Power Source Magazine - April 2023

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A Tenfiftyseven Media Magazine April 2023


Artist Spotlight

One Sunday after his move to Nashville in late 2018, Ben Fuller changed the trajectory of his life. A family close with the award-winning singer songwriter invited him to church, that one visit gave Fuller the vision that one day he would sing “that kind of music” for the rest of his life. The path leading to that day was rocky for the Southern Vermont native, growing up on his family’s farm working alongside his father, Ben, passed the time singing to the old traditional country songs. The days on the farm laid the foundation within of hard work needed for the music that took over his life. During his college days, Fuller picked up a guitar and a determined motivation to follow the dream. That motivation was challenged as generations of family hurt caused a young Ben to turn to substances to cover the pain which climaxed with a devasting relationship that showed him the other side of addiction. A pivotal life shift occurred in 2017 after losing his best friend to overdose, Fuller took a hard look and made the hard changes for himself. On that Sunday morning, in that church Ben found his calling and a burning desire to share what God did in his life, turning his testimony into songs. Today, he lives a fully sober life sharing the hope, mercy, and grace of God. He is a walking example of a life forever changed and his music is bringing change with every note. With his debut album, Who I Am, released in 2022, the single “He Found Me” launched on to the Power Source Christian Country Top 40 working up to #1 in March 2023. The lyrics testify about the dedication of God’s Love for each of us and summarize the amazing testimony of Ben Fuller. I didn’t find my way back home…all alone I didn’t change my mind overnight…on my own It wasn’t my plan or my hands that would finally set me free I didn’t find God…no I didn't find God He found me

Congratulations to Ben Fuller – HE FOUND ME #1




Hi there


Happy April and Welcome to the Risen Decision issue of Power Source Magazine. This month we celebrate the Easter Holiday, the time we honor the greatest of all Risen Decisions...when our Heavenly Father God sent Jesus to the cross to die for our sins and Rise from the grave defeating death for us. Don't ya just wanna shout right now...Hallelujah! The cover is full of the beautiful, talented Tia McGraff - a singer songwriter who's story will bless you with the reward that comes when you rise beyond the circumstances to fully embrace your faith in all life matters. Her story will touch you, teach you and most of all empower you to Rise! Within the pages of the Risen Decision issue you will find all the favorites: Songwriter's Cafe, Godly Woman, Cogitatin with Gene, The Gospel Truth, and much more. We would love to have you join us on the first annual Country Fried Cruise this summer, catch the details and book today - Sun, Singing & Saling! Thank you for the support, we are honored and blessed to bring this amazing publication to you monthly. Please let us know your ideas and remember that our greatest hope is that you feel empowered by the Love of God everyday.

Be Empowered,

Cece Owens Mandy Hall

Monica Walker 5

Power Team. Publisher TenFiftySeven Media Group Editor in Chief CeCe Owens Deputy Editor Monica Walker Senior Editor Mandy Hall Contributors Corey Lee Barker, Rebecca Higgins, KristeNicole, Monica Walker, Mandy Hall, CeCe Owens, Gene Reasoner, Shane Roark. Chief Photography Editor Ben Gibson Contributing Photography Cheryl O'Neal, CeCe Owens, Mandy Hall, Monica Walker, & KristeNicole Publishers Note: Content, Logos and Images are the property of or in use with granted rights exclusively to PowerSource, A TenFiftySeven Media Magazine. Use of these creative properties without written approval by Power Source Magazine, LLC. or TenFiftySeven Media, LLC. is strictly prohibited.

SUBSCRIPTIONS www.PowerSourceMagazine.com PowerSource@TenFiftySevenMedia.com The Power Source Magazine is published by TenFiftySevenMedia Group


TIA MCGRAFF Songwriter's Café The Amazing Race Congitatin with Gene POWER SOURCE TOP 40

#GOSPELTRUTH News RAINEE HEROD Rewind/Review Song Trippin in Tennessee





pitching songs. “Called a manager who told me he has no time to take my demo,” shared McGraff, “but something told me to just go to his office anyway.” That was the legendary Jack McFadden’s office that Tia was heading to and through a series of “I Love Lucy” funny happenings, she landed her demo into his hands. “He was getting on a plane, gave the demo to his wife on spectacular, a masterpiece. That is the best way to describe being in the presence the way,” continued Tia, “and eight hours later he called to sign me.” That was the of Tia McGraff. day that she learned to always follow her From the moment of introduction, you are intuition, never give up or hold back and enjoy the journey. keenly aware that this is going to be a special time with an incredibly gifted artist. Let us take a moment to share with all Tia McGraff is a multi-talented, awardreading this to remember back to the part winning singer, songwriter, performer, of the story where Tia is given the author and podcast host from Southern Ontario, Canada. Along with her husband opportunity to perform with Johnny and June – there is a parallel coming to that and co-writer Tommy Parham, she has influence ahead. Along her musical been making impactful and thoughtjourney, McGraff saw herself writing and provoking art for decades. recording with talents like legendary Guess Who/Bachman Turner Overdrive The granddaughter of Transylvanian co-founder, Randy Bachman, Celine Dion immigrants, Tia grew up on the North songsmith Dan Hill, Mark Slaughter and Shore of Lake Erie, Ontario Canada on Andrew Gold. Her passion for charity the golf course built and owned by her shined brightly with a compilation called Mom and Dad, a wonderful childhood full "One Less Tear" with all proceeds going to of love and fun. Inspired by her various cancer foundations. She grandmother to sing, McGraff at age nineteen won the Canadian Open Country performed with artists such as Olivia Newton-John, Donnie & Johnny Van Zant, Singing Contest granting an opportunity Kevin Sharp, and Mark Slaughter. to perform on TV with Johnny Cash and June Carter. The path was set, Tia was Then came the release of her album, on the road to fulfill her dreams and took her strong foundation of faith along for the Jewel’s Café and a planned move to Vancouver. But first a quick trip to ride. Nashville of writing/singing with friends. Tia set up a meeting with a music One aspect of that faith foundation publisher for the coming Monday, she displayed very early on the career path arrived promptly on time forgetting it was while the songwriter was in Nashville Labor Day but was met at the door by


icture yourself within an art gallery, walls aligned with magnificent works of art, imagine yourself embraced by the artist’s attention to details and the feeling that you are witness to something

Tommy Parham, one of their staff writers. They chatted, set up a writing appointment for the next day and it would seem she made the best out of that holiday mishap. However, it would be so much more, you see that was the day Tia McGraff met Tommy Parham – it is the beginning of an epic love story for both music and life. The authentic, traditional music that comes from the combined writing of these two passioned songwriters has been compared to that of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. They are a unit, a team, sharing their love with the world just as those beloved legends of country music. Maybe one could say that the opportunity for that nineteen year old Tia was about much more than music, it looks to have been a glimpse into the life and love that was to come. That planned move to Vancouver was replaced with an actual move to Nashville and marrying the love of her life. What follows is a decade of writing, performing, touring, and recording. At the encouragement of her manager-dad, Tia created her own record label that proved successful when she and Tommy released their first album together “Outside the Circle” on her independent label. Eight studio albums later that is certified gold advice from the beloved father of the multi-talented McGraff. The blessings were flowing, all was going great, Tia was not saying no to anything and reflected on silently exhausting being experienced at that time, then came Covid! Just as the pandemic stopped everything in the world, it is the time of this article we will also pause and heed to Tia McGraff’s writing to Lisa Hentrich’s God and My Girlfriends Blog:

In the Bible, God tells us that children are a gift and a blessing (Psalm 127:3) and have an innocent kind of faith (Matthew 18:3). I remember my dad driving as fast as he could to the hospital, my mom crying, and my tender five-year-old heart aching. Not for myself, not because blood was running down my face. My heart ached because of the pain my parents were feeling…and also for Duke. I recall saying, "Mommy, it's going to be ok." And pleading, "Daddy, please don't hurt Duke. It wasn't his fault. It was mine. I should have petted him too." My adult self finds this bravery at such an early age hard to comprehend, but I believe Jesus taught me, as a little child, the gift of mercy that day. A gift that isn't earned, but instead received. I understood what the dog had done and why he did it, and I was responding with mercy. It is something so essential to our spiritual lives that His Word mentions it 26 times in Psalm 136: "For His mercy endureth forever." I knew in my heart that all Duke wanted was to be shown love, so I instinctively wanted my parents to show him mercy. My plea worked; my dad decided to give our dog a second chance. Days later, when the doctor removed my bandage, the stitches had left an ugly scar down the left side of my face. For my parents, seeing it must have been a painful reminder of that terrifying incident. But for me, it became my badge of courage—a cool story to tell kids at school. I had been in the middle of a dog fight and lived to tell! However, as I grew into a teenager it was a different story. My scar became a painful source of that feeling, that word, that so many teenagers are susceptible to. Rejection. I didn't feel as pretty as my girlfriends. Ashamed, I tried hiding behind it. Makeup helped, but at nineteen when I found my passion for singing and songwriting entering the Canadian music industry, makeup wasn't enough. Hearing photographers and label executives suggest I should get plastic surgery caused me to seriously consider giving up on my dream. But God had a different plan for me. He moved me, scars, and all, to Nashville. Then, one Sunday morning in church service, I heard these words from John 20:27: "Put your finger here, see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve but believe." That's when it hit me What if God had chosen to erase His scars during Christ's resurrection? Would "doubting Thomas" have still believed? It was the primary way Jesus confirmed to His disciples that it was indeed him, in the same body, now risen and transformed; reminders of the beautiful mercy and love our Father has for us. The scars told a story. Perhaps mine could, too. Through this one transforming encounter with His Word, God had shown me so much mercy. Now, I wanted to display my scar boldly .My lyrical writing deepened, my relationships grew, and I started liking myself more. It wasn't long after this when my husband, Tommy, and I decided to adopt a dog from the Cheatham County Animal Hospital. There we met a special Husky/Australian Shepherd that had been abused, abandoned and was one day away from being put down. He had his scars too, and I fell in love with him immediately. We named him Jake. There are times when a story is best told by the one who it is about, especially when they are an accomplished author. We wanted you to hear about this amazing experience from Tia as it gives insight into the best part of her journey that we wanted to share with you.


Up to the moment of the pandemic lock down, Tia, Tommy and Jake were tirelessly touring – Jake, “The Road Dawg” became a star in his own right as he sat onstage many times. The trio would spend 14 years traveling, Jake’s connection with the fans inspired Tia to write a children's book about him. That is how “Jake, The Road Dawg” came to be. The book is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning publication that shares about hope and courage with kids of all ages (us adults too) across the USA, Canada, and UK. An impact that continues past the loss of Jake a few years ago, a timeless legacy. As we experienced at the close of the pandemic, we will end the article pause and bring you back to Tia and Tommy at their home in Canada during the Covid lock down. There was plenty of creativity that flowed in that time, however, it also included anger, grief, and soul searching. Openly, with a raw authenticity, Tia shares about the sudden stop of her music path caused by a pandemic, the overwhelming grief experienced by the debilitating disease diagnosis and death of beloved Jake and the power of really digging deep into your soul in search of yourself. The simple way to share this time would be to say that Tia McGraff hit the reset button on life. What happens as she rises from the reset is a decision that most would not be brave enough to make, she made a RISEN DECISION. Not only would she rise from the pandemic, the losses, and the struggles - she would also rise to the calling God placed on her life. Today, there is intentional prayer for participation in anything that comes their way, and without the presence of peace it is a no thank you. The courage to seek God in all things has opened up not only opportunities but also a freshening to the music, an inspiration that truly exceeds earthy understanding. Tia released “With Love” post pandemic containing seven songs carefully written, selected, and produced to send the message of hope and peace to a world of uncertainty. Released on September 3rd to commemorate the anniversary of Jake’s passing, the album hosts the single, “Go Your Own Way,” which reached the Christian Music Weekly Top 25. “I’m also writing my second “Jake The Road Dawg” book and excited about the endless opportunities to inspire amazing children from around the world with my Songs’n’Tails book reading and song performance events,” shared Tia McGraff.” In fact the talented couple just did a virtual event with 30 beautiful children from her grandmother’s village in Transylvania. Additionally, Tia and Tommy have started a podcast show, “Jake’s Place: Song’n’Tails” sharing music, stories and interviews with other artists and authors. In my mind, the walk to the exit of this imagined art gallery was full of expectation. It is an indescribable moment when honored to visit with an artist of this caliber whose heart is full of God’s love. A fullness that just illuminates from Tia McGraff. This is not just a talented artist, this is woman of strength, passion, determination, intelligence, and courage who is open to all positive opportunities…that is after prayerful consideration. Above all she is a woman who chose to rise to a decision to be of divine intention. To learn more about Tia McGraff visit her online at TiaMcGraff.com



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Godly Woman By KristeNicole

Commitment To Rise

I was listening to an interview the other day by Lainey Wilson. She was talking about being a 9-year-old girl and going on a family vacation to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. On their way home to Louisiana, Lainey begged her daddy just to drive through Nashville, a place she always dreamed about. Her daddy agreed to take that route home. Lainey, in the back seat stared at the Batman building; it was at that moment she knew Nashville was her home, where she was supposed to be. I believe it was in that very moment that Lainey committed to the dream inside her heart, to do whatever it would take to get to where she wanted to be. As music artists and Christ followers we all have a moment, a turning point, a commitment we make in our hearts to rise to the occasion.

The Heavenly Father requires the total commitment of our lives, not just a contribution of what we want to give Him. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Committing our lives to Heavenly Father means Jesus is our sole authority, guiding light, & unerring compass. Just what does a life of total commitment to the Heavenly Father look like?

I’m so glad you asked. #1.) Presenting Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice. Our goal should be to seek holiness and bring honor with our thoughts and actions. #2.) Being Totally Transformed We have been invited to be light amid a very dark world and in doing so our lives should reflect a positive difference that others can’t help but notice. #3.) Discipling Others Our lives are measured by the degree that other’s lives are made better because of us using our gifts in serving, contribution, etc. Walking in faith is not only the formula to committing to our Heavenly Father. It also means that He is committing to us as His children. Believe me when we get serious with God then He will get serious with us. Psalm 37:4 says, “ Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart. No, this doesn’t mean we can fly like a bird; what it does mean is that when we commit to walking with Him, then the Holy Spirit will work in us to connect us with the Heavenly Father in such a way that we want what He wants for us. That’s far more than we could every imagine, dream up, or think is possible. The best and most selfish thing you can do for yourself is to truly commit to a life of saying “yes” to the Heavenly Father in every season of life. Yes, today may look like a different “yes” tomorrow. However, when you commit to giving your small “yes” to Him, he will commit to helping you to rise to even bigger “yes” opportunities. 15



By Rebecca Higgins January 1925, a diphtheria outbreak has struck the community of Nome, Alaska, a village of 1,400 people. Five children have perished. Their only hope for stopping the outbreak is a diphtheria antitoxin serum. However, Nome was completely iced in by the winter weather. No cars, ships, or planes could possibly reach them. A decision was made to try to save them anyway. More people became ill every day despite the carefully observed quarantine. Their only hope lay in the paws and hands of 150 sled dogs and 20 mushers. The route from Neana, Alaska, the location of the serum, to Nome was 674 miles. The temperature was about minus 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds were gusting up to 25 miles an hour resulting in drifts up to 10 feet tall. Part of the route was over the frozen Bering Sea with its shifting ice. The package of the serum weighed 20 pounds. The trip usually took 30 days while the record for travel was 9 days. It was thought that the serum could only withstand 6 days on the trail. The majority of the drivers (mushers) were Athabaskans (native Alaskans). Their population was also very vulnerable to the disease with no natural immunity. The majority of the population of Nome at the time was native to Alaska, only about 300 non-native people lived there.

The race against time started January 27th. The plan was to send teams from Neana and from Nome to meet at the half way point in the town of Nulato. During the run they encountered whiteout conditions, a terrible storm with winds up to 65 miles per hour, and temperatures with the windchill dipped to negative 85. They also dealt with the phenomenon of ice fog. The transfer of the serum actually occurred on the ice of the Norton Sound of the Bering Sea during the storm. On the last leg of the journey visibility was so bad the musher could not see the dogs pulling the sled.

As they approached Nome the high winds tipped the sled with the serum in it over leading the musher to search through the snow with his bare hands to find the precious cargo. The teams made it in 127 ½ hours, just over 5 days. The serum arrived at 5:30 am February 2nd and was ready to be administered by noon. They carried enough serum for 30 people and there were 28 sick at the time. This was enough serum to stop the outbreak. These heroic men and dogs saved the town. Togo and Balto are the two most famous lead sled dogs from the Race of Mercy. Balto is the most well-known, but Togo actually pulled the furthest and for the longest amount of time. Togo is considered to be the greatest sled dog of all time. This has to be considered to be one of the most amazing acts of service to others. The men and dogs suffered hypothermia, frostbite, there was a collision with reindeer, winds so strong that they lifted the dogs off the snow, an overturned sled, and at least 6 dogs perished in this effort. The publicity from this race to save Nome helped to spread the word about the disease and increase vaccination rates in the US, helping to stop the disease. As a side note: The Iditarod Dog race does not commemorate this Race of Mercy but promotes dog sledding and aims to make the trail from Seward to Nome a national landmark. I also recommend this link: https://www.swedishlapland.com/stories/the-great-race-ofmercy/ for short read about Leonhard Seppala and his dog, Togo, two of the heroes of this run.

For more reading there is a book published in 2005, The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic by Gay Salisbury and Laney Salisbury. It is available on Amazon.



In the past, if you were just writing for yourself, there was no need to register your songs until you recorded and released them. At that point you would have wanted to register them with your PRO (BMI, ASCAP, or SESAC.) Why is it so important to register my songs right away in this day and age? I’ll give you 3 reasons: 1 - With the birth of BMI live and similar programs at Ascap and Sesac, you would need to register all your songs, period, in case you or any of the co-writers play live. At BMI, for instance, you would simply go online to bmi.com, click on BMILive, and log in your set list wherever you played that day. You can even catch up a few months later, if it’s difficult to stay on top of it. You, and your co-writers get paid, at least a little bit, depending on the size of the venue for playing your own songs. If you play out a lot, and play your own songs without reporting them, you are missing out on money belonging to you. They aren’t aware you played the songs unless you tell them, so be diligent, for the sake of your collaborators and yourself:) *It’s important to note that the venues you play at are supposed to have licenses to play your music, but some do not. For this reason, I normally suggest kindly asking if they are licensed before you turn in your list. You won’t want to burn any bridges.

Corey Lee Barker


2 - From a TV and Film standpoint, you can not pitch songs to Music Supervisors without the PRO info (writers and publishing). They have to know the song is registered and cleared. Unregistered songs are not eligible to be pitched and will miss out on any and all opportunities available.

3 - Another reason is so that someone can find you if they want to record the song. Let’s say someone found a song on an old cd or email they loved called “I’ll meet you in Hawaii ''. If there was no writer information to be found, and you were the only one who had that title, they could look you up on the song search through BMI.com and find out who wrote/published it, so that they may request a mechanical license from you. This is another reason why I preach original titles by the way. If your song was called “I miss you”, the chances of finding you would be 1 in a million. *On a personal note, I write with recording artists between 4 and 5 hundred times per year, so please don’t make me miss out on my taco money:)




Gary Pratt







Singer Songwriter KALEB WILLIS. The Louisiana Native is bringing his heart of pure gold and country authentic voice to Christian Country Music. Stay Tuned to be Blessed!

Kaleb Willis KALEBWILLIS.COM Contact TenFiftySeven Media mmc@tenfiftysevenmedia.com



TIC TOC GOD'S CLOCK Hunter Logan I'M GOOD Steve Roberson






#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40

Song Title

PRODIGALS Heaven By Then Enter Into Praise I Still Pray Never Til Now God Made A Country Boy Only Jesus Can Do Soul Of The Heartland Broken Things Remember How To Pray Tailgate Church Pew Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed Between Sundays No Present Like The Time Wanted For My Good Living Water Praying In A Deer Stand He Found Me Jesus' Fault The Building Good Morning Mercy If Father Time Had A Daughter Quote The Bible Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There So Help Me God Jesus Changed My Life Jesus Was A Country Boy In This House God Gave Me A Girl Weary Traveler Kindness Running Home Jesus Signed My Pardon Why God Made Small Towns Thank God Home Wasn't Built In A Day Cowboy Constitution Til You Can't Ol' Church Hymn 1.



Artist Name

CHRIS GOLDEN Brantley Gilbert, Blake Shelton Ft. Vince Gill Bruce Hedrick Mickey Guyton Ashley Cooke & Brett Young Zach Ray Daniel Mulkey Ericka Corban Mary James Randy Houser Granger Smith Richard Lynch Steve Bridgmon Jay Allen Blake Helms After Grace Ft. Joel Vaughn Anne Wilson Luke Bryan Ben Fuller Zach Williams & Walker Hayes Emily Ann Roberts Jason Crabb & Dylan Scott Walker Hayes Ben Gallaher Dolly Parton Brantley Gilbert Katy Nicole Glen Templeton Granger Smith Russell Dickerson Scott Mac Brown Six One Five Collective Cochran & Co. Mike Leichner Paige King Johnson Barry Lee White Todd Tilghman Curtis Grimes Cody Johnson Darius Rucker Ft. Chapel Hart

The Power Source Top 40 is compiled by online engagements, playlists, and spins of multiple platforms. Information is collected over a 30 day period with a maximum 100/ minimum 60 songs submitted to the Power Source Panel for final determination of placement on the chart. The panel criteria includes spins, engagements, production, vocals, and message of lyrics. All genres/subgenres of Christian Country/Country Music are includes for charting.


RISE UP PLAYLIST All Hail King Jesus Forever

Living Water Anne Wilson

Meanwhile Back At The Cross Tommy Brandt

His Name Is Jesus Cody Johnson

Ain’t No Grave

Prestonwood Worship

Rise Up CAIN

Unashamed To Say His Name Mike Leichner

Raise A Hallelujah

Bethel Music, Jonathan David

I Surrender

Hillsong Worship


TobyMac Ft. Zach Williams

I’m On Fire

We Are Messenger

Only Jesus

Casting Crowns

Beautiful Hulvey


Michael W. Smith

God, Turn It Around Jon Reddrick


Elevation Worship Ft Chris Brown & Brandon Lake


Sanctus Real

Keep My Eyes Up

Housefire Ft. Ryan Ellis

God We Need You Now (Acoustic) Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis


#ITSGONNABEWORTHIT By Rainee Herod In ministry there are a lot of ups and downs, a lot of highs and lows, feeling completely fulfilled to wondering what the heck are we doing, we’re so unqualified and not so worthy of this great calling. In ministry you have an endless plethora of friends from all over but can really only vent and spill guts to the Lord or your spouse for fear of stumbling someones else’s faith walk with your occasional doubt and endless fears or allowing them to see that you are actually not bullet proof and quite human and truly don’t hold all the answers. We’re walking this out with the Lord just like everyone else but we are most times expected to be near perfect…at all times. In ministry you sometimes wear a mask or uphold that image of “ I’ve Got this,” “Happy, Happy, Happy,” “ Strong, Strong, Strong,” when you have the same exact life experiences, heartaches, health issues, financial issues, and your just plain ole worn out as everyone else. But you just can’t show it So remember to PRAY for your Pastors, Traveling Evangelists, Traveling Christian Musicians or Speakers as they answer this great call to win lost souls to the Kingdom and help heal the Hurting…One Day At A Time…with His Mighty Hand on the Helm. . 29



By Shane Roark

Recently I was in a conversation with my 15 yr. old son who had asked this question; “why are so many people oblivious to facts and logic?” That’s a GREAT question! The answer is not as complicated as people seem to make it. There are absolutes that GOD wrote into the very fiber of all creation such as, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, the sun will rise and set, the moon and stars will fill the night sky and so on. These are immutable facts that cannot be argued with (though some people would even try to argue with it). There are other “FACTS” that are also in place, if you give you will receive, if you argue with a fool you will look like a fool, if you spend your time with idiots you will act like them, if you put GOD first in your life you can have the very desires of your heart, knowledge is the key to everything, if you don’t work then you don’t eat, success is attainable to anyone who is willing to submit themselves to wisdom, EXCELLENCE IS A BIBLICAL COMMAND!! These are just a handful of examples that I don’t have the space to share scripture for, but it's all in there. In today's culture it is now acceptable to promote each individual's concept of what is “FACT”. However, GOD has already established what is “FACT” since before the world was ever even created. No other creature on this planet except humans’ disregard these “FACTS” and replace them with their own understanding. But the “FACT” is, Christ is returning for his church. A people that follows those “FACTS” that were established before our first breath was ever drawn. If we believe the scripture, and we believe his words then we should also believe that he is coming soon! The disregard for fact, truth, logic, and knowledge is getting worse before our very eyes. This is how the enemy (Satan) works. It is his goal to cause people to turn from what is scriptural logic and embrace insanity and cause us to think that ludicrous is the correct way to think. He has used our emotions and fear to promote this. That way of thinking is an absolute insane level of human arrogance. A simple example would be this: “I have a voice and should be heard”, REALLY? Not if you are an idiot with nothing to say. The foundational principle designed by GOD himself is not going to ever allow a total moron who is a wrecking ball to be ‘HEARD”. Christian or not, when someone Now, like I mentioned earlier in this article, if you believe GOD and his words, then we should not disregard another “FACT” that is imminent. Please continue reading for an amazing “FACT” …


#THEGOSPELTRUTH After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his body was laid in a tomb. He had already told his disciples that he would rise from that tomb in 3 days. Obviously, the disciples were awaiting this day. Some doubted, some were anxious. Some were ready. The early morning that followed that third day, they began to go and see for themselves. When Simon Peter arrived after [John], he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered [Jesus’] head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place. Why would John have noted the placement of the burial cloths considering the astonishing fact of the absence of Jesus’ body? And why would he have thought it important to include this detail in his telling of the events of that first Easter Sunday morning? In fact, it was an important detail. According to scholars of ancient Jewish text and practices, the rolling up and placement of this cloth harkened to a Jewish custom of the time. It is related to a common practice used by servants and masters of this era. A servant, after he had prepared the dining table for his master, would stand to the side, out of sight of the master, but attentive to the progression of the meal. He wouldn’t dare to return to the table until the master had finished his meal. When the master was finished, he would rise, clean his fingers, mouth, and beard, and leave the “napkin” crumpled in a ball on the table. The wrinkled, discarded napkin indicated “I have finished. If, however, for whatever reason, the master left the table with the intention of returning, then he would crease the napkin into folds and leave it beside his dishes. This was a message for the servant that he was not to disturb the table, given that the master had indicated: “I am returning.” This, then, is perhaps the reason for John’s attention to the detail of Our Lord’s face cloth. Jesus had told them with his words that the Son of Man would return. That morning, he repeated the promise, with the seemingly inconsequential, but very symbolic, gesture of leaving his face cloth rolled to the side, assuring us that he’d not left for good. Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid. You heard me tell you, “I am going away and I will come back to you.” (John 14:27-28) The “FACT” is, Christ is coming!!! Very soon!!! He will be catching away a church without spot or blemish. Those spots and blemishes are more often than not caused by yielding to emotion and disregarding the “FACTS” established by GOD. These are GOD principles that MUST be adhered to. If you want to get out of here with the rest of us, stop concerning yourself with your feelings, stop listening to the masses, turn away from this world's understanding and focus on GOD and his goals for the time we have left.


Shane is the co-owner of Chapel Valley Studios. He started playing sessions at age 16 and worked in multiple studios before launching Chapel Valley. He has been producing music for over 25 years, and is well respected among his colleagues and clients alike. Follow TheGospelTruth on Facebook! 31

The Story Of The Jelly Beans By Lacy Lynch White White is is for for the the bread bread they they broke broke before before the the sad sad event, event, Black Black is is for for the the dark dark night night in in the the garden garden where where Jesus Jesus went. went. Orange Orange is is for for the the sunrise sunrise on on the the day day of of His His arrest, arrest, Purple Purple for for the the robe robe he he wore– wore– aa “king” “king” they they called called in in jest. jest. Red Red is is for for the the blood blood He He spilled spilled which which was was for for me me and and you, you, Pink Pink is is for for His His mother, mother, whose whose heart heart broke broke into into two. two. The The grass grass outside outside the the tomb tomb was was green green when when Magdalene Magdalene arrived, arrived, And And yellow yellow is is for for her her shock shock to to find find out out Jesus Jesus was was alive!!! alive!!!

National Jelly Bean Day April 22, 2023 32




I’ve been thinking lately about heaven.

Growing up, and even through most of my adult years, heaven was talked about in terms of streets of gold, gates of pearl and walls of jasper. Most of us have a limited vision of heaven consisting of things like floating on a cloud playing a harp of gold shouting holy, holy, holy. Songs have been written about heaven talking about mansions or a cabin in the corner of glory land. The Bible does talk about mansions built for us, but I’ve never read anything about a cabin in some remote corner of heaven. Not a lot has been taught about heaven. Not many details seem to be known. I’ve heard some people say if heaven is just playing harps and laying around on a cloud, they aren’t very interested in doing that. I’ll admit, that does sound boring. Especially if we are doing it for eternity! Somehow, I must believe that heaven will be much more than that. I’m reading a book that has opened my mind and my expectations about heaven to the point that I’m really excited about being there. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in a big hurry to go, but it is intriguing to think about the possibilities and the excitement of what awaits. To say nothing of being reunited with loved ones and friends there. Beyond all that, the best thing will be to finally see the face of Jesus! He will be the focus of heaven. There is an old saying that says, “don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good”! I know what people mean by that but I’m not sure if we can be too heavenly minded. After all, that is our destination as a believer. All our dreams will come true there. Our problems, our sufferings, our sorrows will not exist there! Heaven should be on our mind and should be something we’re constantly reaching for. 34

Some are really concerned about no longer being married to our earthly spouses in heaven. The church, the body of Christ, is the bride of Christ so we’ll be married to Jesus in heaven. That freaks some people out. Maybe if you’ve had a bad marriage here you are looking forward to no longer being married to your spouse! However, if you’ve had a wonderful marriage here you may be confused and concerned about how things will be in heaven.

I don’t understand how all of this will work but I believe one thing. There will be no disappointments in heaven. There will be no unhappiness, no regret, and no longing for things to be the way they were on earth. We cannot imagine how fulfilling heaven will be. God is a God of love and loves us more than we know. He will not take anything away from us. He is a giver, not a taker. That alone tells me we don’t have to worry or fret about the marriage issue or how we will spend the endless ages there. There’s no need to fear being bored or to fear not enjoying our activities there. You ain’t gonna be disappointed! I believe heaven will be busy with exciting activities. With our new bodies we will be able to travel the universes and galaxies. I believe our activities will be a continuation of what we were passionate about here on earth. I love motorcycles. I believe I’ll have the motorcycle of my dreams there! Your mansion will be designed according to your tastes and desires. It will be the home of your dreams! Most of us who read this publication are singers and musicians. I believe we’ll be able to sing like we’ve always wanted to sing, to play our instruments like we’ve always wanted to be able to play. Most importantly, it will bring great glory to God. Everything we do there will bring glory to Jesus and be directed to him.

Most of us have been taught to believe that heaven is off in the distance somewhere in a far distant place. I no longer believe that. In Revelation it talks about a new heaven and a new earth! Heaven is coming back to earth! It started in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were supposed to spread haven all over the earth. However, they sinned, and the curse came and stopped the growth of Eden. God had to lock that place and post angels to guard the gate. When the earth is renewed, whether it’s burned and purified by fire or some other way, the garden will be worldwide and we will live here. We’ll oversee taking care of the garden and things will be as God originally intended! This earth is full of beautiful sights. If you’ve seen the Grand Canyon or the Rocky Mountains or Niagara Falls or any of the wonders of the world, it’s hard to imagine more beauty than that. But when the earth is made new it will be free of the curse for eternity and God’s beauty will be magnified many times over! It will take eternity for us to explore and enjoy its majesty! So where do believers go now when they die? it’s called Paradise. At least that’s what Jesus said. He told the thief on the cross, “today you’ll be with me in paradise.” That’s where our loved ones who’ve gone before us are now. I believe it’s a temporary peaceful place with God, where they rest and enjoy God’s presence. The author of the book I’m reading calls it the Present Heaven. I’m certainly not an authority on this, I’ve just really been motivated to learn as much as I can about heaven and to be excited about it. I highly recommend the book Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. He also has several YouTube videos you can check out. Heaven is something to be excited about. I’m excited. Are you?

Cogitate on this…...

Gene Reasoner


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40 DAYS/40 NIGHTS The Ark Encounter will host 40 Days and 40 Nights of Christian Music, comprising concerts with 150 musical acts from Aug. 1 to Sept. 9. The shows will range from country and bluegrass to southern gospel, inspirational and worship songs - featuring multiple concerts daily from Award Winning Artists like CAIN, Selah, Jason Crabb, Booth Brothers, Hoppers, Triumphant, Cochren & Co, Natalie Layne, The Isaacs, Joe Mullins & Radio Ramblers, Authentic Unlimited, The Inspirations, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Karen Peck & New River, Guy Penrod, Brian Free & Assurance, Emily Ann Roberts, Joseph Habedank, Mo Pitney and many more of your favorites! In addition to over 120 concerts, you’ll also hear inspirational messages from sought-after speakers like Ark Founder Ken Ham, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Dr. Jeff LaBorg, Pastor Javon Ruff, Dennis Swanberg, Tim Lovelace, Pastor Tyler Gaulden and more.


Lionsgate announced that their feel-good Christian movie and surprise box office hit Jesus Revolution has set a home release date. The movie will hit shelves on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital formats in late April. Set in the 70s—a time when the hippie revolution took over America and challenged the older generations’ notion of behavior—the movie tells the story of a pastor who decides to welcome a younger generation into his church. People often forget that Christianity is about opening the door and letting absolutely everyone in.



WACO, Texas (March 30, 2023) – Baylor University announced today that its Dunn Center for Christian Music Studies (CCMS) in the School of Music has been awarded a four-year, $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. as part of its Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative. This award is the second Lilly grant the Dunn Center has received in recent years and will complement the existing project that began in 2019, focusing on youth worship leadership training and resources. The Dunn Center for Christian Music . Studies in the Baylor School of Music provides leadership in all aspects of Christian music. As a preeminent Christian music center, CCMS encourages church musicians to cultivate their God-given potential and endeavor to provide resources for their continued personal development. The School of Music offers two doctoral programs: a Ph.D. in church music, which fosters the highest levels of knowledge and skill in the practice of church music and in research, and a D.M.A. for students who desire to have a strong performance component along with their studies in church music.







Situated just outside of bustling Chattanooga, Cleveland, Tennessee, is the premier destination for anyone looking for breathtaking beauty, heart-pounding adventure and rich history. Home to The Red Back Hymnal , first printed in 1951 by Tennessee Music Printing Company in Cleveland, TN. The Museum Center at Five Points in Cleveland, Tenn. has a permanent exhibit about the hymnal that is part of the Tennessee Music Pathway. 38

Spring is spectacular all around Cleveland, Tennessee. It’s a great time of year to enjoy the weather and beautiful scenery. Take a stroll along the Greenway, take a tour of Lee University, or enjoy a picnic in one of the parks. It’s also a wonderful time to take a self-guided walking tour of the historic downtown. The walking tour guides are available at the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce and at the Museum Center at 5ive Points. The calendar is full of family friendly events like the MainStreet Cruise-In, Lee Day, Chalk the Walk and the very popular Downtown Dine Around. There are several spring festivals including the Ocawassee, BBQ Blues & Bluegrass, Bacon, Sweet Tea & Sunshine, and Fenceposts & Fireflies. When spring is in the air, so is the music! The Lee University School of Music offers concerts to fit everyone’s taste, restaurants with live music and many outdoor concerts in Greenway Park. Feeling like an outdoor adventure? What better way to explore the outdoors than to hit the trails. Cleveland, Bradley County, and the Ocoee Region are full of places to transport you away from the hustle and bustle to experience nature at its best. If a river adventure is what you’re craving, shoot the rapids on America’s only Olympic River, the Ocoee! The 1996 Olympics put the Ocoee River on the map, but whitewater rafting is what makes the Ocoee famous. Just 20 miles east of Cleveland, Tennessee, the Ocoee River is one of America’s most popular whitewater rivers. Feeling like a scenic drive? Ocoee Scenic Byway awaits with its 26-mile route past a lake and through the rock bluffs of the Ocoee River Gorge, with a side trip up Chilhowee Mountain. Ocoee Scenic Byway was the first designated national forest scenic byway in the nation. Vistas from several turnouts are exceptional. If you like history, then you must visit Red Clay State Historic Park, 263-acres of narrow valleys formerly used as cotton and pastureland. The park site was the last seat of Cherokee national government before the 1838 enforcement of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 by the U.S. military, which resulted in most of the Cherokee people in the area being forced to emigrate west. Eleven general councils were held between 1832 and 1837. Red Clay is where the Trail of Tears really began.

From the festivals to adventure to scenic drives, there is something to enjoy for all ages and together all ages can fully embrace Cleveland’s gorgeous, quaint downtown. Beautiful Victorian-era homes mingle with antebellum churches to create an atmosphere that’s the utmost in southern hospitality! A downtown walking tour allows you to personally experience Cleveland’s unique history. Among the historic sites along the tour are Regions Bank, the oldest continuously operating bank building in Tennessee; The Spot, a unique restaurant built prior to 1900; and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, a structure rich in local folklore. Known as “The City with Spirit,” Cleveland is often also called “the buckle of the Bible belt.” From small country chapels to large mega-churches, faith is tightly woven into the fabric of this community. Most significant is the campus of Lee University. A private, Christ-Centered liberal arts university operated by the Church of God. Lee began life as a Bible Training School in 1918. The buildings once owned by Bob Jones include the dormitory and classroom used by Billy Graham while he matriculated in 1936. The University has grown into the largest Christian institution in Tennessee. This community faith fabric is not just found in the buildings, the famous and beloved “Red Back” Church Hymnal is a core thread. The Museum Center at 5ive Points unveiled a new permanent exhibition “The Red Back:” America’s Best-Loved Hymnal. The exhibit explores the local history of the Red Back from its development and first printing in Cleveland to its widespread adoption and continuing influence on Christian music. The printing home of this famous Hymnal is now known as Pathway Press, the Home of Church of God publishing and Tennessee Music and Printing Company, one of the world’s largest producers of shaped-note songbooks and southern gospel music. The press also publishes the music of James D. Vaughn, the father of southern gospel music. The rich history of Cleveland will have you singing your beloved Hymns all the way home and planning your next visit to this East Tennessee place rich in history, beauty, song, and faith! Plan your Song Trippin visit to Cleveland, Tennessee today!





Don’t announce your release until you have a final copy. Carefully set your release date. Stay consistent to your brand. Be organized, make a detailed plan. Reach out to reviewers, magazines, blogs, top fans. Use your Social Media before, during and post release. Plan a Virtual Release Show - YouTube, Facebook Prepare all artwork Prepare lyric videos Complete process for release platform (cdbaby, etc.) Use your resources (fellow artists, TenFiftySeven Media)



THE CROSSOVER The song we sing out loud in the car, include in a memorable event, learn all the lyrics to and celebrate the music and the artist to which it belongs! It starts just like all other music finding a way in our life through feelings. It is the way it makes us feel! It's the song that brings us to a moment of worship or praise without intention from the artist. It is THE CROSSOVER! "Walk On" written by Steve Dean and Lonnie Williams, and recorded by Country music legend Reba McEntire. It was released in March 1990 from her album Sweet Sixteen. The song reached #2 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart in June 1990. Music holds capture of our hearts serving to provide peace, motivation, connection and so much more. The lyrics of "Walk On," connect us to the peace that there is always joy in the morning and motivation to rise up, keep walking on as the storm will pass. Let it serve to remind you to make that Risen Decision daily!

Oh ain't life wonderful When everything is right But sometimes wonderful Can fall apart sometimes When your troubles knock you down Pick yourself up off the ground and Walk on Walk on Nothing ever stays wrong that long Walk on Oh walk on Don't just stand there in the storm Walk toward the light till you find the sun And you'll be better off in the long run And walk on Oh it's a heartache when love comes to an end But even though your heart breaks You know it's gonna mend Keep the faith right through goodbye And don't you ever break your stride Walk on Walk on Nothing ever stays wrong that long Walk on Oh walk on Don't just stand there in the storm Walk toward the light till you find the sun And you'll be better off in the long run And walk on Walk on Walk on Nothing ever stays wrong that long Walk on Oh walk on Don't just stand there in the storm Walk toward the light till you find the sun And you'll be better off in the long run And walk on Walk on Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Ian Gillan / Michael Bradford Walk on Walk On lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd. Oh walk on Walk on Oh walk on


GOD'S PATH SERVICE Back a few years ago, while enjoying a great phone call with a friend as she traveled to Michigan for her son’s college basketball game, I was reminded of the amazing grace of God. As the story goes, she was traveling during a snowstorm in upper Michigan, relying on the car navigation system. The navigation voice spoke through the car speakers, “In one-mile, next exit, take right.” However, as she approached this exit packed with snow, she was not comfortable with the directions, so she said “No” out loud in response and kept driving on the interstate. The voice spoke immediately, “rerouting,” “in five miles take exit to right.” Approaching the next exit, she found the same uncomfortable winter road conditions and again stated, “No” and kept driving. The voice repeated the rerouting process and gave new directions to follow. This happened a few more times before she found an exit that she was comfortable taking to reach their destination. They did reach the destination safely and while it may have taken a little longer being rerouted, they still arrived as planned. It got me thinking about our loving and patient God who reroutes us many times. You see, we receive the directions for the path that God has prepared for us. He travels with us step by step, however, occasionally we don’t feel comfortable with directions, we make changes and we are rerouted not abandoned. Read that one more time…when we get off the path, we are rerouted, not abandoned. God’s grace is amazing it is sufficiency to provide us new directions, new blessings along a new path that came about because we didn’t feel comfortable with the original route. Even more amazing is that we will reach the destination no matter how many reroutes, We Will Get There!

“When we get off the path, we are rerouted, not abandoned. ” It gives a new meaning to “GPS” and for me represents God’s Planning Service. We are blessed to have the guidance and grace from birth. It is powerful to confidently know that God will be with us in the reroute as well. It was the childlike belief that there was another way that my friend used on that interstate, she believed that another route would be available. The same is true for having child-like faith in God’s plan, holding to the faith that we are never forsaken and separated from our loving God. Enjoy the journey to your destiny, take pictures and make memories empowered by the grace that God will reroute when necessary as You are always connected to THE GPS!





When a rock n roll star's life comes crashing down, he must fight his past demons to realize his childhood ambition of becoming a preacher. Rating: PG-13 (Some Violent Content|Drug Use|Mature Thematic Content|Language|Suicide) Genre: Drama, Music Director: Jeffrey A. Smith Producer: Neal Edelstein, Karl Horstmann, Kent Munsey, Dylan New, Jeffrey A. Smith Writer: Jeffrey A. Smith Release Date (Theaters): Mar 10, 2023 Limited Runtime: 1h 49m Distributor: Iconic Events For more information, visit https://www.southerngospel.film/.



I E W V E "THAT'S THE KINDA LOVE" LISA DAGGS “That’s The Kinda Love” - released to radio in March 2023. Written by Lisa Daggs, Ronnie Horton and Corey Lee Barker. It is song one on the “YOU ARE ENOUGH” Album from Award-Winning Artist Lisa Daggs. The upbeat, country sound will engaged you, and have you tapping your feet as you embrace the lyrics…

“"You turned my life around, picked me up, pulled me out Dusted me off and set me straight Showed me that Love don't quit Keeps believing' even when I fall Time and time again Oh, That's the kind of Love I wanna give! “That is the moment you get it…really get it. This is a heart to heart from Lisa to You sharing the Love of God. This is not the average sweet song about God’s Love - this is straight truth that God will follow you no matter what, when or where to love you. “That’s The Kind Love” - We should all want to give!







You have what it takes to live well. It’s all about embracing your inner donkey! Some of us feel like donkeys in a world that celebrates racehorses―the shiny and flashy success stories that make us question our own worth and abilities. But life isn't about competing for gold medals. It’s about understanding your unique strengths and using them to mine all the gold that’s already within you. A delightful blend of short reflections and original illustrations, Rachel Anne Ridge’s The Donkey Principle has a central, timely message: Embracing your inner donkey is the key to overcoming obstacles, creating lasting change, and achieving meaningful success. If you’re looking for an inspiring read, this charming book is for you! Let Rachel provide the motivation you need to keep going through difficult situations, especially if you need a “gentle kick” in the right direction to find the path and work that suits you best.

ON SALE 4-4-23 Rachel Anne Ridge is an author, illustrator, speaker, and creativity coach in Texas. Aided by a stray donkey who arrived on her doorstep and never left, Rachel boot-strapped her art and design business through the Great Recession, all while raising a family and honing her story-telling gift. As an author and speaker, she delights audiences with humor and insight; as a creative coach she helps clients discover their passions, find their creative niches, and launch whole-hearted businesses. Mom to three adult children, and two rescue donkeys. Nana to five. Find her online at rachelanneridge.com.



Upcoming Events

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER - MAY 4th 2nd Annual Gospel Music Festival May 18th - Biblical Times Theater - Pigeon Forge, TN

2023 Run for God JFest 5k May 20th - Chattanooga, TN runforgod.com

Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference May 30th - Black Mountain, NC


www.benfullerofficial.com May 11th - Grace Bible Church- Grand Rapids, Mi May 12th - Hermantown Community Church - Hermantown, MN May 14th - Hayward Wesleyan Church - Hayward, WI

CURTIS GRIMES www.curtisgrimes.com May 3rd - Guitars & Cadillacs - Abilene, TX May 13th - Salado Creek Saloon - Florence, TX May 16th - Railhead Smokehouse - Willow Park, TX

BRUCE HEDRICK www.brucehedrickmusic.com May 26th - Cowboy Stampede Rodeo - Archdale, NC June 1st - Midwest Gospel Music Convention - Taylor, MI June 3rd - Heritage Free Will Baptist - Taylor, MI



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THE SONGWRITERs Corey Lee Barker

The Christian Country Top 40 SongTrippin In Tennessee Music News


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