1 minute read

Global Scholars Programme

Finally, the Global Scholars Programme is another noteworthy interest group in PL. Through this programme, students get the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and develop their skills in areas such as critical thinking, communication, and problemsolving. For instance, in the programme, students learn about a wide range of topics, including sustainable food management and Singapore's '30 by 30' goal. A student from Secondary 2 shared her experience and said that she found the programme both interesting and useful. She mentioned that prior to joining the programme, she had little knowledge about where Singapore's food came from and that the programme allowed her to learn more about the country's food sources and dependencies on other countries. She continued, recalling an event when the students in PL communicated with students from Taiwan through Zoom. Overall, the Global Scholars Programme provides a platform for students to enhance their knowledge and skills in various fields while also fostering a deeper understanding of s.



While interest groups may seem like just another extracurricular activity, they are much more than that. They provide students with a space to explore their passions and develop new skills, while also promoting a sense of community and belonging. Interest groups can help to shape the social and academic experiences of secondary school students, and should be encouraged and supported by schools. As we move forward, it is important to recognise the value of interest groups and work to ensure that all students have access to these opportunities.

Special thanks to Ang Sze Zin (2.1), Chloe Chan (2.3), Claire Chong (2 4) and Sophie Tay (2.4) for the interv responses!

Written by: Janelle Ang (2.1), Charaine Neo (2.2)

Designed by: Aareesha Gill (1.7)

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