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Written by: Janelle Ang (2.1), Charaine Neo (2.2) Designed by: Adele Wang (3.6), Teo Wen Qi (1.4)



School is not only a place for learning academic subjects, but also a hub for various extracurricular activities and interest groups. These groups bring together students who share common interests and provide opportunities for them to explore and develop their passions. From Robotics to International Chess, there are countless interest groups in schools that cater to a wide range of interests and hobbies.

ACE Math and Science

In PL, students have the opportunity to participate in various interest groups, one of which is ACE. During their first year, ACE students explore both the Math and Science aspects of the programme, and in their second year, they choose to continue in either the Math or Science track. In ACE Science, students focus on conducting research to help promote sustainability in Singapore. Through the programme, they gain practical experience by conducting scientific experiments, collecting and analysing data, and reading research papers. We spoke with a Secondary 2 student in ACE Science, who described the programme as "essentially very fun."

In ACE Math, their students are tasked with writing a mathematics essay on a topic related to any aspect of their lives that can be connected to maths. This involves discussing mathematical concepts, theories, or applications in a written form. To prepare for this, Secondary 2 students took part in game analysis in Term 1, where they used mathematics strategies to win the game. Although this may seem daunting, students worked in groups and engaged in peer discussions to facilitate their understanding.


Another popular interest group in PL is Robotics. In Robotics, students conduct research on various topics like climate, transportation, entertainment, healthcare and many others, then present their findings. The group also participates in competitions such as the recent Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition, in which one group in our school attained the "Best Presentation Award." Other than that, they also attend hands-on workshops like the Raspberry Pi Workshop in 2022 during the March holidays, which was described by a student ble".

Chess Club

One more interest group in PL is the International Chess, also known as the PL Chess Club. Students in this club participate in chess competitions and learn new strategies and techniques to enhance their gameplay. Despite chess being a challenging game, members of the Chess Club work together appreciating the game and improving their skills. This club not only allows students to engage in their passion for chess but also provides an opportunity to make new friends and forge strong bonds with fellow members. Moreover, the Chess Club is open to beginners who are interested in learning how to play chess, making it a great platform to start picking the game up. All in all, joining the PL Chess Club is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills while indulging in their love for chess with like minded peers.

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