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2020 Graduates

Congratulations Graduates

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.


Soror Aliyah Downs completes Master’s Program 2020 Winter Graduates

In December 2020, Soror Aliyah Downs completed her Master of Business Administration with emphasis in Organizational Leadership from Concordia University Chicago. Soror Downs currently works at H&M as Manager of Visual Merchandising and her strong skillsets reach further than her professional life. She continues to excel as a creative brand marketer, innovative brainstormer, and strong leader, all of which work to elevate chapter operations and image. Kappa Chi Omega celebrates Soror Aliyah’s hard work and looks forward to seeing what the future holds for her.

Alpha Chi Omega – Congratulations to our Basileus Soror Angela Tisdale

Congratulations to our Basileus Soror Angela Tisdale, who earned her Master of Science in Management with a Leadership concentration from Strayer University.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. Together In Purpose and Spirit

Twyla Woods-Buford P.O. Box 16748 Kansas City, Missouri 64133 Twbuford@AKA1908.com aka1908.com/midwestern