April—June 2020

Page 44




have been writing articles in the

more has changed. Our staff has been

from Tampa, but to come to the

Circuit Breaker for many years.

working tirelessly to do whatever

conference and be able to gather

My goal has always been to help

we can to assist our members in

and meet with all of you in-person,

explain QAP Rules in detail and

this unpreceded time. I hope, I really

without a headset mounted to our

give some insight as to why each

do, that by the time this magazine

ears, is priceless. I can’t tell you how

rule is important, why we have it, or

is published, and you are reading,

much it means to all of us. Not a

what it means. I hope you find the

that we are on the other side of the

conference goes by that we all don’t

information in these articles helpful

“curve.” I guess you know the answer,

get re-energized by the comradery

and that the explanations answer

I am still in the past and only have

and experiences shared every day.

questions you may have about the

hope. I pray all our members stay safe

Personally, one of my favorite parts of

rules and the QAP program. I will

and can weather this pandemic. There

the conference is the awards banquet.

continue to do this moving forward

is no question in my mind that you are

Having not grown up in the industry

and welcome your input on any topic

doing everything you can to support

as so many of you have, I especially

you would like to know more about.

your clients and customers. Because

love to hear the stories when the

But for this article I wanted to do

that’s what we do, we care about the

Hall of Fame inductees come up for

people behind the wheel, we always

their well-deserved honor. I learn so

to send a message of thanks to

have, and we always will.

much, not only about the person,

all our members from dealers and

Now back to my article.

but also about their achievements

something a little different. I want

technicians, to manufacturers, to all the industry professionals that make up NMEDA. Author’s note: I started writing this article shortly after the NMEDA conference in the first week of March, since then I think you all know what happened with the COVID-19 outbreak and so I wanted to mention that. I have not changed my article

I have never worked in an industry where it doesn’t matter if you are business competitors, that the goal was more important, and that everyone worked together, shared ideas, and found solutions for its customers.”

significantly, but thought it was

I was inspired to write this article

and how they made a difference in

important to mention how things

after coming back from our annual

advancing the mobility industry. It

have changed so quickly for so many

conference in Daytona Beach. What

is so impressive beyond words for

of us, regardless of our work or what

a conference! I hope you were all

me to hear these stories and then to

industries we work in. This pandemic

there to take part in this year’s event.

think that I am (we are) all part of

is not over as I am writing this and our

It’s such a special time for all of us

this phenomenal industry dedicated

whole Tampa office is now working

here on staff who sit in our office

to helping bring mobility solutions to

from home. I can only imagine at the

chairs and do everything we can to

so many. I think Dave Hubbard said

time you are reading this, how much

assist our members and partners

it best when he was introducing this


NMEDA Circuit Breaker

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