The Craftsman -March 2024

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Magazine of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

March 2024


In 2020, REME launched the Lifting the Decks initiative, with a focus on the mental wellbeing of serving REME personnel and veterans.

We are in the process of re昀ning Lifting the Decks, increasing accessibility with an added emphasis on reminding our REME Family to speak out about ‘what’s on their mind’ and that, whatever stage in their life, we will always be here to listen to and support them.

If there is something on your mind troubling you, big or small, whatever the cause, we are here to listen and to help. If you wish to get in touch regarding yourself or concern for someone else, please don’t hesitate to contact


Corps Motto:

Corps Patron Saint: St Eligius (Celebrated 1st Sunday in December)

Acting Editor: Mrs Sarah Eden

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Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover 3 Contents FEATURES Duchess of Edinburgh Competition 9 Theatre Support Battalion 7 Duchess of Edinburgh Competition 10 Apprentice Tradesman to Lieutenant General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 REME Remembered 13 Exercise IRON TITAN 14 Veterans Banger Rally Race 2023 16 Exercise IRON HORSE Europe 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Exercise NORDIC BLUEBELL 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Another path to WO1 in the Corps opens up 27 The Soldier Charity 28 Potteries & District REME Association Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 London Poppy Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Spartans Trifecta Wold Championships 23 34 GS Service Medal 39 5th Regimental Royal Artillery Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Goodbye Arborfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Letter to the Editor 43 REGULARS Guest Editorial 4 From the Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Corps Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Corps Calendar 47 MARCH 2024 Volume 80 No. 2
Formation: 1 October 1942
Arte et
Front Cover: Veterans Banger Race, day before departure.

A Sustainment Liaison Officer

Scribe: Lt Col Dave Reith, British Army Liaison Officer to the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and the Sustainment Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate (S-CDID)

Irecognise that many of you reading this article will not have known that the British Army has a Sustainment Liaison Officer based in the USA, much less that the current incumbent is REME.

So, what is the role of a Liaison Officer? There is no single simple answer, but in broad terms our role is to improve and accelerate the way in which we can operate and fight with our allies and partners, whilst ensuring we have sufficient connective tissue to allow expansion in either direction should the global situation require it. In my case I’m primarily focussed on generating Sustainment interoperability between the UK and the USA, however, we’re also seeing more activity with Australia – more on that later. At the heart of my role are professional relationships focussed on the US Army but also all the other departments and agencies that we need to work with. I work directly for Army HQ and the Futures Directorate but much of my work also supports the British Embassy and the wider British Defence Staff US portfolio. By working directly to Army HQ this drives activity intended to design in interoperability by first principles; rather than aiming to find swivel-chair solutions to current ways of working. Being able to support the UK Army build interoperability with its key global partner is a great privilege and one that I can’t begin to describe delivers huge levels professional satisfaction.

Fort Gregg Adams

A little context: Fort Gregg Adams is vast, covering 5,900 acres, with over 100 miles of road, 31 training areas and 10 firing ranges; it has a daily working population of c. 30k

personnel! With its own Police force, Fire service and Zip Code; the scale takes a while to adjust to!

Fort Gregg Adams is the US Army’s engine for designing, training, educating and delivering Sustainment forces for the US Army. A two star led organisation with one star leads for the individual CASCOM Branches: Ordnance (think REME), Quartermaster (think storage and distribution), Transport (does what it says), Soldier Support (AGC SPS) and the Army Sustainment University. You’ll note that in the US the term Sustainment is more common than Logistics – this is deliberate as they view Sustainment as a system of systems that is designed to operate in harmony, synchronized to deliver maximum collective effect.

Lt Col Reith Lt Col Reith, Lt Gen Gregg & Maj Gen Simerly
Guest Editorial

Lt Gen Gregg and Lt Col Adams

No note about US Army Sustainment would be complete without touching on the name ‘Fort Gregg Adams’. Many recall the Forts previous name, Fort Lee; however, Fort Lee was the first military installation to be renamed in 2023. Whilst some conversations about the process of renaming continue, there has been almost universal recognition that the name ‘Gregg Adams’ is the perfect choice for the home of US Army Sustainment. Named after two inspirational leaders who every Logistician can, and do, take inspiration from.

Lt Gen Arthur Gregg joined the Army as a Private soldier in 1946 into a segregated Battalion – he left as the Army’s first Black US three star. Gen Gregg is also the only living individual to have a major military base named after them. He remains incredibly active and is a regular at Fort Gregg Adams. The largest Club within Fort Gregg Adams was previously named the Lee Club. While Gen Gregg was stationed there, he wasn’t allowed in this club. The Club is now known as the Adams Club – there can be few better examples of opportunity and progress in action.

Lt Col Charity Adams joined a segregated Army in 1942 but quickly progressed through the ranks and was the first African American Commanding Officer (CO) and the only US female CO to serve in Europe. As CO of the famous 6888 Postal Battalion, she delivered in months what everyone thought would take years. She dedicated her life to fighting discrimination wherever she saw it. When discussing diversity, inclusion and talent management I think this exemplifies how powerful a force for change the military can be.

A Brief Comparison

I think it is worth giving a few insights into the US Army’s Equipment Support (ES). First, the US Army is well aligned with the British Army in its approach: Delivering ES effect as far forward as possible is also their core principle and this is unlikely to change in the coming years. At the Brigade Combat Team (BCT)/Brigade level they may not have LADs but they do have Field Support Company’s, Brigade Support Battalions and Divisional Support Battalions. Each of these has a Medical, Logistics and Maintenance subunit optimised for the formation they support, and they are designed to operate collectively or individually depending on the mission and context.

An obvious difference are the US levels of repair. Several years ago the US moved from the 4 levels of maintenance we would recognise to 2. They are: Field Level Maintenance and Sustainment Level Maintenance. Field Level Maintenance roughly aligns with our Level 1 & 2 with Sustainment Level Maintenance aligning with Level 3 & 4. In a Division the US Army is optimised to deliver Field Level Maintenance where we deliver up to Level 3 in the Div, BCT and Battle-Group (BG) by design. The US have a depth and breadth of their platform magazine that allows them to concentrate Level 3 external to the Div – these levels of repair are delivered by military units of every size, all the way up to Maintenance Brigades, that sit outside the Manoeuvre formations. There are benefits and risks associated with each approach, and I’d suggest there’s no single golden bullet – however, it is important to understand the structural, organisational and decisional differences that

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Lt Col Reith on Board Adventurer of the coast North America on route to Nova Scotia Canada

exist when planning and executing operations with the US.

The US Army also place people as their centre of gravity. You would all recognise the trade and specialities in the US Army: Vehicle Mechanics, Armourers, Technicians, they are all there. The way the US train their people and then gain experience hands on is remarkably like ours too. However, they have also recognised that the pace of technological transformation and the proliferation of increasingly complex capabilities being deployed across the battlefield mean they too are looking at the knowledge, skills and experience needed, and then, how you structure and organise to deliver greatest effect. These similarities, common language and importance of people in what we do generate several opportunities to share and learn to make both Armies more capable.

The creation of Army Futures Command and the Contested Logistics Cross Function Team will see the US transformation of Sustainment turbo-charged. At the heart of this transformation will be the US Army’s new Concept for Warfighting, due to be published in Autumn 24, and a ruthless focus on delivering Predictive/Precision Logistics. To deliver this the US are generating a clear road map of Concept(s), Data and People supported by platforms. The alignment with our ‘REME Plan’ is clear and this should be leveraged to help us retain our position as a partner of choice with the US Army. The foundation of this transformation will be data, information and the digitalization of the Sustainment enterprise – we must be fully engaged to remain interoperable with the US, NATO and our other global allies and partners.

The Role

Covering much more than ES, the learning curve has been steep but always fascinating and deeply rewarding professionally and personally. For example, one of my first tasks was hosting British Army’s Chefs at the US led international culinary competition – the Army competed against teams from every service and many other countries –they won outright for the second year in a row and return in

2024 to defend their title. On the maintenance front there has been continued focus on Advanced Manufacture and how we can leverage the digitalisation of manufacture to revolutionise repair by repair which can be delivered in a repeatable and assured way as far forward as possible. The US remain clear about the value of repairing forward so we can continue to learn from one another. More broadly I’ve been closely involved in projects looking at everything from Army Watercraft, Robotics & Autonomous systems, battlefield recovery, through to Future Energy, teaching Combined Arms Warfighting on the Sustainment Officers Captain’s Course and involved in Joint wargames. It’s a dream role!

Perhaps the most exciting development is the work ongoing with the US, the UK and Australia. All three countries recognise that Sustainment is an enterprise-wide, system-of-systems with data and digitalization at its core. To win wars on land, Armies must be able to deliver synchronised sustainment effects where they give the greatest uplift to combat power at the time and space required. Given the global nature of supply chains, and the criticality of fighting with allies and partners, it’s important that our Sustainment systems are designed from first principles with these dependencies built in. Achieving this will allow us to predict how, where and when Sustainment effects can converge in a way that is persistent, resilient, and dynamic.

Virginia, The South and the Wider US

Finally, a few notes on our temporary home. No more than 2 hours from Washington DC, the Blue Ridge Mountains, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Beach, the Outer Banks, Jamestown…, you’re spoiled for choice whatever your interest. DC offers everything you want in a capital city but with space and no high-rise buildings. The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of the Appalachian Trail – endless miles of beautiful mountains and home to the ‘Hill Billies’ who can all trace their history back to the people who emigrated from Scotland and Ireland when William and Mary were King and Queen (all known as Billy Boys, those that lived in the hills became known as the Hill Billies – hence their independent spirit, distrust of authority and love of the American dream). The Chesapeake Bay at ~200 miles long and up to 35 miles wide is a water lover’s dream. Virginia Beach is ~35 miles of everything sea, sand and fun; from pleasure beach to idyllic beach, it’s all there. The Outer Banks (the same one in the TV series) are a chain of picture postcard barrier Islands about 130 miles in length. Famous for long sandy beaches, the home of the Wright Brothers and the first human flight, it’s also where the first English settlement in the US was established on Roanoke before it was moved to Jamestown. History and stunning views in equal measure in every direction. In short, the job, the location, the people and the opportunities are all amazing.

Lt Col Reith on Talking to Ordnance School students

The Duchess of Edinburgh Competition

9 (Theatre Support) Battalion in Canada

TScribe: Lt Branch

he Duchess of Edinburgh Competition is an annual military skills competition which brings together the Duchess’ Regiments from across the globe to compete; showcasing a variety of skills. This year the competition took place in November the Niagara Region of Canada where 9 TS Bn were given the opportunity to represent the REME spending a total of four days training and competing with their Canadian Counterparts. During this stay, the team were also able to undertake some cultural excursions between the gruelling training and competition days.

Niagara Falls

Scribe: Cfn Bullard

Throughout their stay, the team enjoyed an incredible view of the Niagara Falls from our hotel room windows. During a free morning we got to go and view them up close including a tour through tunnels that run under the falls with passages cut away. In these passages we could see the sheer volume of water passing through, which was incredible. The team then ended the tour on a lower viewing deck right down on the Niagara River where we got a team photo.


Scribe: LCpl Buckett:

During our time in Niagara, there were a few occasions we were able to go out and explore the local restaurants and bars. This allowed a good opportunity for some team cohesion post and prior to the competition.

One of the nights included a trip across the American border to watch the Niagara University play an Ice Hockey fixture vs the US Air Force. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all the team as many of us had never experienced an Ice Hockey game before.

The bars and restaurants were also very enjoyable, this gave us a good chance to bond as a team and to spend some time with locals, sharing experiences.

After the competition, the Lincoln and Welland Regiment hosted all the UK teams in their mess. This was a great opportunity to reflect

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on the day over dinner and some Canadian beers. Team 9REME then presented the Lincoln and Welland Regiment with a flag and plaque for them to hang in their bar. Once the night had wrapped up, Team 9REME were not ready to go to bed and decided to revisit the Big Texas Bar in Niagara where we ended the night. A night and trip to remember!

Training Day

Scribe: Cfn Shannon

After we had 2 days to enjoy the Niagara Falls and surrounding areas, we made our way to the Lincoln and Welland Regiment Canadian Reserve Centre to conduct a final day of training. The training consisted of familiarity and weapon handling tests for the C7 Assault rifle, the Remington 870 shotgun, and the Browning Hi-Power handgun. After we had completed those, we moved over to the rappelling stand where we got to grips with the climbing equipment and how to safely rappel from a height. We also got a good chance to interact with the competing teams and talk to the Canadians about their experiences in their Army.

Competition Day

Scribe: Cfn Spruce

On completion of the training day, competition day had arrived. A bright and early start for the team as we headed to the Lincoln and Welland Regimental Headquarters ready to receive details of the day ahead.

After being briefed, we split into our teams and boarded the bus to the start point of the first event in Short Hills Provincial Park.

The first event was a navigation task, we were given 10 points to navigate to with a 90-minute time limit. As soon as we left the bus Team 9REME team hit the ground running, quickly covering ground, and collecting points (even with a Canadian safety staff slowing us down).

After successfully completing the navigation exercise, we moved onto the second phase of the competition. This was an observation


task followed by a command task. The command task was led by me as the youngest member of the team and all other team members were prohibited from talking during the task. This included a 400-meter stretcher run and a simulated mine field crossing. With only 1 person allowed to talk, this proved challenging however, we managed to get the stretcher across without touching the floor. Using only the team’s strength and a rope we successfully completed this task with a final 400-meter stretcher run back to the finish point.

The next event for us was the range package. This included a 200m shoot with the C7, a 75m shoot with the Remington 870 shotgun and a 20m shoot with the Browning Hi-Power Pistol. The aim was to pop 10 balloons with the weapons; which proved more difficult that we initially thought. Despite the challenge, LCpl Fleet and Lt Branch came out on top with 6/10 Balloons popped.

The penultimate task for us was then the obstacle course. The course was a lot longer than we were used to, however, the team worked extremely hard as a collective, across a long and arduous course. With minimal penalties, we completed this task with the fastest time of the day. After a short recovery period we then moved onto the final event of the day.

Meeting Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Edinburgh, and the Final Event

Scribe: LCpl Fleet

Once we had completed all the events from the day, we had the pleasure to speak to Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Edinburgh, who asked us about our time in Canada. The team talked about their trip across the border to watch the Ice Hockey game. I then spoke to HRH personally and informed her how Team 9REME had performed throughout the day with a personal highlight being the navigation exercise in the morning.

Once the Duchess had finished speaking with us, we were then told that a final “winner takes all” task would be taking place.

Firstly, we were briefed on Canadian history, wherein they used canoes to cross a large river into battle and suffered over 100 casualties in a single event. Our scenario was to recover our team leader, Lt Branch, as a stretcher casualty and recover a canoe from the beach. Following this, a tent had to be erected from the ground to simulate shelter and a medical RV point. Once inside with the stretcher and canoe, we had to than finish as a team carrying the stretcher a further 600 metres.

Team 9REME put in everything they could and made rapid progress through the stages but were ultimately beaten to the 1st place by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment team.

Team 9REME truly made the most of their trip to Niagara, Canada. Not a single moment of time was wasted from crossing the border to the US for an Ice Hockey game to beating every team through the obstacle course. This was a fantastic trip for all those involved and a special thanks must be given to the Lincoln and Welland Regiment for hosting the competition in Canada. We look forward to winning the Cup next year!

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The Duchess of Edinburgh Competition

The Duchess of Edinburgh Competition 2023

The annual Duchess of Edinburgh Competition was held on the 1-7 November 2023 in Niagara Falls, Canada. 58 soldiers and officers from the following organisations: 1 R IRISH, 5 RIFLES, QOY, 9 REME, QARANC, RCAM and RAF WITTERING deployed to Canada for the competition hosted by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment. The competition planning was led by the REME including Major Fred Comber, Captain Paige Welsh, Exercise OIC and WO2 (CSM) Metters, Exercise Sergeant Major.

The competition was fierce and saw the teams compete across multiple disciplines including foreign weapon firing, navigation, obstacle courses and STEM challenges. The teams also had the opportunity for defence engagement with the Canadian Armed Forces and Our Colonel-in-Chief, The Duchess of Edinburgh. Whilst in Canada, we also had the privilege of attending a Charity Gala hosted by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment Foundation and a Canadian Service of Remembrance alongside our Colonel-in-Chief.

Photo credit: Tim Rooke/Shutterstock
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We are pleased to share that another of our own, Lieutenant General Simon Hamilton CBE, has become our most senior serving REME General by being promoted to this 3-star rank. General Simon is only the fourth REME Officer to reach this rank in the Corps’ 82 years history. He follows in the footsteps of Lieutenant General’s David Judd CB, Andrew Figgures CB CBE and Paul Jaques CB CBE.  Even more impressively, and perhaps a motivation for every member of our great Corps, he makes history by becoming the very first to reach this elevated rank having started his career as an Apprentice Tradesman.

Entering through the Apprentice College gates in Arborfield on 5 September 1988 aged 16, General Simon began training as an Aircraft Technician. His first assignment in April 1991 was to 71 Aircraft Workshop in Detmold, Germany repairing Lynx and Gazelle helicopters. While here, he was detached for 9 months to the British Army Training Unit in Suffield, Canada to complete the winter repair of the flights’ 5 Gazelle helicopters before returning to Germany to complete his Junior Military Certificate course and being promoted to Corporal. Posted to 1 Regiment Army Air Corps in Dishforth in 1994, he never arrived. Instead, within four months of being identified for his natural leadership ability he had been assessed at the Regular Commissions Board and arrived at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for officer training.

In 1995, seven years after joining as an Apprentice Tradesman at Princess Marina College, he commissioned back into our Corps on a Short Service Commission. As an officer he has commanded the King’s Royal Hussars Light Aid Detachment in Tidworth (2001-2003), 7 Close Support

Lieutenant General Simon Hamilton CBE BSc(Hons) MA FIMechE CEng

Apprentice Tradesman to Lieutenant General

Scribe: Colonel Jason Phillips ADC Company in Fallingbostel, Germany (2005-2007), 2 Battalion REME in Fallingbostel, Germany (2010-2012) and 101 Logistic Brigade (2015-2017). He has also served on operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan and notably was awarded an Operational OBE for his role leading the redeployment of UK Forces back to the UK at the end of Operation TELIC, Iraq while serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff of 20th Armoured Brigade. He was subsequently awarded a CBE on the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2018 for his leadership of 101 Logistic Brigade.

Assigned as Director General Land in Defence Equipment and Support, General Simon is now responsible for three Operating Centres: Land Equipment, Weapons and Helicopters. He manages over 4,000 people, with an annual £5Bn equipment spend across a diverse portfolio. His customers are pan-Defence, with an equally diverse industrial base. He is also a permanent member of both the Defence Equipment and Support Executive Committee and the Army Board; quite some journey from learning to fix helicopters in 1988 to leading the Army Board on complex capability and acquisition decisions in 2024.

Throughout his career General Simon has proudly remained at the very heart of the Corps, committed and connected to our people in work and at play. His passion for the outdoors led him to becoming the Chair of the REME Nordic and Biathlon Team; growing the squad over a decade to become the first REME UK Armed Forces Nordic and Biathlon champions. It’s an achievement we know he is incredibly proud of. He also continues to serve the REME as a Colonel Commandant.




Father and Son Tim and Chris Sands together at the 2023 Act of Remembrance in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Although Chris works in Saudi Arabia, his family home is in Chiang Mai. Tim together with Wife Carol were visiting Chris and his family for the first time since before lock down.

The annual service held at the Foreign Cemetery is sponsored by The British Embassy and is generally followed by lunch at the Gymkhana Club. This year, more than fifty attended including Veterans from UK, USA, Australia, France and Canada. Wreaths were laid during the service by representatives of the Consulates of UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, together with various Veterans and Local Community Organisations.

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EX IRON TITAN – 5 Force Support Battalion REME, 1 Field

Coy & supporting elements

EScribe: 2Lt Brewer-Allan

x IRON TITAN 23 was a series of linked exercises to train, validate and certify Force Elements (FEs) from 3 (UK) Division. Ex IRON TITAN 23 began for 5 Battalion in late September with output being focused on real life support. For those of us yet to step off there were numerous elements of this exercise to be concerned about. Firstly, 1 Field Company’s command structure had been uprooted entirely with fresh Platoon Commanders, a new OC and 2IC, and numerous new SNCOs. Secondly, this was our first time supporting 101 Operational Support Brigade which we will be resubordinating to in the New Year. Therefore, a pressure was present to show the added value of our people and our organisation.

Finally, we had had little time to train beyond our trade skills and therefore numerous standard operating procedures were going to have to be refined in real time.

Despite these challenges, I can confidently attest that most, if not all, of them were overcome once we had made our way out of the enclosure of the Countess of Wessex Lines. As one of my Cpls explained ‘We improvise, adapt and overcome; not long ago we were a company of technicians, and our first outing as reorganised Company has been a worthwhile test.’

At RMB Chivenor, the troops affirmed the relationships present in their Forward Repair Teams, and even those from other Company’s smoothly integrated with the 1 Fd Coy majority. My SNCOs showed themselves to be invaluable with how they handled the deployed workforce, and the OC set us up for success with coherent planning and direction which was clear and concise. Major Cummings aptly pointed

Cpl Rai directing an engine change

out that exercises such as this, especially early on in a team’s life are essential to forming effective relationships from Cfn to CO.

The exercise progressed, and we moved to Caerwent Training Area in Wales where I witnessed strong leadership from junior soldiers including the JNCOs in our ORBAT displaying a care for their peers and Craftsmen that gave me the reassurance every Commander strives for.

Whether that was enthusiastically directing a Craftsman during an engine change, or making sure their fellow soldier had their respirator fitted correctly did not matter. What mattered is that before we had even proven to the Bde our value, we were already proving to each other that we could perform to a high standard.

As, one of my soldiers, Craftsman Dhinsa stated: ‘the exercise was engaging, with a threat that provided a more realistic training experience’. Moving into a more uncertain future as a nation and Army, realism in training will improve our performance on the international stage. Looking forward to Defender 24, the lessons taken from our time on IRON TITAN will see our organisation set up for success.


The exercise culminated on Salisbury Plain, with a bright Company photo to add to the collection, and a fine BBQ provided by our RLC colleagues. At the end of the day this exercise bodes well for the future of 5 Battalion and is a strong start to what will be an exciting year.

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1 Field Company

Veterans Banger Rally Race 2023 (Dover to Gibraltar)

Pre-Race Meet Up

On 23rd September 2023, WO1 Gaz Hooson and Sgt Matt Leaker travelled to London to the Royal Chelsea Hospital to meet up with Chris O’Connor (Chelsea Pensioner) to finalise and do some last-minute prep for the eight-day Banger Rally Race from Dover to Gibraltar. The race would see us travel through three

different countries and seven different cities. The rules were that we had to buy a banger for no more than £999, we choose a 2005 Toyota Corolla, and the team had to be made up of Veterans and serving personnel. We could either scrap the car when we arrived at Gibraltar or keep it and drive back.

Chris had his own ideas and no matter on how much we tried to persuade him to scrap it, he wanted to drive back and auction it off for his chosen charity.


Days 1 - 2

After an overnight stay in a hotel in Dover, we were all lined up in a convoy of some unique and amazing cars, 30 cars in total. We had a Police escort from the hotel to the ferry port and every eye was turned as we approached the terminal. After an hour on the ferry, we were in France and ready to put our foot down, well, Chris was the one that was flooring it as WO1 Hooson and I were very sensible drivers. We decided not to visit Dunkirk and push onto the city of Rouen. Once parked up, we decided to venture into the beautiful city centre to get some food and a beverage in the local Irish bar. The first leg was quite long so we decided to put Chris to bed, ready for day 2.

The day before departure
ready to go on day two

Day 4

As usual we were woken up by Chris two hours earlier than needed, however, we were keen to get on the road as we didn’t meet up with the other drivers, we wanted to get to the next destination of Pau in France The vehicle was still going strong, giving the fact that it hadn’t even had a service since 2021, Chris was quickly kind enough to mention that cars don’t need servicing, another one of Chris’ fine jokes.

The journey was full of Q and A, mainly questions from Chris asking about wars and battles that we had never even heard of and when we stated that we had no idea, Chris had his usual reply of an angry “GORDON BENNETT!”

Day 4 had finally come to an end and all the driving was catching us up so we settled for a nice steak and an early night.

Day 5

0530hrs alarm from Chris who took 45 min in the shower only to then continue waking us up by letting us know we weren’t meeting till 0900hrs; cheers for the wake-up call Chris. After the standard continental breakfast, we headed to do our daily ‘first parade’ of the wagon, pretty much a turn of the key to see if it would start. All vehicles were lined up in the car park of a supermarket, minus two vehicles that we had lost from the first leg. We also had a few upset and angry teams due to their vehicles being sprayed and defaced by the local thugs. We didn’t let this ruin our spirits and we set off in a long convoy heading to Poitiers in France. This leg was only four and a half hours so once again, I did most of the driving, whilst WO1 Hooson and Chris chilled out. Later that day, we arrived in Poitiers and checked in to our hotel. That evening we had food in a local restaurant and again put Chris to bed to get his well-earned 12 hours sleep.

Probably the best leg of the race. Driving through the Pyrenees mountains, with breath taking views, we moved onto Zaragoza in Spain.

Along the way we stopped in old café, which was covered in Football memorabilia, where we tucked into what can only be described as tomatoes on toast with a little bit of ham; it looked dreadful but tasted amazing.

Chris continued asking random quiz questions which had no return answers from the co drivers. Zaragoza was a strange city but very beautiful. The heat was well in the 30’s and we had to remind ourselves it wasn’t a holiday, and the task was to get Chris to Gibraltar.

We arrived at the apartment and met all the other participants at the local Irish Bar for a swift Guinness and moved onto an American diner for some food.

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The infamous car First night in Rouen at an Irish Bar Chris having a well-earned nap Day 3

Day 6

The drive WO1 Hooson and I were most looking forward to, a short drive to Benidorm! Chris was more than happy to offer to drive the next day and his words of ‘what happens in Benidorm stays in Benidorm’ made the drive even better for us, we even answered a few of his quiz questions however, when we got the easy ones wrong Chris had is usual reply of an absolute shock of a look with “GORDON BENNETT!”

Once we arrived, WO1 Hooson and I went on the lookout for a suitable fancy dress for the team, due to it being the theme for the night. We decided to sample the local food and drink and order three simple T-shirts with the logo GORDON BENNETT on in memory of Chris.

After collecting the shirts, we grabbed Chris and made our way to the Benidorm strip where Chris got a lot more than he could handle. After a few beers Chris was a tad tired, so we took him to bed while WO1 Hooson and I stayed out for a little longer with the other drivers talking about the journey so far.

Day 7

Woken up at 0530hrs once again, this time it was a lot worse due to the slight hangover, thank God Chris was going to drive the first three hours. We set off ahead of everyone, with the remainder at least four hours behind us.

Benidorm was a good place, but we moved onto Malaga in Spain. This was again a lovely city with loads going on. We used the most of our time there to walk around the city and beach, before having some quality food in the city centre. We were all ready for an early night but one of the vehicles had broken down two hours away from our location and Chris kindly volunteered WO1 Hooson and I to go and save the day. We set off at 1100hrs to go and find the stranded vehicle, when we arrived, they had stripped the car clean and they decided to leave the vehicle there. Once we had picked up two of the stranded passengers, we headed back to Malaga.

Day 8

The final two-hour leg into Gibraltar was an easy drive for me, a slight wait in Customs but we were in. The Corolla had made it and the only mechanical fault we had was a headlight. WO1 Hooson tried to fix it but we just watched in amazement as he failed over and over to secure a bulb. We had made it to Gibraltar and the smile on Chris face was amazing. Two years in a row he has done it in the same car. Well done Chris and thanks for an amazing journey.

Arrival in Gibraltar Chris enjoying the night life in Benidorm

Wednesday 1st May 2024

Open to all REME service leavers currently in the resettlement, REME reservists and veterans are also invited to attend. A fantastic opportunity to engage with companies that have an Engineering and Technical focus

For service leavers, this is an excellent networking opportunity to assist with the transition into civilian employment.

Sponsored by

The event will be held in the REME Museum, SN15 4XX

The majority of exhibitors attending are national companies and have vacancies available across the UK.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact

Sgt Edem Siawor EngTech MIMechE

Before submitting an article you are requested to read the guidelines on the inside front cover 19 Gain professional registration as an EngTech, IEng or CEng through a route specifically designed for REME personnel. Enhance your military career Benchmark your skills and training Develop your professional network and connections Apply now at 07590 735816 a l r CE ng or C ayd a l ly d n nel taryc BE RECOGNISED BE REWARDED st eg is Engthrouugh tration as as areer and tr al ne arme imec r si desi des e r aining work and connections dforces Eng throu gned igned
Craftsman_ad_ver_II_01_01.indd 1 24/11/2021 16:14:48
and Employment
Support Event

Exercise IRON HORSE EUROPE 23 –Keeping the Punch in the Army’s Fist!

128 Divisional Support Company, 103 Force Support Battalion REME

Scribes: Capt Gallantree, Sgt Lovel and Cfn Peters

In September 2023, members of 128 Divisional Support Company and 103 (Force Support) Battalion REME deployed to SEF(G) Monchengladbach and LRF(S) Sennelager to conduct Exercise IRON HORSE EUROPE 23 (Ex IHE 23). The deployment formed part of the wider Exercise IRON TITAN and saw the deployment of a composite

Company (2+45) formed of Army and Sponsored Reserves, to conduct equipment REHABILITATION from Ex DEFENDER 22 and Ex CERBERUS 22 and PREPARE for Op LYNOTYPER 24 in Europe. Being the third iteration of this exercise, everyone quickly settled into the routine (helped by the sunshine and 30° weather!)

The Company supported a wide range of equipment including Landrover, MAN SV, Warrior, Bulldog and trailers. This not only ensured Equipment Support output, but also gave a fantastic opportunity for individuals to conduct training as part of the 101 Operational Sustainment Brigade (OSB) READINESS activity.

Scribe: Sgt Lovell

I deployed on Ex IHE 23 as a Fitter Section 2IC on the B vehicle line within SEF(G). During the deployment we dealt with all manner of faults on SV, SV(R), Land Rover and trailers, giving me the opportunity to not only stay competent on the platforms, but also to pass on knowledge to the junior VMs within the Workshop and command the team when needed.

During the exercise we were able to partake in cultural visits, spending time in both the local area of Monchengladbach and venturing into the Netherlands to the border town of Venlo after going to the sobering but excellent National War Museum at Overloon. Overall, the exercise has been a great one both in and out of the Workshop, but the Regimental Dinner Night really made it stand out as a treasured memory.

Scribe: Cfn Peters

During this exercise I had the opportunity to collaborate with 1 Mercian LAD and work on different variants of Warrior platforms; performing inspections and repairs. This experience expanded my skills beyond Small Arms, providing insight into the Regular Army Armourers’ work and Armoured Fighting Vehicles.

The cooperation between Army Reserves, Sponsored Reserves and Regular Army personnel demonstrated the success of the Future Soldier program, highlighting the potential for collaboration between the two forces

Conducting training on Bulldog
Replacing an engine on a Land Rover

and enhancing trade and proficiency. This experience has helped me identify my role in the programme’s future.

In my downtime, I explored Köln, enjoying its landmarks and local cuisine. The highlight of the exercise was participating in a mess dinner with members from across the Battalion. My deployment to Germany broadened my expertise, fostered collaboration, and provided truly memorable experiences both professionally and personally.

During the Exercise the Company had the pleasure of hosting the new Commanding Officer, Lt Col Helen Currie, DComd 101 OSB, Col Ian Adkins and our Honorary Colonel, Maj Gen (Retd) Bill O’Leary. The visits enabled them to observe firsthand the success of the deployment and understand any recommendations for improvement for future iterations. It also provided the DComd the opportunity to work through the SPEARFLEX

cover 21
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A break from the workshop with Coy PT. Maj Gen (Retd) Bill O’Leary in his element Teaching MANTIS to WO2 Bellamy Assisting Cfn Bajerski with a power steering pipe

concept surrounding the training and rapid deployment of Reserve soldiers for future operations.

The deployment did continue to highlight the ongoing challenges around Vehicle Inspectors, however the total ES output over the course of the two-week exercise was significantly greater than previous deployments with 2,452 hours, 63 VRNs and a staggering 379 Training Objectives completed.

“The commitment and competence of our REME Reservist tradesmen has continued to astound me, it is an absolute pleasure and a

humbling opportunity to command such an incredibly professional and motivated team. Ex IHE has once again proven the invaluable capability the REME Reserve offers.” OC 128 Div Sp Coy, Maj Abi Brown

103 FS Bn continue to recruit Regular to Reserve; if you fancy something different and are resettling in either the Portsmouth, Ashford, London, Derby or Northampton areas, please do get in touch via 103 FS Battalion REME on Facebook or Instagram.

Members of 128 Divisional Support Company and 103 (Force Support) Battalion REME Powerpack repair in LRF(S) Sennelager Coy Dinner Night
AEO Past and Present Dinner Night and education afternoon Thursday 21 March 2024 Princess Marina Officers’ Mess, MOD Lyneham Price £40 Tickets on REME Connect: QR Code Ticket purchase deadline Fri 08 Mar 24 POC Lt Jordan Brown Accommodation bookings


Scribe: Corporal Darren Gubby 103 FS BN REME: OIC Maj Rosie

Team members warming up prior to a morning Ski in the stadium

In November 2023, 20 Ski enthusiasts, with some total novices, from 103 FS Bn REME embarked on a two-week Nordic Skiing exercise to Sjusjøen, Norway. The training was filled with excitement, falling, development, more falling, and many unforgettable moments (yes, some were falls!). In this article, we will reflect on this brilliant Exercise, celebrate its success, and hopefully inspire readers to pursue similar adventures in this fantastic sport with two disciplines: Classic and Skate.

The journey by road from the UK to Norway is a long one, but we were able to break up the travel with a cultural visit to Paderborn Christmas market, where we were immersed in the region’s festivities. Then, the following morning, we boarded a ferry in Kiel, embarking on the 24-hour voyage to Oslo. The ferry itself turned out to be a cultural experience in its own right, with various amenities and entertainment on offer. On the outbound journey the

camaraderie among the group members started to build, strangers quickly becoming friends and setting the stage for an incredible adventure.

Once we arrived in Sjusjøen we took full advantage of the opportunity to learn skills to survive in extreme weather conditions; mastering the art of layering and learning how to use snow chains on vehicles and driving in challenging terrains. One of the first lessons was the extreme cold demands a very strategic approach to dress, ensuring we stay warm and protected. We learned to wear moisture-wicking base layers for the sweat generated by the exertion of skiing uphill, insulating mid-layers and windproof outer layers. Additionally, we were taught the significance of proper headgear, gloves and footwear to prevent frostbite and maintain optimal body temperature.

Throughout the two weeks, we gained other essential life skills, which extend beyond their Army duties. Our experience in Sjusjøen has not only equipped us with the ability to thrive in sub-zero temperatures but also foster teamwork, resilience and adaptability, making us better prepared for the rigors of Army service.

Visiting Norway was a first for some of us, in addition to being a first experience of skiing, and living in such an extreme climate. Adjusting to the -20°C temperatures (that is colder than most freezers…) was a challenge, but once we hit the slopes, the excitement took over. The Instructors provided excellent guidance, starting with basic techniques on gentle slopes and gradually progressing to more challenging trails. The exhilaration of Nordic skiing has multiple facets to it, one minute you feel almost paralysed with fear at the sheer scale of what is being asked of you, the next you are in euphoria skating up a hill without your heart pounding out of your chest or cornering a steep descent without falling. The numerous falls and crashes built our confidence and resilience and we all left with a newfound strength in our skiing abilities and a deep appreciation for the stunning winter scenery.

Some reflections from the team:

LCpl Culley found the experience of Nordic Skiing both challenging and rewarding. The Instructor’s expertise was evident in their ability to cater for beginners and experienced skiers alike, helping them improve their technique. The fantastic accommodation provided an opportunity to meet new people from the Battalion, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity.

For Cfn Foster, a Sponsored Reservist, having never done anything like this prior to this exercise, the highlight of his week was the

Maj Lance Rosie and WO2 Dave Haynes out in -20°C temperatures (that is colder than most freezer) and this is not makeup

breath-taking scenery, the company of fellow skiers, and the opportunity to learn Classic Skiing. The Instructor, Shaun Armstrong, was praised for his exceptional teaching skills, making the week an unforgettable experience.

SSgt Hoggarth, as a complete beginner to Nordic Skiing, was pleasantly surprised by the level of instruction and the warm welcome they received from day one. The experience left him eager to continue with the sport in the future, highlighting the inclusive and supportive nature of the skiing community. As a Regular soldier deploying with the Reserve forces onto Ex NORDIC BLUEBELL, his eyes were opened to how well the Reserve personnel operate together as a team!

As an experienced cross-country skier, LCpl Sharman appreciated the Instructor’s ability to identify areas for improvement and provide valuable guidance. His own skills and potential were acknowledged when he was considered for an Instructor role and took on responsibility for coaching personnel in week 2. This provided a huge confidence boost and he was successful in achieving his Instructor qualification.

As a unit, everyone has dramatically improved on their skiing techniques, their ability to operate in a confined space of the apartment, whilst feeding ourselves. For myself, this is my second season skiing and what I lacked last year in technique, I have been able to build on this time and my ability has come on leaps and bounds. This has helped build my confidence in future skiing exercises, but also set the stage for learning and building my skill set generally.

Ex NORDIC BLUEBELL has once again proved to be an incredible & challenging adventure for the personnel of 103 FS Bn REME. From the stunning winter landscapes to the camaraderie among participants, the experience has left a lasting impression on everyone involved. Whether beginners or experienced skiers, the trip was an opportunity for growth, learning, and a deep appreciation for the sport of Nordic Skiing. With memories to cherish and plans to return, Sjusjøen has undoubtedly become a favourite destination for these newfound Ski enthusiasts.

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Team having fun after completing week two The team having a well-earned break after a long arduous Ski LCpl Matt Sharman receiving his Instructor qualification from WO2 Don Donaldson (Chief Instructor) Sgt Jimmy Deville receive expert shooting instruction from Dave Butters



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With 191 established WO1 (ASM) posts in REME, the gold standard and primary soldier career path in REME has always been and remains the Artificer pathway.

However, did you know that there is another pathway from Cfn to WO1 and a recent change in Corps structures has increased the opportunity for all to follow it.

RSM, RQMS (Main) and CSM posts in REME Battalions are already open to any trade. With immediate effect, the same is now true for the 21 REME Battalion CQMS posts. As a result, the SSgt assignment board in Feb/Mar this year will select the most suitable candidates for vacant Battalion CQMS posts based purely on knowledge, skills, experience, behaviours and potential and not your trade. This change opens up the bottleneck at SSgt – which now has 34 available assignment opportunities –and ultimately allows our people to follow a trade agnostic (Unspec) pathway to WO1.

So, if you aren’t able to be or don’t want to be an Artificer, please note that there is still a pathway for you to WO1 by growing your competence for Corps Unspec roles from Duty of Care and Military Training Instructor posts as Cpl/Sgt, to CQMS, RQMS (Main), CSM and RSM posts from SSgt up. Importantly, this does not necessarily mean leaving your trade behind, particularly not in the lower ranks; these are simply broader roles that you might want to fulfil as part of your varied career.

For the TSS tradesperson who previously had exclusive rights to the CQMS role, please do not fear this. I just want you to compete for it. I expect many of you will continue to be successful on this path as you already are in filling many CSM, RQMS (Main) and RSM posts. And crucially, even without these Battalion CQMS roles in your structure, your trade is still the equal of others in terms of opportunity to reach WO1.

Want to know more? Ask your chain of command / RCMO for advice or reach out directly to the Corps ASM.

The REME Trading Company (of which the shop is a part of) is a ‘not

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Corps News 01249 894871 The REME Shop carries a varied range of items from branded clothing, gifts, statuettes, accessories, military uniform items and bespoke personalized products on request.
Colonel Jason Phillips ADC
shop is located within the REME Museum and offers a collection service.
The Corps
for profit’ and runs in
of The REME
for The REME Family.

The ABF – The Soldier Charity Normandy Frontline Walk 2023

For several years, the Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) has run a series of trekking challenges to follow in the literal footsteps of our forebears by walking the former battlefields of the British Army. In October, a group of 25 took part in the Normandy walk; walking the D-Day beaches and landing zones from 6 June 1944 with the aim of raising funds for this important charity.

Alongside us were a support team from Classic Challenge, a Historian as well as Mark; a wounded ex-2 LANCs Veteran who had been shot in the

Scribe: Maj Gary Logie Cfn in Normandy, Bayeux Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery Church at St-Mere-Eglise with memorial to Pte John Steel, whose parachute was caught on the steeple Army Benevolent Fund
British Normandy Memorial

neck in Afghanistan in 2007 and paralysed from the neck down and told he would never walk again. A beneficiary of the ABF; and having just completed a walk from John O’Groats to Lands End, he joined us and offered some valuable moral support.

Among the walkers was Chris Byrne, a REME Veteran, as well as an un-nerving number of Royal Engineer Veterans. There was even a serving submariner and former member of the RAF. Much to my surprise less than half of the group were serving or Veterans. What united us was a determination to support this great cause as well as to have a truly humbling experience and make some firm friends.

The total route was 100km, broken down over three days. Starting at Merville Battery, and taking in the sights of Pegasus Bridge, all five invasion beaches; SWORD, JUNO, GOLD, OMAHA and UTAH,

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Willy’s Jeep on UTAH beach Walking into Port en Bessin, where PLUTO came ashore Statue at Arromanches

as well as the famous church at St-Mere-Eglise and Brecourt Manor (of Band of Brothers fame). Finishing at the British Normandy Memorial overlooking GOLD Beach.

The walk was an amazing experience, which once done is unlikely to be forgotten. The highlight of this year must be the undisclosed group member whose boots literally fell apart and required some Expedient Repair with zinc oxide tape and duct tape on UTAH beach.

Next year the ABF plans on conducting walks in Normandy, The Western Front, Pyrenees and Wadi Rum. I would strongly recommend these excellent events in support of this charity to anyone. If anyone should be interested more information is available at:

Expedient repair in action Sunrise over GOLD Beach REME finishers Finisher’s Medal

Potteries and District December 2023 Newsletter

Scribe: Maurice Hope Photos: Alex Webb / John Hubbert

Before we all place 2023 into the history file, let us firstly remember what the Branch did towards the end of the year. Saturday 25th of November saw our much looked forward to annual Branch Christmas dinner take place in the Josiah Wedgwood room at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Etruria, the Hotel being on the location of Etruria Hall; which was the home of the Master Potter Josiah Wedgwood.

Our planned numbers were slightly decreased by three members coming down with the dreaded Covid bug, and sadly the day before the event our Branch Patron Major General John Henderson CB going down with flu symptoms following a meeting in London. Never the less fifty people sat down and enjoyed the Christmas

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Brian wins a bottle Gary and Jayne Feek Barrie and Enid Webb Branch Chairman Ian and Yvonne Webb
REME Association

dinner followed by being entertained by Miss Vicky Gotham; who is quickly becoming our resident songstress having done numerous gigs for us previously.

In addition to the proceeds from the prize raffle on the night, the Branch also benefited from a donation being made to the Branch of £150 by the relatives of a late staunch Member Mr Mike Fryer, following the collection made at his funeral, a very generous donation which is very much appreciated.

December also saw a number of Branch Members being regally hosted by our twinned Regular LAD’s (16 & 22 Signals Regt’s) based at Beacon Bks, Stafford to celebrate St Eligius Day. Following a short Church Service in the Garrison Church of St Chads, and an inter unit engineering challenge, we were admitted to the WO’s and Sgt’s Mess as honoured VIP’s, being led into the mess to the Corps March, where we enjoyed a super buffet, the challenge prize giving and a free bar.

Our final event of the year was on Tuesday 12th when we held our now regular “Christmas Sweater Night”, at our HQ at the Meir / Longton RBL Club, a totally informal gathering to see the year off in style, with Miss Vicky Gotham once again on hand to entertain us, followed by our buffet which was furnished by the members attending bringing along Christmas themed treats and butties etc.. which resulted in the attending RBL members in the bar enjoying a free treat on what was left.

Will Spencer-Jones and Katie Vooght St Eligius Day Gordon and Sally Bonner John Wright in sweater mode

London Poppy Day

Scribe: Cpl JL Morgan Officer Commanding: Major A Johnson (REME). Workshop Sergeant Major: WO2 D Jones

This year’s London Poppy Day was marked by an extensive support from soldiers stationed all over the country. Soldiers from 12 Regiment RA stationed at Thorney Island were not left out and actively participated in this year’s London Poppy Day (LPD). Cpl Morgan lead a team of 15 excited soldiers across the Regiment who looked forward to enjoying this special day. Soldiers were stationed at Brixton, Clapham Junction and Vauxhall tube stations (Three of the busiest stations in London).

For most this was the first-time taking part in the LPD. It was amazing to see young and confident soldiers come out of their daily routine of barrack life to support a worthy cause of raising funds to support Veterans and serving soldiers. They effectively engaged with the public whose feedback brought nothing but motivation and smiles to faces.

Especially for first timers to this event, witnessing the enthusiasm among soldiers and the willingness of the public to give support to the Armed Forces made the day momentous.  It was a productive day out having enjoyed ourselves but equally impressed by the total amount raised. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s Poppy Appeal. Without a doubt I know 12 Regiment Royal Artillery Regiment REME WKSP will be representing.

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Spartan Trifecta World Championships 2023

Scribe: Corporal Reece Sanders, 29 EOD&S WKSP

SOne of the many obstacles

ome of you may remember a similar article to this one from last year, well I decided to go and do it again. Only this time competitively.

For those that don’t remember or didn’t see I started racing in Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) last year through a company called Spartan Race (they own Tough Mudder). OCR as a sport is getting bigger and bigger all over the world and hopefully this article will raise some awareness and build it even more.

I currently race in Spartan races all over the world but mainly in the UK and Europe, culminating in a 3-race event in Sparti, Greece for the Trifecta World Championships. The races comprise of a 5km minimum distance (more like 8km) with 20 obstacles, a 10km minimum distance (more like 15km) with 25 obstacles and a 21km minimum distance (more like 27km) with 30 obstacles. The obstacles vary from river crossings, burden carries, walls and spear throws. Oh and 2.5k of elevation.

2000 athletes from all over the world, descend on the ancient city of Sparti every year for this event and it is incredible. After meeting up with the rest of Team UK (another 120 competitors) we took part in the opening ceremony and the parade of nations through the town centre; before racing in 3 events over 3 days and finishing with the closing ceremony and award giving. My first year of competitive OCR saw me finish in Greece 21st overall in my age group.

Due to the overwhelming support of my unit (29 EOD&S WKSP) I decided not only to represent the country but also the Army and my unit 29; as without their support I wouldn’t have been able to attend the event. As I said earlier the sport is growing fast and with the support of units like mine hopefully soon the

Cooling off 20kg Sandbag carry

sport will become recognised by Army Sport (especially now that it’s entering the Olympics). As a founding member of British Obstacle Sport, it is a very exciting time to be able to see your sport flourish inside and outside of the Armed Forces. If you feel inspired to have a go at one of your local races or if you already race but aren’t sure how to progress in the sport, then please get in contact with myself or British Army Obstacle Sport (BAOCR) on Facebook and give us a message.

What’s next? I’ve now taken my training to another level with a team and an OCR training Coach (shoutout to Matt Roberts and Primal Fitness). I’m hoping that with their help and my family for support along with the Army’s backing I’m going to build on the success of this last 12 months of racing and see where the next 12 take me. I have a few races in Mexico and Europe coming up and I have no doubt Greece will call me back in 2024.

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Cpl Sanders flying the flag Quick swim in the Evrótas On the 21km Beast course Stone carry up a mountain? Sure why not!



“The Vital Spark keeping the Army Firing on All Cylinders”

Scribe: Museum Archivist Celia Cassingham (with a little help from our Museum Director)

REME in 10 Corps

REME in the 8th Army

In the October 2023 issue, we dealt with VMs ‘A’, so, as promised, it is now the turn of VMs ‘B’. I refer you to the previous article as an aide memoire to the background and history of the VM Trade. A couple of pertinent points worth noting are that in 1968 it was recommended that there should be three categories of Vehicle Mechanic, namely ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ and that in March 1990 it was decided to amalgamate the ‘A’ and ‘B’ trades to form a single trade of Vehicle Mechanic.

We return to the Report on REME Units in 10 Corps during the period October 23-November 27 1942, as mentioned in the previous article, this time for the repair statistics for ‘B’ Vehicles. The excerpt notes that these statistics are: “… only for 2nd Line Repair. Figures of LADs are not recorded nor had we any 3rd Echelon ‘B’ Vehicle Workshops.”

A document in our archives from a personal collection, includes a list of desert modifications for ‘B’ Vehicles undertaken by the Base Workshops.

The section shown is from a document entitled The Evolution of the 8th Army, which appear to be notes for a talk (E: 08.0403.08)

Our REME Middle East War Report, Part 4 includes a section that describes the numbers and types of ‘B’ Vehicles in the Middle East and Western Desert Campaigns, 40, to be precise. This is recorded in a section entitled “’B’ Vehicles. General Appreciation of the Design of equipment as reflected by the load on REME”, which gives us, today, an insight into the scale of the work and variety of vehicles worked on. In this context “appreciation” means assessment or appraisal of worth, quality and importance. Examples of vehicle types included are: four types of Motorcycles (Ariel, BSA, Matchless and Norton); utility vehicles and trucks (Ford, Morris, Bedford, Dodge), staff cars (Humber 4x2 Snipe), the Willys Jeep, noted in this report as a “Ford Willys Jeep”; Albions, Austins, Leylands; and, of course, recovery vehicles (Dodge, Leyland, Scammell), transporters (40 ton Rogers), tractors (AEC Matador, Mack) and trailers.

An example from the report describes the Norton Motorcycle, with the photograph of a Norton, albeit in a pristine condition, is from a photograph album depicting Service ‘B’ Vehicles.

We are going to do things slightly differently this time and take a leap through the ages, from the desert to the snow, to learn about a VM from more recent history: none other than Major (Retired) Rick Henderson our Museum Director, who can be said to be ‘part of the collections’ in the museum and archives, and who was willing, upon request, to share his experiences as a VM during his service.

Major Henderson’s favourite vehicles to work on as a junior rank were tracked ‘B’ Vehicles, the BV 202s and BV 206s (over snow vehicles) Bandvagn (tracked vehicle in English) - and as a senior rank the Warrior series of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV).

of Norton Motor Cycle REME War Report, Middle East, Volume IV

REME War Report Part 4 pp 623-624 excerpt describing trucks, tractors and a Thorneycroft Tipper

The photograph, provided by Major Henderson (Lance Corporal at the time) shows him working on the repair of a Volvo Bandvagn BV 202 Snowcat in temperatures below zero, 600 kilometres inside the Arctic Circle, assisted by an American colleague, whilst deployed on Exercise AVALANCHE EXPRESS in Northern Norway.

Major Henderson’s favourite posting was as a JNCO at AMF(L) Wksps, (Allied Mobile Force Land Workshops), as part of the British contingent of a multinational force of

some 25,000. The unit deployed to a number of different countries each year (including Norway annually). This provided the opportunity to work alongside other nations’ Engineers. Whilst serving in this unit for almost four years, he completed his Artic Warfare training, learned to ski, became an Assistant PTI , qualified as a Sub Aqua Diver and deployed on an expedition to the USA assisting in the excavation of a British Merchant ship scuttled during the American War of Independence.

After that, another favourite posting had to be getting the opportunity to be stationed in Hong Kong at 50 Hong Kong Workshops for the last three years before the handover to the Chinese. Whilst this was not so much to do with fixing military vehicles, it was more about the opportunity to go to some of the UK’s foreign embassies and inspect and repair their civilian vehicles. The posting that sticks out is being one of the first servicemen into Kazakhstan not long after a British Consulate had been established. This and the chance, of course, to play lots of rugby.

Apologies for the short treatise on Bandvagns that follows herewith. The Bandvagn 202 (Bv 202) is an oversnow tracked articulated, all-terrain vehicle developed by Bolinder-Munktell, a subsidiary of Volvo, for the Swedish Army in the early 1960s.

The following images form part of a photograph collection of black-and-white and colour prints in our archives entitled Tracked ‘B’ Vehicles for Over Snow Operations (E:11.0541) and illustrate the types of working conditions, VMs at work under the bonnet and the BV

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LCpl Rick Henderson and repair of Volvo Snowcat Norton 490cc


BV 206 that replaced the

The development of the BV 206, was was started in 1974 and produced by Sweden’s Hägglunds & Söner (now BAE Systems Hägglunds AB) and introduced to many armies in 1980.

Of course, the earlier story of REME activities in arctic

A Volvo BV 202 4 Armoured Workshop Company, Op GRAPPLE, 1993. The Company Vehicle and Powerpack Repair Platoon Working on a Warrior gearbox 11 Armoured Workshop, Soest, DGEME Visit, August 1990. Demonstration of how to check the torque on Warrior brake pads, using a self-designed tool VMs at work under the bonnet Engine change on a BV 206 BV 202 206, replaced the BV 202.

condititions is also represented in the museum, in our archives as well as our object collections. I speak, of course of Major Roy Homard, whose story forms part of the ‘Around the World Gallery’ display in the meseum, which features an ST4 Aktiv SNOTRAC oversnow vehicle.

Last, but not least, we can’t end off without including one or two images from our archives photograph collections that depict the Warrior Series of AFVs.

As a final word, it is worth noting how our museum demonstrates REME history through our archives, objects and living history and how we can show a sense of continuity and links down the ages, to those who have gone before and those who are with us still.

Cfn Hirons GS Service Medal

Dom Tullumello collects coins and in his possession is a GS Service Medal, from 1955-1962 era. The medal potentially belongs to a Cfn S Hirons 23657274.

If you could help Dom return this medal to its rightful owner or their family please contact the Editor and we will pass on the information.

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Warrior repair vehicle with trailer, Vehicles and Weapons Branch, REME Medal Front Medal Rear CFN HIRONS
The Editor
Lost & Found

First six months in command of 5th Regiment Royal Artillery Workshop



OC Wksp: Maj A Murray CEng MIMechE

xcited to be appointed as OC 5 RA Wksp, the last six months have surpassed all expectation in terms of output diversity, challenge, and reward. 5 RA is certainly a unique Regiment that was previously described to me as being similar to the Galapagos Islands; uniquely evolving in isolation and sheltered from external influence. And that certainly may have been the case, however following the formation of 1 Deep Recce Strike (DRS) Brigade the Regiment now has a pivotal warfighting role, as the divisional Counter-Fires capability, and is integrated as a central tenet of combined arms manoeuvre. The following narratives will give a flavour of the activity conducted in support of the Regiment as the we seek to develop competence and credibility as the technical experts supporting Counter-Fires equipment optimised for warfighting whilst maintaining that much needed moral component.

We now transition into a period that promises to be equally challenging and certainly for the Technician CEG as the Regiment seeks to integrate the SAAB manufactured TAIPAN RADAR, replacing MAMBA. Furthermore, this line of effort will be conducted against the backdrop of operations as the Regiment prepares to deploy on Op ELGIN and Op TOSCA.


Scribe: SSgt Swaddle

HQ Fitter Section deployed to SPTA in order to complete Trg Lv BRAVO BCS as part of the DRS Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Bde Ex SCORPIAN CYCLONE. Most of our time was spent in the A2 Ech alongside 6 Bn REME forming part of the BSG, providing Real Life Support (RLS) for RA QHQ Bty vehicles that were deployed. These vehicles included Land Rover, SV, Jackal, Quads and Bulldogs. Cfn Nicol, LCpl Philips, Cpl Williams and Cpl Adams were responsible for

Unit Life
How many VMs does it take to change an engine?

maintaining this equipment, commanded by SSgt Swaddle. We had some varied jobs come through which included engine changes, clutch replacements, damage repairs and more. This work required us to either get the equipment recovered to our location or become a ‘flying Fitter’. There was an element of the Battlefield-Craft Syllabus (BCS) during this time which included refugees entering our location multiple times on various days. Our job was to converse with them and explain where they should head towards for safety. These scenarios involving the refugees tested our capabilities of dealing with civ pop under unexpected times in certain situations. We had to keep them calm explaining to them that our location wasn’t safe, which proved more difficult than anticipated.


Scribe: LCpl Lodwick

During Sep 23 participants from 5RA Wksp and other units enjoyed a week in Keswick in The Lakes conducting Ex CRAFTSMAN RUNNER. The week consisted of learning running specific warmups, sessions, and cool-downs. As well as producing training plans, nutrition guides and recovery plans. This week also included a little down time for activities such as paddleboarding, Swimming and Hiking. During the final day all of the participants entered into the Scafell Pike fell race. The REME Men’s Team came away victorious against tough civilian components with Sgt Daniel Walters (5RA Wksp) participating in this winning team. 5RA Wksp also did well in the Under 23’s category with LCpl Morgan Lodwick placing third. Ex CRAFTSMAN RUNNER was a thoroughly enjoyable week in which all 5RA Wksp participants endured a very physical and demanding Ex. This is just one example of the exciting opportunities available within 5RA Wksp.


Scribe: SSgt Bolam

After completing Bty level BCS training on Ex SCORPION CYCLONE, P Battery Fitter Section (BFS) redeployed to provide, in-mission and inter-mission ES effect to P Bty on EX IRON

TITAN. The Bty’s role was supporting the Royal Lancers Battle-Group (BG) with a Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) capability, to successfully conduct counter fire operations. This was a testing exercise for the BFS as they would be supporting a diverse range of platforms and STA equipment. As the Royal Lancers advanced deep into the enemy territory, the Bty would use its sensors to coordinate

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06b- P BFS Deployed on Ex IRON TITAN Ex ANVIL MARTE 23

deep counter-fires against enemy indirect fire. As Fitter Section IC and only arriving in the unit two weeks prior to deploying, I knew this would be a steep learning curve. Having no previous experience with the STA equipment and platforms, I relied heavily on the knowledge and experience of the those within the Section. As the BG formed at the demonstration area on SPTA, the scale and size of the exercise was evident. In fact, this exercise was the British Army’s largest land exercise for twenty years. This was fantastic experience for the more junior members of the section, building their resilience to succumbing to the testing weather conditions and fatigue. The experience gained by all throughout the exercise will be invaluable to the personnel supporting the Regiment going forward.


Scribe: Sgt Godfrey

5RA Wksp deployed to OTA in May 23 to conduct an ITR Core Combat and BCS Ex. The Ex also gave the chance for development of soldiering skills and leadership in preparation for ALDP courses. All elements of the ITR practical elements were covered during the exercise, from basic living in the field, reconnaissance, captured persons and resulting in a Platoon final attack (Not an ITR requirement, but good fun). For the soldier’s

development, Cpls were rotated around Section Commander roles and LCpls conducting Section 2ICs. Sgts were rotated around the Platoon Sgt and Platoon Commander role as well as providing Oscar winning performances playing vital roles in facilitating scenarios. These were enemy troops, captured persons, casualties, or local Farmers. Artificers were appointed DS roles to give guidance when and where required. There were some good skills and drills conducted throughout and as the deployment went on, confidence grew, and sections started to gel together well. The exercise saw some great teamwork and some strong leadership with some individuals coming out of their shell and into the limelight. Overall, it was a demanding but good week with learning throughout the Wksp and already looking forward to Ex ANVIL MARTE 24.

5RA Wksp Cfn Cup final 23

Scribes: Cpl Nixon & LCpl Suggett

This was the first time 5RA Wksp had reached a Cfn Cup final for years. The Wksp had to overcome three minor units to reach the final against an extremely strong 32RA Wksp side. The route to the final began with a home fixture against 2 Royal Anglian LAD, this ended in a convincing 10-2 win for the home side. The next round saw a northern derby against a very well drilled 3RHA Wksp side. There was nothing between the two sides as the scoreline was locked level at 2-2 but with minutes to spare Cpl Nixon popped up with a last-minute winner to land a Semifinal tie away to MAB. The Semi-final came at a bad time for 5RA due to several exercise commitments and extended hours within the Wksp, however, the team managed to overcome outside pressures and run away with an outstanding 7-3 victory over a fiery MAB side. During the Cfn Cup final v 32RA Wksp we knew this was going to be our toughest test of late as 32RA Wksp were no strangers to a Cfn Cup final. Unfortunately, the result went in the favour of 32RA Wksp who won 3-1. LCpl Lodwick scored the consolation goal for us in a game where chances just were not put away on the day. Congratulations to an extremely good team and we look forward to meeting again in the next Cfn Cup.

Craftsman Cup Final WO1 (ASM) Eddon’s Brecon Point


Goodbye Arborfield

Scribe: Tony Church

There’s a little place in Berkshire County, down by Reading way, It isn’t very big, quite undistinguished, some might say. And yet, it’s known by thousands, maybe millions, mostly men

Who came and spent some time there, passing through or, then again, Returning to it regularly over many years, A place for some of memorable times, for others new careers.

It all began there well over one hundred years ago,

The Army needed horses, hence a large remount depot

Was located at the village, being accommodation for

The horses which passed through on their way to the First Great War; And when the war was ended, it then was left unused For horses were redundant, as the war had clearly proved.


But then, as years elapsed and war clouds gathered yet once more, This place became the birthplace of a fledgling military Corps

Forged from the fiery furnace of war’s technical demands, From fields of Europe to the distant, hostile desert sands, It gathered all the Artisans from home and overseas

Who came together, founding a great Army Dynasty.

So, from this first beginning in those troubled, war–torn years, The Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Carved out a name, so well deserved, for skill and expertise, In their demanding role in seeing that the Army’s wheels

Kept turning at those crucial times of triumph or disaster, When first class training would decide who was the final master.

And this is where this place, this village with its leafy lanes

Has welcomed thousands of young men and boys to come and train In technical achievement to maintain, repair, inspect All manner of devices due to damage or neglect, Some were volunteers who came to make a fine career, While others served their National Service after training here.

But in these modern times, when change is often made by those Who sit in judgement far away in remote, lofty pose, Complacency is ill advised, and facts somehow contrive, To change, and in collective wisdom, the time has now arrived For all that once had gone before, that place of work and play Is now gone while a new chapter is opened far away.

And what of Arborfield where all those memories reside?

A history distinguished, now fated to be filed

In musty books, a passing phase – hardly worth a glance

To those who in the future come to read it just by chance. But to us who still remember it with reminiscent smile

It stands as proud as any place in this, our Sceptre’d Isle!

IScribe: Vic Steadman Lt Col (Retd)

was interested to read Andy Allan’s article in the December/ January edition about the Corps hosting the Jamaican international Rugby squad. He suggests that this arrangement may have been a military first but I am afraid I have to disappoint him.

As a staff officer at HQ British Communication Zone near Antwerp in the 1980’s our Garrison Rugby team played, quite successfully, in the Belgian national Rugby league and I was a member of the league controlling committee. The league had 3 international teams and equal numbers of Flemish and Walloon teams so often we found the 3 English speaking teams exercising a casting vote. As our Garrison had 2 adjoining Rugby pitches, plus large changing rooms and a bar, it was decided that we would host a training and selection session for the Belgian national team with the 3 international teams providing the opposition over a 4 day weekend. We had 3 games over that weekend, the international guest team won all 3, and we earned a lot of money over the bar. As a result, I have been able to boast that the pinnacle of my Rugby career was an international trial; even though it was only Belgium and I was not eligible to play for them! I have no recollection of that international team ever having played against any other country.

Our event may not have been as elaborate as the Corps but we were the first military to host such an event, unless anyone else can prove otherwise.

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REME Hosting International Rugby
Letter to the Editor YOUR MAGAZINE NEEDS YOU Y O U The Craftsman Magazine exists for The REME Family but it is only kept going because you provide the articles in it. From engineering to fencing, if it is about the Corps you can write an article about it. See inside the front cover for guidelines. Want your… News Events Info on social media? Send you stories, photos and videos to:


Major (Retired) P J Heavey REME

Scribe: Ben and Charlotte Heavey

It is with considerable sadness that we announce the recent death of our dear Father Major Philip (Phil) Joseph Heavey. Phil’s funeral took place with close family and friends just before Christmas, and “A Celebration of Life” will be held at his home town of Bruton, Somerset early this year.

Phil was born in Doncaster on 7th March 1944. He entered the Army through Welbeck College (Entry 16) followed by the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Gaza Company, Entry 34) and in 1964 was commissioned into the Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as a Second Lieutenant.

The early part of Phil’s military service was very much associated with the Cold War in Germany as part of the British Army of The Rhine (BAOR), either in the Field Force within First and Second Line REME Workshops, or, within formation Headquarters as the staff officer assistant to REME Commanders at Divisional level and at Corps level.

Phil also served widely in the UK within the REME Training Organisation, at the Army Base Repair Organisation (ABRO), at the Headquarters of the UK Land Forces, at the Headquarters of the UK South West District and at the Permanent Joint Headquarters (as the Chief Maintenance Officer during the first Gulf War).

Phil served overseas in Melbourne, Australia as an exchange officer with the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers; and then in Windhoek, Africa on loan service with the Namibian Defence Force (Army) - where as a Grade 1 logistics staff officer he was awarded a GOC’s Commendation for his significant contribution to military capability and operations.

Phil was a keen sportsman, excelling at athletics (REME Corps champion at 440 yds Hurdles) Rugby (REME Corps player and BAOR REME Corps Secretary) and rallying/moto-cross (BAOR champion).

Phil retired from regular service in 1999, but maintained his links with the Corps and with the armed forces. He was the Chairman of

the Bruton Branch of the Royal British Legion, a post he held since 1998 until its recent closure due to lack of a new blood (one of his last wishes was for someone to take up the mantel and reopen the branch). Phil also ran the local Poppy Appeal and organised the Remembrance services for the town.

Phil was a great inspiration always seeing the positive side of people and life, which he lived to the full. Phil, now reunited with our dear late Mother Linda, will be very much missed by the close family and the many, many friends made through his time with the Corps, in Bruton and from time overseas.

Major (Retired) William Kellam

Scribe: Mrs Kellam

Major (Retired) Robert William Kellam passed away on 4th November 2023, aged 84. He passed peacefully at home in Folkestone.

He served with REME from 1955 to 1990. From school he joined the Junior Leaders before joining the Regular Army and promoting to the rank of Major. He married, brought up 3 boys and made a home in Germany. He had postings to Hong Kong, Longmoor in Hampshire then back to Germany. He completed tours in Northern Ireland and Libya.

During retirement he enjoyed collecting coins and stamps. He enjoyed using the internet keeping in touch with family and was a dedicated gardener. He came back to England and made his home in Folkestone Kent. Bob is far right in the photograph, enjoying a chat with Princess Anne.

Philip John Moran 1948 – 2024

Scribe: Matt Clarkson

Phil was born in Tredegar, Gwent on 3 August 1948. He enlisted at Cardiff on 11 December 1963 and badged to the General Service Corps aged 15 and upon reaching adult service he was transferred to the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and trained as an Electronics Technician. His service was equally split between postings within the UK and Germany as well as six months in

Robert Kellam

Cyprus between November 1974 and May 1975.

He was discharged from the Army on 16 October 1979 having served for fifteen years and promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer Class 2. Following his Army service, he initially found employment with the company Perkin Elmer Ltd as a Computer Engineer and then later as their HR Director. He then became a self-employed Career Consultant until 2008 when he retired.

Phil joined the Royal Hospital on 17 December 2018 and was posted to Long Ward 5 as part of Number 2 Company and then later moved to Paget Ward and Jones Ward in the Infirmary. Phil was happy to lead an independent and quiet life with us here, he enjoyed being part of the singing group and more recently he would often be seen out an about on his mobility scooter enjoying the grounds and Ranelagh Gardens or enjoying a coffee and a chat with his friends in the cafe. Phil died in Jones Ward on 10 January 2024 aged 75. Our prayers and thoughts are with Phil, his family and his friends.

Death Notices

APPLETON – Former WO1(ASM) Alan Eric Robert Appleton passed away on Thursday 21st December 2023 aged 90 years. Served 22 years, retiring in 1973. Served in various location across the world including the West Indies, Germany and Malaya.

CUTHBERT – Former SSgt Kenneth Cuthbert passed away on 20th December 2023 aged 84 years. Served with the Corps approx. 1955 to 1989 and then went on to work for the Army at Worthy Down as a civilian once he finished his long service.

DAVIES – Former WO1 ASM Thomas Edward Davies passed away on 23rd January 2024, aged 78. He enlisted with REME on 27 May 1965 and served until June 1988. Service of 23 years 35 days. Assessment of his Military Conduct and Character on leaving was Exemplary. Awarded General Service Medal, Clasp Northern Ireland and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. He served in GB, Ireland, Canada and Germany. He went on to work at Vickers Ship Building Yard in Barrow in Furness as a technical author on the AS90 which he was extremely proud of.

MADDISON – Former WO1 (ASM) Stanley Raymond Maddison passed away on 1st January 2024 aged 87. Served with the Corps between 1956-1978.

Death Notice Requirements

In order to publish a death notice we require the following information: Surname, first name, rank, full date of death, ages and dates of service. An obituary with additional career and life information is welcome. To inform us of the death, please contact Ms Bev Bate, Corps Welfare Manager on ( 07936 902415 or 

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The Corps Communications Team Are you emailing the right person? The Craftsman Magazine Editor The Digital Media Manager (Temporary) Change of postal address Submissions (Digital and Print) Other Communications and Media requests In celebration of National Friendship Day, we will be telling the stories of friendships formed within the REME Family. Whether you are a Retired, Reserve or Regular, we want to hear your stories (and include a photo!) Send your stories to: We need you Friendship Stories! Have you formed life-long or lasting friendships at REME? Are you REME friends like family? The Craftsman is YOUR magazine, air YOUR views, share YOUR news

Officer Assignments March 2024

Name Unit Assigned to Date of Assignment

Lieutenant Colonel HACKNEY JJ HQ FIELD ARMY DCOS EQPT – SO1 ES 01-Mar-24

Major DAVIDSON MJ Army Spec Ops Bde – SO2 ES 18-Mar-24

The REME Charity

The Trustees of The REME Charity acknowledge with sincere thanks the donations received during the month of JANUARY. They also wish to acknowledge the

subscriptions received from the Officers and Soldiers of the Corps and retired members of the REME Institution:



memory of John Frederick Northam ...£300.00 Thomas


If you would like to see how your money is spent, we welcome one or two observers at The REME Charity meetings. The meetings are held midweek, approximately every three weeks. If you would like to observe a meeting, please contact The REME Charity Secretary on ( Mil: 95481 4527 or Civ: 07936902415 in the first instance.

The REME Charity is here for both veterans and serving personnel in times of hardship or need. Contact via SSAFA ( 0800 731 4880 or The Royal British Legion ( 0808 802 8080  or your Unit Welfare if serving. All enquiries and information is dealt with in the strictest confidence.

If you wish to discuss any benevolence need you can contact us on ( 07936902415, 

Anyone wishing to leave a legacy to The REME Charity, which is exempt from inheritance tax, can add a codicil to their will. Our registered charity number is 1165868




HALL CP 1 Deep Recce Strike Bde – SO2 G3 5 A 18-Mar-24


LE VST OPS MGR SO2 E 18-Mar-24





MCKENNA GM HQ FIELD ARMY DCOS EQPT –SO2 Protected Mobility 21-Mar-24














Lieutenant No entries

Second Lieutenant No entries

London Gazette



Group A Warrant Officer Class 1 Shane WEST 25074618 to be Lieutenant

9 January 2023 (substituted for the notification in Gazette (Supplement) dated 12 September 2023)

16th JANUARY no entries

23rd JANUARY no entries

30th JANUARY no entries


#TheREMEFamily Are you ex-serving REME? Did you have a partner or family who were in REME? Where are they Now? is a new feature giving you the chance to share your stories with the wider REME family. If you have a story to share, email it to
From Amount
Downes £349.60 Mr & Mrs Gouldsmith ...........................................................................£35.00 Total of anonymous donations £235.00 Steve Budge £10.00 Adam Medlock £4.44
of Mr Keith
McMillan £25.00
Champion in
31/01/202 Total Donations ...................................................................................£959.04 Total £’s paid in Grants ................................................................£30,938.21 No. Grants 44 Average Grant £703.14
sent to Craftsman

Corps Calendar 2024

More information regarding Corps Mess Functions can found by scanning the QR Code, or by accessing the ‘REME Connect’ website or alternatively email; for all general enquiries. All dates correct at time of printing, please check your monthly Craftsman magazine for amendments.

MARCH 2024 21 AEO Past & Present Dinner Night 23 Broxhead (Reserve Officers and WOs) Dinner Night 23 REME Reserve Management Board TBC REME RSM Forum APRIL 2024 5-14 ABOMINABLE TIGER 18 HQ Officers’ Mess – Corps Spring Guest Dinner 19-22 REME Reunion Weekend 25 WOs’ & Sgts’ Corps Spring Guest Dinner MAY 2024 01 Southern RAJA Careers and Employment Support Event – REME Museum 01 Engineering Awards Lunch 16 HQ Officers’ Mess Corps Dinner Night 16 REME Colonels Command Group 22 STEM UTCs REME Engineering Cup JUNE 2024 6 Founders Day at Royal Hospital Chelsea 7 Airborne Officers’ Dinner Night 13 REME Junior Officer Conference and Dinner Night 14-16 AOBA Reunion Weekend 20 Beating Retreat and Cocktail Party 24 80th Anniversary of the Lenham Incident 26-27 REME Festival of Sport 27 Sports Awards Dinner JULY 2024 21 Regimental Sunday at Royal Hospital Chelsea 27 Corps Ball TBC SSE Candidate Briefing Day SEPTEMBER 2024 12 HQ Officers’ Mess Dinner Night 12 REME Colonels Command Group 24 REME Institution Dinner Night 26 REME Memorial Day at National Memorial Arboretum 27 Commando Officers’ Dinner Night OCTOBER 2024 1 Corps 82nd Birthday 4 REME QM Dinner Night 17 MG REME Conference 17 HQ Officers’ Mess Corps Autumn Guest Dinner Night NOVEMBER 2024 1-3 The Duchess of Edinburgh Cup 7 Field of Remembrance

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