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Disney's Legacy

It's hard to imagine a world without the magic of Disney. And now, with the introduction of Disney+, you can have access to all of your favourite shows, as well as exclusive content, all in one place. So it goes. Disney continues to be a household name, and new shows and movies are continually being released. While some may argue that the classic movies outdo the modern tales, there is no doubt that Disney is still as popular as ever. Disney's legacy of magic and imagination continues to captivate audiences, leaving an unforgettable mark on the world of entertainment.

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt Disney https://d23.com/disney-history/#timeline https://en wikipedia org/wiki/Disney%2B https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disneyland


Written by: Felicia Low (3.1), Chloe Peh (2.4)

Designed by: Aaresha Gill (1.7), Pooja Palanikumar (1.8)

Musicals, or musical theatre, are theatre performances which tell a story using songs and dance in addition to dialogue and acting. Music, movement and speech work together in harmony to effectively tell its story and allow the audience to connect with the show’s message. Although musicals may be improvised or scripted, most are thoroughly planned out from start to finish and rehearsed numerous times before they are performed in front of public. In this way, musical theatre requires a large production crew that consists not only of actors and directors but also dramaturges, stage crew, set designers, wardrobe designers and more, working together to get a show on stage.

The term “musicals” is typically used to refer to musical plays such as Broadway shows which are performed on stage. However, they also encompass any form of theatre production which involves the use of song and dance. As such, musicals also include films, television and movies which make use of song and dance to forward and support their plot. That said, just because many Disney movies are considered musicals does not mean that the target audience of all musicals are children and youth.

Musicals are performances interweaving song, dance and storytelling into a cohesive act. Singapore’s place as a melting pot of different cultures extends to our musical theatre scene and musicals in Singapore range from touring productions of overseas shows to those Singaporean produced and performed. There is no shortage of musicals in Singapore; film and movie musicals are constantly on air and musical plays are regularly performed live in a multitude of theatre venues. Have musicals piqued your interest yet? Make sure to check out some of the past and upcoming shows when you find the time to support the many creatives both local and outside Singapore!


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