1 minute read

Parting Message

from PL Parcel Editorial Team 2022

The PL Parcel was a ground-up initiative by several Secondary 4 students in 2022, out of interest to engage more people with the beauty of writing. As a team, we would like to sincerely thank those who contributed to the magazine, be it as a reader or team member. We hope many PL-Lites gained more knowledge and joy from reading our publishes, and that it was A READ WORTH YOUR TIME.


Behind The Parcel! (BTP)

For those aspiring PL-Lites who are interested in building up your own projects or activities in school, go for it! All it takes to kickstart your own initiative is an idea, a team and a courageous mindset. We believe in you! DARE to breathe life in to your work and passion. The first step is always the hardest :)

(Peep Myu)

The beginning stages of PL Parcel! Step 1: Pick a logo.

Once again, thank you all for the TREMENDOUS support!

Step 3: Write, Design, Publish!

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