1 minute read


Written by: Ow Yong Yu An (1.3), Naomi Zoe Ng (1.4)

Designed by Pooja


Palanikumar(1.8), Teo Wen Qi (1.4)

When and how much should we sleep?

2. What happens when we sleep, and why is sleep so important?

Have you ever been interested to find out what happens when we sleep? One of the most important functions of our brain that takes place when we are asleep is storing and strengthening new information formed throughout our day.

Some of us may have the habit of cramming numerous subject chapters or facts all at once before the exam, usually at night. This would not be effective as the more time we spend cramming, the less time we would have to sleep. During this period of sleep, our brains would have significantly less time to store and strengthen the new information we have just formed. As a result, we may wake up the next morning not remembering much of what we had studied the previous night.

3. How do we make our own sleep schedule?

As daunting as it may seem, planning out our own sleep schedule is not as complicated as we think it is. A sleep schedule is simply when you go to bed and when you wake up every day. Like mentioned earlier, having 8-10 hours of sleep is ideal for must. While maintaining this time, we can shift around the time when we go to bed and when we wake up every morning to fit our own needs. The most important part is having a consistent sleep schedule, which means following our schedule even through the weekends. Although this may be hard at first, we can set small goals to help achieve our own target and work towards them at our own pace.

4. Conclusion

We hope that you have learnt more about sleep schedules and sleep from this article. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that every person is different, so we will all have our own sleep schedules. We should remember that the main point is to make one that suits you, and your own unique needs.


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