Survey feedback - go team Selwyn

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Children here have active access to books and receive strong encouragement during their reading. There is clear marking and follow on challenges. Impressive, motivated teachers. Relevant CPD for all staff and clear leadership.

Our school is very inclusive and respects the diversity of students, individualise specialist support is provided in order to access the curriculum and empower all children to develop their skills.

The school provides so many extras. Early Risers, after school clubs, sports leaders, house captains, deputies & head girls & boys, various sports competitions with other schools, theatre trips linked to the all areas of the curriculum. School library - children have use of it on a weekly basis. Garden used effectively to teach. Goals & Incentives for children eg: child of half term award.

The school consistently strives to ensure that all children make progress and provide staff with the necessary training to develop their skills and expertise.

There are a wonderful range of after school activities all free of charge to our students

The behaviour strategies are effectively used in the school. Children are consistently reminded of the 5Cs, the school celebrates good behaviour and achievement and high expectations are set in the classroom.

Some more messages from our staff

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