MWR Spring 2021 The P.E.A.R.L. Newsletter

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REPORT Spring AKA 3D MAMMOGRAPHY UNIT IN METRO KANSAS CITY Soror Kamala Harris 49th Vice President of the United States




Department Store, Mobile, Alabama, 1956 @ The Gordon Parks Foundation Ondria Tanner and Her Grandmother Window-shopping, Mobile, Alabama, 1

Greetings Sorors,

I don’t know about you, but I’m still in the clouds with joy from the success of our virtual 91st MidWestern Regional Conference! From the opening bell to the ending Gala, the Northbound Express: Celebrating Our Spirit of Excellence, was a fantastic time had by all. Cluster C Sorors, you made us proud; and I would like to extend a standing ovation to you for an excellent and exciting conference. I would like to thank each of you for your time, dedication, and the commitment you provided, to ensure such a successful first ever in Alpha Kappa Alpha History, a virtual Mid-Western Regional Conference. Special thanks to Soror Mary Chapman, Iota Zeta Omega Chapter, Des Moines, Iowa, Conference Chairman, Soror Tonia Blue, Mu Omega Chapter, Kansas City, Kansas, Co-Chairman and Soror Mildred Edwards, Beta Kappa Omega Chapter, Wichita, Kansas, Co-Chairman for leading the team that made it happen. Our Regional Technology Committee deserves a bow for the outstanding job this team of 12 did in making all the parts work in harmony producing a first-class virtual conference. Soror Elonia Norwood, Beta Omega Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri, Regional Technology Chairman and Soror Karmen Gooch, Beta Omega Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri, Regional Technology Co-Chairman are definitely leading the way with this highly skilled and dedicated group of sorors. I hope you enjoyed and will keep the Conference Journal that was full of beautiful artwork, Black Quotes and regional historic data. It was designed as a Souvenir of the first virtual Mid-Western Regional Conference. Thank you to the many chapters and sorors that collected information for inclusion and supported the publication through the purchase of ads. Our Regional Visual Design Chairman, Soror Ramona Davis, Beta Omega Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri is to be applauded for the designs, quotes, educational information and the overall layout of what we hope you will feel is a special keepsake. Congratulations to all of our Sorors, who reached their Diamond, Pearl, Golden, and Silver milestones. You are the first in the region to celebrate at our inaugural Larzette Golden Hale Jewels Celebration. We added four new Diamonds to our Jewels! Soror Evie Dennis, Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter ~ Soror Quida Tolbert, Gamma Epsilon Omega Chapter Soror Lorraine Jones Hobbs, Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter ~ Soror Minnie Ray Hunter, Iota Beta Omega Chapter Special kudos to the EAF Auction Committee for successfully reaching the regional goal of $10,000 during the conference. Sorors, you truly supported the fun and scholarship. Please stay tuned for the 2022 EAF Auction. Get your green saved up so you can participate in the next one. Well, sorors, have you rested or caught your breath yet? I surely hope so, because the MWR has greater laurels to win and greater tasks to begin. The Pearl Express has departed for its summer excursions and I know that Together in Purpose and Spirit, we will continue to succeed. Part II of our Leadership and Development Program, Strengthening Our Need to Grow (S.O.N.G.), will be offered on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. through out the summer.


So buckle up and be ready for these upcoming whistle stops: • May 21-22 MWR 3D Mammogram Mobile Screening Events in Kansas City Area • June 5 International Graduation Ceremony (Virtual) 11:00 a.m. Central Time • June 21 Strengthening Our Need to Grow (S.O.N.G.) Part II Workshop 1 “How to Apply for Regional Awards & Recognition” • July 7-8 Directorate Meeting • July 12-14 Leadership Conference (Virtual) • July 15-17 Boule (Virtual) • July 26 Strengthening Our Need to Grow (S.O.N.G.) Part II Workshop 2 • Aug 19-21 Mass Communication Meeting • Aug 22 International Day of Prayer Looking Ahead • Sept 1 1st Day for Graduate Chapter Fall MIP Submissions • Sept 6 Labor Day • Sept 10 Annual Graduate Advisor/ Graduate Counsel Summit • Sept 10-11 Undergraduate Round-Up • Sept 12-19 Regional Director’s Office Closed • Sept 20 One Million Dollar HBCU Day Strengthening Our Need to Grow (S.O.N.G.) Part II Workshop 3 • Oct 4 Breast Cancer Awareness Day • Oct 23 Regional Cluster Meeting (hold the date) • Nov 2 Election Day My final thoughts are for our “oh so pretty” undergraduates that are moving up a year and of the many that are graduating and stepping out with degrees in hand. May God bless and keep you as we, your sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha, salute you for you accomplishments. We are pink with pride!

Sisterly always, Twyla


What 's Inside Spring Issue - MAY 2021

2,3 MWR’s P.E.A.R.L . Report Team 5 Mid-Western Spring Highlights 6 - 18 P.E.A.R.L. Ministry Moments 19 Regional Director’s Message

P.E.A.R.L. Highlights Soror Kamala Harris Inauguration Day Founders’ Day



28 IMPACT DAYS 33 Soror Spotlights

P.E.A.R.L. Communications Connections 47 Programs 49 Ivy Beyond the Wall 50 Chapter News 53 2020 Graduates 57 4

The P.E.A.R.L. Report Team Soror Twyla Woods-Buford Mid-Western Regional Director

P.E.A.R.L. Submission Deadlines Holiday Issue - 11/29 Winter 2021 - 2/11 Spring 2021 - 5/18 Fall 2021 - 11/1 Winter 2022 - TBD

Soror Rhonda Harris International Communications and Public Relations Soror Kelly G. Loeb Editor-In-Chief Soror Angela Stevens MWR Information Officer Soror Ramona E. Davis Design & Layout

IVY LEAF Submission Deadlines Spring Issue~January 15 Summer Issue~April 15 Fall Issue~July 15 Winter Issue~October 15


Visit the members only section of our website at

WHERE TO SEND P.E.A.R.L. SUBMISSIONS Undergraduate Chapters Missouri Chapters Colorado & Nebraska Chapters Kansas & Iowa Chapters Oklahoma Chapters

Soror Kelly G. Loeb Soror Elise Brisco Soror Pamela Woodley Soror Nichelle Rogers Soror Gwendolyn Squires Soror Tracye Love Chandler

Please direct any questions to your IVY TEAM coordinator or to:

HOW TO SUBMIT INFORMATION Please submit all articles via word attachment to or the respective IVY TEAM coordinator for your chapter’s state. Additionally please submit photographs as an attachment as well and identify the photographs by stating the name of the event, Program Target (if applicable), Chapter, Sorors’ names in the photograph. When submitting information please also submit the name, email and phone number of the Ivy Leaf Reporter and/or Soror submitting the information.


Spring Highlights 6

AKA 3D Mammography Mobile Unit Travels to the Metropolitan Kansas City Area to provide FREE mammograms for the uninsured You could not miss the mobile health unit emblazoned with a large pink breast cancer ribbon and the words Alpha Kappa Alpha in fancy green script across a pink and green background, as it rolled into Metro Kansas City. We were ecstatic to finally get the 3D Mammography Mobile Unit here in the Mid-Western Region to provide FREE life saving breast cancer screenings for the community on Friday, May 21, 2021 at New Bethel Church in Kansas City, Kansas and Saturday, May 22, 2021 at the Kansas City, Missouri Health Department. The members of the four metro graduate chapters, Beta Omega, Mu Omega, Xi Tau Omega, and Upsilon Rho Omega, pulled out all the stops in outreach efforts, to get women and men who were uninsured or underinsured and over the age of 40, without a mammogram in the past 12 months, registered for this PoP Up “Spring Into Good Health” Event. Well, IT WAS A SUCCESS, because at the end of the week on May 7, all of the available 70 appointments were not only booked, but our service provider, Assured Imaging, double booked more to meet the demand! We International Program Chairman, Ora Douglas, MWRD Twyla Woods Buford, and Cluster Coordinators encouraging residents to get had 110 sorors who enthusiastically volunteered their vaccinated during the Pop Up Health Event at New Bethel Church 745 time to serve over the 2-day event, even in the rain. Walker Ave. Kansas City, Kansas

Each day began with a brief program, led by Soror Tanesha Thompson, MWR Representative to the International Program Committee, followed by introductions from Region Protocol Chairman, Soror Meredyth Vick; Greetings and Occasion by Madam Regional Director, Soror Twyla Woods Buford; remarks by Cluster “B” Coordinator, Soror LaTanya Thomas Patton, Cluster “C” Coordinator, Soror Lenora Ivy, Health Department Officials, local dignitaries, and our very special guest, Soror Ora B. Douglass, International Program Chairman from Atlanta Georgia. The program concluding with a ribbon cutting, and tour of the mammogram unit, before patients arrived. We know that COVID-19 in the past year has created great health disparities affecting our black and brown communities at an alarming rate. Many have lost their jobs and their health insurance, and they were so pleased that we would bring this service to their neighborhood. Thus, not only did we offer mammograms, but our event was about overall wellness. Services offered included COVID-19 testing and vaccines, colorectal cancer screening, blood pressure, BMI assessments, and a life saving Blood Drive where we had 19 donors with a potential 42 lives saved! Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas stated in a social media posts “Proud to spend some of my Saturday with the fine women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. I appreciate their work setting up mobile mammogram services and COVID vaccines in our zip codes too often left out”. Dr. Amy Patel, medical director of Liberty Hospital in Missouri, who will be Councilwoman Ryana Parks Shaw, Quiton Lucus opening a state-of-the-art Breast Care Center in June, said the work we Mayor of KCMO , MWR Director Twyla Woods are doing is amazing and inspiring. Buford Councilwoman Melissa Robinson




After they completed their screening and got off the mobile unit, each patient received a large bag filled with personal care items and a wealth of health related information from our health partners who provided one on one consultation at their resource tables. We were also grateful to have our Mid-Western Regional Director, Soror Twyla Woods Buford, and International Program Committee Chairman, Soror Ora Douglas present and representing throughout the event. We applaud the event coordinating team, Sorors Tanesha Thompson, Mid-Western Representative to the International Program Committee, Soror LaTanya Thomas-Patton, Cluster B Coordinator, Soror Lenora Ivy, Cluster “C” Coordinator, Soror Rhonda Harris, Mid-Western Representative to the International Publicity and Communications Committee, and Soror Jauqua Preston, Mid-Western Region, Social Media Administrator, Chapter Basilei, Program Chairmen, Target 2 Chairmen, and Graduate Advisors.


AKA Mammo Unit in KCK and KCMO


COVID -19 vaccinations and resources were offered at the Pop Up Mammography Event 2400 Troost Ave. Kansas City, Mo.

Lauren Patton, Beta Omega Chapter, said she was happy to donate blood today. Lauren and her dad are regular blood donars.


Virtual Highlights of the

91st Mid–Western Regional Conference

“Northbound Express: Celebrating Our Spirit Of Excellence” On March 19-21, 2021 over 1,053 sorors from across the Magnificent Mid-Western Region boarded the virtual Northbound Pearl Express to the host city of Des Moines, Iowa where we would conduct the business of the Region at our 91st Mid-Western Regional Conference. Although we were in an unfortunate pandemic, we prevailed on, to have an amazing virtual conference. The conference was presided over by our Magnificent Conductor, Soror Twyla WoodsBuford and brought to a visual reality by the host chapters of Cluster “C” lead by Mary Chapman of Iota Zeta Omega Chapter, Co-Chairmen, Soror Mildred Edwards, Beta Kappa Omega, and Soror Tonia Blue, the Region Technology Team, Programming Engineers and Appointed Committees. The conference was captured by the theme “Northbound Express: Celebrating Our Spirit Of Excellence”. The conference displayed an array of sub-themed events which included plenary sessions, award presentations, workshops, community service activities, fun social interaction via zoom, and public virtual events. Leading up to the conference, members were busy participating in the community service projects, donating shoes for Soles4Souls, collecting eyeglasses for the local Lions Club, making pillow case dresses and shirts for the Global Impact Project. A total of 470 pairs of new and gently worn shoes to support the international service project Soles4Souls and 154 pairs of eye glasses that were distributed to the area Lions Club were collected. In addition members of the community took part and helped families in need during this pandemic, by making monetary donations to the COVID-19 Relief Full Cart online virtual food bank project. A total of $1,827 was donated. Friday began with the “Exemplifying EAF Excellence” Celebration, chaired by Soror Charnissa Holliday-Scott. During the celebration chapters were recognized who met Silver, Gold and Platinum level donation status. The six chapters who achieved Platinum level status participated in the Platinum Parade. Platinum chapters included Beta Omega, Beta Sigma Omega, Epsilon Nu Omega, Mu Omega Omega and Delta Chapter, the Regions first undergraduate chapter to achieve this status. The icing on the cake was the EAF Public Auction where we exceeded our $10,000 goal. The first plenary presided over by Conference Chairman, Mary Chapman, began with a welcome of visual delight by the Classy Cluster C Sorors who entertained and displayed the beauty of the Des Moines City. After being called to order and a creative virtual roll call, Madam Regional Director, Twyla Woods-Buford delivered “The State of the Region Report”. She highlighted several accomplishments throughout the region during the pandemic year. One specific feature were the Strengthening Our Need to Grow (S.O.N.G.) Series organized by the Regional Representatives, that kept members virtually connected during the course of the year. After a number of reports, the presentation of the Exemplifying Excellence Program Awards was given out to the chapters. A list of those awards can be found in this newsletter. The afternoon Larzette Golden Hale Jewel Recognition Celebration was an event to behold. Soror Venerable provided the prayer and meditation coming from the scripture Ecclesiastes chapter 3 “A season for everything” . Soror Frances Robinson rendered a beautiful violin serenade “You Are The Center Of My Joy”. Soror Lenora Ivy, MWR Representative to the International DPGS Soror Committee, introduced keynote speaker, 28th Supreme Basileus, Soror Carolyn House Stewart, sharing a number of her amazing accomplishments during her tenure. Soror HouseStewart opened with the Jewel’s theme “Celebrating Magnificence- Claim Your Crown” by asking, “ what kind of service are we to give?” She cited that the Jewel’s have been keepers of the flame. They have faced many Ivy challenges, balanced by Tea Rose accomplishments. She gave the Jewel’s a charge to continue the service they have given us over the years. During the Jewell Tribute, attendees witnessed a video montage of 50 members who have achieved the milestones of 25, 50, 75 and the newest milestone of 65 years. The Diamond, Pearl, Golden, and Silver honorees went from casual to classy with quick changes of attire while donning their crowns. We are very proud of our newly inducted Sparkling Diamonds, Sorors Evie Dennis, Quida Tolbert, Minnie Ray Hunter and Lorraine Hobbs, along with our other Jewel’s. The 28th Supreme Basileus, Soror Carolyn House Stewart, served as the keynote speaker. The tribute was completed by Soror Tracey Owens, who gave a poetic recitation to the honorees. Regional Director Twyla Woods Buford closed the event with some words of gratitude for our newly inducted Jewel’s.



The second plenary session opened with a rousing musical selection by the region’s melodic choir, leading right into committee reports from Connection, Constitution, Standards, EAF, Membership and Recommendations. Highlights included Our AKAs Lead, Get Out the Vote, census, voter engagement and mobilization campaigns were our highest priorities throughout 2020, culminating in the historic election of Soror Kamala Harris to Vice-President of the United States of America, changing the name of the Connection Committee to the Connection and Social Action Committee, designating life membership to Diamond Sorors at no cost, and an informative financial forum. The Recommendations Committee proposed a new regional conference award named for 28th Mid-Western Regional Director, Maggie W. Green. It shall be awarded to the soror who best demonstrates collaboration with other sorors, chapters and community partners. The region will bestow the award on one undergraduate and one graduate soror at the regional conference; all sorors are eligible for nomination. The next stop on the express was the Public Program ‘Working Stronger Together As A Community” which streamed on Facebook and YouTube where five outstanding community leaders and organizations were recognized for their service to the Des Moines community, which exemplified the mission of our 5 Targets of Excellence. The virtual audience enjoyed captivating performances by the Roosevelt High School Bridge 2 Harmony Choir, greetings by local Legislators, and the Divine 9, and the well spoken remarks of the our Supreme Basileus, Dr. Glenda Glover The evening was topped off with social gatherings focused on fun, laughter, and sisterly bonding. Graduate Sorors attended the Pajama Jam with Ol’Skool and New School themed rooms, Bingo, and Line Dancing. Undergraduates played games such as Name that Tune and AKA Kahoot to win prizes. On Saturday, Sorors rose early to reboard the train. This year’s Leadership Recognition program, “Excellence in Dynamic Leadership” was the enriching program we needed as we gathered in celebration of phenomenal women throughout the Mid-Western Region. Despite the challenges of 2020, leadership throughout the region still found ways to support their chapters, encouraging sorors to dig in deeper, reach farther, and achieve or exceed goals set for the year. Keynote Speaker, First Supreme Anti-Basileus, Soror Danette Anthony Reed, offered pearls of wisdom that reminded us that leadership is not just about standing in front, but rather leadership is about listening, watching over those who follow, motivating and encouraging them through actions, not just words. The program closed with a video montage, showcasing all of the chapter leadership. The Undergraduates Honors and Awards Recognition: “Destination Whistle Stop 91 on Track to Excellence” was an impressive stop which included a poignant message delivered by Second Supreme Anti-Basileus, Soror Jasmyne E. McCoy. List of the awards can be found in this newsletter. The final plenary began with a Virtual Legacy Parade: “It’s a Family Affair”, followed by the “State of the Sorority Report” by the Supreme Basileus, chapter awards, an invitation to the 92nd MRWC in Denver, Colorado. Legacy’s dressed in matching attire in videos or photo shoots. Soror Harriett Herbert of Mu Omega Chapter was awarded the Wanda M. Fleming Legacy Award. On Saturday evening, energy was brought to the “Elegant Expressions of Our Excellence” party train, as Sorors dressed up and danced the night away via zoom, with Atlanta, GA Emcee Tish Norman and Pretty Tammi The DJ during the closing Gala. Sorors Rachelle Hunt Russian of Iota Zeta Omega and Erin Hicks of Alpha Iota Chapter, so eloquently chaired the event. Awards were presented to Beta Sigma Omega for the Outstanding Graduate Chapter;


and Soror Evetta McMillian Walker for the Outstanding Graduate Basileus. Soror Gwendolyn Squires of Mu Omega Chapter gave a special toast to Madam Regional Director, Twyla Woods-Buford on behalf of the entire Mid-Western Region as the conference Chairman Soror Mary Chapman and Co-Chairmen Sorors Mildred Edwards and Tonia Blue showered her with gifts. The evening concluded with heartwarming remarks and a toast by Madam Regional Director, thanking all for a job well done! On Sunday morning before unboarding the Pearl Express and returning to our homes, we paid remembrance to MWR Ivies Beyond the Wall. Fireside tributes were given by the 19th MWRD, Delorise A. Gines, Beta Omega Chapter, remembering 21st Supreme Basileus, Faye B. Bryant, 24th Supreme Basileus Eva L. Evans, and 22nd MidWestern Regional Director, Wessylyne A. Simpson. A beautiful melodic rendition of “Trees” was sung by Soror Prisca Barnes, Beta Kappa Omega Chapter, followed by the poem “The Rose Beyond The Wall”. On Sunday, all saints were present at the Ecumenical Service, which was a jubilant end to the 91st MWRC. Greetings were provided by 29th MWRD, Soror Jan M. Carpenter Baker and International Representative of the Spiritual Oversight Committee. The message was “Pursuing Excellence” The service featured the uplifting musical inspiration from the Corinthian Baptist Church Praise and Worship Team. Reverend Daphne Braswell introduced the speaker of the hour, Reverend Quanda Annette Brown. First Lady Theresa Whitfield blessed all with “Safely In His Arms.” Reverend Brown, a member of the host chapter of Iota Zeta Omega, truly exalted the flock with the word examining pursuing excellence. During this pandemic, the church may have left the building,” Reverend Brown proclaimed, “but church has not left you!” She continued by emphasizing excellence is the state of quality by doing it best. Other salient points were “excellence is not a skill but an attitude” and the meaning of worship begins with worth-“how much is God worth to you?” Members departed for home with fond memories of an outstanding Virtual 91st MWRC. We give a standing ovation to Madam Regional Director, the MWRC Steering Committees, host chapters of Cluster “C”, and all the other Sorors of the Region that assisted in making this virtual conference a success!


Who Made National News? For the love of God, honey.

La Verne Ford Wimberly, 82, is serving the Lord in style. Shining in the holy trinity of high fashion, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, native meticulously color coordinates her outfits, hats and jewelry to attend Metropolitan Baptist Church’s virtual services via Zoom each week. “In the 20 years I’ve been going to church there, I’ve always had my little routine that I learned from my mother as a girl,” Wimberly told the Washington Post. “I’d pick out a nice outfit and hat and lay it out the night before, so that I could be prepared and look presentable.” She has donned her lavish garments of praise for remote worship every Sunday since the church transitioned to online meetings in March 2020 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. “I thought, ‘Oh, my goodness, I can’t sit here looking slouchy in my robe,’ ” she said. “I didn’t want to sit around alone and feel sorry for myself, so I decided, ‘You know what? I’m going to dress up anyway.’ ” (excerpt from CNN online)



National News The film production marks another first for AKA. The sorority is the first African-American Greek-letter organization to distribute a full-length, feature documentary film. TWENTY PEARLS premiered on Friday, March 26, 2021 on Comcast Xfinity. Narrated by Phylicia Rashād, TWENTY PEARLS journeys through 113 provocative years. Only 40 years past the emancipation of enslaved African Americans, nine Black college women enrolled at Howard University where they organized and built a sisterhood in 1908. Check your local listings or vimeo on demand $5.99

Kansas City Recognition 18


1. “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey 2. “It’s time for you to move, realizing that the thing you are seeking is also seeking you.” — Iyanla Vanzant 3. “You can fall, but you can rise also.” – Angelique Kidjo 4. “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ― Angela Davis 5. “Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” – Sadie Delany 6. “Don’t settle for average. Bring your best to the moment. Then, whether it fails or succeeds, at least you know you gave all you had. We need to live the best that’s in us.” – Angela Bassett 7. “If you prioritize yourself, you are going to save yourself.” – Gabrielle Union 8. “You are on the eve of a complete victory. You can’t go wrong. The world is behind you.” – Josephine Baker 9. “There’s always something to suggest that you’ll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.” — Phylicia Rashad 10. “Don’t wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any Happiness you get you’ve got to make yourself.”– Alice Walker 11. “A crown, if it hurts us, is not worth wearing.” — Pearl Bailey 12. “Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you to change.”— Iyanla Vanzant 13. “I don’t have to go around trying to save everybody anymore; that’s not my job. ” — Jada Pinkett Smith 14. “No matter where life takes me there will always be someone who’s threatened by it.” — Franchesca Ramsey 15. “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey 16. “I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut, when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.” – Rihanna 17. “You wanna know what scares people? Success. When you don’t make moves and when you don’t climb up the ladder, everybody loves you because you’re not competition.” – Nicki Minaj 18. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.” — Maya Angelou 19. “You’ve just got to follow your own path. You have to trust your heart and you have to listen to the warnings.” ― Chaka Khan 20. “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” — Zora Neale Hurston 21. “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” – Michelle Obama 22. “Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect, and make everyone else deal with you the same way. ” – Nikki Giovanni 23. “I’d rather regret the risks that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.” – Simone Biles 24. “I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” – Rosa Parks




Inauguration Day!!!

Obama and Harris fist bump


Chapter Excitement Alpha Chi Omega Tulsa, OK Inauguration Day Celebration On January 20, 2021, during the history-making inauguration of President Joe Biden Jr. and our Soror and the first woman to be elected to the office of Vice-President, Kamala D. Harris, Alpha Chi Omega’s Connection committee (Soror Linda Thomas, chairman) held an Inauguration Day Celebration to honor the historic moment together. Sorors who were able to log on from L to R starting on the top row. Sorors: DeArnetta Ward, Angela Surratt, Teresa Williams, Niania Christian-Ware. 2nd Row L to R: Sorors Ava Fisher, Garoldine "Gerri" Webb, Basileus, Angela Tisdale, Connection Chair, Linda Thomas. 3rd Row L to R. Sorors Jacqueline Tolbert & LaTondria Kincaid

Oklahoma City, OK - Beta Sigma Omega Chapter Inauguration Day Celebration On January 20, 2021, Beta Sigma Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.celebrated the historic inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala D. Harris. Vice President Harris is the first woman, first African American, first Asian American and first woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to serve as the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history as Vice President of the United States of America. Basileus Ameyka D. Pitman and members of the BSO Connection Committee reflected on what the historic moment symbolized for them on Facebook Live as they all Sorors (from left to right – top row): Ameyka Pittman, smiled with supreme pride and honor. Basileus, LaTreece Langston, Robyn Alfred Sorors (from left to right – 2nd row): Angela Long, Anastasia Pittman


Beta Omega Chapter (virtual) Kappa Chi Omega’s Inauguration Week Activities Kappa Chi Omega Chapter celebrated the January 20 Inauguration with great excitement through a series of virtual events, including a virtual Founders’ Day celebration on January 15 , and continuing the following days with a reactivation event, an evening for moments of reflection where Sorors shared scriptures and words of encouragement and a virtual Inauguration watch party. Sorors virtually fellowshipped with great pride to celebrate Soror Kamala Harris and are excited to see the impact she will make as Vice President.

Mu Omega Hosts Watch Party for January 20th Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden and Vice-President Kamala D. Harris Mu Omega joined millions of people as we watched with excitement the inauguration ceremony of President Joseph Biden, Jr. and Vice-President Kamala D. Harris. As they took their oaths, the Zoom Room was quiet, but when Soror Kamala finished her oath the room exploded with glee. Sorors donned their pink and pearls, celebrating the welcoming of a new administration. It was moment of pride for all members of our beloved sorority as we watched the day’s festivities.


January 20, 2021 Sigma Sigma Omega Chapter (SSO) represented virtually for Inauguration Day as we celebrated Madam Vice President Kamala D. Harris as we sported our Chucks and pearls in her honor.

Soror Kamala Harris Day On January 20,2021 history in the making took place as the 46th President elected into the office in the United States, Joe Biden Jr., and the 49th Vice President, Kamala Harris, were inaugurated. Since Vice President Kamala Harris is not only the first woman elected as Vice President in the United States but also a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority Incorporated, members of Theta Upsilon Omega chapter celebrated her by wearing their pink and pearls with Chucks tennis shoes true to the style of our dear soror.

(Pictured on the left from top to bottom: Soror Andrea Farmer and Soror Sonja Gray Versey; Pictured on the right from top to bottom: Soror Jade Doss, Soror Jasmyn Lee, Soror Jamie Lee, and Soror Tiffany Hamilton)


Founders' Day Alpha Chi Omega Tulsa, OK Reclamation & Reactivation Event 1/23/21 Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Tulsa, OK held its Coffee and Conversations reclamation and reactivation event onSaturday, January 23, 2021. During the event, Alpha Chi Omega shared details about how to reactivate, chapter activities and the importance of sisterly interactions. Our Zoom event included six sorors interested in reactivating, and we had a great time.

Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority celebrated our 113th Founders’ Day with Pinkeasy: Reactivate, Refocus, Recharge, which included a night of exploring the sorority’s international programs and the soothing sounds of Soror Tre’Rochelle. Proceeds from the event,held online and open to the public, will benefit community programs.


Mu Omega Chapter Celebrates J-15 in a Reactivation Zoom Activity Thanks to Membership Chairs, Sorors Rochelle Parker and Ingrid Hubbard, Mu Omega successfully hosted a Zoom reactivation activity on Saturday, January 16 with 50 Sorors attending. The morning was filled with fun, games, and the seriousness of making Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. a keepsake in inactive sorors’ lives. From the efforts of many chapter members, 29 sorors joined the ranks of Mu Omega Chapter raising its membership to 158 members for 2021. Baisileus Jauqua Preston Wilkins announced the new number during the February 2021 chapter meeting, noting it is the largest number of members in the history of Mu Omega Chapter.

J15 Mu Omega Omega Sorors celebrated Founders' Day this year with a special Wine, Sweets, and Pink & Green Treats virtual event where we decorated chocolate covered strawberries and shared our whys for being part of this beloved sorority! More than 30 Sorors attended the event, and in addition to learning more about each other, the event was even more special because we reclaimed three of our pearls! And of course we took decorating seriously, because as you know, this is a serious matter...yes! Sisterhood at its finest!


January 30, 2021 Sigma Sigma Omega Chapter celebrated 113 years of realizing our founders’ aspirations. We also honored four sophisticated Silver Stars as they celebrate 25 years of service to all mankind: Daria Dean, Courtney Jackson, TaKesha McGee and Sonja Singleton Sanders.

Beta Omega Chapter (virtual)


Soror Spotlights The Magnificent Mid-Western Region

Soror spotlight is dedicated to sorors who are working in professional careers, living out their dreams, or making a positive impact in the world. Black excellence isn’t limited to being a celebrity. Black excellence is you, your friends, and neighbors. Let’s celebrate us!

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Alpha Chi Omega Chapter congratulates the 2020 Soror of the Year Mrs. Ava Bell Fisher. #AKAACO #AKA1908 #Excellence

Congratulations to Soror Mautra Staley Jones who was named The Journal Record Woman of the Year 2020.

Congratulations to Soror Chalon Anderson, recently elected as Secretary of the Oklahoma State Council on Aging, which informs the Department of Health Services, the Governor's office, and state and federal representatives and senators of the needs, conditions and concerns of elderly Oklahomans.


Happy Birthday to Golden Soror and past Basileus Odette Scobey, who turned 90 years old on November 21, 2020! Sorors participated in a Birthday Parade, showering her with gifts, cards, and a serenade of the AKA national hymn. She was very happy and her sorors, family, and friends enjoyed celebrating this milestone with her.

Soror Amy RedCloud started her business, RedCloud Strategic Business Consulting, in 2015 providing business development and digital marketing consulting for small service-based businesses primarily in the software as a service industry. She pivoted to providing digital marketing strategy and social media strategy for businesses in the social impact space to help them grow their businesses, and have a greater impact on creating positive change in their communities. In 2020, Soror Amy received the Colorado Springs Business Journal Woman of Influence Award. She also was a finalist for the National Military Spouse Entrepreneur of the Year Award from The Rosie Network. Soror Amy’s education and certifications include a bachelor's degree in Business Admin/Project Management, American Marketer's Association Professional Certified Digital Marketer, Accredited Small Business Consultant, and BBB Accredited Marketing Agency. She serves on the Leadership Council for the National Small Business Association and volunteers as a business consultant for My Black Colorado providing free business development and strategy consulting to black-owned businesses in Colorado.

Alpha Chi Omega Tulsa, OK Congratulates Soror Ashley Harris Philippsen, 2021 Pinnacle Award Winner The 2021 Pinnacle Awards honored exceptional women of Tulsa. Corporate Business: Ashley Philippsen — Ashley serves as the Senior Director of Engagement & Advocacy at ImpactTulsa. She is a policy and non-profit leader with 14 years of experience in creating organizational infrastructures, Pre-K - 12 education, and supporting individuals and organizations to create meaningful change through engaging curriculum. Ashley serves as the Commemoration SubCommittee Chair for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission.


Soror Monica receives NAACP Volunteer of the Year Award Section: Soror Spotlights Soror Monica is known for her political sharpness and desire to inform and engage the Columbia, Missouri community through her work as an educator and political advocate. On January 18, 2021, the NAACP presented Soror Monica with the Volunteer of the Year Award to recognize her consistent participation in organizing local political forums, and the Get out the Vote campaign. Soror Monica continues to make the Kappa Chi Omega Chapter proud as she continues to serve as Connection chair, and is a trusted advocate in the Columbia, Missouri community.

Congratulations to Soror Noor Jihan Abdul-Haqq, MD, who was recently awarded the Distinguished Leader Award for OKC Minority Enterprise Development Week. Soror Noor Jihan Abdul-Haqq, MD (Board Certified Pediatrician)

Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Pinnacle Award Winner - Soror Jerica Wortham Arts and Humanities: Jerica Wortham — Jerica works as the Project Director for the Greenwood Art Project. As a Tulsa native and poet, she has a history of advocating for all voices to be heard. In addition to starting her own magazine and publishing two poetry collections, Jerica is a business coach, humanitarian, and philanthropist. Omaha, Nebraska – Soror Sherie Thomas of Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter, a police officer who took center stage during last year’s protests, received a special honor for helping bring the community together. Her speech included an emotional statement telling those on hand that police are listening and willing to work with the community to improve things. On Friday, January 15, 2021 Soror Sherie Thomas was named Omaha’s Living the Dream winner at the city/county’s Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. This award honors the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and recognizes the achievements of community leaders.


Soror Spotlight-Soror Temesha Christensen Soror Temesha Christensen is currently a Major in the United States Air Force and on December 18, 2020, she graduated from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA with a Master of Science in Defense Analysis. This program was 18 months long and the election to attend this school is very competitive. Not only was Soror Christensen selected, she excelled and garnered two distinctions: the Outstanding Thesis Award and the Air Force Association Award for Outstanding U.S. Air Force Student. This is Soror Christensen’s second master’s degree and she has been in the Air Force for 21 years. Soror Christensen is excellence!

Grandview, Mo. - Congratulations to Dr. Lover Chancler, Xi Tau Omega member, on being presented the Icon of the Year Award by the University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, Mo. The award was presented by Soror Jahana Hamilton, President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and Anti-Basileus of Pi Xi Chapter. Dr. Chancler is Assistant Professor in Child and Family Development and Director of the Multicultural and Inclusivity Center.

BLACK EXCELLENCE ALERT!! Please help me congratulate the first African American Woman to Chair the Tulsa City Council in 2021! We are so PROUD of you! Alpha Chi Omega Tulsa, OK Congratulates Soror Vanessa HallHarper, 2021 Pinnacle Award winner The 2021 Pinnacle Awards honor exceptional women of Tulsa. Soror Vanessa’s award was for Community Service: Vanessa is the Tulsa City Council Chair. A shining example of public service, Hall-Harper continues to serve Tulsa County District One, improve health outcomes for Tulsans as the Program Manager for the Tulsa Health Department's Healthy Living Program, and educate students as an Adjunct Professor at Tulsa Community College.


Soror Jennifer M. Stevenson (Beta Omega Chapter), speech-language pathologist Great Beginnings Early Education Center (Excellence In Teaching Award) Lee’s Summit R-7 School District Excerpt from nomination: “Ms. Stevenson stands out from her peers in her ability to communicate with parents, provide parents with needed resources to help children at home, and her seamless transition from inperson to virtual learning. Our child loved the Google Meets where Ms. Stevenson had manipulatives on the screen (click and drags, pictures, etc) to engage with.”

Soror Ramona Davis. Congratulations as one of the artists included in the upcoming exhibiton. A powerful new exhibition highlighting work by the African American Artists Collective in Kansas City opens June 5, 2021 through March 27, 2022 at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the first exhibition in a series designed to spotlight local artists. Testimony: African American Artists Collective, features the work of 35 local artists, including painters, sculptors, poets, photographers, performance artists, and illustrators.

Soror Andrea SheltonHendricks, Beta Omega Chapter. Congratulations on your recognition as one of the top 50 multicultural leaders.




MLK IMPACT Day Alpha Alpha Alpha Omega Chapter in Broken Arrow, OK donated toiletries, baskets and gift cards to Flourish Homes, a nonprofit organization for women at risk of being homeless, for the MLK Day of Service. Pictured below are Anti-Basilieus Danette Williams and Soror Lynetria Rhodes-Johnson The chapter also celebrated MLK Day of Service with Pink Table Talk, a discussion about how to bring meaning to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Tulsa, OK 2021 MLK Day of Service On Saturday January 16, 2021 the members of Alpha Chi Omega Chapter in Tulsa, OK held their MLK Day of Service personal hygiene dropoff event. Basileus Soror Angela Tisdale, MLK Day of Service Chairman Soror Tracye Love Chandler and Impact Day Chairman Soror Ceatta Foster created an environment of sisterhood and appreciated all of the items people donated. Members and inactive Sorors were invited to stop by, drop off personal hygiene items and get a pink/green cupcake on their way out. The chapter will donate these items and money to Youth Services of Tulsa.


Oklahoma City, OK - Beta Sigma Omega Chapter MLK Day of Service Keeping in line with our charge to provide service to all mankind, Beta Sigma Omega Public Affairs Committee Chairman Soror Shante Fenner encouraged sorors to have a day on, not a day off for the MLK Day of Service. Between Monday, January 11 and Monday, January 18th (King Day 2021) sorors collected personal hygiene items, socks, gloves and other essentials for the homeless. In order to keep each other safe and conduct a contact-free service to all mankind, several sorors graciously placed a box on their porch to collect items for the homeless. Sorors donated more than 4000 items and the chapter provided 200 bags filled with toiletries and other essentials to the local homeless shelters, Lottie House and Upward Transitions. Due to the impact of the pandemic and so many people feeling isolated and alone, sorors also wrote handwritten notes of encouragement to go inside each bag. The chapter also made donations to two other service organizations for the homeless: Pivot and the Home Alliance in Oklahoma City.

Delta Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. International Day of Service, donated 24 fleece blankets to the children of Children’s Respite Care Center. Across the world, members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. honored the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in our local communities to promote peace and love, keeping in line with Dr. King’s life and teachings. Although the COVID-19 pandemic prevented us from coming to CRCC, we hope our delivery of blankets was able to provide a sense of comfort and warmth for the children of CRCC.

MLK Day of Service ONO members partnered with the Rebound Foundation in Springfield, MO to help supply needed goods through their Amazon wishlist. The mission of The​Rebound Foundation (www. is to end the cycle of abuse through safe transitional housing for women and children, and educating youth to prevent violence.​ Sorors​and their contacts made a sizable dent in the wishlist, helping ensure that the Rebound Foundation has many of the supplies they need to support the work they do.


Iota Zeta Omega

Kappa Chi Omega celebrates MLK Day of Service Kappa Chi Omega Chapter members donated to various blessing boxes throughout Columbia, Missouri. The blessing boxes are strategically located in areas that experience a need for food, and allow citizens to donate canned and non-perishable goods for others to freely partake in. Through this commitment, Kappa Chi Omega has donated in large quantities to help combat hunger in the community.

Soror Lula Johnson

A mom and her two daughters donate. Left to right: Sorors Kaneshya, Kim, and Aliyah.

Mu Omega Chapter Serving others on MLK Day of Celebration Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® started its year of service on the Martin Luther King Day of Servuce by collecting more than 3,500 items, including canned goods, toiletries and nonperishable items, which they distributed to Total Man Community Development Corporation in Kansas City, MO and Avenue of Life in Kansas City, KS. Due to COVID-19, sorority members, friends and family members dropped off items at the Juke House in the historic 18th and Vine District. Jauqua Preston Wilkins is President, Meredyth Vick – Vice-President, Barbara Anne Washington, Event Coordinator.


Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® Celebrates a Day of Serving on MLK Day. Pictured above, Barbara Anne Washington, coordinator and Meredyth Vick, Vice-President of Mu Omega.

MLK Day of Service In celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mu Omega Omega shared highlights of sorors who have been active in the community in a way that truly embodies Dr. King's legacy. Whether through selflessness in serving the homeless population or fighting for social justice, Sorors Marcelette Ellis-Goodwin, Terri Gentry, Andriette JordanFields, Antoinette Gifford, Gina Hickman, and LaQunya Baker truly set examples, turning a day of service into a lifetime of impact. More about what each soror has done is available on our Mu Omega Omega social media sites.

Iota Beta Omega Met with Local Non-Profits During MLK Day of Service On Monday January 18, 2021, Sorors participated in the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, not letting the ongoing COVID-19 crisis stop them from showing their support to the Colorado Springs community. Using the Zoom platform, sorors joined an interactive information session with Joanna Wise, Marketing and Communications Director for Care & Share Food Bank; Cindy Johnson and Kelly Parker, Community Service Managers for Springs Rescue Mission and Rica Molet, Community Engagement Manager for TESSA of Colorado Springs. During this session, the representatives discussed the services they provide to the community while stressing how great the needs are for more support. Sorors asked questions about how we can support in the immediate pandemic to help relieve some the stress on the clients they serve. Suggestions: Care & Share's Spread the Love Campaign provide peanut butter and jelly for school children, Springs Rescue Mission can use warm men’s clothing and TESSA takes coats. The program left Sorors feeling humbled by the work the non-profit organizations are doing to serve all mankind.

January 18, 2021 A year ago, Sigma Sigma Omega Chapter (SSO) found ourselves getting ready to prepare for our community service activity and walking in the Oklahoma City MLK parade, but this year found us doing things differently. SSO donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, equalling 1,000 meals. Additionally, the chapter submitted material for the virtual OKC MLK parade.


Though the national day of service looked different this year, on January 18, 2021, members of the Theta Upsilon Omega chapter supported the fight against hunger by donating to the Lawton Food Bank and through socially-distant participation in the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma’s Pack-A-Pantry: Senior Pantry Pack. The Senior Pantry is a multi-layered, client choice on-site food pantry. The pantry carries food staples, fresh produce, frozen meals prepared in the Regional Food Bank’s Hope’s Kitchen and nutrition education for the residents. Senior Pantry Packs include the following items: • 3 Ready to Eat Meals • 3 Protein Items • 3 Canned Vegetables • 2 Pasta or Rice Items • 2 Breakfast Items • Optional – A note of encouragement to the Senior Theta Upsilon Omega was grateful for the opportunity give back to our seniors in this way on our Day of Service, and we look forward to doing it again in the future!

Upsilon Rho Omega Feeds Healthcare Workers for MLK Impact Day Overland Park, KS – Upsilon Rho Omega chapter honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by participating in the MLK Day of Service, partnering with Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center and showing appreciation to their healthcare providers on Friday, January 15, 2021. The chapter served the healthcare providers lunch from Geaux Catering, a local black- and Sororowned catering company.


Soror Cyndi Mundine

Pink Goes Red IMPACT Day Alpha Alpha Alpha Omega Chapter of Broken Arrow, OK celebrated Pink Goes Red with a Pink Table Talk entitled “A Healthy Heart, Mind, and Body.”

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated joins the American Heart Association in the fight against heart disease in order to improve the health of all women. On this special day, Alpha Kappa Alpha women take off our pink and wear red for the day to raise awareness of this deadly disease and promote life changes that will increase the longevity and quality of the lives of women around the globe. Tonight our program contained a video on Super Foods for Your Heart, followed by Chair Yoga then concluded with a Heart Health Discussion from Soror Gloria Johnson - Pink Goes Red: Walking Up To Heart Health. #AKAImpactDay #PinkGoesRed #iotabetaomegaturns50


February 5, 2021 PINK GOES RED: on February 5, 2021 Sigma Sigma Omega Chapter wore RED to raise awareness for heart disease and stroke, and honored two-chapter members who have been affected by these diseases.


Upsilon Rho Omega Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Overland Park, KS – In support of Target II, Upsilon Rho Omega Chapter joined in the Breast Cancer Impact Day on October 5, 2020 by wearing pink to support the cause and sharing photos on social media. Sorors also participated in a virtual walk on October 24, 2020 in support of the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. The virtual walk was held on Saturday, October 24, 2020. 15 chapter members who participated in the virtual walk; they posted pictures and videos of themselves walking in their neighborhoods and in their homes on the chapter’s social media outlets, and collectively the chapter raised $395 for the Making Strides of Kansas City event in support of breast cancer research and resources. At the end of the event, Sorors met virtually to watch the event’s wrap up video as well as share their experiences from the day.


Breast Cancer IMPACT Day Oklahoma City, OK - Beta Sigma Omega Chapter Breast Cancer Awareness Impact Day Beta Sigma Omega members wore a customized BSO Breast Cancer shirt reading Pink Is Stronger Than You Think to raise awareness for breast cancer and show the chapter's unity in support of the cause. Alpha Kappa Alpha women designed and produced the shirt. Throughout the month of October, Beta Sigma Omega launched a social media Pink Out highlighting breast cancer survivors in the chapter and shared awareness videos encouraging women to perform monthly selfbreast exams, be familiar with their bodies, and to schedule their annual mammograms.


HBCU IMPACT Day Iota Zeta Omega

Xi Tau Omega Chapter held a successful HBCU Week and Impact Day, raising $6,575.00 in one day, highlighting the beginnings of the historically Black colleges and universities members and their families attended on their social media accounts and putting together a virtual HBCU Pep Rally with video clips by 11 members giving rallying cries about what their alma maters mean to them.


Caregivers IMPACT Day Caregivers’ Awareness: Mu Omega Members make AKA International Video a must “Caregiving must be an act of love, it just has to be,” are the words of Soror Gerri-Ann J. Hopkins, caregiver. As she debated what to say, it came down to one recurring word, “love”. What Hopkins does for her 74-year- old cousin, a recent amputee, and her mother, age 95, is something she never thought she would be doing. After taking care of her mother for more than nine years, her mother’s sister for 2 years, her husband during his triple bypass surgery and recovery, Soror Hopkins never thought that she would be intricately involved in the day-to-day care management of her cousin. From Medicare to Medicaid, Blue Cross Advantage to United Healthcare and occupational and physical therapy all during COVID-19, it has been a journey. Also highlighted were Sorors Porcia Block and Lori Smith. Soror Block removed her mother from a local long-term care facility because it was reported as a COVID-19 haven with several residents dying from the disease. In another act of love, Soror Block brought her mother home to stay with her, where she remains today. Her mother’s overall safety became paramount when more than 30 people at the care facility (including staff members) came down with the deadly virus. Soror Lori Smith ended the video with words of encouragement for caregivers everywhere. Her focus was also on the ultimate sacrifices caregivers make in order to make sure that others are taken care of - again, an act of love. “It is well worth it, because tomorrow is not promised for anyone.” Mu Omega celebrated the Caregivers within the chapter with thank you baskets.

Caregivers Awareness Day Section: Caregivers Impact Day On November 21, 2020, the Kappa Chi Omega Chapter prepared five baskets of healthy goodies to show appreciation to caregivers in the Columbia, Missouri area. Sorors made socially-distant home deliveries to five Columbia, Missouri caregivers, who received them with great enthusiasm.


National Caregivers Day In November 2020, Mu Omega Omega Chapterrecognized National Caregivers’ Day by extending an extra dose of gratitude towards our sorors who are also caregivers with a book called Tears in My Gumbo: The Caregiver’s Recipe for Resilience, by Nadine Roberts Cornish. Through caregiver stories and lessons, this book inspires as it weaves the variables and ingredients for being a caregiver, for healing the caregiver heart and spirit and for honoring one’s role as a caregiver. Author Cornish provided 10 tips for taking care of oneself as a caregiver during the November chapter meeting, and chapter members shared tips and resources for caregivers on our social media sites, extending our care to our extended families, friends, and community partners.

Upsilon Rho Omega Recognizes Caregivers for Impact Day Overland Park, KS – In support of Target II, Upsilon Rho Omega recognized the AKA Caregivers’ Observance Day on November 20, 2020 via social media posts. The committee also shared information and tips on caregiving during the coronavirus pandemic virtually during the chapter meeting; these tips (from the Family Caregiver Alliance via the National Center on Caregiving) included information on how to plan and prepare, take preventative steps, monitor for COVID-19 related symptoms and suggestions for those who are at higher risk for severe illness. Additionally, the chapter shared important data about caregiving among African Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “nearly 1 in 4 African American adults are caregivers; nearly half have provided care for a least two years and almost a third have provided care for at least 20 hours per week.” The chapter provided tips on respite care and encouraged caregivers to take care of themselves mentally and physically.






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Ending A Year of Excellence! By Soror Tanesha Thompson, International Program Committee-Mid Western Region Representative What a year 2020 has been! Your chapters arose to program excellence on a virtual platform! Thank you, sorors, for all your hard work in adapting to the virtual programming in outstanding EXCELLENCE! As 2020 comes to an end and all of us look forward to a new year of program excellence, there is still time to finish strong by continuing to collect shoes for the Soles 4 Souls partnership, eyeglasses for the Lions Club International and to sew pillowcase dresses and shirts for refugees! We do such important work and our service in these areas is even more crucial during this pandemic. How do we inform the sorority about what we’ve done in the way of service throughout the year? If you guessed by the Program End of the Year Report, you’re right! If you’ve completed the report after each Program activity, then your work should be close to completion. If you plan to submit your entire year’s program by December 31, I encourage you to begin now. Your chapter’s EOY Program reporting is vital to obtain statistics and data which is provided to our Corporate Partnerships and is utilized to capture the service we provide within our region. Three important Impact Days occur at the beginning of 2021: , J15 - our 113th Founders’ Day, MLK Day of Service and our annual Pink Goes Red! I look forward to seeing and hearing about your service in January and February 2021! A soror from my chapter once eloquently stated, “Service is who we are and service is what we do!” This year you took the challenges of conducting programs virtually and came up with creative ways to accomplish great things! I applaud you for a job well done and look forward to your continued programs of excellence in 2021!


Diamond Soror Garnett B. Wilson, February 3, 1919 — February 6, 2021 Beta Omega Chapter Garnett B. Hancock Wilson was born in Lexington, Missouri to William Austin, and Allie (Freeman) Hancock. When Garnett was 3 ½ years of age, her biological mother died. She was raised in a loving Christian home by her father, step-mother and grandmother. In 1936, she graduated from Douglas High School in Lexington, Missouri. She attended Western University Junior College in Quindaro, Kansas where she graduated with an Associates Arts Degree in 1938. She continued her education at Emporia State Teachers College, graduating in 1941 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Education. Garnett’s long career the field of education began in 1941, her formal career as an educator began in the role of teaching principal in Norborne, Missouri in a two-room school for 1st through 10th grades. The following year she moved to Kansas City, Missouri where she remained for 39 years, shaping the minds of thousands of students at Booker T. Washington, Bruce & Yeager Elementary, and Lincoln and Paseo High Schools. She later received her Master of Arts Degree in Secondary School counseling from the University of Denver in 1951. She became a member of Bethel A.M.E. Church in 1942. A devout parishioner, she served in many capacities including; the church choir, Sunday School Teacher (for over 20 years), Chairwoman of the Re-Dedication Committee (raising funds for the church), the Trustee Board (24 years), and Memorial Wall Coordinator secretary for 22 years. Additionally she was the 1st Sunday Altar Card Coordinator, and Bible Study member. Her civic activities include: life member of the NAACP, ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority (Diamond soror, the National Education Association (NEA), and the Midwest Lay Organization of AME churches. Garnett married Thomas D. Wilson, Sr. in 1957 and the two celebrated 40 ½ years of marriage. Her memory will be cherished by her sons; Thomas D. Wilson, Jr. of Overland Park, KS; Gary D. Wilson, Kansas City MO; and C.W. "Gator" Harvey, (Claudia) of Orlando, FL. She is also survived by her sister Auline Ray of Wichita KS; nephews Dwayne Ray and Artis Ray (Shelly) of Wichita, KS. She had four granddaughters ; Kimberly Benton of Grandview, MO, and Megan, Wilson-Krznarich of Burlinson TX, Arika Harvey, Columbus OH, Alexandria McKinney (Carl); grandsons Maurice Harvey (Lyn) Columbus OH, Kenneth Harvey (Amalia) Huntsville, AL; Anthony Harvey, Birmingham, AL. Her legacy continues with nine great granddaughters, six great grandsons, and one great-great granddaughter. Garnett B. Hancock Wilson created a lasting legacy of service to others that continues to positively impact the lives of thousands of people and students across the nation.


Excerpt from KC Star article. Sue Wheeler, a longtime educator from Kansas City remembered for her devotion to helping others well into her old age, died April 3 while in hospice care. She was 90. Born Sue Anderson in Kansas City, Missouri, Wheeler was the middle of three children. She grew up in the city’s Washington-Wheatley neighborhood, living in a home that housed her parents, siblings and grandparents. In 1950, Wheeler joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Being the only girl in her immediate family, her daughter said the organization gave Wheeler a chance to experience sisterhood. Over roughly 60 years, Wheeler contributed her time by volunteering in various capacities including to its scholarship initiatives. Golden Soror Sue Wheeler Beta Omega Chapter Member Since 1950 article250665724.html?fbclid=IwAR3pAUXCCzJNb-V_ jG9TGQZldCUcAoHQ17LRMSk-THAX_UybIl0yO_m4_mA

Golden Soror Ms. Pearlie Mae Grubbs Beta Omega Chapter July 18, 1947 - February 18, 2021


Soror Jacqueline Booker Achong became an Ivy Beyond the Wall on Friday, December 4, 2020. Soror Jacqueline “Jackie” Delores Booker Achong was born June 30, 1945 as the third of five children to Ernest and Juanita Booker. She was reared in the Greenwood District of Tulsa where she was a proud graduate of Booker T. Washington High School. Soror Jacqueline graduated with her Bachelor’s degree from Langston University and received her Master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma. Soror Jacqueline was a full-time employee with the Association of South-Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) as a job developer and counselor for almost 14 years, retiring in 2013 with a smile. Before her retirement, Soror Jacqueline was the Branch Manager/Therapeutic Counselor for Western Plains Youth and Family Services in Lawton, OK. Soror Jacqueline’s philosophy was to help, teach, and serve mankind. She lived her philosophy in numerous ways. She often assisted in paying for students’ tuitions, books, and fees. Soror Jacqueline served on the Board of J. Roy Dunning Children’s Shelter, was a member of the Lawton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a member of Ambassadors Red Coats of Lawton where she served as Vice-Chair. She served as Treasurer and past Chairman of the Board for the North Side Chamber of Commerce in Lawton as well. Additionally, she was a graduate of Leadership Lawton. Soror Jacqueline was State President and State Coordinator of the Membership Leadership Development (MLD) program for the Oklahoma League of Women Voters and was an organizational founding member of the Oklahoma Women’s Coalition. She also formed the Lawton Chapter of the National Association of Parliamentarians and served as the Chairman of the 2014 national convention. She was the President of the Ladies Auxiliary for the Ninth and Tenth (Horse) Calvary Association, known as the Buffalo Soldiers. Soror Jacqueline was also a member of the Comanche County Mental Health Association and served as its past President and Chairman of the Nominating committee. When it comes to her beloved Incorporated, Soror Jacqueline chapter in 1976, and she Upsilon Omega chapter. Soror including, but not limited to, committee appointments, Midand former President of Theta Furthermore, Soror Jacqueline of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, legacy, Soror Roilyne Achong-

sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, was initiated in the Rho Psi Omega later transferred to the Theta Jacqueline served in many capacities multiple international and regional Western Region Parliamentarian, Upsilon Omega Chapter, AKA, Inc. was a Silver Star and Life Member Incorporated. She is survived by her Lockett.

Soror Jacqueline was a faithful member of Frontier Chapel, Fort Sill where she served on the Adult Usher Board and worked with troubled youth. She also served as the Junior Usher Coordinator and worked yearly with Vacation Bible School. Soror Jacqueline’s family was selected as family of the year for outstanding services in the Mannheim, Germany community. She received the highest medal during peace time for implementing a position of Installation Voluntary Coordinator, Mannheim, Germany, which is still active on military bases today. She received a Martin Luther King Jr. medallion for working with Asian American programs. Soror Jacqueline served as a member of the Oklahoma State Junior Leadership Program for Langston University and served as the Community Liaison for Lawton. Soror Jacqueline also served as a Lawton Public School Surrogate Parent for foster children and children with special education needs. Soror Jacqueline received many outstanding awards, certificates, and honorary memberships, and everywhere she went she gave back to her community and surrounding areas. Soror Jacqueline loved reading mysteries and traveling. She was proud of her travels to the Republic of Korea, Israel, Trinidad, and the West Indies (her husband’s country). She also enjoyed her time overseas, where she lived in Panama City, the Republic of Panama, and Mannheim, Germany. She was preceded in death by her parents and siblings Billie Jean Jackson, Michael Booker, and Donald Booker. Soror Jacqueline leaves to cherish her memory, her loving husband of 45 years, Roy; son Harold (Shelly) Achong of Tulsa, OK; daughter Roilyne (Antonio) Achong-Lockett of Oklahoma City, OK; Grandchildren: Azariah and Rakiyah Lockett; brother Ernest (Bobbie Allen) Booker of Tulsa, OK, and her lifelong best friend Jilda Motley as well as a host of other family, friends, and associates.


Chapter News

Pi Xi Host “Spring Pretty Girl Skee-Week” 2021 with New Podcast March 28th through April 2nd, the Preeminent Pi Xi Chapter hosted their “Spring Pretty Girl Skee-Week” on the campus of University of Central Missouri (UCM). Sorors planned interactive and educational events aligning with the International program targets The Skee-Week kicked off Sunday, March 28th with “Pretty Soulful Sunday” where students were asked to submit prayer requests to the chapter instagram to promote spiritual uplifting. Monday, we supported Black businesses by purchasing three large letters for the chapter on campus room from student small business owner, Kayla Bailey called “Phallons Gallery”. We are very excited to decorate our chapter room with her art. Tuesday, we hosted a virtual poetry slam to support “The Arts!”. Led by Soror Brianna Miles, the event had great participation and students were able to showcase their talents. Wednesday, we hosted a live podcast via Instagram Live titled “Don’t Touch My Hair!” which is part of a podcast series called “Pink, Green, and Everything In Between”. Soror Alleyiana Brown was joined by Sorors Mariah Wilcox-Hatcher and Donayah Fisher to participate in a conversation about hair and mental health; aligning with Target 2:Women’s Healthcare and Wellness. The sorors covered topics such as their personal views and connection to their hair, how corporate America views Black hair and how hair can affect mental health and overall well being. The event was a success and sparked conversation! Friday, focused on Target 1 “HBCU For Life: A Call to Action”. This virtual event was called “Klass is in Session: A Guide to Selecting an HBCU Graduate School”. Three speakers shared their views and advice via Instagram for selecting a graduate school at an HBCU. The Spring Skee-Week was a success for the Preeminent Pi Xi Chapter. Soror Jahana Hamilton serves as Basileus. Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter, Langston, Oklahoma The year 2020 ravaged the world with the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Our small communities within Logan County have not escaped the virus’ wrath – not even Langston City, the home of Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter for the last 90 years. Our devoted sorors continued to have our weekly prayer service led by Soror Gwendolyn McCarroll, and, thus Covid- 19 did not stop Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter from celebrating, rejoicing, and serving the entire year of our 90 years of sisterhood in Langston, Oklahoma and surrounding communities. While we grieved the loss to the virus of Sorors and other community residents, we became more vigilant in embracing sisterly love, sacred spirits, serious commitments, and needed services for others. We used our 90th anniversary and the purpose of our sisterhood to give us strength, unity, and love to propel us as we gave funds to individual families, single parents, and Langston University students to help with food and personal items as they isolated themselves from Covid-19. We supplied cases of water to the Langston Fire Department during the hot dry summer months as they fought fires; we gave contributions to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, breast cancer awareness, to a health caregiver, and to a foster parent who cares for special needs children. We also set in motion the digitizing of our chapter’s current and older documents. In February 2021, our Basileus, Soror Marion Logan, climaxed our anniversary celebration with a video on the history of Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter and what it has meant to our community, the State, and the Nation. View this video on Alpha Upsilon Omega’s various social media platforms at @auo1931_aka.


CROWN ACT PASSES IN KANSAS CITY Omega Nu Omega member, Councilwoman and Soror Ryana ParksShaw, along with Councilwoman (and Soror) Melissa Robinson successfully led Kansas City legislation that supports natural hair and styles in professional environments without discrimination. The Kansas City, Missouri City Council unanimously passed the Act (Ordinance No. 200837)​ in October of 2020. CROWN stands for Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair. ParksShaw remarked, “Black women and men should feel comfortable enough to bring their authentic selves to work without backlash or consequences.” ONO is proud of the tireless work Soror Parks-Shaw puts in as she is committed to serve her community. Respectfully submitted by Soror Lashonette Kemp, Ivy Leaf Reporter Omega Nu Omega, Springfield, MO

Our Time is Now On October 22, 2020, the Colorado graduate chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presented Our Time Is Now: Vote Colorado 2020. Mu Omega Omega Chapter (Soror Evetta McMillian-Walker, Basileus), Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter (Soror Sharon Hicks, Basleus) and Iota Beta Omega Chapter (Soror Pandora Osler, Basileus) hosted the event. Community and state experts discussed why our right to vote is fundamental to our way of life; this important discussion included general information on voting rights laws. Madam Regional Director Twyla Woods Buford attended and enjoyed the professional and clear way that the moderator and panelists presented information. Soror Simone D. Ross (Mu Omega Omega) moderated the event. The invited soror panelists were Senator Rhonda Fields (Epsilon Nu Omega), attorney Michelle Adams (Mu Omega Omega) Chapter and Desiree Terrell (Iota Beta Omega), Colorado Connection Coordinator. The 60 attendees enjoyed the discussion that focused on voting issues and voter suppression in Colorado. Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® Holds Covid-19 Vaccination Community Forum—Sunday, January 31, 2021 via zoom and Mu Omega’s Facebook Page Along with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Beta Omega Chapter, the Urban League of Greater Kansas City Area, and Plain Talk, Mu Omega Chapter sponsored a community forum addressing the COVID-19 vaccination. Area physicians including Dr. Kimberly Hatchett Johnson, Dr. Shequita Richardson, Dr. Shynda Miles, Dr. Rodney Beasley and Dr. Harrish Ponnuru spoke in a round table talk moderated by Meredyth Vick, Esq., Vice-President of Mu Omega Chapter. Participants shared an open, honest and lively discussion about the pros and cons of taking the COVID-19 vaccine. The full version of the conversation is available on Mu Omega Chapter’s Facebook page ( and The Urban League of Greater Kansas City’s website (

Dr. Rodney Beasley —Internal and Critical Care Medicine Specialist


Iota Zeta Omega Chapter


Letter Writing Campaign in Support of Kansas Legislature for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® Members of Mu Omega Chapter, Kansas City, KS conducted a letter-writing campaign during their February 2021 chapter meeting. State Representative Gail Finney, who is also a member of our esteemed Sorority, introduced a bill allowing members of the sorority to buy official Kansas AKA license plates. Mu Omega emailed more than 30 letters to the Legislature to be read during the bill’s introduction on February 9 ,2021 in Topeka, Kansas. Kansas will join 27 other states in having official AKA license plates if the bill is passed. Kansas Representative Barbara Ballard introduces a bill to the Kansas Legislature in support of an official Kansas AKA license plate.

Beta Omega Chapter Spring Events and Programs


Congratu lations Graduates “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Soror Aliyah Downs completes Master’s Program 2020 Winter Graduates In December 2020, Soror Aliyah Downs completed her Master of Business Administration with emphasis in Organizational Leadership from Concordia University Chicago. Soror Downs currently works at H&M as Manager of Visual Merchandising and her strong skillsets reach further than her professional life. She continues to excel as a creative brand marketer, innovative brainstormer, and strong leader, all of which work to elevate chapter operations and image. Kappa Chi Omega celebrates Soror Aliyah’s hard work and looks forward to seeing what the future holds for her.

Alpha Chi Omega – Congratulations to our Basileus Soror Angela Tisdale Congratulations to our Basileus Soror Angela Tisdale, who earned her Master of Science in Management with a Leadership concentration from Strayer University.


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Together In Purpose and Spirit

Twyla Woods-Buford P.O. Box 16748 Kansas City, Missouri 64133 58

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