Canada's Hope Magazine - Winter/Spring 2024

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HOPE CANADA' s GOD’S MISSION. OUR ADVENTURE. Winter/Spring 2024 Issue 27 A PUBLICATION OF Chosen and Redeemed
INSIDE An n ual I m p tca R e trop 2 0 23
"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine... I will be with you." (Isaiah 43:1b-2a NIV)


Set your minds on THINGS THAT ARE ABOVE, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2

Join Christians across the country to pray for those serving on the frontlines of Bible camp ministry.


For more information including a downloadable resource kit to help you or your church pray for camp ministry across Canada, visit

888 960 2580

One Hope Canada has partnered with the local church since 1927 to develop life-long followers of Jesus by clearly communicating the Gospel. Every year, more than 30,000 children and youth discover Jesus through camps, community outreaches, and innovative ministry strategies.

Canada’s Hope is the biannual publication of One Hope Canada. Letters, articles, and photos are welcome. Names appearing in articles may have been changed.

Features 4 Engaging Canada 5 Faithful Servant: Don Tulloch 16 Following God's Call 23 Retired to Serve Regional Stories 24 Our Supporters
CANADA Ministry Resource Centre 3-212 Henderson
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EDITOR Kelly Rempel COPY EDITOR Gloria Pedersen CIRCULATION AND ADDRESS CORRECTION Beatriz Gonzalez AD SPONSORSHIPS Kelly Rempel DESIGN Magazine: Kristy Unrau Annual Report: Lorna Kroeker PRINTING PrintPro Winnipeg, MB
CANADA's 6 British Columbia 8 Alberta 11 Saskatchewan 14 Manitoba 18 Ontario 20 Québec 21 Atlantic Canada CONTENTS ON THE COVER Lake of the Trees Bible Camp, BC Publications Mail Agreement Number 40019747 Undelivered copies, change of address, and new requests should be addressed to our office.
Winter/Spring 2024 Issue

Canada Engaging

“ Who am I?” It’s the question every generation seeks to answer.

The answer helps us make sense of the world and gives meaning to ourselves and others. It is a question of identity and God has imprinted it on every soul.

The difference between the current generation and any other in history is that today’s children and youth search for identity in completely new places. In the past, they looked to family, community, or institutions like the church, to answer the who-am-I question.

Today’s society tells us to look inward, into our hearts, be true to ourselves, to find a community that will affirm us. Sadly, this only leads to confusion, isolation, and anxiety.

Enter Jesus with God’s answer to who we are.

In Him, we discover that true identity is a gift He won for us through His life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Because of and through Jesus, we receive the identity for which we were created, as beloved sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. Ours is an identity not based on our track record, our successes or failures, or what our hearts tell us, but on the perfect, flawless, and Godhonoring life of Jesus.

“Christ’s message provides hope and peace, the truth today’s generation needs to hear.”

1 in 4

The number of hospitalizations for children and youth ages 5 to 24 are for mental health conditions.*

83% of 11 to 12-year-old girls have a smartphone

93% of 13 to 15-year-old girls have a smartphone**

98% of girls with smartphones use social media**

3 hours

Average time per day spent on social media by 17 to 24-year-olds***

Imagine the transformation that would take place in Canada if every child and youth could hear—and believe—these words from the God who created them: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine . . . I will be with you" (Isaiah 43:1b-2a).

Christ’s message provides hope and peace, the truth today’s generation needs to hear. Because of you and your support, thousands of children and youth are discovering who Jesus is and what He has done for them.

Let’s continue to tell them!

Institute for Health Information, 2020
Sense Media Survey, 2023 ***Psychology of Popular Media, 2023


IServing Well Behind the Scenes

Remembering Don Tulloch

n early February, friends of Don Tulloch packed Calvary Gospel Church in Blind River, Ontario, to show respect for a behind-the-scenes man. We often applaud those who lead publicly; Don took pleasure in supporting others.

Promoted to glory on January 24, 2024, at the age of 85, he is survived by Helen, three children, their spouses, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Don had above-average strength and above-average zeal for the Lord. His commitment to Christ began in 1971 when he and Helen, in their early 30s, realized their need for a Savior. A farmer with three growing sons, he and Helen looked for a way to serve the Lord.

First they responded to a need in their home church, Thessalon Bible Chapel, and led an eager-to-serve youth group. One of Don's last requests was that the fondly remembered group, now seniors, sing at his funeral.

Don was passionate about building. His first big project came in 1974 when he oversaw building a lodge at Galilean Bible Camp in Ontario. Although he had an aptitude for carpentry, he had not managed such a project before, but carpenter Ron McLeod and volunteers helped Don for two years, building the three-storey retreat center. During that build, Don and Helen joined the Canadian Sunday School Mission (CSSM).




The couple continued at Galilean, Don with renovations and building three staff homes while Helen used her skills in the camp kitchen.

In 1989 they moved to Dorion Bible Camp near Thunder Bay to direct volunteers in constructing Eagle’s Nest, a smaller three-storey lodge. Later, Don enthusiastically tackled camp building projects, including a staff residence.

From 1995 until close to Don’s retirement in 2004, Don took the lead in several large builds across Canada: a chapel basement at Cape Breton Bible Camp (New Brunswick); a church building at Two Hills (Alberta); a dining hall at Lake of the Trees Bible Camp (BC) and a camp office/residence duplex at Camp Livingstone (Quebec).

Just before Don and Helen retired in 2004, smaller projects happened in Ontario at the Willow Springs and Galilean camps, at the Ontario office, and across the border at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp, Manitoba.

During these cross-Canada projects, Don and Helen made numerous friends. What a privilege to know this couple who served God behind the scenes!

HOWARD MCLEOD, a retired One Hope Canada missionary, resides in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.



Last summer: mercies and miracles! When the season began, we didn’t have a camp director or program director, but God provided enough volunteers from five churches and several home churches so we could plan one week of day camp. A miracle! But in the middle of making plans at camp, a major forest fire forced our evacuation so we moved the upcoming program to a church— adjacent the swimming pool and hockey rink—and camp happened! The day after camp ended, my granddaughter brought her Bible and said, “Grandpa, you always underline words in your Bible. Would you help me underline some in mine?” As we underlined verses she learned at camp, we talked about them; she smiled and I shed a tear. God is so good! (Paul Woolnough, ELBC board member)


“We venture forward, confident in the Lord, to share the saving message of Jesus.”

Chosen and Called British Columbia

Six First Nations boys and their leader came to pre-teen camp. They had never been allowed to attend camp, especially a Christian one. By midweek, the whole cabin, including those six, gave their lives to Christ. There was an immediate change in demeanor and attitudes. God convicted them about swearing; they decided they wanted to be more like Jesus. What a transformation! God consistently shows us how He changes hearts; may we all be so open to His leading.


At a youth group this winter, young people and leaders shared how their faith began; it often included the phrase “it all started at camp.” It was encouraging to hear the camp’s name mentioned often. These kids now attend church where they are growing and serving.


Camp was scary and intimidating for Stella when she first attended because she had never felt chosen or really loved by anyone. We shared how God chose her and knows her by name. Camp is such a life-giving place, where we can present every camper with the truths that God loves, forgives, and will always be with them.

We’re thankful to be chosen and called. After many prayers and considerations, we recently became the new directors for Camp Amasa. We have been involved with camp in other ways for years, and look forward to adding our ideas to an already excellent experience for adults with diverse abilities. We venture forward, confident in the Lord, to share the saving message of Jesus.

In November, a new camper named Gene joined us for a weekend camp at Gardom Lake. It’s always great to see the love of a Christ-like community inspiring others!

At first, Gene was nervous, but he became more confident as he asked questions and got the feel of the place. When he settled into his assigned cabin, the cabin leader noticed Gene was ready to help other campers who struggled to set up their beds. Gene helped a fellow camper unroll his sleeping bag and gave him a high five.

As the camp progressed, Gene fit in even more, singing during chapel time, participating in devotions, and asking questions about the Bible. He displayed his polite and giving nature by helping others, talking to those who seemed alone, and practicing his jokes on everyone.

Gene was so excited about camp, he is now registered to come this summer, too!

CAMP AMASA is a ministry for adults with diverse abilities in Salmon Arm, BC.
• 250 253 3045
"Jesus calls us by name, turns us from fear, and walks beside us through it all. "

Journey Toward Jesus

Lake of the Trees Bible Camp welcomed almost 500 campers last summer, and was often filled with laughter and joy. Chapel speakers brought God’s Word to life and engaged campers in life-changing conversations.

Our program director shared this story about one girl who attended camp several times over the summer. Although she had been to camp before, and had heard the Gospel many times, this girl seemed to be fighting a spiritual battle.

Every week she asked her cabin leader tough questions. She feared giving her life to Christ, thinking she wouldn't get it back. Every week she said the same thing.

But during her final week at camp, we noticed something was different. She seemed brighter, and less resistant to talking about Jesus. On the final night, she asked to talk to her mom about accepting Christ.

While she didn’t make a decision right then, we believe God is still working in her life. He isn’t done with her yet! Some changes happen slowly, but it is really beautiful to see her journeying toward Jesus.

Jesus calls us by name, turns us from fear, and walks beside us through it all.

LAKE OF THE TREES BIBLE CAMP is about 40 minutes north of 100 Mile House, BC. • • 250 791 5502
MELODY SEIBERT Office Administrator



Every year, in the weeks preceding camp, we partner with a local company to run a contest on the area’s Christian radio station. The prizes are free camp registrations. One girl who received a free week had a hard time following the rules and getting along with cabin mates. However, as the week progressed, she grew more comfortable, making friends and showing an interest in Jesus and the Bible. Her curiosity continued and she now attends a weekly Bible club. Our prayer is that her curiosity becomes a life-changing faith.


At Joy Chapel and Joy Camp we seek to bless adults with disabilities, but often the tables are turned. Erin, confined to a wheelchair since childhood, spontaneously does actions to our songs. With limited sight, she often writes letters to us, with hearts and Xs and Os. Recently she wrote, “You know what? I enjoy Joy Chapel and Joy Camp. You know what? I love the songs we sing that Allison plays on the piano at Joy Camp. I love you! You know what? It is a blessing that we love Jesus.”

“The message had suddenly clicked…. they realized Jesus had died for them and was calling them.”

Every summer I’m astounded to see how God changes lives when campers choose to follow Him.

During last summer’s teen camp, we had ten boys in one cabin. Their relationship with Christ ranged from deeply faithful to non-existent. When they heard the Gospel and parables about the kingdom of heaven, they listened and interacted well, but it was hard to know their thoughts.

We’d planned a special game for the final night of camp; the girls came, but no boys. I found them in their cabin, reviewing Jesus’ death and resurrection and what it meant to them. The message had suddenly clicked and they were emotionally overwhelmed and joyful, realizing Jesus had died for them, defeated death, and was calling them

Before the boys went home the next day, we helped find churches to attend where they already knew people. We gave Bibles to those who didn’t have them, and provided ideas for continued growth with Jesus.


kilometers north
• • 780 494 2103
of Fairview, AB
Called by Jesus
“God has a purpose and a plan for everyone’s lives today, not just tomorrow!”

GFinding God in the Wind and Waves

od’s handiwork around the pristine turquoise waters of Abraham Lake provides a beautiful setting for our Outbound Wilderness Camp. Normally, this camp is a joy to lead, but that wasn’t the case during our first Outbound camp last summer.

The campers seemed apathetic—a few from believing homes called themselves Christians, but were less than excited about their faith because it just wasn’t real to them.

Mid-week, we decided to go canoeing. We reviewed the safety rules, which included staying within 30 metres of the shore. I paired with a young man who said he was great at canoeing. Although I’m a lifeguard, I’m not particularly fond of canoes myself.

Once on the lake, we suddenly encountered unexpected wind. Two canoes tipped. As the rescue canoe aided those in the water, my partner and I paddled hard against the wind, trying to reach shore.

At times, we felt like giving up, but tried to encourage one another. Once we got to shore, we discovered the rescue boat, with a leader and two campers, was yet to return. The strong squall blew them away from the group and it was some time before they got back.

This adventure shook some campers—two boys in particular. Being face-to-face with an intense situation made them realize they were not living for God, and were not guaranteed years to get things right with Him.

It was amazing to see God use this situation to show He has a purpose and plan for everyone’s lives today, not just tomorrow!

HAVEN BIBLE CAMP is one hour northwest of Edmonton, AB. • • 780 967 2643
“...telling others a truth so familiar to us, we forget to apply it to ourselves.”


God Always Has Time

Anyone who serves at camp has had one of “those kids”—a camper needing far more attention than others. It’s not that they behave poorly, but they drain your energy more quickly.

Like Rachel. Multiple times a day she arrived at Keri’s side with another problem. As Keri’s patience waned, she told Rachel how God loves hearing our struggles and suggested she take her concerns to Him.

That worked. Over the next few days, Keri saw Rachel sitting quietly in prayer. Then the Lord began working on Keri’s heart, too.

Sometimes it’s easy to be the professional Christian, telling others a truth so familiar to us, we forget to apply it to ourselves. As Keri reflected on her prayer life, she saw how little she was following her own instructions. God was inviting her to have the faith of a child once again, bringing her confusion and exhaustion to Him who knows her best.

KENOSEE LAKE BIBLE CAMP is about two hours east of Regina, SK. •

• 306 577 4623


We thank God for the facilities and opportunity to invite children to Bible camp, where they can learn to love God’s Word. Luke 15:10 says: “In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Bethel Gospel Camp is located on the shores of Jeannette Lake. Last spring a dock was donated to the camp—a tremendous blessing.


Lewis came to teen camp with anger issues. After a major disruption, we weren’t sure if he should stay. But God worked in his heart and he made amends for the hurt he’d caused, dug into devotions, and listened in chapel time. By week’s end, he surrendered to Jesus and later connected with a church. We’re excited that he will be involved in our leaders-in-training program this summer.


God provides summer missionaries from several sources. Some campers join our team when they grow up. Other summer missionaries are newer believers. This was the case for one of our male cabin leaders. A friend, who worked at EBC, invited him to youth group. Now this young man is also serving at camp, leading children and youth to Jesus. His passion for the Lord’s work and growing his faith is amazing!


Our oldest son, who lives with us long term through foster care, attended junior teen camp and came home a different person; more relaxed and excited about church and youth group. He’s more helpful and engaged, and reads his Bible consistently. I asked what changed and he said, “I learned that just like you invited me into your family, Christ invites me into His. Now I don’t have to be afraid of the future because He is always with me.” (Kara Cupples, Assistant Director)

“We are thankful that God not only delivers us from difficult situations, but crafts them into something beautiful!”

ICalled for God’s Purpose

t was the summer of 2013, and Scott’s (top photo, far right) first day as a cabin leader. As he hurried his campers to morning chapel, one fell from his bunk to the concrete floor, breaking his arm in three places. To make matters worse—he was the camp director’s son!

For Scott, the situation seemed hopeless, certainly beyond redemption. He’d later recount, “I thought my first day would also be my last!”

Ranger Lake was a pitstop in Scott’s career search. There was no fulfillment in university, trade school, or laboring jobs, so he was trying to do his own thing.

Scott’s dad made it clear that Scott wasn’t going to spend another summer on the couch, so Scott asked his pastor for ideas. He responded: “Ranger Lake really needs cabin leaders.”

A summer at the lake sounded appealing, so Scott applied and was accepted. It was clear to me, the camp director in this story, that Scott was not responsible for the broken arm, so he continued as cabin leader. God redeemed the situation further: for the first time, Scott felt fulfilled in his work and strongly led toward a full-time missions career.

Following his first year at Bible school, Scott returned to RLBC in subsequent summers. After serving with a partner mission for several years, Scott joined our full-time missionary team as associate director.

We are thankful that God not only delivers us from difficult situations, but crafts them into something beautiful! Truly, “God works for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

• • 888 406
just over an hour northwest of Saskatoon, SK.
"We don’t always know a camper’s background, but we approach each with the same love and concern our loving Father has shown us.”


New Identity in Christ


Executive Director

Last summer we provided a free week of camp for Lucy, a girl from an extremely dysfunctional single parent home. Her grandma, however, is a Christian and signed her up for camp.

Lucy’s mother was upset, and sent us colorful emails, voicing her opposition. We contacted Grandma, who smoothed things over.

At camp, Lucy had time to focus on her own growth instead of caring for younger siblings. As the week progressed, the speaker focused on our identity in Christ, and how He brings us from darkness to light. After listening in chapel and having many conversations with her cabin leader, Lucy committed to following Jesus.

Life will not be easy for Lucy due to her family situation, but caring believers in her community have come alongside. Believers are never promised an easy road when following Christ, but we know we do not journey alone.

We don’t always know a camper’s background, but we approach each with the same love and concern our loving Father has shown us. Please pray for these children and youth as they hear the Gospel at camp this summer.

STONEY LAKE BIBLE CAMP is about forty-five minutes southeast of Melfort, SK.


• 306 873 5537



Our ministry extends beyond the summer. One of our unique events is an annual dessert theater production which showcases camp team talent. The goal is to use music and drama to encourage communities with the message of hope in Jesus. The production, performed seven times and brought to three locations, brings together campers, the MLBC team, board members, and churches to share the Gospel while discipling those involved. It is always a highlight!


At Christmas, I met a camper who told me about her year and how she had grown spiritually since camp. Her difficult home life had improved in some ways, but her confidence that Jesus is in her life had sustained her through difficult times! It was a great reminder that in Christ we are not only saved from hell, but redeemed and set free here and now! (Seth Briggs, Executive Director)


I was Leona’s cabin leader two summers ago and this year she returned for winter camp. She brought the Bible I had given her and it almost brought me to tears. Despite difficult circumstances at home and school, she still clung to the promises of God’s Word. I was amazed at what God had done in her life since I last saw her. (Jenny, cabin leader) HELP WANTED Lifeguards Health officers Cooks Cabin Leaders and more!

Reach out to your local camp to see how you can be involved this summer!




I disciple campers and leaders year round in Winnipeg. A favorite ministry tool this winter was our puppies! I invited campers and staff to visit them. Sitting on the floor, with a pile of puppies to cuddle as we talked about things in their lives or enjoyed a Bible story, provided great connecting opportunities. God can use anything! (Jael Napoleon, Discipleship Director)


My heart broke when a beloved camper told me she no longer wanted to be a Christian. There had been a lot of hurt in her past, especially in her family, that she couldn’t reconcile anymore. I felt helpless, but trust God can redeem her future for His glory. In another situation, I celebrated with a girl as she accepted Christ! We prayed and wept for joy together; she is a new creation! (Heather Grafe, Program Coordinator)


Six days before senior teen camp, we had seventy campers registered but were short six female and two male cabin leaders. Without enough leaders, campers would be put on a wait list. Two days before campers arrived, God challenged four females and one male to serve! As campers arrived, all roles were filled. God chose each person for a reason, even at the last minute, to proclaim His glory!


A“ It's not riches or rewards that drive us, it’s moments when we see God at work.”

Why Serve at Camp?

cabin leader excitedly shared with me that a camper in her cabin had decided to follow Jesus. The next day the leader, joyful and on the verge of tears, told us another camper had accepted Jesus! The second camper was so excited to learn more about Jesus that she returned for another week of camp.

A few weeks earlier during our prayer meeting, two team members, who were serving in the kitchen and on work crew, said they also made decisions to follow Christ.

As we celebrated God’s goodness, I thought: “Why do I work at camp?” It can seem a little crazy. Long, hard hours doing less than glamorous jobs, for sometimes seemingly few returns.

But it's not riches or rewards that drive us, it’s moments when we see God at work. I can’t think of a better reason for devoting my time to serving at camp!

DAUPHIN BIBLE CAMP is about 20 minutes south of Dauphin, MB. • • 204 638 5568

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“It’s been a blessing to live in a Christian community and grow closer to God…I know I’m in the right place.”



The Challenge and Blessing of Commitment

s a camper, I never thought I’d be a cabin leader. No way! The job seemed too hard, too tiring, and too draining for my introverted personality. But a few years later I found myself in that position.

Last summer was my third as a cabin leader at Valley View Bible Camp. During team training in May, we were asked why we were serving at camp. I listened to others share how God had called them. My turn: “It was an intentional choice to be here."

The summer wasn't all sunshine and rainbows as I lived out my intentional choice. I struggled with tiredness, illness, and frustrations while learning to understand the eternal value of serving Him who saved me.

As summer ended, I struggled with the same question every newly graduated high school student asks: "What’s next?" I asked the director about a winter position. The answer was yes, and I've done everything from toilet cleaning and serving food to scanning old documents.

Being here in winter presents challenges and blessings. I've had vehicle difficulties and had to rely on others for transportation, but it’s been a blessing to live in a Christian community and grow closer to God.

Thinking back to being a camper, thirteen-year-old me would be surprised. While working here is neither glamorous nor financially profitable, I know I'm in the right place.

God doesn’t always give a clear, "This is what I chose for you,” but I have learned He rewards faithful commitment. I’m discovering we can give glory to God whether scrubbing toilets or sharing the Gospel.

VALLEY VIEW BIBLE CAMP is about 15 minutes south of MacGregor, MB. • • 204 685 2999


OFollowing God's Call

riginally from Ontario, I was blessed with Christian parents who encouraged me to serve at church and camp. After high school, I wanted to attend Bible school, but didn’t know where. After considering many options, I listened to God and enrolled at New Brunswick Bible Institute.

While at school, my mindset was, “I’m here until God calls me elsewhere.” One year became four, and God began calling me into ministry during my third year.

My first thought was: “Lord, I’ll go into ministry after I get married.” But God used chapel speakers, teachers, and a ladies Bible study titled, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeurst, to impress ministry on my heart.

During a Sunday evening service, a classmate preached on Matthew 16:24: “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’” (NIV).

Deny your wants and desires, giving them up for Christ. Take up your cross, which won’t be easy; it will take work. Follow wherever God leads, no matter the cost.

Not knowing any details of what my future ministry would look like, I said, “Alright Lord, I will go into full-time ministry, even if I don’t get married.”

My fourth-year internship landed me in Sussex, New Brunswick, where Gary and Christina Long (directors of Sandy Cove Bible Camp) attended church.

Follow wherever God leads, no matter the cost.

During my internship, I learned the camp needed a Program Manager. I inquired and, after I’d worked there all summer, we agreed—God was calling me. On August 21, 2020, I became a One Hope Canada missionary as the camp’s first Program Manager.

God’s provision, and a great church family and community who have adopted me as their own, continually confirm His call on my life. I don’t know His plans for me, but know I’m where He wants me now.

AMY KAUFMAN serves at Sandy Cove Bible Camp in New Brunswick.


We were blessed to have Anka attend our camp’s ladies retreat this fall. Anka is blind, and faces daily challenges, but has a joyful, peaceful presence. As she shared about a new church community in her hometown, I heard excitement and thankfulness in her voice. She faithfully reflects God’s image with her joyful, kind spirit.


Haven, our after-school club, is a safe place for young people to grow in their relationship with God. We have sixteen participants, several of whom came to faith through MBC. As we learn about becoming Christ-like and how to grow, our club members demonstrate they are receptive to the activities, Bible teaching, and games. God is at work in their lives—we see them growing in faith, sharing, and asking deep questions.


Humble and Hungry to Learn Ontario

“Jesus taught me what it means to forgive.”

For over eighty years, a missionary presence in the Rainy River District of Ontario has provided opportunities for children and teens to hear that they have been chosen and redeemed by God. At Bible camps, vacation Bible schools, wilderness canoe trips, discipleship programs, Bible studies, and many other ministries, children, youth, and families in northwestern Ontario have been hearing the glorious Gospel that Jesus saves!

Jane interviewed so well for our 2023 summer season, on paper checking off all the right boxes. She had been a camper before and it seemed like a no-brainer to accept her.

Summer began, and while she worked hard—not asking for breaks and readily taking on new tasks— we noticed she was not spiritually thriving. Anything spiritual seemed tough for Jane. She slept during team devotional times, spent more time with team members than with campers, and completed the minimum of tasks.

Since we care more about the heart than the job, we checked in with Jane. During a conversation with her, I learned her parents were getting divorced. With her world disintegrating, Jane was doing all she could to maintain control.


Once she shared her pain, everything seemed to shift for Jane. We witnessed a remarkable change as she attended our online Bible study in the fall. She was more humble and hungry to learn. At her baptism earlier this year, Jane said, “Jesus taught me what it means to forgive, to have joy and peace in my heart that comes only from Him.”

WILLOW SPRINGS CAMP is about 10 minutes west of Stouffville, ON. • • 905 640 2698

“ opportunity to introduce young minds to the transformative power of Jesus Christ.”

Spreading SONshine through After-School Clubs

In a world clouded with uncertainty and apprehension, the call to fear not resonates deeply in believers’ hearts. It is a call to unwavering faith and courage. Our volunteers have heeded the call and stepped into public schools to face the challenge.

SONshine Bible Clubs are a beacon of hope in elementary schools in Sault Ste. Marie, with fifty children enrolled, and seventeen volunteers. The clubs are not just an extracurricular activity, but an opportunity to introduce young minds to the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Recently, an unchurched child who attended one of our clubs was introduced to a church and its AWANA program and is faithfully attending. This is our goal: meet children at school and help them connect with churches, children's clubs, and summer camps.

Within the influx of new families to Canada are many who have never encountered the message of Jesus Christ. We provide opportunities to bridge this gap. It’s cost-effective and underscores the importance of engaging with children in familiar environments.

Christian administrators, teachers, and educational assistants help run the clubs. Often, these groups attract the most children; when groups have familiar school faces it eases the transition and increases trust for children and parents.

We help to extend Christian discipleship beyond summer camp by maintaining a year-round presence. We want to see the seeds of faith—often planted at Bible camp—grow and continue to flourish throughout the school year.

SONSHINE BIBLE CLUB serve children in junior kindergarten to Grade 8, in multiple Sault Ste. Marie, ON locations. •



In early February at Camp Livingstone, our annual Winter Snow Day for local children faced a volunteer shortage. We prayed and trusted God for help. Miraculously, 25 volunteers answered our call, just in time, and over 30 children attended. They listened intently to the Gospel story presentation. Many children intend to return this summer, another opportunity to go deeper as we trust God for their salvation.


My phone buzzed. It was a text from a young man I’d been discipling: “I did it, Daryk.” Knowing him and his struggles, I messaged back with trepidation: “What did you do?” His answer filled me with joy. He had ended a damaging relationship that was leading him from God—a choice that, not long before, he would have called impossible. What a joy to see God change those He calls. (Daryk Legouffe, Director)


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“Even when it seems unlikely to succeed, we must preach the Gospel.”


The AlwaysRelevant Gospel

ow often must a child hear the Gospel before responding?

Matthieu, a foster child, often felt left out or picked on. But at camp, when he first heard about Jesus dying for his sins, he cried—hardly knowing why—and quickly changed the subject.

In week three, Matthieu was challenged to see himself, not as a foster kid, but as someone of infinite worth to God. By week four, it made sense to believe in a personal, loving God.

After seeing Matthieu’s understanding grow weekly until He decided to follow Jesus, I was encouraged to keep preaching, speaking, and living the Gospel.

Julie, always smiling and often singing chapel songs, comes from a Christian home. She’d heard the Gospel many times, but it wasn’t until halfway through the summer that she spoke to her mother about becoming a Christian. The Gospel must be preached, even to those from Christian homes.

Timothée, Julie’s older brother, full of energy, had problems listening or participating in chapel. But his mother saw a change in his life when he made a decision for Christ between camps. Even when kids don’t seem to be listening, the Gospel must be preached.

Luc got attention by causing problems. If anyone seemed most unlikely to come to Christ, it was him. Yet, there were moments when Luc showed he had been listening. On the last day of camp, Luc became a Christian. Even when it seems unlikely to succeed, we must preach the Gospel.

CAMP DES ÎLES is located about an hour west of Montreal, QC. • • 450 562 3355

“God, in His infinite grace and mercy, chooses imperfect people to further His kingdom.”


We have been busy: recruiting and preparing for summer camps, establishing a youth worship team, inviting more churches to partner with us, and doing outreach projects in the community. This is our first summer as directors and we’re trusting the Lord to lead us. Please pray. (Caleb Cheng, Director)


Learning to Lead

One of the chapel messages last summer focused on David’s anointing at a young age to become Israel’s next king. We talked about the valuable leadership skills he learned while waiting to replace King Saul. During small group time, five teens from the Leaders-in-Training program discussed the passage with me.

“And the LORD said, “This is the one; anoint him.” So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David from that day on” (1 Sam. 16:12b-13, NLT).

I asked them what this Bible story could teach about leadership. One girl said, “It’s like our LIT program. David wasn’t ready to lead the kingdom, and had to learn what it meant to be a leader. We’re not ready to be leaders yet, and this program is teaching us how to lead.”

I was so encouraged by her deep connection to the biblical story. God, in His infinite grace and mercy, chooses imperfect people to further His kingdom. We’re not always ready to lead, but God uses different situations to grow, mature, and shape us to proclaim His good news to the world. What a privilege!

MIRAMICHI BIBLE CAMP is about one-and-a-half hours northwest of Moncton, NB. • • 506 962 5370

Seeing young people discover the truth is such a blessing! We watched that happen in a timid, 11-year-old camper who came for two weeks last summer. During the first week, he became excited about the Bible and chapel times. Two weeks later he returned to camp on his own, without knowing anyone other than our team. It was incredible to watch him spending time each day with cabin leaders and other summer missionaries—wanting to learn more about Christ. He gained assurance of his salvation and wanted to grow, and we were blessed.


Some campers attend Hampton Bible Camp year after year. One who came for six years expressed a strong desire to be part of the summer ministry team. “Hampton Bible Camp is like my second home. I love so many cabin leaders and campers and feel God’s presence filling me with joy. I always have a smile. I don't want to stop going; I've learned so much and want to continue my journey with Jesus! I would love to help a child know God and help campers understand scripture.” We are so thankful for this testimony and many others that show God at work through us, and in the children we are privileged to serve.


At summer’s end, we always ask core team members to write about what God taught them. Every year, we read of God’s faithfulness: how He brought them through fears and doubts and used them to share and live out the Gospel with campers, many of whom have their own fears and doubts.

Atlantic Canada
“I am always amazed at who God chooses, and how He equips...”

During a Vacation Bible School we hosted on Newfoundland’s west coast, a pastor told of giving his life to Christ at an open-air 5 Day Club conducted by the Canadian Sunday School Mission. He explained how those early clubs provided a spiritual foundation for many of Newfoundland’s ministries today.

Such clubs were conducted around Newfoundland in the 1970s by Eva (Weatherbee) Heath and three summer missionaries. Eva stayed on the island, married, and raised a family; her children and grandchildren continue to play significant roles at New Found Life Bible Camp.

The camp’s ministry has impacted others, like Bobby who first attended when he was four. He lived quietly in the shadow of siblings Katie and Mariam, as they offered time and talents at camp. When timid Bobby turned thirteen, he saw our need for young men and signed up.

His enthusiasm became evident at training when he learned to lead singing, explain and teach Bible verses, conduct lesson review games, and oversee a team. During his four weeks at day camp, Bobby’s giftedness as a musician flourished and he volunteered to lead singing even when it was not his turn. His love of music and the joy he expressed while leading inspired campers and leaders alike.

I am always amazed at who God chooses, and how He equips and develops them into mature leaders to help redeem Newfoundland’s children. NEW

CAMP is based out of Torbay, NL, serving in various
the province.
locations in
• 709 769 3000 A Living
NEW FOUND LIFE BIBLE CAMP The Discipleship App that connects ministry leaders with their students.
“I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine”

Retired to Serve

Retirement suggests exciting adventures or vacations in faraway places, so my husband and I took a cruise with Back to the Bible a few years ago. We met Don Collins, former national director and One Hope Canada board member.

Not long after, Don invited me to join the national board. No longer in a career, I had more time to serve the Lord, doing His will for His glory.

I accepted this volunteer opportunity, and discovered I had much to learn. Assigned to the board development committee, I was to help recruit more board members and guide them through the learning curve.

In October 2023, I attended the One Hope Canada national conference in Halifax. What a blessing to mingle with young missionaries! Witnessing their passion and dedication was a memorable experience.

God chose and redeemed us because He loves us. We love Him in return and seek to bring glory to His name. At One Hope Canada, we are blessed to reach those with the least opportunity to hear the Gospel, especially children and youth. Young and old are called to serve. Perhaps while reading this, you sense God’s call to join One Hope Canada, be it on the national board or elsewhere. There are plenty of opportunities!

ONLINE LEARNING WHERE YOU ARE! Toll Free 1.877.968.6762 DISTRIBUTED LEARNING CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM DEVELOPING CHRISTIAN LEADERS Anyone | Anywhere | Anytime Last year One Hope Canada supporters donated Toll free 1-888-960-2580 43,593 AIR MILES saving $6,000 in travel expenses Donate Dream or Cash Miles or collect on our behalf. Your miles can help us reduce travel expenses. Contact us for more information. Y O U R S U P P O R T M A T T E R S O U R P U B L I S H I N G C O S T S A R E C O V E R E D I N P A R T B Y T H E G E N E R O U S S U P P O R T O F T H E B U S I N E S S E S A N D O R G A N I Z A T I O N S F E A T U R E D I N T H E S E P A G E S T O P A R T N E R W I T H O N E H O P E C A N A D A A N D R E A C H M O R E T H A N 1 8 , 0 0 0 R E A D E R S W I T H Y O U R M E S S A G E , E M A I L K E L L Y A T K E L L Y @ O N E H O P E C A N A D A C A WINTER/SPRING 2024 24
Hope for your hopper. Home print subscriptions are free in Canada. Sign up today! Free! How will we respond? Part 1 of a two-part series by Patricia Paddey. p.30 Medically assisted dying and the Church COVER STORY May / June 2022 PM 40069336 CHRISTIANS AT THE OTTAWA CONVOY PROTEST P.49 HOW TO DO POSTPANDEMIC HOSPITALITY P.36 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO WAR IN UKRAINE P.38 10 WAYS TO HELP VICTIMS OF CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE P.45 From the life-cycle of worship songs to whether we have psalms of lament on our church’s playlist to the challenges of online worship, we explore the issues and trends. p.28 Worship music COVER STORIES March / April 2022 PM 40069336 BEAUTIFUL POEMS FOR EASTER P.42 EDUCATION THAT’S INDIGENOUS AND CHRISTIAN P.44 GETTING FOCUSED WITH JOHN STACKHOUSE P.58 WHAT WE’VE LEARNED (SO FAR) FROM ONLINE WORSHIP P.35 What Mark Buchanan wishes he’d done differently on Sunday mornings. p.28 Preaching better COVER STORY July August 2022 PM 40069336 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S BOOKS TO ENJOY P.46 WHY DOCTORS NEED CONSCIENCE PROTECTION P.34 A CALGARY CHURCH TELLS ITS STORIES BY PODCAST P.16 JOHN STACKHOUSE ON THE BIG STORY OF EVANGELICALISM P.24 Redeeming “evangelical” COVER STORY Canadians have strong views about what they think evangelical means. How can we help? p.32 fundamentalist bigoted narrow-minded parochial white homophobic misogynist toxic judgmental racist paternalistic gracious hospitable sacrificial prayerful humble compassionate kind light sharer of Good News holy generous people-loving salt non-elitist lover of Jesus gentle September / October 2022 PM 40069336 B.C. CHURCH CHESS CLUB WELCOMES NEIGHBOURS P.18 ON THE FARM YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT A DAY WILL BRING P.26 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE CHURCH P.37 STEPPING UP TO HELP WITH THE CANADIAN HOUSING CRISIS P.40 Enduring hope COVER STORY As we celebrate the first coming of Jesus, we anchor our lives in the promise of His second. p.34 November December 2022 POST-TROPICAL STORM FIONA: PEI CHURCH RESPONDS P.18 INCLUDING PEOPLE OF DIVERSE ABILITIES IN CHURCH LIFE P.52 RECOVERING VOICES OF FEMALE BIBLE COMMENTATORS P.40 DO YOU HAVE SUNDAY SHOES? DRESSING UP FOR CHURCH P.48 Flourishing workplaces COVER STORY Stewarding a culture of collaboration, approachable leadership and healthy compensation. p.28 January February 2023 CANADIAN SEMINARIES RECEIVE BIG GRANTS P.38 INTERVIEW: HELPING A CHILD’S FAITH GROW AT HOME P.24 CHURCHES NEED BETTER TALK ABOUT SEX P.32 SPIRITUAL HABITS FOR A NEW YEAR P.45 While they are the most common type of church across our nation, small churches are often missing from the larger conversations. A new study reveals just how much they have to offer. p.30 Appreciating small churches COVER STORY March / April 2023 NEW CANADIAN EASTER POETRY P.40 FELLOWSHIP SKILLS: HOW TO LISTEN WELL P.42 LEARNING HUMILITY IN A GROUP HOME P.46 STOP MAID FOR MENTAL ILLNESS P.36 A new study reveals trends and insights into how parents help form the faith of their kids. p.30 Parents, kids & faith COVER STORY May June 2023 FAITH TODAY TV GOES LIVE P.13 THE CHALLENGES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE P.36 FELLOWSHIP SKILLS: HOW TO BE KIND P.42 CHURCHES PUTTING DISCIPLESHIP FIRST IN SURPRISING WAYS P.44 3-2023_MAY_FT_COVER.indd 1 Is confession missing from your life? Discover this door to grace. p.30 July August 2023 MAGGIE JOHN ON SPEAKING TRUTH IN A NOISY WORLD P.18 HOW CAN CHURCHES DO BETTER WITH MENTAL HEALTH? P.24 START A NEW ADVENTURE: MAKING A MOVE P.38 A QUEBEC CHURCH OFFERS INCOME TAX HELP P.22 4-2023_JULY_FT_COVER.indd September October 2023 TREATING ANXIETY WITH THE RESPECT IT DESERVES P.36 TWO THEOLOGIANS AGREE ON HOW TO DISAGREE P.39 AILEEN VAN GINKEL HAS THE LAST WORD P.62 NEW RESOURCE FROM CMDA ON DYING WELL P.14 Author JEN POLLOCK MICHEL on how she turned from pursuing relentless productivity to embracing God’s measure of time. p.32 FRUITFULNESS COVER STORY 5-2023_SEPT_FT_COVER.indd 2023-08-10 3:48 PM God’s persistent and holy call to courage. p.30 November / December 2023 THE BEAUTIFUL REALITY OF SINGLENESS P.44 WHEN CHRISTIANS CHANGE DENOMINATIONS P.38 DO WE HAVE AN EMPATHY PROBLEM? P.47 EPHRAIM RADNER GOES INTO THE HEART OF SUFFERING P.24 6-2023_NOV_FT_COVER.indd 2023-10-10 7:34 PM The world has changed. Missions must change too. p.30 Rethinking global mission COVER STORY January February 2024 HOW SPIRITUAL DIRECTION CAN HELP US GROW P.45 SHINING LIGHT ON HUMILITY P.48 FT INTERVIEW: WHAT TRUE INCLUSION LOOKS LIKE P.26 MEET THE SMALL GROUP THAT HAS MET FOR 51 YEARS P.8 1-2024-JAN_FT_COVER.indd
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