Canada's Hope Magazine - Winter/Spring 2023

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Thy Kingdom Come

INSIDE An n ual I m p tca R e trop 2 0 22
"I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God … that is why I was sent." – Jesus
Luke 4:42-43 NIV

For more information including a downloadable resource kit to help you or your church pray for camp ministry across Canada, visit


Day of Prayer for Camp Partners

Winter/Spring 2023

Issue Twenty-Five


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One Hope Canada has partnered with the local church since 1927 to develop life-long followers of Jesus by clearly communicating the Gospel. Every year, more than 30,000 children and youth discover Jesus through camps, community outreaches, and innovative ministry strategies.

Canada’s Hope is the biannual publication of One Hope Canada. Letters, articles, and photos are welcome. Names appearing in articles may have been changed.


Kelly Rempel


Gloria Pedersen


Lorna Kroeker


Kelly Rempel


Magazine: Iced Tea Designs, Winnipeg, MB

Annual Impact Report:

Lorna Kroeker


Derksen Printers Steinbach, MB

Features 4 Engaging Canada 5 Faith Spark: Online Opportunities take the Gospel to a New Generation 10 Celebrating God's Provision in Nordegg 16 A Changed Life 23 Expanding God's Kingdom Regional Stories 24 Our Supporters
HOPE CANADA's 6 British Columbia 8 Alberta 11 Saskatchewan 14 Manitoba 18 Ontario 20 Québec 21 Atlantic Canada CONTENTS ON THE COVER Ranger Lake Bible Camp, Saskatchewan Publications Mail Agreement Number 40019747 Undelivered copies, change of address, and new requests should be addressed to our office.

Canada Engaging

When Grandma prayed, people listened.

As a young boy, I recall silence filling the room as Grandma prayed with confidence. She used words like thy, thine, and thou, which would have been out of place anywhere else. But when Grandma used them to talk to God, it seemed just right. She believed God deserved to be addressed with respect; yet she obviously felt welcome in His presence as she pleaded, “Thy kingdom come.”

Grandma’s walk with Jesus left a lasting impression on me. Because of her, in part, I learned what it was to know Jesus and have Him know me. Of course, it took years for my grandmother to know this as she saw young Bill make foolish and, at times, sinful choices.

The process of God’s kingdom coming to reign in the lives of our children and grandchildren is gradual, sometimes painful. Yet, as a little yeast gradually lifts a batch of dough or as a few grains of salt flavor the whole meal, God’s kingdom continues to grow.

This hope, this promise—that God is always at work building His kingdom—compels our team of missionaries, volunteers, and supporters like you, to keep our hands to the plow and pray with confidence, “Thy kingdom come.”

This edition of Canada’s Hope includes our 2022 Annual Impact Report and gives abundant evidence of God’s kingdom coming to Canada’s younger generation. Its pages highlight how thousands of children and youth heard about Jesus last year. It is a testimony to the work of the Holy Spirit, because each statistic, each dot on the map, and each team member points to lives needing to know and believe the Gospel.

Mandy is one of those lives forever changed by camp ministry. She shares her story (page 16) of first hearing about Jesus 29 years ago at a One Hope Canada Bible camp. The seed planted in a young girl’s heart slowly and steadily took root. God’s reign is evident, not only in Mandy’s life, but in her marriage, family, and community.

It’s stories like Mandy’s, and others you will read on the following pages, that remind me once again how vitally important it is to pray like those who came before us, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come!”


61% of Christians believe the scriptures of all major world religions teach essentially the same things1

54% of Canadians have a Bible in their house1

15% of Canadians read a sacred text once a week2


1 Angus Reid Institute, Dec. 2022

2 The Shifting Landscape of Faith in Canada, Cardus, Nov. 2022


Online opportunities take the Gospel to a new generation

How we share the Gospel is evolving continually. Often, what we consider traditional is actually the result of a previous cultural shift.

This holds true for Bible camps and children’s ministry— two staples of North American Christianity that have been around only 150 and 175 years, respectively. Within those two entities, change happens all the time. Some camps today feature speedboats, paintball, and BMX trails— not part of the itinerary in the 1880s!

For some people, a speed boat at camp or ping pong table in the church youth room may have little theological significance. However, they do serve an important purpose. They create an environment where young people can experience Jesus in a way they understand and enjoy.

Eight years ago I led a group of young guys at my church. We would play video games together after youth group and during the week. As we played, we connected and would talk about Jesus, but we got to do so in a way they genuinely enjoyed. It may seem like a small thing, but it really meant a lot to them.

We no longer attend the same church or even live in the same city, but we still chat daily and go camping every summer. And, after all that time, we still talk about life and faith.

It can be intimidating, but if we want to meet kids where they are, we can't ignore where they hang out the most. Online. This new method of connection builds relationships and can grow God’s kingdom in unexpected ways.

I’m incredibly grateful to lead the team working on One Hope Canada’s Faith Spark app. Through the app, leaders can make safe online connections with campers or kids in church or community programs, while continuing faith conversations. It’s an exciting new opportunity for discipling kids and youth.

The method is new, but the message is unchanged as we take the good news to the next generation, where they are.

is the Faith Spark Director for One Hope Canada. Find more information at


British Columbia


For the first time, I served as cabin leader for a lovely group of special needs women last summer. What a huge blessing and privilege to share Jesus with a mute and deaf camper and then lead her to Christ! I was grateful for my two years of sign language training—for such a time as this! (Lisa Chambers, cabin leader)


Our camp was not filled to capacity last summer, but we saw significant spiritual growth. Many children heard the Gospel and the camp leaders did a great job of nurturing through conversations. One camper shared: “During chapel I easily focused on the speakers because they shared their life stories, instead of just preaching.”


Jane served in the kitchen last summer, eager to help, but unable to grasp God’s love and grace. The product of a religious home that was critical of Christians, she identified as an agnostic; however, spending time in the kitchen and in the leaders-in-training program, she learned what it means to follow Jesus. Halfway through the summer, Jane gave her life to Christ and made a public faith declaration. Jane said, “I saw faith that was welcoming and loving compared to what I was told growing up.” She now serves at camp and is involved in her church’s youth group.


Although summer is past, camp is still busy. We host events such as women’s weekend and an annual polar bear dip fundraiser, where supporters plunge into the icy lake in January! We also host guest groups and share the Gospel through service and conversations. One such group helps First Nation communities work through generational trauma. We love providing a space to slow down, process, and heal.

Growing Fruit Takes Time

My wife Janette and I served at Lake of the Trees Bible Camp for eight years as program director and facilities manager before taking on new roles last year as co-executive directors.

In my previous role, I spent much time each summer with teens in our month-long work crew discipleship program. But in my new role, I had to scale back and felt disconnected from the kids I’d grown to love.

It was a happy moment when three young teen boys asked to meet with me. They had been on our radar since they became campers eight years before. Now they were on my couch, wanting to chat.

At first, they were giddy and just laughed and chuckled among themselves. Then one spoke up. “Well, who wants to tell him?”

The second boy chimed in, “Mirko, we want to become Christians but don’t know how!”

I had the privilege of spending the next hour walking them through scripture and praying with them as they invited Jesus to be Lord of their lives. They were ecstatic and an overwhelming joy filled my heart! We shared the good news with everyone.

Often, ministry seems like a hard road with little to nothing substantial happening. It is important to remember that building relationships can take years of sowing, praying, loving, and caring before we see fruit.

LAKE OF THE TREES BIBLE CAMP • 250 791 5502 • Lake of the Trees Bible Camp is about 40 minutes north of 100 Mile House, BC. WINTER/SPRING 2023 6
MIRKO BLAHUT Co-Executive Director
“Building relationships can take years of sowing, praying, loving, and caring before we see fruit.”

Trusting God Moment by Moment

Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty (Zechariah 4:6). In July 2022 I was about to step into my new role as Hope Bay Bible Camp’s program director, never having directed anything in my life. Not only that, I had never led a camp song, performed a skit, or explained a game to eager participants.

I arrived at camp a week before the campers; by God’s mercy, there was no time to be anxious about what lay ahead!

That week was marked by speed walking, schedule printing, prepping crafts, repeatedly singing nonsensical songs, and rehearsing actions to songs. I was acutely aware that if any good were to be accomplished, it would certainly be the Lord’s doing!

I am grateful for circumstances that showed me how inadequate my skills and experiences were, relative to the task ahead. My inadequacy humbled me and yet I went forward joyfully, knowing the Lord would provide every step of the way.

God’s teaching me to trust Him moment by moment and set the tone for how I perceive and engage in ministry. I am convinced He will build His kingdom, not because of our goodness, wit, or meticulous planning, but because of His power, wisdom, and enduring goodness.

What joy to be invited into such a marvelous relationship with God! What a privilege to carry the good news of Christ’s sacrificial love to the children and youth of Canada’s West Coast! We can rest in the knowledge that God is faithful and He will do His work.

HOPE BAY BIBLE CAMP • 250 629 3194 • Hope Bay Bible Camp is on Pender Island, BC.
“I went forward joyfully, knowing the Lord would provide every step of the way.”


At our off-site day camp chapel session, campers were quiet and reserved, shyly singing along with the leaders. By day three, after four chapel sessions, they belted out songs and quickly volunteered to help lead the actions. This excitement for chapel time and hearing about God and the Bible grew as the week progressed.


After chapel Josiah stayed behind. A foot taller than last year, he towered over me, but his imposing stature hid a broken little boy inside. “I know what Jesus did,” he said, “but I can’t trust that He loves me, because of what He let bad people do to me. Can you pray for me?” By Tuesday, as he considered the awful things Jesus experienced at the hands of bad men—for Josiah’s sake—a child of God was born. His life changed dramatically. His heart was filled with joy, peace, and a new level of trust in Jesus.

A Fair Chance

Last summer I learned the importance of being fair in my opinions of people.

Several months before camp season, I logged onto my computer to see if I had any new summer missionary applications. As I reviewed the list of applicants, my heart sank when I saw names of previous campers with reputations for being troublemakers.

I didn’t want to give them an interview, let alone hire them, but immediately felt the Holy Spirit’s conviction. He reminded me that I was basing my opinion solely on the past and wasn’t considering the boys’ possible growth. I also failed to consider the possibility of God using camp to further grow and mature them.

Fast forward to summer missionary training. I had accepted each young man onto the team. During our first team meeting, they sat at the back, talking and goofing off. After that session, I pulled them aside, reminding them of my expectations. They accepted my talk quite well, but I feared I had made a mistake.

Throughout their missionary training they needed a few more reminders, but it became apparent each was slowly understanding their purpose for serving at camp. I saw improvements. Their growth trajectory continued all summer and I was privileged to watch these boys become young men. They needed occasional reminders or corrections, but did a good job. I was happy to have them on the team and am thankful the Holy Spirit convinced me to give them a fair chance.

BEAR • 780 567 2293 •
about 30 minutes northwest of Grande Prairie, AB.
Bear Lake Bible Camp is
Alberta SHOP NOW Find Jesus in every story. F R E E S H I P P I N G WITHIN CANADA WINTER/SPRING 2023 8
“The Holy Spirit convinced me to give them a fair chance ”

The Kingdom of God Belongs to These

We were singing the books of the Old Testament at Joy Chapel and tall, lanky Stephen was on his feet in the front row, facing the other guests and poking the air with his finger, directing in time to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

With his characteristic broad smile, he had registered for a hot supper, teasingly ensuring that the writer of his meal ticket spelled his name with a “ph”.

Then we learned that our long-time friend had cancer. Someone heard him say, “I’m not coming to Joy Chapel any more, I’m going to heaven.” Several months passed and we found ourselves sitting with him at the hospice. We recited Psalm 23 and he rested his thin elbows on the arms of his wheelchair, head bowed as Corney prayed. We asked, “Are you going to see Jesus?” and Stephen nodded.

All too soon our team was taking part in the music at Stephen’s funeral. John, a fellow believer and one of Stephen’s support workers, shared that Stephen was born in Inuvik, NWT, and had lived in Grande Prairie since 1977. He was generous, fun, loving, theatrical, and loved traveling, socializing, and giving away crafts he had made.

“Boston Pizza was Stephen’s favorite employer,” John shared. “During his interview, he charmed the manager by saying, ‘Hello Boston Pizza, goodbye Pizza Hut!’ She knew he would be a great fit!”

John also shared: “Joy Chapel was important to Stephen. He didn’t want to miss a single Thursday. Everyone in Joy Chapel will miss him. He loved to point heavenward each time we sang Jesus, Name Above All Names.”

Our hearts rejoice for Stephen, for “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).

JOY CHAPEL MINISTRIES • 780 513 6593 • Joy Chapel Ministries is in Grande Prairie, AB.
“He loved to point heavenward each time we sang Jesus, Name Above All Names.”

Celebrating God’s Provision in Nordegg

We serve a God who is faithful in every detail of our lives. I witnessed that firsthand several months ago in Nordegg, Alberta.

Nordegg Community Church joined Canadian Sunday School Mission (now One Hope Canada) in 2003. Over the years it operated as a church and a community ministry. In 2015, the church began transitioning from One Hope Canada, and in February 2023 joined Vision Ministries Canada, a like-minded organization focused on church planting and growth.

However, as the transition from One Hope Canada progressed, a seemingly insurmountable hurdle surfaced. An old mobile home, owned by the mission, stood on a lot rented from Clearwater County. The hamlet of Nordegg (owned by the county) had already allocated the land for development, so the mobile had to go.

We considered moving it to a new mobile home subdivision in Nordegg, but the price of a lot and the mobile’s age made this prohibitive. Furthermore, a large, unattached roof covering the mobile and deck needed dismantling and removal.

We explored other possibilities but none was cost effective. Our only remaining option—the best one— was to pray and trust in God.

Within a few weeks, we received an offer from someone willing to purchase and remove the roof. Then someone else made an offer on the mobile home; they would also take it away. Wow. We had considered giving the mobile away, but God turned a significant liability into an asset.

On February 12, with all hindrances removed, One Hope Canada and Vision Ministries Canada celebrated a transition-of-ownership service at the church. One chapter ended, another began.

Over the past several months, God has blessed this small congregation with steady growth. Please pray that Nordegg Community Church, under the leadership of Dave and Crystie Tarr, will continue as a light to the hamlet and surrounding area.

Dan Screpnek serves as Alberta Field Director for One Hope Canada.

Growing Disciples at Camp

Every summer, before the camp is filled with the laughter and activity of children, a group of teens and young adults (summer missionaries) descends on the camp, eager to serve God.


Discipling youth this winter through winter weekend retreats has been a pleasure! One youth said, “The way we do Bible study helped me focus [on what I was learning].” We keep hearing of God’s continuing work in campers’ lives after the summer: One told her cabin leader she had accepted Christ after returning home.


It is exciting to see youth and young leaders grow in faith, choose to follow Jesus, get baptized, tithe their summer earnings, and discover and develop their gifts. Working at camp can be exhausting, but seeing God active in the lives of these young people makes it worthwhile. Many families are excited about the positive changes God is making in their kids’ lives.


Last summer, several members of the same family publicly declared their decision to follow Jesus— Maria (a cabin leader), her parents, and one of Maria’s sisters! Identifying as an agnostic for years, Maria's father had practiced native spirituality. Thanks to camp ministry and the Holy Spirit's guidance, he gave up spirit worship and now serves Jesus wholeheartedly. Maria and her parents serve regularly at Madge Lake Bible Camp and are growing in their faith.


In January, our camp welcomed many from our summer team for the Refuel Retreat. Since expanding our year-round programming, we were blessed to hear how this retreat offered refreshing fellowship and much-needed encouragement to grow our team’s faith and better equip it for the year ahead.


Alex, a camper, felt bad about teasing his sister:


Over the years at Estevan Bible Camp, I developed a bond with a group of teens and adults as we served together, summer after summer. But last summer, after years of equipping, teaching, and learning from them, most of them moved on.

Entrusting them to God, I had to accept a new reality. A new group of summer missionaries had signed up for the wild adventure we call camp, a wonderful opportunity to disciple another team of leaders.

As this summer approaches, we look forward to a new season of serving with our summer missionaries as they answer God’s call to share His good news at camp.


• 306 634 8368 •

Estevan Bible Camp is about 2.5 hours southeast of Regina.

“It’s my stupid ADHD. I can’t control myself!” When he learned that RLBC executive director, Greg, also has ADHD, Alex was shocked. “I thought Greg was perfect!” he told cabin leader, Alissa. When Alex saw Greg a few minutes later, he shouted, “Greg! Greg! You have ADHD? I have ADHD!” His sister had something to share, too: she and her brother had both prayed with Alissa and chose to follow Jesus. Praise God for using our weaknesses to build His kingdom.


This past summer we gave out more than 300 Bibles to our campers. We received a call at the end of January from a parent who started reading the Bible his son brought home. He loved the accompanying Bible studies and wanted to know if he could get another copy that he could give to his mom. It was encouraging to see how God continues to use camp even after summer ends.

“We look forward to a new season of serving with our summer missionaries...”

A Fresh Outlook

After being closed in 2020 and limited to day camps in 2021, Dallas Valley Ranch Camp offered day camps and overnight camps to 1,535 campers in 2022. More than 500 were first-timers! How wonderful to have full cabins and regular camp again.

About 75 percent of our campers were unchurched and we were delighted to tell them about Jesus for the first time. As we sang, sat around campfires, ran skills, and worked with team members, we had incredible opportunities to serve.

“I had a summer of laughs and fun,” says Phoebe Walter, a summer missionary. “My highlight was meeting a new set of kids each week, each one unique. It was a joy to teach them God’s Word and see Him work in their hearts. I enjoyed watching them make friends, step out of comfort zones, and succeed at things they never thought possible. Camp gave me a fresh outlook on life and I will forever remember my experiences here!”

A personal highlight for me was attending weekly campfires and hearing campers share. One August evening, a camper stood at the campfire and said, “I didn’t know I was coming to a Bible camp, but this week I asked Jesus into my heart and now I want to live for Him.”

We are grateful for all God did in campers and our team, and look forward to celebrating 40 years of ministry this year!

Dallas Valley Ranch Camp is 20 minutes northwest of Regina, SK.
NIKI FALCONER Co-Executive Director
“I didn’t know I was coming to a Bible camp, but this week I asked Jesus into my heart and now I want to live for Him.”

Lives Transformed at Winter Camp

In mid-January, we hosted a winter camp for youth ages 10–16 from northern communities three to six hours away. It was our first winter camp and, thank God, everything fell into place—warm weather, a hardworking and compassionate team, and generously donated winter equipment that gave us a most refreshing and encouraging week.

During the summer, working in the office gives me limited time with campers. But for winter camp, I planned the program and joined in activities. I loved seeing joy on faces and more intentionally becoming acquainted with campers.

Campers commented: I didn’t know I could live without my phone for a whole week . . . I love my bed and the French toast casserole with blueberry sauce . . . I learned that God restores . . . How many months until I can come back?

It was beautiful to hear the singing and see cabin leaders help campers find Bible verses during chapel. At one evening campfire, a cabin leader shared how God was transforming his life, and there was silence as everyone listened intently.

Another cabin leader said, “There was a massive change from the beginning of the week to the end. A good reminder that God has the power to change lives.” Our prayer? That as we share Jesus Christ with campers, they will respond to Him.

TORCH • 306 428 2989 • Torch
Trail Bible Camp is one hour northeast of Prince Albert.
“Our prayer? That as we share Jesus Christ with campers, they will respond to Him.”


At a recent follow-up event, a camper who had attended camp for six years, shared about giving his life to God last summer. When he returned to school, he started a lunch-hour club for studying the Bible and praying together. He recruited a teacher as supervisor and the club kept growing. We thank God for cabin leaders and speakers who planted and watered this boy’s new faith, and we pray for him as he shares it.


A camper chatted eagerly with her leader about Jesus and the meaning of salvation. When they returned to their cabin, several campers were sharing testimonies and asking questions. This girl and three others chose to follow Jesus that evening, and those who already knew Him encouraged them, excited to see others become part of God’s family.


Early this year we hosted our annual 24/7 men's discipleship weekend, a long weekend, Bible school-style event for studying God's Word together. We were reminded that it is important to know God and His Word personally. A dear friend and regular 24/7 attendee passed away a month before the event. Tom credited his return to the Lord, in part, to the teaching and fellowship he experienced at 24/7. We give God all the glory as He redeems all those who call on Him.

The Gospel in Action

Every summer we focus on sharing the Gospel with campers, team members, and others we meet. We want to see lives transformed.

This past summer I witnessed God’s incredible goodness, mercy, grace, and life-giving nature. During one junior camp, a team member left the chapel service with a camper. I was concerned because chapel is a crucial time to learn about God. Couldn’t they have waited until later?

As the chapel service continued, I prayed about the situation instead of allowing myself to get frustrated. This was a first-time cabin leader and I planned to remind her of chapel’s significance.

When chapel ended, campers headed to skills and the leader returned to the chapel, tears of joy streaming down her face. She shared how the camper had accepted Jesus. Not only had a camper experienced change, the cabin leader had, too, as she saw the wonder of the Gospel in action.

Our team shared the Gospel this summer, making sure each camper understood the message. It was encouraging to watch each one use unique gifts to share the good news in a variety of ways. I pray that more lives will be impacted this summer as we share at camp.

DAUPHIN BIBLE CAMP • 204 638 5568 • Dauphin Bible Camp is about 20 minutes south of Dauphin, MB.
Join our Canada-wide PRAYER TEAM Join our National PRAYER TEAM  Sign up at pray to receive a monthly One Hope Canada prayer guide (print or digital available). WINTER/SPRING 2023 14
“ I pray that more lives will be impacted this summer as we share at camp.”

Reminders of Ministry Year-Round

Serving at summer camp provides many opportunities to get close to campers. Kids often open up about their concerns, even if they’ve known us for less than a week. God allows us to see their mess and shame, and, by His grace, speak to what’s in their hearts.

During winter, however, it’s easy to become internally focused—absorbed with registrations, numbers, cleaning for rentals, and endless snow removal—when we aren’t face to face with campers and their needs.

But seeing campers in the off season changes everything: we live, clean, and move with renewed purpose, intent, and urgency. In November we were blessed with a teen retreat of 70, in January a preteen retreat of nearly 50, in late February a junior retreat, and in mid-March an alumni retreat.

I’ve been challenged to year round ministry because it does not stop when campers leave or after the last team meeting. God moves in the quiet seasons and we need eyes to see and ears to hear what He is doing.

I’ve talked with numerous homesick campers over my years at camp. In February, however, I spoke with a girl who took part in our leader training program last summer, and she mentioned feeling campsick. Campers and summer team members go home to different situations and need spiritual encouragement throughout the year.

ROSEAU RIVER BIBLE CAMP • 204 427 2445 • Roseau River Bible Camp is just over an hour south of Winnipeg.
HEATHER GRAFE Program Coordinator
“God moves in the quiet seasons and we need eyes to see and ears to hear what He is doing.”

A Changed Life

Dear One Hope Canada, I

want you to know how your ministry changed my life. Organizations get complaint letters, but seldom hear good stuff. I’ve never written to say how life changing one of your camps was for me; hopefully my story encourages you.

When I was ten, a friend invited me to Galilean Bible Camp where her parents, Howard and Kathy

Weir, worked. We lived on social assistance and couldn't afford much, so I didn't think I could go, but God provided. Before I knew it, I was attending my first week of summer camp.

During that week I accepted Jesus into my life. Every year I returned, and when old enough, began working at camp. My home life was a wreck, as I was born to a teen mom who wasn't equipped to parent. I spent my childhood in a house of addictions, brokenness, and destruction.

Camp became my safe place. Each year I'd cry my eyes out as the summer ended and I had to return home.

Camp became my safe place. Each year I'd cry my eyes out as the summer ended and I had to return home. But I was connected. I'd write to my cabin leaders and camp friends. I went to church and youth group with friends, and spent considerable time at camp in the off season as I was best friends with Kathy and Howard’s daughter. Throughout the year, they drove me to all the Christian activities in the area.

Fast forward to today. I am a 39-year-old married mother of three. I homeschool my children and we are raising them in a Christian home. While, at times,

WINTER/SPRING 2023 16 Mandy at camp, on the night
she accepted Jesus.

I had doubts about my faith, I never strayed too far from the Lord, even though my home life was the exact opposite of what I had found at camp.

Without Galilean Bible Camp, I'm sure I could not have broken the generational cycle. God used your ministry to save my life for Christ, and my children’s, and possibly their children’s.

God used your ministry to save my life  for Christ, and my children’s, and  possibly their children’s.

After being away from the area for twenty years, I now live fairly close to Galilean. My children attend the camp, and my oldest worked there for the first time last summer.

I know camp ministry can be tiring and thankless. But remember: you are saving souls for Christ. Those of us who accepted Him at camp can never thank you enough. God is good and I am so grateful to those who answer the call to camp ministry.


Mandy and her family today.

Isabella came to camp for the first time last summer. With her first language being Spanish, she spoke little English so cabin leaders communicated through a translation app. It was clear when Isabella smiled that she felt deeply loved at camp, so much so that she returned for a second week. How wonderful that the good news of God’s kingdom can be shared, even through a translation app!

Danika struggled with her faith. Dismayed by the hypocrisy and double standards she perceived, she wasn’t sure how to reconcile Jesus’ teachings with His followers’ behavior. She had served previously at camp and returned for four weeks last summer. She says that’s where something ignited within, reminding her what a relationship with God should look like. “It doesn’t look like it did when I was thirteen,” she said, “because I’ve changed, but Jesus hasn’t.”

Keeping Our Eyes on God

It is a great comfort to know that people across Canada and beyond know about One Hope Canada, value what we do, and pray. In a smaller camp ministry, it is easy to feel isolated or miss the big picture, but I am thankful for the mission, God’s work through us, and impacted lives.

Although smaller than many camps, being such creates different relationships and opportunities.

Monarch Bible Camp has three kids’ programs during the school year. A recent lesson series focused on how God guards our faith and what we can do to guard it. (Our program is also called “On Guard.”)

Our opening question for that series was, “How can we guard our faith?” Students gave amazingly deep, thought-through answers and talked about the importance of keeping our eyes on God.

When we showed a corresponding video, the story of Peter stepping out in trust, students were encouraged because it confirmed their earlier answers.

MONARCH BIBLE CAMP • 705 887 3625 • Monarch Bible Camp is a mobile camp ministry based out of Fenelon Falls, ON.
“Although smaller than many camps, being such creates different relationships and opportunities.”

Building the Kingdom

Various ministries have kept us busy this winter; as we prepare for spring and summer, it is thrilling to make Jesus known to those with the least opportunity to hear the Gospel. We want them to experience salvation through Jesus Christ, in anticipation of being part of His glorious kingdom in heaven!

We are planning vacation Bible schools, day camps, a wilderness canoe trip, and other events. Last summer, ministry took place full throttle with record numbers attending our day camps. The wilderness canoe trip enrollment was down, but we are praying for more participants this year.

Tuesday afternoons we welcome 18 girls to our weekly Sunflowers Bible Club. They love fun games and Tina’s delicious snacks. It’s encouraging to see many recite a new Bible verse each week. We’ve been reading the book, Lies Girls Believe. Please pray with us that they will believe the truth and it will set them free. We pray that Jesus will draw each one to repentance and faith in Him.

Mark has been teaching Bible at Eenchokay Birchstick School in Pikangikum First Nation. Please pray for God to remove roadblocks that hinder the Gospel’s advance in this spiritually needy community.

Recently, Mark took two teams to Guatemala to continue building a school and church, and has also been working online to support a vibrant outreach in India. Throughout Covid, money was raised to build House of Bethel orphanage in India, and recent funding made it possible to purchase Christian teaching materials to disciple more than 100 orphaned children. Another sizable donation will be used to acquire a projector, screen, camera, and internet access so Mark can teach Bible classes to children in India via Zoom.


801 852 3202 •

Rainy River District Ministries serves communities in northwestern Ontario. MARK AND TINA MAST
“Please pray for God to remove roadblocks that hinder the Gospel’s advance in this spiritually needy community.”



With gas prices high, community ministry poses challenges as we spend much time on the road. When faced with a weekly hour-and-a-half round trip for a 45-minute reading lesson, it wasn’t ideal, but God was calling me to go, so I went. Then something unexpected happened. Doors began opening to meet needs all over our communities, from visitation around a cup of tea to Ultimate Frisbee in the rain. It is amazing what God can do when we are willing to go!


Our team is hard at work filming Les Pourquoi de la Foi (The Why of the Faith), a French video series for teens and preteens. We also launched a video series that accompanies director Jean-Sébastien Morin’s book Nous Croyons en Dieu (The Christian Faith Explained). This series is for churches, youth groups, small groups, or individuals who want to share the Christian faith with their unbelieving friends. Find more information at

Prayer Actually

“ Pray like you believe God will do something.”

For years, my usual job was to work directly with campers as cabin leader and program coordinator. This year God called me back to camp in an administrative role and taught me about the power of prayer and the value of working behind the scenes.

A Sunday sermon emphasized praying like you believe God will do something. While praying, two brothers came to mind who were coming to camp that week. Although I had only seen their names on a spreadsheet, I prayed they would follow Jesus.

Their cabin leader told me one brother accepted Jesus on Tuesday. “Then I prayed,” the cabin leader said, “that God would put someone in his life to strengthen his relationship with God at home.” On Friday, as the boys were packing to leave, the other brother chose to follow Jesus! They could encourage each other in their new faith.

The boys’ mom told me they plan to return every year as long as possible. I can’t wait to see what God will do in their lives!

Even though I didn’t share the Gospel directly with the brothers, I believe my prayer played a valuable part in their salvation decisions. Your prayers for camp and our campers have power because you are praying to a powerful God who wants to include you in His ministry and plan!

CAMP LIVINGSTONE • 819 843 2019 Camp Livingstone is about 20 minutes south of Magog, QC.
“You are praying to a powerful God who wants to include you in His ministry and plan!”

Building God’s Kingdom Together

To build His kingdom efficiently, shouldn’t Jesus have done the work Himself? Who could build it better than God’s perfect Son? Even though Jesus said, “I will build My church,” He chose disciples to partner with Him and He chooses us to do the same.

Atlantic Canada


We started our year with an exciting fundraising goal: match a $10,000 gift. Donors stepped up to the challenge and met that goal, so we set our sites a little higher at $15,000. In the end, we raised $30,000 for the camp! Now we are looking for summer team members. We are eager to see how the Lord will bless Blomidon Bible Camp this summer.


When campers come to Christ, they enter into the Great Commission, bringing God home with them after camp. During our junior teen camp, one girl became a Christian and told her family about Jesus. Eventually, her mom also became a Christian, and started bringing the whole family to church. Such stories remind us of the far-reaching impact of camp ministry.


In the camp context, no one can do it all. Jesus works through those whose hearts He has changed—cabin leaders, camp nurses, janitors, directors, Bible teachers, cooks—all are needed to build His kingdom.

We rely on people as the operative hands and feet of Jesus—for cabin cleaning, grounds maintenance, flower and shrub planting, building upkeep, financial management, graphic design, promotion, supplies delivery— to build His kingdom.

Yet, it is difficult to retain faithful young laborers in their foundational faith years. Recently, a young missionary eager to serve God at camp again, shared this directive from unbelieving family, “Get paid or no more working at camp this year.”

Another told me, “Coming into winter camp, I was burdened and stressed because I was in the middle of exams, but winter camp was so good for me. I feel called to work here again this summer; it was reinforced in my heart at winter camp.”

My heart breaks and rejoices when I hear such stories. Higher education does cost money. Students do need a strong spiritual foundation to survive. It is a dilemma only prayer can resolve. Please pray for God’s provision of kingdom builders at Hampton Bible Camp in 2023.

Fall was busy and exciting at Miramichi Bible Camp! In November we hosted several guest groups, including a fundraising breakfast that brought in around $7,000. In December, we hosted a combined 75 kids during day camps held during two school in-service days. In December, we shared the true meaning of Christmas: Jesus Christ!


What do you do when ministry opportunities dry up? When Christmas classes in the schools are canceled? As we prayerfully sought new ministry opportunities in our community, God opened two nursing homes, and the community center became available for our one-day kids’ Easter camp outreach! When we shared the message of God’s love at a nursing home, a resident came to us, tears in her eyes, and said, “Thanks so much. You blessed my heart today.”

HAMPTON BIBLE CAMP • 506 832 4669 • Hampton Bible Camp is about half an hour northeast of Saint John, NB.
“I feel called to work here again this summer; it was reinforced in my heart at winter camp.”

Making an Eternal Difference

Camp can be stretching, even for those from solid Christian homes with prior ministry involvement or Bible school training. Such was the case for four amazing young adults in CREW22, our core summer team. God showed them new things about themselves and about Him.

ZR learned to value belonging to God’s family, drawing strength from praying together for one another and for campers. He appreciated the training he received and new opportunities to share the Gospel and teach the Bible.

As each week ended, DF didn’t want the campers to go! He realized how his time at camp made an eternal difference in their lives.

As she taught others, JM grew in spiritual truth. It was exciting “how we would just randomly talk about the Bible or God,” she says. “This isn’t something that happens in everyday life, especially when you go to public school.”

One of RJ’s challenging campers had a disturbing life story. Her behavior was soothed only by one-on-one attention. She needed a short walk each day, holding RJ's hand, as she shared what was on her mind. RJ worked hard to direct these conversations to God.

“I rediscovered how amazing the Bible is,” RJ said. “My five-year-old campers learned [at a different level of understanding] at the same time as me. It is amazing to learn so much in just two months.”

This is an answer to our year-long prayer for each summer missionary.

• 506 575 2628 •
SANDY COVE BIBLE CAMP Sandy Cove Bible Camp is by Davidson Lake, 50 kilometers west of Fredericton, NB.
The Discipleship App for staying connected with the kids in your ministry. “My five-year-old campers learned [at a different level of understanding] at the same time as me.”

Expanding God’s Kingdom

Iam energized and encouraged by what God is doing through One Hope Canada across the country.


Before joining the national board, I was familiar with the mission. I’m a member of a church started by the Canadian Sunday School Mission in Alberta and have been a volunteer at Whitney Lake Bible Camp. During my national board involvement, I gained a true sense of the One Hope Canada family and how it spans our great country.

As a board member, I appreciated traveling to ministry points across Canada and meeting wonderful servants of God, committed to the hard work of sharing the Gospel with children and youth. I have been impressed by the Holy Spirit’s work as God’s people creatively reach out to the hurting and lost, despite many challenges. It has been powerful to watch God overcome obstacles in furthering His kingdom.

In Luke 4:42–43 Jesus says, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God . . . that is why I was sent” (NIV). Another version puts it this way: “because I was sent for this purpose” (NASB). We were saved to share the good news. This calling is for all believers, in big or small ways. Our gifts and abilities are from God for the purpose of sharing the good news and expanding His kingdom.

"It has been powerful to watch God overcome obstacles in furthering His kingdom."
ONLINE LEARNING WHERE YOU ARE! Toll Free 1.877.968.6762 DISTRIBUTED LEARNING CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM DEVELOPING CHRISTIAN LEADERS Anyone | Anywhere | Anytime Last year One Hope Canada supporters donated Toll free 1-888-960-2580 69,523 AIR MILES saving $11,080 in travel expenses Donate Dream Miles or Cash Miles. Your miles can help us reduce travel expenses. Contact us for more information. Y O U R S U P P O R T M A T T E R S O U R P U B L I S H I N G C O S T S A R E C O V E R E D I N P A R T B Y T H E G E N E R O U S S U P P O R T O F T H E B U S I N E S S E S A N D O R G A N I Z A T I O N S F E A T U R E D I N T H E S E P A G E S T O P A R T N E R W I T H O N E H O P E C A N A D A A N D R E A C H M O R E T H A N 1 8 , 0 0 0 R E A D E R S W I T H Y O U R M E S S A G E , E M A I L K E L L Y A T K E L L Y @ O N E H O P E C A N A D A C A WINTER/SPRING 2023 24
Fuel for your faith. Home print subscriptions are free in Canada. Sign up today! Free! KEN SHIGEMATSU ON LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN CHURCHES P.32 HOW TO CREATE A POST-COVID RULE OF LIFE P.34 WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM PENTECOSTAL CHURCH HISTORY P.39 GUEST COLUMNISTS IN EVERY SPACE STREAMING BIBLE STORIES COVER STORY The Chosen dives into the heart of the New Testament – its drama and its message. We talk to filmmaker Dallas Jenkins who helped make it all happen. P.28 JULY AUGUST 2021 Here’s to the joy and life that spiritual books can bring P.32 ODE TO READING COVER STORY BRIAN DOERKSEN ON LEADING WORSHIP WITH A WHISPER P.28 HOW WE LIVE WELL IN EUTHANASIA’S HARSH LIGHT P.42 INSPIRED TO BE HOSPITABLE FROM A PANDEMIC P.46 EVANGELICALS IN THE WAKE OF TRUMP P.35 MAY JUNE 2021 (Why we need each other in the pandemic and beyond) p.29 Church still matters. Here’s how. COVER STORY CAUTION AND POTENTIAL OF THE ENNEAGRAM P.38 GORDON T. SMITH ON WITNESS AND HOSPITALITY P.24 EASTER POETRY TO COMFORT AND INSPIRE P.46 TEN LESSONS WHEN LEADERS FALL P.41 MARCH APRIL 2021 Many Evangelicals are rethinking their beliefs. It’s not always a bad thing. p.28 DECONSTRUCTING GRAPPLING WITH RELIGION’S FAILURES 12 CANADIAN PODCASTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT P.32 HEALING FRACTURED RELATIONSHIPS IN CHRIST’S BODY P.38 RECONCILIATION LESSONS FROM MY GRANDMOTHER P.17 HOW OUR CHURCHES COPED WITH COVID P.33 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 2021 How will we respond? Part 1 of a two-part series by Patricia Paddey. p.30 Medically assisted dying and the Church COVER STORY May June 2022 CHRISTIANS AT THE OTTAWA CONVOY PROTEST P.49 HOW TO DO POSTPANDEMIC HOSPITALITY P.36 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO WAR IN UKRAINE P.38 10 WAYS TO HELP VICTIMS OF CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE P.45 NURTURING NEXT-GEN FRIENDSHIPS Young and old benefit from friendships that cross the ages. And church is the perfect place to nurture them. p.32 GOOD NEWS LIKE PETS Is there too much fun in funerals? A look at how we say goodbye to those we love. p.28 The end. COVER STORY January February 2022 KATE BOWLER SITS DOWN FOR THE FT INTERVIEW P.24 WE LOVE BOOKS. WE HAVE MORE REVIEWS THAN EVER. P.47 HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR PASTOR AND KEEP THEM WELL P.38 WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE A CHRISTIAN IN AFGHANISTAN? P.41 From the life-cycle of worship songs to whether we have psalms of lament on our church’s playlist to the challenges of online worship, we explore the issues and trends. p.28 Worship music COVER STORIES March April 2022 BEAUTIFUL POEMS FOR EASTER P.42 EDUCATION THAT’S INDIGENOUS AND CHRISTIAN P.44 GETTING FOCUSED WITH JOHN STACKHOUSE P.58 WHAT WE’VE LEARNED (SO FAR) FROM ONLINE WORSHIP P.35 What Mark Buchanan wishes he’d done differently on Sunday mornings. p.28 Preaching better COVER STORY July / August 2022 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S BOOKS TO ENJOY P.46 WHY DOCTORS NEED CONSCIENCE PROTECTION P.34 A CALGARY CHURCH TELLS ITS STORIES BY PODCAST P.16 JOHN STACKHOUSE ON THE BIG STORY OF EVANGELICALISM P.24 Redeeming “evangelical” COVER STORY Canadians have strong views about what they think evangelical means. How can we help? p.32 fundamentalist bigoted narrow-minded parochial white homophobic misogynist toxic judgmental racist paternalistic gracious hospitable sacrificial prayerful humble compassionate kind light sharer of Good News holy generous people-loving salt non-elitist lover of Jesus gentle September October 2022 B.C. CHURCH CHESS CLUB WELCOMES NEIGHBOURS P.18 ON THE FARM YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT A DAY WILL BRING P.26 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE CHURCH P.37 STEPPING UP TO HELP WITH THE CANADIAN HOUSING CRISIS P.40 Enduring hope COVER STORY As we celebrate the first coming of Jesus, we anchor our lives in the promise of His second. p.34 November December 2022 POST-TROPICAL STORM FIONA: PEI CHURCH RESPONDS P.18 INCLUDING PEOPLE OF DIVERSE ABILITIES IN CHURCH LIFE P.52 RECOVERING VOICES OF FEMALE BIBLE COMMENTATORS P.40 DO YOU HAVE SUNDAY SHOES? DRESSING UP FOR CHURCH P.48 Flourishing workplaces COVER STORY Stewarding a culture of collaboration, approachable leadership and healthy compensation. p.28 January February 2023 CANADIAN SEMINARIES RECEIVE BIG GRANTS P.38 INTERVIEW: HELPING A CHILD’S FAITH GROW AT HOME P.24 CHURCHES NEED BETTER TALK ABOUT SEX P.32 SPIRITUAL HABITS FOR A NEW YEAR P.45
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