A Guide to Little Broomwood

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A Guide to Little Broomwood


Welcome to Little Broomwood

Little Broomwood is a pre-school for 3-4 year olds within the Early Years Site of Broomwood Pre-Prep school.

It is the first step into a family of schools which provides a stimulating, exciting world of learning that stretches and supports in equal measure.

It is also the start of a bespoke, dynamic, and rich educational journey that offers the BEST of all worlds: a joyful, co-educational Pre-Prep followed by two single-sex, but collaborative Prep schools which prepare children to move on to some of the very best senior schools in the country.

Each site is dedicated to the needs of its pupils, enabling them to develop their own passions and talents, as well as being stretched in new directions, to become the BEST version of themselves.

Broomwood #BeYourBEST

#BeYourBEST 3

About Little Broomwood

Little Broomwood is a small and welcoming pre-school class for 3–4 year olds, located within the Early Years site of Broomwood Pre-Prep, and under the same leadership. In keeping with the whole of Broomwood, Little Broomwood inspires and equips children to #BeYourBEST.

Little Broomwood has its own bright and spacious area where children have free-flow access to explore, both inside and outside, thus encouraging them to be inquisitive and independent learners.

The First Step into the Broomwood Family

Little Broomwood pupils are very much part of Broomwood Pre-Prep, attending assemblies and having opportunities to spend time with older children. Joining Little Broomwood pre-school enables a seamless transition into Reception and a journey through the broader Broomwood Schools’ family. Days

full of fun, purpose, and learning

Whether attending for a morning or whole day, pupils are kept busy and stimulated, learning through an exciting mix of child-led and structured play.

We use the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum with its seven key learning areas to drive children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. We also have the freedom and resources to stretch children further and offer further enrichment through specialist lessons - including French, PE, Art, and Music.

The Seven Key Areas of Learning:

• Communication and Language

• Physical Development

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Literacy

• Maths

• Understanding the World

• Expressive Arts and Design

Our curriculum is also underpinned by our Five Learning Powers which are integrated into all that we do: Broomwood’s Five Learning Powers

• Communication

• Curiosity

• Resilience

• Independence

• Confidence

Welly Time

Outdoor Learning – or ‘Welly Time’ is designed to help instil a love of the outside world, encourage independence, and help develop problem-solving skills. Den building, tree rubbings, and concocting potions in the mud kitchen is not only great fun but stimulates a child’s imagination and helps to develop important fine and gross motor skills too.

Trips and Visitors

Little Broomwood life is enhanced through trips to places like the library, theatre, and woods and visits from specialist external professionals.

Broader Pre-Prep Life

Broomwood pupils join in many whole school events, for example, French day, Book week and Earth week. The local community also plays an important part in school life, and we encourage children to play an active role supporting local charities and businesses.

Happiness at its heart

Broomwood is well known for its warm and friendly family feel. We work hard to ensure that children are happy, enjoy school life and develop the all-important life skills that will enhance learning; skills such as independence, sharing, kindness, building friendships and being able to listen and contribute as part of a group. Each child has a key member of staff who is responsible for their wellbeing. We have high expectations of our pupils and reward positive behaviour within a culture that celebrates and praises effort and achievement.

Family matters

We value family partnership and do all that we can to engage with parents and the broader family, whether that’s a Christmas concert, a Grandparents’ garden party, a ‘Come and Learn’ or ‘Stay and Play’ sessions to see children in action and learn more about what they are taught and do.

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We believe in parent partnership and work closely with parents from the start, including welcome drinks, a come and play session, and a visit to a child’s current setting from one of our staff.

We share photos and activities with parents through an online platform, and have parent evenings and provide written reports twice a year detailing progress and achievements.

Healthy, nutritious, and home-cooked food

Children have milk and/or water at break times along with a variety of fruit, vegetables, and a biscuit as a snack.

Children who stay for the whole day have a nutritious, and filling hot lunch which is cooked on-site and delivered to the classroom. We try to link children’s food to their learning, for example, Anzac biscuits on Australia day and Poulet frites on French day.

Structure of the Day

The Little Broomwood day is split into morning and full-day sessions and parents may choose either option. Our expectation is that children joining us in the Autumn and Spring terms will come for a minimum of five mornings a week - plus the option of staying for afternoon sessions (until 3pm). A cooked lunch is provided for those staying for the full day.

• Morning school: 8.15-8.30am - 12pm

• Full day: 8:15-8.30am - 3pm.

Autumn and Spring terms

• Five full mornings a week minimum

• Optional full days (which will include lunch at 12.30)

Summer term

• Minimum four full days (with the option to do five)

• Fixed afternoon ‘off’ at your discretion, agreed before the start of term.

Clubs & After School Care (additional charges)

• Clubs - 3/3:15pm until 4pm (snack provided)

• After School Care – 3 or 4pm-6pm (snack provided)

By the summer term, we expect that each child will be with us for a minimum of four full days.


Our fees are in line with other pre-schools and will vary depending on the level of time needed.

Clubs and afterschool care are additional costs and will be charged at similar costs as for other pupils. Please see the school website or speak to Admissions for more details.

Early Years Funding

All Little Broomwood pupils are eligible for the Government’s Early Years Funding Scheme for 15 hours a week. Please check with Admissions for more details.

Joining Little Broomwood

Places at Little Broomwood are offered on a first come, first served basis. Registrations open on September 1 following a child’s first birthday with offers made shortly afterwards in October. We try to ensure an even mix of boys and girls.

Find out more

We’d love to tell you more about Little Broomwood and how we can help your child take their first steps into the Broomwood family. Please contact Admissions@broomwood.com or call 020 8682 8830 for more information.

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Little Broomwood & Broomwood Pre-Prep

192 Ramsden Road, SW12 8RQ

Broomwood Prep - Boys

192 Bolingbroke Grove, London SW11 6EL

Broomwood Prep - Girls

68-74 Nightingale Lane, London SW12 8NR


Tel: 020 8682 8830


“Dukes Education is a family of schools and educational services based in the UK. Our schools are distinctive in identity and style, yet united in offering outstanding teaching and learning, providing the strongest foundations for young people to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.”

Broomwood is proud to be part of the Dukes Education family Together we’re extraordinary.

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