Lepelle Review's last but one edition on the 2019 calendar

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By FANI TSELA The DA is urging Limpopo MEC for Treasury, Seaparo Sekoati to review Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality’s R110 million investment whilst more than eight community projects have been abandoned and cannot be completed due to lack of funds. We also demand that these abandoned projects be investigated to determine why they were not completed. The decision to invest R110 million with a registered bank was taken during a council meeting recently which the DA vehemently rejected considering the missing R153,3 million which was invested into the liquidated VBS Mutual Bank. Continue on page2









Continue from page1 The controversial VBS investment violated the Municipal Investment Regulations which regulates the instruments within which municipalities are allowed to invest municipal funds. Furthermore, the Provincial Treasury failed dismally to execute their executive role to monitor and intervene before public money was wrongfully invested against treasury regulations in VBS

mutual bank which affected several community projects which have been placed on hold. The current investment which is regarded as a surplus will be invested on a short term period for 30, 60 and 90 days period respectively. With no monitoring system in place, the DA believes that the money could have been use to finish the following community projects which have been abandoned due to VBS

debacle: Waste transfer stations in Ga Mphahlele, Moletlene and Mathabatha/Mafefe estimated to worth R1.5 million each (R4.5 million in total) Magatle Community Hall - R12 million Tarring of internal streets in Zone S to phase 2 in ward 16 and 17 – R25 million Upgrading of gravel to tar of Maijane / Makaung / Makaepea access road – R7 million Upgrading of Mooiplaas access

28 NOVEMBER - 12 DECEMBER 2019 road from gravel to paving blocks - R12 million Rakgoatha storm water drainage – R6 million Construction of Maralaleng Community Hall – R3 Million The DA is deeply concerned that no steps or disciplinary actions have been taken against the officials implicated for unlawfully doing business with VBS bank. It is clear that there is no accountability for illegal actions by officials and that there is no

thorough monitoring in relation to community projects in the Municipality. We urge MEC Sekoati to probe the matter with the necessary urgency as residents cannot continue to suffer due to the Municipality’s involvement in the VBS scandal. Fani Tsela is a Democratic Cllr in the Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality


GARE ga bomahlwadibona ba ntwa ya tokologo, go eme senatla se se bitswago Letlapa Mphahlele, yo a sa jago mabele le lehono. Mokgaga yo wa potego o ile a kgethwa go ba mopresidente wa PAC ka makga a mmalwa, go tloga ka 2006. Ge a tlo kgethwa la mafelelo ka 2015, kuwa Mangaung, mokgatlo wa PAC o be o setse o tswile diripa tse pedi ka baka la dingangisano txa boetapele. Ntle le dipolitiki, Mphaphele o na le kgahlego go dingwalwa, direto le moshomo wa leshoko (charity work). Lehono yena le mohumagadi Ginn Fourie wa Motse-Kapa ke baetapele ba mokgatlo yo o bitswago Lyndi Fourie Foundation. Lyndi, morwedi a Ginn, ebile o mongwe wa batswa-sehlabelo ba baswa ba makgowa ba ilego ba hlokofala ka go thuthupa ga Lepelle Review is printed under the banner of Naka Media in partnership with with Motsatsi Motors Group

bomo kgorong ya bonwelo ya Heidelberg gona kuwa MotseKapa ka ngwaga wa 1993. Tlhaselo yewe e ebe e laotswe ke Mphahlele legatong la APLA, sesole sa PAC ka nako ya ntwa ya tokologo. Ka di-8 December 1960, Letlapa Ngoato Mphahlele o ile belegelwa GaLamola, nageng ya GaMatlala ga bo mmagwe, fela a golela Manaleng, GaMphahlele. Ka mengwaga ya go thoma sekolo o ile a gomela GaMatlala go ya tsena sekolo sa Rosenkrantz Primary. Mphahlele o ila gomela GaMphahlele go tswela pele ka dithuto tsa gwe, go fihlela a thoma ka sekondari sekolong sa go tuma sa Ngwana-Mohube. Ke moo a ileng a thoma go ikamaganya le tsa dipolotiki ka go hlama mokgatlo wa baithuti, Union of Self Study (USS) Lepelle Review subscribes to the Code and Ethics and Conduct for the South African Print and Online Media that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the Code, within 20 days of the date of publication of the material, please contact the Public Advocate at 011-484 3612, fax 011-484 3619. You can also contact our Case Officer on khanyim@ombudsman.org.za or lodge a complaint on our website www.presscouncil. org.za

ka 1978 a le ka ga Mphato wa Seswai (Grade 10 legono). Nepokgolo ka ga USS ebe e le gore bana ba sekolo ba thusane ka dithuto tsa bona. Feela ge e thoma go bontsha go tsea sedi ka go tsa politiki, Letlapa o ile a kgethwa mophresidente wa USS, taba e ile ya dira gore bohlogo-yasekolo ba fege mokgatlo wa USS. Phisego ya go tswela pele ka politiki, le go lwesa mmuso was kgethollo wa Maburu, e ile ya dira gore lesogana la Mphahlele le tlogele sekolo ka ona ngwaga oo wa 1978 ka Agostosi. Tsela ya gae ya go ya botshabelong Botswana e mo esitse Johannesburg pele. Ge a fihla ka Botswana a hlakana le bagale ba "June 16 1976 Soweto Uprising" boTsietsi Mashinini le boKhotso Seatlholo. Ba ile ba leka go mo gapela lehlakoreng la mokgatlo wa bona empa Mphahlele a kgetha go ba leloko la Pan-Africanist Congress. Mmuso wa Botswana e se kgale wa ragela batshabi ba Aforika Borwa ntle ga moshate Gaborone go ba isa kampong ya Dukwe, lebowa la Botswana gauswi le mollwane wa Zimbabwe. Ka 1981, Mphahlele a tloga Dukwe go ya Tanzania, go tloga mowe a ya Guinea le bo mphato ba gwe ba PAC sebaka sa ngwaha o motee ba hlahlwa ka tsa sesole. Ge ba gomela morao Tanzania, Mphahlele a thoma moshomo wa dikoranta a feleletsa e le morulaganyi wa Mgagao People's Daily. Go tlogwa fawe a thoma leeto le letelele a sepelela merero ya Azanian Peoples Army, go thoma ka Botswana le go fetela Zimbabwe moo moshomo wa gae le Apla o ileng wa oketsega. Se sekgolo e ne le go fe-

tisetsa dibetsa go la Botswana, moo di beng di fetisetswa go la Aforika Borwa go ya ntweng. Mmuso wa Botswana o ile wa golega Mphahlele ka lebaka la mosomo wa gae e le molaodi wa Apla. O lokolotswe ka morago a ngwaga, le gona a le magareng a steraeke sa go itima dijo, a boela Zimbabwe. Ka 1991, Mphahlele a gata a tsena ka Aforika Borwa lekga ka mathomo o tloga ka 1978, a shwahlile ka Botswana. O re a khuthe ka Mafikeng go se nene, a gatela pele go tsena ka Tshwane go fihlela a tsena ka Soweto a ba a fihla Lekoe. Ka nako e kamakoka a matlafatsa sesole sa Apla. O ile a feleletsa a fihlile go la Transkei, moo bogolo ba masole a Apla a beng a khuthile go na ka fase ga tshireletso ya General Banto Holomisa. Go tloga fago maeto a gae a tswela pele ka lebelo le legolo, go ya Lesotho le Swaziland. Ka 1994, ka morago ga dikgetho tsa mathomo tsa demokrasi, Mphahlele a gomela Lesotho go boela botshabelong, ke ge a kwile ka maano a go mo swara ke sephodisa sa SAP. Feela, ge a fihla Lesotho a swarwa ka baka la go hloka mangwalo feela metswalle ya gae ka Lesotho ya mo thusa gore a lokollwe mme a tswela pele a dula ka Maseru. Fela ge maphodisa a Lesotho a gwetsa dibetsa tsa Apla lefelong la Leribe, ka lebowa la Maseru, ba thoma go belaela gore Letlapa o a ditseba ditaba tse. Fela yena a tshaba Maseru a ya dula metseng ya dithabeng tsa Maluti. Nako ye kamoka, President Nelson Mandela o be a setse a beilwe setulong bjalo ka moetapele wa mathomo wa



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naga, wa motho-moswo. Ka 1995, maphodisa a Lesotho a swara Mphahlele ba mo fa ba ga SAP mmollwaneng, bona ba mo tswalela kgolegong ya Bethlehem go la Foreistata. Jwalo ka Botswana, Mokgaga a itima dijo go feta nako ya beke. Ka 1996, January 3, a hlagella kgorong ya tsheko go la Bloemfontein moo go beng go tletse la go falala ke bathekgi ba gae, balatedi ba PAC, batswadi, meloko le metswalle. O ila a latofatswa ka go tswela pele ka merero ya go thuthupisa dibomo ka morago ga nako e beng e begilwe go emisa ka tsa ntwa ya tokologo. Ge a palelwa ke beili ya R30,000 a gomela kgolegong empa ka morago ga kgwedi a lokollwa a boela gae Manaleng GaMphahlele lekga la mathomo go tloga mola a tshaba a e na le 18. Ka 2006, September 25, Mphahlele a kgethwa jwaloka mopresidente yo moswa wa PAC kuwa QwaQwa. A kgethwa gape ka 2008 go la Fort Hare. Ba mo tsebang kaone, ba mo hlalosa e le motho wa leshoko, wa go hlompha, wa tsebo. Feela tse dikaone ka bophelo ba ga Letlapa Mphahlele, go akaretsa le tsa bophelo ba gae GaMatlala le go ya ga gawe komeng, le bophelo dinageng kamoka a disepetsego, motho a ka ipalla puku ya gagwe "Child of this Soil: My Life as a Freedom Fighter". Puku ya "Matlalela: The Flood is Coming" yona ke ya direto, mme e go tsopolela ka ga monagano wa senatla se sa Bakgaga. Letlapa Ngoato Mphahlele, re a go leboga; mogale wa bagale!


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THERE is no place in the society for this who abuses women and girls. This was a clear message from the country’ state president Cyril Ramaphosa. Ramaphosa was speaking during the launch of 16 Days Activism against Women and Children Abuse held at the GaSeleka village outside Lepha-

lale earlier this week. Among cabinet ministers and deputies who accompanies Ramaphosa for this launch include Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Gwede Mantatshe, Bheki Cele, Maite Nkwana-Mashabane, Cassel Mathale and Limpopo premier Chipu Mathabatha. Addressing hundreds commu-

nity members who flocked to Witpoort Police Station where the event was held, Ramaphosa said: “The campaign we are launching here today is aimed at raising awareness around the rights of women and girls, but also at changing the attitude of men and boys. This campaign will complements a

wider 365, year-round education, awareness and prevention campaign that government will roll out in partnership with civil society. Our message to those who abuses women has been abundantly clear, and that is there is no place in our society for you,” said Ramaphosa much to a round of applauses. Ramaphosa also took a swipe at men and boys who have a stereo-typed mentality that women are inferior and properties of men. “Far too long many men and boys believe women are inferior, and that there are properties of their husbands and fathers, and worse yet, that women and girsl “deserved” to be raped because of how they dress, the places they visit and friends they keep,” added Ramaphosa. The president also criticized the senseless rapes and murders incidents which occurred in Limpopo in the past months with the first one in December last year where a two year old boy, Samson Sithole from Seraheng village was kidnapped, raped and murdered before his tiny body was thrown in a bush. Other similar incidents include that one of Mphephu Sophie Vuyeka (59) from Mushawana village who was attached, beaten and raped before she could declared dead at the hospital in

June this year. Two more similar incidents happened at Ga-Marishane and Sergageng villages where in 11 year-old Thandi Mampane and six year-old Boitumelo Matsekelong went missing and their bodies found later after they were also raped and left for dear in September. “All senseless incidents proves that our communities are in the grip of violence against those who were supposed to protect them. We have lost our way and this contrary to the way we were taught never to raise a hand against a woman,” said Ramaphosa Ramaphosa said violence against women shows that we have somehow along the way lost our direction as a caring society. “We grew up being taught that as men and boys, we must respect women and protect children. This crisis of violence against women and children is a great shame on our nation. It is to the good and decent men and boys out there who would not even dream of hurting, disrespecting or abusing women,” concluded Ramaphosa.


IMAGINE living in the place where the people decide what services they want and it all happens as per their wishes. Over the years, since the country’s democratic elections back in 1994, the government have been imposing projects on communities without taking their needs into account, but that is about to be the thing of the past if Khauleza, the District-Based Model is anything to go by.

Addressing thousands of people who flocked to Shogoane Stadium outside Lephalale in the Waterberg district, President Cyril Ramaphosa who launched the third Khawuleza Development said it is high time that they ensure municipalities deliver on their mandates to service the people. “The province of Limpopo is undoubtedly rich with minerals resources, but it still suffers

from high levels of unemployed and currently at 28%. As a result there are high levels of poverty in this province with nearly 300 000 people relying on social grants to survive. Youth unemployment remains a major problem with many of our young people falling victim to substance abuse and crime,” pointed out Ramaphosa. Ramaphosa said he was aware of the people’s concerns in Waterberg and as government they are going to act to ensure our municipalities deliver on their mandate to serve our people, and that they should be cleaned up of corruption and mismanagement. “District Development Model is to break from past where government departments did not plan properly and imposed projects on communities without taking their needs into account. This model is about putting local government at the centre of our country’s growth and develop-

ment,” he said. By doing this, added Ramaphosa: “We are affirming the people’s power to govern and determine their own destiny. We want people to put an end to the tendency of departments working silos and developing plans from above which do not respond to the challenges faced by our people on the ground. It allows government departments at national and provincial levels to combine resources and work together towards the implementation of a single plan-developed locally and coordinated at

district level. “We are very clear: “One District, One Plan, One Budget, One Approach” With the mining companies in Waterberg implementing 74 projects to the value of R580 billion, ranging from infrastructure to enteprises development, Ramaphosa said Waterberg has great potential to become an economic powerhouse in Limpopo and drastically improve the lives of it residents “Waterberg should be tourism citadel of South Africa, with its remarkable biodiversity, spectacular scenery and wildlife and to achieve this, however, it requires that we develop our infrastructure, from roads to hotels to reserves, that we implement an effective tourism safety plan, and that we train a new generation of young tourism professionals. We want to ignite economic activity and make villages, towns and cities thriving centres of business,” concluded Ramaphosa.







LIMPOPO ARTISTS DOMINATE MAPUNGUBWE MUSIC FESTIVAL LIMPOPO local musicians will be well represented during this year’s Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival. With USA based Syleena Johnson as the main act, Limpopo artists will still have the sense of the festival’s ownership as they top the list of performers with crowd pullers such as King Monada, Makhazi, award winners Sho Madjozi. Master KG, the Ndlovu Youth Choir, Candy tsa Mandebele, Joe Shirimane just to mention having been confirmed for the main event on December 14. The festival at the new home-found, old Peter Mokaba Stadium will also see jazz and Afro-Jazz lovers also kept entertained by the likes of

Selaelo Selota and Mafikizolo while old school music lovers will have Yvonne Chaka Chaka to keep them to their toes. For Gospel followers, Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival will not disappoint with the confirmation of Lebo Sekgobela, Winnie Mashaba, Dr Tumi, and Worship House among the artists confirmed. With the festival having surpassed expectations in terms of attendance last year which was estimated to be around 15 000, the festival is expected to draw even more people this year. Few weeks ago during the event’s launch at the Mapungubwe World Heritage side outside Musina, MEC for Sports,

Arts and Culture in Limpopo Thandi Moraka who confirmed that they have budgeted R10 million for this year’s event said her department’s aim is to grow the festival into one of one of the biggest event in the SADEC region. Should Moraka have her way, Mapungubwe Festival will be in the same level with other popular events such as the National Arts Festival (formerly known as Grahamstown Ats Festival and the Mangaung Cultural Festival (Macufe) Entrance fee to Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival 2019 is R150 per person for general tickets.

MAPUNGUBWE CULTURAL CARNIVAL LEAD THE WAY UN THE MAPUNGUBWE CULTURAL FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES Mapungubwe crown. The event will also be held at the Jack Botes Hall The festivities will continue on December 13 with Mapungubwe Divas and Comedy Night at Ngoako Ramatlhodi Sports Complex in Seshego. Among the comedians on the day will be Mashabela, Noko Moswete, Khathu and Chabi while performers will include Syleena Johnson, Kelly Khumalo, Lira, Makhadzi, Holleyray, Lady Zama and DJ Zinhle.

FESTIVE mood is upon us and so is the excitement among the province’s music lovers who eagerly waiting for Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival. The Mapungubwe festivities kick-start with Mapungubwe Cultural Carnival on December 12 where hundreds of people are expected to parade. The parade will start at the

SABC Park at 10.30am and proceeded through to the city centre with the last stop as the Jack Botes Known for its cultural diversity, the Carnival is expected to be exciting as ever as different cultures will be showcasing their traditional attires which will paint the city of Polokwane with various colours. Few hours after the Carnival, fashion and arts lovers will have

On December 14th it will be the main festival at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium, followed by the Ultimate Horse Show / Family their time as well via Mapungubwe Fashion Show and Ma- Day on Decempungubwe Craft Market which ber 15 before is scheduled for the Jack Botes wrapping the 2019 activities Hall at 6.30pm with the newly Local fashion designers are launched Mapunalso expected to showcase their talent through this event gubwe Soccer that is expected to be a great Torunament at Seshego Stadium platform for them. where four clubs will battle it out Capping the day will be Miss for the title of this Mapungubwe where the inaugural compeprovince’s deserving models tition. will battle it out for the Miss








AMERICAN inspirational singer, William Frankly “Wee Gee” Howard might have long faded from the surface of the earth,

but his 1980 hit song “Hold on to your dreams” is still used as a reference to those who want to turn their dreams and make

the different in the people’s lives. ON the song, the Detroit, Michigan-born singer described dreams as the wings of the mind that one can fly anytime. Almost 40 decades since the song was released and 20 years since Howard passed on, the song is still carrying the inspirational message and that was witnessed recently when head of mentorship programme at 67CEOs Foundation Derrick Ndzavi. For the record, 67CEOs is a yearly programme engage in impact focused entrepreneurial activities while connecting SMMEs to potential collaborators, mentors, policy makers, change agents and even investors. Addressing local established and non-established entrepreneurs during a two-day long

67CEOs GEW 2019 (under theme Advancing Market Access) which was sponsored by Exxaro and was held at the Mogol Club in Liphalale, Ndzavi encouraged the audiences to persuade their business ideas that will bring change to their area. “Most of the great businesses we are seeing today started as a dream, and someone persuaded that dream until it became a reality. We can’t avoid the fact that fourth industrial revolution and our business ideas also need to be in line with today’s changing world into technology. These should be the ideas that will last to beyond 3030, and a legacy that can make the world to remember you be remembered with long after you have passed on,” said Ndzavi.

One of the inspirational story at the event was that one of Evelyn Maphoto who in 2004 gave up her top paying job as an Optometrist to venture into building construction then later developed interest in hospitality which saw her established Setumishi Guest House. Originally from Mokopane, Evelyn told Lepelle Review that starting her own business was not like walking in the park as she thought. What started as a humble beginning has grown into a popular and a centre of attraction as today the double storey turned Guest House boast of 16 luxury rooms with king sized bed and en-suite bath and toilets.

KOPANA IS AIMING AT MISS EMPRESS SA CROWN AFTER prioritizing her studies over her childhood dream to become a model, Endith Kopano Letwaba says time has come to try her luck in the world of beauty queens. What started as an idea to persuade career in modeling after completing her diploma in journalism with Tshwane University of Technologies has gone beyond the expectation of this young lads from Gedroogte, the tiny village of Zebediela in Limpopo. This after the 23 year-old beauty queen successfully went through the eliminatory three levels of the country’s most recognized beauty pageant, Miss Empress South Africa that saw her earned a passage to the finalist stage where she will be representing Limpopo at national level. “I always knew I had what it take to be among the best models when I decided to enter Miss Empress SA, but the thought of obtaining enough points from the tasks given to us on all the three levels that witch each model needed to became the finalist never crossed my mind,” said Kopano told who told Lepelle Review that she entered Miss Empress SA after seeing an advert on facebook. Kopano who completed her matric at Volop village’s Madibo High School, also in Zebediela said she was looking forward to impress during the Miss Empress SA at national level which will be held at the Suncoast Casino in Durban on December 16, however this is the time she need the support of her community members and admires who have to show their support through votes.

“The eliminatory stages in this competition has been long and demanding yet very helpful and now I need support more than ever from the communities in the Lepelle-Nkumpi through their votes,” added Kopano who is a part time model at CBB Discovery. Kopano said what excite her most in the competition is that it has taught them on how to build their personal brand while

at the same developed and progressed them into leadership which is part of youth and women empowerment objectives. To vote for her, SMS Endith to 35334 and please note that one SMS cost R3. Empress South Africa tickets are available at Computicket, checkers hyper and Pick &Pay. General R350.







10 YEARS DOWN THE LINE AND GOGO ELISINA IS STILL WAITING FOR THE RDP HOUSE WITH less than a year remaining before South Africans could cast their votes for the local government, pensioner Elsinah Baloyi says she doubt that she will ever made a mistake of voting same people who don’t care about the poor. In her late 60s, Baloyi from Ga-Rakgoatha village in Zebediela is staying in a one room small corrugated iron shack which she is sharing with 10 children, her own and grand-children after waiting for the RDP house for almost a decade. Baloyi and few more of her community members from Ga-Rakgoatha poured their heart out to Lepelle Review

about their frustrations during a community meeting held in that village where most of them were accusing the local councilor of approving RDP houses to some undeserving individuals who include his family members and girl-friends. “What pains me is that there are some un-occupied RDP houses of which one of them I passes everyday on my way home. The house has broken windows and houses some nyaope boys and domestic animals while some of us are suffering and have no dignity as we are forced to sleep in a one room shack with no privacy,” lamented Baloyi.



LIMPOPO Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) aims to observe the 16 Days of Activism on No Violence Against Women and Children by shifting attention to the strategic area requiring immediate attention – The Boy Child. Men are at the centre of all forms of violence within our societies. If we are to eradicate violence, we need to capture the boy child to be assertive enough to know that problems can be solved without violence. Parents are better positioned to teach the boy child at a very early stage the difference between right and wrong. It is

possible to end gender based violence in our lifetime. More attention needs to be given to the boy child. It is the Department’s believe that emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse and discrimination or favouritism upon children are our biggest obstacle on the fight against violence in the perceived future. Parents need to take responsibility for the upbringing of the boy child. Violent tendencies adopted by the boy child in his manhood stages has a possible reflection on his upbringing. A home is indeed a source of behavioural patterns influencing the boy child’s later outcome.

LEDET MEC Thabo Mokone calls on all fathers to be exemplary role-models to the boy child. According to Mokone, it is important that we go back to the basics, re-adopt our culture whereby the community displayed signs of parenthood to all children. It is further imperative that legally abiding corrective presence within a community environment should be re-instated and never be underestimated. Mokone has launched a visual campaigned against physical violence in an attempt to plead with men to

SOUTH AFRICA TRADITIONAL HEALTH PRACTIONERS FORUM RE THUSHA KA MALWETSI LE MATHATA A GO FAPANAFAPANA *Re tlosha diphapano mo balekaneng(Family) *Re thusha bago robatswa le kota *Maoto a bohloko *Bohloko bja ka teng *Stroke *Re thusha ka bolwetsi bja go wa *Re thusha ka tsa gore o hwetse mosomo *Sefola, Makgoma *Teng ya go ruruga *Re busa moratiwa wo a sepetseng kgale *Re alafa ba go hlakana hlogo *Re koba tokoloshi *Popelo ye bohloko *Bago hloka thari *Re thusa dingaka tsa go sebereke / go se bone *Sejisho *Re ya nyadisha

*Moratisho *Ba go hloka hloka tswelopele mo bophelong *Mathata a basemane *Ditoro tse mpe, segateledi le moya ye mebe *Go hloka maatla mmeleng *Bothata bja go seye toilet *Re fa banna maatla legogeng *Re thekga motse, koloi le diphoofolo *Mathata a sekolo / ba go palelwa sekolong *Re thusha ba go hloka thari *Mathata a tshelete *Re thekga dikgwebo (Business) *Mathata a basadi ka moka, gore monna a go hlokomele Dr Mahlaela o hwetsagala ga Rama Makweng, kgauswi le dirapa tsa ga Nkuna, Khoneng ya Dirapa. Contact Number: 076 512 2257 / 063 393 2727 Matsatsi a go shoma: Monday to Sunday Nako: 08h00 to 06h00






HAPPY memories of 2015 will revived when Mamelodi Sundowns enters the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban to face Maritzburg United in the final match of the Telkom Knockout (TKO) on December 14. On the 16th of December 2015, the Brazilians beat Kaizer Chiefs 3-1 to lift the Telkom Knockout that saw Leonardo Castro scoring their first goal

as early as the fourth minute of the game while the other two goals were scored by Thabo Nthete and Hlompho Kekana with Chiefs scoring their consolation goal through Camaldine Abraw. Four years down the line, Pitso Mosimane will be looking forward to lift the TKO at the expense of Team of Choice. On paper, Sundowns look stronger than their counterparts

with some of their players such as Themba “Mshishi” Zwane and Denis Onyango including their coach having made it in the nomination for the CAF Awards to lift the title. United on the other hand will not be a pushover as they won’t easily go down without a fight, and Eric Tinkler and his troops might spring surprises for the Sundowns. The KwaZulu-Natal

side surprised Kaizer Chiefs with a 2-1 drubbing in the semifinal match of the competition played at Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit to book themselves a ticket to this final match. It was Judas Moseamedi who orchestrated Chiefs' downfall when the Tzaneen, Limpopo-born striker scored a brace, a goal in each half to deny an opportunity of making it in the final match. To

cap his glorious match day, Moseamedi who was United's live-wire throughout the day was rewarded with the Man of the Match award for his effort. It is the same Moseamedi who scored one of the two goals when he was still at Cape Town City under Tinkler when the club from the Mother City beat SuperSport United 2-1 to lift the Telkom Knockout in 2016.


FOUR clubs will battle it out for the inaugural Mapungubwe Soccer Challenge at Seshego Stadium. The competition was launched recently and will be forming part of Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival organized by Limpopo’s department of Sports, Arts

and Culture. In launching this competition, MEC, Thandi Moraka said the introduction of Mapungubwe Soccer Challenge Knockout Cup is part of the festival. “This is going to be an exciting recipe given that it breaks the hunger for football during the time when our local league will be in recess. This is

just a start and this year we are going to treat the tournament as a pilot project,” said Moraka. Moraka said the tournament is form that marks a breakthrough in the history of Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival. “This festival is intended at fostering social cohesion and nation building through a collective celebration and embracing of great arts, culture, heritage and lifestyle. It also has economic spin offs for the province, Polokwane City and the surrounding areas in particular, through Arts and Craft Exhibi-

tion,” added Moraka. Like arts and culture, recreation sports, continued Moraka: “Activities play an important role in communities. Their many benefits include improving the health and well-being of individuals, contributing to the empowerment of individuals, and promoting the development of inclusive communities. The value of sport to in our communities extends beyond sport for sport’s sake. It can play a role in bringing communities together, having a social and cultural impact, developing social capital and reducing crime and anti-social

behaviors.” The clubs which will be participating in this inaugural competition are Polokwane Galaxy, Seshego 11, Star Sign and Lion of Limpopo. The matches will be played at Seshego Stadium on December 16 from 10am and entrance will be free of charge. The winner will walk away with R35 000 plus kit with runners-up taking home R15 000 and kit while clubs finishing on third and fourth will receive R5 000 and R 2000 respectively.

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