NBUSA Quarterly Winter 2025

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Yearning for Advent

Entering the holiday season with lament, longing, and ultimate joy. - Page 8 The Newsletter of Nazarene Benefits USA | Winter 2025

NBUSA Quarterly is published by Nazarene Benefits USA to inform church leaders and employees about matters of clergy finance, along with articles of encouragement, spiritual enrichment, and wellness. Noncopyrighted information may be shared in newsletters and electronic communications.


Kevin P. Gilmore






DESIGNER Emily Gregg

SSA Announces Cost of Living Increase for 2025

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 2.5% for participants and beneficiaries in 2025. The adjustment begins with payments in January 2025. This is the lowest COLA increase since 2021.

Benefits Fair

On November 21st, Nazarene Benefits held our inaugural annual virtual benefits fair. Attendees gained valuable insights on how to plan for a secure retirement and ensure they are receiving the Nazarene benefits they deserve. Highlights included presentations from Fidelity on maximizing Social Security and Medicare benefits, as well as expert advice from a CPA on ministers’ taxes.

If you missed the event and would like to access a recording, please contact NBUSA, and we’ll be happy to provide you with a link. We consider this first benefits fair a tremendous success, filled with important information for ministers and church treasurers.

As you conduct any yearend business, please note the NBUSA office will be closed from December 23, 2024 to January 1, 2025 in observance of the Christmas and New Year holidays.


Webster’s dictionary defines the noun form of the word progress as “a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal); or gradual betterment.” As a verb it’s defined, “to move forward; proceed; to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage.”1

When we began the process of studying, developing, and implementing our new ministers matching program for the Nazarene 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan (Plan), we recognized there would be risks and challenges. As Frederick B. Wilcox noted, “progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”2 We wondered things like… would ministers and churches respond well? What if the amount we budgeted for the match was not enough? I remember telling our NBUSA Board I would be thrilled to face that last particular challenge!

After much study, professional guidance, prayer, and the approval of Church leadership and our NBUSA Board, we embarked on this new strategy, fully committed to the concept that being able to move to second base required we take our foot off of first. We terminated the old APS program and made the new ministers match effective January 1, 2024.

I am pleased to provide an update on the progress of the new retirement benefit program through the first three quarters of 2024 for our local church ministers. Keep in mind as you view these results, we still have another quarter to go to complete the first calendar year of this new strategy.

This table (figure 1) shows the steady increase in the number of local church ministers who received a match because they and their churches are taking up the challenge to make local effort contributions to the ministers’ Plan account. Since 2023, we’ve added 567 ministers to the matching program, representing a 47% increase.

While growth in the number of ministers receiving a match is strong, the amount of the average retirement contribution provided by NBUSA grew even stronger, by 143%, from $600 per minister for all of 2023, to a new high of $1,459 year-to-date in 2024—and we have sufficient budget resources allocated to meet this current trend. (See figure 2.)

Overall, the amount of retirement contributions for the average local church minister who receives an NBUSA match is growing to levels not realized before. This chart shows the steady increase in the level of average total contributions added to a minister’s Plan account reached $5,600 for the first three quarters of 2024. What impresses me most in these results is that 74% of these funds came from the minister and/or their church! (See figure 3.)

The amount of retirement contributions for the average local church minister who receives an NBUSA match is growing to levels not realized before.

Apart from appropriate credentials and ministry role on a U.S. district, the first major requirement for a minister to receive a match contribution is the level of support from their church for the NBUSA Fund. Based on that, NBUSA matches a percentage of the “local effort,” which is the amount of Plan contributions to the local minister’s account by the minister and/or the church. Starting this past June, local effort now includes the level of student loan payments (principal and interest) made by the minister.3

With all this good news, the fact remains that 76% of our Nazarene local church ministers—who are otherwise eligible—did not receive a match for the following reasons:

• 36% made no level of local effort, despite their church’s support of our NBUSA Fund;

• 3% made local effort, but their church’s level of NBUSA Fund support fell short of the required minimum of 50%;

• 5% made no local effort and their church fell short of our NBUSA Fund minimum; and

• 32% made no local effort nor did they support our NBUSA Fund.

Of the above groups, our efforts in the near-term are to connect with the 36% who simply need to start making some level of local effort for us to match. We know that to retire well does not happen by accident. A new year is about to begin, which makes it the perfect time to purposefully evaluate your retirement plan and make any necessary adjustments to retire well when you are ready.

Kevin P. Gilmore serves as executive director of Nazarene Benefits USA for the Church of the Nazarene.

1 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/progress

2 https://goalscalling.com/progress-quotes/


Upping Your Financial Game in 2025

Anew year is about to start! As someone who is passionate about helping Christians on their stewardship journey, I like the beginning of the calendar year because during this season people are much more likely to take a fresh look at their finances and how they’re managing them.

New Year’s resolutions are a popular way for people to make a fresh start in their lives and their calendars.

A Forbes Health/OnePole survey1 found that for 2024, the second most popular New Year’s goal was improved finances. If you’re one of those people, I’m here to help you.

Here are four steps you can take to strengthen your financial foundation and take your stewardship to the next level in 2025.

1. Understand Where Your Money Is Going

The foundation of financial planning and biblical stewardship is knowing what money you have and where it is going. If you were coaching a sports team, this would be your team roster. Before going into a big game, you would make sure to have a list of all of the players on the team, what positions they play, and any injuries they may have that could affect their ability.

In the same way, in the game of stewardship you need to know what funds God has entrusted to you and what they’re doing. You need to track your spending. There are many ways to do this, and technology can make it very easy. Many banks or other financial institutions offer online account aggregators that you can link to your debit/credit cards so they can track and categorize your spending. Otherwise, you can purchase a budgeting app or use a good old-fashioned pencil and paper or spreadsheet.

2. Double Check Your Direction

Once you know where your money is going, you need to make sure that’s actually where you want it.

This is where the coach takes the team roster and starts developing a strategy for the big game.

In financial terms, this means reviewing your values and priorities and making sure your spending aligns with them. If you’ve never taken the time to identify your values, I would recommend doing so first. Then, compare your spending with what you’ve determined matters most to you and make any necessary adjustments to align your finances with your values.2 You will likely experience greater peace and fulfillment once you do.

3. Look at the Big Picture

Once you have a good idea of what you’re doing with your money on a day-to-day basis and have aligned it with your values, it’s time to take a step back and look at the big picture. Are you setting yourself up for success five years down the road?

What about twenty years down the road? What about setting up the next generation of your family for success?

This is the offensive side of financial planning— how to score and win the game. This is where you set up a retirement savings plan. It could include saving for college for your children, but in many cases, making sure you can support yourself in retirement will be more valuable to your children than paying their tuition. Maybe you’re saving for a house or setting money aside so that you can purchase your next vehicle in cash. This is where you plan and prepare for your entire lifetime and legacy.

4. Get Your Guard Up

Any sports fan knows that a good defense is just as important as a good offense, even if it’s not quite as exciting. The same is true in financial stewardship. It’s

not all about saving and building for the future. You also need to protect what you already have. That starts with an emergency fund. Save up some money to self-insure against small losses and take advantage of insurance to protect yourself against large losses. Insurance products are an important part of wise stewardship. Estate planning is also important and your final act of stewardship.

Remember, our Heavenly Father is the true owner of the money we are managing, and we are only His stewards.

Remember, our Heavenly Father is the true owner of the money we are managing, and we are only His stewards. He owns the team, and you are just the coach. If you implement these four things, it will greatly improve your chances of succeeding in the personal finance game.

Amy Artiga is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), a Certified Kingdom Advisor™, and author of the clergy personal finance blog PastorsWallet.com. Send questions for Amy to benefits@nazarene.org.

1 https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/new-yearresolutions-survey-2024/

2 https://www.christianfinancialadvisorsnetwork.com/blog/ a-biblical-view-of-insurance-products

Note: This material is provided for informational purposes only. The author and NBUSA do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice.


Yearning for Advent

Common words for the season of Christmas are prepare, hope, and anticipation. Intertwined with the story of the promised Christ child are added themes of fullness of time, expectation, and the promise of new life. These are good words and themes. I enjoy Christmas songs, lighted trees, snow, and chestnuts roasting on an open fire (though honestly not a big fan of eating the roasted chestnuts). But there are days in every Christmas season—and some Christmas seasons more than others—when I deeply need the songs and prayers of Advent.

Advent language is filled with longing for God to be made known in places and spaces that feel forgotten. The songs often carry the minor key of lament for ourselves and others who find Christmas cheer far away. I am aware of how this season carries beauty for what we have received through Christ’s incarnational love. I do want to sing out, “Joy to the World!” I am grateful for the much that is good in my life and the gifts of grace received. I am also aware of loss in this season and of the places and spaces in my life and the world that I wish were different. The prayerful longing of the song “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” also feels so good and right to sing:

“O come, O come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer our spirits by Thine advent here

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night and death’s dark shadows put to flight.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.”

Advent invites us to go deeper than the sentimental. Advent reminds us that good news of Christmas is for all people, not just those with houses filled with laughter and presents for everyone. Attention to Advent helps us receive the depth of the Christmas good news that speaks light into the shadows of our lives.

We often see paintings of Mary and the angel Gabriel (the annunciation) that seem sweet, calm and full of light. But perhaps the depiction should show more of what Scripture describes. For in response to Gabriel’s “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you,” Mary was “greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.”1 While I have seen a few paintings where Mary looks surprised and shocked, I have not seen a painting depicting Mary as greatly troubled.

When Christmas feels distant or unreachable, Advent is a promise to any who are “deeply troubled” that we are also favored ones, for the Lord is with us. Whether we wake up singing or moaning, rejoicing or grieving, the message is the same—you are a favored one, for the Lord is with you.

Advent is this promise of God-with-us, Immanuel. However hard it may be to believe that a longed-for reality will take hold, this new kingdom of justice, reconciliation, mercy, and peace will be fulfilled someday, a place without sickness or tears is our future.

As we sing Advent songs inviting Christ to come once again into our lives and world, as we pray Advent prayers naming all the present realities where we know God’s light is needed to shine, may we practice enough stillness to see the signs of God-with-us. We may be deeply troubled like Mary, but we can also receive the promise of Gabriel’s exclamation, “The Lord is with you” in a hospice

Advent invites us to go deeper than the sentimental.

room, a family gathering where a chair is empty, or in the midst of a hard conversation—each place and space in which the yearning for God’s kingdom is strong. Then, with strong or weak voices, we can together join the Christmas Day song of “Joy to the World.”

1 Luke 1:28-29 (NIV)

Dr. Mary Rearick Paul, D.Min, is a minister and Vice President of Student Life and Formation at Point Loma Nazarene University.

Attention, Please!

Iconfess. I am lousy at paying attention. My wife says something about me and my lack of attention—I don’t recall exactly what she says, but I’m sure it’s important. Some of my more embarrassing moments have been when people catch me not paying attention during a conversation. I am not alone. People in general are poor attention-givers. Pastors in particular divide our minds into so many directions that we don’t give adequate attention to anyone or anything. When we are at our worst, we seek attention more than we give it.

Craig Barnes, reflecting on his pastoral ministry, says, “I’ve never had a job description that said, ‘pay attention to the holy, and then other duties as assigned.’ But that’s actually what I try to do… Everything else is just everything else.”1 It may seem elementary, but what if the most crucial pastoral practice is simple attentiveness to God and to people?

God is attentive. God hears cries, knows innermost thoughts, and numbers hairs on heads. As those set apart by God to represent God in this world, pastors should be good


attention-givers. The frenetic pace of pastoral ministry runs counter to attentiveness. Our never-ending lists of pastoral duties can keep us from what matters most. To give attention well, we must un-busy ourselves. It’s easier said than done. But if it’s not done, we run the greater risk of doing damage to ourselves and others.

As those set apart by God to represent God in this world, pastors should be good attention-givers.

The interior prayer life, before it is anything else, is about giving God our attention. Whether or not words are spoken, prayer is about being fully present with God. When my children were young, I realized the value of hand-clasping during prayer. Joining busy hands together kept them from engaging the distractions around them. This is why retreats, revivals, pilgrimages, and camps are occasions for spiritual growth. God gets us away from controlled routines and pushes us to find new gears. God detaches us from distractions so God can have our attention.

Beyond the interior prayer life, God longs for our attention in the public arena. Giving attention to the exterior world is giving attention to God. God actively and consistently reveals himself in the world. The Bible tells us that creation claps and groans and sings and shouts. God’s good world is bursting at the seams to show us the wonder of God. Beyond the natural world, God speaks through art and music and culture. God is alive in the world around us, always incarnating himself if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

When we give attention to people, we give attention to God. Many people are attentionstarved. They have few meaningful interactions in which they’re seen or heard. One of the many

benefits of table fellowship is that it brings us faceto-face with one another for an extended time. Table gatherings become occasions for sincere engagement. When putting our feet under the same table, we regard one another more deeply. We invest ourselves. We share life. And God has a way of showing up.

Paying attention to God means paying attention to the margins. God continually moves on the margins of society. The poor widow in Mark 12 and Luke 21 lived unnoticed. Then Jesus saw her. Jesus paid attention to what God was doing through her. What if God longs to have our attention and we fail to realize it because we don’t pay attention to those on the margins? Those who are poor and powerless are not fully seen or truly heard in the world because they offer little in the way of productiveness. Our culture struggles over how much consideration should be given to minority voices. For followers of Jesus, the answer is clear. We hear the unheard. Not because of their ability to contribute but because this is how God operates. God lives and loves on the margins. God’s heart beats there. If we want to see and hear God, we must be willing to see and hear unseen and unheard people.

Sometimes we struggle and strive to get God’s attention. Meanwhile, God is concerned with having ours. Giving attention is a learned and practiced art. The more we make ourselves available to God, the more we learn to make ourselves available to God. After all, everything else is just everything else.

Rev. Daron Brown lives and pastors in Waverly, Tennessee, with his wife, Katie, and children, Kendall, Parker, and Macy.

1 M. Barnes, Craig (2020) Diary of a Pastor’s Soul: The Holy Moments in a Life of Ministry, Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press

Brothers Indeed: D. Shelby Corlett and Lewis T. Corlett

David Shelby Corlett and Lewis T. Corlett were born in Homestead, PA, in 1894 and 1896 respectively. Their parents, William and Isabel, were devoted Christians converted in a union (inter-denominational) revival meeting. The family belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church during the boys’ early childhood.

A Nazarene pastor made an unsolicited visit in 1910. After thoughtful prayer, their parents joined his church. Neither Shelby nor Lewis was entirely committed at this time, but they made commitments later during revival services conducted by evangelist Will Nerry. Altogether, about 20 young people were involved. The pastor suggested they form a Nazarene Young People’s Society. Shelby was elected president and Lewis treasurer.

The young people purchased a revival tent and set it up at different locations throughout the summer. Preaching was conducted by ordained ministers, like Rev. C. A. Imhoff, but the young people were responsible for the preparations, music, and visitation.1

In 1915, the brothers went to Arkansas Holiness College in Vilonia to prepare for the ministry. They stayed two years. Shelby began preaching during the summers. In 1917, general superintendent E. F. Walker visited the school and took a deep interest in Shelby, inviting him to California to work at Pasadena College while continuing his preparation there. Shelby was ordained in 1919.

Shelby was drafted into the Army near the end of World War I and spent several months in France, where he was shot in the thigh by a sniper. After months in a hospital, he was discharged and returned to the United States.

The brothers rose gradually to new positions of influence in the young denomination. After ordination, Shelby became pastor of the church in Upland, CA.

He attended the 1923 General Assembly, which authorized and approved the General NYPS. Shelby was elected to be its first Executive Secretary. Until 1929, he pastored while also leading the church’s youth auxiliary. In 1929, he was given an office at the Nazarene headquarters and asked to devote himself full-time to youth work, which he did. Through his efforts, the youth auxiliary was organized throughout the United States and elsewhere.

He founded the NYPS periodical, The Young People’s Journal, and a successor, Youth’s Comrade. He was also founding editor of Standard, the Sunday school story paper.

Other tasks came his way. He became managing editor of The Preacher’s Magazine and Herald of Holiness, and then Herald of Holiness editor from 1936 to 1948.

After his brother moved to California, Lewis Corlett went to Peniel College in Texas for his senior year, where he made friends with J. B. Chapman. He was ordained by general superintendent John Goodwin in 1918 and pastored churches in Los Angeles (Grand Avenue), Montana, Colorado, and New Jersey.

From 1934 to 1942, he taught in the religion department of Bethany-Peniel College (now Southern Nazarene University), serving some of that time as department chair. In 1942, he was elected president of Northwest Nazarene College and served there for ten years. Richard Etulain, NNC’s official historian, wrote that Lewis Corlett kept up a


steady correspondence with the young preachers he had taught at Bethany and elsewhere. Like Chapman, he wanted to develop the competencies of pastors.2

In 1952, Lewis Corlett was elected president of Nazarene Theological Seminary, succeeding Hugh Benner, founding president, who had been elected general superintendent. Lewis’ notion of the seminary’s purpose was crystal clear. In 1961, in his Message to the Faculty, he stated: “We must always keep in mind that the Seminary was established and is maintained for the training of a ministry for holiness churches.”3

During his tenure, Lewis Corlett enlarged the seminary faculty, strengthened the curriculum, pushed the seminary toward accreditation, and emphasized institutional self-study. He served as seminary president until 1966, when he retired.4

In retirement, he taught part-time in the religion department of Pasadena College (now Point Loma Nazarene University) until 1973. He was a prolific writer for church publications and wrote several books, including Holiness: The Harmonizing Experience (1951). A religious memoir, Thank God and Take Courage, was published posthumously. In 1980, Northwest Nazarene College dedicated Corlett Hall, a residential hall, in his honor.

Shelby, meanwhile, ministered in various capacities after leaving the Nazarene headquarters: pastor in Anaheim, CA, religion professor at Northwest Nazarene College, associate pastor at Bresee Avenue Church of the Nazarene in Pasadena, and author of nearly two-dozen books on the Holy Spirit and other religious topics.

Both brothers were thoughtful and spiritual people.

Both brothers were thoughtful and spiritual people. D. Shelby Corlett died December 4, 1979, in Pasadena. Lewis died in Duarte, CA, on January 1, 1992.

Dr. Stan Ingersol, Ph.D., is a church historian and former manager of the Nazarene Archives.

1 “David Shelby Corlett.” A typescript memoir by Lewis T. Corlett contained in Shelby’s profile folder in Nazarene Archives.

2 Richard W. Etulain, Seeking First the Kingdom: Northwest Nazarene University: A Centennial History (2012): 90.

3 The Nazarene Weekly (Jan. 25, 1981): 1.

4 Harold E. Raser, More Preachers and Better Preachers: The First Fifty Years of Nazarene Theological Seminary (1995): 74-80.

Lewis T. Corlett and family
D. Shelby Corlett

Diagnosing Hypertension

Next to things like immunizations, clean water, and adequate sanitation, treating hypertension is one of the most significant things that has helped improve quality and quantity of life. Hypertension does its damage quietly and silently. If you ever feel anything prior to your stroke or heart attack, it means you have had elevated blood pressure for a long time. Sudden or new vision changes or headaches can be symptoms of prolonged untreated hypertension.

Diagnosing and treating hypertension decreases the long-term health risks associated with high blood pressure (HBP), such as stroke, heart disease, and kidney damage. The diagnosis is made based on elevated blood pressure on at least two separate doctor’s office visits or by wearing an ambulatory blood pressure monitor. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends obtaining blood pressure measurements outside of the doctor’s office to confirm diagnosis before starting treatment. This can be done with either ambulatory or home blood pressure monitoring with a validated and accurate device.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) involves wearing a small, portable machine that automatically records blood pressure noninvasively, usually at 20- to 30-minute intervals over 12 to 24 hours while you go about your normal activities including sleeping. Home blood pressure monitoring involves measuring your own blood pressure at home with a fully automated home blood pressure device that you activate.

Measurements are taken much less frequently than with ABPM (e.g., 2-3 times a day, but usually over a longer period of time, e.g., weeks).

The studies upon which HBP data and results are based measure blood pressure in a specific way. This means office-based blood pressure and home blood pressure should be taken properly to avoid getting inaccurate readings (usually falsely high).

This is the proper way to take one’s blood pressure:

1. Avoid caffeine, exercise, and smoking for at least 30 minutes before measurement.

2. Empty your bladder/make sure you do not have to urinate.

3. Relax, sit in a chair with feet flat on floor and back supported for at least 5 minutes.

4. No talking during the rest period or during the measurement—this includes cell phones.

5. The BP cuff should be directly on your skin in the middle of your upper arm with no clothes between it and your skin.

6. Your arm should be resting, supported (e.g. resting on a desk), at heart level.

7. Use calibrated and validated equipment.

8. Use the correct cuff size; cuffs that are too small or too large can lead to false results.

9. Take two or three measurements 1-2 minutes apart from each other and average the results.

These steps improve the chances your blood pressure measurement is accurate, which can determine if you have HBP or if it is uncontrolled, which may mean your medications need to be adjusted.

Diagnosing and treating hypertension decreases the longterm health risks associated with high blood pressure.

When your properly measured systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 or the diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 90, you have HBP. Family physicians and other primary care doctors diagnose and treat most HBP. Both the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American College of Physicians endorse 140/90 as the cutoff for most average people. There are people with certain medical conditions (e.g., heart failure, kidney transplant, known ischemic heart disease, chronic kidney disease stages 3, 4, or 5 especially if there is protein in the urine) for whom 130/80 is a better target. The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology prefer a cutoff or 130/80 for nearly all people. This controversy stems from the types of patients included and excluded in key studies used to set

thresholds as well as tolerance level for side effects that can occur with overly aggressive HBP treatment. It is important for you to speak with your doctor to get a personalized application of the guidelines. Some may even suggest using different thresholds to diagnose HBP based on whether the BP is measured in the office, at home, or via ABPM. However, the key is to make sure you or your doctor’s office accurately measure your blood pressure. Next quarter we will discuss approaches to treating high blood pressure.

Dr. Stephen A. Wilson, MD, MPH, FAAFP, is Chair of Family Medicine at Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine and Chief of Family Medicine for Boston Medical Center.

Special Anniversaries

Dates for this column come from pension applications. Records are not updated unless NBUSA is notified of changes in marital status, such as the death of a spouse.

70th Anniversaries

Rev. Malcolm L. and Mrs. Deliliah Blakley .

43975 S County Road 207, Woodward, OK 73801-5155

.Jan. 16

Dr. Bill E. and Mrs. Janice Burch Feb. 22

9965 W Royal Oak Rd Apt 3204, Sun City, AZ 85351-6121

Rev. Clifford and Mrs. Ruby Church

Mar. 21 2596 Gratiot Rd SE, Newark, OH 43056-9314

Rev. Donald L. and Mrs. Phyllis Dixon Mar. 27 1013 Culzean Ct, Lexington, KY 40509-2403

Rev. Paul E. and Mrs. Mildred Lantz

Mar. 5 1700 SE 4th St Lot 34, Smithville, TX 78957-2916

65th Anniversaries

Rev. James D. and Mrs. Linda Dawson

146 W Laredo Pl, Broken Arrow, OK 74012-7943

Feb. 6

Rev. Talmage N. and Mrs. Esther R. Haggard Feb. 19 2366 E Lodge Trail Dr, Meridian, ID 83642-4442

Rev. Charity R. and Mr. Kenneth L. Hays

PO Box 172, Myrtle Creek, OR 97457-0016

Mar. 26

Rev. Jerry D. and Mrs. Patricia Hollowell Jan. 22 PO Box 64, Deport, TX 75435-0064

Rev. Rafaela B. and Mr. Edilberto Maniago . . . . . . . Jan. 7

176 S Washington Ave Apt C9, Bergenfield, NJ 07621-2930

Rev. George E. and Mrs. Glorice Stevenson Feb. 6 4021 Pebble Dr, Roanoke, VA 24014-5314

60th Anniversaries

Rev. Ernesto and Mrs. Rosa Bello . . .

127 Halfmoon Dr, Altamont, NY 12009-2500

Mar. 7

Rev. William H. and Mrs. Bonita E. Bull Feb. 19 1188 2nd St, Clarkston, WA 99403-2602

Rev. Edgar S. and Mrs. MaryEtta Campbell . . . . . . Feb. 26 14908 W 149th St, Olathe, KS 66062-4634

Rev. Donald W. and Mrs. Sharon L. Fox Jan. 30 1737 Cattail Dr, Marysville, CA 95901-8255

Rev. E. David and Mrs. Judy Glick . .

Jan. 30 7116 Salzbrenner Ln, Machesney Park, IL 61115-7666

Rev. Ronald L. and Mrs. Lou E. Harrison Mar. 20 1299 Teddys Pl, Mount Juliet, TN 37122-6818

Rev. Sang Kyun and Mrs. Tae Lee . . .

Feb. 17 4645 N Sheridan Rd Apt 312, Chicago, IL 60640-6570

Rev. Garry K. and Mrs. Linda Lewellen Feb. 12 321 Oakridge Ln, Longview, TX 75605-5957

Rev. Sherrill E. and Mrs. Linda R. Stiles . . . . . . . .

. Jan. 1 PO Box 2731, Red Oak, TX 75154-1582

55th Anniversaries

Rev. Jose A. and Mrs. Irma Y. Alfaro . . . . . . .

. Feb. 13 229 Nordica Ave, Glenview, IL 60025-5015

Rev. A. Timothy and Mrs. Mardelle Bess Mar. 21 209 Leander Dr, Chester, WV 26034-1101

Rev. Richard F. and Mrs. Susan Brinsley Feb. 3 9715 Woodsong Way, Indianapolis, IN 46229-3091

Rev. Isaac and Mrs. Dorothy Collier

3518 Ochiltree Trl, San Antonio, TX 78253-6255

Jan. 23

Rev. Jose S. and Mrs. Maria C. Delgado Mar. 25 121 Mayflower St, East Providence, RI 02914-1824

Rev. Ronnie E. and Mrs. Becky Griffin

Jan. 23 6324 Tinley Dr, Macon, GA 31216-6618

Rev. James F. and Mrs. E. Marcella Harbour Feb. 21 27812 S Highway 211, Estacada, OR 97023-8590

Rev. Steven L. and Mrs. Janice O. Holly

.Feb. 21 195 Loma Vista Dr, Oroville, CA 95966-9506

Rev. Phil E. and Mrs. Sandra L. Ledford

Jan. 5 515 6th Ave, Kensal, ND 58455-4125

Rev. Harold F. and Mrs. Beverly V. Lumley

Mar. 14 910 Dutch Mill Dr, Ballwin, MO 63011-3548

Rev. Earl S. and Mrs. Patty Mann

7063 County Road 1, South Point, OH 45680-7815

Feb. 6

Dr. Donald K. and Mrs. Deborah S. Neal Jan. 2 4112 Patty Ln, Bethany, OK 73008-3051

Rev. Jack C. and Mrs. Aline F. Oden

3 Big Horn Cir, Crossville, TN 38572-6614

Feb. 27

Rev. Richard K. and Rev. Sharon L. Prahl Mar. 28 4 Merryweather Dr, Cambridge, MD 21613-1302

Rev. Ronald L. and Mrs. Barbara J. Reagle .

. Mar. 28 9A Monroe St, Franklin, PA 16323-2409

Rev. Judith T. and Mr. Gordon Wimmer Feb. 7 180 Wesley Dr, Wilmore, KY 40390-9795

Rev. Max E. and Mrs. Erma B. Wood

Feb. 28 622 East Ave, Elyria, OH 44035-5819 50th Anniversaries

Rev. Donald and Mrs. Kathy J. Allayaud

Mar. 15 6517 S Robb Way, Littleton, CO 80127-5849

Rev. Carlos E. and Mrs. Maida Bran Feb. 28 2930 N Lewis Ave, Waukegan, IL 60087-2948

Rev. Jeffrey S. and Mrs. Charme A. Fletcher Mar. 15 20309 W 219th Ter, Spring Hill, KS 66083-7802

Rev. Martin and Mrs. Alberta Garcia

.Feb. 14 7115 Shawnee Rd, Milford, DE 19963-3439

Rev. David W. and Mrs. Pamela K. Garner

Mar. 14 7919 Tamarack Pl, Avon, IN 46123-9818

Rev. Eldon G. and Mrs. Wanda J. Gray

Feb. 13

67043 Old Twenty One Rd, Cambridge, OH 43725-9403

Rev. Ford R. and Mrs. Karen E. Hall .

1404 Stark St, Coffeyville, KS 67337-1028

Feb. 1

Rev. Freeman T. and Mrs. Mary L. Hodgins Jan. 12 1648 Bolton Ln, Manteca, CA 95336-7055

Rev. Phillip J. and Mrs. Linda Kenedy Feb. 21 304 N. Harding St., Enid, OK 73703-4011

Rev. Jeffrey A. and Mrs. Beverly Lytle Jan. 24 801 Lawrence St, Monongahela, PA 15063-2213

Rev. Rodney A. and Mrs. Nancy M. Marion Feb. 8 2659 S Drexel, Mesa, AZ 85209-2500

Rev. Herman C. and Mrs. Gaye B. Marston . . . . . . Mar. 28 4120 Glouster Ln, Fredericksburg, VA 22408-5512

Rev. Stephen E. and Mrs. Shawn A. Melvin . . . . . . Feb. 24 626 Fulton Ave, Wurtland, KY 41144-1416

Rev. James D. and Mrs. Judith L. Miller . . . . . . . . . .Feb. 14 2890 FM 378, Floydada, TX 79235-5246

Rev. Virgil R. and Mrs. Patty L. Mills . . . . .

. Jan. 11 7220 8th Avenue Loop W, Bradenton, FL 34209-3427

Rev. Carroll L. and Mrs. Tammy Moffitt Mar. 30 26 W Fork Creek Rd, Saluda, NC 28773-9692

Rev. Dixie C. and Mr. Charles Neal Mar. 21 1015 E Seattle Pl, Broken Arrow, OK 74012-9390

Rev. Hector J. and Mrs. Auristela Ordóñez Antúnez Jan. 4 31 Lester Rd SW, Lawrenceville, GA 30044-4040

Rev. Lee and Mrs. Darla K. Randolph . . .

Feb. 28 7038 Boltz Orchard Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840-9414

Rev. Gary L. and Mrs. Jennifer Reynolds . .

. Jan. 4 4701 Elk Run, Yukon, OK 73099-3113

Rev. Oran L. and Mrs. Cathleen Roberts . .

102 Ponderosa St, Rogue River, OR 97537-9609

Mar. 29

Dr. C. Barth and Mrs. Katheryn J. Smith . . . . . . . . Jan. 10 32 Holly Dr, Olathe, KS 66062-1831

Rev. William E. and Mrs. Wanda K. Swesey Feb. 22 PO Box 47833, Indianapolis, IN 46247-0833

Rev. Marvin E. and Mrs. Patricia D. Thrasher Feb. 14 310 Loon Ave, Sebring, FL 33870-6765

Rev. Buck W. and Mrs. Alice M. Traylor Mar. 28 6255 Delta Loop Apt. 304, Dublin, OH 43016-9680

Rev. Jerry W. and Mrs. Nancy M. Warren .

.Feb. 15 12941 W Goldenbrook Ct, Boise, ID 83713-1445

Rev. Anthony D. and Mrs. Debbie Watson . . . . . . .Jan. 18 702 Pike St, Manchester, OH 45144-1227

Dr. Donald L. and Mrs. Paula Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 11 1 Autumn Run, Mount Vernon, OH 43050-9098

Rev. Monte J. and Mrs. Teena Wing . .

Mar. 17 PO Box 483, Juliaetta, ID 83535-0483

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

— Philippians 4:4

Church Triumphant

Church Triumphant lists credentialed Nazarene ministers or spouses who were receiving benefits provided by NBUSA at the time of death.

Mrs. Sandra Anderson

July 26, 2024

Wyoming, Michigan age 89

Rev. Don N. Baker

Rev. Robert A. Chandler

August 19, 2024

Neosho, Missouri age 79

Rev. Douglas A. Barnett

Erie, Pennsylvania

Rev. Paul A. Bass

Hastings, Florida

Rev. Gerald R. Bell

October 1, 2024

East China, Michigan age 86

Rev. John R. Clayton

August 26, 2024

age 81

August 30, 2024

age 93

July 24, 2024

Bonners Ferry, Idaho age 73

Rev. Danny E. Biddinger

August 17, 2024

Townville, South Carolina age 89

Rev. Alvin B. Conkey October 8, 2024

Dennison, Ohio

Rev. David R. Cook

Indianapolis, Indiana

Dr. Spencer L. Craig

Orlando, Florida

August 18, 2024

Westcliffe, Colorado age 83

Mrs. Martha L. Biddinger August 16, 2024

Westcliffe, Colorado

Mrs. Helen Bowden

Fairborn, Ohio

Rev. Jesse Steven Bray

Valley Center, California

Rev. Arnold R. Carlson Jr.

age 83

October 6, 2024

age 95

September 9, 2024

age 79

August 4, 2024

Sun City, Arizona age 97

Mrs. Geneva C. Carte

age 77

September 30, 2024

age 83

September 16, 2024

age 78

Rev. Chelsie E. Deaton August 3, 2024

Kenosha, Wisconsin age 37

Mrs. Betty J. Demetre August 10, 2024

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma age 89

Rev. Carl L. Denham

Cuba, Illinois

Rev. Wayne D. Ellis

Eagle Point, Oregon

Rev. J. Steven Fargo

August 6, 2024

White House, Tennessee age 66

Mrs. Betty J. Carver

Lake Forest, California

September 30, 2024

age 98

August 21, 2024

age 83

August 28, 2024

age 51

October 10, 2024

Coeur D Alene, Idaho age 76

Mrs. Edna Floyd September 8, 2024

Phoenix, Arizona age 87

Rev. Ronald L. Freeborn September 15, 2024

Lillington, North Carolina

age 82

Rev. Randall P. Gentry

Indianapolis, Indiana

Mrs. Bonnie L. Ginter

Bellville, Ohio

Mrs. Patricia Gooden

August 17, 2024

age 54

September 23, 2024

age 91

August 28, 2024

Littleton, Colorado age 89

Rev. Timothy M. Hall Sr. August 6, 2024

Iron River, Michigan age 67

Rev. James L. Hanson

Ava, Missouri

Rev. Tony J. Hayes

Georgetown, Kentucky

Rev. Douglas E. Haynes

Rev. Ervin L. Robison

September 13, 2024

Mount Vernon, Indiana age 81

Rev. Richard M. Roth

San Bernardino, California

Rev. Jim H. Rowe III

Mexia, Texas

Rev. Arthur R. Salisbury .

.October 2, 2024

age 83

August 22, 2024

age 73

July 30, 2024

Clearwater, Florida age 72

Mrs. Barbara A. Heckathorn

August 15, 2024

Winter Haven, Florida age 76

Rev. Dale E. Hilkert

October 3, 2024

age 96

August 3, 2024

age 72

.August 15, 2024

Idaho City, Idaho age 92

Rev. Allen E. Schaarschmidt July 31, 2024

Easton, Pennsylvania age 76

Rev. R. Allen Schellack Jr. October 8, 2024

Fort Scott, Kansas

Mrs. Mardel J. Sechrengost

Stoystown, Pennsylvania

Rev. Harry R. Sellards

Poseyville, Indiana

August 8, 2024

Mount Vernon, OH age 94

Rev. Boyd D. Hill

Monroe, Washington

Mrs. Linda G. Hill

Monroe, Washington

Mrs. Mildred Holt

September 26, 2024

age 86

.October 5, 2024

age 79

September 25, 2024

Golden Valley, Arizona age 76

Dr. J. Fred Huff October 10, 2024

McDonough, Georgia age 74

Mr. John R. Hull September 4, 2024

Elk Grove, California

Rev. Riley S. Hunter

Homer, Alaska

Mrs. Barbara C. Irwin

Washington, Pennsylvania

Rev. Paul E. Jackson

age 69

August 3, 2024

age 73

October 4, 2024

age 89

Rev. Carl D. Smith August 26, 2024

Lenoir City, Tennessee age 81

Mrs. Marjorie L. Smith August 27, 2024 Medway, Ohio age 91

Mrs. Evangeline Steininger August 8, 2024

Auburn, Indiana

Mrs. Janet L. Stinson

Choctaw, Oklahoma

Mrs. Mary J. Stovall

Columbia, Missouri

age 69

August 6, 2024

age 85

August 26, 2024

age 91

August 27, 2024

Saint Joseph, Missouri age 86

Mrs. Corinda King

August 18, 2024

Waxahachie, Texas age 91

Mrs. B. Jean Mackey

Mansfield, Arkansas

Mrs. Beverly J. Miller

Mukilteo, Washington

Mrs. Dorothy A. Morgan

age 101

August 2, 2024

age 76

July 19, 2024

age 86

Mrs. Wanita T. Stover August 2, 2024

Lewes, Delaware age 95

Rev. Gerald H. Street August 7, 2024

Howell, Michigan age 85

Dr. Donald L. (Roy) Stults

Gardner, Kansas

Mrs. Flora Taylor

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Mrs. Ida Taylor

August 27, 2024

age 81

July 30, 2024

age 93

September 23, 2024

Fort Pierce, Florida age 86

Rev. Glen L. Neal September 29, 2024

Reynoldsburg, Ohio age 75

Mrs. Sarah E. Parker

August 31, 2024

age 77

.August 19, 2024

age 92

.October 9, 2024

Camden, Arkansas age 96

Rev. James W. Tharp September 29, 2024

Bozeman, Montana age 94

Rev. James F. Tucker September 17, 2024

Sevierville, TN

Rev. Benjamin L. Turner

Boise, Idaho

Rev. Leslie N. Wilhelm

Casey, Illinois

August 17, 2024

Bath, New York age 90

Rev. Andrew J.J. Paton

La Porte, Indiana

Mrs. Monette Presendieu

Miami, Florida

Rev. Victor D. Ramsey Sr.

September 9, 2024

age 70

August 6, 2024

age 67

October 6, 2024

Sun City, California age 82

Rev. Richard D. Roberson

August 28, 2024

El Paso, Texas age 59

age 97

September 22, 2024

age 64

September 9, 2024

age 80

Rev. Allen D. Wilson August 1, 2024

Bradenton, Florida age 94

Nazarene Benefits USA

17001 Prairie Star Pkwy, Lenexa, KS 66220-7900

888.888.4656 | benefits@nazarene.org | nbusa.org

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