Ағылшын тілін оқытуда кембридж тәсілдерін қолдану

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Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және Ғылым Министрлігі «Өрлеу» БАҰО» АҚ филиалы Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру Институты


Әдістемелік нұсқаулық

Тараз, 2015

ӘОЖ 811.111 КБЖ 81.2 ағыл-9 Д 37 Пікір жазғандар: Сейданова Д.А. – «Өрлеу»БАҰО» АҚ филиалы Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру институты, «Тұлғаны тәрбиелеу және әлеуметтендіру» кафедрасының аға оқытушысы. Муратов Н.И. – Абай атындағы Жамбыл гуманитарлық колледжі, «Филология» бөлімінің меңгерушісі, филология магистрі. Д 37 Ағылшын тілін оқытуда Кембридж тәсілдерін қолдану: әдістемелік нұсқаулық. /Джатканбаева А.К./ Тараз: «Өрлеу»БАҰО» АҚ филиалы Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру институты, 2015 – 53 бет ISBN 978-601-7825-12-6 «Өрлеу»БАҰО» АҚ филиалы Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру институтының Сараптау Кеңесі отырысының шешімімен баспаға ұсынылған (№ хаттама, 23.10.2015ж) Әдістемелік нұсқаулықта – ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімінің жаңашыл сабақты жоспалау мен ұйымдастырудың белсенді әдістерін қолдану үшін қолайлы жағдайлардың негіздері ұсынылған. Әдістемелік нұсқаулық білім беру мекемелерінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдеріне және өзінің кәсіби жетілуімен айналысатын педагогтарға арналған.

ӘОЖ 811.111 КБЖ 81.2 ағыл-9 ISBN 978-601-7825-12-6

© Джатканбаева А.К., 2015

«Елді түзетуді бала оқыту ісін түзетуден бастау керек». Ахмет Байтұрсынов Кіріспе Қазақстан әлемдік қауымдастыққа екпіндеп басып келеді және өзінің алдына жоғары даму мақсатын қояды. Әлем барынша әртүрлі және көптілді болып келеді, және көптеген балалар бір тілден артық тіл қолданатын ортаға түседі. Уақыт талабына сай, аясы тар мақсаттағы сапалы білім емес, шет тілдерді үйренуге дәл осындай қырынан қарау керек. Еліміздің Президенті Н.Ә. Назарбаев айтқандай: «Қазақстан бүкіл әлемде халқы үш тілді пайдаланатын жоғары білімді ел ретінде танылуға тиіс. Бұлар: қазақ тілі-мемлекеттік тіл, орыс тілі - ұлтаралық қатынас тілі және ағылшын тілі-жаһандық экономикаға ойдағыдай кірігу тілі». Еліміз егеменді ел болғалы бері келелі де ауқымды өзгерістер жүруде. Саяси, экономикалық, қаржылық т.б. салалардағы секілді білім беру саласы да мұндай өзгерістерден тыс қалған жоқ. Себебі мемлекетті нығайту, көркейту үшін өмірге жаңаша көзқарастағы, білімді, жанжақты дамыған ұрпақ тәрбиелеу қажеттігі туындады. Орта білім беру жүйесінде әлемдік жоғары деңгейге қол жеткізген анағұрлым танымал білім беру әдістемелері арасында сындарлы (конструктивті) теориялық оқытуға негізделген тәсіл кең тараған (Hattie,2009). Кембридж Бағдарламасының басым бөлігі, түрлі тәсілдер қарастырылғанына қарамастан, сындарлы оқыту теориясы негіздерін қамтыған. Бұл теория оқушылардың ойлауын дамыту олардың бұрынғы алған білімдерімен өзара әрекеттесуі жағдайында жүзеге асады деген тұжырымға негізделеді. Жалпы білім беретін мектеп оқушыларының сабақ барысында алған білімдерін тиімді қолдану, өз ойын ашық айту, алған білімдерін жинақтап, бағалау біліктері жеткіліксіз екенін көруге болады. Олар дәлелдер келтіргенде өзінің жеке басының тәжірибесіне сүйенбейді. Көбіне түсініктері оқулық көлемінде ғана болады. Балалар алған білімдерін тиімді қолдана алмайды. Сондықтан мектеп үшін де осы тақырып қазіргі таңда маңызды болып отыр. Ағылшын тілі сабағында Кембридж тәсілдерін қолдану арқылы қазіргі заман талабына сай, бәсекеге қабілетті азаматтарды тәрбиелеуде жаңа технологияларды меңгере отырып оқыту – заман талабы. Осы орайда «Ағылшын тілін оқытуда Кембридж тәсілдерін қолдану» тақырыбындағы әдістемелік нұсқаулығы Кембридж бағдарламасы бойынша жеті модуль негізінде қалай оқу керектігін үйрету әдістемесі негізінде мұғалімдердің істәжірибесімен ұштастыра отырып оқушыларға ағылшын тілін оқытуда сапалы білім, саналы тәрбие бере отырып оқушылардың бойындағы білімділік, біліктілік қабілеттерін қалыптастыруда көмек болады деген сенімдемін.


Джатканбаева Айжан Канатована «Өрлеу»БАҰО» АҚ филиалы Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру институты, ДБО тренері, «Басқару және білім сапасы кафедрасы» аға оқытушысы 8-сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары Тақырыбы: АҚШ - тың танымал адамдары. Мақсаты: Сын тұрғысынан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту, АҚШ – тың танымал адамдарының өмірбаяны туралы біледі, білімдерін дамытады. Міндеттері: 1. Білімділік: АҚШ-тың танымал адамдарының өмірбаянымен таныстыру және талдау. Топпен жұмыс жасай отырып қажетті мәліметті алуға үйрету. 2. Дамытушылық: ауызша сөйлеу және оқу қабілеттерін, сын тұрғысынан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту. 3. Тәрбиелік: атақты адамдардың өмірімен танысып, жақсы жақтарына еліктейді. Сабақтың түрі: аралас Күтілетін нәтиже: Американың атақты адамдарының өмірі мен жетістіктері туралы біледі, өз беттерімен мәтіннен қажетті мәлеметті ала алады. Қолданылған әдебиеттер: «United States of America» Ю.Б.Голицынский, оқулық, интернет сайттары. Қолданылған модульдер: интерактивті тақта. Сабақтың сатылары мен Мұғалімнің іс- әрекеті Оқушылардың міндеттері іс- әрекеті 1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі: Сәлемдесу, кезекші Сабаққа позитивті күйде кезекші оқушымен сөйлесу, оқушымен сөйлесу. «Who дайындалады, сабақта не оқушыларды психологиялық am I?» ойынын жүргізу, өтілетінін біледі, қандай тұрғыдан дайындау, сабақтың тақырыбына нәтиже күтілетінін біледі. тақырыппен және күтілетін оқушыларды алып келу. нәтижемен таныстыру. (8 мин.) 2. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру: Үш талапты естеріне Үй тапсырмасын оқиды. Америка мен Қазақстанды түсіреді. негізгі үш талап бойынша салыстыру. (2-3 мин.) 3.Сыни тұрғыда ойлау Екі топқа бөлу үшін Етістіктерді дұрыс және сатысы: Етістіктерді дұрыс етістіктер таратып береді. бұрыс етіп бөле отырып екі және бұрыс етіп екі топқа Мәтін таратып береді. топқа бөлінеді, етістіктердің бөлу арқылы екі топқа үш формасын айтады. Мәтінді қаншалықты бөлінеді. Мәтінмен жұмыс. түсінгендіктерін тексереді. Мәтінді оқиды. «The chain» ойыны. Әр топ өзінің мәтіні туралы (20 мин.) екінші топқа «The chain» ойыны бойынша айтып береді. 4.Қорытындылау: Бос орын қалдырылған Бос орындарды қажетті «Сomplete the information» жаттығу таратып береді. сөздермен, мәліметтерді 4

(5 мин.) 5.Рефлексия: Семантикалық картаны толтыру. (5 мин.) 6. Үй тапсырмасын беру: Майкл Джексон туралы айтып келу және Американың өсімдіктер мен жануарлар әлемі туралы мәліметтер тауып келу. (2 мин.) 7. Бағалау. (2мин.)

Интерактивті тақтаға семантикалық картаны шығарады.

толықтыру. Сұрақтардың жауабын жазады.

Үй тапсырмасын қалай орындайтынын түсіндіреді.

Үй тапсырмасын жазып алады.

Оқушыларды бағалайды.

Күнделіктеріне бағаларын қойғызады.

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 8 сыныпқа арналған қысқа мерзімді жоспар. Тақырыбы: АҚШ - тың флорасы мен фаунасы. Мақсаты: Сын тұрғысынан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту, АҚШ –тағы өсімдіктер мен жануарлар туралы біледі, білімдерін дамытады. Міндеттері: 1. Білімділік: АҚШ-ты мекендейтін жануарлар мен өсетін өсімдіктермен таныстыру және талдау. Өз беттерімен жұмыс істеуге үйрету. 2. Дамытушылық: ауызша сөйлеу және оқу қабілеттерін, сын тұрғысынан ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту. 3. Тәрбиелік: жануарлар мен өсімдіктерге қамқор болуға тәрбиелеу. Сабақтың түрі: аралас Күтілетін нәтиже: Американың флорасы мен фаунасы туралы біледі, өз беттерімен жұмыс жасайды, білімдерін сумативті бағалайды. Қолданылған әдебиеттер: «United States of America» Ю.Б.Голицынский, оқулық, интернет сайттары. Қолданылған модульдер: интерактивті тақта. Сабақтың сатылары мен міндеттері 1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі: кезекші оқушымен сөйлесу, оқушыларды психологиялық тұрғыдан дайындау, тақырыппен және күтілетін нәтижемен таныстыру. (6 мин.) 2. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру: Американың флорасы мен фаунасы туралы мәлімет табу. (2-3 мин.) 3.Сыни тұрғыда ойлау сатысы: түстерге қарай екі топқа бөлінеді. Жиналған мәлімет бойынша постер

Мұғалімнің іс- әрекеті Сәлемдесу, кезекші оқушымен сөйлесу. «Муравейник» ойынын жүргізу, сабақтың тақырыбына оқушыларды алып келу.

Оқушылардың іс- әрекеті Сабаққа позитивті күйде дайындалады, сабақта не өтілетінін біледі, қандай нәтиже күтілетінін біледі.

Үй тапсырмасын тексереді.

Тауып келген мәліметтерімен бөліседі.

Екі топқа бөледі. Постер жасаудың талаптарымен таныстырады.

Түстерге байланысты екі топқа бөлінеді. Қызыл жануарлар, жасыл өсімдіктер әлемі.


жасайды. (15 мин.) 4.Қорытындылау: Постерді қорынындылау және қосымша мәлімен қосу. (6 мин.) 5.Рефлексия: «Екі жұлдыз бір тілек» (2 мин.) 6. Сумативті бағалау: Тест (10 мин.)

Постер жасайды. Нұсқау беріп отырады.

Стикерлер таратып береді. Тест таратып береді.

Тақтаға дұрыс жауап шығарады. 7. Үй тапсырмасын беру: Үй тапсырмасын қалай Америка туралы айтып келу. орындайтынын түсіндіреді. (2 мин.) 8. Бағалау. Оқушыларды бағалайды. (1мин.)

Әр топтан топ басшысы постерлерін қорғайды. Екінші топ мұқият тыңдап өздерінің қосымша мәліметтерін қосады. Сұрақтар қояды. Өз ойларын жазады. Тест сұрақтарына жауап береді. Бір-бірінің жауаптарын тексереді. Үй тапсырмасын жазып алады. Күнделіктеріне бағаларын қойғызады.

Ажибаева Диана Жамбыл облысы, Байзақ ауданы, Сарыкемер орта мектебі ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

6 сыныпқа арналған қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары Unite: Planning holidays. Theme:

Welcome to Disneyland!

The aim:

Disneyland пен байланысты сөздерді айта алу, кейіпкерлерін білу, Walt Disney - дің өмір-баянымен танысу. 1. Барлығы «Disneyland» пен байланысты сөздерді айта алады 2. Кейіпкерлерін біледі 3. Walt Disney - дің өмір-баянымен танысады 4. Кейбіркулері сұрақтарға жауап бере алады Words connected with Disneyland, Success criteria, Brain storm, Read the text, ‘Әткеншек’ method, Feed back

Success criteria



ceremony [ˈsɛrɪmənɪ] салтанат кеш knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ] білім magical [ˈmædʒɪk(ə)l] ғажайып acre [ˈeɪkə] акр, аумақ 6

dusty [ˈdʌstɪ] лас later [ˈleɪtə] кейінірек to create[kri: ’eit]құру to return[ ri’tз: n]оралу childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] балалық шақ мagic [‘mәеdзik]сыйқырлы kingdom[kin, dәm] патшалық cartoon[ka: tu: n]мультфильм The procedure of the lesson:

Org. moment:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Then divided pupils into two groups with pictures

Brain storm

1. Do you know what Disneyland is? 2. Where would you like to go on holidays? 3. Have you ever heard about Disneyland ? 4. Have you ever been to Disneyland ? 5. Do you want to go there?

Checking up h/w:

Irregular verbs ? Took ? ?

Success criteria

The main part:

go ? Give ?

? ? ? Written

Today we are going to read and talk about Disneyland. At firs pleas make up ‘Success criteria’ At first I’ll read then pupil read the new words one by one. Then I’ll show them slides about Disneyland Then read the text ‘Disneyland’ Disneyland is a place for children of all ages. It was opened on July 17, 1955. It was Walt Disney who created such a park. He wanted to make a special place for children and for their parents. So he built Disneyland. His “magical little park” twenty years later became the magic kingdom. Now there are many themed parks all over the world. There are in Gong - Hong, Paris, Cruise, Tokyo, California and Florida. Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. When Walt Disney grew up he began to draw pictures, and one day he had an idea create cartoons. He has a wife, her name is Lillian. Lillian died 2 months before her 99th birthday and is buried with Walt. Walt has two daughters: Diane, Marie Disney (December 18, 1933), Sharon Mae Disney (December 31, 7

1936 ). He made 81 short cartoons and longer films. He dead on December 15, 1966. He is a legend of XX century. Work in a group. Answer the questions with method ‘Әткеншек’ 1) How old is Disneyland? 2) What kind of place is a Disneyland? 3) Who created this park? 4) When was Walt Disney born? 5) Where was Walt Disney born? 6) When was the park opened? 7) What is her wife’s name? 8) How many films did he make? 9) When did he die? 10) Who is Walt Disney? 11) Walt Disney’s daughters name ? 12) Is it a big park? Pair work Test yourself with grammar Present Perfect Tense 1. Susan___ ___ seen the statue of Liberty. a) has never b) have never c) has yet 2. Mark has already done shopping, but he hasn’t started cooking___. a) already b) never c) yet 3. The plain ___ just __. have, flew b) has, flown c) has, fly 4.___you ever seen the Akh Orda? a) Do b) has c) have 5.___you ___ your Lunch, Tom? a) Have, had b) Has, had c) have, has Conclusion;

With method ‘Домино’ they make up the new words with their translation in a group

Home work: Write a shot story about your park in your village. To learn by head new words Reflection.


What was the theme of our lesson? Did you understand it? What was difficult for you? Please write your own success criteria and say what you know? and what you don’t know? The groups give marks each other with words ‘Good’ , ‘Excellent’ and with big finger

I’ll give the marks for the lesson with ‘Success criteria’ ‘Feedback’ «Кері байланыс» The lesson is over! Good-bye!


Абдралиева Лаззат Қырғызбайқызы Жамбыл ауданы, Антон Макаренко орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

5 сыныпқа арналған қысқа мерзімді жоспар Тақырыбы: Ауа-райы қандай? Мақсаты: Ауа-райына қатысты жаңа сөздерді қолдану, ауа-райы туралы сұхбаттаса білуге үйрену.

Міндеттері: 1. «Ауа-райы» тақырыбына сай мəлімет алу, жаңа сөздерді қолдана отырып диалог құру; 2. Өз ойын еркін жеткізуге, пікірін білдіруге үйрену; 3. Топа бірігіп жұмыс жасау, бір-бірінің пікірін тыңдап бірлесе жұмыс атқару. Күтілетін нәтиже: Ауа райына қатысты жаңа сөздерді қолданады, ауа райы болжамдары туралы сұхбаттасады, топта ынтымақтастықпен жұмыс жасайды. Сабақтың түрі: Аралас сабақ Сабақтың жұмыс түрі: Жұптық, топтық Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері: «Ой шақыру», « Автобустық аялдама», « Топтастыру», «Венн диаграммасы» Сабаққа қажетті құралдар: Интерактивті тақта, А4, маркер, стикер, постерлер, қима қағаздар, бағалау парақтары. Сабақта қолданылатын дереккөздер: .Аяпова және Д.Ұқбаев Ағылшын тілі, 5 сынып, Алматы, Атамұра 2010. Электрондық оқулық «Бәйтерек»www.youtube.com/watch Сабақтың барысы: Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті Оқушылардың іс-әрекеті Ұйымдастыру әрекеті

Өткен тақырыпты еске түсіру

Сәлемдесу Сергіту сәті «Қара жорға» бейнеролигіне қарап балалардың қимылын орындату Топқа бөлу, психологиялық ахуал туғызу Ауа-райы тақырыбына сай суреттер таратып, сол суреттер бойынша топқа бөлу (2 топ)

Іс-қимылды жасайды, бейнеге қарап билейді

«Автобустық аялдама» әдісімен үй тапсырманы тексеру. Өткен тақырып бойынша жаңа сөздерді қаншалықты

Оқушылар өткен сабақта берілген жаңа сөздерді жазады, және үйге берілген тапсырмаларын оқып шығады,


Берілген суреттер арқылы топқа бөлінеді

Жаңа сабаққа кіріспе

Жаңа сабақтың мазмұнын ашу

меңгергендіктерін байқау.


«Ой шақыру» стратегиясын қолдана отырып, сұрақтар қою, сабақтың мақсат-міндеттерімен танысу Жаңа сабақты бастамас бұрын оқушыларға тақырыпты ашатын суреттерді, бейнелерді көрсету. Сондай-ақ, сұрақ қою, диалогқа түсу Сөздікпен жұмыс: Weather sunny rainy windy foggy snowy hot

Топ ішінде сұрақтарды талқылайды, жауап береді

warm cold

Ой толғаныс

Doing exercises Exercise 2. Look. Listen and read Exercise 3-4. Listen and read. Exercise 6. Read and translate. Тренинг: «Жаңбыр тамшылары» «Венн диаграммасы» арқылы Англия мен Қазақстандағы ауарайын салыстыру. Жаңа сабақты қорытындылау «Топтастыру» әдісі арқылы жаңа сөздерді қолдану 10

Оқушылар видеобейнедегі сөздерді қайталап отырады, дыбыстайды «Weather» тақырыбына байланысты жаңа сөздерді меңгереді. Оқушылар жаттығуларды орындайды, тақырыпқа сай диалог құрады Оқушылар мұғалімнің айтқандарын орындайды. Интерактивті тақтада Венн диаграмасын толтырады

Оқушылар сабақта өткен жаңа сөздерді топтастырып, постер қорғайды.


Формативті және суммативті бағалау

Оқушылар бірін-бірі бағалайды, жиынтық балл шығарады. Стикерлерге өздерінің сабақтан алған әсерлерін

Өзара бағалау. Бірін-бірі бағалау парақшаларын таратып беріп, критерийлерімен таныстыру. Критерий

Топтық жұмысқа қатысуы (маx 3 балл)

Дескриптор Топтық жұмысқа мүлдем қатыспайды және берілген тапсырмаға немқұрайлық танытады. Топтағы міндеттерін орындамайды. Топтық талқылауларға кейде қатысады.Өз ойын айтуға ықылас білдірмейді. Топтағы міндеттерін жартылай орындайды, мүмкіндігін толық пайдаланбайды. Топтық жұмысқа қатысады. Әр түрлі идеялар ұсынып, проблемаларды талқылауға қатысады. Топтағы міндеттерін жақсы орындайды. Топтық жұмысқа белсенді қатысады. Құнды идеялар ұсынып, топтық жұмыстың табысты орындалуына ат салысады. Топтағы міндеттерін жоғары деңгейде атқарады.


Балл 0 балл

1 балл

2 балл

3 балл

Мұғалімнің жинақтау кетсесі бойынша суммативті бағалауы Кері байланыс: «Екі жұлдыз бір тілек» Топтың әр мүшесі кері байланыс парағын толырады.

Үйге қосымша

Қазақстан қалаларына бір апталық ауа-райының болжамын жасап келу.


Өзара бағалау (топтық жұмысқа қатысуы бойынша көршілерін бағалайды) Топтың аты: __________________________ _____ Топтық жұмыс: __________________________ Бағалаушы: _____________________ № Топ Балл мүшелері: (0-3) 1 2 3 4 5 Оқушылар тапсырманы күнделіктеріне жазады

Кодаманова Жаннар Баглановна Сарысу ауданы, К.Дихан орта мектебі

Сабақтың тақырыбы Сабақтың мақсаты Әдіс-тәсілдері Күтілетін нәтиже Түйінді идея № Уақыт

Have you been to central Asia? Оқушыларға қандай елдерге саяхат жасағысы келетіні жайлы әңгіме өрбіту. Олардың сөздік қорын молайтып АКТ- ны дұрыс және тиімді пайдалануға баулу. Диалогтік оқу, топтық жұмыс, Венн диаграмма, Ойлан, Жұптас, Пікірлес, Дөңгелек үстел, ,Көршінің аты, 6 Неліктен. Оқышылардың сыни тұрғыдан ойлауы дамиды, есте сақтау қабілеті жақсарды, сөздік қоры молайып проблеманы шешуге дайын болады. Нақты ойлау арқылы ойлауды дамыту. Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті Оқушының іс әрекеті Дере к көзде р, көрн 12


2 мин


1 мин






2 мин

1 мин

Сыныптағы ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастырамын Топқа бөлу Оқушыларды топқа бөлу арқылы алдағы сабақтың не туралы болатынын пайымдатып, назарларын жаңа сабаққа қарай бағыттаймын Тіл тосқалуын жеңу. Оқушылар тілдерін жаттықтыру үшін фонетикалық жаттығу жасайды. Сабақты бағалау әдісі Бағдаршам арқылы бағалау  -5

 -4

7 мин

6 мин

ІІ.Tүсіну. «Дөңгелек үстел» Мәтінді оқып талқылау арқылы дебатқа түсу.


6 мин


2 мин

Мемл екет сурет тері

Оқушылар оқулық бойынша ‘On the train’ өлеңін оқиды.


Жаңа сабақтың ашылуы І.Білу. «Brаinstorming» әдісі Ребусты шеш.


Оқушылар өз аттарының басқы әріпінен келетін мемлекеттер аттарын атайды. Оқушыларды Азия мен Еуропа мемлекеттері суреттері арқылы екі топқа бөлінеді

екілі ктер

Оқушылар ойланып ребусты шешеді.

Sightseeing Оқушылар «Things to do in Central Asia» мәтінін топ болып оқып түсінікті талқыға салады.

Бағал ау парақ шала ры Түрлі -түсті стике рлер АКТ

Мәтін мен жұмы с

ІІІ. Қолдану. «Венн диаграммасы» 1.Балалар сендер саяхатқа қалай дайындаласындар? 2.Қандай заттар қажет.

Оқушылар кластерге өз ойларымен суреттерін жабыстырып қорғайды.

Плака ттар, марке рлер

VІ.«Көршінің аты» ойын. Оқушыларға ойсергекті жасату.

Оқушылар бір-бірінің артына тұрып көршілерінің басына ақ парақты қойып атын жазады. Оқушылар бейнероликтегі би қимылдарын музыка ырғағымен жасайды.

Әуезд і ән

Сергіту сәті «Кел, билейік!»

V. Талдау «6 Неліктен?» 1.Балалар саяхатқа шыққанда 13

Оқушылар суреттермен, тақырыпшаларды постерге

Интер белсе нді тақта Марк ерлер.





5 мин

2 мин

1 мин 13

немен шұғылданасыңдар? 2.Ойларыңды постер бетіне түсіріңдер. V. Жинақтау. Тарау бойынша оқушылар тесттер құрастырыңдар. VI. Бағалау. 1.Бүгінгі сабақ бойынша сұрақтарың бар ма? Бағдаршам арқылы бағалау.

V.Үйге тапсырма. Қысқы демалыс жайлы эссе жазу.

түсіріп қорғайды. Сосын алты неліктен сұрақтарына жауап береді. Оқушылар тарау аумағында тесттер құрап екінші топқа береді. Тест арқылы сабақты жинақтау. Оқушының жинаған бағдаршам түстерін санай отырып оның санына қарай бағасын қою. Бүгінгі сабақтың қандай дәрежеде болғанын смайлик котере отырып бағалау.

Плака ттар Тест парақ шала ры Бағда ршам Смай ликте р

Паншаева Насиба Ануваровна Жамбыл ауданы, В.Чкалов орта мектебі Краткосрочное планирование урока английского языка в 8 классе Тема: «Компьютер», выполнение упражнений. Цель: активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся через лексику и ранжирование картинок Задачи: 1.Образовательная: обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение лексики и активизацию навыков чтения и устной речи по теме «Средства связи». 2.Развивающая: создать условия для развития таких аналитических способностей учащихся, как умение анализировать, сопоставлять, делать выводы. 3.Воспитательная: способствовать развитию умения аргументировать свою точку зрения, уважать мнение одноклассников. Ожидаемый результат: к концу урока ученики смогут запомнить лексический материал по теме «Компьютер», работать с программным обеспечением PPT Оборудование: ноутбуки, картинки, постер, формат бумаги А3, маркеры Время: 45 минут Используемые модули: КМ, обучение ТиО, НП, ОдО,ВОУ Ход урока I Preliminaries. (Разминка) 1) Приветствие Приветствие Who’s on duty today? Asking Ss’ on duty: What date is it today? What is the weather like today? What season is it now? 2) Эмоциональный настрой на урок. Позитивно настраиваются на «I wish you ….» f.e: I wish you good day. урок через пожелания друг 14



1) Подведение к теме урока (см. прил.1) Правильность составления проверяется с помощью слайда


Checking up the Ss’ knowledge:







1) Quiz 2) Ex.2 p.147 situations 1. Home is where you hang your @. 2. You can’t teach a new mouse old clicks. 3. Don’t bite off more than you can view. 4. Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach him to use the net and he won’t bother you for weeks.

a system unit a monitor a mouse a keyboard a CD-ROM a printer a scanner 1) Students should make posters about: a) Main computer devices b) Optional computer devices 2) Presentation of posters. 3) Evaluation of posters 4) Mutual comments.

1) Work with book 2) Questionnaire 3) Exercises (Work-book)

VII Wrap-up:

1) ex.2 p.150 true or false 15

другу. Активизируют познавательную деятельность учащихся через подбор соответствий слов и картинок по теме. Фронтальный опрос Ученики составляют мини-ситуации, используя модифицированные пословицы

Словарная работа через использование картинок (см. прил.2)

Деление на МГ через пазлы. Обсуждение МГ Презентация постеров Оценивание постеров Комментарии (см.прил.3) Чтение текста Работа с вопросами Обсуждение. Индивидуальная работа Объяснение

домашнего задания. 2) evaluation


3) «Две звезды, одно пожелание»






прил.№ 1

A monitor

А computer A system unit

A screen


A mouse

A key board A mouse pad


прил.№ 2


Read the words and make up the word combinations fax phone electronic to receive to send printed to use computer

system information message  letters the Internet call games messages прил.№3 ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ


Хурова София Ильясовна Жамбыл ауданы, В.Чкалов орта мектебі Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе. Тема: Культурное наследие Казахстана Цели: рассмотреть, проанализировать и обобщить информацию по теме культура Казахстана, активизировать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся и развивать у них практические навыки проектирования. Задачи: образовательные – повторить и пополнить знания уч-ся по теме «Культурное наследие страны», ознакомить учащихся с уникальными памятниками истории и культуры Казахстана, смоделировать учебную ситуацию. 20

Развивающие – развивать навыки осознанного чтения, для отбора необходимой информации, развивать навыки творческого подхода и критического мышления при работе над проектом. Воспитательные –воспитывать учащихся в духе патриотизма, прививать интерес к изучению культуры своей страны, воспитывать у уч-ся социальные навыки, осознание собственной значимости, умение работать в коллаборативной среде. Тип урока: комбинированный урок. Ожидаемый результат: учащиеся умеют самостоятельно работать с новой информацией, выделить и определить основную идею текста, применяют полученные знания при работе над составлением проекта, презентуют групповую работу, умеют формативно взаимооценить друг друга . Ресурсы: слайды, картинки, формат бумаги А3-4, маркеры, учебники, карточки, ИД, флипчарт. Используемые модули: КМ, обучение ТиО, ВОД, НП, ОДО, ИКТ Этапы урока и применяемые стратегии. 1. Организационный момент: приветствиепсихологический настрой перед началом урока

2. Стадия вызова: Слова Президента «We live in the country, that people of different nations consider as their Моtherland. Their language and culture are a unique face of our country and the wealth of Kazakhstan» N.A. Nazarbayev а) Мозговая атака: заполнение таблицы причина- следствие «multi-flow map» (см. слайд. №3)

Действия учителя.

Действия учащихся.

Приветствует учащихся, просит учащихся поприветствовать друг друга «5 пальцами ладошки» для расслабления и эмоционального настроя на урок

Учащиеся поворачивают ся парами друг к другу и соединяя по очереди пальчики ладоней произносят вслух: 1. I wish you 2. The best of everything! 3. Enjoy the lesson! 4. Be productive! 5. Good luck! GOOD MORNING! (всей ладонью) Позитивно настраиваются на урок.

Выводит на ИД слова Н.А. Учащиеся читают цитату Назарбаева, просит учащихся Президента, определяют тему прочесть и перевести, и критерии успешности урока определить о чем пойдет речь на уроке.

На доске выводит таблицу, просит учащихся заполнить в ячейки таблицы, что определяет культурное 21

Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на ИД в программе Power Point

b)проверка домашнего задания: составление коллажей «Культурное наследие Казахстана»

3. Стадия осмысления: а) дополнить письмо иностранной студентки о впечатлениях о Казахстане. (самостоятельная работа с опорой на визуальные подсказки) (см. прилож.№1, слайд №4)

b) Работа с текстом по учебнику №4 стр.173-174 методом «Джигсо» 1 группа«The Mausoleum of Khodzha Akhmed Yassaui» 2 группа«Tamgaly Gorge»

4. Стадия рефлексии: а)Работа над проектомсоставить брошюрки для иностранцев, приезжающих в Казахстан

наследие страны и на какие аспекты оно делится Просит учащихся обменяться работами и взаимооценить друг друга. Затем презентовать классу 2 самых лучших коллажа и объяснить какие аспекты культурного наследия (материальные, нематериальные и природные) есть в этих работах Дает задание учащимся дополнить письмо Марии из США, студентки- по обмену в Казахстане, которая пишет своим родителям о своих впечатлениях о стране. Выводит на ИД слайд с изображением картинок, обозначающих слова , пропущенные в письме. Просит учащихся определить пропущенные слова опираясь на слайд Делит учащихся на 2 группы методом «Мозаика» (см. прилож.№2) Просит группы учащихся ознакомиться с текстом, изложить основную информацию в 5 предложениях на формате А3, ознакомить другую группу с основной идеей текста. Оказывает помощь слабоупевающим учащимся: раздает им карточки «Prompt-cards with multiple choice questions» для лучшего понимания текста (см. прилож. №3) Дает задание учащимся двух групп составить брошюру, для туристов, отразить в ней интересные факты о стране, достопримечательности и традиционные праздники или обычаи. 22

Все учащиеся обмениваются коллажами и взаимооценивают друг друга словами «отлично», «хорошо», «Требует доработки». 2 учащихся демонстри- руют свои работы.

Учащиеся работают самостоятельно, заполняют письмо, выбирая подходящее изображение на слайде (названия национальных блюд, праздников и достопримечательностей Казахстана). 2 ученика читают свои варианты написанного письма. Остальные слушают корректируют при необходимости Учащиеся делятся на 2 группы, соединяя части двух картинок. УВУ распределяют работу в группе, координируют совместную работу. Изучают текст, обсуждают в парах, группе отбирают нужную информацию, презентуют другой группе у доски, рассказ о своей достопримечательности

Учащиеся работают в группе, используя подготовленные дома коллажи, информацию, полученную на уроке составляют брошюрки, презентуют, взаимооценивают

Рефлексия по уроку: b) метод «Time-box» 5.Заключительный этап а) домашнее задание: написать эссе «The thing I’d like to preserve for my descendants » b) оценить работу учащихся на уроке

Предлагает учащимся написать на стикерах 3 вещи, которые им хотелось бы сохранить для будущего поколения

комментариями Учащиеся записывают, то, что их заинтересовало на уроке, к чему они не остались равнодушными

Объясняет требования к выполнению д/з.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №1 Dear Dad and Mom, How are you? Sorry that I haven’t written you for so long but I was busy all this time. You asked me about my life in Kazakhstan. I will tell you all about it. I am in the capital of this country- in __________ . I have been here for two weeks and I have done millions of exciting things. I have met a lot of interesting people and I have made some new friends. Kazakhs is the most hospitable nation in the world! There are a lot of modern buildings, skyscrapers and monuments. We have already seen “______________ ” memorial which is the symbol of Astana, the most famous fountain “_______________”, the President's Palace "_______________" and an entertainment complex "_______________". It is so interesting! I have a great news! Last week they celebrated the national holiday called _____________. It was a great time! I’ve played the national game _____________________ and have eaten Kazakh national dish ___________________, which is prepared especially on this holiday. You can’t even imagine how many photos I took! Then we went to the cinema, I enjoyed new film “_____________________”, which is the hit of a season. ______________________ is staring in it, he is a very talented comedy actor in Kazakhstan. Mom, Dad I’ve heard a lot about historical places in this country. If you allow me, I’d like to travel to Turkestan to visit the famous Mausoleum of Khodzha Akhmed Yassaui and the Tamgaly Gorge in the Tien Shan Mountains. I could write more but I really need to go. Hope you will write me soon. Lots of love, yours Maria ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №2


ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ №3 CARD №1 Multiple choice questions 1.Where is the Mausoleum of Khodzha Akhmed Yassaui situated? 2.When was it build? 3. Whose order it was build by? 4. The architecture of what historical period does it show? 5.Why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity by the present times? CARD №2 Multiple choice questions 1. Where is the Tamgaly Gorge situated? 2. How many petroglyphs does the archeological Landscape of Tamgaly have? 3. What makes the place unique? 4. How have petroglyphs on unsheltered rock faces been formed? 5. Why does it maintain an exceptionally high degree of authenticity by the present times? СЛАЙД №1



СЛАЙД №4 25












Tree of Life



“Kelinka Sabina” Togyz kumalak

Nauryz- kozhe

СЛАЙД №6 26

Nurtas Adambaev




«The thing I’d like to preserve for my descendants »

Жуалы ауданы Б. Момышұлы ауылы №19 Д. Қонаев атындағы мектеп Тленчиева Улдана Маликовна Сабақтың тақырыбы: When is your birthday? Сабақтың мақсаты: Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру, сол сөздерді қатыстыра отырып өз ойын жеткізуге үйрету Күтілетін нәтиже: Оқушылар өздерінің туылған күндерін ағылшын тілінде қатесіз айта алады, ойларын еркін жеткізеді Қолданылған әдіс-тәсілдер: “Сипаттап бер" әдісі , “Happy birthday!”өлеңі, “Суреттер сөйлейді” “ЖИГСО” әдісі, “Желпуіш” әдісі, “Мен саған сыйлаймын! ” әдісі , “Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек” Сабақтың кезеңдері. Қамтылған Нәтижесі Әдіс-тәсілдер модуль Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. “Картоп егу" сергіту сәті «Торт және шарлар» бойынша топқа бөлу

Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауды үйрету

Ынтымақтастық атмосферасы орнайды. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлана алды.

Білу “Сипаттап бер" әдісі

Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа әдіс-тәсілдер

Жаңа әдістерді тиімді пайдаланып, уақытты


Суретті салып, оны бояйды. Ағылшын тілінде айтады.


Түсіну. “Happy birthday!”өлеңі. “Суреттер сөйлейді”

АКТ пайдалану Сыни тұрғыдан ойлауды үйрету

Техникалық құралдарды тиімді пайдаландым. Жаңа сөздермен танысады, сыни тұрғыдан ойланады.

Қолдану. “ЖИГСО” әдісі “My birthday”, “Present” мәтіні

Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер. Т және Д балаларды оқыту

Жаңа әдістерді пайдалана отырып, қызығушылықтарын ояттым. Мәтінді қатесіз оқыды, жаңа сөздерді тапты.

Талдау. “Желпуіш” әдісі Мәтін бойынша сұрақтар қойды.

Диалог арқылы оқыту

Бірі-бірінің пікіріне ынталы әрі өздеріне сенімді араласты

Жинақтау. “Мен саған сыйлаймын! ” әдісі

Жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту және оқу

Жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес тапсырманы орындады.

Бағалау. Көңілді смайликтер Критерий арқылы бағалау

Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау

Оқытуда оқушылар сыни тұрғыда бағалай білуге үйренді

Кері байланыс. “Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек”

Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау

Сабақтың табыстылығын анықтауға мүмкіндік берді

Ағылшын тілін оқытуда мұғалімдердің оқышылармен тапсырмаларды орындау барысында қолдануға тиімді болатын әдістерді ұсынамын:

Teaching Unplugged - Activities If you’d like to have a first go at ‘Teaching Unplugged’ your aim is simply to get students to produce language and then to use the language they produce as the basis for your lesson. The most important part of ‘Teaching Unplugged’ for the teacher is not how you generate the emergent language (that is the language that the students produce as they are talking) but what you do with the language.


The subject you choose can literally be anything in the world but to start off think about the following: Chewing the fat! This is the true Dogme ELT approach. You don’t go in with your idea of the subject of the lesson but you take your lead from your group of students. Don’t be afraid to simply ask your students what they did at the weekend or how their journey was to class. It is, after all, the basis of natural conversation. If you can show students how you can take what they say and turn it into a real learning point, they’ll start to understand that you’re not just being polite and that this chat is the core part of the lesson. A task in which students need to work together to come to a conclusion (task-based learning) If a shop or restaurant has closed down nearby ask students to decide what they think should replace it. You’re thinking of watching a film in English in class. Ask for five or six ideas of films then get students first to come up with the criteria for choosing, then to discuss, make a decision and give reasons for their decision. Opinions and debates Start students off on any controversial topic you think will create discussion. You should take into account cultural norms and taboos and maybe ask students to list some examples before choosing one. Create an experience Walk in silence round a nearby park or round the building where the lesson takes place. Tell students that, when they get back to the class, they are going to talk about what they saw, what they heard and what they were thinking. When you get back to the class, ask students to work in pairs or groups to talk about what they saw, what they heard and what they were thinking. If it’s not possible to do this in class time, ask students to complete the task for homework and note down any thoughts immediately after their walk in preparation for talking about them in the next class. Topics that may spark anecdotes My scar. The last time you … (gave someone a present, went to a restaurant). My first memory. My worst teacher. Once the students are talking as a whole class, in groups, in pairs or with you (for one-to-one classes), this is where the important work begins. Listen and make notes of mistakes or instances where students needed different or more advanced language to express themselves properly. This is where your expertise as a teacher really comes into play. Judge what is most useful for this particular student or group. Low levels will have problems forming questions, using the past and basic vocabulary items, whereas very high levels will need expressions and idioms to refine and improve their communicative ability. Write up the key information so you can discuss problems 30

and new language as a class, let students ask questions and make notes. Language points you’re not sure of can be taken away and dealt with in a following lesson. At least then you’ll know it if it ever comes up again. While many learners take instantly to this chatty approach, it could be that your students feel that this kind of activity is not serious or studious enough, or they may even feel that you’ve just come to class unprepared. If so, it could be that a small amount of awareness-raising may be enough to convince them that you’re not lazy! Start with a short unplugged activity such as asking them to talk about what they’ve done that day. Collect useful language as suggested above and then go through the language that came up. Leave time at the end to revisit the activity. Ask students why you asked them what they’d been doing: Was it because you were interested? Hopefully, partly yes! Was it for a learning reason? Yes. What language did you learn? Look again at the examples. Why did you, the teacher, think this was good language for the students to be learning? Because it was all language they needed and didn’t have. How did they find the experience? Would they like to try this kind of activity again? Why? Why not? Then, even if they agree it’s not at all for them, they’ll know that you had their learning needs in mind and you weren’t just desperately trying to fill in unplanned lesson time!

Thinking time - a puzzle This is a motivating speaking activity for lower levels to develop fluency. Students are given plenty of support and use ‘thinking time’ before the speaking task. The lesson is usually successful with adults and teenagers because of the ‘puzzle’ element. The only materials you need are a box of cocktail sticks.

Activity type: Working out a ‘cocktail stick’ puzzle /pair work Level: A1-B1 Age: Adults or senior YLs Preparation Take a box of cocktail sticks into the classroom. Arrange students around a central space with a table. Introduction 1. Use the cocktail sticks to make simple geometrical shapes and symbols. Point to each shape and ask What’s this? Elicit an answer orally each time. Suggested shapes: A square, a triangle, a rectangle, a cross, a star, a diamond, a hexagon, etc. 31

2. Appoint a student to be your helper. Tell students that you are going to explain how to make a star shape with the cocktail sticks. Each time students hear a verb they should repeat it and the helper should write it on the board. 3. Make a star shape with the cocktail sticks, giving simple ‘instructions’ as you make each move. Use as many different verbs as possible. Use affirmative and negative examples. E.g. Take a cocktail stick, place it here, put it there, pick up this cocktail stick, add another cocktail stick, don’t move the other cocktail sticks, join these two sides, take away these two sticks, etc. Procedure Part 1: Model the activity • Tell students they are going to do a puzzle. Make this shape using 12 cocktail shapes.

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Write the ‘puzzle’ on the board. Remove two cocktail sticks so that there are only two squares left. Tell students to think carefully about how to solve the puzzle and to think carefully about the language they need to explain the solution. Elicit the answer orally. Students can point at cocktail sticks and give clear instructions to solve the puzzle. But they shouldn’t do any of the actions themselveAnswer:

Part 2: Students work in pairs, trying to solve another puzzle together and then each pair of students works with another pair, to explain and check their ideas.Put students into pairs to work.


Motivating speaking activities for lower levels These activities are all designed to motivate lower level learners to speak in pairs or small groups.

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Planning time has been shown to increase production in speaking tasks. Lower level learners often find it especially difficult to speak spontaneously, so these activities incorporate ‘thinking time’ during which learners can prepare for speaking by planning what they are going to say, and asking the teacher or using a dictionary to look up missing vocabulary. The following activities are relatively short, with minimal materials preparation time for the teacher. They are designed for use as a warmer or a filler in the middle or at the end of a class. Definitions lists This activity is good for activating existing vocabulary or revising vocabulary studied in previous lessons. Procedure: Choose a vocabulary topic (this can be vocabulary you have recently studied or a topic you want to introduce). Tell students to write a list of 10 words they associate with this topic. To make the activity shorter, reduce the number of words. Pre-teach / revise structures for definitions e.g. It’s a thing which / that.... You use it for... You find this in.... It’s an animal / object / place... It’s the opposite of... etc. Tell students to look at their lists and give them time to think of how they can define these words (3 -5 mins). Now students work in pairs (or groups of 3) to define their words. Their partner must guess the word they are defining. A faster moving, fun alternative to this activity is a team game. Change the vocabulary to lists of famous people / books / films / objects. Each team writes a list for another team (students can also 3 or 4 words each on strips of paper to draw out of a hat) Pre-teach / revise structures for definitions e.g. It’s a thing which / that.... You use it for... It’s a film / book / object.... He/ She’s an actor / a politician.... He’s British / American / Spanish... Each team nominates one person to define the words to their team. Each team has 1 minute to define as many words as possible. What were you doing...? (What are you going to do....?) This activity can be adapted to revise a range of tenses (present simple, past simple, continuous, future tenses) by changing the time prompts. Procedure: Write a selection of time prompts on the board e.g. yesterday at 6 o´clock, this time last year, on September 11th 2001 etc 33

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Tell students to choose some of the prompts and think of what they were doing at these times. Tell students that they are going to tell a partner / small group. Give students time 5 minutes to plan what they are going to say and ask for any vocabulary they need. Students tell their partner / small group. Encourage students to ask for more information. E.g. –I was watching TV yesterday at 6. -What were you watching? After speaking, students feedback and tell the class what they learnt. E.g. Marie was watching TV at 6 o´clock yesterday. She loves chat shows! Adjectives This is a variation on the above activity and is great for practising adjectives. Students personalise the discussion by talking about experiences and feelings. Procedure: Write a selection of adjectives relating to feelings on the board. Tell students to choose several adjectives (increase or decrease the number depending on how long you want the activity to take). Tell them to think of a time when they felt this way, and that they are going to tell their partner / small group about their experience. Give students time to plan what they are going to say. They can make notes and ask for vocabulary if they want to. Students tell their stories. Feedback to the class. Cartoons, cartoon stories and unusual pictures There are many copyright-free comic strips, cartoons and unusual images available online; you can also find cartoon stories in many EFL resource books. These can be used in class in a number of ways. Information gap activity: Order the story Information gap and jigsaw tasks have been shown to be beneficial task types in terms of promoting obligatory, as opposed to optional information exchange and as a way of promoting collaborative dialogue in the classroom. In this activity, students work in pairs and the information, i.e. the pictures are divided equally between them. Students must work collaboratively to put the story together in the right order. Suitable for strong Pre-intermediate students and above. Procedure: Before the class, find a cartoon with at least 4 vignettes. The cartoon can be with or without dialogue. The more vignettes and more elements in the story, the more difficult the task. Print the cartoon and cut up the vignettes. Divide the vignettes equally between student A and student B. Give students time to think about how to describe their pictures and ask for any vocabulary they need. Pre-teach any difficult vocabulary that has not come up as well as phrases for talking about pictures and sequencing: e.g. In my picture there is... I can see... I think this is the first / second / last picture... Then.... After that.... Tell students to work together to put the story in the correct order. Optional extension: Tell students to write the story. Write the dialogue Procedure: Take a comic strip, a cartoon, or unusual image in which there are several people or characters. If there is dialogue or captions, blank it out. Display the comic / cartoon / image and elicit ideas from students about what is happening in it. Who are the people / characters? What are they doing? What happens next? What are they saying to each other? Put students in pair or small groups. Tell them to work together and write the dialogue and /or captions for the comic, cartoon or image. 34

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Students practice their dialogues and read their version out to the class. What’s the question? This activity is good for practising questions and for fluency practice on a range of topics. Procedure: Write a list of questions (one per student in your class) relating to your chosen topic. For example, if your topic is music, you could think of questions like: Who is your favourite singer? What is your favourite music to dance to? What’s the best concert you have ever been to? Who is a singer / group you hate? etc. Adapt the questions to the level of your class. Give each student a question. Tell students to write the answer to their question (not the question itself) on a piece of paper or a sticky label. Tell them not to show anyone their answer yet. Tell the class the topic (e.g. music). Give students 5 minutes with a partner to brainstorm possible questions related to this topic. Now tell students to stand up and stick their label on their chest or hold their paper with their answer in front of them. Students move around the room and ask each other questions to try to discover the questions that the other students were originally asked. Encourage students to ask follow up questions and try to have a conversation. -What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? -Michael Jackson -When was the concert? -Why was it good? Feedback and ask students what they found out.

Pronunciation whispers This activity is based on the fun and effective game of whispers. It can be used with all ages and levels in a number of ways and for different elements of pronunciation.

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Demonstration of whispers. Separate the class into two teams and have them stand or sit in a row one behind the other. The student at the front should be able to write on the board or have a pen and piece of paper in front of him or her. Dictate a word or sentence suitable for the level and age that you’re teaching to the student at the end of the line. He or she then whispers the sentence to the person in front who in turn does the same. This is repeated until it reaches the person at the end of the line who then writes this on the board. The word or sentence should be the same as the teachers. Correct any mistakes. 35

Now write words or sentences on the board depending on their stress pattern. Make two sets for each group. For example if dealing with the stress of individual words such as countries you might write the following (without the answers in brackets):

0O (Japan) O0 (Thailand) 00O00 (Indonesia) 0O00 (Australia) O (Spain) O00 (Mexico) Now without drilling any pronunciation beforehand repeat the activity as above but now students must write the dictated word next to the stress pattern. Extension and adaptations Dictate only the word or sentence and students write the stress pattern. Dictate the stress pattern and students write the word Do the same activity as a pair dictation. Dictate a sentence but say one word with the incorrect stress pattern. Students dictate and write down the word pronounced incorrectly.

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Retelling the story This activity can be used in a number of different ways and for a number of different tenses. I have used it to practise using there is / are and the present continuous. However it’s up to the teacher or students to decide on this.

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Materials Paper and pencils or A selection of ‘scene’ pictures for each member of the class. (The pictures should contain a number of different aspects such as people ‘doing things along with vocabulary related to the scene’) Examples of these can be found in many teaching resource books particularly those aimed at young learners. The activity itself can be used at all levels. Procedure Draw or find a picture of a landscape or scene. Make sure you fill the picture with people doing things and vocabulary related to the scene. • Give out blank pieces of paper and pencils. Describe your picture and ask the students to draw a picture based on your description. Students then describe their pictures to each other and compare results. At this point don’t allow them to show each other their pictures. After they have described the pictures the students can then show each other 36

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their pictures and compare drawings. You can then show your picture in order for students to compare. Ask the students to draw a picture similar to the example. They should be encouraged to choose different scenes such as in a park. At the fun fair. At a sports event. At a concert etc.

or Give out a selection of pictures depicting various scenes. It’s ok for students to have the same pictures as long as they are not working together in the next part of the lesson. Put students into pairs. Make sure they have a different picture from each other. Ask students to write a description of their picture similar to your example. Monitor and correct where necessary. It might be good at this point to highlight any common errors and put these on the board. Elicit corrections and leave these on the board. Ask student A to dictate what is happening in his or her picture. Student B draws a picture. Student B then dictates what is happening in his or her picture. Student A draws a picture. Both students now write sentences about each others picture. Draw students’ attention to the language on the board and monitor and help where necessary. Students can ask each other for clarification but dictation directly from the text should be discouraged. When finished students compare pictures and texts to find commonality. Extension Try the activity again using different scenes and different vocabulary. Give a description as homework and ask students to create pictures based on the description.

Christmas tips Christmas is an excellent theme for adding games and fun to your teaching. Most students enjoy festive lessons if your activities encourage a personal contribution about the students’ own families and customs.

You can deal with the following aspects: History The religious background and/or specific background to the customs associated with the festival e.g. St Nicholas, the use of Carols or the introduction of the Christmas Tree or card giving in the UK. Younger learners can make a Xmas card following your instructions, colour in a card following your instructions and write greetings in the card. 37

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Lower levels can make the origins of or background to Xmas into an easy quiz which is much easier to read and do than a heavy text. Example question: Where does the custom of Xmas trees come from? What is another name for Father Christmas? How many days are there on an advent calendar? Higher levels can pick a very simple carol. Jumble the couplets or miss out key words which students would understand. Don’t dwell on every word or translate in detail but enjoy the sound and, with a willing group, sing. Use a history of Christmas text as a short group summary activity. Divide the text into 3. Each student in a group of 3 reads one part. Take away text and they make a summary of the origins of Christmas or they make questions together to challenge the rest of the class. Customs and traditions Look at customs surrounding gift giving (it differs in each country) and the types of celebration or worship associated e.g. parties in offices, pantomimes, carol concerts and carol singing around towns. Customs like using crackers during/after the meal are fascinating for students (especially if you can take a real cracker to show them). Younger learners/lower levels can follow the instructions to make a cracker in groups of 4. Higher levels can look at the types of jokes and language in Christmas crackers. Food and drink Describe the Christmas meal and traditional food eaten in the UK (e.g. mince pies). Pictures, photos or the real thing essential for this topic! Guess the weight of the pudding and its ingredients! Draw on your own family experience as much as possible. Younger learners can draw their favourite/ideal Xmas meal and write words to label their picture. Lower and higher levels can write a Xmas recipe in groups for a local Xmas dish or plan their perfect party in groups. Songs and carols Students enjoy singing along to English versions of carols they already sing in their own language (e.g. Silent Night) or songs which are well known from the chart CDs blasting out of every supermarket sound system ! Some songs lend themselves to a variety of activities e.g. The 12 Days of Christmas – match pictures to the correct numbers, illustrate the song, sing it around the class with one pair of students for each line or students make their own version with presents they would like to get over the 12 Days. Traditional poems and literature Younger learners can read the very funny nativity story ‘Jesus’s Christmas Party’ by Nicholas Allen. It is brilliant for acting out and retelling through the pictures. The events are seen through the eyes of an angry innkeeper who is disturbed all night by the goings on in his stable. Raymond Brigg’s ‘The Snowman’ is good for exploitation and the video has no dialogue so conversations can be invented by students or they can give a running commentary of what is happening in the story. Discussion/speaking topics Does Santa exist? Is it a good idea to encourage children to believe in Santa Claus ? Many sites on the net encourage this, with e-mail to the North Pole. How do students feel about this? Harmless fun or a cruel hoax to get kids to be good? When did they discover Santa didn’t exist? Is he really necessary? Younger learners can say what they want for Xmas and then write a short email to Santa for fun. My ideal present / My earliest Christmas memory / my best Christmas ever (Where? When? Who with? Activities? Past or future?). Start with an example of your own and put headings on the board to show how you develop your ideas e.g. description of the place/ the weather and the year, your age/ the people spending Xmas with you/the best things you saw or did. Give students time to collect their own ideas. With lower levels run through the types of questions to ask, eliciting example replies around the 38

class. Higher levels can have more freedom but encourage and practise the language needed for showing interest (Really?) and/or the language needed to encourage the speaker to expand on what they are saying (That’s amazing/interesting. Do you always do that at Xmas?) My ideal Christmas Day (Who with? Where? What would you do?) Better with higher levels where you can encourage use of the second conditional . Do a brainstorm exercise first. Where are all the possible places to spend Xmas? (get suggestions- also wacky and unusual destinations so they get the idea) Ask them if they are sociable or quiet. Do you want a Xmas in a crowd or a Xmas with just one special person? Give examples of Xmas in another part of the world, such as Australia (see the link below) . Are you very keen on tradition or do you hate trees and all the Xmas over eating? A complete brainstorm will make this a more rewarding activity. Then get students to interview at least 2 people about their ideal Xmas or give them a questionnaire: Find someone who would spend Xmas abroad/ alone/ not on this planet / in a strange place / with lots of people / in a very traditional way. The whole class can then exchange their ideas and complete the questionnaire. This can be very funny if they have good imaginations! Does Christmas start too early? Christmas shopping starts in September for some. UK High Streets start earlier each year and with more lavish commercialism than other nations. Is it just too commercialised ? Is it appropriate ? How does Christmas in your host country compare ? Has it changed a lot in the past 20 years? Christmas TV/video recorder Students in groups have the TV pages for the UK for Christmas Eve-Boxing Day but just 1 TV in the house. Can they agree on which programmes/films to watch ?Give them a grid with a choice of two possible programmes for each day (no more!) Adapt this for lower levels. Give them a list of 10 programmes in simple language and they can record only four. Don’t give them the page from the newspaper or TV magazine as it will overwhelm them. Set rules if you want: they must agree to record one film and one music programme. Alternative: make a list of the films which will be showing over the Xmas period. Ask each group to choose the best 3 films to watch. Note: prepare all the vocabulary well for all types of students. What types of programmes do they like? Film drama soap operas What types of films do they know? Comedy thriller animated film Get examples of each programme type from the students. Choose the most appropriate card/gift Groups have a selection of cards/pictures of gifts and a list of people to give them to e.g. their teacher, boyfriend, grandmother.. Can they agree on which is most suitable ? Lots of cultural attitudes come out in this discussion. This is too challenging for lower levels. An alternative is to choose a present for yourself and say why you like it and then choose a present for someone else in the group and say why you think it is a good choice. This can be shorter and more controlled so could be used with lower levels. Always set up the activity by giving examples for yourself and inviting examples from the class.

The Press Conference This is a great activity for practising question forms in a fun way and gives structured speaking practice to lower levels.


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You will need a sticky label for each student or a pack of sticky notes. Preparation Tell students that they have got the job of reporter for a magazine about famous people. They are going to interview some famous people and they need to prepare some general questions they can ask any famous person – actors, singers, sports stars, politicians etc. Give some examples, like, ‘Do you enjoy your job?’ or ‘Are you happy being so famous?’ and get students to write four questions and put them into a table with the questions going down the left hand side and space for five columns to the right. Then ask students which famous person they would like to be and give each one a sticky label or a sticky note for them to write the name of the famous person on and stick on themselves. Procedure Put students into two concentric circles with the inner circle facing out and outer circle facing in. Tell students that they are going to interview the person directly in front of them for two minutes and note down all the information they find out. They are also going to be interviewed. The facing pairs take turns in the different roles of interviewer and famous person. At two minute intervals shout ‘stop’ and ask the outer circle to step one person to the right. Shout ‘start’ to give students two more minutes with a new famous person. When each student has interviewed and been interviewed five or six times stop the activity and seat students. The information they have gathered about the famous people can then be shared with the group orally or used for a piece of writing for a gossip magazine. If you have an odd number rotate one person out of the circle each time you move the other circle around. This person can help you to monitor and can walk around the circle listening to the others in action and making a note of any mistakes they hear.This activity gets very noisy with a large group but it can be a great way to keep students speaking English for quite a long period of time and you will probably see how their confidence grows as they get the hang of asking and answering the questions.

Happy Graph This is a valuable warmer activity for any teenage class. It gives the students the chance to get to know you a little more and it gives you the opportunity to find out about how your students are feeling before you start your lesson.


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Procedure Draw the two axis of a graph on the board with 7 spaces along the bottom and three along the vertical side with three circles. Ask students what they think the spaces are for and elicit the days of the week for the horizontal axis (with today being the final one and working backwards for a week) and put three faces in the circles, the top one very happy, the middle one looking unimpressed and the bottom one looking sad. Tell students this is a Happy Graph and then plot your own moods on the graph for the last week. Connect them up and then tell students about your week and let them ask you some questions. For example, ‘Why were you really happy last Sunday?’ ‘Because I went out with some friends for lunch and we had a really good time.’ Then students do the same and ask each other questions in pairs about their weeks. Listen and draw This is a simple speaking activity that can be used with A2 level groups to provide practice in using prepositions of place and giving clear instructions. The lesson is usually successful with adults and teenagers.

Preparation Write these incomplete phrases on the board: … the top … the bottom … the left … the right … the middle … the corner … the corner Ask students to copy the phrases into their notebooks and to complete them by adding the correct prepositions. Ask students to compare their answers in pairs and then complete the phrases on the board: At the top At the bottom On the left On the right In the middle In the corner At the corner Write these incomplete phrases on the board: … the top right … the bottom corner … the left corner Ask students to suggest which prepositions are missing. Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions: 41

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On the top right In the bottom corner In the left corner Draw the following geometrical features on the board: a circle - a square - a triangle - a rectangle - an oval a straight line - a dotted line - a broken line - a wavy line - a zigzag line Label each drawing. Elicit the vocabulary from the students. Procedure Draw two big squares (frames) on the board. Draw a simple design using geometrical shapes and lines in one square. Explain that you are going to copy the design in the second square but you are not going to look at the first square. You are going to follow the instructions that the students give you. Invite a student to give you the first instruction. Go around the class eliciting instructions and building up the second picture. When an instruction is not clear, draw the wrong thing so that the student has to reformulate the instruction. Pair work: Now get students to draw a geometric design in their notebooks. Give a limited time (3 minutes) for this. Put students into pairs, A and B. Students take turns in describing their design to their partner so that they can make an exact copy. Allow students to refer to the notes they made about prepositions and vocabulary. Extension As a follow up activity, get students to write a description of their original design in their notebooks. They can exchange notebooks and correct their partner’s writing. Using poetry The reasons for using poetry are similar to those for using songs and many activities that you do with songs can be adapted to poetry.

Any authentic material exposes students to some ‘real English’ and can be very motivating for your students, provided they are supported throughout the task. The other great thing about poems is for students to have the opportunity to see the language work creatively and freely. Poems can be used in many different ways and the more you use them the more uses you’ll find for them. Where can I get the poems from? Finding poems to use is now incredibly easy with the internet. You can find lots of poems by simply typing in the author and the first line or title. There’s a site called Poem Hunter which makes this even easier. So even if you only remember a few lines of a poem that you like you’ll probably be able to find it. The site is http://www.poemhunter.com/ If you make worksheets using the poem be sure to acknowledge the author’s name and the source. 42

How do I choose the right one for my class? The first thing to consider when you’re selecting a poem for your class is the level of language. If you end up having to explain every single word then the poem may well lose its spark. On the other hand, students won’t need to understand every word to get the general idea of most poems so don’t be put off if you think the language level is slightly above what they would normally be able to handle. As with songs, if the students are supported throughout and are pre-taught some of the vocabulary, or given some visual aids to help them, they will be able to tackle more challenging texts than they are used to. What activities can I do with a poem? Introduce a topic Poems can be a really nice way into a topic. A colleague recently recommended using a poem called The Ghoul by Jack Perlutsky as a way to introduce a Halloween lesson. He had made a gap fill by taking out the rhyming words. The students loved the poem and later on we took it in turns reading out the verses with the correct intonation and taking care to make the rhyming words rhyme. (Thanks to Johnny Lavery for this idea.) To introduce the topic of old people and talking about grandparents in a class I’ve used Jenny Joseph’s poem called Warning. The language is simple and the ideas are clear and can easily be supported with visual aids for very low levels. These are just a few examples of linking a poem to a topic. By using a poem as a spring board into a topic you will make the class memorable for your students. Ordering the poem When you have chosen a suitable poem for your class, copy it onto a worksheet and cut up the verses. If the poem tells a story and the order is logical, ask student to read the verses and put them into the correct order. If the order isn’t obvious, you can read out the poem and they can listen and put it into order as you read. From here you can go onto to look at the vocabulary, the rhyming words or to talking about the meaning of the poem. Rhyming words Obviously, some poems lend themselves well to looking at pronunciation. Whether you want to focus on individual sounds, rhyming pairs, connected speech or intonation patterns, poems can be a great way into it. Getting students to read out chunks of a poem as they copy the way you say it can be excellent practise for their pronunciation. If you have higher levels and really want to get them thinking about English pronunciation try the Pronunciation Poem which can be found on the Learn English website. Practise saying it to yourself a few times before the class. It’s harder than it looks! The Pronunciation Poem Here is some pronunciation. Ration never rhymes with nation, Say prefer, but preferable, Comfortable and vegetable. B must not be heard in doubt, Debt and dumb both leave it out. In the words psychology, Psychic, and psychiatry, You must never sound the p. Psychiatrist you call the man Who cures the complex, if he can. In architect, chi is k. In arch it is the other way. Learn a verse Once you have chosen the poem and have worked with it with your class, encourage the students to learn one verse by heart. It can be really motivating for younger students to be able to say a whole chunk of English perfectly. Ensure that they want to learn it and that it has some useful 43

language in it which will be helpful in the future. Try not to get students to memorise chunks of language just for the sake of it or because you want to fill in the last few minutes and have run out of activities! However it can be really satisfying for students to be able to be able to say a nice chunk of language and to be sure that their pronunciation is good, as they will have practised it with you. Record the students Getting students to record themselves saying a poem can be a nice way to help them improve their pronunciation. You could put students into pairs or small groups and get each student to read out aloud one of the verses of the poem. Then listen back to it in the class. Write a new verse If you are teaching higher levels you could ask the students to create a new verse for the poem or to change one of the existing verses. This would be a challenging activity for most students so make sure you offer ideas and help to support students through the task. Be ready to give an example verse to show them that it’s do-able! Role play – dialogues If the poem you are using has any dialogue, you could use it as a springboard into a role-play. Poems with characters can also be used to inspire role-plays. An example of a poem that would be good for this is A Bad Habit by Michael Rosen. For most teachers poems are an under exploited resource that we have available to us. Although introducing your students to a poem or two throughout the course will take a lot of thought and a bit of preparation time on your side, I think it will be worth it.

Stop, go back dictation This is a dictation activity which pushes students to make sense of the language they hear by writing it down as accurately as possible.

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Different to traditional dictations, the learners themselves control the dictation, with learners asking the teacher to ‘stop’ and ‘go back’, as many times as they want. My students particularly like this aspect which makes them feel in control of their learning. Suitable for classes of any level, this activity demands little teacher preparation. Preparation You will need a short text (not more than 50 words) which you think will be of value to your students. This could be to introduce some new language, for revision, or to expose students to a particular text type, such as a short note. Procedure I draw on the board three symbols as they are on the classroom cassette machine: play, stop and go back (rewind). I then elicit or pre-teach these terms, telling the class that in a minute I will be their ‘cassette machine’. I explain to students that I will be playing a short text that they should write down word per word. I will read at normal speed but at any time they can ask me to stop and go back to a particular point in the text: e.g. ‘stop, go back to "she was wearing’’. Once students are ready with pencil and paper I stand at the front of the class, without speaking. Students normally look at each other for a few seconds, then somebody thinks to shout out ‘play’ and I start reading! I usually read at a slow-normal speed, trying to read the sentences with natural intonation and linking between words, rather than uttering each word separately. I let the class take complete control, stopping only when they ask me to using the ‘stop-go-back’ formula, and if not, reading on until they do (it may take them a few goes before they understand how to successfully stop their ‘cassette machine’). 44

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The dictation goes on until all the students feel satisfied with their text. I find that even when the slower / weaker students ask the teacher to go back, the fast / stronger students still feel this is useful for them as they use this to carefully check what they have written. Once everybody has the full text, students can then ask their ‘cassette machine’ to read it through one more time. I give students a few minutes to compare their texts in pairs, and then hand out copies of the original for them to check against. An interesting alternative for feeding-back is for the students to re-dictate the text to the teacher. I make sure to write up the text exactly as they say it (i.e. keeping any mistakes). Once the whole text is on the board, I guide my students to identifying any areas that are not correct, and go over them. Rather than then finish with the text, it can be productive for learners to look at it more closely, be it for language focus, genre analysis or for a discussion of meaning. Having acquired the text themselves (through controlling the dictation), any work done at this stage can be particularly engaging for students, helping them to better understand and retain the language.

Desert island This is a speaking activity based on the theme of being stranded on a desert island. It is suitable for pre-intermediate students upwards.

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Students design an island, create rules for it and decide who gets to live on it by way of interview. Preparation You will need some A3 paper and felt-tip pens. Procedure Ask students if they know of any TV programmes, films or books based on desert islands e.g. The Beach, Castaway, Robinson Crusoe, Survivor. In groups of 3 get students to explain the programme / film / book to each other. Try to get some feedback on the dangers and difficulties the main character faced living on these islands. Tell the students that they are going to design an island. Students work in 3s. 2 students draw 1 island together on the same A3 piece of paper following instructions from the 3rd student (e.g. Draw sharks in the sea). Change roles every few minutes. Allow ten minutes overall. Tell them they have to decide on rules for living on their island (e.g. You must build a fire at 6 o'clock in the evening). Students write 5 rules. Elicit rules they have for living in their homes. 45

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Ask the students to give a presentation to the whole class describing the island and explaining the rules for living on it. Explain that someone will arrive at their island and they must decide if they want to allow the person onto the island. They must make a questionnaire to ask the new arrivals. Elicit some good questions e.g. How do you make a fire? How do you defend yourself against a shark? Students write 6-8 questions in their groups. Choose one person from each group and tell them that their boat has sunk and they are swimming around looking desperately for an island. Tell students to go to an island where they will be interviewed The students swim / go to the other islands and are interviewed at each one. The group of students for each island decides which person they have chosen to live on their island and why. Together the swimmers decide which island they want to live on and why. Finish with some feedback on how well they did the tasks and how difficult it was. As you come to the end of your course, you may be thinking about what to do in the last few classes with each group.

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Here are three ideas for you to end the course on a high note. Revision quiz It can be a nice idea to spend the last classes revising everything that has been covered during the year. One way to do this in a fun and student centred way is to get the students to write questions in teams in the classes running up to the last class. Put the class into teams and ask them all to look back through their books, notes, vocabulary lists etc. and to write ten questions for the other teams. They should make the questions challenging but not impossible and they must know the answers themselves! Then, in the last class, each group can read their ten questions to the other groups. Check the answers after each round. Prizes for the winning team would give an added incentive. Class magazine Making a class magazine is a great way to finish a year. A good starting point is to have a lesson looking at some magazines and brainstorming all the sections that your own class magazine could have, (music, quizzes, science and technology information, photo stories, horoscopes, problem pages, fashion, sports, computer games reviews etc.) Then the students can chose between them which ones they want to work on. You can have a class vote to decide on the name of the magazine and the students can spend the next 3 or 4 classes working on the material. 46

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Your role is mainly to supervise, monitor progress and offer help. If your students have access to computers they can do a really professional job. In the penultimate class the students should hand in their work to you and if you have the facilities you could photocopy it and bind it together so that on the last class all the students can have their own copy of their magazine to take home with them. It makes a nice souvenir. Performance If you have a reasonably small class you could think about putting on a little play or getting the students to sing a song to end the course. It’s obviously better if they have an audience, maybe another class could come and watch or you could invite the parents. Working towards some sort of performance can give the last few classes some sort of direction and purpose and you can be sure that the students will remember it for years to come. These are just three tried and tested ideas.

Stop the bus This is a great game to revise vocabulary and you can use it with any age group and any level by changing the category headings.

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It really gets students focused and working on tasks as a team and can be a saviour to fill the last ten minutes of a class when you have run out of ideas! Procedure Put the students into teams of three or four. Draw on the board a table like the ones below and get each team to copy it onto a piece of paper. Students simply have to think of one item to go in each category beginning with the set letter. Give an example line of answers for the first time you play with a new group. The first team to finish shouts “Stop the Bus!” . Check their answers and write them up on the board and if they are all okay that team wins a point. If there are any mistakes in their words, let the game continue for another few minutes. If it gets too difficult with certain letters (and you can’t think of one for each category) reduce the amount of words they have to get. You can say. “Ok. For this round you can Stop the Bus with 4 columns”. Examples: Animals Colours Food Clothes Countries Sports T tiger

turquoise tuna trousers Tunisia


For higher levels change the category headings. For example: 47

Something in Something in the living the kitchen room S spices


Something in Something in Something in Something in the bedroom the bathroom the office the garden sheet




Or, for even higher levels: Something made Something of metal made of glass

Something made Something made Something made of plastic of wood of material

B bike





Games for question An essential skill in communicating and keeping up a conversation is the ability to ask questions. Students sometimes get lots of chances to answer questions but here is how you can get them to make some questions themselves!

These activities can be used with a whole range of levels. Guess the object • Divide class into groups. Each group makes a list of three or four objects. Focus on words recently

studied, words for objects in the room or words for objects related to a topic e.g. home, studying, music etc. • One group must guess the objects of another group by asking questions e.g. 'Is it made of metal? Can you find one in this room? Is it bigger than this table?' • Set a limit to the number of questions possible for each object (e.g. six to eight questions). 48

Give a point to the team if the object is not guessed/guessed within the number of questions allowed. • Guide students by providing the lists of objects yourself or focussing on specific question types to suit your classes. Question time challenges This approach can be used as a regular lesson slot or filler to change pace. • Give one question jumbled up on slips of paper. The first pair or group to unscramble it correctly are the winners. • • • • •

A longer version Take four or five question types recently covered by students. Jumble the words of the questions and write on one worksheet or on slips of paper in an envelope. Challenge small groups or pairs to re-order. Run through the questions scoring two points for each correctly ordered question. Then challenge students again to think of logical answers to the questions or to use a couple of the questions in a mini dialogue.

Chain drawings This is a fun activity using music which can be used with all groups.

Just select a follow-up activity that is appropriate for the age and level of the class but the basic procedure is the same for everyone. Procedure • • • • • • • •

Give each student a piece of paper and some coloured pencils. Tell them that you are going to play some music and you want them to draw whatever comes into their heads. As music is playing, all students should be drawing. After 20 or 30 seconds, stop the music. Students stop drawing and pass their picture to the person to the left of them in the circle. Play the music again and they continue with the drawing the person next to them had started. Stop the music again, pass pictures on and this continues until the end of the song. When you have finished each student will have a picture that several students contributed to. 49

Then it's up to you what to do with the pictures. Here are some ideas: o Label everything on the picture. o Describe the picture to the group or a partner. o Imagine that the picture represents the dream you had last night. Explain your dream to the group. (You could ask another student to analyse the dream.) o The picture is actually a postcard. Write the postcard to a friend telling them all about the place where you’re on holiday. o If there are people in the picture, use them to create a dialogue. o Imagine the picture was a photo taken at 5pm yesterday. Describe what was happening. o Put the pictures up around the room and create your own art gallery.

Note: Different types of music tend to produce very different pictures. Reggae or Latin American music tends to get tropical island or beach scenes, dance music tends to get cityscapes and classical or chill out tends to get more abstract pictures. Experiment and see what your students produce and adapt follow-up activities accordingly.

Activities on the theme of summer With the summer holidays approaching it might be nice to base some of your lessons around this seasonal theme. Here is a selection of activities that you can use a various levels.

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Postcard prompts Prepare pairs of postcards from your home town, if you can or e cards from the Internet . Postcards can be marked A and B. Give each student a postcard to read and explain that their friend has sent it to them. Ask comprehension questions about the card: 'Where is the sender?' 'What’s the weather like?' 'What is he/she doing?' Review the language needed to ask about holiday places and impressions. 'How was the weather?' 'What did you think of the food?' Put As and Bs together and ask them to telephone their partner and thank them for their postcard. They can also find out more about the holiday. Pairs can perform their conversations for the class. Variation: get students to write postcards from weird or wacky holiday places. Use the postcards to role play (as above) Holiday quizzes 50

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Prepare a general knowledge quiz on Europe/the USA/English speaking countries. Create categories for your questions: capital cities/food and drink/nationality/language/monuments/rivers/mountains/borders/seas and oceans. • Write example questions for each category: Are there any mountains in Spain? What’s the highest mountain in Europe? What language do they speak in Holland? What is the capital of Australia? With good groups give them an example question for each category and ask them in small groups to add another question to each category. • Then hold a class quiz. Holiday tour route • Take a map of your area of the UK, a section of Europe or a famous route/tour that people might do (the Californian coast and cities/ the South of England/ Scotland). Plan a route or tour that you will dictate to the class. You can take a ready made tour from a UK travel site or travel brochure. • Ask students to trace the route with a pencil on their maps as they listen to you. Ask them to compare maps, listen again and check the route. They can also make notes of activities planned for each place. • Give them a travel itinerary of this tour in the style of a holiday brochure. Miss out key information and ask them to use their maps and notes to complete it. • Put students in pairs or small groups. Ask them to pick a country they would like to visit. They should plan a 10 day holiday and agree together on places to visit and the sorts of things they would like to do. Review the language for suggestions/giving opinions/making plans before they start. Summer destinations • Practise descriptions of places using photos from travel brochures. Give each group a selection of 5-6 places. Ask them to take turns in describing the place in their picture: the climate, the location, the activities you can do there. Make sure you have a good contrast in climates/urban and rural/developed or very deserted places. Then either: o Ask each group to select their favourite destination from the pictures you have given them. Go round the class and ask them to say why they would like to visit the place in the picture. o Or ask them to use their pictures to pick a holiday for a honeymoon couple, a group of teenagers and a retired couple. Each group presents their choice to the class explaining why they have chosen this holiday, why it is suitable. • Focus on plans for the summer (not just a holiday) and use them to preview the language needed to talk about plans. Ask students to note down key words while you are speaking: This July I’m planning to work in my Uncle’s shop and I’m going to do some reading for my university course next year. I would like to play a bit of tennis and spend some time with my friends. Ask students to do the same exercise in pairs. The note taking will help them listen carefully. Go round the class asking students to tell you about their partner’s plans.


Writing correction code This is a common tool to optimise learning opportunities from mistakes learners make in written homework and to encourage the editing stages of process writing.

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You show the learners where the mistakes are and what kind they are, and then they try to correct them as a second stage to the initial writing task. The codes shown here are just an example and are not meant to all be used at every level. You need to find out which ones work for you and your learners. Preparation Make copies of the writing error correction code and worksheet. Code Worksheet Procedure Set your writing homework. Ask learners to double-space or leave a clear margin. Collect the work and correct it using the correction code. Underline the mistakes you want learners to notice and add the codes, either underneath or in the margin. Return the work and ask learners to take it home and correct it, then submit it again. The first time you do this, explain to your learners what you are doing and why (in L1 if necessary). Talk through the worksheet. You can ask the learners to correct the mistakes on it using the code. And / or the first time you do this, do the correcting work in the class. Alternative procedures 1. Collect homework and then select the most interesting/productive mistakes and prepare a worksheet for the class to work on together. Keep it short – this is tricky for learners and takes time. You can make it harder by not underlining the mistake, just selecting the sentence (see worksheet B for an example). Make sure you first ask permission from your learners to do this. 2. Ask your learners to correct their work in class (don’t let this go on too long) and share some of the corrections with the group in mini-presentations. They can do this individually or in groups. 3. Use e-mail and Word’s insert comment tool to do this kind of work. Some observations Learners find this very motivating but there are some things to think about: Don’t overdo it. One correction per line of an extended text is enough. Be consistent with the system you use. Choose your code based on your learners’ level and awareness of mistakes. Be supportive. Explain why you are doing this and be available to help. 52

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер 1.А Әлімов. «Интербелсенді әдістемені ЖОО-да қолдану мәселелері». Алматы, 2013ж 2.Г.Т.Таджибаева «Педагогтың кәсіби өсуін рефлексия негізінде дамыту» Тараз,2015ж 3.П.Б.Танатарова «Блум таксономиясы: сұрақтар мен тапсырмалар» Тараз, 2014ж 4. ПШО порталындағы ресурстар. 5. British Council ресурстары.



Жамбыл облысы бойынша педагогикалы ызметкерлерді біліктілігін арттыру институты баспаханасында шыарылан ____________________________________________ Басуа 23.10.2015 жылы ол ойылан Пішімі 60х90 1/16; Есепті беті 3,4

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