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to see him.. The Sonior "rurden, or some other brother, makes a lODg' speech about reducing the price路 of the Chapter degreel'1, from twenty dollars to t\vclvc, and recommends tha.t it be paid iu COUlltry produce, &c. His motion is seconded, nud the new 1tiastcr is .pressel! on ::til sides to put the qnestion. If the qllestian is put, the brethren noll vote againt;t it, and accuse t1le new l\faster of breaking hi!) oath, ,vhen he swore he would support the Constitution. of the Gencl'ul Grand Royal Arch Chapter, which es路 tablislws the price of the路 four Ohl1ptor degrees, at twenty dollars. If the Master attempts to exercise the power of the gavel, it often has the contrary cn"ect j for if he giycs nlore than one rap, and cnlls to order, everyone obeys the sig11a1, ,\yith the t1.tmost pl'OmptllcsH, and. drops on the u< seat. 'rho next instant, before the :3Iastcr can utter u word, all are on their f('ct, and as noisy as ever. Sor~le brot!1l'l' now proposes that the Lod:z;o be dosed; another one hopes it w;U bo closed in n. f.,hort \vrtv. Retlrc~tl :ThluHtcr, tJ candIdate-Hight WOl'shipful, it ismoYcd tU1tl s:..~condcd that this Lodge be closod. You ca1,). close it as you please. You can morely declare the Lodge closed, or in. ::my other way. The candidate, being much embarrass~dt w1ll often attempt to cl~) tho LodS'o


by l':tppingwith hig gM1'cl, ~nt1 dccl:rring it closed. Should be do so, the retired :Mastcr stops him as follows: HeUred Master-llight'Vorshipful,you s,\YOl'e in your obligtttiotl, that you ~would not close this or any other Lodge over 1vhich you should be called to. preside, withont gi'Vil'ig' a lecture or some part tbcreot: Do you intend to break J'our oath 1 Oalldidate"::-Ihad forgotten that in this cOllfl1siou. I hope the brethren ,,,,ill excuse me. A brother goes nnel 'Yhispe:rs to the candidate, tellillg him th[lt he can resign the chair to the old Master, and have him close the Lodge, if lle so prefers. The is very glad to do this, and cheerfully abdicates his seat. lVlaster (resumirlg' the chair)-Brothcr, the lesson ,ve have just given, not\vithstanding its apparent coufusiou, is eli:.'signed to convey to.>. you, in :t striking m::lll110l', the necessity of at all times o.\)staining from soliciting, or acccpthlg' any offieo or sb.. tion that 'Vall do not know yourself arnply qualified t() fill. rfhe :M:astcl' no,,," delivel'S tbe .Lectt:tre in this degree. It is dividocl into 1ive sections. The :first treats of thema.nnE;lr of constituting a I ..odge or:Mt18t,el:",)!a~ sons. The second treats of theCel'Cnl01'y' of installation, includin~ 路thclnanner of

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