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THE resigned mayor of Johannesburg Herman Mashaba says his job as the first citizen of SA’s biggest metro was the most rewarding. Mashaba, who vacated his office on Wednesday, November 27 resigned from the DA following Helen Zille's election as DA federal

council chairperson, spoke glowingly about how he turned around the metro police department in the city. “This has been the most rewarding job any human being can have, brutal as it was .... This was a brutal job, running a seven-way multiparty government,” said Mashaba.

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He said he had to learn quickly when he was elected in 2016, with no experience or knowledge of how councils were run. Mashaba said in the past three years, to get some sleep; he had to take sleeping tablets because the job was tough. But he praised the turnaround of the Johannesburg metro police department (JMPD), saying his administration had managed to free the officers from political interference. He hoped the incoming political leadership, to be elected soon, would continue with that support. “For you to be able to do your job, you are going to need political support, political support that does not really interfere with the work that you do. They have got to allow you to operate within the law,” said Mashaba. He said when his administration took over, it found a demoralized metro police, but took steps to beef up capacity and recruited 1,500 officers. “For me, I really strongly believe in the application of the rule of law,” said Mashaba. He felt demoralized by the state of the metro police

when he took over, because they were being called all kinds of names, even crooks. “To destroy a country, the first thing politicians do is to destroy the criminal justice system,” he said. He added that he would keep fighting for a city like Johannesburg to have its own prosecution arm to deal with criminals. “We sometimes arrest one person three, four, five times, but I am hoping that one day, one day it’s going to happen. It might happen in two years' time, it might be five years' time, but one thing I know is it is going to happen,” said Mashaba. He said JMPD officers should know that their job was not to go out to the streets and ask people for “Cokes”. Achievements since taking over the leadership of Johannesburg: - Increased spending on repairs and maintenance from 2% spending on repairs and maintenance, to over 5% by the end of the 2019/20 financial year. - The city is now spending on electricity, roads, transport and housing through the Diphetogo (change) programme. - Increased focus

on upgrading aged electricity networks and old substations that were not able to keep up with the increasing demands of the growing communities. Joburg Water has manufactured 151 million litres of water tanks in the informal settlements in order to meet residents' basic needs, while 57 000 ventilated improved pit (VIP) toilets and 7 178 chemical toilets have been delivered, which are being routinely serviced. - Extended the operating hours of 22 clinics in our City, with a further four to be rolled out before the end of this financial year. - In-sourcing of a total of 1 879 cleaners – most of whom are women – who gained greatly from employee benefits such as pension, medical aid, and an increased take-home salary. - In-sourcing of 3 700 security officers to be part of the city, which saw over R700m that was paid annually to politically connected security companies being retained and paying better salaries to the securities.

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TSHWANE MAYOR LIKELY TO LOSE POSITION CITY of Tshwane mayor, Stevens Mokgalapa could permanently kiss his position goodbye should Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF)’s have its way. EFF is planning to push the motion of no confidence against the troubled Mokgalapa who has since placed on a special leave after some alleged sex scandal. The latest plan by EFF to push the motion of no confidence against Mokgalapa is an ongoing cracks that is signaling end of marriage between themselves and Democratic Alliance (DA). EFF is accusing DA among other things the collapse of services such as lack of water in Hammaskraal outside Pretoria which has since become a burning issue. DA placed Mokgalapa on a “Special Leave” after he allegedly shared sensitive information with the MMC for Roads and Infrastructure Sheila


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Senkubuge. The DA said the pair would have a chance to respond during a probe conducted by the federal legal commission. The matter was also referred to the ethics committee by the speaker of council. It is alleged that the two also engaged in sexual relations in the office of which Mokgalapa has denied it, claiming that he is being blackmailed and that he has since opened a case. Earlier this week DA announced that Mokgalapa has been placed on leave and they also launched an investigation on the allegations of Mokgalapa and Senkubuge affair. Mokgalapa became a mayor in February this year after he took over reins from Solly Msimanga who announced his resignation on January 11 to focus on his campaign to become premier of Gauteng ahead of the May 8 national elections






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Voting for the mayor of Johannesburg has been postponed to 4 December. This to determine the actual number of votes made up by the 50% plus one majority required. Councillors demanded to know the number and the presiding officer initially

went out to consult on the issue but came back to say the matter required proper legal determination. The initial majority was 136 votes, but the number changed after the death of ANC councillor David Motobodi last month. The election comes

after the resignation of Herman Mashaba, whose last day in office was on Wednesday. He resigned last month, accusing the DA of frustrating his mayorship and of ignoring race when dealing with inequality. Three key candidates will battle it out

for the position of Johannesburg mayor. The DA has fielded Funzela Ngobeni, the Economic Freedom Fighters has nominated Musa Novela and the ANC has named Geoff

JMPD NAMES SERGEANT MANYAMA AS COP OF THE YEAR SERGEANT Phineas Manyama’s exceptional dedication and hard work over the years paid off when he took home a brand new car and R5 000 cash after being named Officer of the Year at the prestigious Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) Annual Recognition Awards. Held on Tuesday, 26 November at the Ellis Park stadium in Bertrams, east of the city centre, the awards recognised Manyama for having forfeited his long service leave to be on duty, working longer shifts than any other officer. He also excelled in different units within JMPD. Manyama was one of the officers who apprehended 10 suspects for allegedly stealing 16 000 litres of diesel from the City’s metro buses. “It’s an honour to

receive this award. I would like to thank my team, without them I wouldn’t be standing here,” said the soft spoken officer. Outgoing Executive Mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Herman Mashaba, paid a special tribute to all officers who put their lives on the line to protect residents of Joburg. “When you leave your homes to go to work you leave your families with uncertainty, not knowing if you will return home alive or not. You do it with dedication and passion, for that I salute you,” the Mashaba explained. The mayor also urged officers to continue serving without fear. “The days of law enforcement officials being criticised for doing their job are over. We must reclaim the City from criminals, drug lords and illegal traders,”

he emphasised. JMPD Chief of Police David Tembe thanked all sponsors for their generosity and championing campaigns that encourage drivers not to drink and drive.-www.joburgcity. Other officers honoured on the night included Duduzile Mphembe for her bravery and Officer Phumzile Mkwanazi for arresting a rape suspect who was later sentenced to life imprisonment, they both

walked away with R5 000 and R15 000 respectively. The award ceremony was attended by Members of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Public Safety, Michael Sun, MMC for Corporate and Shared Services, Ntombi Khumalo, MMC of Economic Development, Leah Knott, and the Gauteng Police Commissioner, LieutenantGeneral Elias Mawela.




AT least more than a thousand Joburg residents – mostly women, defied the scorching sun by walking a tortuous 5km walk to raise awareness

against the gender-based violence yesterday, 26 November 2019, from Standard Bank Arena in Betrams. The awareness walk traversed

the suburbs of Bertrams, Troyville and Bezuidenhout Valley, with marchers carrying placards with messages which read “Real Men Don’t Abuse Women” and “Stop Women Abuse” “Putting an end to the gender-based-violence starts with you. This was the message we are preaching to you today. It doesn’t matter even if we start as ten or a few thousands, it needs to start with us,” said the City of Joburg’s Chair of Chairpersons Cllr Alex Christians. The awareness walk in the area was part of the 16 Days of Activism of No Violence Against Women and Children campaign. The walk was also attended by the MMC for Corporate and Shared Services Dr. Valencia Ntombi Khumalo, the Chairpersons of Section 79 Committees, Ward Councillor, community members and stakeholders. The event culminated into the sports day, whereby

the community, politicians and officials participated in different sporting codes like netball, swimming, football, indigenous games amongst others. “I want to put it to you, that why the campaign against women and children abuse must only last for 16 days? How about we move away from just 16 days to the whole 365 days? That for me is how I feel, that we should not have to wait for the 16 days to raise awareness about women and children abuse,” said MMC Khumalo. Cllr Christians said the event was meant to bring the spotlight on gender-based violence, by mobilizing communities, government departments, nongovernmental organisations and various stakeholders to play their part. During the walk, a lot of women called for men to take the stand and support the initiatives to end abuse against women and children. “We are here to support the

campaign against the genderbased violence. I so wish that men could be here too to support this initiative. If you could see 99% of the people gathered here are women. There is a lot of abuse and kidnapping of women in our country. I wish our president can put his foot down and introduce tougher laws to deal with the perpetrators of gender-based-violence,” lamented Sarah Malatsi. Beatrice Falatse from Braamfontein had this to say: “We are here to send the strong message to all men that, we are also human as women. Men must respect our rights.” The Ward Councillor Mzwandile Tyobeka said: “We need to go back and ask why we have gender-based roles which are imposed by society. You will find these roles ensure that girl children and women are the ones that suffer the most while men enjoy the benefits.”

JOBURG GEARS UP FOR WORLD AIDS DAY UNSAFE” BANK OF LISBON BUILDING GROUNDED A series of activations have started in all seven regions of Johannesburg to educate especially vulnerable communities about HIV/Aids and to improve access to counselling, prevention and treatment programmes. The main event to mark the World Aids Day will be held on Saturday, 30 November 2019, in Soweto at 1211 Mwazi Street, Mofolo, from 9am. The event will be held in partnership with Self Help Association of Paraplegics. It will be attended by government departments, members of civil society, metro/district Aids council members and members of the community. The theme of the 2019 World Aids Day campaign is: “Communities make the difference – Cheka Impilo”. The target group is the youth; vulnerable groups in high-risk wards with high HIV prevalence; and key populations such as the LGBTI community, sex workers, persons with disabilities, orphan and vulnerable children, adolescent girls and young women and high-risk men. Dialogues will be held in all City of Johannesburg regions with audiences regarding the “blesser/

blessee” phenomenon. The phenomenon can be described as a form of transactional sex, which has a number of similarities with prostitution, as it involves non‐marital sexual relationships, often with multiple partners, in exchange for financial or in‐kind incentives. The relationship is often referred to as the ‘sugar daddy’ relationship. The City’s activities include: • Door-to-door education, condom distribution and health screening. • Dialogues

What was once an iconic building that formed part of Johannesburg CBD’s skyline is no more. The sound of controlled explosions emitted from the building as it fell to the ground with the objective of addressing in stages, and a dust cloud rose as the cement and concrete the blesser/blessee phenomenon. • Each region will conduct fell to the ground. As the Bank of Lisbon building has been conversations with 60 adodemolished, residents from lescent girls, boys and young women focusing on the blesser/ nearby buildings stood outside blessee phenomenon • Disable the exclusion zone to witness the implosion. The building was People of South Africa (DPSA) event • Pregnancy screen tests, deemed structurally unfit following a fire which lasted three TB screening, information, days last year and claimed the education and communication lives of three firefighters. Temmaterial distribution and health porary metal fences had been education. placed two blocks around the building as an exclusion zone.

Earlier on, police and safety officials carried out their final checks while engineers piloted drones around the building for research purposes. People from surrounding buildings were earlier on evacuated for safety reasons and they waited in the viewing area at Library Gardens, just opposite Luthuli House. Many people came from other areas to witness the demolition because it’s something that doesn’t happen very often. Infrastructure development MEC Tasneem Motara will be addressing the media about what the plans for the building are going



LIMPOPO ARTISTS DOMINATE MAPUNGUBWE MUSIC FESTIVAL LIMPOPO local musicians will be well represented during this year’s Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival. With USA based Syleena Johnson as the main act, Limpopo artists will still have the sense of the festival’s ownership as they top the list of performers with crowd pullers such as King Monada, Makhazi, award winners Sho Madjozi. Master KG, the Ndlovu Youth Choir, Candy tsa Mandebele, Joe Shirimane just to mention having been confirmed for the main event on December 14. The festival at the new home-found, old Peter Mokaba Stadium will also see jazz and Afro-Jazz lovers also kept entertained by the likes of

Selaelo Selota and Mafikizolo while old school music lovers will have Yvonne Chaka Chaka to keep them to their toes. For Gospel followers, Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival will not disappoint with the confirmation of Lebo Sekgobela, Winnie Mashaba, Dr Tumi, and Worship House among the artists confirmed. With the festival having surpassed expectations in terms of attendance last year which was estimated to be around 15 000, the festival is expected to draw even more people this year. Few weeks ago during the event’s launch at the Mapungubwe World Heritage side outside Musina, MEC for Sports,

Arts and Culture in Limpopo Thandi Moraka who confirmed that they have budgeted R10 million for this year’s event said her department’s aim is to grow the festival into one of one of the biggest event in the SADEC region. Should Moraka have her way, Mapungubwe Festival will be in the same level with other popular events such as the National Arts Festival (formerly known as Grahamstown Ats Festival and the Mangaung Cultural Festival (Macufe) Entrance fee to Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival 2019 is R150 per person for general tickets.

MAPUNGUBWE CULTURAL CARNIVAL LEAD THE WAY ON THE MAPUNGUBWE CULTURAL FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES Mapungubwe crown. The event will also be held at the Jack Botes Hall The festivities will continue on December 13 with Mapungubwe Divas and Comedy Night at Ngoako Ramatlhodi Sports Complex in Seshego. Among the comedians on the day will be Mashabela, Noko Moswete, Khathu and Chabi while performers will include Syleena Johnson, Kelly Khumalo, Lira, Makhadzi, Holleyray, Lady Zama and DJ Zinhle.

FESTIVE mood is upon us and so is the excitement among the province’s music lovers who eagerly waiting for Mapungubwe Arts and Cultural Festival. The Mapungubwe festivities kick-start with Mapungubwe Cultural Carnival on December 12 where hundreds of people are expected to parade. The parade will start at the

SABC Park at 10.30am and proceeded through to the city centre with the last stop as the Jack Botes Known for its cultural diversity, the Carnival is expected to be exciting as ever as different cultures will be showcasing their traditional attires which will paint the city of Polokwane with various colours. Few hours after the Carnival, fashion and arts lovers will have

On December 14th it will be the main festival at the old Peter Mokaba Stadium, followed by the Ultimate Horse Show / Family their time as well via Mapungubwe Fashion Show and Ma- Day on Decempungubwe Craft Market which ber 15 before is scheduled for the Jack Botes wrapping the 2019 activities Hall at 6.30pm with the newly Local fashion designers are launched Mapunalso expected to showcase their talent through this event gubwe Soccer that is expected to be a great Torunament at Seshego Stadium platform for them. where four clubs will battle it out Capping the day will be Miss for the title of this Mapungubwe where the inaugural compeprovince’s deserving models tition. will battle it out for the Miss



'BLACK WIDOW' MALIBYANE MOENG JAILED FOR 15 YEARS THE woman who went on a spending spree with a deceased medical doctor's credit card has been sentenced to a total of 15 years in prison. Malibyane Maoeng, 30, who was also found in possession of late Highlands Park team doctor Godfrey Sankubele Dire's Mercedes-Benz C-Class was found guilty on all counts of theft, fraud and possession of a stolen vehicle in the Benoni magistrate's court yesterday. Maoeng, who has been dubbed 'the black widow', was the last person to be seen with Dire before he was found dead last year at a lodge in Sasolburg in the Free State. Police suspected Dire was poisoned but did not charge Maoeng with his killing pending a toxicology report on the medic's cause of death. Yesterday, magistrate Ian Cox sentenced Maoeng to 13 years in prison for theft, fraud and possession of a stolen vehicle, and another two years for entering the country illegally and being in possession of an invalid passport. Maoeng, who is a Lesotho national, went

on a spending spree with Dire's credit card, buying a doubledoor fridge, a washing machine, a bed and a carpet totaling R21, 000 for her apartment in Blue Lake Estate in Benoni. Cox said the cause of Dire's death will be dealt with at a later stage as a Sasolburg case. "I take these charges very seriously considering the fact that the state has proven that the accused knew the man was dead when she left him in Sasolburg," said Cox. "The sentence I will impose to you will give you the chance to rehabilitate, however the ball is in your court." Cox said all accounts showed that the plan to steal the car, credit cards, laptops and cellphones was premeditated. "The state has been able to prove that you are guilty on all counts, and you have shown no remorse whatsoever in your actions," said Cox. "The Mercedes-Benz C250 was worth half-a-million rands, you stole his credit cards and withdrew the deceased's R5, 000 from his cards and further shopped for over R12, 938." Cox said Maoeng showed

no remorse for her actions and went as far as throwing Dire's ID book into a bin. He described her evidence to the court as "untruthful". Maoeng's attorney Maleba Modikga tried to plead with Cox for a lenient

sentence without success. Dire's daughter Nomava said: "I am happy with the outcome thus far. The judgment was fair and we hope that she will soon account for my father's death." Dire's sister Gabantathe told

Sowetan she is relieved the trial has ended. "Although the sentence will not wake up my brother, I have peace knowing that we are closer to getting justice for him." said Gabanthate.

TEMBISA ENTREPRENEURS CREATE BAG WITH BUILT-IN PANIC BUTTON A group of youths, who call themselves The Movement, say this is their way of trying to save lives and curb the scourge of kidnapping and abuse. An extra measure of protection to curb the spate of violence against women and children has been founded in Tembisa in the form of a backpack with a built-in panic button. And even though it may not be foolproof, it could save many lives. Following a number of kidnappings, a group of five local youths have decided to use their creative juices and designed a school bag that has a panic button attached to it, reports Kasi Focus. According to Phatu Madima, one of the co-founders of the group, who call themselves The Movement, this specially designed bag has a sim card and a caller option that sends the location of the victim. “The bag has a panic button that can alert either the child’s parents once pressed during

an attack, or husband or your partner when in trouble. “Once the panic button has been pressed by anyone in trouble, the signal from the bag’s data sends their location to the cellphone that is linked with the sim card on the bag,” explained Madima. Madima believes that this bag is what the country needs to help fight the ever-increasing rate of child-snatching and kidnappings of women. “We would like to believe this is an answer we all have been waiting for. We are not saying the bag will stop the kidnappings, but we are certain it will help decrease the scourge and maybe save many lives. When we were designing this bag, our focus and energy was on children and that is why we designed it in that fashion, so it would be easier for children to carry it and also easily press the panic button when attacked.” He added that with the call option on the bag, parents

can call the panic button to check on their children and monitor them. “The reason we created this bag was because of the escalating rate of abuse against children and women, and it is befitting that we launch this bag during the month of November, which is also known as the month of activism against women and children abuse. “So, with this bag, we are hoping to save lives.” He further said making the bag was not easy, as they faced many challenges along the way, such as lack of finances and support from big players in the technology space. “We actually did everything from our own pockets, relying on parents’ pocket money. But we finally made it and we are looking for anyone or companies who want to help us or invest in this unique idea to come forward and help us,” he concluded. The group can be contacted on 067 164 7259.




MY recent Nissan Navara 4X4 test drive has proved that this utility bakkie is not just a luxurious car but is made for to do heavy duty as well. The comfort of this machine comes standard in this beast, coupled with a powerful twinturbo diesel engine and a ground-breaking 5-link coil rear suspension system. You’ll be in the lap of luxury while conquering any, and all roads. My trip to the tiny mining town of Phalaborwa via the mountainous Makgobaskloof in Limpopo proved me beyond doubt that the all new Nissan Navara this utility bakkie can push the limits of power, acceleration and fuel-efficiency by using low friction components, reduced mass, wide range gear transmissions and enhanced a The bakkie is good on fuel consumption as it generating more power and torque, saving fuel up by 27%, the new, improved 140kW twin-turbo diesel engine with 6-speed manual or 7-speed automatic transmission delivers best in class acceleration and efficiency at the same time.

With a 7-speed automatic transmission, give your right foot the power for passing traffic or efficient cruising. Or use the manual shift mode that lets you select and hold the desired gear, for ultimate pulling power or whenever there’s a hill to conquer. The bold exterior design, sleek aerodynamic shape and distinctive LED lighting of the all-new Navara produce a striking visual impression, raising the bar for style in the bakkie segment. The signature V-motion grille flows into the hood through to the front fender, resulting in a smooth and dynamic character line. The V-motion motif continues in the tailgate section with a rear spoiler to further enhance the aerodynamics of the vehicle, all while maintaining Nissan’s distinctive bakkie design DNA. All controls are in exactly the right spot for quick mastery of your environment. The sporty, leather-wrapped steering wheel with audio controls lets you operate cruise control and the audio system while your hands stay right where they

should, and your focus on the road. Your passengers in the back stay comfortable and relaxed thanks to rear air conditioning vents. And if you’d rather opt for a little fresh air, the power rear sliding window is just the push of a button away. The Nissan Navara is engineered to handle tough jobs and heavy payloads, be it for work or play. A lighter tailgate makes loading and unloading simple. Nissan's revolutionary Utili-Track tie down system ensures all your cargo is secure, with moveable cleats that can be locked anywhere in special tracks allowing you to tie down any load, of any shape or size with ease. Our core styling items have been engineered, tested and approved by Nissan's Global design centre. Fitting accessories from Nissan approved dealerships maintains the vehicle's safety and integrity ensuring there is no effect on the 6-year / 150 000 km warranty.




By NGWAKO MACHETHE ERIC Tinkler have a point to prove that he is one of the best coaches in the country who is capable of winning trophies. Having guided Cape Town City to lift the Telkom Knockout (TKO) in 2016 after a 2-1 victory over SuperSport United to hand over the Citizens their first silverware six months in their existence in the bigger league. Tinkler will be looking forward to lift the same title,

and this time with another club in the form of Maritzburg United and ironically against another Tshwane side Mamelodi Sundowns. The two sides clash in the final of the TKO in Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium on December 14 in what is expected to be a tough match. Although Team of Choice remain the underdogs in this match against the richly as-

sembled Sundowns, there is no doubt that the Maritzburg based side are hungry for silverwares success and might take the Brazilians by surprise, after all they have a number of quality players among them the destructive Judas Moseamedi. The Mogapeng village, Tzaneen-born star was influential during United’s 2-1 victory over Kaizer Chiefs whom they edged out of the competition in

the semifinal match after having scored those two goals. As for Pitso Mosimane who has been nominated for the 2019 CAF Award, winning this final will enhance their chances of winning double this season as they are also eyeing the league title. The Brazilian beat Golden Arrows 2-1 in the semifinal match of this competition to book their place in this final.

of South Africa by the British camp, Irish Lions looms some 18 months away in mid-2021.

in Cape Town, June 21, 2008 and v Fiji in Wellington, September 17, 2011) Yellow cards: 1, Red cards: 0

time behind Victor Matfield (127) and Bryan Habana (124). - With his 117 caps, Mtawarira is the joint14th most capped international forward of all time and the fifth most capped prop ever.

Sundowns won the TKO in 2005 after a deserving 3-1 over Kaizer Chiefs in the final match that was played at the same Moses Mabhida Stadium on December 14. Leonard Castro, Thabo Nthete and Hlompho Kekana each scored as Bafana Ba Style buried the Glamour Boys in that final match.


SPRINGBOK prop Tendai “The Beast” Mtawarira shocked the rugby world when he announced his retirement from international rugby after winning the World Cup with the Boks in Japan. It is not clear whether he would still be playing for the Sharks, or abroad, stating only that the 34-year-old would be quitting Test rugby. Many were left surprised by the timing of the announcement, considering Mtawarira put in a remarkable shift in the Rugby World Cup final against England last Month. In addition, a tour

MTAWARIRA FACTFILE: Birthdate: 1985 August 1 Birthplace: Harare, Zimbabwe Tests matches played: 117, Tests won: 74, Tests lost: 38, Tests drawn: 5, Tests Started: 102, Tests as a substitute: 15 Test debut: v Wales in Pretoria, June 14, 2008 Last Test: v England in Yokohama, November 2, 2019 Test points: 10 (2 tries v Italy

INTERESTING FACTS: - Mtawarira played against 15 different countries during his career, beating everyone at least once. He has 100% win records against Fiji, Namibia, Samoa and the USA. No surprise that his worst win % is against New Zealand (6/20). - Mtawarira is the third-most capped Springbok (117) of all

LIST OF TITLES AND ACHIEVEMENTS: 1 - Rugby World Cup, 1 - Rugby Championship, 1 - Tri-Nations, 1 – British Lions tour, 3 -

Currie Cup, 159 - Super Rugby caps Go well, Beast. Thanks for the memories.

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