang in exchange for smooth vocals and string instruments. The NASHVILLE SOUND was created. As in any great story, there is a plot twist! At this time, out in California they didn’t embrace this Nashville Sound, instead they wanted more of that rock, honky-tonk flavor. The twang was restored, adding electric guitar and a beat to create the Bakersfield Sound. This sound became one in the same with Country Music Legend, Merle Haggard. See, I told you this decade of the 50’s was a happening era.

CHALLENGED WITH LEARNING THE HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN COUNTRY GENRE, I LEARNED IT ALL STARTED WITH JUST “COUNTRY” MUSIC. On August 1, 1927, in a Bristol, Tennessee recording session, the sound first called “Hillbilly Music” was captured by Jimmie Rodgers and The Carter Family. This is the first Country Music recordings. The Carter Family, specifically A.P. Carter adaption of the hymn, “Will the Circle be Unbroken” was recorded as a staple of this new genre, zzons. It’s blues and jazz, and it has a high lonesome sound.” Along with his brother, Charlie, they were signed to RCA Victor as the Monroe Brothers in 1936, scoring an immediate hit single, “What Would You Give in Exchange for Your Soul,” a gospel song. It was the birth of “Bluegrass” and Monroe would go on to be considered the ‘Father of Bluegrass,” and an iconic fixture at the Grand Ole Opry. Let’s talk about the Grand Ole Opry for a moment, which was a free radio show that soared in popularity during the Great Depression when record sale of all music genres plummeted. The “common man” sound of country music and the closing of each broadcast with gospel music brought comfort to Americans. In 1943, The Grand Ole Opry

moved to the Ryman Auditorium, built in 1892 as a church called the Union Gospel Tabernacle by Thomas G. Ryman. Inspired after attending a tent revival, Ryman dedicated his time and fortune to building a church. Ryman Auditorium was home to the Grand Ole Opry for over 30 years, considered the Mother Church of Country Music, the birthplace of bluegrass and 130 years later stands with an unmatched reputation for acoustics and is steeped in history.

Just when you thought country music was done rocking, the next two decades would shout, “Hold it just a minute.” The Beatles invaded the US, that Bakersfield sound was shooting up the charts and quietly without alert, the Countrypolitan sound was developed by Nashville to attract the mainstream audience. The Countrypolitan music gave a smoother sound, background singers and occasionally choirs. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to 1960 to 1970.

Without fanfare the “Cowboy” sound came in around the 1940’s thanks to singing cowboys, Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. At this time in the South, the “Honky Tonk” sound was developing, that steel guitar and vocals that would gain the attention despite any noise inside the “Honky Tonks.” Ernest Tubb was the first to bring a steel guitar on stage at the Grand Ole Opry. What started in 1927 was fully embraced at the close of 1940 and is the sound we hear in Country Music now. Let me interrupt this article to pay reference appropriately to what happens next… ELVIS. The boy from Tupelo, Mississippi rocked into Memphis, Tennessee mixing rhythm and blues with country and western to create Rockabilly. Sun Records produced this sound, launching the world into Rock Country and most importantly we all got the sound and moves of ELVIS 15

With an attempt to gain an even bigger audience, Nashville noticed that Pop Music was edging into the Country Music scene. This was a very rocky period with many artists taking a stand against this movement. Most notably, Charlie Rich, the man voted CMA Entertainer of the Year 1974, stood on that same stage one year later, opened the envelope to announce the next artist to hold this title, stepped away from the podium and set the envelope on fire with a cigarette lighter. Despite Rich having a #1 on the pop chart, he didn’t like that John Denver won the award. It is believed he was making a stand for traditional Country Music; however, it would blacklist him from the Country Music Awards forever. While the timeline of Pop Country as a genre or subgenre is short, thanks to the rise of Michael Jackson in Pop Music, it goes without saying the success of Pop Country would not be possible without the iconic Dolly Parton taking this sound to the top levels of popularity. This sound launched successful careers for countless artists and is the foundation of the crossover music today. The next and I believe final response to

that smoothed out or as some considered sold out Nashville sound was the Outlaw Sound. The sound embraced the raw form of country music, the artists just created whatever came to pass in the studio or on stage. It is a fact that the legendary Willie Nelson left Nashville in 1971, returning to his Texas with a motivation to reject the comfort of conservative music or what was selling. Joining up with Waylon Jennings, the Outlaw sound reach unimaginable success which continues today. Now, let’s circle back to the one and the only, Johnny Cash. The Man in Black, as he would be called, landed in Memphis after serving in the Air Force. By 1967, Johnny Cash would be famous and in October of that same year Johnny would be crawling in NickaJack Cave on the Tennessee River planning to never return. But he did come out of that cave, with God he returned from that despair and meeting him with food/water was Maybelle and June Carter. The same Maybelle Carter of the Carter Family from 1927 in Bristol, Tennessee. In 1968, Johnny Cash and June Carter were married, meeting over 13 years earlier backstage at the Grand Ole Opry, the Mother Church of Country Music. His

music was full of life lyrics, his struggles, his faith, the sorrows, moral conflicts, and redemption. With a love for gospel music, he found the English standard hymns too much, choosing to write gospel songs with the infamous Johnny Cash sound instead. Cash’s career spanned genres embracing country, rock and roll, blues, folk, and gospel sounds resulting in his induction into the Country Music, Rock and Roll and Gospel Music Halls of Fame. Now, if you have been paying attention you will have read between the lines to see that radio plays the pivotal part of every era of Country Music, not a moment in time excludes the radio being the reach to the audience. That brings us to radio personality Bob Wilson, the first to see the potential of the Christian Country genre. His weekly show aired for many years playing both southern and Christian country music. Considered in the music industry to be a Christian Music subgenre, Christian Country is literally the Alpha of all Country music. It is not a matter of deciding which came first, it is a fact that words of Country music, no matter the sound, continued throughout to be music with a message, often the faith message stated subtly or boldly. Christian Country music is just that simple, it is the parallel of Country music with the bold statement of faith. Knowing History is the key to the future, the evolution of both Christian and Mainstream Country has been intertwined and paralleled in creation by each era.

WE ARE BACK TO THE PRESENT IN OUR HISTORICAL TRAVELS AND YET AGAIN A PLOT TWIST HAS APPEARED! TODAY’S COUNTRY MUSIC APPEARS TO BE ATTEMPTING A CROSSOVER BACK TO CHRISTIAN COUNTRY. Ponder that for a minute, as the invasion of all those decades is accounted for in the history. Yes, it seems history is repeating itself as we see Country Music going back to their roots and the list of mainstream artists doing Christian Country songs and


albums is longer than ever. One could argue with success that Country Music is a subgenre of Christian Country. So, I pass the challenge onto you in Christian Country to UNITE, keep learning, growing, supporting, and making each genre of Christian Music successful. Especially Christian Country Music, it is the continuation of a legendary history with an unending future of music with a message.


SPECIAL EXHIBIT Dates: September 1, 2022 – October 20, 2022

JOHNNY CASH 1968: A Folsom Redemption is a collection of photographs and memories of two journalists lucky enough to be among a handful of eyewitnesses to the historic Johnny Cash concerts at Folsom Prison.




Godly Woman

Finding Strength To Carry On


By KristeNicole

recently attended a memorial service where the state of Tennessee honored the late and great Kim Williams (1947-2016) for his enduring songwriter legacy. Kim Williams almost died in an electrical fire before becoming a very successful songwriter who wrote hits for Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Randy Travis, Joe Diffie, Rascal Flatts and so many others.

As I sat in the service I began to think about legacy and what Kim Williams legacy looked like and what other legacies look like and even what my own legacy looks like. As I rolled these thoughts around, I was reminded of something I once heard about legacy which was “When you do legacy well people you never ever meet will benefit” and how true that is. Despite his circumstances Kim Williams invested in people and because of his willingness to share what he had to offer (time, talent, knowledge, etc.) with others I am now a songwriter as a second-generation beneficiary because the first-generation who got to work directly with Kim Williams is now modeling what Kim Williams shared with them and now, I get to be a part of Kim Williams legacy as well. So how can we leave a legacy that continues long after our days here on earth? By becoming the person God created you to be and doing the things He created you to do and sharing that with those around you that you are in relationship with and even the people you meet every single day. May we all recognize and give thanks as we walk with the Heavenly Father and be intentional about living out and leaving behind the legacies that He has for us that help people from generation to generation to say Yes to God. Philippians 3:13 says, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me…Charles Swindoll said “Legacy isn’t about us. It’s about God working through us for His glory, not ours. “ So, I ask What is the legacy you want to remember by? What are you intentionally doing today to build that legacy each day? What do you have that you can share now? How can you pass it on? We all can leave behind a Godly legacy that will carry on far beyond our days on this earth. I think Kim Williams and Doug Johnson penned it best in the song “3 Wooden Crosses” It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it’s what you leave behind you when you go.



Recently released her song, “Godly Woman”. It has a message that not only speaks to her, but also gives the opportunity to share with many other women some encouragement to carry on in whatever situation or season life in which they are traveling. “Though music has always been around and in me, I never dreamed of being in place of getting to share that which I was created to do with so many people; that being the making of meaningful music with rich stories like the ones I grew up with, singing those melodies that so richly comfort my soul. “

“Thank you all so much for all of your love and support. Thank you for joining me in this story that only God, in His infinite, matchless, and marvelous grace, can author in my life as I walk in faith with Him.”













The pathways that lead to the

Those paths led to a crossroads when life

discovery of a passion are as unique as

placed them all together in Nashville,

fingerprints, even when similar routes

Tennessee, and the passion known as

are taken. It all started with three

TenFiftySeven was born.

women with a vast variety of talents

The naming of the company holds the

that joined together on that passion

authenticity found in each of the

path. For Mandy Hall and Monica

women, as the "Ten" represents the

Walker, it would be the path of life that

number worn by Jina Moore, the sister of

joined them as they share the special

Mandy & Monica, while the "FiftySeven"

relationship of being sisters. Their

represents the number worn by CeCe's

experience has developed both

nephew, Hunter Beck. With honor they

individually and collectively as family.

honor them daily.

CeCe Owens path would connect

TenFiftySeven Media launched with the

through a professional connection

production of the music video, "Speak to

that evolved to friendship. Through

Me" featuring Christian Country music

work within the industry, the three

artists, Andrew Marshall and Delnora.

found the need for authentic promotion with a seal of excellence.


Then came PowerSource Magazine....

Can they, should they, is it possible? Those were the thoughts running through the minds as they considered the undertaking of this legendary publication. However, not based on ability, but with priority to the path direction always being the way their faith directs them to follow. There was no denying the Lord's intention for their next big step, it was and is the acquisition of this magazine. So, here they go adding publisher to the successful company of music promotion, video production and artist branding. The shoe fits them all very well, and they will exceed all expectations as they walk the path of Empowering the Passions!


Behind the Numbers Mandy Hall With extensive experience, Mandy is the specialist in handling and managing day to day team operations. 2 0 + Y E A R S O F S A L E S & MA N A G EME N T 1 0 Y E A R S MA G A Z I N E D E S I G N 1 0 Y E A R S D I G I T A L MA R K E T I N G 10 YEARS PRINT PRODUCTION 5 + Y E A R S P R OMO T I O N S 5 YEARS EVENT PRODUCTION

CeCe Owens Having over 25 years of experience, CeCe is the specialist in implementation and success of the client's campaign 2 5 Y E A R S MA R K E T I N G & A D V E R T I S I N G 20 YEARS OF EVENT PLANNING 5 YEARS PUBLISHING NUMEROUS A D D Y AWA R D S OVER 50 PUBLISHED ARTICLES OVER 100 PUBLISHED ADS

Monica Walker With over 20 years of design, planning, and sales experience. Monica is the specialist in creation and planning for the client's success. 2 0 Y E A R S SALES & MARKETING 15 YEARS DESIGNING 1 0 Y E A R S EVENT PLANNING N A T I O N A L A D D Y AWA R D S 5 YEARS RADIO & TELEVISION AWARD WINNING SALES

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” – Leo Buscaglia




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8 THINGS I CAN DO TO BECOME A BETTER CO-WRITER In case you haven’t noticed, there aren’t many songs on the radio these days, percentage wise, that have only one writer’s name attached. Nashville is most definitely a town of networking and collaborating. It has become increasingly difficult to get songs recorded by artists if you aren’t in the room writing with them, or their producer. After all, most people connect better with songs they helped personally create, not to mention the fact that they get to participate in the income if they had a hand in the birth of the tune. The question now becomes, “If I am lucky enough to get in the room with the artist, how can I make a good impression, so that this won’t be the last time they want to work with me?” I put together some thoughts from my personal experience with several thousand co-writes under my belt. I hope this helps get that reschedule percentage up for you!

01 - Be on time.

Time is the one thing we can’t make more of, so respecting someone’s limited time, in which they chose to spend with you, is of the utmost importance. Often they must get to another meeting right after yours, so they don’t wish to frantically work harder to meet a shorter deadline because you had to finish your episode of Walking Dead. Although, I love that show too.

02 - Be prepared.

This means come with some hooks (musical or lyrical) to throw out on the table. This is the absolute greatest way to insure another co-write, offering them a plethora of ideas to choose from.Typically, when I begin a write, each writer will spit out their favorite ideas and whichever idea collectively hits us the hardest becomes the one we jump on. Sometimes it can take half an hour or more just staring at each other coming up with something to write about if nobody did their homework or pre-game if you will. Once someone does this to you more than once, you may become less interested in putting them back on your calendar, knowing you’ll have to do most of the work. They feel the same way if the shoe is on the other foot.

03 - Bring coffee or a snack.

As silly as this sounds, if you are known as the donut guy, or fresh bake cookie gal, you just might make up for a multitude of other shortcomings. I know someone who used to bring cookies to every session and it always made my smile light up when I saw her name on the schedule, regardless of what ideas she may or may not have been armed with upon arrival.

04 - Don’t be a one trick pony.

If you are strictly a bluegrass or rock guy, it may help in certain scenarios when they need that vibe and know you are the go-to person. However, if you are writing for TV and film and never know what the subject matter or vibe needs to be until you see the brief, you may be a hindrance on that session. If the other writers know you’re willing to write anything that’s called for you will be invited to more sessions. I personally write over 100 Christmas songs per year to compete in the Hallmark and artist market, however I make sure all my co-writers know I’m game for whatever is needed at the moment, so I’m not excluded from other opportunities.

05 - Check ego at the door.

Sometimes your idea may not be the one that wins, or your line may not fit in the song that you started, by popular agreement from the others. It’s not about keeping score on who offers more syllables or gets more lines in. It’s about what is best for the song. Period. Just because it rhymes doesn’t mean it’s the best line for the moment. There may be a better way to say it, and we all must be open to hearing everyone’s thoughts.


06 - Title search.

The first way we can show uniqueness in our writing ability is to have an original title. I always go to BMI.com, which now combines with ASCAP for their title searches, before I attempt to write my idea. It could be that I have a wonderful idea of which I’m sure nobody has ever thought of, but when I go to look it up, I find out it’s been registered by 757 other writers and I’m not saying anything new. Unique titles get first listens. It’s nice to throw out a title to my co-writers prefaced by “I looked this up and nobody has done it yet”. I already put myself in the position for a win.

07 - Willingness to adapt to a new co-writer.

I have made the mistake of accidentally booking too many people to write because I forgot to write something down in the proper place, or I wasn’t around my calendar at the time of booking. Fortunately, most writers are understanding and will allow the extra person or persons in on the “co-writing party” as I then like to call it. If this happens to you, it’s better to go with the flow and not be angry because mistakes do and will happen. The bright side is, they will appreciate your understanding, you just might make a new friend, and thirdly you just increased your chances of getting the song cut because you have an extra person working it.

08 - Work the song.

Writing the song is only part of the work. Pitching the song to other artists and producers is how you get it cut. If your co-writers know you are actively trying to find homes for the songs, you create together they are much more likely to keep bringing you in. A tenacious song plugger who is a decent writer is often more beneficial than being a great writer who sits on the songs.

Best of luck to you all my friends - Corey Lee Barker

TSAI Songwriter of the Year

NEW BOOK! “SONGWRITING FOR SYNC” Also from Author Corey Lee Barker “Hit Happens” and “101 Ways to Get Your Songs Recorded.”

Corey Lee Barker has had over 1,000 songs cut by artists since his 1998

arrival in Nashville. His music has also been placed on many networks, featured on Grammy winning albums, and #1 Billboard albums collectively in Country, Bluegrass and Polka. Corey has received nominations or wins for Song of the Year and Songwriter of the Year multiple times by the ICMA, The Josie Music Awards, The Tennessee Songwriters Association International, Texas Country Music Association, The World Songwriter Awards, GMA, KCMA and the NACMAI.




His first experience of war on this continent was in Canada in King George’s War 1744-48 helping to capturing the French stronghold Fortress of Louisbourg in 1745. He was in his 40’s at this point. He was said to have captured a sword from a French Officer during the battle. Whittemore probably came back into service during the French and Indian War, (he would have been 64 years old), again fighting around the Fortress of Louisbourg. And he may have served in the military expeditions against Chief Pontiac in 1763. It is during the expedition against Chief Pontiac that he acquired a nice set of dueling pistols. There is not a lot of documentation to support these last two claims of fighting, but documentation of the time is sketchy. As Committeeman for the Town of Cambridge in his early 70’s, he was on record as opposed to the Stamp Act, which was repealed. Then he was later elected to the Massachusetts Committee of Convention as a delegate in 1768. He was unable to attend the Convention due to timing, but he and the other gentleman that were to go apparently read and approved of the proceedings, which were against revenue acts and the British leaving a standing army in Boston. The records of the proceedings also expressed concern for the Liberties and the Rights of those in the Colonies. His published approval would put him again in print as being on the side of the Patriots.


At age 76 he was a part of the Cambridge Committee of Correspondence that was formed to respond to Boston’s call for support. The Boston-Gazette at the time claimed that the Cambridge town’s “People had discovered a glorious Spirit, like Men Determined to Be Free.”. Whittemore was very much a part of the meetings and correspondence to Boston. This Committee also sent a letter regarding the Tea Act and their opposition in the weeks leading up to the famous Boston Tea party. Whittemore was invited to attend the meeting that discussed the Tea Act held in Boston that featured such attendees as Samuel Adams, Dr. Joseph Warren and James Otis, but it is unknown if he actually was able to attend. I have described a man who has done his duty in the field as a soldier and in town government, so what tipped him into legend? He is already 78 years old. He had been a soldier “back in his day” and now he is a farmer and a local politician. He is known to be a bit stubborn as can be attested to by a lawsuit that he was involved in after exchanging very blunt words with another man. So, what happened that makes me write about him 248 years later? On April 19, 1774, the British were retreating from Lexington back to Boston, Massachusetts, taking a route through Menotomy where Whittemore lived. Whittemore was alone in his field working when he observed a British column of a brigade of troops marching along the roadway.

Meet the Historian Rebecca Higgins was born in Shelby NC and after accompanying her US Army Officer husband on duty assignments all over the US and Germany, moved back to Shelby in 2015.She graduated from Wake Forest University. She has worked as a paralegal, a picture framing assistant and an event planner/community outreach coordinator. As an Army volunteer, she has worked with the American Red Cross, Army Community Services, the 101st Airborne Museum, the Signal Corps Museum, the 101st JAG Office, and Family Readiness Groups at the Company, Battalion and Brigade levels. Since moving back to Shelby she is volunteering with the Friends of the Cleveland County Library, the Daughters of The American Revolution, the American Legion Auxiliary, and two Book Clubs. Rebecca is an avid reader and loves to do needlepoint, cross stitch and crochet. She enjoys college football, particularly the Clemson Tigers. She has three very spoiled cats. Rebecca and her husband Col. Trip Higgins, Ret. will celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary on November 6, 2022.

Rebecca Higgins



Praise in the Smokies

September Gatlinburg, TN. Praise In The Smokies is


three days of fun, fellowship, and music.

Women of Joy Conference September









Branson, MO. 9/1/22 - 10/2/22 Be prepared for an overload of advice and Godly counsel in the Ozarks.

National Quartet Convention Pigeon Forge, TN. 9/25/22 - 10/1/22 You can count on hearing excellent inspirational speakers and many of the most popular groups in the industry such as: Booth Brothers, Kingdom Heirs, and a host of others

Women of Joy Conference Pigeon Forge, TN. 10/7/22 - 10/9/22 Be prepared for an overload of advice and Godly counsel in the Smoky Mountains.

ICMA OCTOBERFEST Jennings, LA. 10/7/22 - 10/8/22 Great time of festive activities, games for all ages and of course the food, southern food, Louisiana Cajun Cuisine and lots of other surprises. ICMA October Fest would not be complete if we didn’t have our Christian Country Music at its best. There will be a huge stage right in the middle of town in the middle of the street.


COG·I·TATE THINK DEEPLY ABOUT SOMETHING; MEDITATE OR REFLECT. Life is full of surprises. Often times we think we have it figured out but then we get thrown a curve ball, and things take a totally different direction. If it’s a positive direction, we go with it. However, if it’s goes to the negative side, how do we react? Thankfully the Lord is merciful and when we surrender to His direction, we can start over with a clean slate. A blank page if you will; a new opportunity. Christian Country Music is at a crossroad. If we take the advice of Yogi Berra, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it”, that’s probably not the best advice! We must be better than that. We must have a good plan. We can’t afford to waste this new opportunity, this blank page, if we want this great musical genre to grow and have a positive influence on our society and culture. Starting over can be exciting and it can be intimidating. So here we are starting over. Christian Country Music has a blank page. Power Source Magazine has a blank page. We must take every advantage to promote this music to every nook and cranny of our country, and even around the world. We want to create a Christian Country community where we work together, not in competition. As an artist, you may be classic country, pop country, outlaw country, it doesn’t matter. We’re all in this together and we will work in unity. We have a clean slate, a blank page. Let’s not waste it. Songs about heaven and streets of gold and “everybody will be happy over there” are fine, but we must write more songs about real life. 36

Everywhere you turn, people are experiencing tragedy, heartache, troubled relationships, financial struggles, wayward children, divorce, the list goes on and on. We must give encouragement through our music. Our music should let folks know that Jesus lived real life while he was on the earth. He experienced the same struggles we go through. He felt everything we feel. He endured temptation without yielding. He set the example for us all. He doesn’t expect us to be perfect. There’s nothing we can do to earn our salvation. He paid the price for all of that. We just trust Him and believe Him. Thats what our music should say. A clean slate, a blank page. That’s what we have. Let’s fill it with great Christian Country Music. The quality of our music, our singing, our studio productions, must be kept at a high level. Mediocre songs, records and vocals will not do the job. Our music must be on par with secular music to attract the ear of the world. “First class” must be our goal. Our music must be radio quality. We must get it to the secular venues, to the honky tonks, to the fairgrounds, and radio as well. Power Source Magazine is excited about this new opportunity! We commit to making the world aware of this great music and promise to hold high the banner of quality Christian Country Music. Yes, we have a clean slate; a blank page. Lets not clutter it with junk. Everyone can sing, but not everyone should record! More on that later…Cogitate on this! Gene Reasoner

GENE REASONER “He Didn’t Throw the Clay Away,” is the legendary song from Singer/Songwriter/Musician Gene Reasoner. Gene answered his call to songwriting in the 70’s, being recorded since then by many artists and groups. He toured, playing bass guitar for Country Music Hall of Famer and star of Hee Haw, Grandpa Jones. As one of the founding members of the Christian Country super group White River, he enjoyed the nine-year career with the group that included the top of the chart’s songs, “What Ya Gonna Do,” and “Going Away Party.” The unstoppable Gene Reasoner is still going strong as an artist, family man and member of the Inspirational Country Music Association where he serves at the ICMA Hall of Fame Director.


S. O. A. R. Support Networking Opportunities , Community, Performance Opportunities, Mentoring, Member Benefits, Member Directory, State Chapters, Education (School).

Outreach ICM Cares (Community Service & Events, Charitable Events, Fundraising Concerts, Benevolence Fund “The Superman Fund”)

Advancement Raise Awareness, Change Image of Genre, Expand Categories, Attract Mainstream Level Music Creators, Build Relationships with Radio, Churches, Community Leaders, Other Organizations, Record Labels, Industry Professionals, Event Venues.

Recognition Award Show, Events, Social & Web Features, Radio Releases & Chart, History/Preservation, Member Directory







Song Title

Artist Name

#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40

For The Love of It He Woke Me Up This Morning Second Chances Man at the Well Good Time It's a God Thing Death Row God's Guitar Downhome Stained Glass Fly King of Love Radio Friend Bible Verses In You By Your Grace All Joy No Stress Prayin Woman Raised Up Right Everybody Talks to God Ain't Worth The Heartache Thank God For Sunday Mornings Sometimes After Midnight Fill My Way with Love I Don't Have Time Note to Self Boogie for Jesus More than Me Standing Room Only Heaven Bound Balloons Small Town Prayer Mamas Speak to Me Even When I Fall In the Name of Jesus Better Than Me Coming Back Again Unashamed to Say His Name I Need Your Grace

Texas Hill Bruce Hedrick Branded Delnora Dixie Revival Chris Golden Thomas Rhett Ft. Tyler Hubbard Faith Country Band Jimmie Allen Wade Quick Lisa Daggs Doug Mathis Richard Lynch Blake Shelton Justin Richardson Cody Johnson Rhett Walker High Valley Drew Parker Aaron Lewis Curtis Grimes Cochren and Co Richard Sprayberry Mary James Williamson Branch Randy Houser Luke Hendrickson Corey Farlow Kali Rose Grainger Smith RaeLynn Anne Wilson with Hillary Scott Andrew Marshall with Delnora Greg McDougal Rex Robards Riley Green Ft. Randy Owen Clay Walker Mike Leicher Michael Tetrick



Jacob Bryant

The Power Source Top 40 is compiled by online engagements, playlists, and spins of multiple platforms. Information is collected over a previous 30-day period. The compiled list with a maximum of 100 songs and minimum of 60 songs is submitted to the Power Source Panel for final determination of placement on the chart. The panel criteria for placement on the chart includes spins, engagements, production, vocals, instruments, and clarity of message in the lyrics.








The 45th Class of Kennedy Center Honorees will include Christian Contemporary Artist, AMY GRANT! Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein expressed in a

The Inspirational Country Music

statement that Grant “became the first artist to bring

Association announced in July that

contemporary Christian music to the forefront of

the ICMA AWARD SHOW will be

American culture, then equally thrived after crossing over

hosted at the OPRY in June 2023.

into mainstream pop with hit after hit, and today is revered as the ‘Queen of Christian Pop.’”

Each year, the ICMA Awards recognize the best of the best in Christian Country Music. This past year, the award show was held at the Biblical Times Theatre in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and hosted by Emmy Winning Host, Megan Alexander and The Voice winner, Todd Tilghman.

By raising awareness of the Christian Country genre and providing tools to help artists and creators deepen their reach, the Inspirational Country Music Association bridges the gap between Christian Country Music and the audiences. Bringing glory to God through Country Music that speaks life into the hearts of its listeners and in turn affect more lives for the Gospel. InspirationalCountryMusic.com


ROCK THE UNIVERSE Florida’s biggest Christian music festival, Rock

“Beyond the main stage performances,

the Universe, is returning to Universal Orlando

Rock the Universe attendees may enjoy

Resort in 2023.

worship experiences throughout the

Fans and youth groups alike can enjoy moving

weekend – including a Saturday ceremony

performances by some of Christian music’s

with a special message and moving

top artists, powerful worship experiences and

musical performance, a powerful Sunday

thrilling theme park attractions.

morning worship service to wrap up the

Next year’s event kicks off Friday, Jan. 27

faith-filled weekend, plus a dedicated

across Universal’s two stages, Music Plaza

FanZone presented by Coca-Cola,

Stage and Hollywood Stage, with six feature

featuring live performances from up-and-

performances from top Christian artists.

coming acts throughout the weekend,” Universal described in a news release.







ISLAND INSPIRATION week in Sevier County, Tennessee this June. There new

As a student at Sam Houston State

initiative of ICM Cares had them out in the community

University, Jenna Faith was crowned

which lead to multiple performances on the Ole

The Inspirational Country Music Association spent a

Miss Piney Woods. While competing

Smoky Stage at The Island in the heart of Pigeon

in Miss Sam Houston, Jenna

Forge. “Record-breaking heat couldn’t stop the Jesus,

developed her social impact

what an incredible blessing given and received,” said

initiative from the passion for

Charlene Marshall, ICM Cares Director.

individuals going through the pain of grief. "Recognizing Grief-Based Depression", became one of her top priorities making appearances in schools and communities to discuss the warning signs of grief-based depression. At each opportunity, Jenna shared her ICMA Inspirational Song of the Year, “I’m Gonna Miss Me,” an impactful song written about her brother who passed in 2019. Jenna enjoyed her Miss America journey, performing the song on the Miss Texas stage and was awarded Talent Rookie of the Year.



The stage of the California State Fair has hosted Country music greats. This year, it was Christian Country Music Artist, Andrew Marshall that brought music with a message, enjoyed so much that extra playtime was granted. "I didn't promote with my fan base or following, I wanted to know if our music could reach, bring the message," expressed Marshall, "afterwards, several came up to say they were surprised by the faith lyrics, they were touched, they are the reason for what we do." Andrew Marshall Ministries is based in California.



On November 26, 2017, the Power Source family was rocked by the unexpected passing of Hugh Shelton. It was a devastating blow to the legacy, the loss of the big grin coming into the office or chats with the always positive perfectionist led to the July 2018 announcement of the final Power Source issue, a tribute to Hugh Shelton. The journey ended, the Power Source Magazine legacy transition to a memory cherished. The boxes of years and years of issues were stored away, the staff moved on to other projects and life went on without the publication. It was over…OR WAS IT! There is always a beginning to any comeback story, this one is no exception. In January of 2022, the women behind TenFiftySeven Media Group, LLC., approached the idea of bringing back Power Source Magazine. It was not a light decision; it demanded the respect of research and prayer; you don’t embark on a legacy lightly. By March of 2022, they had decided to move onto to other projects, dismissing all thoughts on the magazine. The comeback would launch in June of that same year, as one of those other projects for TenFiftySeven Media Group was the ICMA Convention and Awards. The successful planning and executing of details within an event of this type is no small task, the success was significant. It seems God has a unique way of bringing HIS plan back to attention. Individually and collectively, He was working on Mandy Hall, CeCe Owens & Monica Walker, the women behind TenFiftySeven Media Group, LLC. In July of this year, Power Source, A TenFiftySeven Media Magazine was announced, the comeback date was set for September 1st and here we are turning the pages of a legacy that began with the Higgins Family, was continued with the Ascend Group, LLC., was perfected by Art Director, Hugh Shelton and reborn in the hands and hearts of the TenFiftySeven Media Group. Power Source Magazine Salutes Brenda Higgins and Hugh Shelton!

Hugh Shelton's Self Portrait

Brenda & Gene Higgins 47



We all seek our purpose in life, and if we just stopped to listen to what God has to say about His purpose for us, we would save ourselves a lot of time and heartache. Check out the Hope Springs Novel series written by Author Jodie A. Webb. In her stories, set in the small Missouri town of Hope Springs, the characters she weaves walk a path familiar to ours, filled with past regrets, anxiety about the future, and dreams that long to be fulfilled. The first book, GOD’S PLAN, is full of decisions and questions of destiny, of finding love in unexpected places and ways. A truly inspirational look at life’s enduring question of what is our highest purpose. The second book in the series is a powerful story of faith for all to read. Follow Tyler’s journey of selfdestruction, addiction, and sin. This dark path comes to a climax at the crossroads of his life. Read CROSSROADS to share in Tyler’s life altering experience where he must take personal responsibility


for choices concerning life or death, forgiveness or condemnation and love or despair. The third book of the series, GOD’S PROMISE, War, injury, hopelessness and separation shatter the Darling family’s life. Walk the steps along with the character, Sgt. Darling as he tries to remember the simplest details of himself. Experience his pain as he takes you from the battlefield to traumatic memory loss, to unraveling the mystery of his existence. Faith and love take you down the path with the Darlings as they make their way back to each other and to the life God promised. The fourth book in the Hope Springs Novel Series, BELIEVE, takes us to the place of mind versus heart and asks how faith applies to both. The story of Dr. Miranda Webster’s arrival to Hope Springs blends epic romance with the suspense of a real-life dilemma of faith. Throughout the book, you will find yourself asking what you would do in this position, pondering God’s

priority in your life. Read the book to find out the ending, no spoiler alerts here! The current release in the series, SURRENDER, follows Pat’s story as she wrestles with her rebellion and procrastination in the areas of following the Lord’s guidance. Read as she learns to surrender in all things and learns to listen to the leading of the Lord and truly align her will with God’s will. Follow as she finds the way to change old habits and learns to trust God in all things and not lean on her own limited understanding.

Jodie A. Webb on Amazon

Meet the Author Jodie A. Webb Jodie is a multi-genre author and an ASCAP affiliated songwriter. A romantic at heart, her passion is a great love story. A true love story, though mystery and suspense run a close second in her love of writing. She has also shared her skills in establishing and writing scripts and skits for Class A.C.T. youth drama team. Her professional background is in the commercial insurance industry. She attended business college as a working adult and young mother. She is a licensed broker in the real estate and insurance industries and a certified paralegal with a discipline in property law. She makes her home and enjoys the splendor of fourseason beauty in the Ozarks region of Southwest Missouri. She shares her life with her husband, Paul who she describes as chivalrous and a true renaissance man. He is her biggest fan and loving supporter. Their real-life romance and relationship is the source of much of her inspiration






CODY MCARVER Big News from the Father of Outlaw Gospel

The TheGospel GospelTruth Truthwith withShane ShaneRoark Roark Song SongTrippin Trippinin inTennessee Tennessee

PowerSourceMagazine.com 52


Power Source Top 40

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