Power Source Magazine - June 2023

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Legendary Lunch Paratrooper Padre Being Dad


Hi there


June is here with hints of summer! What an exciting time for Christian Country Music as new releases are coming out and WOW - impressive music! Make sure to check out the events page, make plans to be a part of this great summer! Most of all get a look at the Power Source Christian Country Chart! Our historian, Rebecca Higgins brings a remarkable story, Paratrooper Padre, that you don't want to miss. Gene Reasoner not only brings his amazing words again this month, we also are sharing about lunch with this Legend and His Lady. Last month's cover man, Corey Lee Barker, brings you wisdom in Songwriter's Café. Catch up with Chris Golden in the Artist Spotlight, the two-time #1 for Power Source Christian Country Chart. KristeNicole gives the Godly Woman word and has launched a ministry full of connection and empowerment. Thank you for your support. We are honored and blessed to bring this publication to life each month. Please let us know your ideas and may you rise each day empowered by the passion! Happy Father's Day to the Dads, Granddads, Stepdads, and Father Figures! Be Empowered,

Cece Owens Mandy Hall

Monica Walker 3


Artist Spotlight

Born into a rich musical legacy, Chris began his musical career almost as soon as he could walk. "From an early age I was surrounded by music on both sides of the family," recalls Chris, "and it was something that came very natural and easy for me." Chris never took any musical lessons and considers his ability to hear something a few times and then play it a "gift from God." In elementary school, Chris was already learning to play the drums, piano, and guitar. While growing up in Tennessee, Chris spent summers on his grandparents farm in south Alabama, working in the fields and singing in church. During this time he developed an appreciation for family harmonies and a steadfast work ethic. At 15, Chris began playing piano for a group called the Telestials, touring the Southern Gospel circuit. The week he graduated high school, he started touring with brother Rusty in The Boys Band; the group recorded an album for Elektra /Asylum and had a pop hit that stayed on the Billboard Hot 100 for eight weeks. At 19 Chris stepped out from behind the drums and made his lead vocal debut on the hit TV show Hee Haw. In 1995, he began performing with The Oak Ridge Boys playing "whatever's left;" guitar, mandolin, harmonica and filling in on keyboards and drums. From 1997-2014 this multi-talented man, who also has charted songwriter credits, became the Oaks full-time drummer. He has been the voice of Heinz 57 as national radio spokesman "to support my music habit," has played a variety of instruments on a multitude of recordings over the years, produced various projects for clients such as Polygram and EMI Records, and has also enjoyed a brief stint with country-rock legends The Flying Burrito Brothers. In 2000 Chris produced his father William Lee Golden's CD Box Set My Life's Work. In 2020, he once again went back in the studio with father William Lee, his brothers, and three children and longtime friends and recorded 35 songs as William Lee Golden & The Goldens which the first single 'Come & Dine' made it to Number One 3 weeks in a row on the CDX charts. We have hit some of the major highlights of Chris Golden's amazing career to date and he keeps going...a constant in songwriting, producing and performing. Releasing "Prodigal's" was a labor of love, check out our May issue for all the details on this incredible song. Chris is featured for a second month in a row in the Artist Spotlight with a May #1 on the Power Source Christian Country Top 40. Just in case you missed all the buzz...PRODIGALS was #1 APRIL & MAY! CONGRATULATIONS CHRIS GOLDEN - BACK TO BACK CHART TOPPER!!

www. ChrisGolden.net


Power Team. Publisher TenFiftySeven Media Group Editor in Chief CeCe Owens Deputy Editor Monica Walker Senior Editor Mandy Hall Contributors Corey Lee Barker, Rebecca Higgins, KristeNicole, Monica Walker, Mandy Hall, CeCe Owens, Gene Reasoner, Shane Roark. Chief Photography Editor Ben Gibson Contributing Photography Cheryl O'Neal, CeCe Owens, Mandy Hall, Monica Walker, KristeNicole, Shellum Cline, & Greg McDougal Publishers Note: Content, Logos and Images are the property of or in use with granted rights exclusively to PowerSource, A TenFiftySeven Media Magazine. Use of these creative properties without written approval by Power Source Magazine, LLC. or TenFiftySeven Media, LLC. is strictly prohibited.

SUBSCRIPTIONS www.PowerSourceMagazine.com PowerSource@TenFiftySevenMedia.com The Power Source Magazine is published by TenFiftySevenMedia Group



Songwriter's Cafe News Dad Talk with Shellum Cline Rewind/Release Song Trippin in Tennessee 7



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By Rebecca Higgins

The 1998 Steven Spielberg movie Saving Private Ryan packed an emotional punch from the first scenes of the June 6th D-Day landings until the final moments of the movie. It is based on a true story, but not the one many people assumed. Most believed that it was woven around the story of the five Sullivan Brothers who were killed when the light cruiser that all of them were serving on was sunk. The Sullivans were the impetus for the “Sole Surviving Son” policy that would bring home the last member of a family if other members were killed, but they were not the inspiration for the movie. The movie is very loosely based on a small incident in the amazing military career of Chaplain Francis L. Sampson. Father Sampson, who retired from the US Army as a Major General began his career in the 101st Airborne as a First Lieutenant Chaplain in 1942 jumping into France on D-Day. He served in the Korean War and ended his career as Chief of Chaplains during Vietnam in 1971. After retirement he served as the head of the USO. He published two books in the late 1950’s about his time in the Army, Paratrooper Padre and Look Out Below. Father Sampson’s story is worth knowing because he embodies the best of all of the military Chaplains. Lieutenant General Thomas Hickey describes them, particularly the paratrooper chaplains, as “…these remarkable priests of God who leaped behind enemy lines and into the midst of combat with no weapon other than the sword of the spirit, no protection other than the shield of faith.” During WWII, after jumping into Normandy with the 101st , Father Sampson was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions in staying with an aid station that was about to be overrun by the German forces. He was captured and interrogated, but released by a Catholic German and allowed to attended to the wounded American and Germans in the buildings as the fighting continued. The aid station was recaptured by the Americans. After Father Sampson’s second combat jump into Holland, the 101st was sent to Bastogne to plug holes in the lines and stop the German advance in that sector. Father Sampson was again taken prisoner of war. After a forced march of 185 miles in 10 days he and the other POWs were put in box cars, 60 men to a car, and held there for 6 and ½ days with no food or water while enroute to the German POW camp. He was held for four months as a POW in Stalag II A, near Neubrandenburg, Germany. He requested to be allowed to stay with the enlisted men rather than the officers to give the men aid and attention. There were between five to six thousand men being held in the camp. The Russians liberated Stalag II A in late April of 1945 at which time Father Sampson gained his freedom. After Father Sampson’s service in WWII, he went back to civilian life for short while, but returned to the military and served in the Korean War. His third combat jump was into Sunchon, Korea. He served in combat for seven months in Korea before a surgery saw him rotated to Japan. Father Sampson finished his military career in 1971 as the Chief of Military Chaplains. After retirement he served as President of the USO and later as an Assistant to the President of Notre Dame University in charge of the ROTC Department. He passed away in in 1996 at age 83. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:" is the inscription on his tombstone. The incident that inspired Saving Private Ryan involves Father Samson and Private Frederick Niland of the 101st Airborne. Word had been received by Division Headquarters that “Fritz” Niland’s 3 brothers had been killed in action. Robert Niland had died on D-Day jumping in with the 82nd Airborne, Preston Niland was killed a day later near Omaha Beach, and brother Edward was shot down over Burma and presumed dead. Like many of the paratroopers on D-Day, Fritz had become separated from his unit during the drop into Normandy. Father Sampson found Fritz, got him back to the Headquarters and sent home, even though Fritz wished to stay with the 101st . The family’s pain was somewhat mitigated when brother, Edward, was discovered a year later, alive, in a Japanese POW camp in Burma. Steven Spielberg spun from this simple story an unforgettable movie of devotion and strength. More Reading: “Look Out Below” by Francis L Sampson is the expanded version of “Paratrooper Padre” and includes his life after WWII. Understand that the book was written in the late 1950s and uses what were then the polite words for minority soldiers.



Music has always been a part of Jordan Pickett's life, but it wasn't until he was 16 that he wrote his first song. A passion was born and now the twenty something Christian Country Singer Songwriter is taking his stand for God, Family and Good Country Music.

PS: What first got you into music? JORDAN: My family has always been musical, especially my dads side. For example, my Dads Uncle, Donald, would lead our Christmas parties and family gatherings with his guitar, singing songs that we could all sing together. Even my cousin, Paula, has a wonderful singing voice and made a career out of her passion for singing. With this said, music runs in my family and with special occasions and family gatherings, I would be exposed to the joy of it! As for myself, I was in high school so I was taking guitar class and chorus and then playing guitar and singing after school for fun. Later, In 2017, my grandpa, “Paw Paw” Pickett passed away. We were close so this was a very hard time for me. With all the emotion I felt, with all of the memories of us repeatedly playing through my mind, I ended up taking the emotions I felt inside and funneling them into my very first song titled, “I Will Never Forget You”. I then sang this at his funeral the following Saturday. Ever since then, I haven’t stopped writing and singing about things that matter to me and doing it with passion. PS: What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? JORDAN: If it wasn’t for my music career, I would probably be working full time with my dad, mom and my brother. We have a family business, “Silk Hope Transmissions” that my Dad and Grandpa started years ago. Currently, I help out during the summer months when I have time but my music keeps me so busy that it’s rare. Don’t get me wrong, I am so blessed to be able to do what I do and I love my job! However, if it weren’t for my music career, I see myself working on cars with my family. PS: What is your songwriting process? JORDAN: When it comes to writing songs.. for me, there isn’t a "3 step process” or a pattern that I follow every single time I want to pull out a hit. I say this because if it were, then it would be considered a science, and it very well may be considered a science.. but to me, it’s an art. Yes, some people always start with lyrics, a melody, or maybe chord progression, but I usually start with the feeling/ emotion. I ask myself, “what do I want people to feel when they hear this song?” Following that will be chords on the guitar and some humming/ singing in effort to generate the emotion that want to be portrayed with the song. I have found that it can be easy to get carried away in trying to finish the song that the lyrics begin to lose their purpose. In order to keep the emotion and central idea of the song on track, I continuously go back to the same question that I asked myself in the beginning, “what do I want people to feel when they hear this song?” Soon enough, I have a new song and I know that the lyrics mean something. PS: What is life off stage for you? JORDAN: My life off stage is preparing for the next time that I am on it! Some people might have a booking agent, manager, social media marketer, website designer, etc. but for the most part, I do a lot of things myself when it comes to my music. I spend a lot of time during the week behind my computer and on my phone communicating with radio stations, booking shows, coordinating with my band, updating my social media/ website, advertising for the next show, etc. Some days, I take my free time to travel to new venues and shake hands with the owners in hopes of performing for a new crowd. All of these things are what people don’t see that are necessary “off-stage" actions for me to take in order to be on stage again. With all of this said, I can’t say that I have done it all on my own because that would be a lie. My family has always been there for me. One thing that I have noticed about the music industry, is that my family is awesome.. I have found that most musicians don’t receive the same support and encouragement that I do from my family. My Dad has encouraged me from the beginning and helped me get my first gigs; he still sacrifices so much time to travel with me and run my audio while we perform. When I was just getting my start, my Mom helped create my first logo. She spent the time and money to make all kinds of merchandise so that I could make enough money at my show and feel that it was worth it to do it again. With her around today, the band never goes hungry as she always stocks the bus with food and snacks! I have two older brothers, Blake and Austin, and one little sister, Payton. They are sure to make it out to my shows when they can and never fail to let me know how proud they are. Even my grandma’s have my back! My girlfriend is my #1 fan and has never missed a single show. She provides love and care for me 24/7 but not only does she love and support me as a person but she does the same for my music. She has done a great job of providing me with high quality pictures, allowing me to show my fans the fun I have everyday with my music! All in all, it is a team effort where we all pitch in when we can and try to make it to the next show! I truly couldn’t be where I am today without the guidance of the good Lord and the love and support of my family.


PS: What is the best advice you’ve been given? JORDAN: My producer of my earliest songs, Mitch Snow, always had something wise on his mind and I learned to listen when I was around him. I was 17 years old creating my first CD and before each studio session we would sit and talk about our amazing God above. It was funny how I would go into the studio with nothing else on my mind other than me, my song, my lyrics, my voice, my work.. but by the time I had my headphones on, ready to record vocals, all I could think about was how I could use the song to glorify God and use my music to create a positive effect on other people. You see, Mitch didn’t have to say anything directly to me at all to impact the rest of my life, he just had to show me. It makes me think about my appearance in the world and the impression I have on people that I meet. If you think about it, there are so many people in the crowd during a live performance that get to watch me perform but I never get to meet them. How we present ourselves is just as important as who we are. For the people that got to see me from afar but never shook my hand, they are going to be impacted either positively or negatively just based on how they see me behave. We must be able to provide a positive impact on people without having to say anything directly to anyone. Actions speak louder than words, my friends. In the world we live in today, it can be easy to become selfish, especially for artists in the music industry. Almost all of the time the attention and spotlight is on us, but we have to remember that what we are doing isn’t actually about us at all. In the end, it’s about the people in the crowd, it’s about glorifying God, it’s about living your purpose instead of just doing your job. We have to understand that our job as musicians is a service. Most people want to see what they can take for themselves from the world.. I want to see my music bring glory to God, the one who has already given the world something worth taking. PS: What is something your fans don’t know about you? JORDAN: Something that my fans don’t know about me is that before I was a full-time musician, I was a Competition Wakeboarder. Growing up, I always enjoyed being at the lake. You could always catch me fishing, swimming, and trying to learn anything I could ride on the water! I only competed for about a year before I set the board down and picked up a guitar, but I gained some hardware from competing that I still have on the shelves today. I placed 1st and became a State Champion with the South Carolina, INT Amateur Tour, won 1st place in the Big Trick Contest at CoveFest with Inland Boat Company, placed 3rd at the 2018 Stop #3, Fire In The Core Competition in Tega Cay, SC, but most importantly, I was able to travel with my family and really enjoy those days of riding. Today, I save the knee pain and mainly use the lake to catch some bass!! Something random that most folks wouldn’t know about me, except for the drive through guy, is that I love me a McDonald's Frappe... just somethin’ 'bout 'em! PS: What’s next for you? JORDAN: I am incredibly proud to announce that I have teamed up with Rivers & Bridges Studio and, this summer, I will be recording my first ever album to be released for digital download! If you have heard my latest single, “Feels Like a Memory” you may have seen the music video on YouTube with over 16k views! The incredible people who did the work for both of these productions is who I will be working with this summer! Over the years, I have written a whole lot of songs and I can’t tell you how excited I am to share with the world some more of my original music! I encourage you to follow my social media: @Jordanpickettmusic and check out www.jordanpickettmusic.com to stay up to date with everything coming next!!






Ministry Moments KELLY CRABB

Power Source Magazine recently took notice of a series of social media posts by Kelly Crabb that serve to encourage, challenge and empower us all. Words that apply to everyone, encourage all walks of life and serve notice to remind fellow ministries that we all walk by faith not by sight. We are honored to share this with you and encourage all to support this powerful ministry. Not to mention their music is a must not miss a note! Power Source, A Ten Fifty Seven Media Magazine salutes Kelly Crabb and The Bowling Sisters. If you have been awake in the world of Christian Music for the past countless decades, the Crabb name is well known to you. Each member of this legendary family hosts generations of devotion and excellence in music ministry. Kelly Crabb and The Bowling Sisters combine talent, sincerity and experience to ignite your faith. Power Source, A TenFiftySeven Media Magazine Salutes Kelly Crabb! Thank you Kelly for sharing your walk by faith! Ministry isn’t always a sold out crowd, a green room with fabulous snacks, or people standing in line to buy a ticket. It’s that sometimes, and I’m the most thankful person on the planet when it is. I’m not one to throw around the “favor ain’t fair” term a lot. I think social media is so misleading. We post our GOOD days in hopes that life will look perfect. We’re all guilty, including myself. I attended a weekend theology retreat with Lisa Harper this past weekend….prior to heading out to sing. It was so good. One of my pages of notes is about this: He’s the formula for getting through. Lean into Jesus. It’s that simple. Lean into Him. It’s the only thing that will carry us through it all. Views and likes won’t do it. Man’s approval won’t do it. We post our pretty days, our perfect make-up, never the ugly, never the ”I’m so hurt I can’t get up and wash my face” moments. We had a major bus breakdown 2 weeks ago. We’ve had a series of calamities amongst the “Praise Night” crew. I won’t list them all, but they’re serious things. Jab like gut punches. I know my girls are watching us, specifically me…they’re watching me through one storm, into another, into another. They’re watching the hand of God keep us. Up close and personal. They’re riding in a car, not a bus. No way to sleep. No way to be comfortable. Mom & Steve gave us their bus for the weekend, and…..wait for it. It broke down in Olive Branch, KY….night one. New engine. Still broke down. Now this isn’t my bus, it’s the #2 bus on the tour that belongs to Mom & Steve. What did we do? Again. We figured it out. They could’ve brought us a bus from Nashville, but there wasn’t time to make our date. We don’t cancel dates. We were raised to show up no matter what you gotta do. So John rented a U-Haul and a car. We had very little sleep because of the breakdown, but we loaded this crew and went to West Virginia to tell people that life isn’t perfect. And to tell them that there are no favorites. Things break. People walk away ,and life sometimes hands us lemons But God is EXACTLY who He says He is. We got home about 4 am. This crew is wiped out. But we’re safe. We had wonderful services. This thing we do commonly call a “calling” is truly without repentance. I enjoy the BIG things, but as far as I know God didn’t call me to impress, He called me to be faithful. So if you’re like me...having a reflective Monday...with a few aches and pains….a bit of sadness that engines cost $48,000 to purchase and install….let’s encourage each other. We will make it. Remember, the struggle is the blueprint for others. Let’s be the proof……that it’s possible to go through the fire without being consumed. God is for us, so who can be against us? 13

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It is something spectacular when an album is by accident, very rare happening indeed but exactly what takes place to create the latest album from blue collar artist, John Vento. "Even though I had no plans for another album, I came up with a title of 'Brick by Brick," and took one song at a time allowing whatever in a structured method. We released five new tracks over the first year, but by late 2021, I realized we were rushing the process and not giving the material all the love and attention needed to create good music. That's when I got serious and critical with everything we were working on. Now,15 new songs later, ten of which will be featured on the album, we're excited to release it!" said Vento. The irony of the album title is not lost on the artist or anyone fortunate enough to have a conversation with this dynamic musician, singer, songwriter, businessman, husband and father of three. John Vento is the definition of "brick by brick," and he is fully aware of who the brick layer is. Let's talk about some of the bricks of John Vento as it is but a summary of his amazing life story that is still being built. Since 1907 and continuing for generations his family has been in the music business professionally, however, it wasn't until Vento was in his 40's that he got serious about music. His love started previously as John fondly remembers sitting on the front porch as his grandfather played the mandolin. He got into a band around his 20's but feeling less than good behind the mic led him to just stop, deciding it wasn't for him. But years later, a friend called to say he had a band together and wanted John for the lead vocals. John responded with, "why, do you want me to sing, I suck?" The friend replied with life changing words of wisdom, "Well John if you stop trying to be Billy Joel or Bryan Adams and just sing as John Vento, maybe you won't suck as much." The music world certainly is grateful for that conversation. Health caused a sidetrack for the artist about 6 years ago, a cancer diagnosis brought about kidney surgery requiring a respite from the stage of which John did not comply. His return to the stage too fast caused vocal issues that appeared to be an end to his singing. With a blind date set up by his cousin, a brick of unconditional love would be set upon the wall. That date became his love and later his wife who brought a determined faith of "you will get your voice back and you will record a worship song first. " John Vento kept his promise in the song ,"Let God Drive," featured on this album. In talking about his family, John is in awe of his wife's strength and faith, his love for his three grown children is reflected in the soft tone change of his voice as he speaks. He is a proud father. From all the "bricks" of life, John Vento has created a sound of wild but controlled, bold but humble lyrics lined with a storied message while truth of hope, faith and love sneak out. A life that can be summed up by John's answer to one interview question, " I regret the time away from my family that my music career brought in the beginning, too much time away," reflected John, " on the positive I think my music taught my kids to be brave in creating something, take risks and always follow your dreams." Vento is also a successful Pittsburgh businessman who together with well-known Pittsburgh venue owner, Ron Esser, co-founded “Band Together Pittsburgh with a mission to inspire and enrich the lives of those on the autism spectrum, enabling integration with family, friends, and society as a whole. ” We want folks to see how beautiful and talented those on the spectrum really are,” shared John Vento. 'Brick by Brick," is a compelling life story album for John Vento, but there are so many other bricks to his story and together we get to benefit from each layer.

*check out the July Issue of Power Source for a special story about America's pride

and John Vento.





The Cowboy Way

Cowboy Joe was telling his fellow cowboys back on the ranch about his first visit to a big-city church. When I got there, they had me park my old truck in the corral," Joe began. You mean the parking lot," interrupted Charlie, a worldly fellow. I walked up the trail to the door," Joe continued. "The sidewalk to the door," Charlie corrected him. Inside the door, I was met by this dude," Joe went on. That would be the usher," Charlie explained. Well, the usher led me down the chute," Joe said. You mean the aisle," Charlie said. Then, he led me to a stall and told me to sit there," Joe continued. "Pew," Charlie retorted. "Yeah," recalled Joe. "That’s what that pretty lady said when I sat down beside her." Here’s another.

One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just before services were to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were very worn and ragged. In his hand he carried a worn out old hat and an equally worn out bible. The Church he entered was in a very upscale and exclusive part of the city. It was the largest and most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen. The people of the congregation were all dressed with expensive clothes and accessories. As the cowboy took a seat, the others moved away from him. No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They were all appalled at his appearance and did not attempt to hide it. The preacher gave a long sermon about Hellfire and brimstone and a stern lecture on how much money the church needed to do God’s work. As the old cowboy was leaving the church, the preacher approached him and asked the cowboy to do him a favor. "Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask him what He thinks would be appropriate attire for worship." The old cowboy assured the preacher he would. The next Sunday, he showed up for the services wearing the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots, and hat. Once again he was completely shunned and ignored. The preacher approached the man and said, "I thought I asked you to speak to God before you came back to our church." "I did," replied the old cowboy. "If you spoke to God, what did he tell you the proper attire should be for worshiping in here?" asked the preacher. "Well, sir, God told me that He didn’t have a clue what I should wear. He says He’s never been in this church!”


Now let me give you a little cowboy language quiz. - amigo, n.; friend, pard, compadre. - buckaroo, n.; a cowboy - cayuse, (cai·use), n.; TexMex for a horse. - chips, n.; cow or buffalo manure - chuck, n.; meal, food, grub. - cookie duster, n.; moustache. - chaps, leather leg coverings - dogie, (dough·gee), n.; a calf with no mamma - dude, n.; fancy dressin’ city-slicker - gringo, n.; Tex-Mex and cowboy lingo for Caucasian (white) male - hackamore, n.; a halter with reins and no bit - hooks, n.; spurs. - hull, n.; saddle. - lasso, n.; see "rope" and "lariat". - maverick, n.; an unbranded (owner unknown) bull or steer ranging wild. - pard, n.; also, pardner, derived from partner. - ramrod, n.; ranch or trail foreman - vamoose, v.; cowboy lingo for “Let’s go.” - wrangler, n.; used interchangeably with "cowboy". - weaner -- a weaned calf. Amos 1:1 “The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa – what he saw concerning Israel…” Amos was a shepherd under the reigns of Uzziah and Jeroboam II. During that time the people of Israel had experienced peace and prosperity, but there was much social corruption, as in our time. Amos, good man he was. Good shepherd man. Good herdsman. I prefer to think of him as a cowboy preacher.

Amos preached about God’s justice and righteousness. He condemned all people who made themselves powerful or rich at the expense of others. Not much different than today. And his main message to the people of Israel was this: Amos 4:12 “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.” And, of course, everyone needs to prepare to meet God in person. This is a big part of what life is about. We start life with God (even though we don’t realize this), we continue our lives with God (even though many people stubbornly refuse to admit this. He is our sustainer in life). And we end life with Him even though many people deny this.

Life is a preparation to meet God in person! Hebrews 9:27 “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” The people of America and the world need to prepare to meet God. This is why we are called to preach the truth about God and Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one approaches the Father except through Him! I want to consider some things that a cowboy does and apply these to the Christian life. Here is what he does. 1- He rides ‘em 2- He ropes ‘em 3- He brands ‘em 4- He corrals ‘em RIDE ‘EM Someone said, “I had a near death experience that has changed me forever. The other day I went horseback riding. Everything was going fine until the horse started bouncing out of control. I tried with all my might to hang on, but was thrown off. Just when things could not possibly get worse, my foot got caught in the stirrup. When this happened, I fell head first to the ground. My head continued to bounce harder as the horse did not stop or even slow down. Just as I was giving up hope and losing consciousness, the Walmart manager came and unplugged it.” Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples…” Cowboys had to ride a horse to get their work done. They had to “get up and go” to get anything done. “Get up and go” is one of our problems today. Jesus said to “go” into all the world and get something done for Him. ROPE ‘EM Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Cowboys round up cows and rope ‘em. We need to do similarly with people. We need to round ‘em up and rope ‘em. In other words, we need to make disciples out of people. We need to make followers or encourage people to become followers of Christ. Have you made any followers lately? That is, have you roped anyone into believing that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world? Have you convinced anyone that Christ is the way to go in life? Have you even talked to anyone about Christ? THIS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY AS HIS DISCIPLES, HIS FOLLOWERS. We are to encourage others to follow Him just as Andrew found his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus.

Cowboys of old would round up their herd and brand ‘em so that others would know to whom they belonged. Baptism is a part of this branding business. It’s a sign, if nothing else, to God that we belong to Him! It’s a step in the right direction and I would never tell anybody that they didn’t need this kind of branding done. One preacher said these words about baptism: One good way to think of baptism is to consider it a “signing of a contract” between you and God. If you were to buy a house, you would be required to sit down with the sellers of the home and approve a contract. To show your approval, you would be required to sign your name at the bottom of the paper. Your signature wouldn’t buy the house (the money you probably borrowed from the bank did that), but you couldn’t purchase the house until your name was on the dotted line. So also, your baptism doesn’t “buy” your salvation. Christ’s blood does that. But your signature on God’s contract is required. CORRAL ‘EM Matthew 28:20 “Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” After a cowboy has rode hard, roped his livestock, and branded them, then he needs to corral ‘em. He needs to herd them into the corral and keep them there. The corral, however, that I am thinking of is the church. When people come to believe in Jesus and they decide to follow Him, they need to be encouraged to become a part of the church. And they need to be taught, which comes in the church. Some people don’t want to join a local church or fellowship of believers. Why not? One reason is because they will feel responsible to attend that church and support that church in service and in giving. AND THEY SHOULD! Ride ‘em, rope ‘em, brand ‘em, and corral ‘em. That’s our job as people who belong to the Lord. One church in Kansas City has these words as its motto: We will “wake up, sing up, preach up, pray up, pay up, but never give up or let up or back up or shut up until the cause of Christ in this church and in the world is built up.” Cowboys of old were committed to their job of riding herd and taking care of that herd. Likewise, we, as God’s people, God’s herdsmen, have been called to do nothing less than our best to reach people for Christ, to lead them to Him, to baptize them into Him, and to get them in the church and continue teaching them the ways of Christ.

BRAND ‘EM Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Three preachers got together for coffee one day and found all their churches had bat-infestation problems. "I got so mad," said one, "I took a shotgun and fired at them. It made holes in the ceiling, but did nothing to the bats." "I tried trapping them alive," said the second. "Then I drove 50 miles before releasing them, but they beat me back to the church." "I haven’t had any more problems," said the third. "What did you do?" asked the others, amazed. "I simply baptized them and I haven’t seen them since."


MECHANICAL LICENSE EASILY EXPLAINED Quick Q&A for all those ready to record albums and want to make sure they have dotted the I’s and crossed all the T’s on their paperwork. What happens when I record a song without getting a mechanical license? It is illegal to record a (NON- PUBLIC DOMAIN) song without paying for the royalties. Copyright is the “right to copy” owned by the copyright holder of the song (typically the publisher/publishers) If a song has never been recorded before, the publisher not only has the right to choose the minimum prepaid amount, but they have the right to decline your request if they are waiting on a more established artist’s consideration first. If the song has been recorded before, they cannot decline you, unless you are changing the words , but you are still obligated to pay the mechanical license. *Many artists don’t want to record a song that someone else recorded (even if 99.99999% of the world has never heard their version). Thus, if you record a song and don’t pay the songwriters you could essentially kill their song before they ever made 1 penny, which makes them pull their hair out. Don’t ask me how I know:)

How long do I need to wait before a song becomes public domain and a mechanical license is not necessary? Any song written today is public domain 70 years after the last co-writer passes away.

What can I typically expect to pay for a mechanical license? The most common mechanical license is a $120 prepay which covers your first 1,000 pressings or digital sales (any combination of the 2). That’s the statutory rate of 12 cents per copy, up from 9.1 cents as of December of 2022. After you reach that point you simply request another license and keep going. 20

*Please note that some of the larger publishing companies may have a $500 minimum or even higher. Always check before recording, so there aren’t any unwanted surprises.

How do I obtain a mechanical license? Reach out to the publishers of the song and they will either send you one on their behalf or let their Administration company know to send one to you. Many are represented by Harry Fox or another company which will collect on their behalf for a 10% fee or something similar.

If I co-wrote the song do I still need to get a mechanical license from the writer I wrote it with? Of course. That’s probably why they wrote it with you, hoping you would record it:) The good thing is it would be half price because you own half the song. On a 1,000 copy prepay you would just pay $60 for the mechanical license to your co-writers publisher, instead of $120.

Do I owe more to the writers when I play the songs live? No. It’s BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC’s job to monitor live play for the publishers and writers (whichever one they belong to). They will pay accordingly. If you are a performing singer/songwriter you can (and should) report your playlists to your prospective PRO and you will get paid along with the other co-writers for songs you helped create. Most artists don’t do this and they miss out on money. So do their co-writers:(

What if I want to record a classic Christmas song that I hear on the radio every year? Surely those are all public domain by now? Actually, most of your favorites are not public domain, so you still need to get a mechanical license from the publishers. You can easily google public domain Christmas songs and find out which ones are royalty free and which are not. The beauty of writing Christmas songs is that they get recorded over and over either way. That’s why I write at least 125 of them every year. Well, that and it gives me an excuse to drink hot chocolate in June! Have a wonderful June everyone - Christmas Corey *If you are not happy with the songs you have access to, I’m more than happy to send you some. Best of luck to everyone on your journey,

Corey Lee Barker www.coreyleebarker.com



Available Everywhere!







TIC TIC TOC TOC GOD'S GOD'S CLOCK CLOCK Hunter Hunter Logan Logan I'M I'M GOOD GOOD Steve Steve Roberson Roberson









Song Title

Artist Name





No Present Like The Time

Jay Allen


Why God Made Small Towns

Paige King Johnson


Between Sundays

Steve Bridgmon


Living Water

Anne Wilson


The Building

Emily Ann Roberts


Short Fuse

Jordan Davis


Sunday Chapel

Dave Herrera


Jesus Cause I Want To

Forther Brothers 4 Christ


The Best of Us

Corey Farlow


Help Is A Prayer Away

Kellie Longworth


Thank God I Do

Lauren Daigle


God Made Me A Country Boy

Zach Ray


Living Water

James and John


Tell Somebody About Me

Adam Sanders



Chris Golden


Enter Into Praise

Bruce Hedrick


Devil's Been Breathin Down My Back

Danny Joines


Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed

Richard Lynch



Six One Five Collective


Never Till Now

Ashley Cooke & Brett Young


God Gave Me A Girl

Russell Dickerson


What He Didn't Do

Landry Cantrell


All Come Together

John Berry & Friends


Wherever You Are

Olivia Lane


On My Way

Restless Road



Hannah Belle


Faith Like That

Scott Mac Brown


Heavens Open Range

Winston James


Broken Things

Mary James


Good Morning Mercy

Jason Crabb & Dylan Scott


I Still Pray

Mickey Guyton


When Jesus Spoke



Jesus Was A Country Boy

Glen Templeton


Make Me Turn Around

Casey Rivers


Tailgate Church Pew

Grainger Smith


Jesus Signed My Pardon

Mike Leichner


Cowboy Constitution

Curtis Grimes


Only Jesus Can Do

Daniel Mulkey


For My Good

After Grace ft. Joel Vaughn


The Power Source Top 40 is compiled by online engagements, playlists, and spins of multiple platforms. Information is collected over a 30 day period with a maximum 100/ minimum 60 songs submitted to the Power Source Panel for final determination of placement on the chart. The panel criteria includes spins, engagements, production, vocals, and message of lyrics.





Before you cast judgement on me because of the title of this piece, let me at least explain myself. We are all a part of a culture now that is so very concerned with “feelings”. Even when someone does something blatantly stupid, we are supposed to be supportive as to not hurt their “feelings”. This is not what the Bible says. In fact, this is quite the opposite of the Bible. This concept is relatively new and created by people. Often you can trace such concepts back to lazy, unmotivated, happy with average, doing nothing, accomplishing nothing, mooching off others, wave riding, don’t care kind of people. No one who is a doer, or an accomplished of things would EVER want their ‘feelings” spared in exchange for subpar work or potential failure. Only a FOOL would want that. That brings us to the teachings in the Scripture. First let's identify the word “Fool” …. Websters American Dictionary says this: Fool (noun) a silly or stupid person who lacks judgement or sense. So, it's safe to say that a Fool and an Idiot are pretty much the same thing. With that in mind, let's dig in!


The Bible is CLEAR on how to deal with a Fool

perishing, but to us who are being saved it is

(idiot). Psalm 14:1 The idiot says in his heart

the power of God. This tells us that idiots in

“there is no God." This tells us that only an idiot

the world will perish and destroy themselves

would say that. We have the highest number

and then say that Christ and the word of God

of atheists in the world as ever before. And

is stupid. Sound familiar? This is where we are

once again, even America is making sure that

in culture. People look at Christians as if we

these idiots are allowed their voice to protect

are the crazy ones. Matthew 7:26 And

their “feelings”.

everyone who hears these words of mine and

Proverbs 19:3 When a man's folly (acting like

does not do them will be like an idiot who

an idiot) brings his way to ruin, his heart rages

builds his house on the sand.

against the Lord. We’ve all seen this happen.

This is going on all around us. Idiots setting up

Some idiot does something stupid, ruins their

their personal kingdoms and ignoring what

life, then blames God. Once again, we are told

the word tells us. That's like building on the

that we are to coddle these people, counsel

sand with no foundation. When hard times

them, and spend resources making sure they

come, they fall apart. But we are supposed to

feel good about themselves. 1 Cor 1:18 For the

let these people destroy themselves and say

word of the cross is folly to those who are

nothing? We can’t hurt their feelings!!

#THEGOSPELTRUTH Now I know what some of you are saying: 2 Cor 11:19 For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing yourselves are wise. So, this can be a little confusing. It may appear as if we should put up with idiots because we are wise. But this is not what this scripture means. This simply means that we have no choice but to tolerate idiots around us. We do not have license to be hateful to the foolish. This simply means to those of us who are seeking wisdom and excellence, that we have to understand that idiots are everywhere, and we have to be content in the fact that we are not among them. So how do we deal with these people when we have no choice? Well, there is Bible for that too. Proverbs 26:4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will also be like him. This tells us to NOT speak with an idiot based on their opinions or ridiculous concepts. That’s a conversation that will cause us to look like an idiot ourselves. Proverbs 14:7 Leave the presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge. Spend time hanging out with idiots, you will not even know when knowledge and wisdom is being spoken. DO NOT HANG OUT WITH THEM! Proverbs 29:9 If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs and there is NO quiet. This is a BIG BIG warning! This tells us that arguing with an idiot is a "no win" situation. The idiot will just get mad, laugh in your face, and carry on and on until there is literally no shutting them up. There are numerous scriptures in the Bible to direct us on how to deal with idiots in the world. I found nearly 80 such scriptures without even trying that hard. The Bible is FACT, the Bible is truth, and therefore a directive for us to live by. There is no reference to protecting the fragile “feelings” of an idiot! Being a fool is a choice. There is ZERO excuse (as far as I am concerned) for acting like an idiot! Therefore, I have no problem taking a biblical stance with these people. Call me rude if you want, but I will simply walk away. I refuse to be lured into conversation with idiots or even waste my time with them. This also applies to texting with an idiot or having a Facebook argument with an idiot. Do I care for their soul? Absolutely! I try my best to pray for these people. But even God will not always deal with an idiot. The book of Romans tells us that someone can choose that path so long that God eventually gives up on them. Romans 1:18-28 My point here is simple…. Do what the word of God tells us to do. Leave these idiots to themselves. Stop getting stressed out, stop letting them get to you, don’t let them steal your joy. There's nothing you or I or anyone else can do about someone “choosing” to be an idiot. And we have the Bible to back us up if we choose to REFUSE their company and conversation. And when engaging them online, use that BLOCK button. That's what it is there for.

#THEGOSPELTRUTH WITH SHANE ROARK Shane is the co-owner of Chapel Valley Studios. He started playing sessions at age 16 and worked in multiple studios before launching Chapel Valley. He has been producing music for over 25 years, and is well respected among his colleagues and clients alike. Follow TheGospelTruth on Facebook!


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h t i w e s a e l e R ! s t l u s Re

n a i t s i r h C Country Radio

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ANTHEM FOR ALL TIME As the weather gets warmer and I find myself doing more outside activities, I begin to think about my summertime playlist to accommodate the various activities I have planned in the days and weeks ahead. As a songwriter, I begin to think to myself what is it that really makes a good summer song? For me it’s a tempo that can bring both high energy and chill vibes at the same time. Though I have my summertime favorites, it never fails that every summer I always seem to get hooked on that one summer anthem that I just can’t get enough of and can’t help but crank up the tune as soon as I hear the first few melody bars in the song. An anthem is an uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause. The most recognized anthem that comes to mind is The Star-Spangled Banner. As followers of Jesus, we can have a life anthem. When we enter into a relationship with Jesus we make Him our life anthem and gain access to confidence to grab hold of our life situations and also intentionally build our life legacies. Romans 15:13 says “The God of hope fills you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” When we do life and remember Jesus is our life anthem, it can lift us up when we are feeling down or even just having a tough day. Jesus is wonderful to turn to when we start spiraling into our thoughts

By KristeNicole

of doubts, fears, and thinking that does not serve us. Jesus can get us through the hard times and give us direction when we feel lost, hurt or scared. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” When we make Jesus our anthem for all time, it is important that we let Him set the tone for our lives especially as we meet new people or try something new or challenging. Jesus helps us stay connected to our values, boost our confidence, encourage our self-worth meanwhile, helping us feel capable and energized. Make a habit of checking in with Him throughout the day to tap into the benefits that He so graciously wants to give His children. Cody Carnes song “Christ Be Magnified” says Oh! Christ be magnified Let His praise arise Christ be magnified in me Oh! Christ be magnified From the altar of my life Christ be magnified What is your life anthem building into your legacy today? Do you have an anthem of living hope in your soul? As followers we are called to make Jesus known. Jesus brought love and light into our world along with freedom and new perspective so that we might give the lives He’s given us back to Him.





' IN P


Knoxville is one of America’s more dynamically musical cities - remarkable for its part in the development in jazz, blues and rock and roll but critical in the development of what we now call country music. 32

This free, downtown self-guided walking tour explains Knoxville’s ties to Hank Williams, Elvis Presley, Howard Armstrong, Dolly Parton, the Everly Brothers, Roy Acuff, and others. It also highlights the stories of some of the artists featured in Ken Burns 2019 documentary Country Music.

at the Tennessee, singing, dancing, and playing guitar, but also promoting his new romantic comedy, Too Many Girls, which included a climactic scene with the Tennessee Vols. Future Grand Ole Opry star Roy Acuff, who later played a major role in making Nashville “Music City,” gave his firstever performance at the Tennessee in 1932.

Along the Cradle of Country Music Tour you will visit many interesting locations, among them is Knoxville's Old Custom House. Knoxville's first federal building, the Old Custom House originally housed the federal court, post office, and later, Tennessee Valley Authority offices. Now, as the East Tennessee History Center, it houses a museum, a history and genealogy library, an archive, and heritage tourism information. Robert Love "Bob" Taylor was an American politician, writer, and lecturer. Taylor worked in the Custom House and later served as Governor of Tennessee and subsequently served as a U.S. Senator. Taylor is remembered for defeating his older brother, Alfred A. "Alf" Taylor, in the 1886 gubernatorial campaign. The campaign involved storytelling and post politics, the brothers co-wrote and presented the financially successful tour "Yankee Doodle and Dixie."

The Holsten Building was one of the tallest in town when built in 1912 and the home of WROL studios in the late 1940s and 1950s, this building served as the center of a new movement in country music - bluegrass. The legendary duo Flatt and Scruggs used WROL as their home base for radio performances and touring. The Osborne Brothers, Cope Brothers, and other bluegrass pioneers performed regularly at WROL. On December 7, 1941, a disc jockey working at the WROL, was among the first to bring the news of the Pearl Harbor bombing to East Tennessee. The disk jockey, Ernest Jennings Ford, would become one of the most successful country and pop music stars of all time while performing under the name “Tennessee” Ernie Ford. Cas Walker created a variety show known as the Farm and Home Hour to help promote his Knoxville stores. The show initially aired as a radio program and in 1953 adopted a television format that aired until 1983. The show featured artists such as Roy Acuff, Jimmy Martin, Bill Monroe, Carl Smith, Carl Butler, Jim Nabors, and Chet Atkins. The show also helped launch the careers of Dolly Parton, who first performed on the program in 1956 at the age of 10, and the Everly Brothers, who were regulars on the show in the mid-1950s.

Named for President Andrew Johnson, the Andrew Johnson Hotel was Knoxville's premier hotel from the time of its completion through the 1960s.The Andrew Johnson Hotel's top floor was the original site for WNOX's live country music variety show The Midday Merry-GoRound. An early star of the show was a little known fiddler named Roy Acuff. On New Year's Eve, 1952, Hank Williams checked into the hotel for what would be the final hours of his life. Though he was pronounced dead in West Virginia, many believe Williams was dead before his teenaged chauffeur carried him out of this hotel. Playwright Tennessee Williams stayed at the Andrew Johnson for a few days in 1957 when he came to Knoxville to attend his father’s funeral and burial. The magnificent Tennessee Theatre first opened its doors on October 1, 1928 and was hailed as “the South's most beautiful theatre.” In 1940, big-band leader and pop star Glenn Miller stopped at the Tennessee for a live-audience show broadcast nationally on CBS radio. A few months later, young Cuban singer and dancer Desi Arnaz performed four shows

One of the oldest radio stations in the United States, WNOX in Knoxville played a significant role in showcasing major talents in the burgeoning hillbilly–or country–music field from the 1930s through the 1950s. The station went on the air in 1921 as station WNAV, owned by the First Baptist Church of Knoxville. Later owners included the People’s Telephone Company, the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, and the current owners, Dick Broadcasting, which is headquartered in Knoxville. Market Square in downtown Knoxville remains a place of music with festivals and outdoor concert. Back in the day, there was a record store called Bell Sales Music run by Sam Morrison. You could go in, pick out a few 45s and go into a private listening booth. An RCA talent scout hunting for new country talent first heard ELVIS PRESLEY. The unknown up and coming King of Rock n Roll was discovered as that scout sent a copy to his bosses in New York.




H HEERRO OEESS One of the striking things about getting older is that I’m watching many of my heroes pass from this world. I never used to think about that but these days I find myself cogitating much about mortality. It just happened again…George Jones passed away. After a time of mourning and reflecting on his life and the legacy of his timeless music and how it has affected my life, I’ve realized most of my heroes are gone. There’s just not many left. Heroes are amazing because many of them we never meet. However the effect they have on our lives is astounding. I only met George Jones one time so I didn’t really know him. We never got to be friends or develop a relationship of any kind. However, he had a strong influence on me and my music. He was a musical hero to me. I’ve heard some say we shouldn’t have heroes. I don’t get into that argument because I believe it’s something that happens naturally. You can’t stop it. Whatever you love, whatever you like or have passion to do you will find someone who has excelled in that area and will look to them for inspiration. Heroes happen. I’m thankful for heroes. I’m thankful that I was exposed to George Jones’ music many years ago. George you touched my soul…I loved you…you are a hero to me. Your gift was from God. You made my life better. By the way reader, you are probably someone’s hero…maybe I am too. Cogitate on that! Gene Reasoner 35

ARE YOU CONNECTED WITH EACH OTHER? The power root of advertising will always remain as word of mouth! Therefore, promoting each other is the most powerful tool in your ministry toolbox. Collaborative songwriting Sharing dates (gigs, events) Touring or working together Use social media to promote another Suggesting another for a gig that you can't do Encouraging and Praising others at your gigs Communicating with each other PRAYING FOR YOUR FELLOW ARTISTS/MINISTERS Remember that you ALL have the same goal and you are going for ONE even when thousands show up. Jesus didn't walk earth alone, He has those going before Him to announce His arrival and those along with Him. #BeLikeJesus #ReadTheRed #UnityWins


LUNCH WITH A LEGEND & HIS LADY The ringing phone is answered to welcome the invitation to meet at the local Cracker Barrel for a bite to eat with a couple passing through the area. It would not matter if you had a million plans on that day, you change them all for the chance to chat with the legendary Gene Reasoner and his beautiful wife, Viva.

The "He Didn't Throw The Clay Away" singer songwriter wanted to make sure we got to meet his wonderful wife. Viva Reasoner is currently enjoying the fruits of retirement from education that grants the ability to travel with Gene.

The conversation was great, the topics vast from traditional christian country to what is the happenings of today and from his legendary White River days to his monthly feature in this These blessed moments are don't miss publication. Best part was the sharing of his opportunities aligned by the heavens to latest cd of timeless songs, and learning that one continue the legacies of the great men of the covers he sang at his wedding to Viva and and women of Christian Country Music that is why it is on this album. and Ministry. It was a lunch with two lifetime lovebirds who within each of their careers have built unforgettable legacies. It was Lunch with a Legend and His Lady and we are forever blessed.





"BRICK BY BRICK" - JOE VENTO From Steel City to Soulful Sounds: John Vento's "Brick by Brick" is the Blue Collar Album We've Been Waiting For ! The Pittsburgh-based singer-songwriter is releasing his first new album of new material since 2018.

”FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PITTSBURGH, PA – May 15, 2023 Blue collar music veteran, John Vento has announced the release of his highly anticipated album, "Brick By Brick," on May 19th, 2023. The album has been in the making for three years and is a true testament to Vento's passion and dedication to his craft. Produced by Vento and fellow Pittsburgh music stalwart, David Granati,"Brick By Brick" is a rock and roots-inspired album that captures the essence of Vento's musical journey. The album is an ode to his blue -collar background and the struggles and triumphs that shaped his life. With his signature gritty vocals, Vento takes listeners on a reflective journey through americana, telling the tales of the working man. The album features all-newly recorded and mastered versions of several of Vento’s chart-topping singles, as well as previously unreleased material. You can find John Vento’s music on Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify, and Amazon Music.





When a wealthy businessman learns of his daughter's sudden engagement to a missionary, he embarks on a quest to keep her closer to home. But when his efforts go awry, he must reconsider what it means to be a strong father. Steve Parston is a family man. Everything he’s ever done has been for his three daughters so that they could live in the best house, drive the best cars, attend the best business schools and someday, hopefully, have the weddings of their dreams. So, when eldest daughter Abby informs good-ole dad that she’s found the man of her dreams, he should be thrilled, right? Wrong. Inspired by the book of the same title by Dr. Meg Meeker, Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters demonstrates the importance of father-daughter relationships and the importance of God within those relationships. Those messages, combined with virtually zero negative content, makes PureFlix’s first foray into producing its own original feature film an outstanding success.



My kids are my world. I have two biological kids and one “bonus Munchkin" but all three are mine

Dad Talk with Shellem Cline Shellem Cline is a nationally recognized Christian Country/Positive Message artist who has performed on the professional level since 2012. Cline stated in a press conference that "I feel that I need to use the talent that God has given me to reach a world that most people today forget about, a world that needs good news and encouragement. Behind the scenes, Shellem Cline is a devoted father with a smile bigger than his face when talking about his "Daddy" role of life. We got the chance to chat with him and are excited to share with you in celebration of Father's Day! How old were you when you first realized you wanted to be a music artist? I started singing when I was a kid so I would say the bug really got me about 14. I have been full time for 7 years now. What are a few highlights of your career/ministry so far? Seeing over 100 people come to know Jesus as their savior and Being able to work with folks like Aaron Tippin and helping other artist achieve their dreams in the music Becoming a Father - describe what that means to you? My kids are my world. I have two biological kids and one “bonus Munchkin” but all three are mine. It is my desire to show them that doing your best means you succeed. They all love to sing and when they go to bed, I have to do the lullabies and just to see the smile on their faces when they get to talk about their daddy are memories that I will never forget! Choosing one word, or two - describe your children? Milly - Artist Lena - Little Dolly Ella - Teenager Have your children effected the music you make &/or listen to? I have written several songs for these girls and they for sure are musical. At every event, I have a picture of them with me either in my pocket or somewhere on stage to remind me that they are watching and that I have to be the best I can be so I can teach them to always give their best no matter what! Do you think being a father or an artist has a greater impact on your community? A Father! Yes, people see me and I can encourage folks but honestly I get more compliments on the videos of me and the girls on Facebook. What do your children think of your music? They know every word. When they are in the audience, they are singing along. Even going down the road they ask to listen to daddy’s songs and they are singing to the top of their lungs. Would you rather see your child eventually become an artist or parent? Honestly either, they will all be strong independent women, because my wife Megan is showing then how to do just that, but no matter what occupation they choose I want them to never give up and do what they love just like I get to do everyday. Tell us about what is coming for you? We have a couple huge tours coming in 2024, a new album and who knows what else. I can say that we are going to have a lot of fun though and you never know who may “stop by” in a show or event!





NEW MUSIC Chart-topping bluegrass Gospel leaders Chosen Road return June 23 with the muchanticipated new full-length set It Never Gets Old. Hallmarked by the band’s signature blend of traditional Appalachian instrumentation and tight harmonies atop fresh originals and updated arrangements of familiar favorites, the Thoroughbred Records release was produced by group members Zachary Alvis, Tyler Robertson and Jonathan Buckner. Steeped in tradition with a nod to the future, It Never Gets Old showcases 13 songs, including the most newly-penned tracks the band has featured on a project to date.



Singer Songwriter Greg McDougal brings you music to empower your faith. The name of his ministry...The Work of a Carpenter is more than just a reference, it is one of the many talents of this amazing man of God. Recently, Greg took his carpentry talents to the aid of a wonderful couple in great need of home repairs. "This house is, in every sense of the phrase, a homestead built house. Meaning the homeowner did not know exactly how to build a house but he and his wife climbed in and got er done. I love that kind of self starting determination. Framing not quite level or square which means I had to improvise on the install of the new door. A little caulk and paint and it’ll look like a new penny.



Christian singer Megan Danielle of Georgia came in second place for season 21 of the popular singing competition television program "American Idol." Throughout the season, Danielle shared her faith in Jesus Christ. She performed Lauren Daigle’s “You Say” for her audition, during which Daigle joined her to sing a duet. Danielle continued singing faith-based songs throughout the competition. On Sunday’s finale, she performed “God Whispered Your Name” by Keith Urban and her original song, “Dream Girl.” “I’m still trying to wrap my head around making [it] into the finale. . … Thank you, Jesus, for these incredible opportunities! My heart is full!” Danielle wrote on Instagram ahead of the finale. Danielle, a waitress who's hoping to launch her musical career, describes herself online as “a Christian Singer/Songwriter just trying to share the love of Jesus!”

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THE CROSSOVER The song we sing out loud in the car, include in a memorable event, learn all the lyrics to and celebrate the music and the artist to which it belongs! It starts just like all other music finding a way in our life through feelings. It is the way it makes us feel! It's the song that brings us to a moment of worship or praise without intention from the artist. It is THE CROSSOVER! "Love Without End, Amen" is a song written by Aaron Barker, and recorded by American country music singer George Strait. It was released in April 1990 as the lead-off single from the album Livin' It Up and became Strait's biggest hit ever. The song speaks about the unconditional love of a Father. For some that unconditional love is not found in the earthly representations of fathers, BUT is never failing from our Heavenly Father. This great country hit is one of the best crossovers to let the world know that God, the Father loves you always, forever and regardless of anything...YOU ARE LOVED!

Love Without End, Amen I got sent home from school one day with a shiner on my eye Fightin' was against the rules and it didn't matter why When dad got home I told that story just like I'd rehearsed Then stood there on those tremblin' knees and waitin' for the worst And he said Let me tell you a secret about a father's love A secret that my daddy said was just between us He said daddies don't just love their children every now and then It's a love without end, amen It's a love without end, amen When I became a father in the spring of '81 There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end I took my daddy's secret and I passed it on to him I said Let me tell you a secret about a father's love A secret that my daddy said was just between us I said daddies don't just love their children every now and then It's a love without end, amen It's a love without end, amen Last night, I dreamed I'd died and stood outside those pearly gates When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in And then somewhere from the other side, I heard these words again And they said Let me tell you a secret about a father's love A secret that my daddy said was just between us You see daddies don't just love their children every now and then It's a love without end, amen It's a love without end, amen

Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Aaron Gayle Barker Love Without End, Amen lyrics © Reservoir Media Management Inc



In an issue devoted to the Cowboy Church - it is only fitting to include Native Americans. The gospel of Jesus has not always been perceived as good news for Native Americans.

The history of North America is marred by atrocities committed against Native peoples. Indigenous cultures were erased in the name of Christianity. As a result, to this day few Native Americans are followers of Jesus. However, despite the far-reaching effects of colonialism, some Natives have forged culturally authentic ways to follow the way of Jesus. In his final work, Richard Twiss provides a contextualized Indigenous expression of the Christian faith among the Native communities of North America. He surveys the painful, complicated history of Christian missions among Indigenous peoples and chronicles more hopeful visions of culturally contextual Native Christian faith. For Twiss, contextualization is not merely a formula or evangelistic strategy, but rather a relational process of theological and cultural reflection within a local community. Native leaders reframe the gospel narrative in light of post-colonization, reincorporating traditional practices and rituals while critiquing and correcting the assumptions of American Christian mythologies. Twiss gives voice to the stories of Native followers of Jesus, with perspectives on theology and spirituality plus concrete models for intercultural ministry. Richard Twiss (b. June 11, 1954 – d. February 9, 2013) was a Native American educator, author and theologian. He was a member of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate from the Rosebud Lakota Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. He was the Co-Founder and President of Wiconi International (Wee-choe'-nee is Lakota for "life") Twiss became a Christian minister, author, and public speaker. His vision was, "Serve as a bridge builder and consultant, nationally and internationally, to develop understanding, respect and mutual appreciation for one another, especially among Native American/First Nations people." Twiss, received an earned doctorate from Asbury Theology Seminary in inter-cultural studies (cultural anthropology, primal and folk religions and the history of Christian mission. https://www.amazon.com/Rescuing-Gospel-Cowboys-AmericanExpression/dp/0830844236/ref=asc_df_0830844236?tag=bingshoppinga20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80333123589248&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&h vlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583932699756630&psc=1




DADDY's PLAYLIST Through The Eyes Of My Father Brianna Hayes

Your Son

Chris Golden

When God Made You My Father Riley Roth I Love You My Child DJ Zeal Grandpa 'Tell Me Bout' The Good Ole Days Dave Fenley

Daddy's Hands Holly Dunn

My Wish

Rascall Flatts

Butterfly Kisses Bob Carlisle

In The Garden Brad Paisley

Good Good Father Chris Tomlin

How Deep The Father's Love For Us Selah

Father Will You Hold My Hand We Are Messengers


Upcoming Events


http://www.chrisgolden.net/ 7/1 - Landmark Church - Cincinnati. OH 7/2 - Stricker’s Grove - Hamilton, OH 7/4 - Hayneville Baptist Church - Gordonville, AL 7/7 - Jim Oliver’s Steakhouse - Monteagle, TN 7/1- Franklin Theatre with William Lee Golden & The Goldens - Montgomery, AL

EMILY ANN ROBERTS www.emilyannroberts.com 7/29 - Eddie's Attic - Decatur, GA 8/4 & 8/9 - Ark Encounter - Williamstown, KY

ANNE WILSON www.annewilsonofficial.com

7/15@HillFestNewIpswich,NH 7/23 - Great Jones County Fair - Monticello. IA 7/24 - Special guest for We The Kingdom - Kettering, OH 7/25 - Six Flags Darien - Lake Darien Center, NY

BRUCE HEDRICK www.brucehedrickmusic.com

7/6 - Christian Church Stage - Walkers Cafe - Madisonville, TX 7/13 - Mabank Cafe - Mabank, TX 7/14 - First Baptist Normange - Normange, TX 7/15 - Rockin Country Church - Kemp, TX 7/22 - Antioch Baptist Church - Tyler, TX

Lifest www.lifest.com July 6 - 9, 2023 Oshkosh, Wisconsin Light The Way www.christianfestivalassociation.com July7 - 8,2023 Springfield, MO HillFest www.hillfestevents.com July15,2023 NewIpswich, NH Hills Alive www.hillsalive.com July15 - 16,2023 Rapid City, SD Kingdom Bound www.kingdombound.org July 24-26,2023 Buffalo, NY



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June 1776, George Washington commissioned Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress, to create a flag for the new nation in anticipation of a declaration of its independence. On May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14th.

Let's Celebrate in Song!

FLAG DAY Ragged Old Flag - Johnny Cash

This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag - Charlie Daniels

You're A Grand Ole Flag - CeCe Winans Color Me America - Dolly Parton Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue - Toby Keith

American Flag on the Moon- Brad Paisley American Flag - Brett Lowry & The Drifters Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly- Aaron Tippin

The Pledge Of Allegiance - Ray Stevens God Bless The U.S.A. - Lee Greenwood

Betsy Ross - Brad and Diana Proud Of The American Flag - The Issacs

Dear Old Flag - Vince GIll A Folded Flag - Joe Mullins & The Radio Ramblers The Star Spangled Banner - Whitney Houston





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