Canada's Hope Magazine - Summer/Fall 2022

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HOPE CANADA' s GOD’S MISSION. OUR ADVENTURE. Summer/Fall 2022 Issue 24 A PUBLICATION OF For you have been born again... through the living and enduring word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 NIV Transformed by the Gospel

Your prayers are powerful


You have a vital role to play in sharing the love of Jesus with children, youth, and families across Canada.

Get to know the people serving on the frontlines of camp and community ministry by joining our National Prayer Team.

Monthly print and digital prayer guides available.

(James 5:16)

One Hope Canada has partnered with the local church since 1927 to develop life-long followers of Jesus by clearly communicating the Gospel. Every year, more than 30,000 children and youth discover Jesus through camps, community outreaches, and creative ministry strategies.

Canada’s Hope is the biannual publication of One Hope Canada. Letters, articles, and photos are welcome. Names appearing in articles may have been changed.



Features 4 Engaging Canada 5 Faithful Servants 17 Something Out of Nothing 18 Ministry Map 20 Finding Rest at Ranger Lake 27 Transformed by the Gospel Regional Stories 28 Our Supporters ONE HOPE CANADA Ministry Resource Centre 3-212 Henderson Hwy. Box 323 Winnipeg, MB R2L 1L8 888 960 2580
Lorna Kroeker
Bill McCaskell DESIGN Iced Tea Designs Winnipeg, MB PRINTING Derksen Printers Steinbach, MB Summer/Fall 2022 Issue Twenty-Four HOPE CANADA's 8 British Columbia 10 Alberta 12 Saskatchewan 15 Manitoba 22 Ontario 24 Québec 25 Atlantic Canada CONTENTS
ON THE COVER Roseau River Bible Camp, Manitoba
Publications Mail Agreement Number 40019747 Undelivered copies, change of address, and new requests should be addressed to our office.

Canada Engaging

We never move beyond the Gospel. Our Christian walk is a journey of growing in our awe and belief of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. To believe that the Gospel is how we start our relationship with God, but not how we grow in our relationship with Him, is to misunderstand what scripture teaches about salvation.

The Bible uses the word ‘salvation’ in its fullest sense—including our justification (being made right with God), our sanctification (growing in Christlikeness), and our glorification (seeing Christ face-to-face, receiving new bodies, and fully reflecting His character).

Paul calls the Gospel the power of God on display through this salvation (Romans 1:16) and Peter calls the Gospel the living and enduring Word of God (1 Peter 1:23). This edition of Canada’s Hope bears witness to these truths.

New Hearts —Our frontline missionaries work hard to clearly present the good news of Jesus, trusting the Spirit to stir and convict hearts. This summer, more than 1,000 children and youth made first-time confessions of faith. As you read their stories, please pray for these boys and girls. Many go home to challenging circumstances and need believers standing with them.

Growing Hearts —When God’s people come together to share the good news of Jesus, their hearts warm to the things of God. This summer nearly 3,000 believers from almost 400 churches served at 43 ministry locations. Whether young adults or more seasoned veterans in their 70s, none left the same. Be sure to read Jeff’s story on page 20.

Glorified Hearts Canada’s Hope seeks to honor those who have faithfully served with One Hope Canada and are in the presence of Jesus. In this edition, you will find personal tributes to my mentor and former national director, Don Collins, and long-time missionary and dear friend, Agnes Friesen. Though we miss them, the hope of seeing them again compels us to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to the next generation.

Bill McCaskell National Director



claim no religion


describe their faith identity as nothing in particular 70% of Canadian Christian teens had a conversation about their faith identity with a non-Christian in the past year

53% of non-Christian teens openly admit to having unanswered questions about faith

1 in 4

non-Christian teens are especially interested in Christianity and what it could mean for their life


Reviving Evangelism in the Next Generation, produced by Barna in partnership with Alpha Canada, 2021


Remembering Agnes Friesen

One summer in the 1960s, Agnes Friesen took a week off from work to volunteer at Manitoba’s Gimli Bible Camp. A young adult at the time, she didn’t know how this single week of ministry would impact her life forever.

In a 2020 interview, Agnes recalled a chapel speaker’s challenge: “You gave one week to serve the Lord. What now?”

“It felt like God was pointing His finger at me,” said Agnes, “and before I left camp I said, ‘Lord, here I am. What now? I am willing to serve You full time.’”

Agnes joined Canadian Sunday School Mission (now One Hope Canada) in 1970 and served faithfully.

Agnes’ love and care were beautifully evident among the children and youth she served. Her CSSM ministry started in Amaranth, Manitoba, alongside her team worker, Freida Johnson. Over the years the two women moved into several rural communities in Manitoba, bringing the Gospel to children, youth, and their families.

Agnes and Frieda taught Bible clubs, hosted get togethers for youth, and led Bible studies for community women. Their ministry resulted in new churches being planted. In the summer, they spent several weeks at camp and several weeks leading vacation Bible schools in Manitoba communities. Agnes once said, “The facilities were never ideal, but if we had chairs to sit on, we could teach kids about Jesus.”

Even after Agnes retired in 2002, she continued to help in the Winnipeg office, covering responsibilities while others were on holidays, and serving on the national board for two terms, from 2005 until 2015.

While serving on the national board, Agnes learned about the mission’s work across Canada. She had

opportunities to visit several ministry points and prayed by name for missionaries she’d met. Agnes said, “Those were ten very special years, seeing the ministry of One Hope Canada in action, a blessed ending to my service with the mission.”

I met Agnes in 2013 when I joined the mission. Although it was near the end of her ministry with One Hope Canada, she remained a constant friend and prayer warrior. She stopped in for unplanned visits (always with muffins) and joined us for office birthday parties. She frequently called to ask about my work and ministry, to tell of her prayers for me, and to say she loved me.

After a brief and intense battle with cancer, Agnes passed away June 24, entering into the presence of her Lord and Savior, whom she loved dearly and served faithfully.

I will miss my friendship with Agnes. She never faltered from the commitment she made at Gimli Bible Camp. We have confidence that, when she passed into Jesus’ presence He said, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Melanie Mushaluk is the Director of Administration and Human Resources for One Hope Canada.

Remembering Don Collins

I knew Don Collins as my boss, mentor, and friend. This August it was my great honor to share a few words at the service celebrating his life. Don went home to Jesus on August 13, following a cancer diagnosis a few months earlier.

Don, who served as national director, hired me in 2010 as the Manitoba director for Canadian Sunday School Mission (now One Hope Canada). In 2012, on behalf of the national board, he invited me and Bev to serve as the national director team. He served on the board for two terms, using his gifts and skills on special One Hope Canada projects.

I could describe Don’s impact on the mission by what God accomplished through him, but Don’s lasting fingerprint on One Hope Canada goes deeper than that. His character as a leader and as a man truly shaped us.

Don’s love for His Savior guided him as he helped update the mission’s purpose and core values, always ensuring we did not drift one degree from why we exist: to tell boys and girls who Jesus is and what He has done for them.

“I could describe Don's impact on the mission by what God accomplished through him, but Don's lasting fingerprint on One Hope Canada goes deeper than that.”

Don was a gentle encourager and coach and I often benefited from his wise words, gently delivered, on how I could do better. Don loved his wife, Lois (pictured on opposite page), and his children, and spoke of them often. For Don, family and job were not different worlds which rarely met; rather, he worked hard in ministry while dearly cherishing his family.

Don led with a humble shepherd’s heart. Our first one-on-one took place just before I started as Manitoba director. As I was about to leave, he said, “Let me pray for you.”

He prayed for me, for my family, for the church I was leaving as pastor, and for the new role ahead. It wasn’t a perfunctory prayer, made out of obligation because it was the thing to do. His prayer was authentic. Over the years, those who met Don witnessed his kindness, his genuine interest in those around him, and his love for those he led.

I am so thankful that God’s wisdom brought Don to One Hope Canada and into my life. We will miss him. I will miss him.

Bill McCaskell serves as the National Director for One Hope Canada. Don Collins (back row, far right) with One Hope Canada team members and alumni.


This year our camp had access to a houseboat to travel across Shuswap Lake so we could beach the boat and swim. Although we tried to remove as many obstacles as possible, some campers could not disembark at the beach. One such camper was Pamela, but her joy and smile said it all. “It’s okay that I can’t get off. I can enjoy the Lord’s creation from right here [on the deck]!”


This summer was amazing! Our camps overflowed with campers, many of whom had never been to camp or heard about Jesus. One blessing was being part of the moment when a young man gave his life to Jesus. He had been coming to camp most of his life, had heard about Jesus, and desperately

Love is Never Wasted

Chelsea and I have been part of the Maple Springs team for more than twelve years; 2022 was my twentieth summer at camp. Living at camp year round can be a challenge with limited family time, no vacation, and continually changing stresses, rhythms, and schedules. The most difficult? Seeing kids we know, love, and care for—kids from healthy backgrounds— walk away from God only to suffer pain and damage. So why are we still here? We frequently ask ourselves this question in tough times.

Then something happens to remind us of Jesus’ words that if we want to find our lives, we must lose them for His sake. He also said our lives will be abundant, not easy. People often comment that we must have our hands full, but it makes me think of the little sign in our house that says, "If you think our hands are full, you should see our hearts."

Recently I was surprised to get a message from Brendan. I texted him now and then, but hadn't seen him since he was a camper five years before. During his last stint at teen camp, he was sick and experiencing withdrawal from hard drugs. It was a difficult week.

This time his message read: "Camp is where it all began for me. I am following Jesus, I am healing, and want to come back to share what God has done and be baptized in the camp pool." For one week this summer, Brendan helped at camp and shared his story with our leaders.

Brendan’s story reminds us that God never lets go. Love shown to others is never wasted, and God lovingly pursues His children. He will make the right things grow in the hearts of our kids and youth. Our job is to obey, pray, trust Him, and watch as He redeems our broken world!


Maple Springs Bible Camp is in Peachland, BC.

MAPLE SPRINGS BIBLE CAMP SHOP NOW G i v e a g o o d b o o k t h i s C h r i s t m a s . FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CANADA SUMMER/FALL 20228
British Columbia
“Love shown to others is never wasted, and God lovingly pursues His children.”

Hope for the Coming Generation

W e celebrated two anniversaries on September 2—sixteen years of marriage and three months since our arrival at Ness Lake Bible Camp.

Our first season at NLBC was filled with unpacking, painting, and discovering what camp life is all about. In many ways, I saw how God had prepared me all along to serve in this capacity. I thank Him because, while I still have much to learn and discover, it feels like I belong on the team.

After one summer season under my belt, it is clear I love camp ministry and have learned there is so much hope for the coming generation!

Serving with and leading young people, as they discover how to use their gifts to make Jesus known to campers, is an exciting part of my role.

This summer was a unique challenge as we offered our first overnight, post-pandemic camping. It was a privilege to witness our young team go the extra mile with a large number of campers who struggled with being away from parents for the first time since 2020.

Covid interrupted our leadership/discipleship pipeline, and we were unable to run our Leaders in Training program in 2020 and 2021. That being said, it was encouraging to see God provide the right young people for the program this year. Some completed the first segment and decided to serve in the kitchen or other departments for the rest of the summer.

After witnessing a generation of young leaders ready to jump into the game and learn how to serve, I believe investing in a deeper connection with grade nine students this fall and winter will be a valuable use of our time. Hopefully, some will sign up for next summer’s Leaders in Training program.

Although there is still so much to learn about living the camp life by God’s grace, I am filled with gratitude for the lives He changed this summer and excited about next season.

967 4248 •
Ness Lake Bible Camp is half an hour northwest of Prince George, BC.
“I am filled with gratitude for the lives He changed this summer and excited about next season.”


This spring we received record amounts of financial aid requests from camper families. I shared the need with local churches and supporters and the response was overwhelming. Nearly $30,000 was donated to send children to camp! This money will serve campers for years. Praise the Lord for this provision and the generosity of His people.


New to camp and inexperienced, our leaders this year faced many challenges. It was a demanding summer, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Despite this, it was admirable how our leaders shared Jesus in loving ways. When a camper came to Christ, his leader was so excited he ran across the field, practically vibrating as he shared the story. This was not an isolated incident.


This summer we used the biblical theme of love to guide our programs. When short-handed, those lessons kept our team encouraged and patient, especially when it seemed the kids only wanted to do crafts. We saw Gospel love taking root in a game when some campers gave their turn so friends could play. In an ever-changing world, we know the Gospel will never change, but it will continue to change us!


“Thank you!” resonated repeatedly as parents, grandparents, and the caregivers of campers with disabilities brought their young adults to Joy Camp. One mom stopped to help in the craft shack the first morning, delighted that her 17-year-old could enjoy an atmosphere of fun and faith. Eight family members came for the final day camp fireside and closing supper at one of our three camps. God’s blessing is extending to many besides the summer’s ninety-five Joy Camp campers.


It has been One Hope Canada’s joy to serve and support the Nordegg Community Church since 2003. In the near future, the church will transition to Vision Ministries Canada, a like-minded, non-denominational church network whose purpose is planting and invigorating churches, primarily in Canada. Watch for more details in our next edition.

The Other Ten Months

I sat at my office desk, entering information from cabin reports onto our camper notes. One cabin leader had written, “L says she is saved and got baptized right before camp, but I don’t see much fruit of the Spirit in her life.” Hmmmm. That was discouraging.

Then I read a few more lines in L’s file, entered last year: “Unsure if she’s saved. Felt convicted during the last chapel. Says she isn't an agnostic anymore. During last devo time, she mentioned she has more assurance in her beliefs and seems to understand the importance of salvation.”

Suddenly my discouragement changed to encouragement as I realized that was a good report! Some time after camp last year, this young lady had put her trust in Jesus Christ. She had been baptized. She wasn’t on fire for godly things yet, but she was saved!

Then during our out-trip camp, one summer worker commented that he had chosen to follow Jesus during the previous year’s out-trip camp. We had no idea!

And then there was Match, the camper whose behavior was so problematic we weren’t going to allow him back at camp. But God overrode our best efforts, and he returned the following year. To our surprise, he had been totally transformed by the power of the Gospel, eager to see his family saved.

We work hard to present the Gospel to our campers for two months of the year, but the Holy Spirit continues working the other ten months to bring souls into God’s kingdom.

ROSS HAVEN BIBLE CAMP • 780 967 2643 • Ross Haven Bible Camp is one hour northwest of Edmonton.

“The Holy Spirit continues working the other ten months to bring souls into God’s kingdom.”

Embracing the Mission

A s cabins filled, songs were sung, games played, and great food enjoyed, I thought: “Every child at camp is from an area where a church hopes to make an impact.”

Yet so many campers have never been to church, let alone heard the good news. They opened Bibles for the first time. Curiosity grew. Questions were raised. They wanted to hear about Jesus and other treasures in God’s Word.

An amazing group of young people fielded those many questions, led those songs, played those games, and shared the good news. I can’t say enough about our summer cabin leaders, chapel coordinators, activity leaders, and a dozen other positions. Their passion, excitement, and dedication helped campers encounter Jesus; it was amazing.

The leaders overflowed with love for Jesus and it was contagious. I was surprised to hear most of the summer team say they don’t get evangelistic, leadership, or disciple-making opportunities during the year. They love camp, where they can use their gifts.

I finished the summer excited, because some neighborhoods now include kids and families open to Jesus.

Churches have young people who love evangelism, leading worship, and building relationships for the growth of God’s kingdom.

My sincere hope: That these young people will be integrated into the ministry of their home churches. That church leaders will walk with them around their neighborhoods, asking them what can be done to find those kids, youth, and families who need to hear the good news of Jesus, and equipping and empowering them to do it. The young people are ready. Is your church ready to embrace this mission?

CAMP SILVERSIDES • 403 748 2689 • Camp Silversides is about half an hour from Red Deer, AB.
“The leaders overflowed with love for Jesus and it was contagious.”


Praise God for a great summer! God pulled us through even though we had not hosted overnight camps for several years. We were encouraged by the number of unchurched campers who heard the Gospel for the first time! Seeds of faith were planted. We pray they will grow and that these kids will come back to camp again.


Training our team is one of my favorite things about summer camp. Equipping, encouraging, and discipling our team is a great privilege. We had such moments this summer! Some camp supporters with amazing skills and passions willingly helped equip our team by teaching archery, leading chapel, or offering first aid. It was great to see a variety of people with boots on the ground helping coach our team.


“I didn’t believe in God before coming to camp.” Hearing comments like this from campers is exciting and reflects the work God can do in a week of camp! Sharing the truths of the Word in a safe, fun, caring environment paves the way for God to do what only He can. That God chooses to use us in His plan, to serve, volunteer, encourage, and pray, is humbling and exciting with kingdom rewards!


Our Madge on Mission (MOM) trip was a great success! We took thirty-one people to Winnipeg to bless team members who had volunteered for three or more weeks at camp. Most of the teen team members shared their stories at some point during that event, even normally shy, hesitant public speakers who wanted to tell what God had done in their lives. We often say camp is for campers, and that is true, but the work God does in the hearts and lives of those who are serving as leaders is undeniable and exciting!


Max had a difficult first summer of cabin leading in 2021, and finished that summer with some soul-searching conversations with our directors before leaving for Bible college. During the winter, Max related how much he wanted a second chance to serve God at camp, but with renewed focus and conviction. This summer we saw a night-and-day change in him! He now seeks to further his biblical education and is pursuing a life of missions that began at camp.


It was pure joy to have many children and youth from the area and some from northern communities at camp again this summer. Some learned basic Bible stories and heard the Gospel for the first time. Others grew in their faith and love for Jesus, desiring to serve Him wholeheartedly. We know God’s Word does not return empty and praise God for His transforming work in the lives of campers and our summer missionary team.

Encouraged to Stay Connected

It was a wonderful summer of serving children and youth from our area. We saw God work in campers’ hearts through chapel messages and our faithful summer missionaries. Many campers responded to the gift of salvation, making first-time commitments to follow Jesus Christ.

At Stoney, part of our ministry is mentoring summer missionaries. I mentored Hannah, our female work crew boss. She said she hadn’t seen God use her to make a difference in the hearts of work crew campers. I prayed with her, encouraging her to keep looking for God’s many blessings.

When I next saw Hannah, she said a camper faced tough situations last year and had doubted God was there for her. But when a letter from Hannah arrived, it was everything the camper needed at that moment to realize the depth of God’s love for her. She told Hannah how much she appreciated the letter and stated it was one reason why she continued to trust and follow Jesus.

Every summer, our cabin leaders write to each of their campers with encouraging words, scripture, and fun memories from camp.

STONEY LAKE BIBLE CAMP • 306 873 5537 • Stoney Lake Bible Camp is about forty-five minutes southeast of Melfort, SK.

“She stated it was one reason why she continued to trust and follow Jesus.”

Unexpected Plans, Changed Lives

N athan had been coming to camp for a long time. In 2017 he was a BOLD camper (our two-week discipleship/work crew camp) who loved pranks and sneaking into the kitchen for late night snacks. But during those two weeks, Nathan saw his leader’s love for Jesus and how that love impacted every area of his life. It was a wakeup call and, in years following, he’s been a junior leader, a cabin leader, and this year led the BOLD program that impacted him so deeply five years before.

One evening Nathan was sharing a devotional with the BOLD campers about King David in comparison to other kings, and the importance of looking to God, living for Him, and not living for self. Emma, a camper, started crying and excused herself. Naturally, Nathan wondered what he had said wrong.

Later that evening, in thanking Nathan for what he had said, Emma mentioned she had been coming to camp for years, and last year decided to follow Jesus. It was Nathan’s talk that helped her realize she had not been living for Jesus. She saw that, without a community of believers surrounding her, the world’s pull on her life was too strong.

As conversations continued that week, Emma’s leaders realized she had a church in her community, the church several leaders attended. On her final day at camp, I overheard Emma talking with those leaders, arranging for a ride to church and asking what time services started.

Nathan wasn’t scheduled to lead BOLD that week and, for a while, it seemed doubtful he would work at camp this summer. But God planned to use this transformed prankster to help change another life. I’m curious to see who Emma impacts as she grows older and continues that beautiful cycle.


Kenosee Lake Bible Camp is about two hours east of Regina.

“On her final day at camp, I overheard Emma talking with those leaders, arranging for a ride to church and asking what time services started.”

Grabbing Hold of the Good News

Talking about the Gospel is not just a camp checklist item. We can’t help but talk about it with campers and teammates. When we fully realize our lost condition, we want to point others to the hope we find only in the Gospel!

It’s hard to predict who will understand and grab hold of this good news, but we were blessed to see it happen several times this summer. For some, it was a first-time realization; for others, a time to refocus and remember what it means to follow Jesus.

One junior camper was excited to be at her first overnight camp. She heard the Gospel and accepted the amazing truth that Jesus saves! She went home, told her grandmother and parents, and insisted on reading the Bible with them.

Another camper was excited to learn that Jesus was alive—after thinking He was still dead!

One of my favorite moments began at a winter retreat but only came to light in a worker’s testimony this summer. During that retreat, her relationship with God blossomed as she realized Christ died for her, not just for everyone else! She experienced an amazing walk with God and the wonder of Christian community while she worked at camp.

Witnessing heart transformations makes all the in-between moments worthwhile! Praise God for the power of His Gospel!

MANITOU LAKE BIBLE CAMP • 306 826 5440 • Manitou Lake Bible Camp is about fifteen minutes southeast of Marsden, SK.
“When we fully realize our lost condition, we want to point others to the hope we find only in the Gospel!”

Unexpected Transformations

During junior teen camp this summer, one camper struggled with anxious thoughts and low self-esteem. We talked with her and discovered her confusion about spiritual matters.

By week’s end it was evident the Lord was transforming her life, and she excitedly shared that she had accepted Jesus as Savior! The joy she displayed was a stark contrast to her previous fear and anxiety. Seeing this work of the Holy Spirit, we were so encouraged.

Such transforming work was not limited to campers. We also saw changes in team members. A young man approached us about working in maintenance. As we got to know him, we saw his potential as a capable cabin leader. He agreed to try, even though it wasn’t what he had signed up for or considered. He served in that role the entire summer, becoming an excellent and trustworthy cabin leader. We were thankful for his flexibility, because the Lord used him in ways he hadn’t expected.

This year, as Valley View Bible Camp (formerly Carberry Bible Camp) celebrates sixty years of ministry, we are thankful for the stories of the Lord’s transforming work since 1962. He is faithful and we know He will continue transforming lives through His living, enduring Word.

VALLEY VIEW BIBLE CAMP • 204 685 2999 •

Valley View Bible Camp is about 15 minutes south of MacGregor, MB.


This summer we offered overnight and day camps. About one-quarter of our campers took advantage of the day camp option. One parent shared that, although they don’t go to church, each day her daughter came home, shared Bible stories, and told how she loved learning from the Bible. Camp ministry not only reaches kids, but parents!


Over the years we have shifted our ministry focus from evangelism to discipleship. Our desire: for each camper and team member to know more about God and grow in relationship with Him. This summer, campers were excited to experience camp again, and even though we struggled to run a program because of limited team members, God was in charge and changed lives.


A camper had been pushing boundaries and making life difficult all week. It was heartbreaking to see how resistant she was to the Gospel. But when her cabin leader ran in the last night exclaiming, “She gave her life to Christ!”, I knew the Holy Spirit was due all the credit.

Join our Canada-wide PRAYER TEAM  PRAYER and PRAISE UPDATES are collected from all our ministry points and sent to you each month.  VISIT OUR WEBSITE or CALL 1 888 960 2580 to join. Join our National PRAYER TEAM  Sign up at pray to receive a monthly One Hope Canada prayer guide (print or digital available). CANADA’S HOPE 15 Manitoba “ The joy she displayed was a stark contrast to her previous fear and anxiety.”

Telling the God-Stories

Above our registration desk hangs the quote, “Every child is a story yet to be told.”

This summer, we experienced God at work in campers' lives.

One cabin leader shared: “During senior teen week, a camper from my cabin three years ago told how a devotional I’d shared encouraged him to eventually read the whole Bible. He remembered a sweater I wore with Christian song lyrics on it and still listens to that song. Incredibly, little things can make such a big difference! For every camper who tells a story, many do not. It inspires me to continue telling people about Jesus, following Him in all I do.”

Another camper and her friends gave their lives to Jesus. Later, the first camper’s joy turned to tears and she asked, “Can I take it back?” She was afraid her parents would be upset and disappointed in her. When she phoned them, wanting to share the news, her mom thankfully said she had heard about Jesus as a girl and, if this made her daughter happy, they were okay with it. The young camper got off the phone, relieved and beaming. She couldn’t wait to read her Bible and learn more!

Our Disciples in Training leaders shared the joy they experienced as God used them to lead campers to Christ.

A mom who served in the laundry area reminded our team that the memories, love, and hope campers experience can last forever. She is living proof of the impact TMBC had on her as a child.

As we depended on God this summer, we saw the changes He made in children’s lives, each one a story to be told.

MOUNTAIN BIBLE CAMP • 204 534 6844 • Turtle Mountain Bible Camp is half an hour southwest of Boissevain, MB.
“It inspires me to continue telling people about Jesus, following Him in all I do.”

Something Out of Nothing

How God Used a Difficult Summer To Grow My Faith

“ Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit ” (John 12:24).

Imagine a pair of glasses that allows you to see everything from God’s perspective. I picture thick bi-focals with brass frames, the kind my nana used to wear. Wearing these gives you the heavenly perspective. No matter what pain, injustice, or uncertainty you face at the moment, you see God’s plan for your circumstances.

I needed those glasses this summer. It was probably the most difficult summer of my life.

From age six, I grew up as a camp kid. Each summer was crowned with a week away, when my best friends and I grew in our love for God and gained confidence in ourselves. I remember my cabin leaders’ faces, the games we played, the feeling of Christ changing things inside me.

So when God opened the door for ministry at Willow Springs Camp, we entered it. My wife and I packed up our home and two young children and moved to camp. I would finally be able to live in the environment that had given me so much. I began with such optimism; then reality hit.

We struggled to assemble a team of missionaries, most of whom had never worked at any camp before. I was renovating our house during the training weeks and had initiated two church partnerships, something new for our camp. Then along came clogged septic pumps, waves of Covid, broken

generators, strained relationships. My wife got very sick, and was admitted to the ICU for a week; my children’s need for their dad intensified. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t hold everything together.

I woke most mornings bleary-eyed from crying the night before. The burden was too much. The ministry was too much. I felt like I was being torn and beaten, buried under the load.

But when I turned to God’s Word—that heavenly pair of glasses—I began to see my hurts, fears, fury, and sadness from His perspective. In the Bible, I could see the same Holy Spirit, who raised Christ from the dead, at work in my pain.

I could do nothing but call on the Lord in desperation. When I did, He took charge and I realized that whatever good came from the situation would be His doing.

Volunteers gave up time from their jobs to help at camp. Families stopped by to do dishes. Unexpected donations came our way. Bodies and souls were healed. Campers who came saying they hated Jesus, gave their lives to Him.

Like a seed in the garden, I had to die to myself, so something new could grow. Through it all, I gained a new appreciation for my God-perspective glasses and a new glimpse of His ability to bring something out of nothing.

Jake Wilson serves as Executive Director at Willow Springs Camp near Stouffville, ON.

British Columbia Saskatchewan

Lake Bible Camp

Bible Camp

Lake Bible Camp

Trail Bible Camp

Lake Bible Camp

Lake Bible Camp

Valley Ranch Camp

Lake Bible Camp

Alberta Manitoba
MINISTRY MAP 1 Echo Lake Bible Camp 2 Ness Lake Bible Camp 3 Lake of the Trees Bible Camp 4 Amasa 5 Maple Springs Bible Camp 6 Hope Bay Bible Camp 1 Manitou
2 Luseland
3 Ranger
4 Torch
5 Stoney
6 Madge
7 Dallas
8 Kenosee
9 Estevan Bible Camp 1 David Thompson Bible Camp 2 Bear Lake Bible Camp 3 Joy Chapel Ministries 4 Nordegg Community Ministry 5 Ross Haven Bible Camp 6 Faith Bible Camp 7 Camp Silversides 8 Whitney Lake Bible Camp 1 Dauphin Bible Camp 2 Turtle Mountain Bible Camp 3 Valley View Bible Camp 4 Gimli Bible Camp 5 Roseau River Bible Camp 6 5 4 74 6 5 32 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 9 8 7 6 1 3 4 5 2 3 1 2 British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba SUMMER/FALL 202218
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 1 6 Ontario Quebec Atlantic Québec Ontario Atlantic We present the Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church. 1 Rainy River District Ministries 2 Dorion Bible Camp 3 Sonshine Bible Clubs 4 Galilean Bible Camp 5 Monarch Bible Camp 6 Willow Springs Camp 1 New Found Life Bible Camp 2 Miramachi Valley Bible Camp 3 Cape Breton Bible Camp 4 Sandy Cove Bible Camp 5 Hampton Bible Camp 6 Blomidon Bible Camp 1 Camp des îles 2 Camp Livingstone 3 Gaspesie Community Ministry 1 CANADA’S HOPE 19



How God used a camp experience to transform heart, mind, and soul

Ihad just been seated when Jeff came through the restaurant door. As usual, he wore a suit because of his work, and I joked that I should be better dressed if we were to have lunch together. He smiled, waved off my comment, and we quickly caught up on family news.

When I asked how he spent his summer, Jeff smiled and said, “I did something I’d never done before. I spent three weeks at Ranger Lake Bible Camp helping with maintenance and yard work.”

“What was that like?” I asked.

“Amazing,” said Jeff. “I showed up every morning, Bob [site director] gave me jobs for the day, and off I went. Whether it was cutting grass, fixing a fence, or being on the wrong end of a shovel, I loved it.”

“Why did you love it?”

“It was a welcome break from always taking the lead as I often do in everyday life. I followed instructions and didn’t have to look too far ahead. The endpoint to each task was fulfilling.

“I got to work alongside other men who loved working with their hands but also loved God deeply—that was refreshing.

“Plus, it was really something to see campers being impacted. I knew I was part of something much bigger.”

“So, no regrets?” I asked.

“None,” he replied. “The three weeks were refreshing in so many ways. I knew I was helping the camp, but the camp also helped me. I took a picture that really describes how I feel about my time at Ranger.”

Jeff reached for his phone and swiped the screen until he found a beautiful sunset with a ski boat anchored twenty feet offshore on a smooth, still lake.

“I’m that boat; the lake is Ranger,” he said. “While there, I felt anchored and my soul was calm. It was a much-needed place of rest from the waves and pressures of life.”

As we left the restaurant, I thought about the change in Jeff’s outlook on life. It was a good reminder that, while I speak much of how God uses camp to transform the lives of children and youth, I cannot forget how God also changes the hearts of those who serve.

“I’m that boat; the lake is Ranger. While there, I felt anchored and my soul was calm. It was a much-needed place of rest from the waves and pressures of life.”


Leading the way.

One Hope Canada is now accepting applications to JOIN OUR NATIONAL BOARD. Email for more details. BEHIND-THE-SCENES.


Dorion Bible Camp, located on the beautiful shore of Lake Superior, has been sharing the love of Jesus with children and youth since 1946. Many have been impacted by the Gospel over the years and we pray that will continue well into the future. Please pray with us, as the camp is in need of a new director.


We are so thankful for generous donors who gave $40,400 during a fundraiser for our summer missionaries! Despite team member shortages and exhausting work, we saw God do amazing things: 243 campers, 34 new believers, and kids and youth experiencing God’s love. It was encouraging to see our team trust God every step of the way as they served. Campers asked deep questions about faith and shared how He met them in their hurts and loneliness.


What an amazing summer of ministry! We are grateful for numerous opportunities to conduct Northern Lights Bible FUN! (day camps) in churches. Our theme: Alive with Christ! We had great attendance everywhere and were blessed to see the Lord transform many lives through the Gospel. One little girl said, “It felt like Jesus was talking to me the whole time I was here!”


The Lord has blessed SONshine Bible Clubs over the years. Through the original Bible class in schools, to a lunch program, and now an after-school program, many children have heard the Gospel along the North Shore (along the North Channel of Lake Huron) and in Sault Ste. Marie. We are thankful for many volunteers who dedicated themselves to proclaiming the Gospel. Please pray as this ministry begins the search for a new director.

A Heart Transformed

When I think about lives transformed by the Gospel, an eleven-year-old girl comes to mind. This was her first summer at camp, and when she entered the registration room with her family, you could tell she was nervous and excited.

As the week progressed, she emerged further and further from her shell. During chapel singing, she always had a huge smile, a smile that frequently caught my eye as we sang worship songs.

One night while checking on cabins, I asked her cabin leader how the girl was doing and she told me the following:

After a devotion on repentance, it was evident this was a new concept for this eleven-year-old. She was raised with some church background and believed in Jesus and His death for her sins, but repentance was the missing piece.

That night she recognized she was a sinner, needed to be forgiven, and needed to repent. She reflected on everything she had learned and, the next morning, made a commitment to follow Jesus!

Filled with joy and excitement, she was eager to share her new understanding with others. She asked many questions about God’s character; hungry for God, she attended camp a second week to learn more. Hers was a heart transformed by the Gospel!

• 705 356 7961 •
Galilean Bible Camp is about 15 minutes north of Blind River, ON.
“That night she recognized she was a sinner, needed to be forgiven, and needed to repent.”

God at Work Across Cultural Borders

There was still snow on the ground when Adam Shih, a youth pastor at Japanese Gospel Church of Toronto (JGCT), called: “Jake, I don’t think we can make it work this year, either.”

I was disappointed about this news; Adam had been planning on bringing youth our way for a week of camp. But it didn’t surprise me, either. At that point, every step was on thin ice and felt like we would again plunge into the chilly depths of a no-summer camp.

“Why don’t we pray about it?” I asked. I wasn’t taking some profound step of faith; this was a last grasp at hope.

“Amen,” Adam sighed after we finished praying.

Then he shared an idea. “Some members of our church are part of a forum for Japanese immigrant families. Maybe I could post about the camp there.”

I was polite, telling him it was a good idea, but not believing it. However, within a week, we had to close registration and were overwhelmed by the response from Japanese families. Adam had to turn away people from his church because they were too slow to register.

More than forty children and youth, with no Gospel exposure, attended our partnership week. Together with Adam and his incredible team from JGCT, we introduced them to Jesus. God’s kingdom expanded across cultural borders!

A camper named Masaki reported, “I have never been to a church before, but in our chapel times, I learned about the Bible, Christian songs, and God. Those times made faith easier to understand.”

Masaki and six young people met Christ for the first time and committed to living their lives for His glory.

WILLOW SPRINGS CAMP • 905 640 2698 • Willow Springs Camp is about 10 minutes west of Stouffville, ON.
“I have never been to a church before, but in our chapel times, I learned about the Bible, Christian songs, and God.
Those times
made faith easier to understand.”


Settled around the campfire, campers sang fun songs, worshiped, and had the opportunity to talk to God. One camper, who had never heard the Gospel until that week, prayed: “Thank You, God, for this camp and for making the world and creating me.” Another prayed, “Help me receive the gift of Your salvation.” God's Word had truly spoken to these children.


There was a sense of renewal at camp this year. With so many new campers, and cabin leaders who had never experienced summer camp, we had to re-learn doing camp. In our weakness, God was strong. He called children and parents to a saving knowledge of Himself, reminding us all summer that He always holds us in the palm of His hand.


When Walls Crumble

Getting cabin leaders and campers to sing during chapel at Fair Haven Bible Camp in recent years was like pulling teeth. So this year we brought it to God in prayer, asking Him to transform each heart and mind to produce joyful praise.

Night after night, as the Gospel began sinking in, we watched resistance slowly crumble. Then, one evening during teen camp, everything came together. Our reluctant song leader set aside her fears and stepped into position. Our pianist, who’d had trouble seeing the notes, donned a headlamp, bringing new meaning to the chorus This Little Light of Mine. Previously, no one was willing to play guitar, and now two talented guitarists alternated between songs.

Most importantly, campers joined in. More and more voices rang out and soon, campers everywhere were on their feet, some leading, some calling others to sing. Over a dozen went up to sing.

We looked around the chapel . . . hands lifted in praise . . . voices, some polished and practiced, others rough but sincere . . . together praising our wonderful Savior.

In the midst of that singing, laughing, and hugging, the Gospel took on new meaning as those once-reluctant teens proclaimed Jesus’ name. We learned a lesson that evening: with God, nothing is impossible.

DARYK AND NICOLE LEGOUFFE are community missionaries in the Gaspésie region of Quebec. During the summer they serve at Fair Haven Bible Camp in New Carlisle, QC. • • 888 960 2580

Québec SHOP NOW G i v e a g o o d b o o k t h i s C h r i s t m a s . FREE SHIPPING WITHIN CANADA SUMMER/FALL 202224
“Night after night, as the Gospel began sinking in, we watched resistance slowly crumble.”

Planting Seeds in Newfoundland

After three years of restrictions, a door opened to a little outport community in central Newfoundland. A retired major and some elderly ladies from the small Salvation Army church wanted a VBS in their community.

Atlantic Canada


Our camp board partnered with a team of gifted summer missionaries to lead three weeks of camp. Some of Blomidon’s first junior campers from 2016 were part of the team. It was encouraging to see God move and to hear new stories of God at work through the years. A camper said she trusted in Jesus in 2019, her first year at camp.


We are so grateful for how God provided. In January we began praying for older/more mature team members. By late June, God provided all of our team members (including eight older ones). Our camper numbers were running low, so we prayed for that as well. God provided again: we had more than 300 campers. From those, eleven told us of a salvation experience. Several weeks after camp a parent said their child came home a completely different person. Praise God for His faithfulness.


In late June, we received this email: “It looks like we will have between seven to ten kids.”

Realizing only God knows what lies ahead, we loaded the cargo trailer and headed for Norris Arm. On Monday morning, eight eager children greeted us and by Friday, numbers grew to twenty-three. We soon realized most were unreached and had little knowledge of God’s Word.

All week long, God provided fertile soil to plant Gospel seeds. Each one enthusiastically received a New Testament. On closing day, one six-yearold girl ran around, frantically searching for her new Bible. We gave her a replacement; she was so thankful.

We were blessed and the little church was encouraged in their desire to start a children’s ministry this fall.

Boys and girls heard God’s Word, received Bibles, and have access to a church that cares about spiritual needs. Please pray they will be born again through the living and enduring Word of God (1 Peter 1:23).

in the province.

Our day camp and overnight camps complement each other in important ways! God demonstrated His transforming work in campers’ lives as many attended day camp for multiple weeks and then put their trust in Christ as Savior at an overnight camp. When nine-year-old Leigh, who attended multiple weeks of day camp over the past two years, heard the Gospel presented this summer, the good news of Jesus became so clear she gave her life to Jesus!


In early 2022, we developed a leadership training program to meet the needs of those who serve at Sandy Cove. Our leadership structure changed to better communicate the logical, expected growth of an individual from an LIT (Leader in Training) to a leader. After three days of training leaders (before the LITs arrived), we challenged them to serve and mentor LITs as our missionaries had mentored them. It was exciting to see the Gospel continue as disciples made disciples.

NEW FOUND LIFE BIBLE CAMP NEW FOUND LIFE BIBLE CAMP • 709 769 3000 • New Found Life Bible Camp is based out of Torbay, NL, serving in various locations
CANADA’S HOPE 25 “All week long, God provided fertile soil to plant Gospel seeds.”

Gospel Love in Action

“Dad, I can tell they really care about me at camp!” This observation, made by a camper, caught my attention this summer.

We love hearing campers tell of the fun they had as they share their favorite memories! Camp is supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be different from what kids experience on a regular basis. That’s what makes camp, camp! Many choose jet ski (tubing), rock wall climbing, hiking, and tuck as their top activities. This year, more often than not, kids picked chapel as their favorite.

But after all the fun, what remains in the hearts of children and youth?

One Hope Canada’s purpose statement says, “We present the Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ and especially to children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.” It’s why we do what we do.

Presenting the Gospel is more than just preaching the good news. It’s helping kids tie shoes. It’s holding hands while walking to an activity. It’s encouraging kids to go higher on the rock wall. It’s cheering them on when they finally understand how to paddle a kayak.

It’s showing campers that camp is a safe place where they are loved, valued, and cared for. It’s showing God’s unconditional love so they know, without doubt, how much our heavenly Father loves them. Because at the end of the day, it’s His love that’s truly going to change their lives!


Miramichi Bible Camp is about one-and-a-half hours northwest of Moncton.

• 506 962 5370 •
The Discipleship App for staying connected with the kids in your ministry.
“But after all the fun, what remains in the hearts of children and youth?”

Transformed by the Gospel

For you have been born again . . . through the living and enduring Word of God (1 Peter 1:23 NIV).

In June, One Hope Canada’s national board traveled to Atlantic Canada to visit three camps and meet teams serving in regional ministry points.

We shared in a time of encouragement and prayer with each team and board. Each leader told of their calling and commitment, and we saw the sacrifices they make to serve children, youth, and their families in multiple ways.

Cheryl Walsh lives in Toronto and serves as a member of One Hope Canada’s national board.

Through their stories it became evident these leaders have been transformed by the Gospel and are passionate to share that transformation with children who have the least opportunity to hear of Christ.

What an inspiration to hear about children coming to know Jesus’ transforming power through chapel times, worship, studying God’s Word, and the question box (where campers leave questions for leaders to answer). Almost half of these children had never heard the Gospel before attending. What an opportunity!

A girl who had attended Hampton Bible Camp the previous summer, listened intently in chapel and asked questions during cabin time. She was keenly interested in reading her Bible. On the final day of camp, the camp director noticed her at the top of the hill so he checked on her. She said that, after learning more about Jesus and the role He could have in her life, she was ready to commit her life to Him.

Jesus’ good news story transforms lives! We were privileged to hear these stories so we can better support our missionaries in prayer.

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Fuel for your faith. Home print subscriptions are free in Canada. Sign up today! KEN SHIGEMATSU ON LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN CHURCHES P.32 HOW TO CREATE A POST-COVID RULE OF LIFE P.34 WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM PENTECOSTAL CHURCH HISTORY P.39 GUEST COLUMNISTS IN EVERY SPACE PM 40069336 STREAMING BIBLE STORIES COVER STORY The Chosen dives into the heart of the New Testament – its drama and its message. We talk to filmmaker Dallas Jenkins who helped make it all happen. P.28 Many Evangelicals are rethinking their beliefs. It’s not always a bad thing. p.28 DECONSTRUCTING GRAPPLING WITH RELIGION’S FAILURES 12 CANADIAN PODCASTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT P.32 HEALING FRACTURED RELATIONSHIPS IN CHRIST’S BODY P.38 RECONCILIATION LESSONS FROM MY GRANDMOTHER P.17 HOW OUR CHURCHES COPED WITH COVID P.33 PM 40069336 Free! KATHARINE HAYHOE ON CREATION CARE P.36 CAMPUS MINISTRY ALIVE AND WELL ONLINE P.49 WHAT THE GOSPEL (AND COVID) REVEAL ABOUT AGING P.46 THE SCARS OF CANADA’S SIXTIES SCOOP P.42 COVER STORIES Christmas during a pandemic Reflecting on faith, hope and the cost of our salvation. p.30 COVER STORY What God is really calling us to right now P.28 IN A PANDEMIC LENNETT J. ANDERSON ON RACE, JESUS AND JUSTICE P.24 RETHINK: EVANGELICALS AND MENTAL HEALTH P.32 ARE PASTORS BETTER THAN THE REST OF US? P.35 PONDERING CONVERSION P.40 Here’s to the joy and life that spiritual books can bring P.32 ODE TO READING COVER STORY BRIAN DOERKSEN ON LEADING WORSHIP WITH A WHISPER P.28 HOW WE LIVE WELL IN EUTHANASIA’S HARSH LIGHT P.42 INSPIRED TO BE HOSPITABLE FROM A PANDEMIC P.46 EVANGELICALS IN THE WAKE OF TRUMP P.35 (Why we need each other in the pandemic and beyond) p.29 Church still matters. Here’s how. COVER STORY CAUTION AND POTENTIAL OF THE ENNEAGRAM P.38 GORDON T. SMITH ON WITNESS AND HOSPITALITY P.24 EASTER POETRY TO COMFORT AND INSPIRE P.46 TEN LESSONS WHEN LEADERS FALL P.41 How will we respond? Part 1 of a two-part series by Patricia Paddey. p.30 Medically assisted dying and the Church COVER STORY May June 2022 PM 40069336 CHRISTIANS AT THE OTTAWA CONVOY PROTEST P.49 HOW TO DO POSTPANDEMIC HOSPITALITY P.36 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO WAR IN UKRAINE P.38 10 WAYS TO HELP VICTIMS OF CLERGY SEXUAL ABUSE P.45 From the life-cycle of worship songs to whether we have psalms of lament on our church’s playlist to the challenges of online worship, we explore the issues and trends. p.28 Worship music COVER STORIES March April 2022 PM 40069336 BEAUTIFUL POEMS FOR EASTER P.42 EDUCATION THAT’S INDIGENOUS AND CHRISTIAN P.44 GETTING FOCUSED WITH JOHN STACKHOUSE P.58 WHAT WE’VE LEARNED (SO FAR) FROM ONLINE WORSHIP P.35 NURTURING NEXT-GEN FRIENDSHIPS Young and old benefit from friendships that cross the ages. And church is the perfect place to nurture them. p.32 PM 40069336 GOOD NEWS LIKE PETS Is there too much fun in funerals? A look at how we say goodbye to those we love. p.28 The end. COVER STORY January February 2022 PM 40069336 KATE BOWLER SITS DOWN FOR THE FT INTERVIEW P.24 WE LOVE BOOKS. WE HAVE MORE REVIEWS THAN EVER. P.47 HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR PASTOR AND KEEP THEM WELL P.38 WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE A CHRISTIAN IN AFGHANISTAN? P.41 What Mark Buchanan wishes he’d done differently on Sunday mornings. p.28 Preaching better COVER STORY July / August 2022 PM 40069336 CANADIAN CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S BOOKS TO ENJOY P.46 WHY DOCTORS NEED CONSCIENCE PROTECTION P.34 A CALGARY CHURCH TELLS ITS STORIES BY PODCAST P.16 JOHN STACKHOUSE ON THE BIG STORY OF EVANGELICALISM P.24 Redeeming “evangelical” COVER STORY Canadians have strong views about what they think evangelical means. How can we help? p.32 fundamentalist bigoted narrow-minded parochial white homophobic misogynist toxic judgmental racist paternalistic gracious hospitable sacrificial prayerful humble compassionate kind light sharer of Good News holy generous people-loving salt non-elitist lover of Jesus gentle September / October 2022 PM 40069336 B.C. CHURCH CHESS CLUB WELCOMES NEIGHBOURS P.18 ON THE FARM YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT A DAY WILL BRING P.26 MENTAL HEALTH AND THE CHURCH P.37 STEPPING UP TO HELP WITH THE CANADIAN HOUSING CRISIS P.40
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I realized the God who made the stars wanted my heart. (Cabin Leader)

I thought the coolest thing I could ever have was a cell phone; I was wrong. It’s JESUS!

God can see from start to end.

(Squirt Camper)

I learned that God is love and that nothing can separate me from His love.

I love havingfun, especiallywhen it involves Jesus!

We should have tuck open all thetime, even at breakfast!

Wow, I get to learn more about God AND swimming?!

I'm aboutlearning Jesus solate in my (11-year-old)life!

2022 Summer QUOTE WALL

Does the song say, ‘Wash my sin away?’ or ‘Wash my skin away’?

Brings back many fond memories . . . kids can sure sing andare so enthusiastic when learning aboutJesus’ saving grace. (Supporter)

I feel different now that I’m a Christian. I like it! These mosquitoes are durable!

I want to take home all the neat things I learned. I never grew up in a Christian home so this was all new to me.

I learned there’snothing I can doto stop God fromloving me.

I decided toaccept Jesusinto my heart.

I’ve never read theBible before, and nowI’m motivated by whatI learned at camp.

For additional

Publications Mail Agreement Number 40019747 Canada’s Hope One Hope Canada Ministry Resource Centre 3-212 Henderson Hwy. Box 323 Winnipeg, MB




please contact or call 1 888 960 2580.

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