2021-22 IMPACT REPORT PENN STATE HILLEL We Are.... We Are.... Home Sweet Home! Home Sweet Home! Penn State Hillel 2022-2023 Impact Report
Hi there! Hi there!
It’s so good to see you!
Since we opened the Gutterman Family Center in downtown State College last year, I've heard the same thing from many parents, alumni and community members: what is it like at Penn State Hillel? Luckily, I was just getting ready to head to work for the day Since you’re here, I'd love to take you along to see what a day in the life looks like for me at Hillel. Let’s get going We don’t want to be late!
I don’t know about you, but I like to start my day with a fresh cup of decaf coffee. Coffee is something special here at Penn State Hillel. Not only does it provide our students and staff with warmth and energy–it's a gateway to making lifelong friendships. We affectionately refer to these moments of connection as “coffee chats.” As I enjoy my own cup of delicious coffee, I often see Jewish students from across campus discussing their experiences and commonalities while getting a dose of caffeine from our fully stocked coffee and tea bar, Matt's Place.
Last year, we launched our monthly giving campaign, “Brew It Better Together,” in support of these life-changing discussions For less than $20 a month, you will make four of these amazing conversations possible!
As my day gets started, I often run into one of our many friendly staff members Today, I was lucky enough to run into our Springboard Intrapreneurship Fellow, Shachar-Lee Yaakobovitz. Shachar-Lee just returned from staffing one of our many student trips to Israel. These trips are instrumental in shaping our students' personal connections to Judaism and Israel. Shachar-Lee was telling me about one of our amazing participants
travel that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
After getting involved with Penn State Hillel, I feel so much more comfortable as a member of the Jewish community. Thanks to Hillel, I know I have a big, supportive community no matter where life takes me!"
After our chat, I make my way up to my office where I look over my agenda and make a few calls Sometimes, it’s another Hillel director or key funder, and other times I get to call our valuable individual supporters and parents - maybe you’re on my list!
In fact, I have an important call to make right now. Today, I'm touching base with our incoming board chair, Cindy Ruben, and outgoing board chair, Jill Epstein. Cindy and Jill ensure that Penn State Hillel is on the right track. From fundraising to budgets to upcoming events, they lend a good perspective on everything that we do and hope to accomplish in the coming year. Why don’t you listen in?
"Birthright was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. I still talk to the friends I made on the trip. I can’t wait to return and visit the Israeli friends I made, our bus's soldiers! Penn State Hillel provided me with opportunities for
Nikki Fiore, '25
Thank Thank Thank you! you! you!
I want to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to glimpse into mine. I hope that after experiencing a day at Penn State Hillel, you will not only feel closer to this community–I hope you feel like a part of it. In fact, you are an essential part of this community. Your support fuels each and every one of our initiatives and influences the lives of our Jewish students, from the conversations they have over coffee to the leadership roles they take on and beyond. Simply put, we could not do this work without you.
I urge you to look at some of the data from this past year in addition to our annual honor roll of supporters. Let’s work together to create the safe, exciting and supportive environment our Jewish students deserve!
240+ 240+ 240+
Students participating in Jewish Learning
1300+ 1300+ 1300+
Maimonides Society
($10,000 and above)
Carol and Bennett Aaron*
Lawrence and Deborah Brandman*
Dr Barbara and Mr David Burstin
Steven Cohen and Kirk Iwanowski
Audrey Gaelen
Michael Krentzman
Fred and Helaine Leibowitz
Debbie and Scott Rovner
Jeffrey and Cindy Ruben*
Graham and Sandra Spanier*
Lewis and Susan Steinberg*
Elliott and Susan Weinstein*
Alison Young
Ken Young
Theodore and Vivian Young*
Rochelle and David z''l Zohn*
Chai Society
Dane Berkowitz*
Martin D Cohn*
Hannah S and Samuel A Cohn Memorial Foundation*
Jill and Scott Epstein*
Bette Hoffman*
Todd and Alisa Goodstein*
Jenna Heffler
Morris and Adriane
Lawrence Lokman and Rhonda Seaton
Eric and Rebecca Morrison
Gerald K. Morrison
Barbara Rosenberg
Leonard and Marjorie Schwartz*
Richard and Susan Sokolov
Lion's Pride Society
Scott and Andrea Barsky
Donna Beal
Edward and Iris Beckwith
Phylis and Gary Bolno
Marc and Amy Brownstein
Elaine Kaufman Chase*
Clifford and Sherri Cohen
David and Aleen Epstein
Darlene Fairman and Jack Zinn
Scott and Maureen Feldman
Ronald and Susan Friedman
Edward Goldston
Alan and Andrea Greenbaum
Robert and Bonnie Hammel*
Victor and Dena Hammel
Robert H Harrison
Ron and Carol Hodes*
Henrietta and Marcus z''l Katzen*
Jared and Marcy Kaufman*
Michael and Patty Kirschner
Jason D Kogan
Brad and Pam Korman*
Judith Lang*
Terry and Cindy Lerman
Stuart and Lori Levin*
Steven and Linda Lupin*
Donald B Melman*
Scott and Evelyn Messer
Rabbi Jeffrey Eisenstat and Rabbi Sarah Messinger*
Norman and Holly Nelson*
Michael Ostroff
Karen Pinsky-Shor
Theodore Rosen*
Barry and Debra Rothenberg
Lily Scanlon
Brian and Michele Schachter
Rhea S Schwartz and Paul Martin Wolff
James and Deena Ultman
Eva Wax
Lenore Wax z"l
Steven and Julie Weinstein
Benjamin and Michal
The David and Susan Werner Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of Greater Pittsburgh*
Scott and Jenn White
Benjamin P Willner*
Michael Woinsky
Ruth Zipser and Murray Schoenholtz*
Blue & White Society ($360-$999)
Robert and Ann Albert
Caroline Eckhardt
Barry Ellen
Jerome P and Debbie
Michael Feinman
Irwin Feller
Rabbi Daniel Fellman
Natalie Forood
Karen Freedman
Mark Glowatz
Sharon Goldstein
Sanford Hertz
Matthew and Cindy Hirsch
Morgan Ingber
Mindy and Philip Rosenberg
Rick and Jennifer Jacobs
Stacy Jarvis
Gail Kamon
Eitan Kashanian
Aaron Kaufman and Stephanie Herzberg
Christine Kinkead
Sandi and Kenneth Kirschner
Stephen M. Krentzman*
Lynne Kushner
Amy Mehlman
David and Deborah Minkoff
Rina Mitchell
Lynn Myers
Julia Ohana
Rabbi David and Joni Ostrich
Ron Ozlek
Kara Rakowski
David Rittberg
Russell and Lori Rose
Raymond and Deborah Rosen*
Michael and Gail Rosenberg*
Justin and Jane Sambol
Harvey z’’l and Sandi Schneider
David and Marya
Eric and Robin Schwartz
Martin and Sheila Seaton
Beth Selsley
Janice Shapiro
Harris and Bonnie Sklar
Eitan and Vered Sobel
Ira and Amy Steinberg
Lynn Teichman
Jerry and Deborah Trachtman
Ken and Stacey Traub
Michelle Vichnin and Mitchell Edelson
William Elliott VincentKillian
Jennifer Volatile
Lauren Young and Jonathan Lonner*
Barry and Frances Zook
Friends & Family ($1- $359)
Howard Abrahams
Gerald Abrams
Harris M Abrams
Shaina AbramsKornblum
Donald and Ellen Abramson
Harvey and Marjorie Abramson
Ellis Abramson*
Lauren and Marc Ackerman
Edwin Adelman
Don Agriss
William Ahlmark
Gertrude Album
Amanda Allan
Marc Allcorn
Kate Alwine
Leah and David Amir
Edward Amster
Ronald and Nancy z''l Angerman
Roanne Feinberg
Sophia Antonucci
Marc Apter
Michael and Gina Arlen
Simone Armon
Dorothea Aronson
Nicole Arruda
Herman and Madeline Axelrod*
Rob Ayes
Steven Wagman and Ellen Venig Wagman
Sara Baduini
Jason Balaban
Mark and Eileen Balaban
Loren Balady
Edwin Balis
Dr Noah Barsky*
Nancy Beauregard
Sara Beck
Sally and Alan Bedrick
Amy Begley
Michael and Karen Belenko
Janet Belitsky
Kristen Bennett
Joan Bergman
Debra Berlin
Lindsey Berlin
Mark and Gail Berman
Dennis and Cecelia Bernstein
James Bernstein
Grace Bischoff
Richard Bishop
Elisabeth Bissell
Carolyn Bivona
Mary Black
Andrew Block
Alex Bolotovsky
Christie Bonesch
Zoe Boniface
Beverly Bord
Meredith Borine
Shirley Boscov
Cecile Bradley
TerriLynn Braun
David and Rickie Brawer*
Douglas Breindel
Katerina Brennan
Debra Brenner
Tammy Brodbeck
Scott Broder
Allen Brodsky
Randy and Kathleen Bronstein
Benjamin Bronstein
Dr Bernard Bronstein
Richard and Mollie Bronstein
Natalie Brown
Nina Browner
Anne Brumbaugh
Jeffrey and Jill Bucholtz
Joel Burcat
Emily Burgoon
Randi Burstein
Kimberly Butler
Alexandra Byrd
Kristy Campbell
Chris Camposano
Sandra Capezzuto
David Caplan
Becky Capuzzi
Sharon Carkner
Rachel Machen
Latasha Carrington
Kimberly Carter
Greg Carvajal
Lisa Casper
Jaime Ceitlin
Jessica Cerino
Leah Chakoff
Heidi Chappell
Gail Chase
Andrea Chasin
Jodi Cheatle
Robert and Esther Cherkin
Nancy Chiswick and Art Patterson
Joseph and Felice
Christina Clarke
Heather Clawson
Rachel Cohen
Jenny Cohen
Steven and Barbara Cohen
Ruth P. Cohen
Dale Cohen
Dr Mark B Cohen
Della and Morton Cohen
Janet Colaluca
Nicole Coleman
Kelley Colleran
Bonnie Colletti
Andrea Commaker
Karen Conen
Paul Connolly
Sean Convery
Dr Karen G Cook
Lawrence B Cooper
Alicia and Andy Cooper
Adam Corbin
Tabitha Zoltak
David Cramer
Melvin Cutler
Jared D'Alfonso
Janet Dalzell
Suzanne Davidson
Cindy Davis
Jennifer Deal
John Deeney IV
Susan Delanko
Alvin DeLevie*
Amazon Smile Benevity Community Impact Fund Centre Eye Physicians and Surgeons Centre Foundation Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Cybergrants Fidelity Investments Charitable Fund Give Lively Hillel International Irving's Bagels Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh* Jewish Foundation of Greensboro* Kirschner Family Foundation Network for Good Rodef Shalom Congregation Salesforce Sigma Delta Tau The Blackbaud Giving Fund The Charles J Schwab Foundation, Inc The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau The Herman and Jerry Finkelstein Foundation The Merck Foundation Thomson Reuters UBS Financial Services United Jewish Appeal Beth Sholom Congregation Wegmans
Hillary Delone
Andrea DeMarco
Mimi DeSena
Erica Desrosiers
Nancy Devorris
Danielle Diaco
Sandra Diamond
Patricia Dickstein
Janene DiSanti
Denise DiTizii
Michael and Robin Doherty
Luis and Robin Dorfman
Allison Dorfman
David Dowds
Sue and Arthur Dym
Glenn and Cindy Easton
Jacqueline Edgewater
Kathleen Eisenstein
Nora Eisenstein
Stanley Eisman
Stacy Ellis
Julia Emig
Larry Myers and Paula
Eric N Prystowsky
Eileen and Gregg Erspamer
Roy Faden and Lisa
Goodison Faden
Ava Falgie
Marilyn Farley
Catherine Farrell
Lauren Fein
Roy Feinstein
Carrie Feit
Marc Feller
Melissa Ferreira
Marianne Figg
Deborah Finkelstein
Chad Finkelstein
Jordyn Finkelstein
Glen and Robin Firestone
James K Firestone
Aimee Fischer
Daniel and Annette Fishbone*
Beth Flyer
Betty Foulkrod
Ann Fox
Maria Fox
Ivy Frajerman
Jen Frank
Katie Fratamico
Brian Freedman
Kim Friedman
Allan and Barbara Friedman
Jill Friedman
Karen Friedman
Marne Gabay
Julie Gainsley
Jen Gallagher
Ryan Gault
Nicole Geary
Ed and Natalie Geiger
Felicia Marie Geller
Robert Gellman*
Marissa Gernett
Mark Gernett
Sara Gerstl
Brian Getson
Melissa Gilbert
Lynda Gilfert
Karen Giller
Robin Gilman
Elaine Glass
Nathan Glazer
Brian and Pam Gleisser
Rob Gleisser
Rebecca Glenister
Lori Glenn
Michael Glickman
Matthew and Anne Gluck
Carol and Jason Goft
Adam Gold
Robert and Sandra Goldberg
Samuel Goldberg
Martin Goldberg
Maggie Goldberg
Lawrence and Judith Golden
Jeffrey Goldgeier
Megan GoldMarche
Vanessa Goldstein
Robert Goldstein
Denise Goldstein
Alyssa Goldstein
Rabbi Lisa and Maury Goldstein
Andrea Goodman
Nancy Gordon*
David Gordon
Aaron Gorelick
Allison Gotthold
Heather Gould
Kerri Granito
Joshua and Julie Green
Paula Green
Becky Grim
Gary and Linda Grobman
Rose Grobman
Esther Gross
Hillary and Brian Gruber
Marni and David Guba
Mary Gudonis
Corey Guglielmo
Jill Halbruner
Michael Halle
Gregory Hallerman
Cindy Halpern-Cohen
Sally Hammer
Lawrence and Suzie Hammer
Organizational Donors
Nicole Hanna
Etan Harmelech
Joseph and Sara Haroun
David and Wendy Harris
Elliott and Arlene Harris
Stephanie and Michael Harris
Sara Harris
Donna Harris
Ann and David Harrison
Jillian Conigliaro
Allison Hayes
Alex Heiphetz
Marc Hertzberg
Anne and Mark Herzberg
Dana and Alan Himmel
Brooke Himmelstein
Peter W. Hirsch*
Wendy Hirschhorn
Sharon and Mark Hochberg
Marilyn Hockstein
Kyle Hoffman
Robert Hoffman
Laura Hoffman
Sarah Holtz
David and Linda Horowitz
Mary Jo Hsing
Mandy Higgard
Joyce Illfelder-Kaye
Sarah Iozzio
Melissa Jackson
Kathy Jennings
Rebecca Jugan
Michelle Kalkbrenner
Robin Kalminov
Annie Schneider
Jacob Kane
Emma Kaplan
Jennifer Karpf
Cynthia Katulka
Ian and Julie Katz
Bruce and Joy Katzenberg*
Jonathan Kaufman
Michael and Brenda Kaufman
Hannah Kaufman
Glenn H. Kitnick
Robert J. Kleeblatt
Victor Klein M.D.
Michelle Klein
Mindy and Steven Kober
Cary Koenig
Kathy Koller
Jeffrey Kopman
Samuel and Kathleen Korson
Rebecca Kovacs
Melanie Kovacs
Sara and Howard Koval
Jeannette Kowal
Koren Kratchman
Jeffrey and Patricia Krauss*
Pam Kreider
Randi Kremer
Adam Krupnick
Margaret Kunz
Lisa Kupper
Albert and Susan Landau
Mark and Anne Landman
Cynthia Langlands
Stephanie Lantz
Lisa Lapenna
Susan Laskin
Robyn Markowitz Lawler
Rebecca Lawrence
Melissa Lee
Yair Lehrer
Patricia Lema
Stanford and Carolyn Lembeck*
Stacy Lemmon
Ronald G Lench
Rebecca Lerman
Bruce and Joye Lesser
Ira Letofsky
Donna Levenson Wolfson
Mark Levi
Marc and Susan Levin
Pamela Levin
Lori Levin
Samuel Levine*
Lauren Levinson
Robert Levy
Judith Levy
Deborah Lewis
Chatting Lewis
Benson and Christine Lichtig
Andrea Lieberman
Janice and Robert Lieberman
Wendy Lignelli
Wayne E Lippman
Janice and Jay Lippman
Charles S Lipson
Helen Lo
Amy Loch
Shanna Lucero
Earl and Lorraine Lutz
Andrew Lyons
Jessica M Perrilleon
Benay Magluilo
Dennis and Phyllis Malinger
Collette Marchese
Kenneth Marcus
Meyer and Sandra Markowitz
Dana Shiller
Arona Martin
Chris Martincic
Lisa Marzka
Steven A Maser, M D
Lori E Master
Debra Masucci
Carisa Mattu
Kristin Maus
Nicki Mazza
Johnna Mcbride
Marc McCann
Megan McIntyre
Vicky McKelvey
Jen McSherry
Jeanine Medina
Margaret Meehan
Hillary Meisner
Kathi Mello
Douglas and Marcia Melzer
Michael Mendick and Beth Davidson-Mendick
Victoria Meyer
Jack and Bernice Meyers
Michael and Brenda Miller
Mark Miller
Josette Miller
Bruce and Joan Miller
Andrew and Mona Miller
Rachel Miller
Rose-Shoshana MintzUrquhart*
Jenny Mirmelstein
Erin Mogolowitz
Fatima Mojallali
Sherri Molinaro
Julie Molod
Beth Monahan
Alyssa Morgart
Robin Morrison
Cort Morrison
Neil and Ellen Moscow
Laurie and Stewart Moser
The Barmen Moser
Charitable Fund
Judith Moskow
Susan Moskowitz
Suzanne Moss
Shannon Mulvey
Meghan Murray
Brad and Laura Nachman
Felise Nagelberg
Tvishi Narasimhalu
Kim Nardo
Alan Nathan*
David P. Necowitz
Burton Neil
Hart and Anne Nelsen
Elliot and Nancy Newman
Jill Cohen Niewoehner
Melissa Noah
Brian and Sara Novack
Janet Noyes
Adam Nudelman
Sarah Nurry
Jamie Nutter
Francine Oberst
Jay Oberst
Amy Odell
Ilene Oken
Renee Oliver
Tatiana Ozhekim
Candace and Mitchel Parkin
Patricia Pena
Lynn Petnick
Morgan Philips
Arianne Pinchuk
Meredith Pincus
Raymond Podskoch
Joel S Polin
Joseph Polin*
John A Pollack
Karen Pollock
Jeffrey H Portner
Joan Poskanzer
Tracey Powell
Donald Pripstein
A Greta Putnam
Michal Rabinowitz
Stephanie Radin
Lee and Jodi Radosh
Barnett and Francine Rattner
Mikael Rechtsman
Beverly Redler
Austin Reid
Linda Reilly
Sharon and Arthur Reine
* represents endowment and capital campaign donors
Dr Barbara Reiner
Ronald Reinfeld
Michelle Reyes
Suzanne Rhodeside
Judy Lynn and Ron Rice
Allen Richmond
Suzanne Rider
Howard Rittberg
Mark Rodin
Lisa Roettger
Rayleen Romeo
Sofia Rosala
Danielle Rosato
Nancy Rose
Judith Roseman
Gary Rosen
Mitchel Rosen
Gary and Shari Rosenblatt
Gabrielle Rosenblum
Asher Rosinger
Brett Rosoff-Verbit
Linda and Joseph Ross
Catherine and Richard Rothbard
Dennis Ruben
Hannah Ruben
Gary Ruben
Michael Rubin
Stephen and Deborah Rubin
Shimon Rubin
Julia Rubino
Alan and Andrea Rubinstein
Aliza Rudavsky
Debbie and Paul Rudoy
Laura Rynkiewicz
Ina Sable
Adam Sagot
Michelle Sale
Joel and Harriet Samitz
Julie Sapper
Nancy and Allen Satenberg
Carl Scatena
Carl and Roni Schiffman
Roger and Sherrie Schneider
Barbara Smolar
Irwin and Ellen Schneider
Tera Schneider
Allan Schneirov
Gail Schnyder Simon
Richard E Schugar
Richard and Joye Schulang
Ira and Susan Schulman
Richard and Donna Schutz
Nancy Schwartz
Joel and Julie Schwartz
Gretchen Bazela
Mark J Schwartz
Mark Schwarz
Lisa Benz Scott
Jodi and Steve Segalewitz
Shelby Seidner
Stanton C. and Barbara Selbst
Ali Seltzer
Jerome and Margee Selvers
Dawn Seymour
Ansh Shah
Jonathan Shahar
Scott Shapiro
Sally Shapiro Schweitzer
Lisa Sharfstein and Andrew Baram
Dr Theodore Sheskin
Marc and Cheryl Shnider
Nancy Shoemaker
Richard and Joann Shore
Ran Shorrer
Neil and Cheryl Shusterman
Kerry Shweiki
Zipora Sidel
Dan Silber
Lori Silver
Edward and Laurie Silver
Louis Silverman
Joseph Silverman
Robert Silverman
Carl and Ronnie Silverstein
Donald Silverstein
Moira and Jim Singer
Gary N Singer*
Rich and Dottie Singer
Brooke Singer
Leon Sirota
Brittany Sklar
Howard G Skolnick
Alex Small
Jackie Smith
Crystal Smolenski
Ronald and Nan Smolow
Aimee Sousa
Benjamin Sousa
Darlene Spallone
Michele Spector
Meghan Stalebrink
Joseph and Carol Stamm
Bradley Stamm
William Stanell
Greg and Rebecca Stegall
Arthur and Mona Steiger
David and Rachel Stein
Elliot Stein
Barry and Ellen Stein
Theodore and Annie Stein
Eric Brian Stein
Deborah J Steinberg
Rachel Steinberg
Harvey and Diane Steiner
Cécilia Stempel
Gary and Rona Sterling
Leslie Sterling
Norma Stern
Carlie Stern
Richard Stess
Kelly Stetz
Monica Stevens
Cindy Stout
Aimee Stratton
Michelle Struna
Lacy Stynchula
Amy and Todd Sukol
Seymour Sweet
Julie Swerdloff
Eric Swerdlow
Heather Swift
Elana Szczesny
Susan Tain
Remi Tammaro
Marice Tang
Michael Tanitsky
Stefanie Tapper
Mary Tarpey
Jen Tarquini
Craig and Wendy Tepper
Michele Terranova
Kelly Testa
Robert M Thaw
Jeffrey Thomas
Danielle Thomas
Rebecca Thompson
Lori Thompson-Given
Carey Thornton
Steven Titlebaum
Michelle Toburen
Herb Toplan
Jennifer Tufillaro
Sharon Tzioni
Evelyn Udell z"l
Julie Urist
Vladimir and Alberta Viknyansky
Richard Vladimir
Penny Vojtasek
Michelle Waldman
Jennifer Waldner
Nick Walker
Linda Wang
Beth Warren
Nicole Wasilus
Barbara Watson
Bari L Weinberger
Mark and Leona Weinstein
Lincoln Weinstock
Rabbi Jeremy Weisblatt
Kerri Weiss
Joeseph Weiss
Carl Weiss
Rachel Weiss-Berger
Lori Weitzman
Michael and Jo Ann Wiener
Karen Wilcox
Nancy Wilson
Tammy Wilson
Stephanie Winegrad
Daniel Wise
Ilene and Jerold Wise
Christine Wisnewski
Meryl Wohlstetter
Robert Wolkoff
Janice Wolpo
Jill and Jeff Workman
Elizabeth Wysnewski
Galit Yaakobovitz
Shachar-Lee Yaakovobitz
David S Yadgaroff
Haviva Veler
Lori Yeager
Jennifer Yocum
Robin Yoder
Eric Yoffee
Eric and Mona Yorke
Rosalie and Lawrence Young
Michael Paston and Dr Carrie Z Paston*
Sam Zaremba
Janis Zegman
David and Loretta Zehngut
Barbara Zeichner
Philip and Wendy Zeifer
Student President
Jake Beal
Student Vice Presidents
Jacob Kane
Morgan Kohler
Larry Brandman
Steven Cohen
Jill Epstein, Board Chair
Todd Goodstein, Vice Chair
Jenna Heffler, Secretary
Lawrence Lokman
Rebecca Morrison
Jeffrey Ruben, Treasurer
Cindy Ruben
Elliott Weinstein
Michal Werner
PennStateHillel POBox647 StateCollege,PA16804
mission is to enrich the lives of the estimated 5,000 Jewish students at Penn State so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. P h o n e : 8 1 4 . 2 3 8 . 1 7 5 5 E m a i l : H i l l e l @ p s u . e d u