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(Anlerica), iLtO \vhich, it is most probable, they migrated by the straits of Anian."18 Jftpheth led his colony Into Arcadia, and they were afterv'ftards nalned the Pelasgi,19 because their principal """"",~" were performed by sea (Ttslayos). Not long this the Sicyonian kingdom, in the same region, was founded by ~gialeus, in whose reign the oracle of Dodona was set up by an Egyptian priestess, who had been taken captive by the Phrenicians, and sold into Greece. Thus early was Masonry prostituted amongst posterity of Japheth. Gomer, lV[agog, Tubal, and l\Ieshech dispersed with their colonies to the north part of Syria. Their chief city was called Magog, and afterwards Hierapolis, or the Sacred City. Askanez, the son of Gomer, established the kingdom of Armenia, and probably Phrygia.20 Togannoth, another of his sons, placed himself near the country planted by his father. Javan was king of the Ionians, afterwards called the Athenians, and Greece; his son Elishah reigned in Peloponnesus. whose descendants were celebrated for the blue, purple and crnTIson dje. 21 Tarshish retired into Spain; his posterity traded in silver, iron, tin, and lead.22 Kittiln reigned in a part of Italy; the excellence of his posterity was chiefly in works of ivory.2S Dodanim advanced farther north, and took possession of France; and hence Great Britain and the northern part of Europe were peopled.24 ,Shem settled in Salem, and was afterwards its mon.. ~'~Ql!~,yn~~~,t~~:rl3J~~2fM~IQhi~~g~~. He lived to an 'olcl"age, and preserved the principtes of Masonry amongst his descendants, until he ultimately committed them unsullied into the custody- of Abraham, who was upwards of one hundred and fifty years old when Shem died. His posterity spread over the vast continent of Asia, except such part as had already been colonized by Noah, and amongst a certain select portion of his descendants, the knowledge of l\tIasonry was never wholly lost. Elam planted Persia, which soon became a great and ...",,,n1!"1I"\T'1IO

. 11 I.


Bochart, Phaleg., 1. 3, IJ. 1. Booh. Phaleg., 1.3, o. 9.

19 21

Ibid. 12"



Cumb" Ori~., p.277. Ezek. xxviI., 7. Ibid. 6.

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