Pertapis E-Newsletter April - June 2017

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5, 7, 19, 21 June Malay Literary & Melody Module The Rising Star Project introduced the new ‘Malay Literary & Melody’ Module for the 2017 season. This module allows the students to appreciate and interpret poems and lyrics written in Malay. They also learnt to write their stories in the form of a poem or song lyrics. The written works are enhanced with melodies and music to deliver emotional and effective presentations to the audiences. The students were even mentored in playing the acoustic guitar where they will use the skills acquired to create their own melodies to support the presentation of their written works.

12-16 June TRSP Entrepreneurship & Celebfest Fieldtrip As part of The Rising Star Project, 20 youths were selected to attend the entrepreneurship module. The youths learnt how to start a business as well as how to run the business successfully. They were required to present their ideas to their peers and receive feedback from the trainer. At the end of the module, the youths were brought to CelebFest Ramadan Edition 2017 held at Suntec City for a learning journey. There, they met with successful entrepreneurs and even had the opportunities to ask questions about their businesses.

27 June Dikir Barat Performance for NCSS The National Council for Social Service (NCSS) had invited youths from PCWG to put up a Malay Cultural performance for their Hari Raya Celebration. PCWG had put up a Dikir Barat performance for the staff of NCSS. The event was held at the Singapore Cultural Centre. The audiences showed their support by giving their loudest applause and were very impressed by the performance. Some even commented that they performed like professionals. The day was topped off with a scrumptious high tea.

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