2017 May/Jun Pacific Showcase

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Our Feeds Vault Cattle Exhibitors to the Top of Their Class! SHOWTIME Beef Finisher-Med

• A 12% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, steam-flaked corn-based feed

SHOWTIME Heifer & Steer Developer-Med

• A 13% protein, 5% fat, coarse textured, flaked corn and whole cottonseed-based feed

SHOWTIME Offers Winning Feeds for All Species! LAMB FEED • SHOWTIME Lamb Complete • SHOWTIME Lamb High Energy

GOAT FEED • Essential Boer Goat Developer • Essential Firm & Fresh • Essential Show Doe 16

HOG FEED • SHOWTIME Combat Battle Ground 18 • SHOWTIME Combat Battle Ground 14-7 • SHOWTIME Combat Starter/Grower • SHOWTIME Combat Grower/Finisher

CATTLE FEED • SHOWTIME Beef Complete • SHOWTIME Heifer & Steer Developer

Farmers Warehouse — proud distributor of Farmers Warehouse is proud to sell

BlueLite Advantage!

Stand Alone Feed Supplements!

• SHOWTIME Beef Finisher


BROOKE BENNETT DUCOR, CALIFORNIA 559-350-0349 Email: lbrookeb@gmail.com

Fall Born Show Heifers and Steers — AVAILABLE NOW! Sired by: Sull Paypal 4385 JSF On Demand 40Z LBB Sonny California 07 SFS Danny D Don't miss out on the opportunity to view our quality offerings. Give us call or stop by and visit... you will not be disappointed!

— SOLD PRIVATE TREATY — Watch for our 2017

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And this year we were grateful for the rain!


sale consignments this October!




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䌀刀䔀䄀䴀 漀昀 琀栀攀  䌀刀伀倀

Feeding, Fitting and Daily Care

't Don Miss It!

Market Goat Clinic

Sponsored by: e At th 2017

O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling

Presented by:

Hummel Livestock


L2 (Sheep Ring)

Thursday, July 13th 6:00 p.m. on,

For informcta:ti conta



Weaver Leather Livestock

Dale Hummel


— Feeding — • Getting your wether started on a feed program • Different brands of feeds • How much to feed as your wether progresses • Supplements • Feeding with an exercise program — Daily Care — • Your wether's health • Worming • Sickness • How to treat fungus • Withdraw time periods • Hoof trimming • Exercise program how to’s — Fitting — • Bathing (when to and how often) • Leg hair care • Products to use when fitting • Clippers and Blades • Show day fitting • Showmanship tips (chain vs. halter)

California State Fair Livestock Office



MoorMan’s® ShowTec®

For the perfect balance of shape and dimension For pigs on target BB 18 BMD No. 18241AGNE4 18% protein and 3.75% fat For pigs needing a bit more cover Hi Fat 18 BMD No. 18007AGNE4 18% protein and 7% fat Swine

For pigs with higher intakes that need to develop full body while maintaining muscle and cover Hi Fat 16 BMD No. 16700AGNE4 16% protein and 7% fat For an ultimate surge of power Final Burst No. 24440AAAE4 21.5% protein and 6.5% fat

Apply the finishing touches for a championship performance

Show Feed Specialist Krisha Geffert – 307-760-0327

www.MoorMansShowTec.com 866-666-7626 • AN_ShowFeedHelp@adm.com



In this Issue... Features Respect for the Official Livestock Photographer........... 14 Mark Your Card! (Answers from last issue)..................... 20 Mark Your Card! Angus Heifers Judging Quiz................ 21 All Around Kid: Maci Meads........................................... 26-28 All Around Kids!................................................................ 32, 54 State Fairs & National Shows for 2017.............................. 34 2017 CJLA Awards Banquet............................................ 35-49 Keeping Up with the FFA in Your State....................... 58-61 The Stress Associated With Transition.............................. 62 CJLA Essay Contest Winners.......................................... 74-75

Departments Tales from the Real World.................................................... 18 CJLA News, Shows, and Points...................................... 22-25 Subscription Page............................................................ 30, 86 Hot Shots.................................................................................. 56 Show Results...................................................................... 64-72 Breeders Directory........................................................... 76-79 Products & Services............................................................... 79 Upcoming Events.................................................................... 80 Advertisers Index................................................................... 82


8 Representing Junior Showmen West of the Rockies




EDITOR It seems just yesterday that the school year began, but here it is already May and graduations are just around the corner. Life gets so busy with one activity upon another. Scheduling everything and still finding a bit of downtime is a difficult task for all of us. I always say that I can go as hard as have to, for as long as I have to – but once that project is finished, I just crash! I’m sure most of you know that feeling!

P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160 (408) 888-2503 • Fax (408) 776-9811 Publisher & Managing Editor: Heidi Beljean — (408) 888-2503 Email: pacshow@earthlink.net

Juggling time is something we deal with on a daily basis and figuring out priorities is key to managing the chaos. For me, that means a pad and pen is always with me. I find if I write stuff down I can keep track of what I need to do. And it also gives me a visual reference to what I have done! I know I’m “old school” for using paper, and most everyone now uses some type of handheld device – a phone or tablet. Whatever your choice is, this is a simple yet effective management tool. Write yourself a “to-do” list, and cross off items as you get them done!! Always a good feeling!!!

Production Manager & Art Director: William Crump — (662) 305-5434 Email: pacificshowcase@gmail.com Instagram and Facebook Management: Kaela Cooper – kaelacooper@aol.com Representatives: Jace Tarbelle

(559) 731-7910 jtarbelle9@gmail.com (805) 835-1486 kaelacooper@aol.com (530) 409-5143

As I mentioned above, end of school means graduations. Grade school, high school, or college – these are important steps for your family members. As you finalize the last days of school, take some time to reflect on highlights and accomplishments. The years go by fast and so many things have been done: treasure each one!

Pacific Showcase limits its liability resulting from any and all errors, misprints and/or other inaccuracies in the advertisements and editorial content. The opinions or views expressed in all editorials are those only of the writer or persons interviewed and not the Pacific Showcase.

In this issue we highlight the All Around Kids! We salute every kid out there for the many things you tackle. You don’t mind adding more to your plate and you step up and get it done with gusto!

Reproductions or other use of this magazine in whole or part of the contents without written permission of the editor is prohibited.

We have all heard the phrase “our kids are our future.” In the agriculture industry we are all a part of, we are behind our youth 1000%. In this issue we highlight two major venues that believe in the juniors and that they are our future! The first is our CJLA Award Banquet. In February we recognized and rewarded our 2016 members for their hard work and achievements throughout the past year. It is the hard work of those who put on weekend shows so our members and other youth can exhibit their project animals, and then that of our many sponsors, donors, and supporters who step up and help with our awards, that makes it all possible.

Kaela Cooper Tiffany Carter

Pacific Showcase welcomes readers contributions. Articles of interest, show results, sale results, and calendar dates are welcome and will be printed on space available. To have articles or pictures returned, include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Send all submissions to address above. Pacific Showcase is published bimonthly. It is mailed first class and third class bulk mail at Morgan Hill, California. Postmaster: send address changes to Pacific Showcase, P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160. Subscriptions: (Bulk mail - one year - $25; two years - $45.) (First class - one year - $35; two years $65.) For processing of new subscriptions - please allow 4 to 6 weeks. For address corrections, send current mailing label along with new address to Pacific Showcase.

The next feature is FFA State Conventions. Spring is the time when many of our western states hold their FFA Conventions. The best of the best rise to the top in both the CJLA and FFA and it is truly inspiring to see so many voices lifted up through these activities. Agriculture kids are a diversified group that believes in the future of agriculture. With faith and hard work, it is our youth who will lead the way into the future. Truly inspiring!

Time to Plan Ahead! The July/August 2017 Issue is our

California State Fair Issue

As we swing into summer, I hope each of you will stay positive, find the good in each day, and do your part to encourage and support all kids who strive to reach their goals. If you move please, let us know so we can be sure your magazine subscription gets updated and you don’t miss an issue. Send us photos for Hot Shots, and if you have news we can include in the next issue, let us know!

Give us a call!


Happy Trails!


Heidi Belje

Friend us on Facebook and check us out on Instagram! MAY/JUNE 2017


Dewar Farms e n Production Sale i l n O -

You will want to be at your computer for the...

Offering a Grand Set of Hereford Genetics!

Tuesday, October 20, 2017

The sale will feature spring heifer calves, bred heifers, confirmed heifer pregnancies, and embryo packages. Sires: Cash Flow • 88x • Outcross • Time's a Wastin'

Contact information: Scott Dewar - 661/979-8146 Info also available on our website, www.dewarfarms.com and our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/DewarFarms

Elite Hereford Genetics

Scott, Andrea, Madison and Meagan Dewar 13801 Ashe Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661) 979-8146 farmerscotty@msn.com

This is a Cash Flow 7080 ET calf that was sold in Burns Sale in Pikeville, TN. We will be offering a heifer pregnancy that is a full sib to this heifer.


COVER Ottenwalter Show Pigs is located in Colusa, California. We are a full service show pig and genetic supplier dedicated to helping our customers succeed. We have 300 sows in production and we are now offering semen sales on 13 elite herd boars. The photo on the cover perfectly captures the moment in which Cheyenne Murdock from Gilbert, Arizona, was awarded Grand Champion Barrow honors at last year’s Arizona National Livestock Show with her Wedding Night barrow from us. We would like to congratulate Cheyenne on such a tremendous accomplishment and also welcome potential new customers with the opportunity to provide memorable experiences as a product of our program. Please contact us for all your show pig needs! You may also visit our webpage, www.ottenwaltershowpigs.com for more information!







Respect for the Official Livestock Photographer

To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.



To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.





y a d r u t Sa


June 17th, 2017 Held at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds — Tulelake, CA

May arrive Friday, June 16th; RV Spaces Available. Compete at two jackpot shows on Father's Day Weekend!

The Klamath Jackpot Steer & Heifer Show

is Sunday, June 18th in Klamath Falls, OR — just 30 minutes north of the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds.


ENTRIES DUE JUNE 14TH Late entries will be accepted with late fee. Entry information and show schedule available at


For more information, call:

Greg Herman: 530-667-5312




By Brooke Bennett

Work/Life Balance

To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.

Keep up with the competitive show stock world with a subscription to Pacific Showcase! See page 86 for details. MAY/JUNE 2017




July 14 – July 30, 2017 (schedule subject to change)

Junior Beef, Sheep, Swine and Market Goats..... July 13-17 Featured Shows: Wether Dam Wether Sire Sheep Show, Western Regional Jr. Hampshire Sheep Show, Western Regional Junior Dorset Show, Market Heifer Show, Super Regional Jr. Shorthorn Show, All Other Breeds Beef, Hereford, Angus, Wether Dam Doe, Berkshire Swine Show, and the Golden Opportunity Gilt Sale.

Open Beef I, Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Angora Goats, Jr. & Open Boer Goats, and Jr. & Open Pygmy Goats..............July 18-21 Featured Shows: Angus Show, AHA Regional Horned & Polled Hereford Classic, Charolais Show, Medal of Excellence Limousin Classic, All Other Breeds Show, Super Regional Shorthorn Show, Regional Standard of Excellence Brangus Show, Junior Boer Goat Show and ABGA show, Junior and Open Pygmy Goat Show, California Classic Pygmy Goat Show, National Nigerian Dwarf Goat Show, and the Emilee Hammon Nigerian Dwarf Goat Show.

Junior and Open Dairy Show............................... July 22-26 Featured Shows: Holstein Show, All California Brown Swiss Show, All California Jersey Show, Western National Guernsey Show, All California Milking Shorthorn Show, Golden State Nubian Specialty Show, and the Junior Nigerian Dwarf Goat Show.

Open Sheep, Open Swine, Longhorns, and Llamas & Alpacas....................... July 27-30

Featured Shows: World Qualifier Texas Longhorn Show, Western Regional Hampshire Show, Western Regional Oxford Show, Southdown Show, Wether Dam Wether Sire Show, Western Regional Montadale Show, Rambouillet Show, Columbia Show, Western Regional Dorset Show, Western Regional Dorper Show, Heritage Sheep Division, Wool and Fiber Sheep Show, Hampshire Swine, Yorkshire Swine, Berkshire Swine, Crossbred Swine, and the Llama and Alpaca Shows.

Entry Deadlines All Junior Livestock Entries Due: June 14 • All Open Livestock Entries Due: June 21

Fur & Feathers ENTRY DEADLINES First day to submit entries....May 1 Junior Rabbits .................. June 14 Junior Poultry ................... June 14 Avian & Rabbit Bowl ........ June 14 Premier Exhibitor ............. June 14 Junior & Open Cavies....... June 14 Open Rabbits ................... June 14 Open Poultry ................... June 14 Cavy Bowl ........................ June 14 Cornish Meet.................... June 14 County Fair Best of Show ................... June 30

(schedule subject to change)

FUR & FEATHERS SHOW DATES All Junior Market Classes . July 12 Junior Rabbits .............. July 13-16 Junior Poultry ............... July 17-20 Junior & Open Cavies.... July 21-23 County Fair Best of Show Small Animal Showmanship ....... July 22 State Fair Master Showmanship.....................July 22 Open Rabbits................ July 24-27 Open Poultry .................July 28-30 DOG SHOW Dog Entries Due............... June 14 Dog Show Date................. July 22 Canine Bowl...................... July 22

All junior livestock (market, breeding, dairy and fur & feather) exhibitors are required to participate in a California State Fair approved Quality Assurance and Ethics Awareness Training prior to June 23, 2017. Go to CAStateFair.org to find out more information about the new online Quality assurance program, Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA).


Market animal DNA COLLECTION -

Process Allows Junior Exhibitors to Collect Their First Samples Exhibitors wishing to enter their market animals (including market steers, market sheep, market barrows, market goats, wether dam does, crossbred gilts and wether dam wether sire sheep) in the Junior Livestock show at the 2017 State Fair must first register for the DNA Reservation and Collection online at https://events.bigfun.org/dna/ default.aspx Upon registration, the exhibitor will receive a collection kit to be used for the hair sample collection process. NO Market Animal will be eligible for official entry unless this sample isobtained and an official Market Registration Form has been completed. All samples will be collected by the exhibitor and a parent or leader (NO EXCEPTIONS). Your cancelled check and/or postage receipt will serve as your receipt. You will not receive notification from the California State Fair upon receipt of your sample. PLEASE NOTE: This process does not enter your animal into the 2017 California State Fair, it is only a part of the necessary requirements you will need for the market division. All animals are required to be officially entered by the owner, pay the entry fee and do so by the official entry deadline June 14, 2017. Failure to comply with the following deadlines shall result in disqualification for competition in the 2017 California State Fair. Parent/Leader/ Advisor and Exhibitor must be present at time of collection. The deadlines for requesting kits and returning completed samples are as follows: MARKET SHEEP, MARKET BARROWS AND MARKET GOATS DEADLINE FOR REQUESTING A KIT FOR DELIVERY VIA STANDARD US POSTAL MAIL – May 1, 2017 COMPLETED SAMPLE HAIR COLLECTION -May 16, 2017 (must be in the State Fair entry office by 5:00 P.M) WETHER SIRE/DAM SHEEP, WETHER DAM DOES AND CROSSBRED GILTS DEADLINE FOR REQUESTING A KIT FOR DELIVERY VIA STANDARD US POSTAL MAIL – May 31, 2017 COMPLETED SAMPLE HAIR COLLECTION -- June 14, 2017 (must be in the State Fair entry office by 5:00 P.M)

For additional information, contact us at: entryoffice@calexpo.com Or Write: California State Fair Livestock Department P.O. Box 15649, Sacramento, CA 95852 (916) 263-3149 Phone (916) 263-7903 Fax

www.castatefair.org MAY/JUNE 2017


By Brad Mendes

Last issue we presented these four hogs and invited you to try your hand at judging what their placement should be. How did you do?

To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.

Advertisers! Don't miss your chance to promote your product or event in our California State Fair Issue! The ad deadline is just a few weeks away, though — see page 53 for details! MAY/JUNE 2017



By Brad Mendes

Judge these Angus heifers! The official placings and a sample set of reasons will be provided next issue.

To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.

Don't miss the

Red Wave Livestock

Judging Camp Accelerated Camp: August 3rd-5th Rookie Camp: August 5th Accelerated Camp: $200 • Rookie Camp: $75 Camps will be held at the Fresno State Campus, and students attending the three-day camp will stay on campus in our dorms.

r Registe ! Online


The registration link will open on May 15th and stay open until June 30th.

For more information, contact Brad Mendes: Phone: 209-765-7143 Email: bradm@csufresno.edu 21




2017 members! Check out the list for your name in the divisions you joined this year! I know many of you have been inquiring about when points will be posted. From our end, there are quite a few shows in the first few months of the year and it does take a little time for us to get all the show reports turned in to us. Plus we are busy with the CJLA Award Banquet, putting out a few issues of this magazine, and getting all the new members entered into our systems. So in this report we have a few shows included: CALIFORNIA CLASSIC, WESTERN BONANZA, and CATTLEMEN’S JACKPOT. We are planning to e-blast and post on the website another report with more shows included, so watch for those updates also. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

email below and she will take your shipping information. We also may be able to deliver to a few upcoming shows so let her know if that might work for you. There are still a lot of shows in the coming months all the way through the end of the year. We just heard that the Surf-n-Turf is cancelled this year. Unfortunately they could not get everything coordinated with the fairgrounds so are unable to hold the event. When you are figuring your points, remember that your top eight shows count for year-end totals but the tie breakers for both division and showmanship are the number of shows you earned points at in that division. It often happens at the end of the year that placings change based on this tie-breaker rule! So keep on trucking and keep on showing!

We have had many inquiries about how we get information out to everyone. We mainly send out E-Blasts with news, information, and point updates. We also post everything on the CJLA website and in each issue of this magazine. Due to the cost of postage, we only mail paperwork for year-end stuff unless there is a special instance where we need to get paper copies to all members. PLEASE be sure to read your E-Blasts – if you are not getting any – let us know so we can double-check your email addresses!

As you travel down the road to the next show, be sure to enjoy the journey along the way! Stay safe, and thank your crew that helps you get it all done. And say Thanks to those awesome people who work so hard to put on those shows you attend! CJLA Questions? Emails can be sent to cjlainfo@yahoo.com or through the CJLA website: www.cjlainfo.com

Check out the Banquet Feature in this issue! February 18th, 2017, was the date we recognized the 2016 members for their hard work and achievements over the past year. It was an awesome evening of family, friends, sponsors, and great kids!

Heidi Beljean: 408-888-2503 or pacshow@earthlink.net (CJLA Info, Memberships, & Sponsorships)

For those of you who could not make it to the banquet – we have your awards and t-shirt packets and would like to get those to you! Please contact Heidi at the phone number or

Mary Ann Bush: 831-905-5665 or cjlainfo@yahoo.com (CJLA Rules, Points, & Shows)


(Show Information, including date, location and contacts, is also available on the CJLA Website - www.cjlainfo.com) Sierra Winter Classic (2 Shows)....................................Steer, Heifer

Cattlemen’s Jackpot.......................................................Steer, Heifer

Mjc Cattle Classic..........................................................Steer, Heifer

Northern Exposure Spring Jackpot (2 Shows)... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

California Classic.......NEW FOR 2017...................................Lamb Red Wave Classic Jr. Livestock Show.......... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

MJC Classic Jackpot Show....................Hog, Lamb, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe Pacific Coast Jackpot of Gold (2 Shows) **CANCELLED** ................ Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat

Western Bonanza Jr. Livestock Show (2 Shows)... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Clash For Cash NEW FOR 2017...................... Lamb, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Orange Blossom Klassic (2 Shows)........................................................Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat

The Spring Classic Stock Show (2 Shows)... Steer, Heifer, Hog, Lamb, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

MUSD Spring Fling (2 shows).................................. Lamb, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe MAY/JUNE 2017


Spotlight On Quality Jr. Shorthorn Show.............................. Heifer

Calif. Jr. Angus State Fieldday & Preview Show........................................................ Heifer

Northern Exposure Jr. Cattle Show (2 Shows).............Steer, Heifer

Calif. Jr. Charolais Assn. Fieldday & Show...................................................................... Heifer

Oktoberfest Boer Goat Jackpot Show ...................................... Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Southwest Regional Hereford Show....................................... Heifer

Cnha Hereford Classic Jr. Jackpot Show................................ Heifer

Calif. Jr. Shorthorn Show........................................................ Heifer

Harvest Moon Jackpot Show (2 shows).................................. Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, Mkt. Goat

Pork Spectacular..........................................................................Hog

Rolling Hills Boeranza (4 Shows)............................................. Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Surf n Turf Jackpot Show **CANCELLED**........................................... Steer, Heifer, Lamb, ..................................................... Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Angus Days............................................................................... Heifer

Grand National Stock Show................................................ Steer, Heifer, Lamb, Hog, ............................................................. Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe

Holiday Classic (2 shows)..............................................Steer, Heifer

CJLA Points Standings

(Shows include California Classic, Western Bonanza, and Cattlemen’s Jackpot) Steer Division ENGLISH 1. Bisagno, Katie....................110 2. Snook, Megan.......................95 3. Wheeler, Carly......................90 4. Allen, Owen..........................83 5. Howard, Trey........................83 6. Mcpheeters, Chas.................70 7. Orradre, Harrison................70 8. Howard, Preston...................50 9. Osborn, Faith........................45 10. Cox, Clayton.......................38 11. Campiotti, Aidriana...........25

BLACK-BLACK X 1. Sousa, Joshua.....................125 2. Traynham, Hailey..............121 3. Aschwanden, Lindsey.........115 4. Wittinger, Julia...................100 5. Kovach, Amelia.....................85 6. Wheeler, Carly......................80 7. Hefner, Brittaney.................73 8. Darrah, Payton.....................70 9. Mansmith, Gracie.................65 10. Branford, Madeline............60 11. Weiman, Ashley Marie.......60 12. Roseman, Rex.....................55 13. Barnes, Axel........................55 14. Brewen, Sarah....................55 15. Cordova, Andrew................55 Dreyer, Brian............................50 Schmitz, Johnny.......................50 Yates, Bailey.............................50 Bassett, Kendall.......................45 Staberg, Danna.........................45 Anderson, Cody........................30 Campiotti, Aidriana.................30 Kerlee, Aaron............................30 Martin, J.R................................30 Mcguire, Jeffrey........................30 Ross, Jaden...............................30 Hoekstra, Tanner.....................25 Lugo, Kolbe...............................25 Cavey, Ashleigh........................20 Henson, Maddy.........................20 Fowler, Brandon.......................15 Woods, Mackenzie....................15 Wright, Laynie.........................15 Anderson, Courtney.................10 Branford, Sarah........................10 Darrah, Jarrett.........................10 Bassett, Kimberlyn....................5

ALL OTHER COLOR 1. Darrah, Jarrett...................116 2. Carroll, Cassidy..................115 3. Wheeler, Carly......................90 4. Hubbell, Clay .......................73 5. Weiman, Ashley Marie.........73 6. Cavey, Ashleigh....................60 7. Stephens, Seth .....................60 8. Cassara, Tyler.......................55 9. Orradre, Harrison................55 10. Schreck, Calista..................50 11. Sousa, Christopher.............40

12. Moore, Lizzie.......................38 13. Gonsalves, Riley.................35 14. Bassett, Kimberlyn............30 15. Crist, Lauryn......................30 Albrecht, Joshua.......................30 Henson, Maddy.........................25 Carroll, Rachel.........................20 Suit, TJ.....................................20 Anderson, Courtney.................15 Lugo, Analeina.........................15 Guerrero, Tyee..........................10 Suit, Andy.................................10

Overall Steers 1. Wheeler, Carly....................215 2. Weiman, Ashley Marie.......133 3. Darrah, Jarrett...................126 4. Sousa, Joshua.....................125 5. Orradre, Harrison..............125 6. Traynham, Hailey..............121 7. Aschwanden, Lindsey.........115 8. Carroll, Cassidy..................115 9. Bisagno, Katie....................110 10. Wittinger, Julia.................100 11. Snook, Megan.....................95 12. Kovach, Amelia...................85 13. Allen, Owen........................83 14. Howard, Trey......................83 15. Cavey, Ashleigh..................80 Hefner, Brittaney.....................73 Hubbell, Clay ...........................73 Darrah, Payton.........................70 Mcpheeters, Chas.....................70 Mansmith, Gracie.....................65 Branford, Madeline..................60 Stephens, Seth .........................60 Barnes, Axel..............................55 Brewen, Sarah..........................55 Campiotti, Aidriana.................55 Cassara, Tyler..........................55 Cordova, Andrew......................55 Roseman, Rex...........................55 Dreyer, Brian............................50 Howard, Preston.......................50 Schmitz, Johnny.......................50 Schreck, Calista........................50 Yates, Bailey.............................50 Bassett, Kendall.......................45 Osborn, Faith............................45 Staberg, Danna.........................45 Sousa, Christopher...................40 Cox, Clayton.............................38 Moore, Lizzie............................38 Bassett, Kimberlyn..................35 Gonsalves, Riley.......................35 Henson, Maddy.........................35 Albrecht, Joshua.......................30 Anderson, Cody........................30 Crist, Lauryn............................30 Kerlee, Aaron............................30 Martin, J.R................................30 Mcguire, Jeffrey........................30 Ross, Jaden...............................30 Anderson, Courtney.................25 Hoekstra, Tanner.....................25 Lugo, Kolbe...............................25 Carroll, Rachel.........................20 Suit, Tj......................................20

Fowler, Brandon.......................15 Lugo, Analeina.........................15 Woods, Mackenzie....................15 Wright, Laynie.........................15 Branford, Sarah........................10 Guerrero, Tyee..........................10 Suit, Andy.................................10 Allen, Hayden.............................0 Arledge, Amanda........................0 Billups, Kory...............................0 Black, Brendan...........................0 Boynton, Katie............................0 Boynton, Bella............................0 Brewen, Emily............................0 Brewen, Kate..............................0 Cozzi, Jarod................................0 Cozzi, Justin...............................0 Daluz, Beau................................0 Forbes, Makaylah.......................0 Franks, Arden.............................0 Franks, Sydney...........................0 Franks, Joseph...........................0 Geib, Catie..................................0 Gruber, Bailey............................0 Halsey, Sarah.............................0 Lugo, Maggie..............................0 Lugo, Jacob.................................0 Mallery, Jack .............................0 Mallery, Grant............................0 Martin, J.R..................................0 Mcphee, Rose..............................0 Mills, Kaili..................................0 Oatman, Kaitlyn........................0 Sweeney, Austin.........................0 Tharp, Hayley.............................0 Vanella, Lexi...............................0 Weaver, Sydney..........................0 Woodard, Ely..............................0

Carroll, Rachel.........................55 Franks, Joseph.........................55 Volheim, Justin.........................50 Schreck, Calista........................40 Gonsalves, Riley.......................30 Hartill, Grant...........................25

SHORTHORN 1. Wolfe, Evan.........................220 2. Bisagno, Katie....................215 3. Allen, Hayden.....................148 4. Cozzitorto, Georgia.............135 5. Souza, Nick.........................105 6. Allen, Owen..........................75 7. Mcpheeters, Chas.................60

MAINE-MAINTAINER 1. Rocha, Laney......................130 2. Kerlee, Aaron......................123 3. Hutchison, Taylor...............105 4. Day, Rachel...........................80 5. Hefner, Brittaney.................80 6. Sousa, Joshua.......................75 7. Wheeler, Carly......................75 8. Cozzitorto, Georgia...............60 9. Prentice, Amanda.................60 10. Rocha, Haley.......................55 11. Snook, Megan.....................55 12. Sousa, Christopher.............55 13. Staberg, Danna...................55 14. Yates, Bailey.......................45 15. Dreyer, Brian......................30 Anderson, Courtney.................30 Bassett, Kimberlyn..................20

CHAROLAIS 1. Pacheco, Brandon...............126 2. Rocha, Haley.........................90 3. Pankey, Wyatt.......................75 4. Wright, Laynie......................45 5. Neimela, Levi........................40

Heifer Division HEREFORD 1. Dores, Kaitlin.....................160 2. Dewar, Meagan...................153 3. Cozzitorto, Georgia.............135 4. Wheeler, Carly......................83 5. Lugo, Analeina......................40 6. Cooley, James........................25 7. Lugo, Maggie........................25

ALL OTHER PUREBRED 1. Vietheer, Elizabeth.............118 2. Cardoza, Taylor....................90 3. Mcphee, Rose........................78

PERCENTAGE 1. Cozzitorto, Georgia.............180 2. Cardoza, Clayton................140 3. Vietheer, Elizabeth.............118 4. Hefner, Brittaney.................85 5. Kerlee, Aaron........................80 6. Gonsalves, Riley...................75 7. Hutchison, Chaz...................70 8. Rocha, Haley.........................70 9. Mills, Kaili............................60 10. Prentice, Amanda...............60 11. Geib, Catie..........................40 12. Mattos, Falynn....................40 13. Mattos, Camryn..................35 14. Anderson, Cody...................15 15. Anderson, Courtney...........10

ANGUS 1. Traynham, Hailey..............160 2. Cozzitorto, Georgia.............150 3. Tarr, Mason.........................150 4. Carroll, Cassidy..................145 5. Roseman, Rex.....................123 6. Pacheco, Brandon...............120 7. Dal Porto, Dawson..............103 8. Franks, Sydney.....................90 9. Hefner, Brittaney.................86 10. Franks, Arden.....................85 11. Welcher, Heather................80 12. Wheeler, Carly....................75 13. Kovach, Amelia...................70 14. Roseman, Wyatt..................70 15. Cardoza, Taylor..................65 Righetti, Robin.........................60


Overall Heifers 1. Cozzitorto, Georgia.............270 2. Vietheer, Elizabeth.............236 3. Wolfe, Evan.........................220 4. Bisagno, Katie....................215 5. Kerlee, Aaron......................203 6. Hefner, Brittaney...............171 7. Pacheco, Brandon...............166 8. Wheeler, Carly....................163 9. Dores, Kaitlin.....................160 10. Rocha, Haley.....................160 11. Traynham, Hailey............160 12. Cardoza, Taylor................155 13. Dewar, Meagan.................153 14. Tarr, Mason.......................150 15. Allen, Hayden...................148 Carroll, Cassidy......................145 Cardoza, Clayton....................140 Rocha, Laney..........................130 Roseman, Rex.........................123 Prentice, Amanda...................120 Gonsalves, Riley.....................105 Hutchison, Taylor...................105 Souza, Nick.............................105 Dal Porto, Dawson..................103 Franks, Sydney.........................90 Franks, Arden...........................85 Day, Rachel...............................80 Welcher, Heather......................80 Mcphee, Rose............................78 Allen, Owen..............................75 Pankey, Wyatt...........................75 Sousa, Joshua...........................75 Hutchison, Chaz.......................70 Kovach, Amelia.........................70 Roseman, Wyatt.......................70 Mcpheeters, Chas.....................60 Mills, Kaili................................60 Righetti, Robin.........................60 Carroll, Rachel.........................55 Franks, Joseph.........................55 Snook, Megan...........................55 Sousa, Christopher...................55 Staberg, Danna.........................55 Volheim, Justin.........................50 Wright, Laynie.........................45 Yates, Bailey.............................45 Anderson, Courtney.................40 Geib, Catie................................40 Lugo, Analeina.........................40 Mattos, Falynn.........................40 Neimela, Levi...........................40 Schreck, Calista........................40 Mattos, Camryn........................35 Dreyer, Brian............................30 Cooley, James...........................25 Hartill, Grant...........................25 Lugo, Maggie............................25 Bassett, Kimberlyn..................20 Anderson, Cody........................15 Albrecht, Joshua.........................0 Aschwanden, Lindsey................0 Bacchi, Taylor.............................0 Bauer, Harrison..........................0 Billups, Kory...............................0 Cozzi, Jarod................................0 Cozzi, Justin...............................0 Dewar, Madison..........................0 Fowler, Brandon.........................0

Guerrero, Tyee............................0 Hartill, Drew..............................0 Hill, Clayton...............................0 Mansmith, Gracie.......................0 Olivares, Lydon..........................0 Osborn, Faith..............................0 Pankey, Jenna.............................0 Scherer, Jenna............................0 Setser, Kiersten..........................0 Stephens, Seth ...........................0 Stevens, Brinlee.........................0 Tharp, Hayley.............................0 Thompson, Natalie.....................0 Vanella, Lexi...............................0 Weaver, Sydney..........................0 Weiman, Ashley Marie...............0 Woods, Mackenzie......................0

Beef Showmanship 9-12 1. Wheeler, Carly......................75 2. Cozzitorto, Georgia...............65 3. Hutchison, Chaz...................55 4. Rocha, Laney........................40 5. Mattos, Falynn......................35 6. Schreck, Calista....................35 7. Staberg, Danna.....................25 8. Cassara, Tyler.......................20 9. Wittinger, Julia.....................15 10. Franks, Arden.....................10 Allen, Owen................................0 Andersen, Jake...........................0 Bacchi, Taylor.............................0 Bianchi, Abby.............................0 Brewen, Kate..............................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Cardoza, Taylor..........................0 Cooley, James.............................0 Daluz, Beau................................0 Dores, Kaitlin.............................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Howard, Trey..............................0 Kovach, Amelia...........................0 Lugo, Analeina...........................0 Lugo, Maggie..............................0 Mallery, Grant............................0 Martin, J.r...................................0 Martin, J.r...................................0 Mattos, Camryn..........................0 Orradre, Harrison......................0 Stevens, Brinlee.........................0 Sweeney, Austin.........................0

13-15 1. Aschwanden, Lindsey...........75 2. Franks, Sydney.....................70 3. Rocha, Haley.........................50 4. Vietheer, Elizabeth...............45 5. Dreyer, Brian........................40 6. Hartill, Grant.......................35 7. Wright, Laynie......................30 8. Darrah, Payton.....................20 9. Carroll, Cassidy....................10 Abner, Riley................................0 Albrecht, Joshua.........................0


Allen, Hayden.............................0 Anderson, Cody..........................0 Bassett, Kendall.........................0 Billups, Kory...............................0 Bowe, Garrett.............................0 Boynton, Bella............................0 Brewen, Sarah............................0 Campiotti, Aidriana...................0 Cardoza, Clayton........................0 Carroll, Rachel...........................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Cox, Clayton...............................0 Crist, Lauryn..............................0 Cumming, Maddy.......................0 Fellows, Emma...........................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Guerrero, Tyee............................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Hartill, Drew..............................0 Henson, Maddy...........................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Howard, Preston.........................0 Hubbell, Clay .............................0 Lugo, Jacob.................................0 Mallery, Jack .............................0 Mansmith, Gracie.......................0 Mcphee, Rose..............................0 Mcpheeters, Chas.......................0 Miller, Elyssa..............................0 Mills, Kaili..................................0 Olivares, Lydon..........................0 Pankey, Wyatt.............................0 Roseman, Wyatt.........................0 Seever, Hailey.............................0 Setser, Kiersten..........................0 Shepps, Hailey............................0 Sousa, Joshua.............................0 Souza, Nick.................................0 Suarez, Amy...............................0 Suit, Andy...................................0 Vanella, Lexi...............................0 Weaver, Sydney..........................0

16-21 1. Yates, Bailey.........................40 2. Pacheco, Brandon.................30 3. Roseman, Rex.......................30 4. Mcguire, Jeffrey....................15 5. Cordova, Andrew..................10 6. Snook, Megan.......................10 7. Stephens, Seth .....................10 8. Bisagno, Katie........................5 Anderson, Courtney...................0 Arledge, Amanda........................0 Barnes, Axel................................0 Bassett, Kimberlyn....................0 Bauer, Harrison..........................0 Black, Brendan...........................0 Boynton, Katie............................0 Branford, Madeline....................0 Branford, Sarah..........................0 Brewen, Emily............................0 Cavey, Ashleigh..........................0 Cooper, Kaela..............................0 Cozzi, Jarod................................0 Cozzi, Justin...............................0 Dal Porto, Dawson......................0 Darrah, Jarrett...........................0 Day, Rachel.................................0 Dewar, Madison..........................0 Dewar, Meagan...........................0 Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Edwards, Sydney........................0 Forbes, Makaylah.......................0 Fowler, Brandon.........................0 Franks, Joseph...........................0 Geib, Catie..................................0 Gonsalves, Riley.........................0 Gruber, Bailey............................0 Halsey, Sarah.............................0 Hefner, Brittaney.......................0 Hill, Clayton...............................0 Hoekstra, Tanner.......................0 Hudson, Nikolas.........................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Hutchison, Taylor.......................0 Kerlee, Aaron..............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Lugo, Kolbe.................................0 Moore, Lizzie..............................0 Neimela, Levi.............................0 Oatman, Kaitlyn........................0 Osborn, Faith..............................0 Pankey, Jenna.............................0 Perry, Brittany............................0 Prentice, Amanda.......................0 Ratkovich, Nicholas...................0 Righetti, Robin...........................0 Riley, Morgan..............................0 Ross, Jaden.................................0 Scherer, Jenna............................0 Schmitz, Johnny.........................0


Sousa, Christopher.....................0 Suit, Tj........................................0 Tarr, Mason.................................0 Tharp, Hayley.............................0 Thompson, Natalie.....................0 Traynham, Hailey......................0 Volheim, Justin...........................0 Weiman, Ashley Marie...............0 Welcher, Heather........................0 Wolfe, Evan.................................0 Woodard, Ely..............................0 Woods, Mackenzie......................0

Hog Division 9-12 1. Jasper, Jacob.......................148 2. Price, Samuel......................135 3. Stonebarger, Allison...........130 4. Abrahams, Torie.................110 5. Beck, Kourtney ..................105 6. Col, Josh ...............................95 7. Minetti, Charlie....................90 8. Ledezma, Jesse.....................60 9. Nissen, Shelby, 55 10. Davi, Marissa.....................45 11. Boles, Claire........................40 12. Correia, Connor..................40 13. Minetti, Anna.....................35 14. Herrera, Bella.....................20 15. Tracy, Lillian.......................15 Col, Sami...................................15 Sterling, Julia.............................5 Aguiar, Bryson............................0 Bettencourt, Emma....................0 Bettencourt, Kaylee...................0 Bliss, Kendra..............................0 Filkins, Taylor............................0 Ogan, Sydney..............................0 Price, Hunter..............................0 Rezendes, Lucas.........................0 Steiner, Victoria Lynn................0 Sterling, Jada.............................0 Unsell, Malana...........................0 Unsell, Justin.............................0

13-15 1. Gillard, Kilee......................133 2. Bliss, Lauren......................125 3. Rezendes, Michael..............110 4. Meitrott, Morgan..................90 5. Botelho, Taylor......................80 6. Rodgers, Alia.........................80 7. Coonce, Alexie.......................75 8. Nissen, Maddy......................70 9. Corey, Rodric.........................65 10. Bramsen, Madisen.............55 11. Calbreath, Colton...............35 12. Becker, Coleton...................25 13. Dotson, Marissa.................25 14. Johnson, Kaitlyn................10 15. Horwath, Mari.....................5 Beck, Lindsey ............................0 Belli, Payton...............................0 Chaddock, Rebecca.....................0 DownsSavanah...........................0 Filkins, Mallory..........................0 Gritts, Brittany..........................0 Roche, Maggie.............................0 Verdegaal, Grace........................0

16-19 1. Seymore, Hannah...............168 2. Terra, Keaton......................160 3. Borba, Eleanor....................140 4. Hurst, Madison...................130 5. Rivera, Megan....................130 6. Falaschi, Corie Lee.............120 7. Andrade, Genna..................110 8. Debusk, Wyatt....................105 9. Calbreath, Jackson...............75 10. Davi, Mackenzie.................70 11. Pringle, Halie......................55 12. Moore, Jenna......................45 13. Gaasch, Alisyn....................40 14. Banta, Tucker.....................35 15. Farquharson, Amanda.......30 Autry, Paige..............................20 Banducci, Brianna....................15 Giovannoni, Ernie....................15 Sterling, Jessica.......................10 Bond, Dyllan...............................0 Bond, Dylan................................0 Coffman, Bailey..........................0 Giovannoni, Emie.......................0 Hanchai, Isabel..........................0 Johnson, Elijah...........................0 Mckeague, Ethan.......................0 Mundello, Nicol..........................0

Rezendes, Andrew......................0 Verdegaal, Clay..........................0

Bliss, Kendra..............................0 Boles, Claire...............................0 Col, Sami.....................................0 Col, Josh .....................................0 Correia, Connor..........................0 Davi, Marissa.............................0 Filkins, Taylor............................0 Herrera, Bella.............................0 Ledezma, Jesse...........................0 Minetti, Charlie..........................0 Minetti, Anna.............................0 Ogan, Sydney..............................0 Price, Hunter..............................0 Rezendes, Lucas.........................0 Steiner, Victoria Lynn................0 Sterling, Jada.............................0 Tracy, Lillian..............................0 Unsell, Malana...........................0 Unsell, Justin.............................0

Overall Hog 1. Seymore, Hannah...............168 2. Terra, Keaton......................160 3. Jasper, Jacob.......................148 4. Borba, Eleanor....................140 5. Price, Samuel......................135 6. Gillard, Kilee......................133 7. Hurst, Madison...................130 8. Rivera, Megan....................130 9. Stonebarger, Allison...........130 10. Bliss, Lauren....................125 11. Falaschi, Corie Lee...........120 12. Abrahams, Torie...............110 13. Andrade, Genna................110 14. Rezendes, Michael............110 15. Beck, Kourtney ................105 Debusk, Wyatt........................105 Col, Josh ...................................95 Meitrott, Morgan......................90 Minetti, Charlie........................90 Botelho, Taylor.........................80 Rodgers, Alia.............................80 Calbreath, Jackson...................75 Coonce, Alexie...........................75 Davi, Mackenzie.......................70 Nissen, Maddy..........................70 Corey, Rodric.............................65 Ledezma, Jesse.........................60 Bramsen, Madisen...................55 Nissen, Shelby..........................55 Pringle, Halie...........................55 Davi, Marissa...........................45 Moore, Jenna............................45 Boles, Claire.............................40 Correia, Connor........................40 Gaasch, Alisyn..........................40 Banta, Tucker...........................35 Calbreath, Colton.....................35 Minetti, Anna...........................35 Farquharson, Amanda.............30 Becker, Coleton.........................25 Dotson, Marissa........................25 Autry, Paige..............................20 Herrera, Bella...........................20 Banducci, Brianna....................15 Col, Sami...................................15 Giovannoni, Ernie....................15 Tracy, Lillian............................15 Johnson, Kaitlyn......................10 Sterling, Jessica.......................10 Horwath, Mari............................5 Sterling, Julia.............................5 Aguiar, Bryson............................0 Beck, Lindsey ............................0 Belli, Payton...............................0 Bettencourt, Emma....................0 Bettencourt, Kaylee...................0 Bliss, Kendra..............................0 Bond, Dyllan...............................0 Bond, Dylan................................0 Chaddock, Rebecca.....................0 Coffman, Bailey..........................0 Downs, Savanah.........................0 Filkins, Mallory..........................0 Filkins, Taylor............................0 Giovannoni, Emie.......................0 Gritts, Brittany..........................0 Hanchai, Isabel..........................0 Johnson, Elijah...........................0 Mckeague, Ethan.......................0 Mundello, Nicol..........................0 Ogan, Sydney..............................0 Price, Hunter..............................0 Rezendes, Andrew......................0 Rezendes, Lucas.........................0 Roche, Maggie.............................0 Steiner, Victoria Lynn................0 Sterling, Jada.............................0 Unsell, Malana...........................0 Unsell, Justin.............................0 Verdegaal, Grace........................0 Verdegaal, Clay..........................0

13-15 1. Rodgers, Alia.........................55 2. Bliss, Lauren........................35 3. Gillard, Kilee........................25 4. Meitrott, Morgan..................20 5. Botelho, Taylor......................15 6. Coonce, Alexie.........................5 Beck, Lindsey ............................0 Becker, Coleton...........................0 Belli, Payton...............................0 Bramsen, Madisen.....................0 Calbreath, Colton.......................0 Chaddock, Rebecca.....................0 Corey, Rodric...............................0 Dotson, Marissa..........................0 Downs, Savanah.........................0 Filkins, Mallory..........................0 Gritts, Brittany..........................0 Horwath, Mari............................0 Johnson, Kaitlyn........................0 Nissen, Maddy............................0 Rezendes, Michael......................0 Roche, Maggie.............................0 Verdegaal, Grace........................0

16-9 1. Borba, Eleanor......................65 2. Seymore, Hannah.................45 3. Debusk, Wyatt......................35 4. Banta, Tucker.......................30 5. Andrade, Genna....................20 6. Sterling, Jessica....................20 7. Moore, Jenna........................15 8. Falaschi, Corie Lee.................5 Autry, Paige................................0 Banducci, Brianna......................0 Bond, Dyllan...............................0 Bond, Dylan................................0 Calbreath, Jackson.....................0 Coffman, Bailey..........................0 Davi, Mackenzie.........................0 Farquharson, Amanda...............0 Gaasch, Alisyn............................0 Giovannoni, Ernie......................0 Giovannoni, Emie.......................0 Hanchai, Isabel..........................0 Hurst, Madison...........................0 Johnson, Elijah...........................0 Mckeague, Ethan.......................0 Mundello, Nicol..........................0 Pringle, Halie.............................0 Rezendes, Andrew......................0 Rivera, Megan............................0 Terra, Keaton.............................0 Verdegaal, Clay..........................0

Lamb Division 9-12 1. Lewis, Jake.........................110 2. Woods, Emma.......................95 3. Anderson, Bailey..................75 4. Ledesma, Oscar....................70 5. Power, Kendal.......................35 6. Bell, Austin...........................25 7. Shane, Austin.......................20 8. Hoekstra, Kenzie..................15 9. Parks, Emily.........................10 10. Loogman, Steven..................5 11. Schneider, Emma..................5 Andersen, Jake...........................0 Bianchi, Abby.............................0 Cooley, James.............................0 Diaz, Chloe.................................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Flores, Nathan............................0 Freitas, Kiley..............................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Knight, Lexie..............................0 Ward, Emily................................0 Witt, Kensington........................0

Hog Showmanship 9-12 1. Jasper, Jacob.........................40 2. Abrahams, Torie...................30 3. Nissen, Shelby......................20 4. Sterling, Julia.......................10 5. Price, Samuel..........................5 6. Stonebarger, Allison...............5 Aguiar, Bryson............................0 Beck, Kourtney ..........................0 Bettencourt, Emma....................0 Bettencourt, Kaylee...................0


13-15 1. Andersen, Kiley..................233 2. Vanella, Lexi.......................180 3. Woods, Madison..................165 4. Shepps, Hailey....................155 5. Meads, Maci........................140 6. Lewis, Ty.............................135 7. Seever, Hailey.....................100 8. Basila, Dilan.........................80 9. Parker, Laney.......................70 10. Hazen, Aubrie.....................50 11. Tanson, Callie.....................50 12. Pelowski, Morgan...............45 13. Rotta, Nicole.......................45 14. Corron, Kayli......................45 15. Peterson, Mary Pat.............40 Bowe, Garrett...........................35 Hoekstra, Colton......................35 Wilhelm, Valerie.......................30 Simonsma, Nichole...................25 Shane, Emma...........................20 Gomes, Jeanettte......................15 Layne, Allison...........................10 Brassfield, Kaycee......................0 Brooks, Jacquelyn......................0 Freitas, Marin............................0 Gonsalves, Reese........................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Mcmann, Kari.............................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Olivares, Lydon..........................0 Reynolds, Nicole.........................0 Roso, Valerie...............................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0 Vering, Gabby.............................0 Zepeda, Brandi...........................0

16-19 1. Chapton, Kylie....................180 2. Smith, Shane......................176 3. Layne, Amber.....................153 4. Edwards, Sydney................133 5. Galhano, Chris ...................115 6. Griffiths, Maddie................115 7. Pendleton, Marissa.............100 8. Curutchague, Taylor...........100 9. Adam, Abigail.......................65 10. Morgan, Blake....................55 Autry, Paige................................0 Bernal, Douglas .........................0 Boynton, Katie............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Morino, Luke..............................0 Nelson, Hannah..........................0 Pere, Alanna...............................0 Ramos, Jessica............................0 Thomsen, Taylor.........................0

Overall Lamb 1. Andersen, Kiley..................233 2. Chapton, Kylie....................180 3. Vanella, Lexi.......................180 4. Smith, Shane......................176 5. Woods, Madison..................165 6. Shepps, Hailey....................155 7. Layne, Amber.....................153 8. Meads, Maci........................140 9. Lewis, Ty.............................135 10. Edwards, Sydney..............133 11. Galhano, Chris .................115 12. Griffiths, Maddie..............115 13. Lewis, Jake.......................110 14. Pendleton, Marissa...........100 15. Curutchague, Taylor.........100 Seever, Hailey.........................100 Woods, Emma...........................95 Basila, Dilan.............................80 Anderson, Bailey......................75 Ledesma, Oscar........................70 Parker, Laney...........................70 Adam, Abigail...........................65 Morgan, Blake..........................55 Hazen, Aubrie...........................50 Tanson, Callie...........................50 Corron, Kayli............................45 Pelowski, Morgan.....................45 Rotta, Nicole.............................45 Peterson, Mary Pat...................40 Bowe, Garrett...........................35 Hoekstra, Colton......................35 Power, Kendal...........................35 Wilhelm, Valerie.......................30 Bell, Austin...............................25 Simonsma, Nichole...................25 Shane, Emma...........................20 Shane, Austin...........................20 Gomes, Jeanettte......................15 Hoekstra, Kenzie......................15 Layne, Allison...........................10

Parks, Emily.............................10 Loogman, Steven........................5 Schneider, Emma.......................5 Andersen, Jake...........................0 Autry, Paige................................0 Bernal, Douglas .........................0 Bianchi, Abby.............................0 Boynton, Katie............................0 Brassfield, Kaycee......................0 Brooks, Jacquelyn......................0 Cooley, James.............................0 Diaz, Chloe.................................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Flores, Nathan............................0 Freitas, Kiley..............................0 Freitas, Marin............................0 Gonsalves, Reese........................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Knight, Lexie..............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Mcmann, Kari.............................0 Morino, Luke..............................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Nelson, Hannah..........................0 Olivares, Lydon..........................0 Pere, Alanna...............................0 Ramos, Jessica............................0 Reynolds, Nicole.........................0 Roso, Valerie...............................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0 Thomsen, Taylor.........................0 Vering, Gabby.............................0 Ward, Emily................................0 Witt, Kensington........................0 Zepeda, Brandi...........................0

Lamb Showmanship 9-12 1. Anderson, Bailey..................55 2. Woods, Emma.......................55 3. Power, Kendal.......................45 4. Hoekstra, Kenzie..................40 5. Shane, Austin.......................40 6. Lewis, Jake...........................25 7. Ward, Emily..........................10 8. Bell, Austin.............................5 Andersen, Jake...........................0 Bianchi, Abby.............................0 Cooley, James.............................0 Diaz, Chloe.................................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Flores, Nathan............................0 Freitas, Kiley..............................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Knight, Lexie..............................0 Ledesma, Oscar..........................0 Loogman, Steven........................0 Parks, Emily...............................0 Schneider, Emma.......................0 Witt, Kensington........................0

13-15 1. Andersen, Kiley....................80 2. Lewis, Ty...............................40 3. Woods, Madison....................40 4. Shepps, Hailey......................35 5. Bowe, Garrett.......................25 6. Vanella, Lexi.........................25 7. Simonsma, Nichole...............25 8. Wilhelm, Valerie...................20 9. Hoekstra, Colton..................15 10. Meads, Maci........................15 11. Parker, Laney.....................15 12. Peterson, Mary Pat.............15 13. Seever, Hailey.....................10 14. Tanson, Callie.....................10 Basila, Dilan...............................0 Brassfield, Kaycee......................0 Brooks, Jacquelyn......................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Freitas, Marin............................0 Gomes, Jeanettte........................0 Gonsalves, Reese........................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Hazen, Aubrie.............................0 Layne, Allison.............................0 Mcmann, Kari.............................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Olivares, Lydon..........................0 Pelowski, Morgan.......................0 Reynolds, Nicole.........................0 Roso, Valerie...............................0 Rotta, Nicole...............................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0 Shane, Emma.............................0 Vering, Gabby.............................0 Zepeda, Brandi...........................0

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Reserve Champion

2015 AOC Reserve Champion Smokin’ Bob Smokin’ Bob American Sniper

American Sniper to county “From jackpots fairs, we got you Top Sires Include: I-80

Top Sires Include: 2015 AOC Reserve Champion

Smokin’ Bob American Sniper I-67 Top American Sniper American Sniper Dakot Am Harlem Shake Comfo Har Harlem All Shake Ages for All Major Fairs including Ventura, Top Sires Include: Monopoly Smok Mo Antelope Valley, Kern, Santa Maria, Mid-State, Del Mar Monopoly American Sniper • Kadabra Harlem Shake Kad 5RWa FOR MORE INFORMATION Kadabra Monopoly • Kadabra • I-80 I-80 5RWayRanch@gmail.com Sheree Ryan • (661) 619-5246 • I-80 /5R I-67 • Dakota Gold I-67 I-80 I-67 Dak Comfort Zone • Smokin' Bob I-67 Dakota Gold Com All Ages for All Major Fairs including Ventura, Dakota Gold Sm Comfort Zone All Ages for All Major Fairs Ve Antelope Valley, Kern, Santa Maria, Mid-State, Delincluding Mar All Ages for All Major Fairs including Ventura, Comfort Zone Smokin’ Bob Antelope Valley, Kern, Santa Maria, Mid-Sta 5RW MORE INFORMATION Valley, Ventura, Kern, Santa Maria, Mid-State, DelFOR Mar Ages for All Major Antelope Fairs including Smokin’ Bob Sheree Ryan • (661) 619-5246 • 5RWayRanch@gmail.com e Valley, Kern, Santa Maria, Mid-State, Del Mar FOR 5RWayCattle.com MORE INFORMATION FOR MORE INFORMATION Sheree Ryan • (661) 619-5246 • 5RWayRanch 5RWayCattle.com Ryan • (661) 619-5246 • 5RWayRanch@gmail.com /5RWayRanch/ FOR MORESheree INFORMATION yan • (661) 619-5246 • 5RWayRanch@gmail.com /5RWayRanch/ 16-19 1. Edwards, Sydney..................80 2. Layne, Amber.......................55 3. Smith, Shane........................50 4. Griffiths, Maddie..................45 5. Morgan, Blake......................40 6. Pendleton, Marissa...............35 7. Chapton, Kylie......................30 8. Adam, Abigail.......................20 9. Curutchague, Taylor.............10 Autry, Paige................................0 Bernal, Douglas .........................0 Boynton, Katie............................0 Galhano, Chris ..........................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Morino, Luke..............................0 Nelson, Hannah..........................0 Pere, Alanna...............................0 Ramos, Jessica............................0 Thomsen, Taylor.........................0

Overall Weather Dam Doe 1. Cumming, Maddy...............158 2. Riley, Morgan......................135 3. Cooper, Kaela........................85 4. Bowe, Garrett.......................70 5. Edwards, Sydney..................68 6. Bianchi, Abby........................60 7. Ratkovich, Nicholas..............45 8. Mcphee, Rose........................40 9. Halsey, Sarah........................35 10. Andersen, Jake...................30 11. Miller, Elyssa......................10 Abner, Riley................................0 Boynton, Bella............................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fellows, Emma...........................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Hudson, Nikolas.........................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0

Perry, Brittany............................0 Seever, Hailey.............................0 Shepps, Hailey............................0 Suarez, Amy...............................0

Weather Dam Doe Showmanship 1. Bianchi, Abby........................20 2. Ratkovich, Nicholas..............10 Abner, Riley................................0 Andersen, Jake...........................0 Bowe, Garrett.............................0 Boynton, Bella............................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Cooper, Kaela..............................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Cumming, Maddy.......................0 Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Edwards, Sydney........................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fellows, Emma...........................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Hagerman, Sydney.....................0 Halsey, Sarah.............................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Hudson, Nikolas.........................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Mcphee, Rose..............................0 Miller, Elyssa..............................0 Perry, Brittany............................0 Riley, Morgan..............................0 Seever, Hailey.............................0 Shepps, Hailey............................0 Suarez, Amy...............................0

Goat Division 9-12 1. Forster, Kyleigh..................118 2. Anderson, Bailey..................75 3. Thomsen, Kendyl..................50 4. Camou, Gabriella.................15 5. Diniz, Charlize......................15

6. Orradre, Bennett..................15 7. Actis, Isabella.......................10 8. Lewis, Jake.............................5 Camou, Sophia...........................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Gritts, Kimberly.........................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Hopfe, Tristyn.............................0 Mills, Maci..................................0 Morelos, Kathleen......................0

Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Garcia, Hannah..........................0 Hudson, Brad.............................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Perry, Brittany............................0 Saunders, Sage...........................0

Overall Goat 1. Cumming, Maddy...............158 2. Shepps, Hailey....................143 3. Forster, Kyleigh..................118 4. Edwards, Sydney................115 5. Fellows, Emma...................115 6. Cooper, Kaela......................105 7. Basila, Dilan.......................100 8. Hibbitts, Starr....................100 9. Riley, Morgan........................85 10. Anderson, Bailey................75 11. Lorenz, Camille..................70 12. Matsumoto, Katie...............58 13. Vering, Gabby.....................55 14. Thomsen, Kendyl................50 15. Bowe, Garrett.....................48 Hudson, Nikolas.......................40 Miller, Elyssa............................40 Duncan, Savanna.....................20 Camou, Gabriella.....................15 Diniz, Charlize.........................15 Mcphee, Rose............................15 Orradre, Bennett......................15 Actis, Isabella...........................10 Boynton, Bella..........................10 Diniz, Alexis..............................10 Horal, Katherine........................5 Lewis, Jake.................................5 Abner, Riley................................0 Brogdon, Abigail.........................0 Camou, Sophia...........................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Chapton, Kylie............................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Diniz, Katelyn............................0 Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Freeman, Abigail........................0 Freeman, Caleb..........................0 Garcia, Hannah..........................0

13-15 1. Cumming, Maddy...............158 2. Shepps, Hailey....................143 3. Fellows, Emma...................115 4. Basila, Dilan.......................100 5. Matsumoto, Katie.................58 6. Vering, Gabby.......................55 7. Bowe, Garrett.......................48 8. Miller, Elyssa........................40 9. Mcphee, Rose........................15 10. Boynton, Bella....................10 11. Diniz, Alexis........................10 12. Horal, Katherine..................5 Abner, Riley................................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Freeman, Abigail........................0 Freeman, Caleb..........................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Lewis, Ty.....................................0 Marriott, Elizabeth....................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Pelowski, Morgan.......................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0

16-19 1. Edwards, Sydney................115 2. Cooper, Kaela......................105 3. Hibbitts, Starr....................100 4. Riley, Morgan........................85 5. Lorenz, Camille....................70 6. Hudson, Nikolas...................40 7. Duncan, Savanna.................20 Brogdon, Abigail.........................0 Chapton, Kylie............................0 Diniz, Katelyn............................0


Gritts, Kimberly.........................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Hopfe, Tristyn.............................0 Hudson, Brad.............................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Lewis, Ty.....................................0 Marriott, Elizabeth....................0 Mills, Maci..................................0 Morelos, Kathleen......................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Pelowski, Morgan.......................0 Perry, Brittany............................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0 Saunders, Sage...........................0

Fellows, Emma...........................0 Fischer, Alexis.............................0 Freeman, Abigail........................0 Freeman, Caleb..........................0 Hernandez, Josie........................0 Horal, Katherine........................0 Lewis, Ty.....................................0 Marriott, Elizabeth....................0 Mcphee, Rose..............................0 Miller, Elyssa..............................0 Moser, Noah................................0 Pelowski, Morgan.......................0 Russell, Jessica...........................0 Vering, Gabby.............................0


Goat Showmanship 9-12 1. Forster, Kyleigh....................60 2. Anderson, Bailey..................55 3. Lewis, Jake...........................30 Actis, Isabella.............................0 Camou, Sophia...........................0 Camou, Gabriella.......................0 Cardey, Tristan...........................0 Diniz, Charlize...........................0 Ellis, Gracia................................0 Fetterman, Kade........................0 Gritts, Kimberly.........................0 Hall, Adrienne............................0 Hopfe, Tristyn.............................0 Mills, Maci..................................0 Morelos, Kathleen......................0 Orradre, Bennett........................0 Thomsen, Kendyl.......................0

1. Edwards, Sydney..................70 2. Cooper, Kaela........................60 3. Riley, Morgan........................60 4. Hudson, Nikolas...................25 5. Duncan, Savanna...................5 Brogdon, Abigail.........................0 Chapton, Kylie............................0 Diniz, Katelyn............................0 Douglas, Abigail.........................0 Garcia, Hannah..........................0 Hibbitts, Starr............................0 Hudson, Brad.............................0 Hults, Karleen............................0 Lorenz, Camille..........................0 Perry, Brittany............................0 Saunders, Sage...........................0

13-15 1. Basila, Dilan.........................60 2. Shepps, Hailey......................40 3. Bowe, Garrett.......................35 4. Matsumoto, Katie.................35 5. Cumming, Maddy.................30 Abner, Riley................................0 Boynton, Bella............................0 Corron, Kayli..............................0 Diniz, Alexis................................0


By Nicola Freeman

In a League of Her Own:

Maci Meads

An All-Around Kid from Washington State

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To receive all of Pacific Showcase's content, including the articles, become a subscriber! Go to www.pacificshowcase.com to learn more.





Your Make ow! N Plans

Watch our website for more details. Catalog available this summer!

STOCK SHOW: October 11-15, 2017 Rodeo: October 13, 14, 20 & 21

For more information: Vanessa

Schneider, Stock Show Manager 415-404-4142 • E-mail: vadams@cowpalace.com


Great sponsorship opportunities are available! Call for details!


Subscribe! Pacific Showcase... Representing Junior Showmen West of the Rockies! Send this back in with your check made out to Pacific Showcase or call with your Visa/Mastercard information. Name___________________________________________

 1st Time  Renewing RATES: Bulk 1st Class

Address_________________________________________ _______________________________________________

1 Yr. $25

2 Yr. $45

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Area of Interest:  Cattle

Email __________________________________________

U.S. Rates Only — call us for intl. rates

Type of credit card (circle):

 Sheep

 Hogs

 Meat Goats

Send back to: Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160 ...or mail in your credit card info! Visa


Give us a call...

(408) 776-7611


Card #_____________________________________________________________ Name on card_________________________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________________________ 3-digit security code (on back of card_____________________

• Is the billing address for the card the same as your mailing address? If not, please include the billing address. MAY/JUNE 2017

• Advertisers with "Top Quality" Products • Show Results • Dates for Sales and Shows • And much, much more!

or mail your payment and information to

Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430 • San Jose, CA 95160

Don't Miss One Issue! 30

The Fairs & Expositions Branch presents

Offering Two Tracks: (1) – Livestock Judges Topics:

• Live vs. Carcass Evaluation • Market Ready vs. Not Market Ready Scorecards • Sifting Uniformity • Judging Showmanship • Professional Conduct ...and more...

(2) – Livestock Fair Staff Topics:

• The Livestock Barn and the Fair Guest • Online Entry Programming • Quality Assurance Program • Show Ring Management • State Rules • Scales & Weigh Masters • JLA Best Practices • The Judge's Role vs. The Fair's Role • Selecting Livestock Judges ...and more...











SEPTEMBER 21-23, 2017 Fresno, CA

Fresno State University 8










Pre-Registration Fee: $50 • On-Site Fee: $100 Pre-Registration ends September 1st, 2017 For more information, contact: Dave Dillabo

California Department of Food & Agriculture Fairs & Expositions Branch


Email: david.dillabo@cdfa.ca.gov Online: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/Fairs_&_Expositions/

Gorman Learning Center (Rosamond, CA) Sports: Shooting

Show: Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Goats

For Junior Showmen who love the spirit of competition, in the Showring and in Athletics! Knightsen Elementary (Brentwood, CA)

River Oak Charter School (Redwood Valley, CA) Sports: Trap Shooting Show: Sheep

Sports: Motocross Racing Show: Goats, Chickens, Rabbits, Horses

Jackson Street School

Placer High School (Auburn, CA)

(Gazelle, CA)

Sports: Basketball, Soccer

Sports: Volleyball, Swimming

Show:Steers, Breeding Heifers

Show: Cattle, Sheep, Goats

Life isn’t about finding yourself...Life is about creating yourself. MAY/JUNE 2017


s r s i w a F o h e t S a St & National


State Fairs - 2017 Nevada State Fair (Carson City) June 8-11, 2017 775-688-5767 nevadafair.com California State Fair (Sacramento) July 8-24, 2017 906-263-3010 www.bigfun.org Montana State Fair (Great Falls) July 28-Aug. 5, 2017 406-727-8900 www.montanastatefair.com Montana Fair (Billings) Aug. 11-19, 2017 406-256-2400 www.montanafair.com Wyoming State Fair (Douglas) Aug. 12-19, 2017 307-358-2398 www.wystatefair.com Western Idaho State Fair (Boise) Aug. 18-27, 2017 208-287-5650 www.idahofair.com Oregon State Fair (Salem) Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 503-947-3247 www.oregonstatefair.org Colorado State Fair (Pueblo) Aug. 25-Sept. 7, 2017 719-561-8484 www.coloradostatefair.com Washington State Fair (Puyallup) Sept. 1-24, 2017 253-845-1771 www.thefair.com Eastern Idaho State Fair (Blackfoot) Sept. 1-9, 2017 208-785-2480 www.funatthefair.com New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque) Sept. 7-17, 2017 505-222-9700 www.statefair.exponm.com Utah State Fair (Salt Lake City) Sept. 7-17, 2017 801-538-8400 www.utah-state-fair.com Central Washington State Fair (Yakima) Sept. 22-Oct. 1, 2017 509-248-7160 www.statefairpark.org MAY/JUNE 2017

Southern New Mexico State Fair (Las Cruces) Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2017 575-524-8602 www.snmsttefairgrounds.net Eastern New Mexico State Fair (Roswell) Oct. 2017 575-623-9411 www.enmsf.com Arizona State Fair (Phoenix) Oct. 6-29, 2017 602-568-2015 www.azstatefair.com

Junior Nationals National Jr. Maine Anjou Show (Hutchinson, KS) June 23-30, 2017 www.maine-anjou.org National Jr. Chianina Show (Hutchinson, KS) June 13-30, 2017 www.chicattle.org AIJCA Jr. National Charolais Show & Conference (Grand Island, NE) June 18-23, 2017 www.charolaisusa.com North American Jr. Red Angus Event (Stillwater, OK) June 19-24, 2017 www.najrae.com Jr. National Shorthorn Show (Tulsa, Ok) July 3-8, 2017 www.juniorshorthorn.com National Jr. Angus Show (Des Moines, IA) July 9-15, 2017 www.njas.info National Jr. Limousin Show & Congress (Grand Island, NE) July 1-7, 2017 www.nalf.org Jr. National Hereford Expo (Louisville, KY) July 15-21, 2017 www.hereford.org 34

American Jr. Simmental National Classic (Hattiesburg, MS) July 9-14, 2017 www.simmental.org Red Angus National Junior Show (Des Moines, IA) Aug. 17-20, 2017 www.redangus.org

Open Junior Livestock Shows World Pork Expo (Des Moines, IA) June 4-10, 2017 765-463-3594 www.nationalswine.com Grand National – Cow Palace (San Francisco) Oct. 14-21, 2017 415-404-4100 www.cowpalace.com Northern Int’l Livestock Expo (NILE) (Billings, MT) Oct. 14-21, 2017 406-256-2495 www.thenile.org American Royal Livestock Show (Kansas City, MO) Oct. 18-29, 2017 816-221-9800 www.americanroyal.com North American Int’l Livestock Exposition (NAILE) (Louisville, KY) Nov. 1-17, 2017 502-595-3166 www.livestockexpo.org Arizona National Livestock Show (Phoenix, AZ) Dec. 27, 2017 – Jan. 1, 2018) 602-258-8568 www.anls.org National Western Stock Show (Denver, CO) Jan. 12, 2018 – Feb. 3, 2018 303-297-1166 www.nationalwestern.com

Making Dreams Come True! The 17th Annual

Awards Banquet Recognizing the 2016 Membership 35


Thanks and Recognition We would like to recognize and thank the following people for their help and support in making the CJLA banquet a success... • Mark & Cheryl Clement Catering A Special Thank-You for taking over the preparations of this fabulous meal! • Kristi Mattes and Family Can't Thank You enough for all your Hard Work in making the banquet special for everyone!The Decorations were Fabulous!!!!! • Vanessa Soto A special thanks for helping out and being our photographer! Vanessa Soto Livestock Photography – contact at vanessasotophotos@gmail.com • (805) 610-7972

• Paso Robles Fairgrounds For the Great Facilities and for working with us. • Cal Poly's Western Bonanza For their organized contribution in making this event go smoothly • Sullivan Supply, Inc. For all their added extra support and generous donations to the CJLA. (209) 367-5972 • (800) 475-5902 • Farm Supply For all your support and donation to the auction! (Check out their stores in Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, Santa Maria and Buellton)

2016 Junior Board of Directors: L to R: Sutter Long, Corie Lee Falaschi, Kaela Cooper, Rose McPhee, Ashley Porter Not pictured: Grant Hartill, Hailey Traynham, Sydney Edwards, Mikaela Santos-Tomasin

Essay Contest Winners (sponsored by Weaver Leather) L to R: Claire Boles – 1st place Junior Division, Kiley Anderson – 2nd place Junior Division; Chancelyn Johnson – 1st place Intermediate Division, Alia Rodgers – 2nd place Intermediate Division; Megan Silveira – 2nd place Senior Division Not pictured: Krystin Smith – 1st place Senior Division

• Glamb Jams (Denese Luthi) For your support of the CJLA Members! Thank you for the Jams! (925) 726-9870 Email: glambjams@yahoo.com • Walt & Miti Beljean (Dad & Mom) For providing the Wonderful Cookies, the water for Everyone and all the miles and getting everything done! Thank You so much!! • Family and Friends For all your help and dedication throughout the years! We definitely couldn't do it without you!

Dave Spaulding Scholarship Awards L to R: Carmel Spaulding, Eleanor Borba – 2nd place, Kaela Cooper – Honorable Mention, Bailey Spaulding. Not pictured: Megan Silveira – 1st place, Riley Gonzalves – 3rd place, Andrew Rezendez – Honorable Mention

Fitting Video Contest Winners (sponsored by Weaver Leather) L to R: Danna Staberg – 1st place Junior Division, Brandon Fowler-Twitchell – 1st place Senior Division, Kayla Hurl – Honorable Mention

We want to thank our M.C. for this event —

Mr. Darrell Hansen!

Thank you for all your hard work and support!

Presenting the Winners of the 2016 CJLA Show Season!

9-12 Hog Division

13-15 Hog Division

Front Row l to r: Jacob Jasper – 1st Division, 1st Showmanship; Shelby Nissen – 2nd Division, 3rd Showmanship; Savanah Downs – 3rd Division, 7th Showmanship; Maddy Nissen – 5th Division, 6th Showmanship Back Row l to r: Claire Boles – 7th Division; Marissa Davi – 9th Division, 5th Showmanship, Most Improved Award; Kourtney Beck – 10th Division; Julia Sterling – 2nd Showmanship; Jada Sterling – 4th Showmanship; Ian Magby – 10th Showmanship Not pictured: Torie Abrahams – 4th Division, Sportsmanship Award

Front Row l to r: Lauren Bliss – 1st Division, 2nd Showmanship, Herdsmanship Award; Morgan Meitrott – 2nd Division, 1st Showmanship; Alia Rodgers – 3rd Division; Colton Calbreath – 4th Division; Genna Andrade – 6th Division Back Row l to r: Madison Benedict – 7th Division; Mackenzie Davi – 5th Showmanship; Garrett Bowe – 6th Showmanship; Corie Lee Falaschi – 7th Showmanship; Kilee Gillard – 8th Showmanship; Halie Pringle – 10th Showmanship Not pictured: Gracie Verdegaal – 5th Division, 3rd Showmanship; Jenna Moore – 8th Division, 9th Showmanship; Tucker Banta – 9th Division; Jayse Souza-Evangelo – 10th Division; Meghan Weinrich – 4th Showmanship

Hereford Heifer Division

Front Row l to r: Rex Roseman – 1st Division, 4th 16-21 Showmanship; Sydney Franks – 5th Division; Maddie Prechter – 3rd Division, 2nd 13-15 Showmanship; Carly Wheeler – 9th Division; Taylor Cardoza – 10th Division Back row l to r: Rylee Prechter – 3rd 9-12 Showmanship; Taylor Hutchison – 9th 13-15 Showmanship Not pictured: Brandon Pacheco – 2nd Division, 9th 16-21 Showmanship, Herdsmanship Award; Heather Welcher – 4th Division; Tori DeMeyer – 6th Division; Megan Silveira – 7th Division, 2nd 16-21 Showmanship; Dawson DalPorto – 8th Division; Will Ward – 5th 9-12 Showmanship

Kaitlyn Dores – 3rd place Division Not pictured: Madison Dewar -1st Division; Meagan Dewar – 2nd Division; Natalie Thompson – 4th Division; Bailey Kelton – 5th Division; Tyler Coleman – 6th Division, 6th 16-21 Showmanship; James Cooley – 7th Division; Regina Schneider – 8th Division; Heather Hunt – 9th Division; Dervin Murphy – 10th Division; Logan Pomi – 10th 9-12 Showmanship

Maine-Anjou/Mainetainer Heifer Division

Front Row l to r: Georgia Cozzitorto – 1st Division, 2nd 9-12 Showmanship; Ashleigh Cavey – 2nd Division; Brian Dreyer – 3rd Division, 3rd 13-15 Showmanship; Most Helpful Award; Laney Rocha – 5th Division, 8th 9-12 Showmanship; Taylor Cardoza – 6th Division Back Row l to r: Danna Staberg – 8th Division; Haley Rocha – 9th Division Not pictured: Hayley Tharp – 4th Division, 4th 13-15 Showmanship; Lyndsee Cracraft – 7th Division; Sydney Weaver – 10th Division.

Angus Heifer Division

Charolais Heifer Division

L to r: Madison Andrade – 4th Division, 5th 16-21 Showmanship; Jenna Pankey – 5th Division; Wyatt Pankey – 6th Division Not pictured: Laynie Wright – 1st Division; Clayton Hill – 2nd Division; Levi Niemela – 3rd Division; Brandon Pacheco – 7th Division

16-19 Hog Division

Front Row l to r: Hannah Seymore – 1st Division, 1st Showmanship; Sutter Long – 2nd Division, 2nd Showmanship; Keaton Terra – 5th Division, 6th Showmanship; Wyatt DeBusk – 9th Division; Eleanor Borba – 8th Division, 3rd Showmanship Back Row: Nelson Hanson – 8th Showmanship Not pictured: Jackson Calbreath – 3rd Division, 7th Showmanship; Elijah Johnson – 4th Division; Samantha Waterbury – 6th Division; Clay Verdegaal – 7th Division, 9th Showmanship; Bailey Terra – 10th Division, 4th Showmanship; Shelby Weinrich - 5th Showmanship, Most Helpful Award; Janeen Moore – 10th Showmanship

Shorthorn Heifer Division

Front Row l to r: Kalie Bisagno – 1st Division, 1st 16-21 Showmanship; Owen Allen – 3rd Division, 9th 9-12 Showmanship; Hayden Allen – 4th Division, Most Improved Award; Evan Wolfe – 5th Division; Nick Souza – 8th Division Back Row l to r: Sydney Weaver – 9th Division; Reagan Martinez – 10th Division Not pictured: Aaron Kerlee – 2nd Division; Alexis Hernandez – 6th Division; Callie Bassett – 7th Division

All Other Breeds Heifer Division

Front Row l to r: Georgia Cozzitorto – 1st Division; Danna Staberg – 2nd Division, 6th 9-12 Showmanship, Sportsmanship Award; Allyson Sousa – 3rd Division, 3rd 16-21 Showmanship; Clayton Cardoza – 4th Division; Elizabeth Vietheer – 6th Division, 8th 13-15 Showmanship Back Row l to r: Maddie Prechter – 8th Division; Dana Souza – 9th Division, 6th 13-15 Showmanship; Haley Rocha – 7th Division, 4th 9-12 Showmanship Not pictured; Falynn Mattos – 5th Division, 7th 9-12 Showmanship; Jenna Scherer – 10th Division; Drew Hartill – 5th 13-15 Showmanship.

9-12 Sheep Division

Front Row l to r: Kiley Anderson – 1st Division, 2nd Showmanship; Hailey Shepps – 2nd Division, 1st Showmanship; Emma Woods – 4th Division, 4th Showmanship; Kendal Power – 5th Division, 5th Showmanship, Most Improved Award; Austin Bell – 9th Division Back Row l to r: Adrienne Hall – 10th Division, 7th Showmanship; Nicole Rotta – 2nd Division, 10th Showmanship Not pictured: Reese Turman – 3rd Division, 3rd Showmanship; Kaycee Brassfield – 6th Division, 9th Showmanship; Laney Parker – 7th Division, 6th Showmanship; Avery Coelho – 8th Division; Jake Fields – 8th Showmanship

Black/Black-X Steer Division

Front Row l to r: Carly Wheeler – 3rd Division, 1st 9-12 Showmanship; Danna Staberg – 5th Division; Jefffrey McGuire – 1st Division, 7th 16-21 Showmanship; Rose McPhee – 7th Division, Sportsmanship Award; Ashleigh Cavey – 9th Division Back Row l to r: Kimberlyn Bassett - 10th Division, 10th 13-15 Showmanship; Joshua Sousa – Most Helpful Not pictured: Brody Leo – 2nd Division; Grant Hartill – 4th Division, 1st 13-15 Showmanship; Brian Dreyer – 6th Division; Lyndsee Cracraft – 8th Division, 10th 16-21 Showmanship; Kate Brewen – Most Improved Award

9-12 Goat Division

Front Row l to r: Hailey Shepps – 1st Division, 1st Showmanship, Most Improved Award; Kyleigh Forster – 2nd Division, 3rd Showmanship; Abigail Freeman – 6th Division, 2nd Showmanship: Gabriella Camou – 7th Division, 7th Showmanship; Rose McPhee – 8th Division, 6th Showmanship Back Row l to r: Kade Fetterman – 9th Division; Bailey Thompson – 10th Division, 9th Showmanship; Kathleen Morales – 10th Showmanship

13-15 Sheep Division

Front Row l to r: Shane Smith – 1st Division, 2nd Showmanship; Madison Woods – 2nd Division, 6th Showmanship; Chancelyn Johnson – 4th Division, 1st Showmanship, Herdsmanship Award; Gabby Vering – 5th Division, 5th Showmanship; Maci Meads – 6th Division, 4th Showmanship Back Row l to r: Callie Tanson – 8th Division; Blake Morgan – 10th Division; Garrett Bowe – 8th Showmanship; Dilan Basila – 9th Showmanship Not pictured: Amanda Taylor – 3rd Division, 3rd Showmanship; Ty Lewis – 7th Division, 10th Showmanship; Emma Coelho- 9th Division; Aubrie Hazen – 7th Showmanship

English Steer Division

Front Row l to r: Kalie Bisagno – 1st Division, Herdsmanship Award; Sam Patton – 2nd Division; Chas McPheeters – 4th Division; Kayla Hurl – 9th Division; Carly Wheeler – 10th Division Not pictured: Preston Howard – 3rd Division; Harrison Orradre – 5th Division; Morgan Henson – 6th Division; Owen Allen – 7th Division; Mackenzie Woods – 8th Division

13-15 Goat Division

Front Row l to r: Chancelyn Johnson – 1st Division, 2nd Showmanship; Garrett Bowe – 3rd Division, 1st Showmanship; Gabby Vering – 4th Division, 3rd Showmanship, Most Helpful; Katie Matsumoto – 6th Division, 7th Showmanship; Katlyn Diniz – 8th Division Back Row l to r: Dilan Basila – 7th Division, 4th Showmanship; Caleb Freeman – 10th Division; Abigail Douglas – 10th Showmanship Not pictured: Maddy Cumming – 2nd Division, 5th Showmanship; Camille Lorenz – 5th Division, 6th Showmanship; Mikaela Santos-Tomasin – 9th Division, 9th Showmanship, Sportsmanship Award; Michael Rezendes – 8th Showmanship

16-19 Sheep Division

Front Row l to r: Morgan Kiser – 1st Division, 1st Showmanship, Sportsmanship Award; Alicia Young – 4th Division, 9th Showmanship; Amber Layne – 8th Division, 10th Showmanship; Maddie Griffiths – 7th Showmanship; Kylie Chapton – 8th Showmanship Not pictured: Tyler Wilkerson – 2nd Division, 3rd Showmanship, Most Helpful Award; Sydney Edwards – 3rd Division, 2nd Showmanship, Most Helpful Award; Taylor Curutchague – 5th Division, 6th Showmanship; Nicole Rider – 6th Division, 4th Showmanship; Declan Kellogg – 7th Division, 5th Showmanship; Tyler Dietz – 9th Division; Emmy Henning – 10th Division

All Other Colors Steer Division

Front Row l to r: Ashleigh Cavey – 2nd Division; Ashley Weiman – 3rd Division; Nikolas Hudson – 4th Division; Christopher Sousa – 4th Division; Madeline Branford – 8th Division Back Row l to r: Gracie Mansmith – 9th Division; Colton Dillabo – 7th 13-15 Showmanship Not pictured: Makaylah Forbes – 1st Division, 8th 16-21 Showmanship; Harrison Orradre – 6th Division; Madeline Henson – 7th Division; Jenna Scherer – 10th Division

16-19 Goat Division

Front Row l to r: Starr Hibbitts – 3rd Division, 6th Showmanship; Eric Tyler – 5th Division, 4th Showmanship; Nikolas Hudson – 7th Division, 10th Showmanship; Kylie Chapton – 9th Division, 7th Showmanship; Kaela Cooper – 10th Division, 8th Showmanship Not pictured: Sydney Edwards – 1st Division, 2nd Showmanship, Herdsmanship Award; Nicole Rider – 2nd Division, 1st Showmanship; Anna Andrews – 4th Division, 5th Showmanship; Brad Hudson – 6th Division, 9th Showmanship; Bailey Newlin – 8th Division, 3rd Showmanship

s ' r a e y This

! s r e n n i W l l a r e v O

Top Ten Overall Hog Division Winners

Front Row l to r: Jacob Jasper – 1st; Hannah Seymore – 2nd; Lauren Bliss – 3rd; Morgan Meitrott – 4th; Sutter Long – 5th Back Row l to r: Keaton Terra – 9th; Alia Rodgers – 8th; Jackson Calbreath – 6th Not pictured: Elijah Johnson – 7th; Samantha Waterbury – 10th

Top Ten Overall Lamb Division Winners

Front Row l to r: Morgan Kiser – 1st; Shane Smith – 2nd; Kiley Anderson – 3rd; Madison Woods – 4th; Chancelyn Johnson – 8th Back Row l to r: Alicia Young – 9th; Hailey Shepps – 10th Not pictured: Amanda Taylor – 5th; Tyler Wilkerson – 6th; Sydney Edwards – 7th

Top Ten Overall Heifer Division Winners

Front Row l to r: Georgia Cozzitorto – 1st; Taylor Cardoza – 2nd; Rex Roseman – 3rd; Maddie Prechter – 4th; Kalie Bisagno – 5th Back Row l to r: Danna Staberg – 6th; Carly Wheeler – 8th; Brian Dreyer – 10th Not pictured: Aaron Kerlee – 7th; Brandon Pacheco – 9th

Top Ten Overall Steer Division Winners

Front Row l to r: Sam Patton – 1st; Ashleigh Cavey – 2nd; Kalie Bisagno – 3rd; Ashley Weiman – 7th; Gracie Mansmith – 8th Back Row: Carly Wheeler – 10th Not pictured: Jeffrey McGuire – 4th; Harrison Orradre – 5th; Makaylah Forbes – 6th; Jenna Scherer – 9th

Top Ten Overall Goat Division Winners Front Row l to r: Chancelyn Johnson – 1st; Garrett Bowe -4th; Kyleigh Forster – 7th; Gabby Vering – 8th Back Row: Starr Hibbitts – 10th Not pictured: Sydney Edwards – 2nd; Maddy Cumming – 3rd; Nicole Rider – 6th; Jake Fields – 9th

r o j a M r o s n Spo A L J C of

More Than Just Supplies!

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And of course, your show supply source for every species! www.sullivansupply.com Order Line: 1-888-914-5972 Lodi, California lee@sullivansupply.com

Walt & Miti Beljean

Pacific Showcase

408-888-2503 E-mail: pacshow@earthlink.net Website: www.pacificshowcase.com

We couldn't do it without the generous support of our sponsors — Thank You! 41


A HUGE Thank-You goes out to these Generous

Gambril Development, Inc.

Colburn Cattle

Visalia, California 559-269-3175 • 559-967-4599 E-mail: colburncattleco@gmail.com Website: www.colburncattle.com

RDO Equipment Co.

EZ Angus Ranch Porterville, California 559-784-0085 www.ezangusranch.com


888-877-7935 www.rdoequipment.com 42

American AgCredit

Associated Feed & Supply 1-800-540-FEED Website: www.associatedfeed.com showmakerfeed.com showrite.com

200 Concourse Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403 800-800-4865 E-mail: info@agloan.com Website: www.agloan.com

Orchard Machinery Corp./ Mayo Club Lambs

Weaver Leather Livestock





Without your support, we couldn't get it done!

Gold Sponsors

Allen Family.......................................... heifers/steers Chaffin Family Orchards.................................. sheep David Verdegaal Farming.................................. swine Del Sol Boer Goats...............................................goats Double G Livestock............................................ heifer EM Tharp/Golden State Peterbilt............................ all Escalon Livestock Mkt., Inc..................................... all Greg Long Ranch............................................... swine Guess Family......................................... Angus heifers J/4 Cattle/Amaral Realitors.................. heifers/steers Konda Farms......................................... heifers/steers Linder Epuipment Co........................... heifers/steers M & M Livestock.................................... heifers/steers MHK Construction............................................heifers Maggenti Show Goats..................... speciality awards Ottenwalter Show Pigs...................................... swine

Petersen Club Lambs......................................... sheep Riverview Ranches................................ heifers/steers Robinson Calf Ranch............................ heifers/steers Roseman Wagner Wealth Management... heifers/steers Sierra Ranches.................. Angus & Hereford heifers Silva Cattle............................................ heifers/steers Silveira Bros.......................................... Angus heifers Spaulding Family..................................... scholarship Woodlake Growers Supply Co............. heifers/steers Farmers Warehouse................................... all Nutrena/ Sunglo.................. specialty awards

Silver Sponsors

AWE Cattle Co......................................... heifers Actis Family............................................... goats Adalaide Inn........................................... heifers Ansolabehere/Carter Club Lambs.......... sheep Asmus Club Lambs................................... sheep Back Cow Ranch.................................... heifers Baja Farms...................................................... all Bar R Angus...................................Angus heifer Ben & Edith Hillebrecht................................ all Bennett Land & Livestock..................... heifers Bianchi Club Lambs................................. sheep Bigelow Farms.....................Shorthorn heifers Bob & Leslie Labrucherie.....................…sheep Borba Family.................................................. all Brem Livestock............................................... all Calif. Jr. Shorthorn Assoc....Shorthorn heifers Carter/Kelly, Inc............................................ all Coast Pipe............................................... heifers Conlin Fence Company, Inc......................... all Coy Hoof Trimming Inc............. heifers/steers Damar Farms.......................Shorthorn heifers Dewar Farms..........................Hereford heifers Double Bar J Ranch............................... heifers Estes Club Lambs..................................... sheep Geist Cattle.................................. heifers/steers Generation X Show Pigs.......................... swine

Golden State Genetics.............................. swine Grimsley Livestock.................................. steers Hefner Family............................. heifers/steers Hummel Livestock.................................... goats Imhof Cattle................................ heifers/steers Irwin Cattle............................................... heifer JES Land Co................................ heifers/steers Jeff Pareira..................................................... all Johns Cattle................................. heifers/steers Kirk Kimmelshue.................................... heifer L.A. Hearne..................................................... all Labrucherie Club Lambs......................... sheep Leading Edge Supplement & Shag Swag.sheep Lee Family................................... heifers/steers Leo Bros....................................... heifers/steers Leo – Parreira & Assoc................ heifers/steers Levisay Family............................. heifers/steers M2 Cattle........................................................ .all MB Show Pigs…....................................... swine May Livestock & Transportation.................. .all Michael & Natalie Borba.......................... …..all Morino Bros. Club Lambs....................... .sheep MRC Farms............................................... swine Newton Cattle............................. .heifers/steers Nicewonger Club Lambs.......................... sheep Noble Cattle Co......................................... heifer

OH Kruse Grain & Milling............................. all Pavletich Club Lambs..........................… sheep Radiant Reds.............................................. goats Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Sale.................. steers Red River Farms............................................. all Robby Massera......................................... sheep Rumie Show Goats................................... .goats Schnoor Sisters.......................... heifers/steers Siebert Genetics............................................. all Sierra Auto Body, Inc............................... swine Simon Cattle................................ heifers/steers Small Town Genetics............................... swine Smalley Livestock Consulting/ Smalley Team................................................. all Sousa & Company.................................... steers Stewart & Jasper Orchards............................ all Teixeira Cattle............................ heifers/steers Terra Farms.............................................. swine The Camou Family...................................... goat Thurman Veterinary Center ...... heifers/steers Traynham Family....................... heifers/steers Webb & Sons................................................... all Wheeler Cattle............................. heifers/steers Yosemite Meat Co, Inc............................. swine Umbarger/Hearne.......................................... all

Our thanks and appreciation go out to these sponsors!

We would like to thank you for making our auction such a success!

Thank You for donating to these specific awards! Asmus Club Lambs................Sheep Overall Winner Jacket

Nutrena....................................................Speciality Awards

California Jr. Shorthorn Assoc......Shorthorn Heifer Winner Belt Buckle

Maggenti Show Goats..............................................Speciality Awards

Del Sol Goats.... Goat Divisions 9-12 & 13-15 Belt Buckles

Spaulding Family....................Dave Spaulding Scholarship

Double G Livestock.............. Heifer Overall Winner Jacket

Sullivan Supply..........................All of the Overall Winners

EZ Angus Ranch........................ Angus Heifer Belt Buckle, ...................Champ. & Res. Cattle Showmanship Winners, ..........................................& rest to Angus Heifer Division

Weaver Leather................ Essay Contest & Fitting Contest

Estes Club Lambs..........................Lamb Belt Buckle 13-15

Yosemite Meat Co................................... Hog Overall Winner Jacket

A Big Thanks to our Live Auction Donors: • Silva Cattle • Precision Embryonics • Orcharge Machinery Corp./Mayo Club Lambs • Pampered Chef (Kris Friebel) • J/4 Cattle / Amaral Realtors • McPhee Red Angus

Silent Auction Items

Thank You to the generous people and companies for their baskets, products, jewelry, craft items, nuts and more! The list is huge, and we can't thank everyone enough for all the great auction items that were sold to benefit our awards program!

Thank You to our Bronze Sponsors! Ahart Club Lambs.................................................................................sheep

Hilltop Boer Goats................................................................................. goats

BD Livestock........................................................................................ heifers

Hugh Mooney................................................................... Shorthorn heifers

Big Jim’s Cattle Service....................................................................... heifers

Jared & Lily Penfold..............................................................................sheep

Blaine & Chele Matsumoto.................................................................... goats

Lizabeth Ecke..............................................................................................all

C & E Club Lambs..................................................................................sheep

Perkins Family Club Lambs.................................................................sheep

Cowfoto/Wendy Hall’s Livestock Photography........................................all

Porter Cattle Co........................................................................heifers/steers

Dal Porto Livestock............................................................................. heifers

Precision Genetics......................................................................................all

Dreyer Family..........................................................................heifers/steers

SJAD Boer Goats.......................................................................................goat

Duysen Family......................................................................................steers

Sunrise Sheep........................................................................................sheep

Farao Club Lambs.................................................................................sheep

Tri-T Farms...............................................................................Angus heifers

Flynn Cattle Co.........................................................................heifers/steers

Tulare Co. Stockyards..............................................................................goat

Fowler Family..................................................................................... heifers

Warntjes Livestock................................................................................sheep

Genoa Livestock..................................................................Hereford heifers

Weger Show Lambs...............................................................................sheep

Gudel Cattle Co.................................................................................... heifers

White Rail Ranch.....................................................................................goat

HAVE Angus......................................................................................... heifers

Zeigler Club Lambs...............................................................................sheep

Hartill Cattle Co.......................................................................heifers/steers

Wall of Past CJLA Overall Division Winners 2000 Overall Steer: Jared Watts Overall Heifer: Joseph Amaral Overall Hog: Sara Houret Overall Lamb: David Downs 2001 Overall Steer: Candice Woessner Overall Heifer: Joseph Amaral Overall Hog: Kylie Watson Overall Lamb: Jared Hixon Overall Goat: Robin Millerick 2002 Overall Steer: Candice Woessner Overall Heifer: Joseph Amaral Overall Hog: Kylie Watson Overall Lamb: Jared Hixon Overall Goat: Robin Millerick 2003 Overall Steer: Mari Catherine Hunt Overall Heifer: Garrett Blanchard Overall Hog: Kylie Watson Overall Sheep: Jared Hixon Overall Goat: Robin Millerick 2004 Overall Steer: Kadie Calac Overall Heifer: Austin Perry Overall Hog: Kylie Watson Overall Lamb: Andrew Beam Overall Goat: Rachel Imbach 2005 Overall Steer: Kadie Calac Overall Heifer: Ashley Judge Overall Hog: Kylie Watson Overall Lamb: Andrew Beam Overall Goat: Robin Millerick 2006 Overall Steer: Katie Duysen Overall Heifer: Ashley Judge Overall Hog: Kyle Brem Overall Lamb: James Smith Overall Goat: Felicia Byrne

2007 Overall Steer: Allison Mebane Overall Heifer: Ashley Judge Overall Hog: Baylee Starkey Overall Lamb: Jackie Smith Overall Goat: Alexandra Staley

2014 Overall Steer — RaeAnn Brown Overall Heifer — Madison Andrade Overall Hog — Sutter Long Overall Lamb — Tyler Wilkerson Overall Goat — Tyler Wilkerson

2008 Overall Steer: Brittney Barnett Overall Heifer: Jessica Judge Overall Hog: Micah Clark Overall Lamb: Makayla Spaman Overall Goat: Felicia Byrne

2015 Overall Steer — Madison Andrade Overall Heifer — Georgia Cozzitorto Overall Hog — Sutter Long Overall Lamb — Morgan Kiser Overall Goat — Nicole Rider

2009 Overall Steer: Nicole Hefner Overall Heifer: Jessica Judge Overall Hog: Micah Clark Overall Lamb: Shaylynn Beam Overall Goat: Felicia Byrne 2010 Overall Steer: Devinann Sherwood Overall Heifer: Macy Perry Overall Hog: Mariesa Cramer Overall Lamb: Kyle Kerlee Overall Goat: Hazen Bisnett 2011 Overall Steer: Stewart Andres Overall Heifer: Alexius Watje Overall Hog: Baylie McIntyre Overall Lamb: Kristyn Smith Overall Goat: Samantha Woods 2012 Overall Steer: Suzanne Amaral Overall Heifer: Aaron Kerlee Overall Hog: Matthew Conant Overall Lamb: Amy Hanks Overall Goat: Tyson Brem 2013 Overall Steer – Austin Thompson Overall Heifer – Aaron Kerlee Overall Hog – Kiana Peters Overall Lamb – Bridgette Eldridge Overall Goat – Erin Johnson

of the The Winner

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ner, 1st Place Win ion: Senior Divis Brandon chell Fowler-Twit

803.426.0833 11740 PASKENTA RD RED BLUFF, CA 96080 AGE 17 DIVISION: STEER

CJLA & WEAVER 2016 FITTING VIDEO CONTEST JUDGES,C/O HEIDI BELJEAN Dear CJLA & Weaver 2016 Fitting Video Contest Judges, Hello, and thank you for considering my video for the 2016 CJLA & Weaver fitting video. I am Brandon Fowler-Twitchell from Red Bluff, California. I am a Junior at Red Bluff High School. I have been learning and competing steers for three years now. This is also my third year in FFA and I have grown up on ranches and farms my entire life. I have a super nice support team of family, friends and advisors and consider myself very lucky. The video I have produced is loaded with lots of information so that other up and coming agricultural kids can hopefully benefit from it as they start out in show cattle whether it be for their county fair or on their way to competing in jackpot shows. I showcased Weaver Leather Products and hit on the products I was using and my reasoning for using them. I decided that I needed more than two products to provide a broader spectrum for fitting my show calf. I would have liked to added bathing and using mouse, which I find very important but I already cut out more than ten minutes of footage to fall within the ten-minute maximum time. I hope you enjoy my video. I also hope that I showcased the Weaver show Products in a way that you can be proud of my video. My flyer is emphasized around two pictures of me showing my 2015/2016 calf, Joker. The pictures around my show pictures are of me fitting him either at jackpot shows or in fitting clinics and camps. I am showing what it takes to obtain the “Finished Product� which I tried to compliment the fitting video. Thank You again for your consideration. Sincerely, Brandon Fowler-Twitchell


Fitting Contestants provided a video of them fitting their animal, a flyer and a cover page. Fitting Contest Honorable Mention: Kayla Hurl.

of the The Winner

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CJLA Fitting Contest 1st Place Winner, Junior Division: Danna Staberg

Danna Staberg

Danna Staberg PO Box 44157 Lemon Cove, Ca 93244 559-827-5757 dstabergs@yahoo.com

Breeding Heifer for the Beef Fitting Contest

My name is Danna Staberg and I am 12 years old and in the 7th grade at Sequoia Union School. This will be my third year showing cattle and being a member of CJLA (Californ ia Junior Livestoc k Associat ion). Not only do I compete at our local County Fair but I travel all over the State and Arizona competing with my Steers and Heifers. The past 2 years I have learned so much not only about the Ag industry but about responsi bility and managing money as I have to budget for feed, supply’s, show entries, and the largest being the purchase of my livestock . I think the most importa nt thing that I have learned is what hard work really is and how is shows in the ring. Im still working really hard with my projects everyday and doing better and better in the ring during competi tions, the time and energy is showing . Im slowly moving up in the showma nship line up, my goal for 2017 is to win 1st and 2nd in showma nship and to place this

Fitting Contestants provided a video of them fitting their animal, a flyer and a cover page. Fitting Contest Honorable Mention: Kayla Hurl.

The Winner of the 2nd Annual Dave Spaulding Memorial Scholarship — Megan Silveira

Founded in 2007, this small Registered Black Angus Cattle operation has grown tremendously. Owned and managed by Megan, Tony, and Jolene Silveira, the breeding program is strong and has resulted in females with many differen t titles.

Note: Applicants provided a flyer, a video presentation, and a cover letter. Megan's flyer and cover letter are presented here.

Casino Blackbird M21 Owned with Rancho Casino

Dear California Junior Livestock Association and the Spaulding Scholarship Committee, Hello, my name is Megan Silveira. I am currently a freshman at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I am working to achieve a Bachelor of Science degree in both Agriculture Communications and Agribusiness. I hope to be able to use my education to find a career as a representative for an agriculture based company. I am currently in the Senior Division of CJLA and have been a member since 2007. I would like to start this letter by thanking you for this opportunity. I hope to share with you a little bit about myself, by telling you about my first semester at OSU and my career in the livestock industry.

2015 Angus Days Reserve Champion Owned Female, 2016 Cow Palace Reserve Champion Junior Female

SSR 9309 Jamie 133 2014 Surf-N-Turf Champion Angus Female, 2014 Northern Exposure Champion Angus Female, 2014 Holiday Classic Reserve Champion Angus Female, 2016 Supreme Champion Cow/Calf

Ever since I was eight years old, I have dreamed of attending of OSU. I felt honored to receive my acceptance letter and quickly applied to join the Freshmen in Transition program. Being a part of FIT and attending OSU has been one of the best experiences. With the FIT program, I am able to live in a dorm full of other freshmen majoring in agriculture and have never felt more at home. While at OSU, I have also pushed myself to take up a leadership position and join a few different clubs. I am proud to say that I am one of the Freshmen Representatives for the CASNR Student Council. We meet weekly to discuss what is going on with the College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources. In addition to the Council, I joined the Oklahoma Collegiate Cattlewomen. It has been exciting for me to join organizations that have members with interests similar to mine. Amid these different extracurricular activities, I can also proudly say that I kept up a 4.0 GPA for this first semester and now am a member of the President’s List at OSU. My short time at this university has already been one of the greatest experiences of my life and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me at OSU.

Agriculture has led me to many opportunities and I have had the chance to raise and show three different species of livestock: horses, market goats, and beef cattle. I have loved all the different animals but my favorite by far has been the cattle. My herd started in 2007 when I purchased my first Registered Black Angus heifer. My herd has grown from that one female to the fourteen breeding females that I have today. Angus has always been my breed (except for the three Maine crossbred steers I purchased in high school!) and I am extremely proud of my bred and owned animals. I develop feed programs for my animals, make important breeding decisions, and help prepare my animals for the show ring. This herd really is my pride and joy and am thankful for the help that my parents provide that allows me to continue my

breeding program while I attend school. I am also thankful for the different organizations the cattle have led me to. Showing is the reason that I have been a nine-year member of the American Angus Association, the California Junior Angus Association, and the California Junior Livestock Association. These cattle have really helped me to become who I am today and they will always be a major part of my life. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and consider me for the scholarship. I would love to further represent CJLA and the Spaulding family as a scholarship recipient and take this back to Oklahoma so I can show them what California agriculture is all about. If you have any questions or would like to speak to me about anything, please do not hesitate to email or call me. I would love to tell you more about myself! Once again, thank you. Sincerely yours, Megan Silveira

Placements and Scholarship Amounts: • • • •

1st - Megan Silveiria ($300) 2nd - Eleanor Borba ($200) 3rd - Riley Gonzalves ($100) Honorable Mentions - Kaela Cooper and Andrew Rezendez - $100 each

BioZyme® Promotes Blaine Rodgers to Research and Development Position St. Joseph, MO – BioZyme Inc, manufacturers of natural supplements and feed additives for a variety of livestock, has promoted Blaine Rodgers, Sanger, Calif., to Show Livestock Business Development & Field Support.

College and Cal Poly livestock judging teams. He and his wife, Melissa, and two daughters also raise and show cattle and pigs. “Adding the new business development folks, in the areas of beef, dairy, pig/poultry and show livestock, will allow BioZyme to continue to serve our current and future customers through expertise in animal nutrition that gets to them at their level and with their expectations in mind. These roles will provide technical expertise including communicating the value of Amaferm® and AO-Biotics™, investigating and resolving production challenges, assisting with field sales and trade shows and acting as the technical sales interface between the customer and the Company,” said Lisa Norton, Vice President of BioZyme. “Blaine is an experienced, passionate leader in his field. BioZyme is blessed to have him and is excited about how he will guide us in our future of providing ‘care that comes full circle.’”

In his new role, Rodgers will assist with developing the educational pieces for youth and continue to educate young livestock exhibitors on how BioZyme products can benefit their animals; work with national branded show feed companies to position the BioZyme feed additives and supplements; and will work with the area sales managers to provide further understanding on products developed specifically for show animals and help them look at young exhibitors as potential customers, now and in the future.

For a complete list of the BioZyme staff, visit http://biozymeinc.com/our-staff. About BioZyme® Inc. BioZyme Inc., founded in 1951, develops and manufactures natural, proprietary products focused on animal nutrition, health and microbiology. With a continued commitment to research, BioZyme offers a complete line of feed additives and high density, highly available vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and protein supplements for a variety of animals including cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, horses and dogs. BioZyme brands include Amaferm®, AO-Biotics™, Amasile™, VitaFerm®, Gain Smart™, Vita Charge®, Sure Champ®, Vitalize®, DuraFerm™ and Peets Feed. Headquartered in St. Joseph, Missouri, BioZyme reaches a global market of customers throughout the U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. For more information about BioZyme, visit www.biozymeinc.com.

“I grew up a product of the livestock show industry, and have seen first-hand how it can sculpt and mold young people into leaders in our business. It is fun to work with all levels of experience, from the youth who have no experience, but want to learn, to the very competitive exhibitor,” Rodgers said. “This position will also allow me to work with others across the country that I have built relationships with over the years, in addition to the exhibitors on the West Coast.” Rodgers joined the team at BioZyme as an Area Sales Manager in 2014. He earned his Bachelor’s in Animal Science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and was a member of the Modesto Junior

Colby Perry Earns Junior Bronze and Silver Awards Colby Perry, Prather, Calif., has earned the National Junior Angus Association’s (NJAA) Bronze and Silver awards, according to Jaclyn Clark, education and events director of the American Angus Association® in Saint Joseph, Mo.

ership, participation in showmanship, contests and shows, using performance testing to improve their herd and their progress in producing and merchandising Angus cattle. The NJAA promotes the involvement of young people in raising Angus cattle, while also providing leadership and self-development opportunities for the nearly 6,000 active members nationwide.

The 15-year-old son of Susan and Randy Perry attends Sierra High School and is a member of the NJAA and the California Junior Angus Association, where he has served as treasurer and reporter. He has participated in local, state, regional and national shows and showmanship contests. At the National Junior Angus Show (NJAS), Colby participated in the extemporaneous speaking, livestock judging, team fitting, photography and creative writing contests. He also participated in the mentoring program in 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Joe & Marlene Amaral

(209) 613-2333 "Genetics for the Competitive Exhibitor"

He has submitted weight data to the Angus Herd Improvement Records (AHIR®) and consigned cattle in the Fresno State and Friends Private Treaty.

Show Heifers and Steers Available Year-Round.

The Bronze and Silver awards are the first two levels of the NJAA Recognition Program that began in 1972. Junior Angus breeders must apply for the awards, then meet point requirements in many areas of participation before receiving the honors. Applicants are evaluated in areas of junior Angus association activities and lead-

3348 Zeering Rd. Modesto, CA 95358

E-mail: j4cattle@yahoo.com 55


We love getting your Hot Shots photos! Have one to share? Send it to pacificshowcase@gmail.com and put "Hot Shot" in the subject line!



World Champion and LubriSynHA User California Chrome

Who Do You Trust with Your Animal’s Health? Don’t be fooled by fancy claims. If it isn’t LubriSynHA, it’s an imitation. The LubriSynHA Family of Products has studies on absorption and efficacy and users see results in 7-10 days. LubriSynHA is developed by a team of experts and the ONLY patented, liquid, high-molecular weight HA supplement on the market. LubriSynHA is cost effective and more efficient than all other products and procedures on the market.

Complete Family of Products

LubriSynHA is used by the best in the business.

www.LubriSyn.com • 800.901.8498 LubriSynHA comes from team of experts who pioneer and develop safe all natural products for all animals. Animals cannot speak for themselves so we passionately strive to provide the highest and best standard of care. MAY/JUNE 2017 57


THE FFA IN YOUR STATE 89th California State FFA Convention Held April 20-25, 2017 Over 6,000 FFA members and guests attended the 89th annual California State FFA Leadership Conference where they were challenged to go beyond their limits throughout the four-day conference. Daily activities included engaging in general sessions, educational leadership workshops, a career show and delegate sessions to accomplish the business of the California State FFA Association. State Proficiency Award Winners were announced as well as the State FFA Star Award Recipients. The Conference concluded with the election of the 2017-2018 State FFA Officer Team. Six officers will begin preparing for the upcoming year of activities.

State FFA Speaking Contest Winners •

Creed Speaking Charisma Arreola, Bakersfield-Foothill

Impromptu Speaking Nicole Dressel, Waterford

Job Interview Kristina Ramos, AtwaterBuhach Colony

Extemporaneous Speaking Robert Marchy, Turlock

Prepared Public Speaking Greta Carlson, San Luis Obispo

2017-2018 State FFA Officer Team Left to right: State FFA Vice President – Jasmine Flores, Atwater; State FFA Secretary – Genevieve Regli, Arcata; State FFA President – Luke O’Leary, San Luis Obispo; State FFA Treasurer – Armando Nevarez, Holtville; State FFA Sentinel – Robert Marchy, Turlock; State FFA Reporter – Hunter Andrade, Tracy.

State FFA Award Winners •

Star In Ag Placement Daniel Moules, Lodi-Tokay

Star In Agribusiness Kayla Allen, Grass Valley-Nevada Union

Star in Agriscience Jackie Taylor, Reedley

Informative Information coming at you! By... MAY/JUNE 2017


Star Farmer Willis Wolfe, Lakeside-El Capitan

Star Reporter Award Shelby Stillman, Merced-Golden Valley

National Chapter Award Elk Grove FFA

State Web Page Award Le Grand FFA

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THE FFA IN YOUR STATE Meet the Western States 2017-2018 State FFA Officer Teams 2017-2018 Nevada State FFA Officer Team Front Row, left to right: Secretary: Balylee Robinson - Gardnerville President: Laetitia Ray - Alamo Treasurer: Heather Lacovara - Eureka Back Row, left to right: Reporter: Sydney Felton - Fernley Sentinel: Katie Jones - Carson City Vice-President: Melissa Jones - Fallon

2017-2018 Oregon State FFA Officer Team Left to right: President: Kourtney Lehman - Baker FFA Vice-President: Emma Rooker - Bend FFA Secretary: Jensen Kemble - Ontario FFA Treasurer:Â Wade Rynearson - Union FFA Reporter: Lee Wesenberg - Sutherlin FFA Sentinel: Gaby Santa Cruz - Hood River Valley FFA

2017-2018 Utah State FFA Officer Team Left to right: Treasurer: Nate Boehme - Weber Sentinel: Bailee Argyle - Spanish Fork Reporter: Ryan Bake - Herriman Secretary: Allie Wallentine - Sky View Vice-President: Weston Adams - Canyon View President: Kortney Backus - Moab





2017 California State Proficiency Award Winners • Agricultural Communications — Anthony Camacho, Greenfield • Agricultural Education — Devan Muro, Buena Park • Agricultural Mechanics Design/Fabrication — Steven Cervantes, Santa Maria – Pioneer Valley • Agricultural Mechanics Repair/Maintenance Placement — Luke Van Dyk, Tulare • Agricultural Processing — Daysee Magana, Fallbrook • Agricultural Sales Entrepreneurship — Isabella Evans, Fallbrook • Agricultural Sales Placement — Sierra Noble, Lake Isabella – Kern Valley • Agricultural Services — Frank Chavira, Madera • Agriscience Research – Animal Systems — Amanda Silva, Santa Maria • Agriscience Research – Integrated System — Emilly Hambly, Healdsburg • Agriscience Research – Plant Systems — Lindsey Swall, Tulare • Beef Production Entrepreneurship — Alec Bailey, Colusa • Beef Production Placement — Emma Bianchi – Hollister - San Benito • Dairy Production Entrepreneurship — Robert Marchy, Turlock • Dairy Production Placement — Clayton Arntz, Petaluma MAY/JUNE 2017

• Diversified Agricultural Production — Daniel Moules, Lodi – Tokay • Diversified Crop Production Entrepreneurship — Taylor Jones, Crescent City – Del Norte • Diversified Crop Production Placement — Kent Norman, Ripon • Diversified Horticulture — Anthony Wright, Menifee – Heritage • Diversified Livestock — Katie Lacey, Lone Pine • Environmental Science/ Nat Resources — Madisson Avila, Nipomo • Equine Science Entrepreneurship — Kayla Allen, Grass Valley – Nevada Union • Equine Science Placement — Kayne Stehly, Chowchilla • Food Science and Technology — Samantha West, Fresno – Central • Forage Production — Brandon Brazil, Ferndale • Forest Management/Products — Sid Walker, Tulelake • Goat Production — Jackson Sawyer, Lodi -Tokay • Grain Production Entrepreneurship — Sean van Loben Sels, Clarksburg – Delta • Grain Production Placement — Joel Mendoza, Hamilton City • Home and/or Community Development — Hunter Conner, Fallbrook • Landscape Management — David Macias-Campos, Ripon 60

• Nursery Operations — Sage Drohan, Escondido • Outdoor Recreation — Emily Sampson, Lincoln • Pomology Production — Dayton Pitgliano, Tulare • Poultry Production — Garrett Keller, Porterville – Monache • Sheep Production — Tyler Dietz, Merced – El Capitan • Small Animal Production and Care — Ashle Antheunisse, Galt • Specialty Animal Production — Shania DeJarnett, Hughson • Specialty Crop Production — Michael Romo, Hamilton City • Swine Production Entrepreneurship — Amanda Thomas, Colusa • Swine Production Placement — Kailani Koahou, Menifee - Heritage • Turf Grass Management — Adam Solis, Fresno – Central • Vegetable Production — Gissel Corcoles, Greenfield • Veterinary Medicine — Katrina Siems, Morro Bay • Viticulture Production — Emma Manoukian, Healdsburg • Wildlife Management — Brenna Eikenbary, Napa

Tips to Reduce and Handle Heat Stress in Livestock

sprinklers or hoses is an effective way to cool an animal suffering from heat stress. Wetting the ground can also cool the area where animals lay and reduce the effects of heat stress. •

Timing of feeding: By moving the animal’s feeding time to late afternoon or evening will allow rumen fermentation (which creates heat) to take place during cooler temperatures.

In addition to the above-mentioned best management practices, BioZyme® is committed to improving the well-being of animals through nutrition. To help its customers better manage heat stress within their herds, BioZyme has developed two products that specifically address heat abatement; VitaFerm® HEAT™ and Sure Champ® Climate Control Paste. These products contain an extract that helps livestock handle heat stress by lowering core body temperature in a safe, fast, and natural way. Not to mention, the Amaferm® advantage found in both these products is research-proven to lower body temperature.

Warmer temperatures are quickly approaching, and that means livestock producers should start considering how to help their animals handle the heat. Heat stress is almost inevitable, but some management practices can be implemented to help animals better cope with rising temperatures.

For more information about these products to help combat heat stress in your livestock or information about any BioZyme products, visit www.biozymeinc.com.

All mammals regulate their internal body temperature involuntarily. Heat stress occurs when the animal’s ability to self-regulate and lower core body temperature is overwhelmed and the animal’s performance and/or health is compromised.

Signs of heat stress include: •

Bunching in the shade

Salivating excessively

Foaming around the mouth


Trembling or lack of coordination

Effects of heat stress: •

Reduced feed intake and weight gain

Poor breeding efficiency

Lower milk production

Increased disease susceptibility

Death in severe cases

Maine-Anjou Chimaine • Club Calf Steers Available Year-Round – Just Give Us a Call! Lou & Suzanne Seever 3687 Old Santa Rita Rd. Pleasanton, CA 94588

Day – 925.463.3443 Night – 925.820.5392 Mobile – 925. 989.9069

Being proactive is the best approach to helping animals deal with heat stress. Having a solid management plan in place to combat heat stress could play a crucial role in an operation’s ability to maintain animal performance during periods of increased heat.

Some management options include: •

Shade: Temperature can be lowered by providing areas where animals can get out of direct sunlight.

Improved ventilation: Providing fans or allowing for adequate air movement helps alleviate heat stress.

Clean, cool drinking water: Water is necessary to keep the animal’s body temperature within normal limits. Providing cool water will also help cool the animal’s core.

Wetting: Gradually wetting an animal with cool water from

Specializing in keeping your cattle on the right track for showring success! 61

831-623-4316 2345 Salinas Road San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 MAY/JUNE 2017

The Stress Associated with


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Pacific Showcase does something every year to honor these Seniors.

1– Just send their senior picture AND a picture when they first started showing. 2– Write their name, the town they're from, the name of the high school they're graduating from, the college they are attending, the major they've chosen, and the species they showed — on a piece of paper and send them in to: Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160

Deadline to send pictures in is June 15th. We will be featuring these pictures in the July/August issue.

You can also send the photos and information by email to


Also, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want the pictures back.

Please put "Graduating" in the subject line!

* Thank You for Participating. * 63



February 20-21, 2016 • Porterville, CA


Supreme Champion Hog, Show A (Champ. Progress) Shown by Jacob Jasper

Res. Supreme Champ. Hog, Show A (Champ. Market) Shown by Alia Rodgers

Reserve Champion Progress Hog, Show A Shown by Joshua Col

Reserve Champion Market Hog, Show A Shown by Elijah Johnson

Reserve Champion Prospect Hog, Show A Shown by Jacob Jasper

Pee Wee Hog Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Sami Col

Junior Wee Hog Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Jacob Jasper

Inter. Hog Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Carson Stonebarger

Senior Hog Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Kyler Vernon

Supreme Champion Lamb, Show A (Champion Market) Shown by Kylee Anderson

Res. Supreme Champion Lamb, Show A Shown by Sydney Edwards

Reserve Champion Market Lamb, Show A Shown by Amber Layne

Grand Champion Progress Lamb, Show A Shown by Sydney Edwards

Reserve Champion Progress Lamb, Show A Shown by Marissa Pendleton

Grand Champion Prospect Lamb, Show A Shown by Emma Woods

Reserve Champion Prospect Lamb, Show A Shown by Shane Smith

Junior Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Emma Woods

Senior Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Shane Smith

Supreme Champion Goat, Show A (Champion Progress) Shown by Kyleigh Forster

Res. Supreme Champ. Goat, Show A (Champion Prospect) Shown by Reese Turman




February 20-21, 2016 • Porterville, CA


Reserve Champion Progress Goat, Show A Shown by Kyleigh Forster

Reserve Champion Prospect Goat, Show A Shown by Gabby Vering

Grand Champion Market Goat, Show A Shown by Chancelyn Johnson

Reserve Champion Market Goat, Show A Shown by Chancelyn Johnson

Inter. Champion Goat Showmanship Champion, Show A Shown by Gabby Vering

Supreme Champion Hog, Show B (Champion Market) Shown by Elijah Johnson

Res. Supreme Champ. Hog, Show B (Champion Prospect) Shown by Lauren Bliss

Reserve Champion Market Hog, Show B Shown by Jacob Jasper

Reserve Champion Prospect Hog, Show B Shown by Genna Andrade

Grand Champion Progress Hog, Show B Shown by Jacob Jasper

Reserve Champion Progress Hog, Show B Shown by Robbie Iest

Pee Wee Hog Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Sami Col

Junior Hog Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Joshua Col

Inter. Hog Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Lauren Bliss

Senior Hog Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Corie Falashi

Supreme Champion Lamb, Show B Shown by Sydney Edwards

Res. Supreme Champion Lamb, Show B (Champ. Prospect) Shown by Reese Turman

Reserve Champion Prospect Lamb, Show B Shown by Shane Smith

Grand Champion Market Lamb Show B Shown by Sydney Edwards

Reserve Champion Market Lamb, Show B Shown by Amber Layne




February 20-21, 2016 • Porterville, CA


Grand Champion Progress Lamb, Show B Shown by Madison Woods

Reserve Champion Progress Lamb, Show B Shown by Reese Turman

Pee Wee Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by C. Pilar

Junior Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Reese Turman

Inter. Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Madison Woods

Senior Lamb Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Sydney Edwards

Supreme Champion Goat, Show B (Champion Market) Shown by Hailey Shepps

Res. Supreme Champ. Goat, Show B (Champion Prospect) Shown by Reese Turman

Reserve Champion Market Goat, Show B Shown by Chancelynn Johnson

Reserve Champion Prospect Goat, Show B Shown by Emma Rethans

Congratulations to all the winners! Reserve Champion Progress Goat, Show B Shown by Chancelynn Johnson

Pee Wee Goat Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Amelia Camou

Senior Goat Showmanship Champion, Show B Shown by Sydney Edwards

Photos Not Available: •

Grand Champion Prospect Hog, Show A: Kilee Gillard

Pee Wee Sheep Showmanship Champion, Show A: Natalie Augusto

Senior Goat Showmanship Champion, Show A: Shane Smith

Intermediate Sheep Showmanship Champion, Show A: Hailey Shepps

Grand Champion Progress Goat, Show B: Kyleigh Forster

PeeWee Goat Showmanship Champion, Show A: Joseph Deniz

Junior Goat Showmanship Champion, Show B: Piper Liska

Junior Goat Showmanship Champion, Show A: Falynn Gragnani

Intermediate Goat Showmanship Champion, Show B: Gabby Vering





Grand Champion Steer Shown by Andrew Hodges (Montague, TX)

Reserve Champion Steer Shown by Brody Leo (Snelling, CA)

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull Shown by Cade Stertzbach (Louisville, OH)

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Bull Shown by Coulson Chambers (Tenino, WA)

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female Shown by Sydney Schnoor (Chowchilla, CA)

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Female Shown by Kathryn Coleman (Modesto, CA)

Grand Champion Cow-Calf Pair Shown by Andrew Hodges (Montague, TX)

Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Pair Shown by Mariam Horton (Christmas Valley, OR)

Grand Champion Owned Female Shown by Sydney Schnoor (Chowchilla, CA)

Reserve Champion Owned Female Shown by Carly Wheeler (Paso Robles, CA)

Junior Showmanship, A Division Champ.: Taylin Harthun (Kremmling, CO - right) Reserve: Orion Helberg (Chico, CA - center)

Junior Showmanship, B Division Champ.: Carly Wheeler (Paso Robled, CA - center) Reserve: Sydney Franks (Grass Valley, CA - right)

Intermediate Showmanship Champ.: Corrie Falleur (Gearhart, OR - center) Reserve: Madison Cox (Eagle Point, OR - right)

Senior Showmanship Champ.: Emily Piland (Rescue, CA - right) Reserve: Sydney Schnoor (Chowchilla, CA - center)

Grand Champion State Group of Five Shown by California

Premier Junior Breeder Award Presented to Dawson DalPorto (Oakley, CA)

April 1, 2017 Reno, Nevada Judge: Jon Davis (Gallipolis, OH) Bronze and Silver Award Recipients: Thomas Kinder (2nd from left) and Johnathon Kinder (3rd from left), both of Hagerman, Idaho,; and Matt Rosman (4th from left), Creston, Wash.

Western States Angus Auxiliary Scholarship Recipient: Jordyn Wagner (center, holding certificate), of Billings, Montana





March 18-19, 2017 • Corning, California

Grand Champion Steer, Show A Shown by Joshua Sousa

Reserve Champion Steer, Show A Shown by Tatyana Bullock

Grand Champion Steer, Show B Shown by Payton Bustos

Reserve Champion Steer, Show B Shown by Payton Rodgers

Grand Champion Heifer, Show A Shown by Aaron Kerlee (Also won Reserve Champion Heifer, Show A)

Grand Champion Heifer, Show B Shown by Aaron Kerlee

Reserve Champion Heifer, Show B Shown by Georgia Cozzitorto

Grand Champion Market Hog, Show A Shown by Reagan Rodgers

Reserve Champion Market Hog, Show A Shown by Kendall Geist

Reserve Champion Market Hog, Show B Shown by Kendall Geist

Grand Champion Market Hog, Show B Shown by Reagan Rodgers

Grand Champion Market Lamb, Show A Shown by Kiley Anderson

Grand Champion Wether Dam Ewe, Show A Shown by Kiley Anderson

Reserve Champion Market Lamb, Show A Shown by Hailey Seever

Reserve Champion Wether Dam Ewe, Show A Shown by Kiley Anderson

Grand Champion Market Lamb, Show B Shown by Maci Meads

Grand Champion Market Goat, Show A Shown by Morgan Riley

Reserve Champion Market Lamb, Show B Shown by Maci Meads


Reserve Champion Market Goat, Show A Shown by Hailey Abrahams



R E S U LT Grand Champion Market Goat, Show B Shown by Chancelyn Johnson

Grand Champion Wether Dam Doe, Show A Shown by Maddy Cumming

Reserve Champion Wether Dam Doe, Show A Shown by Kyle Burns

Reserve Champion Market Goat, Show B Shown by Katie Matsumoto

Grand Champion Wether Dam Doe, Show B Shown by Courtney Costello

March 18-19, 2017 Corning, California

Reserve Champion Wether Dam Doe, Show B Shown by Macy Roselle

Congratulations to the winners!



April 1, 2017 • Modesto, California Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Sarah Bayne

Supreme Champion Hog Shown by Wyatt Debusk

Reserve Supreme Champion Lamb Shown by Julia Bayne

Res. Supreme Champion Hog Shown by Jacob Jasper

Supreme Champion Goat Shown by Katie Matsumoto

Grand Champion Wether Doe Dam Shown by Maddy Cumming

Reserve Supreme Champion Goat Shown by Kaela Cooper

Reserve Champion Wether Doe Dam Shown by Kaela Cooper



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Champion Calcutta Female Shown by Alec Bailey

Reserve Champion Calcutta Female Shown by Lane Toledo

Grand Champion Owned Heifer Shown by Red Roseman

Reserve Champion Owned Heifer Shown by Brandon Pacheco

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer Shown by Stevie Guess

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer Shown by Abigail Colburn

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Bull Shown by Abigail Colburn

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Bull Shown by Riley Gonsalves

December 3, 2016 Turlock, CA

Showmanship Winners: Rex Rosman, Senior Division; Mason Tarr, Intermediate Division; Georgia Cozzitorto, Junior Division; Lane Toledo, Pee Wee Division

Congratulations to all the winners! MAY/JUNE 2017




Grand Champion Bull Owned by Payton Herzog (Robinson, TX)

Western National Angus Futurity Super Point Roll of Victory Show

Reserve Champion Bull Owned by Cade Stertzbach (Louisville, OH)

Grand Champion Cow-Calf Pair Owned by Andrew Hodges (Montague, TX)

Grand Champion Female Owned by Sydney Schnoor (Chowchilla, CA)

Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Pair Owned by Gillespie Angus Ranch (Emmett, ID)

April 2, 2017 Reno, Nevada Judge: Dean Janssen (Peoria, Illinois)

Reserve Champion Female Owned by Kathryn Coleman (Modesto, CA)



Grand Champion Progress Steer, Shows A and B Shown by Carson Wallace

Reserve Champion Progress Steer, Shows A and B Shown by Brittney Hefner

Grand Champion Prospect Steer, Show A Shown by Teyha Abrahams

Reserve Champion Prospect Steer, Show A Shown by Jonathan Larsen

Grand Champion Prospect Steer, Show B Shown by Teyha Abrahams

Reserve Champion Prospect Steer, Show B Shown by Kylee Mahaffey

Supreme Champion Female, Shows A and B Shown by Clayton Cardoza

Reserve Supreme Champion Female, Show A Shown by Taylor Cardoze

January 14-15, 2017 • Porterville, CA Judges: Gary Agar (Santa Rosa, NM) and Chase Reed (Manhattan, KS)

Reserve Supreme Champion Female, Show B Shown by Brittney Hefner Also winner of the $1000 Woodlake Growers Supply Showmanship Shootout

Congratulations to all the winners! 71




Grand Champion Purebred Steer Shown by Tyler Gifford

Reserve Champion Purebred Steer Shown by Ben Holt

Grand Champion Influence Steer Shown by Sara McCann Harfst

Reserve Champion Influence Steer Shown by Bree Kosinski

Grand Champion Bull Shown by Fallon Gohr

Reserve Champion Bull Shown by Maggie Ashby

Grand Champion Owned Heifer Shown by Fallon Gohr

Reserve Champion Owned Heifer Shown by Sky Senyohl

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer Shown by Ben Holt

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer Shown by Fallon Gohr

Grand Champion Cow-Calf Pair Shown by Roslynn McGhehey

Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Pair Shown by Fallon Gohr

Showmanship Winners Pee Wee Champion: Alyssa McGhehey Junior Champion: Fallon Gohr Intermediate Champion: Sara McCann Harfst Senior Champion: Roslynn McGhehey

April 22nd, 2017 Puyallup, WA Judge: Shane Werk

Subscribe to the Pacific Showcase! We publish articles, ads and information that will make you a better showman!

Information is on page 30 and page 86!



A Roundup of Livestock Industry News from the California Wool Growers Association Reminder…California Wool Growers Scholarship Application Due June 1st

Which Production Attributes Are Most Important to Consumers?

The California Wool Growers Association Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is available for sheep-related graduate studies. The scholarship is to provide financial assistance to enrolled college students pursuing an academic program with an interest and/or emphasis in the California sheep industry. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior and/or student enrolled in a California Community College, 4 year University within California, California State University, or University of California, and have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. To download the application, go to http://www.cawoolgrowers.org/2017%20CWGA%20 Scholarship%20Application.pdf

Which labeling claims will consumers pay more for? In order to meet the environmental, ethical and nutritional demands of our consumers, it's quite evident that there's a rising demand for certain production methods and consumers are willing to pay extra for these food attributes. To ready the study, go to http:// www.beefmagazine.com/beef-quality/part-2-which-productionattributes-are-most-important-consumers

USDA Announces $18 Million to Educate the Future Agricultural Science Workforce The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today announced $18 million in available funding to foster the next generation of agricultural science professionals. Funding is made through NIFA's Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill. For full article, go to https://scienmag.com/ usda-announces-18-million-to-educate-the-future-agricultural-science-workforce/

U.S. Program Outlines Animal Handling Rules Livestock auctions are public places, so those working with animals must ensure their behavior is beyond reproach. In the United States, members of the Livestock Marketing Association must follow codes of practice in animal handling. “We are public businesses, and day in and day out, strangers can walk through, so our programs have to be shaped and molded to meet that challenge,” said Kristen Parma of the association, which created a guide to animal handling. To read more, go to http://www.producer.com/2017/04/u-s-program-outlines-animal-handling-rules/

Apply now: New Sav-A-Caf® Youth Impact Award Offers $2,000 to youth organizations Nominate an agriculture leader in your community by May 26, 2017

Milk Products, maker of Sav-A-Caf® products, is excited to introduce the Sav-A-Caf® Youth Impact Award. This award will recognize an agriculture leader who is making an impact on youth in their community. “The Sav-A-Caf® product team’s commitment to helping young lives thrive extends beyond calves, kids, lambs and chicks – we also value enriching the lives of the next generation of agricultural leaders,” says Stefanie Fieck, house brands manager for Milk Products. The Sav-A-Caf® Youth Impact Award will recognize one community leader each year who inspires youth to be passionate about animal agriculture. “Today’s youth are the future of agriculture. Our goal for this new annual award is to recognize an agriculture leader who has an impact on youth, their involvement and interest in agriculture,” says Fieck.

Award One nominee will be selected; such nominee will designate the nonprofit youth organization of their choice to receive the award. The nominee’s designated youth program will receive a $2,000 donation from Milk Products in addition to select Sav-A- Caf® branded products.

Nominees can nominate themselves or another individual.

Nominees must be 18 years or older at the time of application submission and must lead or be involved in a leadership role with a non-profit youth animal agriculture organization.

Evidence that nominee has inspired youth to be passionate about agriculture.

Affirmation of nominee’s innovative approaches to educating and inspiring youth engagement in agricultural projects with an animal focus.


Eligibility •

Nominee must lead or be involved in a leadership role with a non-profit group of youth focused on teaching about agriculture with an animal focus.

Download application: savacaf.com/award

Submit completed application to: savacaf@milkproducts.com

Application deadline: May 26, 2017

Winner notification: by July 31, 2017

For more information about Sav-A-Caf®, visit savacaf.com or like My Farm Journey on Facebook.



of the The Winners

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CJLA Essay Contest "What Made Me Who I Am Today"

ly honest, being a 15-year-old girl and hearing that your father is the proudest he’s ever been is more driving than anything in the word. But for some reason, it was never the same emotion I had the first time I unloaded my first steer into the barn. The feeling of wanting to achieve greatness had never been so intense. I wanted to race home from school just to finish my studies so that I could go to the barn to work hair and perfect his diet to maximize his gain and performance. With the faith in God, hard work, and a little luck I was awarded Grand Champion at the first steer show I attended and it was the most rewarding feeling in the world knowing that my drive and determination finally paid off.

By Kristyn Smith, 1st Place Winner, 16-19 Division Having grown up in the livestock industry, I was raised to be a hardworking, responsible, and dedicated person who had a love for both animals and the show industry. As I look back at what has shaped me the most to be the person I am today, it is a definite combination of courage, gratefulness, passion, and honesty. Although they all had a great impact on my life, they all had their place at a different time in my journey growing up.

The first step toward greatness is honesty. Growing up, honesty has always been a staple in not only my personal life but my entire family’s. As a young showman I never thought that someone’s integrity would be challenged in the show industry, and sometimes I still wish I still had that same mind set. As I grew up I learned more and more each year, more on how to work with the animals, more on the feeding process and understanding it, and most importantly I learned more about the industry as a whole. It seemed as if during my freshman year of high school everything in the industry took a turn, and not for the better. The cheating throughout the fairs had extremely escalated and the paid help from outside contributors had completely taken over, changing the game for everyone forever. Throughout the years, especially once I entered college, I knew that I wanted to become an advocate to better the industry and get it back to the focus it used to be of the youth. Growing up, I always followed the rules and never thought twice, because if I was going to be successful I was going to win fair and square.

Since I was the second youngest sibling in a family of six, my parents had well figured out the way the game worked and what was fair for each child. As I went through middle school my older siblings Jackie and James were still showing, so I was given the sheep that were for my age and experience level, while my older and wiser siblings were able to exhibit the higher quality animals at a greater level of competition. Showing sheep felt like it had just become part of my life because, well, it had. I had a routine: get up, feed the sheep, go to school and complete my studies, then finally go home and take care of chores in the barn. At the age of just 10, I was fortunate enough to compete in my first round-robin at my local county fair. From that moment on I knew I would never look at showing the same again. I had fallen I love with showing steers. All week I had gone around working on the different species to prepare for the competition later on in the week, and in the 10-minute round of showing the steer I knew that was what I wanted to show for the rest of my competitive career. Now, me being only a young 10 years old, my parents held off on letting me tackle such a complex project. So then in the fall semester of my sophomore year of high school I had the courage to revisit the conversation about getting a steer.

I like to believe that I have been grateful for all I have been able to accomplish from the start of my showing until today, now that my showing career has ended except for one last show to come in Louisville in the fall of 2017. Something about your final year of being a junior that causes a certain feeling to overwhelm your body. As I sat in my college classes in the spring of 2016 awaiting the last class of the semester, just itching to get back home and work with the sheep in the barn and the cattle in the cooler, I couldn’t help but be taken over by gratefulness for not only all that I have, but also all that I have been able to accomplish and remember the success and memories that I had made through the years. But most importantly I was filled with an overload of emotion as I thought about everything that my parents had done for me thoughout this journey. Between the countless hours in the barn and the finances that have gone into the animals through the years, the one significant piece is still their unconditional love and support. Looking back and thinking of all the people who were along for the hard times and the great times, my parents are a constant. And for that I am forever grateful for the opportunity they have given me to grow up in such a decorated industry that has bettered so many people’s lives. And if I could give one word of advice to the future generation, it’s to never take your time in the ring for granted and always thank those who help you along the way.

Being the youngest girl in the family and seeing all of my older siblings take on different projects throughout their years I had perfected my speech to give to my parents. Being their daughter I thought that it would be easy to talk them into the new species of a steer that my oldest sister had shown years before, but when the time came I saw myself more nervous and worried than ever. Finally, I worked up the courage to sit my parents down and talk to them about the new adventure by showing the passion I had for the new experience. Eventually I convinced them that I was capable. Hunter S. Thompson once said “anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” Growing up with sheep in the barn on a constant basis, there was no doubt that I had a love for them that burned down deep. I’ll never forget the biggest day of my intermediate showing career. It was at my county fair in the FFA drive, and the bond between that single lamb and me was greater than anything I had ever experienced. It was so deep it fueled my passion for the sport. As I was selected FFA Champion I looked back and saw the most priceless and proud look on my dad’s face that I have ever seen. And I’ll be completeMAY/JUNE 2017 2015

2nd Place Winner, 16-19 Division: Megan Silveira 74

"Initiative, Determination and Joyfulness"

animals fed, fit and exercised. Some people call it “sportsmanship,” but I believe this program demands initiative around the show ring. Providing a smile, a “congratulations,” a cheer and a hand to help my peers that I compete with has been an area of growth for me in “initiative”. I used to be very shy and afraid to do what needed to be done to make friendships and new connections. Today, I gladly offer my show friends the same kind treatment I would like to receive.

By Chancelyn Johnson, 1st-Place Winner, 13-15 Division I am not your typical teenager just hanging out with friends, going to the movies and texting on my phone. At 14 years old, although I DO like some of these activities (and according to my dad spend too much time on SnapChat) my days are filled with everything and anything to do with my animals. As the youngest of four children, I was born to a third-generation livestock family raising a flock of cross-bred wetherdam sheep which are used to supply local youth with show animals. Whether showing, breeding, feeding, grooming or sharing with other young members what I have learned, livestock has always been my life.

As I watch the adults in my life, I am very aware how initiative is a life skill I will take into my own adulthood. In four years, I plan to attend Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and major in Animal Science. I want to be a veterinarian and continue to raise my own flock of sheep. These lofty goals will take plenty of initiative and doing what needs to be done without being asked. Another character trait I rely heavily on as a CJLA member is Determination. In the show ring, I am determined to accomplish my goals. The competition through CJLA in both the sheep and goat show rings is humbling. The quality of showmen and livestock provides plenty of opposition for those of us aiming at the top. The past two years, I have used determination to stay focused even during set-backs my animals and I have had. When I was challenged in the show ring, I chose to continue to work intently on my animals and skills and not give up. The character trait of determination has paid off as I am ending my second year in the top 10 Overall for Sheep and my first year as the Overall Goat winner for CJLA. These are huge honors for which I am grateful!

When my older siblings were showing, we tended to stay near our county shows through 4H and adventure into a jackpot here and there. Two years ago, my parents offered me the opportunity to jump into the California Junior Livestock Association (CJLA) jackpot circuit, join a show team and grow further in my showing and life skills. Little did I know how traveling around the state with my sheep and goats would bring me belt buckles, banners, friendships and, most importantly, character traits that have developed me as a teenager and will carry me into the future.

This year, I have really applied another principle to my life and leadership work. This character trait is Joyfulness. Seasoned CJLA show families know that it can be rather intense around a show ring, to say the least! With parents, coaches and kids all waiting to see what fate the judge will hand out that day, sometimes it is easy to lose focus that we are all doing this for FUN! To me, joyfulness is the ability to have a balance between determination and moments of joy. It is important to laugh, joke and have great friendships around the show ring, which helps everyone experience the joy of showing. Even though I often enter shows for competition, I leave with a large helping of joyfulness and great feelings about the people I have connected with and the experiences I have had.

Upon reading through Weaver Leather’s Characters for Success Principles to Live & Lead, I believe any youth committed to the CJLA program would find most of these traits describe them at one time or another. For me, the three strongest character traits I live and lead by today are: 1) Initiative, 2) Determination and 3) Joyfulness. The trait of Initiative has served me well, as I consistently aspired this year to attend every CJLA-sanctioned show through the state for two different divisions. At home this meant keeping up my stamina to not only work with my show animals consistently, but also be selfmotivated to care for our entire flock through the lambing season. With both of my parents working away from our home, I was often the only one home at feeding time. It took great initiative to exercise my show animals, feed the flock plus have all of my equipment ready for the next weekend’s show even when I was not asked to do so.

In closing, CJLA is a great experience for me. It has provided me the opportunity to grow as a livestock showman beyond my local region and develop my character traits as a youth. As I move forward in my experiences, I will bring out the character traits of initiative, determination and joyfulness in all that I aspire for my future.

2nd Place Winner, 13-15 Division: Alia Rodger

When at a show, initiative motivates me to work with my team to get

"How Patience and Determination Have Helped Me"

to become a better showman. I continued to work harder and harder even though I got frustrated. At times I wanted to give up. Determination has taught me to stick with what I start. I have used determination in a lot of situations during the CJLA show season. I continued to practice with my pig when I was tired from other after-school events or when the weather was bad. Determination is going to help me in life by having the drive to always get better. Things in life are not always easy but you cannot give up and stop trying. You must always work to get better. I impressed myself that I learned so much about patience and determination this year. I was shocked that my showmanship skills improved so quickly. Patience and determination have helped me achieve my goal of being a better showman. It was not very long before my hard work started to pay off. By my second show, I knew what to do and my pig and I worked as a team. I went to my final CJLA show in November and I did even better than I could have expected. I can see that I would not have been able to get these results without staying patient and having been determined to meet my goals. I know that I will have other difficult, new or hard situations in life but by using these skills I can work hard to get better. I learned a lot about my animals and how to care for them. I did not realize I would learn some valuable lessons from those animals as well.

By Claire Boles, 1st-Place Winner, 9-12 Division I did not know that I was going to learn so much about patience and determination last year. The first time I showed a pig I did not know what to expect. My first CJLA show was at Western Bonanza in Paso Robles, California. I chased my pig around the ring. I was lost and he was, too. It was obvious that we did not get enough practice. I saw what everybody else was doing and I told myself that I had to try harder. First, I had to learn to be patient and work as a team with my pig. It was not easy to teach my pig how to behave in a show ring. We came home and practiced more. He was not an easy pig to work with and was very stubborn. I quickly learned that when I lost my patience he would lose his patience and not cooperate. We got along best when I stayed calm. Working with this pig taught me a lot about patience. Patience has taught me to be a better student, showman, and person. Patience is going to help me stay calm and to work as a team with my partners. Determination kept me going when things got hard. I was determined

2nd Place Winner, 9-12 Division: Kiley Anderson 75


Breeders Directory To include your listing, call Heidi at 408-888-2503 or William at 662-305-5434

Cattle Breeders


• 5-R Way Ranch Show Cattle Sheree Ryan (661) 245-3884 (H); (661) 619-5246 (C) Frazier Park, CA Email: 5rwayranch@gmail.com Website: www.5rwaycattle.com (Show Steers & Heifers – Sold Private Treaty Year Round)

• Alto Herefords

Larry Alto Family 7803 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, CA 95503 (707) 443-4727 (Bulls, Heifers, Steers)

• AWE Cattle Co.

Mike Wolfe (916) 704-5832 Adam Wolfe (916) 704-4799 11950 Sarayah Lane, Herald, CA 95638 Email: mwolfe@softcom.net (Club Calves & Show Heifers – Crossbreds & Shorthorns)

• Backer Cattle Co.

Nick Backer (916) 531-0908 Elk Grove, CA Email: mbarps2@frontiernet.net (Show Steers & Heifers)

• Bennett Land & Cattle

Mike, Marti, Casey & Brooke Bennett P.O. Box 549, Ducor, CA 93218 (559) 534-2396 (Reg. Shorthorns & Herefords; X-Breds; Steers & Heifers)

• Bigelow Farms

Matt Bigelow (559) 647-2817 PO Box 43, O’Neals, CA 93645 (Reg. Shorthorn - Breeding & Show Steers)

• Brocco Show Cattle

Ron, Justine & Audra Brocco 1189 Solano Ave., Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-6224 (Show Heifers & Steers)

• CC Cattle Co.

Jodi Carbett: (760) 217-9999 Jacqui Cloutier: (951) 235-8774 19474 Jurupa Ave., Bloomington, CA 92316 Email: fatcalfkid@yahoo.com (Show Steers & Heifers – private treaty)

• Clevenger Cattle Company

Sam Clevenger 2680 Hwy. 46 West, Paso Robles CA 93446 (805) 305-3417 Email: Sam@clevengercattlecompany.com Website: www.clevengercattlecompany.com (Club Calves & Show Heifers)

• Colburn Cattle Co.

Ron, Lisa, Tyler, Ryan & Wyatt PO Box 568, Five Points, CA 93624 (559) 269-3175 (Club Calves, Reg. Maines, Reg. Shorthorns)

• Coy Cattle Co.

Bryan, Shari, Travis and Tyler Coy (559) 298-9757 Travis: (559) 392-8772 Email: travis@coycattleco.com Website: www.coycattleco.com (Club Calves – Steers & Heifers; available year-round)


• D-B Club Calves

• Irwin Cattle

• Poncetta Farms

• J/4 Cattle Company

• R&R Farms

Paul, Terr & Shelby Irwin Paul's cell: (707) 974-5678 Terri's cell: (707) 695-1620 Dixon, CA Website: www.irwincattle.com Email: paul@irwincattle.com (Show Steers & Heifers)

David Sr. & David Brown 1560 Ellenwood Rd., Waterford, CA 95386 (209) 602-8745 (Club Calves)

• Dillabo Livestock

David & Jeanette Dillabo 5127 Pennington Road, Live Oak, CA 95953 (530) 695-9322 (Shorthorn & Angus – Steers & Heifers)

Joe & Marlene Amaral - (209) 538-1540 3348 Zeering Rd., Modesto, CA 95358 E-mail: J4cattle@aol.com (Show Heifers & Steers)

• Double E Hay & Cattle

Ed & Eric Bright 16120 Buchanan Hollow Rd. Le Grand, CA 95333 Ed (209) 389-4060; Eric (209) 761-6607 (Chi-Maine, Short, Angus, X-bred)

• James Bright/Leo Bros.

James Bright (209) 761-9833 Matt Leo (209) 587-5838 7953 Le Grand Rd., Merced, CA 95340 Website: www.brightleo.com Email: Matt@rpacalmonds.com (Reg. Herefords, Shorthorns, Angus, Chi-Maines and Xbred Show Steers)

• Fair Cattle Co.

Todd Fair 5731 N. Hickman Rd., Denair, CA 95316 (209) 667-9220; (C) (209) 648-8240 Email: faircattle@gmail.com Website: www.faircattle.com (Club Calves & Show Heifers)

• Johns Cattle Co.

Deron, Karen, Layton, and Brett Johns 27613 Avenue 196, Strathmore, CA 93267 Deron (559) 647-1611; Layton (559) 359-6843 (Show Steers & Heifers, Market Heifers, Breed Heifer Prospects)

• G/M Cattle Company

Kevin & Stacey Griffith P.O. Box 283, 3434 Rock Creek Rd Copperopolis, CA 95228 (209) 785-3013; (209) 610-7616 cell Email: kgriffithcattle@yahoo.com Website: gmcattlecompany.com (Show Steers)

• K2 Show Cattle

Kyle Long 8081 Olive Branch Way Valley Springs, CA 95225 (C) (209) 728-7414; (H) (209) 920-4093 Email: k2showcattle@gmail.com Website: www.k2showcattle.com (Purebred Shorthorns & Short.-Maine X — Steers & Heifers)

• Geist Cattle

Gary & Linda Geist (559) 674-4117 Shane, Kimberly, Kendall & Kayden (559) 674-4174; (C) (559) 363-4117 16540 Road 31, Madera, CA 93636 (Reg. Maines, Club Calves)

• L/S Show Cattle

• Gonsalves Ranch

Valerie & David Last Valerie: (760) 224-2980 Kelsey Schott (760) 877-8135 12296 Lilac Hill,Valley Center, CA 92082 Website: www.lsshowcattle.weebly.com Email: dvlast@gmail.com (Show Steers & Heifers)

Joey, Kristy, Riley & Reese Gonsalves; Mike Gonsalves 7243 Maze Blvd., Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 526-3006; Mike - (209) 578-3252 (Reg. & Commercial Angus, Club Calves)

• Grimsley Cattle & Goats

• M2 Cattle Co.

Austin Grimsley (831) 207-7564 P.O. Box 1009, Tres Pinos, CA 95075 Email: austingrimsley@yahoo.com Website: www.grimsleycattle.com (Club Goats & Purebred Seedstock)

Mike Rivas (559) 285-2467 Woodlake, CA (Show Steers & Heifers)

• M&M Livestock

• Hartill Cattle Co.

Martin & Stacey Machado (209) 652-6946 P.O. Box 24 8171 N. Buhach Rd. , Winton, CA 95388 (Club Calves, Heifers)

Todd Hartill (530) 755-9495 247 Wildwood Rd., Arbuckle, CA 95912 Email: hartillcattle@gmail.com (Show Heifers & Club Calves – Simmentals, Angus, Shorthorn and Crossbreds)

• Morrell Ranches

• H.A.V.E. Angus

Barry, Carrie & Bailey Morrell 5640 County Road 65, Willows, CA 95988 (530) 934-2047 (H); (530) 218-5507 (C) Email: morrellranches@aol.com (Reg. Hereford Show Heifers & Steers, and X-Bred Show Steers)

Mel & Darrell Hansen - Windsor, CA (707) 838-4463 Jim & Karen Vietheer - Wilton, CA (916) 687-7620 (Angus Heifers & Bulls)

• Hildebrand Hay and Cattle

• Newton Cattle

John & Danya Hildebrand Jarred, Darcie and Jase Hildebrand (707) 349-6502 or (707) 272-1450 9301 Busch Lane, Potter Valley, CA 95469 Email: luvmycows64@gmail.com (Purebred Herefords, Show Steers & Heifers)

J Newton (559) 284-9115 27390 Sales Creek Rd., Clovis, CA 93619 Email: j-newton77@hotmail.com (Club Calves & Res. Breeding Show Heifers)

• Noble Cattle Company

• Imhof Cattle Co.

Chad Noble 28679 Mtn. Rd. 120, Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 788-0659 (Reg. Shorthorns & Club Calves)

Frank Jr., Haley & Andrew Imhof P.O. Box 174, Sunol, CA 94586 (925) 600-7735 (h); (925) 580-2245 (c) (510) 377-9556 Email: imhofcattle@earthlink.net (Club Calves, Show Heifers, Bulls)


David & Michael Poncetta 10454 Wible Road, Bakersfield, CA 93313 David: (661) 978-3320; Michael: (661) 978-0955 Email: davidponcetta@aol.com Email: michaelponcetta@gmail.com (Show Heifers & Steers, Bulls, Seedstock – Shorthorns, Angus & Crossbreds) Bob Ross (408) 221-3023 P.O. Box 20668, San Jose, CA 95160 (Reg. Hereford Genetics - Show Heifers, Bulls, Embryos, Semen)

• Radiant Reds

Megan Shepherd P.O. Box 97, Bella Vista, CA 96008 (916) 705-1582 Email: radiantreds@gmail.com Website: www.radiantredsredangus.com (Red Angus Show Heifers, Steers & Bulls; Crossbred Show Heifers & Steers)

• Red River Farms

Michael Mullion - (760) 464-3906 Bob Mullion - (760) 861-8366 13750 West 10th Ave., Blythe, CA 92225 Email: redriverfarms@gmail.com (Purebred & Percentage Simmentals – Bulls, Heifers & Steers)

• Reis Livestock

Tony, Mary, Nathan, Natalie & Nicole Reis 648 Cowee Ave., Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 682-0317 (H); (530) 682-0305 (Nathan’s Cell) www.reislivestock.com (Charolais Heifers, Bulls & Steers; X-Bred Heifers & Steers)

• Rockin S Ranch

Ric Schultz (559) 281-2244 17554 S. Chateau-Fresno Ave. Riverdale, CA 93656 Email: rockinsranchinc@hotmail.com Website: www.rockinsranchinc.com (Club Calves, Angus Show Animals)

• Rodgers Livestock

Blaine & Melissa Rodgers 2399 N. Riverbend Ave., Sanger, CA 93657 Email: rodgerslivestock@aol.com Website: www.rodgerslivestock.com (C) (559) 314-4630; (H) (559) 287-6619 (Club Calves)

• Schnoor Sisters Cattle Co. Amanda, Kirbe and Sydney Schnoor 11564 Ave. 26, Chowchilla, CA 93610 (559) 665-1991 (Show Steers & Heifers; Reg. Angus Cattle)

• Seever & Son Cattle Co.

Lou Seever 3687 Old Santa Rita Rd., Pleasanton, CA 94588 (M) (925) 989-9069; (Day) (925) 463-3443 (N) (925) 820-5392 (Maines, Chimaines, X-Breds – Show Steers & Heifers)

• Shasta College Farm

B.J. Macfarlane 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, CA 96003 (530) 242-7564 Email: bmacfarlane@shastacollege.edu (Club Calves, Show Heifers)

• Silva Cattle

Randy & Rhonda Silva 37378 Rd. 20, Kingsburg, CA 93631 (559) 897-0311; (559) 288-3856 (cell) Email: rscows64@yahoo.com Website: www.silvacattle.com (Reg. Maine Heifers & Club Calves)

• Wagner Livestock, LLC

Jeff & Nicole Wagner 11149 Shelton Rd., Linden, CA 95236 (Rch) (209) 887-2291; (Cell) (209) 351-0351 Email: jwwagnermech@sbcglobal.net Website: www.wagnerlivestock.com (Charolais & Angus Heifers; Show Steers)

• Ward Cattle Co.

Frank & Christina Ward (530) 204-7124 Orland, CA Email: wardcattlecompany@yahoo.com Website: www.wardcattleco.com (Show Steers & Heifers, Angus Bulls)

• Wheeler Cattle

Toby & Jessica Wheeler 1125 Penman Springs Road Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 801-2460 (C); (805) 226-9913 (H) Email: wheelercattle@gmail.com Website: www.wheelercattlecompany.com (Club Calves, Show Heifers and Bulls)


• Brumley Farms

Don, Skeeter, Kari, Brooke & Bryce Brumley P.O. Box 239, Orovada, NV 89425 (775) 272-3152; (C) (209) 479-0287 (Reg. Herefords - Heifers, Bulls & Steers)

• Genoa Livestock

Michelle Coker 640 Genoa Lane, Minden, NV 89423 (775) 782-3336; (916) 207-1142 (cell) Website: www.genoalivestock.com (Registered Hereford Show Heifers, Steers, Bulls. Visitors always welcome!)

• Bianchi Club Lambs

• Traynham Ranches

Karen Bianchi 13500 Valley Home Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 847-0694 (Club Lambs,Wether Sires)

Brad & Buckley Cox 1881 Brophy Rd., Eagle Point, OR 97524 (541) 840-5797 or (541) 826-3650 Website: www.traynhamranch.com Email: info@traynhamranch.com (Angus, Maine influenced & Shorthorn Cattle; Steer & Heifer Prospects available)

• Sunnyday Shorthorns

John and Heather Teixeira; Allan and Cee 855 Thousand Hills Road, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (805) 595-1416 www.teixeiracattleco.com (Club Calves and Show Heifers)

Jed & Brandi Asmus 5750 E. Harney Lane, Lodi, CA 95240 (530) 304-0389 www.asmusclublambs.com (Club Lambs)

Doris Gallup (541) 891-5443 Malin, OR Email: statelinecattleco@gmail.com (Crossbred Club Calves; Reg. Angus – Heifers & Bulls)

Shane Strickler (530) 570-6634 7253 County Road 24, Orland, CA 95963 (Show Steers, Heifers, Bulls)

• Teixeira Cattle Co.

• Asmus Club Lambs

• Stateline Cattle Co.

• Strickler Livestock

Alpha & Sherri Gipe (209) 358-9377 6885 West Oak Ave., Merced, CA 95340 www.sunnydayshorthorns.com (Registered Shorthorn Show Heifers, Bulls, Steers — X-Bred Steers)

Fred Ansolabehere Jr.; Lance Carter 33383 7th Standard Road Bakersfield, CA 93314 Fred (661) 589-5521; Lance (661) 342-0278 fred@atginternet.com dlcarter25@hotmail.com Website: www.ansolabehereclublambs.com (Dorsets, Suffolks, Hampshires, Club Lambs)

Lee and Glenda Stilwell 14043 Algoma Rd., Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 884-4881 (H); (541) 892-8966 (C) Email: cicattle@gmail.com (Limousin and Angus Seedstock, Project Steers and Heifers)

• Spring Valley Land & Livestock Jim, Kristi, Bobby & Shyann Mattes PO Box 22, O’Neal’s, CA 93645 (559) 276-5704; Barn (559) 868-3323 (Reg. Angus & Shorthorns, Club Calves)


• Country Inn Cattle Co.

• Simon Cattle

Faris Simon: (209) 769-8427 Layne Simon: (209) 769-8429 Barn: (209) 374-3429 Catheys Valley, CA Email: farissimon@gmail.com (Steers & Heifers Available Year-Round)

• Ansolabehere/Carter Club Lambs

• Brem Club Lambs

Jim & Pam Brem 19387 Rd. 248, Strathmore, CA 93267 (559)568-0358 (Club Lambs)


• C&E Club Lambs

Kimmelshue Family (530) 345-4456 E-mail: daxandkaren@yahoo.com Wilkinson Family (530) 891-4964 Durham, CA E-mail: timw@ea.org (Show Lambs,Wether Sires & Dams)

• Top Hat Simmentals

Chris & Allison Beins Family (435) 257-0654 11945 N 3400 W, Deweyville, UT 84309 Website: www.tophatsimmentals.com Email: tophatsimmentals@gmail.com (Show Heifers & Steers, and Bulls – Purebred and Percentage Simmentals)

• Chico State Sheep & Goat Unit Dr. Celina Johnson, Faculty Supervisor 311 Nicholas C. Schouten Lane Chico, CA 95928 (530) 898-6024 Email: sheepunit@gmail.com Website: www.clublambpage.com/chicostate (Sheep and Goats)


• Damar Farms, Inc.

Randy & Debbi Repp 3001 Pennington Road, St. John, WA 99171 (509) 648-3885 Email: memevent@stjohncable.com (Shorthorn Show Heifers & Steers)

• Spaulding Club Lambs

Bailey — (559) 202-5325 Carmel — (559) 280-9907 3230 North Craycroft Road #3 Tucson, AZ 85712 Email: Spaulding.bailey@yahoo.com (Club Lambs)

• Farao Club Lambs

Jaime Farao; Frank Farao 28803 Gun Club Road, Gustine, CA 95322 Jaime: (209) 854-1033; (209) 777-1033 Frank: (805) 934-2097; (805) 354-2317 (Club Lambs, Breeding Stock)

Steve/Tina P.O Box 869, Denair, CA 95316 (760) 554-0424 (C); (209) 669-1410 (H) Email: hampman911@hotmail.com (Club Lambs, Rams & Ewes)

• Fly'n Club Lambs

Todd, Erin and Bryce Peters; Sandy Parker Todd: (530) 713-3499 2377 Hale Rd., Marysville, CA 95901 Email: toddpeters77@aol.com Facebook page: Fly'n Club Lambs (Club Lambs, wether sires and dams, available year-round)

• Ahart Club Lambs

Greg and Mary Ahart 7 Carvel Place, Sacramento, CA 95835 (916) 928-9336; Greg’s Cell: (916) 396-2333 Mary’s Cell: (916) 612-1241 Email: greg@ahartclublambs.com (Club Lambs,Wether Sires and Dams)

• Labrucherie Land & Livestock Bob & Leslie Labrucherie (559) 673-4332 or 675-0663 9671 Road 28 1/2, Madera, CA 93637 (Club Lambs,Wether Sires and Dams)

• Leventini Club Lambs

Mike Leventini Sr.; Mike Leventini Jr. 624 South Indiana Ave., Modesto, CA 95357 Mike Sr. (209) 529-2774 Mike Jr. (209) 634-7262 (Club Lambs,Wether Sires & Dams)

• Lopez Club Lambs

Don, Marcia & Andrea Lopez 15913 Hwy. 160, Isleton, CA 95641 (916) 777-5911 E-mail: lopezd@ix.netcom.com (Club Lambs)

• Maddux Ranch/ Outlaw Club Lambs

Harry, Jan, Todd, Nikki Maddux 2675 E. Westfall Rd., Mariposa, CA 95338 (209) 966-4942 (Blackface, Dorset, Specks, Southdowns – Club Lambs)

• Mayo Club Lambs

Don & Denise Mayo 1844 McDonald Ave., Live Oak, CA 95953 (530) 695-1555 (H); (661) 978-1364 (C) Email: denyse1013@aol.com (Club Lambs & Wether Sires)

• Modesto Junior College

Hop & Debbie; Ryan & Mona Lisa 1375 N. Academy Ave., Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 301-3241 Email: ryanestes@hotmail.com Website: www.estesshowlambs.com (Show Lambs)

• Abatti/Wills Club Lambs

Robbie Rowlett 10960 Carrisa Hwy., Carrisa Plains, CA 93453 (805) 610-4235 (C) (Show Lambs)

• Del Petersen Club Lambs

• Estes Show Lambs


• KR Club Lambs

• Merced College

www.petersenclublambs.com 710 N. Thompson Road, Nipomo, CA 93444 (805) 478-7963 Email: del_petersen@aol.com (Hampshire, Suffolk & X-Bred Club Lambs – Wether Sires)


Dan & Marlys Layne (Scott, Keri & Stacy) 3113 North Ave., Modesto, CA 95357 (209) 632-8623; (209) 549-7849 (Club Lambs, Reg. Suffolks)

• Cummings Club Lambs

Bob & Joanne Cummings 4115 Vineyard Dr., Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805) 239-2635 (Club Lambs & Wether Sires)

Sheep Breeders

• Image Club Lambs/ Layne Suffolks

Jaime Farao 3600 M. Street, Merced, CA 95348 (H) (209) 854-1033; (C) (209) 384-6299 Email: faraoj@mccd.edu (Show Lambs) Marleise Boyd 435 College Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 575-6210; (209) 581-1972 (C) Email: boydm@mjc.edu (Show Lambs)

• Morino Brothers Club Lambs Dan & Celeste Morino (209) 838-7208 Paul & Carri Morino (209) 599-3168 25053 Dove Road, Escalon, CA 95320 (Club Lambs,Wether Sires & Dams)

• Nicewonger Club Lambs

John & Carol Nicewonger 6706 Lon-dale Rd., Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 847-8976 Email: nicelamb@cwngt.com (Club Lambs)

• Nunes Club Lambs & Project Goats

Ernie & Judy Nunes 190 Walker Road, Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 762-7135 (Club Lambs, Project Goats)

• Pavletich Club Lambs

Scott, Annette, Jason & Courtney 17324 Rosedale Hwy, Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 589-5669 (Club Lambs)

There is room for your listing! Get your name in every issue of Pacific Showcase — call Heidi at 408-888-2503. All Breeders Directory listings are included on the Pacific Showcase website at no additional charge! 77


• Perkins Family Club Lambs Matt Perkins (530)798-9281 12236 Robinson Road Gridley, CA 95948 E-mail: mattperkins1997@hotmail.com www.perkinsfamilyclublambs.com (Club Lambs)

• Reedley College Agriculture & Natural Resources David Lopes 995 N. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654 (559) 683-0319 Email: david.lopes@reedleycollege.edu Website: www.reedleycollege.edu (Club Lambs)

• Riverbend Southdowns

Dean & Nomie Kautz 5619 Chico Ave., Kingsburg, CA 93631 (559) 897-5470 (H); (559) 859-5230 (C) Shelbi Kautz (559) 859-2249 Email: kauzkngsbrg@aol.com Website: www.riverbendsouthdowns.com (Registered Seedstock, Club Lambs)

• Schlegel Club Lambs

Bruce Schlegel (408) 823-9434 Morgan Hill, CA Email: bruces@garlic.com Website: www.schlegelclublambs.com (Club Lambs)

• Shadow Oaks Ranch Club Lambs

Jim Clayton 1084 W. Prosperity Ave., Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-7645; Cell: (559) 901-5990 Email: jamesshadow5@sbcglobal.net Website: www.shadowoaksranch.com (Club Lambs)

• Shining Star Club Lambs

Paul & Ginny Strametz 702 McMahon Rd., Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 634-1044; (831) 801-1715 (C) Email: shiningstarduo@aol.com (Quality Club Lambs)

• Siebert Genetics

Jeffrey & Nancee Siebert 19235 W. Ave. C, Lancaster, CA 93536 (H) (661) 724-2441; (C) 805) 358-3716 Email: nansiebert@yahoo.com Website: www.siebertgenetics.com (Club Lambs, Southdowns & Club Pigs)

• Snyder Club Lambs

Dustin, Hilary, Skottlynn & Holland Snyder 6353 Road 8 1/2, Firebaugh, CA 93622 (559) 659-2512; (C) (559) 706-9540 Email: hilldust1@yahoo.com (Club Lambs,Wether Sires & Dams)

• Spring Creek Ranch Club Lambs Stornetta Family (Steve, Diana, Stefanie, Dawn & Tori) 4901 Gravenstein Hwy. North Sebastopol, CA 95472 (707) 823-7516; (707) 490-2607 www.springcreekranchclublambs.com (Club Lambs)

• Spring Valley Land & Livestock

Jim, Kristi, Bobby & Shyann Mattes PO Box 22, O’Neal’s, CA 93645 (559) 276-5704; (B) (559) 868-3323 (Club Lambs)

• Sunrise Sheep Company

Gypsy, Gary & Calder Keene 13736 Lambuth Road, Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 613-7015 E-mail: heygoat27@aol.com Website: www.sunrisesheepcompany.com (Club Lambs,Wether Sires and Dams)


• Warntjes Livestock

• Generation X Farms

• Wyman Club Lambs

• Golden State Genetics

Nick Warntjes (209) 481-3763 Oakdale, CA Email: warntjeslivestock@gmail.com Website: www.warntjeslivestock.com (Club Lambs,Wether Dams & Sires)

Allan Rios (209) 617-7987 2736 W. Chamberlain Rd., El Nido, CA 95317 Email: show.generationx@gmail.com Website: www.genxfarms.com (Show Pigs & Seedstock Supplier)

Brad Wyman (559) 289-0369 Auberry, CA Email: wymancameron@yahoo.com Website: www.wymanclublambs.com (Wether type breeding stock and club lambs)

Rachelle Bailey 445 S. Blaker Rd., Turlock, CA 95380 (209) 277-2509 (cell); (209) 656-9550 (Office) Email: GoldenStateSwine@aol.com (Hamps,Yorks, Durocs, Landrace, X-Breds; Breeding Stock, Show Pigs, Semen)

• Zeigler Club Lambs

J.D. Ferrero - (707) 540-5595 Tami Ferrero - (707) 217-7573 826 Colleen Drive, Windsor, CA 95492 Email: jdferrero@ymail.com (Show Pigs, Seedstock)

• Shasta College Farm

B.J. Macfarlane 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, CA 96003 (530) 242-7564 Email: bmacfarlane@shastacollege.edu (X-Breds,Yorks & Durocs — Show Pigs)

• Small Town Genetics

James Backman 2812 N. Hickman Rd., Denair, CA 95316 (209) 620-4106 (c) Email: smalltown@fire2wire.com (Yorks, Hamps, Durocs, Show Pigs)

• Triangle L Farms

Josh, Clarice & Kayleigh Luis (209) 604-8695 14545 East Donahue Ave., Ripon, CA 95366 Email: trilfarms@velociter.net (Yorks, Hamps, X-Bred — Show Pigs)

• Loin Eye Hog Farms

Swine Breeders

Paul J. Fernandes, Jr. 4362 Esmar Rd., Ceres, CA 95307 H (209) 664-0309 • M(209) 608-2697 Email: loineyefarms@aol.com (Yorks, Hamps, X-breds)


• M.B. Show Pigs

Mario & Michele Buoni 10400 Old River Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 397-8940; (661) 201-3042 (c) (Hamps, Durocs,Yorks, Chesters, Spots – Show Hogs)

• Nasser Show Pigs

Tom, Tyler, Carson and Cole Nasser Queen Creek, Arizona Tom: (480) 628-8282 Tyler: (480) 282-7325 Email: Tom@nassershowpigs.com Website: nassershowpigs.com (Crossbred & Purebred Showpigs available year-round)

Jerry Seaver - (530) 458-2026 4209 Hwy. 45, Colusa, CA 95932 (Hamps,Yorks, X-Breds – Show Pigs)

• High Class Genetics

Steve & Cindi Zeigler (760) 445-2162 2126 Boundary Ave., Ramona, CA 92065 Website: www.zeiglerclublambs.com Email: steve@zeiglerclublambs.com (Hamp & Suffolk Cross — Club Lambs)

• Seaver Show Pigs

• Malay Show Pigs

Earl – (775) 945-0381 Paul – (775) 316-0395 3405 Upper Valley Rd., Lovelock, NV 89419 Website: www.malayshowpigs.com (Show Pigs and Seedstock)

• Modesto Junior College

John Mendes 435 College Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 575-6205 Email: mendesj@mjc.edu (Breeding Stock, Project Pigs, Semen Sales)

• Moench Farms


Wilbert & Dennis Moench 24701 Ave. 106, Terra Bella,CA 93270 (559) 535-4347 (Hamps,Yorks, Durocs, X-Bred • Breeding Stock & Project Pigs)

• A+ Showpigs

Steve Shaffstall (661) 406-5111 Mojave, CA Email: sshaffstall1@gmail.com Check us out on Facebook (Hamps, Exotics & Yorks – Show Pigs & Seedstock)

• No Limit Genetics, LLC

Larry, Adam and Rex Mendonza 5720 Woodland Avenue, Modesto, CA 95358 Larry: (209) 605-9903 • Adam: (209) 602-6106 Rex: (209) 988-1751 Website: www.nolimitgenetics.com (Year Round Show Pigs & Seedstock)

• A One Show Pigs

Russ Miller 125 Sutherland Dr., Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 277-7375 (Specializing in Black Exotic and Hamp Show Pigs)

• Ottenwalter Show Pigs

Mark & Sandy Ottenwalter 2260 Lurline Ave., Colusa, CA 95932 (530) 458-5700 (o); (530) 681-9799 (m) (Show Pigs, Seedstock)

• Bar-One Swine Farm

Wes Barone 5675 S. Pedersen, Reedley, CA 93654 (408) 981-4881 (Hamps,Yorks, Durocs – Show Pigs & Semen)

• Panero Farms

Rhys & Jeanine Panero - (209) 838-7570 (H) 11935 S.Van Allen Rd., Escalon, CA 95320 E-mail: panerofarms@aol.com (Showpigs and breeding stock)

• Cy Hawkins Showpigs

Cy Hawkins 2299 Zumwalt Rd., Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-2264 (H); (530) 701-8298 (C) Email: cyhawkinsagency@gmail.com Herdsman - Jerrod Parriott (530) 933-9330 Email: jerrodparriott@gmail.com Website: cyhawkinsshowpigs.com (Breeding Stock — Hamps, Duroc, X-Breds, Project Pigs)

• Power House Farms

Nathan Copp (Los Banos) 2129 S. 10th St., Los Banos, CA 93635 H: (209) 827-0460; C: (559) 280-0119 (Show Pigs & Breeding Stock)

• Reedley College Agriculture & Natural Resources David Lopes - (559) 683-0319 995 N. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654 Email: david.lopes@reedleycollege.edu Website: www.reedleycollege.edu (Duroc,Yorkshire, X-Breds — Breeding Stock & Club Pigs)

• Desert Show Pigs

Dion Ashurst - (760) 427-0468 Brock Ashurst - (760) 427-0464 Herdsman: Chandler Ryan - (805) 423-4644 Email: dion@desertshowpigs.com Website: www.desertshowpigs.com (Hamps, Durocs,Yorks & X-Breds; Show Pigs & Seedstock)

• Salinas River Genetics

Christian (805) 835-1812 Chris (805) 391-0930 4340 Ramada Drive, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Email: srg_genetics@aol.com Website: www.SalinasRiverGenetics.com (Show Hogs & Seedstock – Yorks, Hamps, Durocs & Crossbreds)




• Krische Family Swine

Ed, Sharon & Logan 12107 Meadows Rd., White City, OR 97503 (541) 826-1416; (541) 944-1549 (cell) Email: edkrische@gmail.com Website: krischefamilyswine.com (Club pigs, seedstock and semen)

• Milliron Showpigs

Don & Geri Milliron (c) (541) 279-3616; (h) (541) 728-6364 900 NW Pershall Way, Redmond, OR 97756 Email: millironshowpigs@outlook.com Website: www.millironshowpigs.com (Show Pigs, Seedstock & Semen)

Market Goats


• Ariaz Mtn. Ranch

Pat Ariaz 1904 State Hwy. 132, La Grange, CA 95329 (209) 969-4307 (cell); home: (209) 852-9606 Email: patariaz@yahoo.com (Fullblood & percentage does & wethers)

• Brem Show Goats

Jim and Pam Brem 19387 Rd. 248, Strathmore, CA 93267 (559) 568-0358 (Show Wethers & Does)

• Bush Show Goats

Dan and Mary Ann Bush 2345 Salinas Rd., San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (831) 623-4316; (831-905-5665 (C) Email: mbush1102@sbcglobal.net (Show Wethers & Percentage Does)

• Del Sol Goats

Vince & Pam Sola; Tony & Emily Coito P.O. Box 190, Tipton, CA 93272 (559) 901-1781 Email: Pam1334@aol.com Website: www.delsolgoats.com (Show wethers, Full Bloods and % Does)

• Flying S Livestock

Jack, Sarah, Nicole & Jared Smith P.O. Box 81505 Bakersfield, CA 93380 (661) 399-0507 Email: flyingslivestock@yahoo.com (Show Wethers)

• HJ Boer Goats

Kyle & Stephanie Jefferson - (209) 840-8214 16972 Seidner Ave., Escalon, CA 95320 Email: hjboergoats@yahoo.com Website: www.hjboergoats.com (Show Wethers and Does)

• JC Boer Goats

Julie Carreiro - (831) 297-2216 5300 San Felipe Rd., Hollister, CA 95023 Phil Lopez - (707) 695-1075 Email: info@jcboergoats.com Website: www.jcboergoats.com (Fullblood boer goats & market wethers; artificial insemination services)

• Maggenti Show Goats

• Staz A Fraz Ranch

Michael Poncetta - (661) 978-0955 1742 Renfro Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93314 Email: michaelponcetta@gmail.com (Show Wethers, Percentage Does)

Mark & Julie Stasinowsky (916) 655-3160 P.O. Box 641, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668 Email: StazFraz@onemain.com (Project Mkt. Goats, FB & % Boer Goats)

• Moonstone Ranch, Inc.

• UC Davis Goat Facility

Bruce & Rebecca Cogswell - (661) 393-2457 Bakersfield, CA 93308 E-mail: moonstoneranch@atsecure.net Website: www.moonstoneranch.com (Club Goats, % Does)

Jan Carlson Dept. of Animal Science, Davis, CA 95616 (530) 752-6792 Email: jlcarlson@ucdavis.edu (Project Wethers and % Boer Does)

• Radiant Reds

• White Rail Ranch

• Shasta College Farm

• Willoughby Show Goats

Megan Shepherd - (916) 705-1582 P.O. Box 97, Bella Vista, CA 96008 Email: radiantreds@gmail.com Website: www.radiantredsboergoats.com (Fullbloods, Percentages and Wethers)

East of the Rockies • Hummel Livestock

Dale Hummel (815) 405-4111 Craig Benoit (815) 383-9727 3980 N. 1500 E Road Cabery, IL 60919 Email: Hummellivestock@gmail.com Website: Hummellivestock.com (Club wethers; Commercial & % does)

Chuck & Judy Kaye 22819 Avenue 124, Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 788-1085; (707) 548-1486 (cell) Email: wrr@jps.net (Club Goats, % Does)

B.J. Macfarlane 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, CA 96003 (530) 242-7564 Email: bmacfarlane@shastacollege.edu (Percentage Does,Wethers)

Patrick Willoughby - (805) 801-0743 Nipomo, CA Email: willoughbyshowgoats@gmail.com Facebook: Willoughby Show Goats (Show Wethers)

Breeders Directory Listings are also posted on the Pacific Showcase website at no additional charge! Get your name in the magazine and on the web year-round for one low price!

Call 408-888-2503 to find out how. AUCTIONEERS

Products & Services

• Gator Auction Co.

Col. Geoff Gates - (559) 977-1318 Clovis, CA Email: gatorauctions@comcast.net (Specializing in all classes of Livestock)

BUILDINGS • Webb & Son

Deron & Karen Johns, Lic. No. 335463 678 N. Plano St., Porterville, CA 93257 Phone: (559) 784-2951; Fax: (559) 782-1804 Deron Johns: (559) 647-1611 Kari Rivera: (559) 306-7010 (Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Institutional Construction. Fairgrounds Construction, Show Barns, Sale Facilities, Equestrian Arenas, Metal Buildings)

FEED COMPANIES • ShowMaster Feeds

Cargill Animal Nutrition, Cargill Inc. P.O. Box 369, Stockton, CA 95201 (209) 982-4632 Website: www.showmasterfeeds.com (“Nourishing Animals Through Successful Partnerships”)


• Live Wire Products Inc.

(530) 432-8028 10187 Commercial Ave., Penn Valley, CA 95946 Email: info@livewireproducts.com Website: www.livewireproducts.com (Permanent & Temporary Fencing for all your livestock needs; Livestock Scales, Handling Equipment and much more!)


• Photos by Tracy

Tracy Bjornestad — Photographer (530) 339-0165 P.O. Box 2368, Flournoy, CA 96029 E-mail: photosbytracy05@aol.com (Livestock & Special Events Photography)

• Bob May Livestock & Hauling

Bob & Nancy May (530) 200-0866 8233 NE Watts Rd., Fletcher, OK 73541 Email: ca.bobmaylivestock@yahoo.com www.bobmaylivestock.com (For all your livestock needs. Check out our website for all we have to offer!)

• Show Photo by Katina

Katina Costerisan (661) 330-6392 108 Maple St., Thedford, NE 69166 E-mail: katina@showphotobykatina.com Website: www.showphotobykatina.com (Livestock Photography)

• Rocking P Transport

Jamee Boyce 515/537-4068 E-mail: rockingptransport@gmail.com (Livestock hauling nationwide)


• Leading Edge Supplements (Thrive for the Drive)


Kristen Andersen (707) 695-2812 Email: leadingedgesups@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LeadingEdgeSupplements (We carry many of the Top Livestock Supplements and Show Supplies)

• Evans Silver

Tom & Carrie Moxon Shop: (541) 826-1958; Cell: (541) 944-9960 P.O. Box 1092, Eagle Point, OR 97524 Email: evanssilver@hotmail.com Website: www.evanssilver.com (Specializing in custom sterling, gold and exceptional ranch jewelry)

• Winners Edge®

Cleat Stephens, President (800) 332-9331 Website: www.WinnersEdgeUSA.com (Complete, All-Natural,Vitamin & Mineral Feed Supplements — Growing Champions since 1982)



• Bassett Photography

• KB Livestock Show Supplies

Kelly Bianchi (831) 801-7002 7430 Lovers Lane, Hollister, CA 95023 Email: kellyannbianchi@gmail.com Website: kblivestocksupplies.com (Weaver Brand Livestock Grooming Products – Aerosols & Liquids, Cattle Supplies, Sheep Supplies, Goat Supplies, Swine Supplies, Equipment, Grooming Supplies, Clippers & Blades)

• The Nasco Catalog Outlet Store (209) 545-1600 ext 124&139 Store fax (209) 846-6557 4825 Stoddard Rd., Modesto, CA 95356 Email: modestostore@enasco.com website: www.enasco.com (Ag supplies and equipment, incl. products for animal ID, showing & grooming, breed promotion, A.I., animal health, crops & soils, plus hundreds of hard-to-find farm items. Also boots and clothing, housewares & gift items.)

• Sullivan’s Supply

Lee Harrison (209) 367-5972 5991 E. Kettleman Lane Lodi, CA 95240 Email: lee@sullivansupply.com Website: www.sullivansupply.com (Show supplies, feed supplements, halters, blankets, brushes, and much more — for all species)

• Glamb Jams

Amanda – (661) 709-9710 Email: bassett.amanda.j@gmail.com Website: www.bassettphotography.zenfolio.com (Fairs, graduation pictures, farm pictures, specialty livestock photos, weddings, parties, events & more)

Denese Luthi (925) 726-9870 Email: glambjams@yahoo.com (Tubes for Lambs and Goats, and custom jams for Dogs; Canvas Covers)




July 15 July 22 July 22-23 Aug. 1-4 Aug. 11-19 Oct. 14-21


ARIZONA July 22 July 29 Aug. 19-20 Oct. Dec.


Route 66 Classic Jackpot Show (Navajo County Fairgrounds, Holbrook) Safford SAILA Show (Graham County Fairgrounds - Safford) Sonoita SAILA Show (Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds - Sonoita) Parker Livestock Show (CRIT Fairgrounds - Parker) Buckeye SAILA Show (Yuma County Fairgrounds - Yuma)

(pg. 33)June 1-3



UTAH May 20 June 9-10 June 30-July 1 July 15 July 20-22 Nov. Dec.


July 1 July 8 July 8 Aug.

Treasure Valley Classic Jackpot Show (Homedale) Magic Valley Classic (Gooding) Next Level Showpig Camp (Caldwell) Stateline Swine Showcase (Boise) Les Bois Spring Classic (Boise) Idaho Jr. Hereford Assn. State Show (Bruneau) Southern Idaho Extravaganza (Twin Falls Co. Fairgrounds - Filer) Small Town Showdown (Twin Falls Co. Fairgrounds - Filer) Sullivan’s Stock Show University One-Day Grad Program (Bruneau) Idaho Jr. Beef Expo (Filer) Treasure Valley Swine Spectacular 
(Western Idaho Fairgrounds - Boise) Eastern Idaho Summer Classic (American Falls) Eastern Idaho Beef Showdown (Blackfoot) 4th Annual Kootenai Classic Clinic & Jackpot (Kootenai Co. Fairgrounds - Coeur D’Alene) Silver Spurs Blowout (New Plymouth) Treasure Valley Classic Jr. Mkt. Goat Jackpot (Emmett) Independence Ring (Rigby) Twin Falls Co. Fair/Open Mkt. Steer & Breeding Cattle Show 
(Twin Falls)

Weber Co. Livestock Show (Ogden) Dino-Mite Classic Jackpot Show (Vernal) The Double Down Lamb Jackpot (Wasatch Event Center – Heber) Mt. Nebo Classic (Juab Co. Fairgrounds – Nephi) Days of ‘47 Youth Livestock Expo (Salt Lake City - the new RMJSS Finale) RMJSS Fall Kick-Off (Spanish Fork) Christmas Classic (Tremonton)

WASHINGTON June 10 June 17-18 July 20-22 August 18-20 Nov. 4-5

South Central Washington Livestock Expo (Grant Co. Fairgrounds –Moses Lake) Next Level Showpig Camp (Chehalis) Summer Sizzle Jackpot (Grant Co. Fairgrounds – Moses Lake) Western Washington Classic (SW Washington Fairgrounds-Chehalis) Western Showcase Heifer & Steer Jackpot 
 (Grant Co. Fairgrounds - Moses Lake)

WYOMING May 20 June 24 June 10 June 10-11 June 17 July 8

Southwest Wyoming Snowball Show (Uinta Co. Fairgrounds – Evanston) Fremont Co. Spring Spectacular (Fremont Co.Fairgrounds-Riverton) Park Co. Summer Sizzler Jackpot Show (Powell) Wild West Showdown (Sheridan) Saddle Tramps Jackpot (Evanston) Kids-4-Kids Jackpot (Evanston)

OTHER June 7-9 World Pork Expo (Des Moines, IA) (pg. 4)June 10 Black Hereford Ranch’s Cream of the Crop Sale (at the Ranch – Crawford, OK)

MONTANA Jun. 3 Golden Triangle Jackpot (Great Falls) Jun. 10 Helena Jackpot Show (Helena) Jun. 10 (tentative) Kirk Stierwalt Fitting Clinic (Stephensville or Lolo) June 10-11 Champions Choice Lamb Camp (TBA) June Yellowstone Classic (Billings) Jun. 15-17 Mt. Junior Beef Expo (Lewiston) Jun. 23-25 Western Ranch Spectacular (Billings) July 8 Fred Everson Memorial Livestock Jackpot (Lolo)


Nugget All American Show Sale (Reno)

May 20 Oregon Junior Livestock Expo (Linn County Fairgrounds - Albany) May 20 North Coast Junior Classic (Clatsop County Fairgrounds - Astoria) May 20-21 Champions Choice Lamb Camp (TBA) May 27 Stockman Spring Classic (Canby) May High Desert Livestock Expo 
 (Deschutes Co. Fair & Expo - Redmond) May 27-29 Desert Storm Jackpot (Jefferson Co. Fairgrounds - Madras) Jun. 2-4 Mid Columbia Jr. Livestock Show (Tygh Valley) (pg. 12)Jun. 15-17 Western Limousin Exposition (Klamath Co. Fairgrounds – Klamath Falls) Jun. 16-17 Western Regional Charolais Show (Klamath Co. Fairgrounds – Klamath Falls) Jun. 17-18 Mt. Hood Classic Jackpot Show (Mt. Hood) Jun. 18 Klamath Jackpot (Klamath Falls Fairgrounds) Jun. 22-24 Pacific International Jr. Livestock Show (Prineville) Aug. 27 Oregon State Showdown (Salem) Sept. 15-17 Jackson County Harvest Fair Heifer Futurity, Club Calf Sale & Jackpot Show (JC Fairgrounds – Central Point) Oct. 1 Traynham Ranches Female Sale (Fort Klamath) Oct. Cascade Spectacular All Breeds Jackpot Show 
 (Deschutes Co. Expo Center - Redmond)

May 27-28 California Steer & Heifer Field Day (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds - Turlock) (cover)June 1 Ottenwalter Showpig Online Sale (at thepigplanet.com) (pg. 17)June 17 Stateline Spectacular Junior Livestock Show (Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds - Tulelake) (pg. 81)June 17-18 Pork Spectacular (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds - Turlock) (cover)June 28 Ottenwalter Showpig Elite Bred Female Offering (visit webpage for details: www.ottenwaltershowpigs.com) (pg. 19)July 14-30 California State Fair (Sacramento) (pg. 6)July 13 Feeding, Fitting and Daily Care Market Goat Clinic (held during Calif. State Fair – Sacramento) Aug. 3-5 Red Wave Livestock Judging Camp (Fresno State University/Fresno) (pg. 31)Sept. 21-23 California Livestock Judges Conference (Fresno State University – Fresno) (pg. 30)Oct. 11-15 Grand National Rodeo, Horse & Stock Show 
 (Cow Palace - San Francisco) (pg. 11)Oct. 20 Dewar Farms Online Production Sale Oct. 28-29 “Spotlight on Quality” Shorthorn Jackpot 
 (Amador Co. Fairgrounds - Plymouth) Nov. 4-5 Northern Exposure Jr. Cattle Show (Location TBA) Nov. 19 CNHA 16th Annual Hereford Classic Jr. Jackpot Show (Placer Co. Fairgrounds - Roseville) Nov. 18-19 Harvest Moon Jackpot Show 
 (Kern County Fairgrounds - Bakersfield) (pg. 63)Nov. 30-Dec. 3 NJSA Western Regional Hog Show (Paso Robles Fairgrounds) Dec. 2-3 Rolling Hills Boeranza (Rolling Hills Casino Equestrian Center - Corning) Dec. 2-3 Angus Days (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds - Turlock) Dec. 9-10 Holiday Classic (Kern County Fairgrounds - Bakersfield)

May 20 May 27 May 27-28 June 3-4 June 3-4 June 9-11 June 9-10 June 11 Apr. 29-30 June 15-17 June 17 June 24 June June

Montana Royal Jr. Livestock Show (Kalispell) Muddy Boots Jackpot (Glendive) Bronze Bonanza at Big Sky Country State Fair (Bozeman) Montana State Fair Jr. Livestock & Open Shows (Great Falls) Montana Fair Open & Jr. Jackpot Shows (Billings) NILE (Billings)

Note: Event information is updated in each issue. Let us know about your upcoming events and we will include them in this section.

Check out page 34 for the Dates for the Western State Fairs, and Dates for National Shows! 80

Don't miss this year's


See you in Turlock!

June 17-18, 2017

Stanislaus County Fairgrounds — Turlock, CA

• Junior Breeding Gilt Show and Junior Barrow Show • California Bred & Fed Division • Thousands of dollars in premiums and awards! (California Bred & Fed Supreme Champion will receive an Exiss Popper!) • Barnyard Olympics • CPPA Annual Meeting & Banquet • CPPA Jr. Director Selection

Entry forms can be downloaded at our website —


and must be postmarked no later than June 1, 2017. All exhibitors must have a Premise ID, and must be Youth PQA Plus® certified. Details at our website.

www.calpork.com 81



INDEX 5R Way Ranch.......................... 25 ADM Alliance Nutrition............ 7 All Around Kid................... 32, 54 Associated Feed and Supply Co... 29, 50, 51-52 (insertion) Bennett Land & Cattle.............. 1 Bio-Mos.......... Inside Front Cover Biozyme.............................. 19, 29

L.A. Hearne................................ 9

CJLA Winning Essays & Fitting Contest ............... 74-75

Loin Eye Hog Farm.................. 82

Dan Bush Hoof Trimming....... 61

LubriSyn................................... 57

Dave Spaulding Memorial Scholarship............................... 49

National Western..................... 17 Nutrena.......... Inside Back Cover

Dewar Farms............................ 11

OH Kruse Grain & Milling........ 6

Essential Feeds.............. Inside Front Cover

Orange Blossom Klassic.......... 63

Black Hereford Ranch............. 4-5

Evans Feed & Livestock Supply, Inc................ 25

Ottenwalter Showpigs........................ Cover, 11

California Livestock Judges Conference................................ 31

Farmers Best Feed....... Inside Front Cover

Oxy-Gen.................................... 16

California Pork Producers Assoc........................ 81

Fresno State Livestock Judging Program................ 20, 21

Purple Circle Magazine........... 17

California Pork Spectacular.... 81

Gist Silversmith......................... 6

Red Wave Livestock Judging Camp.......................... 21

California State Fair ............... 19

Graduating............................... 63

Rival Show Feeds..................... 50

Choice of Champions Livestock................................... 85

Grand National........................ 30 Grow & Shine........................... 13

Seever & Sons Cattle Co................................... 61

Hummel Livestock..................... 6

ShowMaker............................... 50

J/4 Cattle Co............................. 55

Show Feeds............................... 50

Johns Cattle Co......... Back Cover

ShowTec...................................... 7

CJLA Awards Banquet....... 35-49 CJLA News, Shows & Points.............................. 22-25

Porterville Fair......................... 63

Showtime Feeds.............. Inside Front Cover Sierra Winter Classic............... 63 Stand Alone Feed................ Inside Front Cover Stateline Spectacular............... 17 Subscription Form.............. 30, 86 Sullivan Supply................. 2-3, 40 Sunglo Feeds............... Inside Back Cover Sure Champ........................ 29, 50 The Showtimes......................... 63 Umbarger Show Feeds............... 9 Weaver Leather Livestock............................... 6, 83 Willoughby Sales...................... 33 Western Limousin Expo........... 12 Zymice............ Inside Front Cover

We make your dreams come true! Achieving a Winning Show! • For All Fair Types (Jackpots, County, State & National Level) • Available Year-Round • Breed Selection • Club Pigs and Seedstock

Quality and Quantity! MAY/JUNE 2017

Paul Fernandes • (209) 608-2697 Email: loineyefarms@aol.com


(Ceres, CA)


Keep It Cool . I N N O VA T I O N M AT T E R S .


At home. During exercise. On the trailer. At the show. No matter the environment, your most important piece of gear is the blanket you choose to protect your lamb and goat. Engineered for the maximum in breathable protection, ProCool™ blankets defend against insect bites, fungus and UVA/ UVB rays and keep the body free of dirt and debris. So whether or not you win the banner at your next show, you can be confident that you’ve provided your lamb and goat with the highest level of care. Quality. Heritage. Innovation. Commitment.





CONSUMER: Valid toward purchase of any one (1) ProCool™ Sheep or Goat Blanket. Any other use constitutes fraud. Coupon may not be copied, transferred or sold. Limited time offer. Good while supplies last. Offer valid only at participating retailers. Void where prohibited. Valid only in the U.S. No Cash Value. DEALER: Request for reimbursement must be postmarked by 7/31/17. The retailer will receive reimbursement on the value of this coupon provided you and the consumer have complied with the terms of this offer. Weaver Leather will not reimburse coupon fees or clearing house fees. Please mail dated sales receipt along with coupon to: Weaver Leather Livestock “ProCool” Offer, PO Box 68, Mt. Hope, OH 44660.




What can

Shorthorns take center stage at the


October 29-30, 2016 Location: Amador County Fairgrounds, Plymouth, CA





(One of a Kind x Mountain Man)

(Franchise x Mrs Monumental)

Sale and Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 29th:

• Jr. Arrival Deadline 9:00 a.m. • • Sale Cattle Show - 10:00 a.m. • SOQ Sale - 1:00 p.m. • • Social Hour - 6:00 p.m. • Annual Banquet & CSBA Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

Junior Jackpot Show on Sunday, Oct. 30th at 9 a.m. A fun-filled weekend of events for Shorthorn Enthusiasts!

COUNTRY BOY (Cowboy Swag x Neon Lights)

2015 Champion Sale Heifer Bennett Land & Cattle Co.

2015 Champion Sale Steer Dennis Pluth

Future Shorthorn Breeders!


(Sky's the Limit x Shoot Em x Senko)

do for you?

UPPER DECK (Main Motion x Big Time 81-11 x Super Monster x Super Monster's Littermate)

COWBOY SWAG (Extra Swag x Wild Fire)

For more information, contact:

Brought to you by the California Shorthorn Breeders Assn.


Alpha Gipe: (209) 358-9377 Amanda McKeith: (209) 769-7565 Jackpot Info — Krista Vannest: (209) 602-1146


• Flyers • Build ads for other publications LIMOUSIN 2016 BREEDERS • Catalogues DIRECTORY • Pamphlets • Breeders Directories ...and more!

We proudly use and recommend

2812 N. Hickman Road • Denair, CA 85316 James - 209-620-4106 • John Anderson - 209-678-7206 Email: smalltown@fire2wire.com • Online: smalltowngenetics.com


F A L L S ,


EMAIL BLASTS AVAILABLE! Target that ad message!

Become a friend on Facebook

PAYPAL Availability! — Renew or start a subscription – Sign up for a listing in the Breeders Directory or Products & Services section — Pay your advertising bill online

Representing the Junior Showman West of the Rockies...but read nationwide from East To West and North to South!


Pacific Showcase is distributed by subscription, and set out at sales, events and organizational meetings.

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Russell & Amanda Pedrett California/Southern Oregon (530) 681-9811 (541) 326-7727


Shannon Schulz Arizona (623) 764-1160

Jason Sherman Oregon/Idaho (208) 741-0132


What's the best first step to receiving that winning handshake?


Representing Junior Showmen West of the Rockies!

Don't Miss One Issue!

A year's worth of Pacific Showcase — another vital piece of equipment in your tackbox!

• Advertisers with "Top Quality" Products • Show Results • Dates for Sales and Shows • And much, much more!

Give us a call...

(408) 776-7611 or mail your payment and information to

Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430 San Jose, CA 95160

Send this back in with your check made out to Pacific Showcase or call with your Visa/Mastercard information. Name___________________________________________

 1st Time  Renewing RATES: Bulk 1st Class

Address_________________________________________ _______________________________________________

1 Yr. $25

2 Yr. $45

Phone #_________________________________________



Area of Interest:  Cattle

Email __________________________________________

U.S. Rates Only — call us for intl. rates

 Sheep

 Hogs

 Meat Goats

Send back to: Pacific Showcase P.O. Box 41430, San Jose, CA 95160 ...or mail in your credit card info!

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P.O. Box 41430 San Jose, CA 95160

We would like to express a huge THANK YOU to all of our customers & bidders in our TOP SECRET ONLINE SALE! We feel honored and look forward to working with all of the show families that invest in our calf crop each year. We are incredibly excited about this set and can’t wait to watch these calves hit the backdrops this upcoming show season!

-Johns Cattle Company

Fall and Spring born Steers & Heifers available private treaty at the ranch. Deron (559)647-1611 |

Brett (559)310-8687 |

Layton (559)310-5579

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