Guardians of health - campaigns

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STDs prevention Obesity prevention Benefits of sleep Mental health Smoking (Light your future, quit smoking) Energy inside food Overuse of Antibiotics Move your body Turn it off Green Teen Fresh Europe Guardians of health TV

About the project

The "Guardians of health" project was the youth exchange of young people from Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, and Poland, as part of the Erasmus+ programme. The exchange took place in August 2018 in Piwniczna - Zdroj. The aim of the project was to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people. Participants exchanged experience on their good and bad habits. Exchange have provided an opportunity to initiate positive change and to promote healthy attitudes among various local and global communities. The title of the project refers to the attitude that young people want to present in their daily lives - the attitude of "Health Guardian", caring for their health and their loved ones. During the 9-day exchange, participants took part in number of activities in the spirit of non-formal education. The result of their work are health campaigns carried out in the local project community during the exchange, as well as local communities in their hometown of youth and online communities after the meeting.

STD's-Raising awareness campaign

Our target was to spread information about sexually transmitted diseases and talk to at least 5 people. We've exceeded our expectations and managed to talk to 25 people aged between 14 and 50 years old. It was a really pleasant experience for us and also for the people that we've talked to, who found our campaign very informative.

How to avoid obesity and sicknesses that are caused by it

Target group: teenagers and middle-aged Aim: we wanted to interview 15 people but we got success and interviewed 30. Our main aim was to inform the people and make them concerned about their health.


Today we did a street campaign in Piwniczna - Zdroj (Poland). We told people that it is very important to have a good sleep in order to be healthy and have a better life. The lack of sleep can cause heart diseases, microsleep and can be very dangerous. People were happy to listen to us and take part in our campaign. We spoke with 11 people and found out that most of them get at least 7 hours of sleep and from the advice, we gave them the fresh air was the most common, used followed by room temperature, dim light, and sleeping apps. It was a great experience and we all enjoyed it.

Mental health campaign - BIG HUG

All member of our group hard working on preparation for this campaign and we are really satisfied with results. We inform people how to prevent Alzheimer and make them smile with BIG HUGS.

Light your future, quit smoking

TARGET GROUP: our goal was to approach 30-40 people but we actually managed to talk with 81 directly and 150 indirectly AIM: to make the people aware of the consequences of smoking and make them quit or reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke

Energy inside food

 Discover the food secret and let your health profit Our aim was to inform people about calories in food and also how to make their own daily menu which suits daily intake calories

Overuse of Antibiotics

Our campaign's aim was to raise the awareness that antibiotics are not candies and that people should use them responsibly. We talked to people of all ages, we gave them interesting information, and the fact that we used some games with questions and answers (and small rewards) to communicate with them made them more receptive. We also provided some flyers in which we wrote some essential ideas about our campaign.

Move your body don't be passive - change a car to the bike

We conducted a campaign „switch to a bike� during which we tried to persuade people to choose a bike or take a longer walk instead of driving a car. We managed to ask 50 people about their preferences. Most of them admitted that they rarely choose a car as they enjoy cycling trips. Everyone thinks we are right and they will think through if they need to use a car next time they will want to.

Turn it off -Â technology abuse

TIO is the name of the page that resulted from our work on the online campaign with the main aim of raising awareness about a healthy lifestyle without the overuse of technology. Give us a like and follow our posts, then don't forget: Turn It Off!Â notif_t=page_admin&notif_id=1535099432436618&ref=m_notif

Green Teen -Â pro healthy lifestyle in a teenager life

 Teen and green is the name of our campaign. Our goal is to show people and especially teenagers that playing always with their phones is a really bad habit and we as teenagers are trying to make them realize playing outside is better for them.

Fresh Europe - health benefits of a fresh air fbclid=IwAR24lrzv_uykZO6_ESRNeB12PCHtNPqU0j30s95BN1_etXX_5gFSQyYPWU 0

Guardians of health TV - health consequences of overdosing technology


Healthy lifestyle all the way

Carrots are long,

Eat your carrots, don't say NAY!

orange, straight and round.

In a jumpsuit or a suit

You can buy them at the store but

Any hour is so good

they come from the ground.

For some green food

They taste good on almost everything.

Superhero full of power

You can chop them up and

Comes to train you any hour.

put them in salads, in cakes and carrot flavored ice cream. They help your skin, they also make you thin.Â

Health related Organization for Promotion and Prevention

OZ Gulocka

Asociatia pentru sprijin si dezvoltare comunitara- Tara Oasului

Narodno Chilalishte �Nikola Vasilev Rakitin 1890�

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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