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harmony, peace, and unity may reign in this Council; that one spirit may aDi~ mate us--one God reign over us-and one heaven receive us, there to dwell in ~hine adorable presence, for eyer and ever. Amen. Invincible Knight takes t.he Bible, and waves it four times over hiB head, saying, Rex RegnantiuUl et Dominus Domillantium, [Kiog of Kings and Lord of Lords.] Kisses the book and passes it to the Knight on his right. Each Knight takes the Bible, waves and kisses it in the same manner, repeating the same words, it comes round the circle to the Invincible Knight, who takel:lit again and reads from Matthew v.: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of' heaven. Blcflsed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted, &c. Invincible Knight orders tho sign to be gh'-en, viz.: each Knight interlaces the fingers of his left hand with the left hand of a companion, when each draws bis 6.word, and presenting it towards his heart, pronounces the words T AMMUZ TOULIMETH.


with this same volume clasped in m.y hands, [taking up :Bible,] that I will keep secret the words, signs, tokens, and grips of this Order of Knighthood, from all but those Knights of St. Johns of Jerusalem, who have shovrn a Christian (lilo5Position to their fellow-men, are professors of tb,1 Christian faith, and have passed through the degreel:) of ~ym1Jolic MaRoury; awl that I ,'\'ill protect and support., as far as in me lies, the followers of the Lord Jcsus Chril3t; feed thclU, if hungry j give them drink, if thirsty; if naked, clothe them with garments; teach them, if ignorant, and advise them for their good and their advUI1tagc:. All this I promise in the name of tIle Pather, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; and, if I perform it not, LET ME 'BE .A'NATHEJ\-IA MARANATHA! AN.l\.THEl\1A MAUANATHA! [accursed at the conling of the Lord.] The Invincible Knight then interlaces the fingers of his left hand \vith those of the candidate, who lays his right hand on his he,art. The Invill(',iblc~ Knight draws his swo. I'd; the Senior Knight docs the same; th cj." cross them on the 'back of the candidate's neck. Invincible Knight-By 'Virtue of the high power in me vested, by a bull of His Holiness, Pope SylveHter, I dub you n, Knight of the Chl"i~tian :Mnrk, member of the Grand Council, and Gnu.I'd of tbe Grand Conclave. [,"Vhh:pcrs in hi~ ear


Invincible Knight-I pronounce this Convention opened in ample form. Let repair to our several stations, and strictly observe silence. If a candida.te is to be .admitted, he is shown into a side room by the Conductor, who clothes him in a gown of bro'wIl stuff, '1'AMlI'IUZ TOULI:METH,] and leads him to the door of the Council r.rho Knights resume the·ir places, :md chamber, where he knocks two, six and the Senior Knight takes his J:.:cnt. 'l'ho two-2, 6 and 2. candidate continues standitig, ,'!,'hile tho Juuior K.night-Invincible, some one Conductor goes and bring R a white robe. knocks for admission. Senior Knight readl) from text-book Ul; Invincible Knight-See who it is, and follows: make report. Thus saith the Lorc1, he thnt believeth Junior Knight (after going to the door and endureth to the end shull overcome, and back)-Oue that is faithful in good and I \",ill cause his iniquities to pass frorll works, wishes admission here. him, and he shull dwell ill my presence Invincible Knight-What goodworks for ever and 0'\"(."1'. Take a\'I,'ny his filthy hath he performed 1 garments from him, aml clothe him '\"ith Junior Knight-He hath gh~en food to I a chango of raiment. ]"or he that overthe hungry, drink. to the thirsty, antI i cometh, the same shall be clothediu whito clo:b.ed the nakecl with 3. gar1l1cnt., r~1.iment, an.d his name shall be written in I:lvincible Knigbt-rrllUs. far he hath the book. of life, and I will COllfe:3s· 11i3 clone well j but there is still much fo:r him name before my father and his holy at.· to d'l. rro be faithful ill my house, saith gels. He that hath an ear to hear, It ~ the Lord. he should be fined with love for hit1:\: bear'\yhat the Spirit smith to the truo my peoplE\.Ifso,lcth~mellte1*undel·the believer. Setye a fair mitre tlpOn 1::s penalties of hi:z symuQlicobligation. hend, place a palm in his hand, for ho Candidate entel's 'with Conductor, and shall go in and out nond minister beforo Junior Knight conduct':! ·_lim to the altar, mC', s:l.ith the Lord of hosts; and he l::ihall making the signs meanwl1ile. be a disciple of thut l'od taken from tho Candida.te kneels, t.1:.e Ellights assem- branch of' the stem of Jesse. Forabrallch ble round him, and t1:e Invincible Knight has grown out of his root, aDd the Spirit administers to him the following YoW: of the Lord hath rel'lcted upon it; the spiIt John Smith, do pro:roi~ea:nd vO'w, rit of his wisdom, and roig'1~t. n~'d r;g}'t· 1\S

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