27 march 2023

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Nagaland Post

Russia to station tactical nukes in Belarus

Murder of democracy says NPCC on Rahul’s disqualification


(NPN): Nagaland Pradesh

Congress Committee (NPCC) has termed the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi a murder of democracy and an infringement upon the freedom of expression.

NPCC said the disqualification had proved that under BJP rule thieves were freed while those raising their voice for the people were jailed. It warned that if this was left uncorrected, Surat court’s judgement would become a law by way of precedence.


Demand to amend NM Act before polls

DIMAPUR, MAR 26 (NPN): Despite the state government’s firm stand for conduct of elections to municipal and town councils (Urban Local Bodies-- UBLs) on May 16, as directed by the Supreme Court, more organizations like the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC), Nagaland Gaon Bura (village chiefs) Federation (NGBF) and : Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) have declared that they would not participate in polls unless the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 was amended by deleting certain provisions that infringe upon Article 371 A of the Constitution of India.

It may be noted that the crucial meeting of all apex tribal bodies to be held on March 27 at Kohima is expected to take a consensus decision on ULB polls visà-vis Nagaland Municipal Act 2001.

NGBF says Art 243 not applicable in Nagaland: The Nagaland Gaon Bura (village chiefs) Federation (NGBF) has asserted that Article 243 of the Indian constitution could not be applied to Nagaland, including the 73rd Amendment.

In a statement, NGBF further said that Naga customary law as per the agreed

terms of 1960 did not warrant creation of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and that village, area and range councils alone could be made operational.

Declaring its support to any developmental initiatives of the State government for the betterment of the public, including ULB election, the federation however expressed few reservations.

It said that the Supreme Court’s directive was an outcome of the State’s failure in convincing the court on the political negotiations between the Central government and Naga national political groups and that the party concerned should take responsibility for this. It pointed out that the agreement of 1960 between the Centre and the Naga People’s Convention addressed the formation of a Legislative Assembly with separation of powers from the Parliament.

NGBF asserted that the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001, (9) (2) of dividing villages into wards and the same as in 21(2) of the Act did not fit into the scheme of Article 371 (A) (1) (a) and infringing in any manner would not be encouraged.

NGBF further noted that the Naga political solu-

tion between the Centre and NPGs had been discussed in all forums, including by Nagaland Legislators. “We are made to understand that the formations of bicameral house and Federal Hoho and structuring of the administration of the Federal Hoho, would be decided after the political solution and therefore, conducting the local body election at this stage is not fully the will of the Nagas,” the statement declared. According to NGBF, if at all everyone was serious of Naga political solution, the political reality should be conveyed to the Supreme Court of India. It clarified that as an elderly organisation, it felt obligated to come out with its opinions in regard to ULB election and the complaints from tribal hohos and civil organisations.

ENPO demands repeal of NMA: Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO) has declared that it would not allow holding of ULB elections until the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001 was repealed.

At an emergency executive meeting held at Treasurer’s residence in Dimapur on Sunday as per a decision of a joint consultative meeting held with federating tribal bodies, frontal organ-

Satwik-Chirag win Swiss Open doubles title

isations, talk team and subunits on March 23 at DUDA Guest House, Kohima to give clear decision with regard to the conduct of ULB election in the State vis-à-vis ENPO’s stand on the matter, the meeting adopted a twopoint resolution

The house viewed that the conduct of ULB election under the Nagaland Municipal Act would have serious negative impact on Article 371(A) of the Indian constitution. As such, in partial modification to the ENPO resolution no. 1 (c) of October 17, 2021, and as entrusted upon, it was unanimously resolved by the ENPO not to allow conduct of ULBs election until the Act was repealed. Further, people of Eastern Nagaland under the aegis of ENPO had on August 26, 2022 resolved not to participate in any election process of the State and Centre until their demand for Frontier Nagaland was considered. However, following the assurance given by the Home Ministry that a solution as mutually agreed upon would be reached after following the due process and would be implemented after completion of the Assembly election process,

Covid cases hit 5-month high, weekly deaths at 29, highest since December

NEW DELHI, MAR 26 (AGENCIES): Covid cases in India rose to a five-month high, with 1,890 new cases recorded, according to the Ministry of Health data. This is the highest number since October 28, 2022, when daily cases reported were 2,208. The rise in Covid cases has coincided with the H3N2 influenza that has killed two persons so far in the country.

Weekly deaths due to Covid are also reported to be the highest since the second week of December, with 29

deaths reported until the week ended March 26.

The daily positivity rate has also increased to 1.56%, after staying below 1% for at least four months. The weekly positivity rate, too, has gone up to 1.29%. The active caseload in the country is now at 9,433. There had been nearly 5,300 cases

on average every day during September last year. This fell to around 2,100 daily cases on average in October. There were 240 cases recorded at the beginning of March.

The health ministry recently said that the rate of hospitalisation and mortality has remained low because of accelerated vaccine rollout that has largely helped mitigate the highly transmissible novel coronavirus variants. Rising Covid cases have also been accompanied by an increase in cases of influenza, both of which exhibit similar symptoms.

Dimapur needs more focus on drainage system

Staff Reporter

DIMAPUR, MAR 26 (NPN): The municipal authorities need to give more focus on better drainage system and maintaining clean and healthy environment in the town on daily basis as more visitors and tourists arrive for various purposes.

Nagaland Post had earlier published a report along with photos of seepage from a side drain spilling on to Nyamo Lotha (NL) Road, which was not only an eye sore but also emitting foul smell.

Business owners had said that the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) responded by cleaning the spot.

However, few weeks later, dirty water spilled over from the side drain to NL Road at the same spot.

M Y K C M Y K C Vol XXXIII No. 109 DIMAPUR, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023 Pages 12 ` 5.00
@Nagaland_Post nagalandpostofficial
on p-8)
on p-8; Listen to people’s voice: NTC)
(Cont’d on p-8)
This is it! “New government after election. Bills and estimates are to be revised upwards. State proposes and centre disposes.”
Overflowing clogged drain along NL Road Dimapur. (NP)

SBCK holds ‘thanksgiving service’


DIMAPUR: Sümi Baptist Church Kohima (SBCK) organized a “thanksgiving and felicitation service” for the newly Sümi legislators, who were elected to the 14th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) during the Sunday service.

A press release by SBCK media cell informed that minister for Roads and Bridges, G Kaito Aye, while speaking on behalf of the Sümi legislators, appreciated SBCK for organising a dedicatory service for the Sümi legislators.

Elected for the fifth time from Satakha 36 A/C, Aye stated that the electoral battle he faced in 2018 and 2023 was the “toughest election”. The minister said the election was not tough because of the candidates contesting against him but that he was “taken away by the demand of money in exchange of vote as it was very high”.

According to SBCK, Aye also made an intriguing statement that the “election process in Nagaland was less of the battle between political parties but it was more about

money power as it was the demand of the electorates in most constituencies.”

SBCK further informed that Aye, “honestly confessed that during the electioneering process, both the elected and candidates who lost, most of them might have gone against God’s will and he sincerely sought God’s forgiveness for wrong doings, intentionally or unintentionally.”

He also questioned, despite being a Christian state, how people are not heeding to the voice of the church as it was evident during the last election?

SBCK said Kaito called upon people to not go against church principles but value the teachings of the church on clean elec-

Seminar on women empowerment

tion and faithfully abide it. He also urged the church to continue propagating the value of clean election until its desired goal was achieved.

SBCK said minister Aye said that he does not intend to seek revenge to those who worked against him during the election as he does not believe in an “eye for an eye”.

He also called upon the judicious utilization of modern technology and social media platforms and called upon the younger people to use such platforms for bringing out overall reforms.

Kaito said “church should play an improving role in bringing every people together.”

In his sermon, SBCK Pastor, Khekavi K. Yeptho said that while many remained firm on the church message of clean election, many were swayed away by power and their weakness were exposed. He then called upon the believers to grow in faith.

He talked about the religious and political life of the Israelites during the

Educational institutions organise various programmes for students

DIMAPUR: Education -

al institutions have been organising various programmes and activities for the students and faculty as part of its academic and extracurricular activities.

PCC: Patkai Christian College (PCC) and Alumni Association, PCC jointly organised the second Tuisem A Shishak annual lecture on March 25 at the Bundrock Auditorium.

During the programme, founder principal, Dr Tuisem A Shishak presented the “annual alumni excellence award” to Neichute Doulo (1994 batch), CEO of the Entrepreneurs Associates, Nagaland.

Speaker, director, Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research (CIHSR) Dr. Sedevi Angami deliberated on “leadership and institution building in a changing world”.

Emphasising on institutions as vital in the growth of a nation, Dr Sedevi stressed on contributing significantly in all aspects of the affairs of the state for the nation to grow.

Underlining the components of good institutions, Dr Sedevi mentioned,

Workshop on ‘entrepreneurship’

prophetic days of Amos. He made a categorical comparison how the Israelites compromised morality and God wanted Amos to clean them. Pastor Khekavi drew an analogy of Naga society and said how money was becoming more powerful which is making Naga people compromise the truths resulting in utter chaos and confusion. He also said a special prayer for the Sumi and all 60 elected lawmakers.

Earlier, in a welcome address, chairman, BoD SBCK, Y Kikheto Sema congratulated all the ten Sümi legislators and all 60 Naga legislators of 14th NLA on behalf of the church, and expressed optimism that their leadership would bring enormous changes in Nagaland state and in Sümi areas. Kikheto also shared the need to do away with violence and use of money power during electioneering process. He particularly took the example of peaceful election conduct in Angami areas and called upon the people to adapt good examples from them.

Dimapur police recovers body

great vision, a strong heritage of foundational values, effective governance structures, growing infrastructure that supports the processes, highly motivated staff, dynamic engaging processes, vibrant networks and partnerships as vital organs of a good institute.

He also stressed on dynamic partnerships and called upon the college authority to develop excellent courses by engaging actively in various fields of industry such as education, health, finance agriculture, business, engineering.

Dr. Sedevi also highlighted on the importance of good leadership and stressed on the need to identify and equip leadership.

In the interaction round moderated by dean of social science, A G Samuel, students and faculty asked questions on how to enable inclusivity, qualities of a good leader, role of institutions.

In a separate event, third year students of Zoology department attended the three-day training programme on “Recent Biotechnological Techniques” organised by organized by

ICAR-NRC on Mithun on March 22-24 at ICARNRC, Medziphema.

SJU: One day workshop for the students was organised by St. Joseph University (SJU), Chumoukedima in collaboration with Medprime technologies Pvt. Ltd, on March 25 at the University campus with Area sales executive, North East, Medprime Technologies Pvt Ltd, Mithlesh Kumar as the resource person.

The workshop included demonstration of Cilika digitally controlled microscope developed by Medprime Technologies Pvt Ltd); small talk on importance, features and use of Cilika microscope in medical and biological sciences. The faculties and students were also trained to control and visualize pre-prepared slides and live specimens on Cilika microscope.

Altogether, 75 students along with faculties, and research scholars from life science department consisting of biotechnology, botany and zoology departments participated in the workshop.

DIMAPUR: Dimapur police on March 24 recovered an unidentified dead body of a non-Naga male aged around 35 years found lying outside Traffic Control Dimapur.

In a press release, Dimapur police PRO informed that a telephonic information was received from Traffic Control Dimapur stating that an unidentified dead body was found lying outside its office. On receiving the information, the East police station team went to the spot and recovered the dead body.

PRO said inquest was conducted over the dead and no any foul play could be ascertained. The deceased was found wearing black half pant, long sleeve white shirt and bare footed. A black mole on stomach and on right shoulder was ascertained as identification marks. On completion of all legal formalities, PRO said the dead body was shifted to District Hospital Dimapur Morgue for PM examination / identification. Claimant/relatives/ friends of the deceased have been requested to contact Officer-in-Charge East PS at 7085055020.


DIMAPUR: Rengma Officers’ Forum (ROF) and Konyak Gazetted Officers Union (KGOU) have strongly condemned the alleged harassment on Er. Thanyalo Kath, SDO (Electrical) Mon and ROF executive member, by some members “claiming to be NSCN (U) cadres”.

In a press release, ROD president, Awa Lorin described Er. Thanyalo Kath as a “diligent government officer with a good antecedent and like any Rengma, a staunch nationalist at heart” and that accusing him of “working against our national cause is too big an allegation to shoulder”.

ROF said the matter could have been resolved amicably by sitting across the table instead of resorting to detention and threatening thereby causing mental trauma to the officer.

The forum said that the Rengmas as a tribe has always been in the forefront in as far as fighting for the “national cause is concerned”. Therefore, ROF said “casting aspersions” on Er. Thanyalo’s integrity was uncalled.

Further, ROF has upon

all concerned authorities to take the “threat, harassment and mental trauma caused to its member with most seriousness and to take prompt necessary action to put things into perspective without prejudice”.

KGOU: Konyak Gazetted Officers Union (KGOU) in a condemnation said it was aghast by such intimidation with death threats on a government officer.

The union in a press release by its vice president, Chenkang Konyak and general secretary, Moba Konyak said that Er. Thanyalo Kath Er. Thanyalo Kath was a sincere government servant, who sincerely served the people of Mon and was known to be a cordial and polite officer and therefore such incident was unacceptable.

It therefore appealed to the law enforcing agency and the Konyak Union to settle the issue amicably at the earliest.

The union said that no government servant serving the people of Mon and the people of the state should be subjected to such inhuman harassment.

We, the bereaved family of Late Mrs. KIMPHAL NBUNG, NZAU NAMSAN VILLAGE would like to express our profound gratitude to all those who stood by us physically, financially and through prayers during her prolonged illness and demise on the 15th March, 2023 at Faith Hospital, Dimapur.

Our special thanks goes to :

1. Shri. Namri Nchang, MLA 6th Tening A/C

2. Doctors & Staff, Faith Hospital, Dimapur

3. Liangmai Baptist Church, Dimapur

4. Women Department, Liangmai Baptist Church, Dimapur

5. Nzaulun Aruang, Dimapur

6. Nzaulun Aruang, NKK

7. Nzaulun Aruang, Peren Town

8. Nzaulun Aruang, Tening Town

9. Nzau Namsan Baptist Church LBA (N) We utterly regret and apologize for our inability to mention all the names individually but it is our sincere prayer that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. We shall remain ever indebted to you all.

Loving Husband & Children and Relatives

DIMAPUR: A seminar and workshop on “women empowerment and women’s health” was held on March 23 organised by Doyang Hydro Power Station of North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) Limited.A press release by NEEPCO Limited, Doyang informed that the programme was organised for the women employees of NEEPCO and its associated organisation viz. CISF, VKV and SBI and also for the local women residing around Doyang Hydro with the objective to help women adopt a life of holistic wellness for all-round being. Special guest of the programme, Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) Wokha, Rozy Sangtam spoke on empowering women stating that “equality does not mean physical equality but cerebral equality.” Resource person, counselling psychologist from Serendip Guardian, Bokatoli Sumi deliberated on woman’s mental health and wellbeing in relation to reproductive health, stress, trauma, suicide and self-care activities.

DIMAPUR: One day

“hands on with entrepreneurship” workshop was organised by Science and Technology Intervention in North-Eastern Region, Technology Facilitation Centre (STINER-TFC), School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development (SASRD): Nagaland University (NU) on March 21 at Multi-Purpose Hall, SASRD:NU, Medziphema campus.

A press release by SASRD:NU, Medziphema informed that the workshop was organised in collaboration with NEDFi, Guwahati, Assam under the initiative of pro vice chancellor, SASRD:NU and project in-charge, STINER-TFC, professor

Akali Sema.

The workshop was a flagship programme of advancing north east initiative, aimed at capacity building of students from higher education level in terms of practical approach towards entrepreneurship.

The resource persons for the workshop were CA and partner in V. Singhi and Association, senior consultant, advancing north east, Pankaj Periwal and junior consultant, advancing north east, Bidisha Kalita.

Special guest, NU registrar, Dr. Abemo said opportunities such as these were difficult to get and encouraged the students to make full use of the opportunities presented to them, to take risk and pursue en-

trepreneurship as a viable career opportunity.

A total of 132 participants comprising of students from Unity College, Mount Mary College, City College of Arts and Commerce, Patkai Christian College, Pranabananda Women’s College, Livingstone Foundation International College, St. Joseph University, Cornerstone College, Dimapur Government College, NU: SASRD, B.Voc students of NU: SASRD and youths from Tseminyu district attended the workshop. The workshop targeted graduate and post-graduate students from different streams where ranges of activity and interaction-based exercises were taken up.

IDAN assists NGOs on CSR projects

DIMAPUR: A two-day capacity-building training programme for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Compliance and Project Management organised by Investment & Development Authority of Nagaland (IDAN) was held from March 23 and 24 at Capital Convention Centre, Kohima.

According to a DIPR report, at the programme, joint secretary, IDAN Reny Wilfred spoke on the importance of CSR projects with a special focus on the north eastern states and Nagaland.

He said that this twoday capacity building on CSR was a first of its kind in Nagaland and that during the interactive session, the objective would be to understand the aspirations of the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for

the development of Nagaland and to deliver productive projects to the society.

Wilfred said the training should be able to convert problems into solutions, and apprised that IDAN would be providing all the tools and techniques to ensure that the NGOs and participants would be able to deliver.

He also assured that IDAN would assist and make sure there is a CSR team available to support the NGOs every time to address all the queries.

CSR Manager, IDAN, Chichanbeni Kithan said that this capacity-building event is focused on NGOs and CSR, adding that NGOs play a critical role in addressing and promoting sustainable development, environmental challenges, and social welfare.

Kithan said that


“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal”

NGOs have a wealth of knowledge and expertise that could help companies understand the local context and identify the most pressing needs. However, she lamented that NGOs were often restricted by resource constraints which severely limit their ability to achieve their objectives.

In order to effectively carry out the missions, Kithan said NGOs require resources and partnerships with other stakeholders and that was where CSR comes in. She mentioned that, in recent years, CSR has emerged as an increasingly important concept in the business world as through CSR initiatives, businesses/corporations could provide financial, technical, and other resources to support the work of the NGOs. Earlier, the new capacity building center was also virtually inaugurated by the special guest, Reny Wilfred, Joint Secretary IDAN.

Born : 02/01/1963

Died : 21/03/2023

We, the bereaved family of Late R. Jonathan Pongener, would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to every individuals, relatives, friends and church members who stood by us through prayers, emotionally, physically and financially during our time of grief. We cannot thank each and everyone in person but your kindness will forever be remembered in our hearts.


Loving Son, Daughters and Family Members

Gone To Heaven Remembering Mom One Year Anniversary K-543/23

Lt. NEICHULO-O KOZA 27-03-2022


in silent tears. Loving Children Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren F IRST D EATH A NNI v ERSARY of our beloved mother LT. S ABENI YANTHAN Died on 27th March 2022 DB-399/23
DP-1307/23 It has been a year since you left us for your heavenly abode, APVU’ We miss you a lot . Remembering you on this day
G Kaito Aye Officers and students at the workshop at SASRD: NU Medziphema. Reny Wilfred speaking at the capacity-building training programme.
ROF, KGOU flay alleged harassment on officer

MoS Verma inaugurates Trade Expo 2023 at Mon

included, cultural performances by Leangha Village Cultural Troupe, Chi Sheko Khong Mon Town, Mon Chamber choir, traditional song by KNSK, Bihu dance from Assam, cultural dance by KNSK, patriotic song by Atzing Konyak and vote of thanks by SDO (C) Hq, H. Berimong.

GHSSTizitnew buildinginaugurated

B.L. Verma, also virtually inaugurated the newly constructed building of Government Higher Secondary School Tizit, Mon from NIC Conference Hall, Mon on March 25.

The project was funded by the Northeastern Council, Ministry of DoNER.

AH & VS can contribute in economic growth: Kazheto

DIMAPUR: Union minister of State, DoNER and Co-operation, B.L. Verma inaugurated the 3rd Mon International Trade Fair & Expo 2023 on March 25 at local ground, Mon Town.

The MoS was accompanied by advisor Treasuries & Accounts, Art & Culture, K. Konngam; Deputy Commissioner Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma,; joint secretary, Anuradha S. Chagti and under secretary, DoNER, N. Simte and other

Padma awardee Neihunuo

Sorhie honoured on arrival

Neihunuo was awarded the prestigious Padma Shri, the fourth-highest civilian award for her contribution in the field of Arts.

Speaking to media personnel at Dimapur Airport, Neihunuo said she learned the art from her mother at the age of four and has been weaving till date.

But today, the younger generation were lazy and not keen to learn about art, she said.

In this regard, Neihunuo encouraged the youngsters to be inquisitive to learn and uphold the traditional ways of living.

Staff Reporter


(NPN): Neihunuo Sorhie, who received Padma Shri Award 2023 in the field of Art, was honoured onher arrival in Dimapur on Sunday. She was received at Dimapur airport by her brother Dr.Keneiteiso Sorhie, well-wishers and representatives from Sorhienuomia clan.

She further attributed her success to God and her family for their support and thanked the government of India for recognising her art during the exhibitions.

Neihunuo is a recipient of the National Handloom Awards in 2007 and 2022 for her artworks (handicrafts), the Sant Kabir Award in 2018; the Balipara Foundation Naturenomics Assam Award, 2014 and the State Awards to Mastercraftsmen from the Government of Naga-


In his address, Verma said he was impressed to see the rich culture of Konyak tribe. He informed that under the abled leadership of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, the ministry of DoNER will try to extend maximum possible support for the inclusive development of the remotest place like Mon.

Delivering welcome address, DC Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma said that during

the 15 days event, various programmes and performances from renowned artists, singers and other performers will be showcase their talents. The expo will conclude on April 8. Meanwhile, Konyak Union president extended appreciation to union minister for gracing the occasion and assured to extend support to organizer for the successful conduct of the event. Highlights of the inaugural programme

In his short speech, the MoS informed the gathering on the vision and mission of the ministry of DoNER and special focus on Northeastern region. Verma informed that Tizit has been selected as a backward Block and all necessary efforts will be taken up to ensure the inclusive and participatory development.

The inauguration programme was attended by officials and presidents of KU, KNSK and KSU.

DIMAPUR: Advisor, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services (AH&VS), Kazheto Kinimi said the department being a “major and key” could directly contribute to the economic growth of the state and affect the lives of the rural population.

A press release by the department informed that the advisor said this at an introductory meeting on March 24 at the Conference Hall of Directorate of AH&VS.

Kazheto pointed out that the central government under Prime Minister, Narendra Modi was “placing a huge importance” on the animal husbandry sector, in line of which various schemes and programmes

was being initiated. He assured to enforce government policies and also to be the voice of the department in framing policies that would benefit the state. Seeking the cooperation and support of the officers, Kazheto said his aim was to ensure that the department realises it potentials and do well. Besides policy implementation, the advisor said he would also focus on streamlining the department by posting the right officers in the right post so that they could deliver and do justice to their assignments. He appealed to the department officers to work more sincerely and work as a team to reach its potential.

Chairing the meeting, director AH&VS, Dr. Nsanthung Ezung expressed hope that the department would attain higher heights of achievement and progress under the leadership of its new advisor.

An overview of departmental activities was highlighted by the additional director, Dr. Thungben Yanthan and a short speech was also delivered by the commissioner and secretary, Vikeyie Kenya, who emphasized on the overall development of the department through the cooperation of all the officers.

The introductory meeting was attended by officers from Medziphema and Kohima, and officers and staffs in the directorate.

Naga Baptist leaders meet-cum-FNBA assembly concludes

DIMAPUR: A two-day Naga Baptist Leaders

Meet 2023-cum- general assembly of Fellowship of Naga Baptist Association (FNBA) held under the theme, “Redefining Naga Christianity” at Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church concluded on March 24.

The meet was attended by 131 delegates from 35 Naga Baptist Associations and organisations from Myanmar, Manipur, Assam and Nagaland.

On the first night, Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI) general secre-

tary, Rev. Dr. Akheto Sema and Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) general secretary, Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho delivered messages.

On the second day, Rev. Khayaipam Khamrang led the Bible study based on Mark 2:18-22; IMCC chairman, Rev. Dr. Wati Longkumer presented a paper on “Current mission scenario and re-envisioning of Naga churches missions”; Kingdom Business School president, Rev. Robin Paul spoke on “Naga Christianity in Kingdom’s business”; Nik-

etu Iralu spoke on “The realities of our geography & history: Will our response destroy us or enable our proper growth?”; Dr. Visier Meyasetsu Sanyii presented a paper on “Nagas are moving ahead” while Rev Dr Elungkiebe Zeliang presented a paper on “Envisioning the life and ministry of the Naga Baptist churches”. On the closing service, Rev Dr Chingmak Chang delivered a message based on the theme while resolutions were adopted under the presidentship of Rev Dr. Visor H Zeliang.

Awareness & training on ‘integrated fish farming’ culminates

DIMAPUR: A two-day awareness-cum-training programme on “integrated fish farming” under North Eastern Hill Region (NEH) programme organised by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai in association with ICAR Nagaland Centre concluded on March 25.

A press release by ICAR Nagaland informed that, principal scientist, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai and coordinator of the programme, Dr. Rupam Sharma highlighted the objectives and

genesis of undertaking the programme. He gave an insight of the recent technological development in fisheries sector and the need to adopt such technologies for boosting aquaculture production in the state.

In a brief speech, joint director of ICAR Nagaland Centre, Dr. Homeswar Kalita explained the need for convergence of various agricultural components in integrated farming system model to achieve sustainable development.

He also highlighted that the state has tremendous potential

Naga anthology ‘Homegrown’ released

said the anthology was conceptualized with the intention of bringing together the voices of younger emerging writers, with the hope that the writings would reflect and represent the present writings of the day.

She disclosed that the focus of the book was exclusively on the new writings that reflected the gradual evolution of the Naga literary scenario, particularly from writers who were “homegrown” in Nagaland. Th e second editor, Dr Vizovonuo, said that the book features award winning authors alongside emerging ones, some who have so far written only on social media.


KOHIMA, MAR 26 (NPN): A Naga Anthology titled, “Homegrown-Anthology of New Writings from Nagaland”, featuring 35 local writers and published by PenThrill Publication was released at a function held at Rivenburg’s Memorial Hall, Baptist College, here on March 24.

Releasing the book, author and independent researcher, Charles Chasie, said the book represented a whole new group

of Naga writers. He observed that most people call themselves Naga but we were only so because they belong to a tribe and that was the only thing they know.

However, Chasie expressed happiness that some of the new writers had started delving into their folk stories and legends.

He opined that more should come because they contain important elements of Naga identity.

Publisher Rita Krocha,

shared that the book presented poignant tales of what the Naga life was made of, heartwarming tales and poems that reminds of home in one way or the other, and essays that essentially highlight the fascinating journey of literature in Nagaland that had seen quite the transformation from oral to the written literature.

She lauded the two female editors for setting the bar high for literature in Nagaland.

Talking about the book, one of the editors, Sentinaro,

“We are all Nagas at heart. It is also exciting to see an amalgam of different styles of writings on diverse themes,” she said.

The programme was chaired by asst prof, English dept, BCK, Dr Enünü Sale, while executive director, ABCC, Rev Dr Rachülie Vihienuo offered the invocation.

A review of the book was made by Prof & HoD, English dept, NU, Dr Nigamananda Das, while student of English dept, BCK made a special presentation.

for development of fisheries sector and urged the people to come forward and harness the resources judiciously to improve production.

The resource persons for the training were Sr. scientist, CIFE, Dr. A K Verma; scientist, ICAR Nagaland centre, Dr Mahak Singh; i/c Head, KVK Wokha, Dr Moaakum Sangtam and chief technical officer, ICAR Nagaland Centre, Dr. L J Bordoloi.

Altogether 15 farmers from Wokha district participated in the training programme. The trainees were also taken for exposure visit to fish seed production unit and fish farm in Dimapur district to enhance knowledge on seed

AR organise dental checkup

DIMAPUR: As part of its civic action programme, HQ 7 sector of Assam Rifles under the aegis of IGAR (North) organised oral health lecture and free dental checkup for students at St. John’s School Tuensang on March 20.

A total of 147 students attended the event in which the students were sensitized about the oral hygiene and healthy gums.

Oral health items were also distributed among the students.

In another event, Jalukie battalion of Assam Rifles organised an awareness lecture for youth to join Indian Army at Benreu Govt School, Peren on March 21.

The lecture was conducted to create awareness particularly among the youth about joining security forces. At the lecture various aspects like defence forces as a career choice for men and women, different types of entries, career progression in defence forces, advantages of a career in security forces over other career opportunities, eligibility conditions for various entries and upcoming recruitment schemes were covered. Youth

were also briefed about various assistance, guidance and training facilities provided by Assam Rifles in enabling them to join security forces. A total of 20 students attended the lecture.

production and fish pond management, and an input distribution programme was also organized.

M Y K C M Y K C 3 STATE NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023 Q.: In all fairness, is Rahul Gandhi’s sentencing and disqualification on valid grounds? A Yes. 12% B No. 84% C Can’t Say. 4% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% nagalandpost.com Poll A B C
POLL Q: Is the stand of various CSOs and tribal organisations against ULB polls legally tenable?  Yes.  No.  Can’t Say. (Temperature in ºC) Max Min Agartala A t-storm around in p.m. 30 25 Aizawl A t-storm around in p.m. 24 17 Guwahati Sunshine and hot 33 19 Imphal Decreasing clouds 27 14 Itanagar A.M. showers; variable clouds 26 15 Shillong Most sunny and pleasant 25 15 Kohima A stray afternoon t-storm 24 13 Dimapur Very warm with a thunderstorm 31 17 Mkg A stray afternoon t-storm 27 13 Tuensang Mostly sunny and cooler 18 10 Wokha An afternoon t-storm or two 24 15 Zunheboto Mostly sunny and nice 23 11 WEATHER FORECAST MARCH 27
Kazheto Kinimi along with the officers of AH&VS and others at the directorate. Resource persons, officers and others at the training programme. Charles Chasie, (middle row 3rd-R) with some of the contributors. (NP)) MoS B.L. Verma on his arrival at the inauguration of the 3rd Mon International Trade Fair & Expo 2023 at local ground, Mon on March 25. Members of FNBA and othes at Jalukie town. Neihunuo Sorhie

JDSSM to plead with Prez, PM against conversion

Totakeout‘Chalo Delhi’programmesoon



After holding the rally in Guwahati on March 26, the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh)affiliate Janajati Dharma Sanskriti Suraksha Manch (JDSSM) will take out a “Chalo Delhi” programme soon to pressurize the Central government to delist the tribal people who have undergone religious conversion in different parts of the state.

The JDSSM will also send separate memorandums to the President of India Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi through Assam Governor Gulab Chand Katria in the next week.

Commenting on “Chalo Dispur” programme, Assam tribal affairs minister Dr Ranoj Pegu said,” It’s a central subject. We have nothing to do with it. The Central government will take up the call.”

The “Chalo Dispur” programme, which was held at Veterinary College Field in Guwahati, was attended by more than 50,000 people coming from 30 different districts of the state wearing their traditional dresses and carrying folk musical instruments.

Tribal rituals were per-

Bangladesh I- Day celebrated in Assam,Tripura



The Bangladeshi Independence Day celebrated in Assam and Tripura on Sunday with numerous functions and events in the two Indian states that share border with the neighbouring country.

Bangladesh’s Assistant High Commissions in Guwahati and Agartala organised a series of programmes to observe the day. Artistes, including renowned singers from both Bangladesh and India, performed in the functions. Discussions were held highlighting the significance of Bangladesh Independence Day and National Day. Bangladesh celebrates its Independence Day on March 26 -- which is also a national holiday. The day commemorates Bangladesh’s declaration of Independence from Pakistan in the early hours of March 25, 1971. On the occasion, troops of the Border Security Force exchanged sweets and greetings with Border Guards Bangladesh in the border outposts along the border between the two neighbouring countries.

formed by Boro, Karbi, Tiwa, Dimasa, Rabha and Mising communities which was followed by the hoisting of the flag by JDSSM president Bogiram Boro.

More than 10 tribal folk dance troupes performed their original folk dances during the programme. The programme was graced by national leaders like Surya Narayan Suri, Akhil Bharatiya Sangathan Mantri, JSM; Satyendra Singh, invited speaker, JSM central observer; Prakash Singh Uikeji, social worker, and executive member of JSM, MP; Ravindra Uike, social worker and executive member of JSM, MP.

Community speakers Babita Brahma (Boro), Pratap Terang (Karbi), Tarun

Chandra Rabha (Rabha) and Kameswar Pator (Tiwa) also delivered speeches on conversion taking in the respective tribal communities.

All the speakers unitedly voiced to delist converted ST people who completely have up their original tribal culture, customs, rituals, way of life and traditions after conversion.

They also demanded to stop “unethical conversion” among tribal communities of the state.

The rally also demanded an amendment of Article 342 of the Constitution of India for ST and equalize with Article 341 for Scheduled Caste (if any SC person is converted to any other religion, automatically the person get DE-listed from

SC reservation). We are fighting to save the poor ST people from getting swallowed by very organised, communal and theocratic foreign religions. Else many ST community’s identity and traits will be extinct in no time,” said JDSSM working president and coordinator Binud Kumbang.

“The ST people are the easiest prey or victim of religious conversions in Assam mainly targeted by the highly communal theocratic foreign religious groups,” Kumbang said.

“Christian conversion was like slow poison killing the tribals’ original beliefs and faiths, culture, customs and rituals,” he said.

“The purpose of reservation provisions in the

Democracy killed under Modi: MPCC prez

voices against the BJP-led NDA government by misusing the democratic organs of the country, he said.

“Our leader Rahul Gandhi had only questioned the criminal attitude of Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi and Narendra Modi during a political meeting in Karnataka”, he claimed.


IMPHAL, MAR 26: Leaders, members and workers of Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) on Sunday staged a “One-day Satyagraha” in Imphal.

The protest was staged against the undemocratic disqualification of AICC leader Rahul Gandhi from being MP of the Lok Sabha after he was convicted and sentenced for two years by a local court in Gujarat.

The protest was staged near the statue of Mahatma Gandhi inside the Imphal Congress Bhavan.

The protest commenced from 10 am and lasted till 5pm was a part of nationwide “Sankalp Satyagraha” call by the AICC to protest against Rahul Gan-

dhi’s disqualification from Lok Sabha.

“For truth and truth only” read one of the placards displayed at the protest side. Other read -“We stand with Rahul Gandhi”, “We are Gandhis, we are not savarkar”, “In solidarity with Rahul Gandhi” etc.

“India’s democracy has been killed under the Narendra Modi regime” lamented MPCC president K Meghachandra who spoke to the media on the sideline of the protest.

Meghachandra said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi led NDA government has belittled the meaning of democracy by imposing a dictatorial form of government in the country. The Modi government has been trying to gag the

Congressnotabletogetmorethanfive assemblyseatsinanyNEState:Shah

RAICHUR (KARNATAKA), MARCH 26 (AGENCIES): Coming down heavily on the Congress party, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said that the party was not able to get more than five seats in any northeastern State where Assembly polls were held recently, reports ANI.

Addressing a gathering during the inauguration of several developmental projects in poll-bound Karnataka’s Raichur, Amit Shah said, “Recently Northeast elections were held and Congress was not able to get more than 5 seats in any state. NDA succeeded in all three states.”

Shah said that the public wants to move ahead with PM Modi. “I appeal to the people of Raichur to vote for BJP for development in the city,” he added.

In the recently concluded polls in Tripura, Meghalaya and Nagaland, BJP with its allies was able to form a government in all three states.

In Tripura, BJP won 32 seats with a vote share

of around 39 per cent. Tipra Motha Party came second by winning 13 seats.

Communist Party of India (Marxist) got 11 seats while Congress bagged three seats.

The Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT) managed to open its account by winning one seat.

The CPI(M) and the Congress, arch rivals in Kerala, came together in the Northeast this time in a bid to oust the BJP from power. The combined vote share of CPI(M) and Congress remained around 33 per cent.

In Nagaland, BJP secured 12 seats, Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) won 25 seats,

and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) bagged seven seats.

However, Indian National Congress in Nagaland ended up without opening an account.

In Meghalaya, the National People’s Party (NPP) won 26 seats, United Democratic Party (UDP) bagged 11 seats and Trinamool Congress got five seats. BJP, People’s Democratic Front and Hill State People’s Democratic Party bagged two seats each. Congress managed to get only five seats while the Voice of the People Party got four seats. Two seats were won by independent candidates.

Earlier on Friday, Amit Shah hit out at the Congress and said the grand old party, which is being wiped out of the country, wants to make Karnataka their ATM.

Addressing a public rally in Bidar, Shah said, “Congress is being wiped out from the country, they no longer have any state which can fill their coffers. They want Karnataka to become their ATM.”

Indian Constitution for ST in Article 342 is to protect and preserve the tribal way of life, culture, customs, rituals etc as a whole and to uplift the listed STs’ socioeconomic conditions by giving them reservations in education, jobs, elections etc. Article 371 of our Constitution prevents even the Parliament from making Acts and laws which affect the way of life and culture of certain tribal areas,” Kumbang also said.

“The fundamental purpose of the tribal reservation becomes meaningless when the tribes reject their original faiths, culture, customs etc. and converts to another religion. A basic question that rises here is, when a person changes his faith and is converted to another religion, how he could maintain the original- culture, traditions and way of life followed by the community,” he added.

Reacting to the demand of the JDSSM, All Assam Tribal Sangha (AATS) president Aditya Khakhlary said, “We do not support their demand. Their demand is unconstitutional.”

“The state government has opened a separate department for indigenous faith and culture. I think with the functioning of this department, the conversion will go down to a certain extent,” Khakhlary added.

against Rahul’s disqualification

GUWAHATI, MAR 26 (PTI): The Assam unit of the Congress on Sunday organised a ‘Sankalp Satyagraha’ here in protest against the disqualification of party leader Rahul Gandhi from the Lok Sabha following his conviction in a defamation case.

About 10 other opposition parties of the state also participated in the programme, which was attended by Assam Congress chief Bhupen Kumar Bora and Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Debabrata Saikia.

Raijor Dal chief and MLA Akhil Gogoi and litterateur Dr Hiren Gohain, among others, joined the sit-in demonstration by the state’s main opposition party. The state Congress

president said a public rally will be organised in Guwahati soon to mobilise people against the “threat to democracy” posed by the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre. “In every district, block, we will create awareness about the threat to democracy by this current regime. We will organise public meetings everywhere and hold a mega rally in Guwahati soon over the issue,” he said.

Opposition parties of the state, including Raijor Dal, Left parties, Assam Jatiya Parishad, AAP and NCP, have lent their support to the Congress, Bora said. “Their representatives have also participated in the satyagraha here”, the Congress leader said.

Rahul Gandhi was

disqualified from the Lok Sabha on Friday, a day after a court in Gujarat’s Surat convicted him in a 2019 defamation case. The disqualification will bar Gandhi , a four-time MP, from contesting polls for eight years unless a high court stays his conviction.

Terming the actions against Gandhi as an “attempt to kill democracy”, Saikia said, “Our democracy is such that it allows all political parties to function together. But this BJP-led government is trying to kill this very spirit of our democracy.”

He alleged that the BJP is digging out 20-30 year old cases against opposition leaders and using agencies like the CBI and ED to “intimidate” them.

UDP sees ‘change’ if party wins Sohiong Assembly seat

SHILLONG, MAR 26 (AGENCIES): The United Democratic Party (UDP)’s East Khasi Hills District president Titosstarwell Chyne on Saturday said there could be a “change” if the party were to win the Sohiong seat.

UDP president Metbah Lyngdoh officially declared the candidature of Thabah at the meeting organised by the Sohiong unit of the party.

The MPCC president alleged that the Modi government was encouraging wrong doers by conferring awards while imprisoning those who stood for the truth. The Modi government has not only suppressed the voices of the Congress leaders but other opposition parties.

The clear example was deletion of the record of the questions raised by Rahul Gandhi during parliament session demanding reasons for providing a huge amount of loan to Adani group from the parliamentary proceedings.

He further said that Rahul Gandhi was not alone and millions of Congressmen and people irrespective of their political affiliations will join him in this fight for truth and justice.

“We have already counted Sohiong constituency as belonging to UDP. It is up to you to ensure (victory). It was bad luck that we won only 11 seats, we will work hard to ensure victory in this constituency so that our number will increase. If UDP increases its seats, we do not know what will come up next. If we win Sohiong, there may be change, who knows. Politics is unpredictable,” he said while addressing a meeting here.

Election to Sohiong Assembly seat had to be adjourned after UDP candidate HDR Lyngdoh passed away days before the February 27 election; elections were held for 59 of the 60 Assembly seats.

The UDP was part of a group that had attempted to form a non-NPP government after the elec-

tions threw up a fractured mandate. That, however, fell through when the two HSPDP MLAs and two Independents instead offered support to NPP, which had already secured the support of the two BJP MLAs, taking their combined number to 32 and in a position to form the government; it was then just a matter of time for UDP to also follow suit and join the government along with the two PDF legislators.

Speaking at the programme, candidate for Sohiong seat, Synshar Lyngdoh Thabah, assured the people that he will work hard along with other MLAs to direct the arrow of development to Hynniewtrep.

Stating that the state is losing out in many ways, Thabah said, “The last five years have been a dry spell in terms of development. There is a pause, there is a switch, there is a shift in the direction in terms of development in our state and the same goes for my constituency.”

Recalling that he had been following late HDR Lyngdoh during his campaigns, Thabah sought the support of the people.

It was learnt that Thabah was being groomed to be the party’s candidate for the 2024 KHADC elections, but went on to be the candidate for Sohiong assembly election.

Meanwhile, the UDP president said that the party had expected to win 1517 seats but won 11in the recent Assembly election.

The party is eyeing Sohiong constituency hoping to add another number to its strength of 11 MLAs.

The party meeting held at the premises of HDR Lyngdoh’s home at Sohiong was attended by many supporters of the party. As for the MDA 2.0 coalition government, he said, “We are working together as partners and we have not joined hands with the NPP. UDP is a party and we will remain so.”

An emotional gathering Nathaniel Osbert Rymmai, the son of HDR Lyngdoh, spoke about his late father. Rymmai choked with emotions as he remembered his father and spoke about his teachings. As Rymmai got emotional, Thabah got up from his seat to comfort him. The leaders on the dais and the people present at the function were seen wiping their tears, moved by Rymmai’s emotions.

Rymmai extended his support to Thabah, who is a relative.

Recalling his father’s words, he said, “He taught me about how to take things forward and not to make any business out of serving people.”


MAR 26

EC team in Assam to discuss delimitation 17-year-old student shot dead in Manipur


IMPHAL, MAR 26: A 17-year-old student was shot dead allegedly by two motorcycle-borne unidentified gunmen in Manipur’s Kangpokpi district on Saturday night, reports said on Sunday.

The deceased was identified as Seigunlal Misao, Class XII student. He was a resident of Motbung Model village under Motbung police station of Kangpokpi district.

He was appearing for the ongoing Class-XII final exam conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education Manipur (COHSEM).

A police source said that two miscreants including a female who came on a motorcycle shot him in front of the Motbung PHC located on the side of NH-2 (Imphal Dimapur road) last night, around 8.30pm.

He was hit by two bullets and succumbed to the injuries on the spot. The police, quoting witnesses, said that the rider shot him from close range

and escaped taking advantage of the darkness.

The police retrieved the dead body and transferred it to Kangpokpi district hospital for necessary postmortem. They also registered a case and initiated investigation to nab the assailants and to establish the motive behind the commission of the crime.

Police said that the cause of the killing is yet to be established and the body has been sent to Kangpokpi district hospital for postmortem.

Meanwhile, leaders of a joint action committee (JAC) formed in connection with the killing of the students met with chief minister N Biren Singh today evening and submitted their demands.

While conveying his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family, the chief minister assured booking of the culprits at the earliest.

“The state government will take up necessary action to ensure that the perpetrators are booked and brought to justice,” the chief minister wrote in his Facebook post.

(PTI): Ahead of the delimitation of constituencies in Assam, the full team of the Election Commission of India arrived here on Sunday on a three-day visit to the state for holding consultations with various stakeholders, including political parties and civil societies.

Chief election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar and Commissioners, Anup Chandra Pandey and Arun Goel, will hold discussions with the stakeholders on Monday, State’s Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Nitin Khade said.

The EC has been entrusted with the delimitation exercise for redrawing the territorial boundaries of the assembly and parliamentary constituencies of the northeastern state. In a statement on Saturday, Khade said the Election Commission team usually visits the states concerned after draft publication of the proposal. “The Commission will again come after the publication of the draft proposal in newspapers. Thus stakeholders will be getting two opportunities to interact with the

Commission to make the delimitation process more inclusive, participatory and transparent,” he added.

The CEO said stakeholders/ public will be able to send their suggestions/ inputs by April 5 at the email knbhar@eci.gov.in and brajesh@eci.gov.in, for those who could not come to meet the Commission.

An official said the Election Commission team will meet the CEO and other officials on Sunday evening.

They are scheduled to address a press conference on Tuesday, the official said.

The process for delimitation started on January 1, 2023, using the 2001 census figures, according to a notification issued by the Election Commission on December 27 last year. The preliminary work to start the exercise has begun and the final job will commence after the CEC’s visit, a senior official at the Office of the CEO had told PTI earlier.

Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had said in the state Assembly earlier this month that the re-drawing of constituencies was stalled as the thenCongress government had

written to the delimitation commission that law and order situation was “not conducive” for the exercise.

“When we were asked if it can be done now, we said the situation has improved now,” he added.

On December 31, 2022, the Assam Cabinet decided to merge four districts with the ones from which they were carved out and made separate districts. Biswanath was merged with Sonitpur, Hojai with Nagaon, Tamulpur with Baksa and Bajali with Barpeta. The decisions to merge the districts were taken just a day before the Election Commission’s ban on creating new administrative units in Assam from January 1, 2023, as the poll panel would undertake the delimitation exercise in the state, came into force.

The administrative jurisdiction of some villages and a few towns were also changed at the state Cabinet meeting, held in New Delhi.

In March this year, the Gauhati High Court issued two notices to the Assam government asking it to explain within four weeks why it had dissolved Hojai and Biswanath districts.

Oppn parties join Cong ‘satyagraha’ in Assam
Particiapants of the anti-conversion rally organized by JDSSM. SankalpSatyagraha held at Manabendra Complex, Guwahati. Manipur Congress stage protest against disqualification of Rahul Gandhi in Imphal on Sunday. Titosstarwell Chyne Amit Shah


India reports 1,890 new Covid cases


(IANS): India reported

1,890 new Covid cases in the last 24 hours, which is a rise from the previous day’s count of 1,590 cases, according to the Union health ministry data on Sunday. India’s total active caseload has risen to 9,433, which is 0.02 per cent of the total cases. In the same time span, the country has also reported seven Covid deaths, two each from Gujarat and Maharashtra. Along with, three deaths have been reconciled by Kerala, leading the death toll to 5,30,831.

As of Sunday morning, India has administered a total 220.65 crore vaccine against Covid that includes 7,955 doses in the last 24 hours, the ministry said.

4 of techie’s family die in suicide pact


(IANS): A software engineer poisoned his wife and two children before killing himself in what appears to be a suicide pact. The bodies of G. Satish (39), his wife G. Veda (35) and their children, G. Nishiket (9) and G. Nihar (5), were found in their flat in the Kushaiguda area in Hyderabad late on Saturday.

Police suspect that the couple resorted to the extreme step due to chronic ill-health of their children.

Police found a suicide note from the flat in which the couple claimed that they decided to take the extreme step and that no one was responsible for their death.

Man held in Goa with 5.5 kg ganja

PANAJI, MAR 26 (IANS): A 26-year-old man has been arrested by the police in Goa for allegedly possessing 5.5 kg ganja valued at Rs 5.50 lakh, an official said on Saturday. The arrested individual has been identified as Bijay Mallick, 26, a native of Odisha.

“Mallick has been arrested under the provisions of NDPS Act and his police remand is being obtained to find out the source of the seized narcotic drugs,” a police officer said.

Man held for poisoning wife to death in UP

SAMBHAL (UP), MAR 26 (PTI): A man has been arrested for killing his wife by poisoning following a dispute here, police said on Sunday. The accused has been identified as Mukesh Kumar, Circle Officer Deepak Tiwari said. Kumar poisoned his wife Jal Dhara (45) on Saturday night following a dispute in Sarai Sikandar village, he said. The body has been sent for postmortem and an investigation is underway.

Teacher kills daughter before shooting self

KASGANJ (UP), MAR 26 (PTI): A 55-year-old government school teacher allegedly shot dead his daughter on Sunday before killing himself following a fight over some issue, police said. The daughter was also a teacher at a government primary school, they said.

Narendra Singh Yadav, a resident of Sadar Kotwali area here and posted at Josherwani College in Nagariya town, had a quarrel with his daughter, Juhi (26), in the afternoon over some issue, police said. In a fit of rage, Yadav allegedly shot Juhi with his licensed rifle before shooting himself. Yadav’s wife was also present in the house at the time of the incident, police said. Hearing the sound of gunshots, neighbours entered the Yadav’s house found Yadav and his daughter lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Cong holds ‘Satyagraha’ protests across India



(PTI): Raising the pitch against the BJP over Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification from Lok Sabha, Congress leaders and workers held protests across the country on Sunday, with party president Mallikarjun Kharge and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra accusing the government of “trying to silence” a “martyr’s son” for raising the voice of people.

Countering the BJP’s charge that Rahul Gandhi insulted OBCs with his remark for which he has been convicted in a criminal defamation case, Priyanka Gandhi asked how a leader whose family has “given its blood to nurture democracy” and who has walked thousands of kilometres from Kanyakumari to Kashmir with a message of unity could insult the country or a certain community.

“We have remained silent but not anymore,” she said alleging that the prime minister and other BJP leaders have repeatedly insulted her family members but no cases were filed against them.

The BJP, however, slammed the Congress and asked if it was agitating against the country’s Con-

stitution or the law under which Rahul Gandhi was convicted or to justify his remarks against the entire backward community of the country.

With several other parties condemning the action against Rahul Gandhi, top Congress leaders Ashok Gehlot and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said the issue had brought the Opposition together and this unity would grow as days go by.

Kharge, who led the “Sankalp Satyagraha” protest outside Delhi’s Raj Ghat after the police refused permission to hold it at the Mahatma Gandhi memorial, asked why the BJP was feeling hurt if fugitives Nirav Modi and Lalit Modi

were being criticised.

“They talk of OBC now, is Lalit Modi OBC, is Nirav Modi OBC, is Mehul Choksi OBC, they ran away with people’s money. If they are fugitives why are you pained if they are criticised.

“You (BJP) punish the person who works to save the country and send those abroad who loot the country,” Kharge said.

Staunchly defending the former Congress president, Priyanka Gandhi said no cases were registered when her brother, “son of a martyr”, was called Mir Jafer.

Asking if a martyred prime minister’s son can insult the country, Priyanka Gandhi said, “This is an

Centre notifies revised MGNREGA wage rates


(PTI): The Centre has notified a hike in wage rates under the rural job guarantee programme for the 2023-24 financial year with Haryana having the highest daily wage at Rs 357 per day and Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh the lowest at Rs 221.

The Union Ministry of Rural Development issued a notification on the change in wage rates under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on March 24.

The notification was issued under Section 6 (1) of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 2005, that says the Centre may, by notification, specify the wage rate for its beneficiaries.

The wage hikes, which range from Rs 7 to Rs 26, will come into effect from April 1.

Compared to last year’s rates, Rajasthan registered the highest percentage increase in wages. The

Congress’ Satyagraha brazen


insult to that prime minister who gave his life.”

She said her family gave its blood to the nation and the Congress is ready to do anything to protect democracy and is not scared.

“You have called a martyr’s son anti-national, Mir Jafar, insulted his mother in Parliament. The prime minister in Parliament asks why this family does not use the ‘Nehru’ surname.

“You insult the entire family and the tradition of Kashmiri Pandits. But there is no case against you. You don’t get a case or a two-year term and no one disqualifies you. Why?” she asked.

She hit out at the BJP over the allegation of dynastic politics.

“How much will you insult one person?” Priyanka Gandhi said and asked if Lord Ram, who was sent into exile, was a “parivaarwadi”.

“They accuse us of dynasticism. Who was Lord Ram? He was exiled and he fulfilled his responsibilities towards his family and motherland. Was Lord Ram ‘parivaarwadi’? Were Pandavas ‘parivaarwadi’ because they fought to uphold the values of their fam-

ily. Should we be ashamed that our family members sacrificed their lives for this country?” the Congress leader said.

Priyanka Gandhi said till today, they have been insulting “our family and we remained silent but not anymore”.

“Time has come and we are not the ones who will remain silent anymore,” she told the outside Rajghat.

Targeting the prime minister, she said, Rahul Gandhi was being attacked for asking questions about industrialist Gautam Adani, who she alleged was being protected by the entire ruling establishment.

“Take me to jail but the truth is this country’s prime minister is a coward. He is hiding behind his power and (he) is arrogant. But this country’s tradition is that people reply to an arrogant king,” she said.

Priyanka Gandhi also urged the media to understand their responsibility as “democracy is in danger”.

“If the one who questions is barred from contesting elections for eight years, it is not right for the country or its democracy. Time has come -- daro mat (don’t be afraid)’.


(PTI): The BJP on Sunday slammed the Congress over its ‘Sankalp Satyagraha’, alleging that it was agitating against the country’s Constitution and the court verdict against Rahul Gandhi to justify his remarks against the entire backward community of the country.

Addressing a press conference, BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi also dubbed the Congress stir as an insult to Mahatma Gandhi, saying while the Father of the Nation had organised Satyagraha for social causes, the Congress was holding “so-called Satyagraha” for personal reasons.

The Congress agitation is a “brazen” display of its “arrogance and indiscipline” after Gandhi’s conviction in a defamation case in Gujarat and his automatic disqualification as LS MP as a result of the court’s verdict, he charged. The agitation has nothing to do with fighting for truth, he added.

The BJP leader said Gandhi was convicted by a court in Surat after the due legal process and his disqualification as a Lok Sabha MP was an automatic con-

sequence under the relevant law. “Then, Satyagraha for what?” he asked.

“Is it to justify the way you insulted the entire backward community of the country, or against the court which sentenced you, or against the provision under which you have to be disqualified,” he said, asking Congress to clarify.

Stating that some of the Congress leaders who were allegedly involved in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots were also participating in the party’s agitation, the BJP leader asked the opposition party to clarify if their Satyagraha organised at Mahatma Gandhi’s Samadhi Sthal in Rajghat was also against ‘Ahimsa’. He also hit out at the Congress over RS MP Pramod Tiwari’s reported remark that the Gandhi family should be treated differently by the law, and asked if the party considers itself “superior” to the judiciary.

India summons Canadian envoy on Khalistan protests

NEW DELHI, MAR 26 (PTI): India has summoned Canadian High Commissioner Cameron MacKay and conveyed its strong concerns about the actions by pro-Khalistani extremist elements against its diplomatic missions in Canada recently.

revised wage for Rajasthan is Rs 255 per day, up from Rs 231 in 2022-23.

Bihar and Jharkhand have registered a percentage increase of around eight from last year. Last year, the daily wage for a MNREGA worker in these two states was Rs 210. It has now been revised to Rs 228. For Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, which have the lowest daily wages at Rs 221, the percentage increase from last year was recorded at 17. In 2022-23, the two states had a daily wage of Rs 204.

The increases in the wages for states range between two and 10 per cent. Karnataka, Goa, Meghalaya and Manipur are among the states to register the lowest percentage increase. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is a flagship programme aimed at enhancing livelihood security of households in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer for unskilled manual work.

MacKay was summoned by the External Affairs Ministry on Saturday and sought an explanation on how “separatist and extremist elements” were allowed to breach the security of its diplomatic mission and consulates despite the presence of police, the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.

On Sunday last, India’s High Commissioner to Canada Sanjay Kumar Verma was forced to skip an event in British Columbia province after a violent protest by Khalistan supporters.

Indian-origin journalist Sameer Kaushal, who was at the venue to cover the protest, was also assaulted by protesters.

Canada was reminded of its obligations under the Vienna Convention and asked to arrest and prosecute the individuals who

ISRO’s LVM3 injects 36 satellites into intended orbits

SRIHARIKOTA (AP), MAR 26 (PTI): The Indian Space Research Organisation’s heaviest LVM3 rocket on Sunday successfully placed 36 internet satellites of UK-based OneWeb group company into intended orbits.

The 43.5 metre tall rocket blasted off at a prefixed time of 9 am today, from the second launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre here, about 135 kms from Chennai, at the end of a 24.30 hour countdown.

This is the second dedicated mission of NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL), the commercial arm of Indian Space Research Organisation.

ISRO had signed an agreement with Network Access Associates Ltd, United Kingdom, a OneWeb Group Company, for the launch of 72 satellites into Low-Earth orbits (LEO).

The first batch of 36 satellites were launched on October 23, 2022 by ISRO, and the second batch today.

OneWeb is a global communication network powered from space, enabling connectivity for governments and businesses.

Soon after takeoff, the rocket sequentially deployed

the satellites into multiple orbits. While the first set of 16 satellites were injected around 20 minutes after lift off, the remaining satellites were placed into intended orbits later. ISRO said, “LVM3-M3/OneWeb India-2 mission is accomplished. All 36 OneWeb Gen-1 Satellites injected into the intended orbits.”

“In its sixth consecutive successful flight, LVM3 carried 5,805 kgs of payload to Low Earth Orbit,” the space agency said on its official social media account. The launch vehicle took off with a total payload of 5,805 kg at 9.00 hrs and gained the required altitude of 450 km in about nine minutes of flight, and achieved satellite injection

PM,AndhraGov,CM congratulateISROon LVM3success

An event in Canada was cancelled after a violent protest by pro-Khalistan supporters on March 19, 2023. (AP)

have already been identified as being involved in such acts, the ministry said. It said it expected the

Canadian government to take all steps needed to ensure security of its diplomatic premises and the safety of its diplomats so that they are able to fulfil their normal diplomatic functions.

Canada has seen a rise in anti-India activities recently by Khalistan supporters who have vandalised some Hindu temples.

Earlier this month, proKhalistan supporters had attacked the Indian High Commission in London and vandalised the Indian consulate in San Francisco.

The External Affairs Ministry had summoned the Charge d’affaires of Britain and the US to voice strong protests against the developments at its missions.


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conditions, ISRO said in a statement. OneWeb confirmed the acquisition of signals from all 36 satellites, it said.

ISRO chairman S Somanath congratulated NSIL, ISRO and OneWeb for the successful launch of the mission. This mission marks OneWeb’s second satellite deployment from India, highlighting the collaboration between the United Kingdom and Indian space industries, the company said.

The first set of satellite separation (comprising four of the 36 satellites) took place around 20 minutes after lift-off while the remaining were deployed into their respective orbits in phases later.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the successful placement of 36 internet satellites of a company belonging to the UK-based OneWeb Group into the intended orbits by the ISRO’s heaviest rocket, LVM3. “It reinforces India’s leading role as a global commercial launch service provider in the true spirit of Aatmanirbharta,” Modi said in a tweet.

Andhra Pradesh Governor S Abdul Nazeer and Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy congratulated ISRO scientists for successfully launching the LVM3 rocket on Sunday.

The Governor said the feat of carrying 36 satellites from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota had added another feather in ISRO’s cap, and wished it many more successful missions in the future.

Likewise, Reddy noted that the successful launch of ISRO’s largest rocket LVM3 for Oneweb’s second deployment of satellites had propelled India’s capability in global space technology.

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Congress workers during a ‘Satyagraha’ protest at Shaheed Smarak in Lucknow, Sunday. (PTI) Sudhanshu Trivedi ISRO’s LVM3 carrying 36 satellites lifts off from the Satish Dhawan Space Station, in Sriharikota, Sunday. (PTI)

Efficient and effective

If what deputy chief minister in-charge of home Y. Patton articulated at a formal meeting with top police brass at Kohima on March 25,2023, is to have any impact on commitment to effect qualitative change, then it can be described as revolutionary. The police department under the home department, plays a very crucial role in effecting the rule of law in the state. It may also be noted that Patton has been holding charge of the home portfolio at various periods, first during 2017 under then chief minister T.R.Zeliang and then as deputy chief minister incharge of home in 2018 and again holding the same status and portfolio after the 2023 election. Patton informed that the state police force which has grown from 1000 people in 1980s to about 26,000 in 2023, is urgent need of improving its efficiency. According to Patton, the cure for the department’s many varied ailments is by re-organization and restructuring the Police force so that better and optimal utilization of manpower and resources can be undertaken. Talks of modernisation of police force has been heard for decades and involving hundreds of crore rupees which have been spent on purchases of vehicles and other supply oriented items while the ordinary jawan has been left out of the purview. There was a report that some years ago that some middlemen supplied second hand Gypsies to the police department including another scam involving purchase of ammunition etc. It is an irony that when the ministers, officers, contractors and middlemen talk about modernisation, the police personnel are given substandard uniform and equipments and ration of very inferior quality. Police personnel in other states are accommodated in housing complex or police lines for their safety and security including their families. Even if politicians and officers habitually siphon money under specious schemes, they could have at least spent the money for setting up forensic laboratory, which is a critical need. Nagaland is the second oldest state after Assam while all other states came into existence at least a decade later. Today, while all these later day states have well equipped forensic laboratories as well as other modern facilities for their police, Nagaland is decades behind. To add insult to injury, Patton also disclosed that states are not willing to accept evidence from crime scenes for analysis. Each testing for laboratory testing costs Rs.5000 excluding the expenditure in the form of TA/ DA for police officers accompanying the samples. Another pressing need is enhancing investigation by setting up of a Cyber Forensic Laboratory since criminals are becoming more sophisticated by using IT or cyber interface. When it comes to bravery, Nagaland Police has shown this when the 9 IR(NAP) tackled Naxalites in Chhattishgarh and their feats are legendary. However, fighting is not the be-all and end-all of policing. What Patton spoke is all about the need for police reforms. This was addressed by the Supreme Court in 2006 , when it ordered the state governments to implement several reforms in police force. Modernisation per se, will not be adequate unless there is a serious effort to effect mental cure through reformation within the force so as to achieve transformation as one of the finest modern police force in the country. In this it is hoped Patton will walk the talk when the time comes.


Spiritual Vision Through Personal Purity

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. — Matthew 5:8

Purity is not innocence— it is much more than that.

Purity is the result of continued spiritual harmony with God. We have to grow in purity. Our life with God may be right and our inner purity unblemished, yet occasionally our outer life may become spotted and stained. God intentionally does not protect us from this possibility, because this is the way we recognize the necessity of maintaining our spiritual vision through personal purity. If the outer level of our spiritual life with God is impaired to the slightest degree, we must put everything else aside until we make it right. Remember that spiritual vision depends on our character— it is “the pure in heart” who “see God.”

God makes us pure by an act of His sovereign grace, but we still have something that we must carefully watch.

It is through our bodily life coming in contact with other people and other points of view that we tend to become tarnished. Not only must our “inner sanctuary” be kept right with God, but also the “outer courts” must be brought into perfect harmony with the purity God gives us through His grace. Our spiritual vision and understanding is immediately blurred when our “outer court” is stained. If we want to maintain personal intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, it will mean refusing to do or even think certain things. And some things that are acceptable for others will become unacceptable for us.

A practical help in keeping your personal purity unblemished in your relations with other people is to begin to see them as God does. Say to yourself, “That man or that woman is perfect in Christ Jesus! That friend or that relative is perfect in Christ Jesus!”


Global inflation sticky, job cuts slow growth

The typical Indian scenario is hit by inflation, global job cuts, bank crisis, agitated farmers and passing the budget and other sanctions amid din.

Stickier politics in the wake of Rahul Gandhi disqualification from Lok Sabha may have its cost on overall functioning if does not turn out to be a whimper. There is nothing technically wrong. A discussion paves way for solutions. The budget has 45 amendments increasing overall tax collections. It is likely to make living costlier but no one discusses the price hikes. Inflation despite a lower rate now is pre-pandemic problem. It is misconstrued as a mere problem of purchasing power. It impacts a government the most being the largest spender. Evolving ways to check it could help the government in reducing expenses, debt, and accelerate welfare and development schemes. Inflation is bleeding the government despite slump in Brent crude prices to $ 70 from $ 90, a few weeks back. Co-chair of G20 Framework Working Group V A Nageswaram says that several countries that inflation is stickier

and growth would remain around 6.5 percent. The government feels upbeat that growth would remain around 7 percent. Now it needs to check inflation, not an easy task in an uncertain world. Its not an easy task amid job cuts by IT giants like Accenture -19000, including 7000 in India, Amazon -9000 and Meta 11000 in March 2023 in addition to their earlier staff reduction. It impinges on the domestic IT companies as well. The privatised economy is finding creating jobs not easy. The global economy finds governments slipping in a world that is controlled by private capital. Banks almost all over the West are uncomfortable with periodic siphoning. The US banks do not have a good record. The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) closed 465 failed banks from 2008 to 2012. In contrast, in the five years prior to 2008, only 10 banks failed. At the end of 2022, the US banking industry had a total of about $620 billion in unrealized losses as a result of investments weakened by rising interest rates. Post 2012, 67 banks have collapsed till 2019. Credit Suisse is not

the only European bank to suffer. There could be many more. At the stock market banks remain unimpressive.

Indian banks took a few haircuts due to failure of some large loans not being repaid. There have been mergers and recapitalisation till a few years back. Defaulting on payment, writeoffs are the common aspect that afflicts the banking industry everywhere. India is not absolutely insulated. Life Insurance Corporation and a group of some banks have lost a tidy sum due to crashes. Inflation remains key issue. The interest rate hike is a reality. As this happens anywhere, the inflation indicator may shoot up in India. At 6.44 percent rise consumer price index (CPI) is beyond the RBI tolerance level. Last year, CPI hit the highest of 7.79 percent in April, and WPI reached 15.88 percent in May 2022. Compared to inflation in February, 2020, CPI is down 0.14 percent whereas WPI is up 1.59 percent. That is an indicator of over three years of inflationary trend. The WPI at 2.95 percent in January and 2.75 percent in February 2023 looks at a

low level. It is over the high of 15.88 percent WPI and 7.79 percent CPI, that RBI despite rate hikes struggles to keep it under check. The prices are at a high plateau. Each small hike robs the purchasing power of the people. Except for the most essentials all other goods lack demand. It is causing production slump. Except during sevenyear drought in 1960s, never the prices have been on a continuous upward trend for so long. Ironically, it has fomented once again the farmers’ stir. About 10,000 of them marched to Mumbai as onion prices slumped to a never before level. The farmers dharna in Delhi also during the last week is no solace for anyone. The situation is piquant. Prices of farm inputs are going up while costs of produces are plummeting. Potato and onion farmers are finding the going tough forcing them in many parts to throw these away.

Across the country farmers demanding profitable minimum support price are marching to vent grievances all over the country. Farmers are demanding

remunerative prices and support to the largest segment of population dependent on agriculture. The government purchases of wheat and rice still remains the highest but so does the problems of the sector. These all have bearing on the job market. The crisis in the secondary industry of IT is a pointer to the crisis in the primary industry. The manufacturing and core sectors are yet to have normal operations. Pandemicdriven enthusiasm around digitisation & technology drove companies to go on hiring spree came to screeching halt towards later part of 2022, as workforce reductions started. Mass lay-off has become the norm.

The Layoff.fyi, website on job tracking in tech industry, says globally 153548 jobs were cut in 2022 by over 1000 companies. It continues through 2023.

Despite NASSCOM saying that India is least affected, overall the IT industry is reducing manpower though it has 51 lakh on rolls with a value of $ 227 billion.

The reduction in manpower comes with higher software and hardware costs. It increases industry input costs across the

industry and the government sector. Unethical tech “upgradation” is virtually a no-discussion zone. It hikes cost on the consumers without a rise in production cost and makes inflation worse. The tech and pandemic linkages remain a mystery. During the covid19, digital technology is credited with minimising social risk factors, but many questions on whether it orchestrated a fear psychosis for imposition of the lockdown to increase its footprint has not yet been scrutinised.

The complex questions of job losses across the board from the rural, farm sectors to every other conceivable area adds to the social, law and order and governance costs. Again it means inflationary trends to continue. Is it all going beyond the capacities of the government? That’s a critical question. It can happen just as a process or may have been deliberately planned. The society and governments need to study these. Inflation cannot be accepted as natural when critical input costs like crude prices slump. India should lead the probe as every cent increase in prices delays India’s journey progress.

An Era of Depreciation Debeaking in chicken

Humans become more critical and judgmental with education. Gradual deterioration of cultural values is the order of the day. There are more dissenting voices than aligning supports. Institutions haul each other with contempt; political parties publicly decry and mock each other almost like a child’s way. Debate participants in TV shows and news channels cross lines of sanity and civic respect. All these audio-visual dramas are consumed by the spectators (young and old).

Young people are largely affected by the era of depreciation and slurs.

Depreciation is ‘a reduction in the value of an asset over time, due in particular to wear and tear; the expression of a negative view of someone or something; criticism or disapproval’.

Purposeful depreciation

The growing practice of purposeful depreciation is a social malady facing many communities wherein a person or party purposely ignores the good and amplifies the negatives. Life is not a perfect slate for anyone. There are rooms for improvement while there are good things worthy of appreciation. Depreciation disheartens people and could lead to self-dejection. A sense of worthlessness can creep into the minds of people who face continuous depreciation. This societal sickness can affect the younger generation to ignore the good and expand the negatives of life, thereby leading to enmity and sour interpersonal relationships. Purposeful depreciation can demonise a person to the extent of affecting his or her mental health and well-being. At best, depreciation is a manipulative ploy to disregard others and

The inauguration of the India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline (IBFP) on Saturday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart, Sheikh Hasina, has opened a new chapter of further strengthening economic cooperation between the two neighbours. The Friendship Pipeline will carry diesel from the Siliguri marketing terminal of Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. in West Bengal to the Parbatipur depot of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) inside that country. Constructed at a cost of Rs 3.46 billion, this 130-km pipeline, which has been jointly implemented by NRL of India and Meghna Petroleum Limited of Bangladesh, will enable India to export diesel to Bangladesh. Fully funded by India following Prime Minister Modi’s meeting with the Bangladesh Prime Minister in 2017, the cross-border pipeline with a capacity of one million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA), promises

trumpet oneself as better than others. There are more criticisms than appreciation in society. ‘Most psychologists agree that criticism does not lead people to change behaviour. Instead, it creates anger and defensiveness on the part of the person criticised. Communication between the parties is shackled, and positive relationships impeded’ (Karass Seminars). While timely correctional measures are beneficial, willful depreciation is not a solution or a medicinal treatment. Distortion of people’s culture, history and political aspiration is a new form of depreciation that affect minorities and indigenous communities worldwide. Willful disregard of the majority for the minority is a growing depreciation virus. Forceful assimilation of smaller communities into bigger communities for political leverage amounts to the depreciation of the former. Using power to subjugate and muzzle others depreciates the right to self-determination and freedom of speech. In a democratic set-up, the role of the opposition is pivotal to proper governance but purposely ignoring the voices of the opposition amounts to the depreciation of the ‘role of opposition’ and the reign of dictatorship. Reverse depreciation Appreciation can be verbal or non-verbal. Appreciation does not mean a person or party has no flaws, but it is a conscious effort to acknowledge the good amongst the not-so-good things of life. It is a way of seeing others as good people or potentially good. Philippians 2:3-4 reads, ‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only

to your own interests, but also to the interests of others’. Bhagavat Gita 3:20-21 says, ‘By performing their prescribed duties, King Janak and others attained perfection. You should also perform your duties to set an example for the good of the world. Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow. Whatever standards they set, all the world pursues’. One of our ‘worldly duties’ is to appreciate the good in others and oneself so that it becomes an example for the world to follow. Timely appreciation comes as a reinforcement to continue doing good. Critical evaluation is a must in a company’s growth trajectory. Criticism is a must for scholarly progress but not total depreciation. In a normal context, depreciation is a discouragement while appreciation is a boost for betterment. If the views or works of the majority are always projected to be right and the minority is always wrong, then there is something ‘wrong’. The loudest speaker need not be the best solution, the melodious voice. There is a possibility that innovation, truth and reality can rise from the periphery. While the physical human body undergoes depreciation in terms of wear and tear, the human mind and quality of life can rise in appreciation (worth). Appreciation can balm the ugly truth of human life’s depreciation and fight the growing tendency for purposeful depreciation.

Fr Paul Lelen Haokip (The author is a PhD research scholar, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Email: paulhowkeep20@ gmail.com)

What is debeaking?

Debeaking is a method of removing the tip part of chicken’s beak. In this process 1/3 th part of the upper beak is trimmed off while the lower is trimmed at the tip portion only. Debeaking is carried out between one day and 6 weeks of age. Debeaking may be repeated from time to time as their beak usually grow back just like our finger and toenails do. Debeaking is only done in chickens that are reared in confinement like cages or deep litter and not in free range chickens as it is not required.

How to debeak chickens.

Chickens can be debeaked using an electric trimming machine where the beak is trimmed off with an electrically heated blade thus preventing bleeding and infections. It can also be done with a sterilized sharp scissor to trim the beak and after which a flat iron rod which was pre heated over an oven should be pressed on the peak to stop bleeding and infections. An iodine solution can be applied on the beak after dipping it with a piece of cotton.

The lower portion of the beak is also trimmed with the same procedure. Care should be taken not to trim more than the recommended portion of beak as more bleeding may happen.

Care should also be taken not to cut the tongue off in the process as well as not to burn the tongue while pressing with the hot iron.

Some advantages of debeaking

a) Toe picking is reduced

b) There is less stress in the

A friend in need is a friend indeed

to solve the problem of transporting diesel to Bangladesh by the sea route. Bangladesh has been importing diesel from India through the railways since 2017, with about 2,200 tonnes of diesel being dispatched from the Numaligarh Refinery through the rail route every month. While the cost of transportation was very expensive for Bangladesh Petroleum Company, the pipeline, once operational, will not only save on transportation costs but also help reduce air and sound pollution to a great extent. Moreover, the Friendship Pipeline will also cut down the transportation cost of fuel oil for Bangladesh by about 50 percent. It is important to note that while following the Ukraine crisis, energy security has become an issue of major concern for the developing and least-developed countries, including Bangladesh, and this cross-border energy cooperation will go a long way in helping Bangladesh mitigate its energy crisis.

One must recall that India has been the most reliable neighbor for Bangladesh at times of crisis, and the very liberation and birth of Bangladesh were possible because of the active support and cooperation of India in 1971. Though there was a bad phase in between for the bilateral relationship between the two countries against the backdrop of certain political problems in Bangladesh, India has stood by its neighbour in a very significant manner when the entire world was in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic. The area of cooperation between Ladesh and India is gradually expanding. Another milestone progress in this regard was initiated last Saturday. On this day, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the ‘India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline’ through video conference. Immediately after the inauguration, diesel has started arriving from

Numaligarh in Assam to Parbatipur depot in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Through this pipeline, Bangladesh will be able to import about 1 million tons of oil annually from India. This will save the huge cost and time required to transport oil by road or rail. As a result, stable supply of diesel is expected to be ensured in the 16 districts of the northern part of Bangladesh. One example after another is being created as to how both countries can benefit through mutual cooperation. The Russia-Ukraine war and Western sanctions against Russia have created a major oil crisis in the global market. Many countries are unable to procure the necessary fuel oil. Bangladesh has an annual deman d of 70 to 72 million metric tons of fuel oil. Out of this, the demand for diesel alone is 48 to 49 lakh metric tons, of which the government has to import 80 percent from different countries. In the current

flock as they do not fight or pick one another c) It prevents feather picking and cannibalism

d) Feed wastage is prevented e) Uniformity of the birds in the flock is maintained in terms of growth and production.

f) When beaks are trimmed the hens does not pick on their own eggs or others and thus prevents from eating it.


Debeaking if followed correctly can save a lot of trouble to poultry farmers from chickens picking on each other. When chickens pick on each other the skin and flesh are bitten off making the birds unattractive to sell in the market.

In extreme cases there will be mortality due to infections from the wounds. Egg eating is also another loss to the farmers as the chicken eat their own eggs as well as other’s. Egg eating may be developed due to cracks in eggs or due to thin shell and once they taste the egg it will become a regular habit.

Apart from debeaking, the poultry farmers should follow proper stocking density by avoiding overcrowding and by reducing the light intensity in chicken houses to prevent cannibalism to some extent. Following debeaking correctly will prevent a huge loss to the poultry farmers and increase the income at the end.

Dr. Sarendi Walling, ACTO(Animal Science), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mokokchung

context, it has become difficult to import this amount of fuel oil. Moreover, huge amount of money has to be spent on transportation of imported oil. It takes too much time. In such a situation, the government was looking for ways to import diesel from new sources at low cost. Pipeline diesel imports from India will serve as that alternative source. Earlier fuel oil used to come from India mainly by rail. The amount of imported oil was 60 to 80 thousand tons per year, which did not play any significant role in our energy needs. Again, it would have required a lot of time and money to transport oil from Chittagong or Mongla to North Bengal by road or river. Now it will be very affordable.

N ot only both countries, but also for sub-regional prosperity including Nepal, Bhutan, mutual cooperation is absolutely necessary. Bangladesh currently imports 1,160 MW of electricity from India.

The process of import ing electricity from Nepal and Bhutan through Indian territory is going on. On the other hand, two landlocked countries are interested in using Bangladesh’s seaport over Indian territory. India is getting transit facility in Bangladesh. All the four countries belonging to the sub-regional alliance BBIN are expected to come under better conn ectivity in the near future. All countries will greatly benefit from this. There is no opportunity to walk alone or sit behind closed doors in the present age. We expect many more instances like the Maitri pipeline to be established in the near future. Each pillar of connectivity will become progressively stronger. In order to increase sub-regional cooperation, the problems between the countries should be resolved quickly through discussions.

Reader’s note: Articles or letters published in any of the columns do not reflect the view of this newspaper nor that of the Editor in any manner.
“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
~ Milton Berle


Two killed in lightning strike


Two men were killed and another sustained burns after lightning struck them at a village in Chhattisgarh’s Surajpur district, police said on Sunday.

The incident took place on Saturday evening when the victims were working on a sugarcane field in Madannagar village under Pratappur development block, Surajpur Additional Superintendent of Police

Madhulika Singh said.

3 killed as truck hits bike in UP

LALITPUR (UP), MAR 26 (PTI): Three people travelling on a motorcycle were killed when a speeding truck rammed into the rear of their vehicle and dragged it for almost 2 kilometers in this district, police said on Sunday. Police

Public Relations Officer (PRO) Manoj Mishra said the accident took place near Pachauni tri-section in Cheera village around 11 pm on Saturday, when the speeding truck coming from Jhansi side hit the motorcycle from behind. Mishra said the bodies of two youths were found near Cheera village, while the body of the third youth got entangled with the truck and was dragged for almost two kilometres. The body was recovered near Darjanpur turn.

Man mauled to death

by tiger in Maharashtra

CHANDRAPUR, MAR 26 (PTI): A 50-year-old man was mauled to death by a tiger in a forest in Maharashtra’s Chandrapur district on Sunday, an official said. The victim Bhajandas Parohi had ventured into Junona forest to collect firewood on Saturday, but failed to return home, the official said. Following a search, Parohi’s body was found in compartment no 406 this morning and it was shifted to the government hospital for post-mortem, he said.

UP bizman duped into buying 84 refrigerators

LUCKNOW, MARCH 26 (IANS): A Lucknow businessman has been duped of over Rs 4 lakh on the pretext of supplying 84 refrigerators in Aliganj. The victim, Prakhar Chaudhry of Mehndi Tola, received a call from an unidentified person, who introduced himself as a representative of a company selling refrigerators. The miscreant talked at length about the goods and managed to convince the victim to purchase refrigerators from the company. Prakhar was asked to pay Rs 4 lakh as advance for placing the order for 84 refrigerators.

PM urges people to embrace organ donation


(PTI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday appealed to people to opt for organ donation, and said his government is working on a uniform policy that will make the process easy and encourage people to adopt the life-saving exercise.

Those who donate their organs after death are “godlike” to recipients, he said in his monthly ‘Mann ki Baat’ radio broadcast, adding that people’s preference for it can save and make many lives.

“It is a matter of satisfaction that the awareness about organ donation is rising in the country,” Modi said, noting that the condition of being a state domicile for receiving organs has been removed to allow the needy to register themselves anywhere in the country.

A decision to remove the age criteria of being less than 65 years for donating organs has also been taken, he added.

From less than 5,000 cases of organ donations in 2013, the number has grown to over 15,000 in 2022, he said.

Organ donation from one deceased person can help eight to nine persons, he noted.

The prime minister also spoke to family members of those whose organs were donated after death. This included an Amritsarbased couple who decided to donate the organs of their daughter who passed away 39 days after being born with a fatal condition.

Modi effusively praised the families for opt-

ing to donate the organs of their deceased members.

He said, “Great donors like them make us understand the importance of life. A large number of needy people are waiting for an organ donor in the hope of a healthy life. It is a matter of utmost satisfaction for me that, to make organ donation easy and to encourage it, work is being done on a uniform policy in the whole country.”

Modi also noted that the cases of corona are rising in some places and asked people to take precautions.

In the field of clean energy, he said, India’s growing presence is being lauded globally.

The speed with which India is moving forward in the field of solar energy is a big achievement in itself, he said, noting that Diu has become the first district in India to consume only clean energy for all day time needs.

“Through solar panels, more electricity is being

generated in Diu than required during the day time. Through this solar project, about 52 crore rupees have also been saved. The environment has also benefitted a lot,” he said, encouraging the use of clean energy.

In his address, the prime minister lauded the increasing presence of women in different fields, and said “woman power” is playing a big role in India’s growing strength.

He mentioned several examples, including that of Surekha Yadav becoming the first women loco pilot in Asia.

Producer Guneet Monga and director Kartiki Gonsalves brought laurels to the country by winning an Oscar for their documentary ‘The Elephant Whisperers’, he said and also lauded women’s role in the NDRF’s relief and rescue work in Turkiye. Modi said, “India has also deployed a Womenonly Platoon in the Peacekeeping Force under the UN Mission.”

Shah slams Cong for appeasing Muslims; hails K’taka

4% quota


26(AGENCIES): The Karnataka Cabinet’s decision to scrap the four per cent reservation granted to Muslims under the 2B category is turning into an election issue in the state, with Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday alleging that the provision was made due to the “appeasement policies” of previous Congress governments. Shah was speaking at the inaugural of Gorata Shaheed Smarak and Sardar Patel Memorial in Bidar. “The BJP does not believe in appeasement politics. The BJP government in the state has decided that there will be changes in the reservation provided in the state. The Congress, to keep its vote bank happy, introduced four per cent reservation for minorities. This was scrapped,” the Home Minister said, noting that the reservation quota was divided between Vokkligas and Lingayats.

Contrary to Shah’s claims, the four per cent reservation quota was introduced by Janata Dal (Secular) supremo H D Deve Gowda during his tenure as Chief Minister in 1994. The then Janata Dal government’s move — through the creation of the “2B” category for Muslims — was part of a historical process that began in 1918 during the rule of the then Mysore princely state and continued till contemporary times when multiple state commissions identified Muslims as being “socially backward”.

But the Basavaraj Bommai-led government decided to scrap the quota for Muslims and placed them in a “larger pool” of 10 per cent reservation offered to Economically Weaker Sections. “Reservation granted to minorities was not constitutional. There is no provision in the Constitution to give reservation based on religion. The Congress government, due to its appeasement politics, granted reservation for minorities,” Shah said, congratulating Bommai for its decision.

Earlier in the day, the Congress tore into the BJP, labelling it the “Betrayal Janata Party”. Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president D K Shivakumar said the state government had decided to change the reservation quota thrice in 90 days without any basis and added that his party would reverse the decision on returning to power.

Reduce civil services recruitment cycle: Parl panel to UPSC Savarkar our idol, won’t tolerate his insult: Uddhav


(PTI): Asserting that the nearly 15 months long recruitment process wastes candidates’ prime years besides taking a heavy toll on their physical and mental health, a Parliamentary Committee has asked the UPSC to reduce the civil services examination’s selection cycle.

In its latest report, the panel also asked the Union Public Service Commission to examine the reasons for the low turnout of candidates in the civil services examination.

The examination is conducted annually by the UPSC in three stages -preliminary, main and in-

terview -- to select officers of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS) among others.

The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice said according to the data provided by the UPSC, the average time taken for civil services examination from the date of issue of notification to the date of declaration of the final result is nearly 15 months.

“The Committee is of the opinion that the duration of any recruitment examination should not ordinarily exceed six months as long

Mamata is like god,

wrong: WB minister


Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee can do no wrong as she is like a god, West Bengal minister Sobhandeb

Chattopadhyay said on Sunday, asserting that even priests sometimes turn out to be thieves, but not gods. Chattopadhyay’s comments, which triggered a controversy, came as the TMC battles allegations of irregularities in school recruitments with several of its top-rung leaders, including former education minister Partha Chatterjee, arrested.


“Mamata is like a god who we worship. Even the priests worshipping the god can at times be a thief but not the god, the idol he worships,” he said, addressing a public meeting at Khardah in North 24 Parganas district.

“Even I can be a thief, but not Mamata,” he added.

Chattopadhyay, the agriculture minister, alleged that several irregularities happened in educational institutes during the CPI(M)’s rule but those were never investigated.

‘Raj govt provided land on concessional rates to Adani’

demand the chief minister of Rajasthan to tell how much land has been issued to Adani in his tenure for various projects. The CM should issue a white paper on land allotted and relaxation given to the Adani group,” he said at a press conference here.


Senior Rajasthan BJP leader Rajendra Rathore on Sunday said Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has no moral right to speak about Adani row, alleging that the Congress government provided land on concessional rates to the Adani group in the state.

The deputy leader of the opposition in Rajasthan Assembly also demanded that the chief minister should issue a white paper on allotment of land to Adani group in the state.

“Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, speak about Adani row... I

Rathore said that the state government rolled out a red carpet for Adani group during the Invest Rajasthan Summit held in Jaipur last year and claimed the maximum land on concessional rates given to any industrial group is that of Adani.

The BJP leader also asked the government to not go ahead with the Right to Health Bill passed by the state assembly last week and hold discussions with the protesting doctors.

BJP state general secretary Bhajan Lal told the press conference that the newly appointed state president of the party, Chandraprakash Joshi, will take over the charge on Monday.

and protracted recruitment cycles waste prime years of a candidates’ life besides taking a heavy toll on their physical and mental health.

The Committee, accordingly, recommends that UPSC should take steps to reduce the duration of the recruitment cycle significantly without compromising the quality,” the report said.

On the low turnout, it said out of approximately, 32.39 lakh candidates who

had applied for examinations conducted by UPSC in 2022-23, only 16.82 lakh candidates, (51.95 per cent) actually appeared for examinations.

The Committee recommended UPSC furnish the details of examination fees collected from the candidates during the last five years.

“The Commission may also provide the details of expenditure incurred by it on the conduct of the examinations for the same period. The Committee also recommends UPSC to examine the reasons for low turnout of candidates and share the findings thereof with the Committee,” the report said.

The panel has recommended forming an expert committee to assess if the present scheme of recruitment through civil services examination provides an equal opportunity to both English-medium-educated urban candidates and nonEnglish medium-educated rural candidates. While UPSC has changed the pattern of civil services examination from time to time on the basis of recommendations made by various expert committees, no study has been commissioned to assess how such changes impacted the aspirants, nature of recruitment and administration at large, it said.

BJP giving OBC colour to Rahul’s remark to hide theft: Digvijaya

GWALIOR, MAR 26 (PTI): Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh on Sunday claimed Rahul Gandhi rightly called the “absconders” associated with Prime Minister Narendra Modi “thieves” but the BJP is projecting his remarks as anti-OBC. He claimed not a single person from Other Backward Classes (OBC) turned “absconder” after taking the country’s money. “Absconders are those people who are associated with the BJP and (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi. Rahul Gandhi has rightly called them thieves. What crime has he committed by raising the issue of Rs

20,000 crore in Adani’s (industrialist Gautam Adani) companies,” Singh asked while talking to reporters.

After Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as an MP

after a court in Surat convicted him in a criminal defamation case over his “Modi surname” remark, BJP staged protests across the country claiming the Congress leader had insulted the OBCs.

Queried on Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification as the Wayanad MP, Singh said Congress leaders are not afraid of such tactics and slammed the Union government.

“This is the model of democracy of BJP, RSS and Modi,” he said.

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Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday said he considers Hindutva ideologue V D Savarkar as his “idol”, and asked Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to refrain from “insulting” him. He said the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance of three parties - Sena (UBT), Congress and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) - was formed to protect democracy and it was necessary to work unitedly for it.

Addressing a rally in the Muslim-dominated textile town of Malegaon in Nashik district of north Maharashtra, Thackeray also said that deliberate attempts were on to provoke Rahul Gandhi.

“Savarkar is our idol and his insult will not be tolerated if we have to fight together to protect our democracy. Savarkar suffered unimaginable torture in the Andaman cellular jail for 14 years. We can only read the sufferings. It is a form of sacrifice,” he said.

‘’I want to tell Rahul Gandhi that we have come together to save our country’s democracy and its Constitution. But you are

deliberately being provoked. If we allow this time to get wasted, then democracy will cease to exist.

2024 will be the last election,” he added. Gandhi was disqualified from the Lok Sabha on Friday, a day after a court in Gujarat’s Surat convicted him in a 2019 defamation case. Addressing a press conference in Delhi over his disqualification, Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said, “My name is not Savarkar, my name is Gandhi and Gandhi does not offer an apology to anyone”.

“Rahul Gandhi spoke well at his press conference yesterday. He raised valid questions about whom does Rs 20,000 crore belong. But the government doesn’t want to answer,” he said.

During his press conference on Saturday, Gandhi said the moot questions remain that who invested Rs 20,000 crore in Adani shell firms and what is the businessman’s relationship with the prime minister.

Targeting the ruling BJP, Thackeray alleged that those who have no connection with the country’s freedom movement were attempting to finish off democracy.

: Graduate Can send your resume at Vacancyresume135@gmail.com contact : 9863312174 DB -394/23 DP-1302/23 Kohima Centre, ‘D’ Block Sector – B, Below J.N Hotel , Kohima ADMISSION NOTICE Course Duration Requirement Advance Diploma 1 year 12 pass or Equivalent Diploma 6 months 12 pass or Equivalent Certificate course 3 months 10 pass Ph:+91 8414043274/ +91 7005845405 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MONTESSORI TEACHERS TRAINING. IIMTT An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Organization K-622/23 K-447/23 NAGA STUDY GROUP NEAR DUMBELLS & SCISSORS , DIMAPUR Contact:-7630923366 Under UPSC G.S Top scorer Y.L.O Naga. (Appeared TWICE UPSC CSE interview) ADMISSION OPEN FOR 2023/24 SESSION • NPSC Pre cum Mains intensive 1 year course starts by April 17/ 2023 • Intensive prelims booster for upcoming NPSC prelim 2023 ( 6 months course) • Only 12 seaters Batch for serious candidates only • Programme supported by test series + specialist Notes Tailor made for guaranteed success NOTE : Enrollment through short interview • 73 selected in final merit list in the last 7 years. DP -1198/23
Narendra Modi
CM for scrapping
Amit Shah Uddhav Thackeray
Digvijaya Singh Rajendra Rathore

India’s highways infra to match US by 2024: Gadkari

RANCHI, MAR 26 (PTI): India’s highways infrastructure will match that of the US by 2024 for which work in time bound ‘mission mode’ is on including construction of green expressways and rail over bridges, Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said.

He said cabinet nod to ‘Bharatmala 2’ is likely soon and once obtained it will meet the requirements of a robust infrastructure in the country. “I am confident that India’s highways will be on par with that of the US by 2024. Work in a time bound mission mode is on to build a robust infrastructure including a network of green expressways across the length and breadth of India,” Gadkari told PTI in an interview.

The Road Transport and Highways Minister said in this year railway over bridges are being constructed at a cost of Rs 16,000 crore which will be increased to Rs 50,000 crore in five years. On the Kailash Mansarovar highway project via Pithoragarh, Gadkari said “Ninety three

(From p-1) ENPO clarified that it had relaxed its August 26, 2022 resolution on February 4 and participated in the recently-held Assembly election.

But, with the lapse of time after completion of the election process in Nagaland, the agreement had not been signed till date.

Therefore, as entrusted upon, the ENPO resolved to adhere to its August 26, 2022 resolution not to participate in any election process until a solution as mutually agreed upon was reached and thus resolved not to participate in the ULB election.

per cent work on Kailash Mansarovar project has been completed.” With the completion of this project, the arduous trek through treacherous high-altitude terrain can be avoided by pilgrims of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra and the period of journey will be reduced by many days.

At present, travel to Kailash Mansarovar takes around two to three weeks through Sikkim or Nepal routes. On Bharatmala Phase 2, the minister said: “Nod is likely soon to Bharatmala Phase 2 that will further accelerate the making of highways.”

About 5,000 km of highway network is envisaged under phase 2 initially.

Compelled to intervene : Swiss FM on Credit Suisse crisis

is India’s largest infrastructure programme to develop about 35,000 km of National Highway corridors, connecting over 580 districts in the nation. The programme signalled a paradigm shift to corridor approach of infrastructure development. The overall network of the nation was reimagined through scientific studies including, Origin - Destination study of freight movement across 600 districts and crow-flight alignment for optimised routes to reduce transit time. “In Jharkhand, work of seven greenfield expressways, economic corridor and inter corridor is being done at a cost of Rs 70,000 crore,” Gadkari told PTI. Besides work worth Rs 50,000 crore is being done for better connectivity with states like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, he said.

Providing details of the projects, the minister said 4-lane inter corridor work is being done at a cost of Rs 6,200 crore for RanchiVaranasi Inter Corridor which will reduce the travel time significantly between Ranchi and Varanasi.


(AGENCIES): Swiss Finance Minister Karin KellerSutter recently told in an interview that the Swiss government was compelled to intervene to save Credit Suisse from imminent collapse. The bank was in deep crisis, and investor confidence had plummeted to a point where it would not have survived another day of trading without intervention.

Keller-Sutter stated in an interview with Zurich newspaper NZZ, “CS would not have survived Monday. Without a solution, payment transactions with CS in Switzerland would have been significantly disrupted, possibly even collapsed.” The minister further estimated that the impact of a disorderly bankruptcy could have been as much as double the Swiss economic output,

RBI nod to PPSL on online Payment Aggregator

causing a global financial crisis. The Swiss governmentbrokered purchase of Credit Suisse by UBS over the last weekend has been criticized for running roughshod over investors’ rights and saddling Swiss taxpayers with a significant burden in case of another crisis. However, Keller-Sutter maintained that the alternatives were worse. Keller-Sutter told NZZ, “All other options were more risky for the state. Experience also shows that it can take years or even decades before the state can withdraw from ownership of a bank.” She further added that an orderly winddown was also ruled out since the damage would have been considerable, and Switzerland would have been the first country to wind down a globally systemically important bank.

Meanwhile, Keller-Sutter revealed to Swiss broadcaster SRF on Saturday that Credit Suisse had tapped the Swiss National Bank for “a large multi-billion amount” over the weekend to secure its liquidity. According to her, the figure was above 50 billion Swiss francs ($54.35 billion). “The important thing is that the situation has stabilised,” she said.

Demand to amend NM Act before polls

Listen to people’s voice, says NTC: Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has urged the State government to listen to the voice of the people and address the demands of Nagaland tribes apex bodies and civil society groups by giving necessary ratifications to “erase every detrimental provision” from the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001.

NTC through its media cell said that the council during a joint meeting of the executive and advisors March 25, 2023 deliberated at length on the ongoing imbroglio over the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 as amended up to 2016. At the meeting, the house resolved

to appeal the government to relook into the people’s grievances as brought up in public domain on the taxation and reservation issues.

Noting that Nagaland was gearing up for the ULB elections under the Municipal Act with its contentious provisions, NTC acknowledged that Nagaland could not remain pampered indefinitely. As a State, it stressed that Nagaland had to become self-reliant with its internal resources. NTC called upon the people to train themselves how to pay due tax to public exchequer as much as they expected amenities to be provided by the government.

Nevertheless, Article

371(A) of the Constitution of India provided special legal status to the State to enact its own laws in consonance to local customs and traditions. Hence, it pointed out that Nagaland did not need to copy municipal laws framed and used by municipalities having no such political and legal status. The council said it was imperative that the contentious land and building taxes under Section 120 (1) (a) in the photocopied Municipal Act be reviewed and reframed according to local and traditional conveniences. It also advised the government to use the terms “omission” and “deletion” in its attempt for pacifica-

tion. Besides, every law and its amendment was enacted by the Legislative Assembly alone, not by rhetoric, the council added. NTC pointed out that overlapping reservation vide Section 23B of the Act was against the spirit of democracy as it stated, “The offices of the Chairpersons shall be reserved for the (Scheduled Castes, is shown omitted by the third Amendment Act 2016), the Scheduled Tribes and Women, as nearly as may be, in proportion to the number of seats reserved for them in the municipalities and allotment of such offices shall be made by rotation”.

RevFin targets financing 2 mn electric vehicles in next 5 years


around 50,000 EVs.



26 (AGENCIES): Paytm Payments Services Limited (PPSL) has received an extension of time from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to resubmit its application for a Payment Aggregator (PA) license. The extension allows PPSL to continue its online payment aggregation business while it awaits approval from the Government of India (GoI) for past investments from One 97 OCL into PPSL, in accordance with FDI guidelines, Business Today reported. PPSL must submit its application for authorization to operate as an online PA within 15 days of receiving approval from the GoI. If the GoI makes any adverse decisions, PPSL must immediately inform the RBI. During this process, PPSL is permitted to continue its online payment aggregation business for existing partners but cannot onboard new merchants. Paytm’s payment aggregator licence application was rejected by the RBI in November last year and they were asked to reapply after meeting specific requirements within 120 days.

On the basis of this section, the council mentioned that there was indication that women reservation fo r chairpersons was reservation upon reservation. It asserted that when 33% women reservation was allowed with much apprehensions on demerits, to keep the chairperson’s post reserved as reservation upon reservation was irrational and unpractical. More so, Nagaland was a Scheduled Tribe State. There was no provision of Scheduled Caste in the State and hence the very word Scheduled Caste should be completely removed from the Act through legislation, the council demanded.

(PTI): Electric vehicles (EV) financing digital platform

RevFin Services is targeting to finance 20 lakh vehicles in the next five years, with an aim to grow three to four times every year, according to its CEO & Founder Sameer Aggarwal. With the Indian electric vehicle industry poised for an accelerated growth, he said the company is confident of meeting its target and would continue to raise funds through debt and equity going forward for the purpose. “From a long-term perspective we have taken a very strong position on EVs, and we have committed to financing two million electric vehicles in the next five years,” Aggarwal told PTI.

Asked if the target is not too steep, considering RevFin has financed 17,118 EVs in the last 51 months, he said,”The monthly loan disbursement is growing month-on-month by about 15 per cent. So overall, it has grown almost four times in the last one year. If we continue the kind of growth that we are currently on we will actually achieve these numbers.”

In 2023-24, the company is looking at financing

“The following year we would do three to four times of that. Obviously, a lot of those numbers will be achieved after the year-two or year-three, but there is a 3-4x growth that we are experiencing,” Aggarwal asserted. RevFin has also expanded its portfolio from primarily financing electric rickshaws earlier, adding electric two-wheelers, high speed electric three-wheelers and four-wheelers as well, he added.

Apart from offering financing to products of a slew of EV makers, RevFin also has strategic partnerships with manufacturers, including Kinetic Green, Yatri, Saarthi, Mayuri, Lectrix, Hero Electric, and Piaggio among others. When asked about the funding requirements, he said,”Capital is the raw material for us. We are always raising capital in equity and debt.”

While the company raises debt capital almost every month, Aggarwal said,”Equity we raise 12 to 18 months, which will continue. Every 12 to 18 months we’ll be raising equity and then we’ll be raising debt to leverage that equity.”

Dimapur needs more focus on...

(From p-1)

The business owners in NL Road area said there must be blockage inside the drain, which was why there was leakage on the surface even on a non-rainy day. They alleged that DMC rarely checked inside the drain for cleaning and requested the authorities to focus on cleaning in and out in order to keep the area clean.

Murder of democracy says NPCC on ...

(From p-1)

According to NPCC, the whole episode was related to Modi surname and the cases of thieves Lalit Modi and Nirav Modi were still pending and they were both fugitives. It mentioned that even the complainant was none other than another Modi – Purnesh Modi, a BJP MLA. The party asked if Narendra Modi was not the Prime Minister, who would have bothered to jail the voice of the public.

NPCC alleged that BJP’s objective was to acquire absolute power to corrupt absolutely. The public would have no right to defend themselves or point at the wrongdoings of shameless and selfish low class leaders and businessmen who would grab everything that came before them, it cautioned.

Centre notifies revised MGNREGA wage rates


(PTI): The Centre has notified a hike in wage rates under the rural job guarantee programme for the 2023-24 financial year with Haryana having the highest daily wage at Rs 357 per day and Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh the lowest at Rs 221. The Union Ministry of Rural Development issued a notification on the change in wage rates under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on March 24. The notification was issued under Section 6 (1) of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 2005, that says the Centre may, by notification, specify the

wage rate for its beneficiaries. The wage hikes, which range from Rs 7 to Rs 26, will come into effect from April 1. Compared to last year’s rates, Rajasthan registered the highest percentage increase in wages. The revised wage for Rajasthan is Rs 255 per day, up from Rs 231 in 2022-23.

Bihar and Jharkhand have registered a percentage increase of around eight from last year. Last year, the daily wage for a MNREGA worker in these two states was Rs 210. It has now been revised to Rs 228. For Chhattisgarh and M adhya Pradesh, which have the lowest daily wages at Rs 221, the percentage increase from last year was recorded at 17. In 2022-23, the two states had

a daily wage of Rs 204.

Lee Veda PVt. Ltd. Is recruiting 10 Boys and 10 Girls for various official Permanent posts for Expanding New Branches in Major Districts of North-East Selected Candidates will take 6-8 months Training Post-Office Staff & Branch Manager Qualification: Class-8 to Graduate Salary : Rs. 8000/- to Rs. 35,000/Free Accommodation Job Location : Dimapur Contact : 6909618009 DP-1299/23 JOB VACANCY Join Shreya Tele Media Pvt Ltd and get rid of unemployment. We are now hiring 17 male & 11 female for various official permanent post for expanding new branches in Nagaland. Company offer attractive remuneration, free food & lodging for selected candidates. Qualification - 8 to Graduate Age - 18 - 29 Chumoukedima - 7085428167 Tuensang - 9366848447 Kohima - 8130034775 DP-1301/23 VACANCY Teacher required for Higher Classes Subject : English Qualification : BA above Contact : 8638262163 Holy Child School, Nagaon, Assam DB-398/23 FIRST DRIVING INSTITUTE Admission Going On 3rd Mile Phone No. + 919856309638 + 919863413019 DP -1252/23 LAND FOR SALE at Naga United Village (2 Minutes drive from Niuland Highway)  Any size available as per own capacity, Dry Land, 50x100, 80x100, 100x100, 200x100, Total Land 5 Bighas.  Rate Rs. 190/- Per Sq. Ft. Contact No. : 9612877700 9862586625 DP-1152/23 LAND FOR SALE Fully Developed at Bamunpukhuri-A Village Near Miya Bazaar Dimapur 70 x 70, 50 x 50 And Any Size Available @ ` 250 Per Sq. Ft. (Slightly Negotiable) Ph. No. : 7005805654 DP-1296/23 DB -392/23 7 Months Old White Labrador Pup by the name of GUSTY is missing. Last seen at Tin Ali, Eralibill Village. Finders, pl contact @ 9612111979 DOG MISSING 8 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023 BUSINESS/STATE ACROSS 3. Let in(5) 8. Chessmen(5) 10. Dark period(5) 11. Also(3) 12. Spaghetti(5) 13. Regulate(7) 15. Star sign(5) 18. Farmyard bird(3) 19. Meagre(6) 21. Navigational instrument(7) 22. Not rich(4) 23. Lima’s country(4) 24. Intricate(7) 26. To humble(6) 29. Cooking vessel(3) 31. Precipitation(5) 32. Mythical horse(7) 34. Refute(5) 35. Impudent talk(3) 36. Step(5) 37. Scatter(5) 38. Prose composition(5) DOWN 1. Truncheon(5) 2. One more(7) 4. Bargain(4) 5. Unimpaired(6) 6. Jewelled headdress(5) 7. Thin layer(5) 9. Was victorious(3) 12. Gambling game(7) 14. King(3) 16. Alphabetical list(5) 17. Thick sweet liquid(5) 19. Fragment(7) 20. Potatoes(5) 21. French river(5) 23. Fine(7) 24. Provides(6) 25. Insulate(3) 27. Exhilarate(5) 28. Weird(5) 30. Indian monetary unit(5) 32. Cougar(4) 33. Teacher’s title(3) Crossword No. 10579 Yesterday’s solution No. 10578 Su doku No. 5198 Yesterday’s solution No. 5197 KAKURO No. 4224 Yesterday’s solution No. 4223
Nitin Gadkari


2 killed in landslide in Indonesia


(IANS): A landslide triggered by heavy rain damaged a worship center and killed two people in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra, a local official said.

The disaster took place at around 6 a.m. local time in Agam Regency of the western province on Saturday.

Bambang Warsito, head of the regency’s disaster mitigation agency, told local media that the two victims were inside the worship building hit by the landslide, Xinhua News Agency reported.

He said the landslide in the area was caused by torrential rains since Friday.

5 dead, 6 missing in US factory explosion


26 (IANS): The death toll from an explosion and fire in a chocolate factory in the US state of Pennsylvania has risen to five, authorities said.

The explosion happened at the R.M. Palmer Company in West Reading, Berks County, on Friday afternoon, which destroyed one building and damaged a neighbouring one, Xinhua News Agency reoprted.

Six people are still missing, according to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Eight other people were taken to the hospital on Friday evening.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation.

239 wounded in Iran’s

5.6-magnitude quake


(IANS): The number of the injured people in the 5.6-magnitude earthquake that rocked northwestern Iran two days back reached 239, state media reported.

The quake, which occurred near Khoy County in the province of West Azarbaijan at 6:46 a.m. local time (0316 GMT), has a depth of 8 km, according to the Iranian Seismological Centre (IRSC) quoting the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA) report on Saturday.

Of the injured people, 50 were from Khoy County and the rest were from Salmas County, Sadeq Mahmoudi, head of Iran’s Relief and Rescue Organisation, was quoted by ISNA as saying. He added that 219 people have been released from medical centres after receiving treatment, while 20 people, including seven from Khoy and 13 from Salmas, have been hospitalised. Mahmoudi added tents and blankets have been sent out to residents in the quake-affected areas, Xinhua news agency reported.

Airstrikes in Iraq kill 3 IS terrorists BAGHDAD, MAR 26

(IANS): Three Islamic State (IS) terrorists were killed in airstrikes in Iraq’s eastern province of Diyala, a security source said on Saturday. Iraqi warplanes on Friday carried out the airstrikes on IS hideouts in the northern part of Diyala, destroying the hideouts and killing the three terrorists, Major Alaa al-Saadi from Diyala police told Xinhua news agency. The security situation in Iraq has improved since the defeat of the IS in 2017. However, its remnants have since melted into urban centres, deserts and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians despite repeated military operations against them.

Russia to station tactical nukes in Belarus


(AP): Russian President Vladimir Putin announced plans on Saturday to station tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus, a warning to the West as it steps up military support for Ukraine.

Putin said the move was triggered by Britain’s decision this past week to provide Ukraine with armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium.

The Russian leader earlier made a false claim that the rounds have nuclear components.

He subsequently toned down his language, but insisted in a state television interview broadcast Saturday night that the ammuni tion posed an additional danger to both troops and civilians in Ukraine.

Tactical nuclear weapons are intended for use on the battlefield, unlike more powerful, longer-range strategic nuclear weapons. Russia plans to maintain control over the ones it plans to Belarus, and construction of storage facilities for them will be completed by July 1, Putin said.

Putin didn’t say how many nuclear weapons Russia would keep in Belarus. The U.S. government believes Russia has about

2,0 00 tactical nuclear weapons, which include bombs that can be carried by tactical aircraft, warheads for short-range missiles and artillery rounds.

In his interview, Putin argued that by deploying its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Russia was following the lead of the United States, noting that the U.S. has nuclear weapons based in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

“We are doing what they have been doing for decades, stationing them in certain allied countries, preparing the launch platforms and training their crews,” Putin said. “We are going to do the same thing.”

Russia has stored its tactical nuclear weapons at dedicated depots on its territory, and moving part of the arsenal to a storage fa-

cility in Belarus would up the ante in the Ukrainian conflict by placing them closer to the Russian aircraft and missiles already stationed there.

Some hawkish commentators in Russia long have urged the Kremlin to put the tactical nuclear weapons close to the weap-

Daylight savings dispute leaves Lebanon with two time zones

ons to send a signal to the West about the readiness to use them.

Putin said Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has long asked for the nuclear weapons as a counter to NATO. Belarus shares borders with three NATO members — Latvia, Lithuania and Po-

land — and Russia used its territory as a staging ground to send troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022.

Putin noted that Russia helped modernize Belarusian military aircraft last year to make them capable of carrying nuclear warheads. He said 10 such planes were ready to go.


Ukraine’s government on Sunday called for an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to “counter the Kremlin’s nuclear blackmail” after Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed plans to station tactical atomic weapons in Belarus.

One Ukrainian official said that Russia “took Belarus as a nuclear hostage.” But Moscow said it was making the move in response to the West’s increasing military support for Ukraine. Putin announced the plan in a television interview that aired on Saturday, saying it was triggered by a U.K. decision this past week to provide Ukraine with armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium.

Putin argued that by deploying its tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, Rus-

sia was following the lead of the United States. He noted that Washington has nuclear weapons based in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. “We are doing what they have been doing for decades, stationing them in certain allied countries, preparing the launch platforms and training their crews,” he said.

Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry condemned the move in a statement Sunday and demanded an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council. “Ukraine expects effective action to counter the Kremlin’s nuclear blackmail by the U.K., China, the U.S. and France, including as permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, which have a special responsibility to prevent threats of aggression using nuclear weap -

Biden declares emergency as crews dig through wreckage

WASHINGTON, MAR 26 (AP): President Joe Biden early on Sunday issued an emergency declaration for Mississippi, making federal funding available to Carroll, Humphreys, Monroe and Sharkey counties, the areas hardest hit Friday night by a deadly tornado that ripped through the Mississippi Delta, one of the poorest regions of the US.

At least 25 people were killed and dozens of others were injured in Mississippi as the massive storm ripped through several towns on its hour-long path. One man was killed after his trailer home flipped several times in Alabama. Search and recovery crews on Sunday resumed

the daunting task of digging through the debris of flattened and battered homes, commercial buildings and municipal offices after hundreds of people were displaced.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell was scheduled to

visit the state on Sunday to evaluate the destruction.

FEMA Coordinating

Officer John Boyle has been appointed to oversee federal recovery operations. Following Biden’s declaration, federal funding can be used for recovery efforts including temporary housing, home repairs,

loans covering uninsured property losses and other individual and business programs, the White House said in a statement. The twister flattened entire blocks, obliterated houses, ripped a steeple off a church and toppled a municipal water tower.

Even with recovery just starting, the National Weather Service warned of a risk of more severe weather Sunday — including high winds, large hail and possible tornadoes — in eastern Louisiana, south central Mississippi and south central Alabama. Based on early data, the tornado received a preliminary EF-4 rating, the National Weather Service office in Jackson said late Saturday in a tweet.

ons,” the statement read.

“The world must be united against someone who endangers the future of human civilization.”

Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, tweeted Sunday that Putin’s announcement was “a step towards internal destabilization” of Belarus that maximized “the level of negative perception and public rejection” of Russia and Putin in Belarusian society. The Kremlin, Danilov added, “took Belarus as a nuclear hostage.” In Russia, authorities said three people were injured when a Ukrainian drone caused an explosion Sunday in a town far from the two countries’ border. The state-run news agency Tass reported authorities identified the drone as a Ukrainian Tu-141.


The Lebanese government’s last-minute decision to delay the start of daylight savings time by a month until the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan resulted in mass confusion on Sunday. With some institutions implementing the change while others refused, many Lebanese have found themselves in the position of juggling work and school schedules in different time zones — in a country that is just 88 kilometers (55 miles) at its widest point. In some cases, the debate took on a sectarian nature, with many Christian politicians and institutions, including the small nation’s largest church, the

Maronite Church, rejecting the move. The small Mediterranean country normally sets its clocks forward an hour on the last Sunday in March, which aligns with most European countries. However, on Thursday Lebanon’s government announced a decision by caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati to push the start of daylight savings to April 21. No reason was given for the decision, but a video of a meeting between Mikati and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri leaked to local media showed Berri asking Mikati to postpone the implementation of daylight savings time to allow Muslims to break their Ramadan fast an hour earlier.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks after arriving in Accra, Ghana, Sunday. (AP)


MAR 26 (AP): Vice President Kamala Harris was greeted by schoolchildren, dancers and drummers as she arrived on Sunday in Ghana for the start of a weeklong visit to Africa intended to deepen US relationships amid global

Pro-Khalistanis try to incite violence at Indian Embassy in US


(PTI): A group of Khalistan supporters held a protest in front of the Indian Embassy here and tried to incite violence and even threatened the country’s envoy, but timely intervention by law enforcement agencies prevented them from vandalising the property.

The protesters also verbally intimidated and physically assaulted the PTI journalist covering the event on Saturday. Separatist Sikhs hurled abusive language and openly threatened Indian Ambassador to the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu. Sandhu was not in the embassy at the time of the protest.

In their speeches, most of

the protestors were seen trying to incite violence not only in India but here as well, including physical damage to the Indian Embassy property.

Some of the speakers were seen inciting fellow protestors to indulge in violence and break the windows and

glasses of the building across the road.

Sensing that things might go out of control, the US Secret Service and the local police quickly brought in reinforcement and more forces were deployed in the area. At least three police vans were

Israel’s defence minister calls to halt judicial overhaul


(PTI): Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has called upon the government to stop the controversial judicial overhaul legislation that has sparked protests across the country, sticking his neck out amid Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence to go ahead with the proposed “reforms”.

His intervention came as Israelis opposed to the changes held mass rallies across the country for the twelfth week in a row.

“The security of the State of Israel is my life’s mission. Over the course of my entire adult life, I have dealt with Israel’s se-

curity day in and day out,” Gallant, Netanyahu’s close aide, said on Saturday. He said that he still supported the need to revamp the court system, but acknowledged that “unprecedented feelings of anger, pain and disappoint-

ment have risen” within the military over the proposed changes to Israel’s balance of power.

The revamp includes enabling Parliament to overrule decisions made by the Supreme Court - a move that critics say will undermine the independence of the judiciary and could be used for political ends.

“Clothed in the IDF’s (Israel Defence Forces) uniform, I have risked my life dozens of times for the State of Israel. And at this time, for the sake of our country, I am willing to take any risk and pay any price,” Gallant said in a televised speech.

placed in front of the Embassy.

At one point, five protesters quickly crossed the road and were about to break into the temporary marker of the embassy property near the pole unfurling the tricolour before they were asked to leave.

Secret Service personnel, who were closely watching this, in no time rushed to the spot and asked the protesters to go back to the designated protest area, before any untoward incident could happen.

It appeared that the protesters came prepared to do something similar like damaging Indian properties at the Indian Consulate in San Francisco and the Indian High Commission in London.

competition over the continent’s future.

“We are looking forward to this trip as a further statement of the long and enduring very important relationship and friendship between the people of the United States and those who live on this continent,”

Harris said. The children cheered and waved Ghanaian and American flags as she stepped off her plane after an overnight flight. She smiled broadly and placed a hand on her heart as she passed by the dancers.

“What an honour it is to be here in Ghana and on the continent of Africa,” Harris said. “I’m very exited about the future of Africa.”

She said she wanted to promote economic growth and food security and welcomed the chance to ”witness firsthand the extraordinary innovation and creativity that is occurring on this continent”.

Air India and Nepal Airlines aircraft almost collided mid-air


A major tragedy was averted on Friday when an Air India and a Nepal Airlines aircraft came close to collision mid-air but the warning systems alerted the pilots whose timely action prevented the disaster, authorities said here on Sunday.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has suspended three employees of the air traffic controller department for “carelessness”, according to CAAN spokesperson Jagannath Niroula.

On Friday morning, an Airbus A-320 aircraft of the Nepal Airlines coming to Kathmandu from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and an Air India plane coming to Kathmandu from New Delhi al-

most collided.

The Air India aircraft was descending from 19,000 ft while the Nepal Airlines aircraft was flying at an altitude of 15,000 ft at the same location, Niroula said.

After it was shown on the radar that the two aircraft were in proximity, the Nepal Airlines aircraft descended to 7,000 ft, the spokesperson said.

The Civil Aviation Authority has formed a three-member probe committee to investigate the matter.

The CAAN has suspended the three officers, who were in charge of the control room at the time of the incident. There was no immediate comment from Air India.

Honduras establishes ties with China after Taiwan break

BEIJING, MAR 26 (AP): Honduras established diplomatic ties with China on Sunday after breaking off relations with Taiwan, which is increasingly isolated and now recognized by only 13 sovereign states.

Foreign ministers from China and Honduras signed a joint communique in Beijing — a decision the Chinese Foreign Ministry hailed as “the right choice.”

The diplomatic victory for China comes as tensions rise between Beijing and the United States, including over China’s increasing assertiveness toward self-ruled Taiwan, and signals growing Chinese influence in Latin America. The new ChinaHonduras relationship was announced after the Honduran and Taiwanese governments made separate an -

ation against countries merely for increasing contacts.

China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang said the establishment of ties proved that adhering to “one China” policy is winning people’s hearts and is “the general trend.”

(AP) nouncements that they were severing ties.

China and Taiwan have been locked in a battle for diplomatic recognition since they split amid civil war in 1949, with Beijing spending billions to win recognition for its “one Chi-

na” policy.

China claims Taiwan is part of its territory, to be brought under its control by force if necessary, and refuses most contacts with countries that maintain formal ties with the island democracy. It threatens retali-

“We inform sternly the Taiwan authorities that engaging in separatist activities for Taiwan independence is against the will and interests of the Chinese nation and against the trend of history, and is doomed to a dead end,” he said.

The Honduran Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Twitter that its government recognizes “only one China in the world” and that Beijing “is the only legitimate government that represents all of China.”

Yoav Gallant Vladimir Putin
A locator map for Lebanon with its capital, Beirut. (AP)
In Ghana, Kamala ‘excited about the future of Africa’
Khalistan supporters protest outside Indian Embassy in Washington, USA. (PTI) Honduras FM Eduardo Enrique Reina Garcia, left, and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang shake hands in Beijing Sunday. Debris of a house damaged by the storm in Mississippi. (AP)

Ancient Egypt excavation uncovers

Actor Jonathan Majors arrested for assault in New York

2000 mummified ram heads ‘A

nt-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania’ actor Jonathan Majors was arrested in New York on domestic violence allegations after a dispute with a 30-year old woman.

According to a statement from the NYPD, the woman told officers that she was assaulted, and was taken to the hospital with “minor injuries to her head and neck,” reports ‘Variety’.

A representative for Majors denied the allegations.

“He has done nothing

wrong,” Majors’ spokesperson said in a statement to Variety. “We look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up.”

According to the police statement, the officers received a 911 call around 11:14 a.m.

“A preliminary investigation determined that a 33-year-old male was involved in a domestic dispute with a 30-year-old female,” police said. “The victim informed police she was assaulted. Officers placed the 33-year-old male into custody without incident.

The victim sustained minor injuries to her head and neck and was removed to an area hospital in stable condition.”

The police statement listed several potential charges: “strangulation,” “assault,” and “harassment.”

The actor recently starred in several major studio films. He played Damian Anderson in ‘Creed III’ against director and co-star Michael B. Jordan. He also recently starred as the Marvel villain Kang the Conquerer in ‘Ant-Man and

Big B says ‘the injuries heal slowly’ as he gives health update

At least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating from the Ptolemaic period and a palatial Old Kingdom structure have been uncovered at the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egypt, antiquities officials said on Saturday.

Mummified ewes, dogs, wild goats, cows, gazelles, and mongooses were found in the temple along with the ram heads, which are thought to be votive offerings indicating continuing reverence for Ramses II at the site about 1,000 years after his death, a statement from the tourism and antiquities ministry said.

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WhatsApp working on new ‘audio chats’ feature on Android

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It added that the discoveries would expand knowledge of the site over a period of more than two millennia up to the Ptolemaic period. The Ptolemaic period spanned about three centuries until the Roman conquest in 30 B.C.

Abydos, located in the Egyptian governorate of Sohag about 270 miles (435 km) south of Cairo, is one of Egypt’s major though lesser visited archaeological sites.

It was a necropolis for early ancient Egyptian

royalty and a pilgrimage centre for the worship of the god Osiris.

Excavations were carried out by a mission from New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.

Alongside the mummified animal remains, the team uncovered a large palatial structure with walls approximately five meters thick from the Old Kingdom’s sixth dynasty, in addition to several statues, papyri, ancient tree remains, leather garments and shoes.

The structure could help “reestablish the sense of the ancient landscape of Abydos before the construction of the Ramses II temple,” the head of the mission, Sameh Iskander, was quoted as saying.


Bollywood megastar

Amitabh Bachchan has shared another health update on his recovery after he injured himself on the sets of his upcoming film ‘Project K’.

Amitabh, who religiously has a meet-andgreet with his fans outside his home on Sundays, took to his blog to share the update.

He wrote: “The injuries heal slowly and today hope the effort is enough to climb the board and wave to the well wishers at the GATE... being away from them that have such sincerity with them is not approved in any manner... the life and the breath of the well-wisher is supreme... they live so I live.”

It was earlier in March, when Amitabh suffered an

injury during the shoot of ‘Project K’, in Hyderabad.

The actor shared his health update on his blog. After consulting a doctor and CT scan at AIG Hospital in Hyderabad, he left for Mumbai, where he is taking rest at his home.

The 80-year-old suffered a muscle tear to his right rib cage during an

action sequence of the film. He wrote that after the incident the film shoot was postponed.

‘Project K’ is science fiction film written and directed by Aswhini Dutt. Being shot simultaneously in Telugu and Hindi, it features Amitabh, Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani. (IANS)

the Wasp: Quantumania’.

His latest picture, which originally premiered at Sundance, is titled ‘Magazine Dreams’, which has been acquired by Search -

light Pictures, and is set to come to theaters on December 8. The actor has also signed to join Amazon Studios’ ‘Da Understudy’. (IANS)

Bhojpuri actress Akanksha Dubey ends life in Varanasi hotel

Bhojpuri actress Akanksha Dubey committed suicide in a hotel room in Varanasi on Sunday. She was found hanging in her hotel room in Sarnath area. She was in Varanasi for shooting of a film.

The police have informed her family of the incident.

Akanksha was born on October 21, 1997, in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh. She was fond of dancing and acting from a young age, and so she began her acting career on TikTok and Instagram by sharing her short dancing and acting videos.

Even on Saturday night, she shared a video on her Instagram account.

Almost a month ago, the actress was in the news

as she had taken to social media to make her relationship Instagram official on Valentine’s Day. She had shared photos with costar Samar Singh. She had written, ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’ Further details are awaited and police officials refused to comment on the incident. (IANS)

Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature called “audio chats”, which will be available within conversations in a future update of the application on Android.

According to WABetaInfo, a new waveforms icon will be added to the chat header, allowing users to initiate audio chats, plus users will see a red button for ending ongoing calls.

As the waveform icon signifies the potential for real-time audio visualisation, the report states that it is likely that the space above the chat header could be reserved for displaying audio waveforms.

It will provide a minimalistic interface that allows users to view audio waveforms while navigating between their conversations.

Moreover, the report mentioned that there is not much information available about how this feature will work as it is still under development.

Meanwhile, Meta has introduced a new WhatsApp application for Windows that loads faster and features an interface similar to the mobile version of the app.

Users can now host group video calls with up to eight people and audio calls with up to 32 people.

The tech giant has also made improvements, including faster device linking and better syncing across devices, as well as new features like link previews and stickers. (IANS)

M Y K C M Y K C 10 INFOTAINMENT NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023 K-602/23B DC-253/23 DC-313/23 DC-265/23
A mummified ram’s head uncovered during excavation work by an American mission from New York University-ISAW at the temple of Ramesses II in Abydos. (Reuters)

Euro Qualifiers: Spain beat Norway; Wales hold Croatia

first match in charge in Malaga.

Coming in as a substitute in the 81st minute, Joselu headed past Orjan Nyland in just two minutes and found the net again from close range one minute later to seal Spain’s 23rd consecutive home win in Euro qualifiers, reports news agency Xinhua.

In Group D, Andrej Kramaric’s strike in the 28th minute put Croatia ahead, before he and Luka Modric continued to create chances but all were denied by Wales ‘keeper Danny Ward. Their lead was cancelled in the stoppage time as Broadhead tipped in an equaliser in the 93rd minute on his senior international debut to rescue Wales a point.

Piquet fined for racist comments about Hamilton


26 (AP): Retired Formula One champion Nelson Piquet has been ordered by a Brazilian court to pay $950,000 in “moral damages” for making racist and homophobic comments about Lewis Hamilton.

The 70-year-old Brazilian had referred to seventime champion Hamilton as “neguinho,” a racially offensive term which means “little Black guy,” in 2021. In another interview, Piquet used racist and homophobic language.

NCA to host first NECDC Senior Men’s tourney

Staff Reporter

DIMAPUR, MAR 26 (NPN): Nagaland Cricket Association (NCA) is all set to host the first North East Cricket Development Committee (NECDC) Senior Men’s tournament from March 29 to April 3, at Nagaland Cricket Stadium, Sovima and Sovima Cricket Ground.

This was informed by honorary secretary NCA, Hyunilo Anilo Khing, at a press conference on Sunday at Nagaland Cricket Stadium.

tournament, he informed that the six teams were divided to two groups and the tournament will be a One Day Innings (ODI) series (50 Overs), played in a Round Robin. He also expressed excitement that the NECDC was expecting officials from BCCI and IPL for the final match.

to be started in the state and expressed hope that it will commence soon and it would be over by 2024.

On the initiatives taken by the NCA in the state, he cited some of the major achievements of the NCA in the field of Cricket.

Spain’s Joselu celebrates scoring their third goal with Yeremy Pino. (Reuters)


tute Joselu scored twice in two minutes to spur Spain past Norway 3-0 in Group A, while Nathan Broadhead’s 93rd-minute equaliser earned Wales a 1-1 draw

with Croatia in Group D of the Euro 2024 qualifiers on Saturday.

Dani Olmo flicked Alejandro Balde’s cross-shot into the net in the 13th minute to set off Spain to a good start in Luis de la Fuente’s

Argentine FA names training complex after Lionel Messi

Elsewhere, Turkiye defeated Armenia 2-1 in the other clash in Group D while Scotland began a Euro qualifying campaign with a victory for the first time since 2006 after beating Cyprus 3-0.

In Group I, Winger Renato Steffen’s hat-trick powered Switzerland to beat Belarus 5-0. Israel drew 1-1 with Kosovo and Andorra lost to Romania 2-0.

The court in Brasilia on Friday ordered Piquet to pay 5 million Brazilian reals “in collective moral damages, to be allocated to funds for the promotion of racial equality and against discrimination of the LGBTQIA+ community.” The charges were filed by several human rights groups, including Brazil’s National LGBTI+ Alliance. In their complaint, the human rights groups said that Piquet violated the norm of human dignity enshrined in the country’s constitution. The judge said Piquet’s comments corresponded to the definition of racial discrimination outlined in Brazil’s 2010 Statute of Racial Equality.

Khing maintained that NECDC is comprised of six North East States Cricket Associations, namely, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim, which will be taking part in the first ever NECDC Senior Men’s tournament.

He clarified that though geographically, North East was constituted of eight states, he noted that as per the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Assam and Tripura were placed under East Zones, while the rest of six North Eastern States comprised the North East Zone.

In regards to the fixtures and mode of the

ITF Mysuru Open: Federer-beater Donskoy top draw in singles field


(IANS): Evgeny Donskoy will headline the singles main draw which includes eight Indians for the ITF Mysuru Open 2023, scheduled to start at the Mysuru Tennis Club here on Monday.


(IANS): Argentine football star Lionel Messi was honoured in the town of Ezeiza on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where the Argentine Football Association (AFA) named its training complex after the national team captain.

“Welcome to the home of the world champion. Welcome to the home of all our national teams, that has introduced Argentine football to the world,” AFA president Claudio Tapia said during the launching ceremony on Saturday.

He indicated that there will be a new sports housing complex on the site, which will also bear the star’s name, reports news agency Xinhua.

For his part, Messi thanked authorities for the recognition and noted that he has been visiting the site for 20 years and feels “a very special energy” every time he enters.

“I’ve been through hard times, but even in those moments coming here helped me forget everything and be happy, something I still feel,” the 35-year-old said.

The 32-year-old Donskoy, who was once ranked 65 in the world, made the headlines in 2017 when he earned the biggest win of his career by beating tennis great Roger Federer in Dubai. The Russian also has wins over top tennis stars Daniil Medvedev and Canadian big-server Milos Raonic before they broke into the Top 10.

The USD 25,000 eventhosted by the Karnataka Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA) and sponsored by Cycle Pure Agarbathi, also marks the return of ITF tennis to Mysuru after eight years. India’s Ramkumar Ramanathan had won the title when Mysuru hosted an ITF tournament, an F6 Futures event, last

Miami Open: Rybakina saves match pt to extend win streak; Mertens wins

out to be the longest threeset match of 2023.

Meanwhile, Felix Auger-Aliassime needed every ounce of his Top 10 experience to overcome the spirited Thiago Monteiro in another Round of 32 match. The Canadian prevailed 7-6(5), 7-6(8) to down the Brazilian World No. 81 in a match that featured no breaks of serve.


World No.7 Elena Rybakina rallied from a set down to defeat former No.2 Paula Badosa 3-6, 7-5, 6-3 in the third round of the WTA section of the Miami Open.

The victory extended Rybakina’s current win streak to 10 matches and kept the Indian Wells champion’s hopes alive of sweeping a double in Florida. Rybakina will face Elise Mertens in the Round of 16 on Monday. Mertens booked a spot in her first fourth round at a WTA 1000 this season by defeating 29th seed Petra Martic 6-4, 6-3. Coming off her triumph in the California desert a week ago, Rybakina has had to go the distance

in her first two matches in Miami. In her opening match, Rybakina defeated Anna Kalinskaya 7-5, 4-6, 6-3. In another match on Saturday, Elise Mertens of Belgium defeated Petra Martic 6-4, 6-3 of Croatia. Hurkacz down Kokinakis

Former champion Hubert Hurkacz of Poland saved five match points en route to a memorable 6-7(10), 7-6(7), 7-6(6) victory against Thanasi Kokkinakis of Australia in a three-hour, 31 minutes marathon in the Miami Open on Saturday evening.

The 26-year-old World No 9, who defeated Jannik Sinner in the final to win the 2021 Miami Open title, won his Round of 32 match, which has turned

Fourth seed Daniil Medvedev breezed past Spain’s Roberto Carballes Baena 6-1, 6-2; second seed Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece advanced as he got a walkover from Richard Gasquet of France; Frances Tiafoe of the US overcame Yosuke Watanuki of Japan

6-7(5), 7-6(3), 6-4 while 14th seed Karen Khachanov defeated Argentina’s Tomas Martin Etcheverry

6-1, 3-6, 6-3. In other matches, Quentin Halys of France stunned 15th seed Alex de Minaur of Australia

6-7(5), 7-6(3), 7-6(8), American qualifier Christopher Eubanks upset 17th seed Borna Coric of Croatia 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 and another qualifier Cristian Garin of Chile defeated Sebastian Baez of Argentina 7-6(2), 6-3.

time in 2015, the organisers informed in a release on Sunday.

“Mysuru has always been a premier centre for tennis in India and we are happy to bring a top-level ITF tennis tournament after eight years. I am certain that the event will go a long way in inspiring youth and furthering the development of tennis in the city as well as in Karnataka. We are confident of conducting a successful tournament here that will also be an enjoyable experience for the fans,” said

Maheshwar Rao, Honorary Secretary, KSLTA. The tournament will also see other top international players including Vietnam’s Ly Hoang Nam, a World No. 245, and USA’s Oliver Crawford. India No. 2 Mukund Sasikumar will lead the challenge for the hosts as Ramkumar, Sidharth Rawat, Digvijay Pratap Singh, Manish Sureshkumar, Niki Poonacha and Karan Singh will also be vying for the title.

Mysuru player SD Prajwal Dev too will be eyeing an ITF title after his good runs in recent events. There will be more local representation as Mysore lads Manish Ganesh and R. Suraj Prabodh were handed wildcard entries to the singles main draw. Bengaluru lad Rishi Reddy too has received a wildcard entry into the singles main draw. Gujarat’s Madhwin Kamath also made his way to the main draw through wildcard entry.

Revenant FC (S) lift 1st 35+ Revenant Futsal Trophy

Khing also maintained that no guest players will be allowed to participate in the tournament and informed that a total of 17 local players (2 for standby) were selected through merit list. He also nullified the allegations that there was malpractice or quota system in the system of selection.

He also expressed hope that the tournament organised under the banner of NECDC and sanctioned by the BCCI, would go a long way in promoting the game in the region and also provide a new ray of hope for the budding cricketers in the state.

The tournament will be telecasted live on the YouTube account, Cricheroes. Speaking on the formation of NECDC on 2015 under the convenorship of Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, he said that the main reason for its formation was to fight for full

membership of BCCI.

On the affiliation and becoming a member of the BCCI through the formation of NECDC, Khing acknowledged the chief minister Neiphiu Rio for his tireless effort and Justice Lodha Committee, the commission which enabled for one state one vote in the BCCI.

He also informed that beginning from 2018, full membership to all the remaining six North Eastern states received full membership to BCCI, since then, the NCA has been actively taking part in all BCCI tournaments.

He disclosed that the one major achievement of the NECDC would be sanction and approval for indoor cricket practice facilities to be constructed by BCCI in all the six NE States. He informed that the construction was yet

With the motto of taking the game to the people, he informed that the NCA have constructed concrete pitches in all districts and sub-divisions and also providing cricketing kits to schools, clubs and district associations. He informed that the NCA had so far constructed about 53 concrete practice pitches in and around the state. He stated that the NCA women players were doing fantastic job and said that there were three women state teams under women category. Khing further appealed all citizens to come and witness the game and cheer for the state team.

Group A: Arunachal, Manipur, Meghalaya Group B: Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim


Mar 29 Nagaland Vs Mizoram Arunachal Vs Meghalaya

Mar 30 Manipur Vs Arunachal Mizoram Vs Sikkim Mar 31 Manipur Vs Meghalaya Nagaland Vs Sikkim

World Youth C’ships: Indian lifters bag 2 bronze

finish third behind Filipinos Prince K. Delos Santos and Eron Borres in the men’s 49kg event.

The 16-year-old won a silver medal in the snatch category. Lifters between the age of 13-17 are eligible for

youth competitions. Medals are awarded separately for snatch, clean & jerk, and total lift in continental and World Championships, while just one medal for total lift is awarded in the Olympic Games.


MOKOKCHUNG, MAR 25 (NPN): Revenant FC (S) has lifted the 1st edition of ‘35+ Revenant Futsal Trophy 2023’, by defeating Revenant FC (C) on Saturday, at the Mojabi Futsal, Salangtem Ward, Mokokchung.

The champions walked away with a trophy and cash award of Rs. 10,000 with certificates while runners-up were awarded Rs. 6,000 with


Best player of the tournament award was bagged by Sentiyanger (Revenant FC (S) and best goalkeeper by Lanunukshi (Team Amazing Grace).

Earlier, the opening prayer was offered by Dr. Lanu Walling while prizes were given away by Zulumanen.

Altogether, 8 teams participated in the tournament, where players were all 35 years of age and above.


(PTI): Indian weightlifters

Dhanush Loganathan and Jyoshna Sabar won bronze medals in their respective categories on the opening day of the IWF World Youth Championships in Durres, Albania.

Competing in the women’s 40kg event, 14-year-old Jyoshna had a combined lift of 115kg (53kg in snatch and 62kg in clean & jerk) as she came in third on Saturday night.

Jyoshna won silver in the snatch section but was sixth in the clean and jerk category in the seven-lifter field.

Dhanush, on the other hand, heaved a total weight of 200kg (88kg+112kg) to

Evgeny Donskoy The champions Revenant FC (S) with the trophy. (NP) AFA president Claudio Tapia with Lionel Messi. Elena Rybakina Hyunilo Anilo Khing. (NP)

Satwik-Chirag win Swiss Open doubles title

BASEL, MAR 26 (PTI): Indian men’s doubles pair of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty capped off their impressive campaign with a title win, beating China’s Ren Xiang Yu and Tan Qiang in the final of the Swiss Open Super 300 badminton tournament here on Sunday.

The second-seeded Indian pair, the 2022 World Championships bronze medallist, was solid in defence and dished out an attacking game to outwit the world No. 21 pair 21-19, 24-22 in 54 minutes.

It was the first title of the season for India with Satwik and Chirag putting to rest the disappointment of last week’s All England Championships where they had exited in the second round.

Overall, it was the fifth career world tour title for the Indian pair, who had claimed the India Open and French Open last year, besides securing the Thailand Open in 2019 and Hyerabad Open in 2018.

Satwik and Chirag had also won the Commonwealth Games gold in 2022. The title run also meant India continued its love affair with the Swiss Open, with PV Sindhu (2022), Saina Nehwal (2011, 2012), Kidambi Srikanth (2015) and HS Prannoy (2016) claiming the crown in the past. The two pairs had contracting march to the final with Satwik and Chirag playing three three-game matches on their way to the

Gritty Samra clinches 50m 3P bronze in shooting WC

summit clash, while Tan and Ren didn’t drop a game. Tan had forged a world No. 10 pairing with He Jiting in 2019, winning the 2021 World Championships silver medal, while Ren had been ranked as high as 16 with his former partner Ou Xuanyi. Playing the Chinese pair for the first time, Satwik and Chirag turned up the heat at the right moments, displayed their attacking prowess and steely nerves to

come out victories.

A service error from Chirag was a dampener but India managed to lead 3-1 early on before the Chinese drew parity at 6-6. There was another service error for height from Satwik before the Indians entered the break with a three-point cushion.

The Indians tried to keep the rallies flat and short and it worked, as they led 1510 and then 18-13.

However, Tan and Ren soon narrowed down the gap to 17-18. But, a precise smash from Chirag, which bisected the court, gave Idia two game points. Satwik sailed one long before sealing the game with a winner to take the first advantage.

The second game was an extremely close affair as the rivals fought tooth and nail. After trailing 2-4 early, Chirag went on the attack from the front court to draw level. The Chinese pair kept fighting and clawed back at 8-8 with Tan finding a winner at the forecourt with a drop.

Satwik smashed one into the net before the Chi-

nese made a service error to hand a two-point advantage to the Indians at the midgame interval.

The Indian duo quickly extended the lead to 14-11 with Satwik producing a powerful smash. Tan and Chirag then engaged in a terrific rally but the latter went long as the Chinese kept breathing down the neck of the Indian pair.

With Satwik erring twice, China was back on level par at 16-16. In the end, a straight smash from Chirag earned India two championship points. After another exciting rally, Chirag went long to squander one opportunity.

However, once again, a return bounced from the net as China saved another championship point.

Tan and Ren then grabbed a game point of their own with Chirag erring, but China lost it with a shot going into net.

India soon grabbed their fourth championship point and converted it this time. It was time for Chirag and Satwik to celebrate.

One-month free coaching by Naga professional footballer begins

WWBC: Nikhat Zareen, Lovlina Borgohain clinch gold medals

NEW DELHI, MAR 26 (AGENCIES): Star India boxers Nikhat Zareen and Lovlina Borgohain rewrote the record books on Sunday, clinching gold medals at the Women’s World Boxing Championships in the national capital.

Nikhat outclassed Nguyen Thi Tam of Vietnam 5-0 in the 50kg fly weight final to retain her World title. Lovlina, on the other hand edged Australia’s Caitlin Parker in a 5-2 split-verdict win in the 75kg middleweight final. With the victory, Lovlina grabbed her firstever Worlds gold medal. In 2018 and 2019, the 25-year-old had secured bronze medals in the welterweight category.

Nikhat also became only the second Indian to win multiple gold medals after legendary MC Mary

Kom at the Women’s World Boxing Championships. Nikhat now has Worlds gold in 2022 and 2023 editions. Nikhat breath-taking performance saw her prevail in the first round with a 5-0 scoreline before Nguyen bounced back in the second round with a 3-2 scoreline to set up a grand slam finish. In the final round, Nikhat maintained her composure and proved why she’s one of the best with a sensational attacking display that helped her seal the win by unani-

mous decision.

Eyeing her maiden gold medal, Lovlina, who has moved to the middleweight category as her 69kg doesn’t feature in the Olympics, started the bout from a distance. Lovlina changed her strategy in the second round, switching to playing from a close range. The change in the game plan did not work for her ad Parker had better access and launched a series of attacks on the Indian to take the round 4-1.


India’s upcoming shooter Sift Kaur Samra came up with an inspired performance to clinch her second senior medal at the international level, beating a tough field to win the 50m rifle 3P bronze on the penultimate day of the ISSF Rifle/Pistol World Cup here on Sunday.

On a day when China continued their domination, with Zhang Qiongyue winning gold in the event, Samra, the reigning national champion, scored a total of 403.9 points in the ranking round to finish third, even

as Zhang (414.7 points) and Czech Republic’s Aneta Brabcova (411.3) entered the title round. In the gold-medal round, Zhang defeated her Czech rival 16-8. India are currently second on the medals table behind China with one gold, one silver and five bronze medals. China are leading the tally with seven gold, two silver and an equal number of bronze.

On Sunday, Samra added to the bronze medal she had won last year at the World Cup in Changwon, China.

All eyes were on world championships silver medallist in air rifle Anjum Moudgil in the preliminary round of the 3P event. But Samra was in a different zone on Sunday, shooting superb series in all three positions to emerge second best at the end of the qualification round with a score of 588.


(NPN): One-month free football training under “School of Football” kicked started on March 25 at Diphupar A ground, 4th mile, Chumoukedima.

The coaching is being organized by Kivi Zhimomi, the first Naga player in Indian Super League (ISL), first Naga to score in Hero I-league and to be called up

for Indian U-23 Camp for Australian trip. Around 150 young Naga players registered to undergo the free football training with the age category ranging from 6 to 23 years old.

The School of Football is the first of its kind promoting sports and training young minds by professional football player free of cost. The school aims to continue

as a fully-fledged training programme which will begin from the month of May. This programme will come with an admission fee, intense training, internship with clubs and certification courses for young players and also with the aim to promote sports in the state of Nagaland. It has a good number of girls who will be seeking training in football.

M Y K C M Y K C Printed, Published and Edited by Geoffrey Yaden at G.M. Printers, Circular Rd. Dimapur-797112. Ph: Desk 248489, e-mail-npdesk@gmail.com. Adm.& Advertisement  :248267,8798162009 e-mail-npostadvt@gmail.com, R.N. 40978/90 RN/NE 707 SPORTS 12 NAGALAND POST, DIMAPUR MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023
Chirag Shetty and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy Sift Kaur Samra Participants of one month free football training under School of Football during the practice session at Diphupar-A ground. Nikhat Zareen and Lovlina Borgohain
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