2019/2020 Impact Report

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Impact 2019-2020

Our Vision We envision a world where every student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel.

Our Mission Penn State Hillel’s mission is to enrich the lives of the estimated 5,000 Jewish students at Penn State so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Penn State Hillel is committed to excellence, innovation, accountability and results.

Penn State Hillel 2019-2020 Board of Directors Jill Epstein ’88, P’22

Emily Rosen ‘23



Todd Goodstein ’92, P’21

Gary Brandeis ’86


Cindy Ruben ’84, P’15, P’19 SECRETARY

Jenna Heffler ’14

Jeffrey Ruben ’85, P’15, P’19

Dr. Rick Jacobs




Steven Cohen ’89

Elliott Weinstein ’72 Lauren Young ’88

Year after year, I’m so impressed by the students I encounter through Penn State Hillel. They find innovative and interesting ways to express their Jewish identity, like Challah For Hunger where students met bi-weekly to bake and sell challah loaves benefiting the local food bank, and are just so thoughtful about their role in the greater Penn State community. Although the Hillel experience today compared to my time at Penn State is night and day, it’s really Penn State Hillel’s ‘raw material’ that is provided by you, our generous alumni, parents and friends, that helps shape and be shaped by student leaders every day. A year turned upside down has revealed the strength of our students and I am proud to continue to lead alongside these spectacular Jewish leaders, innovators and passionate advocates. Jill Epstein ’88 P’22 Chair, Penn State Hillel Board of Directors

Hillel means something different to every student – it can be a place to meet friends, to grow spiritually, to gain skills, to become a leader, or to simply unwind at Shabbat dinners. For me, Hillel has been all of this and more over the past three years. The space it provides for Jewish students to explore their identity within a supportive community is unparalleled on our campus, and something every student can benefit from. Having gained so much from Penn State Hillel, it has been a true honor to watch our organization grow and flourish in my past two years on the executive board. I am so excited to share our past year with you, and to show you a glimpse of thriving Jewish life on our campus.

Allie Ryave ‘21 2020 Student President


Hope. While not specifically in Penn State Hillel’s mission statement, bringing hope to others is such a critical part of what we do. In the days and weeks following the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, our team worked harder than ever, focusing on personal outreach to check in with students and supporters. We reached out to every single student we know, thousands of them, and to hundreds of alumni as well. As students became ready for virtual programming, we shifted our learning classes online and brought Shabbat, Israel speakers and other opportunities into their homes. Recognizing that our graduating seniors would not have the special end to their collegiate experience they had expected, we put together tributes, videos honoring them and virtual events where they could share their memories and feelings. Finishing the academic year with so much uncertainty, what our students needed is not so surprising—a good joke, a friendly ear, a virtual shoulder to cry on. More than ever, they crave community, connection. Looking forward, we don’t know what the future will bring. And there are so many people for us to connect with, so much we can do to support our students’ emerging Jewish identities. Our job at Penn State Hillel is to build the future of the Jewish community—to turn hope for a bright future into reality—and we do that one person at a time, one relationship at a time. As Rabbi Tarfon says in Pirkei Avot, it’s not our job to finish the work, but we can’t turn away from it either.


Aaron Kaufman Executive Director


Do Jewish Your Way

• 2000 Degrees Tu’Bshivat • Kahal – your Jewish home abroad • Shabbat • Birthright Israel Reunion Brunch • Yom Kippur Break Fast

JewPAC (The Jewish Programming Allocation Committee) is a microgrant program to help fund and support students to create their own Jewish experiences at Penn State. Students apply for the funding right on our website. We encourage all of our students to take advantage of the JewPAC program and explore conversations that they would not otherwise have.

• Jews of Smeal Brunch • Chanukah Bake • Havdallah • Judaism in Sports Brunch • Jewish Greek pre-Shabbat Valentine’s Day


Perspectives Trip

My experience on the Perspectives trip provided me a comprehensive understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while showing me the beauty that Israel has to offer. The discussion-based trip ensured that not only would I learn from prestigious speakers, but also from my direct peers. I found myself not wanting to leave by the end of the trip because of how close-knit the group of students became. It is only a matter of time before I go back to Israel!

Joel Vardon ‘21

“The Perspectives Trip was

one of the most unique and transformative experiences I have had throughout my time at Penn State. I am so appreciative of all that we learned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I have engaged in many meaningful conversations on this topic since returning home with my family, friends, and peers. This trip perfectly combined the historical and political issues with the significance of emotional and religious ties to the land, and it opened my eyes to new perspectives I have never been exposed to before!

Jessica Bard ’21

“Participating in the Perspectives tour of Israel

and the West Bank was truly eye-opening and transformative. My understanding of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict was deepened, and I will always value the conversations that were had and relationships that were built on our journey. I am so grateful to Penn State Hillel for creating an experience that uplifted a wide variety of voices and encouraged discussion and critical thinking.

Eliza Mull ‘21


Increasing Understanding. Creating Dialogue.

The Perspectives Trip gives student leaders on campus the opportunity to explore Israel and the Palestinian Authority to learn about the conflict. This trip is for students who want to deepen their knowledge, engage in challenging conversations, and help to create an environment of dialogue on campus. Over winter break, 23 students from different backgrounds got on a plane and traveled to Israel where they immersed themselves in learning. With only 5 of those students being

Jewish, we partnered with some incredible students from across Penn State’s campus who are involved in many different organizations. Together we can bridge the gap and learn from one another. Some of the communities included: • Black Student Union • Lion Ambassadors • Interfaith Table • Middle East Club • UPUA Academic Affairs Committee


The Class of 2020

My favorite Hillel moment “Birthright, it was not only my favorite Hillel memory, but probably my best experience throughout my 4 years of college.

“Drag Purim, an idea I

wanted to bring to life for a while and it turned out fabulous.

Jordan Heffler Finance

My Birthright trip with Penn State Hillel and then leading a trip with Penn State Hillel. I will forever be grateful for getting to experience Israel and form relationships with different Penn State students and Hillel Staff.

Ariel Sagie Industrial Engineering

Chelsea Tepel

“Friday nights at the Pasq.” Rachel Anton Communications and Disorders, Minor Spanish


Political Science and Global and International Studies

“Overall making great

friends and seeing myself and friends grow as people and leaders.

Chad Finkelstein Supply Chain Management

“Interning as a Student Life Coordinator my Senior year. ”

“All of my Challah for

Brittany Sklar

Hunger bakes. Just being with my friends baking and laughing for a good cause.

Human Development and Family Studies

“Being a facilitator for the

Jewish Learning Fellowship.

Rachel Rubinstein Elementary Education

Eric Blatt Labor and Employment Relations

“Going on the Fact

Finders trip with Hillel.

Daniel Zahn

“Leading the Honduras trip.”

English, CAS and Philosophy

Adam Schwartz

“There are a lot of moments

“Going to Houston for a

disaster relief alternative break trip my Junior year and watching Chad bag his Shabbat chicken every Friday night.

Danielle Brockstein Human Development and Family Studies Minor in Child Maltreatment and Advocacy Studies

that it’s hard to pick just one. Probably my favorite event would have to be doing Nittanyville with Hillel because it is a really special Penn State tradition I would not have done without the support of Hillel. Also, just in general, attending Shabbat with friends and always walking away with leftovers for the weekend.

Jen Berman Bachelors and Masters in Accounting

Psychology, Minor Business

“Cooking Shabbat dinner, Honduras, Birthright and planning events.

Idan Mika Computer Sciences


Adapting to Covid-19

Keeping Jewish Passion & Engagement Alive, Virtually Hanging out with students over a cup of coffee has been an opportunity for our student leaders and staff to share their passions and build relationships. When the pandemic brought in-person campus life to a sudden halt, the connection generated by these coffee dates gained new importance and meaning, even as they became virtual hangouts.

“In the following weeks after the virus

shut down campus I needed to adapt as a Campus Engagement Intern. I replaced coffee dates with virtual lunches and group conversations with online games.

Lincoln Weinstock ‘21

“Once Penn State became completely

virtual, I made sure to stay in touch with any current engagees, as well as reaching out to new ones. I made sure to reach out to students during Passover to see how their families were celebrating in these strange times. It was great to hear that students were having zoom seders and were attending the Hillel events. I also had a bunch of conversations with students about how they were dealing with online classes as well as asking them about any new activities or hobbies they’d taken up during quarantine.

Jessie Cooper ‘21

“Leaving school and switching to online

was definitely a hard and upsetting transition. I think continuing CEI was a comfort for me and other students, as we could support and talk to each other about all of the changes occurring and challenges arising. Something I practiced with my engagees was casual checkins to see how everyone was doing, and zoom sessions to still be social throughout quarantine.

Chelsea Tepel ‘20

“Shifting virtually has allowed the CEI

program to engage even further. We now have the ability to text, email, and FaceTime regarding Hillel events and daily conversations. The use of technology has allowed Hillel to remain connected to their students and the connections they have made.

Zach Reiner ‘22

“Patience and adaptation were key in

order to shift gears due to the pandemic. With so much uncertainty and unknowns, understanding that we were all in the same boat allowed for success.

Danny Glickman ‘21


Our coffee dates are supported by our Pour it Forward monthly campaign. To learn more about this campaign and other ways to support Jewish students, please visit our website.

Penn State Hillel by the Numbers










182 270











2019-2020 Honor Roll of Donors Thank you to those who made their mark on Penn State Hillel this year Maimonides Society ($10,000+) Steven Cohen and Kirk Iwanowski Martin D. Cohn Audrey Gaelen Bernard and Nancy Gutterman* Hannah S. and Samuel A. Cohn Memorial Foundation* Marcus and Henrietta Katzen* Jeffrey and Cindy Ruben* Elliott and Sue Weinstein* Benjamin and Erica Willner* Rochelle and David Zohn*

Chai Society ($3,600-$9,999) Gary and Jill Brandeis David and Barbara Burstin* Jill and Scott Epstein Todd and Alisa Goodstein Charitable Fund Morris and Adriane Horvitz Rick and Jennifer Jacobs Terry and Cindy Lerman Donald and Judith z”l Pripstein Stone Family Charitable Fund David and Susan Werner

Lions Pride Society ($1,000-$3,599) Scott and Andrea Barsky Lawrence and Deborah Brandman Elaine Kaufman Chase Clifford and Sherri Cohen Marian U. Barash Coppersmith David and Aleen Epstein Stephen Fiverson Kim C. Friedman Edward M. Goldston* Selma Harris Jenna Heffler Bill Jaffe* Hank and Marcie Katzen* David Golub and Mary Beth Leidman Lawrence Lokman and Rhonda Seaton Steven and Linda Lupin Mr. Donald B. Melman Frank and Helen Risch Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Lawrence and Barbara Rosenberg Bruce and Holly Rudoy Edgar M. Snyder* James and Deena Ultman Steven and Julie Weinstein

Blue and White Society ($360-$999) Jason Balaban Ken Brownstein and Elana Weinstein


Sol and Barbara Cohn Jerome P. and Debbie Epstein Robyn Faye Marcia F. Goldberg z”l* Michael and Roberta Goldstein Alan R. Greenbaum Mindy and Philip Rosenberg Aaron Kaufman and Stephanie Herzberg Michael and Patty Kirschner Harvey Klein Jeffrey and Deborah Klein Edward and Deborah Klevans* Brad Korman Stephen and Diane Krentzman Judith Lang* Daniel Laredo Ronald G. Lench Bruce and Joye Lesser Samuel and Trudy Levine* David and Debbie Minkoff Gerald K. Morrison Lynn Myers David Rittberg Russ Rose Lily Matusiak Amy Schmetterling Steiner Harvey and Sandi Schneider Martin and Sheila Seaton Michael and Janice Shapiro Louis Silverman Michael B. Solomon Graham and Sandra Spanier Ben Stein Alan Susser Benjamin and Michal Werner Lauren Young* Theodore and Vivian Young Theodore and Nancy Ziff*

Friends and Family of Penn State Hillel ($1-$359) Susan Abramowich Harris M. Abrams Donald and Ellen Abramson Ellis and Lynn Abramson* Harvey and Marjorie Abramson Edwin Adelman Geoffrey Adler Don Agriss Lynn Aguirre Gertrude Album Harvey and Linda Alten Caterina Altman Edward Amster Dina Angello Marc Apter Michael and Gina Arlen Joseph Armon Herman and Madeline Axelrod Jeffrey and Lori Bailin Millicent Bailinger Mark and Eileen Balaban Katalin Baltimore

*Represents endowment and capital campaign donors

Andrew Baram and Lisa Sharfstein Solange Bar-Ness Patty Barron Dr. Noah Barsky* Edward and Esther Beck Susan Becker Howard and Ellen Becker Steven and Laurie Becker Alan and Sally Bedrick Debbie Belen Marc Belitsky Jody Berger Jessica Berger-Weiss Ernest Bergman Joan Bergman Jerry Berkowitz Mark and Gail Berman Philip and Toby Berman Dennis and Cecelia Bernstein Jason Bernstein Michael Beth Jodi Boal Kayla Bogad Alex and Doreen Bolotovsky Shirley Boscov Bernice Bramson z”l TerriLynn Braun David and Rickie Brawer* Allen Brodsky Benjamin Bronstein Sheila Broughton Jeffrey and Jill Bucholtz Hyman Busch Alex Calabrese Paul Calem Leah Chakoff Kenneth J. Chertow Sharon Chiat Nancy Chiswick and Art Patterson Robyn and Erik Chotiner Joseph and Felice Ciccione Monroe Citrenbaum Steven and Barbara Cohen Dale Cohen Ruth Cohen Dr. Mark Cohen and Alanna Schoor Cohen Erez Cohen

Andrea Commaker Lisa Conroy Dr. Karen G. Cook Neil Cooper Edward and Leslie Corris Melisa Costa Bernard and Jill Coval David Cramer Stephanie Crawley Melvin Cutler Ricki Cytryn Martin and Laura Dadswell Allan and Nancy Dameshek Dr. Ria David Bradley Davis Adam Davis Lewis Hirsch and Cindy Davis Janet Dazell Marilyn DeLeon Hillary Delone Nancy Devorris Sidney and Sandra Diamond Kari Diamond Edward and Holly Diamond Patricia Dickstein Maura Diehl Joshua and Hallie Donner Luis R. Dorfman Mark Dorros Keith Dvorchik Arthur and Sue Dym Glenn and Cindy Easton Susan Ecker Caroline Eckhardt Robert and Sherry Edwab Megan Eilrich Marci Eisen* James and Virginia Eisenstein Stanley Eisman Elliot and Lynore Eisman Larry Myers and Paula Erdelyi Eileen Erspamer Pamela Estadt Hillary Estrin Chris Everly Roy and Lisa Faden* JoAnne Falese Marilyn and James Farley Judi Feiner

2019-2020 Honor Roll of Donors Thank you to those who made their mark on Penn State Hillel this year Irwin Feller and Tena St. Pierre Marc and Laura Feller Amy Fink Evan and Deborah Finkelstein James Firestone Daniel and Annette Fishbone* Nathan and Victoria Fisher Kim Fishman Gloria Fraimow Rob and Sarah France Larry and Celia Frank Aimee Frank Michael and Marsha Freedman James and Elisa Freeman Allan Friedman Alan Friedman Nina Frisch Tyler Furman Nancy Gary Marissa Gernett Laurie Giancola Ryan Gianola David Gilmour and Tami Levitt-Gilmour Rebecca Glenister Lori Glenn Rana Glick Mark Glowatz Carol and Jason Goft Lewis z”l and Karen Gold Arthur Gold Dr. Robert and Sandra Goldberg Robert and Jan Goldberg Samuel Goldberg Jeffrey Goldgeier David Goldman Brittany Goldman David and Leslie Goldstein Robert Goldstein Denise and Monte Goldstein Alyssa Goldstein Nancy Gordon* Jeremy Gorenstein Pilar Gottret Dr. and Mrs. Joshua T. Green Ann Green Gail Greenspan Karen Griswold Gary and Linda Grobman Lynne Gross Esther Gross Marcy Grossman-Pollak Hillary Gruber Shimon Guy Victor and Dena Hammel Dr. Lawrence and Suzie Hammer Sally Hammer Joseph and Sara Haroun Michael Harris Robert H. Harrison David and Ann Harrison Sabih Hayek Jack and Susan Hayya Allen and Ruth Heffler Don Heller Dr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Heller

Judy and Ryan Herman Moira Herson Yanuck Sanford and Rosemary Hertz Anne and Mark Herzberg Barbara Hines Mark and Sharon Hochberg Patricia Hoffman Rachel Hofstatter David and Linda Horowitz Terry Horowitz Barrie Huberman Brian Hudson Morgan Ingber Rachel Jacobson Elaine Jacoby Stacy Jarvis Wendy Jermyn Margaret Jewson Pam Johncola Rosalynn Johnson Judith Kadosh Earl and Barbara Kaiserman Ellen Kalter Gail Kamon Brian Kappel Kristen Katz Bruce and Joy Katzenberg Michael and Brenda Kaufman Ellen Kaye Tina Kazokas Susan Kelly Rosalind Kendal Tully Keren Edward and Marjorie Kessel Richard and Joy Killian Sandra King Nina Kitnick Dennis Klainberg Dr. Irving J. Klein Michelle Klein Victor Klein M.D. Samuel J. Korson Melanie Kovacs Steven Krohn Adam Krupnick David L. Ladov Dr. Joseph and Denise Lahr Jeannine Lancia Franklin and Susan Lang Bruce Lazarus and Philip Weintraub Susan Lea Ken Leboff Bruce Leder Jefferey and Michele Lejfer Nancy Levenberg Ivan and Andrea Levenson Donna Levenson Wolfson Beryl and Howard Levin James Levin and Andrea Commaker Dr. Marc and Susan Levin Judi Levine Lauren Levinson Diane Levy Robert Levy

*Represents endowment and capital campaign donors

John Lewinson S. Lieberman Stacy Lieberman Robert and Janice Lieberman Lisa Linder Louise C. Lippert Daniel Lisser Lisa Loewen Yvonne Love Gary and Elise Lubell Debby Lubliner Andrew Lyons Jamie Mach Dennis and Phyllis Malinger Leslie Maltby Susan Mandel Mike Markowitz Robyn Markowitz Lawler Chris Martincic Steven A. Maser, M.D. Lori E. Master Theodore and Jacqueline Matlow Ruth Mauer Samuel S. Mayer Judith McGuire Michael and Beth Mendick Philip Meehan Amy Mehlman Douglas and Marcia Melzer Andrea Elyse Messer Jack and Bernice Meyers Richard and Marjorie Milgrub Dr. Michael and Brenda Miller Michele Miller Debra Minotto Rose-Shoshana Mintz-Urquhart* Andrea Mitchell George and Ann Moffitt Julie Molod Eric and Rebecca Morrison Neil and Ellen Moscow The Barmen Moser Charitable Fund

Irving and Judith Moskow Suzanne Moss Lynn Mueller Alan Nathan* David P. Necowitz Robert Neidorff Burton Neil Anne and Hart Nelson Jennie and Sam Nemroff Maureen Nersten Lisa Neuhauser Alan and Phylis Newman Kristen Newman Roberta Nicholas Melissa Noah Herbert and Donna Nurick Jon Nussbaum Jay and Francine Oberst Debra O’Hara Ilene Oken Mark O’Reilly Robert Ost Michael Ostroff Michelle Ostroff Jessie Paley Michael Paley Elsa Pasline Levitt Amy Paster Michael and Susan Paul Cindy Pennock Lynn Petnick Melissa Pettigrew Harold and Nan Pezzner Tracy Piacentino Joseph and Donna Polin* John A. Pollack Karen Pollock Jeff Portner Mindy Procz Patricia Prodoehl Ada Quinn Michael Radis Jill Rainer


2019-2020 Honor Roll of Donors Thank you to those who made their mark on Penn State Hillel this year

Jerry and Joan Rappaport Barnett Rattner Adam Reich Ronald Reinfeld Hershel J. Richman Allen Richmond Janelle Richmond Howard Rittberg Carol J. Robins* Debra Romberger Raymond and Deborah Rosen* Diane Rapport Rosen and Gary Rosen Mitchel Rosen Michael and Gail Rosenberg* Gary and Shari Rosenblatt Jay and Adrienne Rosenblum Linda and Joseph Ross Richard and Catherine Rothbard Linda Rotonda Hannah Ruben Howard Ruben Dennis Ruben Gary Ruben Shimon Rubin Sarah Ruden Brian Rutter Ina Sable Howard and Kathleen Sachs Shirley Sacks Mark Sackstein Stanton and Merle Salkin Joel and Harriet Samitz Beverly Santilli Peter Saravis Brian and Michele Schachter Roger and Sherrie Schneider Allan and Mimi Schneirov David and Marya Schoenholtz Timothy and Cynthia Schuchart Richard E. Schugar Richard and Joye Schulang Ira and Susan Schulman


Richard and Donna Schutz Mark Schwarz Jody Sckupakus Robyn Scott Steve Segalewitz Stanton and Barbara Selbst Jerome and Margee Selvers Robin Senderowitz Candee Sexton Sally Shapiro Schweitzer Lynn Sher Dr. Theodore Sheskin Marc and Cheryl Shnider Richard and Joann Shore Neil and Cheryl Shusterman Alice Sichel-Goldberg Zipora Sidel Laura Siegel Edward and Laurie Silver Robert Silverman Donald Silverstein Wendy Simon Cynthia Simon Gary N. Singer* Martin Sinkoff Harris and Bonnie Sklar Brittany Sklar Howard G. Skolnick Ronald and Nan Smolow Allison Sobel Rhonda Sorensen Jordan and Paula Spivack Kimberly Stahl Joseph and Carol Stamm Greg and Rebecca Stegall Arthur and Mona Steiger Elliot and Eileen Stein Rachel Stein Theodore and Annie Stein Barry and Ellen Stein Jeffrey and Jennifer Stein Shirin Stein Eric Brian Stein

Helen Stein Schultz Rachel Steinberg Edward and Phyllis Steinberg Harvey and Diane Steiner Gary and Rona Sterling Robert z�l and Wilma Stern Norma Stern Sue and Michael Stolbach Jessica Summers Lorraine Susini Seymour and Terri Sweet Eric Swerdlow Michael Tanitsky Lewis and Florence Tannenbaum Stefanie Tapper Linda Tedjakusuma Craig and Wendy Tepper Wendy Terry Robert M. Thaw Lori Thompson-Given Kerry Tomkowitz Lisa Topalovich Liz Tota Jody Travagline Ellen Treiman Roland Turk Miriam Urquhart Stephen Volk Christine Waldman Traci Wallach Rebecca Wanatick Alissa Warner Nicole Wasilus Rob Weaver Tedd Wein Elliot and Susan Weinstein Stephen and Wendie Weinstein Mark and Leona Weinstein Ross Weisbrot Laurel Weiss Robert Werner Jo Ann Wiener

Rhoda Wolff Herbert and Sharyn Wolfson Norman and Sandra Wruble Laura Wurzel Eric Yoffee Eric and Mona Yorke Joshua Yorke Elizabeth Yost Debbie Yuran David and Loretta Zehngut Barbara Zeichner Philip and Wendy Zeifer Ruth Zipser and Murray Schoenholtz Barry and Frances Zook* Lori Zugelder Andrew and Laurel Zydney

Generous Organizations

Amazon Smile AXA Foundation Incorporated Benevity Community Impact Fund Hillel International Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh Jewish Federation Greater Philadelphia Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh Lehigh Valley Jewish Federation Minyan Club Rodef Shalom Network for Good United Jewish Appeal Beth Sholom Congregation *You deserve to be properly recognized for your contribution, and we strive for 100% accuracy. If we have made an error, please contact us at (814) 826-4246.

*Represents endowment and capital campaign donors

Alumni/Parents Friends Parents

Who supports Penn State Hillel?

Alumni Hillel International

Individual Donors

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

Comprehensive Excellence Other Grants

Organizational Donors


114-117 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802 814.863.3816 pennstatehillel.org





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