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ban affect

Furthermore, businesses on TikTok use the app to promote their brand to their audience. This new marketing strategy is very important as through TikTok’s FYP (For You Page), users of the app are able to view content from recommended businesses. Without the support from fans both locally and abroad businesses would not be able to thrive as they are now. Businesses require the support of fans abroad to sustain a healthy business.



The fate of TikTok in the United States is still unknown. However, the ban of TikTok in the US will bring about a large change to people all around the globe, including us Singaporeans. However, in light of this, we all have to learn to adapt to our changing environment, and we can surely learn and grow from this new uncertain situation as a whole.


As Congress weighs ban, CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew will appear for a hearing, Ken Tran, 16 3 2023 https://www usatoday com/story/news/politics/2023/03/16/tiktok-ceo-congresstestify-china/11484909002/

TikTok hearing: CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before US Congress amid looming ban –as it happened, Kari Paul and Johana Bhuiyan, 23 3 2023 https://www theguardian com/technology/live/2023/mar/23/tiktok-ceo-hearingban-congress-live- updates#: :text=The%20first%20appearance%20in%20Congress,protections%20for% 20its%20youngest%20users

Shou Zi Chew: Who is the TikTok CEO?, BBC News Nicholas Yong, 22 3 2023 https://www bbc com/news/world-asia-65022596

Project Texas: The Details of TikTok’s Plan to Remain Operational in the United States, Matt Yong, Samm Sacks, 26 1 2023 https://www lawfareblog com/project-texas-details-tiktoks-plan-remainoperational-united-states

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