Missouri Freemason Magazine - v58n03 - 2013 Summer

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Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America Kansas City, Missouri, 2013 Commemorative Edition

Volume 58 No. 3 SUMMER 2013 Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M.

Those Who Can Do More . . . A wise old adage states, “Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” I owe a heartfelt thank you to the many Missouri Masons, the Grand Lodge office staff and the many Grand Lodge Officers who gave of their time and talents volunteering to make the 2013 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America a huge success. From the greeters at the airport to the volunteers who delivered the flags for the hospitality room, every one of you should be proud of the job you did to show off the best of Missouri Freemasonry. I had several attendees tell me that this Kansas-Missouri Co-hosted CGMNA was the best that they had ever attended. It was a special pleasure for me to work with Kansas Grand Master, MWB Don Newman, his lady Marla and all of the volunteers from the Kansas. A special thank you goes out to Missouri PGM Rocky Weaver and his lady Janet who served with their counterparts from the Grand Lodge of Kansas, PGM Roy Sullivan and his lady Becky, as Co-Chairs of the Host Committee. They worked many hours behind the scenes to make this conference successful. We were also fortunate to have guidance from Missouri PGM Glenn Means who serves the conference as Executive Secretary. He and his lady, Mary Jane, made every planning meeting and gave us great help and counsel. And last, but certainly not least, I also owe a great deal to my lady, Friday, for all her help and for putting up with her “Type A” husband! I would not have survived without her assistance and support during the four year planning process or this marathon fiveday event. Serving as one of the host Grand Masters, I had the opportunity to meet many of the attendees – Masons from all over the world. Representatives came from 47 jurisdictions in North America and from as far away as Russia, Brazil, France and Iran. I was reminded of one of the many great things that drew me to Freemasonry, the vast diversity within the membership of our Craft. As I looked over the assembled Masons, I was reminded of the teaching “Freemasonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.” While we all may look different on the outside and our skin may come in many colors, it is the “internal, not the external” that bonds us as Freemasons. We may speak different languages, come from rural and urban areas, have different religious beliefs and backgrounds and yet our love for the Fraternity unites us across all those many differences.

Much like the Brethren seen at the Grand Master’s Conference, Missouri Masonry enjoys a great diversity within our members. I have been blessed to meet many Masons of color, from different religions and from all walks of life. I also have enjoyed attending both small rural Lodges and large urban Lodges. Additionally, we seem to differ in our tastes in food! Recently at the annual District 20 Pleasant Hill Raccoon dinner, I relayed a slightly revised version of an “elevator speech” I had heard which defined Freemasonry as a place “where men from all walks can come together to enjoy fun, food and fellowship”. As I had just finished eating a plate of barbecued raccoon and having recently eaten fried oysters in Mokane Lodge #612 and some great wild game chili in O’Sullivan Lodge #7, I commented that “Freemasonry was a place where men with many diverse tastes in cuisine come together for food, fun and fellowship!” Missouri Freemasonry does not judge any man by his color, his religion, his occupation or his taste in food! Missouri Freemasonry is open to all who seek light. I will close this message with some excerpts from some inspiring words about the diversity of our religious beliefs from Brother Manley P. Hall, “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his Lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer.” And “They know that all religions are but one story told in diverse ways for peoples whose ideals differ but whose great purpose is in harmony with Masonic ideals. North, east, south and west stretch the diversities of human thought, and while the ideals of man apparently differ, when all is said and the crystallization of form with its false concepts is swept away, one basic truth remains: all existing things are Temple Builders, laboring for a single end. No true Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of all broadness. There is no place for little minds in a great work.” Fraternally yours,

David L. Ramsey 2012-13 Grand Master

Committee on Masonic Publications David W. Haywood, Senior Grand Warden C. Brent Stewart , Junior Grand Warden Ronald D. Miller, Grand Secretary Steven L. Harrison, Editor, Chairman

day of the month preceding publication in February, May, August, and November.

Editor Steven L. Harrison P.O. Box 1120 • Kearney, MO 64060-1120 816-558-0436 / Call for Fax editor@momason.org

Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge A.F.&A.M. of Missouri. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject, subedit and rearrange material submitted for publication. Pictures submitted for publication will not be returned. The Missouri Freemason does not accept forms or clippings for publication. Please do not submit materials in PDF format. office of publicationS: Grand Lodge of Missouri, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, MO

The Missouri Freemason (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published four times yearly. Articles to be considered for publication should be e-mailed to editor@momason.org, not later than the first

58 Summer 2013

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the missouri freemason

the missouri freemason


vol. 58 no. 3

Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri SUMMER 2013 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications

contents 60-63 Your Grand Lodge Line Officers for 2013 63 Missouri Brothers Serve in the State House of Representatives 64 The Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America Meets in Kansas City, Missouri: A Story of Two Jurisdictions within the Masonic Family 65 Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America, Kansas City, Missouri, 2013 69 Missouri Freemason Deadlines 72 "The Most Valuable Masonic Record in Missouri Has Been Found" 73 We Listen … Progress as Promised … 74 Missouri DeMolay 74 Job's Daughters 75 Rainbow Girls 78 The Masonic Home of Missouri 78 Double Your Donation 78 Masonic Widows Outreach Program 79 Head Start Students Get Their Own Personal Libraries 79 Ladies Luncheons and Teas 79 Branson Hosts Masonic Home Presentation 80 The Work of our Craft 81 Masonic Service Awards

On the cover:

The Conference of Masonic Grand Secretaries of North America is shown at the top left. This conference meets annually in conjunction with the Conference of Grand Masters. At top right are the visiting dignitaries from jurisdictions outside those which are a part of the Conference of Grand Masters. The lower picture is the official photo of all of the Conference Grand Masters.

From The Editor’s Keyboard For some of us it may have been a once in a lifetime opportunity. Each year the Grand Masters from Canada, Mexico, the US and its territories meet as the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. This year, they met in Kansas City. I don't know if I'll ever get to attend another, but when this auspicious group showed up right down the road from where I live, I knew I had to go see, in a manner of speaking, the light by which Grand Masters work. I really didn't know what to expect as I walked into the meeting hall on the first day. I found a seat in the front row where I could move around and take pictures. A Brother was already seated in the chair next to mine and I introduced myself as the editor of the Missouri Freemason. He introduced himself as the Grand Master of Serbia. Well, I could see from the beginning this wasn't going to your standard Masonic bean dinner — not that those aren't important. During the course of the proceedings, my new fraternal friend, MWB Ranko Vujačić, and I were able to compare aspects of Freemasonry in our respective countries. Take my word for it, MWB Vujačić is a very important and accomplished individual; yet he is MWB Ranko Vujačić, Grand Master of Serbia also friendly, congenial and just the kind of person you would want to be a key representative of our fraternity. In a way, for me, he set the stage for the entire meeting. Of the Grand Masters and others I met, they were all very important, very friendly and very excited about Freemasonry. The three-day session, co-hosted by the Grand Lodges of Missouri and Kansas, seemed to run without a single glitch. MWB Dave Ramsey asked every Grand Officer to be in attendance. Along with the officers, many Missouri and Kansas Brothers filled in as volunteers. Identified by medallions with yellow ribbons, the volunteers made sure people knew where the meetings were, what the schedule was and they helped to make sure equipment for presentations was available and working. I can only imagine the planning it took to host this meeting. It must have taken many hours of hard work by dedicated people, but it paid off. Then, at the end of the meeting I was privileged to go to the final luncheon with many of the members of the Missouri Grand Line. The luncheon became a celebration of sorts for the people involved in planning the meeting. Brothers at our table expressed a sense of accomplishment and also relief that the event had been successful. To cap it off, Past Grand Master Rocky Weaver, who had been a part of the planning group, added the show-stopper when he quipped, "I just don't see why anyone ever thought there might be any problems." Along with MWB Rocky, the Brothers at the table erupted in laughter; and laughter, I might add, is something I heard a lot of, as some of the most important people in Freemasonry gathered in KC to "dwell together in unity." We've added a little color to this edition of the Missouri Freemason. I hope those pictures along with RWB Ty Treutelaar's detailed account can give you some flavor for what it was like if you weren't there; and perhaps serve as a "souvenir edition" if you Steve Harrison, Editor attended.

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Your Grand Lodge Line Officers for 2013 David L. Ramsey ~ Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother David L. Ramsey is a graduate of Central High School in St. Joseph, Missouri. He earned a 4-year Apprenticeship, Journeyman Electrician Certificate from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Missouri Western State College. MWB Ramsey is the Manager of Energy Efficiency Programs for Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. in Springfield, Missouri. He was raised in March, 1991, in Savannah Lodge #71 where he served as Worshipful Master in 1999-2000. He has held many Grand Lodge offices, was a member of the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 2000-2004, and served as presi-

dent in 2012. MWB Ramsey recently served as host Grand Master for the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons of North America, held in February of 2013 in Kansas City, Missouri. MWB Ramsey and his wife Christin (Friday) were married in 1974, in St. Joseph. They have two children, Carra Roth, married to Brother Randy Roth, and WB Timothy Ramsey and three grandchildren, Jack, Vivian and Eleanor Roth. His many Masonic affiliations include: Scottish Rite Valley of St. Joseph, (KCCH), York Rite, Missouri Lodge of Research, Moila Shrine Temple, High Twelve Club in St. Joseph and the National Sojourners Chapter #63 in Kansas City.

Jon Blake Broyles ~ Deputy Grand Master Jon Blake Broyles grew up in Kirksville, Missouri where he attended school, graduating from Kirksville RIII High School in 1978. He graduated from Northeast Missouri State University (Truman State University) in 1982 with a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science. He is a member of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kirksville. He has served the church as a Deacon and parent in the LOGOS youth program. He is now a resident of Kirksville, Missouri, returning there in 2012. He works in information technology consulting, specializing in systems management and networking. RWB Broyles married Anna Spalding of Kirksville in 1981. They have three children, Maria, Alexa, and Sara. RWB Broyles

was raised in Adair Lodge #366 in 1990. He moved to St. Louis in 1995 and became a dual member of Rose Hill Lodge #550 (now Polar Star-Rose Hill #79), where he served as Worshipful Master in 1996-1997. He created the first Grand Lodge Internet website and served as its webmaster from 1996-1999. He is a Past Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research. His many Masonic affiliations include: Caldwell Chapter #53, Kirksville Council #44, Ely Commandery #22, Scottish Rite Valley of St. Louis (KCCH), Moila Shrine, Moolah Shrine and Rose Hill Chapter #120, Order of the Eastern Star. He has been active with Job's Daughters and DeMolay. RWB Broyles is the current President of the Masonic Home board of directors.

David William Haywood ~ Senior Grand Warden David William Haywood was raised in Webster Groves, Missouri, where he attended school, graduating in 1969. He was a Boy Scout and obtained his Eagle Scout award in 1965. He married Diane Walleman in 1974. He attended Meramec Community College and the University of Missouri at St. Louis, earning a BA in Biology and a BS in Chemistry. He currently is the Microbiology Lab Supervisor for Sensient Colors, Inc. David and Diane live in Fenton, Missouri and have one daughter, Alicia. Dave attends Southminster Presbyterian Church where he has been an Elder Trustee. He was a DeMolay at Rabboni Chapter and served as Master Councilor in 1968. He has received 60 Summer 2013

the Chevalier and Legion of Honor awards and has been Dean of the St. Louis Preceptory. Dave was raised in Webster Groves Lodge #84 in 1974 and served as Worshipful Master in 1986. His other Masonic affiliations include: Scottish Rite Valley of St. Louis (33°), Moolah Shrine, Oriental-Rabboni Chapter #78 Royal Arch, Jeremiah Council #43, Ascalon Commandery #16, Ray Von Denslow Council #102 AMD, St. Louis Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, the Bruce Harmon Hunt York Rite College #162 and Ashland Chapter #309 of the Order of the Eastern Star.

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Your Grand Lodge Line Officers for 2013 Charles Brent Stewart ~ Junior Grand Warden RWB Brent Stewart was born in 1960 in Columbia, Missouri and graduated from the UMC School of Law in 1987. He was the Staff Director of the Missouri Public Service Commission, in private law practice for sixteen years and currently is counsel for the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives. He married his wife Kris in 1981 at the Newman Center. He was raised in 1985 in Twilight Lodge #114, served as Master in 1998-99, and holds dual membership in Acacia Lodge #602 and Fayette-Howard Lodge #4. He is a past President of the Masonic Children’s Foundation, Secretary of the Board of the Masonic Home, and a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research. He joined the York Rite in 1988, served as presiding officer of the Chapter, Council and Commandery, and is a mem-

ber of Jurisprudence Committees of the Grand York Rite Bodies. He was the SGIG Personal Representative in the Columbia Valley Scottish Rite, received the 33° in 2003, and is now a member in Fort Scott, Kansas. He received the Order of the Purple Cross, is Past Governor of YR College #188, Past Sovereign Master of AMD Council #392, and a member of the OES, Knight Masons, Royal Order of Scotland, MSRICF, St. Thomas of Acon, Order of Athelstan, Order of High Priesthood, Past Commander's Association, SRRS, Shrine, and Grotto. He also is a P.E.R. and Trustee of the Elks, Board Secretary of the Mo 10-33 Benevolent Fund, and has served on the Boards of several charitable organizations.

Nicholas R. Cichielo ~ Grand Treasurer Grand Treasurer Nick Cichielo made a jobrelated move to St. Louis several years ago. At that time he became an active member of Rose Hill Lodge, coming there from the Grand Lodge of New York. In New York he served as Master of Knickerbocker Lodge #182 in NYC in 1988-89, District Deputy Grand Master in 1990-91, Grand Lodge Convention Chairman, President of the District Deputies' Association and Trustee of the Dumont Masonic Nursing Home. In 2003, MWB Stanley Thompson appointed RWB Nick Grand Chaplain. He has also

served as Director of Grand Lodge Public Relations and for the past several years has been the State Coordinator for the MoCHIP program. He was elected Grand Treasurer in 2009, and was also elected Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research in 2012. He is a member of the Scottish Rite, Moolah Shrine and Jesters. Nick and his wife Lori have been married for 24 years. Nick's son, Nick Jr., is a Master Mason at Polar Star-Rose Hill Lodge #79. Nick has two older children, Rob and Ronda. In 2008, Nick was recipient of the Truman Award.

Ronald D. Miller ~ Grand Secretary RWB Ronald D. Miller has served as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri since 1997. He has been a member of the Masonic Education Committee since 2007 and has served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Achievement Award program. A member of Adair Lodge #366 since 1980, he served as Master in 1990 and is a dual member of Ashland Lodge #156. He served as District Deputy Grand Master, 2nd District, 1992-94. He led each of the York Rite bodies in Kirksville , and has received the KYCH designation. RWB Ron is a member of the Scottish Rite, 33°, Columbia. He is a member of Molia Shrine Temple, St. Joseph, and a member of the local Shrine Club in Columbia. He is a Past Patron of Kirksville

Chapter #184 and Ashland Chapter #309, Order of Eastern Star. He has served as Associate Guardian of Bethel #30, Job's Daughters. He is also a member of the Missouri Lodge of Research, (serving as Secretary /Treasurer), Allied Masonic Degrees, Red Cross of Constantine, York Rite College, Knights Cross of Honor, National Sojourners, Heroes of ’76, Rainbow Grand Cross of Color, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Order of High Priesthood and the Grotto. RWB Miller received a BSE Degree from Truman State University, Kirksville, in 1964 and an MA Degree in 1967. In addition to his Masonic service he has been active in many community and church activities.

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Your Grand Lodge Line Officers for 2013 Richard L. Smith ~ Senior Grand Deacon Right Worshipful Brother Richard L. Smith grew up St. Louis and received his BS Degree from Washington University there. He and his wife, June have a daughter, Holly and a son, Benjamin, also a Missouri Master Mason. RWB Smith is a Residential Loan Officer with a St. Louis area bank, and is the Business Development Officer at that bank's Pacific, Missouri Branch. He served in the Navy aboard an Aircraft Carrier at Pensacola Naval Air Station as well as in the Panama Canal Zone, where he joined the Order of DeMolay. In 2005, he was the recipient of the Truman Medallion.

He served as Master of Rose Hill Lodge #550, Master of the Missouri Lodge of Research, the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri, and Associate Guardian Bethel #4 of Job’s Daughters. He is Past Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, the Committee on Chartered Lodges, the Committee on Masonic Education and Past President of the Mid-West Conference on Masonic Education. RWB Smith is affiliated with the Scottish Rite Valley of St. Louis (33°), Moolah Shrine, National Sojourners and Hero’s of ‘76, Order of Eastern Star, and the Grand Master's Consecration Breakfast Committee in St. Louis.

Ronald D. Jones ~ Junior Grand Deacon Right Worshipful Brother Ronald D. Jones was born in Buffalo, Missouri, and grew up in Springfield. He and his wife Susan have two children, Jeff and Melissa. The Jones family resides in Odessa, Missouri, where they are members of the Christian Church. In 1992, RWB Jones was raised in Mount Hope Lodge #476, Odessa, Missouri, where he served as Master in 1995. For five years following, Ron served as DDGM for what is now the 15th Masonic District. Ron has served the Grand Lodge in many capacities, serving 3 years on the Ways & Means Committee, 4 years on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home, 4 years on the Masonic Scholarship Committee, 5 years as Chairman of the Public Relations Committee, and the Long

Range Planning Committee. RWB Jones was also the Chairman of the Midwest Conference on Masonic Education Planning Committee for the year 2010. This year, he is president of the Masonic Children's Foundation. His other Masonic memberships include: Heroes of '76, Old Glory Encampment, National Sojourners Chapter #63, Kilwinning Council #19, AMD; Charlemagne Council #79, Knight Masons, Royal Order of Scotland, Harry S. Truman York Rite College, Missouri Lodge of Research, Independence Chapter #49 RAM, Council #49 Cryptic Masons, Palestine Commandery #17 Knights Templar, Ararat Temple AAONMS and the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City.

Robert T. "Tim" Thomas ~ Senior Grand Steward Robert T. "Tim" Thomas was born in Kissee Mills, Missouri. He attended Forsyth High School where he served as Student Body President. After graduating in 1976, he enrolled at the College of the Ozarks, but his college education was cut short when he had to return to the family farm to assist after the death of his father. RWB Thomas served the country as a member of the Missouri National Guard from 1978-84. RWB Thomas was employed by the Missouri State Water Patrol in 1981. He resides in Crane, Missouri with his wife Kathryn and Daughter Shelby. His son Andy is also a Master Mason at Galena Lodge #515. RWB Thomas retired from the Patrol in 2012 62 Summer 2013

after a 31 year career. RWB Thomas was raised in Galena Lodge #515 in 1993 and served as Worshipful Master in 1997. His extensive Masonic activities include service as DDGM 43rd Masonic District, Missouri Lodge of Research, Masonic Children’s Foundation, and the Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin, (32° KCCH). RWB Thomas is a member of Kimberling City Chapter #164 of the Order of the Eastern Star. He is a York Rite Mason and a member of Springfield Chapter #15 RAM, Zabud Council #25 R&SM, and St. John’s Commandery #20 KT. He is a member of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine in Springfield.

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Your Grand Lodge Line Officers for 2013 Stanton T. Brown II ~ Junior Grand Steward Stanton T. Brown II was born in Independence, Missouri, grew up in Sibley and graduated from Fort Osage school in 1965. He attended the University of Missouri in Columbia prior to joining the military. He subsequently worked for the GSA, returned to college where he earned an accounting degree and began working in banking. In 1991, he began working for American International Aluminum, where he works today as an administrative manager. Stan is recently widowed after 40 years of marriage. He became a Master Mason in 1971 at Buckner Lodge #501, where he served as Master in 1978. He has served on several Grand Lodge committees, was District Deputy

Grand Master of the 19th Masonic district in 2010-2011 and helped develop the DDGM manual. In addition to his many civic activities, RWB Stan has memberships in Independence Chapter RAM #12, Independence Council #49 Cryptic Masons, Palestine Commandery #17 Knights Templar, Kansas City Valley Scottish Rite, Harry S. Truman York Rite College #167, Charlemagne Council #79 Knight Masons, Kilwinning Council #19 AMD, Mary Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, Missouri Lodge of Research, Royal Order of Scotland, St. Thomas of Acon, National Sojourners KC Chapter #63, Tall Cedars and the Order of Athelstan.

LeRoy Salmon ~ Senior Grand Marshall RWB LeRoy Salmon was born in Pattonsburg, Missouri and graduated from Wathena High School, Wathena, Kansas, in 1963. In 1966, after military service, he worked for the CB&Q Railroad (now BNSF) in Sterling, Colorado. In 1984, Brother Salmon began his military career again, becoming full time active duty with the Missouri Air National Guard in Saint Joseph, Missouri. He attended college classes in Business Accounting in between overseas deployments and retired in 2005. He has three children: Steve Salmon, Robin Hayter and Sandy Roman.

RWB LeRoy's Masonic accomplishments are extensive. Raised in Zeredatha Lodge #189 (now Charity-Zeredatha), he is currently s­erving as Lodge Secretary. He was a DDGM last year and is also the current Junior Warden of the M ­ issouri Lodge of Research. In addition, he is 1st Vice President of the Missouri High Twelve Association, has held many ­positions with the St. ­Joseph Valley of the ­Scottish Rite and also is a recipient of the 33rd Degree. He is also active in the York Rite where he currently is Grand Standard Bearer in the Grand Commandery.

Missouri Brothers Serve in the State House of Representatives It is a long standing tradition that Freemasons are not supposed to discuss politics in Lodge. For ten Missouri Brothers, however, political discussions are par for the course. When these men leave their Lodges and head for the Capitol building in Jefferson City, it's part of their job. These are the Missouri Freemasons who serve in the state House of Representatives. Representatives pictured from left to right are, front row: Eric Burlison, R-Springfield, Solomon #271; Warren Love, R-Osceola, Lowry City #403; Kenneth Wilson, R-Smithville, Temperance #438; Kevin Austin, R-Springfield, Gate of the Temple #422; Pat Conway, D-St. Joseph, Charity Zeredatha #189. Back row: Nate Walker, D-Kirksville, Adair #366; Joe Don McGaugh, R-Carrollton, Wakanda #52; Jay Swearingen, D-Kansas City, Overland Park #436; Bill Lant, R-Joplin, Joplin #335; Bryan Spencer, R-Wentzville, Polar Star Rose Hill #79.

While these men are certain to have differences of opinion, we trust they remember that admonition from the description of the trowel, that we are a society of friends and Brothers, "among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who can best work and best agree."

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The Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America Meets in Kansas City, Missouri A Story of Two Jurisdictions within the Masonic Family By RWB Ty Treutelaar The great hall is silent and still in the early morning of to the Conference: the George Washington National Masonthe first day, but many years of planning have fully prepared ic Memorial Association, the Masonic Renewal Committee, this vast room for the work of the Craft. Tables are arranged the Masonic Service Association of North America, the Nain a great rectangular horseshoe with every side capable of tional Masonic Foundation for Children, the Commission seating twenty Grand Masters, so that each Grand Master or on Information and Recognition, and the very well known his representative of the fifty-nine jurisdictions in attendance Child Identification Program (CHIP). It is important to note will have the ability to interact readily during their discus- that the member jurisdictions gather of their own free will sions. Directly behind the Grand Masters are hundreds of and accord in general session and breakout workshops, to chairs that will soon fill with the officers and visitors of each review topics, listen, discuss, and understand individual perjurisdiction represented, along with the officers and visitors spectives, but each jurisdiction is free to make the decisions from other jurisdictions from around the world. Across the that best serve the Brethren they represent. This allows the open end of the horseshoe rises the head table from which jurisdictions to adapt to the needs of their areas while at the same time maintain an awareness of the needs and ideas that this event will be chaired. This setting was the backdrop in the hours before the are flowing from other jurisdictions. The importance of this worldwide Masonry event is opening of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons evident in the attendance of non-voting jurisdictions from in North America that took place February 17-19, 2013, in throughout the world that come Kansas City, Missouri. Most Worto the Conference to share in the shipful Brothers David L. Ramsey, ideas presented, the knowledge Grand Master of Missouri and disseminated, and the fellowship Donald D. Newman, Jr., Grand radiated. Standing before this asMaster of Kansas welcomed visisembled body of Grand Masters tors on behalf of their respective was this year's Conference ChairGrand Lodges, which co-hosted man, the Grand Master of Texas, the event. MWB Walter Rogers. When The Conference of Grand Masasked as to how he felt when first ters of Masons in North America bringing the Conference to order, is the largest gathering of Grand he replied, "This is one of the Masters in the world, and it is most awesome things that could comprised of sixty-four member ever happen, and I kept thinking Grand Lodges from the United how did all this happen?" His States including Washington DC question as to "how this all hapand Puerto Rico, the Provinces of pened" had two meanings as he Canada, the States of Mexico, and went on to explain that he comes the American-Canadian Grand from Bedias, Texas with a popuLodge of Germany. Grand Lodges lation of 443, and includes Bedias from around the world attend this Lodge #651 with a membership annual Conference with the desire to cultivate an international fel- Grand Master David L. Ramsey speaks to the gathering of 59; he never imagined himself lowship of Brethren. These men of Grand Masters from North America and visitors from standing where he was on that day. The other meaning was to voluntarily gather to share with around the world. one another the workings of the Craft in their respective ju- the "mind boggling logistics" of this Conference. The Missouri planning for this event began in 2004 with risdictions. Forms of this annual Conference have been held in North America since 1780, with some sporadic breaks, an idea from a Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of but in 1913 the Grand Lodge of Indiana set out to establish Missouri. While in Washington DC for his first Conference a more regular and organized annual format that has been of Grand Masters in North America, then Junior Grand Deacon MWB Rocky Weaver (2008-2009) decided that bringing faithfully maintained since 1925. The name of the Conference may not be as well known as this Conference to Missouri would be an excellent idea as the names of the associations or committees that are related See Conference, page 66 … 64 Summer 2013

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Conference, from page 64 … the Conference had been held primarily along both coasts for many years. He knew that Missouri had not hosted the Conference since 1914 and he felt with certainty that coming to the center of the United States would be welcomed by all attendees. In 2006, a Grand Senior Deacon of the Grand Lodge of Kansas attended the Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, and he also believed that it was time to begin thinking about bringing the Conference to the center of the country. The Kansas Grand Senior Deacon at that time, now MWB Roy Sullivan, Jr. (2008-2009), felt that by coming to his jurisdiction, "We could give everyone the ability to experience mid-west hospitality." (It should be mentioned that the Conference is usually two weeks before the next session of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, so at the time of the Conference in 2006 MWB Sullivan would have been a Grand Senior Deacon, and MWB Weaver would have been a Junior Grand Warden. Approximately two weeks later MWB Sullivan would become the Grand Junior Warden of Kansas.) As time passed, these two Grand Lodge Officers became acquainted as they advanced in their respective lines and eventually shared their common ideas for hosting this Conference. They quickly came upon the idea that they should co-host the Conference. Other centrally located jurisdictions had considered hosting this event, but the issues of logistics and costs were felt to be a bit daunting. MWB Weaver felt that "not only would it be possible to show that the attendees would support a Midwest location, but that two jurisdictions could cooperate in bringing to everyone a memorable event, and that the demonstration of this type of cooperation would benefit all of Freemasonry." MWB Sullivan agreed with MWB Weaver, and he also felt that Kansas City, Missouri would be a perfect place for the Conference to be held. Located on the border between the two jurisdictions, with great transportation and convention facilities, the city was felt to be the perfect size and location to give the attendees the best of the Midwest. MWB Sullivan also has a strong connection with Missouri as he was raised in a family originally from this state, but the ties run a bit stronger than geography as his father, RWB Roy Sullivan, Sr., was at one time a precinct runner for a young politician named Harry Truman. MWB Sullivan explained, "I have three Masonic heroes; George Washington, Harry Truman, and my father. On the night of my fourth birthday my father was raised as a Master Mason. Years later I discovered the date of his raising and I joked that I always wondered where he was on that night." Being raised as the son of a Mason, by a father who spoke of Harry Truman, MWB Sullivan felt "the Conference should be in the city that gave us a President who was a Grand Master." MWB Sullivan took the idea back to Kansas where it was quietly discussed and readily accepted. When asked when he knew about this Conference and planning of the Conference, the Past Grand Master of Kansas (2011-2012) 66 Summer 2013

and now Grand Secretary of Kansas, MWB Tracy Bloom said "from the time I was first appointed the idea was there, and it just continued to grow." In Missouri, the idea of co-hosting the Conference in Kansas City also began to take hold, but it was at the Conference in Louisville in 2008 that MWB Weaver and MWB Sullivan conferred with MWB Glenn Means, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri (2001-2002). They knew that at the 2009 Conference in Anaheim that they would have the chance to place forward a proposal for hosting the 2013 Conference in Kansas City, so they decided to move forward with their plans. In the late evening during the Grand Lodge of Missouri 2008 Session, then Junior Grand Warden RWB David Ramsey, MWB Means and soon to be MWGM Weaver huddled together with other Officers in a corner of the hospitality suite. "They kept glancing up at me and I knew something was happening over there, so I thought I had better see what they were up to," said MWGM David Ramsey, "but I wasn't quite expecting this." It was at this moment that David was informed of the idea to bring the Conference to Missouri during his year as Grand Master and he was asked what he thought. Friday Ramsey, the wife of the Junior Grand Warden, saw her husband walk across the room and she could tell that "he was about to say yes to something." She went over to see what was going on, but she wasn't quite sure if she should stay or go. It was then that Friday learned of the event as MWB Means told her "you should really stay and hear this." Friday said, "Glenn put his arm around me and said 'we think we can do this, and we think that we can pull it off,' and Dave and I just said yes." MWGM Ramsey later remarked, "there was simply no other decision to be made; this was the right thing for Missouri."

At the February 2009 Conference of Grand Masters in North America, the Grand Master of Missouri and the future Grand Master of Kansas stepped before the Selection Committee to present their reasons as to why the 2013 Conference should be held in Kansas City, why it would work for the attending jurisdictions, and why they should embrace the first co-jurisdiction sponsorship. MWB Weaver was quite concerned if the Selection Committee would support this proposal and he felt that, "if they were going to turn us down, it would be because of the co-hosting." Three proposals were See Conference, next page … the missouri freemason

Conference, from previous page … put forth, and to the pleasant surprise of MWB Weaver and MWB Sullivan, the decision was quickly made by the Selection Committee to bring the Conference to Kansas City. "David Ramsey insisted that this would be a showcase for Missouri and Kansas as an enjoyable and informative time, and on this he would not compromise," recalled MWB Glenn Means. The desire of MWGM Ramsey in showcasing both jurisdictions was reiterated time and time again by all of those involved with the planning of this event, and the cooperation between Missouri and Kansas was beyond expectation. MWB Weaver stated of the planning, "there were no egos to get in the way." When asked as to his vision of this Conference, MWGM Ramsey replied, "from the very beginning I felt we needed to be welcoming, because Missouri Freemasonry is welcoming, we are inclusive and we want everyone to feel that coming to a Missouri Lodge is like coming home." The theme of the Masonic Family has defined this Masonic year of MWGM Ramsey, with the consistent messages of inclusiveness and the family of Masonry, and this set the pace for this Conference on the very first night. The officers of both jurisdictions were told to be in the main lobby outside the ballroom an hour before the Opening Banquet to meet and greet everyone who attended. About 10 minutes before the ballroom doors were to open all of the officers were conducted through a side door into the ballroom and we were instructed to form reception lines on either side of the four entrance doors. As the doors were opened we greeted the incoming attendees as guests, but by the time they began their dinner they were our friends. Many of the ladies of the Brethren were particularly taken aback that we would take the time to greet them and thank them for joining us at this Conference. The enjoyment of the opening night success carried through the next three days and was reflected by the overwhelmingly consistent comments made by the ladies in attendance. Diane Haywood, the wife of RWB David Haywood, Senior Grand Warden of Missouri, mentioned that "things were well organized," and, "everything flowed really well without hesitation or standing around." The theme of being well organized was expressed by Anna Broyles, wife of RWB Jon Broyles, Deputy Grand Master of Missouri, who also remarked "she really enjoyed the wide diversity of Masons from all over the world." During the Conference the ladies enjoyed an excursion planned by Friday Ramsey and Diana Revelle, the wife of MWB Elmer Revelle (2004-2005). This was a complicated endeavor involving four motor coaches to the Truman Library and a lunch at the Scottish Rite Cathedral of the Valley of Kansas City. Friday was a bit concerned as to how to go about keeping this event interesting and making sure that lunch went well. She had a follow-up with the Scottish Rite on all the details for the lunch as well as the countless details in moving four bus loads of passengers from a hotel, to a

venue, to another venue, serve lunch, and bring them back to the hotel. As it turned out the extensive planning by Friday insured that everyone enjoyed a wonderful excursion, and her concerns of providing an interesting tour with a nicely done lunch were never an issue. Diana took on the role of Mrs. Wallace, the sister in-law of Bess Truman, and stood before the auditorium to tell the tales of the Truman family. Friday said, "no one moved or wanted to move; they didn't want it to end." The luncheon was set in the main dining room with red linen napkins on pink linen table clothes and fresh floral center pieces. What Friday is learning only now as she reads this, is that MWB Weaver and MWB Sullivan had spoken several times with Ray Orth of the Scottish Rite to make sure that everything went beyond all expectations. MWB Weaver quoted MWB Sullivan as saying, "We need to do this because this is for Friday and all of our Grand Ladies." WB Orth (Fidelity Lodge #339), with the assistance of his wife Corrie, did all they could to make sure that this was the event that the ladies would really remember. WB Orth remarked, "We wanted to make sure that this event was a cut above all the other events, we figured we only had one shot to really impress the ladies with the Scottish Rite and Missouri Freemasonry and that we had to make it really good." The results speak for themselves as the Scottish Rite has received calls and notes from across the country to comment on the lunch. Later in the day, the buses returned to the hotel and every lady was presented with a box of Russell Stover Candy as she stepped off the bus.

Going beyond expectations in hospitality and service was the hallmark of this Conference, and while it was mentioned countless times by those in attendance, these traits didn't just happen at the Conference hotel. There were a large number of local Brethren who spent hours at the airport greeting the incoming flights and welcoming our guests. They assisted with the baggage, providing direction, and gave a hand with each detail in making sure everyone was well assisted. MWB Bloom had been concerned about the logistics between the airport and hotel, and said, "transport from the airport was my biggest concern and we had the schedule with all the flight information of those coming in by air." The volunteers were at the airport through to the very last flight to make sure everyone was properly welcomed and assisted. MWGM Ramsey said of this, "I cannot stress enough, we See Conference, next page …

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Conference, from previous page … were a success because of the volunteers that stepped up to the plate." MWB Weaver, who coordinated much of the volunteer activity, had this to say of the volunteers, "If only you could 'can' enthusiasm," and that it was about "involvement — people came to help." MWB Weaver further stated, "I have found if you appoint someone to do something, stand out of the way and you won't be disappointed." The professionalism of the presentations in the breakout rooms was consistently mentioned throughout the Conference for the quality of the material and the timeliness of the information. RWB Nicholas Cichielo, Grand Treasurer of Missouri, was singled out numerous times for his wonderful work including bringing down the house with the shirt off his back. As a result of these presentations RWB Cichielo has been asked to speak at functions in other jurisdictions so that his information and skills will be available to assist our fellow Brethren. Many words of praise came forth during the Conference for the leadership of RWB Ronald Miller, Grand Secretary of Missouri, and his staff. The Grand Lodge Office was extraordinarily supportive of the Conference before and during the event. We believe that this is the first time that a Grand Lodge has directly supported the Conference at the actual site of the Conference and the results were outstanding. The efforts of the Grand Lodge Office Manager Adriane Price and her entire office staff was met with heartfelt gratitude from all who received their assistance. This kindness should be extended on behalf of all those that never even knew they had been helped. RWB Miller commented that making sure the logistics of housing and meals of the Officers and staff of the Grand Lodge of Missouri "are a wonderful challenge" and that he had "folders and folders of forms and notes." RWB Miller was outstanding in his representation of our jurisdiction, as we should note that there is a concurrent Conference of Grand Secretaries that meets during this Conference to which RWB Miller is our representative. Part of the skillful organization and planning brought to this Conference was due to the experience of RWB Miller and his successful tenure as Past President of the Conference of Grand Secretaries in 2010-2011. It is through the support and care he invests in the growth of the Grand Lodge of Missouri that he further provided so much to this event, and which is evident as he said of the Conference, "my biggest satisfaction is the reaction of our Grand Lodge Officers as they realize that they are part of the most influential group for Masonry in the world, and they can say that they were part of something that really makes a difference, and makes history." The quality of the banquet food was remarked throughout the event and no one could remember having been served such consistently good cuisine in such a large setting over so many days. Competing with the food was the wide range of nightly entertainment that included the remarkable Strolling Strings of North Shawnee Mission High School in Overland Park, Kansas. The event was also supported by the National Sojourners and a wonderful Religious Observance from 68 Summer 2013

MWB Elmer Revelle. Behind all of this is a story that has not yet been told and that is much bigger than just this event. The planning and execution of this Conference is a major undertaking and these successes do not just happen by themselves. Unforeseen things occurred which the initial planning could not foresee (like the hotel being sold), but the Conference went forward in a most magnificent manner. Every person who was involved in creating this Conference has mentioned one individual at the absolute center of this event, for whom the sentiments expressed by MWGM Ramsey made it abundantly clear, "Missouri is blessed to have Glenn Means." MWB Means has quietly helped all of us in ways that we will never fully realize well before we knew that this Conference was going to happen in Kansas City. It was in February 2002, while serving as Grand Master of Missouri, that MWB Means was elected to the position of Executive Secretary of the Conference of Grand Masters in North America. His skills and energy for the Fraternity allowed MWB Means to serve successfully as Grand Master of Missouri while at the same time serving as the Executive Secretary for the Conference of Grand Masters in North America until the end of the Missouri Grand Session in September 2002; he continues to serve as Executive Secretary to this day. This is all the more remarkable because when MWB Means began his position with the Conference, "There were no computers and all the databases and templates for the Conference had to be created." The efforts of MWB Means have carried far beyond Missouri. As stated by RWB Miller, "Glenn Means has involved Missouri Masonry at an international level." MWB Weaver spoke admirably of the many achievements made by MWB Means which are known through the quality of the work and from which this Conference has received a direct benefit. The respect for MWB Means work has been well earned by countless hours of planning and decision making, with remarkable follow-through in all the details that make an event come together. Among the many details for this Conference he was particularly concerned with the sale of the hotel in the last two years, and that the location of the opening service with MWB Revelle in relation to the Conference had never been attempted. In asking MWB Means his opinion as to how things went at this Conference he simply said, "No comments were made that were bad, and the opening went really well." Telling comments have come from well outside our jurisdiction. The Grand Master of New Hampshire, MWGM Paul Leary, was in attendance as Conference Vice Chairman, and he has served as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee for the Conference. He specifically commented that because of the skills provided by MWB Means the Planning Committee could focus on its tasks and, "all we had to do, was do." Conference Chairman, MWGM Rogers, had this comment on MWB Means, "Through all the work and all the calls, he never failed to be a gentleman, and he does all the right things for the all the right reasons."

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Mental Reservation, from back page … reference to Mental Reservation was the sixteenth century theological doctrine of religio mentis, first developed by Martín de Azpilicueta 1491-1586 (Doctor Navarrus), noted Spanish canonist, theologian, and economist. The policy was adopted for dealing with the “sin of lying” as it relates to the obligation to keep secrets faithfully. Hence equivocations and amphibologies came to be called “mental restrictions” or reservations. This doctrine was condemned by Innocent XI on March 2, 1679. A frequently cited example of equivocation is a wellknown incident from the life of St. Athanasius the Great of Alexandria (296-373). When Julian the Apostate was seeking his death, Athanasius fled Alexandria and was pursued up the Nile. Seeing the imperial officers were gaining on him, Athanasius took advantage of a bend in the river that hid his boat from its pursuers and ordered his boat turned around. When the two boats crossed paths, the Roman officers shouted out, asking if anyone had seen Athanasius. One of Athanasius’s followers shouted back, as instructed by Athanasius, “Yes, he is not very far off.” The pursuing boat hastily continued up the river, while Athanasius returned to Alexandria, where he remained in hiding during the seventeen years of his exile. As a renowned theologian, Athanasius was a participant in the fourth century church councils when the book of James was included in the New Testament. James is the only writer to use the term “double-minded” (dipsychos), i.e. having two minds. But he used the word in the sense of “doubting” or “waivering” in his faith,” rather than as deceitful. “A Conference, from previous page … With the comments regarding MWB Means have also come comments as to the incredible support that he has from his wife, Mary Jane. She has been such an integral part of the efforts of MWB Means that most discussions of the planning and operations of this Conference include some derivation of "… Mary Jane and Glenn." MWGM Rogers stated, "when you mention Glenn you always are mentioning Mary Jane." He also went further in explaining that with Mary Jane, you will also find MWB Weaver and his wife Janet, and he realized, "they all work together so well that you don't even know they are working together." Eventually, the benefit of four years of planning and preparation was in place and the Conference had a beginning and an ending. The Conference itself served as the structure by which Brethren from all over the world could interact and associate. In the end, MWB Rogers said this of having the Grand Masters assembled in one place to discuss the Brotherhood, "The accomplishment of something with this level

double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” and is “like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind” (James 1:8). Athanasius was bishop of Alexandria for 45 years, starting as a leading figure in the First Ecumenical Council (Nicaea, 325). “It is the area of deliberate and desired ambiguity, rather than in the area of the careless or ill-defined, that Freemasonry is concerned. Used in this devious manner, one party may employ distinct and separate meanings or undertakings which can be rendered as equivalent to that proposed or under consideration, with the potential for loss or harm occurring to the genuine party. Where a man’s word is meant to be his bond, deliberate equivocation represents the opposite of Masonic virtue, and our predecessors also found in this device of subterfuge a clear and real danger to the very existence of the institution of Freemasonry.” (Richard Martin Young, Grand Chancellor of Grand Lodge of All England, 2008) I like the way Brother Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) writes in Poor Richard’s Almanack for January, 1726: Some have learn’t many tricks of sly evasion, Instead of truth they use equivocation, And eke it out with mental reservation, Which, to good men, is an abomination. Our smith of late most wonderfully swore, That whilst he breathed he would drink no more, But since, I know his meaning, for I think, He meant he would not breathe whilst he did drink. Or I may just refer to our oft repeated injunction: “Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind … .” of leadership is unbelievable and amazing, and the level of knowledge is awesome." The great hallway was again silent and still in the late night of the last day, but many years of planning had fully prepared this vast room for the work of the Craft. The tables and chairs were now gone and no worldly trace remained of these last three days, but the inward knowledge and fellowship that was shared between the Brethren who were in attendance, now traveled outward with them as a part of the Masonic Family. During the three days of the Conference, two jurisdictions were united to host the largest gathering of Grand Masters in the world. Within the borders of the ShowMe state the co-hosts demonstrated to the world and to the satisfaction of those who attended what the cooperation of Brethren could accomplish. Peace and harmony prevailed and the Conference was closed. (The author thanks all of those who took the time to answer his questions, and his editors: RWB David Brown & RWB Steven Harrison.)

✮ Missouri Freemason Deadlines ✮ Fall, 2013 July 1, 2013 Winter, 2013 October 1, 2013

Spring, 2014 January 3, 2014 Summer, 2014 April 1, 2014

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"The Most Valuable Masonic Record in Missouri Has Been Found" By RWB Jeffrey A. Parrotte, DDGM 27B Our saga – yes saga ("A narrative of heroic exploits") be- Missouri Lodge #1, paid a visit to the New Masonic Temple gins with a Missouri Lodge of Research publication called in the City of St. Louis for research on a topic that was com"The 1944 Missouri Lodge of Research - Volume 2; Trans- pletely unrelated to the Masonic Memoranda. Standing at actions of the Missouri Lodge of Research" which in 2007 the desk of WB John Vollman, of Napthali and Magnolia was difficult to obtain but not impossible. That particular Euclid, who Ty had never met until that day, John told Ty volume contains the "minutes of the 1943 and 1944 annual that he was tied up with a complicated email and asked if he communications and the Story of Missouri Lodge No. 1 A.F. could wait for a few minutes. According to Ty: "I asked if I & A.M, of St. Louis, Mo.", which is the predecessor to St. could just stand in the doorway of the walk in safe room." Louis Missouri Lodge #1. It also includes the critical role John responded for Ty to go on into the safe and look around. of Missouri Lodge #1, with two other Lodges, in calling for When John finished his work he joined Ty in the Vault. "We discussed my original reason for visiting the Temple the creation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Our saga also includes a Brother that had particular interest in the history that day, but I also told him about Billon, and that I had always felt that the Memoranda might be in this safe, which of his Lodge - St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1. The book is remarkable in that it was written by James I had searched five years previous. He told me things were Steiner and edited by Ray Denslow; two powerhouses in the moved around a bit and much of the contents were added world of Masonic writing and education at that time. But in the last few years, and he started showing various ledwhat makes this publication particularly interesting and gers and letters and minutes in the safe. AMAZING. Then more than a historical record is that Denslow did not always we went over in the corner and moved a bunch of things agree with Steiner's conclusions but in the case of this pub- around on upper and lower shelves and found letters from lication included all of Steiner's work, but annotated with English royalty, letters of patent, seals, and an untold amount his own comments, which was highly unusual for Denslow. of Grand Master Memorabilia. We stacked and restacked countless items. John asked me what I thought Our driven Brother acquired a copy of this the book would look like. I told him it would hard to obtain publication to aid in his research be small, because ... Billon ... was old and he of the history of St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1 was not in good health and could not carry one and in reading it came across something he nevof the standard minute books of the era; and it er expect to find: Much of Steiner's work was would be of lesser quality, because he did not based on another document written by RWB have very much money. I imagined it would Frederic L. Billon called "Masonic Memoranda; look something like this....." Ty reached out and St. Louis", but the "Masonic Memoranda", "the pulled a Financial Ledger off the shelf to give most valuable Masonic record in Missouri" acJohn an idea of what he expected the "Masonic cording to Steiner, was last referenced or seen Memoranda" might look like. Much to Ty and in 1943 when this book was actually written. So Frederick L. Billon John's surprise Ty was actually holding the eluour Brother began a 7-year search for this mysterious document that was believed to hold the key to many sive "Masonic Memoranda". If it were me I'm not sure if I would have cheered or brounanswered questions about St. Louis Missouri Lodge #1 and, as it turns out, many other questions we didn't event ken down in tears but to have a 7 year quest of such imknow to ask; for example: Our Grand Lodge almost being portance come to fruition is a defining moment in anyone's dissolved and a Lodge sacrificing itself to save the Grand life. This writer believes that after hearing the details of Ty's Lodge of Missouri, two years of missing Grand Lodge com- efforts over the last 7 years to find the memoranda that this munication minutes are found in the "Masonic Memoranda", moment involved Devine intervention by the Great Architect and much more information of which potentially unsettling of the Universe – it was time for it to be found and so Ty was directed to this location and to WB John and the long waited – you will have to judge that for yourself. So let's reveal our mystery Brother and how, after a 7 year event occurred. Now came the moment that tests us as Master Masons: search, he found the lost "Masonic Memoranda" after it had gone missing for 70 years. His search included interviews The book itself has no intrinsic value, "it only has value for from around the state; requests throughout the Internet; the contents and this is evidenced by the tremendous digital and searches of libraries in Iowa, Georgia, Washington DC, library of the Missouri Lodge of Research." In Ty's words: Texas, California, and Pennsylvania; as well as Missouri. "So after seven years of searching I was presented with the On the morning of Wednesday March 6, 2013, RWB Ty G. See Most Valuable, next page … Treutelaar, Grand Chaplain and Jr. Past Master of St. Louis 72 Summer 2013

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We Listen… Progress as Promised… In the surveys last year and this year, one of the top areas that our Brethren said we need to improve is communication. Regular, informative communication is critical to each Brother knowing what is happening in the fraternity, from his Lodge up to Grand Lodge. A new standardized communications process is being developed that will provide better communication, the way you want it. The first step is that we have a good way to communicate with you. The new Membership Portal is the way to maintain our channel to communicate with you. As of May 1, 2013, the Membership Portal allows YOU to maintain your own contact info. Moved? Change your address in the Portal. Change email, change it in the Portal. New cell phone, change it in the portal. These changes will take effect immediately and keep you in contact! To access the portal, enter my.momason. org into the address field of your web browser. Most up-to-date web browsers are supported. The first time you access the Portal, you must have your current 2013 dues card. It will be necessary for you to enter your membership number from under the barcode on your dues card, and your last name to confirm that they match. You will also be

asked to enter your email address, which becomes your user code, and to create a password, both of which will used to access the Portal in subsequent visits. Another question will be asked that you, as a Freemason, should know. Once enrolled, you will have the ability to edit your address, phone numbers, and other electronic communication addresses. You will also get to choose which method(s) that you want to receive communications via. The features of this secure Portal will grow as time goes on! Other capabilities planned are: viewing your membership details, member rosters of the Lodge(s) you belong to, secure file downloads, online education, and more! Having accurate contact information is essential for a good communications system to work properly. This Portal is the first phase in the implementation of this program. The systems to use this information will be put in place following this release, so soon you will start getting communications from Grand Lodge, and your Lodge (once they are trained on the system). Hopefully this will keep you “in the loop” on activities going on in Freemasonry, and that you have a greater opportunity to be involved!

Most Valuable, from previous page … paradox of demanding the book, for which I would not be successful and the book would be locked away with all its secrets; or realize that I have a chance to unlock the secrets of the book but that I would need to hand the book back to where it was found, until we could figure out where it belongs. What I told John: let me keep this book for two days, and I will have it digitally scanned, and return the book to you and provide you with an additional digital copy. And then Brotherhood kicked in: John said to me, I have never met you, but I know who you are, and I trust you. And he handed me the book." WB John took a leap of faith and trusted a fellow Master Mason on his word to return the newly found treasure. Thank you WB John for being a true believer in the teachings of our fraternity. RWB Ty immediately rushed the book to the digital imaging company that makes digital copies for the Grand Lodge and the Lodge of Research. The resultant digital file reveals detail and faded pencil writing not visible to the naked eye. The digital copy was presented to the Lodge of Research at its monthly meeting in Columbia and the Ledger was returned to WB John within the requested two days as promised. The Lodge of Research will be posting the entire content of this treasure on the Lodge of Research website (www. molor.org) shortly. I have no intention of spoiling the surprises you will find in reading the "Masonic Memoranda" but you might want to know why RWB Billon was so knowledgeable and why this document was considered "the most valuable Masonic

record in Missouri" by one of the premier Masonic Writers and Educators of the time. The answer is that he was a member of the Masonic Fraternity for 73 years, two time past Worshipful Master, held a number of Missouri Grand Lodge positions including that of Grand Secretary and the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Missouri. James Steiner summarizes his feelings about RWB Frederick L. Billon as follows: "Human words of tongue and pen cannot properly express the praises due him on account of his work and services in Masonry, as a historian of the Order and as a historian of St. Louis." If you enjoy Masonic History from the perspective of Brothers that were actually there and history of St. Louis, I encourage you to read both publications talked about in this article. They will soon be posted on the Lodge of Research website. OK – since Ty has shared a couple of tidbits from the Memoranda at a stated communication of St. Louis Missouri #1 I guess I will share them too. So I leave you with this: Notes about the founding of Royal Arch Chapter #1 is included in the Memoranda. There is an entire section devoted to our relationship with Lodge Neuf Soeurs (Lodge of the Nine Sisters in Paris), notes on the Baltimore Convention of 1843 and the Winchester Convention of 1846, how Missouri Lodge #1 fractured itself while intervening in protecting the Grand Lodge from disillusion in 1831, and how it was that the charter of Missouri Lodge #1 was never surrendered. You will need to read the Memoranda to learn the details.

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Missouri DeMolay has been off to a busy start, having already initiated over 70 young men since the start of the year. This number is a result of the outstanding program Missouri continues to offer. Events are occurring all across the State, and giving more opportunities to many young men. Chapters throughout Missouri have been initiating in high numbers, but one that stands out in particular is the Initiation at the Moolah Shrine Center. At this event alone, over 40 young men decided to better themselves by joining DeMolay. It was remarkable to see these young men excited to join DeMolay and begin their time in the Masonic family. However, these young men were not alone, as they were all joined by their parents and families. So these family members shared in the opportunity to learn about the precepts and virtues of DeMolay. I am confident that these new initiates, with their parents, will become wholeheartedly involved in this organization. It was an amazing experience to share the message of DeMolay and Masonry with the over 200 in attendance. I am sure that this message will continue to spread, as this group will share it with their communities. The message and purpose of DeMolay is continuing to reach more people every day, and this will only help us in our membership goals. I am confident that these high membership efforts will continue throughout the Jurisdiction. However, these membership successes would not be possible

Hello Missouri Masons! Missouri Job's Daughters have been very busy since the first of the year. Each Bethel has been hosting prospect parties and having initiations. Do you know of a girl who would love and benefit from being in Job's Daughters? It is never too early or too late for a girl to join Job's Daughters. March was a fun month for us. SLALOC (St. Louis Area Line Officers Club) had a float in the Shriner's Circus Parade. There were girls in robes as well as girls in capes and crowns showing the different levels in our state. We also encouraged other girls to come out to help pass out the yellow coupons for a free kids ticket. All of the girls had a blast like always. The following weekend Missouri Job's Daughters headed to Branson, Missouri, for our 'Fairy Tale' Mini Session. The girls, as well as the adults, had a blast. Saturday afternoon we went to see a Branson show, "The Magic and Comedy of Taylor Reed." The girls from each Bethel also created their own fairy tales which they preformed for our evening entertainment. Then on Sunday the girls were excited to go to breakfast in their PJs and afterwards we held our Church Service, gave out some final awards and drew the winners of the weekend's raffles. To end March the girls helped out at the Shrine Circus and enjoyed the time they got to spend there. April was not quite as busy with statewide events. Missouri Job's Daughters participated in the Formal Opening at Grand 74 Summer 2013

without the remarkable support of the Masons in Missouri. This support allows us to provide a first class experience to our members, and host these great events. Missouri DeMolay will continue to strive for these high membership numbers, and make this term truly special. Plus, this Masonic contribution allows us to provide the best programs to the DeMolays in Missouri. In the upcoming months we will have many events including our Conclave and Leadership Training Conference. Conclave gives members of every Chapter the opportunity to come together for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and competitions. This is undoubtedly our biggest and most anticipated event of the year. In addition our Leadership Training Conference not only prepares our members for DeMolay success, but also provides a solid foundation for their future lives. Plus with the addition of these new members, these events are poised to be greater than ever! Again, enough thanks cannot be given to the Masons of Missouri, who support DeMolay in all of its endeavors. This encouragement is not being overlooked as DeMolays are continuing to join Lodges in great numbers, and continuing their time in Freemasonry. As a Mason I am excited to keep seeing young men join the Lodge, and I know this number will only increase. I look forward to the rest of this term, and the continued support of Masons throughout Missouri.

The Grand Bethel Trio: Amy Bush, Grand Bethel Senior Princess; Tiffany Hudson, Grand Bethel Honored Queen; Kaarin Hoogstraten, Grand Bethel Junior Princess.

Amaranth and we were very excited to be there to show our support for Honored Lady Linda Becker who is a Majority Member of Job's Daughters. We also honored our Grand Guardian, Associate Grand Guardian and Miss Missouri with receptions and their Bethel's did a wonderful job! The following weekend some of our adults and supporters were at a Promotion Banquet for Missouri Job's Daughters in St. Louis. We would love to thank those who took time out to support us, while us girls were in KC at the State Officers Reception. Now that we are in May our State events are slowing down since we only have about a month left till Grand Session. May 4, Missouri Job's Daughters hosted the 25th Anniversary of the Annual Mid America HIKE (Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund) at Wallace State Park in Cameron, Missouri. This

See Job's Daughters, next page … the missouri freemason

Hello Missouri Masons! I’m shaking my head at the snow, falling after the first day of Spring, as I write this. I think you’d agree it was a very interesting February and March! As I begin the last half of my year as Grand Worthy Advisor, I have been quite a few places. I continue to attend as many of the Installations of new Worthy Advisors as I can — usually on the Eastern side of the state, since I’m from Wentzville. On February 18, I joined my Rainbow sisters in Kansas City at the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America. I appreciate those of you who were in attendance and sent me your smiles and your strength as I spoke at this very special conference. My thanks, too, to the Kansas City area Rainbow Girls and adult advisors who gave their time and energy in keeping a Rainbow information booth available for all the people visiting from all over the WORLD. On April 4, District 1 and I attended Amaranth’s Grand Court where, like at Grand Lodge, I brought greetings from Missouri Rainbow. On April 13, District 4 (an area from Harrisonville to St. Joseph) held a “Lights, Camera, Rainbow” Grand Worthy Advisor Visit for me. I loved the “red carpet” experience — it’s always great fun visiting the Kansas City area. This day just didn’t stop, though. After their yummy food, we danced the night away at the DeMolay Knights Dance honoring the Grand Officers of the Masonic Youth Groups. We went back to Service’s Lodge in Raytown to try to “slumber” and then had church together the next morning. To finish out April, my Assembly and District honored me with at my Grand Worthy Advisor’s Reception with a baseballthemed event. Might I say: “Go Cardinals!” (Of course, while in Kansas City, I’ll show respect for their Royals!) In May, the Grand Cross Conferrings began. Bobbie Harris, our State Dean, held her first one on May 18 at Grandview Lodge and will be followed on June 1 with one at St. Charles’ Lodge. Conferrings are like Initiations to welcome the young ladies and adults who have been selected to become Masters of the Grand Cross of Color — Grand Cross is like the Honor Society of Rainbow. In between those Conferrings, I had the opportunity to attend Oklahoma’s Grand Assembly. It is quite different than ours — first of all since it’s held on a college Job's Daughters, from previous page … was a fun day where Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri got together to raise money for HIKE and meet new friends! On May 18, Bethel #19 from Webster Groves hosted a reception for me at Webster Groves Masonic Temple. June will be the start of a new term for us. Each Bethel will be busy planning an Installation which is an open event that anyone can attend. We will also be having our Grand Session from June 20-23 in Jefferson City and I will be retiring as GBHQ. Our Grand Bethel Installation will be held the evening of June 21 and all are invited to attend. It has been a fun-filled year and I have enjoyed having the opportunity to inform you of what Mis-

campus — but the Rainbow sisterhood extends clear around the world and I love all of the new Rainbow Sisters I am acquiring as I travel! To finish out my schedule, all of the Grand Officers will gather at Columbia’s Lodge on June 7-8 for a practice and a “final gathering.” Games, sleeping (or not) and “tweaking” parts will be on the agenda. Well, this is my last article for you. From June 28 to July 1, I will be presiding over the “Every Day is a Celebration” sessions at Grand Assembly in Springfield. You, of course, have a standing invitation, but, please let me reiterate: come! Come and laugh, be proud of your Missouri Rainbow Girls and ask questions. We have 23 Assemblies (having added two this past year!) and a bit shy of 300 Rainbow Girls on rosters in Missouri. In fact, Missouri came in 15th place INTERNATIONALLY in 2012 membership! Rainbow Girls is an amazing organization for young girls. I am proud to be from a Masonic family — all five of us are active in one way or another. My parents, brother and sister would all agree with me that the benefits are numerous — we have seen young girls gain selfconfidence, leadership and service skills, make forever friends, learn respect and responsibility, plan and contribute to events and so much more. Of course, bunches and bunches of fun (usually with much laughter and/or giggling) is a part of everything we do! In closing, I just want to convey my THANKS! Thank you for supporting Missouri Rainbow and for supporting me this past year. (Thank you to any Mason who brought books to a Rainbow event — that were donated to the Scottish Rite Care Clinics across Missouri.) Thank you for the time it takes to reach out to help our Rainbow Girls in Missouri. We need more sideliners at our events… we hope you will “spread the word” and encourage your Masonic brothers to “check in” with at least one Rainbow Assembly this next year … because, in Missouri Rainbow, you’ll find: Every Day is a Celebration! Chelsea Thomason, 2012-2013 Grand Worthy Advisor State of Missouri International Order of the Rainbow for Girls souri Job's Daughters have been doing in the state. I will miss all the experiences I have had this year but will treasure all the memories I have made. Please remember that all Masons and their families are welcome and encouraged to attend these and all Job's Daughters events. I'm looking forward to meeting and greeting you during my final travels this year and remember — YOU ARE OUR HERITAGE. As always for more information please check out our website at www.missouriiojd.org and www.jobsdaughtersinternational. org or just ask! Live, Laugh & Love, Tiffany Hudson, Grand Bethel Honored Queen 2012 – 2013

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Corporate Offices 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite A • Columbia, Missouri 65202 1-800-434-9804 ~ 573-814-4663 ~ 573-814-4660 (fax) www.mohome.org

Double Your Donation Did you know that thousands of companies offer corporate employee giving programs? These charitable programs are set up by corporations as a way to give back to local organizations where employees are donating either their time or money. Generally, these programs are available to fulltime employees but some companies have extended them to retirees as well.

Matching Gift – a program in which companies match donations, often dollar for dollar, made by employees, spouses and/or retirees.

The Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP) found in its 2011 survey of corporate giving, that 94% of companies offered at least one matching-donation program. These programs are a big part of corporate social responsibility initiatives but at least $10 billion in workplace matching funds go unclaimed each year; often because employees are unaware of this opportunity to double their charitable-giving power.

Annual Stipend – a set dollar amount employees can allocate to a nonprofit of their choosing; does not require employees to make a gift or volunteer their time for the organization they choose to allocate funds to.

While there is no general standard for employee giving programs, companies typically offer at least one of the following:

Volunteer Grant – a monetary gift made to a non-profit as a way to recognize employees who volunteer with the organization. The average volunteer grant is for $10-$15 per hour volunteered by a company employee.

Does your company offer an employee giving program? When making your next donation to the Masonic Home, be sure to check with your human resources department to see if it will “double your donation” by matching it. For questions or more information on how matching gifts are credited to your Truman Club membership, please contact Julie Wiecken, Donor Relations Specialist, at (800) 434‑9804 or jwiecken@mohome.org.

Masonic Widows Outreach Program One of the Masonic Home of Missouri’s non-financial Outreach Programs is the Widows Program. Honoring our late Missouri Master Masons’ spouses is a very important part of taking care of our Masonic family. Each year, the Masonic Home sends out condolence cards to families when a Missouri Mason passes away. In Fiscal Year 2012, the Masonic Home sent out 569 condolence cars to grieving families. The surviving female spouse also receives a Widows Pin and a card with her deceased husband’s Masonic information. Should she ever need assistance through the Financial Assistance Programs, this card contains all the Masonic information a caseworker would need to verify membership requirements. The Masonic Home wanted to further connect the Masonic Widows to the Home and the Lodge, so the Home began to host the Widows Luncheons to present a pin to the widows. These were so successful that the Home began to expand the luncheons, making them more inclusive of all Masonic ladies. The Masonic Home will use the Luncheons and Teas to communicate to the wives, widows, and Order 78 Summer 2013

of the Eastern Star ladies about the wonderful programs the Home offers. The Masonic Home of Missouri also sends Christmas cards each year to the ladies, along with mailing the Missouri Outreach magazine. The Masonic Home shares the list of widows with Lodges. This list provides an opportunity for the Masonic Home Representative to stay in touch with his Lodge’s Masonic widows and honor their late husband’s Masonic legacy. The list is mailed every year around mid-November and is updated continually. Widows who are in need of non-financial assistance, such as removal/storage of window air conditioning units, installation of hand rails, etc., might be able to receive assistance through the Home’s Masonic Family Cares Program which facilitates connections between Lodges, Chapters and youth organizations and the Masonic Brothers and Sisters in their communities. If you know of a widow who is in need of assistance or needs to be added to the Widow’s database, please contact Chantana Irwin at 800-434-9804 or cirwin@mohome.org. the missouri freemason

Head Start Students Get Their Own Personal Libraries Mountain View's Head Start Program has over the past few years provided students with books they would read together in class, and then allow each student to keep a copy for home use. This program helped to improve reading skills while instilling a sense of literary ownership. The program had one small drawback: it was independently funded. No local or state money assisted in purchasing the large quantity of books needed to keep the program running and the program's previous benefactor was no longer able to support it. Only $900 prevented the school from providing this service to its students. So where do you go to get funding for our community's preschool educational needs? Where else, but the same organization that has been supporting Mountain View's continued growth for over 98 years. Ms. Cathy Thompson, the Head

Start Director contacted Mountain View AF&AM Lodge #637 and asked if there was anything that could be done to help the reading program continue. A committee was quickly formed and fundraising efforts were set up to help raise the needed funds. Through the efforts of these community minded individuals and local businesses, they were able to raise half of the money needed to fund the school year. The other half was made available through the Missouri Masonic Home Outreach program. So by the efforts of local Masons and those throughout the state, Mountain View's Head Start reading program is now fully funded. Mountain View Masons have been proud to assist the town for many years and look forward to continuing this tradition. Individuals who would like to become part of this organization should contact Doug Doscher at (417) 934-6528.

Ladies Luncheons and Teas During the Masonic Home Representative's luncheon last September, staff introduced a new way of reaching out to the Lodge members, wives, widows and Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star. The Masonic Home wanted to replace the "old" presentations at the Lodge with holding Ladies Luncheons & Teas, with the area Lodge sponsoring the event and Staff from the Masonic Home of Missouri presenting the program. Each Lodge has presented a new way of holding the meetings, including several Sweetheart Dinners, District meetings, Open meetings, and actual teas. The Masonic Home Representatives have been instrumental in setting up the programs and inviting the attendees. Information is shared with attendees on the Masonic Home of Missouri's current

programs, eligibility and how the assistance has impacted the lives of Missouri Master Masons, their wives, widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Start and children throughout the State of Missouri. Staff has visited with eleven Lodges and enjoyed meeting over 250 Masons, wives, widows, OES members, and children since November, 2012. Several programs will be featured in the spring edition of the Missouri Outreach magazine and on the Masonic Home's website at www.mohome. org. If your Lodge is interested in sponsoring a program, please contact Rhonda Stone Lightfoot at (800) 434-9804 to schedule a date and time.

Branson Hosts Masonic Home Presentation Members and guests attending the Masonic Home Presentation for widows and other members of the Masonic Fraternity at Branson Lodge deemed the event a success. Five widows and 40 other members of the fraternity were present and all but two of the 43rd District Lodges were present. Rhonda Lightfoot, representative from the Masonic Home, explained the service programs it offers. Many members said they learned a lot about the Masonic Home versus what it was a few years ago and commented that they enjoyed the presentation greatly. LeRoy New and Kenny Goodman provided musical en-

tertainment afterward as members danced along with the music and enjoyed great food and wonderful fellowship. The Rainbow Girls waited on tables during the meal as a group of the widows in attendance worked in the kitchen. Lodge members extended thanks to both groups. In addition, the Eastern Star and the Rainbow Girls handed out petitions. The event's luncheon committee would like to thank every one in the 43rd Masonic District that brought a covered dish or dessert and Branson Lodge for furnishing the ham and meat loaf.

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On February 11, 2013, Grand River Lodge #276 in Freeman, Missouri, presented RWB Harold Davis a plaque with a clock for over 10 years of service as 20th District DDGL. RWB Ray Adams, DDGM of the 20th District, made the presentation.

Lewis P. Nauss was the recipient of the Sampson Lodge #298 "Mason of the Year" award at the January 15 meeting in Theodosia. The award recognized his dedication to the principles of Freemasonry, support of the Fraternity in the Ozark County area and his hard work to promote community and church activities and events in the Theodosia and Protem communities.

Cooper Lodge #36 donated 45 Christmas baskets and $2,865 back to the community. Baskets for widows and homebound members were also delivered to Richmond, Sweet Springs, Columbia and St. Clair where some of our members now reside. Brother Gary Whitehurse, Fundraiser Chair, and WM Todd Hill were thankful that Lodge members and the Community supported this fundraiser. Locally the Lodge gave HDC $1,950 in Gift certificates for food and paper products for Jennings Premium Meats, Snoddy’s General Store and C & R Markets. Ginger Wenger thanked the Lodge and stated that 60 certificates would help a number of families. All together the fundraiser touched 104 families in the area. Pictured (left to right): Gary Whitehurse, Chair; Todd Hill, Lodge Master; Ginger Wenger, HDC; Roy Cary and Duwayne Rahmer.

To honor the late WB Don Merideth, members of Whitewater #417 and West View #103 worked with his daughters to clean up a family-sponsored portion of Interstate 55 near Sikeston. Pictured from left to right: WB Charles Floyd, RWB Robert Floyd, WB Larry Seabaugh, Chris Moser and Robert Milam.

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Worshipful Brothers Clarence 'Buzz' Barrows (Secretary) and Gary Tourville (Treasurer) received long overdue Past Master aprons from Union Lodge #593 on March 8, 2013. Family members of each Brother were present at the ceremony. This was in recognition for all that these two Brothers have done for this Lodge for many years. Both Brothers just had knee replacement surgery from the same doctor on the same day. They really are true Brothers.

Pendleton Lodge #551 in Doe Run installed officers for the coming year on January 5, 2013. Pictured, first row, left to right: Tom Everett, SD; Bill Holloway, Marshall; Eddie Watkins, Secretary. Second row: Jim Watkins, SS; Mike Hogan, SW; Brian Eaton, JW; Dan Ward, Installing Marshall. Third row: Jim Woodfin, JS; Mark Stevens, WM; Carl Cantrell, Installing Master; Allen Dalton, Installing Chaplain.

Whitewater Lodge #417 members had their minds "in the gutter" when helping one of their Lodge widows. She had requested assistance in cleaning the gutters of her home and, the Lodge was honored to oblige. Pictured from left to right: Homer Wooden, WB Larry Seabaugh (front), RWB Robert Floyd, Robert Milam.

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On March 11, 2013, RWB George Barrios, DDGL of the 20th District, presented WB Donald Winchel his 50-year jewel on behalf of Grand River Lodge #276 in Freeman, Missouri.

John R. Sharpe was presented with his 50‑year pin from Monticello Lodge #58 by WM Robert Glover on January 27, 2013 at Monticello, Missouri.

Osage Lodge #303 presented Jim Phillips his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri at its recent Past Masters Dinner.

California Lodge #83 recently awarded Worshipful Brother Ward Geier his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Pictured (left to right): WB Geier, Mrs. Doreen Geier and WB G. R. Shelley.

Brother Claude F. Hickey of Richland Lodge #385 received his 50-year pin and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. RWB Michael Wallace (on left) and WM Kenneth O’Dell (right) made the presentation on behalf of the Lodge on February 14, 2013.

Branson Masonic Lodge had the pleasure of presenting Brother Laurance R. Miles his 50-year pin on March 18, 2013. The presentation was made by WB Kevin Wiebe and Brother Miles' wife presented the pin. Brother Miles has been a member of Cecile Daylight Lodge #305 and has transferred his membership to Branson Lodge; and Branson Lodge is proud to have Brother Miles as a member.

The following members received their 50-year pins in 2012 at Ada Lodge #444. Each Brother was presented his pin by his wife: Dwight McMullen, presented April 26 by wife Sharon; James Padget, presented April 26 by wife Mary; Wayne Groom, presented May 26 by wife Patsy.

California Lodge #83 recently awarded Worshipful Brother Herbert Raithel his 50-year jewel and certificate from the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Pictured (left to right): Mrs. Loretta Raithel, WB Herbert Raithel, RWB Steve Liebi, WB G.R. Shelley.

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POSTMASTER: Please send Address Forms 3579 to Grand Secretary, 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B, Columbia, Missouri 65202-6535.

Mental Reservation Dr. E. Otha Wingo, PDDGL 38, FMLR Every Freemason has heard the following phrase at least three times: “…without equivocation, mental reservation, or secret evasion….” Sound familiar? Have you heard it in other contexts than a Masonic Lodge? At the beginning of every new U.S. Congress, the newly elected or re-elected members (including the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate) must take an obligation (both orally and in writing) which since 1864 has included these words: “I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion” (5 U.S.C. §3331, Oath of Office) In 1789, the First U.S. Congress created the first version of the oath to fulfill the requirement of Article VI of the Constitution. A related phrase is “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” when testifying in court, but both the Masonic and Congressional situations involve promises to fulfill certain obligations. The language of Freemasonry from the early 18th Century can sound strange to our modern ear. I have heard the following comment about the text: “That’s just old English and we don’t have to understand it.” I have noticed Brethren who are very good at speaking the ritual by rote memory, but who clearly reach passages that are not spoken with understanding. I recall the late Grand Master and Professor of English at SEMO University, MW H. O. Grauel — and eponym of my Lodge #672 — saying, “You won’t find more correct and proper English than the Masonic ritual, so learn it well.” So there must be a reason to include

otha.wingo@gmail.com three related words for making a promise. I will quote a standard reference for the era in which these texts were written, viz. Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (18591868), Vol. 8, s.v. “Reservation.” “RESERVATION, MENTAL (Lat. reservatio or restrictio mentalis), the act of reserving or holding back some word or clauses which is necessary to convey fully the meaning really intended by the speaker. It differs from equivocation (Lat. equivo-

catio or amphibolia) — aren’t you glad I didn’t quote Chaucer’s description of the Greek oracles: “goddess speken in amphibologies” — in this, that in the latter the words employed, although doubtful, and perhaps not fitted naturally to convey the real meaning of the speaker, are yet, absolutely speaking, and without the addition of any further word or clauses, susceptible of that meaning…. Few questions in casuistry have excited more controversy or have been the subject of fiercer recrimination, than that of the lawfulness of equivocation and mental reservation.” As it turned out, the context in which the phrase was used in Masonic texts and the definition by the Chambers brothers relate to personal integrity, conscience, and sense of duty. As Albert G. Mackey puts it: “When the secret intention wilfully disagrees with the spoken promise, we call that sort of dishonesty, an equivocation, or mental reservation. To purposely mislead by one’s deceitful statement is to equivocate; to withhold one’s inner consent from what he outwardly says is a mental reservation, a disagreement between a person’s purpose and pledge. Such a difference between the will and the word, an unspoken qualification partially or wholly altering a statement so as to lead the hearer astray is mental reservation.” Chaucer’s famous description of the ambiguous utterances of the Greek oracles was “Goddes speken in amphibologies.” But the most surprising See Mental Reservation, page 69

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