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ta In consequence of this resohrtion, the Grand L oll!;e of l,cnnsylvauia was duly constituted, and its ofliccrs elected and installed according to anci~nt usage. The meetingR of the Hmn<l Lodge lll'e held in t he city of Philadelphia. DELA.WARE.-Pl·evious to tile establishment a Grand Lodge, the Lodges in Delaware were held under chal'tcrs derived fl'Om Pennsylvania. At 11 meeting of delegates from a majority oi Lodges at 'Vilmington, on the 6th June, 6806, the following resolution was adopted : "Resolveil, That the se\-·eral Lodges of Ancient :Masons in the state of Bchtware, he1·c represented by ueputies properly !l.llthcn·iznd, consider it II.B;t. matter of right, and for the genet·al benefit of Ma.!lonry, that they ought to fot·m a 6t·and Lodge within the said state ; ami now pt·oceed to form and organize themselves into a Grand Lodge accor· dingy, to be known nud distingnished by the name of the" G rautl Lo,lgt~ of 1le1awarc." 'f he foregoing resolution being unanimously a.tlopted, the convention proceeded to the · Grand officers, who wet·c duly proclaimed stalled. VmGINIA.-Iu imitation of the examples ~ the bretht·en in other :states, the several I~ollges ill the State of Yil'ginia, assembled on the 30th October, 1778, and organized the Grand -Loc.Jge nf Virginia. It meets annuaJly at Richmond on thesecond Monday in December•



.-The :first regular Lodses in Ken.. F

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