Missouri Freemason Magazine - v60n03 - 2015 Summer

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Summer 2015

Missouri Masons Scholarship History Page 12

Volume 60 Number 3

Memorial Day in Missouri Lodges Page 28

MOCHIP 10 Year Anniversary Page 24

Missouri Capitol Rededication Page 26

Official publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M

A Message from the Grand Master

Brethren: It has been my great honor of serve as your Grand Master this year. As the Grand Lodge Communication is quickly approaching, my journey is coming to an end. Every Grand Master assumes the mantle of leadership with expectations and desires for his upcoming year and each looks back on accomplishments and dreams. The Grand Lodge Mentoring Manual was completed, printed and distributed to all Lodges. It is my hope that lodge mentors will use it to instruct new members and their Masonic Education Officers will use it to instruct all members. I would like commend the Mentoring and Masonic Education Committees who put together such a comprehensive manual. GREAT JOB! While there were some holdups in generating and implementing a new Membership Database, it is in place and training is ongoing for staff and Lodge Secretaries. The new database is designed specifically for Missouri and is easy-to-use Summer 2015

and is even accessible by smart phone. We are trying to put together a training session for Lodge Secretaries on the Sunday afternoon of Grand Lodge. The Technology Committee worked hard to provide all the requirements that we need. Thanks to WB Kevin Fuller and his Committee. The year started out similar to many—with area meetings. I have never had so much fun. It was exciting for me to meet and greet the members of the lodges in Missouri. My officers and I discussed Mentoring, changes to the Achievement Award, the importance of membership, supporting our Masonic Youth, remembering our Veterans and my message to use the towel found in the Master Mason degree to spread the cement of Brotherly Love. There was great turnout at the area meetings and the members received and accepted the information with enthusiasm. Other enjoyable activities this year were attending the lodges’ and appendant bodies’ installations, meetings, degrees, anniversaries, performing 40, 50, 60 and 65 year ceremonies, cornerstone layings, dedications, presentations, and rededications. The FOOD-- breakfasts, lunches, dinners were delicious--and have taken their toll, putting an additional 22 pounds on me. The 100th anniversary of the 1915 State Capitol Cornerstone laying was another highlight of the year. MW Lawrence A. Jones, Jr., Grand Master, and I performed the joint ceremony with His Honor, Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri. It was an exciting to see the busses pull up and all the Masons who gave up their holiday to line-up and perform in the procession. It was a great day for Missouri Freemasonry, Brotherhood and civic service. Every Grand Master has dreams, those things that have yet to be accomplished. While there is still three months left to my year at this writing, not all of those dreams will be fulfilled. 2021 is fast approaching and designs for the bi-centennial are only in their infancy. The next phase

of the mentoring program - to train the trainer - still needs to be developed. The production of a Missouri Masonic Video for YouTube has been discussed. And I wanted to visit many of the Veteran Homes and Hospitals, but my Saturdays seemed to vanish. No Grand Master has the ability to do it all by themselves; they all have someone special behind the scenes to give them help and support. Before I go further, let me thank my wife Diane. She has been there to remind me of those things to do, places to be, and shared advice and suggestions when I needed them. My daughter, Alicia, and SonIn-Law, Brian, were very helpful this year and I want to especially thank them. This year I have received tremendous support from Grand Lodge Officers and their families left at home, the Grand Lodge and Masonic Home staff, members of Webster Groves Lodge #84, members of the Truman Line, RWB Randy Jones, and RWB Keith Neese...also to my two Grand Orators, RW Ron Hartoebben and RW John Mikusch, who performed special worship services for me this year. Thank you to all who stepped forward to help when it was needed. There are too many to mention you all , but your help and support was noticed and appreciated. As a final thought, I ask each of you to practice our tenets and obligations in your Lodges and convey Freemasonry into your communities. Show them what Freemasonry means to us and make them all want to share our brotherly love.

David W. Haywood ​Grand Master 2014-2015


TAble of Contents 02 04 06 12 13 14 16

David W. Haywood: A Message from the Grand Master Charles Brent Stewart: Deputy Grand Master Biography and Message

Missouri Masons Grand Lodge Officer Biographies Conference of Grand Masters: Deputy Grand Master Elected Chairman Missouri Mason National Leader Mitch Weinsting

Masonic Generosity: Masons’ Scholarship History Honoring a Past Master News from the Missouri Masonic Home

Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications. The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge; Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to editor@momason.org no later than the first day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August and November.

24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Editor

Honoring of Masonic Youth Letter from the Grand Bethel Honored Queen Missouri Masonic Childen’s Foundation Celebrating 10 Years

Jefferson City Capitol Lodge Rededication Ceremony East Gate Lodge Rededication Ceremony 50 and 60 Year Pinnings

Celebrating Memorial Day in the California and Liberty Lodges Crestwood Anchor #443 Lodge Meeting

Events in Missouri Lodges

(Sumaritan, Perryville, Bridgeton, Sampson, Boliver, Swope Park and California) Dennis Burkholder P.O. Box 1120 Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 editor@momason.org

Unless otherwise indicted, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge Renee M. Schilb A.F&A.M of Missouri. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit and moosemedia@att.net rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. It is the policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to not publish pictures or personal information about children under the age of 21, without written permission from the child’s parent, guardian or sponsoring group.

Summer 2015

art director


Charles Brent Stewart Deputy Grand Master Masonic Biography RWB Stewart was born in 1960 in Columbia, Missouri and was appointed to the advancing line in 2008 by Most Worshipful Brother Rocky E. Weaver. He received a BA degree from the University of Missouri—Columbia in 1983 and graduated from the UMC School of Law in 1987, later that fall taking a job at the Missouri Public Service Commission as a staff attorney litigating utility company rate cases. The five-member bipartisan Commission subsequently appointed him Staff Director where he oversaw the agency’s 200-plus employees and was responsible for the overall management of the agency. In 1993 he left government service and opened his own law firm in Columbia where he was in private law practice for sixteen years. He currently is the Legislative and Regulatory Counsel for the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives in Jefferson City, Missouri. He married his wife Kris in 1981 at the Newman Center. Kris works as a Medical Technologist at Women’s and Children’s Hospital, is active in the Columbia Community Band, and on occasion plays concerts with the Columbia Civic Orchestra. They have no children, other than their adopted rescued racing greyhound. They live in a remodeled historic German restaurant built with oak beams from an 1860 grist mill. He and Kris both worked at the restaurant while in junior high school, high school and in college. Coming from a Masonic family, RWB Stewart began his Masonic career during his first year of law school in Kansas City, driving back to Columbia at night to receive his degrees. With his coaching provided by WB Don Hurlbert through courtesy of Swope Park Lodge, he was initiated an Entered Apprentice on November 27, 1984, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on February 26, 1985, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 9, 1985 in Twilight Lodge #114, where he served as Master from 1998-1999. He served on the Lodge Building Association, was involved in the construction of the new Columbia lodge building, and remains active as a member of the 3rd degree team as one of the “lawyer ruffians”. Summer 2015

He holds dual membership in Acacia Lodge #602 and Fayette-Howard Lodge #4. He served on the Grand Lodge Ways and Means Committee, the Building Supervisory Board, and was President of the Masonic Children’s Foundation from 2010-2011. He is the past Chairman of the By-Laws Committee and the Scholarship Committee, currently serves on several Grand Lodge Committees, and as the President and board member of the Masonic Home of Missouri. In February 2015, he was elected as Chairman of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. He received his 32nd degree at the Columbia Valley Scottish Rite in September 1985, was honored with the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour in October 1997, and was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary 33rd degree in November 2003. He served as the Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection from 1996-1997 during the construction of the Columbia Valley Masonic Center and was the SGIG Personal Representative from 2004 until his resignation in 2007, thereafter becoming a member of the Valley of Fort Scott, Kansas. He is a past board member of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri, Past President of the Columbia Valley Temple Association, and past board member of RiteCare Valley of Columbia. He joined the York Rite in Kirksville, Missouri in October 1988. He served as High Priest of Columbia Chapter #17 RAM in 2008, Master of Centralia Council #34 in 2011, and Commander of St. Graal Commandery #12 Knights Templar in 2007. He is a member of the Order of High Priesthood, Order of the Silver Trowel, the Past Commanders Association, and received the K.Y.C.H. in 2013. He was the Charter Secretary of the Heart of Missouri York Rite College, served as Governor in 2010, and received the Order of the Purple Cross in 2011. He currently serves on the Jurisprudence Committees of the Missouri Grand Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand Commandery. He received the Red Branch of Eri and is past Sovereign Master of

Marquis de La Fayette Council #392 Allied Masonic Degrees. His A.M.D. presentation, “Recovering the Lost Master’s Word,” was published by the Grand Council A.M.D. in the 2006 edition of its annual publication, Miscellanea. He also is a charter member of Court of Discovery #80, Masonic Order of Athelstan and was appointed to the Missouri Lodge of Research Advancing Line in 2013. His other Masonic memberships include Tipperary Council #62 Knight Masons, Royal Order of Scotland, M.S.R.C.I.F., St. Thomas of Acon, Yeomen of York, Red Cross of Constantine, Scottish Rite Research Society, Philalethes Society, Abou Ben Adhem Shrine, Aleppo Grotto and the Sword of Bunker Hill. RWB Stewart’s other community activities include being a Charter Member of the Southside Optimist Club, past officer of the Columbia Pachyderm Club, Past Exalted Ruler and Past Lodge Trustee of the Columbia Elks Lodge #594 B.P.O.E., and past board member of the Columbia Benevolent Organization. He currently serves on the board of directors and as Board Secretary of the Missouri 10-33 Benevolent Fund, Inc., which he co-founded with Illustrious Brother and former Governor Roger B. Wilson to assist the families of law enforcement and public safety officers who died in the line of duty. 4

Message From The Deputy Grand Master Greetings Brethren.

The 2015-2016 Masonic Year will be a busy one if for no other reason than it heralds numerous lodge anniversary and rededication ceremony celebrations, several of which already have been booked on the Grand Lodge Office calendar. If your lodge is celebrating an anniversary or needing a public cornerstone ceremony in your community please be sure to get your requests in as soon as possible using the request form available on the Grand Lodge website. We will do our very best to accommodate you on a first come/first served basis.

If elected as your Grand Master, I will not be holding our usual area meetings during October and November. Instead, we will focus on attending individual lodge events throughout the year. Given the large number of lodge anniversary events, usually held on a Saturday, we’ve come up with an idea that several of our lodges already have requested. It goes like this. The lodge will hold a fellowship dinner on a Friday night, inviting all area lodges and hopefully raising a little money for the lodge. The dinner will be followed by a Special Communication of the lodge for the conferral of the first degree in which the Grand Master will obligate the lodge’s candidate or candidates with the officers participating focused on performing the best ritual possible for both the candidate and the brethren. On Saturday morning the lodge may, if it wants, host an informal breakfast after which the Grand Master and his officers will conduct whatever public rededication or cornerstone ceremonies have been requested. I believe this new approach is just one way we can refocus our efforts to better assist and truly serve the needs of the lodges, while at the same time providing a way to publicly promote the local lodge and Freemasonry in our communities.

Even if your lodge is not celebrating an anniversary or holding a public event, I do especially enjoy conferring first degrees and will be happy to do so at your Regular or Special Communications any time my schedule will permit. Again, if your lodge is interested in this please complete a request form so we can work out the dates and get it on the calendar as soon as possible.

Fraternally, Brent

Summer 2015


Richard L. Smith Senior Grand Warden Right Worshipful Brother Richard L. Smith graduated from Normandy High School in St. Louis. He attended Missouri University Columbia and received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Right Worshipful Brother Smith is a member of Polar Star Rose Hill #79 and St. Louis Missouri #1. He served as Master of Rose Hill #550 in 1981 and 1992. He was Chairman of the Missouri Masonic Education Committee and President of the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education. Right Worshipful Brother Smith was elected to the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri and appointed to the Board of Directors of the Walker Scottish Rite Clinic. In 2005 he was coroneted a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, and served as Master of Kadosh in the Consistory in St. Louis. His Masonic service includes a term as Master of the Lodge of Research. He recently held the position of President of St. Louis Chapter #22 National Sojourners, Inc. and served a term as Commander of Albert Pike Camp, Heroes of ’76. He was Associate Guardian of Bethel #4 Job’s Daughters, and Chairman of St. Louis’ Grand Masters Breakfast Committee. RWB Smith joined the Order of DeMolay in Panama while serving in the United States Navy. His Masonic Memberships include Moolah Shrine, Order of Eastern Star, York Rite, Square Club of St. Louis, NEMO Scottish Rite Club, and Ransom A. Breuer Masonic Association. At the 2005 Grand Lodge Communication, Most Worshipful Elmer E. Revelle presented to RWB Smith the Truman Medal in recognition of service to the Fraternity. In his career years Right Worshipful Brother Smith was Past President of the Sales and Marketing Council of St. Louis, and a member of the Missouri Association of Mortgage Professionals. He still serves as Governor Matt Blunt’s appointment to the Residential Mortgage Board of the State of Missouri. Right Worshipful Brother Smith and his wife June live in Chesterfield. They have a son, Benjamin, a Master Mason, a daughter Holly Ann Day, two grandchildren and a great granddaughter.

Summer 2015


Ronald D. Jones Junior Grand Warden

Right Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Jones was born in Buffalo, Missouri, and grew up in Springfield. He and his wife Susan have two children, Jeff and Melissa. The Jones family resides in Odessa, Missouri, where they are members of the Christian Church. In 1992, RWB Jones was raised in Mount Hope Lodge #476, Odes¬ sa, Missouri, where he served as Master in 1995. For five years following, Ron served as DDGM for what is now the 15th Masonic District. Ron has served the Grand Lodge in many capacities, serving 3 years on the Ways & Means Committee, 4 years on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home, 4 years on the Masonic Scholarship Committee, 5 years as Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, and the Long Range Planning Committee. RWB jones was also the Chairman of the Midwest Confer¬ence on Masonic Education Planning Committee for the year 2010. This year, he is president of the Senior Grand Deacon Masonic Children’s Foundation. His other Masonic mem¬berships include: Heroes of ‘76, Old Glory Encampment, National Sojourners Chapter #63, Kilwin¬ning Council #19, AMDi Charlemagne Council #79, Knight Masons, Royal Order of Scotland, Harry S. Truman York Rite College, Missouri Lodge of Research, Independence Chapter #49 RAM, Council #49 Cryptic Masons, Palestine Commandery #17 Knights Templar, Ara¬rat Temple AAONMS and the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City.

treasurer Nicholas cichielo

Grand Treasurer Nicholas Cichielo made a job related move to St Louis over 20 years ago. At that time he became an active member of Rose Hill Lodge, coming there from the Grand Lodge of New York. In New York he served as Master of Knickerbocker Lodge #182 in NYC in 1988-89, District Deputy Grand Master in 1990-91, Grand Lodge Convention Chairman, Pres¬ ident of the District Deputy Association and Trust¬ ee of the Dumont Masonic nursing Home. In 2003, MWB Stanley Thompson appointed RWB Nick Cichielo Grand Chaplain and he has been the State Coordinator of the MoCHIP Program for the last eight years. He was elected Grand Treasurer in 2009 wife Lori have been married for 25 years. Nick’s son Nicholas III is a Master Mason at Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Nick has . two older children, Robert and Ronda. In 2008, Nick was recipient of the

Summer 2015

Truman Award. Nick retired in 2007 from the Coatings Industry. He was President of Dutch Grand Treasurer and was also elected Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research in 2012. He is a member of the Scot¬tish Rite, Moolah Shrine and jesters. Nick and his wife Lori have been married for 25 years. Nick’s son Nicholas III is a Master Mason at Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Nick has. two older children, Robert and Ronda. In 2008, Nick was re¬cipient of the Truman Award. Nick retired in 2007 from the coat-ings Industry. He was President of Dutch Boy Pants and CEO of the Paint Association. 7

Grand Secretary dale M. BryaN

Right Worshipful Brother Dale M. Bryan, 33o hails from St. Joseph, Missouri. He graduated from Missouri Western State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and was part owner of a vehicle and trucking business from 1976-2010. He was initiated, passed and raised in Zeredatha Lodge #189 in 1976 (now Charity-Zeredatha) where he holds an Endowed Membership. He served as Worshipful Master in 1983 and then as Lodge Treasurer from 2000 to 2014. He also served on the Committee that oversaw the merger of the two Lodges. He was appointed Grand Sword Bearer under Grand Master MWB Gordon E. Hopkins and Grand Orator under MWB David L. Ramsey. He also has served on five Grand Lodge Committees: Ways and Means, Public Relations, Forms and Ceremonies, Chartered Lodges, and Samuel Smith Stewart Scholarship. He was elected by the Grand Lodge membership to the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri, serving from 2008 to 2012, and is a member of the Truman Club. He is a Life Member of the Missouri Lodge of Research where he went through the officer line and served as Master in 2009. RWB Bryan is also active in the appendant Masonic bodies. He received the thirty-third degree in 1991 as a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph where he was the Executive Secretary for 15 years. He also has served as Valley Treasurer and as the Personal Representative of the SGIG. He served on the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Foundation from 1990 to 2006 where he was elected President in 2005. In 2011 he received the DeMolay Legion of Honor. He also has been a member of Moila Shrine since 1976 and has served on the Membership Committee and in the 74’s Motor Patrol. Grand Master David W. Haywood appointed RWB Bryan Grand Secretary in April 2015 upon the recommendation of a search committee that included MWB Glenn E. Means, MWB Gail S. Turner, and MWB David L. Ramsey. “This is a huge responsibility with difficult challenges” said RWB Bryan, “but I will do my best to serve the Craft in this new position and I am looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones at our Annual Communication in September.”

Learn more about your Missouri Mason Grand Lodge Officers on our website MoMason.org.

Summer 2015


Senior grand deacon R. Tim Thomas Tim Thomas was born in Kissee Mills, Missouri. He attended Forsyth High School. After graduating in 1976, he enrolled at the College of the Ozarks, but his college education was cut short when he had to return to the family farm to assist after the death of his father. RWB Thomas served the country as a member of the Missouri National Guard from 1978-84. RWB Thomas was employed by the Missouri State Water Patrol in 1981. He resides in Crane, Missouri with his wife Kathryn and Daughter Shelby. His son Andy is also a Master Mason at Galena Lodge #515. RWB Thomas retired from the Patrol in 2012 after a 31 year career. He currently serves his community as Treasurer of the Crane R-III Board of Education. He also serves on the board of directors of the College of the Ozarks Associates. RWB Thomas was raised in Galena Lodge #515 in 1993 and served as Worshipful Master in 1997. His extensive Masonic activities include service

as DDGM 43rd Masonic District, Missouri Lodge of Research, Past President of the Masonic Children’s Foundation, Treasurer of Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors, and the Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin, (32° KCCH). RWB Thomas is a member of Kimberling City Chapter #164 of the Order of the Eastern Star. He is a York Rite Mason and a member of Springfield Chapter #15 RAM, Zabud Council #25 R&SM, and St. John’s Commandery #20 KT. He is a member of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine in Springfield.

Stanton T. Brown II was born in Independence, Missouri, grew up in Sibley and graduated from Fort Osage High School. He attended the University of Missouri in Columbia prior to joining the military. After 4 years of military service, he subsequently worked for the GSA, returned to college where he earned an accounting degree and began working in banking. He finished his career working for American International Aluminum. He became a Master Mason in 1971 at Buckner Lodge #501, where he served as Master in 1978. He has served on several Grand Lodge committees, was District Deputy Grand Master of the 19th Masonic district in 2010-2011 and helped develop the DDGM manual. In addition to his many civic activities, he has memberships in the following: Independence RAM #12 (Past High Priest), Independence Cryptic Council #49 (Past Illustrious Master), Palestine Commandery #17 (Past Commander), Kansas City Valley Scottish Rite (currently Junior Warden in Lodge of Perfection), Harry S. Truman York Rite College #167, Charlemagne

Council #79 Knight Masons, Kilwinning Council #19 AMD, Mary Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, M.S.R.C.I.F. (Rosicrucian’s), Royal order of Scotland, St. Thomas of Acon, Missouri Lodge of Research, K.Y.C.H., Master of Court of Discovery #80 Masonic Order of Athelstan and also serving as Provincial Grand Senior Warden for the USA, National Sojourners KC Chapter #63, Order of the Silver Trowel, and H.R.A.K.T.P., Tall Cedars, serving as an officer in the Sovereign order of Knights Preceptor, Missouri past commanders association.

Junior Grand Deacon Stanton Brown II

Summer 2015


Senior Grand Steward Barry V. Cundiff

RWB Barry Cundiff was born in Kirksville, Missouri in 1961. He attended Truman State University graduating in 1983, with degrees in history and economics. He subsequently attended law school at the University of Missouri in Columbia graduating in 1986. He has been engaged in the practice of law since his graduation.RWB Cundiff married his wife Audrey in Jefferson City in 1992. They have one son, Brody, who was born in 2008. He was initiated, passed and raised in Adair Lodge #366 in 1983. He served as Worshipful Master in 1998 and 2001. RWB Cundiff is a member of the Kirksville York Right bodies and has served as High Priest of Caldwell Chapter #53, Illustrious Master of Kirksville Council #42 and Eminent Commander of Ely Commandey #22. He is also a member of York Rite College #188, Heart of Missouri, Tipperary Council #62, Knight Masons, St. Chrysostom Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine and Marquis de LaFayette Council #392, Allied Masonic Degrees. He is a 32° KCCH, member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Columbia. He was DDGM of the 3rd Masonic District from 2003-2007. He served on the Masonic Home Board from 2009-13 and has held a variety of other Grand Lodge offices.

Junior Grand Steward Ty G. Treutelaar

MWB Jon Broyles appointed Dr. Ty G. Treutelaar to the advancing line in 2014. RWB Treutelaar (pronounced“Troit-Lar”) has lived in Missouri 33 years and has been married to his wife Cecily for 34 years. They live in Clayton where they raised their two sons Max (19) and Adam (17). Ty has served in the oil and health care industries for over 30 years and consults with physicians and attorneys on regulatory issues. Raised in 1984, and a Past Master of Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1, RWB Treutelaar has been active in the long range planning and strategic direction of the Lodge. He has served various Grand Lodge committees, was a Grand Chaplain in 2013, and continues to serve as a C2A Moderator. RWB Treutelaar serves on the Preservation Board for the St. Louis Scottish Rite, and is a member of the Saint Louis Grand Master’s Breakfast committee. He is a member of the Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, the Royal Order of Scotland, and he is a Royal Arch Mason. The discovery and research of Masonic Relics is a particular interest to RWB Treutelaar, but he most identifies with being a Missouri Master Mason! Summer 2015


Senior Grand Marshal Richard W. Kaeser RWB David Haywood has appointed Richard W. Kaeser, Jr. as Senior Grand Marshal, mak¬ing him the newest member of the advancing line of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Kaeser, Jr. was born on August 14, 1967 in St. Louis, Missouri. He grew up in Arnold, Missouri and later Affton, Missouri, graduating from Affton High School in 1985. He attended St. Louis Community College at Meramec and the University of Missouri at St. Louis. From UMSL, he received a Bachelor of Sci¬ence in Business Administration degree in 1994. He currently works for Webster University in Webster Groves. Rick has been married to his wife, Carolyn (nee Nebel), for 15 years. Carolyn comes from a very Masonic family and is herself a Past Honored Queen and Past Bethel Guardian for Job’s Daughters, as well as a Past Matron for Eastern Star. Carolyn and Rick reside in De Soto, Missouri with their 10-year-old son, Billy, who is a member of Crestwood DeMolay Squires. Rick volunteers his time for the Job’s Daughters, as well as for his son’s Cub Scout pack, including serving as the Pinewood Derbymaster the last two years. As a young man, Rick was very active in the Order of DeMolay, joining Crestwood Chapter at the age of 13. He served as Master Councilor in 1984, and later served as a Regional Master Councilor for the St. Louis Region. As a DeMolay, he earned the Representative DeMolay award, as well as the Past Master Councilor Meritorious Service Award and the Degree of Chevalier. As an adult, he is an Advisor for two DeMolay chapters, Mineral Area and Crestwood, and served for 3 years as the Chapter Dad of Mineral Area Chapter. He has been awarded the DeMolay Legion of Honor and is Second Vice Dean in the St. Louis Preceptory. He currently serves as the Director of Youth Protection for Missouri DeMolay, and is a Deputy Member of the International Supreme Council. RWB Kaeser’s Masonic career began when he was initiated into Fenton Lodge #281 on December 27, 1985 at the age of 18. He was passed on February 14, 1986, and raised on March 28, 1986, representing the fourth generation in his family to become a Master Mason. He became a multiple member of Leadwood Lodge #598 in 2005 and served as Worshipful Mas¬ter of Fenton in 2010 and Leadwood in 2011, earning II Winter 2014 the Truman Honor Lodge Achievement Award two years in a row for two different Lodges. RWB Kaeser has served the Grand Lodge as Disrtrict Deputy Grand Lecturer for 5 years. He has been a member of the Grand Lodge Youth Committee for 7 years, the last 4 years as Chairman. He is a member of Lead Belt Order, Sword of Bunker Hill, Pomegranate Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and the Valley of St. Louis, Orient of Missouri of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, where he is a member of the advancing line of Rose Croix. An avid ritualist, RWB Kaeser holds all five Ritual Subdivision cards, is a member of the Charlie’s Angels degree team, and is on the Rose Croix ritual team and the Rose Croix funeral team. Summer 2015


2016 Conference of Grand Masters: Deputy Grand Master Stewart Elected Chairman RWB C. Brent Stewart, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of the State of Missouri, in February was elected Conference Chairman for the 2016 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America (CGMNA). “This is an evaluation and acceptance by your peers” said MWB Glenn E. Means, PGM 2001-2002, and Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the CGMNA. “Only current Grand Masters nominate candidates and the nomination is then presented to all 64 Grand Masters at the Conference”, explained MWB Means. Last February, RWB Stewart’s name was presented to the Grand Masters assembled together at the 2015 CGMNA in Vancouver, British Columbia where he was formally nominated and unanimously elected as Chairman of the 2016 CGMNA to be held next February in Madison, Wisconsin. The election of RWB Stewart as the 2016 Chairman gives us the unique chance to look behind the scenes at a portion of how this international Conference comes together for the benefit of the entire Fraternity. Hotel, conference topics, and venue planning for the CGMNA begins many years in advance of the year of a given Conference, but most of the actual committee chairmanships and memberships are not filled until approximately one year before a Conference. This allows current Grand Masters to review the biographical information of the current Deputy Grand Masters so as to allow them to make their selection from those Brothers who would be advanced to Grand Master at the time of the next Conference. In the case of RWB Stewart, he and all the then Senior Grand Wardens at the 2014 Baltimore CGMNA were requested to submit their biographical information for consideration by the Nominating Committee. This information was then copied to create identical packets for each member of this six man committee. Each member received the packet and then independently sorted the information as to a possible committee assignment or chairmanship of a committee. The members of the

Summer 2015

Nominating Committee then met together at the 2015 Vancouver CGMNA to decide on who should be brought before all the Grand Masters for their ultimate decision. As part of its deliberations, the Nominating Committee attempts to keep all nominations rotating throughout the geographical area of the CGMNA so to give all areas the ability to have representation. This could have precluded RWB Stewart from serving as 2016 Chairman of the Conference, because our current Grand Master, MWB David W. Haywood, served on the 2015 Planning Committee. It is not the usual custom that a single jurisdiction would have nominations such as these for two years in a row, but the Nominating Committee nevertheless concluded that RWB Stewart was the right brother for the position of the 2016 Conference Chairman and brought his name forward. Every year the Nominating Committee completes its work on the Saturday afternoon immediately before the Conference at which time it contacts each nominee late Saturday before their names are brought to the floor on Sunday. This can become a bit harried in finding the nominee and gaining acceptance in such a short period of time. RWB Stewart said, “I had absolutely no clue this was coming. Kris and I were tired from traveling all day to reach the Conference and I had just kicked off my shoes to try to relax for a few minutes before we had to attend the opening dinner. The phone rang and when I picked it up the voice on the other end asked if I would accept the nomination as Chairman. I really thought someone was pulling a prank until Kris and I figured out it really was MWB Don Campbell (GM of Ontario) from the Nominating Committee.” Missouri has a rich history with the CGMNA with such recent service as MWB Wilfred G. Soutiea, Jr., PGM 1999-2000, MWB Jimmie D. Lee, PGM 2002-2003, MWB Rocky E. Weaver, PGM 2008-2009, all serving on the Planning Committee; MWB Means serving as Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee, and currently serving as


Executive Secretary and Treasurer; MWB David L. Ramsey, PGM 2012-2103, co-hosting the 2013 Kansas City CGMNA; and MWB David W. Haywood, GM 2015, serving on the Planning Committee. Numerous other committee members from Missouri have also served through the years. It was also Missouri that held the 1914 Saint Louis CGMNA, where the vote was taken and passed to construct the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, and the groundwork was put forth to assure annual meetings of the CGMNA from an otherwise occasionally sporadic annual schedule stretching

back to 1780. This history of Missouri and CGMNA continues with the nomination and election of RWB Stewart as the 2016 Conference Chairman. When asked how he felt in serving as Conference Chairman, RWB Stewart said, “This is yet again a very humbling personal experience for me while at the same time I know it is truly a great honor for Missouri Masons to once again be asked to take a leadership role in working to address the common challenges facing the entire Fraternity. I will do my best.”

Missouri Mason National Leader: Mitch Weinsting

This year Missouri is honored to have the Grand Monarch of Supreme Council of the Grottoes of North America hailing from Columbia, MO. He is Right Worshipful Brother Mitch Weinsting. RWB Mitch was born in St. Louis graduating from Oakville High School in 1980. He joined Acacia Fraternity while at the University of Missouri-Columbia (a social fraternity founded by Masons). He works for State Farm Insurance and has two children. RWB Mitch was raised in 1993 in Meridian Lodge #2 and became a multiple member of Acacia Lodge #602 in 1997, where he served as a Worshipful Master in 2000. He held the Grand Lodge office of Sword Bearer in 2005 and DDGM from 2009-2011. He has been a member of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee since 2004, except for last year when he took temporary leave to attend to his Grotto duties. RWB Mitch joined the Scottish Rite in 1993, received the 32° KCCH in 2003 and his 33° in 2007. He served as Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection and as Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General from 2007 to 2010. He has been an officer of all three bodies of the York Rite, and a member of the York Rite College and the Allied Masonic Degrees. He also is a long time member of Moolah Temple Shrine, serving as president of Tiger Shrine Club in 2001. RWB Mitch joined Aleppo Grotto in 1999 and immediately got into the Line serving as Monarch in 2005. In 2006, he was elected to the Line of the Central States Grotto Association and served as President in 2008. He was elected to the Grand Line of North America becoming Grand Monarch in 20142015. As Grand Monarch, he urged the Grottoes to embrace Fun and Good Fellowship and to concentrate on having bringing excitement and enjoyment to their meetings. He also stressed the importance of getting and retaining new members and getting the ladies involved, just as we do in our Lodges. RWB Mitch and his wife Beth had a fantastic year traveling throughout the Continent and had the opportunity to see old friends, to make new friends, share ideas and work toward their common goal of helping children through the Grottoes’ Humanitarian Foundation.

Summer 2015


Masonic Generosity: Our Scholarship History By: RWB Ronald D. Jones There are moments as a Mason that leave a lasting impression upon your life. One moment for me was the first time I had the opportunity to stand in front of a group to talk about Masonry and how we give back to the youth. I was given the opportunity to present a scholarship to a young high school graduate. I will never forget the pride on her face and the gratitude from her parents that the masons were helping their daughter achieve her dreams by helping fund the furthering her education. This moment for me was made possible by my fellow Brothers that recognized a need articulated by a Grand Master and supported that call to help. As someone who loves history, I am always fascinated by how the opportunities I have today were built upon the actions taken by those before me. This spring the Scholarship Selection Committee awarded $105,000.00 in scholarships to 17 deserving young men and women. How did the Masonic Scholarship Fund come into being one of the Grand Lodge’s four great charities? How is it possible that we are able to provide so much assistance to so many deserving young high school graduates? At Annual Communication in September 1985, Grand Master Vern H. Schneider stated in his address, “The Grand Lodge needs funds to enable it to sponsor a significant scholarship or loan program for the benefit of worthy high school graduates.” He cited the increasing difficultly parents and students have paying for college education. The Grand Lodge assembly passed a resolution that authorized “the Grand Master… to cause the creation of a corporation or other legal entity which shall be organized under the laws of the State of Missouri.” This would be the beginning of the Masonic Scholarship Fund, Inc. It would take time for the fund to become sufficiently large enough to begin providing scholarships, but in 1991 Grand Master Daniel E. Cole would report out to the membership in his

Summer 2015

address that after reviewing over 200 applications two $1,000.00 were granted to worthy high school graduates. These were the first scholarships that would later be called Masonic Merit Scholarships. This year the Scholarship Committee was able to award 6 new $1,000.00 Masonic Merit Scholarships. The Committee would like to congratulate Sara Cunningham-Thornfield, Megan Hanley-Wellsville, Evelyn Gonzales-Kansas City, Taylor Henzlik-Montrose, Payton Dahmer-Nevada, and Ashley Howery-St Joseph. The Masonic Scholarship Fund would be instrumental in providing an avenue to award scholarships from a trust originally left to the benefit of children living at the Masonic Home on Delmar in St. Louis. Ruth Lutes Bachmann was a member of Tuscan Chapter 69, Order of the Eastern Star, in St. Louis, Missouri. She was a 40 year member in Missouri when she passed away on June 16, 1975. Mrs. Bachmann was originally from New York and a member of Ruth Chapter No. 56 before moving her membership to Missouri. Mrs. Bachmann must have been moved by the children living in the orphanage at the Masonic Home on Delmar in St. Louis. In her will she stated, “My purpose in establishing this Trust is that I feel that trained Nurses and School Teachers are of the highest importance to the welfare, comfort and education of the people, and I desire to make it possible, insofar as I am able, for those children who wish to become either a Registered Nurse or a School Teacher to have the opportunity, even though their financial circumstances are such that they would be unable to follow either of these noble professions without help or assistance.” When the last child left the Masonic Home in 1981, it became unclear how this generous gift left by Mrs. Bachmann could be utilized to carry out her wish to help children pursuing those noble careers. The Board of Directors for the Masonic Scholarship Fund participated in action in the


Circuit Court of the County of St. Louis to modify the terms of the Ruth Lutes Bachmann Trust. The Masonic Scholarship Fund would become the agent to solicit, receive, process and make recommendations with respect to applications for education assistance to students for degrees in nursing or education. In 1993, the Masonic Scholarship Fund reviewed over 300 additional applications submitted for the Ruth Lutes Bachmann Scholarship, and they were able to award two scholarships to deserving young graduates. Although no new scholarships were awarded this year, this is a renewable scholarship for up to four years that continues to assist those previously awarded the scholarship that meet the continuation criteria. The Samuel Smith Stewart Trust generously left funds to the Grand Lodge of Missouri for the benefit of charitable and/or educational purposes. It also was to be a memorial to Samuel Smith Stewarts parents, Alphonso Chase Stewart and Elizabeth Smith Stewart. Alphonso C. Stewart had been Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri from 1905 until the time of his sudden death on April 21, 1916. At the time the trust was transferred to the Grand Lodge of Missouri, Mr. Stewart’s generous gift was valued at more than 14 million dollars. The Masonic Scholarship Committee provided the first of these new scholarships to 4 recipients at $2,500.00 each renewable for 4 years. Due to the diligent stewardship of the

committee, the Samuel Smith Stewart scholarships have grown in number and amount. It is an honor to report that this year the Committee awarded 11 scholarships in the amount of $9,000.00 per scholarship. Congratulations to the following deserving young men and women: Elena Fox-St Joseph, Cydney Puckett-St Joseph, Tara Gire-Sheldon, Katelyn Jones-Sugar Creek, Olivia Loges-Sweet Springs, Kailey Pettit-Purdy, Walter Schaefer-Callao, Bailey Hiatt-Weston, Angel Roscoe-Oak Grove, Neelly Gray-Stockton, and James Porter-Russellville. Each of the three scholarships - Masonic Merit Scholarship, Ruth Lutes Bachmann Scholarship, and the Samuel Smith Stewart Masonic Scholarship – are renewable for up to four years as long as the student meets the continuation Each of the three scholarships - Masonic Merit Scholarship, Ruth Lutes Bachmann Scholarship, and the Samuel Smith Stewart Masonic Scholarship – are renewable for up to four years as long as the student meets the continuation criteria. This means that last year alone over $329,000 in scholarships were provided to deserving young men and women. On behalf of the Scholarship Committee, I would like to again thank the Brethren who make this possible. I would also say thank you to those who served on the Scholarship Committee and Grand Lodge staff. Together we are positively impacting the future by helping today’s youth.

honoring a past Master

On the evening of June 9, 2015 at approximately 7:00PM, WM Rick Headlee, PM Jim McCraw and PM Rick Thompson shared dinner with PM Bill Chapman at the Maples Rehabiltation Center in Springfield, Mo. At the conclusion of dinner, WM Rick Headlee presented a Past Master”s Apron to Past Master Bill Chapman (2012/13). Brother Chapman was surprised, as well as delighted to receive his apron, and the comradere of the visiting brethren. Brother Bill comes from a long line of Freemasons. Summer 2015


Masonic Home of Missouri

6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A Columbia, MO 65202 (800) 434-9804 www.mohome.org We are where you are.

MASONIC HOME REPRESENTATIVE LUNCHEON REMINDER Through the leadership of our Board President, RWB C. Brent Stewart, along with the entire Board of Directors for the Masonic Home of Missouri, the Home is providing more programs to assist the Masonic Fraternity, their families, and their communities throughout the State. The Masonic Home Representatives in each lodge are a critical component to this success. The Home continues to need our Representatives assistance in promoting the programs of the Masonic Home with your lodge, Order of the Eastern Star chapters and youth groups in your communities.

benefit the membership in your community. To assist the Representatives in this process, the Masonic Home will be providing new tools and materials that will be discussed and available at the lunch.

Every year, the Masonic Home of Missouri hosts a luncheon for Masonic Home Representatives at Grand Lodge’s Annual Communication at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. This year’s luncheon will be held on Monday, September 28, 2015 from noon – 1:00 p.m. It is very important that all Masonic Home Representatives attend or designate a replacement to attend the luncheon. This will be a working lunch to help provide you with information on how your lodge can work the Outreach Programs to

Please RSVP by August 31, 2015 to Rhonda at rlightfoot@mohome.org, by calling (800) 434-9804 or visiting the Masonic Home Representative page at www.mohome.org. We regret that we are unable to accommodate spouses or more than one (1) representative from your Lodge due to limited space and training material needs. The Masonic Home is grateful to all the dedicated Masonic Home Representatives that work diligently with the Home to promote the programs and assist those in need.

Last year, the Masonic Home extended an invitation to all former Masonic Home of Missouri Board members to attend. We appreciate their service to the Home and continued support, so we are once again extending an invitation to all former Masonic Home of Missouri Board members to attend.

LODGE RECOGNITION AT ANNUAL COMMUNICATION The Masonic Home Board President, RWB C. Brent Stewart will be recognizing the Lodges that have achieved a level in the MWB John C. Vincil Master Builder Society (Vincil Society) at the 194th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. This will be the inaugural year for recognizing the Lodges that have attained various levels within the Vincil Society for their cumulative giving through Penny-A-Day, memorial and honorary gifts, paver stone donations, event sponsorships, and Summer 2015

any other general contributions. Those Lodges will also be permanently recognized on the new Vincil Society Donor Boards located at the Masonic Complex. All qualifying Lodge donations received by August 31st will be included for recognition. The Masonic Home looks forward to recognizing and thanking your lodge! To learn more about the Vincil Society and MWB John D. Vincil, please visit our website at www.mohome.org or contact Julie Kirchhoff at (800) 434-9804. 16

TRIPLE THE DIFFERENCE TRIPLE THE DIFFERENCE TRIPLE THE DIFFERENCE When a Lodge or a Chapter makes the decision to help local children, they find out that the blessings from such an action can multiply. Brotherhood Lodge No. 269 has experienced this through their partnership with their local schools and the CreatingA-Partnership (CAP) Program.

Emmett Bryson, DDGM for District #7, Grand Chaplain and a member of Brotherhood Lodge No. 269, explains, “For a few years, our Lodge worked the CAP Program, then we took a break and have since been working it steadily since 2011. My wife is a school nurse and I heard some of the unfortunate circumstances that our local school aged children were living under. The Lodge has made a huge impact by partnering with the schools and the Masonic Home of Missouri. We started with just one school, added a second one...and just recently added the third one. Everyone involved from the principals of the schools, the district employees, to our Lodge members love the end result of helping a child in need”. By raising funds through an annual community chili supper and asking for donations from the lodge members, Brotherhood Lodge has managed to build a charitable account which can help those in need but has a primary focus on the Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) Program. As part of their community outreach and efforts to honor those before them, the members of the Lodge also send free tickets to the chili supper to all of their Lodge widows and invite them to bring family members to the meal. “When you get a photograph from a Principal of a school, showing a shoe that has a torn off sole and she

shares with our Lodge how we made an impact, it’s just very gratifying.” Emmett, continued, “This program is so easy to do. I did make up an instruction sheet for the schools to help them understand the steps that they need to take on their side and I streamlined it a little more by using emails and a spreadsheet that can be filled out and emailed back to me. Of course, the Home helps push it along by answering any questions that anyone has and it has just been fantastic”. The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Creating-APartnership (CAP) Program is a matching funds program that creates a partnership between the Masonic Home and Lodges/Chapters throughout the state to help children in need within their communities. The Masonic Home may match up to $10,000.00 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year (July 1st - June 30th). Funds being matched must be raised by the applying Lodge/Chapter. Applications are available at http://mohome.org/Creating-APartnership--CAP--Program.html or mailed upon request. Funds are spent locally for the clothing (mostly undergarments) and shoes that are purchased for the children. Emmett says, “We don’t, as Masons, advertise all the good that we do but I know that the school employees have found out about these projects. Our community supports the chili supper and that is what it is about, knowing that we have made a difference in our community”. With three schools being helped, the Home would say that Brotherhood Lodge has made triple the difference.

Masonic Home of Missouri’s Mission Statement: “To assist eligible adults and children in need by practicing the principles of Freemasonry.”

Summer 2015


A Challenge Issued There is a saying about ‘a photograph being worth a thousand words.’ For four members of Temperance Lodge No. 438, a photograph became a source of honor. The four members are dressed in tuxedos and enjoying the 9th Annual Truman Club dinner. After being asked to pose for a photograph, the members started claiming bragging rights for having the most Truman Club members in attendance from a single Lodge. A wife observed that there were four in attendance from Barry Daylight Lodge No. 17, including three of the original four from Temperance Lodge. The room was quickly scanned to find a tiebreaking member to solidify which Lodge would be able to claim the victory of who had the most members at the donor recognition dinner. Then talk turned to how exciting it was that two Lodges were represented at the charity event and a traveling trophy challenge was soon extended to all Missouri Lodges. The Truman Club recognizes those individuals and couples who support the Masonic Home and its programs through on-going annual giving. With the support of the Truman Club members, the Masonic Home can transform the Masonic tenets into reality for Masonic brothers and sisters in need throughout the state. “For me, the Masonic tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth fits perfectly with my involvement in the Truman Club and the Masonic Home of Missouri,” states RWB Anthony “Tony” J. Kerns. “We endeavor to become better men and give back to the Fraternity is the best example of doing that. I wanted to make a difference, not only for those who need help now but in the future. My donation will make a difference and so will yours.” Tony became a member of the Truman Club in 2013 and active in Temperance Lodge No. 438, King Hill Summer 2015

Lodge No. 376 and Barry Daylight Lodge No. 17. Tony was also the Masonic Home Representative of the Year for 2014. When asked to describe his experience at the Truman Club, Tony said, “It’s a time for like-minded people who want to help others, share camaraderie and meet others associated with the Home. I have met many of the staff of the Masonic Home and even Board members, and it gives you the ability to understand the dedication and charity aspect of the Home. You hear about upcoming plans for the year and can take satisfaction in knowing that you are helping others – widows, children, and Masons.” Bro. Joseph S. “Joe” Russell became a member of the Truman Club in 2011 with his initial donation of $100.00. “Helping and supporting others was deeply instilled in my belief system and being a Mason allows me to give back to people in need.” Joe continues to give back to others through his Masonic work and has held several positions within his Lodge. Joe received the Masonic Home Representative of the Year award in 2013 and the DDGM for Tall Cedars. “I didn’t have a family history with Masonry, but it fits with my beliefs of giving back to people in need and being able to say “thank you” to our past Masons who gave to others. I support the Home because I feel that it is the best way for my donation to be used to help those that we, as Masons, are asked to help: our brothers, their widows, and all children.” Membership in The Truman Club requires an annual commitment of at least $100.00 in taxdeductible contributions to the Masonic Home of Missouri. Membership is renewable each year on January 1st. All annual members receive the Truman Club Lapel pin and an invitation to the annual black18

Mark Your Calendar

tie Truman Club Dinner in late September during Annual Communication. When an annual member’s cumulative giving reaches $1,000.00, they become a member of the Truman Giving Societies. At the first level, the Lewis and Clark Society, members are presented with the distinctive Harry S Truman Bust at the annual Truman Club Dinner. At each new society level, members are recognized at the annual dinner and beginning in 2015, will become a permanent part of the Truman Club Donor Roll located at the Masonic Complex.

NEW this year… We have 2 wonderful items that will be included in our silent auction!

The Truman Giving Societies are named after some of Missouri’s most illustrious Masons and Eastern Star Members. The Giving Society levels are shown below.

Thanks to the generosity of John and Rose Schloot, Kevin Kormeier and Kristin Sneed; attendees will have the exclusive opportunity to make the winning bid for:

Amount $1,000 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $249,999 $250,000 and above

Level Lewis and Clark Society Laura Ingalls Wilder Society Thomas Hart Benton Society Samuel Clemens Society Charles A. Lindbergh Society Omar Bradley Society JC Penney Society Harry S Truman Society

“Joining the Truman Club was an easy decision. Many people say they cannot afford $100.00 to join but my response to that is to stop and think about how much you spend on that cup of specialty coffee in the morning. Simply donating that money to the Home will accumulate towards your donation.” Joe continues, “Besides, think of how that donation can affect someone else’s life. A child could be helped, a widow might receive financial assistance to pay for her assisted living facility bill, and a Mason could be on hard times and just need a bit of a helping hand.” Both Joe and Tony are extending a challenge to all Lodges and their members. “Join the Truman Club and attend the dinner to show your support,” says Tony. To add to the challenge, Temperance Lodge No. 438 is sponsoring a traveling Truman Club trophy. This trophy will be giving to the Lodge with the most Truman Club members attending the annual banquet. If there is a tie, the tie will be broken with a rousing game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors.

Summer 2015

Masonic Home of Missouri Annual Truman Club Dinner Saturday, September 26, 2015 Columbia, MO

a 5-night stay for up to 4 people at Cross River Lodge (www.crossriverlodge.com) on Northern Minnesota’s Gunflint Trail. Includes: a 2 day fishing boat or pontoon rental, free kayak and canoe usage, ½ day boat or fishing tour and made to order breakfast every morning.

Thanks to the generosity of James E. and Yvonne McManigle attendees will also have the exclusive opportunity to make the winning bid for: A handmade quilt, which includes pictures of the nine art glass windows that were refurbished during the Masonic Home of Missouri’s 125th Anniversary. These pieces are on permanent display at the Masonic Complex in Columbia, MO.

Thanks to the generosity of Central Bank of Boone County and Central Trust Company, attendees will have the exclusive opportunity to make the winning bid for: A gourmet luncheon for 8 in the private dining room of the Central Bank of Boone County, 720 E. Broadway, Columbia, MO.

All proceeds from the auction of these items will benefit the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Outreach Programs. To become a member of this elite group of supporters, contact Julie Kirchhoff at (800) 434-9804 or jkirchhoff@mohome.org for an application. 19

A Man of Fai


“Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times” - Martin Luther Faith, as defined by the MerriamWebster Dictionary, is a noun. Faith could mean having confidence or trust in a person or thing, a belief not based on proof, a code of ethics or the belief in God or the doctrines or teachings of religion. Faith is something that many struggle with, especially when their trust has been compromised or broken. Doug Sprouse was seven years old when he met Faith’s cousin, Fate. It was 1950; the Great Depression was becoming a faint memory, families were moving to the suburbs, and children watched Howdy Doody on 12” black and white TV sets. Times were gentler with little violence, and the man of the household was the sole breadwinner. The median family income was $3,00.00 a year and milk was delivered to your doorstep. Doug lived on Nebraska Avenue in St. Louis, Missouri with his four siblings, mother, Elanor, and father, Grady Sprouse. “My father was a police officer, a man’s man. He was tough,” Doug recalls. “One night in March of 1950, he broke up a fight and took a punch to his arm. He had just had mumps and was not completely Summer 2015

recovered. I remember him coming home, and when he got upstairs, he just feel to the floor, dead from a blood clot from the punch.” Life began to change for Doug and his siblings. His mother sold most of the family furniture to try to make ends meet and to keep food on the table. The children were sent to live with friends and family. “It became a revolving door for a while. It could be months before we saw each other again,” Doug remembers. Fate cruelly knocked on the Sprouse family’s life again when three of the siblings, Gary, Doug and Betty, were sent to a farm south of St. Louis to live. “I was eight years old when I got to the farm. It was operated by a cruel lady who carried a gun and had a guard dog named Chico.” Doug recounts softly. “We spent all day caring for the animals and crops. We had to carry 5-gallon buckets of water to tend to acres of corn, strawberries and tomatoes, as well as bail hay. We were rarely allowed to eat inside the house, so most of the time we ate in the fields or on a screened-in porch in severe weather. We went to a local dairy farm to get slop for the pigs. Whatever was left over

supplemented our meals. It wasn’t fit for humans, but that’s what we got.” He stops talking for a minute and then whispers, “It was horrible. Even though Mom had gotten a job as a waitress at Famous-Barr to pay for our room and board at the farm, it was actually a slave farm with the slaves being children.” One day, about a year and a half after arriving at the farm, Doug sent up a prayer and remembers saying, “God...if you do exist...please...let me know.” A bit of time passed and then one day, when Doug was at the barn, two Masons approached him and asked if he was Doug Sprouse. “I remember not answering the men because I was so scared of what they might do to me. I finally told them who I was. They said that they were Masons and had belonged to the same Lodge as my father.” Doug softly laughs as he remembers quizzing the men about what his father’s name was, and how much he wanted to believe the men, but how scary it was that they might be lying. “They asked me if I wanted to stay at the farm or go with them to some home,” Doug reflects. “I was so scared to answer them, because one kid had 20

run away from the farm and had been caught. His punishment was being chained, beaten and locked up in the basement. I remember asking if the Home had bars on the windows, because I figured it was a juvenile detention center. They told me some more about the Home, and I asked if my sister, Betty, could also go. They told me that two men were talking to Betty at the same time. My brother, Gary stayed at the farm.” “With a leap of faith, I agreed to go with these strangers and walked off the farm to a waiting car. My sister Betty and I were reunited with our mother and then taken to the Masonic Home, where we met Lewis C. Robertson, the Superintendent.” Betty and Doug were then also reunited with their sister, Suzanne (who passed away in 2004 from cancer), at the Home. Betty, who became a registered nurse, now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Nancy, the oldest Sprouse sibling, was only seen twice after their father’s death and Doug fears may have passed also. Doug, Suzanne, and Betty only had minimal contact with Gary, who remained on the farm, after they moved to the Home. “It takes a long time to restore trust and faith in someone who has been lied to and abused,” Doug reflects. “I wasn’t sure about this new place. I had attended eight schools in two years and couldn’t read. I was so far behind when I went to live at the Home that I had to repeat a grade. A wonderful Governess, Wilma Sax, had faith in me and encouraged me and helped me progress.” He learned how to swim in the pool at the Home and even earned his lifeguard instructor certification. “We had the opportunity to learn musical instruments, but,” he Summer 2015

laughs, “some of us didn’t fully recognize that opportunity or investigate the library as much as we should have.” “Lewis Robertson was a wonderful man and taught me so much.” Doug fondly recalls, “I lied once about something and got caught. I had to go to his office. He told me that he was going to teach me something that would mean more to me than anything I would ever learn. He told me what integrity meant and how a man’s handshake was as if you were signing your name in blood. Then he asked me to promise that I wouldn’t lie again, and we shook hands on it. Lewis Robertson taught me what it was like to be a good man, husband, and father.” The children of the Home were expected to perform chores and even had competitions on whose room was the cleanest or who had the neatest bed. Each child received a weekly allowance and was allowed to make purchases with the funds. “I didn’t spend my money. I even managed to convince Mr. Robertson to allow me to work in the laundry and deliver newspapers to the senior citizens who lived on the Home’s campus.” Doug laughed, “I saved my money because I knew I would one day be blessed with a wife, and she would need a ring.” The Order of the Eastern Star had a Chapel on the Masonic Home of Missouri’s campus that figured in the lives of many who stayed there, including Doug. He remembers how important the Chapel and the faith in God that he learned within its walls meant to him. “There was this wall with an angel on it outside the chapel. I would take a tennis racket and just hit a ball repeatedly

on that wall to release my anger. It helped me see the opportunities that my leap of faith in coming to the Home were bringing, especially the stability I so desperately needed in my life.” Doug said, “I translated all the hurt and anger that I had into excelling in sports. I’m not a very big guy, but I played varsity football as a freshman at Soldan High School. One of my teammates was Willis Crenshaw, who eventually played for the St. Louis Football Cardinals. It gave me a channel to work out my frustrations. The Home was very supportive of me wanting to take part in sports. I also participated in wrestling and track. I learned to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and was able to run that mile.” As the area around the Home began deteriorating, the Home started bussing the children to Clayton High School, in an affluent St. Louis suburb. “Can you imagine what was going through those kids’ heads when they saw that bus pull up in front of their school with all those orphans on board?” Activities for Doug outside the Home included the YMCA camps, attending the church across the street and other community service opportunities. During his senior year in high school, the Brentwood Optimist International Club presented him with an award for his church and community volunteer activities. After a few years as a camper he eventually became a camp counselor and aquatic instructor. After graduating from Clayton High School, Doug conducted a church day camp for inner city youth. Mutual friends soon began to tell him about a lady 21

named “Kay” and how they should meet. “Kay and I jokingly say that we tried hard never to meet.” He laughs. “We were both so busy with our lives and our work at the camp and church that we just didn’t have time. Mid-summer, the camp staff had an overnight retreat. We both ended up on the same volleyball court and team. I guess I was showing off, and Kay called me on it. She told me that she had been on her high school volleyball team and could take care of her position, and I should worry about my own. Later, I actually stood up another lady to take Kay out on our first date.” “When I was 18 years old, Mr. Robertson called me into his office and asked me if I had been thinking about my future and I told him that I had,” Doug recalls. “I told him I wanted to be part of the YMCA leadership, and he asked me if I knew how to accomplish that goal. I told him there were only two colleges that offered the courses I needed. The Home paid the entire cost for me to attend one of them, George Williams College in Chicago, Illinois. I worked at the YMCA, as that was part of the requirements for the course, but the Home had faith in me and paid for everything else. I always had contact with the Home. They were always there for me, encouraging me in my grades and making sure I was alright. Mr. Robertson and his wife even came to my college graduation.” On June 11, 1965, Doug and Kay were married. The following Monday, Doug began graduate studies in a Dual Program, attending McCormick Seminary and the Jane Addams Graduate School of Social Work simultaneously. “We paid Summer 2015

for my graduate schooling, but the Home blessed us and encouraged with a small monthly stipend.

Ollie was the most honest and straight-foward person I had ever met.” Doug reflected, “He was a Mason and had a godly character. Berrie became my mother. While, as children, we were encouraged to go see our real mother for weekend visits, she was just not the same after all of her children had left. Berrie filled that place in my life.”

Doug and Kay Sprouse (photo credit: The Sprouse & Steed families)

In June 1970 I received master’s degrees in both Divinity and Social Work.” After graduation, Doug became an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church. Doug and Kay, who reside in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, just celebrated 49 years of marriage and have two sons, Kevin and Rodger (Erin) and six grandchildren. Kay’s parents, Oliver R. (Ollie) Steed and Bertha Jayne (Berrie) Siegel Steed, filled perhaps a more important role in Doug’s life than just being in-laws. The Masonic Home of Missouri - indeed, Masonry in general - also played a large role in their lives. Ollie was a member of DeMolay when growing up and an active Shriner when Doug and Kay married. Berrie was a Rainbow Girl as a young woman, and for many years, the organist for Maplewood Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. In the late 1960s, Berrie’s grandmother, Agnes Siegel, a member of the OES, moved to the Home due to the onset of dementia. After suffering a stroke and becoming bedridden, Agnes remained in the Home until her death in the Spring of 1972.

Agnes Siegel, as a young lady. (photo credit: The Sprouse & Steed families)

Kay’s brother, Richard (Rich) Steed has been a member of Crestwood Anchor Lodge No. 443 in Crestwood, Missouri since 1972 and a member of the Moolah Shriner’s Drum & Bugle Corps since 1974. “Dad (Ollie) was a Shriner also,” Rich said, “In 1992, he and I became charter members of ARCA #21, the St. Louis chapter of the Order of Quetzalcoatl’s (the “Q”) together. Dad’s Masonic goals was to help kids and he spent his last 22 years helping the “Q”provide funds to transport children to Shriner’s Hospitals.” Rich’s wife, Ruth, has spent more than 20 years volunteering for Job’s Daughter’s Bethel #49 and has been a constant support for Rich’s Masonic and Shriner endeavors. “It was my parents’ desire to make some Masonic-related gifts. The Masonic Home was particularly dear to them due to the care that 22

Agnes had received and the care and compassion given to the young Sprouse siblings.” Rich says, “We, as a family, have a long history with the Masonic Home of Missouri, and this gift is a reflection of that history.”

Planned Giving – It’s Easier Than You Think! Many people enjoy making gifts in support of one or more charitable interests. Over time, many ways of making gifts have been created that allow you to give while also meeting a number of personal planning goals. Eight of the most popular ways to structure gifts are listed below: Rich and Ruth Steed (photo credit: The Sprouse & Steed families)

Doug, a member of Brotherhood Lodge No. 269 in St. Joseph, Missouri and Kay, a former Job’s Daughters Honored Queen (Bethel #49), attended the Patron Dinner for the Masonic Home of Missouri’s 125th Anniversary last year. On July 18, 2015, the Sprouse and Steed families attended the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Board of Director’s meeting. The families presented a financial gift of $10,000.00 in memory of Oliver R. and Bertha Jayne Steed. “Through the financial planning of my parents,” Kay says, “Rich, Ruth, Doug and I can honor the Home’s commitment to senior citizens and children. This gift is just a small token of the appreciation for what Masonry and the Masonic Home of Missouri have meant to our families.” Doug adds, “We have faith that the Home will use it to help others.”

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bequest by Will Stocks and Securities Real Estate Life Insurance Retirement Assets Charitable Gift Annuities Charitable Lead Trusts Charitable Remainder Trusts

These plans may be used to help provide for personal needs and those of loved ones while also giving current, capital and/or endowment support for one or more charitable recipients. A number of the gifts can be completed using plans that may already be in place for other purposes. Other gifts can result from plans specifically tailored in ways that provide income and other benefits while helping minimize income, capital gains, and estate and gift taxes. Remembering the Masonic Home with a planned gift can benefit you and the Home. It can help reduce your taxes, while showing your commitment to caring for your Masonic brothers, sisters and children in need. Your gifts ensure the future of the Masonic Home’s programs. Please contact Jackie Walters, Major Gifts Officer, at 800-434-9804, or by email at jwalters@mohome.org with further questions. Each donor’s circumstances are different and tax and other financial benefits may vary over time. Check with your financial advisor for the most recent state and federal laws and regulations before completing a particular gift.


Three members of Missouri Masonic Youth honored by Grand Master With the assistance of the Grand Lodge Youth Committee, Most Worshipful Brother David W. Haywood has named three members of our Missouri Masonic Youth Groups as recipients of the Grand Master’s Youth Award for 2015. All three are exemplary young people and fine examples of what our adoptive Youth Groups are doing. John Parker has been a member of Waynesville Chapter, Order of DeMolay for 6 years. He has served his chapter in several offices, including Master Councilor. He has also served Missouri DeMolay as a state officer for 3 years. He has received the Representative DeMolay award and was recently named DeMolay of the Year. Outside of DeMolay, John is an active member of his church and a member of the Christian Youth Association. He’s a member of the National Honor Society, has a grade point average of 3.8, and will be helping to mentor the incoming freshman class this fall. John is very interested in Drama, belonging to the Theater Club in school, and even acting in several plays with the local theater troupe. He volunteers with the Head Start program and helps out at Back to School fairs, handing out school supplies to needy families. He regularly visits the residents at a local nursing home and spends time with Masonic residents there, helping them write letters and delivering their mail. He has volunteered with the Special Olympics and has “adopted” a local elderly Masonic couple, doing chores around their house and other things they are unable to take care of. Tara Jolley is 17 years old and has been an active member of Bethel #43, Job’s Daughters International, in Fenton, since her 11th birthday. While a member, she has held many offices and chaired almost every committee the Bethel has. She has served as Honored Queen twice and has served as a Grand Bethel Officer. She served as Junior Miss Missouri Job’s Daughters two years ago and currently serves as Miss Missouri Congeniality. She is a genuine friend to all of the Job’s Daughters and the adults in her Bethel. An accomplished ritualist, she has won many ritual awards at the state and international level. She can perform the entire initiation work nearly word perfect every time, and has represented Missouri on the State Ritual Team. In school, she has been on the honor roll and the High School Ambassadors, helping new students learn about the things that happen at her school. Tara is a dedicated

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athlete, having played soccer since elementary school and is now on the Varsity Team. She was named a Scholar Athlete by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Tara is very proud of her Masonic heritage, and joined her mother, aunt and grandmother as a member of Job’s Daughters, all honoring her grandfather’s Masonic legacy. Shelby Thomas has been a member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls for several years, first in Friendship Assembly in Springfield, and then helping to form Taneycomo Assembly in Branson. She served her Assembly as Worthy Advisor twice and has served on the State Leadership Committee. An excellent student, Shelby was the Salutatorian of her graduating class and the top scorer on her high school academic team. She’s been on the honor roll for 4 years, served as a class officer and on the student council. She was on the softball, volleyball and cross country teams, and won awards for high school archery and trap shooting. Shelby has volunteered at several MOChip events and for countless charities and organizations, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, blood drives, St. Judes Hospital, Libraries for Africa, the March of Dimes, and the Crane Broiler Festival, to name a few. She attended Missouri Girls State and was elected to the House of Representatives there. According to the Mother Advisor of her Assembly, “Shelby is comfortable running a meeting, organizing fund raisers, working in the kitchen, and cleaning up. The ability to handle these functions demands focus, time management and determination, all of which are characteristics Shelby has been blessed with.” Grand Masters have been honoring members of our three adoptive Youth Groups with the Grand Master’s Youth Award since Most Worshipful Brother Vern Schneider began the award in 1985. Since 2012, the award has come with a $1000 scholarship that the recipient can use to attend the higher education institution of his or her choice. Each award was presented at each group’s state convention, and an additional $1000 was presented at that time to the youth group. These three exceptional young people are a credit to all of the DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, and Rainbow Girls across Missouri, and all three of their organizations can be justifiably proud to have them as members. 24

a letter from the queen Dear Missouri Masons,

My name is Brianna Hall, and I was installed as the Grand Bethel Honored Queen for Missouri Job’s Daughters on June 26, 2015 at our annual state convention called Grand Session. I am excited and honored to be serving my wonderful Job’s Daughter sisters and our beautiful organization for the next year! Also, please allow me to take this opportunity, on behalf of all the Missouri Job’s Daughters, to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous monetary gift to us. Our young ladies were able to receive a significant discount from their Grand Session registration because of your donation, and we greatly appreciate your support! I had the pleasure of meeting some of you when I was serving as the Miss International Job’s Daughter 2013-2014 at the Grand Master’s Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Thank you, again, for the lovely dinner and cheesecake! Also, getting to know the Missouri Grand Lodge Members present was a privilege, and I quite enjoyed learning more about your projects and values.

My term goals as Grand Bethel Honored Queen include promotion, retention, communication and leadership training, giving Missouri Job’s Daughters a purpose, and working more alongside our brothers and sisters in DeMolay and Rainbow Girls and the rest of our Missouri Masonic Family! Projects to work towards these goals are already underway, including a promotion program for the Bethels called Cape and Crown Nights which I will be introducing at our Grand Bethel Workshop on July 11th as well as a Missouri Masonic Youth Day at Six Flags with Missouri Rainbow and DeMolay scheduled for July 18th.

I have a great respect and love for Masonry…my own grandfather was a Past Master and a 50 year Mason of two different lodges in Kentucky, and many other upright, generous, and kind Missouri Masons have had a profound, positive impact on me as I’ve worked alongside them for Missouri Job’s Daughters. Thank you so much for your support of the beautiful young ladies I serve!

With Love and Respect, Brianna Hall, Grand Bethel Honored Queen - Missouri Past Miss International Job’s Daughter 2013-2014

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Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation: Celebrating 10 years

It has always been about the children. The Children’s Foundation began in 1990 when the Grand Lodge of Missouri authorized the formation of the Missouri Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Substance Abuse, Inc., a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit corporation and in 1998 the operating name was changed to the “Masonic Children’s Foundation.” As the original name indicated, we saw the need for education as a way of combating the growing drug problems among the young people of America and so creating the Children’s Foundation was Grand Lodge’s answer to address those problems. As the “National War on Drugs” and local and state law enforcement programs began providing more sophisticated programs, we realized that other avenues of helping our youth were needed and we began to be on the lookout for more effective ways for us to make a difference in our community and our state. At the 2004 Grand Masters Conference our Grand Line was able to see the Child ID program from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. The Grand Line saw the huge potential for this type of program in the State of Missouri and began planning for the development of such a program in Missouri with the Freemasons of Missouri supporting it. At the Grand Lodge session in 2004, the brethren authorized the change in name and the direction of the MCF for the project. It took nearly a year and a half after viewing the program at the 2004 Conference of Grand Masters to create the

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“MOCHIP” portion of the Children’s Foundation. It took a lot of time and thought in investigating, preparing legal and budget items, determine the organizational structure and to finally get funding for the capital outlays that would be necessary to “do it right”. The first “test” event was done in Rogersville, MO in 2005 with borrowed equipment and a strong showing of volunteers from the local PTA and law enforcement. That event showed that this was our future and we had the support of the community and the local lodges. The first MOCHIP event was done in Brookfield. As they say, the rest is history. Since 2005, our goal was to help keep just one child safe. We have definitely accomplished that goal. In the last ten years our program has expanded to 7 regions, multiple computers, printers, fingerprint machines, bite wafers and all the equipment necessary to conduct a successful “child protection event”. Thanks to the efforts of the board members for the last 10 years, the untold volunteers, a dedicated support staff, a workable regional structure and various Masonic and non-masonic groups, such as the Odd Fellows and the Widow’s

“This is truly a testament to what we believe as masons.” Sons, Order of the Eastern Star, corporate sponsors and local lodges and brethren throughout the state, we have brought 10 children back home to their parents. Our greatest asset, which cannot be measured on a balance sheet or revenue statement is the nearly 22,000 hours per year that is given by


you, the brethren of our great fraternity. This is truly a testament to what we believe as masons. Because of this, we have surpassed tremendous milestones by creating an ID for over 215,000 children and holding over 1,200 events where parents could bring their children to get an ID or update an ID. Our Child ID Program (MOCHIP) has also been deemed the most comprehensive child identification program available by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and Governor Jay Nixon has proclaimed that June 23rd is MoCHIP Child Safety Awareness Day in the State of Missouri. In the last few years we have also increased our educational programs by adding Child Internet Safety Contracts, Online Safety Education sheets, Take 25 Program, information sheets and many other items available to parents through our website, events and social media. Again, all of these accomplishments could not have been made without the help, both financially and physically, of the entire membership of Freemasons in Missouri. Thank you for your support over these last 10 years. As technology is in a constant state of change, so are we, and we cannot wait to see what lies ahead in our next 10 years.

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY MOCHIP Brad Fowler Regional Coordinator Team 6

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Have a story you want to share? Want to share a story with the Missouri Masons? You can send in information to get your story featured in the Missouri Masons Magazine. Whether it’s an award ceremony or pinning, events happening at your local lodge or you just want to honor someone close to you, we want to hear about it. Send us your updates, invites, or articles at editor@momason.org or follow us on our Grand Lodge of Missouiri social media and send it to us there.


Missouri Capitol Rededication It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime event for Missouri Freemasons. On the afternoon of July 3, 2015 Freemasons from all across the state converged on Jefferson City to participate in the rededication of the Missouri State Capitol Building cornerstone. The original cornerstone was laid on June 24, 1915 in full Masonic ceremony with thousands of people in attendance, some of whom were Masons who came by train appropriately decorated with Masonic emblems. This year many came by way of nine busses chartered especially for the purpose, again proudly displaying the square and compasses. Newspaper accounts stated some 500-700 attended the rededication, the vast majority of whom were Masons or families and friends of Masons. The traditional Masonic Procession was led by an honor guard of uniformed Knights Templar and included brothers from the Shrine, Scottish Rite, Chapter, and Council along with many state legislators who are members of the Fraternity. The cornerstone rededication ceremony was conducted jointly by the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. This marked the first time in Missouri history that the two Grand Lodges

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conducted a joint cornerstone ceremony. In his introductory remarks to the ceremony, Deputy Grand Master Brent Stewart gave a brief history of why Freemasons conduct cornerstone ceremonies then noted that: “Sadly, in 1915 our two Grand Lodges would not be permitted to perform a joint ceremony. The two Masonic Grand Lodges of Missouri stand before you today in true brotherhood, in what always has been our common goal: to make good men better and to improve the communities in which we live, for the good of all”. The ceremony then was conducted in full form followed by remarks from the Governor, State Senator and Brother Mike Kehoe, and Judge and Brother George W. Draper III of the Missouri Supreme Court. Thanks to Brother John Vollman of St. Louis, the original gavel used in the 1915 ceremony (a picture of which can be found in the 1915 Proceedings) again was used when Grand Master Haywood declared on behalf of all Freemasons in Missouri “that the Stone remains well formed, true and trusty after one hundred years”.

See more photos on our facebook page


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East Gate Lodge Rededication East Gate Lodge #630 celebrated its 100th Anniversary on March 21, 2015 with a formal Lodge Hall Rededication Ceremony under the direction of RWB Brent Stewart and RWB Stanton Brown II. The ceremony was open to the public, was very well attended, and several Lodge members donned Grand Lodge regalia to take part in the ceremony.

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50 year Pinnings Cletus faircloth

Larry Dreppard WB Cletus Faircloth of Viburnum was presented with his 50 year pin by the brethren of Lebanon Lodge #77 on June 6. Shown is the pin being added to his lapel by his daughter, Marie Freeman, while his wife, Jean, watches.

Stanley massey

Worshipful Brother Larry J. Dreppard received his 50-year pin in Table Rock Lodge #680 on May 28, 2014. His wife Carol presented the pin with RWB Charles Pittman conducting the ceremony. WB Larry was a former member of GardenvilIe-Cache Lodge #455 in St. Louis serving as Master during the 100th Year of Cache Lodge #416 in 1971.

On Saturday, June 6th 2015, a open meeting was held at Mount Hope Masonic Lodge to present Right Worshipful Brother Stanley Massey with his 50 year pin and Certificate. R.W.B. Massey has served Masonry by being elected Master of the lodge 4 times, serving as District Deputy Grand Lecturer for 17 years, and mentoring and coaching many members of different lodges in Western Missouri on masonic ritual. R.W.B. Massey is one of seven men in Missouri who has earned the Degree Ritual Award. Attendance at the ceremony was in excess of 75 and included 1 Past Grand Master. The ceremony was performed by R.W. Bill Siegfried Master, R.W. Ron Jones Chaplin and R.W. Bob Hays Senior Deacon.

60 Year Pinning Charles frost Senior Brother Charles Frost Sr. was presented with his 60 year pin on April 7th, 2015 in Temple Gate Lodge 299. Conducting the ceremony was his son-in-law, WB Bruce Olds, his son WB Charles Frost II and son WB Gary Frost.

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Memorial Day

california, mo Since 1890, California Lodge #183, has observed Memorial Day either alone, with families, or with other organizations. Over the years the Lodge has teamed with the Eastern Star, Prince of Peace

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Commandery, the American Legion, and since 1922 with the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars, Post #4335. The 2015 observance was held at the California City Cemetery at a site chosen by the VFW. The 2016 observance will be held at the California Masonic Cemetery at a site chosen by the Lodge. The observance included an address by a member of the VFW, the reading of the winning scholarship essay, Korea: Conflict, Police Action, or War, and the Bell Ringing Ceremony and sounding of TAPS for those veterans and Master Masons who had passed during 2015. Following the ceremony, the Masons present gathered at the Masonic Cemetery in memory of Most Worshipful Brother Samuel Owens, Grand Master of Masons in Missouri 1872-1873.


in missouri

Liberty, mo Every year on Memorial Day, Liberty Lodge # 31 pays our respect by gathering at the grave site of our first Worshipful Master, Alvin Lightburn. This year our lodge turns 175 years old. During this year’s Memorial Day gathering, Right Worshipful Brother George Morgan pointed out an unusual head stone. If you look closely at the stone you will notice the Square and Compass is upside down. Which Right Worshipful Brother Morgan explained dictates a sign of a Brother in distress. This head stone tells of our Brother being a victim of an assassination.

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Crestwood anchor #443 lodge meeting

Throughout Masonic history, beautiful buildings representing King Solomon’s temple have been erected as a place for Freemasons to meet and conduct their good work. Many of these Lodges were constructed with the intent that one hundred or more Masons could fill the seats on any given evening. With the passage of time, the changing of our societies and priorities, and a decreased focus on personal social interaction, Masonic Lodges have seen their numbers dwindle. The chairs on the sidelines, once filled with the bustling laughter and chatter of Brethren sharing in the experience of Brotherly Love, are all too often left empty, leaving only memories of a time when Freemasonry was where you belonged if you wanted to belong. On Thursday, March 26, 2015, Crestwood Anchor Lodge #443 sought to revive that feeling of Brotherhood and Freemasonry for the simple sake of Freemasonry by hosting its “100 Mason Meeting.” The intent of the evening was to take a trip back not only through the history of the Fraternity, but for each member to reminisce upon their personal experience of their first night as a Freemason. The theme of the evening focused on Brotherly Love, particularly to experience how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity.” Nearly 150 Freemasons were in attendance to share in the unity and Brotherly Love of the event. The 100 Mason Meeting began at 6:30 PM

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with a beautiful prayer by Crestwood Anchor #443 Chaplain RWB Robert Wangelin and a brief introduction describing the purpose of the evening by Worshipful Master Bob Efken. Dinner of ham and beans was lovingly prepared by Kirk-

wood Eastern Star, who ensured that the Craft would have their bodies nourished by a warm meal. Crestwood DeMolay and Bethel #49, both sponsored by Crestwood Anchor #443, were on hand to clean up from the meal, serve drinks to the attendees, and see the needs of the Craft while at refreshment. Throughout the meal,


brotherly ties were formed and rekindled, and stories of Freemasonry’s past and present were shared. Keeping with the theme of “My First Night as a Freemason,” and to have all Brothers in attendance that evening participate in the festivities “on the square,” every Mason from the Grand Master to the officers to the youngest Entered Apprentice wore plain white leathern aprons. This was to symbolize that, though some within our craft have attained titles and responsibilities of high standing within the Fraternity, each one of us began our Masonic journey in the same way. The Lodge was opened on the first degree of Freemasonry, at which time WB Bob Efken provided a Masonic education on one of the first words a newly initiated Entered Apprentice has defined for him on his first night in the Fraternity: Strength. WB Efken called upon the youngest EA in the room to approach the altar for a discussion on the many paths one may take in Freemasonry and how his first night was filled with apprehension and questions. Through that discussion, the Brother was introduced to the Grand Master of Missouri Freemasons, MWB David Haywood, whose attendance and office was honored through the craft providing the Grand Honors. The Grand Master, it was explained, has strengthened the Fraternity through his actions and words, and as such the Brotherhood has seen it fit to place the charge of leading our Fraternity in his hands. Both were presented with a token of gratitude from the Lodge, a set of working tools, to continue their good deeds. The Worshipful Master then called upon the Freemason with the most years of service to approach the altar, which was obliged by a Brother with 67 years of membership in the Fraternity. The craft gave him a hearty welcome and a standing ovation as the Master spoke of the privilege of service and a reminder that the Brother can always lean on the Fraternity as the Fraternity has leaned on him. At this, the Brother was provided with a Masonic cane to symbolize his dedication and service to his Brothers in Freemasonry. While handshakes, signs, symbols, and modes of recognition provide consistency and allegorical representations of our work, it is the ritual, and more specifically our obligations, that bind all Freemasons worldwide to one another. The Brothers of Crestwood Anchor #443 felt it essential, while almost 150 Freemasons were gathered together, that they should revisit those vows made in the past and renew ourselves and our dedication to the Craft. The attendees received the gift of the Three Great Summer 2015

Lights in Freemasonry that evening, and upon them each Brother in attendance renewed his vows to the Fraternity and Brethren. It was a simple yet powerful gesture that served to further solidify their binds to Freemasonry and the solemnity of the evening. To conclude the evening, the Grand Master was given the gavel of authority, and he provided all Entered Apprentices in attendance that evening with the coin of his term in office. MWB Haywood spoke eloquently of spreading the cement of Brotherly Love, service, our veterans, and providing relief to

the distressed and weary. His words were well-received and provided an appropriate and powerful summation of the evening’s purpose. Upon completion of his speech, the Grand Master and his Grand Officers closed the 100 Mason Meeting in due form. Freemasonry strengthens each of its members in different ways. For some, the ritual and the beauty of its presentation is of the utmost importance. For others, it is the warm handshake of friendship and Brotherhood that makes him return time and time again to the friendly walls of the Lodge. For others, it is the privilege and opportunity to provide service to his fellow man. There are those who may be looking for something to provide them with inner strength and an opportunity to dwell together in unity with his fellow man. Regardless of the reason we find strength in the Fraternity, each member in attendance that evening was reminded of his personal journey in the Craft. At the conclusion of the evening, the attendees were reminded to “spread the cement of Brotherly Love in any way you can. May Brotherly Love prevail, and every moral and social virtue cement us.” 35

Lunch with the Mayor

Pictured left to right: WB Josh Thompson PM, Bro Brian Goldman, Mayor Sly James, Bro Stuart Pallen, WB Douglas McDonald, Bro Jeffery Goodman, WB James Lowman PM

On May 16, 2015 Master Masons from the 18th district got together for lunch after taking a tour of the Steamboat Arabia museum in KC. They met with the historians there and discussed some Masonic items that they had in their collection. Afterwards they went to lunch and met the Mayor of Kansas City, MO Mayor Sly James.

Historical factoid: The first mayor of Kansas City Mayor William Gregory was also the first Worshipful Master of Kansas City Lodge #220.


On June 6, 2015 Bridgeton Lodge #80 held its Cornerstone Rededication and Lodge Hall Dedication at its new location in St. Peters, Missouri. The festivities started at 11:00 a.m. with an open house, barbeque, “bounce house� and Shrine Clowns for the kids, a MoCHIP screening, car show, and a moment of silence recognizing D-Day. The public cornerstone ceremony began with a long procession led by members of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in full regalia followed by the Grand Lodge Officers, members of Bridgeton and other area lodges, and public officials. Several members of Bridgeton Lodge donned Grand Lodge regalia to assist in the ceremonies. Upon arriving at the podium, Deputy Grand Master Brent Stewart briefly explained the ceremony for the non-Masons in the crowd. Grand Master David W. Haywood, with

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the assistance of the Grand Lodge Officers and Worshipful Master Derek Koleas, then rededicated the original cornerstone taken from the old lodge building that will be eventually placed in the new building. St. Peters Mayor Len Pagano then addressed the crowd, expressing his sincere appreciation for Bridgeton Lodge becoming a part of the St. Peters community. Following the ceremony, the capacity crowd was invited inside the Lodge where Grand Master Haywood formally dedicated the Lodge Hall in due and ancient form.


EVENTS IN SAmaritan On June 18, 2015 Samaritan Lodge #424 of Bonne Terre, Missouri in District 37 had an “open installation” of 13 of its 2015 Officers at its Thursday night meeting. The installation presented the Officers (pictured left) to the on-looking members of the lodge by name and elected position.

Trek for trikes

Members of Bolivar Masonic Lodge #195 present a check to Holly Shuler, Event Coordinator for the “Trek for Trikes”. Pictured left to right: Jim McManigle, Past Master; Christopher McAntire, Junior Warden; Holly Shuler, Trek for Trikes; and Jim Whitman, Secretary and Past Master. The funds will be used to provide a Trike for a disabled child in Polk County.

mo golf tournament

Sampson Lodge #298 in Theodosia, Missouri helped sponsor the first annual Theodosia Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament which was held at the Lost In The Woods Golf Course on April 15th, 2015. The Lodge sponsored the “3rd hole” of the nine hole course. Proceeds from the golf event will help pay for the annual, “Fireworks Over Bull Shoals Lake”, which is traditionally the community’s largest celebration, held to commemorate Independence Day on the 4th of July. Pictured at the “3rd Tee” are from left to right, Wes Frazer-(Worshipful Master of Sampson Lodge #298), Cindy Korver-(President of the Theodosia Area Chamber of Commerce), Len Modlinski-(Past Master). Worshipful Brother Wes Frazer also serves as Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce.

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Wife appreciation Luncheon at sampson Thirty people attended Sampson Masonic Lodge’s annual “Wife Appreciation Luncheon” held on May 9th at Cookie’s Restaurant at the Theodosia Marina & Resort. The event is intended to thank the wives, widows and ladies who support the members of the Masonic Lodge throughout the year. Sampson Lodge member Elmer Roberson sang patriotic songs and performed a tribute to the mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers in attendance. Sampson Lodge #298 and Eastern Star Chapter #130 from Theodosia, and Robert Burns Lodge #496 from Gainesville were represented. During the luncheon, Sampson Lodge Master Wes Frazer presented the annual “Community Builder Award” to Elda Edwards. Elda and her husband Dick founded Turkey Creek Ranch & Resort near Theodosia in 1959. The award however, presented to persons who are NOT affiliated with the Fraternity, recognizes Elda for her years of service to the Theodosia area through civic, community and church organizations, as well as for her dedication to the American Red Cross blood donation program - (10 Gallon Donor).

From left to right: (Elda with 3 of her 5 children) - Eric - Elda - Diane - Robert.

From left to right: Jeff Richey-Junior Warden of Sampson Lodge - Elda Edwards - Wes Frazer-Master of Sampson Lodge - Dale Cutbirth-Treasurer - Lewis Nauss-Senior Warden.

Events in Perryville On June 20, 2015 forty five Master Masons met at the John Plunket farm near Perryville, MO to witness the raising of Neil Briner from Whitewater Lodge #417. The brothers were from several states and lodges from Southeat Missouri. RWB Ron Clark obligated Brother Briner, and MWB Bruce Austin raised him. This was the 25th time the outdoor degree was held on the John Plunket farm and it was the last. MW Plunket has retired and will be traveling with his wife in his motorhome during the summer months. Thanks to Brother Plunket for hosting this events over the years. Perryville Lodge #670 was the host lodge for this event.

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EVENTS IN swope park On Saturday, May 9, 2015 the Brethren at Swope Park Lodge conferred two Master Mason degrees for Brother Jeffrey and Tim Alvis who were symbolically raised by their father, JW Larry Alvis. Thank you to the Officers of Swope Park #617 who assisted and the many guests from other Lodges including RWB Ken Crawford, Bro Kelly Mercier, WB Ben Pagel, WB John Foster from Aurora, CO. Larry’s uncle, RWB David Colburn, WB Cecil Wagers, WB Michael Foster, Larry’s cousin, Columbine Lodge #147, Denver, CO.; RWB Joshua Thompson, Bro Jason Woods, WB Melvin Foster, Aurora #156 CO. Larry’s uncle; and WB Douglas McDonald. Our guests made it possible to accomplish these two important Master Mason degrees Congratulations Bro Master Mason Jeff and Tim and Papa JW Larry! We look forward to seeing you grow in this greatest fraternity of men.

EVENTS IN California

At its stated communication on 26 May, California Lodge #183 was very busy. Prior to opening, a dinner and 50 Year presentation were held for Bro. Nelson Bochard (centered with his wife and grandson), and then during the stated communication Bro. Kade McAdams (pictured to the left of the Bochard family) and Bro. Damon Shaw (pictured left on the second row) were passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft. Both recently were graduates from California High School. To round out the evening Mr. Rudy Wirts, another recent California High School graduate, and Mr. Jess Medlin were elected to membership by initiation.

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The Back-Page Legend RWB Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGL 38, FMLR 1934-2015 By Robert C. Floyd, PGL, Missouri A.F. & A. M. The word ‘legend’ tends to be overused. I cannot think of an instance in which the word is more appropriate than to describe our departed Brother, Right Worshipful Brother Doctor E. Otha Wingo. Otha was not only a dear friend, but a valued mentor and Brother. His departure from our world will certainly leave a hole in our Fraternity and our lives. His back page articles were the first place many Masons looked for light each time the Missouri Freemason magazine arrived. Every time an issue came out, we received a glimpse of the genius that was Otha Wingo. He was a wonderful husband and a loving, devoted and dedicated father to his family at home and his family in the Lodge. To quote his obituary, “He was everybody’s dad.” You will notice that I dropped off the ‘Doctor’ designation. Why? Well, to most of us, he was just ‘Otha,’ and that is the way he presented himself. He never pushed his doctoral title and always let men know he was a Brother, just like them. I will endeavor to illustrate that he was not like us. He was a special gift that we were given to enjoy and from whom we could learn the intricacies of the Craft and life. Many people did not know that Otha’s first name was really Elvis! Being born in 1934, he was Elvis BEFORE there was ‘Elvis.’ He was a star- a legend- just the same. Raised by sharecroppers, he was too poor to have a piano, so he drew one on a strip of cardboard and learned to play in that manner. At age 12, Otha was teaching college-level Sunday school at the Baptist Church in Booneville, Mississippi. At age 16, he attended college, receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. His doctoral thesis revealed his discovery and PROOF of Latin punctuation. He did this by reading ALL of the ORIGINAL classic-era Latin manuscripts! Dr. Wingo was a professor of ancient Greek, Latin

Summer 2015

and Mythology for more than 30 years; an educational legend, I would say. One of Otha’s sons, Worshipful Brother Vince Wingo, and I, talked at-length about his dad and parts of his legendary life. Otha was a certified private investigator. He hitch-hiked across Jamaica in the 1950s as a missionary. He was a personal friend of Mahalia Jackson. He was a dear friend to Venerable Bhante Vimalaramsi, the first American representative to the Buddhist Summit, World Buddhist Supreme Conference, who was tasked with producing a united position on balance, harmony and world peace. Venerable Vimalaramsi expressed his sorrow and apology for not being able to attend Otha’s funeral. As a tribute to Otha and his work as President of Huna Research for 40 years, he was given a portion of the original slate roof from the Iolani Palace in Hawaii (circa 1879), which was dedicated by 50 Kahuna priests and 50 Freemasons. It seems the legend was worldwide. In Freemasonry, the accolades and achievements were many. Otha was raised a Master Mason in 1966, and his mentor was the late Most Worshipful Brother Doctor Harold O. Grauel. MWB Grauel examined Otha on his proficiencies and did not have to say a word. Otha did all the questions and answers himself. Right Worshipful Brother Wingo served the Craft as District Deputy Grand Lecturer from 1998-2010. He was a member of the Correspondence, Masonic Education and Masonic Publications Committees for multiple years. He played music for the Grand Lodge Annual Communications for many years. He was a member of Charlie’s Angels Degree Team. He was a member of the York Rite and Scottish Rite bodies. He was honored as the second Fellow of the Missouri Lodge of Research and received the Truman Medal in 2011; legendary status in the Fraternity, confirmed.

Now that you know a small part of the light that was Otha Wingo, I would like to share some personal observations. No Freemason was ever refused instruction by Otha. It was always imparted with a gentle approach and a special attention to the details and beauties of the ritual. It was because of Otha that I worked to achieve all the cards available in Freemasonry. I wanted to make ‘Dad’ proud. There were many times that I would drop by Otha’s house and he would have papers scattered everywhere. “Well, I am just going over some things from the Philippines,” he would say, or, “Oh, I am just tracing the lineage of some Grand Master of some foreign country..” Wow. He blew me away. I remember offering up challenges to Otha with some of my questions in practices. One of them took him a month to get the answer, but he did it. He loved when you used your brain and how that light came on when you finally understood. He truly took pleasure in helping his fellow Freemason to receive light. In the Lodges in southeast Missouri, we all remember Otha and his notebook, ready to gently impart those things that needed work, the progresses we were making in our ritual, and whether we left off that ‘s’ when we said Deacons or Wardens. One of the greatest compliments you could receive when instructing was when a Brother said, “You are getting just like Otha.” High praise, indeed. Right Worshipful Brother Doctor Elvis Otha Wingo left his permanent mark on thousands of Freemasons and on Missouri Freemasonry. He was a family man. He was a Brother. He was a genius. He was a composer. He was a writer. He was a craftsman. He was a teacher. He was a fisher of men. He was my friend. I will miss him dearly and I hope this served as a fitting tribute to our ‘Back-Page Legend.’ Goodbye, dear Otha. Thank you.


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