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Ending A Year of Excellence!

By Soror Tanesha Thompson, International Program Committee-Mid Western Region Representative


What a year 2020 has been! Your chapters arose to program excellence on a virtual platform! Thank you, sorors, for all your hard work in adapting to the virtual programming in outstanding EXCELLENCE!

As 2020 comes to an end and all of us look forward to a new year of program excellence, there is still time to finish strong by continuing to collect shoes for the Soles 4 Souls partnership, eyeglasses for the Lions Club International and to sew pillowcase dresses and shirts for refugees! We do such important work and our service in these areas is even more crucial during this pandemic.

How do we inform the sorority about what we’ve done in the way of service throughout the year? If you guessed by the Program End of the Year Report, you’re right! If you’ve completed the report after each Program activity, then your work should be close to completion. If you plan to submit your entire year’s program by December 31, I encourage you to begin now. Your chapter’s EOY Program reporting is vital to obtain statistics and data which is provided to our Corporate Partnerships and is utilized to capture the service we provide within our region.

Three important Impact Days occur at the beginning of 2021: , J15 - our 113th Founders’ Day, MLK Day of Service and our annual Pink Goes Red! I look forward to seeing and hearing about your service in January and February 2021!

A soror from my chapter once eloquently stated, “Service is who we are and service is what we do!” This year you took the challenges of conducting programs virtually and came up with creative ways to accomplish great things! I applaud you for a job well done and look forward to your continued programs of excellence in 2021!