Northwood Senior Prospectus

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BOYS & GIRLS 11–16


I am so proud to welcome you to Northwood Senior, our new and exciting co-educational secondary school for pupils aged 11–16, which offers an academically ambitious, yet pastorally supportive, education in a more personal setting. I believe that education should be relevant, challenging, inclusive and above all, stimulating – and at Northwood Senior, it is. In setting up a new school, I was in the fortunate position of being able to combine the best, current practices in education with committed, innovative teachers who can transform the educational experience of our pupils. As a smaller school, we place great emphasis on the importance of the whole community with every pupil well known and supported by everyone else. Above all, our focus is on developing a life-long love of learning and self-growth along with preparation for the ever-changing world in which we live. Alongside a robust curriculum for important exams, we equip our pupils with the necessary skill set and support and nurture their individual strengths, so that when they leave us, they are well prepared to move on to the next stage of their education with confidence. If you are looking for a smaller, more inclusive school that puts children first, please come and see us.

Susan Brooks HEAD

2 019 –

WHY YOUR CHOICE OF SENIOR SCHOOL MATTERS The first steps towards adulthood Making the right choice of school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. At secondary level it is crucial that your son or daughter is guided and supported during these crucial transformative years. A good secondary education should develop the important skills that he or she will carry with them for life and that will help them in the challenging and fast-changing world of work that lies ahead. It goes without saying that it should deliver the exam results they need and deserve, to help them move on to the next stage of the educational ladder. However, it also matters that their interests are stimulated, their talents nurtured, their confidence built and in these crucial years where so much changes physically and emotionally, that they are happy, encouraged, and feel the support of a caring community.


WHY NORTHWOOD SENIOR Transformative teaching in a more personal setting Northwood Senior offers an alternative to education that’s purely about endless exam preparation; it provides an education that is not only academically excellent, but which equips pupils with the skills and experiences to face their future with confidence. Pupils will know the joy of an education that is rounded, stimulating and healthy – both physically and mentally; an education where good grades are still important – along with healthy competition in sport, drama, music and the arts, but where the focus is on developing the self; building reflective, community-minded young adults who have a passion for learning and the skill set to tackle the exciting future that awaits them.

LIFE AT NORTHWOOD SENIOR More involving, more rewarding We are a smaller, inclusive community that encourages academic ambition whilst being pastorally supportive. As a smaller school, we can offer unrivalled personal attention for every pupil to enable them to unleash their academic potential and equip them with the qualifications, skills and experiences they need to face the future with confidence. Alongside preparing for a wide range of GCSEs/IGCEs, we place great importance on well-being, community, and social responsibility and in building and bolstering confidence within a friendly and supportive community.

OUR ETHOS Academically ambitious, pastorally kind As a small school, we get to know each other well and share our hopes, dreams, worries and successes. As a family, we are here to offer support and guidance. We are ambitious for our pupils and believe that an excellent secondary school education lays the foundations for pupils to acquire the skills that will enable them to be successful not only on their educational journey but also in their life beyond education. We wholeheartedly believe that success is not simply measured through attainment and academic achievements. At Northwood Senior we want our pupils to develop and master skills and characteristics that will enable them to be successful, whichever pathway they choose. These include: Independence Communication Confidence Resilience Curiosity

Leadership Respect Kindness Initiative

A TYPICAL DAY Our days are busy and purposeful with six 55-minute lessons. The doors open at 8, registration is 8.50 and lessons begin at 9. Formal lessons finish at 4.15. Pupils may join clubs, go home or stay at school to do their homework.


ACADEMIC Broad based, thematic and cross-curricular – education for the modern world Transformative teaching lies at the heart of our modern, stimulating curriculum which includes thematic studies (or ‘modern learning’ which we know has a major impact on cognitive ability), maths mastery, hands-on science, and cross-curricular learning, alongside well-being, community, and life-skills. Our innovative approach creates more active engagement in lessons, the development of higher-order thinking skills, strong teamwork, and motivated pupils who are better able to develop the real-world analytical and problemsolving skills that pays dividends in examinations and stands them in good stead for the future. YEARS 7 – 9 All pupils study the following: Science English Maths Physical education/games History Geography Modern Foreign Languages (French & Spanish) Computing

Theology, Philosophy and Religion Drama Music Art & DT In addition, we also have Community Service, PHSE and Life-skills.

YEARS 10 AND 11 – GCSE Pupils study for nine or ten GCSEs, six of which are compulsory. Students choose an additional three or four subjects on top of these. Depending on the subject and the student, some subjects may be taken earlier than others. Compulsory subjects: English Language English Literature Maths A Modern Foreign Language Science: either Triple Award (ie separate papers in Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or Double Award (ie two papers) Students then choose two or three subjects from the following options: History

Geography Computer Science RS or Philosophy and Ethics A creative/performing subject from: Fine Art, Graphic Communications, Product Design, Drama, Music or Physical Education. Additional Subject Choices We are always willing to investigate additional subjects; for example, Classical Civilisation, Latin, Greek, Italian, German or Mandarin

SPORTS AND PE Healthy minds and healthy bodies As a small school we help pupils join teams for mainstream sports whilst also we are keen to explore alternative sports. We have our own sports court and are located next to Tooting Common with the Lido and athletics track close by, and Streatham Leisure Centre and Ice Rink a short stroll away.

CLUBS We run a series of clubs after school which pupils are encouraged to join. Book club, sports, art, coding and dissection are just some of the clubs on offer.


THE CREATIVE ARTS We strongly encourage creativity - not only as a way to express feelings and develop individuality, but recognise its role in a transforming employment marketplace by helping to develop skills such as innovation, practical problem solving, and collaboration. Art & DT We have a light and airy studio with state of the art machinery. Pupils follow a broad-based syllabus where they can develop a range of creative skills, ranging from painting and drawing to sculpture, printmaking and clay work. The skills taught in Design technology are becoming increasingly sought after. Innovation, practical problem solving, and collaboration are key. Pupils engage with design challenges which help them learn how man-made products and systems are designed and manufactured to improve the world around them. At GCSE level, pupils tackle a design brief and develop a product through a commercially iterative design process. Music Music is studied to imbue a love of, and appreciation, for a wide range of musical styles. We encourage pupils to study an instrument with our visiting music teachers, but everyone learns music theory, composition, and evaluation. Learning to perform individually and in groups helps improve pupils' self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement, as well as increasing their cooperation, concentration, and communication skills. Drama Drama enables pupils to develop vital communication analytical and presentational skills, and enhance their sensitivity to others. All pupils take part in at least one production a year. We explore film and theatre - and have the benefit of a teacher who was once in the Harry Potter films!

PASTORAL CARE We offer outstanding care to help each pupil develop the skills required for the challenges of modern life. Wellbeing is built into the weekly timetable and our tutorial system and thematic learning approach ensures that every pupil is well known, with all staff invested in the success and happiness of each pupil. Our House system ensures that we have both vertical and horizontal support structures built-in.

LIFE SKILLS Preparation for life Our curriculum includes career awareness, an understanding of finance and budgeting, a sense of community and a knowledge of an individual’s rights and responsibilities within society. Technology is integrated into the curriculum; pupils are taught about its safe and responsible use and they learn presentation skills. Opportunities are provided for pupils to build their confidence through a myriad of activities, including outdoor education. Pupils develop their critical thinking skills across all areas of the curriculum.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Making a difference locally – and globally Philanthropy is an important part of a Northwood Senior education helping pupils to know the value of helping others whilst also teaching valuable entrepreneurial skills and enabling them to know the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of their own money-raising labours. We are active in local community projects as well as having a relationship with NAEF (Northwood African Education Fund) which is the charity set up by the wider schools group.


FOOD AND NUTRITION Mealtimes are important to us and the whole school community eats together. All food is produced in our kitchen and we encourage pupils to make healthy and nutritious choices.

BREAK AND RELAXATION We are lucky to have a beautiful garden with a climbing wall and a full sized sports court. Pupils enjoy time out in our garden, playing football, basket ball or table tennis; reading or playing games in the common room.

We had our holiday son and our school son – now he's with you, it's holiday son all the time. Thank you PARENT

This school has restored my faith in education PARENT

AFTER NORTHWOOD SENIOR The foundations for a successful future We don’t believe that there should be a typical exit – just the one that’s right for each individual pupil. For some, it may be a move to a sixth form at a London day school, for others it may be a boarding option. Some may prefer the move to a sixth form college whilst others may prefer something more specialised. Some will want A levels, others may prefer BTec. Above all, we will work with parents and pupils to enable them to find the next step that is right for them.

FUTURE PLANS Our site has a warm and friendly atmosphere with beautiful gardens and a full sized sports court. We will accommodate our growing pupil numbers with some sensitive conversion to our upper floors and have full planning permission for a substantial, yet sympathetic conversion and expansion of our facilities in the future.

The genuine enthusiasm from both pupils and staff is something special. PARENT



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1 Main entrance 24 Multi-purpose basement hall 2 Seating 25 Lightwell / stairs 3 Vegetable Garden 26 Plant room 4 Entrance to new building 27 All weather pitch 5 Music rooms 28 Equipment store 6 Performance space 7 Reception 8 Main Hall/Library 9 Stairs to first floor 10 Common room 11 Back stairs 12 Head’s Office 13 Stairs up to first floor 14 Stairs down to basement 3 Garrad’s Road, SW16 10 15 Art and Design room 16 WCs 9 17 Classroom 18 WCs 19 Science store 20 Science Lab 21 Garden Room 22 Gardens 23 Grass




THE NORTHWOOD FAMILY Northwood Senior is part of our London family of schools. The others are: Broomwood Hall Lower School (BOYS & GIRLS 4-8)

Northcote Lodge (BOYS 8-13)

Broomwood Hall Upper School (GIRLS 8-13)

NEXT S TEPS If you’re interested in finding out more, our website, and our film may answer some of your questions. However, there’s no substitute for seeing our school for yourself. We have termly Open Mornings, taster sessions and private tours We look forward to meeting you. Northwood Senior 3 Garrad’s Road London SW16 1JZ ENQUIRIES T: 020 8161 0301 E:

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