May 25, 2017

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Nagaland Post

Between The Lines

Vol. XXVII NO. 168 Dimapur, thursday, May 25, 2017

Civilisation under threat


majority of terror attacks in Europe since 2014 have been carried out by Islamic terrorists in which till the dastardly attack in Manchester City on May 23,2017 has caused the deaths of around 325 innocent civilians and injuries to around 1444.The terror attack in Manchester City has shattered Britain which has been churning over issues of jobs, Brexit and influx of illegal immigrants from other EU nations that has been facilitated by the open international borders. The attack in Manchester City took place at Manchester Arena after the conclusion of a concert by US pop singer Ariana Grande. The attack is believed to be the deadliest since the 7/7 bombing in London in 2005. In recent years, international migration has made its way to the forefront of the security agendas of several states, particularly in Europe and North America. The perception of immigration as a threat to security has developed alongside the rapid increase in the number of immigrants worldwide: while there were approximately 191 million persons living outside their countries of origin in 2005, by 2010 this number had increased to an estimated 214 million (IOM 2010). Europe is facing a serious threat from immigrants be it from middle east or Asia and their numbers have almost changed the social demography in some countries. Other immigrants who pose the most dangerous security threat are Islamic terrorists mingling with other immigrants. However, there are Muslims who have been born and brought up in Europe but have rejected the democracy and lifestyle of the country they have migrated to. The suicide bomber involved in the Manchester City blast –Salman Abedin- is such a case. Though born and brought up in Manchester City, Salman Abedin, whose parents are Libyans, got influenced by radical Islam. It is not known if Abedin joined ISIS but the terror group claimed responsibility for the murderous attack on May 23,2017. Most immigrants from Muslim countries, do not accept the lifestyles of their adopted countries and in the process, get indoctrinated by radical clerics. The Canadian experience is different because it is a traditional immigrant-receiving state. Canada, unlike other western nations, holds a different notion of national identity and thus may be more tolerant and accepting of different languages, cultures, and religions, supporting its policy of multiculturalism. Canada has embraced immigration as essential to its development, while Germany is forced to accept that Angela Merkel’s open door border has brought serious conflicts with the nation’s people. Most of Europe has seen rise in immigration population due to an unintended consequence of allowing guest worker immigration as well as a policy of allowing large inflow of asylum seekers and refugees. In countries like Sweden, immigrants have become a social menace and many crimes especially rapes have not been reported for fear of hyping ethnic tensions. The series of terror attacks in Europe since 2014 is due to spillover of the Syrian Civil War and linked to the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). It has also been linked to the rise of radical Islam among an unchecked and ever increasing number of Muslims in Europe, and to the European migrant crisis. The threat needs to be faced head-on but the question is whether liberal Europe does have the stomach to call a spade a spade?

DailyDevotion The Delight of Despair When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. —Revelation 1:17 It may be that, like the apostle John, you know Jesus Christ intimately. Yet when He suddenly appears to you with totally unfamiliar characteristics, the only thing you can do is fall “at His feet as dead.” There are times when God cannot reveal Himself in any other way than in His majesty, and it is the awesomeness of the vision which brings you to the delight of despair. You experience this joy in hopelessness, realizing that if you are ever to be raised up it must be by the hand of God. “He laid His right hand on me…” (Revelation 1:17). In the midst of the awesomeness, a touch comes, and you know it is the right hand of Jesus Christ. You know it is not the hand of restraint, correction, nor chastisement, but the right hand of the Everlasting Father. Whenever His hand is laid upon you, it gives inexpressible peace and comfort, and the sense that “underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27), full of support, provision, comfort, and strength. And once His touch comes, nothing at all can throw you into fear again. In the midst of all His ascended glory, the Lord Jesus comes to speak to an insignificant disciple, saying, “Do not be afraid” (Revelation 1:17). His tenderness is inexpressibly sweet. Do I know Him like that? Take a look at some of the things that cause despair. There is despair which has no delight, no limits whatsoever, and no hope of anything brighter. But the delight of despair comes when “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells…” (Romans 7:18). I delight in knowing that there is something in me which must fall prostrate before God when He reveals Himself to me, and also in knowing that if I am ever to be raised up it must be by the hand of God. God can do nothing for me until I recognize the limits of what is humanly possible, allowing Him to do the impossible.


Fortune is like glass - the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken. ~ Publilius Syrus


rime is being politicized. This is a new trend in allegations made by the opposition, especially the Congress. Some 39 raids carried out by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram and his son Karti Chidambaram are dubbed as political vendetta. It is very difficult to verify whether what the opposition says is correct or not. On the other hand, former chief minister of Bihar Lalu Prasad Yadav also says that he was being dragged into the cattle fodder scam because he is against the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has defended the charge on the plea that the new technology which digitalises everything will show the extent of the person or party’s criminality. But the time taken to prove the guilt is so much that the taint stays in the minds of people whether or not it is subsequently proved. Violence has also come to be introduced. The norms of democracy, where choice is made peacefully, are also violated deliberately. The system comes under

Nagaland Post, Dimapur Thursday, May 25, 2017

Politicization of crime

pressure increasingly from different directions and in different ways. The very governance is questioned. Earl this year, the Enforcement Directorate has issued show cause notice to Vasan Health Care and its promoters, the Advantage Strategic Consulting, and its directors, besides Karti Chidambaram, in connection with alleged foreign exchange rule violations involving about Rs. 2,100 crore. Notice was also served on the foreign investors, seeking their response to allegations of multiple Foreign Exchange Management Act contraventions, according to the Directorate. The ED is probing into foreign investments in the Chennai-based Vasan Health Care, both in the primary and secondary market. It had reportedly got investments from one of the largest venture capital firms, Sequoia, and West Bridge, based in Mauritius, and also through the investment arms of global firm GIC-Singapore. Chidambaram and his son would be seen culpable if the government were to lay before the public the proof it possessed. Leaks

here or there only deepen wise, transparent goverthe charge that it was all nance would have been politically motivated. possible. It would have also The Congress defence meant the participation that it was a vendetta would of people themselves. Yet c a r r y the outburst of weight if Lalu Yadav is Kuldip Nayar it were not misplaced. to support its denial with The ruling BJP is bringing documents which the party in the soft version of Hinhas “retained” at the time dutva in the country. This when it was in power. Lalu is the undoing of the polity Yadav’s outcry that he was which was our target when being fixed because he was we were in the midst of anti-BJP might well be true. struggle for independence. But he has been punished in Regretfully, allegations of the fodder scam. It does not corruption against him behove him to say that he cast a shadow on his fight was a political victim even against for secularism. in the face of the court’s The Congress would indictment of being guilty. do well for its image to hold It has come to light that an internal inquiry about even his family members the charge of corruption are involved. on the Chidambaram clan. The common man is The Gandhis’ personal confused because he finds involvement in the case of both sides trading charges National Herald, a daily with vehemence. Had there founded by Jawaharlal been a Lokpal (ombuds- Nehru, is baffling. As the man), as was the decision at case stands, Sonia Gandhi one time, things would have and her son Rahul Gandhi been different. The Lokpal are accused of cheating machinery—one can draw and breach of trust and are the lesson from the state out on bail. Together, they Lokpal in Karnataka— reportedly have 76 percent keeps records of those who of the share, Young India tend to indulge in corrup- Private Limited controls 38 tion. Political squabbles did percent of the share and not allow such a machinery the remaining 24 percent to be constituted. Other- is held by their trusted

party and family loyalists Motilal Vora, Oscar Fernandes, Suman Dubey and Sam Pitradoa. The original charge against them, as filed by BJP’s Subramanian Swamy, is that they used dubious means to acquire Associated Journalists Limited, which owned National Herald. The crux of the charge is that National Herald may have been a defunct print media outlet but it had real estate assets worth over Rs 2,000 crore in prime areas of important cities across India and the Gandhis, with the allegiance of some other Congress leaders, allegedly gained control over all the properties illegally. The problem for the Congress is only increasing by the day. Take the timing of the Delhi High Court order. It could not have been worse for the Congress party. The court, which upheld the trial court order, to allow the IT Department to investigate Sonia and Rahul in the National Herald is yet another setback to the Congress party’s first family. The family is faced with the ignominy of losing a case in higher court which concerns the Nehru-

Gandhi family. Now, as per court order, once the IT Department begins its investigation and starts scrutinizing the books, no one can be sure what it would lead to and what additional matters it could unearth, especially now when the Narendra Modi government is going strong. Above all, the HC verdict has come at a time when Congress strategists are trying hard to put Sonia on the forefront, to stitch some kind of opposition unity for the coming presidential election, and since she was leading the consultation process with the regional opposition leaders, the Congress president is being positioned as the leader of a hypothetical UPA 3. Parliament should intervene more often because here all parties can see the political crime committed by one amongst them. And they should cooperate to spot out the guilty and punish the person and the party. Democracy will thereby thrive and assure the people that the system itself throws up the guilty and sees to that the individual or the party does not go scot-free.


Opinion on the Naga political issue and 2018 general election in Nagaland


fter coming across different write ups with their own share of suggestions, opinions and criticisms in the local dailies, as a concerned Naga citizen, I also want to share my personal opinion in the context of present scenario of Naga society. With the ringing of 2018 General Election bell in Nagaland, the Naga people are anxiously waiting to welcome the ensuing election but nobody knows the people’s motive. But to me, solution of Naga Political Issue is more important than that of the State General Election because we have experienced enough with State Elections and its functions, so long Naga Political Issue remains unsolved and the state affairs remains the same. I believe the Nagas will never give up self- determination at any cost. Let there be State General Election in its scheduled time in the state of Nagaland but Nagas need to be more serious about the Solution because the BJP Party holding an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha, maybe a blessing in disguisefor the Naga Political Issue or it may be a curse for the Nagas in the future because they can pass the Bill for the Naga Political Issue easily provided a settlement arrives between the two entities, i.e. the Govt. of India and the NPG and they can also pass the Bill of Uniform Code of Conduct easily, as on when they will enjoy majority in the Rajya Sabha too. And therefore, we better avail the opportunity within these five years term of the present Union Govt. for final settlement of the Naga Political Issue and the need of the hour is a united Naga on the principle of “united we stand, divided we fall.” Once Nagas are united, both the public and the NPGs, and move with one voice like that of the recent NGO movement against the Town Council and Municipal Election in the state


of Nagaland, I believe Almighty God will work with the great Indian leaders and the great Naga leaders, to arrive at an early settlement. If we miss this opportunity, there is a chance that once the Uniform Code of Conduct Bill is passed, RSS Prajaraks may penetrate our land to start charity schemes in the pretext of freedom of religion enshrined in the Indian Constitution and Naga people will not be able to stop them legally. And since we Nagas are very fond of money, many Naga people will be carried away by the money power offered in the guise of charities. Then Naga Christians may not be able to worship our God as we do now. Also, when the Uniform Code of Conduct will be enforced, the special rights that we are enjoying now under Article 371(A) may also be amended or deleted. Then what about Nagaland for Christ? Is it not that the Nagas will provoke the anger and wrath of our God? Ultimately, Nagas will fall and perish. Therefore my dear Naga people, let us surrender ourselves to our Almighty God and pray for forgiveness of our sins, both young and old, men and women. Let us also pray to God for a clean election in Nagaland and for the great Indian leaders and the great Naga leaders, to grant wisdom and understanding to them so that we will have an amicable settlement of the Naga political Issue and peace talks as early as possible so that Nagas will be on the save side from impending many dangers, for the Christians in particular, in the days to come. This write-up is purely my personal opinion as a concerned Naga citizen and hope that it will not hurt the sentiments of any individual or organization. May God bless the Nagas as God blessed South Korea and Israel in the past. Y. Phyosao Jami, Wokha Town


On good governance

ood governance is true implementation of government programs with efficiency, transparency, accountability, participatory, responsiveness and political will. Good governance is intended promote the welfare and betterment of the common citizens and deprived sections of people who genuinely deserve opportunity to rise in life. India is a rich country inhabited by majority of the poor people. Good governance day was established in 2014 and is annually celebrated on the 25thDecember, the birth anniversary of Atal Behari Vajpayi, the former prime minister of India and the recipient of Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award, to honor his valuable service to the people of India as a visionary and prominent leader. And make people aware about the government commitment for providing transparent and accountable administration in the country. However, it’s not because Christians celebrate Christmas, the birthday of Jesus, on the same day. Atal Behari Vajpayi emphasized on the significance of installing good governance to initiate all round development of people as corruption was already at the zenith when he occupied the office as the PM of India. Tackling prevalent rampant corruption and extreme poverty have been the major challenges since then. Good governance is essential to deliver the best to the people and Narendra Modi, the PM of India, is doing his best to install good governance to truly promote common people. It is a new system to rescue the innocent populace from thoroughly

corrupt system controlled by filthy politicians and officials. Good governance will change the corrupt mindset of people towards realization of the value of diligence, honesty and dignity of labor and eradicate poverty and transform India into a rich and prosperous nation where everyone will be self-sufficient. In brief, good governance is all about selflessly and openly serving people with clean attitude maintaining low profile to promote their welfare. The 25th December, the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ who was born nearly 2000 years ago has been celebrated as Christmas by the Christians all over the world for centuries. In the Bible Good governance is indicated based on the principle of justice, righteousness and compassion, defending the rights of the poor and marginalized and protecting the people from conflict. The manifesto of Jesus Christ’s leadership was to bring good news to the poor; to proclaim release of the captives and recovery of eyesight to the blind and to let the oppressed go free. Jesus preached mankind to worship the only true God, to love each other, to tell the truth and not lie, to love enemy, to help the poor and the fatherless, to obey the commandments and law and to repent and receive forgiveness. He himself fulfilled what he taught and the law of God his father. Jesus was absolutely transparent and accountable and he never concealed anything. He was and is the most brilliant and the most powerful teacher. He is called the prince of peace for he preached love and truth in the troubled world filled

Everyone’s responsibility

othing gets done and nobody is accountable for that’, is indeed a true reality of our society today. There are heaps of responsibilities unfulfilled which each one of us is equally responsible. ‘Good roads are citizens’ right’, but do we have good roads? In fact, the roads are far from good and if truth be said, they are not worth saying roads. With monsoon the roadways shall soon become waterways. My Nagaland! It is ironic to see volume of waste where it says, “don’t dumb waste here”. The government institutions which should be a code of standard have failed to lift up to that standard. The poor drainage system, backdoor appointments,

unpaid teachers, and many more if to mention are the responsibilities and duties of ‘public department’ or in other word ‘everyone’s responsibility’. We cannot afford to sit and wait for a miracle, we have to take steps to let miracle happen: to bring change in our capacity. Change is the need of the hour. We must stop the blame culture; we ought to feel the responsibility. The saying reminds me of the ‘parable of responsibility’. Parable of responsibility. Everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody were members of a group. There was an important job to do and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody would have done it, but nobody did it.

Somebody got angry because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody would do it, but nobody realized that anybody wouldn’t do it. it ended up everybody, blamed, somebody, when nobody did, what anybody could have done. We need to stop referring to, we need to encourage the participation and be the participants. Let’s give up the slogan ‘everyone’s responsibility is not my responsibility’, and bring forth the right attitude, ‘everybody’s responsibility is also my responsibility’. To achieve total responsibility is rather a distant dream but surely a possible dream. Tiven Tikhir, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama

with wars and violence. He is called the ‘Messiah’ or the savior because he gave all his best and His own life to save mankind from the evils and gifted grace to the world. Jesus is also called the wonderful counselor and His era commenced the end of confusion and chaos. Installing good governance in India implies that a modern nation is upon its shoulder and implementing some good things that Jesus has taught and wanted mankind to practice and make the world a better living place. Jesus Christ stands incomparable with extra-ordinary wisdom, miraculous power and for the fact that he was an incarnate in the form of human flesh who resurrected from death on the third day. There would be good governance everywhere and corruption would never appear if ever the teachings of Jesus Christ are practiced by the nations of the world. The virtues taught by Jesus are the requisites to affect good governance and just government. It is obvious that the Bible has provided mankind a clear pattern for good governance and that thepoor, vulnerable, needy and oppressed should be the priority concern for leadership. As Christians it is our obligation to defend the cause of the poor and vulnerable and help them transform their life and promote Biblical understanding of good governance and make ourselves and our leaders accountable. How appropriate it would be if Lord Jesus Christ is or can be accorded honor this way considering his great and unmatchable deed and sacrifice to the world. K Thong (Achilo)

Reader’s Post


Twenty years talk is to be concluded

Under the Framework Agreement, the separate entity of the Nagas is recognized which should be understood by the Naga people. Shared sovereignty is to be understood by the public of the GoI. It is enough to be understood by the people both sides. If some ones are opposed to it, it is only opposition for the sake of opposition because nobody or group can be expected to do better at this stage. If there is any problem over mineral resources in Nagaland, it is to be settled among the Nagas because it is under Article 371(A). So it is the hope that we may rest assured that signing of the settlement may be made before August 3, 2017 for the best of all. May God help the leaders of both sides. Rev. L. Suohie Mhasi

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.

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