Power Source Magazine- May 2023

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A Tenfiftyseven Media Magazine May 2023

2023 Songwriter of the Year





Artist Spotlight Chris Golden is a Singer, Multi-Instrumentalist, Producer, Traveler, and Father. His history in the music industry is epic, spans multiple genres, and is rich in heritage. He has deep roots from his tenure on tour with Alabama, Restless Heart, and the Oak Ridge Boys, but his heart for serving the Lord has led him to where he is today. Chris’s ability to captivate an audience with an inspirational message has afforded him opportunities to perform for every living United States President and share from prestigious stages such as The Ryman Auditorium, The Grand Ole Opry House, Dollywood, The Huckabee Show, Larry’s Country Diner, and The Holy Land (Israel). Despite all of Chris’s success, he understands who he serves. In 2010, he was told by someone (who was undeniably heaven sent) to, “Play for the One who gave you the gift.” By doing so, he seeks to help others forget about the world for 75 minutes, worship, and take away a good dose of hope, love, and light. THE LIGHT. When not out blessing others, Chris enjoys photography and spending time with his beloved Marie, and his three children, Elizabeth, Rebekah, and Elijah, whom he deems his greatest treasures. According to Chris Golden, "Prodigals," was written faster than any other within his award-winning career. His songwriting has connected him with some of the best in the business, usually coming from a connection of his Oak Ridge Boy legendary father, William Lee Golden. However, this song came from a conversation with his late mother Frogene Normand's close friend. That friend was none other the legendary late Dianne Wilkinson who was inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 2020. "It was just a conversation about life, struggles we have to watch other experience and the unconditional love of our Heavenly Father who is always waiting for us to just come on home," expressed Chris, "Dianne was one of the most prolific songwriters, always celebrating God and I was blessed to be a part of her life." "Prodigals," is a song that holds you at every note and lifts you with each lyric. It is a timeless tune! Congratulations to Chris Golden - April 2023 #1 Power Source Christian Country Top 40!

www. ChrisGolden.net



Hi there


May springs us all into the summer, enjoy each springtime day to the fullest. Within the pages of this issue we celebrate SONGWRITERS and MOMS...without them nothing within this publication would exist. Your favorites are back...Godly Woman, Cogitatin with Gene, The Gospel Truth, and much more. If you missed the cover, take a moment to take a look...it's the one and only, nothing can compare to, incredible songwriter...COREY LEE BARKER! Do not miss his story, the talent is but the surface of this gifted, dedicated Man of Faith, Family, Music and Coffee! Thank you for the support. We are honored and blessed to bring this publication to life each month. Please let us know your ideas and may you rise each day empowered by the passion! Happy Mother's Day to the Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers, and Mother Figures! Be Empowered,

Cece Owens Mandy Hall

Monica Walker


Power Team. Publisher TenFiftySeven Media Group Editor in Chief CeCe Owens Deputy Editor Monica Walker Senior Editor Mandy Hall Contributors Corey Lee Barker, Rebecca Higgins, KristeNicole, Monica Walker, Mandy Hall, CeCe Owens, Gene Reasoner, Shane Roark. Chief Photography Editor Ben Gibson Contributing Photography Cheryl O'Neal, CeCe Owens, Mandy Hall, Monica Walker, & KristeNicole Publishers Note: Content, Logos and Images are the property of or in use with granted rights exclusively to PowerSource, A TenFiftySeven Media Magazine. Use of these creative properties without written approval by Power Source Magazine, LLC. or TenFiftySeven Media, LLC. is strictly prohibited.

SUBSCRIPTIONS www.PowerSourceMagazine.com PowerSource@TenFiftySevenMedia.com The Power Source Magazine is published by TenFiftySevenMedia Group


COREY LEE BARKER The Red Poppy Godly Woman Congitatin with Gene POWER SOURCE TOP 40

Are You Living Your Lyrics News Mothered By God Rewind/Review Song Trippin in Tennessee



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Ready... Ready... Set... Set... Record... Record... Top 20 UK iTunes charting debut single. “A Light Out There”




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The definition of LYRIC is having the form and musical quality of a song, and especially the character of a songlike outpouring of the poet's own thoughts and feelings. In this issue, we are celebrating Songwriting - the lyric playground. The melody and subject of a song are highly significant…but the words, the message, those lyrics hold the power to impact. In Colossians 4:6 - “ Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. ”Paul’s words are clear: we are to be people who reach out to, minister to, and encourage others with our words. Just think about the unmeasurable significance of words: The universe was created with a word, Jesus healed the sick and cast out demons with a word, Rulers have risen and fallen by a word. Proverbs 12:6 tells us that our words have the power to destroy and the power to build up. Are you using words to destroy or build up? As an artist, are you writing lyrics or singing those lyrics that bring destruction to others? I think NOT! Your passion, your ministry is not founded in destruction, therefore your lyrics are about sharing the life changing love of Jesus. The lyrics tell the story, the raw moment that God found you, changed you and set you free. The lyrics are set to encourage, teach and motivate the listener to embrace the love of God, to find hope in the Heavenly Father and most of all to truly experience the unconditional love of Jesus that we are commanded to give and share. So, the question is, “Are You Living Your Lyrics?” Are you sharing that non-judgmental, unconditional love or are you just singing about it? Are you experiencing that faith of a mustard seed that moves mountains or just singing about it? Are you embracing the change God’s healing power brought to your world or are you just singing about it? Are you answering the call of willingness that God wants to use in your life or are you just singing about it? The question, “Are You Living Your Lyrics,” along with the other questions that followed are not meant as judgement or shame, just thought provoking subjects to challenge ourselves to excellence in ministry. Most of all, it is to remind you that each and every one of your lyrics is meant to minister to you as much as anyone else. Sometimes they are actually meant for you more. The majority of songs related to our faith, old and new, have a single timeless message…”Be Still and Know that I am God.” The challenge in songwriting and performing in the genre of Christian Country Music, is to have the “hook” that captures the attention and reveals the message. It is the history of authentic storytelling that holds the popularity of Country Music - the same is true for adding faith to that iconic sound. To Live Your Lyrics you only have to be authentic, share your story, love unconditionally and bring a willingness to each day. Singing helps us to remember words, which means we should use melodies to sing the words that God wants us to remember. Therefore we should write and share lyrics that people want to remember. Singing can help us to engage emotionally with lyrics (words). Singing can help use words to demonstrate unity. Ultimately and always it is the gospel, not music or lyrics that unite one to God, that brings the moment of Salvation though Jesus. However, the path was the music, the opening door was the song and the message was heard through the lyrics. So, let’s ask ourselves again and again…Are We Living Our Lyrics?


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By Rebecca Higgins

A lady named Moina Micheal from Georgia had taken a leave of absence from her professorship at the University of Georgia to work for the war effort at the YMCA in New York. Soldiers and sailors were going to and from the overseas battlegrounds of WW1 through the port of NY. They used the YMCA for rest and relaxation, to get a quick meal, and as a meeting place for family. Moina’s discovery of a poem in the November 1918 issue of the Ladies Home Journal would provide the spark for a worldwide symbol of remembrance. The poem written by John McCrea caught Moina’s imagination as did LTC John McCrea’s own story. LTC McCrea, a poet as well as a Canadian Army gunner and medical officer, wrote the poem during May 1915, in honor of his friend, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, who was killed in combat during the second battle of Ypres. The Battle lasted over 14 days and includes one of the first gas attacks of the war. It was the next to last poem McCrea would ever write. LTC McCrea died during the war in 1918, though he perished of pneumonia and meningitis while still serving as a physician in France. The red poppy is a significant flower because it bloomed prolifically over the battlefields of Europe. It grows where the ground has been churned or disturbed. Vast areas were impact zones from artillery or had been marked by the presence of fighting troops and their movements across the landscape. After thinking of the poem and the young men lost in Europe, Moina decided to always wear a poppy in remembrance of the military men killed and wounded in what was then called the Great War. She even wrote a poem in response to LTC McCrea’s poem. When she returned to teaching at the University of Georgia after the war, she taught disabled veterans and realized they still needed the support of the American people. She began selling red silk poppies to raise funds for the occupational and financial assistance of wounded veterans. The American Legion embraced her cause and adopted the red poppy in remembrance of those who died in battle. Moina lived from 1869 to 1944. She accomplished much in education, despite never having obtained a college degree. She wrote an autobiography called The Miracle Flower and she has been honored by many diverse organizations for her work on behalf of veterans. She is remembered all over the world now as “The Poppy Lady”. Each year veterans’ organizations raise funds by distributing poppies and asking for donations for the support of veterans, usually in the local area. The United States wears poppies in conjunction with our Memorial Day Observances at the end of May, while the British and Commonwealth Nations don the poppy in November for Armistice Day, November 11th, our Veterans Day. In Flanders fields the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.

Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields, Sleep sweet - to rise anew! We caught the torch you threw And holding high, we keep the Faith With All who died.

We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.

We cherish, too, the poppy red That grows on fields where valor led; It seems to signal to the skies That blood of heroes never dies, But lends a lustre to the red Of the flower that blooms above the dead In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. -John McCrea 1915

And now the Torch and Poppy Red We wear in honor of our dead. Fear not that ye have died for naught; We'll teach the lesson that ye wrought In Flanders Fields. -Moina Micheal – 1918




WHEN GOD WRITES YOUR STORY Do you enjoy reading a good book or hearing well written music lyrics? Incredibly written pieces of art have been crafted using all the little pieces and details which skillfully came together. During the crafting process, more than likely it didn’t look like much of a masterpiece whether at the beginning or even the middle of the process. Chances are likely there has been several plot twists or perhaps the plot thickens in a painful way. However, by the end of the written work everything becomes very clear. It has become what it was supposed to be and look like all along. I don’t know about you, but as a Christ follower there have been so many times that I just wanted to take hold of the pen and write my own life story. There have been times that I wanted to completely rip out an entire chapter and do a rewrite. It just was not going how I wanted it to go. When I get into this “stinkin’ thinkin’” I’m always reminded of the verse in Jeremiah 29:11 that tells me “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” When I see this verse I usually read it twice, once as is and the second time with my name in place of the word you.

By KristeNicole

The good news is that He is with us when the plot thickens and when we can’t seem to see anything good. He is with us when our story has us thinking we are walking alone. He is with us when the story includes sickness, tragedy, disappointment, and fear. God is the beauty in our story even when our story is downright ugly. What would your life story or life song look like if it was written? Our lives are like a crafted written work because God the author. He knows our entire story from beginning to end. He knew our story before time began. The Bible is God’s Word, written for us to tell us who the Heavenly Father really is. It informs us about His forgiveness. It teaches how He sustains us and comforts those who love Him. As His children, God will direct your steps (Proverbs 16:9). So, are you on the same page as the Heavenly Father? Do you need to turn the pen back over to Him to write the story that will truly fulfill the desires of your heart? Your story isn’t over! With every heartbeat God is still writing your story. Stop trying to steal the pen and trust the Author who loves you more than words can express and would stop at nothing, even the cross, to have you for Himself.

“For I know the plans I have for (Your Name),” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper (Your Name) and not to harm (Your Name), plans to give hope and a future” 17


All that makes for a resume that any songwriter would want to boast, however, it is just a summary of the incredible work of Corey Lee Barker. In celebration of songwriters around the globe, we took a moment to chat with the man, the myth, the legendary songwriter…. PSM: Let’s cut right to what the people want to know, what is your best advice for success in songwriting? Corey: Persistence! Persistence! PSM: We will circle back to persistence in a moment, let’s talk about your early experience in Nashville, was it always songwriting? Corey: I arrived in 1998 as an artist, got a regular gig, did about 100 shows in the artist role. What I love to share is that I got fired from my artist job and I was performing for FREE! That was the moment of all in on songwriting. PSM: What was an average day for you songwriting back in the beginning? Corey: That is the interesting part, it took me 20 years to get to full time songwriting, that part is not something aspiring writers want to hear but it is my experience. At the start, I worked in a restaurant 4am to noonish then headed home to write for 6 hours. I did that daily for 13 years, the moved onto a job with the bank that also meant loss of sleep to write. It goes back to that persistence, it is required. PSM: It is difficult to picture your personality in banking? Corey: It was not a match for me, I did not enjoy those years but it afforded the songwriting.

PSM: In your songwriting then and now, where do you find inspiration? Corey: I don’t look for inspiration, you have to cultivate your own inspiration. You also need to be open to writing a song about anything. PSM: You arrived in 1998, when and what was the first moment of having your songwriting recognized? Corey: That moment came with Cledus T. Judd in 2004, the song project, “Bake Me A Country Ham,” which was a parody of Tracy Lawrence’s “Paint Me A Birmingham.” The song landed on the Billboard Chart which was great!


PSM: That being about 5 years after you arrived, was that the “big break?” Corey: Well, it not sure about that, but it did lead to a publishing deal in 2007 and a multi country music legends Christmas song project. PSM: Sounds like “Christmas Corey” actually started back then? Corey: You know, it is best to be versatile in songwriting. To write about anything and in any genre, especially for Television and Movies, variety really opens doors. That was just the first Christmas project, these days I have and continue to earn the nickname… at first I wasn’t sure about labelling me “Christmas Corey,” but it works and now people come to me about writing Christmas for and with them. PSM: Let’s circle back to that persistence advice, it is certainly the underlying message of this conversation, can you give some examples of what you mean and how that is achieved? Corey: Just keep writing, be determined. Be prepared for no response to your pitches, keep writing. Be prepared for rejection, keep writing. Don’t take anything personal, keep writing. Just keep writing. If that is two days a week, or everyday, do with persistence. Just keep writing. PSM: You talk about not taking it personal, how do you find balance? Corey: There will be that yes! Expect to hear, be prepared for no response. My balance is found in the persistence because sometimes it takes pitching a hundred songs to get one song cut. PSM : What are some key points you like to share about songwriting? Corey: Write Smart! Subject Matters! Be Versatile! Take Advantage of the talents in other songwriters to build up your weaknesses and do the same for them. Writers… get in a Room with others! Check out the Songwriter's Café in this issue, I shared some sarcastic tips, but the message is clear. PSM: We love what you share, always being open to share and collaborate with artists. Let’s talk a little bit about the girls in your life? Corey: Yes! Kristina, Bridget & Blair!


PSM: Everyone loves a good love song, so how about sharing the Corey & Kristina love story? Corey: It started for me when a guy at church shared about praying for God to bring a wife into his life. I decided to do the same, knowing that God would have to slap me in the face, cause I would miss it. But I did just that, prayed and waited for the slap for 7 years. Then while doing the children’s class at church, this little girl named Bridget walked right up to me and said, “you need to marry my mom.” So I did just that in 2011! PSM: What is something that most don’t know about the “at home” Corey Lee Barker? Corey: We have a zillion animals, 30 something for sure in the house. My wife would have a Noah’s ark if possible. PSM: What is down time activity for you and the family? Corey: We take a cruise each year, I mean what can beat an all you can eat buffet on the open water? We also laugh every single day, that is the best therapy. We make a point to laugh! PSM: Have you thought about slowing down, retirement? Corey: Not really, I mean if I write a Christmas Song that becomes like “Jingle Bells” with the whole world using it and that big check coming annually, maybe…just maybe a little slow down. I really don’t imagine that I can or wish to every stop creating. I am always thinking of lyrics! PSM: Thank you for sharing each month in your Songwriter’s Cafe and being Corey Lee Barker. As we close this chat, please share any and all things you want to tell the songwriters and artists about working with you. Corey: Absolutely, first anyone can go to the website to book time. My greatest joy would be if everyone found a time to get in the room to write with me. You don’t have to be experienced, just come talk and watch the writing develop. Artist’s need to know that you can connect with the TSAI to get access to songs available. I mean you may have ten songs that you wrote, imagine adding a few more from others to your album… now that would make a good album, really great. No one cares if the artist writes the song. For songwriters, it is more productive to work with another or a group, great ideas that turn into hit records come from just conversations. Get in a room with other songwriters, and get an artist in there too! It is certain from any and all conversations with Corey Lee Barker that songwriting is his passion. You learn it is where his heart is from how much he gives in sharing with others. 21


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Song Title

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 26

PRODIGALS Never Til Now No Present Like The Time Between Sundays Enter Into Praise Thankful, Grateful & Blessed God Made Me A Country Boy Wanted Kindness Living Water The Building God Gave Me A Girl Why God Made Small Towns What He Didn't Do All Come Together Sunday Chapel Jesus Cause I Want To Wherever You Are New Year Same God The Best Us Help Is A Prayer Away Short Fuse Thank God I Do On My Way Jesus Is The Living Water Tell Somebody Bout You Make Me Turn Around Broken Things Good Morning Mercy Devil's Been Breathin' Down My Back I Still Pray Only Jesus Can Do Remember How To Pray Jesus Signed My Pardon Tailgate Church Pew For My Good Prayin' In A Deer Stand Cowboy Constitution He Found Me Jesus Fault 1.

Artist Name

CHRIS GOLDEN Ashley Cooke & Brett Young Jay Allen Steve Bridgmon Bruce Hedrick Richard Lynch Zach Ray Blake Helms Six One Five Collective Anne Wilson Emily Ann Roberts Russell Dickerson Paige King Johnson Landry Cantrell John Berry & Friends Dave Herrera Fortner Brothers 4 Christ Olivia Lane Justin Todd Herod Corey Farlow Kellie Longworth Jordan Davis Lauren Daigle Restless Road James and John Adam Sanders Casey Rivers Mary James Jason Crabb & Dylan Scott Danny Joines Mickey Guyton Daniel Mulkey Randy Houser Mike Leichner Granger Smith After Grace Ft. Joel Vaughn Luke Bryan Curtis Grimes Ben Fuller Zach Williams Ft. Walker Hayes

The Power Source Top 40 is compiled by online engagements, playlists, and spins of multiple platforms. Information is collected over a 30 day period with a maximum 100/ minimum 60 songs submitted to the Power Source Panel for final determination of placement on the chart. The panel criteria includes spins, engagements, production, vocals, and message of lyrics.


20 Sarcastic Ways

to increase your chances of success as a songwriter

1 - Write everything by yourself. Nobody wants to hear a diversity of lyrical styles or fresh chords. 2 - Always write titles that remind people of songs that are already written. Writing Sweet Home Minnesota is a great idea. 3 - Make sure your song is 5 minutes long or more. Radio loves that! 4 - Change rhyme schemes in the first and 2nd verse to be unique as well as syllable counts. Keep the listener on their toes! 5 -Make sure there is no explosive vocal lift when the chorus hits. Ain’t nobody got time for energy. 6 - Please end one of your lines with “world” so you can rhyme it with “girl” or “tilt-a-whirl.” 7 - Make sure your intro is 30 seconds long or more, so that you don’t reach the hook until a minute and a half goes by. You don’t want to give it away before they finish their drive to work. 8 - Write as many songs about your grandpa as possible, since that’s what most of the listeners like to dance to. 28

9 - Make sure you sing about growing up in the 80's, as most of today’s major artists were alive back then. 10 - Show up to your co-writes with zero ideas. The other writers feel totally respected when you do that and can’t wait for the next session. 11 - Write ballads. Slow songs are very hard to find and definitely pump up the radio listeners! 12 - Never email artists and ask if you can pitch some music their way. They will naturally show up at your house, knock on your door and ask if you have anything. 13 - Record wherever it is cheapest. Period. Quantity beats quality any day. 14 - Don’t use any inner rhymes. Keep your lines as bland as possible so nobody gets tongue tied. 15 - Have your opening line be “woke up this morning”. The audience has no idea that you are not still asleep when you’re singing the song, so please clarify. 16 - Make sure you don’t research what the artist you are pitching to has already recorded. They can always use a 4th song about road trips. 17 - Write a ton more military songs about how freedom isn't’ free. Nobody has ever said that before, so don’t miss this opportunity. 18 - Always use Hank Sr, as your blueprint for melodies and vocal stylings. That is exactly what’s hot on the radio right now. 19 - Don’t use an ear candy signature lick. Fans want to spend a little time guessing if they remember the song or not. 20 - Sing all demos yourself. Professional demo vocalists are useless as presentation is never king.

*Best of luck my friends! - Corey

*If you are not happy with the songs you have access to, I’m more than happy to send you some. Best of luck to everyone on your journey,

Corey Lee Barker www.coreyleebarker.com


Lyric Analysis Improv Music Playing Music Listening Songwriting

THE MEDICINE OF MUSIC Lyric Analysis While talk therapy allows a person to speak about topics that may be difficult to discuss, lyric analysis introduces a less-threatening approach to process emotions, thoughts and experiences. We all have a song that we deeply connect to and appreciate—lyric analysis provides an opportunity for an individual to identify song lyrics that may correlate with their experience.

Improv Music Playing Playing instruments can encourage exploration of various therapeutic themes (conflict, love, grief, etc.).

Active Music Listening Music can be utilized to regulate mood. Because of its rhythmic and repetitive aspects, music engages the neocortex of our brain, which calms us and reduces impulsivity. To alter mood states, a music therapist can play music to match the current mood of the person and then slowly shift to a more positive or calm state.

Songwriting Songwriting provides opportunities for expression in a positive and rewarding way. Anyone can create lyrics that reflect their own thoughts and experiences, and select instruments and sounds that best reflect the emotion behind the lyrics.

Try it for yourself! Check out the American Music Therapy Association to find a board certified or licensed music therapist near you.


MOTHERED It may sound radical, but it’s truly not a new thought. Isaiah 42:14 is where we find the Prophet Isaiah describing God as a woman in Labor. Isaiah 66:10-13, he continues this description with a mother who nurses and comforts her child. Jesus did the same in Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34 as He compares God to a mother hen who gathers her children under the safety of her wings. Personally, it is easy to relate to a God who watches, comforts, labors, and shelters her children. I am a mother and I know that God created me in my mother’s womb just as he created each of my children in my womb. Additionally, I fully relate to being both mother and father as God is to each of us daily. If you are not experiencing this type of parenting from our Heavenly Father - keep reading, it is not something you want to miss, it is a blessing beyond description to be Mothered by God. Recently, a level of pressure and stress climaxed for me in extremes. I found myself alone physically and unable to calm. It was crying that usually is attached to significant grief, it was hysteria. It was emotional, spiritual and physical…it was horrific! The surprise is that I never felt alone, there was a strange undercurrent of peace. Reflection brought me to my boys, who being active and always outside growing up, basically just being boys doing anything would often lead to a screaming, crying boy running toward me. There was no way to understand them, communication was limited either by age or their hurt. So just like all the other mothers in the history of time, I did the breakdown: 1. Questioning What, Where, How? 2. Hug, Kiss and Comfort! 3. Remove clothing/shoes to find hurt? 4. Hug, Kiss and Comfort! 5. Reach out to others/siblings/friends to determine hurt? 6. Hug, Kiss, and Comfort! That is what God did to me that day…the breakdown of getting to the hurt and covering me with love. Did you notice that my breakdown and that experience from God did not include blame, judgement or shame! To be Mothered by God, is the experience of getting to the root of what is hurting. It is to be covered in the unconditional love of a God that will never leave you nor forsake you. It is the moment you understand that your faith is a relationship with God, it is okay to not know what to do with the hurt. Our Heavenly Father acting as the Mother will do the breakdown, walk beside you holding your hand, pick you up to carry whenever you cannot walk on your own and will love you always. Happy Mother’s Day!


GOD 31

TTH HEER REE H HAASS TTO O BBEE AA SSO ON NG G This month we are highlighting songwriters. Without songwriters we have nothing. Everything in our industry starts with a song. Our songs tell our story. Songs carry our message. Our message is one of hope, of forgiveness and salvation. Our message is the Gospel, packaged in a three to four minute presentation of country music. I’ve always been fascinated by songwriters. When I was very young I was in awe of someone who could take a story and put it in a song. As a young boy in church I would wonder who could write something so beautiful and poetic as Amazing Grace, The Love Of God or Blessed Assurance. The combination of poetry, melody and harmony has always amazed me. Songwriters have always been used by God. King David was an amazing songwriter. The book of Psalms was authored by David and most of the Psalms are songs. I’ve always wondered what kind of melodies he put to his songs. One of the things I want to do in heaven is to hear a concert by King David. Gospel music has many great songwriters, past and present. Bill and Gloria Gaither, Dottie Rambo, Ronnie Hinson, are just a few of the names we recognize and honor. Country music has many gifted writers. Harlan Howard, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams, Dolly Parton, Dean Dillon….I could go on and on. I’ve been blessed to know a few great songwriters. Back in the early 70’s I was a fledgling songwriter who really didn’t know what I was doing. I was getting some inspiration and just began writing by trial and error. Through the efforts of some friends and the hand of God, I had the opportunity to pitch a song to The Rambos. I really didn’t think they would be interested in my song, I was just excited to meet them. Much to my surprise they loved my song and recorded it! We developed a friendship and Dottie Rambo took me under her wing and mentored me. There are songwriters and there are poets. Sometimes they are one and the same. Dottie Rambo is an example of that. She was a gifted poet. You don’t have to read her lyrics very long and you will realize what a poet she was. Gloria Gaither is also in that category. There are songwriters who are storytellers. Tom T Hall comes to mind. He could take a simple story, put it to music and it became a work of art. Old Dogs Children and Watermelon Wine is an example of his genius. This year is the 50th anniversary of The Lighthouse, written by Ronnie Hinson. Ronnie is one of those writers who can seemingly write a song any time he wants to. My best friend Bruce Haynes is one of those. Writers like these understand songwriting can be learned and developed. Great writers talk about crafting a song. Dottie Rambo taught me about re-writing a song. When I pitched my song, He’s Ready To Come & I’m Ready to Go, to her years ago, she told me my chorus could be 32

better. She asked me to re-write the chorus. I didn’t know you could re-write a song! I did it, they recorded it and it became a number one song. We must always honor songwriters. Without them there would be no songs. There would be no reason to go to the recording studio. Our industry is built on songwriters. Everything starts with a song. As an artist in concert, we should always give credit to the songwriter. Songwriters are usually behind the scenes and many times overlooked. Some artists are blessed to write their own songs but most are not. Without songwriters we have nothing to present. They are the backbone of our industry. They deserve our respect and our prayers. My song, He’s Ready To Come & I’m Ready To Go, is on a Rambo album entitled, There Has To Be A Song. It’s so true. In order for us to do what we do, we can’t do it until we have a song. There has to be a song…… Cogitate on this.

Gene Reasoner







EXCELLENCE WITHOUT ARROGANCE THE DEFINITION OF “EXCELLENCE”: THE QUALITY OF BEING OUTSTANDING OR EXTREMELY GOOD. This word (or a version thereof) is a part of our daily lives. We ALL seek excellence or

The reason for this is simple, excellence is of GOD. It is a

greatness, each in our own ways. We like food

biblical principle that many have lost. While we seek it

that is excellent, shows that are excellent,

everywhere (whether we realize it or not) we often

excellent TV programs, excellent preachers,

“skip” it in our own lives. There are 48 references to

singers, and church services. It is in our nature

excellence in the Bible. Not to mention that we are

to gravitate toward excellence. We all

created in the image of God himself, the most

generally have the same attitude toward the

excellent of all.

mundane or average, “eh, it’s alright”. But when something is excellent, we will all share

Paul said this “Not as though I had already attained,

our experience with delight! “Oh my, it was

either were already made perfect: but I follow after, if


that I may apprehend (perfection) that for which also I am apprehended of Christ.” Sounds confusing, yes?

This is our natural tendency. The reason for this is simple, excellence is of GOD. It is a biblical principle that many have lost. While we seek it everywhere (whether we realize it or not) we often “skip” it in our own lives. There are 48 references to excellence in the Bible. Not to mention that we are created in the image of God himself, the most excellent of all.



Well, let's simplify it: We are not perfect, nor can we become perfect on our own. But we as Christians and through Christ should strive for that mark anyway!! There are 36 scriptures in the bible directing us toward striving for that mark of unattainable perfection. Why would we strive for something we could never have in this life? If you chase perfection, you will CATCH Excellence. It is inevitable.


Now, here’s the problem with catching excellence and living that life… It can often bring arrogance that becomes an oxymoronic paradox within itself. Arrogance is NOT excellence. In fact, arrogance is counterproductive to excellence. Arrogance is blinding and will fool you into a false sense of security. How do we avoid this? First, do NOT believe your own propaganda. When we are discussing ourselves, we often embellish a tad, we include our accolades and achievements. Sometimes we forget who else was involved and what brought us to where we are. No one is an island. Second, by definition of the word ‘Christian” we should strive to be “Christ Like”, a servant to and for others. By striving for perfection and reaching excellence, it will bring us to a place where we can help others even more and more. Finally, let's face it, none of us are all that great! If not for the grace of God and the blood of Christ, we are all doomed. This lifestyle of excellence should be a goal to do more for the kingdom of God, not to uplift ourselves. Stay focused, correct yourself, be listening for the voice of the spirit who will guide you, pray for a revelation of yourself to yourself, ask God to direct you and to keep you in check. It is better to allow God to direct you in your journey to a life of excellence than to ignore him. Someone somewhere will DEFINITELY put you in your place if you are arrogant. I’d rather have God's voice softly correct me than to have it publicly done by someone else.


Shane is the co-owner of Chapel Valley Studios. He started playing sessions at age 16 and worked in multiple studios before launching Chapel Valley. He has been producing music for over 25 years, and is well respected among his colleagues and clients alike. Follow TheGospelTruth on Facebook!






Explore Bristol, an energetic destination with outdoor adventures, racing action at Bristol Motor Speedway, and home to the Birthplace of Country Music Museum. 38

Bristol is known as the "Big Bang of Country Music" and is home to the Birthplace of Country Music Museum, which tells the story of Bristol’s musical roots and the 1927 Bristol Sessions, opened in 2014. The 24,000-square foot facility, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, is located in Downtown Bristol. Live music is abundant year-round in Bristol. Now one of the most popular music festivals in the Southeast, the annual Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion began in 2001 and has been a part of BCM since 2012. The festival, held every September, celebrates Bristol’s music heritage as the Birthplace of Country Music. The three-day festival showcases the best in roots music across various genres, including Americana, country, old-time, bluegrass, rock, Piedmont blues, Celtic, and more, with more than 100 live music acts on more than 20 outdoor stages and indoor venues. Bristol is also known to visitors for its many outdoor assets. For some of the most gorgeous scenery in Tennessee and Virginia, an excursion to South Holston Lake and Dam is a must for visitors to the area. The South Fork Holston River is also home to an annual spring migration of white bass, while the Spring Creek embayment on South Holston Reservoir is one of the best-known waterfowl birding sites in East Tennessee. Steele Creek Park, which encompasses more than 2,200 acres, is the third largest municipal park in Tennessee and one of the region’s most popular outdoor attractions. Among the parks, many attributes are a 52-acre lake, 24 miles of walking, biking, and hiking trails, a golf course, and a Nature Center. Anglers generally fish for largemouth and smallmouth bass at Steele Creek, where carp are also abundant. The Last Great Colosseum. The World’s Fastest Half-Mile. The Bristol Bullring. The Colosseum of Crash. Thunder Valley. Those Bristol Motor Speedway nicknames couldn’t be more appropriate. When you first see the iconic race track, which sits in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, it’s impossible not to think of Rome’s legendary Colosseum where gladiators did battle – just as they do today but only with race cars. And each November, the Bristol Motor Speedway and Dragway is transformed into Speedway in Lights, a 4 million holiday light drive-through display with Santa's Village.

Not only does Downtown Bristol offer the best of two states, but it also provides visitors with a slew of experiences that are unique to beautiful Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. Stroll through the vibrant heart of Bristol, and you will find the downtown district teeming with friendly locals who welcome visitors with open arms. The aptly named State Street, which runs directly through downtown, and the famous Bristol Sign, are two of the most popular stops for newcomers. One side of State Street is in Tennessee, while the other is in Virginia, making for one of the most sought-after photos on any visitor’s camera roll: them standing with one foot in Tennessee and the other in Virginia. There’s plenty to do in Bristol – especially if you like to shop, eat, and play. And there’s no other place in the Northeast Tennessee region where you can get so much of all three of those things than The Pinnacle. The multiuse outdoor complex opened in 2014 and encompasses more than 1.3 million square feet of retail, restaurant, and office space, as well as recreational areas. Located just off I-81 at Exit 74B, The Pinnacle is anchored by Bass Pro Shops, Best Buy, and the largest Belk in the region. Over 100 years ago, in 1910, the Bristol Gas and Electric Company wanted to do something for Bristol so they donated an electric sign to the community. Five years later in 1915, the owners of the hardware company asked that the sign, which was extremely heavy, be moved due to possible damage to their building. The Bristol Sign was moved to its current location, rising 25 feet over the line dividing the states of Virginia and Tennessee, on State Street. In 1988 the sign, which boasts approx. 1,330 bulbs, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today the sign is maintained by both Bristol, TN and Bristol, Va and is worth the trip just to capture a photo at this iconic location. It's Bristol Baby! - from the fastest race track to the first recording of country music. Plan your Song Trippin' visit to Bristol, Tennessee - the place you can literally put your feet in two states at the same time.




LEAVING MUSIC Granger Smith revealed he's leaving country music for ministry after the end of his upcoming tour. Smith, 43, shared a video announcing the news to his fans on Tuesday. "This message is so difficult to post," he wrote. "The words for this caption are so hard to find. Not because I don’t believe in the truth of them, but because this marks the end of the longest era in my life! Touring…24 years of it." "This summer will be my last tour," he added. "I am so encouraged and hopeful and excited and joyful about the next chapter, but to a large extent, I have no idea what it will look like. I just want to glorify God the best way that I can. I want to learn and grow and serve my local church and allow my pastors to equip and affirm those next steps. Lord willing, I want to be used to help people find their purpose."



Todd Tilghman, the winner of the 18th season of NBC’s “The Voice,” has added to his collection at the 2023 Absolutely Gospel Music Awards. Tilghman won the award for Positive Country Music Video of the Year for “Home Wasn’t Built In A Day,” as well as Positive Country Male Artist of the Year and Breakthrough Artist of the Year. Tilghman continues an aggressive tour schedule filled with concerts, festival appearances and more.



MALLORY, West Virginia (April 14, 2023) Two-time GRAMMY and 22-time GMA Dove Award-winning artist, Jason Crabb, made a slight detour from his tour on Friday, April 14, 2023, to attend the unveiling of a mural dedicated to showcasing music history at Man Middle School in Mallory, WV. Crabb, who had a tour date in Logan, WV on Friday evening, was humbled to have his contributions recognized and wanted to make a special stop to see the mural and show his appreciation for the honor. The mural was painted by art teacher Dwayne Cook, who learned about Crabb from fellow .teacher, Mary Muncey. During a conversation, Ms. Muncey shared how Crabb’s music had encouraged her; Ms. Muncey is battling Leukemia. The mural features Crabb alongside other iconic music stars, including Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Prince, Kiss, Elvis Presley, Loretta Lynn, Josh Groban, Garth Brooks, and more.


Source - Fox News






Dr. Charles Stanley, the pastor at Atlanta megachurch First Baptist for 51 years and longtime leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, died April 18th at the age of 90. His life motto was “Obey God and leave all the consequences to him.” Stanley also was the founder of In Touch Ministries, a global evangelical broadcasting company, and wrote more than 70 books. According to In Touch Ministries, Stanley’s sermons have been heard in “127 languages around the world. Charles Stanley was born in 1932 in Dry Fork, Virginia, and attended the University of Richmond and later Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Stanley pastored First Baptist Atlanta into his late 80s, starting as an associate minister in 1969, when the church had 5,000 members. When he stepped down in 2020 to shift his primary focus to leading In Touch Ministries and took the title of pastor emeritus, membership had grown to more than 15,000. He is considered America's Pastor standing as the country's longest-serving pastor with a continuous weekly broadcast. A Legacy Celebration Service was held on April 23rd for the late Dr. Charles F. Stanley, the service took place from 6 to 8 p.m. at First Baptist Church Atlanta. Pastors and singers from all over the country participated in his celebration of life. A man of God. A Christian broadcast pioneer. A preacher who prayed with presidents. And a man with an eye for nice ties.

Franklin Graham, the eldest son of Billy Graham and president and CEO of the nonprofit Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was among the speakers. He said he prayed that there would be an army of young pastors who would model themselves after Stanley. The last time Franklin shook Stanley’s hand was at his own father’s funeral in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2018.


ONE THE ROAD READS "If you are (or think you want to be) a Songwriter, do yourself a favor: read it, mark in it, highlight it, keep it handy, and use it as a reference manual. I highly recommend this books and its Author!"-Kenny Angel, Executive Director of Tennessee Songwriter Association International.

"With Hit Happens, Corey is giving songwriters a pattern and the insight to skills he has gathered throughout his professional career. It is a must read for all songwriters." --Regina Roy Carter, President of Tri-Star Entertainment and Management Group "This is a book that I would recommend to not just new songwriters, but to seasoned professionals as well." – Linda Lucchesi, CEO/President, Simply Grand Music, Inc., Sounds of Memphis “Great stuff. Many laugh out loud moments.”-Kimo Forrest, CEO of Ohana Music Group https://www.amazon.com/Hit-HappensBeginners-Nashville-Songwritingebook/dp/B011GGTFKM?ref_=ast_author_dp


Corey Lee Barker has over 500 cuts in various genres such as Country, Christian, Pop/Rock, Reggae, Polka, Comedy, TV and film. After receiving multiple nominations for songwriter of the year by the Tennessee Songwriters Association, Inspirational Country Music Association, and the North America Country Music Association International (winning the latter), Corey decided to write this book to help other songwriters realize their dreams. He has written songs for Daryle Singletary, Cledus T Judd, Rebecca Lynn Howard, TG Sheppard, Johnny Lee, Bill Anderson, Jason Jones (Warner Brothers), Lucas Hoge, Cash Creek, and others. TV placements include SMALLVILLE, THE MESSENGERS, BIRTH OF A LEGEND, ANIMAL PLANET, HBO, and GAC.

THE CROSSOVER The song we sing out loud in the car, include in a memorable event, learn all the lyrics to and celebrate the music and the artist to which it belongs! It starts just like all other music finding a way in our life through feelings. It is the way it makes us feel! It's the song that brings us to a moment of worship or praise without intention from the artist. It is THE CROSSOVER! 'You Belong With Me,' from Taylor Swift's second album, 'Fearless,' was co-written by the songstress and Liz Rose; Swift also aided in the production of the track. It was released in April 2009 as the album's third single. The song speaks from the perspective of a girl wanting a boy to know he deserves better treatment. Crossing over those words to have our Heavenly Father represented by the "girl" and the "boy" being all of His beloved children. We belong with HIM!

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one Who understands you Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me You belong with me Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself Hey, isn't this easy? And you've got a smile That can light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what you doing with a girl like that? She wears high heels I wear sneakers She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one Who understands you Been here all along

Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're 'bout to cry And I know your favorite songs And you tell me 'bout your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me Can't you see that I'm the one Who understands you? Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me? You belong with me

Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Taylor Swift / Liz Rose You Belong With Me lyrics © Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., Sony/atv Tree Publishing, Taylor Swift Music, Orbison Music Llc

So, why can't you see? You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me





“The Chosen,” is a wildly popular television drama that adapts the story of Jesus. The series follows Jesus and his 12 disciples through the three years of Christ’s ministry. Episodes in the first three seasons have been viewed more than 500 million times, according to Angel Studios, the show’s distributor. Season Four filming began in March on the same 900-acre property as Season Three, near Midlothian, Texas, about 30 miles south of Dallas. Season Four will take a deeper dive into the meaning of Following Jesus - the series brings to life the words most of us have heard growing up in church. The words were read, the stories told and often we sang about it..."THE CHOSEN" - shows us! The series profoundly expresses the real men that made up the first twelve disciples. Watching you visually grasp that they received no training, money, food, clothing, etc. from Jesus, just the instruction to "Go." AND THEY WENT! Can you imagine the 'blind faith" required? They did it, they went...their needs were met, the words flowed from their tongues and the message of Jesus was shared. The Chosen shows us that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The command from Jesus is the same for us...GO! It's not about the training, the education, the finances, or our popularity. We only need to be WILLING TO GO, WILLING TO SHARE, WILLING TO LOVE, WILLING TO FOLLOW - all of our needs will be met just as it was for the first twelve! Watch the Chosen, Be Empowered by the Faith of those who First Believed! Then GO with the confidence that being willing is all that is required to both be blessed and to be a blessing!




With the popularity of the social media platform TikTok, we at Power Source Magazine wonder if our Christian artists were engaging. YES! The answer was there are many artists using TikTok to share the Word of God. Check out two that we found, find some for yourself and if you are an artist...get engaged!

"THE BUILDING" - EMILY ANN ROBERTS @emilyann_music Emily Ann brings a smooth church sound, adding in her powerful, emotional voice that pulls you in, even in this short video. This song takes you back to The Building where Jesus found you.

LUKE BOWER @lukebowermusic Luke Bower brings a folk style music to the sharing of God's message. He sings about his testimony, experiencing the unfailing, unconditional Love of Jesus and reminds all that God will never leave you or forsake you.




Mama's PLAYLIST Well Worn Lisa Daggs

When God Made My Mother Riley Roth

No Prayer Like Mamas Jay Allen Hand

To Hold JJ Heller

The Story

Jana Kramer


Anne Wilson

A Letter To My Mama Vince Gill

Somebody’s Hero Jamie O’Neal

What Mamas Are For Matt Stephens

You’re Gonna Be Reba McEntire

Your Mama High Valley

My Little Man

Brittnee Kellogg

My Wish

Rascal Flatts

Roses From God Bruce Hedrick

Watch You Be A Mother Jonny Diaz

God, Your Mama, And Me Florida Georgia Line


Upcoming Events


http://www.chrisgolden.net/ May 18th - Paramount Theater - Abilene, TX May 19th - Waco Hippodrome Theater - Waco, TX May 20th - The Palace Theater - Corsicana, TX June 16th - The Ark Encounter - Williamstown, KY


www.benfullerofficial.com June 3rd - The Restoration Ranch - Tuscumbia, AL June 7th - Sand Bass Festival - Madill, OK June 9th - Resound Fest - Bethany, MO June 10th - Rise Fest - Sheldon, IA

ANNE WILSON www.annewilsonofficial.com

June 11th - CMA Music Fest - Nashville, TN July 24th - Fest & Praise In The Park - Madisonville, KY July 15th - Hillfest - New Ipswich, NH July 23rd - Great Jones County Fair Monticello, IA

BRUCE HEDRICK www.brucehedrickmusic.com

June 1st & 2nd- Midwest Gospel Music Convention - Taylor, MI June 3rd - Heritage Free Will Baptist - Taylor, MI June 14th - Austin Orthodontist Grand Opening - Lincolnton, NC June 30th - D.A.B.A Annual Fireworks Show - Denver, NC July 6th - Christian Country Stage - Walker's Café - Madisonville, TX

June 9th- 10th - REsound Festival - Bethany, MO www.resoundfest.org June 9th - 10th - Risefest Sheldon, IA www.riseministries.com/risefest June 15th - 17th - Spirit Song Festival - Mason, OH www.spiritsongfest.com June 23rd - 24th - Big Ticket Festival - Gaylord, MI www.bigticketfestival.com June 25th - Connect Fest- Brookfield, MA www.fuseconcerts.org 49


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