October 29, 2016

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Nagaland Post www.nagalandpost.com

Vol XXVI No. 322

DIMAPUR, saturday, october 29, 2016

Smart city project to show Under-fire Dhoni faces tricky results soon: Venkaiah Naidu Kiwis in series-decider national, Page 5

Acharya and Rio along with their wives and legislators at Longwa on Friday. (NP)

MON, OCT 28 (NPN): Nagaland governor, PB Acharya, has said that, India as a democratic country, development should take place, by and large, equally in every nook and corner of the country. Speaking as chief guest at the inauguration of the residence of Longwa Angh and renovated guest house at Longwa Village, bordering Myanmar, here on Friday, the governor said even if the rest of the country advanced in development, if one state or a district lagged behind, India cannot be called developed nation.

Minor raped, murdered in Zbto; SH, STH condemn DIMAPUR, OCT 28 (NPN): Thousands gathered at Zunheboto town, centre police point on Friday to protest the rape and murder of an 11-year old girl, a class IV student. According to Sumi Hoho, nearly five thousand people gathered at the rally organized by Sumi Totimi Hoho (Zunheboto), to voice out against the heinous and barbaric crime committed by one Hoshepu. The public demanded capital punishment for the heinous crime committed by Hoshepu of Nihoshe village, Sumi Hoho stated. Later, STH (Z) also submitted memorandum to the DC accompanied by the public leaders. Others who spoke of the occasion include- Sumi Hoho general secretary, Vihuto Asumi; STH leaders Vihuli and Viholi and Kukami (G.Bs) Meanwhile, apex bodies of the Sumi community-Sumi Hoho and Sumi Totimi Hoho have vehemently condemned the “rape and murder” of an 11-year old minor girl, a class 4 student on October 28. In a press note, SH president Toniho Yepthomi and general secretary Vihuto Asumi stated that the accused identified

The governor assured that the central government was focused on developing north east, without which, he said the country cannot develop. He also pointed out that 98% of north east region share international border and only 2% of the land connects with the main land. Acharya maintained that in order to have peace within oneself, peace should prevail in neighbours and surroundings. Similarly, for India to have peace, he said there should be peace with neighbouring countries. The governor asserted that wherever Nagas may be spread, they should collectively work for the growth


and development of the Nagas as a whole, adding that “unity is strength”. Reiterating that mother tongue was the basic identity of an individual, Acharya urged upon the gathering not to neglect or forget their mother tongue and their cultural and traditional practices. He also lamented that despite the efforts of the central government, the Centrally Sponsored Schemes were not reaching the beneficiaries. In this regard, he called upon the people to rededicate themselves and fight against corruption. Expressing disappointment with the condition and functioning of the Interna-

tional trade centre (ITC) and its office, the governor directed the local MLA and the administration to submit the actual report on the status of ITC. Nagaland lone Lok Sabha MP, Neiphiu Rio, who also graced inauguration programme as guest of honour, highlighted the adoption of Longwa village and construction of Angh’s house. Rio adopted Longwa village on November 4, 2015. He said with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of developing India, all the Member of Parliaments were entrusted to utilize the MPLAD funds to adopt villages and make MP model villages. He said though the Angh’s house was just another house, it has a meaningful significance. According to him, since Nagas were spread all over the states of Assam, Manipur, Arunachal and Myanmar, apart from Nagaland, he had selected the residence of Longwa Village Angh; a village which is divided into Myanmar and India, as a symbol of peace and unity within Nagas.

Armed forces are answerable to govt, says SC

NEW DELHI, Oct 28 (PTI): Armed forces are answerable to the government, otherwise there will be martial law in the country, the Supreme Court said Friday. A bench of Justices Amitava Roy and U.U Lalit made this observation as it dismissed a plea seeking action against Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar for allegedly interfering and claiming credit for the surgical strikes conducted by Army in PoK. “This plea is not maintainable and is hence dismissed. Armed forces are answerable to the government, otherwise you will have martial law in this country. We don’t see any merit in the plea,” the bench said. Advocate M L Sharma, who had filed the plea, said that Union Ministers including the Defence Minister had been claiming credit for the surgical strikes carried out by the Indian Army, for which they are not entitled to because as per the provisions of the Constitution, the President is the head of the armed forces. He alleged that the armed forces’ action was being used for the per(Cont’d on p-5) sonal interests of a few.

international, Page 9

CM reviews 4-lane work; asks contractors for quality roads

Zeliang along with officials and representative of the firms. (CMO)

DIMAPUR, OCT 28 (NPN): Nagaland chief minister, T.R. Zeliang on Friday asked the contractors and departmental officials to provide good quality roads to the people, saying roads are the lifeline of the public. CMO media cell through a press note said Zeliang, during the review meeting on the progress of the 4-lane highway work (Dimapur-Kohima) with the contractors, NHIDCL, Border Roads Organisation and officials of National Highways and Roads & Bridges, reminded them that people does not only want the project to be completed on time but to have high quality roads. “This is the first 4-lane project in the State and all eyes are on you,” he told

the representatives of the contractors, ECI Engineering and Construction Co Ltd and Gayatri-Maytas firms. The chief minister opined that works should first begin in areas where the road conditions were bad and sinking, so that the stretches in relatively good conditions could be spared for smooth flow of traffic. “The BRO has been dealing with the problems of sinking roads and landslides for so many years now that I feel they have become sort of experts in this field,” said Zeliang while suggesting the contractors to use their expertise. According to CMO, the firms said their priority was to complete the works even before the stipulated

time and at the same time keeping in mind the smooth flow of the traffic while the works are in progress. However, the firms expressed apprehension that in the process of executing the works, there may come a time when only one-lane road could be made available for traffic and sought cooperation from the government in regulating the flow of traffic. In areas where blasting of rocky mountains would be carried out with dynamites, the firms informed that traffic would have to stopped for 30 minutes or more for safety reasons. To this, the chief minister assured full cooperation to allow smooth flow of works. (Cont’d on p-5)

T.R. Zeliang sacks BJP legislator from ministry NVCO demands termination of backdoor appointees in H&FW


KOHIM, OCT 28 (NPN): In a major political development, Nagaland chief minister T.R. Zeliang on Friday removed BJP MLA, Mmhonlumo Kikon from the post of parliamentary secretary (Labour Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship and Border Affairs) with immediate effect. This was stated in notification issued by cabinet secretary R.B. Thong on October 28, 2016.The BJP has four legislators and all of who are in the all-party DAN government. Though the reason was not made known, highly placed sources informed Nagaland Post that Kikon was probably removed because of his alleged antiNPF-led Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) government activities, of which the BJP with four

legislators is also in alliance. When contacted, Nagaland state unit BJP president Visasolie Lhoungu disclosed that a state BJP party delegation met the chief minister earlier at his residence. At the meeting, he said the chief minister expressed disappointment against the activities of Kikon in addition the PIL filed in relation with the oil imbroglio. Lhoungu however said it was not known whether Kikon was sacked because of the oil issue or some other reason. He said if the chief minister has enough evidence of Kikon going against the interest of the government, then it was left to the state chief minister and his government to take action. When queried whether it would have any impact on the alliance of the state BJP party or Central party

leadership after the unceremonious and sudden removal of Kikon, Lhoungu said the Central leadership might not appreciate the decision. However, he presumed that as the NPF which was in alliance with the BJP, the chief minister must have taken the decision to sack Kikon after due consultation with Central party leadership. The BJP state president, Lhoungu also said he did not wish to comment on the issue for now, but reiterated that the party did not have any inkling or prior information about why its legislator was sacked from the T.R. Zeliang ministry. On the other hand, another party source claimed that the decision was taken after due consultation with the BJP party leaders and BJP legislators. Meanwhile efforts to

contact BJP legislature party leader Paiwang Konyak and Mmhonlumo Kikon proved futile. The sacking of Mmhonlumo from the T.R. Zeliang ministry could also reveal a larger strategy by the NPF to totally neutralise even any perceived criticism or ‘equi-distance’ shown with regard to current leadership and former chief minister and present Lok Sabha MP Neiphiu Rio. During the revolt against the leadership of T.R. Zeliang in JanuaryFebruary 2015, the majority of NPF legislators sided with the Kaito-Noke group. During that crisis, three BJP legislators were with the anti-T.R. Zeliang group except for minister of transport Paiwang Konyak. Meanwhile, Mmhonlumo Kikon could not be contacted as he was reportedly out of station.

Nagaland tops in general HIV prevalence: report Correspondent

KO H I M A , O C T 2 8 (NPN): As per the HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) 2014-15 data, Nagaland state continues to top in the HIV general prevalence rate in the country with 1.29% (Cont’d on p-5) and third in the adult prevalence rate at 0.78%. This was stated by deputy director (M&E) NSACS, Dr. Vezokholu Theyo during the one-day sensitization and training for DPRO’s and media persons at the Directorate of the Information and Public Relation Office (DIPR), Kohima on Friday. As per the data of state-wise HIV prevalence among Antenatal Clinic (ANC) attendees, differences continued to exist in the prevalence rates across “They say kerosene is different geographical repoor people’s fuel. But it gions has become the item for The overall HIV prevathe rich.” lence among Antenatal

This is it!

Dalai’s Arunachal visit will damage ties: China warns India

Sports, Page 11

Need for equal development: Gov


Pages 12 ` 4.00

Clinic (ANC) attendees, considered proxy for prevalence among general population, continues to be low at 0.29% (90% CI: 0.28%0.31%). However, HSS data of the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), under ministry of Health & Family Welfare, showed that the highest prevalence was recorded in Nagaland with 1.29%, followed by Mizoram (0.81%), Manipur (0.60%), Gujarat (0.56%) and Chhattisgarh (0.41%). Telangana (0.39%), Bihar (0.37%), Karnataka (0.36%) and Andhra Pradesh (0.35%) were other states which recorded HIV prevalence of more than the national average Nagaland is the first state to record an overall prevalence of more than 1% among ANC clients. Mizoram recorded an increase in prevalence among ANC clients on a year-to-year basis, the report stated.

A c c o r d i n g t o D r. Theyo, the data collected during April-September 2016 by NSACS, the age group 25-34 years stands highest in the State at 43%, 35-49 years with 31% and 15-24 years with 16%. She said the 91 % of the HIV transmission was through sexual route while parent to child was 6% and 2% remain unknown. To tackle the issue, Theyo said awareness and prevention was the only way. Speaking on the basics of HIV and AIDS, stigma and discrimination; assistant director (VBD) NSACS Alipoker said discrimination level had come down to a certain level, however the problem of stigma remains. Highlighting the HIV & AIDS statistics in Nagaland till September 2016, he said a total of 899158 blood samples were screened and out of which

20601 tested positive. He also informed that 14553 were on ART while AIDS related death stood at 1163. NSACS deputy director (IEC), Thejangunuo, who spoke on ‘media ethics and role of media in HIV response’, urged upon media persons to understand critical importance of HIV& AIDS in order to disseminate to all readers, audiences and viewers the right kind of knowledge on the issue. By highlighting positive stories, she said media would able to play a pivotal role in important personal and policy decisions. Earlier, director IPR Limawati Ao, in his welcome note urged upon media personnel and DIPR officials to be aware of the facts and figures of HIV & AIDS in the state, in order to create awareness and educate the people of the state.

Emilo K. Konyak

KO H I M A , O C T 2 8 (NPN): Nagaland Voluntary Consumers Association (NVCO) has demanded the state government to terminate 280 backdoor appointments in the Health and Family Welfare (H&FW) department, saying “they had no genuine reason to clarify”. NVCO was reacting to the show cause notice issued by the H&FW to 280 employees who were appointed without sanctioned post during 2014-16. However, as the deadline for the show cause notice ended, the issue now lies with the state government whether to dismiss or suspend those backdoor appointees, sources informed Nagaland Post. When contacted NVCO president Kezhok-

hoto Savi told Nagaland Post, that around 300 backdoor appointments in the H&FW- (NVCO on June 5, 2016 revealed that as per RTI reply under H&FW 319 were appointed without any vacancy or approval of the government from 2014 to May 2016)- were done without sanctioned posts. He said the back door appointees, whether they reply to the show cause notice or not, should be terminated as state government was incurring huge loss due to payment of salaries. Savi also demanded that those responsible officers who had issued the appointments should also be penalized or their pension benefits stopped. As per RTI reply furnished by NVCO on June 5, 2016, the appointments were made by two retired principle directors from

2014-till May 2016, without any vacancy or approval of the government. However, Savi said the backdoor appointees have no genuine reason to respond on the show cause notice, saying “it was their own creation to get appointed”. Expressing dismay on the manner in which the state government was handling the case, Savi alleged that the failure of the government to penalise the erring officers has encouraged the trend to continue. In some cases, he claimed that politicians were the ones who exert pressure on officials for backdoor appointments. Sources also informed that those 280 back door appointees were of grade III and IV without sanctioned posts and approval of the state government.

condoles JNV Mon students lock down school DGovernor IMAPUR, OCT 28

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya locked down by students.

DIMAPUR, OCT 28 (NPN): Students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Mon have reportedly locked down the school to protest against the non-availability of PGT (Chemistry). According to the JNV Mon students, the whole school was locked down and no classes took place. They said teachers and students were not allowed to enter inside the academic block. The students stated that the post of PGT (Chemistry) has been lying vacant

since August 4, 2016, but till date the teacher has not been even though the session was about to end. Stating that their future has “turned into junk”, the students accused the authorities of not paying attention to their demand. Further, alleging that the authorities “profoundly condemned” them for the negligence of JNV Mon, the students said this compelled them to launch agitation. They affirmed that strike would continue until the problem was solved.

(NPN): Nagaland Governor, P.B. Acharya has expressed sadness to hear about the sudden demise of Hukato Naga in London on October 25. In a condolence message to Mrs. Deepika H. Naga, Acharya described her husband as an enterprising personality, a prominent businessman, social worker and a great human being. He said late Hukato, a self made businessman, was his friend with whom he had close interactions. Stating that his life story inspired many young budding entrepreneurs of the state, Acharya said Hukato’s demise was a great loss to the people of Nagaland and that his contributions for the development of the state will be remembered by all. Acharya conveyed heartfelt condolences to Mrs Deepika and family and prayed to Almighty to grant strength and solace to overcome the grief. He also prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace. K Y M C



DEF Longleng ‘rallies’ for Amur Falcon

Officers and personnel of DEF Longleng during the motor rally on Friday. (NP) Correspondent

LONGLENG, OCT 28 (NPN): Officers and personnel of DEF Longleng under the establishment of Superintendent of Police Longleng Friday organized

one-day awareness campaign on protection of Amur Falcon in Longleng district under the theme “ The pride of LonglengAmur Falcon” by organizing motor rally covering seven villages namely

mongtikang, pongching, Hukphang, orangkong, chingtok, Yaongyimchen and Yachem villages. The rally started from SP office Longleng and culminated at Local ground Longleng. The day long

campaign also coincided with poster pasting in Longleng town and visiting villages. Apart from poster pasting, the day also witnessed photography competition and photo exhibition.

KIN extends Chavang Kut greetings DIMAPUR: Kuki Inpi Nagaland (KIN) has extended warmest Chavang Kut greetings to all the Kuki people of Nagaland. In a press note, KIN Media Cell said that Chavang Kut is a festival celebrated all over the world by the Kuki people on November 1 every year. The festival also marks the harvest of crops and it is a time to celebrate and give thanks to God for the abundant blessings, KIN added. KIN also expressed its sincere gratitude to the Government of Nagaland under chief minister T.R. Zeliang for declaring Chavang Kut as a restricted holiday for the Kukis of Nagaland. Meanwhile, KIN also requested all government offices, schools and Ccolleges of Nagaland to grant leave to all the Kuki people on November 1 for the Kut celebration.

Condolence messages for late Hukato Naga

NCSU: Nagaland Contractor and Suppliers Union (NCSU) Dimapur unit has expressed deep shock and sadness over the untimely demise of Hukato Naga, a prominent contractor and businessman. In a condolence message by its president W. Khape and press secretary A. Tureng , NCSU stated that Hukato Naga was well known for his talented personality and as a successful contractor. His demise has created a vacuum to the contractor’s fraternity which will be difficult to fill, the message read. The union fur ther shared its sympathy to the bereaved family and prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace. Sumi Awomi Kuposhukulu: Sumi Awomi Kuposhokulu (SAK) has also expressed deep pain over the demise of late Hukato Naga (Awomi). In a condolence message, secretary SAK, K. Khushito Awomi informed that he was a bonafide member of the SAK who was the pioneer and advisor of their society and had an outstanding personality and led his people in many aspect of moral life. Describing him as a successful entrepreneur who was always ready to uplift and help the downtrodden

and weaker section of the society, WAK said Hukato, apart from his social activities, had even organized evangelical crusades on several occasion for the moral upliftment of the Naga Society. SAK stated that in his death the SAK family has lost a great soul and the vacuum left by him will be difficult to fill. He was the real son of the Naga soil who perfectly suffixes his title as Hukato Naga, SAK added. Further, SAK family said they deeply mourn and share the grief and sorrow with the bereaved family at this moment of sadness and pray to God that his soul rest in peace. CNTC: Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) has also condoled the untimely demise of Hukato Naga, proprietor of Naga Constructions Pvt. Ltd. In a condolence message by its Media Cell, CNTC stated Hukato Naga was one iconic figure among the Nagas rising from a humble background to such a stature just by the sheer din of his hard work, perseverance and persistence. Nagas have lost one very big hearted visionary social worker who always wanted to uplift the society, CNTC added.

CNTC also said his cheerful nature and the jovial atmosphere he created wherever he happened to be was one of his main features. Further CNTC extended its condolences to the bereaved family during their hour of grief. Er. Picto Shohe: Parliamentary secretary SIRD and Justice & Law, Er. Picto Shohe in a condolence message said it is with deep sadness that he received the news about the untimely demise of late Hukato Naga, CMD, HN Company on October 25 at Nottingham. Er. Picto stated he knew late Hukato personally for many years and described him as “energetic young man with a zeal for social works and Church activities.” His professionalism in business made him not only a national figure but an international figure as well, Er. Picto stated. Er. Picto also said late Hukato was a very determined and hardworking businessman who rose to success and became an inspiration for many upcoming entrepreneurs. He said in his demise, the Naga people have lost a tall figure and it was a loss not only to his family but entire Sumis in particular and Naga community in general.

“The vacuum created in his demise would be difficult to fill in the days to come,” he added. Further, Er. Picto extended his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and also prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace. Sumi Hoho: Sumi Hoho in a condolence message through president Toniho Yepthomi and general secretary Vihuto Asumi expressed shock and sadness over the demise of late Hukato Naga, Proprietor and CMD of HN Company in London on October 25. “In his demise, Nagas in general and Sumis in particular have a prominent figure. He was a religious, hard working and efficient entrepreneur who was an icon to all the Naga youth,” Sumi Hoho stated. Sumi Hoho further conveyed its heartfelt condolences to the lady wife, children and bereaved family of late Hukato Naga and prayed that the good Lord grant solace to the family at this hour of sorrow and for his soul to rest in peace. Head GB Nihoto Village: Head GB Nihoto Village and chairman, National Peace Prayer Centre (NPPC), Dr. Nihoto P.Chishi has also expressed sadness over the demise of late Hukato Naga.

Dr. Chishi stated he will be greatly missed on so many levels, and by NPPC. “He was a man of fervent prayer and loves to pray. Whenever foreign guest visits him, he would certainly bring them to our National peace Prayer Centre (NPPC), to have fellowship with us and bless us. He was a remarkable man for those of us that had the privilege of calling him “prayer friend”. Even in his busy hour he was active in social work, and used to mingle with all, in simplicity. We were humbled by his kindness and compassion to everyone around him,” Dr. Nihoto said in his condolence message. “The effects of his passing are already being felt here by all of us. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and his family and friends during this difficult time,” Dr. Nihoto added. WSTH: Western Sumi Totimi Hoho (WSTH) has deeply mourned the sudden and untimely demise of late Hukato Naga, proprietor & CMD of HN Company. The Hoho in a condolence message by president Vihuli S. Zhimo conveyed their deepest condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed to Almighty God to grant them solace and for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, October 29, 2016

news in brief Kiphire DPDB meeting: District planning officer Kiphire has informed that Kiphire DPDB meeting for the month of November will be held on November 5 at 11 a.m on Saturday. All members have been requested to attend the meeting. ANDMSA Mkg supports: All Nagaland District Ministerial Staff Association (ANDMSA) Mokokchung unit has unanimously extended its support to the association which had served thirty days ultimatum to the state government regarding the chartered demand to the government of Nagaland for review and implementation. In a press note, president ANDMSA Mokokchung Unit, T. Chubatoba Pongen and general secretary Bendangwati stated that the demand was a genuine case and a long pending issue which needs to be looked upon seriously. DEO Dimapur informs: District Education Officer (DEO) Dimapur has informed all the Graduate Teachers (G/T) under Dimapur district who have not yet submitted their first appointment and regularization order to submit the same on or before November 2. Otherwise, those teachers without complete documents will be excluded in the seniority list, DEO added. TSUD 1st presidential meeting: Tenyimi Students’ Union Dimapur (TSUD) has convened its 1st presidential meeting on November 4 at 2 p.m in Tenyimi union Dimapur office. All the constituent unit presidents and seniors have been asked to attend the meeting. NSCN (R) informs: NSCN(R) informs all the general public as well as workers of NSCN(R) spread across Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh that kilonser Zaremo Lotha has been expelled w.e.f October 28 due to his anti-party activities and self-style functioning inviting criticism from various quarters. In a press note by MIP staff officer, NSCN (R) informed that NSCN(R) would not be held responsible/accounted for any acts or deeds of the expelled kilonser.

various quarters. In a press note by MIP staff officer, NSCN (R) informed that NSCN(R) would not be held responsible/accounted for any acts or deeds of the expelled kilonser. AYO silver jubilee: Hectic preparations are on for the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Angami Youth Organisation (AYO) which is scheduled to be held from November 4-5, 2016, at Kigwema village. This was informed through a press note by convenor, AYO Silver Jubilee Media Committee, Xavier Rutsa. The note also informed that Organising Committee of the AYO Silver Jubilee had a meeting with all its sub-committees on October 27 at Kigwema village to check on the progress of preparations of the celebration. The various committees presented the status of their progress and it was found that there has been immense contributions and enthusiasm shown by people from all walks of life, it stated. About 15,000 delegates from the four Angami ranges are expected to attend the AYO Silver Jubilee celebrations. Also, in view of the celebration of its 25th anniversary, AYO will be hosting a press conference on October 30 at 2 p.m at Kigwema village ground. In this regard, all media personnel have been requested to attend the press meet. IGNOU induction programme: Regional director, IGNOU regional centre-20, Kohima has informed that IGNOU induction programme for freshly enrolled learners of diploma, bachelors and master degree programmes for July 2016 session at study centre-2001, Modern College will be conducted on October 29 at 2 p.m at Modern College, Kohima. All learners registered at the above mentioned IGNOU Study Centre are informed to personally attend the induction programme. For more details, contact IGNOU Study Centre - 2001, Modern College, Near IOC Mohonkhola, Kohima.

Clarification: Apropos the news item regarding excommunication of tatar NSCN/ GPRN (IM) Sahicu, published on October 28, chairman Pholami Village, Vesopa Nakro, has clarified that it should read as “1951 DC Dimapur Informs: In view of the up- plebiscite” and not as published. coming Vigilance Awareness Week to be observed on October 31 at Town Hall, Dima- BVC Dmu resolves: Bamunpukhuri-1 pur at 11 a.m, DC Dimapur has directed all Village Council (BVC) Dimapur has in Heads of the offices under Dimapur District its meeting on October 25 resolved to use CFL/LED bulb within the village jurisdicto attend the event without fail. tion. In this regard, BVC has appealed all NSCN (R) informs: NSCN(R) informs consumers to use CFL/LED bulb by Noall the general public as well as workers of vember 15. NSCN(R) spread across Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh that kilonser Lost and found: A purse and an envelope Zaremo Lotha has been expelled w.e.f Oc- with passport has been found on October tober 28 due to his anti-party activities and 24, near Zion hospital. Rightful owner can self-style functioning inviting criticism from contact (9856366036).

On the occasion of 38th birthday of Sant Sri Vigyandeoji Maharaj, the Brahma Vidya Vihangam Yoga Sansthan, Dhobinalla Branch Dimapur, organised blood donation camp on Friday. A team from District Hospital Dimapur (Blood Bank) led by Dr. Temsu collected 30 units of blood on the occasion.

VMGHS Porba celebrates More organizations flay AR over killing, intrusion 25 years of existence

MP KG Kenye amd others after unveiling the jubilee plaque at Porba village Thursday (NP)


KO H I M A , O C T 2 7 (NPN): Veyieta Memorial Government High School (VMGHS) Porba under Chizami sub-division of Phek district Thursday celebrated 25 years of its existence with Rajya Sabha MP, K G Kenye as chief guest. In his address, Kenye said that because of the Naga political struggle Naga people were yet to catch up with the quality education system. Expressing that in this fast paced world, there were many influences both from the modern technology and traditional system of life, Kenye urged all to strive hard for what was right and good K


thereby strengthening the foundation for excellence. Pointing out that Naga forefathers’ virtue of truthfulness, honesty and hardwork was fast diminishing, he opined that the good virtues of the forefathers should be imbibed upon the youngsters through the educational institutes. He also honoured the pioneers of the school for their dedication and hard work in bringing laurels and in producing many prominent personalities in various fields. Deputy commissioner Phek, Muruho Chotso who graced the occasion as the guest of honour congratulated the pioneers of the school and also extended best wishes for a brighter future. He said that no

one could be judged by being a mere graduate as many of them do not have any skills and do not want to take up any job, except white coloured job. Technical courses should be taken up in order to be self-reliant instead of being a simple graduate without any skills, he said. Earlier, the chief guest also unveiled the jubilee celebration monolith of the school and also released the jubilee souvenir. The programme was chaired by VMGHS Porba headmaster, Etsongoyi. Special numbers were presented by students of the school 25th anniversary choir. Executive secretary CRCC Rev Vevozo Khamo pronounced benediction.

DIMAPUR: More organizations including BJP Nagaland strongly condemned the killing of a GPRN/NSCN member and injury to another in an operation carried out by 28 Assam Rifles at Okotos village, Wokha on October 23. Assam Rifles have also come under heavy criticism for forcefully occupying Mekokla Baptist Church building and its guest house on October 22. Central Nagaland Students’ Association (CNSA) attacked Assam Rifles of failing to honour the cease-fire agreement laid down rules, when the Naga Political problem was on the stage of finding an amicable solution. In a press statement, CNSA president Charles Lotha and general secretary Yimlanger Jamir said that the action of AR was in total violation of Ceasefire agreement between Government of India and Naga Political Groups (NPGs). They alleged that the “high handedness and barbaric” action of the AR has created a vacuum of hostility and havoc among the peace loving Naga people. CNSA claimed that the attack was “totally pre-planned” by AR to disturb the peace process. The association also accused Indian army of playing “hypocritical attitude” by using AFSPA and ceasefire agreement as tools to flex their military muscle in the region. In such a situation, CNSA viewed that NPGs should retrospect and introspect and abrogate the ceasefire and fight against the occupational forces. Further, the association stated that the when the Naga political problem was nearing for finding an amicable solution, the AR’s failure to honour the cease-fire agreement

laid down rules have created fear psychosis among the people. In this regard, CNSA urged upon the government of India to revoke the draconic law-Armed Forces Special Power Acts (AFSPA) in Nagaland when Nagas are longing for an amicable solution after decades of confrontation for the Naga Political problem. CNSA also condemned the forceful occupation of Mekokla Baptist Church building by the 28 Assam Rifles without respecting the sanctity of the religious place. The association said that attitude of the AR has deeply hurt the religious sentiment of the Naga people and termed the act as an infringement against Christianity. Therefore, CNSA urged State government to take up the matter seriously with the Indian Army and Ceasefire Monitoring Board to ensure that such action was not repeated. ENPO: Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) while condemning the October 23 firing incident, appealed to both the security forces and the members of Naga Political Groups (NPGs) to exercise maximum restraint. In a press statement, ENPO president Khoiwang Konyak and general secretary Manlang Phom also appealed to the security forces to avoid such “needless assault” at all cost by adhering to the norms of ceasefire ground rules. They said that the forceful occupation of the church by the security forces at Mekokla village was unconstitutional. “It is an assault on the democratic and secular fabric of the country and those responsible must be made answerable before

the law”, ENPO said. Meanwhile, ENPO has expressed shock on the assassination attempt on the life of Kiumakum Yimchunger, a senior functionary of NNC/GDRN. It asked the members of groups to come together and solve the difference if any, instead of indulging in intolerance and violence, which will only lead to further chaos, misunderstanding and crisis among the Naga family. BJP Nagaland: Expressing concern on the October 23 firing incident and forceful occupation of a church by Assam Rifles, BJP Nagaland state unit urged the armed forces utmost restraint while performing their duties. The party also appealed to all Naga Political Groups to adhere to the ceasefire ground rules in the interest of the general public. BJP Nagaland spokesman Yanghose Sangtam termed the incident as unfortunate when the people of the state were yearning to live in peace and harmony. Further, the party urged the higher authority to take up forceful occupation of the Mekokla Baptist Church premises by 28 Assam Rifles with seriousness. MSU: Mekokla Students’ Union (MSU) has strongly condemned the forceful occupation of Mekokla Baptist Church by 28 AR on the night of August 22. In a condemnation note, MSU president Benrithung Kikon and general secretary Zirenthung Yanthan lamented that instead of an accommodation being offered and repeated opposition by both the Pastor and village council the commander in charge said it was under his jurisdiction and has the right to do whatever he wish and occupied

the Church forcefully. MSU condemned the action which, it stated, was an act of insult to the Nagas (as Nagas are mostly Christians) and to the Christian Nations. “Church, Mandir or Mosque is a place of worship and honouring God, not a place for warfare strategy,” MSU stated. The MSU termed the AR as “indisciplined soldiers” as they keep hurting the sentiments of the Nagas and violate our rights through the unlawful acts which are totally undemocratic. Using a church as a strategy for warfare shows the cowardice of the Assam Rifles, it added. “Let us not go back to the past atrocities committed by the Indian soldiers and repeat the same in this present scenario as the wounds are still yet to be healed,” MSU appealed. Therefore, MSU condemned and appealed to the higher authority of Assam Rifles to restrain from such barbaric and unwanted act in their land. MSU further maintained that everyone should respect the terms of democracy and human rights. The union further appealed to all right thinking Naga people to condemn such act and behaviour towards a Christian church made by so called “Friends of the Hill People.” LYOBES Condemns: Lotha Yingsung Olongo Baptist Ekhümkho Sanrhyu (LYOBES) in a condemnation note by its chairman E. Khodao Mozhui and secretary Robin Lotha vehemently condemned the 28 Assam Rifles Doyang commander outpost under Wokha District for carrying out military force operation at Mekola Baptist Church. K


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(Temperature in ºC)

Max Min

Agartala A thunderstorm in spots

31 23


25 18

A thunderstorm in the area

Guwahati Mostly sunny Imphal

32 20

Clouds and sun with a shower 25 18

Itanagar Mostly sunny and pleasant

28 16

Shillong An afternoon thunderstorm

22 13


A couple of showers

23 16

Dimapur Clouds and sun with a shower 29 19 Mkg

A thunderstorm in the area

25 15

Tuensang Partly sunny with a shower

18 13


Clouds and sun with a shower 23 18

Zunheboto A couple of showers


23 14


B.S. Nganlang graces NCRC felicitates reverend Beilieü Shüya NSEFSA annual conference Staff Reporter

DIMAPUR, OCT 28 (NPN): Nagaland State Excise Field Staff Association (NSEFSA) held its annual conference here on Friday at Excise conference hall with parliamentary secretary for excise and land resources, B.S. Nganlang Phom as the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, B.S. Nganlang Phom remarked that despite the state being declared as dry state, the department has been able to earn revenue. He urged upon the department officers to continue to be sincere, honest and straight forward in their duty and expressed hope that the department’s status and image would be upgraded in the state. Nganlang also touched upon transparency in posting of personnel saying that everyone should be given the opportunity. In this regard, he requested the officers not to come with VIPs chits for transfer and posting. On the expansion of the department, he informed that the higher ups have come up with plans to include narcotics in the excise department. Parliamentary secretary maintained that practically the Home department would not entertain

B.S. Nganlang Phom speaking at NSEFSA annual conference on Friday (NP)

the matter however he informed that the department would take up the matter to the state government for inclusion of narcotic in excise department. With regard to appointment and promotion, Nganlang assured to provide justice in the system. Nganglang said over the years the Excise department had been sidelined while admitting that there were certain anomalies during the initial stage of implementation of the NLPT Act 1989. He said public opinion on the Act was divided and so it was the duty of the department to give a clear and well assisted opinion and should also be properly briefed about the situation. Earlier, NSEFSA president, Arilong Longkumer submitted a memorandum

regarding the “overriding need for enforcement vehicles” to the parliamentary secretary. NFEFSA in its memorandum highlighted the urgent need of mobile pool/patrol vehicles for maximization of field efficiency and productivity. To this Nganglang informed that the issue of modernization of equipments has been taken up with the government and expressed hope that the state government would take up the issues concerning the department with urgency. Also speaking at the function, commissioner of Excise, Tarep Imchen called upon all ranks and files of the department to be disciplined while performing their duties. He also urged them to be acquainted with modern technologies for which, he said, training and refresher courses would be provided. Short speech was also delivered by secretary of excise, Nikhase Sema. The conference was chaired by NSEFSA general secretary, Vithoselie Terhuja, while God’s blessing was invoked by Kevisetuo Angami. Welcome address was delivered by NSEFSA president, Arilong Longkumer. Vote of thanks was proposed by NSEFSA treasurer, Chanlei Angh.

DIMAPUR: Nagaland Christian Revival Church (NCRC) women elder’s group organised a program to felicitate the only Lady Reverend of the NCRC, Beilieü Shüya, on October 26, at Angami Christian Revival Church, Dimapur. Sharing about her experience in religion as well as in politics, Rev. Beilieü Shüya said that Nagas have been uniquely blessed by God and though it’s a small nation it stands up to the mighty nation of India. She spoke about the importance of wearing traditional costumes and language. She further encouraged the gathering quoting from the book of 2 Timothy 1:7. Delivering welcome address, NCRC president and pastor of Angami CRC Dimapur, Rev. Dr. N. Paphino mentioned that NCRC has been able to grow and expand in the last few years to encompass not only India but eight other foreign countries thus making the NCRC an international organization. He further thanked the organizers, NCRC Women Elders Group for organizing the programme. Presidents of the various NCRC Women organizations gave greetings. Detail history of the formation of NCRC women organizations in Nagaland was highlighted by Krosano from Angami Women

Reverend of the NCRC, Beilieü Shüya, along with well wishers at Angami Christian Revival Church, Dimapur. organization where she advisory board where he hose. Sekhose informed that mentioned that Angami thanked the organizers for Rev. Beilieü Shüya joined the NCRC during the mid Christian Revival Women organizing the program. Earlier the programme 1970’s after receiving the Association was 53 years old was chaired by Chakhroma Holy Spirit baptism from starting from 1963. She informed that late Christian Revival Church Chathe Prayer Centre, DiKhrieviü Sekhose was the Wo m e n’s A s s o c i a t i o n mapur. Altogether 200 NCRC founder president of the (CCRCWA) president and garden mission church aselders and believers attended association along with vice chairman Neikienuo, Asa sociate Pastor, Nini Sek- the service. secretary and Dzobvunuo (Treasurer). She also spoke about the contribution of Rev. Beilieü towards evangelism efforts of the ACRWA. On behalf of Mokokchung division women association, Sumi NCRC women association, Lotha women and Nagamese CRC women association association, Asangla Jamir, Tokheli Assumi, Jotano, Azieü Sekhose shared their positive experiences with Rev. Beilieü respectively while Rev. Yagwelie Shüya spoke on behalf of family as well as Angami council

CFR convocation programme in Mokokchung

MOKOKCHUNG, OCT 28 (NPN): A convocation programme for the CFR (Community First Responder) ToTs, organised by the District Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with CD & HG, H & FW and SDRF




Nagaland Post, Dimapur Saturday, October 29, 2016

supported by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority, Home Department, Nagaland, was held Friday at the Town Hall with SDO (C) T Lemlila as the guest of honour. While addressing the ToTs, Lemlila remarked that through the various

techniques of aids and rescue, “you have now become the most important guardians of safety and prevention for the community, from disasters.” She also reminded the participants to “save yourselves to save others.” Executive Engineer PHED & member DDMA,

Er. Yanger Pongen, in his speech stated that disasters and calamities strikes without warning and so should remain ever vigilant to be a responsible responder. “Let the certificates that you receive today be a constant reminder of that responsibility,” he added. The ceremony was

chaired by EAC Chuchuyimlang, Mezazungba and thanks giving prayer said by Longsa Baptist Church, Associate Pastor Wapang. Certificates were given away to the ToTs by the guest of honour. The function was concluded by District Disaster Management Officer Wangshi.





Vibrant, progressive NE important for India, says Chandrasekhar ITANAGAR, OCT 28 (AGENCIES): The new economic model of Prime Minister Narenda Modi is to make entrepreneurship a reality as it has become a fundamental for growth, observed Rajya Sabha MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar. Delivering his keynote address in the two-day conclave of Young Leaders Connect (YLC) with the theme ‘Start-up North East, Stand-Up North East’ which began here on Friday the MP said in the changing

nature of economy, deficit states have to reinvent their economy model. Chandrasekhar said a vibrant and progressive Northeast was important for India and therefore, there was significant motivation to develop the region. Stating that politics of the region should move into politics of economy, he suggested the lawmakers of the region to approach the Centre for a special funding pattern for the entrepre-

neurs of the North Eastern states. Emphasising on good connectivity, the MP said without connectivity there would be no growth in entrepreneurship in the region. Speaking on the occasion, chief minister Pema Khandu said the Northeast was lagging behind due to lack of adequate knowledge and skill, despite having immense potentials and urged the Centre for special attention to the region as

per the Act East Policy. Meghalaya MP Conrad Sangma in his deliberation termed entrepreneurship as a culture which needs to be developed in the Northeast. The conclave would have panel discussions and a round-table discussion with experts and stakeholders. The discussions would go beyond dialogue and towards deliverable goals applicable in a national and regional setting.

Positive Lights for orphans battling HIV+

Guwahati, Oct 28 (PTI): A group of 17 orphaned children struggle with HIV+ virus daily, but their indomitable will to live positively is evident as they are all set to celebrate the festival of lights tomorrow with traditional gaiety and fervour. The inmates of government-run Kasturi-Child Care Home, managed by AIDS-HIV activist Jahnabi Goswami, will celebrate Diwali with people from

different sections of the society following an initiative taken by an NGO ‘Priybondhu’.“The inmates suffer not only from the disease, but are also deprived of several things considered as absolutely necessity by us. So we decided to appeal the people to come forward and bring some light into the lives of these children,” Priyobondhu’s Archana Borthakur told PTI. The programme titled ‘Positive

Pregnant woman and 5 children electrocuted in Meghalaya


Shillong, Oct 28: A pregnant woman and her five children died of electrocution in Meghalaya’s East Khasi Hills district on Thursday, an official said. The tragic incident occurred in Nongthymmai Neng village, Lyniong village under Mawphlang block. Trisdolin Shangpliang, 35, along with her children were electrocuted suspected due to a leakage Regd. No. 14291/2016

of current from a nearby transformer which spread to their house, an official said. The five c hild r en killed were identified as Kamulstar Shangpliang, 9, Sngewbhalang Shangp l i a n g, 8 , B e d i n g s t a r Shangpliang, 5, Shishalin Shangpliang, 2, and a seven month-old baby However, district magistrate Peter S.Dkhar said that the cause of the death is yet to be ascertained.




I, Smti. N. Shikatoli Achumi, D/o Nihoto Achumi permanent resident of South Point (E) Colony, Zunheboto Town, Dist. Zunheboto : Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under : 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Sumi Naga Community and a resident of the above mentioned address : 2. That in my SBI Pass Book, Service Identity Card, Aadhar Card and Appointment Order my name is recorded and entered as Shikatoli Achumi whereas in my Service Book and GPF Statement it was entered as N. Shikatoli Achumi. 3. That the name Shikatoli Achumi and N. Shikatoli Achumi refers to same and one person which is referred to me. 4. Henceforth, I shall use my name as N. Shikatoli Achumi for all official purpose and future correspondence. 5. That the above statement from Para 1-4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. Deponent Solemnly affirm and declared before the Competent Authority on this 27th Day of October 2016 at Zunheboto : Nagaland. MAGISTRATE Regd. No. 346/16. Dated : 27.10.16

APPRECIATION Urra Area Villages Youth Organisation would like to express our sincere gratitude to all individual, villages & associations who rendered their service and financial support towards the successful conduct of 5th UAVYO Annual Sports Meet held on 25th – 27th October 2016 at Diezephe Village. We are specially grateful to the following : 1. Hau Village : ` 45,000/2. Mrs. & Mr. Thejavi Rio Razhaphe Basa : ` 15,000/3. Mrs. & Mr. Avota Khamo VDB Secretary, Bade Village : ` 10,000/4. Mrs. & Mr. Kuthonuzo Khusoh Tatar NSCN/GPRN, Seluophe Village : ` 7,000/5. Mrs. & Mr. Y. Thrilong Sangtam President, Urra Area Parent Body : ` 5,000/6. Mrs. & Mr. Vesato Chüzho Chairman, Diezephe Village : ` 5,000/7. Diezephe Youth Society : Mr. Phusheto Chishi President

DP-8580 K




Helicopter service in Mnp on card Correspondent

IMPHAL, Oct 28: Manipur’s long pending proposal of connecting Imphal with headquarters of hill districts will be finally fulfilled as Centre has agreed to introduce chopper service under its Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS). A memorandum of understanding (MoU) will be inked between chairman Guru Prasad Mahapatra of Airport Authority of India and managing director Dr. BP Sharma of Pawan Hans in Imphal on November 2. Union civil aviation minister Gajapati Raju and civil aviation secretary RN Choubey will also be present, an official source said Friday. Officials of the state transport department will represent Manipur government in signing the MoU, it added. Manipur government has already submitted a proposal to introduce helicopter service between Imphal and other places of the state like Moreh, Ukhrul, Thanlon and Tamenglong. Introduction of helicopter service in the state

was a long pending proposal which the Centre had given green signal on many occasions but never materialised. In December 2010, Union ministry of home affairs had even asked the state government to submit the requisite information with regard to feasibility of the proposed service, initially between Imphal-Jiribam via Tamenglong and Imphal-Moreh. State transport directorate was asked to coordinate the operations of the helicopter service for which state police will take care of security of helipads. The approximate flying time for Imphal-Tamenglong is around 20 minutes, Tamenglong-Jiribam 15 minutes, Imphal-Jiribam 30 minutes, and Imphal-Moreh 27 minutes. In the proposed service, Pawan Hans Ltd. was to provide helicopter on the same pattern and on subsidy basis as was supported by the MHA for such services in Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya state. However, the same did not materialised for a long time for reasons best known to the authorities only.

Mnp Cong MLA likely to face disqualification


IMPHAL, Oct 28: A legislator of the ruling Congress in Manipur facing a fake MBA certificate case is likely to be disqualified from being a member of the Manipur Legislative Assembly as the Supreme Court Friday dismissed his appeal. The election of M Prithviraj, who won on a Congress ticket from the Moirang assembly constituency in Bishnupur

Date : 28/10/2016

(Correction of Names) 1. I, No. 2401708M Rank : RFN Name : Loke Raj Sharma, son of Lachuman Chettri presently serving at 24th Assam Rilfes C/O 99 APO, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as under. 2. That I am presently serving at 24th Assam Rifles, C/O 99 APO bearing No. 2401708M Rank: RFN. 3. That my wife's name has been inadvertently entered/recorded as MAYA DEVI in my service book. 4. That the name MAYA KUMARI SHARMA and MAYA DEVI both are one and the same person. 5. That my wife's correct name is MAYA KUMARI SHARMA. 6. That this affidavit made to declare as piece of evidence for all official purposes. 7. That the statements made in paragraphs 1-3 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing false has been stated or concealed herein. DEPONENT Solemnly affirm and swear before me on this day the 28th October 2016. NOTARY PUBLIC DP-8562

Lights’ is aimed to fill the lives of these children, the youngest of whom is twoyears-old, with “light and joy even if it is for a day though we hope, it can be forever,” she said. Goswami, who herself lost her husband and daughter to the disease, said they are faced with acute shortage of food and other essentials and so had urged the NGO to come forward and help them in any way they could.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, October 29, 2016


district in the 2012 assembly polls, was declared null and void by a ruling of the High Court of Manipur on February 29 this year. The r uling of the court was related with submission of a fake MBA certificate from Mysore University in his election affidavit. Later, the Supreme Court, responding to an appeal by the MLA stayed the order of the High Court of Manipur that declared the election of M Prithviraj

as null and void on March 20, 2016. While staying the High Court verdict, the apex court maintained that the petitioner (Prithviraj) is permitted to participate in the proceedings but not to vote and draw remuneration as a legislator. After a final hearing on May 5 this year, the division bench of justice Anil R Dave and L Nageswara Rao pronounced its verdict dismissing the appeal of the M Prithivraj. A copy of the order

of the apex court available with this correspondent states “The High Court has taken into consideration an anomalous situation that would arise by a candidate belonging to one party being declared elected after having crossed the floor. We are in agreement with the High Court and we do not intend to interfere with the discretion exercised by the High Court. For the aforesaid reasons, the Civil Appeal is dismissed. No order as to costs.”

Happy birthday Twinnies Abigail and Deborah, We are so grateful to God for giving us two of you. Although you are each unique, you share the same wonderful qualities that only twins share. You bring double joy, fun and blessings our way. We love you unconditionally. God bless you more this day. Much love, Mama, Papa & all loved ones. Congratulations, “However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband (Ephesians 5:33).” May our Almighty God be the centre of your family. May His love guide you; His grace be upon you and may your family be rooted in the words Christ. As you start a new chapter of your life, we sincerely pray God to guide and bless you, as always. Yours sincerely, Longrang, Tongpang, Sanen, Imo, Longcha and all your friends in Mokokchung. Dearest Meneo, I never thought that my sister woud do great things in her life for me... Until she gave birth to an Angel who I lovingly call my NIECE. You are my Niece, which gives me the official right to spoil you without taking any responsibility. And AUNT became the coolest word in my life after you were born.... Happiest 15th Birthday Niece God Bless you... Lots of Love, Mummy Atsou Dear Akivi Benison Aye, Hey Birthday boy, wake up and look around the birds of the air are singing for you, because you are so fearful and wonderfully made in the side of God. On the special day of your, we wish you a many many happy returns of the day, as you grown more may all your dreams comes true of the day. Where ever you may be God’s blessing and His grace will be upon life. Once again happy Birthday & May the lord Almighty bless you and your studies too. From, Naymin (DBC)


he competent authority of Academy of Global Peace, Bangalore, takes pride and honour to acknowledge our senior leader Dr. Luhevi K. Achumi, S/o Lt. Khuzhexu Achumi, Retd., District & Sessions Judge, who has been conferred PhD. (Doctor of Social Works) and awarded 'Best Social Worker' award by international acclaimed Inter Governmental O r g a n i z a t i o n ; Wo r l d Dr. Luhevi K Achumi Peace Organization UN & USA, and American University (AU) USA, in the month of July 2016. We invoke God's blessings to sustain his talented potential to serve humankind. Sd/Dr. Hesheto Y. Chishi DP-8574 NO.DC/KPE/JUD-11/2012-13/806


Dated Kiphire the 24th Oct’ 2016

Whereas Smti. Tsusula wife of Late. Y. Apipa Sangtam, of Langkok Village, has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in order to draw/receive the payments of movable/immovable properties of Late. Y. Apipa Sangtam, who expired on 03/09/2016. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 1. A/C. No.31108875574/30445213283 2. Any other dues etc. From SBI Kiphire Public are hereby asked to file objection/claim if any within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notice. If no objection/claim is received within the stipulated time, Succession Certificate will be issued in favour of the applicant. (DR. TINOJONGSHI CHANG) Additional Deputy Commissioner DP-8585 Kiphire :: Nagaland NO.DC/KPE/JUD-11/2012-13/748/


Dated Kiphire the 4th Sept’2016

Whereas Smti. G. Heshili, wife of Late. N. Ghokuto Sema, Pensioner of Nitoi Village, has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in order to draw/receive the payment of movable/immovable properties of Late N. Ghokuto Sema Pensioner, who expired on 02/09/2016. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 1. P.P.O. No 111302176 2. Any Other dues etc. From office of the Treasury Officer Kiphire, Nagaland. Public are hereby asked to file objection/claims if any within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this order. If no objection/claims is received within the given time, Succession Certificate will be issued in favour of the applicant. (SEDEVIKHO KHRO) Deputy Commissioner DP-8586 Kiphire: Nagaland


Regd. 4570 ( Name Correction) Dt. 28-10-2016 I, Smti. Ms. YESHELI ACHUMI, D/o Shri. SHIKHU aged about 25 years presently residing at Themezie Colony, Dist. Kohima in the state of Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and belonging to Sumi (Naga) tribe of Nagaland. 2. That real name is Ms. Yesheli Achumi 3. That in some documents i.e. Service Appointment Order my name has been appears as Ms. YESHILI ACHUMI, D/o SHRI. SHIKHU instead of Ms. YESHELI ACHUMI, D/o Shri. Shikhu which is correct and genuine name. 4. That above two names are one and same person and having the same identity. 5. That by today onwards I shall be known as Ms. YESHELI ACHUMI in my official documents and in official correspondence. I further declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and believe and nothing has been concealed herein and put my signature on this day the…………… of 2016 DEPONENT K-3976

DC-2416 K




Terror is a weapon of cowards: HM

GREATER NOIDA, OCT 28 (PTI): Making a veiled reference, Home Minister Rajnath Singh today said Pakistan was indulging in a proxy war and has been trying to harm India by taking “cowardly” aid of terrorism. “The neighbouring country has been carrying out proxy war. But terrorism is not a weapon of the brave but of cowards. Those who fight from behind are called cowards...they take the help of terrorism,” he said. Speaking at the 55th raising day event of border guarding force Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) at its camp here, he said strict vigil by the force has resulted in 60 per cent less transgressions into the Indian territory by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army this year. Referring to the current tensions between the two countries, he said the neighbour has been trying to harm India and was attempting to break and “destabilise” it by resorting to terrorism. Singh said an “evil eye” is being cast on India to thwart its progress as it is marching on as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Situation along the

Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh presenting medals at the 55th Raising Day Parade of the force at Greater Noida on Friday. (PTI) Indo-Pak border continues to remain tense after terrorists attacked an Army camp in Uri killing 19 soldiers on September 17. In a retaliatory action, Indian Army carried out surgical strikes on terror launch pads in PoK on September 27. Firing by both Indian and Pakistani forces towards each other’s positions have been continuing leading to several deaths on both sides. Singh had earlier instructed border guarding forces not to fire towards the enemy first, but not to count bullets if they are fired upon. Later, while taking questions on the ceasefire violations

Minor raped, murdered in Zbto; SH, STH condemn (From p-1) as one Hoshepu of Nihoshe village, committed the crime and later “mutilated the corpse”, which was found in a jungle below D.C. Hill Colony, Zunheboto. While condemning the inhuman act and heinous crime, the hoho urged upon the responsible law enforcing agencies to book the accused under non-bailable offence and bring justice at the earliest. SH further demanded that the accused be awarded the highest possible punishment as per the provision of the law. STH: Sumi Totimi Hoho (STH) has vehemently

condemned the rape and murder the minor girl, by one Hoshepu of Nihoshe village. STH president Kitoli Naje in a statement disclosed that the victim, a class 4 student, was abducted by the accused on October 26 while she was returning home from school. The accused murdered the victim after raping her, STH stated. STH said such uncivilized and barbaric crime has no place in our society. It further appealed the law enforcing agencies to penalize the culprit with the stringent punishment for committing the heinous crime and cautioned not to grant bail under any circumstances.



Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, October 29, 2016

by Pakistan, he said, “Our soldiers are responding to them befittingly.” To a question on the espionage case involving a diplomat of the Pakistani High Commission in India, he said the government is taking necessary action. There have been several incidents in the past in the icy heights of Himalayas when ITBP had noticed transgression by the Chinese forces and there had been confrontations between the two sides. All such transgression were successfully foiled by the ITBP personnel, Singh said. At today’s event, the Home Minister honoured

some ITBP personnel whose action led to foiling of PLA’s attempt to transgress Indian territory at Chumar in Ladakh two years ago. Singh said due to the intensive vigil and bravery of Indian forces, no country in the world can now cast an evil eye on India and every time he sees these men and women he is filled with pride and confidence that the country is safe. He also appreciated the personnel of ITBP, posted in Indian missions in Afghanistan, who had foiled terror attacks in Indian consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabd early this year as well as for undertaking effective anti-Naxal operations. The Home Minister said it was the responsibility of the government to ensure that the morale of the jawans is not let down and various steps are being taken for this. Chiefs of all forces have to ensure this, he said, adding that he would try his best to resolve the problems of the jawans. Rajnath said the Home Ministry has recently enhanced the ex-gratia payments made to the families of the personnel killed on duty.

CM reviews 4-lane work...

Need for equal development: Gov

(From p-1)

Stating that the Anghs house was constructed by local Naga construction team and architecture, Rio said the Nagas have the capability and the ability. Therefore, he urged upon the people gathered to work hard. Rio said when all the Nagas work, regardless of their gender, peace will prevail. He also appealed to various departments and leaders to extend their help in developing Longwa and make it a model village. The inaugural programme was attended by Anghs from neighbouring villages; Gabriel Wangnao, Arunachal Pradesh MLA; Lawyon, MLA and member executive planning in Naga Self Administered Zone, Myanmar; Pohwang MLA; former minister Imkong. L. Imchen; ex MLA Konngam; DC Mon; SP Mon; HoDs of various departments, leaders of various civil society organisations. At the programme, traditional folk song was presented by Punchao women Cultural troupe from Arunachal Pradesh and cultural song was presented by Longsong, men cultural troupe from Myanmar.

Zeliang also expressed happiness with the villagers and organisations along the highway for their support despite resistance from some quarters initially, which was settled amicably later, CMO stated. While enquiring from NHIDCL about NH-129 between Maram (Manipur) to Peren, Zeliang, in order to ease traffic flow, suggested diversion of Manipur-bound vehicles from Jharnapani to Peren and then to Maram. He also directed R&B and National Highways officials to check the condition of the Dimapur-NiulandZhadima Highway and carry out necessary improvements and repair works so that an alternative route could be provided to vehicles while the 4-lane work was being carried out. He also asked BRO to expedite completion of Botsa-Bokajan highway to ease problems for commuters to and from northern districts to Dimapur. On the other hand, Zeliang while lamenting about the poor conditions of roads in Kohima and Dimapur, directed the BRO, R&B and NH departments to immediately repair and improve the road conditions. “Hopefully, these unseasonal rains will stop very

(From p-1)

soon and I want that repairs, filling up of potholes and blacktopping wherever necessary should be carried out without any delay,” Zeliang told the officials and also asked the contractors (ECI and Gayatri) to fill up the potholes and repair the bad stretches between Dimapur and Kohima NH. The firms undertaking the 4-laning works said jungle clearing along the route has already started and that by the second week of November the required machineries would reach the sites and works would continue almost 24/7 with 18 hours of work and 6 hours dedicated to maintenance of machineries. CM Lauds NHIDCL: Further, chief minister T.R. Zeliang lauded the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) for its proposal to impart skills in various disciplines of Highway Construction Sector to 300 Naga youths within a year. He also informed NHIDCL officials, that coincidentally, Nagaland government had declared 2016 as the ‘Year of Construction Workers’ with the aim of imparting skills to the local youth in construction works. Zeliang expressed gratitude to the Corporation and ex-

tended the government’s full cooperation to make its proposal a success. Further, Zeliang directed officials to liaise with the department of Skills Development and ensure that sufficient number of local youths participate in the programme and benefit from it. He said this programme would be much more beneficial since selected candidates would be given hands-on training at worksites of the ongoing 4-lane. CMO informed that NHIDCL, as part of its pilot project in Skill Development/Upgradation of workmen in highway construction sector, is planning to recruit Naga youths with minimum age of 18 years and educational qualification of 10th standard to undergo training (for freshers). This includes a 30-days module of 208 hours to operate excavator, hot mix plant, kerb paving, WMM plant, paver pperation, grader operation, batching plant, mechanic and compressor. Under the category of Recognition of Prior Learning, a five-day module for workers at the project site on operation of various machineries would be imparted free of cost with basic amenities and a stipend, CMO added.

Smart city project to show results soon: Venkaiah Naidu

NEW DELHI, OCT 28 (PTI): Implementation of the Smart City project in 60 towns will entail an investment of Rs 1.35 lakh crore and 20 cities have started rolling out their schemes, says Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu. While there is a stiff competition among states to get smart city projects in their cities, Uttar Pradesh has so far not shown any interest in the mega scheme, a brain child of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, says the Minister. The results on the ground of the game changer scheme will be visible soon as the first batch of 20 cities are starting to roll

M Venkaiah Naidu out a range of projects to ensure better living, Naidu told PTI in an interview. He said smart city mission is a huge landmark and a distinct departure from the past as far as the country’s approach to urban development is concerned. “Cities are now imbibed with a new con-

sciousness to do things differently and with a spirit of competition. Accordingly, this mission is the corner stone of urban renaissance set in motion by this government. “Under Smart City Mission, a total investment of about Rs 1,35,000 crore has been proposed by the 60 cities that have so far been identified for financing smart city plans. This is a huge leap forward as against the meager investments for urban develop-

ment in the past,” he said. Identifying waste management as a challenge, Naidu said cities across India generate around 65 million tonnes of solid waste every year and government has drawn up a plan to convert the refuse into 50 lakh tones of compost and generate over 400 MW of power from it. Naidu was critical of Samajwadi Party government in Uttar Pradesh for not being forthcoming in taking advantage of Cen-

tre’s various urban devel- forward to recasting the opment schemes including urban landscape with a spirit of competition. the smart cities project. Implementation of competition-based smart city mission has helped make a paradigm shift in addressing problems of the cities. Naidu said the states and urban local bodies, known for the notorious ‘business as usual’ and callous and lethargic approach to urban governance, planning and execution, are now looking




Dated Kohima the

th Oct ’2016


1.1.0 1.2.0


1.4.0 1.5.0 1.6.0 1.7.0


DEPT OF POWER, GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND with the concurrence of Government of Nagaland invites tender for Shifting and Re-Location of 132kV S/C Transmission Line Tower along NH-29 to facilitate Four Lanning. The project shall be executed under deposit work. Estimated Cost in Name of the work Brief Description of Scope of Work Lakhs of Rupees S h i f t i n g a n d R e - Scope of work covered under the packages includes design, Location of 132kV S/C engineering, manufacture, testing, supply, transportation to Transmission Line Tower site, storage, insurance, handling, survey, erection and testing & 1291.36 along NH-29 to facilitate commissioning as per specification. Complete detail will be covered Four Lanning. in the bid document The aforesaid scope of work is only indicative. The detailed scope is described in the Bidding documents, which are available for inspection & sale, at the address mentioned at para 1.11.0 as per details given below: From 2nd Nov.2016 – 5th Nov.2016 (between-10:00hrs Inspection & Sale of Bid documents to 15:00hrs on all working days) Cost of Bid Documents Rs 10000/-

Bidding Documents are non-transferable and can be obtained by interested firms or their authorized representatives on submission of a written application and on payment of non-refundable specified amount. Issuance of the Bidding Documents, however, shall not automatically mean that such firm fulfills/meets the Qualifying Requirements. The bidder must have designed, manufactured, type tested and supplied 132kV and above transmission line materials which are in successful operation for at least two years as on date of bid opening. The detailed Qualifying Requirements (QR) are given in the Bidding Documents. Bidders should have a Minimum Average Annual Turnover of Rs. 1200.00 Lakhs for the best three years out of the last five financial years. Bids must be delivered to the Dept. of Power at the address mentioned at Para 1.11.0 below. Bid Documents will consist of 3(Three) parts – Commercial, Technical and Price. Who ever qualifies for Commercial Bid will take part in Technical Bid. Bidders who qualified for both Commercial & Technical Bid can only participate in the Price Bid. Bids will be received and opened in presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to be present, as per following schedule: Last date & time for submission of bids 17th November 2016 at 1100 hrs Bid opening date & time 17th November 2016 at 1130hrs

All the bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security/Bid Guarantee in the form of Bank Guarantee or FDR issued by any Nationalised Bank amounting to Rs.12.91 lakh in a separate sealed envelope. Bid not accompanied with requisite Bid Guarantee shall not be entertained and shall be returned to the Bidder without being opened. 1.9.0 The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Contract Performance Guarantee for five percent (5%) of the total contract price on award of the Contract. 1.10.0 Dept. of Power will not be responsible for misplacement/delay in receipt of either request for issuance of Bidding Documents or Bids sent by post. 1.11.0 All correspondence/communication including those pertaining to purchase of Bidding Documents and submission of Bids with regard to the above shall be made at the following address of Dept. of Power. Chief Engineer (T&G), Dept. of Power, Government of Nagaland, Kohima-797001 Nagaland. Dept. of Power reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the bid without assigning any reason. Such will not incur any liability whatsoever on the part of Dept. of Power consequently. (Er. K. MIACHIEO) Chief Engineer Department of Power(T&G) Nagaland: DC-2421



Nagaland Post Vol. XXVI NO. 322 Dimapur, Saturday, October 29, 2016


Yankee tricks

uch like Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) is made-in-the-USA, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East and to counter Iran’s growing influence in the region. Had George W. Bush the 46th President not carried out his father and 43rd President George H.W. Bush’s pet obsession to destroy Saddam Hussein the Iraqi despot; things would have been more peaceful. Before the US invaded Iraq in 2003, with the plea of destroying the mythical ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ (WMD) there were no armed islamist groups like ISIS in Iraq. The Iraqi dictator may have been in the bad books of the Americans but at least he managed to keep a lid on Islamic terror groups. The US campaign that was without end was launched by George Bush. Instead the Iraqi invasion by the US and its western coalition has only tied America up in knots in an ever more grotesque contortions. The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history. Former director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, General William Odom recently remarked, “by any measure the U.S. has long used terrorism. In 1978-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the U.S. would be in violation.” The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the preconditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root. America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration. The US did not deliberately create ISIS but there would have been no ISIS but for American missteps and incompetence during the US occupation of Iraq. ISIS is not merely an instrument of terror used by America to topple the Syrian government; it is also used to put pressure on Iran. Even as American foreign policy makers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy. America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance. the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980’s. America still practices its doctrine of gun boat diplomacy and the American involvement in a global scale as the self appointed policeman has created serious problems worldwide. During the 1970’s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses. After Iraq the US meddled in Libya and the latest being in Syria. The two most powerful groups in the U.S. foreign policy establishment are the Israel lobby, which directs U.S. Middle East policy, and the Military-Industrial-Complex, which profits from the former group’s actions. Since George W. Bush declared the “War on Terror” in October 2001, it has cost the American taxpayer approximately 6.6 trillion dollars and thousands of fallen sons and daughters; but, the wars have also raked in billions of dollars for Washington’s military elite. This a bit of the ugly side of the USA which its liberal media hides.

DailyDevotion Justification by Faith If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. —Romans 5:10 I am not saved by believing— I simply realize I am saved by believing. And it is not repentance that saves me— repentance is only the sign that I realize what God has done through Christ Jesus. The danger here is putting the emphasis on the effect, instead of on the cause. Is it my obedience, consecration, and dedication that make me right with God? It is never that! I am made right with God because, prior to all of that, Christ died. When I turn to God and by belief accept what God reveals, the miraculous atonement by the Cross of Christ instantly places me into a right relationship with God. And as a result of the supernatural miracle of God’s grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, or because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done. The Spirit of God brings justification with a shattering, radiant light, and I know that I am saved, even though I don’t know how it was accomplished. The salvation that comes from God is not based on human logic, but on the sacrificial death of Jesus. We can be born again solely because of the atonement of our Lord. Sinful men and women can be changed into new creations, not through their repentance or their belief, but through the wonderful work of God in Christ Jesus which preceded all of our experience (see 2 Corinthians 5:17-19). The unconquerable safety of justification and sanctification is God Himself. We do not have to accomplish these things ourselves— they have been accomplished through the atonement of the Cross of Christ. The supernatural becomes natural to us through the miracle of God, and there is the realization of what Jesus Christ has already done— “It is finished!” (John 19:30).


Anger blows out the lamp of the mind.

~ Robert G. Ingersoll

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Saturday, October 29, 2016


How to reconstruct Naga Hoho


irstly, the nomenclature of the apex forum of the Nagas. While brewing the appropriate nomenclature for the forum, I feel a humble terminology should be preferable. The fact is that Nagas have tendencies to prefer superlative degree vocabularies for our conclaves or unions which are more appropriate for international usages. When such vocabulary is incongruously used, it disgraces the user as it diminishes the elements of realism, credibility and humility whereby its general acceptability of the established body is hampered. Now, the word Naga is universally inclusive as it covers Nagas everywhere without geographical divides, meaning Naga Diaspora. The existing nomenclature Naga Hoho, in my understanding, is grammatically correct to denote the forum of the Naga diaspora and is therefore sufficient. In case, Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh have their forum with Hoho nomenclature, it can be Arunachal Pradesh Naga Hoho and in the case of Assam, Assam Naga Hoho. Whereas, the Pan-Naga Hoho is privately proposed and circulated around. For academic interest, when I sifted the word ‘pan’ from my Dictionary, it has more than three meanings. One is, the pan is the broad shallow metal container for cooking purpose. The second is the Pan (with capital P) is the god of pastures, flocks and shepherds usually represented as having legs, horns and ears of a goat in Greek mythology. The third is the leaf of the climbing pepper used with betel palm nut as a masticator. Here, the pan-, the pan with dash meaning is all, every, the whole, applying to all or involving all. From here we learnt that when pan is to prefix the Naga Hoho, it has to have dash after pan and before Naga as Pan-Naga Hoho is the correct usage. Nevertheless, to me Pan- is considered to be extraneous here. The Naga Diaspora can have a common forum. The forum, when formed has to have official representatives of Naga tribes from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Nagaland. Though at times functional inconveniences may be there, the forum is appropriate to have representatives of Nagas from Myanmar. The proportionate representation of all tribal repre-

A view on DMC’s initiative to lease out toll tax


n the spate of objection raised by various NGOs of Dimapur over the initiative of the Municipal Affairs department to lease out collection of DMC toll tax to private individuals, firms etc. in Dimapur from the month of October 2016, I as a concerned citizen would like to share my views on the issue. Various NGOs have urged the department to reconsider its decision in the interest and welfare of its members as well as general consumers and public. NGOs have even threatened the department to enforce bandh. However are they (NGOs) aware of how much of the revenue collected by the DMC staff (toll collectors) are being duly submitted to the office. Why do the NGOs not reacting to the unauthorised collection carried out by various unions and associations? Is it always necessary for the NGOs to raise objection over the decisions made by the government or departments concerned? Are NGOs more important than the popular government elected by the people? Are the NGOs parallel to the state government? Whatever decision taken by the Municipal Affairs department must have been arrived in the interest of the department and the general public at large. Therefore, the department should be given an opportunity to prove itself worthy of its decisions. Huska Sema, Midland, Dimapur


sentatives to the executive body is what should be the composition. This forum should be the platform under which each Naga segment is enrolled as inalienable and equal fraternal brotherhood of Naga community. The forum has to be the capital of Naga unity and the major source of understanding and mutual respect. The forum cannot be the pillar of disunity. The forum has to have its own framed autonomy. The forum should have the complete Naga orientation by which every Naga can have the sense of both owning and belonging to it. The forum must generate an atmosphere under which each Naga bears allegiance to it. Be it a political party, be it any NPG, be it any denominational group or any NGO and yet none should feel secondary to the other under the umbrella of the forum. The forum is to be the industry where truth, probity, equality, justice, neutrality and transparency flourish. The forum has to be indomitable and free from sycophantic tendencies and from all undue encumbrances. The primary requisites for the formation of the forum are the columns of State-wise public organisations. Except Manipur, the rest of the, particularly, three states of Nagaland, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh do not have such organisations. Therefore, give opportunities to each State to prepare the column without which the Naga forum formation is a misnomer. I do not have much knowledge about Assam, but till 2013, Nagas in Arunachal Pradesh did not have common platform. To have State wise representation in the forum is imperative not necessarily with the intent of disturbing those States with the Naga aspiration for integration. When tribal representation is drawn to the forum, proportionate representation is imperative too for the fact that a Naga tribes having more than 2 lakh population cannot have equal number of representatives in the executive with another tribe having less than 3000 population. And here comes the contentious issue as to whether the existing Naga Hoho can survive without the presence of 9 indigenous Naga tribes of Nagaland. The lame duck Naga Hoho has been further injured by disassociation of the three ma-

he debate over the state government decision to recognized Rongmei tribe as an indigenous tribe of Nagaland has emerged as a major contentious issue for the state of Nagaland. At the time when Nagas inhabiting different political boundaries are already divided over many issues, this thoughtless act of Nagaland government further sowed the seed of discontent and antagonism among the Naga brethren. It is so unfortunate that the state policy makers could not foresee the impending division that would bring as a result of their actions. Instead their vision is limited only to a momentary goal of advancing their political ambition through politics of appeasement, use issues that would satisfy some few individual as part of election promises and gain political mileage out of it. They could never comprehend the long term consequence of dividing the Nagas because of the filthy politics they are engage in. If 1977 state government notification (dated 28th of April, 1977 No. AR-8/876) clearly defined the provision for granting indigenous inhabitant status to any individual or groups other than 16 tribes originally recognized in Nagaland, why state government for the last 35 years denied that right to the Rongmei tribe of Nagaland, and all of a sudden in 2012 came out with the option of granting them tribe recognition which was outside the provision of 1977 notification. The sudden and unexpected decision taken by the government to recognized Rongmei as indigenous tribe in Nagaland can therefore

jor tribes, namely, Ao, Sumi and Lotha from the Hoho. Following which two schools of thought have cropped up. One is that the existing Naga Hoho will be strengthened when these three tribes recall their disassociation and rejoin the Hoho. Well, even when the 3 tribes return to Hoho, the other 6 tribes under ENPO may not follow suit. If so, the lame duck arrangement continues. Therefore, this school does not consider the ENPO factor to be very essential as though the status quo of Hoho without them can continue. This school blames the members of CNTC that Hoho’s position is jeopardised by such drastic action of withdrawal with lame excuse. The elements supporting this school reportedly used two kinds of inducement for wooing sections in order to instil the spirit of dissent among the components. If the Hoho is to be strengthened with such modus operandi, it can never become Naga people’s platform except the segmental facility. Whereas, the other school of thought including myself believe that the site for construction of the forum should be levelled. The continuation of the lame duck Hoho with 5 tribes from Nagaland and 16 tribes from Manipur alone but without 9 tribes from Nagaland and without active participation of Nagas from Assam and Arunachal Pradesh is considered to be the contours at the proposed site for the establishment of the apex Naga forum. At this rate, the continuation of the lame duck Hoho is the road block to the formation of such a commonly acceptable platform. The other impediment to formation of such a proper forum is the absence of a common platform of the Naga tribes in Nagaland. In other words, the suspicion and thwarting the Nagas of Nagaland to have their own platform is the most major blockade to have a desired platform of the Nagas. We do not seem to have several options for reconstruction of a common Naga platform. The first and foremost is to bring the 14 Naga tribes in Nagaland under a platform. What the 3 tribes have opted is the only alternative to pave the way for re-establishing the Naga common platform to the satisfaction of all. Z. Lohe

Reply to Silverstein


t seems to me that when I am fighting a foreign invasion of my country, where the enemy is using its military and economic power to subjugate me, you are suggesting that I should utilize all the economic prospects that the enemy is offering me and even go to war with my own people who are misusing those economic gifts. I for one will not do such a stupid thing. I am therefore saying that I am not interested in my enemy’s gifts of even the whole state with its entire infrastructure which has lulled most Nagas to sleep for over six decades. For me, this state is just a farce and a shadow of the real image of a truly independent country. Now, why do I call it a farce? As a visitor of the Nagaland state of India, you must have seen the conditions of our roads in Nagaland. If you had come at the beginning of the first month of road repairs, or during the Hornbill Festival, you might be fooled. But if you come at the end of the third month after repair works, you will see the real condition of our roads- which are repaired to last for only three months. (The corruption on repair works being mostly pocketed by many Nagas contractors, Indian companies and Indian Central leaders- I am told). Also, don’t be too impressed by the many school buildings and Primary Health Centres – especially in the rural areasbecause any Kungfu Master or Boxer can smash them into smithereens in a few hours. The root cause of all these mess, they say, is because of the corruption in the state. But to fight this gigantic monster that is tearing Nagas apart would be to waste one’s energy in one’s short lifespan. And even if we succeed to some degree in fighting this corruption, we would still be left to fight with even greater monsters like the Disturbed Area Act 1955, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 etc which has been our constant companions from 1954 to the present. And do you know the powers of the

Governor of Nagaland who alone can promulgate these heinous acts? Under Article 371 (A) section 1, (b), it is stated thus: “The Governor of Nagaland shall have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the State of Nagaland… Provided that if any question arises whether any matter is or is not a matter as respects which the Governor is under this sub- clause required to act in the exercise of his individual judgment, the decision of the Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in the exercise of his individual judgment.” You will note that, as far as law and order is concerned for Nagaland, The Governor of Nagaland is even higher than the President of India or even the Constitution of India. (For more details. see “The Naga Saga,” p.345-352) Yes, at the surface level, the Indian Government has given us Billions of Rupees for our development which has been greatly misused. But please note that this disease has come through the invasion or our country by India. And if a disease is being caused by some other factors, to fight the disease rather than the factors that are causing the disease- would be wastage of time and energy. Political suppression with economic gifts by India is what is destroying Nagaland today. Here, I will fight the political suppression rather than fight to have a lion’s share of the economic gifts. As far as I am concerned, only a totally unpatriotic man with no sense for the dignity for his national and geographical identity would wallow in the enemy’s gifts of seductions to subjugate him. I will not collaborate with the enemy, when the enemy has nullified my very right to life, freedom and liberty even within the territories of my own country. Kaka D. Iralu

The tragic faultline be never be consider as an act of kindness or showing concern to the tribe. Rather they engaged in playing politics out of the sensitive issue which could harm the unity among the Nagas. They had dragged the Rongmei tribe recognition issue, and made it an object of politics through which they will make their political career. Did the Rongmeis of Nagaland also ever demand the status that is entitled to them during the last three decades? If not, it will not be appropriate on their part to dissent when tribal bodies in Nagaland and the people opposed government decision to recognized their tribe. Within the framework of 1977 provision, the Rongmei tribe of Nagaland or for that matter any other tribes or group who fulfilled the criteria, would have been enjoying the status long before and that the question of tribe recognition and the subsequent division over the issue would not arise. On the other hand, it is irony that the present government and the chief minister refused to take responsibility of committing grave mistake and continue to try to shield themselves under the veil of “Naga unity”, instead of taking a realistic step towards resolving the dispute based on the voice of the people. But the chief minister’s discourse on “Naga unity” which is only an escape route will no longer convinced the wellinformed, empowered and enlightens citizen of Nagaland. Naga public and the common people by now had understood the truth and reality that is hidden beneath political rhetoric and will no longer be sway away by those unrealistic assurance,

promise and propaganda use by our politician to pursuit their selfish interest in the name of serving the Nagas It’s time for the state government to turn back from the politics of denial and pay serious attention to the voice of the people whom they represent. For the record, tribal bodies in Nagaland including ENPO, CNTC, NTC, CPO, APO and ZPO had already stated their position time and again that they are not adverse to the idea of granting status of indigenous inhabitant to any group who had fulfill the criteria. They are only against the politics of granting tribe recognition to any new tribe/s. What can be more reasonable than this proposal, and what more can the state government and the Nagas in general can expect from the people of Nagaland? Meantime, the most undesirable phenomenon emerging from this sad contour is the misconceptions develop by Nagas in general regarding the position taken by the Nagas of Nagaland. The consensus position of the tribal bodies of Nagaland is – “pending final settlement, the need of maintaining status quo”. And I don’t see any reason why this views and the position taken by the Nagas of Nagaland would be misunderstand. This position, which is nothing more than a pursuit for preserving the existing order in Nagaland, should not be misinterpreted as working against the interest of the Nagas. Resorting to cheap political gimmick of “tribe recognition” by Naga politicians taking the name of “Naga unity” and “Naga cause” would risk

reducing the Naga national movement to a small state of Nagaland, making the state a bone of contention for the Nagas as a whole and divert the issue altogether which would only bring confusion and misunderstanding among our Nagas. Remember Naga national movement is a people based movement for achieving sovereignty for the Nagas and integration of all Naga inhibited area into one political administration, and not “population integration” in a small state of Nagaland. Simply giving legitimacy to the state government to pick up one group and reward them with tribe recognition is not an answer to the vexed Naga political problem nor will it help

achieved Naga unity. The argument, therefore, that Nagas of Nagaland are not generous, not willing to accommodate and share with the other Naga brethrens is immature and unjust. If the state government refuses to take heed to the voice of the general public and take back the issue to status quo, they are going against the wish and will of the people who had elected them. And this will hurt the sentiment of the people of Nagaland which could lead to a serious repercussion for which the state government would be held responsible. Nsungbemo Ezung, Research Scholar, NEHU, Shillong, (ezung_n@yahoo.com)

Reader’s Post

Open letter to Secretary NPSC


Reference to the Combined Technical Services Examination 2016 dt 19.10.2016, I want to express few personal suggestions for item no 13 District Sports Officer. i) The educational qualification is given as BPE/BPEd with preference to MPE/MPEd. As such the DSO should be well versed in technical as well as in administrative lines. Preference should be given to those having BPE/BPEd with NIS (qualified coach). ii) BPE/BPEd is a degree which can be earned without having much sporting experience. Whereas to be a NIS qualified coach the minimum qualification is BA/ BPE or equivalent with the following requirements :- a) participation in inter- university in a particular discipline 2 times. b) participation in North-East Sports Festival in a particular discipline 3 times. c) participation in Junior Nationals in a particular discipline 2 times. So the post of DSO should be given preference to those having BPE /BPEd with NIS because to be a sports officer a person must be well versed in theory as well as in practical. Thepfuzho-o. Jakhama

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, october 29, 2016

LPO male dormitory inaugurated Diwali greetings

Youths presenting a cultural dance during the inauguration of Khangchiuki at Mhaikam on Friday. (Inset) PS to chief minister Masanggum addressing the gathering.


MOKOKCHUNG, OCT 28 (NPN): The newly constructed ‘village gate’, of Yaongyimti (Old) was inaugurated, Friday, by Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Husbandary & Vety, S Chuba Longkumer. Speaking to the village council members of Yaongyimti (Old ) the parliamentary secretary said that for development to take place, the authority of the concerned village council must be firm and the people, united. Secondly, he said, they must have a close cooperation with the government of the day. S Chuba also appealed to the village councils to co-operate with him in the 2018 general assembly election for all round development of the constituency. Carrying the same message, the parliamentary secretary and his entourage visited Yaongyimti (New), Phangsang and Chapba villages and held meetings with the village councils.

stated that the existing school in the village was upgraded from Government Primary School to Government Middle School and then to Government High School without any faculty. The village have been appointing community teachers and running the school with primary teachers, LPO stated in the memorandum and called upon the chief minister to look into the matter and take necessary action. The inauguration ceremony was marked by cultural songs and dances.

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Admission Forms for the academic session 2017 will be issued during office hours [8.00 am to 2.30 pm] from 1st November to 15th November for Montessori to class-08. OUR FEATURES Fully furnished Montessori Practical room. Montessori trained teachers & qualified teaching faculty. Compulsory individual assembly performance to build self-confidence. Activity and clubs : Taekwondo, Drawing & Painting, Music (Vocal & Instrumental), Dance, Tailoring, Science Club, Quiz-Club, Eco-Club.  Personal and peer counselling.  HSLC RESULT HISTORY : 2011–93%, 2012–100%, 2013–94%, 2014-100%, 2015–100%. DP-8592(A )     DP-8592(B)

B.Sc (PCM), B.Ed B.A (Eng honours), B.Ed B.A, B.Ed Graduate with PGDCA

Vacancy 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

munity with regular Doctor, nurse, lab technician, pharmacist and ambulance providing medical care service to the rural areas where there is little or no access to health care service and at present is providing its services to 15 villages (12 villages in Mokokchung District and 3 villages in Longleng District). It may be stated that Mobile Medical Unit project of Community Educational Centre Society has been providing medical care service to rural communities since its implementation in 2013 reaching out to more than 4000 beneficiaries.


NO.DWRD/TLI-6/2007 : : This is to inform all Presidents of the TLI Divisional Societies that a General Meeting is being convened on 16th November, 2016 at 11:30 A.M in the Conference Hall of the Directorate of Women Resource Development, Meriema, Kohima. The main agenda of the meeting is to have interactive discussions with the Office Bearers of the Societies to draw up plans for taking up new livelihood activities in the various districts during the Financial Year 2017-18. Possibilities for strengthening the Societies further will also be a major part of the discussions. The President and the Gen. Secretary of each Divisional Society are requested to make it convenient to attend the Meeting positively. In the event of inability of the Gen. Secretary to attend the Meeting, the Treasurer is to attend without fail. Participating members are to make own arrangements for their food, lodging and travel expenses. TA/DA will be provided to all members present at the end of the meeting. Bus service will be arranged on 16th Nov. 2016 at 10.00 A.M at High School Junction, Kohima to bring participating members to the Directorate. (T. Haralu) Director DC-2415 Issued by: DIPR

davp 17153/11/0010/1617


DIMAPUR: Community Educational Centre Society (CECS) has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Council of three Villages in Longleng District namely Kangching, Netuyu and Tamlu Village on October 28 on account of providing medical services for a period of 1 year to these three villages by Community Educational Centre Society under the project ‘Mobile Medical Unit’ supported by The Hans Foundation. Mobile Medical Unit is a project which is a community centric health unit that is fully equipped to serve the com-




Contact : 9862589089

Level Up to higher secondary Up to higher secondary Up to higher secondary High school/Middle Up to higher secondary LKG/UKG Middle School

soon after the expiry of its deadline.” Therefore the unit urged the government to take up the issue on priority basis in order to avoid ugly situation and relationship between the two. Also, informing that District ministerial employees have been suffering for the last two consecutive ROP’s (i.e. 1999 & 2008 ROP’s), ANDMSA Dimapur appealed for cooperation from the officers and staff of different rank and files during the course its genuine demand. Meanwhile, Dimapur Unit ANDMSA has convened a general meeting on October 31 at 1 p.m at Hotel Acacia Conference Hall. Therefore, all members have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

CECS sign MOU with 3 villages

Place : Zunheboto Email : cornerstone011@gmail.com Contact : 7308926490, 9774002608, 9612411913

Khermahal, Near Police Point Opp. MRF Tyre Shop, Dimapur, Ph :- (0) 7086245977/9085790960


Teacher Pol Sc Sociology Education Maths/Science English General English

in a press note by president, L T Sangtam, general secretary M Zachamo Ezung, and vice president Hachibemo patton, highlighted the lack of well defined or common service rules for District Ministerial employees which, it stated, was the crux if its issue. Therefore ANDMSA Dimapur urged the state government to resolve the issue on its demand by framing a clear cut policy and rules in toto within the stipulated period as demanded by the ANDMSA. The unit also cautioned that failure to heed their demands would give rise to an “undesirable situation” adding, “ANDMSA (Nagaland) with its entire federating units are all set for future course of action

School : Cornerstone Higher Secondary

Herbal Skin Care


DIMAPUR: While extending its support to the All Nagaland District Ministerial Service Association (ANDMSA) 30-day ultimatum served to the Government of Nagaland, the ANDMSA Dimapur District unit has also urged the Government to take up the 3-point charter of demand namely ‘amalgamation of Directorate Cadre and the District Ministerial Cadre into Common Ministerial Cadre’, ‘creation of HA/ Sr. HA in all the independent DDOs of Districts and SDHA/Accountant in the Sub-Divisions’, and ‘re-designation & elevation of DHA & Sr. HA Post to that of District Superintendent Class-I Gazette and SDHA/Accountant to that of Assistant Superintendent Class II’. ANDMSA Dimapur

VACANCY FOR TEACHERS FOR 2017 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Herbal & Ayurvedic Treatment

on the occasion of the festival of lights and wished everyone a joyous Diwali festival. BJP general secretary (Media) Jaangsillung Gonmei in a press note stated that “like the festival which bears the essence of welcoming new and good things in place of the old and negative, the BJP Nagaland wishes everyone the best that the festival and the year ahead would bring.” State BJP president Visasolie Lhoungu, in his greetings said every festival bears a good message and meaning to better the lives of everyone and as the people celebrate Diwali, the goodwill of such a festival should bring about the eagerness of the people to dwell, live and work together harmoniously to create an ever better cosmopolitan place to be in. The BJP Nagaland while conveying its festival greetings has also requested the people to cautiously use the fireworks and avoid any unfavourable hazardous situation. RCD: Rotaract Club of Dimapur (RCD) has extended a happy and prosperous Diwali to all. RCD has also appealed the citizens of Dimapur to celebrate a safe and ecofriendly Diwali with zeal and real meaning of it.


Yaongyimti (Old) gets new gate

at a time when Nagas are in a dangerous transition, he said. The chief guest also encouraged the people to uphold the dignity of rich cultures and traditions which our forefathers have endowed in us. While lamenting that cultures and traditions are fading away with modernity, he said, without culture Nagas will lose identity. Meanwhile, the LPO has also submitted a memorandum to the chief minister of Nagaland through his PS Masanggum. In the memo, LPO

Tovihoto Ayemi: MLA & chairman, NIDC Ltd. Tovihoto Ayemi has extended heartiest festival greetings to the Hindu community of Dimapur on the occasion of Deepawali, the festival of lights which is the brightest Hindu festival. Tovihoto in his message said, “giving expression to happiness by lighting lamps should also illuminate the minds and hearts of the people leading to peace and harmony among different communities in Dimapur.” He further appealed to for the festival to also be an occasion for reaching out to the poor and needy and homeless and enlighten their life. NPF Minority Wing: NPF Minority Wing has also extended greetings and best wishes to the citizens of Nagaland and neighbouring areas on the auspicious occasion of Diwali, ‘the festival of light and prosperity’. In a press note, NPF minority wing central president Bishnu Bhattacharjee stated this kind of festival is to share happiness amongst all and strengthen brotherhood relationship in the State with traditional fervour and gaiety. BJP: BJP Nagaland has conveyed greetings

ANDMSA Dmu for ‘3-point charter of demand’

GOOD NEWS !!! FREE 1½ Month Training for Female 1) Asst. Beauty Therapist. 2) Asst. Hairstylist. In Noida, Delhi under Govt. Scheme PMKVY Free Traveling, Lodging & Fooding 100% Job Guarantee after Training Hurry!!!! First come first basis


DIMAPUR: The Liangmai People’s Organisation (LPO) Khangchiuki was inaugurated at Mhaikam village, Peren on Friday by Masanggum, PS to the chief minister of Nagaland as the chief guest. In his address, the chief guest lauded the Liangmai people and the villagers of Mhaikum for their efforts to revive the age old traditions by setting up the Khangchiuki (male dormitory). By setting up the Khangchiuki, the Liangmai people is setting a trend to preserve and revive the traditions and culture



SALONI AGENCY Bank Colony, A.G Hr. Sec. School Junction, Dimapur 9612345267/9615454002

NOTIFICATION Applications in the prescribed format (free of cost) are invited from the interested Handicrafts Artisans within the locality of Kohima for undergoing 4 (four) months Training course in Tribal Textiles under the master crafts person of Ms. Neihunuo Sorhie (State Awarded /National Awarder) Lower AG T.T colony Kohima, Nagaland, contact No. 9436607691 in the scheme of Guru Shishyam Parampara /GSP) of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Govt. of India: Ministry of Textiles, Vide Sanction No. I-15011/9(29) /NER/ GSP/HRD/2016-2017 date 28.09.2016. The application format may be obtained from the Master Craftsperson Ms. Neihunuo Sorhie and the application duly filled in may be submitted latest by 04th Nov. 2016 to the Master Craftsperson. Assistant Director (Handicrafts) Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Marketing & Service Extension Centre P.W.D Area near NSF Martyrs Park Kohima, Nagaland K-3972

NAGALAND UNIVERSITY (A Central University Estd. By the Act of Parliament No. 35 of 1989) Headquarters : Lumami-798627


Dated : 25th October, 2016

NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited for running of Cafeteria at Nagaland University, Lumami. Interested parties may download the tender documents from the University website:nagalanduniversity.ac.in and submit their quotations along with tender fees of Rs.500/- (non-refundable) in the form of DD in favour of Registrar, Nagaland University, Lumami in sealed envelop superscript on the cover - "Quotation for opening of Cafeteria" and addressed to the undersigned on or before 10th November, 2016 upto 4.00 p.m. No tenders will be accepted beyond this date and time. Incomplete applications will be rejected. K-3928



T. Lanusosang Registrar


Bolero SLX (2013-Sept)

Price : 5.65 Lakhs (Negotiable) Extras- GPS Tracking system & Front/Rear Guard (Genuine buyers only)


1. C o l d D i s p l a y F o r Bakery/Coffee Shops etc. 2. Drinks Refrigerator 3. Food Warmer Display 4. Commercial Coffee Machine Contact : 7005659169

Contact : 8974655809

No. 8319 Yesterday’s solution No. 8318

No. 2939 Yesterday’s solution No. 2938

No. 1766 Yesterday’s solution No. 1765


Measuring : 27850 Sq. Ft. at Purana Bazaar 'B', Block-III. No earth filling required Price : Rs. 95 per sq. ft. Contact : 7085169449


# 9774699215/9089314904

Across 1 Second highest position, say (5) 4 Mushrooms amusing American soldier (5) 7 Man involved with a girl on the side (8) 8 Money from Lancashire (4) 9 Viewers in theatre yesterday (4) 10 Claret’s changed colour (7) 12 Naked lord to cavort in London thoroughfare (3,4,4) 14 Stopping in cages for a change (7) 16 Produce artwork that’s required by supermarket chain (4) 19 Compelled to bring cheese back (4) 20 Fearless girl, leader in foreign incursion (8) 21 A bit of colour inserted as hair treatment (5) 22 Call round for old and new pal (5) Down 1 Severely criticise translated tales (5) 2 Urge principal to be intellectual (7) 3 Benevolent sort (4) 4 A woman’s happiness (8) 5 More pleasant resort — first in Riviera (5) 6 Stained form as a substitute (7) 11 After restraint certain to get cover again (8) 12 Orchestra leader to write tune out of doors (4-3) 13 Oration broadcast somewhere in Canada (7) 15 Small bird at rear of ship (5) 17 Alarming and difficult? Not so, after a close shave (5) 18 Powder found in metal container (4)

Fresher/Experienced for Pmnt. Mgmt Posts Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 to 26 Income : 5000 - 17500 - 35000 PM Attractive Bonus with Promotions ! Contact with Bio-Data Kohima : 8131911553 Zunheboto : 7421825869 Wokha : 8794879269

@Naga United Village close to Daily Market Contact at : 8974790836 No brokers please. Genuine Buyers only.


100 x 75 with RCC Bldg 3 room+ Brick wall Padumphukhri near Rengma Baptist Church Rs. 38.00 Lakh (Fixed) No Broker Contact: 9615790806


3,200 Sq. Ft. Price : 9.2 Lacs (Nego) Near Main Road DP-8594

Contact : 09856470616. Genuine buyers only.


A plot of land at Diphupar-B, measuring 15,686 sq. ft. with standing Assam type building and commercial building (RCC) touching the highway near Nagaland Cricket Stadium (Sovima) No broker required. Contact No : 9774031549 9774028041 DP-8589

URGENT LAND AND CAR FOR SALE LAND Opp. Zion Hospital, Purana Bazar, Dimapur Measuring : 120 x 90 New four side wall with Steel Gate. Suitable for Residence/ Guest House/Hotel Price : 72 Lacs only (No Broker) (i) CAR Ford Eco Sports Titanium (Optional) Diesel Smart Keyless with Six Air Bags. Model : 2014 Nov. 24000 Km Done Price : 7.2 Lacs (Nego) (ii) HONDA ACCORD Model : 2005 Price : 2 Lacs (Fixed) Ph. No : +91-9612897997/8132029657


Pulsar 150 Solo (NL07R) Owner's Name : Shomying Konyak Regd. No : NL-07-R-0783 Company : Bajaj Auto Ltd Chassis No : MD2A11CZ6GKC27276 Lost from Kuda 'B' Khel, Half Nagarjan, Dimapur. Finder will be awarded. Contact No : 7085127662

Qual. : 10 to Graduate Age : 18 - 30 Income : 5000 - 17500-35000 PM Free Lodging First come first basis Contact with Bio-Data Dimapur : 9615828074 Tuensang : 8414830135 Mon : 9856445757 Jalukie : 7421953239


URGENT LAND FOR SALE ½ Bigha at Bamanpukhri

P. No : 7085917133 8730836271

No earth filling Rs. 7.5 lakhs (Negotiable) Contact : 8415912288



No Filling Required 5 mins drive from Hope Academy and C-edge College Contact No : 7085751736 No Brokers DP-8408

Rs. 5 Per Sq. Ft. Negotiable Loc. New Chumukedima Mob No : 8730057202 7005659620 DP-8501



Area measuring about


at Padumphukuri 1. 40 x 40

Rs. 4,70,000/-

2. 80 x 80


Land measuring 2500 sq. ft. at Porterlane, Kohima with two double storey buildings (one RCC and one hill type) Price : Rs. 90 Lakhs (Negotiable)

ISO Cert. Co. Requires 78 M/F for Pmnt Post


1. 9180@135/ sq. ft. 2. 6862@135/ sq. ft.




Govt. Regd. Co Requires 78 M/F



Contact : 8575990484/8131888812




: Minimum Experience 2 years (Chinese+Naga Food) 2. Waiter : Freshers accepted (Must be Presentable +Fluent in English) Best in the Market Salary

Walford Junction, Dimapur Flat 10% Off 8974879718/9856124324

Rs. 9,90,000/Contact : 7005123406


A Plot of land with Patta for sale at Bayavü colony, Kohima. Interested party may contact: 8415953814




Year : 2013 Dec. Price : 35,000/(Nego) Ph. No : 8974383710

WB Regd., Sony Music System, Power Window Show Room Condition Price : Rs. 2.55 lakhs (Nego) Contact : 8575411751

1. Cook


XUV W8 2015 (NL) TERRANO 2015 (NL) BOLERO ZLX 2013 (NL) BOLERO SLX 2010 (NL) SCORPIO M. HAWK VLX 2010 (NL) SWIFT D'ZIRE VXI 2011 (NL) SWIFT D'ZIRE VXI 2012 (NL) TOYOTA CORALLA 2010 (NL) FIAT LUMIA (Diesel) 2011 (NL) EON D'LITE PLUS 2012 (NL) EECO (7 Seater) 2010 (NL) ALTO K10 LXI 2013 (NL) ALTO K10 VXI 2011 (NL) ALTO 800 STD 2014 (NL) ALTO LXI 2009 (NL) ALTO LXI 2007 (NL) ALTO LX 2011 (NL) ALTO LX 2005, 2006 (NL) ALTO STD. 2011 (NL) VAN E-III 2011 (NL) MARUTI CAR E-III 2005 (NL) GYPSY E-II (Auction)




Alto 800 Lxi 2012 Nov



MECHANISED FURNITURE Specialized in : • Doors & Chocket (Both Commercial & Non-Commercial) • Windows & Frame. • All kinds of furniture works. ( Hi End products) • Location DP-8287



For a New Restaurant in Dimapur


Contact Nos.

9089369388, 9615150647

strong recovery to hit a fresh intra-day high of 66.76 in late afternoon deals. State-run lenders sold the greenback on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India. It finally settled at 66.79, revealing a smart gain of 8 paise, or 0.12 per cent. In worldwide trade, the US dollar traded a bit soft against all major emerging market currencies ahead of key macro data outcome alongside the important third-quarter US GDP figures. The overnight new home sales for September in the US came in at their second highest level since the global financial crisis, raising prospect of imminent Fed rate hike this year. The dollar Index, which measures its broader strength against a basket of currencies, was down 0.14 per cent at 98.79 in the afternoon trade.




CONTACT: 8575929910 KOHIMA

Mumbai, Oct 28 (PTI): The rupee today staged a recovery after two days of fall and ended 8 paise higher at 66.79 against the US currency on account of heavy dollar unwinding by exporters ahead of an extended weekend. Besides, a suspected RBI intervention largely supported the local currency, says a forex dealer. Moreover, speculative traders avoiding taking long positions ahead of the next week’s US Fed meeting too weighed on trade. At the Interbank Foreign Exchange (Forex) market, the domestic unit commenced on a bearish note at 66.90 following the month-end demand for the American currency from importers and banks. However, overcoming the highly volatile momentum, the local currency quickly shrugged off the drifting trend and traded rang-bound before making a

Work from your home, no selling of books or products!! Reg fee ` 600/-, earn ` 10,000+monthly!! 100% Safe. Anybody can do from any, Dist./State!! SMS your name & add. to : 8413834781 DP-8516(B)




Govt. Licence No. RTA-K/DRV-SCH/2011/01.

Rupee halts 2-day fall on soft dollar

 T.K. Servicing

NH- 29

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Korean Uncle's Café New Menu

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4th Mile Diphupar, Dimapur New Contact No : 9612636302 STOLEN VEHICLE


Su doku

Model-2008, Run-46,868 km NL Reg. Price : 3.10 lakhs (Nego) Contact : 9436054582


New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS): Union Communications Minister Manoj Sinha will meet the CEOs of telecom companies on November 1 to take stock of the call drop issue. “The minister will meet telecom company Chief Executive Officers on November 1 to take stock of the call drop situation. It’s a stock-taking meeting and also roadmap for the future,” Telecom Secretary J.S. Deepak told reporters here on Friday on the sidelines of an event. Deepak said the sectoral regulator - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) - has informed that there has been substantial improvement in call drop situation. “We had a meeting in June, they (telecom service providers) gave us a 100-day plan. There has been, we believe, from TRAI figures lot of improvement in call drops. There were 54 networks which were not performing upto the standard in December 2015, and now it is down to only 19,” Deepak added.





London, O c t 2 8 (PTI): India has ranked very poorly at 133 in a new Global Youth Development Index compiled by the Commonwealth Secretariat on the countries’ prospects for young people in employment, education, health, civic and political spheres. India ranked 133rd in the index covering 183 nations, below neighbouring countries like Nepal (77), Bhutan (69) and Sri Lanka (31) and trailing behind the South Asian average. However, the report released last week found that it has registered an 11 per cent improvement in scores over the last five years, highlighting the need for greater investment to reap the so-called demographic dividend. “One in five young people in the world today live in India, which makes it one of the most youthful countries on the planet,” said Abhik Sen, the lead author of the ‘2016 Global Youth Development Index’ report.

with ECO (Economic Cooperation Organisation) and D-8 (Developing-8) countries. It is the first time that a major Pakistani business body issued a statement about snapping trade links with India due to border tensions.

Sinha to meet telcos over call drop issue


Pak industry body warns it may suspend trade with India


India ranks poorly in Commonwealth youth index

Islamabad, Oct 28 (PTI): A leading Pakistani trade body on Friday warned it may suspend trade with India, citing the “current hostile conditions”. The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) president Abdul Rauf Alam said there was no compulsion to continue trade ties with India, the Dawn reported. “Pakistan had no compulsions of any sort to continue business and trade relations with India under the current hostile conditions,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. He further said that the entire Pakistani business community was united to take any decision, and given the tense situation in the region, it was not possible to continue trade relations with India. He pointed out the role of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry and said that it left them with no choice but to promote trade relations

A Joint or Additional Commissioner of I-T, an Assistant or Deputy Commissioner and a Tax Recovery Officer in each Principal CCIT Region have been notified to perform the functions and exercise the powers of the Approving Authority, Initiating Officer and Administrator, respectively under the Act, the statement said. While the 1988 Act has nine sections, the amended law would have 71 sections. “There is Section 58 under the law which clearly states that in case of charitable or religious organisation properties, the government has power to exempt those,” Jaitley had said responding to concerns of some Parliament members about the applicability of the amended law on properties in the name of holy books and deities.

per kg as compared with Rs 35,410 per kg last year. Echoing his point, Kalyan Jewellers Executive Director Ramesh Kalyanaraman said, “The advance booking for jewellery is up by 20-25 per cent compared to last year. The update on sales figures will be known in the evening.” “ P r i c e s a r e l owe r when compared to last two months. Prices are more or less stable now and also demand has revived in view of the good monsoon,” he said. P C Jewellers MD Balram Garg said, “We are expecting 20 per cent jump in volume and 30 per cent in value terms as prices have gone up in the last one year.” This is a conservative estimate, but sales could cross this level, he added. World Gold Council (WGC) MD Somasundaram PR said, “It appears that, as was widely expected, this Dhanteras has ushered in a new phase of optimism around gold, particularly after an unusually difficult first half.” He said in a statement: “Consumers who have been deferring gold purchases are back and the demand for gold jewellery and branded coins seems to be much better than the previous year’s Dhanteras and Diwali festival.”


Property Transactions Act, 1988,” a CBDT statement said. While the existing law provides for up to three years of imprisonment or fine or both for carrying out benami transactions, the amended legislation would provide for seven years imprisonment and fine. The Act defines benami transactions, prohibits them and further provides that any violation is punishable with imprisonment and fine. The PBPT Act prohibits recovery of the property held benami from benamidar by the real owner. “Properties held benami are liable for confiscation by the government without payment of compensation,” it said. An appellate mechanism has been provided under the Act in the form of Adjudicating Authority and Appellate Tribunal.

New Delhi, Oct 28 (PTI): After subdued gold demand in last six months, jewellery and coin sales sparkled on Dhanteras today, with sales seen to grow by up to 25 per cent on higher demand in view of good monsoon and favourable price levels. Dhanteras is considered to be an auspicious day for buying gold, silver and other valuables and is largely celebrated in North and West India. According to jewellers and MMTC-PAMP India, gold demand has picked up in the wake of good monsoon and favourable price levels. There was positive response and more footfalls. “There was robust demand for gold and silver coins as also bars this time as prices are at favourable levels. People are buying for investment purpose. We expect 15-20 per cent increase in sales from over the last year,” MMTC-PAMP India President (Marketing) Vipin Raina told PTI. But more sales are expected in the later part of the day, with office-goers in big cities coming in for buying late in the evening, he added. Gold prices are ruling at Rs 30,590 per 10 grams in the national capital, about 16.6 per cent higher than Rs 26,230 on Dhanteras day in 2015. Silver traded at Rs 42,700


New Delhi, Oct 28 (PTI): The new law to prohibit benami transactions, which also provides for up to 7 years imprisonment and fine for those indulging in such activities, will come into effect from November 1. With a view to curb the menace of black money, Parliament in August had passed the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, after assurance from Finance Minister Arun Jaitley that genuine religious trusts will be kept out of the purview of the legislation. “The rules and all the provisions of the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act shall come into force on November 1, 2016. After coming into effect, the existing Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988, shall be renamed as the Prohibition of Benami

Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, october 29, 2016

Gold, silver sales seen higher by up to 25%


Benami Property Act to be effective from Nov 1



Regd. No. : NL01N5032 Chassis No. : MA1ZN2GHKG1A13832 Engine No. : GHF1M94927 Model: Bolero Single Cap Pick up 4wd Colour: White Veh. Class : LGV Mfg Date: 12/2015 Location: Upper Kenuozou L.Khel, Kohima Time: 03:00 AM Dated: 26/10/2016 Owner: Vekudu Veswu K-3973 Contact: 9862773899

I, Miss. Senlilo applying for a duplicate copy of HSLC Admit Card as I have lost it. F/Name : Orenbemo Ovung M/Name : Orensali Ovung DoB : 11/03/1999 Roll No. : 1660469 Year : 2016 Institution : GHSS, Wokha Finders may kindly contact. 8014504501 DC-2418



I, B. Sheye Betak am applying for a duplicate B.A Final Marksheet, Pass Certificate and Transfer Certificate of Nagaland University as I have lost it. Name : B. Sheye Betak F/Name : Bumang Konyak Sex : Male Roll No : AH13010389 Regd. No : 13010514 College : St. Joseph College, Jakhama Year : 2016 Contact : 7627942881 8731818142



I, Toka K. Yeptho am applying for duplicate copy of HSLC Admit Card as I have lost it. Name : Toka K. Yeptho F/Name : Kakiho Yeptho Roll No : 1681221 Year : 2016 School : Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Niuland Centre : Eden Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur DP-8572

ISIS ‘executes’ 232 near Mosul: UN

shields against the Iraqi forces advance on Mosul.” There have been other reported civilian deaths over the past week as ISIS tries to herd people into its last major stronghold in Iraq and the nation’s second city against the Iraqi-led operation. Reports of the latest ISIS atrocities came as Iraqi

security forces reported further progress Friday in their advance from the south of Mosul. Abdulrahman al Wagga, a member of the Nineveh provincial council, told CNN the security forces had taken the town of al Shura, about 30 kilometers (19 miles) south of Mosul, and had evacuated 5,000 to 6,000 civilians.

The area is being cleared of homemade bombs and booby traps, he said. Iraqi security forces and federal police have also now “90% surrounded Hammam al-Alil,” the largest town south of Mosul, Wagga said. Wagga said the Iraqi forces might storm Hammam al-Alil soon but it

Syria’s civil war kills more schoolchildren

BEIRUT, OCT 29 (Reuters): Syrian rebels began a counter-attack in Aleppo on Friday with heavy shelling of government-held areas after a weeks-long Russian-backed offensive against besieged districts held by insurgents, rebels said. Several children were killed at a school in government-held western Aleppo on Thursday, state media and a monitoring group said, just a day after air strikes on a school in a A classroom in Syria lies in ruin after an air strike rebel-held village in Idlib, damaged the school building. (Internet) 50km (32 miles) away. The shells hit two neighborhoods, Syrian state news agency SANA reHIGH SCHOOL AREA, KOHIMA ported: the national school in the Shahaba area, killing ADMISSION NOTICE FOR CLASSES A-8 three children and woundCLASS (A) FREE ADMISSION ing more than a dozen others, and the other attack ADMISSION SHALL BEGIN FROM killed three people in Ham1ST NOVEMBER 2016 daniya. FORMS CAN BE COLLECTED FROM SCHOOL OFFICE The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a FROM 9 :30 A.M TO 2:00 P.M ON ALL WORKING DAYS Britain-based monitor of CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM WEBSITE: www.mchss.in the five-year-old war, said six children under the age Admission on first come first basis of 16 had been killed in Features: the two attacks, includ- 1. Limited Hostel facilities both for boys and girls ing a baby. Wednesday’s with trained theologian warden. air strikes hit a school in 2. Experienced and dedicated teaching faculties the Haas village in rebel3. Counseling facilities held Idlib, killing at least 15 school children, an at- 4. Cognitive and physical Development tack that Western countries 5. To train children to be good, responsible and have blamed on the Syrian successful citizens military and Russian air For further information, contactforce. Moscow has denied involvement. 9856070787, 9612548053 K-3975


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based group that reports on the war, also said that insurgents had set off several suicide car bombs on the western edge of Aleppo. A Syrian military source said an insurgent attack in that area had been thwarted. A state TV station said the army had destroyed four car bombs. The rebels aim to break a siege that government and allied militias imposed this summer with air support from the Russian air force.

Beijing, Oct 28 (PTI): China today warned India that bilateral ties as well as peace and stability of the border areas would suffer “damage” if it allows Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh, which Beijing claims is part of southern Tibet. “We are seriously concerned about the relevant information,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang told a media briefing here replying to a question about reports that India has granted permission to Dalai Lama to visit Arunachal Pradesh at the invitation of the Chief Minister. “China’s position on the eastern section of China India border is consistent and clear. The Dalai clique is engaged in anti-China separatist activity and has very disgraceful behaviour on issues relating to ChinaIndia boundary question,” Lu said. The Indian side is well aware of the severity of the Dalai Lama issue as well as

RECRUITMENT NOTICE 1. Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts. The scale of pay and specifications of the post are given below :No of Vacancies Sl. Designation No of Post Gen OBC SC ST PH ESM MSP Total (a)

Tradesman Mate





Pay Scales

Rs. 5200-20200/15# + Grand Pay Rs. 1800/-

* These vacancies are included in total vacancies of 15. # The vac of Ex-Servicemen and Meritorious Sports Person will be filled up first and adjusted against respective categories. 2. The last date for receipt of application is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the employment news. In case of candidates belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, Laddak Sub Division of Jammu and Kashmir state, Lahaul & Spiti District of Pangi Sub Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep shall be 28 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. However the crucial date for determining the age limit for all shall be the closing date for receipt of application i.e 21 days from publication. 3. Detailed Eligibility criteria and application form is available at www.indianarmy.nic.in. 4. Application NOT confirming to the format given in the website will NOT be accepted. davp 10202/11/0175/1617 K


the sensitivity of the ChinaIndia boundary question, he said. “Under such circumstances India’s invitation to the Dalai Lama for activity in the disputed areas between China and India will only damage peace, stability of the border areas as well as the bilateral relationship between China and India,” Lu said. “We require the Indian side to honour the political commitment to Tibet-related issues and abide by the bilateral consensus on boundary question,” he said. India also should “re-

The Church Council would like to express our heartiest congratulations to Mr. Vesato Tetseo Pastor, Chairman Board of Mission Chakhesang CRC for being promoted to Director of Treasury & Account, Nagaland, Kohima. We wish him and pray that Almighty God may grant him more success in his future endeavours. Ngoswüyi Lohe Rev. Vevozo Khamo Chairman, CCCRC Executive Secy., CCCRC


With a deep sense of gratitude the International Evangelistic Fellowship (IEF) would like to thank individuals, families and all the local churches under ABAM for your valuable prayer and financial contribution towards Discipleship Bible College on DBC & IEF day of prayer held on 11th Sept 2016. Your generous contribution will make a huge difference in building up of our college for the extension of God’s kingdom. Thank you. In Christ T. Chujang Aier Gen. Secretary IEF Mkg DC-2422



With immense pride and joy the Ekhung take this opportunity to congratulate ;1. Smti. Athel O Lotha, promoted to the Addl. Secy., Govt of Nagaland. 2. Shri. Orenpomo Kikon, promoted to the Addl. Secy., Govt of Nagaland. 3. Shri. Thechamo Ezung, promoted to the Addl. Secy., Govt of Nagaland. 4. Shri. Lumdemo N. Kikon, promoted to UDA, Govt. of Nagaland. 5. Shri. Renponthung Ezung, newly inducted Chairman Wokha District Chamber of Commerce & Industries (WDCC&I) and for receiving ITC Ltd. ‘Best Performance Award’. 6. Shri. Zayio Ezung, elected unopposed for his second tenure as Chairman Longsa Village Council. The Ekhung wish them all success in their future endeavour. N. Samuel Ezung, Publicity & Info. Secy., WTLE DC-2417




Cagiangpi : Lp.Liangsi Newmai Advocate, Director C-CERP Co-Ordinator NACWR


The Pfutseromi Village Gazetted Forum would like to congratulate Shri. Wepe Ritse on his promotion to the post of Registrar of Cooperation (HOD). The Forum wishes him a successful tenure.

Zengtung : 31st Cagahiu 2016 Pating : Wancak 10:00 Nsun Pabam : Orchid Ground Burma Camp Dimpur.

(M. K. MERO) President, PVGF


Revival & Healing Festival

Mathiutu CAGA ra Kukhaiye

Date 17, 18, 19, 20 November 2016 VENUE

frain from taking any action that may complicate the issue, do not provide any platform for anti-China separatist activities by the 14th Dalai Lama,” he said. “Only by doing so can we maintain sound and steady growth of the bilateral relations,” he added. Asked about assertions by External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Swarup that Dalai Lama has visited the state in the past, Lu said, “making one mistake does not mean that you can make another mistake”. “As I just said, India’s invitation to the Dalai Lama for activity in the disputed area between China and India is like providing a platform for anti-China separatist activities. It does no good to peace and tranquility in the border areas as well as the development of China-India relations,” he said. China considers Arunachal Pradesh as part of southern Tibet and routinely objects to visits by the Dalai Lama, Indian leaders as well as foreign dignitaries.




: Nagaland State Stadium, Near Dimapur DC court


Dalai Lama



An Iraqi man waving a white flag flees with his family in a vehicle near Sin al-Dhuban. (Internet)

would depend on the situation on the ground since civilians were still present. Reports indicate that ISIS has abducted at least 5,370 families from around al Shura and 150 more from around Hammam al-Alil, Shamdasani told a briefing in Geneva, Switzerland. Another 160 families have reportedly been seized from around Qayyara, she said, and 2,210 families from the Nimrud area of Hamdaniya district. “Forced out by gunpoint, or killed if they resist, these people are reportedly being moved to strategic locations where ISIL fighters are located,” Shamdasani said, using an alternative acronym for ISIS. Information received by the United Nations suggests some 60,000 people are currently living in Hammam al-Alil, an ISIS stronghold with a previous population of 23,000, she said. The use of human shields is banned under international humanitarian law, and constitutes a violation of the right not to be arbitrarily deprived of life, the UN refugee agency said.

Dalai’s Arunachal visit will damage ties: China warns India

K.THONLUNGBOU Cultural Secy. 9402634316


Mosul, Oct 29 (CNN): ISIS has “executed” 232 people near the Iraqi city of Mosul and taken tens of thousands of people to use as human shields against advancing Iraqi forces, the United Nations says. The terror group carried out the mass killings Wednesday, punishing people who had defied its orders, a spokeswoman for the UN human rights arm told CNN. “ISIS executed 42 civilians in Hammam al-Alil, south of Mosul. Also on Wednesday ISIS executed 190 former Iraqi security forces for refusing to join them, in the Al Ghazlani base near Mosul,” said Ravina Shamdasani of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Another 24 former Iraqi security forces officers were reportedly killed Tuesday, the office said. Since October 17, ISIS has taken tens of thousands of men, women and children from the outskirts of Mosul into the city. Shamdasani said the United Nations feared the group intended “to use them as human



Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, october 29, 2016

BIWANG RENTTA President, LCDD 9402441433



Speakers are Blessed by God with the Gift of Healing. Come and receive your Healing.

Date : 31st Oct. 2016 Venue : Zeliangrong B/Church Compound CMD. Time : 10:00 A.M



Moderator - Mr. Maliangzin Thiumai Speaker - D. Mutlak (Pastor ZLR B/C CMD)







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Assembles of congregation Opening Prayer Welcome Notes Cultural Dance Introduction Significance of Chaga-Gadi Speech Thought of the day

9. Traditional Song 10. Declaration & Adoption of Resolution 11. Folk Song 12. Closing Prayer 13. Indigenous Games 14. Followed by



Getui. Asst/Pastor Moderator Dancing Troops L. Aphen (Gen/Secy) K. Siaraung (Chairman) Speaker Alex Wijiunamai (The Importance of strengthening Union) - Heluiching Nriame - Mosa Newme - i/c Women President (ZLR. Union CMD) - Pastor. Hutan Pamai - i/c Madan Panmei - Chaga-Gadi Feast Programme Committee ZLR. Union CMD. K



Infotainment ADJ Team to organize ‘Karaoke Night’

AX7 releases new album ‘The Stage’

DJ Music Production Team is set to organize a one day promotional show, ‘Karaoke Night’ for the young and budding singers and dancers. The main motive of the show is to promote the talents of the upcoming young generation of Nagaland. The show is based only on performance and judges’ decision. Winners of both singing away Both singer and Dancer with cash prizes along with certificate along with a cover song video record deal. Interested artistes can sing in either Hindi or English while dancers, both solo and group, will also be given the platform. Audition will held on December 17 morning while the show will be held in the evening at Town hall, Dimapur. Before the grand final round, renowned artistes will perform for the viewers. Forms for the competition will be made available at Kiran Sports, Popular Bakery-Purana Bazaar. While the last date for form submission will be December 3. For more details one may contact 9862-09-4672 or 9774-86-2205.

venged Sevenfold have released a surprise new album called ‘The Stage’. The US metal band last released an album in 2013 with ‘Hail To The King’. ‘The Stage’ is the group’s seventh LP and was co-produced by Joe Barresi (Queens of the Stone Age, Tool, Melvins). ‘The Stage’ features a spoken word cameo from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and is the band’s first album to feature new drummer Brooks Wackerman following the departure of Arin Ilejay

Dreamz Unlimited leaves their crowd laughing and thinking A

Dreamz Unlimited artistes performing during the ‘Comedy Night’ organized by Aoyimti Kaketshir Telongjem at Aoyimti Children’s Park, Dimapur, Friday. (NP)


n a perfect blend of comedy and lessons for social changes, the unstoppable ‘Dreamz Unlimted’ earned yet another feather on their cap as they took the stage at Aoyimti Children’s Park leaving the crowd laughing but at the same time thinking. The group of artistes were flawless as they presented their dramas without break even as the multitude of crowd numbering close to a couple of thousands roared in laughter. Their video clips on various social problems like bad roads, wayward youngsters, IBIs, sanitation and

hygiene etc. which have been going viral in both watsapp and facebook must have surely kept the public wanting to see them in real life as the crowd went big to bigger towards the end of the show. Young and old, black or white, stayed glued to their chairs with their eyes hardly blinking as they devoured the presentations vociferously. Although dramas of such kind are rare in the city, with the advent of Dreamz Unlimited, the scenario is likely to change. People understood their language, noticed

their gestures and responded well to their whims. Their fan base is growing by the day and their talents in wooing the mass seemed unfazed which were greatly reflected during the Friday’s show. Their versatility in mimicking different stereotypes and accents were presented in funny yet unmatched levels as they connected with the crowd without much effort. They presented lessons for social changes in capsules but the effect would no doubt be felt soon. The hard works and

resources put into their acts seem to have been repaid in leaps and bounds by the overwhelming response from the public because no matter how good an artiste maybe, without an audience their efforts are of very little meaning. The stage for comedic art has been set with the tireless efforts of Dreamz Unlimited and hopefully people wanting to venture into this field will find it easier now for they have surely planted the seeds of artistry in some young minds who have witnessed their acts tonight. (Aneila Seyie Keretsü)

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Saturday, October 29, 2016


in 2015. Speaking to Rolling Stone, frontman M Shadows explained the reasoning behind the surprise release: “Everyone else is dropping the breadcrumbs, having four or five singles before their record comes out. It completely takes away the mystique of the record; by the time it actually comes out, you’ve already done 50 interviews about what the record’s about and is going to sound like. It’s 2016; people’s attention spans

are so short at this point, who has time for three months of lead-up?” He added: “Vocally and musically, we went ‘out’ a lot on the record – if we came up with something that made us laugh, we put it on the record… Listen to that new Bowie record – it’s a brilliant record, but it’s so fucking out there, and that’s why it’s art! It’s so exciting to us to put out something like that and be completely, 100 percent satisfied with it.”

Manoj Kumar wonders why Indian film fraternity is obsessed with the Oscars




eteran actor Manoj Kumar wonders why the Indian film fraternity is obsessed with the Oscars. He feels that an award that Hollywood gets attracted to, should be instituted in India instead. The Padma Shri awardee and Dadasaheb Phalke Award winner told IANS: “We should create an award here in our country. Hollywood actors should crave to get that. Why do we have this fascination about Oscars? We know the manipulation there. If a film is liked in our country, what else do you want?” This year, National Award-winning filmmaker

Vetrimaaran’s critically acclaimed Tamil drama “Visaranai” has been chosen as India’s official pick for Oscars 2017 in the Foreign Language Film category. “Mother India”, “Salaam Bombay!” and “Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India” are the only Indian films that have made it to the top five in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the Academy Awards. K-3970


DP-8547 K




Under-fire Dhoni faces tricky Kiwis in series-decider

Mahendra Singh Dhoni

V i s a k h a pat n a m , Oct 28 (PTI): Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s leadership as well as finishing skills will be put through a stern test when an inconsistent India take on a rejuvenated New Zealand in the series-deciding fifth and final cricket ODI, here tomorrow. With the series locked at 2-2, Dhoni and his men will be eager to clinch the issue while history beckons Kane Williamson’s men as



Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, october 29, 2016

they have a glorious opportunity to taste their maiden success in a bilateral ODI rubber. The only thing that can play spoilsport is the cyclone threat which can lead to complete washout. While Dhoni’s captaincy may not be under immediate threat but a series loss against New Zealand will certainly raise questions about ‘Captain Cool’s’ ability to marshall his resources after his much publicised

admission of being unable to rotate strike lower down the order. Under Dhoni, India lost three ODI series -- 1-2 against Bangladesh in Bangladesh, 1-4 against Australia Down Under and 2-3 at home against South Africa. The only ODI series victory in the last 18 months has been against a lowly Zimbabwe. Away from home for four months spanning two continents, New Zealand’s only success was a 2-0 win against a lowly Zimbabwe, following which they drew South Africa 1-1 before being whitewashed 0-3 by India in the Tests. Their ODI campaign started off on a sour note in Dharamasala but some strong batting performances by skipper Kane Williamson and Martin Guptill in Delhi and Ranchi respectively have managed to catch India off guard and level the fivematch series 2-2. That they have never won against India in four bilateral contests since 1988

Warrior FC, Vetao Ayie FC enter qFs

Sports Ministry recognises BFI

will be a big motivation for the Black Caps to buck the trend and return home with an act of redemption. Weather permitting, a tantalising finish is on the cards as India would be equally hungry for success at the Dr YS Rajasekhara Reddy ACA-VDCA Cricket Stadium, a venue where they boast of a 4-1 record. Their last win has been against Sri Lanka, a 5-0 whitewash way back in November-2014 and an underfire Dhoni would not want another series loss at the fag end of his career. The world No.4 India have just three more ODIs, against England, ahead of the coveted Champions Trophy in June next year and it would be an opportunity for Dhoni to give them a boost against a team which is ranked a notch higher. The overreliance on Virat Kohli has also been evident during the series as Indian Test captain was the prime performer in both victories during the first four matches so far.

New Delhi, Oct 28 (IANS): The Sports Ministry on Friday granted recognition to the recentlyformed Boxing Federation of India (BFI) as the national federation for the sport. BFI conducted its elections on September 25 and AIBA, the international body for boxing has recognised the newly-elected office bearers of BFI. Uttarakhand’s Ajay Singh, who is also the Chairman and Managing Director of Spicejet Airlines, was elected President of BFI. “Ministry of Sports recognises Boxing Federation of India(BFI) as the National Sports Federation for Boxing,” the Sports Ministry tweeted on its twitter handle. “Recognition to BFI will give a big boost to preparation of our boxers for the Tokyo Olympics and other major international competitions,” it added. “There has been no National Sports Federation for Boxing since 2012. Recognition of BFI by the Sports Ministry fulfils the requirement.”

Match in action between Pang FC and Warrior FC Noksen Town at public ground Tuensang on Friday. (NP)


TUENSANG, OCT 28 (NPN): Warrior FC Noksen Town and Vetao Ayie FC entered the quarter finals in the ongoing 24th edition of Loyem Memorial Senior Soccer Open Championship 2016, organized by the Confederation of Chang Students Union (CCSU), here at public ground Tuensang on Friday. In the first match,

Warrior FC Noksen Town beat Pang FC 4-2. For Warrior FC, the goals were scored by Longkoi (7) in the 6th minute, Shangchiu (10) in 15th and 50th minutes and Bukhiu (12) in the 29th minute. Hangthing (6) and Wisu (9) scored a goal each for Pang FC. In the second match, Vetao Ayie FC defeated Sangzi FC by 6-1 goals. For Vetao Ayie FC, Pukho (11) scored a hat-trick. His goals came in the 9th, 41,

Sania-Hingis pair enters Ronaldo deserves Ballon d’Or: Zidane semis of WTA Finals

Nagaland wrestling referee board formed

DDVFA informs

Dimapur, Oct 28 (NPN): The Dimapur District Veteran Football Association (DDVFA) has informed that football practice would commence from November 1 at 5:30 am everyday at SAI ground, Nagarjan. Therefore, all the members have been requested to attend the practice Newly elected NWRB officials after the meeting at Kohima local ground. regularly. Players selection Kohima, Oct 28 (NPN): wrestling lovers as well. general secretary, Vekhriyi for the forthcoming veteran The Nagaland Wrestling The house in a unani- Chüzho as joint secretary football tournament would Referee Board (NWRB) was mous approval decided to and Hangcheu as treasurer. also be done at the same formed during a meeting have a grading system of The advisors are Chisa- time, it informed. of the Nagaland Wrestling referee under Grade A, B zo Dawhuo, Kikhwesul Qualified Referee Certificate & C, where the norms and Thokhwe and Sapi Kin. The executive memholders held on October 26 criteria will be sorted out Quarter Finals result at the rostrum of the Ko- very soon after proper con- bers are Puilung N. Hau Diphupar 2 – 1 Hollohon hima local ground. sultation with the NWA and (ZWA), Viliemeto (ASA), Mishikito 8 – 9 Kushiabill In a press statement other constituent units. The Vitsu Ngukha (ASA), Pau(tie-breaker) Chekiye 5 – 1 Thilixu issued by newly elected grading system of refereeing ranbe Poireng (ZWA), WeSughuna 2 – 0 Unity NWRB president Hukhon- is expected to provide better zhiepe (CWA), Pozoto Shijo Today’s matches eyi Soho and general sec- standard of Naga wrestling (CWA), Huvesü Puro (CWA), Semi-finals retary Kezhalelie Kerutsu, in the near future.Hukhon- Surhoneyi Soho (CWA), Hu1st match: 8:00 am the board formed with an eyi Soho will lead the newly venu Phesao (CWA), Telubi Diphupar vs Kushiabill aim to provide better and formed team as the president (ZWA), Kope (CWA), Zeho2nd match: 10:00 am transparent technical aspect and Keneingulie as vice pres- to (ASA), Visakholie (ASA) Chekiye vs Sughuna for both the wrestlers and the ident, Kezhalelie Kerütsü as and Ekeo (ASA).

ligament damage in the Euro 2016 final. “What Cristiano has done is raise the bar so high that every time he doesn’t score it is a problem,” added Zidane. Ronaldo has netted just four times in nine appearances for Madrid so far this season, by a distance his worst return at this stage of the campaign in seven seasons with the European champions. “He is angry (about not scoring), but there is no bigger worry than that,” continued Zidane. “Every time he doesn’t score there is a furore, but he


Late Zukihe Sema, founder of Zukihe village, will be held at 11am on October 29, 2016 at Zukihe village, Khaghaboto Area. dc-xxx

1ST DEATH ANNIVERSARY Late Kumrila T. Quinker

KDVA informs Ko h i m a , O c t 2 8 (NPN): Kohima District Volleyball Association (KDVA) would be conducting a Referee Refreshers Course for Trained Referees from Kohima district on November 2 at 11:00 am at KPC conference hall for the forthcoming 4th Open Kohima District Volleyball Tournament. The draw of fixtures would also be done on the same day at 2:00 pm, informed KDVA. Therefore, all team managers/coaches have been requested to be present or send a representative for the draw. K Y M C


15-09-2003 to 29-10-2015

our heart to lose you, Iparttbutbroke you did not go alone, a of us went with you, the

day God took you home. If tears could build a stairway and heartaches make a lane, we could walk our way to heaven and bring you back again. In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still in our hearts, you hold a place no one could ever fill. Deeply miss you in silent tears and prayer. Loving dear ones


3 Death Anniversary rd


LT. BIJAYA SONAR On the Anniversary of the day you went away Today's the anniversary of the day that we lost you And for a time it felt as though Our life had ended too. But loss has taught us many things And now we face each day, With hope and happy memories To help us on our way.

Dated of Birth : 10-01-1963 Date of Death : 25-10-2016

And though we are full of sadness That you're no longer here, Your influence still guides us And we still feel you near. What we shared will never die It lives within our hearts, Bringing strength and comfort while we are apart WE LOVE YOU MUMMY! Loving grandson, Virat. Grand daughter, Vanshika Son, Avinash Daughters, Reshma, Sushma, Pinky & Rinky


Today’s matches First match: 9:00 am Yepekas vs ZVYC Second match Naga Colony Youth Organisation vs Nona Brothers

LATE MRS. TSOKIENUO YIESE 1909-2016 (107 years) Died: 16th Oct. 2016 We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expression of love, kindness, support, services and your soothing words brought comfort and hope to us all. We greatly appreciate your love and friendship for the expressions of sympathy and all help provided to us during our moment of sorrow. God bless and keep you all. “Those who walk upright enters into peace; they find rest as they lie in death” Isaiah 57:2 Loving children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.


HASSA Sports Meet

Dimapur district volleyball tourney

has to live with these things. He is a phenom.” Ronaldo is expected to be partnered by Bale and Karim Benzema once more in the Madrid front line despite the fine form of Alvaro Morata. The Spanish international came off the bench to score the winner against Athletic Bilbao last weekend and bagged a double in a 7-1 rout of Cultural Leonesa in the Copa del Rey on Wednesday. However, captain Sergio Ramos, Luka Modric and Casemiro remain out injured.


both the teams held their service game till they reached 5 games all. It was in the 11th game of the first set that Sania and Hingis were broken. But the joy of their opponents was shortlived as they broke back in the very next game to take the first set into a tie-breaker. The second set was also fought on an even keel till the 10th game after which Sania-Hingis secured a crucial break and then held their serve to book a place in the last four.

trip to Alaves in La Liga. “Not just at an individual level, but above all on a collective level...he knows everything he is achieving is thanks to his hard work and the work of those around him.” Ronaldo is expected to face competition from five-time winner Lionel Messi, Madrid teammate Gareth Bale and Atletico Madrid and France forward Antoine Griezmann for the award. However, his form has slumped since his return from a two-month injury layoff after suffering knee



SINGAPORE, Oct 28 (PTI): Indian ace Sania Mirza and Switzerland’s Martina Hingis entered the semi-finals of the WTA Finals after beating Taiwanese combination of Hao-Ching Chan and Yung Jan Chan 7-6 (12-10) 7-5, on Friday. The Indo-Swiss pair will be pitted against the winner of the match between top seeds Caroline Garcia-Kristina Mladenovic and Bethanie Mattek-SandsLucie Safarova. It was a hard-fought two sets where

MA D RI D, O c t 2 8 (Agencies): Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane backed Cristiano Ronaldo’s case for a fourth Ballon d’Or on Friday despite the Portuguese superstar’s current struggles in front of goal. Ronaldo won both the Champions League with Real and Portugal’s first ever major tournament at Euro 2016 to make him the favourite to land the award for the world’s best player on January 9 next year. “He clearly deserves the Ballon d’Or,” said Zidane ahead of Saturday’s

57th minutes respectively. Longshie (5), Chetie (6) and Muttu (7) also scored a goal each for Vetao Ayie FC. The lone goal for Sangzi FC was scored by Tsisi (20) in the 60th minute. Quarter finals fixture October 29: Frontier FC vs Genesis FC October 31: Seyong Club Tobu vs Warrior FC November 1: United Robust Club vs Vetao Ayie FC November 2: Ngangpong FC vs Morning Star FC

Through this column, we the bereaved family members of Late Prem Rana would like to extend our heartiest gratitude to the doctors of NEIGRIHMS, Shillong, individuals, church members, neighbours, friends and all the well wishers who stood by us in prayer, physical and financial support during his illness and departure for his heavenly abode. We regret our inability to mention individually but we pray that our Almighty God bless you abundantly. DP-8581

Loving sisters, brothers, nieces, son-in-laws and relatives

1915- 2016 (101 Years) “Losing someone like you is a pain which is hard to describe and sustain, but you being a strong woman of faith preached the wisdom that the world needs to see. Loving and caring is what all you were, a perfect example for others to lead. Those graceful eyes saw and taught what we now stand up for. May God shower your soul with peace and we’ll keep missing you until we meet again ’’. Though words are simply not enough to express our profound gratitude and appreciation, we the bereaved family members of Lt. Atsavu Khuvung would like to thank most sincerely to each and everyone who stood by us physically, materially, financially and through prayers at the demise of our beloved Lt.Atsavu Khuvung, who left us for heavenly abode on 23.10.16 We convey special thanks to :1. Kohima Lotha Baptist Church 2. Central Baptist Church, Bayavu Hill Kohima 3. Shaki Baptist Church 4. Phiro Baptist Church 5. Sankiton Baptist Church 6. Wozhuro Range Kohima 7. Shaki Eloe Ekhung 8. Upper Bayavu Hill Kohima 9. Upper Bayavu Hill Welfare Board Kohima 10. Kohima Shaki Hanpoe Yanpia Eyi Okho 11. Kohima Lotha Baptist Church (Women Department) 12. In-laws and Well Wishers of Nerhema Village We deeply regret of not being able to mention all the loved ones for their support personally but we humbly pray that our Almighty God bless all of you abundantly. Loving children, grandchildren, great grandchildren K-3967 K Y M C


ATK beat NE Utd to go top of ISL table

Players of Northeast United FC (in white jersey) and Atletico de Kolkata vie for the ball during the ISL match. (PTI)

Guwahati, Oct 28 (IANS): Helder Postigainspired Atletico de Kolkata (ATK) zoomed to the top of the Indian Super League (ISL) points table with a come-from-behind win against NorthEast United at the Indira Gandhi Stadium Athletic Stadium here on Friday. Postiga (63), playing after four matches, came on in

Open volleyball tourney held at Chozuba Dimapur, Oct 28 (NPN): The Mediito Society, Chozuba in collaboration with the Nerhu Yuva Kendra, Phek organized the 1st Open Volleyball Tourney at Chozuba town on October 22. Runguzu Youth Association ‘A’ emerged as the champion while Falcon Club, Chakhabama bagged the runner up position. Teisovi of Falcon club was awarded the best spiker, Zavepra of Runguzu Youth Association ‘A’ was adjudged as best setter while Kevi Liegise of Brothers United Kohima was named the most promising players. Altogether, 16 teams participated in the tournament.

Nagaland Post, Dimapur saturday, october 29, 2016


the second half to level proceedings after Uruguayan Emiliano Alfaro (39) had given the home team a first half lead. Juan Belecoso (82) prodded home the winner late into the match as ATK head coach Jose Molina -- serving a one-match suspension -- watched from the stands as the inaugural champions logged 12 points

from seven games. Following the loss, NorthEast remained on 10 points from seven matches to be relegated by a place to third position. Hosts’ goalkeeper Subrata Paul picked up an injury in the 74th minute and was replaced by Wellington De Lima Gomes. There were a flurry of chances from the NorthEast after falling behind but the visitors held firm. Debjit Mazumdar belied his recent form to flounder twice inside the first 10 minutes. The visitors were lucky to not fall behind as early as in the fifth minute when a horrible mix up between Arnab Mondal and Debjit almost gifted Alfaro his fifth goal of the campaign. Few minutes later, the Mohun Bagan custodian failed to collect a regulation catch from a corner. There was no improvement on show in ATK’s play as Doutie on the right was often found out of options ahead of him passing backwards instead. Javi Lara, playing in the hole behind Belencoso, looked ragged too as the hosts used the width of the pitch to good effect. From one such move down the left flank, Nirmal Chettri played one-two with Yusa Katsumi to deliver a pin-point cross for Alfaro who found space to nod home between centre-backs Arnab Mondal and Sereno.

In between the goal and the slack defending in the initial exchanges, Belencoso’s close-range shot clattered into Gustavo Lazzaretti and at the other end Alfaro was stopped in his tracks by Debjit which the former called for penalty as at halftime, NorthEast led by the solitary goal. Stung by the goal and the prospect of a second consecutive defeat, Postiga took the field after 45 odd minutes replacing Doutie. Prabir Das made way for Robert at left-back too. Moments after coming on, the Portuguese was involved into two moves, first provider then with a chance to score. In the first occasion, Belencoso skewed his header over while hosts’ marquee Didier Zokora denied his counterpart with a swipe at goal. Three minutes into the hour-mark, Postiga got the better of Zokora to head in his first goal of the third edition after Ralte flaoted in a good cross from the left. North East were dealt a blow in the 74th minute when veteran keeper Pal injured himself while trying to collect a Ralte cross which found Belencoso in an offside position. ATK reaped dividends of their industry in the 82nd minute when the superb Ralte squared for an unmarked Belencoso who tapped the ball into an empty net, marking the eventual winning strike.

Russian high jumper Chicherova appeals against IOC ruling M o s c ow, O c t 2 8 (IANS): Russian high jumper Anna Chicherova has filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) against the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decision to strip her of 2008 Olympics bronze over doping charges, her husband Gennady Chernovol said on Friday. The IOC announced on October 6 its decision to strip Chicherova of the 2008 Olympic bronze after the reanalysis of her doping sample tested positive for the banned performance enhancing drug Turinabol, reports Tass. “Anna has submit-

ted an appeal with CAS against the decision of the IOC. You will all know the rest of the details later,” Chernovol said. The Inter national Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) stated on October 7 that all 20082010 results achieved by Chicherova would be annulled if she did not turn to the Swiss-based CAS. The Russian national team finished the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in third place in the medals standings, having won a total of 73 medals (23 gold, 21 silver and 29 bronze). The IOC Executive Board convened a special session on May 17 discuss-

ing efforts of stepping up the fight against the drugs cheats and furnish measures to protect clean athletes ahead of the Olympics in Rio. As part of its antidoping efforts, IOC ordered reanalysis of doping samples of athletes from 2008 Olympics in Beijing and 2012 Olympics in London. Following two rounds of re-testing, over 100 Olympians were reported to test positive for banned substances - at least 60 from the 2008 Games and about 40 from the 2012 Games. Among them were over 25 medallists from both Olympics.

2nd Boulevard snooker open championship

Mhasilhusie is NWM-5 heavyweight champ Mhasinyiizo peseyie lifts junior category title

Staff Reporter

Friday, Oct 28 (NPN): 2nd Boulevard snooker championship, an all Nagaland championship event organised by Boulevard Snooker Club got underway Friday at Boulevard pool palace, Sematilla, Dimapur. The opening ceremony was graced by Naga Students Federation (NSF) president Subanthang Kithan as special guest officially declared the championship open. In his speech Subanthang Kithan said, in every game there are rules and regulations which bind and discipline the players. He encouraged the players to respect and play by the rules. There can only be one winner, he said and further added that what matter most is the participation. Concluding his speech, the special guest wished the participants the very best. The programme was chaired by chaired by Anilto. Sematilla prayer convenor, Hukato invoked God’s blessing and welcome speech was delivered by Boulevard Snooker Club president Ahoi. Ahoi said that the championship is being organised in order to upgrade and uplift the youngsters. With tribalism existing in the society, he also called upon the players “let us try to remove this ism and be a family, a family of the Boulevard Family.” Altogether 46 participants are competing in the championship.

Peren legislature football trophy Dimapur, Oct 28 (NPN): The 10th edition of Peren District Legislature Football Trophy would be held at Jalukie ‘B’ village from November 25. The premier trophy carries a cash award of Rs.1 lakh for the champion along with running trophy and Rs.50, 000 and trophy for the runner-up and Rs.10, 000 each for the losing semi-finalists. For more information, interested teams can contact Namgwa Hegwang on 9436262797, Alamdina on 8014081022 or Ernest Sephe on 9436607578.

Champion of heavyweight category Mhasilhusie Nagi (hand raised) with others. (NP)


Ko h i m a , O c t 2 8 (NPN): Mhasilhusie Nagi (24) son of Nisako Nagi from Jotsom a villa ge emerged as the champion in heavyweight (74kg and above) category at the ongoing Nagawrestlemania-5 (King of the ring series 2016) organized by 3E Nagaland under the aegis of Nagaland Wrestling Association (NWA) at Kohima local ground on Friday. Mhasilhusie, standing 5.10 feet tall and weighing 90kg, walked home richer by Rs. 50,000, championship belt and citation. The first runners-up, Keduovilie Zumu (30) of Tuophema village fetched Rs. 30,000 and citation. The two semi-finalists, Menuosetuo Yiese (Kohima village) and Pfusato Tetse-o (Phuyoba) received Rs. 10,000 each and citation. In the quarter final, Pfusato Tetse-o beat his opponent Vekuzo Veziih in the first match, Menuosetuo Yiese downed Zasevikho Meyatsu in the second match, Mhasilhusie Nagi drubbed his opponent Besiihveto Ciimu in the third match and Keduovilie Zumu defeated Kevizhalhu Gwirie in the last quarter final match. Altogether 23 wrestlers competed for the title

in heavy weight category. In junior category (14 and below), Mhasinyiizo Peseyie (13) of Jotsoma village emerged as champion. Peseyie pocketed Rs. 10,000 and also received the championship belt and citation. First runners-up Abizo Nakhro (Jotsoma) received Rs. 5,000 and citation. The two semi-finalists, Pusing H. Lungalam and Kuthovezo Medeo received Rs. 2,000 each. In the quarter final, Abizo Nakhro beat Kuozokhotuo Nagi, Mhasinyiizo Peseyie defeated Vebo

Nienu, Kuthovezo Medeo drubbed K. Jordon Solo and in the last match Pusing H. Lungalam downed Keneiteiso Sachii. Altogether 45 strong wrestlers both from light and heavy weight category qualified for the title “King of the ring 2016”. The champion would receive Rs. 1,20,000 along with championship belt. The runner-up would get Rs. 60,000 while the semifinalists would receive Rs. 30,000 each. On Saturday, the bout for “King of the Ring 2016” would start at 10:00 am.

1. Mhasilhusie Nagi 2. Keduovilie Zumu 3. Menuosetuo Yiese 4. Pfusato Tetseo 5. Zasevikho Meyatsu 6. Nlumrai Hegwang 7. Kevizhalhu Gwirie 8. Besühveto Cümu 9. Vekuzo Vezüh 10. Keneisevi Meyase 11.Rovilhulie Pier 12.Venüzo Dawhuo 13.Kevizhakho Suokhrie 14.Mhiesilieto Kuotsu 15.Vekutho S oho 16.Seketoukho Nipu 17.Kehousalie Kiekho 18.Kuzoto Phesao 19.Kekhriekuolie Khawakhrie 20.Khoveto Lala 21.Seyiejalie Gwirie 22.Beduhu Khamo

23.Rokovolie Mejura 24.Mhaneikholie Kuotsu 25.Veneto Nakro 26.Tavesuh Tetseo 27.LhouVietsolo Koza 28.Bisekhoto Gwirie 29.Veciku Sapu 30.Kekhrielebi Nisa 31.Keneiselie Khawakhrie 32.Mulutso Lohe 33.Veniezo Cümu 34.Visedelhou Chüsi 35.Kezevikho Sakhrie 36.Vetho Lohe 37.Megovizo Visienyü 38.Mesaroko Pier 39.Kelhusalie Pier 40.Khrieko Nagi 41.Lorheshüto Sophie 42.Khriesanguzo Zuyie 43.Verizo Vero 44.Nunelhutuo Meyase 45.Kuveluyi Rhakho

Wrestlers for King of the ring

Radwanska advances to semis at WTA Finals Fitness & Strength War of Nagaland on Nov 4

Singapore, Oct 28 (Agencies): Defending champion Agnieszka Radwanska took the final spot in the semifinals of the WTA Finals, beating Karolina Pliskova 7-5, 6-3 on Friday. Radwanska, who finished 2-1 in the round robin, will play top-seeded Angelique Kerber in Saturday’s semi-finals. Kerber won the Australian Open and the U.S. Open this season, and reached the Wimbledon final. “I think I really have nothing to lose at the moment, especially (since) I’m

going to play the best player of the season,” Radwanska said of the top-ranked German. She’s played incredible tennis this year.” Pliskova offered Radwanska too many free points, making 29 unforced errors to only eight for the Pole. Radwanska initially trailed 4-2 in the first set, but she soon recovered to 4-4. In the second set, Radwanska scored the final service break in the eighth game when Pliskova netted two consecutive overheads.

Earlier, French Open champion Garbine Muguruza ended Svetlana Kuznetsova’s winning streak at the WTA Finals on Friday with a consolation 3-6 6-0 6-1 victory. Kuznetsova finally ran out of steam after having already booked her place in the semi-finals, winning just one of the last 12 games as the Spaniard, who was already eliminated from contention after losing her first two matches, finished the tournament with a morale-boosting victory. After taking the opening set in style, Kuznetsova

Dimapur, Oct 28 (NPN): With an aim to motivate strength training amongst the youth, Universal Gym will be organizing the first ever All Nagaland Fitness & Strength War of Nagaland at Sakus Mission College campus on November 4. The event is a tactical strength challenge competition where different types of strength and endurance will be tested and competed amongst the contestants. This distinctive event is the initiative of Bendang Imchen, Yanger, Meren Jamir and Senti. The winner of the event will receive Rs.20,000 along with trophy and cita-

Organisers of All Nagaland Fitness & Strength War of Nagaland.

tion. The 1st runners up and 2nd Runners up will also pocket Rs. 10, 000 and Rs. 5000 respectively along with trophy and citation. The fitness and

strength war will have four different test 1) bench press 2) deadlift 3) burpees or pull ups 4) squats. The overall competition is scored based on

fastest time taken to complete the four sequences in a round. For enquiries and registration, contact 7005645565 or 9856892437.


Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland makes a forehand return against Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic during their singles match at the WTA tennis tournament in Singapore, Friday. (AP/PTI)

suddenly faded, losing 10 games in a row, including a 13-minute game in the third set that saw seven break points. Despite playing only for pride, the 23-year-old Muguruza produced her best performance of the tour nament, thumping down three aces and finishing off the contest in one hour and 34 minutes. “It was very difficult for me this tournament because I started losing two matches but today I wanted really to go for the victory to feel good for myself and, I did it,” a smiling Muguruza said at a courtside interview after the match. Kuznetsova has battled jetlag and exhaustion since flying straight into Singapore after lifting the Kremlin Cup last weekend to leapfrog Britain’s Johanna Konta for the final spot in the tournament. With Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova both absent from the prestigious end-of-season championship, Kuznetsova has emerged as the unlikely headline act of the $7 million event, restricted to the world’s top eight players. Kuznetsova will play Dominika Cibulkova in Saturday’s semis while the defending champion Agnieszka Radwanska.

Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, Fax: 225366, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com, nagapost@rediffmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement :248267 Fax: 248500 e-mail-npostadvt@yahoo.com Kohima: 2290567, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 K Y M C


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