Pacific Union Recorder—June 2024

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A Mars

Reverie I Beginnings:

Fundamental Belief #4: The Son I An Idea Whose Time Had Come, Part 3

The Son of Joseph Hill Elmshaven

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What life was that of Christ? He was just as certainly fulfilling His mission as the Pattern Man when toiling as a carpenter, and hiding the great secret of His divine mission from the world, as when He trod the foaming, white-capped billows on the sea of Galilee, or when raising the dead to life, or when dying [as] man’s sacrifice upon the cross that He might lift up the whole race to a new and perfect life. Jesus dwelt long at Nazareth, unhonored and unknown, that the lesson in His example might teach men and women how closely they may walk with God in even the common course of daily life.

—Ellen G. White, Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 3, 1880

What’s inside

4 A Mars Hill Reverie

8 Beginnings: Elmshaven

12 An Idea Whose Time Had Come, Part 3: Changing Times, Changing Laws

16 Fundamental Belief Number 4: The Son

18 The Son of Joseph

22 Newsdesk

24 Arizona Conference

26 Central California Conference

28 Hawaii Conference

30 Holbrook Indian School

32 Adventist Health

33 La Sierra University

34 Loma Linda University Health

35 Pacific Union College

36 Nevada-Utah Conference

38 Northern California Conference

40 Southeastern California Conference

42 Southern California Conference

44 Community & Marketplace

49 Sunset Calendars


The Recorder is a monthly publication reaching approximately 76,000 Seventh-day Adventist homes in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. Our mission is to inform, educate, and inspire our readers to action in all areas of ministry.

Publisher Ray Tetz

Editor Alberto Valenzuela

Assistant Editor Connie Jeffery


Stephanie Leal • Alberto Valenzuela


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Postal Regs: The Pacific Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381), Volume 124, Number 6, is the official journal of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published monthly. Subscription rate: No charge to Pacific Union Adventist church members; $16 per year in U.S.; $20 foreign (U.S. funds); single copy, $2. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359.

June 2024 3

A Mars Hill



and move, and have our being

It was a stifling hot summer afternoon in Athens, Greece, and for the first time in my life, I had just been robbed.

Traveling alone through this beautiful county, I was prepared to take the ferry to the island of Santorini early the next morning but decided to go down to the marina to double check my tickets for the next several days. Making my way through the crowds of people, I was pushed to the ground, and the small purse I had foolishly just slung over my shoulder was taken. My credit card, ATM card, cash, and several days of ferry tickets were stolen. Fortunately, my passport was still b ack in the hotel room safe.

After contacting my bank, I learned I would have to wait in Athens for another 48 hours before my new cards would arrive and I could proceed with my trip

Since I had no access to money, I chose to do some additional exploring of places that were free. I wound up on

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Mars Hill (the Areopagus), sitting on the rocks in the sweltering sun, tired and feeling defeated.

I had read about Paul’s visit to Athens during his second missionary journey many times in Scripture and was always inspired by the passages. I pulled out my ear buds, searched my phone for Acts 17 and began listening to a reading of the Bible as well as Ellen G. White’s The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 23, where the details of that visit are recorded. I gazed around me with the Acropolis in view and the city bustling with tourists, and I tried to imagine Paul standing right where I was sitting as he made such a profound gospel presentation and proclaimed Christ crucified.

I listened to the words Paul spoke as he introduced his listeners to the one true God and the only way of salvation, Jesus Christ.

As Ellen White wrote:

“Ye men of Athens,” he said, “I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To the Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you.…”

With hand outstretched toward the temple crowded with idols, Paul poured out the burden of his soul, and exposed the fallacies of the religion of the Athenians.…

With earnest and fervid eloquence the apostle declared, “God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; neither is

I gazed around me with the Acropolis in view and the city bustling with tourists, and I tried to imagine Paul standing right where I was sitting as he made such a profound gospel presentation and proclaimed Christ crucified.

6 Pacific Union Recorder

worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.…”

Pointing to the noble specimens of manhood about him, with words borrowed from a poet of their own he pictured the infinite God as a Father, whose children they were. “In Him we live, and move, and have our being,” he declared (Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles , pp. 237-238).

It was those words from the book of Acts that struck the chords of my soul on that hot summer afternoon, and I repeated them over and over.

“In Him we live, and move, and have our being.”

“In Him I live, and move, and have my being.” It was a sacred time and space for

reconsecrating myself to living and proclaiming that message, and I was suddenly very thirsty. Not just physically thirsty but spiritually thirsty. The words of the Psalmist came to my mind: “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God” (Psalms 42:1, ESV).

I sat on Mars Hill and drank deeply from the flowing stream of refreshing water that the Spirit of God longs to give us as we abide in His presence, attentive to the words of Scripture, and remember that in Him we live. In Him we move. In Him we have our being.

June brings with it the scorching heat of the sun. May your soul be quenched.

Sandra E. Roberts is the executive secretary and the ministerial director of the Pacific Union Conference.

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Adventist 8 Pacific Union Recorder

Pioneers in the West

Beginnings: Elmshaven

In 1900, Ellen White, 72 years old, had just returned from nine years in Australia. Having sold her home in the U.S. before leaving for Australia, she needed to find somewhere to live. Previously she had lived in the East, but now she believed the West was where she needed to be. In fact, ever since her first visit to California in 1872 she had dedicated much time and even personal funding to building up the work in the West. Her many assignments and calls on her services left little time for house hunting.

However, she recognized the importance of finding a place to call home, so as soon as she arrived in San Francisco she went looking: “For several days after reaching Oakland we spent the time in Oakland house hunting, to find a place to locate our families. We found nothing that was suitable, and I said, ‘I am done. I shall search no more. The Lord knows what our work is and where we should be located; and we shall wait the Lord’s time’” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 21, p. 126).

However, a friend told her about a place near St. Helena. So: “As soon as we could, we went down

to see the place, and we were well pleased with it. It is just the place I need,” she wrote. In fact, it was better than the home she had just left in Australia. She continued, “The Lord planned for me, and I found that I could buy this place here for less than I received for my house in Cooranbong and all its belongings. This includes two horses, one rather old, four carriages and a platform wagon, much better than the one I gave away, and a house furnished throughout. It was like stepping out of my home in Cooranbong into a beautiful, roomy one here. It has surprised me much that we should be thus favored.… This place was none of my seeking. It has come to me without a thought or purpose of mine. The Lord is so kind and gracious to me. I can trust my interests with Him who is too wise to err and too good to do me harm” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 21, pp.126-127).


Elmshaven had been the property of Robert Pratt, a railroad investor. Later he became assistant general superintendent of the Southern Pacific Railroad.

“The Lord is so kind and gracious to me. I can trust my interests with Him who is too wise to err and too good to do me harm.”

While involved in this work, he had the house later known as Elmshaven constructed in 1885 as his family home. However, by early 1900, his children had grown up and left home, so the “Robert Pratt Place,” as it was known, was put up for sale, along with its 74 acres and half interest in Crystal Spring.

William, Robert’s brother, had become a Seventhday Adventist in 1873. In 1877 he donated 10 acres of his hillside land and his half interest in Crystal Spring, as well as providing financial backing, in order to establish a medical institution known as the Rural Health Retreat (now Adventist Health St. Helena). This institution was what had brought Ellen White into the area, and her decision to locate close by provided a mutually beneficial relationship.

The significance of Elmshaven

But it is for Ellen White’s writing that Elmshaven is most remembered. As one of the co-founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, she had spent much of her life helping her husband, James White, who served three one-year terms as president of the church. In her own right she spent much time directing the development of the church in its many areas of interest.

But as she set up home in Elmshaven, she recognized her main role was to help coming

generations in their Christian experience. She wanted to get it all down on paper before she was gone. She wrote eloquently: “Occasionally I have attended meetings, and have visited institutions in California, but the greater portion of the time since the last General Conference has been spent in manuscript work at my country home, ‘Elmshaven,’ near St. Helena. I am thankful that the Lord is sparing my life to work a little longer on my books. O, that I had strength to do all that I see ought to be done! I pray that he may impart to me wisdom, that the truths our people so much need may be presented clearly and acceptably. I am encouraged to believe that God will enable me to do this” (Ellen G. White, “Courage in the Lord,” Review and Herald, June 12, 1913, p. 557).

During her life, Ellen White completed about 40 books, including nine major works she wrote in the upper writing room at Elmshaven. She also wrote materials later used as compilations, in addition to many hundreds of articles for church journals. Some have been translated and published in as many as 160 languages.

Last days

As she entered her writing room at noon on Sabbath, February 13, 1915, she fell and fractured her hip. It was in this room in a hospital bed that she spent the last few months of her life and, on Friday afternoon, July 16, 1915, closed her lifework. Her last words were, “I know in whom I have believed.”

Soon after Ellen White’s death in 1915, the Elmshaven property was sold. As it passed through several hands, the farmland to the east of the family orchard and home was disposed of and turned into residential building lots. To bring the residence and land to the south and west into Seventh-day Adventist control, Charles T. Everson, a prominent Adventist evangelist, purchased it in 1927.

After Charles Everson’s death in 1956, Mrs. Everson made the property available to the Pacific Union Conference, which now owns and maintains it with the cooperation of the General Conference.

10 Pacific Union Recorder
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An Idea Whose Time Had Come

Changing Times, Changing Laws

That was then, this is now. Randy Hill, who spent part of 1985 working as a Taskforce youth pastor in the Simi Valley church in California, is now vice president for youth and young adult ministries for the Pacific Union. Hill recently provided an update.

“The term Taskforce is not heard as much anymore,” he said, “and in many parts of the country, this kind of volunteer service is very limited. Human resources laws have changed. A young person cannot just go and live in somebody’s spare bedroom and be provided a minimal stipend. They have to be paid a legal minimum wage. That has made such service costprohibitive for work in many local churches. However, possibilities still exist in some places.”

Gladys Guerrero, in the North American Division (NAD) Office of Volunteer Ministries, largely confirmed Hill’s statement about changing human resources laws. However, she said Adventist college students are continuing to serve in parts of North America. Furthermore, under specific circumstances, Taskforce volunteers may legally be considered volunteers rather than employes, in which case a minimum wage may not be a requirement.

Regarding applicable laws, the Associate General Counsel’s office at the General Conference has provided a guidelines checklist. According to the document, definitions are crucial: “The Allowance is not wages or compensation for work done. It is based strictly on need and not based on what the person does, what educational or experience qualifications they have, how many hours they work, or what responsibilities they are given.”

According to Federal Income Tax rules, if housing is provided, a per diem allocation to cover food and incidental expenses should not exceed $64 per day. However, if housing and meals are provided, the maximum allowable per diem allowance,

12 Pacific Union Recorder

essentially for toiletries and laundry, is $5 per day.

So, human resources laws and IRS regulations are specific—conforming to details is essential—but legal considerations have not entirely suffocated the Taskforce idea in North America. Incidentally, Guerrero said that the NAD Office of Volunteer Ministries continues to use the term “Taskforce” on a regular basis.

An epidemic dividend

Guerrero reported a surprising development related to the covid epidemic. She explained that, before covid, interest in North American service had dwindled, with students at most Adventist colleges gravitating toward overseas service. However, with international travel curtailed during the epidemic, but with desire for service still strong, college students looked again to North American opportunities. The old Taskforce idea, which had languished to some extent, was reinvigorated. Steven Manoukian is director of student missions for Southern Adventist University (SAU). Manoukian reports that, in the 2023-24 school year, Southern has sent 15 students to Pennsylvania, Idaho, North Carolina, Michigan, Oregon, Hawaii, and Alaska. Their

2024 Taskforce Volunteers

Southern Adventist University: 15

Walla Walla University: 5

Andrews University: 2

La Sierra University: 2

Union College: 2

Southwestern Adventist University: 2

Burman University: 2

service includes dormitory assistant deans, teachers’ aids, and assistant pastors. One young woman from SAU is working in Nome, Alaska, at a Christian radio station and an interdenominational homeless shelter.

Guerrero’s NAD office keeps track of the numbers. She reports the following Taskforce volunteers during the current school year (see chart above).

In addition, 20 students from colleges and

Taskforce volunteers in Hawaii: Jayden Anggormas, Joseph Okello, Lana Merginio, Leslie Camarillo, Jolina Console, Caleb Schaber, Patrick King.

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universities other than Adventist institutions have been processed by the NAD Office of Volunteer Ministries for the current school year.

And in Hawaii

One particular conference in the far west of the Pacific Union has quietly moved into the forefront of the resurgence of Taskforce activity, although the actual term “Taskforce” is not always used.

In 2014, Elder Erik VanDenburgh, then the Hawaii Conference youth ministry director, was talking to Jaime Vargas, a theology major at Andrews University. Vargas said to VanDenburgh, “I’m terrified. No one knows me. I don’t know how I’ll get hired as a pastor, and then if I do get hired, I’m terrified because I don’t know how to lead a church.”

Although he didn’t know it at the time of that conversation, Vargas would soon become the first of many Adventist young people to participate in the Hawaii Conference’s Leadership Development Program, which VanDenburgh was instrumental in launching during the autumn of 2014. Now a successful alumnus of the program, Vargas serves as a pastor on the island of Kauai.

In a recent phone conversation, VanDenburgh, who has been Hawaii Conference president since April 2022, explained, “Our church is in need of pastors, and we don’t just need bodies. We need qualified, trained pastors who are able to come in and do the job. This is a reason I chose to come to Hawaii, to help develop this program.”

The program includes opportunities not only for aspiring pastors but also for those with an interest in classroom teaching, camp operations,

communication, and treasury.

Hawaii Conference Superintendent of Schools Miki Akeo-Nelson reported in January 2024 that 11 Taskforce volunteers are serving in posts around the conference during the 2023-2024 school year. Since 2014, seventy-nine Taskforce volunteers have served in education positions in the conference.

“The program equips our pastors and teachers with real-life experience,” said President VanDenburgh. “It gives them a perspective of what ministry is really like. It helps them to identify their calling. And it connects them with resources and connections that they didn’t have before. It opens opportunities. It allows them to build a résumé, and it gives them a reference.”

VanDenburgh explained that, in addition to being teamed up with a mentoring pastor, the pastors-in-training are involved in weekly sessions that cover three crucial areas. “We talk about life, about ministry, and about theology,” VanDenburgh said, “so they are mentored in those areas in an intentional way. This has been very beneficial.”

Including eight who are currently involved in a year of volunteer service, VanDenburgh said that, since 2014, fifty-one young people have served a year in the volunteer Leadership Development Program.

Three pastors currently serving in the Hawaii Conference came through the program. Another is currently enrolled in the seminary at Andrews, sponsored by the Hawaii Conference, and yet another has recently accepted a call to work with Hope Channel International in Silver Spring, Maryland. VanDenburgh estimates that at least half

“We talk about life, about ministry, and about theology, so they are mentored in those areas in an intentional way. This has been very beneficial.”
Erik VanDenburgh
14 Pacific Union Recorder

of those who have come through the program are working for the church in some capacity, in Hawaii or other conferences.


A few months ago, I was talking on the phone with my old friend Bob Tetz, who was the British Columbia youth director 50 years ago. He has since passed away. Bob and I talked about his involvement in getting the Taskforce program started. During our long and delightful time of reminiscing, Bob said, “I don’t know what I would have done without you guys. Having been a church pastor, I entered the Conference Youth Department as a complete novice. The Taskforce volunteers had a great part in gaining the interest of young people in the conference. I don’t know that my ministry could have succeeded without you.”

And it is fair to say that a significant group of us don’t know that our work

in the Adventist Church would have succeeded apart from those formative years as Taskforce volunteers that began our ministries.

Bert Williams, who is now retired, served the Adventist Church in Canada, East Africa, and several regions of the United States. He worked, at various times, as a church pastor, academy teacher, and editor. He and his wife live in San Mateo and are members of the Palo Alto church.

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Bob Tetz helped get the Taskforce program started in British Columbia. Bob and Myrna Tetz

Fundamental Belief Number 4: The Son

Is Jesus the Son of God? One fundamental question we need to ask when we read our Bible is whether that question is true or false. Perhaps we should start by asking if Jesus claimed to be God. Think about it: neither Buddha, Confucius, or Mohammed ever claimed to be God, yet Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58, NKJV). He was using the same language we find in Exodus 3:14 when God said to Moses, “I AM THAT I AM.… Say unto the children of Israel: I AM hath sent me unto you” (DARBY).

This fundamental belief is just one in a long line of creedal formulas developed over the centuries addressing the many controversies over the person of Jesus. One particularly serious conflict regarding the Son led to the division of the church into Western and Eastern Christianity, led by the Pope in the West and the Orthodox Patriarch in the East.

The reason? One word, filioque, meaning “and the Son,” was added to the creed. The argument was over whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father or from the Son as well (filioque). The argument was so severe that it split the church!1

Behind all these arguments lies the question

of who Jesus was. The official Fundamental Belief statement summarizes the life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus.2 In this it is rather like the first three Gospels that give us the same kind of information. But like John, it’s important to ask, “What does all this mean?”

During His lifetime Jesus was the subject of much speculation as to His identity. He even invited such analysis by asking His disciples “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” The answers included John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets. But then Jesus puts them on the spot and asks, “Who do you say I am?” To which Peter replies, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16: 1316, NIV).

Sometimes you read the assertion that in the Gospels Jesus never claimed to be God. He may not have said, “I am God,” but His words and acts demonstrate His divinity. One of the best examples of Jesus’ pre-existence is His reply to the Jewish leaders who were so proud to be Abraham’s descendants. He told them, “Before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58, NIV). Not only was Jesus saying He existed before Abraham, but He also was referring to Himself


using the name for God, “I am.” (See Exodus 3:14.) His hearers were so incensed at what they saw as blasphemy that they immediately tried to stone Him to death.

Similarly, when Jesus was confronted by the Jewish leaders for healing on the Sabbath, He told them “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” Then John gives this comment: “For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God” (John 5:17-18, NIV). There’s no question that they understood Jesus was claiming to be divine.

So what do we say about the Son? How do we understand Jesus’ nature? While early Adventists did not accept the doctrine of the Trinity (as we saw under the relevant article on Fundamental Belief #2 in the March issue of the Recorder), they did not deny the divinity of Jesus.3 As C.S. Lewis has observed,4 when it comes to answering the question as to Jesus’ identity, either Jesus was a lunatic or a liar—or He was who He said He was. He cannot be dismissed as an interesting philosopher or an ethical teacher.

Early Adventist writer E.J Waggoner wrote, “It is idle, therefore, for anybody to deny the Divinity of Christ, and at the same time to say that He was a good man. Good men do not make false claims. If Jesus were not Divine, He would have been an impostor. But He was good, absolutely good, the embodiment of all goodness; and therefore He was just what He professed to be, the Son of God.”5

Jesus says of Himself, “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me” (John 6:38, NIV). “I came from the Father into the world, and now I will leave the world and return to the Father” (John 16:28, NLT). There can be no doubt as to His origin and nature. The question we all must ask ourselves is, “What does this mean to me?”

Jesus points to the relationship He wants to have with each of us. “Now you are my friends, since I

have told you everything the Father told me” (John 15:15, NLT). He wants us to have eternal life. (See John 12:50.) His promise to us is this: “I am telling you the truth: those who hear my words and believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life” (John 5:24, GNT).

So we can leave all the theological arguments about the Son to one side and concentrate on the Jesus who saves and heals. This is the real message of this fundamental belief. The very existence of the Son demands a response from each and every one of us.

As He anticipated His death and resurrection, the basis for our salvation, Jesus explained, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me” (John 8:28, NIV).

The Son comes to save.

In the end, as it is with all 28 fundamental beliefs, they are meant to be much more than a doctrine or a creed—they are to be part of our experience. They must inform how we live our lives. The question is: Am I lifting the name of Jesus?

Carlos Camacho is president of the Nevada-Utah Conference. 1 2

3For example, Ellen White wrote, “There is not a people on earth who hold more firmly to the truth of Christ's pre-existence than do Seventh-day Adventists” (“An Appeal for the Australasian Field,” Review and Herald, Dec. 5, 1893, p. 757). James White wrote, “We do not deny the divinity of Christ. We delight in giving full credit to all those strong expressions of Scripture which exalt the Son of God” (“Western Tour,” Review and Herald, June 6, 1871, p. 196).

4“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: “I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity [New York: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1996], pp. 55-56.)

5E.J. Waggoner, “The Performing of Impossibilities,” The Present Truth, Nov. 22, 1900, p. 738.

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The Son

Although, strictly speaking, it is not a religious festival, Father's Day gives us a chance to reflect on a familiar theme in our tradition. Jesus referred to God as Abba, Father. For this He chose the word in Aramaic (Abba) that implies something deeper, more direct than our abstraction (paternity). By calling God His Father, Jesus implied that we are individually created in the image of God. Our relationship with God is as close and direct as that between a father and his child. In the same way that I know my daughter personally, so Jesus gave new meaning to the idea that God is our Father.

We know very little about Joseph. The early church did everything possible to suppress the memory of Jesus' human father. It is necessary to read between the lines in the Gospels to reconstruct one of the most important and interesting relationships in history. Although in early Christian art he is portrayed simply as a carpenter, we must remember that Scripture identifies Joseph as a descendant of David and Solomon. With this tradition of kingship in his blood, Joseph must have reacted joyfully to the hope planted in the angel's revelation to Mary that this child would one day be a great king. He must have rightly feared Herod's reaction to the news of the child’s birth in Bethlehem. A few days after Jesus' birth, Joseph led his family across hundreds of miles of desert, placing his son out of Herod's reach.

Because it was not safe to return to his homeland, Joseph must have remained with his family in Egypt for several years, living as refugees. According to custom, Joseph's role was to teach the boy the mysteries of Scripture and to tell him the stories of Israel's past. Much of this must have taken place while they were in Egypt. More important than all this must have been that Joseph told the young Jesus about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus gained His knowledge of God from His parents and must have developed His understanding of God in the context of family relationships.

When they returned to Nazareth, Joseph taught Jesus the profession of carpentry. The Greek word used in the New Testament is tekton. In ancient Greek, tekton is a term for a craftsman or artisan, in particular a carpenter, builder, or someone who works with wood—what we sometimes call a “maestro,” a master of the art. The Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Scriptures, translates the Hebrew word kharash-'etsim (which means “craftsman of woods”) as tekton. (See Isaiah 44:13.) In other words, a carpenter.

In those days, the carpenter was a professional with an influence in the community. He was the main supplier of cooking fuel. He provided parts for tools to till the field,

18 Pacific Union Recorder

of Joseph

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wood to make furniture, material for making baskets. The carpenter was in charge of planting trees; he was responsible for the forest so that people in future generations could have necessary wood. The carpenter was a builder and an architect.

Joseph knew how to make the foundation of a house; he could design and erect walls and roofs for a family home or for a public building. The common picture of Joseph and Jesus working in the solitude of a carpenter's workshop is a bit misleading. Being a carpenter involved much more: cutting and pruning trees in the forest, measuring and doing calculations like a modern engineer does, and managing the forest.1

Joseph introduced Jesus to this active and demanding profession at an early age. Most likely, the lessons Jesus learned at His father's side influenced His thinking.

Considering all this, it is interesting that Joseph's name is barely mentioned in the Gospels and is not mentioned at all in the rest of the New Testament. In the Christian tradition we hear a great deal about Mary, but Joseph remains outside of the scene.

In essence, Joseph’s memory was sacrificed by the early church as a consequence of the development of the concept of the immaculate conception and the virgin birth.

Over a period of many years, the church fathers came to believe that Mary was not only a virgin during Jesus' birth but that she remained a virgin for the rest of her life. They taught that her marriage to Joseph was never consummated. This notion was officially recognized as the doctrine of perpetual virginity. Unfortunately, once having adopted this notion, the church was faced with the embarrassing problem

of Joseph's other sons, named in the Gospels as the brothers of Jesus.

To solve this dilemma, the church taught that Joseph was an old man when he married Mary. These brothers were the result of a previous marriage. One authority estimated that Joseph was 93 years old on his wedding day. When we imagine a 93-year-old groom, suddenly the doctrine of the virgin birth and the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary make sense. This is how the doctrine of perpetual virginity was defended. And as a result, Joseph practically disappears.2

Legend has it that Joseph died at the age of 111, when Jesus was 18 years old. While Joseph's role diminished, Mary's role was elevated to a place of honor, and she was revered as the mother of God.

All of this is very unfortunate because it obscures one of the most important foundations of Jesus' faith. Joseph's influence can be read between the lines of almost everything Jesus said or did.

Whenever Jesus wanted to express His ideas and feelings, He drew from His experiences as Joseph's helper and apprentice. Jesus knew how to use His observations of the world to explain the mysteries of God. It is on this theological level that the relationship of father and son makes the deepest impression.

If Joseph had not provided a good example, it would have been difficult for Jesus to imagine God as Abba, Father. If Joseph had not loved Him deeply, it is doubtful that Jesus would have preached so radically about God's love.

But this story also has a dark side. In a very real way, Jesus went beyond His human father's faith. Their own perceptions were different. In fact, they differed on crucial points, and if Joseph had lived, it

If Joseph had not loved Him deeply, it is doubtful that Jesus would have preached so radically about God's love.
20 Pacific Union Recorder

would have caused a rift between them.

In many ways Jesus deviated from His earthly family's religion. After He spoke as a prophet for the first time in the synagogue of Nazareth, the people were offended. They didn't believe Him. Affronted, they asked, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?… Isn't this the carpenter's son?” (Matthew 13:54-55, NIV).

The implication was that Jesus couldn't have anything new or special to say to them because He had learned everything from Joseph. He was back in His village, and these people who had watched Him grow up couldn’t see how His wisdom could possibly be very profound.

We can see here the division that had been established between Jesus and the members of his own family. Ironically, when Jesus insisted that God loves everyone as deeply and as personally as a father loves his child, he went beyond His human father's religion. His most profound contribution to our understanding was precisely that God is not only the God of the Jews or the Christians or any other people chosen because of their race or their creed. God loves all creatures with a love that is deeply personal and individual. God is the Father of all, and in God's love we are all equal. This fundamental perception held by Jesus, which was influenced by His relationship with Joseph, is also a point of His faith that would have been unacceptable to His own family— including His father.

This is the irony that is part of the relationship between every parent and child. Although we are deeply influenced by our parents and may share their values and their views, we are also unique and must find our own way. At the same time that the knowledge of God is difficult without the love and care that our parents have provided for us, we cannot develop spiritually unless we understand God for ourselves, in our own way. So we are continually torn between loving and obeying our parents and the equally valid

requirement that we must find God for ourselves. This is the meaning of the harshest words spoken by Jesus: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26, NKJV).

The Christian pilgrimage takes us through deep waters. Although we are provided with the best equipment and training our parents can give us, as we move into the future, we must chart our own path.

The final irony in the relationship between Joseph and his son is that his early death is the result of the freedom exhibited by Jesus. Although He grew up with His father's traditions, He was able to move beyond those traditions. That is the example we must follow as we move forward in the 21st century.

As we re-explore our understanding of God, it would be inappropriate to apply Jesus' words and stories without considering every situation. When He spoke of God as a Father, Jesus was opening up a new, deeper, more personal understanding of God. So we gain nothing by mechanically repeating, “Our Father who art in heaven...” as a mantra. We must use our perception of the world. We must speak of our own faith—guided, but not enslaved, by tradition.

In this time of ferment and creativity, we must go beyond the religion of our fathers. Beyond the God of our fathers. We must follow Jesus to a deeper, more personal, more intimate knowledge. As we seek deeper understanding, it is possible that the God we encounter will break down our preconceptions, and we may find a faith that is deeper, truer, richer.

Alberto Valenzuela is associate director of communication and community engagement of the Pacific Union Conference and the Recorder editor.

1. Sabine R. Huebner, Papyri and the Social World of the New Testament (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 66-73. See also https://bit. ly/49yYDiE and

2. See also Tim Stapes, Behold your Mother: A Biblical Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines (El Cajon, CA: Catholic Answers Press, 2014), pp. 301-310.

June 2024 21

The La Sierra University Board of Trustees on May 9 unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Christon Arthur to serve as the university’s sixth president. He arrives from Andrews University in Michigan where he has been provost since 2016.

Arthur will begin his presidential duties on July 1. He takes over the leadership post from Dr. Richard Osborn, who was selected last fall to serve as the university’s interim president following the resignation of Dr. Joy Fehr. Osborn will continue to serve the campus through the end of June.

“What an exciting moment for La Sierra University. We are thrilled by the selection of Dr. Arthur to the president’s role,” said Dr. Bradford C. Newton, university board chair. “His remarkable breadth of experiences and insights into so many aspects of educational leadership are a perfect fit for La Sierra. We look forward to working with him as the university continues to chart an upward path following the short-term strategic plan that has been developed, and we anticipate a bright future for years to come under Dr. Arthur’s skillful guidance.”

In a surprise Zoom call from Michigan, Arthur made his first appearance to the campus following the May 9 board selection. “It is the joy and honor of my life to be able to accept the invitation to join this illustrious La Sierra University,” he said. “I’m looking

Christon Arthur Selected as La Sierra’s Next President

forward to the years ahead. I’m fully confident that God will lead, God will guide, and God will direct.

I’m placing the future in the hands of God to help La Sierra to become all that God has called it to become, and I’m delighted for the opportunity to work for and to see where God will lead us into the future.”

As Andrews University’s provost, Arthur oversaw approximately a $70 million academic budget and a total enrollment of about 10,000 students, including nearly 5,000 non-degree seeking individuals.

Successful initiatives under his purview include the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, funded by a $3.5 million estate planning gift; a rebirth of the university’s Career Center, funded by a Title III grant; the creation of a Center for Vocation and Calling, funded by a Council of Independent Colleges grant; and the re-establishing of the Center for Teaching Excellence.

Arthur led the Michigan campus’ strategies to enhance enrollment growth, led in the formation of international relationships that resulted in enrollment increases from international markets, and spearheaded use of data analytics toward achieving best practices.

He holds multiple graduate degrees, including an Ed.S. and a doctoral degree respectively in curriculum and instruction and in educational

NEWSDESK 22 Pacific Union Recorder I Newsdesk
Dr. Christon Arthur, provost of Andrews University, was selected on May 9 to serve as La Sierra University’s next president.

administration from Andrews University, and he completed post-graduate studies at Harvard University’s Institute for Management and Leadership in Education. Last year he earned a graduate certificate in finance from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he is currently an MBA candidate. He also holds a B.A. in theology from the University of the Southern Caribbean in Trinidad and Tobago.

Prior to serving as provost, Arthur held additional leadership positions at Andrews beginning in 2010 as dean of the School of Graduate Studies & Research. Before that he served four years in administrative posts at Tennessee State University, where he also taught as an associate professor in educational administration. He currently teaches at Andrews as an educational administration

professor, a position held since 2010. He has been an educator for more than 30 years and has worked in elementary and secondary schools.

Arthur, a native of Grenada, will serve as La Sierra University’s first Black president in its nearly 102year history. The university began in October 1922 as La Sierra Academy and expanded exponentially over the ensuing decades and through several iterations, becoming La Sierra College in 1939. In 1967 it joined Loma Linda University as its College of Arts and Sciences. In 1990, La Sierra separated from Loma Linda to once again become its own entity under the leadership of its first president as a university, noted theologian and professor Dr. Fritz Guy. Drs. Lawrence T. Geraty, Randal R. Wisbey, and Fehr respectively led the university between 1993 and 2023.

Next Step Scholarships

Newsdesk I June 2024 23 To apply, scan the QR code.
families as they make educational decisions at key progression points in their student’s life THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES Kindergarten Scholarships $750 $250 to Ninth-Grade Scholarships $2,500 $1,000 to • Not limited to members of the Adventist Church
For full-time enrolled kindergarten
ninth-grade students
Nominated by the local conference education department
other scholarship funds
tuition assistance
Based on submission of online essay-based application Application deadline: Varies by conference

LEFT: Rhonda Smith recounts the history of the Casa Grande church.

RIGHT: Arizona Conference administrators join Pastor Bishop and the Casa Grande mayor in cutting the ribbon during the dedication service for the new church.

Casa Grande Church Dedication

The journey to find a new home for the Casa Grande church was marked by self-discovery and challenges to be overcome. Mike Soto, former Casa Grande pastor, recalled that the challenges “helped the church grow together because it led the church to practically realize that they are the church and not the building.”

When the church had to leave the location they had been leasing several years ago, they began an earnest search and discovery period to find the “best” location. At first, the plans were to purchase property and build a new church. That shifted and changed through the months of planning. The church looked at sites in neighborhoods and on vacant lots on the outskirts of town.

“I remember the Sabbath we had to be out,” Soto said. “We gathered for a prayer vigil, and we had to depend on God and each other to succeed. It led us to think about what the essence of a church is and what’s its purpose.”

However, the various possibilities faced one obstacle after another.

Pastor Don Bishop and his wife, Annette, lead out in the church dedication litany at the conclusion of the church dedication service.

Then a property in the downtown area of Casa Grande became an intriguing option for the church. The old Social Security office just off the main business district of “old town” Casa Grande went on the market. The storefront property would need to be renovated to fit the needs of a church, but the idea of being downtown appealed to the congregation as they revisited their mission and purpose.

Soto says the church began to realize that a location in the downtown area would give it a distinctive advantage. “The downtown would allow us to understand the community better, assess needs, and plan accordingly. A high traffic area would provide a unique opportunity for the church to be ‘seen’ where a location secluded in a neighborhood wouldn’t.”

Church member Rhonda Smith agreed with Soto’s perspective: “Being downtown puts us in a great place to reach people. We can intersect with them more naturally and, hopefully, productively.”

The downtown location was not without its own challenges as the church building committee and contractors worked to meet city building codes, renovate the office space into a church space, and address the different perspectives of church members that at times were in conflict.

As work progressed on the building, the congregation met in the side room of the old theater building down the street. Pastor Soto took a call to the Tempe church and Pastor Don Bishop and his wife, Annette, arrived to carry the church through the process to the grand opening on April 20. “The grand opening was forgetting the differences that may have been in the past, reviewing how God has

24 Pacific Union Recorder Arizona Conference

led us faithfully, and coming together for a common purpose,” commented Smith.

Pastor Bishop sees a vibrant future for the church. “Our vision and dream for the church is that it will be warm place of welcome that attracts the community,” he said. His vision is also linked to the church’s location. “We want to develop great relationships with our community through classes, programs, and groups that will meet the community needs,” Bishop continued. “A place where people can come to find hope.”

Celebrating 105 Years

In April, Sahuarita church member

Marjorie Holm celebrated her 105th birthday in the Green Valley, Arizona, community where she has lived for over 30 years. As Holm reflected over her well-lived life, she shared many memories of her family and close friends—memories that span from the death of her mother when Holm was just five years old to business successes with her husband, Larry.

Her early life was marked by tragedy when her mother passed away. “After the death of my mother, my father turned lemons into lemonade,” said Holm. Instead of a life soured with heartaches and dreams deferred, Holm’s childhood memories are immersed in love and admiration for her single father, who never remarried. “I never felt lonely and was always loved and well cared for,” she continued.

Holm and her father lived above the restaurant that her father co-owned with his partner. While there are many fond memories of going with her father to buy supplies and spending time with him in the restaurant, she was not fond of the long walks to school in the frigid winters in Superior, Wisconsin. “I looked forward to riding the city bus to high school to escape the long walks in the cold winter weather,” she recalled.

After a number of years, she and her father moved to Oregon, where she eventually attended a beauty college. Then one Monday night at a dance at the Odd Fellows Hall, she met Larry Holm. This was a “heartstopping” moment for Marjorie. Larry, who attended a

nearby diesel mechanic training program, quickly captured Marjorie’s heart, and the two were soon married.

Larry and his brothers worked hard to establish a sawmill in a remote part of British Columbia, Canada. Living in a very isolated area 80 miles north of Vancouver proved challenging for the young family. The only connection to the outside world was by a train, which brought their mail, groceries, and supplies. But the sacrifices and hard work paid off as the family business expanded to include several lumber businesses, allowing the Holms to retire in their early 40s.

Marjorie and Larry enjoyed an active retirement life together for almost 50 years. They purchased a diesel engine boat, which they named Kimberly, and Marjorie was delighted to be the first mate as they explored the North American waters. “We loved watching all the sea life in the water and the wildlife on shore,” she remembered. They would also travel around the world by plane and cross the United States in their Airstream trailer.

Their life was also filled with service to God. Marjorie was determined to help women who had no business experience manage their finances. Larry was a devout Adventist all his life and Marjorie was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1956. She has been a faithful and committed member of the Sahuarita church for over 30 years.

Arizona Conference June 2024 25
Craig McFarland, Casa Grande mayor (left), talks with Greg Fortney, Casa Grande church head elder.
S“God’s Got This!”

Discover Life Mission Trip to Kenya

ometimes God can answer two prayer requests during one event, and He also will include bonus miracles. That happened from March 20 to April 2 during the mission trip of the Discover Life church in Sonora to Kimogoro Adventist School (KAS) in Kenya. The school in Kenya was praying for block walls to be built for a girls’ dormitory, and at the same time a group of 46 individuals (21 adults and 25 students) in Sonora were asking God to bless their plans to serve.

Inspired by past service events in her own life, Jennifer Neufeld-Trujillo, an Adventist Health Sonora pediatrician, wanted to share how transformative it is to go on a mission trip. Starting in July of last year, the planning began for this Maranatha Volunteer International project. Many volunteers began to raise the funds and needed supplies. Principal Amy Miller worked with the teachers at Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy (MLAJA) to make arrangements for those going from the school. Associate Pastor Tyson Kahler and his wife, Marielle, helped organize and promote the trip, and then became the leaders of the VBS while in Kenya. Jennifer’s husband, Tim, agreed to be the construction manager.

In spite of the challenges of the long flight, the daily journey over bumpy and muddy roads to and from the site, adjustments to unfamiliar circumstances, and monsoon downpours, the less-than-experienced construction team still accomplished miracles during

their six work days. Not only were the block walls built by the fourth day, the team also installed the windows, doors, and the roof to complete the construction of the dormitory. They were able to install the 96 bunk beds, plus the mattresses and bedding that the group had purchased for the girls. They even came close to finishing the block walls for the separate restroom building. In addition, the three Adventist Health Sonora physicians on the trip, assisted by some students, held an impromptu pediatric medical clinic and cared for over 75 children. The group also distributed classroom supplies, leftover medical supplies, and a surprise Beanie Baby for each schoolchild.

The miracles extended beyond the construction as those in the group from Sonora personally experienced how much God cares. Included in all the blessings were the baptisms on the final Sabbath of two brothers who attend MLAJA. Here are only a few testimonies from participants that demonstrate their gratitude for the many transformative encounters received during the trip:

• “To God be the glory! During a student-led worship this morning, one ninth-grader admitted he was so exhausted but kept working because of the power God was giving him. Thank you, Jesus, for supplying us with strength.” —a leader

• “I never thought my 13-year-old daughter would take me to Kenya! Meeting all the team members,

26 Pacific Union Recorder Central California Conference

watching her work, and seeing the children here in Kenya will impact me for the rest of my life.” —a dad

• “I don’t want to talk about leaving!” —a fifth-grader

• “Kenya was never on my bucket list, but it was on God’s bucket list for me.” —a dad

• “I love this! It is just so awesome! I wanted to be a nurse, and now I know I want to go into health care.” a ninth-grader, while helping at the medical clinic

• “This is way better than going on a cruise!” —a 10thgrader

It is not surprising that Principal Shadrach of KAS would say, “You are highly welcome to come again! In the future, I hope to see you coming through our gates again!” As one leader explained, “This was a journey of

growth with those who love and share the love of Jesus with others.” And another added, “Not one complaint! Only smiles, excitement, fascination, and joy. Having seen the miracles, I know God’s got this!”

It is more than likely that each person on this trip of a lifetime will resonate with the lyrics when they sing, You can depend on God It matters not where you’re bound.

I’ll shout it from the mountaintop [here in Sonora], PRAISE GOD! I want my world to know The Lord of love has come to me I want to pass it on.1

Central California Conference June 2024 27
1Kurt Kaiser, “Pass It On” (1969).

The Witness Tells the Easter Story

The weekends of March 21-23 and 28-30 marked the 40th anniversary production of The Witness by Pacific Island Praise. This incredibly moving musical followed the story of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and sported a cast filled with talented individuals from the churches of the Hawaii Conference.

A special thank you goes to the sponsors who made this event possible: Pacific Union Conference, Hawaii Conference, Central SDA church, and Waiola Worship Center. We also want to thank everyone who volunteered from all across the island of Oahu and used their talents to put this musical together. Dozens of people from our churches volunteered many hours of their time to help run this show as singers, actors, backstage managers, set designers, and in many more roles.

Some nights of the production featured worship performances by different groups before the musical itself began. One of these groups was the Samoan Gospel Heralds, who performed on April 29 at the

beginning of the Good Friday production. After they sang, the Cretu family came on stage to sing “Press On.” Peter, Massimo, and Sophia Cretu also performed in the musical as Jesus, John, and Mary.

Many people showed up to see this musical both weekends that it was presented, but the sanctuary was noticeably more filled during the Easter weekend performances. Every night of the musical included a Communion service after intermission in order to glorify Christ and acknowledge the importance of His sacrifice for us. Led by an officiating pastor, the audience partook in the unleavened bread and grape juice while the actors on stage performed the scene of the Last Supper. These Communion services were especially powerful on Easter weekend as everyone came together to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Each production of The Witness was an incredible blessing to watch this year, and we are so thankful for everyone who made this musical possible. We hope you had a wonderful Easter, and we can’t wait for next year!

28 Pacific Union Recorder Hawaii Conference

Women Meet for Week of Prayer

Iwas at work on that Wednesday and got a call about an appointment I had to attend. This appointment would interfere with the women's week of prayer I had been attending. I was conflicted. I knew I needed to attend this appointment, but I also wanted to attend the week of prayer. This bothered me, and all day I tried to think of ways to get out of the appointment or, if I were to go, how I would leave early. Every outcome of my hypothetical solutions wound up with me missing the week of prayer meeting. Disappointed, I left work to go to the appointment. While I was driving down the Pali Highway, I got a call—my appointment was canceled! I cried out in the car, “God is good!” And I truly meant it.

The topic on Monday of the week of prayer was about how women are “iron deficient.” Mandy Bourne, our guest speaker for the week, listed cures for our “iron deficiency,” building on the idea found in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (NIV). We need iron supplements—finding a group of women to support us or joining a women’s ministry. We need to change our “diet” of the things we watch or the people we surround ourselves with. She ended with a fun alliteration: “We need vitamin C—our church family, community, and Christ.” Tuesday was about finding “me” and asking, “Who am I?” We learned that we need to be in tune with locating ourselves in God first. In this way, when the time comes to help others, we aren't lost—instead, we are set and found in Him.

Wednesday was about pinpointing our relational status with others and connecting them with God. Mandy demonstrated this using the illustration of a jigsaw puzzle. With God in our lives, He is like the photo on a puzzle box, and we are the pieces. Sometimes we think we have the right pieces in place, but because we do not see things from God's point of view and the bigger picture, our mixed-up pieces can't make the picture.

Thursday was about God’s growing path for our lives, how it is always increasing, and how God takes us from one level of faith and glory to the next. He never keeps us on the same level, even when we fail to see growth or progress.

Sunday was the conclusion of our meetings. As we arrived at our meeting place, each seat had a goodie bag and card on it. Mandy explained the contents of the goodie bags—inside, there was an index card on which to write a prayer request. In addition, there was one more card with one single word written. She explained that every card had a different word of encouragement or a reminder to keep close. She also shared that every card had been prayed over by other women of faith from various ministries, with the hope that each card would go to the right person.

If this week of prayer alone hadn't been a sign that the Lord wanted to speak to my heart, the Lord sent me off with this one word: “Revived.” And I can say I truly am.

Hawaii Conference June 2024 29

Train Up a Child

God, in His love for us, gave us clear instructions on how we are to raise our children. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverb 22:6, KJV).

While many are familiar with this verse, there are others who are not. One reason may be that they have never heard of the saving love of Jesus Christ. Or perhaps they did not receive the kind of upbringing necessary to set them up for success. For that reason alone, there are children who end up repeating generational cycles simply because they did not have someone around to teach them a different way of living.

Quite a few of our students are first-generation students. This means many of them have parents who didn’t attend college and are unfamiliar with the process of helping them look for colleges to attend after high school. Additionally, parents may not be aware of the resources that are available or how to connect with those resources to help their student register for classes, apply for grants and scholarships, and get connected with clubs and other helpful entities on campus that can assist in their transition

from high school to college.

One of the most empowering opportunities we offer at Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is our College and Trade Prep initiative. This program is specifically designed to step in and provide guidance in ways that family members may not be able to. We invite representatives from Adventist, as well as local, colleges and universities to visit our campus and talk to our juniors and seniors about their programs, scholarships, campus club opportunities, and more. This initiative is a beacon of hope, ensuring that our students feel confident and supported in their educational journey.

In November, HIS organized a transformative annual event, College Days. Our 11th- and 12th-graders had the chance to interact with representatives from prestigious

A Seventh-day Adventist Boarding Academy Serving Native American Youth Since 1946
30 Pacific Union Recorder Holbrook Indian School

institutions like Pacific Union College, Andrews University, Southwestern University, Advent Health University, Oakwood University, Walla Walla University, and La Sierra University. For some students, this was the first time they realized the vast opportunities available to them after high school, inspiring them to consider higher education. This event is a testament to the bright futures our students can achieve with the right support.

We also recently hosted representatives from the University of Arizona (U of A). The vast majority of the student population at U of A are Native students, along with many other minority groups. Our juniors and seniors were very impressed to learn this fact. One student, Deshaun, even commented, “Oh, I wanna go there!” Our students were very excited about the opportunities and population at U of A.

Another arm of our College and Trade Prep initiative is that we arrange tours to many of these institutions. For example, our juniors and seniors traveled to schools such as Northern Arizona University (NAU), Northern Pioneer College, University of Arizona, La Sierra University, Southwestern University, and Grand Canyon University. At NAU, they were delighted to learn that a former HIS student would give them a tour of his college!

Not all of our students will attend college or

Holbrook Indian School (HIS) is a first- through twelfth-grade boarding academy operated by the Pacific Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. HIS also manages a firstthrough eighth-grade day school on the Navajo reservation in Chinle, Arizona. Eighty-seven percent of funding comes from individuals who have a desire to support Native American ministries and Christian education. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they serve.

Thank you for your support.


P.O. Box 910 • Holbrook, Arizona 86025-0910

(928) 524-6845 (Ext. 109) •

university; some will attend trade school. Cousins Amaré and Jenesis both developed a passion for welding while attending HIS and participating in our welding program. Both plan to begin welding school within the next few months after graduation. College and university visits are significant because our students receive firsthand experiences and participate in conversations that make it easier for them to envision themselves attending that college or university. We love being the hands and feet of Jesus to fill in where our students need us the most. Supporting them as they make weighty decisions about their future is one area in which we can do just that, as well as assisting them with their application process and applying for scholarships. We are thankful for the generous friends of HIS who make the College and Trade Prep initiative possible, and we look forward to continuing mentoring our graduates toward a brighter future with their Creator and all that He has planned for them.

Holbrook Indian School June 2024 31

In any given year, about one in five adults in the United States experience mental illness. In 2020, mental health concerns skyrocketed. By September 2020, more than eight out of ten adults experienced moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety.

If you are experiencing challenges with your mental health, it can be overwhelming to know who to talk to or how to get help. Talking with your healthcare provider can be the best first step.

Mental and physical health are inextricably connected. How your body feels can affect your mental health— and vice versa. Mental health conditions, particularly depression, can increase your risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In fact, depression is as significant a risk factor for heart disease as smoking and high cholesterol.

Mental health conditions are treatable. For some people, lifestyle changes, talk therapy, and learning new coping skills can significantly improve mental health. For others, medications like antidepressants lead to a significant improvement in quality of life. Start by talking with your healthcare provider about your symptoms.

According to Raul Ayala, MD, family medicine provider, Adventist Health has implemented screening tools to help healthcare providers identify if patients are struggling with mental health.

“Our first step in helping people with mental health concerns is identifying when patients need help,” said Dr. Ayala. “We have started using a screening questionnaire to give us a more well-rounded view of each patient’s well-being.”

The questionnaire helps identify depression by asking questions, such as:

• Do you struggle making simple decisions or finishing small tasks?

• Do you feel “fake” when you smile?

Why Your Doctor Cares About Your Mental Health

• Does it feel like there’s a glass wall between you and the rest of the world?

• Do you find yourself growing very irritable about minor things?

• Do you feel like there’s nothing to look forward to?

Just like heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions, getting treatment for depression can make a huge difference in your overall well-being.

“Sometimes mental health conditions can present themselves as physical issues, such as a racing heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, digestive issues, or neck and shoulder pain, to name a few,” explained Amanda Creott, LCSW, a behavioral health provider at Adventist Health Feather River Health Center. “When my patients and I work together to explore beyond their physical symptoms, we may discover they are depressed, anxious, or experiencing mental health challenges.”

Treatment often does more than just help the individual’s mental outlook—their physical symptoms can resolve as well.

“This is why it is so important for healthcare providers to ask about mental health symptoms in addition to health questionnaires,” Amanda said. “When patients give honest answers during their mental health screening, their provider can join together with other sources of support, such as a psychiatrist or therapist, to help meet the patient’s mental health needs.”

A team approach can create a fuller picture of what the patient is experiencing. “It’s like having a cardiologist and a primary care doctor working together to give the patient the best experience in caring for their heart health. Caring for mental health—mind and body—is equally as important,” she said.

32 Pacific Union Recorder Adventist Health

Ten Alumni Honored for Impact at Homecoming Banquet

Ten La Sierra University alumni from the fields of education, ministry, finance, real estate, healthcare management, and municipal government were recognized on April 19 for their significant impacts within their professions and communities.

The 2024 Recognition Banquet and Alumni Awards Ceremony held during alumni weekend, April 18–21, drew a capacity audience to the Zapara School of Business. The event included performances by the La Sierra University Chamber Singers and alumni guest artists.

John Thomas, dean of the business school, and his wife, Kimberly Borg Thomas, were recognized as Alumni of the Year. The couple met during the 1980s while students in the university’s business program and were married in La Sierra’s historic Matheson Chapel.

John Thomas has held the business school deanship since 1999 and is the school’s Bashir Hasso Professor of Entrepreneurship and Political Economy. Among many other contributions, he guided the school to achieve an enrollment high of nearly 500 students and led fundraising efforts in the development and construction of the Zapara School of Business building, which opened in 2013.

Following a career in finance and sales, Kim Thomas served as a member of various Adventist educational institution boards, including Loma Linda Academy and the Southeastern California Conference; co-chaired the successful Loma Linda Academy Family Volunteer Night benefitting local charities; and is a member of the La Sierra University Department of Music advisory council.

“The last 35 years we had the opportunity to inspire a generation of Adventist business students to believe that they were among the best,” noted John Thomas in his remarks.

The following alumni received Rising Star and Honored Alumni awards:

• College of Arts & Sciences, Rising Star, awardwinning international concert pianist Jonathan Mamora ‘17; Honored Alumnus, Dr. Alison Rice ’96, chair of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Notre Dame and the Dr. William M. Scholl Professor of French and Francophone Studies.

• H.M.S. Richards Divinity School, Rising Star,

John Thomas, second from left, dean of the Zapara School of Business, and his wife, Kimberly Thomas, second from right, pose with the Alumni of the Year award with La Sierra University Interim President Richard Osborn, left, and Provost April Summitt, right.

Cherise Gardner ’07, lead pastor, Chico church; Honored Alumnus, Leo Ranzolin, Sr. ’58, former youth ministries director and vice president for the General Conference.

• Tom & Vi Zapara School of Business, Rising Star, Richard C. Patchett ’12,’14’, and ’15, director of finance, real estate strategy, and operations, Providence St. Joseph Health; Honored Alumnus, Brett Walls ’96, assistant vice president for ambulatory services, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.

• School of Education, Rising Star, Heidi Jorgensen ’19, superintendent of education for the Nevada-Utah Conference; Honored Alumnus, Steve Hemenway ’02, ’04, ’12, Riverside City councilmember Ward 7, La Sierra University church director of finance.

Gardner in a video acceptance noted, “During my time at La Sierra, I learned to give, to share, to participate in this kingdom-building effort that's bigger than all of us. Thank you for seeing me and pushing me and preparing me to share Christ with the world.”

La Sierra University June 2024 33
To read more, go to

Cancer Center Introduces CAR T Therapy —The First and Only in the Region

Loma Linda University Cancer Center introduces CAR T therapy, becoming the first and only institute in the Inland Empire to offer this cutting-edge cancer treatment for both children and adults. This significant development brings new hope to cancer patients in the region, providing a revolutionary approach to fighting blood cancers using genetically modified cells from the patient's own body.

“The availability of immune cellular therapy at Loma Linda University Cancer Center will vastly improve care for many people in the region who are battling blood cancers. Loma Linda University Cancer Center is providing these cutting-edge treatments for blood cancer and soon for other types of non-blood cancer as new indications get approved; until now, those patients have needed to travel to the Los Angeles area for these procedures and follow-up several times a week," said Mark Reeves, MD, PhD, director of Loma Linda University Cancer Center.

CAR T therapy (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy) is a personalized treatment that involves engineering a patient's immune cells to better recognize and combat cancer cells. This therapy has been successful in treating blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma with the potential to extend to other forms of cancer in the future.

"CAR T therapy represents a remarkable and truly revolutionary advancement in cancer treatment,” said Hisham Abdel-Azim, MD, division head of Transplant and Cell Therapy/Hematological Malignancies at

Loma Linda University Cancer Center. “By modifying a patient’s immune cells to target cancer, we see high rates of success in curing patients who had limited treatment options. The good news is that CAR T therapy is often a one-time treatment, providing hope for patients with relapsed or refractory cancers."

The Loma Linda University Cancer Center serves a diverse population of over four million people, including many from minority communities.

"We are proud to be the only center in the region offering this life-changing therapy,” Abdel-Azim said. “Our multidisciplinary team approach and comprehensive support structure allow us to deliver CAR T therapy safely and effectively. This development will greatly benefit our patients, reducing the burden of travel and providing access to world-class treatment close to home."

“This new treatment option is a significant milestone for the region. Here at LLUCC we strive to provide our community with the most advanced and less toxic therapies for cancer. We combine personalized approaches from both medical and social aspects to support our patients,” said Judy Chatigny, RN, assistant vice president, Loma Linda University Cancer Center.

Learn more about treatments, programs, and research at Loma Linda University Cancer Center. For new referrals or inquiries, contact or 909-558-9602.

See the latest news and Health & Wellness stories from Loma Linda University Health at

34 Pacific Union Recorder Loma Linda University Health
CAR T team at Loma Linda University Cancer Center.

Connect Ministries: Expanding a Community of Worship and Fellowship Across the Pacific Union

Connect Ministries at Pacific Union College is an outreach ministry consisting of several individual teams of students who are passionate about Jesus and sharing His love by providing a worship experience. Their vision is Connecting One another, Nurturing New friendships with Everyone, and Collaborating Together in Ministry

The mission is to reach out to communities in the Pacific Union Conference and minister to them through praise, worship, and the word of God by uplifting their spirits and letting them know that PUC is supporting them. Each team can provide services such as leading out in church services, youth events, and other programs where they can inspire other young people to become worship leaders themselves. The goal is to connect with young people and showcase PUC’s presence and complete support.

PUC Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing, and Communication Gene Edelbach tasked Enrollment Counselor and Connect Ministry Director Glanelle Marie Ejurango to take on this ministry this school year. Ejurango is perfectly suited for this task—with her mother a pastor, she was trained in ministerial work from a young age and was involved in multiple ministries before she attended PUC.

Ejurango also has a deep passion for music. Ejurango

is honored to use worship as a tool to spread God’s love to whoever is willing to listen. She is primarily an instrumentalist (cello, piano, guitar) but also enjoys singing. She believes that God prepared her all these years for this kind of work and that this may be her calling. She's been pleased with her work, as it has been a blessing in her life.

Among other responsibilities, Ejurango advises her teams on leading people through worship, music, and preaching. “We want to share our love for Christ and allow it to overflow into their lives, creating transformation and drive for growth in their spiritual life,” said Ejurango. “Through Connect, we want to create a New Jerusalem, a new community that flows in many places.”

Ejurango hopes to create a Worship Workshop available to PUC’s on-campus worship teams and invite high school worship teams to participate. “It will be a big project to develop, but I’m hoping it will be a successful one,” she shared. Connect Ministries also offers scholarships to incoming freshmen and current PUC students interested in joining. They offer different scholarship tiers, ranging from $1,000 to $2,500, for those who apply and meet the minimum requirements. Each tier has specific requirements that will soon be available on their website.

Pacific Union College June 2024 35

Dan Hilasaca Ordained in Moving Ceremony

No, no, no! I’m not gonna cry.”

Those were the words of Dan Hilasaca, pastor of the Cedar City church and the Red Cliffs church district, at his ordination to the gospel ministry, just before he started thanking those who were a part of his ministerial journey. Yet, amidst the chorus of thanks, he reserved a special place for his parents. His voice quivered, and the tears finally spilled over. Hilasaca praised the divine gift of supportive and loving parents, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping his path of service.

LEFT: Benjamin Carballo, NUC Hispanic Ministry coordinator, congratulates Dan Hilasaca after the ordination service. RIGHT: Dan Hilasaca is showered with gifts from the Cedar City and Red Cliffs churches as a celebration of his ministry.

He then emphasized that all ministers need supportive people around them: “God is calling men and women to be pastors. It is imperative that the church recognizes these callings and support them.”

Benjamin Carballo, the Hispanic Ministry coordinator of the Nevada-Utah Conference (NUC), is undoubtedly one of those people who have been supporting Hilasaca

in his ministry. Carballo was the lead pastor of the Maranatha Hispanic church in Las Vegas when Hilasaca served in that church as a youth pastor. During his talk, Carballo said: “Dan, God has known you since you were in your mother’s womb. He said, ‘This is a great Peruvian who will be a great minister.’ Greater things

FAR LEFT: Dan Hilasaca receives a commemorative plaque of his ordination service in both Spanish and English. LEFT: Dan Hilasaca reminds people with a smile that he is not going to cry. BOTTOM LEFT: Posing with the NUC representatives and colleagues in ministry, newly ordained Pastor Hilasaca is the one with the biggest smile. BOTTOM RIGHT: All present ordained ministers lay their hands on Dan Hilasaca as NUC president Carlos Camacho prays a prayer of dedication over him.

36 Pacific Union Recorder Nevada-Utah Conference

are coming and the Lord’s going to surprise you.”

As the gathering continued, the outpouring of support from conference officials, pastors, elders, friends, and family only served to underscore the depth of Dan's impact. With gifts and affirmations, they collectively celebrated April 27, 2024, as a milestone etched in memory—a day Dan Hilasaca wouldn't soon forget.

The NUC family stands united in congratulating Dan Hilasaca and looks forward to continuing to collaborate with him in ministry, knowing that his leadership, dedication, and relationship with God will continue to inspire all who cross his path.

HA Year in the Life of a Beekeeper

ello, my name is Abby Northrop. I’m 13 years old and I’m here to tell you about Mrs. Brimmer’s Bee Buddies. I live in Fallon, Nevada, and am a student at Fallon Adventist Christian School (FACS). My teachers are Wanda Brimmer and Larry Proctor.

At the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Brimmer introduced us older students—Ianna, Rozaida, Adrian, Khloee, Monica, and me—to beekeeping. We would learn the finances of beekeeping by harvesting honey, packaging it, and later selling it. This is called projectbased education, and it is just like having a job. We have come a long way on our journey, and I’d like to share that with you.

I remember the day Mrs. Brimmer brought in a very heavy five-gallon bucket of honey, also known as liquid gold. We used the school kitchen and took turns filling pint jars with beautiful, amber-colored honey. Then we sealed, rinsed and labeled the jars.

A few weeks later, we sold the honey at a church auction. Most of the jars sold for $20 each, but several sold for much more than we asked, and we earned over $500 for our project. We took turns recording our earnings in a receipt book and continued to use that book for our financial records. We eventually used that money to purchase six bee suits. Five hundred dollars didn’t fully cover our needed equipment, so a new beehive box was donated, along with a package of bees.

On April 7, we met at Mrs. Brimmer’s home to install the bees in their new home. After donning our bee suits, we learned how to safely put the bees into their

box. The queen had to remain in her little cage, stuck between a couple of frames, until the bees got used to her smell and accepted her as their queen. Swarms of bees surrounded us as we opened our package. At first, I was very nervous. In my mind I was thinking, “Please don’t sting me. Please don’t sting me.” I eventually began to relax, and my fear disappeared. Mrs. Brimmer explained that the queen bee lays eggs and the worker bees bring in nectar and pollen and care for the larva. Each individual frame becomes very heavy; as more and more nectar becomes honey, the colony increases in weight. In late summer, we’ll help collect the honey from our hive and we hope we’ll begin to actually make a profit from our project.

Good news! The queen has been accepted by the colony and it continues to grow. I can’t wait to continue this adventure and make many more memories.

Nevada-Utah Conference June 2024 37
Dan Hilasaca, third from left, poses with his family for the picture to commemorate his ordination service.

Uniting Teachers, Pastors, and Principals for Mission-driven Collaboration

The NCC is committed to supporting our entities in becoming relevant to their communities, mission-driven, and organizationally healthy. One critical foundation to achieving this is cultivating trust, which is essential to our collaborative efforts. It empowers us to fulfill our mission with integrity and effectiveness.

The NCC wishes to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence through initiatives such as the Mark Blue Series. This annual event brings together teachers, pastors, and principals in a unique effort to coordinate ministry and promote collaboration. It serves as a rallying point for our team, uniting us with a singular purpose of connecting people to an abundant life with

Jesus Christ and preparing them for His second coming.

This year's Mark Blue Series was particularly impactful. It introduced a practical productivity tool, the Working Genius. Rooted in harnessing personal work styles to build trust and enhance teamwork, the Working Genius framework gave our attendees invaluable insights into effective planning processes and collaborative leadership development.

With over 200 individuals in attendance, the event served as a dynamic platform for learning and growth. Participants delved into strategies for creating and managing leadership teams, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, effective change management, and organizational alignment at the local level.

At its core, the NCC believes in the power of unity—a shared commitment to rowing in the same direction toward our collective mission. By equipping our members and employees with the tools and resources needed to be engaged and enthusiastic ambassadors for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, we are cultivating a culture of purpose-driven excellence within our organization.

A Journey of Compassion and Connection

Recently, Sacramento Central church hosted a free dental clinic, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. Over 290 community members, each with unique stories and needs, streamed into the church's makeshift dental clinic, eager to receive much-needed care and support.

A shy 14-year-old girl, accompanied by her supportive school principal, had a chipped tooth and entered the clinic without a smile. As the girl emerged, her hand no longer shielded her face. Instead, she beamed radiantly, her newfound confidence lighting up the room—a testament to the transformative power of care and kindness.

38 Pacific Union Recorder Northern California Conference

Amidst the crowd, another patient, number 150 in line, had to leave for work before it was her turn. Although she was unable to receive dental treatment, apologetic volunteers guided her to the Community Services closet, where she selected some essential items. Grateful and curious, she inquired about the church, sharing a longing for a church connection. She revealed that her heart had been touched, igniting a desire to explore further—a beautiful example of how genuine compassion can sow seeds of curiosity and faith.

Many refugee families joined the event, navigating language barriers with the help of volunteers. A young adult from one of these families stepped forward as a translator, bridging gaps and fostering unity. The exchange was not merely about dental care; it embodied a more profound connection—a shared humanity that transcended differences.

Volunteers who had personally invited their

Student Mental Health a Priority

The NCC Education Department has recently launched a student mental health initiative that aims to provide access to professional counseling services within the NCC school community. Albert Miller, education superintendent, said, “We are very excited that we will be able to offer a mental health component to the students in our school system.”

The focus of this initiative is to provide students with access to a certified counselor at no cost who can offer proactive support. This will positively impact the well-being of at-risk students, creating a healthier learning environment.

The initiative has several vital features, including identifying students who may benefit from counseling. Teachers and principals will play a critical role in this process, ensuring that students in need are recognized and supported. Parental involvement is also integral to the program. Once a student is identified, parents will be engaged to discuss and approve the commencement of counseling.

neighbors by going door-to-door were met with joyful reunions.

Faces lit up with recognition and gratitude, reinforcing the impact of direct outreach efforts. Each embrace and promise to return echoed the warmth and sincerity of their invitations—a testament to the power of personal connections.

In the quiet moments after the event, amidst the echoes of laughter and shared stories, the volunteers reflected on the day's journey.

Beyond the numbers served and procedures performed, they had witnessed lives touched, hearts healed, and connections forged. Each interaction had been a brushstroke in a larger portrait of compassion—a testament to the transformative power of faith-driven service.

The counseling program involves a structured 10-week course of treatment, with each student participating in weekly counseling sessions lasting 30 to 45 minutes. These sessions will combine in-person meetings and video conferencing, providing flexibility and accessibility. The program is designed to cater to 25-30 weekly clients, ensuring quality support for many students.

Miller concluded, “I believe that the Northern California Conference is the second conference in the NAD to offer this service. I am excited because this program will greatly benefit our students and parents and contribute to the overall mission of our schools.”

Northern California Conference June 2024 39

A New and Beautiful Experience: Bloom Conference

Last fall, Alexy Mondak, pastor and Southeastern California Conference (SECC) assistant director of summer camp, had an idea. She recalled attending a women’s retreat as a teenager with her mom and wondered what something similar could look like in SECC. As summer camp director, she had seen firsthand the impact of youth ministry in her territory—so what if she helped create a retreat specifically for teen girls?

Mondak recruited a team of female pastors who began dreaming of what a retreat could look like,

particularly one that celebrated the female experience. “We knew we wanted to create something different,” Mondak said. “We wanted a space where these girls could feel empowered in their identity, their beauty, and their relationships.”

Those dreams came to reality on March 8-9 with the first-ever Bloom Conference, hosted at Camp Cedar Falls. Over 100 teen girls arrived to receive goodie bags, sing together in worship, and hear messages from Dilys Brooks, campus chaplain at Loma Linda University, on how to thrive as young women. They also enjoyed

Attendees participate in a self-defense class.

40 Pacific Union Recorder Southeastern California Conference
An attendee shows off her paper dress in The Bloom Experience. Dilys Brooks shares a message with the teen girls.

a range of breakout activities, from making vision boards and flower crowns to learning self-defense and relationship resilience.

“We wanted it to be a weekend where the girls didn’t just sit and listen but were actively learning together,” said Elizabeth McDonald, family and children’s pastor at La Sierra University church and a member of the planning team. “It was so exciting to see something that we had all worked so hard on actually come to fruition.”

Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was “The Bloom Experience,” a makeshift fashion show where the girls made outfits out of wrapping and tissue paper before walking down the runway to applause from their peers. “All the girls immediately became one at

that moment,” McDonald said. “It went from a space of uncertainty to one where we were together.”

“The Bloom Conference was truly a beautiful experience,” said Autumn White, a teen from the Azure Hills church. “I made so many new friends and had so much fun. I cannot wait for next year's retreat!” Another attendee told Mondak, “You all literally thought of everything we like!”

“We wanted to give them something we didn’t have at their age,” Mondak reflected. “To know they felt their needs were met makes all of the stress and planning worth it.”

Southeastern California Conference June 2024 41
A group of attendees gather in prayer. Two girls craft flower crowns together. Friendship bracelets were a fun breakout session at Bloom.

Southern California Conference matches the funds raised so far with a check for $395,000.

Left to right: Jeni Lowe Bello (’97), alumni homecoming committee co-chair; Paulette Park, NPAA vice principal and math teacher; Laurie Ross, alumni homecoming committee co-chair; Joel Albritton (’88), NPAA principal and English teacher; JP Willis II, SCC vice president for education; Sunil Ilapogu, NPAA capital campaign committee chair; Melanie Rivera, NPAA treasurer; Marlena Jahn, NPAA finance committee chair; and John Negley, NPAA school board chair.

Memories and Legacy at NPAA 75th Anniversary

This April, Newbury Park Adventist Academy (NPAA) celebrated 75 years since its first graduating class of 1948-1949 with a weekend sharing memories and reflecting on what NPAA has meant to students through the years. The weekend began with a Friday night vespers and concluded on Saturday evening with an alumni concert and games.

On Sabbath morning, alumni shared their stories about NPAA. “You know, when you grow up as a kid at a place, it holds your heart,” said Tracy Harder, who teaches government, economics, religion, and history at NPAA. “Each one of you are here because this place has held your heart.”

Attendees were in for a surprise Sabbath morning regarding the capital campaign to improve the school



Please take notice that the 66th regular Constituency Session of the Southern California Conference of Seventhday Adventists is called to convene as follows: Place: White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church 401 North State Street, Los Angeles, California

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time: 7:55 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., or until business is completed

The purpose of this session is to receive reports; to elect conference officers, the Vice President for Education, the Executive Committee, and the Bylaws Committee; and to transact any other business that may properly come before the delegates in session.

Delegates are invited to join with the SCC Prayer Team for prayer from 7:00 – 7:50 a.m.

Velino A. Salazar, President John H. Cress, Executive Secretary

facilities. Last summer, the campaign began with a total goal of $1.5 million and a target of raising $800,000 by 2024 alumni weekend. $400,000 was raised, and the Southern California Conference (SCC) presented a matching check for $395,000. SCC also presented a check for $7,500 to the school in honor of 75 years. During the church service, Pacific Union Conference President Bradford Newton shared an encouraging message about God’s grace in offering us a U-turn in life. Aimee Saesim Leukert (’98), author of Thriving: 31 Stories on the Impact of Adventist Education, encouraged attendees about the power of community. “The conversations with teachers who loved you, who prayed for you, who fought for you—that’s in your history,” she said. “And in case you have forgotten that,…we are here to be your rauti—to remind you of who you were and who you can be. Still, because God is still calling you, you’re not done.”

Watch the Sabbath morning livestream at

Evelyn Davis, from the very first graduating class of 1949, joins the celebration.

PHOTO: NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST ACADEMY FACEBOOK PAGE 42 Pacific Union Recorder Southern California Conference

Attendees Reconnect at GLAR Convocation

This spring was a time for reconnection as members from 19 congregations from the Greater Los Angeles Region (GLAR) gathered for the 54th annual GLAR Convocation. This year was the first in-person event in five years due to the pandemic.

The weekend began Friday evening at Jordan High School in Long Beach. Lola Moore-Johnston, pastor of Restoration Praise Center in Maryland, led a youth service at the newly chosen venue this year, and music was provided by Stephen Menders and Decree.

On Sabbath, more than 750 people gathered for a combined divine worship service, instead of multiple services as in the past. “It’s been five long years since we’ve gathered together,” said Royal Harrison, GLAR director, emphasizing the significance of the convocation, “and it’s a joy to be here to worship God all together.”

In his sermon, Ron C. Smith, Southern Union Conference president, spoke on the importance of sacrificial faith, encouraging attendees to “keep the fire burning.”

night concert.

Ron C. Smith, Southern Union Conference president, shares a message about sacrificial faith during the divine worship.

“Sacrifice signified a costly religion,” Smith said, referencing Leviticus 6. “The Israelites didn’t approach the altar to give little—they approached it to give as much as they could. Sacrifice is more than a matter of cost. You can’t come to worship without bringing something to God.”

He concluded his message with appeals to respect the sanctuary, sacrifice self to God, and keep the fire burning.

With the theme “Reconnect,” this year’s convocation was as much a reflection of the past as it was focused on the future. Carol Todd, Los Angeles Adventist Academy (LAAA) principal, announced the reopening of ninth grade at LAAA for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. During the state of the region address, Harrison shared how GLAR churches will adopt Natural Church Development, an approach to ministry that focuses on developing healthy churches that lead to naturally growing churches.

Though GLAR has hosted virtual and hybrid events since the pandemic, such as the N.O.W. Bible Conference and two fall revivals, the purpose of this annual convocation is for members to come together for a spiritual revival and refreshing through authentic praise, genuine prayer, and powerful preaching.


TOP: Left to right: Southern California Conference executive officers Kathleen V. Diaz, treasurer/CFO; Velino A. Salazar, president; and John H. Cress, executive secretary, shared updates on finances, evangelism, and membership from the last few years. GLAR pastors are introduced and recognized for their work in ministry.
PHOTOS: MICHELLE NOLAND Southern California Conference June 2024 43
LEFT: Award-winning gospel artist Smokie Norful shares his testimony, giving all praise to God throughout his performance during the Saturday RIGHT:


La Sierra University

STEAM Camp/STEM Bridge. Courses for college credit and enrichment will be offered in STEAM Camp for high schoolers, June 17-28; STEM Bridge for incoming freshmen will be offered Sept. 3-13. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Summer camp info: stem-camp; STEM Bridge details coming soon to www.


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$70 for 50 words; 75 cents each additional word. Display rates (full color only): back cover, $4,200; full page, $3,800; 1/2-pg., $2,200; 1/4-pg., $1,200; 1/8-pg., $700; $160 per column inch.


The Pacific Union Recorder is published 12 times per year with a circulation of approximately 75,000. For more information about advertising, please email to recorder@

Upcoming Deadlines

These are the advertising deadlines for the Recorder. Your local conference news deadlines will be earlier. July: May 30 • August: July 3


The Recorder pages are assigned to the local conferences, colleges, and healthcare institutions, and all content comes through the communication departments in those organizations. If you have a news story/idea, calendar announcement, etc., please contact your local communication department. See the masthead for contact information. Want tips for writing for us? See

Recorder Membership

The Pacific Union Recorder is provided as a free service to members of the conferences that are part of the Pacific Union Conference (Arizona, Hawaii, Northern California, Central California, Southern California, Southeastern California, and Nevada-Utah). Each conference maintains the list of members, based on the reports from their churches. If you would like to make a change to your subscription (name, address, cancellation), please contact your local conference. The staff of the Recorder does not have access to the circulation lists, other than the paid subscriptions.

Graduation 2024. La Sierra University’s commencement weekend will be held June 14-16 on the university campus, 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, Riverside, CA, 92505. Information and an event schedule are at

The La Sierra Report. Stay in the know and sign up to receive The La Sierra Report, an e-newsletter of the university’s interesting news and events. To subscribe, send your email address and subscription request to

Pacific Union College

Korean Campmeeting (July 28-31). Korean Campmeeting will take place at Pacific Union College. It is open for all ages, providing a variety of meetings and activities expounding on Christian values in both Korean and English.

Birding Bonanza (Aug. 22-25). Come spend time with fellow bird lovers and alumni to relive your favorite college memories and add to your life bird list. You will learn what PUC’s biology department has been up to and interact with current students and faculty through worship and outings focused on coastal birds and biology. Visit for registration and more information.

Paulin Center for the Arts invites the community to its fourth annual Open House on Sunday, Aug. 25, from 12-2 p.m. in Paulin Hall at Pacific Union College. Tour the building, meet teachers, register for lessons and workshops, and enter to win one of several arts-related giveaways, including a free lesson on the instrument of your choice! Lessons available in piano, guitar, cello, violin, viola, drums/percussion, trumpet, French horn, and voice for all ages and levels. One-time workshops in various art media for all ages throughout the year. Learn more about how you can be part of the PCA community by emailing or calling 707-965-6201. More info:

Plein Air Art Workshop with Paulin Center for the Arts. Napa Valley artist Vincent Pagniucci leads this outdoor creative experience on Sunday, Aug. 18, from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Experience the thrill of learning a new way of seeing the world and creating art to share that view, all in the beautiful environs of the Pacific Union College campus. All supplies are provided for

44 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

attendees to create unique art pieces in pastels and charcoal pencils. Cost is $45/person. Register at tinyurl. com/pleinairwithpca. Questions: paulincenter@puc. edu or 707-965-6201. Open to ages 14 and up.

Connect Ministries is a group of Pacific Union College students passionate about Jesus and sharing through music and worship. The bilingual team leads worship services, retreats, youth events, and any programs where they can inspire other young people to become worship leaders. Any school or church interested in having them visit, please email

Support Adventist Education and Add PUC News in your Church Bulletin. With so many updates to share at Pacific Union College, we designed a printable bulletin insert for churches to use. Just print the PDF double-sided and cut in half, then include as a bulletin insert. Download at

Subscribe to the PUC Now Newsletter. Stay upto-date with Pacific Union College by subscribing to their monthly newsletter at From campus stories and alumni features to student interviews, you’ll be in the now with PUC.

Classified Employment

Holbrook Indian School is currently in need of an Assistant Girls' Dean and an Industrial/Vocational Arts Teacher. These are paid positions. In addition, there is an opening for a volunteer married couple with mental health training and experience to fill the role of House Deans in an off-campus housing capacity at the Eagle's Nest. If you or someone you know are mission-minded and would like to serve Native American children, please see or share our jobs page at

Pacific Union College is seeking faculty positions in the area of History. Major duties include the responsibilities of assessment, planning, development, and implementation of classroom experiences and course objectives. We desire those who will be committed to a collaborative working environment, as well as those who possess dedication in furthering the goals of excellence in student success and critical thinking skills. Most importantly, we desire those interested in bringing students closer to Christ by nurturing the whole person and embracing concepts for lifelong learning. If you are interested, please contact Human Resources at or call 707965-6231.

Located in the Napa Valley, Pacific Union College is one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States, with views of mountains, vast forests, sunshine, and temperate summers and winters. The college's

mission is to learn with purpose, rise in faith, and serve with love. Employees work in a tight-knit and faithcentered community that supports and encourages one another. If you enjoy working in a collaborative and caring atmosphere, you belong at PUC. We offer generous employee benefits, including tuition subsidies, housing assistance, medical, dental, vision, moving expenses, and retirement contributions.

Room/Work Exchange offer in SoCal for female. Busy professional needs your help with 15 hours of housekeeping/week in exchange for rent. Located 2 hrs drive from LLU. Must be able-bodied, English speaking, SDA, and not allergic to my cat. Background check and interview. More info:

Evangelism Projects Coordinator needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to assist in developing and


Pacific Union AdventistAttorneys

Enjoy fellowship, networking, and spiritual rejuvenation at a stunning location

November 7-10, 2024

Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in beautiful Tucson, Arizona

• 10-12 hours of MCLE (pending approval by the California State Bar)

• Weekend inspiration speaker: Pastor Dwight K. Nelson

For more information, email or scan the QR code to visit our registration page on

Community & Marketplace I June 2024 45

implementing and reporting for various mission projects. This is a full-time (32 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, with potential for international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Marketing Director needed at Quiet Hour Ministries to plan and direct successful fundraising and marketing through a variety of methods. This is a full-time (38 hours per week) in-office position located in Redlands, CA, and includes some national and international travel. For more info or to apply, visit:

Andrews University seeks candidates for a full-time, tenure-track Ph.D. biochemistry faculty position for our ACS-approved program, starting July 2024. Duties: mentor undergraduate students to excellence in faithreflective professionalism; teach biochemistry and chemistry courses and labs; champion undergraduate research; promote an all-inclusive, equitable learning environment. For more information, email: chemistry@

Jesus 101 is looking for a Production Department Assistant to assist with editing, production, and media department needs. This is a full-time (38 hours per week), in-office position located in Riverside, CA. Position includes generous employee benefits. For more information or to apply, visit: https://www.

Retired couple seeking an estate management/ care-taking opportunity. He: 30 years attorney/ commercial real estate trust manager, Navy veteran, and California Highway Patrol. She: 37 years pediatric registered nurse (current licenses in Indiana and California). Oversight of estate and related vendors, plant-based chef, driver, care for homebound person, child, pet, or plants, etc. Looking for longterm situation (greater than 1 year) and separate housing onsite. Compensation based on duties assigned. References available. Bondable. email:

The Miranda Seventh-day Adventist Church is looking for a missionary-minded couple to care for its church. The couple will rent the church trailer home and be responsible for maintaining the church grounds. For more information, please call Mike Michelli at 707-296-5518.

Looking for a single male between the age of 58 and 70 years old to come live and help me on 9.2 acres in Northern Arizona. Must have own RV and know about gardening and country living. Rent is $500 a month, which pays for electricity and water. We have 4 seasons and hospital nearby. Close to the Grand Canyon. Must be a committed, church-going Seventh-

day Adventist. There are several churches in the area to choose from. References required. Call Lisa at 317459-1060 or email at

VP-Research Affairs. Responsible for coordinating the research programs, activities, and policies of LLUH. This includes providing advisory services to various groups conducting research across the institution. This position is also tasked with maintaining the research infrastructure of the organization and serves as the institutional official authorized to sign research grant applications. In addition to research, this role also oversees intellectual property and innovation across the institution. Performs other duties as assigned. Doctorate is required. Minimum of 10 years of experience in research as a Principal Investigator and/ or experience managing complex intellectual property agreements is required. Five years management experience is required. Membership in the Seventhday Adventist Church required. https://egln.fa.us2. sites/CX/job/3160/?utm_medium=jobshare – 3160

Financial Aid Advisor. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. The Financial Ad Advisor position determines eligibility and administers all phases of the financial aid process to include all federal, private, campus based, and non-campus based financial aid programs for the students. Counsels current and prospective students and/or parents regarding student's individual aid eligibility while maintaining confidentiality of protected information. Works collaboratively with various University departments and staff to ensure accurate financial aid related data is provided to students. Financial Aid Advisor performs other duties as needed. Bachelor's degree - Equivalent experience in higher education involving duties, responsibilities, and qualifications similar to those described in this document may be accepted in lieu of a bachelor's degree. Minimum of two years finance or accounting related experience required. Financial aid experience preferred. Membership in Seventh-Day Adventist Church required. https://egln.fa.us2.oraclecloud. com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/ job/304/?utm_medium=jobshare – 304

Faculty-Behavior Health. Responsible for education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Performs other duties as needed. Master's or higher from an accredited institution. Doctorate Degree in Counseling or related

46 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

mental health field preferred. Two or more years of professional clinical practice and/or classroom teaching experience. Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), or Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) required. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/1767/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 1767

Assistant Professor at Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of their department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Assistant Professor performs other duties as needed. Requires nurse practitioner degree in nursing from an accredited institution. Two years post-master’s teaching experience or closely related professional experience. Professional certification, licensure, or registration as appropriate. https://egln.fa.us2. sites/CX/job/1100/?utm_medium=jobshare – 1100

Faculty at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of their department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. DDS/DMD degree is required. MS/MSD and/or PhD is preferred. Two years previous experience, published peer reviews journals, experience in grant writing, securing grants, submission of external funding, and experience in material science, numerical methods, and finite element analysis. https://egln.fa.us2. CandidateExperience/en/ sites/CX/job/216/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 216 and 555

regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Research expertise in one of the following areasNeuroscience, stem cell and/or cancer biology, or developmental biology. Ph.D. (or equivalent) in a relevant field, MD, or dual degree; at least three years of postdoctoral research experience; record of peerreview original research publications in recognized scientific journals, including at least one postdoctoral publication. Preferred experience in applying data science approaches to biological problems, which could include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, multi-dimensional imaging, or other methods; history of securing extramural funding.https://egln.fa.us2. sites/CX/job/808/?utm_medium=jobshare – 808

Faculty Medicine

two tenure-track at Loma Linda University Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and

Professor PhD at Loma Linda University School of Nursing. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Professor PhD performs other duties as needed. Requires earned doctorate (or equivalent) from accredited institution, preferably with focus in area of scholarship. Post-doctoral experience (or equivalent) encouraged. Minimum five years of successful teaching experience as associate professor with emphasis in area of scholarly focus. Functions in a leadership capacity in area of expertise. Professional certification, licensure or registration as appropriate. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2030/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 2023

Faculty at Loma Linda University School of Public Health. Responsibility encompasses education,

Community & Marketplace I June 2024 47

research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. Faculty member supports graduate education in global public health, research and/or global health practice in an international and/or multi-national setting. Develops, delivers, and assesses curriculum at a graduate (master’s and doctoral) level. Mentors and advises students for curriculum, applied practical experience (APE) projects and career planning. Participates in student recruitment activities and APE site identification, student placement, and site review. Ability to bring in external grant funding and strong networks in the global health field are a plus. Minimum of doctoral degree from an accredited institution required. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/826/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 826

Community Health Worker Instructor at San Manuel Gateway College. Responsibility encompasses education, research, and/or service. Demonstrates loyalty to the mission, policies, standards, and regulations of his/her department, school, and the University, and follows the administrative policies set up by the University and the individual school. The Instructor is responsible for planning, teaching, implementing, and assessing

courses and activities. Performs other duties as needed. Specialty license or certification preferred. Requirements will vary per specific specialty. CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2560/?utm_ medium=jobshare – 2560

Real Estate

PUC Commercial Space for Rent. Pacific Union College has commercial real estate space available for lease. The spaces are in various sizes and functionality and are available for inquiries. For additional information, please email Sam Heier at

Tennessee country living. Private 3/2, 2330+sf, large master bedroom, bathroom, walk-in closet, additional gaming/family room, currently being remodeled. Almost 5 acres, paths through woods, around pond, 2 small streams, 2 outbuildings, 20x20 workshop, on city water, has additional well. Located outside of Dunlap, 56 min. from Southern. Active churches in the area,

Lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1519-sq-ft home. Marble fireplace, dishwasher, washer/dryer, and refrigerator. Select furniture included. Convenient location near Walla Walla University. Beautifully landscaped with private backyard and covered patio and deck, security lights, garage, and much more! Please contact 951232-9814 for more information.

For Sale

Retiring SDA optometrist in NW CA selling a very profitable practice. There are no other optometry, ophthalmology, or optician practices in this city or county. Local Adventist church and K-8 school. The office is 5 blocks from an amazing coastline with surrounding beautiful forests, beaches, and rivers. 1250 sq. ft. office with a wonderful staff. If interested, please contact

Outpatient Physical Therapy and Aquatic Therapy in the foothills above Sacramento, CA. Turn-key practice, in business for over 30 years. Great referral base and solid practice. Lots of potential for growth. Great opportunity for someone wanting to establish a medical mission outpost or wellness center as well. 5400-sq-ft facility. $450,000. Flexible options to the right party. Contact or leave message at 209-304-7455.

Dental practice for sale in Siskiyou County, CA. Profitable practice, 4 ops, practice refers out ortho, endo, and some oral surgery. Great study club and specialists to refer to. Get out of the city and come to God's country, a 4-season area filled with hiking, mt. biking, skiing, and water sports. If interested, please contact

48 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

Vacation Opportunities

Travel on a faith-based tour to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Rome, or Vietnam on a special cultural discovery tour with Dr. Carl Cosaert, New Testament professor at Walla Walla University. To learn more about these inspirational tours that renew your faith, visit www. or email

Explore Armenia and Georgia this September with Dr. Carl Cosaert, dean of the School of Theology at Walla Walla University. Discover enchanting towns, historic churches, and breathtaking views in countries boasting a profound Christian legacy of nearly two millennia. Visit or email info@ for more information.

Sunriver, Central Oregon. Four-bedroom vacation home on the North Woodlands golf course. Two master king suites, two queens, one bunk set, hot tub, loft, Jacuzzi bath, gas log fireplace, BBQ, W/D, bikes, all resort amenities, sleeps 10, no smoking, no pets. For rates, photos, and reservations, call: 541-279-9553, or email:

Angwin home. Five-bedroom, three-bathroom vacation home 2 miles from PUC. Fully furnished, large

June 2024 Sunset Calendar

City/Location JUN 7 JUN 14 JUN 21 JUN 28

Alturas (Modoc Cty.) 8:35 8:38 8:40 8:41

Angwin 8:32 8:35 8:37 8:38

Bakersfield 8:09 8:12 8:14 8:15

7:48 7:51 7:53 7:53


Chico 8:33 8:36 8:38 8:39

Death Valley (Furnace Ck) 8:03 8:07 8:08 8:09

Eureka 8:46 8:49 8:51 8:52

Four Corners [E] 8:34 8:37 8:39 8:39

Fresno 8:16 8:19 8:21 8:22

Grand Canyon (South Rim) 7:43 7:46 7:48 7:48

Half Dome 8:18 8:21 8:23 8:24

Hilo 6:58 7:00 7:01 7:03

Holbrook (Navajo City) 7:43 7:46 7:48 7:49

Honolulu 7:12 7:14 7:16 7:17

Joshua Tree 7:55 7:58 8:00 8:00

Lake Tahoe 8:23 8:26 8:28 8:29

Las Vegas 7:56 7:59 8:01 8:01

Lodi-Stockton 8:26 8:29 8:31 8:32

Loma Linda 7:58 8:01 8:03 8:04

Los Angeles 8:02 8:05 8:07 8:08

McDermitt [N] 8:24 8:28 8:30 8:30

Moab 8:40 8:44 8:46 8:46

Monterey Bay 8:24 8:27 8:29 8:30

Mt. Whitney 7:56 7:58 8:00 8:01

Napa 8:31 8:34 8:36 8:36

Nogales [S] (Los) 8:01 8:04 8:05 8:06

Oakland 8:29 8:32 8:34 8:35

Paradise, CA 8:32 8:36 8:38 8:38

Phoenix 7:36 7:39 7:41 7:42

Pu‘uwaiau, Ni’ihau [W] 6:59 7:02 7:03 7:04

Reno 8:24 8:28 8:30 8:30

Riverside 7:59 8:02 8:04 8:04

Sacramento 8:28 8:31 8:33 8:34

Salt Lake City 8:57 9:00 9:02 9:02

San Diego 7:55 7:57 7:59 8:00

San Francisco 8:29 8:33 8:35 8:35

San Jose 8:26 8:29 8:31 8:32

Santa Rosa 8:33 8:36 8:38 8:38

Sunset Beach 8:25 8:28 8:30 8:30

Thousand Oaks 8:05 8:08 8:10 8:11

7:28 7:31 7:33 7:34 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

kitchen, dining room, living room, family room, piano, high-speed internet, vineyard views, WiFi, washer and dryer, BBQ, sleeps 10. Call for rates, photos, and reservations: 415-539-7980 or email nroger1965@

Footsteps of Paul in Greece! Begin your biblical journey in the north where Paul landed and travel south to Athens, visiting countless spots throughout. Cruise to four Greek islands and Ephesus. Info at www. or George Dialectakis, 860-4022247.

Bulletin Board

Help the Lord’s ministry of healing in Micronesia by donating your car, boat, bike, RV, or truck. All proceeds help provide free medical services to the island peoples of Micronesia. Canvasback Missions, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, has been serving since 1986. For more info: 707-7467828.

San Fernando Valley Academy (preschool-12th grade) is located in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Northridge in the San Fernando Valley. The over 100 students and their teachers are a large family

July 2024 Sunset Calendar

7:58 7:54

Angeles 8:07 8:05 8:02 7:58

[N] 8:29 8:26 8:21 8:15

8:45 8:43 8:39 8:33

Bay 8:29 8:26 8:21 8:15

“So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9

Community & Marketplace I June 2024 49
8:08 8:04 Calexico 7:53 7:51 7:48 7:44 Chico 8:38 8:35 8:31
8:48 8:43 8:37 Four Corners [E] 8:39 8:36 8:32 8:27 Fresno 8:21 8:18 8:15 8:10 Grand Canyon (South Rim) 7:48 7:46 7:42 7:38 Half Dome 8:23 8:20 8:16 8:11 Hilo 7:03 7:02 7:01 6:59 Holbrook (Navajo City) 7:37 7:35 7:32 7:27 Honolulu 7:17 7:16 7:15 7:12 Joshua Tree 8:00 7:58 7:55 7:50 Lake Tahoe 8:28 8:25 8:21 8:16 Las Vegas 8:01 7:58 7:55 7:50 Lodi-Stockton 8:31 8:28 8:24 8:19 Loma Linda 8:03 8:01
Mt. Whitney
Paradise, CA
Reno 8:29 8:26 8:22 8:17 Riverside 8:04 8:02 7:58 7:54 Sacramento 8:33 8:30 8:26 8:21 Salt Lake City 9:01 8:58 8:54 8:48 San Diego 8:00 7:58 7:55 7:50 San Francisco 8:34 8:32 8:28 8:23 San Jose 8:31 8:29 8:25 8:19 Santa Rosa 8:37 8:35 8:31 8:25 Sunset Beach 8:29 8:27 8:23 8:18 Thousand Oaks 8:10 8:08 8:05 8:00 Tucson 7:33 7:32 7:29 7:24 [N]=Northernmost [S]=Southernmost [E]=Easternmost [W]=Westernmost point in the Pacific Union
City/Location JUL 5 JUL 12 JUL 19 JUL 26 Alturas (Modoc Cty.) 8:39 8:36 8:32 8:26
8:37 8:34 8:30 8:25
8:14 8:12
Valley (Furnace Ck) 7:12 7:17 7:23 7:28
8:01 7:59 7:56 7:51
8:35 8:33 8:29 8:23
[S] (Los) 7:10 7:09 7:07 7:05
8:34 8:31 8:27 8:22
8:37 8:34 8:30 8:24
7:41 7:39 7:36 7:32
Ni’ihau [W] 7:05 7:04 7:03 7:00

who care about each other and want each other to succeed. In the high school, teachers have also been professionals in their credentialed teaching fields. The elementary teachers are highly experienced with years of childhood development training, so you know that you are getting qualified instruction from top to bottom. Please visit our website: www. or give us a call at 818-349-1373 to schedule a visit. We look forward to meeting you.

Partner with ASAP Ministries in serving the marginalized and reaching the unreached in Southeast Asia with the wholistic gospel. What you do today can change a life for eternity! To learn more, visit Subscribe to our weekly Mission Matters videos. Facebook: asapministries; Instagram: asapministries; YouTube: asapministries.

Shop for new/used Adventist books. TEACH Services offers used Adventist books at www. or new book releases at your local ABC or Authors, let us help publish your book with editing, design, marketing, and worldwide distribution. Call 800-3671844 for a free evaluation.

Free digital cards. LifeTalk Radio has many beautiful FREE digital sharing cards for all occasions. Let others know: “God Loves You.” Encourage friends and neighbors by sending a hopeful message or Bible promise via email or text. Visit:

Missing members. Orange SDA Church, 1310 E Walnut Ave, Orange, CA 92867, 714-6961732—Abbe, Curtis M.; Abbe, Monica M.; Alvarez, Josephine (Josie) L.; Alvarez, Lupe; Alvarez, Ricardo; Bennett, Laura; Berrelleza, Angelica; Brigham, Carol Ann; Brothers, John; Carlson, Lynn/Linda A.; Dam, William; Decena, John; Dethomas, Theresa; Echelberry, Jon S.; Hickman, Frederick; Hickman, Sherry; Hogsed, Jim; Hogsed, Nita; Johnston, Amanda E.; Kornfeld, Jennifer; LaGrone, Bonnie Jane; Lazo (Casperson), Frexiny; Love, Kimberly Renee; Mora, Angelica; Morones, Gertrude (Trudy); Olaiz, Aaron; Oliaz, Cindy; Olivas, Julianna; Olvera, Jennifer; Ortega, Natalie; Ortega, Jessalyn J.; Ortega, Jesus Genaro; Sibilsky, Brenda J.; Snider, Steele; Stothard, John; Vidaurreta, Israel; Walandouw, Nico T.; Windemuth, Daniel.

At Rest

Brooks, Cassiel Remmy Jimenez – b. Feb. 11, 2024, Loma Linda, CA; d. March 20, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: parents, Maritza and Stephan Brooks.

Condon, Vaneta – b. April 5, 1939, Alberta, Canada; d. April 24, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors:

sons, Brian Condon, David Condon; daughter, Lori Wormhood; three grandchildren.

Denis, Maria Elena – d. March 2024, Woodlake, CA. Survivors: husband, Manuel; sons, Victor, Sergio; daughter, Brenda.

Fandrich, Ruth Charlotte (Haux) – b. Aug. 19, 1933, ND; d. Sept. 10, 2021, Sacramento, CA. Survivors: son, Bryan Fandrich; daughters, Cynthia Mize, Carol Belleau; seven grandchildren; one great-grandson.

Jamerson, Bill – b. Feb. 2, 1924, Niles, MI; d. March 27, 2024, Dayton, NV. Survivors: wife, June; sons, Gary, Dennis Kevin; three grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren. Bill was a pastor, missionary in Bolivia and Peru, and a pioneer in children’s ministry at Orangewood Academy, Glendale, Sacramento, and Paradise, CA.

Larsen, Roy – b. July 10, 1930, Shanghai, China; d. March 10, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: daughters, Deirdre Lenart, Jill Seibel, Desiree Verska; sibling, Herb S. Larsen; five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren.

Maddox, Ed – b. March 21, 1925, El Cerrito, CA; d. Dec. 17, 2023, Palo Alto, CA. Survivors: son, Arnold; daughter, Cherri; six grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren. He served in the Navy in WW2, worked for Rocketdyne, taught as a teacher, principal, pastor, and missionary in four states and seven countries.

Maddox, Ruth Erskine –b. March 11, 1926; d. March 9, 2023, Los Gatos, CA. Survivors: husband, Ed; son, Arnold; daughter, Cherri; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. She loved teaching and taught in four states, 10 schools, and seven counties. She went as a missionary with YWAM to Asia.

Oblander, Darrel – b. Jan. 2, 1939, Shafter, CA; d. Aug. 11, 2023, Fresno, CA. Survivors: wife, Gwen; son, Jeffery; daughter, Donna; one grandchild. He assisted in Pathfinders and was a Junior Sabbath School teacher, deacon, and song leader.

Oblander, Russell – b. Dec. 24, 1966, Fresno, CA; d. April 3, 2020, Fresno, CA. Survivors: son, Russell. When the Central California Conference moved its headquarters from San Jose to Clovis, he assisted many of the families in their moves and unpacking.

Peifer, Larae Bliss – b. Dec. 11, 1948, Modesto, CA; d. Nov. 24, 2023, Visalia, CA. Survivors: husband, Jerry; daughters, Marcey, Margaret; two grandchildren. She devoted her life to education and music, serving as an Adventist elementary teacher for 28 years and as a piano instructor at AUA for 11 years.

Perry, James Locke – b. Oct. 1, 1938, Hood River, OR;

50 Pacific Union Recorder I Community & Marketplace

d. April 7, 2024, Loma Linda, CA. Survivors: wife, Margit Perry; daughters, Ricci Wright, Shelle Brusett; six grandchildren.

Reeves, Steven Rockland – b. Sept. 5, 1959; d. Feb. 18, 2024. Survivors: parents, David and Beverly Reeves; mother, Margie Wasserman; two stepchildren; four step-grandchildren. Steve loved to sing and share his music with others and will be remembered for his original gospel music.

Simmons, Isabel Melendez – b. Nov. 29, 1935, Puerto Rico; d. Dec. 5, 2023, Lompoc, CA. Survivors: sons, Amelio, Felix; daughter, Martha; seven grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren.

Stribling, Mildred – b. Feb. 28, 1929; d. Oct. 14, 2023.

Survivors: daughters, Ann Thomas, Verna Sarumi; brother, Michael A. Stribling.

Warner, Eugene Vernon – b. April 16, 1930, Flandreau, SD; d. March 19, 2024, Fresno, CA. Survivors: sons, Todd, David; daughters, Martha, Koreanne; three grandchildren. He supported many local churches and church schools and was co-founder of Prophetic Facts Ministry.

Weis, Rodney – b. Nov. 9, 1938, Madera, CA; d. June 7, 2023, Napa, CA. Survivors: son, Russell Weis; daughter, Joan Wellington; four grandchildren.

Wong, Gregory – b. Sept. 28, 1947, Malaysia; d. March 9, 2024, Japan. Survivors: wife, Fiona Wong; son, Jason; daughter, Michelle; two grandchildren.



John Brunt’s splendid gifts as an expert scholar of the Bible and a beloved pastor come together in this practical guide to the study of Scripture.


In this study of the Epistle to the Romans, William Johnsson discloses the essential beauty in its message: Christ has already done everything. Christ is enough. But Johnsson not only analyzes and provides exposition of this good news, he applies it to Jesus' followers.


This book is for you if you take seriously what the Bible (and Ellen White) has to say about sin, the human nature of Jesus Christ, the possibility of perfection, the role of inspired writings, and how these themes connect with the Second Coming.

These and other Oak & Acorn books are available on Amazon and AdventSource. Oak & Acorn Publishing is a ministry of the Pacific Union Conference.

Gil Valentine traces in great detail how Church leaders (administrators and professors) dealt with urgent theological questions in the 1960s and 1970s.

Lowell Cooper, GC Vice President (2001-2016)

This is a book of crucial importance for all those seeking to understand current issues in the church, wherever readers happen to fall in the denomination’s continuum of thought.
George R. Knight, Professor of Church History Emeritus, Andrews University
Community & Marketplace I June 2024 51
P.O. Box 5005 Thousand Oaks CA, 91359-5005 Recorder PACIFIC UNION

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