賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 —《禮物》

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賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme


參與計劃學員 Programme Participant:江悅芯 Moon Kong 繪者及作者 Illustrator & Writer:劉妍汶 Carmen Lym

哈囉!我是 Moon,這是一個我與禮物的故事。

BLANK Hello! I am Moon and this is a story of me and some gifts.





有時候生命會主動帶給我們一些禮物 在意想不到的時候以奇怪的方式出現 這份大包裹 有獨特的帽子 兒時繪畫的圖畫 和各式各樣的器皿 看起來互不搭界 可是當她穿上他們後 卻發揮了獨特的作用 不同的方法和風格 讓熱愛跳舞的她學習與成長 再次踏上不陌生的舞台 回到自己的根本與最初 她問 跳舞究竟是什麼?

Sometimes life will take the initiative to bring us some gifts At unexpected times in a strange way In this big package There is a unique hat Childhood drawings And various utensils Looking like they will never cross boundaries But when she put them on They all played a unique role The different methods and styles Allowed a passionate dancer like her to learn and grow Setting foot on the familiar stage Returning to her own roots and the beginning What exactly is dancing? She asked


Looking good in postures, but I want to learn more skills 擺好姿勢,還要學習技巧 5

Ding Dong! 叮噹! 6

This is too huge! 好大份! 7

Pull... 拉…… 8


Finally it has arrived


終於到了 9

Play some music to relax 播點音樂放鬆心情 10

Wow! Did it just open? 哇!它打開了? 11

I can’t wait to see 急不及待 12

What’s inside 想要看看裡面有什麼 13

These hats with funny faces 印著滑稽表情的帽子 14

Seem to have different emotions 看似有不同的情緒 15

Once I have it on, my body starts to move along with emotions 戴上後,身體便會隨著心情擺動 16

These children’s drawings 這些兒時創作的繪畫 17

Remind me of my ballet practice 讓我想起練習芭蕾舞的回憶 18

And now my dream has come true 現在夢想成真了 19

These beautiful dishware

Enable me to roll and jump





Or to grow very tall 或突然長得很高 22

Now that I have got the skills 現在我有了豐富的技巧 23

What else is there to experience? 還有什麼可以體驗呢? 24

Let me search 再找找 25

Oops! I’m stuck inside! 哎呀!我被困了! 26

I must find a way 我要找個方法 27

Where am I?

Where am I?

Little one, are you alright?





Can you let go of anything? 要不要放下一點東西? 29

I need to let my drawings go 我要放棄這些畫了 30

Little one, can you move your body? 孩子,要不要試試移動身體?

Up and down 向上向下

Am I doing it right? 這樣對嗎? 31

Up down Up down 向上向下向上向下 32

I got it!

Woohoo! I am free!


哦呵! 我自由了! 33

Little one, we don’t need anything to actualise ourselves 孩子,我們不需要額外的東西去成就自己 34

You already have the ability and freedom to move 你本來已擁有舞動的力量與自由 35

Be the master of yourself

Thank you dears






江悅芯 賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 | 參與學員 好鐘意唐老鴨的跳舞女孩 喜歡跳舞、戶外活動和閱讀 「有時候外界的事物的而且確吸引無比, 但請記得 別要因為外界的誘惑而忘卻原本的自己, 別要被外界所束縛而失去自由。」

阿好 | 荔枝 | 燕兒 《暮言·菁行》工作坊 | 參與者 (來自 保良局方樹福堂兒童及青少年發展中心)



Moon Kong Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme | Participant A dancing girl who is a fan of Donald Duck Likes dancing, outdoor activities and reading Sometimes things in the external world are really attractive, but please remember, don’t forget your original self because of the temptations, don’t be bounded by the external world and lose your freedom. Ms Nice, Ms Lychee, Ms Swallow “Mou6 Jin4 Cing1 Hang4’’ Workshop | Participant (from Po Leung Kuk F.S.F.T. Children and Youth Development Centre)


賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme


新約舞流有限公司編製 2022 年 2 月編印 版權所有,未經許可,不得翻印、節錄及轉載

Produced by PASSOVERDANCE LIMITED Published in February 2022 All rights reserved, no reprint, excerpt or reprint without permission

參與計劃學員:江悅芯 故事:劉妍汶 插畫及文字:劉妍汶 文字編輯:劉蔚霖 書籍設計:劉妍汶、黎意雄

Participating Dancer: Moon Kong Story Creation: Carmen Lym Illustration and Text: Carmen Lym Text Editing: Bobo Lau Book Design: Carmen Lym, Soilworm Lai

賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 計劃經理:林燕虹 計劃統籌:鄧卓敏

Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme Project Manager: Joyce Lam Project Coordinator: Penelope Tang

新約舞流有限公司 地 址:香港灣仔港灣道二號香港藝術中心 1602 室 網 址: https://www.passoverdance.org 電 郵: info@passoverdance.org 電 話:(852) 5407 6047 傳 真:(852) 3460 4264

PASSOVERDANCE LIMITED Address: Rm 1602, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Website: https://www.passoverdance-en.org Email: info@passoverdance.org Tel: (852) 5407 6047 Fax: (852) 3460 4264

國際書號 ISBN 978-988-76261-2-1 免費派發

International Book Number ISBN 978-988-76261-2-1 Free distribution

所有作品內容均由主辦單位/創作團隊獨立製作, 並不代表本計劃及捐助機構之立場或意見。

All the content of works are independently produced by the organiser/creative team, and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Project nor the Funder.

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捐助機構 Funded by


賽馬會「音語來回」舞蹈教育計劃 Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City” Dance Education Programme

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捐助機構 Funded by

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