TIDE Magazine May June 2023

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FEAT. REPORTS FOR Angling, Sailing, Powerboat, Diving, Social and Club Events.

Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club Ocean Reef Marina, Boat Harbour Quays, Ocean Reef WA 6027 Postal Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club, PO Box 59, Hillarys, WA. 6023 Phone 08 9401 8800 Email office@orssc.asn.au ISSUE MAY/JUN 2023
Discover what’s
EVERY ISSUE Commodore’s Report 4 Club Manager’s Report 6 Management Committee 10 Meet the Committee 11 Seasonal Sessions 12 At the Galley 13 Angling Report 14 Sailing Report 22 Powerboat Report 24 Diving Report 26 Social Report 30 Club Events Report 34 Membership Benefits 38 Membership Draw 39 Live Music Schedule 40 Calendar of Events 48 Weddings and Functions 50 Advertising Rates 51

From the Commodore

Greetings Members, “50 Years, really?”

Yes indeed. In July 1973 the Whitfords, Sea Sports Club was started by a group of locals with a passion for water sports. The Club’s first fishing competition was held that month at Pinnaroo Point, and the first general meeting was held the following month at Springfield School, Kallaroo. The surf cat sailors held their first event that December, with 60-70 boats taking part. Our first club house was a caravan parked on the beach at Pinnaroo Point, and we’ve come a long way since. The important things haven’t changed, like our love of sea sports, our camaraderie, and our focus on family. If your interested, a history timeline is on our website (https://www.orssc.asn.au/history), put together by our Patron, Ian Younghusband. We


are canvassing our legacy members to add to the story, and intend to produce a video that highlights our history. Meanwhile, the Club is building a calendar of events for the coming year that that will showcase our pride and excitement to be celebrating 50 years.

Marina Development and Clubhouse

The mid-2023 target for the completion of the breakwater, dredging, land reclamation and inner harbour seawall is debateable, but we will continue to monitor progress and advise any changes in the program. Tendering for our new Club facility expected to commence soon, with October 2024 still the target date for completion. I must applaud the efforts by our member working groups, whose participation in the project has provided a good outcome for the preliminary design. Meanwhile, we have initiated discussions with the Department of Transport regarding our future hardstand and access to wet-pen storage, and we will certainly keep members advised of progress.

Funding the New Club Facilities

Members have questions regarding the overall funding for the Club facilities (as they should), and the following recap will provide some history and clarity:

• In November 2020, the State announced they would provide $6.5 million to help relocate ORSSC, including the RSL sub-branch, and Marine Rescue Whitfords to new facilities. The initial plan was to put us all in the same building, but this was deemed ill-advised due to potential conflict between club and rescue activities. Accordingly, the funding was split between ORSSC and MRW, with ORSSC being allocated $4.8 million for a like-for-like facility.

• In November 2021, the state agency tasked with building the new facilities, DevelopmentWA, developed two designs for consideration. A single-story structure of similar size to our existing Club, costed at $4.8 million, and a two story structure sized to meet our projected growth, costed at $8.3 million. The City of Joondalup and the Club agreed to equally fund the larger structure, and at the Club’s Half-Yearly General Meeting in 2022, the members voted to endorse funding $1.75 million for this purpose. This funding will be provided via a loan from the City.

• Late last year DevelopmentWA indicated that due to anticipated increases in construction costs, they had revised their estimate from $8.3 million to $9.6 million, and were now seeking additional funding from the Club and/ or the City. ORSSC responded that we were at our limit for funding, with our cash reserve required for the Club’s anticipated relocation cost. The City of Joondalup subsequently drafted a recommendation to the City Council to provide the additional $1.3 million, and on April 18th, the Joondalup City Council approved the recommendation.

We anticipate the City will now submit a tenancy agreement and loan repayment plan to the Club for consideration, possibly sometime in May/June this year. Our intention is to review the City ’s offer and provide the members the opportunity to vote on it at the Annual General Meeting in August.


I would like to welcome our newest staff member, Melissa Robertson, who has taken on the role of Marketing and Communications Manager. Melissa has an extensive background in media communications, both social and commercial. We will be relying on that expertise as we ramp up for our 50-year celebrations and our relocation. She sits next to Kym, our Club Manager, so drop by and say hello.

Finally, my thanks to all our members who patronize the Club, are gracious to the staff, and all-in- all provide a warm and friendly Club environment. When asked what they want in the new Club, members invariably tell me they want what we have here, over there. And that’s the plan.

Best regards,


From the Club Manager

Hello Members,

Those warm summer days are definitely behind us sadly! But not to worry – we have lots planned for the cooler months to keep you all warm and entertained.


The Joondalup City RSL Sub-Branch outdid itself yet again with an outstanding Dawn Service, followed by a delightful breakfast that catered to the thousands of members and the wider community. In addition, our club was open for the day, offering opportunities for our community to come together and engage in activities like two-up while commemorating and reflecting on the bravery and sacrifice of our fallen soldiers. It was a day filled with respect, honour, and camaraderie.

Days like this make me grateful to be a part of such a wonderful Club and Community.

50th Year Anniversary

Our Club was founded in 1973 and this year we are celebrating our 50th Year. The Club has provided many positive social benefits, bringing locals together, providing opportunities for physical activity via Sea Sports, and promoting health and a sense of belonging with our community for 5 decades now.

Kicking off with the Commodores Ball in July, we will be holding a number of Events to celebrate this huge milestone. Part of this will be a “Memorabilia month” where we will have a static display of Club items collected over the last 50 years. If you have something you would be happy to put on display and share, please get in contact with the Office.

As the Club was founded in 1973, it wouldn’t be a Party if we didn’t celebrate all that was the 70’s! We will be putting on an epic 70’s Birthday in August. This is your chance to channel back to the Flares, Fros and Florals era, so make sure you come dressed to impress.

There will also be Apparel and promotional items available to purchase. Please see the order form and price list for more information found in the later pages of TIDE. You can also pick up a hard copy order form at the club or download it from our website. We hope you can join us for this very exciting year to celebrate all that we know and love about our beautiful club.

ANZAC Day Dawn Service.


I am so pleased to introduce Melissa Robertson, our new Marketing & Communications Manager. Melissa comes from a very long background in Marketing and lives locally. She loves the outdoors, has her Dive ticket and loves heading over to Rotto on the weekends with her family. She has slotted in perfectly with our club. You can contact her at marketingmanager@orssc.asn.au

We love getting great feedback about the great jobs our staff are doing. If you have any positive feedback you would like to pass on, please get in touch with me so I can include it as part of our staff reward and recognition.

Where do our cans go?

What happens to all the different cans and bottles that are collected throughout the day at ORSSC?

To start, our staff collects and store them securely, where they are then picked up by Viviana Maier, an Argentinian international who lives locally. She collects these cans so that the money can be sent to Romanos, a youth soccer club located in Misiones, a province based in Northeastern Argentina. Viviana’s nephew Agustin Maier founded the club to provide opportunities for children in the province. After visiting this past August, Vivi learned of this small local club that at the time could not afford soccer balls for the children to use. She contacted ORSSC to ask if she could collect the cans so that they could provide money and opportunities for the children.

Since August, Vivi and Agustin have supplied new balls, as well as the chance for these children to travel and play the game they love. Agustin has recently become a part of Bayern Munich, the professional German soccer club, and has had the opportunity to turn this small collection of children

that played soccer, into a real academy. This has led to chances for some of these kids to pursue their dreams of football and more, and ORSSC could not be happier to help contribute to this wonderful youth club!

Kind Regards,

*photos courtesy of the Joondalup City RSL Sun Branch and Attendees* Melissa Robertson.
www.oceaniquemarine.com.au C O N T A C T C O B Y M A N S F I E L D 0 4 1 8 9 5 8 6 5 8 W W W . O C E A N I Q U E M A R I N E . C O M . A U O c e a n i q u e M a r i n e a r e t h e e x c l u s i v e W e s t A u s t r a l i a n d e a l e r f o r t h e A u s t r a l i a n b u i l t H a i n e s S i g n a t u r e b o a t s a n d I T A L B O A T S - P r e m i u m I t a l i a n d e s i g n e d a n d b u i l t R I B ’ s N E W & U S E D B O A T S A L E S Oceanique Marine pride themselves in providing a premium service in the marine industry in WA, offering clients new & used boat sales service, they are your local trusted marine dealer.

2023 Management Committee





Club Manager | Kym Shephard

Phone/Fax | 9401 8800

Email | manager@orssc.asn.au

Marketing & Communications Manager | Melissa Robertson

Phone/Fax | 9401 8800

Email | marketingmanager@orssc.asn.au


Functions Coordinator | Debbie Clark

Phone | 0437 880 040

Email | functions@orssc.asn.au

Bar & Events Manager | Georgina Badman

Phone | 0404 236 030

Email | barmanager@orssc.asn.au


Office Administrators | Lynda Crosswell & Wendy Lenehan

Phone/Fax | 9401 8800

Email | office@orssc.asn.au

Website | www.orssc.asn.au

Mailing Address | PO Box 59, Hillarys, WA 6923

Office hours | Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Whitfords Sea Rescue Tower

Phone | 9401 3757

Mailing Address | PO Box 337, Hillarys, WA 6923

Robbie Young,
Gallagher FLAG OFFICERS Commodore | Ken Wood 0417 976 327 Vice Commodore | Graham Hindley 0400 595 000 Vice Commodore | Paul Phipps 0407 423 008 Hon. Secretary | Sheila Hearson 0413 905 628 Hon. Treasurer | Geoff Tavener 0419 274 977
Gary Bell and Phil
Angling | Francis McKeown 0438 940 363 Diving | Laurie Campbell 0417 990 534 Power Boating | Stephen Lazenby 0448 047 201 Sailing | Andrew Hodkinson 0413 784 400 Social | Joanne Harfield 0478 957 093

Meet the Committee

At ORSSC, we value our club members and strive to ensure they feel welcome and included as an integral part of the clubs' operations and celebrations.

Tide Magazine seeks to select and feature one member of our club in every issue, highlighting aspects of their personality and their contribution to the club so you can get to know them and maybe even say hello next time you see them.

The questions we ask share insight into each members personal tastes and lifestyle away from their club duties.



Name? Joanne Harfield

Occupation? Procurement Officer for WA State Government.

Favourite food: Mashed Potatoes.

Favourite beverage: Icey cold pint of Carlton Dry.

My name is Jo, I am a new mum to my son Jack who is almost 10 months old. I have worked for the WA State Government for 16 years. I have been a member of the Club for 5 years. I really enjoy all the events at the club and wanted to become more involved, so I joined the social committee in 2020 before moving into the role of Social Rear Commodore in 2022. You'll often see me out selling 100 Club and meat raffles for the Social Section, or having a beer with my husband Brendan and friends most Sundays. I also gave Sailing a go at the beginning of this year and really enjoyed it and I hope to be able to get back out on the water soon. To anyone thinking of trying out any of the other Sections' activities - do it, you won't regret trying!

Favourite saying: 'If you don't ask, you don't get'.

Favourite sport: AFL and Ice Hockey.

How do you like to start your day: Long walk with my son and German Shepherd.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given: Go and do whatever it is you want to do, don't wait, you only live once.

Favourite holiday destination: Lake Tahoe, California.

What’s your guilty pleasure: Cake and CupcakesI have no self-control around them.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend: Out walking my dog, catching up with friends, drinking at the Club or off camping.

What do you enjoy the most about the ORSSC: The community feel, anytime you head down to the Club, there is always someone there who wants to have a beer with you.

What do you enjoy most about being the Social Rear Commodore: All the members I have met through planning and attending events and just being down at the Club. I've loved meeting so many new people and I have made so many new friends through it.



Seasonal Opening Hours


Monday closed closed

Tuesday 3pm - 10pm bar snacks*

Wednesday 3pm - 10pm 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Thursday 3pm - 10pm 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Friday 12pm - 10pm 4pm - 8pm*

Saturday 12pm - 10pm bar snacks*

Sunday 12pm - 10pm 12pm - 7pm

Public Holidays (unless otherwise advised)

closed closed


The club hosts live music and entertainment every week on Fridays from 6.30pm to 9.30pm and Sundays from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.

May 2023

Jammin' With Charlie FRIDAY 5

Neil Adams

Qynn Beardman



Sugar Duo SUNDAY 14

Craig Pinkney


Wayne Ranson SUNDAY 21

Barry Gee


Gray Sanders SUNDAY 28

June 2023

Leigh Aldersea FRIDAY 2

Spider and Rocket SUNDAY 4

Qynn Beardman

*Bookings are essential for the Galley on Fridays 4pm - 8pm. *Bar snacks - includes the use of the pie warmer, if available.

* The above closing times are a guide only. If there is a Function on, or a significant amount of Members present, the Bar will stay open.


Chris Ehlers Project SUNDAY 11

Alan Webb


Sugar Duo SUNDAY 18

Neil Adams

Nikki D’Agostino



Gray Sanders FRIDAY 30

Wednesday 5.30pm - 7.30pm Thursday 5.30pm - 7.30pm Friday 4pm - 8pm* Saturday closed Sunday 12pm - 7pm Public Holidays closed DeliciousFlavours AT THE GALLEY 13
Kids Eat Free
Nights Except on Steak Night. Steak Night Second Wednesday night of every month. Thursday $12
Every Thursday. Weekly
Monday closed

The Angling Report


Boat Fishing Report

March Comp - Held at the start of April inline with new calender

Gday everyone, can you believe its been 2 months since our last boat comp! The two month closure has come to an end for our reinvented boat calender and was time to dust the cobwebs off for the March comp, that’s held in April.

The weather finally turned it on for the days fishing. South easterly's in the morning backing rite off to almost nothing in the afternoon. 18 participants signing on for the days fishing with 15 weighing in. Some great bags getting weighed in with a people making use of the catch and release code for Sambos to great effect. Plenty of tuna weighed in but pick of the bunch was Davo Crisafulli’s 18kg yellow tail tuna, pity he did not sign on for the day.

Next Boat Comp 22 April 2023

Two Day Boat Comp 6-7 May 2023

Onto the weigh in and starting with juniors. Mini junior Ashton picking up his PB dhu fish of 7.26kg and taking out section, great catch buddy and I am sure it would have pulled you around the boat. We had two juniors weigh in for the day. Stuart Graves in is first ever comp for the club came in second place with a very nice pink snapper. Cruze just pipped Stuart with 2 species to take out the juniors. The vets was an absolute white wash with Colesy romping in the win- he was the only vet. Good work to the part-time fisherman always willing to take the grand kids out for a day on the water. Two ladies weighed in and fished on the same boat. Sam B just edging out good neighbour Belinda M to take out ladies. The mens was a one man show, a little one man show. Joe W hauling in 10 species showing the lads how its done, great bag Joe. Second place was Buckets and way back in third was Red.

Our next boat comp is on Saturday 22 April, this is our normal April comp and start times are 6am for the rest of winter. We also have our 2 day May Boat comp coming up on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May weekend. Great comp being able to utilise the Saturday and the Sunday to maximize the fishing.

Boat Captain Buckets signing out. Good things come those who bait.

Glen Weymouth

Boat Fishing Captain

Glen Weymouth

Fishing Competition Results

Heaviest Species Winners & Sponsors

No. Species No. Heaviest Weight (kg) Points Mini Juniors 1st Ashton Marsden 1 1 7.260 30.5 Juniors 1st Cruze Marsden 2 2 1.034 34.11 2nd Stuart Graves 1 1 2.880 21.8 Veterans 1st Graeme Cole 2 2 2.770 37.5 Ladies 1st Samatha Broadhurst 4 3 5.344 68.7 2nd Belinda Mallon 64 2 4.953 61.9 Mens 1st Joe Wettinger 10 8 25.252 188.5 2nd Glen Weymouth 8 3 15.385 128.8 3rd Ryan Ferguson 8 3 14.102 126.2
Species Winner Weight (kg) Sponsor Baldchin Joe W 2.7 Debbie & Geoff Breaksea Cod Joe W 1.186 Joe Wettinger Dhufish Red 9.94 Rob Walters Flathead Joe W 0.171 Eric leigh Herring Red 0.262 NuStone Concrete KG Whiting Red 0.409 Rolly & Rose Mackerel Jow W 0.409 Terry Bell Pink Snapper Buckets 4.62 Shore Catch Samson Fish Joe W 14.4 The Boreman Shark Joe W 9.12 JEC Tailor Buckets 0.534 Abrolohos tackle Trevally Elliot B 0.802 Drew Elliman Tarwhine Cruze 0.236 Virgin Bores Tuna Sam Broadhurst 1.335 Whiting Buckets 0.213 Sinker Factory Interboat Buckets 16 Species Joe Wettinger Participation draw Colesy Angling Section 15

The Angling Report (continued)


Next Beach Comp isn’t until the 15 & 16 April so a bit of time to relax and recharge before the next one

Beach Fishing Report – March


Windy Wagoe throws a few hurdles, but some great fish still landed. Alex Morrison had a pair of mid-day Mulloway, whilst Maree Ellis broke 2 records unfortunately one was the shortest time frame of holding a record =/. The greatest catch revealed at weigh in that myself (Rob Meneguz) and wife Deborah are expecting in September.



Some of the group headed up to Wagoe and surrounding areas on Thursday to make the most of it and extend the already long weekend. A group of us enjoyed a few cold beverages and some dinner at the Kalbarri pub in the evening before socialising with a larger group outside the Chalets. Adam’s car unfortunately come to blows with a stray Kangaroo on the Thursday night which made a mess of the front of his car, Luckily Jeff gave him a hand to repair it on the Friday.

Friday mornings weather was delightful and quite a few of us took the opportunity to wet a line as the forecast going into the weekend wasn’t looking too promising. John Lebeter hooked onto a Crayfish on the reef but threw it back as he was unlicensed and had Mr Lock the fisheries officer watching over his shoulder. Quite a few Wrasse, Wirrah and small Snapper were reported caught. Locky mentioned he hooked onto 4 or 5 different species within a few hours fishing. I managed to get a 57cm Pinky which I filleted up later that arvo and put in the freezer. After a morning fish it was time to have some lunch and a few frothies. A few of us took a drive into Port Gregory to get some fuel and catch up with some of the others who were staying in the caravan park.

Saturday morning alarms started going off at 4am and people started to crawl out of bed. The wind was already in and was noticeable immediately with the chalet windows shaking and the sounds of the trees whistling in the breeze. My hopes of a short 3-4 hour window of low winds was destroyed! Nether the less we were up there to fish, so fish we did!! Cars started hitting the beach from 430 onwards at Wagoe and no doubt other locations where people had decided to start fishing first. Although the wind was strong the swell was low meaning it wasn’t dangerous fishing if the right precautions were taken.

Fishing Competition Results

There was plenty of action on the water with sightings of Seals, Dolphins, turtles and even a few Spanish Mackeral leaping out the water not far from where we were fishing. If only we had the wind over our shoulder, they would have been in casting distance. Saturday the wind only got stronger heading into the early arvo. Speaking to people throughout the day, everyone was struggling to pick up many fish. A few Dart, Wirrah and Tarwhine were getting caught but nothing that exciting yet. Saturday evening, I managed to get stuck into some Sharks which first bit off a gang hook with a 100lb

No. Species No. Heaviest Weight (kg) Points Mini Juniors 1st Leanna Lambert 3 2 0.798 46 2nd Elanor Broadhurst 1 1 0.237 17 3rd Toby Weymouth 1 0.116 11 Veterans 1st Ricko Platt 8 5 5.10 130 2nd Terry Bell 7 2 3.56 97 3rd Mick Lock 5 1 1.63 63 Ladies 1st Sue Freeman 8 5 4.67 129 2nd Maree Ellis 4 2 4.10 69 3rd Lyn Malone 5 2 1.72 69 Mens 1st Rob Meneguz 8 3 11.35 144 2nd Joe Wettinger 7 3 4.78 107 3rd Fritz Nebel 4 2 6.78 80

The Angling Report (continued)


Deb Meneguz

Beach Fishing Report – March

Rob Meneguz

wire trace. I knew if I persisted, I would get one, as long as I could get one on deck before Deb’s patience ran out aha. I finally got a small Whaler Shark of just under 8kg. I also managed a Silver Catfish which broke a club record.

Sunday morning the winds were still breezy but a little less than Saturday, the swell was also low. I managed to chalk out a balloon, but the bait went untouched. Maree fished her heart out all weekend and was rewarded with a nice Goldspot Sweetlip of 2.52kg. It was a Club record for all of about 5 minutes until Nick Furlans bag got opened and a 2.54kg specimen got put on the scales. Bittersweet for Maree but she is really starting to get some good numbers on the board, and you can see she’s going to become a strong competitor. Congrats to Nick though for a very impressive Goldpsot and walking away with the club record. Mark brought his mate Fritz along to fish the comp, he ended up walking away with a 3rd place with a catch and release Wobbygong. He also pulled a FAT Yellowfin whiting out right next to me of 34cm and 259g. Hopefully we see Fritz fish a few more comps and possibly even join the club. I’m not sure how much fishing he’s done previously but he had a line in the water every time I checked!

Sunday arvo around 3pm everyone started gathering around and finding their positions to watch the weigh in at the Chalets. Myself, Ricko and Bruce conducted the weigh in with Terry & Kiwi recording all the scores and heaviest. They did a great job especially as my weigh in books didn’t have enough sheets *Face Palm*. After the weigh in I made an announcement for the best catch, that Deb and I are expecting our first child in September. Drinks and nibbles continued into the early evening. Chris Graham, Alex Morrison and I carved up some fish to take home but also put few large plates of fillets together to cook up that evening. With the wind still swirling around I decided to take the fish into the chalets and do a big cook up. A little Tandaco was all that was needed on the fresh fish (Tailor, Dart and Catfish) before being served. Everyone loved it!!! Even Pomy John was asking for the recipe.

A few great fish need to be mentioned. Alex Morrison caught the only 2 Mulloway for the entire weekend. Both similar size with the bigger of the 2 weighing in at a little over 7kg. Alex caught both these fish between 10-12pm which is even more


unusual. This is the second year in a row that Alex has got himself a Mulloway to whack on the scales! Great work mate! Adam Broadhead put together the best bag I’ve seen him weigh in with 5 different species and earning him 61 points! Chris Graham only managed 2 fish however both fish were the heaviest and good fish. Tailor was 1.139kg and the dart was just shy of 2kg (Which we cooked up that night and tasted GREAT!). Lyn Malone caught a good Flounder of 494g which was the only Flounder of the weekend. Terry Bell got a chunky Tarwhine weighing 814g along with 6 other species. Joe Wettinger fished exceptionally with 7 different species including the biggest Wirrah Cod of the day at 1.716kg and a solid Dart of 880g.

We had well over 50 people watching the weigh in with 40 bags recorded. Not as many as last year however the conditions were also not as favourable. It was good to see quite a few new members fish including Callum Williams who made the journey by himself and got stuck into a few species. Rob Yates, Adam and a few others helped Callum out, who has since told me he had a blast! Hopefully we can continue to grow the beach angling competitions and continue the growth in the right direction. If you want to fish future comps you are allowed to bring a companion outside the club who can fish and participate as a visitor. We also have an Angling Facebook page and messenger group which you can comment in if you need someone to fish with as there are sure to be others in the same position.

Tight lines

Rob Meneguz

Heaviest Species Winners & Sponsors

Beach Fishing Captain
Species Winner Weight (kg) Sponsor Flathead Nigel Harrison 1.082 Ricko & Sue Herring Not Caught Ricko & Sue Skippy Not Caught Kiwi Tailor Chris Graham 1.13 Locky Tarwhine Terry Bell 0.814 John Lebeter Mulloway Alex Morrison 7.06 Rob Meneguz Whiting Not Caught Terry Bell Yellowfin Whiting Fritz Nebel 0.259 Mark Purchas Mystery Fish Scaly Mackeral Not Caught Kiwi Dart Chris Graham 1.964 Clive Powell Snapper Not Caught Doug Rammusen Wrasse Rob Meneguz 0.417 Daniel Bell Pike Not Caught Maree Ellis Shark Rob Meneguz 7.78 Bruce Bennett Black Bream Sue Freeman 0.529 Bruce Bennett 19

The Angling Report (continued)


Next Beach comp is on the weekend of the 20-21 May


Mark Purchas

Beach Fishing Report – April


Cyclone Ilsa threatened to disrupt April beach comp, with large swell and rain forecast. Four different anglers weighed in Pink Snapper. Rob & Kiwi set the tone getting a 2-day bag out on Pinkies! Daniel and Belinda Mallon also joining in on the Pinkie Party getting one each off a local rock wall!


With the forecast showing big swells and rain, it would be fair to say most anglers thought the only thing putting a bend in their rods over the weekend would be mountains of weed. This was the case for most of the coast, with weed filling up most popular spots. The anglers who persisted found clear water with the swell not as big as forecast. Reports

on Friday night suggested we were in for a good chance of some Pink Snapper, with the social media platforms lighting up with some terrific catches. This turned out to be the case, with 4 anglers weighing in Pink Snapper. Belinda and Husband Daniel Mallon both got a Pinkie, with Belinda’s the larger of the two at a smidge under 6kg. Daniel’s was still a good fish at 3.43kg and he also managed to add a Wobbygong Shark to his catch, which was 8.35kg. Kiwi and I had a party on the Pinkies, catching 4 each over the 2-day comp. My second Pink Snapper (bigger than the first) snapped my line right on the shore break in about a metre of water. The fish seemed to swim off leaving me devastated. Kiwi mentioned that the fish might have gotten stuck in the weed restricting its access to freedom. I thought this would be extremely


unlikely, but figured it was worth a look. To my surprise, the fish was still swimming around, and I herded it back to the shoreline before scooping it up and throwing it onto the sand. I could not believe it! Cruising along the beach at Lancelin, Kiwi noticed a large dark fish had been washed up. I heard over the handheld, “DHUFISH”!!! (8-10kg), We couldn’t believe it. A WA Dhufish had been washed up on the beach. Such a shame! Maybe the fish was sick or broke off someone’s line by accident. In the Juniors, Cruz was the sole competitor, with his biggest catch of the comp a Flathead of 581g. His most impressive catch was a Kiwi, after laying out some sand holes on the beach which Kiwi fell into late into the night! Sue Freeman put another impressive score on the board for the Ladies, making it her third consecutive comp with a score over 100.

Tight lines

Rob Meneguz

Fishing Competition Results

Heaviest Species Winners & Sponsors

Beach Fishing Captain
Species Winner Weight (kg) Sponsor Flathead Cruz Marsden 0.581 Ricko & Sue Herring Rob Meneguz 0.271 Ricko & Sue Skippy Kiwi 0.922 Kiwi Tailor Kiwi 0.473 Locky Tarwhine Sue Freeman 0.749 John Lebeter Mulloway Not Caught Rob Meneguz Whiting Ricko Platt 0.098 Terry Bell Yellowfin Whiting Ricko Platt 0.188 Mark Purchas Mystery Fish Not Caught Harlequin Kiwi Dart Not Caught Clive Powell Snapper Kiwi 7.15 Doug Rammusen Wrasse Rob Meneguz 0.435 Daniel Bell Pike Not Caught Maree Ellis Shark Dan Mallon 8.35 Bruce Bennett Black Bream Not Caught Bruce Bennett
No. Species No. Heaviest Weight (kg) Points Juniors 1st Cruz Marsden 3 3 1.307 54 Veterans 1st Ricko Platt 7 3 1.819 96 2nd Graeme Cole 5 4 1.816 82 Ladies 1st Sue Freeman 7 7 2.982 124 2nd Belinda Mallon 1 1 5.97 40 3rd Carolyn Benniman 2 1 0.600 29 Mens 1st Chris Gaston “Kiwi” 7 4 16.83 162 2nd Rob Meneguz 6 5 7.71 121 3rd Daniel Mallon 3 2 12.04 91

The Sailing Report

Season Summary

We’re almost at an end to our sailing year with our final two Summer season races and our Alkimos Long Race left to go before our annual Presentation Evening in May.

The 2022/23 North Coast Series against Hillarys Yacht Club has ended, with Ocean Reef taking on first place overall across all three divisions. An amazing victory and a great series that hosted lots of fun for all. A big thank you to Hillarys for hosting another year and a huge mention to the start crew for making it all happen. We’re hoping for a rematch later in the year and look forward to another series against our next-door neighbours.

We have also held our annual Ladies Skippers Race which saw some healthy competition between the female members of the section. A big congratulations to Kate Phipps on Venomous for reclaiming her title for another year and a mention to Sarah Phipps on Leda and Hollie Hodkinson on Whim a Way for coming in second and third along with the other skippers for making a tough competition and a great day on the water.

The Walpole Regatta in the Trees has come and gone once again, which saw a huge turnout from Ocean Reef this year with four Windrush catamarans competing. The weekend was nothing short of eventful, with a combination of sinking and capsizing boats, but most importantly, a whole lot of fun for all and a great weekend away. Another congratulations to Sarah Phipps and Dylan Hess for claiming second place in the large dinghy section.

Off the back of the Walpole Regatta, the Windrush sailors will be starting a Dinghy Section to operate within the sailing section and will begin their first race in late May, with races to operate monthly around our existing sailing calendar. The races will be hosted off Pinnaroo Point – an homage to the origins of our current sailing section which started as catamaran racing from Pinnaroo Point and our Windrush sailors are keen to kick-start this new series.

The end is fast approaching, but not without an action-packed end to the year and plenty of new and old things to look forward to in the coming months with our new sailing year.

Andy Hodkinson


Roger came to our club when he and his wife Alison arrived in Perth during the 1990s.

They joined the sail section and Roger was Rear Commodore Sailing for six years, after which he was elected as Club Hon. Treasurer for a year.

Roger, Alison and crew sailed “Moonraker” a space sailer 22 in many club events. The yacht was sailed by transferring a block of beer from the belly of their “Moonraker” to others, which helped balance the yacht.

Roger and Alison moved to Bowen QLD arriving 26 January 2019.

Roger and Alison joined the Northern QLD Cruising Yacht Club and settled well into the QLD lifestyle.

Roger passed after a short illness in QLD on the 23rd of April 2023.

A good Man and Sailor taken too early.

Andy Hodkinson

Rear Commodore, Sailing
Roger Angel.

The Power Boat Report


On a Sunday afternoon not too far away, the Department of Transport will again visit ORSSC for an education and community engagement session. This visit will encompass:

Season Summary

General Business

• With the development of the new marina progressing swiftly, its starting to take shape that ORSSC will be enjoying one of the premier facilities for powered on water activities in the future.

Whilst details are still being finalised its looking like we will have a great launching base for our recreational boating activities that will be unrivalled on the coast.

There are many questions being asked by members around: pen allocation, boat storage, boat stacking and launching facilities. Whilst all these facilities are certainly part of the master plan the final details aren’t available to us yet, but we will keep you posted as information comes to hand.


• Jurien Bay long weekend

• Easter raft up in the city

• Department of Transport visit to ORSSC

• Powerboat annual dinner

• General information around the soon to be introduced marine safety changes for required safety equipment

• Inspection and minor repairs to your inflatable life jackets

• Disposal of expired Epirbs

• Disposal of expired flares

The annual Powerboat Section dinner is now booked for Saturday 26 August and invitations will be issued shortly.

Past Events (last month)

Jurien Bay Long Weekend

The Labour Day long weekend had a contingent of members from the Power Boat Section heading north two and a half hours drive to the idyllic seaside fishing town at Jurien Bay.

A large Air BNB home was booked (owned and wonderfully managed by Natalie, a member at ORSSC) and we all arrived on the Friday night for a rendezvous at the Sandpiper Tavern for a refreshing ale and bite to eat.

Saturday was a relaxing start with a stroll along the pristine foreshore of the bay before heading down to Cervantes to secure prime position at the Lobster Shack on the beach for lunch and refreshments.

The afternoon consisted of some high spirited games of pool and a home cooked webber dinner rounded out Saturday night.


Sunday morning was time to hit the water and under the leading seamanship of Ron Lindsay we headed for Boullanger Island. Ron’s immense depth of knowledge of the area stems from his days as a fisheries inspector in the late 60s, his stories of the exploits during his tenure at Jurien kept us amused for hours.

Boullanger Island is a haven for schools of exotic fish and other marine life and was great opportunity to swim, snorkels and just relax. After a hard day on the water it was time for another refreshing ale and wood fired pizza at the quirky Kakka Alley Brewing venue.

A great weekend was had by all.

The summer weather patterns have continued to deny the section the opportunity to plan ahead for any on water activities that are dependent on the oceans mood.

A small contingent of members took the opportunity to secure a mooring in the Swan / Canning River and have a section raft up over the Easter long weekend.

The mooring location between the South of Perth Yacht Club and the Raffles was a perfect launching point for river touring and general relaxation right in the heart of the city.

Stephen Lazenby

Rear Commodore, Power Boating

The Diving Report

Season Summary

Annual Cray Catch Competition

Hilary’s Yacht Club hosted the “2023 Cray Day”, including MAAC and ORSSC, it was a great success. A beautiful sunny Sunday in a lovely location. ORSSC will host in 2024.

Seven ORSSC Scuba Divers dived over the two days 4-5 March endeavouring to win the prize for the biggest Cray fish on the day, not to be this year with the winning cray by MAAC topping the scales at 2.4kg! A beauty.

A fabulous lunch, crayfish & salads was then shared with the attending members & guests. A fund raising event, tickets were purchased in abundance, with 4 of spot prizes going home with the ORSSC group.

Pt Perron - Dive Section Weekend 17-19 March

A few shades of ‘Green” were adorned on Friday 17 March, St Patricks Day, a colourful sight as some of the Dive Section attendees walked to the Yacht Club a few km’s from the Pt Perron Holiday Camp for dinner.

Thank you, Jan Gallagher for arranging this weekend again this year, no easy task organising up to 40 people - building The Village!!!

On Saturday morning, 7 Divers dived at ‘The Wreck Trail’. Visibility was great, allowing the group to locate the sunken treasures/wrecks. Some of the Scuba Dive students completed another section of the Advanced Open Water Divers qualification, well done.


Meanwhile, back at the camp, ’The Villagers ’were appearing, park runners took to the pavement, well done Lina. Push bikes were unloaded and trundled off along the beautiful coastline-a piece of hidden treasure!!! Jet Ski’s were unloaded and the Squid Catching boat was launched.

Stand up paddles board were pumped up and ready for a float across the calm sunny bay. There was an abundance of big blue crabs nestled in the sea grass in the protected area, taunting many a viewer. Dolphins and rays coming along to


The Diving Report (continued)

display their splendour. These beautiful creatures had the sense to drift away as the group began to have-a-go on the SUP’s. It proved a great fun show for the bunch on the beach. Credits go out to all who had-a-go at standing up on the boards, some more successful than others, young things were like Pros. The morning was all about sharing and having-a-go!! Some were more successful at making many big splash’s than paddling any distance on their feet!!! Credits go out to Fan and Phil, a few of the seniors of the group, they were fantastic.

Thanks to Graeme and Steve who brought the Jet Ski’s, these enabled more of the group to get on the water and experience the thrill and view the beautiful bay from a different angle.

The squid catchers powered off in Corey’s boat, returning with 5 big squid. The youngest crew member, Nathan was in his element as he was then taught how to prep them for cooking to share at the evening BBQ. A fantastic day of activity, fun and sharing was had by all.


Boules - 1 April 2023

A glorious sunny afternoon on the club lawns with Geoff Tavener as the official umpire.

Competition was intense as 8 teams of two turned out to take on the 2022 Boules champions - Karrie and Di.

Many were distracted by the grazing table of delights shared by all and the rivalry between teams! The measuring tool was pulled out, counting skills were challenged, but the new 2023 champions Leith and Chuck, took away the winners and grinners prize! The team Giggles prize nominated by all went to Abby (Trish)…

Laurie Campbell
Rear Commodore Diving

Social Report


Saturday 27 May Quiz Night – hosted by Bamboozled

Saturday 22 July Quiz Night – Bogan Bingo

Season Summary

Hey Everyone, Footy is back! You may have seen the posters around the Club or the emails from me about joining the ORSSC Footy Tipping Competition run by one of the Club Anglers, Graeme Cole. In the end they had 76 join the competition which is great.

At the end of the season there will be a Grand Final party for all the participants including food and drinks.

The Social Section has been fairly busy over the last couple months in regard to Club events. We had Linda and I on the door checking tickets for the Rising Sun Tribute Night on Saturday, 1 April and we appreciated everyone’s patience as we had to check tickets by sight instead of with a scanner. We hope to have new scanners up and running for future events to help things run smoother and get you through the door quicker.

Dave and Sarah ran an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday, 9 April for all the kids which is extremely popular every year, they also ran a bunch of games for the kids of different age groups. The lucky winners were Max Foley (under 5’s), Leon Brooks (6-12yrs) and Kobe Allen (13-17yrs). Each walked away with a large Easter Egg! Dave and Sarah also put on a quiz for the adults, the lucky winner was Mandy-Ann Daly who had $50 uploaded onto their member card as a prize.

Sheila (who is also our Hon. Secretary) runs a Quiz Night on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the Club Hall after the Chase the Ace


and Jag the Joker has finished. Sheila has been running these Quiz Nights for well over a year and they have become quite popular, the last quiz night on 4 April didn’t leave a spare seat in the Hall. The winners receive $50 on their member card!

We also had the opportunity to run a 100 Club on Friday 31 March, thank you to Erin and Paul who ran around selling tickets and congratulations to the winners.

I’d like to thank our amazing Social Committee who generously donate their time so we can all have a great day and to all of our members and their guests who always show the upmost respect for our volunteers.

Past Events (last month)

Social Section recently headed out to Ascot racecourse for the Furphy Bunbury Cup Day, it was such a great day, we had great weather, a great spot at the Pavilion Bar with views of the track. Everyone had a really good time, so much so we forgot to take many photos - Oops. Several of our members went the extra mile and got dressed up which was amazing – Next time we’ll have to have prizes for best dressed.

We had the comfort of 2 large air conditioned 56-seater buses thanks to BusWest to take us there and back, we had plenty of drinks on board for everyone on the way there to get the day started and unintentionally, on the way back to keep the party going haha.

A couple of our members had an extra amazing day, Dave picked up around $2,500 on the winning house of the Bunbury Cup, ‘Blazing Bay’ and one of our members, Craig McKenzie had a great win as he in part owner of the wining horse!

Next year we hope to run this annual event during Spring Carnival.


Social Report (continued)


The Social Section has a few events coming up, the next major one is the Quiz Night hosted by Bamboozled on Saturday 27 May. The larger externally hosted Quiz Nights at the Club have been sell outs over the last few years, so this one won’t disappoint. We want to make this one extra special by commemorating our Clubs 50-year anniversary, all I will say is start studying! We will make sure there are plenty of games and prizes up for grabs on the night so we hope you can make it down. The Kitchen is also working on a special menu for us which is fantastic!

General Business

For those who are interested in an update on the new Club Facility, our Social Section representatives are myself and Silvio Delfino. My email is social@orssc.asn.au and Silvio can be contacted via email at delfino@iinet.net.au. Please note that we can only provide information on the structure of the building, we aren’t at the fit-out stage yet. Alternatively, the Club will provide an update on the whole Marina Development at the next Annual General Meeting to be scheduled for August.

Any important information?

Lastly, if you’re interested in getting more involved at the Club, involved in the Social Section and joining the Social Committee or have an event idea you would like us to look into please contact me at social@orssc.asn.au

Joanne Harfield

Following the Quiz Night will be Bogan Bingo, on Saturday 22 July. This is the event I am most excited about; we get to dress up in our best flanno’s, trackies and ugg boots, the perfect event to see us through the winter months! Not to mention Bogan Bingo is known for its comedy and great Australian soundtrack! We’ll also have plenty of prizes up for grabs.

Sheila has two Quiz Nights coming up, Wednesday, 3 May and Wednesday 7 June, starting at 7pm in the Club Hall. Grab a table between 2 to 6 people. Be sure to get down early to secure a spot!


As you know it’s also the 50th Year Anniversary for the Club this year and the Committee and Club Management have been busy coming up with some ideas on how to celebrate in style, including 50th Year Anniversary memorabilia. Over the next few weeks, the Club will start rolling out special events to commemorate the occasion, including the Commodores Ball which is held in July.

Rear Commodore – Social Section

Club Events Report

Season Summary

Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club has been putting in a lot of effort to entertain its members, nonmembers and potential members during Covid. The success of all the events has been amazing and has kept the club busy and vibrant! Going forward, the focus this year will be on the club's 50th anniversary and entertaining its members, so watch out for some exciting announcements to come.

St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Its been a few years since we hosted a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at ORSSC but this year the club celebrated St. Patrick's Day and we filled up fast for the annual Irish celebrations! A full hearty Irish menu to appease appetites and barrel loads of Guinness to wash it down. Good old Irish entertainment was the magic of the evening. Midnight Velvet started off the toe-tapping vibes complemented by Irish dancers, provided by O'Brien Academy of Irish Dancing. The dancers put on a fantastic performance, and the club plans to get them back next year.

Bottomless Brunch

With the summer months creeping past it was our last chance to host something fun in the sunshine The club hosted its first-ever Bottomless Brunch, which was a huge success. The day was filled with flowing sparkling wine, the club's very own specialty gin cocktail that went down as an absolute treat that was very much complimented by a mouth-watering Mediterranean 3-course menu. The Sugar Duo entertained members throughout the day, and many ladies and gents had a ball, partying until early evening. The club plans to repeat this event due to its success and a big thank you to all that attended our 1st Bottomless Brunch, we couldn’t do it without you.


MG & The Shakers

Back by popular demand was MG & The Shakers, who had previously received great feedback during their last visit. The band was thrilled to be asked to return to the club's stage, and they did not disappoint the audience. The club plans to have them back in the future due to member appreciation.

The success of these events would not have been possible without the overwhelming and continuous support and encouragement of the club's members. Going forward, the club looks forward to entertaining its members in this very special year as it celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Georgina Badman



there's just somuch on offer!

Come down for a bevvy and a chat and find out how you can become a member today.

Location & Convenience

With sweeping views of the Indian Ocean, watch the new Marina being built every day as well as yacht races, sea birds and sunsets. Including plenty of parking for members and guests, there really is nothing else like us along the sunset coast, we are completely unique!

Family friendly venue

Kids playground and large green lawn areas. Family friendly events with an emphasis on providing kids entertainment while the parents can kick back and relax.

Events & Functions

The perfect event venue that holds 500 people, 4 separate indoor rooms, 5 separate outdoor areas, 4 bars with 2 outdoor pop up bars and fully licensed with no restrictions.

Entertainment & Discounts

Free live entertainment every Friday and Sunday.

See Entertainment Page for more details. Huge discounts on food and beverage prices, event tickets and function room hire.

Sea Sports Opportunities

Participate in various Sea Sports activities including sailing, power boating, angling and diving, and become a part of their community.

Community and Connection

As a member you will become part of the large family and have an opportunity to make new friends. You can also build relationships with our stable team and long term staff members. Members can bring up to 4 guests on each visit.

Have your voice heard

As a member you have the opportunity to vote in AGM's, give feedback and join the Steering Committee if you choose to do so.

New Clubhouse

First priority members will have VIP access to the new clubhouse, expected to be completed in 2024.

Short wait list

The current wait time for approval is 2 months. This is increasing rapidly so get in quick! Visit www.orssc.asn.au/membership for more information or to join online.


the Winner's

Corner Congratulations to all our Members that have won the draw and took home the big prize!

Did you miss the last draw?


Caroline Watson ($2,400)

Erick Erhard ($2,500)

Robin Wheelengh ($500)

Dan Abdoo ($600)

Glen Weymouth ($700)


Shane Wyatt ($800)

Bruce Jacob ($2,100)

Sean Connolly ($2,200)


Live music


Have you been paying attention?

Questions will be about current events and general knowledge.



Please keep tables to a 6 people max.

All other club facilities will operate as per normal for members that do no wish to participate in the quiz.


Bar opens at 5pm. Galley closed.




Imagine winning money on your membership card just by enjoying a cold beverage, good company and live music.

The Member's Draw is held every Friday night and you must be in the club at the time of the draw for your chance to win.

the Member's Draw! Member's Draw! Good Luck!




Applies to main meals only. One kid's meal per adult meal purchased. Adults cannot purchase a kid's meal. Free meals only from the Kid's Specials Board.

*Not available on Steak Nights (every 2nd Wednesday of the month)

Events CALENDAR OF MAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Neil Adams 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Sugar Duo 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Wayne Ranson 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Gray Sanders 3.30pm - 6.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Jammin' With Charlie 6.30pm - 9.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Craig Pinkney 6.30pm - 9.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Barry Gee 6.30pm - 9.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT $12 SPECIALS $12 SPECIALS $12 SPECIALS $12 SPECIALS SAILING MEALS NIGHT QUIZ NIGHT DIVING MEALS NIGHT POWERBOAT MEALS NIGHT ANGLING MEALS NIGHT KIDS EAT FREE KIDS EAT FREE KIDS EAT FREE À LA CARTE* KIDS EAT FREE À LA CARTE* À LA CARTE* À LA CARTE* OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Qynn Beardman 6.30pm - 9.30pm BOAT FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BOAT FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BEACH FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BEACH FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting MOTHER ’ S DAY STEAK NIGHT 48 SOCIAL SECTION QUIZ NIGHT SUNDAY ROAST DOT PRESENTATION AND INFORMATION DAY 1-3pm
Events JUNE CALENDAR OF SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Spider and Rocket 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 9pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Chris Ehlers Project 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Sugar Duo 3.30pm - 6.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 12pm - 7pm ENTERTAINMENT Nikki D’Agostino 3.30pm - 6.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED Bar snacks/pie warmer OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED BAR CLOSED GALLEY CLOSED OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Qynn Beardman 6.30pm - 9.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Neil Adams 6.30pm - 9.30pm OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Gray Sanders 6.30pm - 9.30pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED ENTERTAINMENT Rising Sun 7pm - 9.45pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY CLOSED SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS SUNDAY SESSIONS DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT DARTS NIGHT $12 SPECIALS $12 SPECIALS KIDS EAT FREE KIDS EAT FREE KIDS EAT FREE STEAK NIGHT À LA CARTE* À LA CARTE* À LA CARTE* OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Alan Webb 6.30pm - 9.30pm $12 SPECIALS $12 SPECIALS BOAT FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BOAT FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BEACH FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting BEACH FISHING WEIGH IN @ 4PM weather permitting OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 3pm - 10pm GALLEY 5.30pm - 7.30pm (meal specials only) OFFICE 9am - 5pm BAR 12pm - 10pm GALLEY 4pm - 8pm ‘À La Carte’ Bookings essential* ENTERTAINMENT Leigh Aldersea 6.30pm - 9.30pm DARTS NIGHT $12 SPECIALS SAILING MEALS NIGHT DIVING MEALS NIGHT POWERBOAT MEALS NIGHT ANGLING MEALS NIGHT À LA CARTE* À LA CARTE* WA DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY QUIZ NIGHT 49 SUNDAY ROAST
Get in touch for more details and booking enquiries. With sweeping views of the Indian Ocean, the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club makes for the perfect location to hold your wedding or next special occasion. Featuring three function areas with stunning ocean views, four licensed bars, a full service kitchen, a superb chef, a great functions coordinator and bar staff; we have all the facilities to ensure your event goes off without a hitch. & Functions Co-ordinator, Debbie Clark | functions@orssc.asn.au | 0437 880 040

Our Private Function Room Hire Rates

Magazine Advertising Rates

*All prices are excluding GST.

Full Page $200 Half Page $100 Quarter Page $50 1/8th Page $35 PANORAMA DINING HALL WEDDINGS Member $650 Non-member $700 OTHER EVENTS Member $350 Non-member $400 SUNSET LOUNGE WEDDINGS Member $300 Non-member $350 OTHER EVENTS Member $200 Non-member $250
Functions Co-ordinator Debbie Clark 0437 880 040
Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club Ocean Reef Marina, Boat Harbour Quays, Ocean Reef www.orssc.asn.au
- www.tailwindsaerialmedia.com.au
Image taken by Tail Winds Aerial Media

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