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............ ............. 1824.


Bt; IT nntEMBEnl:n, that on lhis 2ot h day of Angust, in tlu~ year

1824, and forty ninth ycu of American lndependence, Wi/kiuo Tan -

nehill, hath deposited in this office the Title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as pt·oprietor, in the words following: " 7'/w :Masonic .,lamwl, o1· Fr·cc .llfaJolll'!f Illustrated. l3!f Wn.ltiNII "TANNlWlLL, 1'. G. ~11. of" the Gt·cmrl Lodg·e ~/" Tenuesscr.."

In conformity to an act of the Congress of the United States, entitletl "an act for the encouragement oflearuing, by Hecnl'iTlg' copies of 1\lnps, Charts and Rook s, to the authors ant! p1·oprietoT·s of such copies, during the times therein m~ntioned," and also the act entitled "an act supplementary 1o an act for the encolll'ngemcnt of learning by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the uuthors and proprietors of such copies, dul'ing the tim es the1·ein m e ntion ed, nnd extending the bencftt thereof to designing, etching and cngral'ing .Histo1·ical and other Prints." N. A. M'NAIRY, Clerk qf the D1sll'ict ~l W.:st Tmnessee.




:MA.SONS, /,N' 'J'llB S7'J1TE OF TBNNBSSBB, 'l'Hll wonx



TESTIMONY OF RESPEC1'1 :ron rue l'l'tn.W A.4D PRlVA'J'I~ ('Jl:\ll:\.t"l'JW.


liis .fr-ierul a11d b1•otlte1', 'WILKINS 'l'ANNEHU~I~.



October Session, 18~ 3 . Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to exnmitw a Manusclipt on the Constitutions of Masonry, by the M. W. Wilkins Tannehill, P. G. 1\1. ; anc.l if said Com· mittee should approve the same, to subscribe for three copies for the use of this Grand Lodge, and tlH·ee copie!! for the use of every chartered Lodge, working the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and draw upon tbe Grand Treasurer for payment. Resolved, That the M. W. Oliver B. Hayes, P. G. M. the R. W. George Wilson, D. G. M. anrl the R. W. Mo· ses No:·vell, G. S. be a committee to carry the above resolution into effec t. E :r;tractfrom the .JI;!inutes. Agreeably to the foregoing resolutions of the Grand Lodga of Tennesse e, we have examined thP "MASONIC MANUAL," by our M. W. Brother Wilkins T!lnnebill, esq. a nrl approve its publication. The order of arrangement, and the adtlitionnl light shed upon the subject, reflect much credit upon the compiler and author, nnd, in our opinion, entitle it to the patronage of the Craft.

0. B. HAYES,

P. G. M.


D. G. M.


G. S.

PART I.-BOOK I. CHAPTER I. Origin of Freemasonry-Eleusy nian IlfysteriPs-Esienes...:.Druids--Solomons Temple-p. 1-l•l.

CITAP'l'ER II. Skclclws of the History of Freemasonry in Englaml, Scot· lund, Ireland, France, Germany, Holland, Swcuen, Denmo.rk, Uussia, Bohemia, Asia and Africa-23--53.

CIT APTER liT. Sketch ofthc History of Freemasonry in the United State'~

11f Amcrica-55-67.

BOOK H . .lJiasonic ions. CIIAPTEH I. Contcrniur,- God and Tieligion-Privale duties-new l\Iem•,ers-60-'H. CHAPTER II. Of n Lodg·e and its government-77. CJL\PTER III Of n.!lcndance ofmenthcrs-01. CJ-L\PTER IV. Of the Oilice1·s of a Lodge-the l\Iastcr-the WardeniiSecretary--Trea~urcr- Su-91.

CIIAP'l'Eft V. Of Grand Lodges-the Granclllfnsler-Dcputy Grand IITasir.r-Cntnd Wardens-Grand Secretary-Grand Treasurer -D2-DG.

BOOK III. CHAPTER I. ~~dvantages of lVIasonry-99.

CHAPTER II. On Masonic Secrecy-1 06. CLTAPTER III. On Friendship and Brotherly Love-111. CHAPTER IV. On .Charity-117. CHAPTER V. Of the different classes of Mason8-1 ~. CIIAP'T'F:It Vl.

The cercmcmy of l'lJloning nncl dolling ~~ T~ottgo-Cih11t'lf8 ut ope~ing-l1 rn.ye_l' ~t opening-Charge nt closing--Pl·uycr at closmg-BenedJctlon-125-1~9.

CHAP'fER VII. On the admission of Candidates-form of Petition-Dcclar~ ations to be assented to by the ca~didate-J30-133. CHAPTEfi VIII, lllustrations of the degree of Entered Apprentice-134-. 161. CHAPTER IX. lllustrations of the degree of Fellow Craft--162--190. CHAPTER X. Illustrations ofthe d~grer. of Master Mason-191----209. CHAP'l'ER XL Ancient Ceremonies----Constituting a Lodge----Installation of O.filcers--2 J 0---:236. CHAPTER XII. Ceremony at the installation of a Gmnd Master----£37--243, CHAPTER XIII. Ceremony n.t laying Corner Stones of Public Buildings--·• 2H---·~4S.

CHAPTER XfV. Dedication of Mason's ITalls----2 !!l-·--25li. C riWTER XV. Celebration of the Annn f'r~arics ofSt. John the l3ap lisi and St. John the Ev augcli.,t----257----'W2. CHAPTER XVI. Funeral Scrv ice--<2G:J----27 5.


VII CHAPTER XVII. Frayer nt opening a Lodge----at the initiation of a Clergyman----at the Constitution of a lodgc-·-·276-·--279. CI-L\PTER XVIIJ. M usonit! P rcceptc----283----~03.

PAH.T SECOND. CIHPTER J. Royal Arrh l\la~onry·---Estahli~hmenl of the General Grancl lloynl Arch Ch:tptcr-··-297. C'l rAPTER IJ. lllm;tmtion ol the degree of Mark Master----304----313. CHAP, JII. nemarl;:s on the (Iegree of Past Mastcr-···311·-·316. CHAP. rV. Tllm\tralion of the degree of Most Excellent Mastcr-·-·317 ···-323, . CHAP. V. Illustration ofthe degree ofRoyul Arch--325·-349. CHAP. VJ. Remar],s on the ot·der of High Priest-··-350-359, CHAP. VJI. Degree ofRoyni Mnster---360---·36!1:. CHAP. VIU. Degree of Select Master----363 ·---J68. CHAP. IX. Ceremonies and charges at the installation of the Officers of a Royal Arch Chapter----3G9----397. APPENDIX. History of Freemasonry in the State of Tcnnessee----Constitutiou ofthe Grand Lodge of Tennessec-·399,

DIRECTIONS '1'0 THE BINDER. Plate No. 1. to face page 137. Plate No. 2. Plate No. 3. Plate No. 4. Plate No. 5. )?late . 6.

143. 165. 167, 193. 197,

The work now offered to the Masonic Frn.i.ernily, lays no claim to originality ; it is, what it professes to be, a compilation from the works of others. A desire to discharge the duties of aM aFter of a Lodge, with \\ bich !<tation he h::ul been honored uy his brethren, toge ther with the scarcity of Books in this country, illustrating the principles of the craft, induced tl1e compiler to undertake such an arrangement of the iuformation he was enabled to collecl·, as would be useful to himself and ucneficial to his brelhren.---After circumstances, which are unnece ~sary to be detailed, induced him to prepare it for publiclltion. The compiler has ende:1.vored to render it worthy the acceptnncc of the craft, as a comJJlete manual for the use of Lodges, by such an arrangement of the different subjects, ns will conform to the mode of working and lecturing in the several degTees. l\1asom·y is n mystic science, where umler fi gures and emblems, solemn and impor·tant truths are taught, which have a tenrlency to improve the uoderstanding-, mend the heart, and bind its professors more closely togethel· in the bonds of union and friend8l1ip. Difl'erent opinions with regard to its object and tendency, have been formed by those who lmve not been initiated into its mysteries ; and there are some, who have never studied its principle~ as published to the world, who speak against it, more from the vanity of saying something, than that they can urge a ~ingle ratiou:1.l olJjcction. By the inlrodnction of much additional matter, the compiler has cmlcavorccl to give a more full expbnalion of the principles ofthe order, and thereby tLtlCill}Jt to remove the objections urgecl against it, ancl, nt the same time, point ont the duties which its members uwe to themselves, to the order, to each other, and to the world nt large. With these remar·ks, he submitR it to the candid judgment of those who may examir1e it: He nsks not for chnritable indulgence : If it is worth,Y of commendation and protection, it will receive it.


1\IJ\SONIC ~IANUAL. -~Am ~ JrJim~~~

BOOK FlllS'l',

CHAPTER I. fJri.; in "rif~ F1·eemrr.som·y- Vm·ious opinion! as to its orig:n- Eleusyn-ian .Mysteries-Esseneslh·uids-Solomons' Temple. To trace the progress of Freemasonry fr'cJin its earliest institution, is attended wsh tllat diftlculty which must cvet· result from the want of written history. The origin of most nations, which have been celebrateEl by the historian and the poet, is co· Tered with a thick veil, m· lost ·in the fabulous legends of a dark and harblll'UUS age. It cannot, tberefore, be a subject of snrpt·isP, that an institution, whose forms and ceremonies have never been committed to writing, bnt handed down by tradition, from generation to generation, should be in• volved in some degree of obscnrity. To this subject, men of different nations, distinguished for their grneral information atHl Ma<~onic knowledgA, have devoted much time ·and iahout·, antl althuu;;h their

researches haye not determined the main voint1 yei



l'll8 'COUY 0}'

they have l'esulted in the developement of much useful and imtwrtant information. Various opinions have been entertained and sup· tported by plausiLle arguments. Some, a.fler labot•ious investigation, have been iuclineu to the belief thstt Freemasonry is inuebted, for its origin, to the Elcusyuian Mysteries, instituted in honom· of the Goddess Ceres, which are said to have taught tb~ immortality of the soul, the unity of God, and other sublime tr11t!Js of natural religion. Some have attributed its origin to the Esscnes, a sect which existed amongst the Jews at the commencement of the Christian era. Some, again, have endeavout·cd to raise the vril which conceals the mystet·ies of th& Druids, (an association which existed in Gaul and Bt' a.t an early period,) and discover its ris~ amongst the wise men of that institution ; others, not disposed to asssign it to so high an antiquity, bave brought it down to the period of the Crusades, and attribute its origin to the Knigllts Templar.Withont adopting either of the foregoing opinions, we will .present a shoa't sketch of the principles, 1·itcs and ceremouies of the three first associations, together with some of the arguments which have been atlduce.d, that the ft·atcmity may form their own conclusions. First-then, of the Elf~ usynian Mysteries. Amongst all the mysteries which Pagan superstition instituted in honour of di.ll'et-cnt diviniti«:>s, the.t·e at·e none so celebratetl as those of the goddess Ceres; she herself, it is said, appointed the cet·eruouies.Whilst she traversed the earth in search of her daughter ProJScrpine1 who had been carded off by


"Pll.tlo, she nl'l'i\'ell at the city of ElcU!:;ys in Gt·rece, · mHl plcasr•l with the l'CCl'ptiun she met with from tiH' iuha.hitants, hestowetl on them two signal lle· lll'fits; the arL of agt·iculturc and a kn~wlctlge of &ll.Cl'l·d UOCll'LIICS.

It is nsserte1l that this religons system diffusell a spirit of union and humanity; that it Jllll'ified the soul fa·om its ignorance anu polutio u; that it proCill'l'll to the initiated the peen liar aid of the Gods, the means of al'l'i\'ing at th1~ pct·fection of virtue, tha set·cno hnpl,lincss of tt holy life, nnd the hopes of a Jlenccful death and endless fcl'city. That they !'ihonh1 occupy a di~tinguished place in the Elysian fields, enjoy n. pure light and live in the bosom or the (livinity; while those who had not participated in the mysteries, should dwell, after death, in tha place of darkness and despair. So s1JJ~erstit;totts careful were they to conceal the if an:. one dh,ulged them, he calle~ down some divine judgment it wao; counted unsafe to nbitle in tba . . . .ralj[a with him ; wherefore he was nppl·ch public offender and sufl'ct-e1l dea:ll1. Such, also~ was the secrecy of those rites, th if any pers , who was uol lawfully initintetl~ happened lly ignol'ancc or mistake, to be present, he was put to death . The ueglcct of initiation was looked upon as a crime of a \·ery hcnious nature; insomuch, that it was one p ·t of the accusation against Sor.M.lcs whCJ l1e was condemned to death. Persons convicted of witchcraft, Ol' had committed bomiciclr, although in\'olunlat·y, were &charred f1·om ihe•c mystericli. ii:

* Anacharsis' Travel•.


'fhe E.leusyuian Mysteries wet·c of two sort,, the lesser an !I thP. gt·cater; one qualification requisite to bolh, was tu be able to keep a gt·eat sect·el.

Though Triplolcmus had appointed that no sh·anger should he initiated into the gt·catet· mysteries, yet llm·culcs, to whom they durst refuse nothing, demanded to be admitted to them, and upon his account lesset· ceremnn ics were instituted. w l1 ich they callccl the lesser myslCl'ie~, ancl these wrt·l~ celebrated aftcnv~mls at Agt·a and Athens. Those who were ambitious to be admitted to them, repaired to this p1/!Ce in the llJOnth of N ovemoer, S!l.CI'ificed to Jupiter, and kept the skins of the victims to lay upon their feet when they were pnri!i.ed 1pon the banks of the ri ,·cr llissns. What sort of ccremo· nics were made u.~e of in those purifications, is not exactly known. The lesser mystel'ics served as a preparation for the greater, which were celebrated at Elensys. After having passed through many tl·ials, the person was mystes; that is, qnali!icd for being initiated into the gt·eatet• mysttwies, and to be· come EpoptPs, ot• the witness of the most secret mysteries, which were not procUl'cd until afler five years probation; during which time he might enter into the vestibule of the temple, but not into the sanctuary. When any one was initiated, he was introduced hy night into the temple, aftet· having his hands washed at the enb·y, and a crown of .lllyrtle put upon him. Then was opencil a. little box wherein were tho law~ of Ceres, and the:cet·emonics of lJet• . mysteries; and after having gi\'ctd1im tb-Qse \o_J;ead; " }Je WI\~ made to trauscl'ibe them. A s!igh~ repa•

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FREl~ ~L\.S O :r-<UY.

in memo t·y uf that" hich t11e goddess got ft·om BauLo, ~uccee dc1l this ceremony; after which the priest chew the veil, aml en·ry thing Wa!! suddenly cm•elope•l in dnrkuesR. A bright light succeeded aml exh iuitcd to vic·w the statue of Ceres magnificently adorned; and while they were attentive in considering it, the light again disappeare(l, and aU was ou ce more wrapped. in profound darkness. The Jlcals of thunder that were heard, the lightning that flashed around, the thunder that ln·olte in the midst. of the sanctuary, and a thoul>lnml mon strous figure!~ that appcnrt•d on all sidrs, filled the initiated with hol'l'or and couslernaliou; lmt the next moment a calm succeeded, and there np}lCaJ·cd in lll·oad daylight a charming meadow, wbm·c all came to dance. aud make merry togetber. lt is probable that thiS· meadow was in n place enclose(} with walls bebimlJ the sanctuary of the temple, which bei WUdd nly. opened, when daylight was let in, a eared tla~ more ngreeahle as it succeeded a night when noth· ing hut tenifying objects wm·e to be seen. The first minister of the temple was called the Hierophontes ·or JJfystagogos, signifying a re\'ea}ep. of holy things; his principal function was to initiate into the mysteries, nod the initiated were not permittel! to mention his name to the profane. 'rhe second officer cart·ietl the torch in the ceremonies, and prepared those who presented themselves f~ initiation. '.fhe third officer was the Sacred Herala, aml the fourth was a .IJliniMter ojth~ar.­ The office of the sacred herald was to cQmmand ailence; that of the minister of the altar, to put up PFnyers in behalf of the assembly and to assist the


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oLhm·s in theiL· se,·cral function s. Iksi <les th ese fom· ministers, thet·e wct·c two offi cers wh o~sc hu si., ness it was to otl'ct• sacrifices: and five delegates to see thn.t all thing~ were pcrformetl in <mlct·. The :tlrst was called the li:ing, the other fout· Epimeletes.'~

On the part of lhosc who b·a cc the m·igin of Free-. masonry to the mystcric.~ of E.lcu 'lys, it is assct·tcd. that thPy partook of the form and spit·it of llll\SOIIl'Y ' These mysteries wet·e <livitled iuto degrees, as in .Freemasonry, antl whcl'cver thl'J" wct·c iutrouuccd they difl'uscd a spil'it of union aml hnmnnity. The l1im·ophant, the sncrc1l heralJ,ntlll otlHn~.officrJ·s, who were to instl'uct and lo watch, stt·i I{ ingly resemlJle the duties of lhc officet'H of an enlighlcued lodg; . The preparation of the cunditlatcs anti ~11any prelimina. ry forms, are not unlike in each. 'fhe objects of each Leing the same, to impt·ess on thcit• mind at the time of initiation, the dread of vice antl the. ynlue of vit·tuc; the punislm1ent of the wkkell and the happiness of the good; an<l the just abhorrence. of those vices which no law .can efi'ectualls reach; n\"'arice, ha1·dncss of hc!ut and eve1·y species of ingratitude ; and great eft'orts a.t·e matle in each system to contrast those vices with the opposite vit·tucs of gcnci'Osity, sensiuilily, aft'<1ction to parents arut grntitmlc to ft·icnds; and above all, to fix .the under-stantlin;; in the belief of" one living anti true God." Corn, wine and oil were sacre1l symbols in those my .~terios, ant!Jthcy ar·e now usetl in dctlicating evel'Y masouic te-mple. It is also asserted, that it is jmpossiiJle that accillent should produce such ~ ~· Tra.vel

of .Ana.-Tookes' Pan.theon. . . '

:FHE E \I.-\ SO:\ P.Y.

sit.tihti:y in their ol,jtd'~ nrul forms, as we see in thc~e !'.Oticties, and that, tllt't't'fure, there must have

h"cn a relationship to produce so many features o( n· !>t'lll h l an cc. ;1:·

ESSENSS. '.rh~ origin nntl

sentiments of the aqsociation oP

t·b e EsHcnes ba¥e occa'>innctl mur.h di 'lcnssion nmong•t ecclesiastical hi;;lol'iuns. Th ey arc nll of one mintl, howen!r, re:i'pcdiug the con stitutions nnd oh-scn·ances of this ortlct·. .lofH'p hus remm·ks, concel'lling them, "that they cousislml en tit·cly of males denying themselves mnrl'iage, discouraging commerce and employing themselves in agriculttue. By the laws of their society, tbey migM reside where they chose, but in whateveF ily. they <lwelt, they had a community of goods w·htch was ('ntrusted to certain persons callecl. stew11-rds; in wl10rn th ey had confitlence, and who employed it· in procuring the necessary requisites of fooll and. raiment, and the entertainment of those of their own sect, whom business accidentally bl'Ought among them, Their mauner of spending their time was as follows: thch first care was to ollh· up ~ertaiu prayers before sunset, which. they received from tbeit· fathers. They were then sent by the 11tewards to exercise themselves in those arts in . wbicb they were skilled till the fifth hour, bich time they met, bathed tbemsel ves in co d water,. p.ut on whi garments aud •tered a common hall1.

.*. M~s. Mag. Boston, .



wl1cre. dinner was servcrl np. This consisted of b1·ead nnd a single dish of some kind of meat for each individual, a priest asked a blessing, and the deepest silence reigned during the repast. 'When thanks were returned they resu meu their ordinary da·ess, and went allout their several employments until evening, when they supped in a similat· manm~r. In all theh· .ti·ansactions they paid the strictl~st •·egat·d to tt·n t iJ ; were distinguished for their fi.delity; recei\'ed f1·om the com ~nou stock whnt was needful fot· the purposes of charity, I.Htt might not give it away to thcia· own ldncll'cd, as if it wet·e their own ; anti were unusually st1·ict in their observance of the sabbath. Their doctrinal tenets were, tbat fate governed all things ; th at the soul was immortal; th at there wc1·e rewa1·ds and pun i~hmeut~o bt~yond the grave: but their i<leas on thi11 last suhject were much corrupted by their heathen neighbours. They bad two ways of obtaining pro· solytes ; the one hy procuring the chilth·en of others, and tmining .them up in their principles and habits ; the other by pet·sons n.rl'ived at manhoo•l, who wished to become members. When a candi· date was propo~oeu for admission, the strictest scrutiny was macle .into his character. lf his conduct bad been hitherto exemplat·y ·; if he appeared capable of curbing his passions an(l regulating hit conduct accorcling to the austere maxims of their orrler, he was presented with a white garment, as an emblem of the regularity of his conduct and the purity of his, a solPmn oath was administerell to him that he ~vould never divulge the mysteries of Uu~ order; tba.t he would. make no innoyations . o~ . ·



tl1c doctl'incs of the socir.ty; and that he would contiuue inlhut hononraLlc com·sc of piety anll virtue which he had h1•gan to pnrsne. They instructed the young memhct· in the knowledge which they <lt•l'ind ft·om thcit· nnccr;lol'S. 'l'la•y had pat·ticular ~"S igns for recognizin;; Pach other. Tlwy bad places of retirement, where they resorll•d to pt·actise their rites and settlt• the affairs of the society. They . nbolishctln\1 distinction of rani<, and if prefcrn.uca was gin~n, tl was gin~n to knowledge, piety, lihe· rality anti virtue. Those who ohset·ved thcit· engAgements were higltly respected; but those who Yiolated thL~m wet·c tried by a council composed of n hundred men, nnll excommuuicalcd ft·om the so· cicty, after which their state was deplorable; for, l1aving suhsisted at the common table, they cousidcrecl thcmsel\'es as precluded from receiving food from strangers, so that they went about in t• toost di tress, and when at the point or deafli ere l'Cceivcfl into the socit•ty, that their souls mi 0 ht be sa\'ed in the otllPt' wol'ld. * The Er-sr~H•s (H'Ctendcd to higher d<•grees of piety aud knowledge than the uninitiated ; and although thcit· (H'l'hmsions were ltigh, they were never questioned by their enemies. Austerity of mnnnet·s was one of their chief charactct•isti<m.They ft·c!pH·ully nsscmhll'd howerer, in conri\'ial }lllrties, ami. rt.> hxcd for a while from the sen~rity of those duti1•s they were accustomed to These remarkable coincidents (i.t • tween the chi<.•f fenturcs oftbe m fraternities, cnn only be acc~nted for by referring ,., Juseph. Ant. xiii. 1. W m. ii. 8,



them to a common origin. Were the cit·cu mstances of this resemblance either few ot· fanciful, the similal'ity might have been merely cas ual; but when the nature, the nLjects, the externn.l t n·ms of the two institutions, are so nearly alike, the argument11 · for their iclculity, are something more than presumptive. Thct·e is one point, however, whiclt may militate against this suppu!Sition. The Essenes appear to llave been. in no t•espect, connected with architecture, nor addicted to those science!! anti pursuits, wllich are subsidiary to the ut't of building. That the Essenes dit·ected theit· attention to varticnlar sciences, which they pretended to have received from their fathers is admittecl by all wl'iters; but whether or not, those sciences were ia any shape connected with architecture, we at·e at this distance of time unable to determine. But th0 assurance that the Essenes were unconnected with. architecture, will not affect the hypothesis. .F9r there have been, and still-arc many associations of masons where no architects are members, and which have no connexion with the art of building. But if this is not tleemetl a sufficient an s wer to the ohjcc· t ion, an enquiry into the origin of the Essenes affords additional · evidence, for the identity of the }iasonic and Essenenn associations. The opinions of sacred and 11rofane histol'ian1 agree in representing the Essenes as nn ancient asaociation, m·iginating from p1ll'ticular ft·aternities, ' 'ch formerly existed in the ]and of Judea. Pliny them to such I'emote antiquity, thal they must J.Ve ed sted t:1m·ing the reign of ~ olomon. * tEas· :ll

Plin. Nat. H is. B. 17'

iRelig. of the .lews, ch. xii. 1~


• 11ge, who is the only writer who seem!l disposed t o consider them as a recent association, confessed that they cxilitcd about three hundred years before the birth of Christ. Scaligm· contends that tlwy were descended from the Ka~sitlians, who mnka such a. conspicuous fignre in the histm·y of the. _1\Iaccabees. The Knssidians were a religious ft·a.ternity, who bound themselves to adorn the porche1 of the temple of Jc I'Usalem, and preserve it from i njury and decay. This association was eomposed of the gt·eatest m .n of l:mwl, who WlWC di~tiuguish· ed fur theit· cbaritable alH.l pl'aceful disposlwms, and always signalized them'ielvcs by their ardent zeal for the pm·ity and preservation of the temple. J;'rom these facts it appea1·s, that the Essenes wer& not only an ancient fratet·nity, hut tltat they originated from au association of ;uchitects, who were connected with the building of Solomons' 'rtimpl6. Nor was this or(ler conflued to the Holy LamI; like that of'mnsonry it existed in all parts of the world, allll ttl though the lodg;Ps in J ndea wer& chiefly, if not wholly, composed of Jews. yc.t tha Essenes admitted into their Ot"dt'r, men of every religion, and of e,·ery rank in life. They adopted many of the Egy}Jtian mysteries, and, like the priests of that country, the .Magi of Persia, and the 6ymnosnphists of ludia, they united the study of moral, w~tb th:Lt of natural philosophy. Although they were patronized by Herod and respect bf all men for the correctness of their condu e innocence their order, they RU V&f6 persecution from the Romans, until theh· order wae abolished about the middle of the :fifth ceutury.! ! .Lawries Hist. o~· FreemllBOD~.Y~



11YST6RY 0?

DRUIDS. 'the Dt·uids ·wt•rc peculiar to Gaul and Bt·itaiu. Theil· antiquity and peculiar stations, render it probaiJle in the mintls of some, that pat·t of thcit· t·ites aml ceremonies have hel'll retained in forming tha cm·emonies of the nu1.souic society. The members of this association were elected out of the best families, anll were held, both from the honors of their birth and office in the greatest veneration. Tlteir atady was astl·ology, geotnetry, natural history, politics and geogmphy. They wet·c .present at all divinA service; the overseers uf public allfl private aacrificcR, and the intet·pt·etet·s of t•cligious rites aml curemonies. Tlwy wt·re the pt·eccptut·s of youth and taught them many rule.:;, which tlwy caused them to commit to memory, it being unlawfu.l to commit their doctt·ines and pat·ticulat· pt·e.cepts to writing; in which man net· they instt·ucted them in the mysteries of their religion, sciences anll poli· tics. At the conolusiou of each yea•· tlley held a r;enera:l festival and assembly in which they paid theil· adoraliun, ancl offered gifts to the God of nature, bringing with them mi'lslctoe aud brnnches of oak; in mystic vet·scs supplicating for ap[H'Oach· ing spring and the ensniug yeat·. At theil· sacrifices and in tbeit· t·eligiou~ offices tlu~y wore white appard. TIH'Y hcl•l a ses.;;iun oncA a year, in a certain consecrated place, m wh'ich all causes were trietl and delet·mined. 'fhey worshipped one snprerue God, immense aud infinite; but would not eonfin13 tbeir wors hip to temples built with humao hands~ professing the universe was the Temple o~

- -



the D ity, ec:tccmiBg nny oth er inconsistent with hi:, ath·ihutcs. Their whole law nnd religious opinions were taught in verse. Some druids spent twenty yenrs in learning to repeat those scientific dbiiches, which they were forbidden under severe penalties to commit to writing; by which means they were only known to the initiated, J nlius Ceasar, who bad ample opportunities of becoming acquainted with their ceremoniesand practi· ces says, that'" if cithet• pl'ivate person or body poll• tic, obey notthch·dccrces, they debar them ft·om reli!.;iou s ccrmnouie~, which is esteemed a grievous i)!Jnishmeut. W l10ever are u:~ der this interdict, are esteemed wicked and impious persons, and are a voi1lcd hy all, and they at·e rendered incapable of holding auy puhlic office. Of the Druids there is a chief, w.ho has the greatest authority amongst them; at his death the most excellent person in' the a.ssociatil)n is elected his successor. Thefr learning and profession is thought to have been :first de· vised in Britain, and from thence tmnslate.t into Haul. They are free from tl'ibutes and service in war, and are also exempted from all .state imposi .. tions. They are principally anxious to inculcate on their .tisciples, that the soul of man is immortal, a.nd after death passetb from one man to another.· 'I'hcy presume by this doctrine that men will contemn the fear of death, and he steadfast in the ex• ercise of virtueA More~'~; · co~cerning the s(ars and their motions, the greatness of' the· heavens and the earth, the nature eft' things, the power might ofthe eternal divinity, they give many p~epts to their pupils. In the manner abo\'e described the




Druids communicated their particular tenets, and conce.aled uuder the veil of mystery every hranch of useful knowledge; which tender! to sccut·c theit• order universal admiration and t•espect! while the instructions pro pngated by them wet·c rccei' ell with ,reverence. The foregoing exl1ibits a view of the rites and ceremonies of those ancient societies, to which many leat·necl men have tt·aced tlu~ ol'igin of l?J·eemasonry. ~rhe experienced mason will make hii own l'etlcctions on the !i!upposed affinity of theit· lH'acticcs, to the rites and ccren~onics cstabli~;hc~ amongst the .Freemasons~

SOLOMON'S TE~Il1 LE. The erection· of this superb edifice, raised b1

piety for the wm·ship of the Supl'l~me and Ete1·nal God, fOrms an important epoch in the history of masom·y ; a short account, tberefm·e, of the circumstances attending its e1·edion, cannot ue uninteresting to the craft, for whom this work is principally intended. To this pc1·iocl, mn.snm·y is indebted, if not for its origin, at least for sotne of its essential embellishments aud securities against dc..:ay. The sacred volnme informs us that David, king Israel, had determilwd to erect a magnificent Temple for the service of the most High God, and fot- that purpose hac! colleded mate1·ials in gold, aih ~r, it·on and Ul't\!.S: '' Hut the wOI'd of the I... ord unto him, saying, thou hast shed l.lood almJ:ldantly, a.nd hast maue great wars; thou shalt no~


I'RF..EM.\S O:\RY.


builtl :m lHiu~e to my nnme , becau se llwu hast shecl much hl urHI npnu the e:u th in my sight. Beho d n. s on shall he bm·n uuto tlH'e, who shall be a man of rc~t; nml I will give him rest ft·om his cuemie~ rtHmdahont; fot· his name &hall be Solomon, ami I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in hi:s (lays. He sha.Jl build an house for my name, anll lw shall he my son, and I will be his futher; and I will establish the throne of his kin~dom over lsra ~ forever." U avid, bowe<l down by the weight or years and infirmities, and drawing ncar his end, ass cmhh•d the chiefs of his people and acquaintell th em with hi" design to have lmilt a magnificent I'C· pository f01· the nl'l<. of God, but fouml that it was the dh·inc ,viii, that this great work should. he acHe llesire(l complished by his son Solomon. them to assist in so lanuable a work, anti dircctell that whe1i it should be completed, tha.t 11he ark ahould be dcpositell therein, togt>they '"' e holy vessels. Davul 1lied soon al'tl'l' in the s entietl1 year of his age, hndn!!; l'Pig rwd Sl'\·en yrm·s in Hebron, on•r the house of J uda.b, a ud thirty . thmtt over all Israel. !Solomon ascen!lcll the throne of Israel amidst the aclamations of his [lPople, and undrr the most fa vorable circnmstancl's. Having made pl•acc with his enemies, and iil·mly settled the aU'11.h·s of his kingdom, he determined. to carry into execotio the important work of crecLin; the temple. He com .. menccd it in the fourth year of his reign, in second month, and that he ight prosecute the work with greater expe ' , plied to Hiram, King of Tyrc~ the ancient friend and ally of his father_,


to ti ish him with timber ft·om Lebanon, and "a man skilful to work in gold, silver aml brass." J o· sephus, in his "antiquities of the .Tews,"* prc s entr~ us with the following letters, which he say11 were to be seen in his dny.

ICing Solomon to ICing lli1•ant. u Kno\V thou, that my father would ha'\'e built a

temple to God, hut was hindered by wars and continued expedi\ions, for he did not leave off to over~ throw his enemies, until he had made them subject to tribute; but I give thanks to God for the peace I enjoy, and on that account I am at leisure and de· l!lign to build an house to God ; for God foretold to my father David, that snch an house should be built by me; wherefore, I desire ,thee to send some of thy subjects with mine to Mount Libanus, to cnt tlown · tber, fot• the !:;idonians are more skilful than our people, in cutting wood. As for the hew. ers of wood, I will pay whatever price thou shalt determine."

To which Hi1•am returned the Jollmt,ing answe1•• .. : "It is :fit to bless God, that be~·: hath committ~a··\ ·,) tJ1y fathers government to thee, who art a wise ma.ti· :. a.nd endowed with all virtues. As for myself, I t•rjoice at the condition thou art in, and will be sub -. se · ent to thee, in all that thou sendest to me ll· t; for when by my subjects I have cut do~n. JQ.Q. and large tt·ees of cedat· anfl cypress wood, I w 1 send them to sea1 and wi 1ot-der my subiects ~ Book viii. chap. 2,




to make floats of them, anti sail to what place &oevcr of thy country thou wilt ilesit·e, and leaYe them tla·l'c; afrN' which thy suhjt•cts may carry them to Jct·nsttlem. Hut do thou take care to procure us corn fur this timbet·, which we stand in uecd of, because we inhahit an island." Solomon rPpaid Hiram '~hat he desired, autl sc ut him yearly twenty thousand cori of wfteat, and as tunny l.mths of oil. Hiram, King of Tyrt>, not only furni l- hetl the cedar and cnn·css ofLibanus, hut be Sl'nt him, Hiram, the son ot' a widow of the tribe of ~apthali. He was the mol'it skilful aml accomplhdlcll artist of his age, in all kinds of work, but JHU'Iiculnl'ly in g;old, silver and brass. }'rom his desi~ns and under his di1·cction, all the rich nnd sph•ndid ful'llilure of the Temple, was begun, Clll'ried on a~1d finished. So highly was this distinguislll'd man esteemed by Solomon, for his talents, his virtues and unblemished integrity, t be appointed lum DPputy Grand .Masler, and principal suncyor and ma!'ilcr of the work. This celebrated temple, which long challenged the adtnh·ation of the world, far r.xccedeu in splendor all other structun•s which had hitherto been erecteu. lt was begun in the month of April, A. M. ~!.192, four hundred and eighty years after the children of lsL·acl came out of Egypt, a.nd 'W&,i finished in OctobPr, A. M. :SU99, and 1005 yea1•s befor Chl'ist. TbeL·e were employed in its construction, three gran<l tbrt>c thousand three hundred oversep k, ei t • thousanu fellow cmfts and d rPd npprenti-

C£s, ol·l>carersfoi bartheus.


lt was supported I.Jy


fourteen hundred anll fifty-three columns, :.wll two thousand nine hundred and six pilastn\s, aU hewn from the finest Parian mal'ble. By the masonic art, and the wise regulations of Solomon, the timbers were felled and }>repared in the forest of Lebanon, conveyed Ly sea to J uppa, and fr·om thence Ly land to Jerusalem; the stones \Vere all hewn, squat·ed and nnn1bct·cd in the qual'l'ies; during its whole progre!Ss it rainetl not in the daytime, so that the workmen ·were not obstructe£1 in their labOl' ; and the sound of tho hammer, axe, or any tool of metal, was not heard within its walls, that nothing might exi~t among the masons at J crusalem hut harmony and peace. Eleven months after its completion, at the feast of tabci'IJaclcs, the dedication took place. The tabernacle of .Moses ant\ its holy l'cliques being lodged in the temple, Solomon, in a t;eneral assembly of his people, dedicated aiHl consecrated it by solemn prayer and costly sact·ifi~ 'ces, and l1Jlen fixing the ark in its proper place between the eherubims, "the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt ofl'el'ing and the sacrifices, and the glory of the J.ot·d fii'led the ]lOuse." In the conduct of this great work, we cannot but a mire the wisdom of Solomon; he discovered the great necessity there was to assign to portions of his worluncn the particu la1· labour they were to pursue; he p.;avc thP.m certain words, signs an£1 toens, by which each ra"nk shonld he distinguished, in e er that the whole might proceed without con.

fusi With

regulations as Solomon had dcvi~

t9 · ctl for the govcrm('nt of his servants, nnd a supe· ior wLtlom gowmiug the whole, we should he at a. los,; to account for the completion of so great a. work in the short space of scn'n years nud six months, when the two succeeding templc:oo, though much iufe1·iur. employed eo much more time.* The huildiug being conducted by the thnsen people of God, nmkcs it natural to conccive, that f1·om dcvo· tion nnd pions fervor, as well as emulation, those ~mployed ·halluucca"ing moti\·cs to preserve harmony and ordm·, ntHl IH'ompt their diligence; as their labor was probationary and led to an advancement to superior p1·iyileges, higher points of knowledge, andn.t last to that honorable lHeemincnce of master in ~he holy work. 'Ve fincl that the like distinction was retained in rebuilding the temple duriug the rej rn of Cyrus, and that the work was performed by the "trua descendants" of the lsraelites, for tht>y refused to admit the Samnrilnns to a share of the worl\, al .. though they reque§ted it under the <lenomiuation of servants of the same God; hut they'were rPjected n.s unwm·Lhy to assist in so glorious a wo1·k; for altbou~h Llmy professed themst:>lrl's sP.rvants of the b·ue God, thE>y po tell their wo1·ship by sacrificing ou the altars of idolatry. ~ulomon was wise in all ancient learning; e was posscssell of all mystical know ledge of the eas. second te-mple was commencPd 5~2 .v before Christ, and finished 511 years brf.,re- Christ, or 21 yean after it was bl'g•tn. 'the thiril, r HProd's T mplf, was be. gun 17 years before Christ. ard o,~,orkmt'n wer1:1 employed 111 The

011 some of the out b11ilding , after his death•.



tern nation~, and was rnlightened by the imm£>d1.ate gtft of heaven. It was the custom ot' the times in which the temple oi Jerusalem was t'l'ected, to use emblemati<'al and !iiymhoHcal m·mtmt>nts in public edifices ; a fashion llet·ivctl ft·om the hiet·oglyphic monuments uf the Egyptian.,, and the mrterious mode in which their sages concealed theit' wisdotu and learning fi'Om the vulgat' eye, and communicated scientific knowledge to those oftbeit· own ot·der only. The pillars erected at the pot·ch of the temple, wet·e not only ornamented with net w •• rk, lily WOl'k and pomegranates, but also cnnied with them au emblematical imp\nt in their names. They were t·egat·ded as a slt·iking; momento of the pt·om~ ise of God, that he would estnhlish the throne or David, and make the nation of lst·ael strong in his might. These pillars were destroyed by the Chaldeans when Jet·usalem was taken by::'\ ebuchadnaZIU', and the brass of which tl.w y were made was carried to Bnbylon. · Whatever dvubts may prevail as to the existence of the masonic institution anterior to the ercc.tion of the temple, yet as masons, we lmve satisfac· tory evidence that it has existed in some fot·m or other since the days of Solomon. The original laud marks of the order have been transmitted through a chosen few, unchanged by time and uncontl'oulrd by (H'ejudice. As masons, we possess interesting facts unknown to the world, which are stated to have originated at the huihling; of the tem· ple, The same facts are in the pos,;ession of masont uiffe•·ent countl'ies. Now, if the infot·ma-


'cli W have received by masonic tradition

cxiste• l only in o11r own country, Ol' in that ft·om which we r·ecci\·ef) it, we migllt have gt·ound forth~ s uspicion lhat it was fabricated; but when we find the same facts, in almost every country on the globe, ag1·ceing iu all essential points, the conclusion is irresi~tihle that they are true. History afl'<mls abundaut evidence of the cxis• tance of the society from the tilllo of Solomon; and after t11e completion of the temple, the Tyrians, who bad been engaged in that enterprize, returne•l to their nath·e country. We at·e informed by a distinguished writer,* that many of the Jews who WCl'e employed in the building of the temple, and who must have been acquainted with all the circumstances which transpired at the time, emigra.tcd to Phoenicia, a country of which Tyre was tha principal city. Oppressed by theh· enemies, and exposed to trials and danger, they sought an asylum among the inhabitants of that city. Reminded of the pleasing scenes which they had witness· e<l on Mount Moriah, an(l influenced by those feel~ ings of brotherly love and friendship, which seven yeat·s residence together had inspired, the 'l'yriaus furnished them with ships, in which they passed the pillars of Her·culls and settled in Spain. We are assuretl by Straho, tl1at colonies were established by the inhabitants of Palestine, on the western coast of Africa, about one hundt·ed and ninety ars after the Trojan war, and about foul'teen years after tb0 dedication of ~olamon's Temple. It is then an established fact, that men in the possession of the secrets on which the ~Six first degrees of masonry :~ De Goguet.



are fonntletl, settled in vat·ious parts of the wori(l. It is equally authenticated that masons in all part• of the world llossess the same facts. The conclusion then, to be drawn from these ch-cumstances j1, that om· masonic information is true, and that

the institution bas existed at least f1·om the days of' Solomon,

CHAPTEU II. Sketches of tlte History of Fl'eemasonry in Europt: Jlsia and .fl.Jrica. In this part of our work, we (lo not design to pre· aent a comJilcte history of masonry in tlw different quarters of the world, hut only to lay hefore our readers, ~orne of the most prominent en•nts. It is uifficu lt to ascertain at w h nt period )freemasonry was introduced into llritain ; it is certain, however, tl.1 at its :fltst iuhnhitants must lmve brought with them no small lmowl edge of tho art. Tlu~1·e are yet some remni _ns of skill in architecture much earlier thn.n the invasion of the Holllans, but so defaced by time, that it is difficult to determine their original nse. TJw l1istory of ma.· 11onry iu England is in,•olved in much obscurity, until ahout the time o, A.lft·ed, who is ~aiil to have been a ZE'aluns pt·omotet• of the art. No prince e\'er studied more to improve the conclition of h' subjects. lJ e was cceeflcd hy Ed W1mt, during whose rl'ign the masons continued to asAemhle untlcr the superiutendance of Ethred, his hl·otluir-in· law, and Ethclward, his ht·uthcr. Ed wan) was sueceedl•d uy Atl1elstane. Tbi prince granted a c rter, authm·isiug the maHons to meet annually at York, where the fil'st Grand Loclgl~ was formed in 926, at wbiclf .E.dwin, the brother of Athelstane, presided d Grauc.l l\1aster.


At this meeting many olrl writin,; s were prollufert, in Greek, I~atin and other languages, ft·om \\ hich the constitutions of the EngliHh lodges are derived. From this era we dale the establishment of masonry in England on a fit·m basis. virtue of the charter grante1l by : thelstane, all the mason~ of the kingdom WN'e convened and a gt·and lodge B!i· tablished for their future government. Under tha jul'isdiction of the g1·aud lodge the ft·aternity considerably increased, and ldng!!, pt-inces ·and othm· distinguishell persons, who bad been initiated into the myr;tet·ies, paid due allegiance to the assembly. The appellation of Ancient York Masons, well knQWn in all regular lodges, originated from thii memorable convention at York. A. D. 1426. When Henry VI., a minor, ascended the tht·one, the Parliament attemptell to (listUt·b and overtbt·ow the meetings of the fraternity, hy passing the following act, in the third year Of his reign and the fourth of his agP. " Whereas by yearly congregations and confederacies, made by masons in their general assemblies, the good cour!'le and effect of the stalute of labourers be openly violated and hrolu~n in the sub~ Tersion of law, and the great damage of all the commons; our !=;overcign lprd the king, willing in this case jo pt·ovirle a remedy, by the advice and consent afot·esa , an•l at the spr.cialrl:'quest of thB commons. hath ordained and establit~hed, that such cba(ttet•s aml congt;egations shall not hereafter ~6 liolden ;'anti if any such be made, 1hey that cause 1 ch ch pters and congregatiOns to be holden, if they ))e toovicted, shall be adjudged for



(oluu!l; nml th:\t the other mason!, tltat come t() auch c.hapters aml congregations, be punished by imprisonment of their bodies, and make :fine and l'ausom at the kings will." 'I It is net was never enforced, nor the fraternit' dcterrccl from assembling as before. lh1 passage as owinoo to the iniluence of .Henry Beaufort, 0 Di~lwp oi' Winchester, who wiehecl to destroy the fraterni ty on account of the secrecy observed in thcit· nu•eling~:~. He rf'pr~r;cntell them as dangerous to the state, "mttking many seditious speeches aml menaces which tended much to rebellion." Not• withstanding this heavy charge, the Duk of Glout~estet·, 1•rotcctor of the kiu~dom.

convinced of tbei~ innocence, took them under bis JH'otection, ancl tranRfert·cd the charge of sedition from them to the 8ishop. Henry VL when he attained to manhood, dh'esting himself of the prejudices he had early imuibed, was initiated, and became a zealous promoter of the craft, sparing no pains to g~tin a comph'te lmowltHlgo of its mysteries. Ha carr.fully e.tudied the ancicrit charge~:~ aml regulations; t•evisecl the con&titutions, and often honored tl1e craft with his pt'esl'nce in their asse lies. Encouragecl by the example of the sovereign, many of the nobility were initiated, who assiduously 1tudied tlte art, and masoua·y was held in high ea~ &eem • .lfrom the yenr 1508, the lollp;es continued with• eut a patron until the reign or Elizabeth, when Sir ThomasSackville wast•leoted grand master. Un· der his guar.die.u•bip,. lodges were holden in differlilt J.lartlf of.tbe.kingiQm, but the 15rand lodt;eco•



tinned to assemble at York. Elizabeth havin~ learnt that the masons were in possession of secret!\ which they would reveal c,mly to sucb as were jm1ged worth1, &J:td would submit to their t·egulation!, formi and cermonics, and being jealous of all secret assemblies, she s~nt an armed force to York# for the tmrposc of Lrealdng up the nnnual grand lodge. 'l'hiSI design was happity ft·ustrated by Sir 'fhomas Sack ville, who told the chief officer&. that nothing woulcl give him more pl Qasmc thau to see them in the grand lodge, as it wouhl afford him an opportunity of convincing them that Ft·eemasonry was the most usefnl system evet• fouuded in (\it'in~ and moral law. They wct·e accOI'dingly initiated, and oo tlteir return they made so fa \ ' OJ' able a report to Elizabeth, that be1· fears w<•re silenced, ant:! she ne\'er after attempted to disturh thcil1 meetings. On the (lcmise of Elizabeth. the ct·owns of Eng• land and Scotland were united in the pet·son of fames VI. of Scotland, under the name ot' James I. At this period masonry flouri shed in both king· dom!!. A number of geutlemen returned from theiP travels, with curious (lrawings of old Greek and Roman architectur£'., as well as a strong inclination to re\'ive a knowledge of it. Among these was the caleill'ated Inigo Jones, who was named grand master. l:;everallearned men were now initiated, and tbe society increased in reputation ; the com· J,Jlnnications of the f•·aternity were established, and the annual festivals regularl1 ohsel·ved. At the revolution the society was in such a low •~te i

south of En6l&:ml, 1hat oncy se,·en re;·



ul1u· lotl;es were lwldcn in T~on1lon and its suburbs. lu 1695, king 'Villiam having been initiatell, honored the loJ;es with his pt•esence, pal'ticulal'ly one at Hampton Court, at which he fre£111ently presided. Dut·iug the reign of Queen Anne, the annual festiVAls were entirely neglected, and the numher ofma.. &onR cou. idet·ai.Jly diminished. It was, therefore, de· tcl·mined thatthc privill'gl~!'l of masoDI'y should not be cnnfinell to operative masons, hnt f.hat personA of all professions should be ntlmitte<l to participate i11 them, provided thry were regularly appt·oved and initiated into the order. On the accession of George I. the ml\son& resolve~! to unite again unuer a gL·aml master, anu reviva the annual fe~tivals. With this view, the mem .. hers the only four lodges at that time existing in. Lomlon, met at the Appletree Tavern, antl havin; voteu the ohlest master mason then present, into the chair, constituted themselves into a grantllodga protem. It wa~ now resolved to rtn•i\·e the qnal' terly communications, aLulat an annual communication held on the 2 '1th of J uue, 1717, Anthony Sayer was elected grand master llnd solemnly installed. Defore this time a sufficient number of ma!!o'M met together in a certain district, had ample power to make ma~ons, without a Wltr'l'ant of constitution; but it was uow dt•tcrmiued, that the privilege n'lsemLling as masons, should he vested certain lodges, Ol' assemblies of masons, con\'ened in cer.. tain places; and that every lodge to be aft•rwlit·u• con veuetl, (except the t'om· lodges then existing) shonlt.l I.Je untherised to act by a warrant from th~ ;t·aud master, ~ranted by petition from cel'tain in·




«'lividuals, with tlte con sent and a}lprobatinu of tl1e grand lodge, anll that without such warrant, no l odge should hereafter be deemed reg ular, or constitutional. The form er privileges, howevm·, were still permitted to remain to the four lodges then ex · tant. In consequence of this, the old masons in 'the metropolis, vested all their inherent rights in the four ol1llodges, in trust, tlia:t they would neve1' su:frer the ancient landmarks and charges to be in-

fringed. The four old lnclg~•, on theh· pu1·t, agruc<l to extend their patronage to every new lo<lge, which should thereafter be constituted, accot·din' to the new regulations of the society; aml, while they acted in conformity with the ancient constitu· tions of the order, to admit theit· masters and wardens to share with them all the privileges of the grand lodge, that of precedence only excepted. Matters being thus settled, the bretluen of the four old lodges, considet·ed theit· attendance on the future communications of the society, as unnecessary; nml therefore trustea implicitly to mas .. te1·s ancl wardens, satisfied th at no measure of im. J>ortance would be a(lopted withuut their appruuatimi. It was, however, soon discovered that the uew lodges, IJcing e£}Ually represented, w~ul<l at l ength so far out number them, that by a mnjorit they might subvert the privileges of the original masons of England, which had been centered in the four oM lodges ; on which accouut, a code of Jaws, with the consent of the brethren at l:n·ge, wa8 drawn Ul> fot· the future go\'el'llmeut of the society, to which the following clauses were annexed, bind· ;ln~ the grand master for the time being, his succes.


orR tUHl llae masters of every lodge to be het·eafter I'Onst itutcd, to pt·esct·ve it inviolate: '" Eret·y annual gt•antl lodge, has an inhcr~nt JHlWt'L' a111l authority to make new regulations, or to altu t.hl'sl' for the bem•fit of this ancient fratuuity; pruvitlellalways, that the old land mar]rs be cat·ofully prcscrred ; ntul that such alterations and uew rrgnlations, be pt·opo!ied aiul agt·eed to, at the ihil·tl (I uartcl'ly co m muu ication, preceding the grand annual fea10t; and that they be offered to the peru~al of all the IJl'cthn~n, before dinner, in writing~ ,· cn . to the yonngest apprentice ; the approbation and con:'icnt of the majority of all the brethren· pt·esen t, l~eing ahsoln tcly necessary to make the bitiding and obligatm·y." To commemorate this circumstance, it has been' customary erer since that time, for the master o£ the oldest ludg~ to attend every grand installation; and, taking precedence of all preAent, t};Le grand master only excepte<l, to deliver the bool{ of constitutions to the newly installed gmnd 'master, on his promising ohcdieuco to the ancient charges and re,. g ulations. By thiR pt•ecaution, the original constitutions were established as the basis of all masonic juri!ulictiun iu the south of England, and the anient landmarks were carefully secured against in.:novation. In 1718, many valuable manuscripts were co11ee: ted, amongst which were several old copies ofthe old Gothic constitutions, which were ar1·anged aml digeste£1. In 17~0, the f1·aternity sustained an irreparable \oss by the buming of seve1·al valuable manuscripts




concerning the lodges, charges, regulations n11d usages of masons. This was uone by some scrupulous brethren who were alat·med at the publica· tion of the masonic constitutions. At a quarterly communication, it was this year agreed, that the new srand master shall, for the future, he proposed to the grancl lodge, some time before th e fea st ; and if approved and present, shall be saluted as grand master elect; and tl1at evc.a·y grand master, when he is installeu, shall have the sole power of appointing his deputies and wardens, accOl'ding to ancient custom. In the mean time, masonry continued to sprea£1 in the north of England. 1'hc general assembly of York continued to meet as usual. SeYcrallodges met in 1705, under the dh·ection of Sir John Tempest, then grand master, and many llersons of worth an<l character were initiated into ~he onler. The gre~ttest harmony subsisted between the two ,;rand lodges, and private l0<lges wet•e formed 'n both parts of the king{lom under tl1eh· separate ju· 1·isdiction. 'fhe only distinction which the grand lodge ofthe north appeal'il to have retained, is in the title ofthc Gmnd Locl,ge qf all England, while the other was called the G'mnd Lodge of En<e;lanil. 1'he lattm·, however, being encouraged by some o the principal nobility, soon acc1uired consequence and reputlttion, while the other seemed to decline; bot, until within these few yeat•s, the authority of the grand lodge at York was never <;ballenged ; on the ther baud, every mason in the kiugdotn held ( t assembly in the highest veneration, and consi. d~redtl ~lf bound by the charges which origina,..




ft·om lhnt fH!semhly. It wns tl1e glot·y and }tl)ao;;t of tlH~ IJI'(•Uu·cn, in almost cn~r·y counh·y where' masonry wns (•stalJlishP<l. to be nccnnnll·tl lh•sct•Btlnnts of the original Yur·k 1\Iasnns; nrul ft·om the uBirtll'!il:l.lity of the opiuion, 1h:\t masonry was ijrst 1'!-!t.n.blishetl at Yurk hy charter, the masons of E11gland have received b·ihute from the fir-st state..; nf Enrope. The sociltl interconr"e which lilUhHisLcd between tho two grand lodge~ was unhap-

This is ~;mid to have heen owing to the introduction of some innovations among the lodges in the ~outh; bnL thct·c is another reason as· signed. A few brethren of Ym k, hariug on some tt-ivial occasioi1, seceded ft·um their ancient lollge, they applieu to J.01ulon for n warrant of constitution, Their RJlplication was lwnorcu, 'vithout any im1nit·y i11to the mrt·its of the case; and thus, instead of being recommended to the 0;1other lodge to be restored to favor, these brethren were encour·

})ily snspentlcd.

ngetl in their revolt, aml permitted, un<let~ the sane~ tion ofthe grand lo1lge in Loudon, to open a uew 1odge in the city of York itself. This illegal extension of power, ofl'ende(l the grand lodge of York, anll occasioned the suspension of all fraternal cor .. re8pondence, lu 17!2, the office of Gran(] Seer tary was ftrst established, aml William Cowper, Esq. appointe~, who discharged the duties of that department for several years. In 17!d, the Duke of Buecleugh was elE-cted granll master. He first proposed a me f•,r raising a general fund for distressed masons. The J.llan hi.\Yin 0 been adopted1 a committee was appoi.n~



tell to con!!!ider tho most efft>ctual means ofcanying it into effect. 'J'he di .. posal of the charity was first vcstefl in seven lJJ'l'tlll'en ; hut this number heiug found too small, nine more were added. It was afterwards resolved that h\,.elve masters of contri· hutint~ lndges, in rotation, with the grand officct·s, should flll'm the committee; and hy nuotherregu. btion sinct'. made, it has Lecn determined that all 1mst and present grand o-Hiccrs, with the masters of all regular lodges v1·hich shall have contributc<l within twelve months to the chat·ity, shall be members of the committee. This committee meets four times in a yea!', by vir·tne of a summons from the gmnd mastm·, Ol' his dt~pnty. The petitions of disiresse<l masons are considered at these meetings; a.n<l i'f the petitioner he considl'red as a deserving object, he is immediately relieved with five pounds. If the cii·cumstances of the case are of a peculin.r nature, his petition is referred to the next communication, wbe • he is relicve<l with any sum the coin~ tnittce may have specifte(l, not exceediug twenty. g;uineas at one- time. Thus the distressed have al· ways found relief fl·om this general charity, which is supported bY.: the voluntary contribution of dffferent lodges out of their private funds, without be... ing but·tbensome to any member of the society. lo i 7,39, some disa~reeable altercations at·ose in the society. A number of persons, contt·ary to tha ws of the grand lodge. held meetings in dift'et·ent places for the purpose of initiating pe1·sons into ma· sonry. The measut·es adapted to check them stoppad their progress for some iime; till taking adlt\!ltage _the (SCller.a.l W.llrmur 8 read abroau OJt

88 account nf irmovatinus that had been introduce£1, ttnd which seemed to authorise an omission of. and a variation in, ihe ancient ceremonies, they ngniu rose into notice. Through the mediation of John 'Vard, Esq matters were accommodated, and tha Jn·ethr~u seemingly reconciled. Hut the flame soon Lrolu~ out anew, and materially interl·upted the peace of the Rocicty. Lortl Haymond was el~ctcd grand ma~~~~r in 1739. Irregularities still contin· uetl to prevail, u.r11l t4UVet·u.1 wur·thy hrelht· .u, loitill adverae to the encroacbmentA, were disgusted at the proceedings of the regular lodges. More se .. cessions took place, and it hccame necessary to pass votes of censure ~n the most rcfractot·y, and to enact laws to discouarge irregular association•· of the fraternity. This brought the power of tht grand lodge in question; and in opposition to the laws whicb hall been established in that assembly, lodges were formed without any legal warrant, and persons initiate1l for small and uuworth nsidera. tions. To flisappoint the views of these brethren; rigorous measures were adopted by the grand lodge. Though these measures had tbe intended effect, they gave rise to a new subterfuge. The brethren :Who bad seceded f1·om the regular lodges, immediately announce~} themselves imlepeudaut1 anllusumcd ~he appellation of ancient masons. 'l'he;r propogntcd nn opinion, that the nnci( nt tenets and practices of masom·y were preserved by them; an that the rf'gnlar lodges, being composed of modern lllnsons, had .a<lopted new plans, ere not to be considet·e1l as acting under the old' establishment. To couutet·act the rcgulationi of the gt•atid lod;e1




they instituted a new grand lodge in London, pr11· fessedly on the ancient system; and under that as· &umed banner constituted several lodges. These irregular proceedings they pretended to justify, under the feigned sanction of the ancient Y m·lc con· ltitution; and many persons of rrputation were introduced among them, so tha~ their lodges daily increased. U uder the false nppellation of the York banner, they gained the countenance of the Scotch and Irish masons, who, pla~ing implicit confidence in the representations made to them, heartily join· ed in condemning the masons of the regnlar lodgct in London, as tending, in their opinion, to inlro ... duce novelties into the society, and to subvert tlu~ pt·iginal plan ot' the institution. The irregular rnaIOns in London, acquired an establishment, anci noblemen of both kingdoms honored them with their patronage for soUle time~ and many res~ pectable names and lodges wrre adde<l tu the list, In 175 the grand lodge took iuto considel'ation a complaint against cel'tain brethren for assembliu' without any legal authm·ity, under the denomination of ancient masons ; who, as such, considet·ed themselves in<lependant of the Flociety, and not eubject to the laws of the grand lodge, or to the contl·ol of the gt·and master. It was resolved, that th meeting of any bt·ethren under the denomination of nuiso)ls, other tban as brethren of the ancient and honorable society of }i'rce und accepted .Masons, .established upon the uuiversal system, was incon· sistent .with. the honor and intet·est uf tlte crat't, and a high insult ou the gnmu ru1.1stet·, and the whol• Iu consequeu_ce uf thii rcsolu• hotly of masons.

35 tiotJ, fourteen brethren who were members of ft. ludge hclcl in Spihtllields, were expelled, aud tha.t lodge ordel'eu to he erased fl'Om the list. In 1776, the meetings of the irregular lodges a~l\iu attracted notice, and iu April, it was enacted, that such assemblies should uot be countenanced or ackow edged, and all regular masons were pro· hihitcd, under severe penalties, from visiting their lodges. In 1777, f. be lr:mquility of il1e society was inter" ruptctl by dissentionA between the gmnd lodge and the lodg;e nf anti<Iuity, on wl1ich occasion several rucmhm·,; of the lodge were expelle<l. A schism was tbu~ r.w1tcd which continued uutil1790, when harmony was restored •. On the 4th of January, t787, was opened in J.Aondon, the Gran<l Chapter of Harodim. Although this order is of ancient elate, ancl had been p11trouized in different parts of Europe, there ap. pears not on record, previou$ to this pct·iod, the rciular establishment of such an associatio in En • laJHl. The myiteri(·s this order at·e pt>culiar t the institution itself, while the lectures of the chap· ter include every branch of the masonic system, and represent the art of masonry in a ii.uished and eomplete form. Ths grand chapter is governed hJ' a Grand Patron, two'vice Patrons, a Chief RuleJ and t\\O asssistauts, with a council of twelve companion~:~, chosen annually, at the chapter precedi the festival of !"it. J ohu the Evangelist. On the 26th of March, f788, the Royal Oumbe:r-


Jand J!'reemason'e 13chool1 Cor mabltalning, clotll~


lli13TORY OF

ing aml erhtc11ting the female chiltheu and orphans of indigent lnetlu·eu, was established. Ou the 27th of llccempt>r, t8t;3, the union be. tween the two grand lodges, waR perfcctall, nfler tt aepnration of_onc hundred years. The followio; order of pt·ocee1!ings was observed. Frecmatmn's Hall, ba \'ing been fitted up agrrea.. bly to a plan and (hawing for the occasiou, and till' whole housn tyle(l frorn the ontet· porch, ths platfot·m in the cast waa reserved fol' the gt·antl mase tere, grand officerii and visitot·s, The masters, wardens and past masters of the several lodges, on the two sides. The act of union was l'ead by tht directo1• ot' the ccremonie!'l, 'rhe Revd, Dt·. Coghlen, Grand Ohaplain to the fl'l\tet•nity, under the Duke of Sussex, proclaimed by souncl of trumpet: H Hear ye-this is the act or union engrosse£1 in eouth'mation of l.ll'ticles solemnly conduded between the two grand lodges of Free and acce}lted MIL· eons of England ; si:;ned, sealed and cet·tifled by e two grand lodges re&peetively; by which they are to be ht•reafter an<l forever 1m own and aclwowl· edged by the 6tyle and title of Tho U11ited Gm11tJ

Lodge of anciont FreemttBons £d' E'ilglar~d. How ny you b1·otbet•s, rt>presenting the two fraternities P


Do you rwct~pt or, ratify ft.nd confirm the same P" To which the t\SF.Ietnbly answered-" We do a<:· 1ept, ratify n.ntl ronfh•m the eame." The grand then saitl-" And may the great architect of the univer!le make the union perpetual." To :Which the breth1·cn an~;wered-" So mote it be." ~he two 1rand masters1 the Dukes of Kent an4


FTIEE\fA. ONrt'i".


Stt'"-'CX. :nul six commissioners, signed the iustru

ments, and the two grant\ masters then ailhe(l the gt·eat seal~ of their rcsllectiYe grand Lodges to the same. J)r. Bnrry, nflcr sonnd of trumpet! then proclaim· cd, ".Be. it kuuwn to all men that the act of union, hetwcen the two gt·and lodges of free and accepted nHlSOlli of England, is ~olcronly signed, sealed, ra~ tifictlnnll connt·med, and the two fraternities are one, to he from lwuccforlh kuown and ncknowledg· c(l by the style an<l title of. the " United Granil Lorfg, r!f ancient Freemasons of Engla1zd," and may lhc t)l'l'at at•chitect of the universe make their union pct·pctual ;" and Um asscml.Jly answered_,

"Am(\n." The two gt·atul mastrrs, with their respective clcpulics and wal'dens, then a<lranced to the ark of the masonic covrnant, lH'cparcu for the occasion, antl in all time to come to be placed before the throne. The grand masters standing in the east, with their deputies on theh· right and left; the grand wanleus in the west and south. The square, the plumb, the level and mallet, were successively delivered to the cleputy gtand mast{'rs, and by them delivered to the two grand masters, who severally applied them to the ark ; thry then gavo it three knocks with the mallet, saying:

"May the great architect of the universe enable 119 to up hoM the grand edifice of union, of which this ark of the covenant is the symbol, which shall contain within it, the inetrumtnt of our brotherly lo\·e.1 and bea1· upon it-f>he Holy Bible, square a,g.d





compass, as the light of our faith, and the rille or our works. May he dispose om· hearts to make it perpetual!" and the brethren answered, "so mote it be." 1'he grand masters then placeil the act of uni01t in the interior of the ark. The cornucopia, the wine and the oil, were in like tnatmei' presented to the grantl masters, who! accortling to ancient rite; pouretl forth corn, win~; and oil on the ark, saying "AR we rwut· fm·th co•·n1 wine and oil on the ark of the · masunic covenant, may the bountiful haml of heaven evel· supply this united king<lom, wilh abundance of com, wine and oil, and with all the necessat·ies and comforts of life, and mr.y he dispose our hearts to he grateful for all llis gifts;" and the assembly answered, "' Amen.'' The gl·aud office1·s then t·esumed tbeii' places. In consec1uence of its ha,·ing been fonud impracft ticable, ft·om the shortness of the nulice, for thesistel' grand lodges of Scotlaml and lreland to send deputations to this assembly, confeL·euccs had been hel<l with all the most distinguished grand officers and masons, resident in and near London, in order to establish a perfect agt·eement upon all essential points of masonry, according to the ll!lcient traditions an<l general practices of the cJ•tift. 'the membeJ·s of the lOllge of recouciliation, accompanied by the M. \V. Count de Lagardje, gt·anll master of lhe fhst lodge of Freemasons in the north ; the M. W. Br. D1·. Van Hess of the grand lodge of Hamburgh, ancl other distinguished masons, withdrew to au adjoining apartment, ~here beirig duly con-:



' •I

I; •I



~l'egatcd and tyled, the result of all previous con~ ferenccs were made known. The lluly Bible sp1·eaul open, with the squa1•e and compass thm·eon, was la:i(l on the ark of the. covenant, and the iwo gnu1d chaplains approached the SRU1C. The recognizee] obligation ""·as tl1en pl'onmmcccl aloud, by the Uev. Dr. Humming, one of the mas~ ters of the lodge of •·econciliation, the whole frater· nity re1leatiug lhc same with joinetl hands and declaring, "By this soll'mn obligation, we vow to abide, and the regulations of ancient :Freemasonry now recognized, strictly to obF~erve." The assembly then proceeded to constitute one grand lodge, in order to which the grantl masters, grand wardens a:nd other acting grand officers, of both fraternities eli \Tested themselves of theh· insignia, and the past g•·and officers took the chairs; viz : R. W. past deputy grt1nd master, Perry, in the chair, as deputy g1•and ma'S ter; the U. W. Robert Gill, asS, G. W. and the R. W. James Deans, a~

J.G.W. His royal highness, the Duke of Kent, then proposed his royal highness, the Duke of Sussex, to be grand master, of the united gt·and lodge of ancient :Freemasons of England, for the year en~;uing, which being seconded and put to vote, was unanimously Clll'l'ied in the aflh·matire. The nuke of Sussex, was accordingly proclaimed grand maste and was regularly installed on St. Geol'ge'~J day. Thns, after a sepat·aLion of one hundred years, was this union completed, and the masonic fraternh ty 1·eunitecl i'n one family.



SCOTLAND. Masonry is supposed to have been introducml into Scotland at an ea1·ly pe1·iod, as ear\y at lellst as its introduction into England; l.lut to deduce ih1 gradual progt·ess f1·om time to time, wou hl require ft. recapitulation of the history of Scotland ; nor is it easy in a country so frequently agitated by civil . wars, to point out all the difi'cL·ent patrons of masonry. Certain it is, that masonry has been much cultivated, and perhaps there is no country where the science is better understood. ln the city of Edinburgh, the lodges are numerous, in one of which their business is entirely transacted in the Latin language. The fraternity in Scotland always acknowledged their king as grand master; to 'his authority they submitted all disputes that happenecl amongst the When the king was not a mason, he appointed one ()f the brethren to preside as his deputy at all their meetings, ancl to regulate all matters concerning the craft. Accordingly we find that James I . protected and encouraged the order, and honored the lodges with llis presence. He settled an annual I'CYelllte of four ponnds Scots, to he paid by every master mason in the kingdom, to a grand mastm·, chosen by the gt·and lodge, and appL·oved by the crown. In 1441, William St. Clait·, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, obtained a grnnt of the office of grand Master fl'Om James II. He regularly attcrl(led the lodges, and used every means to spread a knowledge of the art. By another clec<l of James If.







t his office was made hereditary to "the snid "'il· liam St. Clair, and his heirs and successors in the barony of Hoslin," in which family it continued n1any ye.ars. The meetings of the grand lodge were held at Kil winning, where it is presumed masons ftt·st begun to hold regular and stated lotlg· es iu Scotland. lu process of time the craft become more numet·ous, and lodges more ft·ec1uent through the country; the lodge of Kilwinning granted chartel's of erection and constitution to the brethren to form themselves into regular lodges, always under lhe proper provisions and restrictions, for their adhering to the strict pl'inciples of masonry, and 11reserving. amongst themselves, tl1at harmony and uuion which ought to subsist among the fraternity. On the 30th of November, i736, \Villiam St. Clair of Uoslin, Esq. then grand master, •·esigued the office, and renounced all l'ight, title or claim which ho might ba\'e to said omce, by. virtue of the lleell of James the second, which was accepted; the office then became elective. The gram\ lodge then proceeded to the election of a grand ~aster, when \\rilliam St. Olair, of Roslin, Esq. was unnn· imously 1n·oclaimed grand master of all Scotland, anll being corulucted to the chair, was solemnly in.. installed, saluted and acknowledged as such. Since this period the chair of the grand lodge hal been iillcd by a. succession of the most illustrious characters of Scotland, and the order has continued to O.ourisb to the present day. The ~~:and lodge holds its meetings in Edwburgh.


II -.


IRELAND. Colonies from Phrenicia having settled in Ireland 1~64 years before the christian em, and the Phrenicians being famous for· planting colonies in distant parts for the benefit of trade, for intt·otlucing their· manners and customs, and cndeavouriug to improve the counh·ies with which they maintain an intercourse, it is probable that masonry \Yas amongst the arts they would teach theh· new associates in Ireland. But lvithout wandering further into the field of conjecture we find that in 1~10, Launders, Archbishop of Dublin, was grand master, under whose superinteudance, the castle of Dublin was built. In the reign of Henry III. St. Marys, Dublin, was · built, by Felix O'Quetlam, Ar·chbishop of ~ruam. In this reign Henry De Lacy, was gr·and master. The craft was interl'upted in its progress, by the incursions Edward Bruce, until he was defeated and slain by Mortimer,Eul'l of March; after whh..:h, mason1·y r·evivcd in the English settlements, which had been introduced into the north by some Scotch colonists. Masonry made some progress during the reigns of James I. nnd his son Ohnrles, but the civil wars breaking{) t ancl (lesolating the country, it was greatly retarded until the restoration of Charles II. when it again revived under the disciples of lni5o Jones, but was again iutel'l'upted by the wars of ames 11. It once more flourished under the reigns of William Queen Anne, and Georse I. Iu




the thir<l year of the reign of George II. the as-;emhled in Dublin, constituted a ~rnn1J lodgr. and chose as graml master, James King, Lot·d Viscount Kingston, who had the year befot•e sened the office of gr·and master in England, an rl who inh·oduccd similar regulations and constitutions to those of the ft·aternity in England. The lodges of Freemasons at this time spt·ea<l over the country, were very numerous, and had ns!it~mbled and wm·kcd in the same man ncr that theil· brethren in Englan1lluul done, wevinus to the establishmcut of a gt·and lodge, and without any warrant of conslitu Lion. Many, m· almost all of the Dublin Lodges adhcr·ed to the rules and regulations prescribe£1 hy the graml lodge, but many country lodges refused to acknowledge theia· supel'iority, and take out warrants from that body. 'l'his was p•·odnctive of much mischief in the country, as those lodges who adhered to the grand lodge, reviled the others as irt•cgular blasons, w hiclt created mur.h ill blood between them, and ft·equently prodnced scenes of riot, llisgraceful to the repu . tation of the craft. Disputes of this nature, however, had long ceased to distut·b th~ harmony of the craft, when in the year 180t, ft·esh uisturbancea arose among t ft·aternity in consequence of the proceedings of the grand lodge, in the appointment of a de.puty grand treasurrr; inct•t.>as' the dues to be paicl by the subor(linate lodges to e grand lodge, aml a proposition to . take the yal arch chaptet·s, an ampmeuts of Knights T plars, under theit· protection, chatging each lodge two suineas for those orders1 nml other fees. The last Jh·ecm~tsons



JH'opo~ition was ohjectec.l to on the gromul, that the grand lotlge, being composed of maRons of inferior tlegrees, could exercise no controuling power over them. ~ome spirited, thouglt respectful remonstrances were made I.Jy the uorthern lodges to these proceedings, and many lodges in Dublin entered warmly into the controve1·sy, but in many cases, they descended into low al.mse on both sides, losing sight cntil'ely of argument. In 1803, a respectful memorial ft·om eighteen lodges in the pro\'ince of Ulster, was presented to the gt·and lodge, which was treated by some of the most conspicuous members in a very contemptuous manne~·, and a motion was made "that it should be scoutecl ns impertinent." This motion was negalivecl by n small majol'ity. The masons of Ulster, on willing to give up the cause, the representath·es of sixty-two lodges assemblell at Belfast ancl adopted several l'esolutions, in which they statecl their williugnese still to adhere to, ancl support the grand lodge, pro\'itled they were restored to their old regulations, and solemnly pledging themselves to theit· brethren of the snpet·ior degrees, that they never would acknowlellge the innovations lately attempted by the ~raml lotlge; and also, expressing theh· strong apJ>rchensions, that provided such innovations were pm·sisted in, it might be the means of llissol ving that conne~ion which had so long subsisted be. tween th~ grand lodge and the masons of Ulster. Meetings also took place in almost cvet·y county in the pt•o ince, ancl resolutions were entlwcd into declaring 1eir hostility to the innovations attempted by the grand lodse, anu the appointment of a depll~



ty grand treasurf'r.

AU these i·esolutions wera transmitted to the grand master, accompanied by memorials cuntaiuing the sentiments of upwards of three hmHh'ell lodges, of the province. of Ulster. 'l'be. gmnd lodge, howcvet·, would not recede ft·om the ground it had taken, but persisted in all the obnoxious measures. This llispute continued for &ix years, when every effort to }n'Odnce a reconciliation I.Ht\'itli; fuilcd, a tneetiog of the dclcgatc.lil from three hundred and clc\'en lodges, took place at Dungannon, when they t•esolved themselves into a '' Gmnd LQ(lge for the Province of Ulster ;'• chose their grand officers, and transacted such bu. siness as .came !Jefore them. The diifct·ences he. tween the brethren are now happily adjusted, and harmony and good fellowship restored.

FRANCE. History furnishes us with a very imperfect ac .. connt of the early history of .Freemasonry in France; howc,·et·, we arc well assured that the art was culth·ated as early as A. U. 264 wb~n many masons emigrated from thence to Euglan d. Umlet· the ancient Gallic and ~m·man princes, masonry received vc1·y extmordinat·y marks of in~ dulgence; but we lmve nothing particular on re~ cord record respecting the soeiety until1787, when aftcl'the example of Holland, jealousies d preju~ dices were e ettained respt•ding the lodge~:~, and some rneasnl'es were taken to suppress them; hut they found pat1·ous iu the gt·eatest personages of the



kingdom, am\ withstood the persecution. ::1\fasoury partook of the uational character, and appeared with a pomp and parade unknown in any other counh·y. ~ ew graues wet·e adued, and some of the civil and military religious orders were annexed to the institution. In 1761:1, t.wn letters were received from the grand lodge of Ft·ance, by the gt·and lodge of England, expt·e.ssing a dcsii·e of opening a regulat• correspondence. This was agreed to; and a Book of con. stitotion of England, with a form of deputation, were ordet·cd to be sent to the grand louge of Ft·ance. The number of lodges gt'E'atly increased, and the society enjoyell a high reputation at the beginning of the French l'eYolution; bot several works having been published, charging the lodges with ueeigns hostile to goverment and the chl'istian religion, and aiming at. the suLversion of all social order, tltey were suppressed. Amongst those writers who have attacked }'reemasonry in li'mnce, the Abbe Barruel holds a conspicuous place. In his "Memoit·s of J acobinism," he endeavours to shew that there existed on the confinr.nt, long before the lt'rench revolulion, a tlu·eefohl c.onspit·acy to effect the ruin of the altat·, the throue an<l all social order. 'l'hat the fi.t·st cous}>imcy was formecl by a set of Philosophea·s, who aimed to destroy the altat·s of Jesus Christ and his gospel; the srcond, conspit·ed against the thrones of Kings, and affiilliated tb~msehes to the society of Ft·eemasons ; and the thll'd, undet• the denomination of nlu.minati, formed an union with the two fo1·mer1 and aimed




I ~I 1

4 .., ~t tiJC suln·ersion of all social order, property and ,cience. By artful insinuations, forced constructions and mi~reprcsentations, he ascribed to :Freemasons, principles which they hold in detestation-motives to which they are strangers, and actions of ·which . they are not the authors. He blended them with societies to which they have no affinity, and whos& oLjects and pursuits were essentially diffet·cnt. Under the reign of the Emperor Napoleon, rna· ra~onry re\'ivcd, n.tHl n. grn1ullodge is now estahli~;h ­ e<l in Par·is, having nutlet· its jurisdiction a number oflodges, in different parts of .France.

GERMANY. Masonry is of early date in Germany. About the yea1· 1720, it was revived under favorable au• spices. In the lodge at Brunswick, Fredel'ick, the the Gt•eat, (then P1·ince Royal of Prussia) was in· itiated on the :1.5th ot' August, i738. 8o highly did he approve of the institution, that on his acces•ion to the throne, he formed a lodge at Berlin, u • der patent from the g•·nml lod~e of Scotland, ove.r which he presided in person fo1· many years. Ia the establishmeut of this lodge, be m·c.laiued : 1st. That no person should be mnde a mason un· less his character was tmilllpt>achable. 2d. That every member shon 1!1 pay twenty-five rix dollars. for the first tlcgrce, fifty fm' the second_, and nne hund ed for the third. 3d. That he should remain at least tl1i'ec montl1s in each d~gree ; that every sum rcceiYed r;hould I•



be divide.l into three pat·ts; one to defray tl1e ex. pences of the lodge; one fm· the relief of distressed bt·etht•en, and the other allotted to the poot· in geu. eral. Frederick introduced a new stPp into the orcler1 which, before his time, we had no account of, ( al. though founcled on holy wt·it,) called the Philipian order, into which be snffet·e.d none to IJe initia· ted, but the most distinguished nten in his dominions. In the year 1775, the grand lodge of11erlin, sent 11 deputation to the general assembly whicb was held at Brunswiclr, who atlmitted a cet·tain nppt·o. ved system, planned by nine princes of the empire, agreeably to which all the German Lo1lg(•s were requested to work. I?orty-one lodges cutet·t'd into this ociation an«l chose Pl'iuce .Frederick of Brunswiclt, for their grand master. The society met with some opposition, origina. ting in the sm·mises of some ladies of the com·t, ·who emlenvoured to lll'ejudice the Rmprsss Qneen Mal'ia Theresa, agai t the institution. The op· position was suppressed by the emperor Jost>ph I. who declared himself ready to answer for their conduct, ami to redress any plea that could with truth be urged against them. In 1777, the following distinguishecl personages were n.t the head of the f1·aternity ; the King of Prussia, protector of ma~ons in Ge~·many ; }'eruinand, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenhu•·gh, gr•and maqter of the United Grand Lodges of Germany and Lower Saxony; Charles, Dul\e of Brunswick, Protector, and F1·edel'ick Au£;ustus, F1·o,·iucial




t"iran1ll\fastcr of tho lodges in the Prttssian (lomin.. ions; Pl'incc Maximillian Julius Leopold, Depu. ty Pt·ovincial Grnncl Master; Prince Charles J...antlgrave, of Hesse Cassel, Provincial Grand Master in Denmark, aud Charles Christian Joseph~ Protector of maiooa in Oourland.

HOT. .Ia\ND. When Ft·ecmasonry was intrOtluced into Hol.. land, is uncrrtain. Tlu~ institution flourished there in the. y<'ar 1725, and continued until 1735, when. the ~lateR General wt•re the fit·st among the powers of Em·ope, to entertain any jealousy of the order. Finding that lodges were heM, and the rites ofma.. sonry practiced in almost every town under tbeiiJ government, they began to be alarmed. It wat judged imposllible that architecture could be the only m<Uive of association; they therefore were de .. termined to di!!eovm·, if possible, the real intention of their meetiugs. Accordingly an e(lict was issu. ed, intimatiug, that although tlu~y bad not discovered any thing in the behtt.viour, or practices of ma .. eons, contt·at•y to the peace of the republic, or tba duty of good suhjeet~, yet, they were resolved to prevent any batl consequences that might t~nsue fl'Om such conventiom~, and, therefore, commanded that they should be entirely abolished. N otwith· standing this ordil)ance, a lodge composed of seveal very respectable gentlemen, continurd tn meet at a. private house in Amsterdam. The mngistrates receiving intelligence of the fact, Ol'liered U~


tiiSTORY 0~

whole lollge to be art·ested. The day following, the magistrates assembled at the Stadthouse, and . ordered the officers of the lodge to be brought be. fore them, who solemnly declared upon oath, that Freemasons were faithful subjectR, obedient to thagovernment and true to their couutt·y; that the gt·eat· est union prevailed amongst them ; that they wera stranget•s to hypocl'icy and deceit; that they cheet·· fully discharged every obliging olli.ce, an<l that thQ institution was truly ve.ncrahle. Thry informed the magistrates that they coultl not explain their particular secrets and cel'cmonies, but they could a,ssure them that they we1·e neither contrary to divine, or moral laws; that tiH'y would willingly receive any of their order amon_ll;~;t them, who would, no doubt, be ready and willing to snli~fy them more particularly iu regat·d to what they bad de· clare d. Upou this the brethren wm•c dischat·gcd, and the town secretary was appointe(\ to 11.ttend the ollge. He was accordingly ini 'ated; .and on his return to the Sta.dtbouse, gave such a !>ntisfn.ctory account in favor oflhe society, that in a slwrt time after the. whole body of magistrates became free and accept.. ed masons, aud held a lodge solely of their own 01'• der. 'J'hus did the ~Storm which tluea.tcned the dissolution of the socit\ty, blow o\'er. No fm·thc1 attempt has .brcn made to distlll'h it., and it now Jlonrishes. ha\'ing a grand lodge and many subor• dinate loffges. lu April, 1770, Cha•·les, Baron (le Boetzlucr, ~rand mas let· of the grand lodge of the united pro· 1Viuces of Holland1 addressed a letter to the grand



lorlge of Ji~nghnll, requesting to be acknowledged as such, aml that a ii.-m and friendly alliance might be established hctwcen both g•·and lodges; an annual col'l'e~ponrleoee carried on, and eaeb grnncl lodge a·egulal'ly made acquainted once in everJ year, with the most material transactioui of the oth... er; which was l'eadily agreed to.

SWEDEN AND DENMARK. On the ~2d .'March, 1798, at. the grand lodge of Stockholm, the late king of ~weden, was initiated, Charles, duke of Sudermania, grand master, presi~ ding. A grand lodge for Sweden and Denmark hu. been established many years, l1aving many lod;es in both kingdoms under its jurisdiction. At a meeting of the grand lodge of England, on the 10th of April, 1799, the Baron de SilveJjilm, the Swedish ambassador, prcsentcll, tl1c g1·and master a letter ft·om the national grand lodge of Sweden, which being read, it wu uu 'mously resolved, that the grand master be requ ed to n,., turn an answer on the part of the society, to lba Duke of Sudermania, expressive of every utiment correspondent to the warm and brother ad-. d1·ess received. A regular correspondence wa .. cordingly opened between the two g•·and lod;ei. RUSSIA. The first regular lodge was establishe(lin this em• pircin 1739, under the authority_of tbearand lod;~


of England. In t740, the Ead of Kintore, the·n grancl master, appointed a provincial grand mastct· for Russia. Loilges have been subsequently established at St. Petersburgh, :Moscow, Riga, Yas. sy, and other places. .:Many of the most distin. guished characters of Uussia at·e membet·s; but tha Emperor Alexander, has recently issued au edict. suppressing all the loilges in his ClliiJire.


There were several lodges in the city of Pra~ue. The first was established in t749. Most of the leading men were Freemasons ; and they are said -to be particularly cautions a& to the morale and. Worth of tho&e they admit. ASIA. ln Asia, masonry l1ad ita origin. Its early his-:. \ory in this quarter of he globe is well lmown ta the fraternity. In 1740, Alexander Drummond, English con-. sul Y:Aleppo, formed a lodge iu that city, which is the only lodge in the Levant. ~bout the same time, a lodge was formed at Bengal; masonry has lately :ftomisl1ed in that quarter of the globe in an extraordinary manner. There are several lodges in Bengal, Malh·as, Bombay, llencoolen, }"ort George, Tortolla; China, Bata· via, Oeylon, Calcutta, Ohandanagol'e, Patna, .Hurdu~n, &c.

l'R EE:ttlA S ONR Y•

In f776, his highness Omedit-ul-Omrah Bubauder, eldest son of tho N ahob of the Carnatic, was initiated at the lodge of Trichinopoly, near Mad. tlras, on which occasion he addressed a letter to the grand lodge of England, in which he express~ ed the highest veneration for the institution. A grand lodge was established at Maddras, on tl1e 7th October, 1787, of which Brigadier General Hornr, who had been appointed by the Duke of Cumberland, provincial grand master on the coast of Coromandel, was elected graml master.


A lodge was eonstituted at Jtlmes' Fort, on tba Gambja, iu the year 1736. There is also a lodg• at the Cape of Good Hope ; in the Island uf Mau.. ritius, and in the Island of Madagascar. Lodges are also established at Algiers, Tunis, and in a empire of Morocco. . The foregoing exhibits a slig sketch or Free.. masont·y in various parts of the globe. We reget that our means of information, does not enaBte us to furnish a mm·e complete and perfect a~ount. But imperfect as it is, it suggests noble ide th• mason's mind. How must he be gratified en be reflects, that in whatever part of the world, rovidence may direct his lot1 he will find brethren to relieve and protect him &


CHAPTER III. 'Slcetch of tlte Ilistory of Freemasom·y in t7~e Uni· ted States of .!J.merica. Tm~ introductiou of Freemasonry into the United States, is, comptu·atively of recent date. It was not until the country had, in some degree, chan~eu its savage features, that ihe lessons of masonry were openly inculcated in it. Whether the delay was owing to tl1e prejudices of the first settlers, or to their humble and .narrow circumstar ces, it is unnecessary to enquire . . Certain it is, the commission for holding the fhst lodge, diu not issue until the year i 733, when upon the application of a number of brethren residing in Boston, a arrant was. granted by the most worshipful Anthony, Lord Viscouut Montugu, gt·aml master of masona in England, dated 30th April, 6733 appointing Uu~ right worshipful Henry Price, gtand mas • North Amel'ica, with full power and au tho to appoint his deputy, and other masonic officers ne· cessary for forming a. Grand Lodge ; and o.l to constitute Lotlges of Free and Accepted Masons often as occasion should require. In consequence of this commission, the Grand Master opened a grand lodge at Boston, n the 3oth .July, 5788, in due form, ancl appointed a deputy Grand Master and Grand \Vardene. :J.'he G1·and Lodge being thus orgauizcd under


the name of .St. John's Gmnd Lodge, proceeded to grant warrants for constituting Lodges in various Jlarts of America; and ft·om this Grand Lodge Ol'i~inated the first Lodge~ in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode blantl, Connecticut, New Jersey, Peunsyl vania, Mary land, Vit·ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and several of the"'\\' est India Isln.nds. '.rhcre was at the same time, also, a Grand Lodge in lloston umlt>r the designation of the "Massachu"lletts Grand Locl~o," which orignatcd as follows: In 6775, a number of persons residing in Boston, In conseqence of a petition to the Gt·and Lodge of Scotland, received a. deputation from Slwlto Charles Do 1glas, Lord Aberdom·, then Grand ].\faster, constituting them a regular Lodge, under the name of St• .8.1tdrew's Lodge, No. 82, to be holden in Boston. 'l'bis establishment was discouraged and oppo&ed by St. John's Grand Lodge, who thought tbeiP privileges infringed by the Graml Lodge of Scotland; they therefore refused to have any intm-r course with St. Andrew's Lodge for seve1·al years. 'l,he prosllerouli state of St. Andrew's Lodge, soon i.ed its members to make gl'eat exertions for the stablishment of an ancient Grand Lodge in America, which was eft'ected on the ~7th December, 5769, by virtue of a commir;sion from the Right Honorable and Most Wol'shipful George, Earl of Dalhousie, Grand Master of :Masons in Scotland, dated SOLh May, 5769. By this authority, Joseph Warren, Esq. was appointed Granu Master of Masons in Boston, and within one hundred mile• of

FREEMASONRY. the same. The Grand Master and other Grand officers Wt>re installed according to ancient usa;e.., and the Gt·and Lodge completely organized. 13etween this period antl the year 5792, the two Gt·and Lodges, granted warrants of constitution for Lodges to be holden in diff'erent parts of the United States. On the 19th of J u nc, 5792, n complete union took pl:tcc between St. John's G-rand Lodge and the Jlfassachusetts Gm·nd Lodge. under the style and title of the " t:h·and Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of

of Massachusetts ;" all invidious distin.ctions were buried in oblivion~ and the rival societies united their efforts to accompliwh the objects of their illfftitation.

NEw HAMPSHIRJ::.-The Grand Lodge of Mas~ .sachusetts held jurisdiction over all the LO'dges ia New Hampshire, until the 8th Ju 5789, when deputies frnm the several J..odges assembl~d at .Portsmouth, to take into consideration the state Masonry, and the propriety of establishing a Grand


Lodge, and entered into the following '· That tl1ere be a Granll Lodge the state of New Hampshire, upon principles 1istent with, and subordinate to, the general tions and ancient constitutions of .Fa·eemasonr In consequence of the foregoing resolution, a Grand Lodge for the state of New Hampshire was forme<l, and his excellency, John llivan, Esq. elected fi.t·st Grand Master. Its meetings al'e hold· en at Portsmouth, in January, April, July and Oc:.. to!)er.




RHoDE IsLAND.-The (hand Lodge of Rhode .

Island was m·gauizt>d on the 25th June, 6791, a· greeably to a plan JH'oposed hy St.John's Lodge,N o, 1. N ewpot·t, &St.John's Lodge, I\ o. ~, Provitlence, which w£>t'e the only Lodges at tl1at time in the state. Its meetings are holden at Providence. OoNNECTtCUT.-The Lodges in Connecticut, previous to the establishment of a Graud Lodge, wct•e holden uncler t.he nutbority of cha.t·ters deri· ved from the Grand Lodges cf Massachusetts and New York. On the 8th July, 5789, dl'.puties from fifteen Lodges met and constituted the Gt•and Lodge of Connecticut. The Grand Communications are held semi-annually, in the months of May and October. VER:P.IONT.-The Grand Lodge of Vermont wal .constituted at Rutland, on the 14th October, 5794. Its annual meetings are holuen on the Monday preceding the second Thursday of October, at Windsor and Vergennes, alternately. NEW Y oaK.-The flt·st Lodge constituted in the atate of New Y01·k, was the present ~t. John'• Lodge, No. i, whose warrant was det·ivecl from the Grand Lodge of Englanrl, and was dated 7th. December, £J767. The first Grand Lmlge was constituted l>y a warrant under the hands and seals of the Most Worshipful, John, Duke of Athol, &c. Gt·and 1\ofas. ter, and others of the Right Worshipful officers of tbeGt·and Lodge of .England, dated 5th :September, 5781, which warrant auth1•rizcd and empow~ e)\Pd the .Free ;and Accepted Masonli of the Pro·

: I

59 gfnee of New York, to congregate ftnll hold a. Pro• vincial Grand Lodge in the city of New York, and therein appointed the Revd. William Walter, A. l\f.. Prov. Grand Master; John Studholme Hrown• 1·igg, G. S. W. and the Revd. John Bcadsley, G. 1. W. On the 5th December, 578~, the Grand of• .ficers were proclaimed and installed according to ancient usage, and the Grand Lodge duly organi .. IZCU.

On the termination of the war in 5783, tl1e Grand Master, with many other officel's or the G1·and Loclgc being about to lea\'e the city, doubts 1\J'Os& whether they could leave behind them the warrant by which the Grand L~dge hacl been constituted. A ~ial meeting was therefore surnmonrd, and after a fullllnd fair discussion of the subj<·ct, it was decided, that the same should be left in the car& and charge of such brethren as might be chosen to aucceed the then Grand oftlcers. ' he M. W. William Walter, then r~signing hiR seat. \V1lliam Cocke, Esq. was proclilimed and insLalled Grand Master• . On tbe 5th September, 5789, the Mash~ War dens of the·al Lodgt.~s within the s a: e, baviug been duly notitlcd, usemhlt·d in the ci f New York; and the late Provincial H1·and Lo haviug brrn closed sine die, forrurd and opened a Grand Lodge for tbe state of N r w York, and de· clared antl installed the Gl'and oftkers. The meetings of the Gt·aud J.odge are held in the city of


New \' ork• .1\Ew JY.nsEv.-A convention o delegates from the se \'tl&'al LodH;es in New Jersey, wat~ holden oa

6'6 the 18th December, 5786, at the city of New' Erun.,:; wick, and at'trr mature deliberation, constituted the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, and the Hon. David Ht·early, csq. was elected fit·st Grand Master. The meetings of Grand Lodge are held at Trenton. PENNSYLVANIA.-0n ·the :!4th June 5734, th8 Gnn<l Lodge at Boston granted a warrant to open. and bold a Lodge in the city of Philadelphia, by wbich he W orshipfnlllenjamin Franklin, was ap· pointetl first Mastet'. This was the :fit·st Lodg~ ht!l(l in the state ,pfPennl'lylvania. On the 20th J uue, D764, the Grand ~odge o£ England granted a wan·aot to the M. W. '\\'illiam 'Ball and o"tbers, authorizing them to hold a Grand Lodge for the Proviqce of Pennsylvania. 'I' he Provincial Orand Lodge remained in exist.. auce until the 25th September 5786, when tha Grand officers, and the officers and representatives of a number of regular lodges in the state, a Ht·and communication, unanimously resolved , that it ia imllropet· that the Gt·1md Lodge of Pennsylvania should remain any longrr under the authority of any fot·eign Grand Lot~gc." The Grand Lodge was fbru clost>d sine. die, when the members pres• ent fo1·rued themselves into a gr(md conveuti~m an(\ unanimrmsly 7•esulvecl, thnt the Lodges under the juril'ldiction of Ute Hraud Lodg., of PeonsylvRnia, latt~ly holdeu as a pt·oviucial Hrand Lodge, under the authority of the Gt•and Loclgc of England, should form themselves into a Ht'UIHl I~odge, to be ca , h 'fhc Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania aJ».l

Masonic jurisdie

J}lereunto belonsin0•' 1

ta In consequence of this resohrtion, the Grand L oll!;e of l,cnnsylvauia was duly constituted, and its ofliccrs elected and installed according to anci~nt usage. The meetingR of the Hmn<l Lodge lll'e held in t he city of Philadelphia. DELA.WARE.-Pl·evious to tile establishment a Grand Lodge, the Lodges in Delaware were held under chal'tcrs derived fl'Om Pennsylvania. At 11 meeting of delegates from a majority oi Lodges at 'Vilmington, on the 6th June, 6806, the following resolution was adopted : "Resolveil, That the se\-·eral Lodges of Ancient :Masons in the state of Bchtware, he1·c represented by ueputies properly !l.llthcn·iznd, consider it II.B;t. matter of right, and for the genet·al benefit of Ma.!lonry, that they ought to fot·m a 6t·and Lodge within the said state ; ami now pt·oceed to form and organize themselves into a Grand Lodge accor· dingy, to be known nud distingnished by the name of the" G rautl Lo,lgt~ of 1le1awarc." 'f he foregoing resolution being unanimously a.tlopted, the convention proceeded to the · Grand officers, who wet·c duly proclaimed stalled. VmGINIA.-Iu imitation of the examples ~ the bretht·en in other :states, the several I~ollges ill the State of Yil'ginia, assembled on the 30th October, 1778, and organized the Grand -Loc.Jge nf Virginia. It meets annuaJly at Richmond on thesecond Monday in December•



.-The :first regular Lodses in Ken.. F



tucl{y, derired their authol'ity from the GL'aud Lodge of Virginia. In the year 1800, there wet·e, under that authot·ity, iive regular loll;;~s. Ft·om their remote situa. tion ft·om their parent Grand I.otlge, they were in uuced to proceed to the establishment of a G..and l~odge for the state of Keutucl<y; and in pursuance of an invitation ft·om Lexington Lo1lge, No. 1 , a convention of delegates was held at :Mason's Hall, "n the town of I.exington, on the 8th Heptem· A. I ... 5800, ·when it ·was resol VL·d, that it was expc~lientnnd propr•·, to establish a Gmnd Lodge fm· the :..tate of Reutuckv. In pursuance of a resolution cntet·ed intu by t!Jrj conveniion, ft·om all the regular lougcs, ' met in Lexington, ort the 16th Octo!Jer, A. L . 5800, whe.n the \Vorshipfnl James MolTi::;on, tbe 11ltlest pasf. :Master present, having been requested to take the chair, the convcnl.ion ]WOceedetl rt•gu larly to establish a Gmnd l .. od{.!;P, when theM. W . William Mumty, was unanimous! lectcd first Hran(\ Master. The delegates then scvet·ally sm·t•etulcr!!d to tlHt. fh·and J,oilge their t•espectire charters, dPrivetl ft·om the Gt·and Lodge of Virginia, and received uew ones unde1· the Grand 1--tHlge of Kentucky. NoRTH CAnOLISA.-The Gmnd ~oclgeof North Cat·olina was first constitutt.•d by vit·tue of a charter ft·om the Gt·and Lodge of Scotland, A. L. 5771. It convenell occasionally at N ewbet·n and Edenton, at which latter place tltc records were deJlositcd previous to the revolutionary war. During the contest the rec9uli were destroyed by the Uritish, ~



it.rmy, and the meetings of the Grautl Lodge sus-

pended. The memhers of the et•aft conveneu at Hill~;bo ­

t·ough in 5781', and compiled r.crtain regulations for tllr. govet·umeut of the (:hand Lotlge, and again set work. In the same year they appointed a com mittee to form a constitution for their future govern-

ment, which was accordingly <lone, an1l in the followi-ng year, the said constitution was formally adopted, and ralifie1l at the city of Raleigh, at 'vhich piace the Grand Lotlg:c meets annually. SouTH CAROL£NA.-A gt·and communication or ancient masons was held in the city of Charleston on the 2-1th Dccemhcr, 57~6, ·when it \Vas l'esolvcd to call a convention of the sercrallodges in the state, to tlelillerate on the expediency of fm·miug a G-rand Lodge. A gmtul convention was accordingly heM on the 1st January, · 5787, at which were present, the Masters, Past Masters and Wardens of five lodges. After mature tlelillcrat.ien, it was resolvetl, thnt on the 3th :Feurunry, following, they woulll meet and proceed to the organization of a Grand Lodge fur the state of South Caro Accordingly on the day appoiutc1l, the conYen on ngain met an1l elected 6rand officers. The Gr ud

Lo!lge hein; thus orp;anizcd, n. cit·cultlr letter, s _ tin;; forth theiL· reasons for the estuhlishment of 11 Ot•nnd Lodge, was preparc1l ancl h·ansmitt(•y to th~ ,Jitferent Gt•and I,olfges iu the Unitc1l Stale!!, Gre11f Britain nn<llrclanll. :F rom the pcnco of 1783 to 1808, there were two Gt•atHl J,odge~ in ~onlh Carolina, viz : "The Granll I,o,l :;~~ of Soulh f':1rolina 1 Ancient York _



1\Iasons," o.nd "The Gt·and Lodge of l•'1·ee :uu1 Accepted Masons," between wlwm no masonic r-ommunication existed. The two Grand I.odges, <lesil'ons of terminating the di$union, nssemblet.l in convention on the 17th December 5801:!, entered into certain articles and established the Grand Lodge of South Carolina. Shortly aflct• this union was formed, au unhappy schism took place, which re sulLed in a separation. This separation continued unlil the ~6th December, 5817, wlwn llJC,Y again united under the style of " The Graml Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of South Carolina," the present title of the Grand Lodge. The Grand annual communications are holden in Charleston on the ~7th December. TENNESSEE.-Previous to December, A. L. 5818, the Lodges in this state worked umler the authority of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, at which Lime a Grand Lodge was established for the state of Tennessee, and the most Worship Thoma,, Claiborne, Esq. elected and installed first Gritnd

:Master.* OHio.-Tbe Grand Lodge of Ohio was institu ted by a conyention of delegates, from all the Lodges within tbe &tate; assembled at Chilicothc on the :fit·st Monday of January, A. L. 6808, and elected theh· grand officers. The first communica· tion of the Grand Lodge was holden at Cbilicothc on the 2d January, 5809. GEORGIA.-The Gmnd I.odge of Georgia is holaen "by Virtue and in }lUl'SlHI.llCC of, the t•ight Of

- ~ :S~





succes;;ion, lri'ally dct·ived ft·om tho most noble nn<l . most \Vot•flhipl'ul Thoma '~ Thynr, LOl'd Viscount 1 I \\' cymouth, Grand ~hstet• of England, A. ll. 1730, //: hy his WIU't'ant dit·ectetl to the Hight "' orshipful 'Hoger Lacey; antl by the renewal of sahl power ' by Sholto Charles Douglas, Lord Abcri!onr, 1 Gt·antll\I:tster of Scotlantl, for the years 1755, atHl 1/ . 17 5G, and Gt·n nd .Master ot' England for the yeat'R \ 1 17 57 and t7 58, as appears hy his warrant, direct~ '•' ed to the Uig;ht 'Vorshipful Gt·ey Elliot. On the 16th uay of Ucccmhet·, 578£}, a convr.n~ lion of the se,·eral J.Jotlgt:s . holden in the state,. as~ scmhlctlat Savannah, when the permanent appoint~ meuls, which l1a1l been herelot'ore made by the Ht·nntl Master of Englau<l, were solemnly relin~ quishetl, hy tho n. \V. Samuel :Elbert, Grand ~laslet·, and the other officers of the Grand Lodge; antl cct·tain t·egulations were adopted, by which the fframl officers are now elected annually by the Grand Lodge. ~lARYL:\ND.-Unlillhc year 5783, the Lodges in Maryland, del'ivet.l theh· authority from the Gran«l Loflge of Pennsylvania. On the i7t June, of the same yeat·, a convention was cnlle at '£n.lbot Court House, to consider of the pt·opr'ety of·estahlishing a Grand Lodge, when it was l'esol~ veu, that n. Gt·and Lodge ought to be formed, indc, pendant of the Grantl Lodge of Pennsylvania. e convention then ndjout·netl aud again met at 'rnlbot Court House, on the Stst July, 0783, when the Grand Lougo was establis ted, and Grand officers elected ami installed. "rom the ''Maryland Ahimnn Rezon," it ap~





pears that no meeting of the Grantl Lodge was held ft·om the 19th December, !)783, until the 17th Apl'il 5787, when a convention of deputies ft·om the clifferent subordinate J~otlges again assembled at 'l'albot Court Honse, confirmed the pt·oceediugs of th~;~ former convention, antl elected and installed Grand officers. Tbe Grand Lodge continued to hold its meetings at Talbot Court House, until A. L. 6794, when it was removed to Baltimore, where it con.; tinucs to meet semi-annually, in the months of May and October. DISTRICT OF CoLUMI.IIA.-Ou the Uth Decem her 5810, a conven'tion was called and delegates nttende{] from most of the lodges in the District of Columbia; they met in the city of 'Vashinglon.,..fhe comention, amongst othm· t•esolutions, rcsolv· . c{] that it \Vas expedient to establish an{] organize a Grand Lodge at the seat of the National Government. On the Stb January, 58U, the con ntion proceeded to the election of Grand officers, who were c.1 uly installe<l, and the Grand Lodge regularly or· ganized. The 6rand Lodge meets semi-annually, in Jan· uary an<l July. MISSISSIPPI.-Pre\'iously to the establishment of a G1·and Lodge in this state, the se\'eral Lodges worldng therein, <lerived their authority ft·om the Grantl J,orlges of Kentucky and Tennessee. Ou the. 27th July, 5818, delegatesfromthoseveral Lodgesconnned in the cily of N atchcz, when they"re•

solved, hat itwasexpedicntandhighly necessary to



:fru·m and orgauizc a Grand Lollge for the state of :Mississippi. On tl1e :25th August, following, the convention again met, and adopted a constilutior1 for the government of the Grand Lodge, when the respective Lodges surrendered the chat:lel's derived from Kentucky and Tennessee, and took out chal'· tcrs under the new Grand Lodge. Missouai.-ln pursuance of an invitation from Missoul'i Lodge, No. 12, held at St. Louis, delegates from Missouri Lodge, No. 12, Jackson Lodge No. ~5, and St. Charles' Lodge, No. tu3, met at St. Louis on the 22d }1'ebt·uary, 68 1, and organized a convention; when it wa esolvell, that it was expedient allll necessary to establish a Grand Lodge for the State of Missouri, and a committet was appointed to draft a constitution. On the ~ad of April, 5821, the convention again asse{Jlbled, adopted a constit t'on, and elec Grand officers, who were installetl on the 4th May, following. ALADAMA.-Delegates from the sevcralloc1ges in ibis ~:~fate, met at Cahaba, on the 11th June, 58!1, ·when they ac1opted a. resolution declaring it "expedient to establish a. Grand Loc1ge of Master Masons for the state o.f Alabama," and a committee appointed to draft and I'eport a constitution. On the 1.8th June, the committee reportec1 a con· stitution, which wa.s adopted on the following c1ay, a he Grand officers solemnly insta1lec1. In tlie United State1, the fraternity has flourished during the short period which has elapsed sinca its introduction, to a degree which, without the patage of wealth and power, could scr.rcely have



been expected, Lodges arc now found in cvt•ry portion of this extendctl empil'c, an<l although, like similar institutions in the ol<l world, it does not be bold the stn1·s of nobility twinkling in its ranl{s, ye t it numbers amongst its members, men rlistinguisheu fOI' their l1igh attainmrnts in litemlure; for their het·oic qualities, and fot· every virtue which can give dignity to the human character-men whom nature has ennobled. · This fttvm·ell country demonsl\'ates the peculiar ad vantages of the institution. The revolutions which have fjkea place in England and South Amel'ica; the tJKtcnsion of .commet·ce ·,,·hich knit!~ together the remotest nations; the facility of intercourse which invites men of leism·c an<l curiosity to tr:l.\'el abroad; the ovet·gt·own populousness. of the old wol'ld, and the inviting prospects of Lhe new, all con~pire to t·cndcr the United ~Hates the resort of all nations, aml open to the fraternity an un bounded field for the display of their beneficence. In om· lodges, natives of all climates and citizens of every government, assemble to reciprocate tho sentiments and emotions, and mingle in the enjoyments wl1icb the occasion affords, whilst the ad ventitious tlistinctions of country and language, of fortune and power, are lost in the character of citizens of the world, all(l brothers of the same family ..

_, .


OHAPTER I. Beroam we enter upon the duties ofa Freemasoa in the various oftlces and stations, to which he may be called in the Lodge, it is proper to gh·e some ncR count of the temper and qualities, which are absolutely requisite in all who wish to be initiated into the mystel'ies, and instructed in the art of ancient Ma!!onry.

Concerning Goil anillleligion. Whoever, from a love of knowlc(lge, 'nterest or curiosity, tlesires to be made a Mason, ' to know, that, as bis foundation and chief corner stone, he ifl to believe fit·m1y in the one Supreme and E~rnal G:Od1 and pay ii.Jat worship which is due to Him, as



the g1·eat .A.rchitect antl Governor of the Universe. A Mason is also obliged to obey the moral law, as a true N oah-chitla,* and it' he rightly undcrstanti royal al't, he cannot tread in the paths of the irt·eligious libe1·tine or stupi1l atheist; nor in any case; act against the iuwat·d light of his conscience. He will likewise shun the gt·oss errors of bigotry and superstition; making a due use of his own reason, according to that liberty with which a ma son i11 free. F~r although in ancient times, the Chl'istian Masons were charged to comply with the Christian usages of the country where they sojourned or worked, (being found in all nations, and of all religions and persuasions,) yet, it i now thought most expedient that the Lrethrcn in general slwuhl be only charged, tn adhere to the essentials of religion in which all men agree; leaving each brother to his own private judgment, as to particular modes and forms. Whence it follows, that all Masons are to be good men and trzte-men of honor aml honesty, by whatever religious names or pursu!tsions distingui!>hcd; always pursuing tl1e golJen precept, "do unto all men as (upoi1 change of r.ondi tion) you would that nll inen should do unto you." Thus Masonry becomes the cenh·e or union nmong the brelhren, scntter·etl over the habitable f!Jlohc, an<l the means of conciliating and cementing into one body, those who might othernisc have rcmainetl at a perpetual distance ; thereby strengthening, not weakening, the didne oLligations of reU~ and love.

* N"oah-c5iU"a., sons of Noah, the first n,amc cf Freemasonw.



Conce1•ning Government and the civil.JJ1agistrates. )VI10ever would he true J\Iason, is further to know, that by the privileges of his order, his ouligations as a subject and a citizen, \vill not ue relax ~ e<l, but euforcl'd. He is to be a lover of peace, and obeclieut to the civil powers ''>bich afford him pro. tection, nml are set O\'er him where he resides, r works. Nor can a. real craftsman ever 1m coucern ~d in conspiracies again~t the state, or be disrespectful to tbc magistrate when in the discharge of his duty; because the welfnt·c of the countt·y which JH'otects him hy its laws shoulrl he his first oltiect. If any brother, forgetting for a time, the rules of his Haft, and listening to edl counsels, should un~ llnpJlily fall into a conh·at·y conduct, be is n<Jt to he countenanced in his crimes and rebellion against the stale; bnt be forfeits all the benefits of the J,o,l~l', nnd his fellows will refuse to associate witb him in private, while be continues in his guilt, that no offl'llce may be. given to the la.wful govern· mcnt. Such a penwn, however, is still considereel as n n1ason, his titla heing iudeft•asable; aml hopes are to be entertained, and endeavours used, thnt the ·rules of the <~raft may again l'cstore him to n sense of his duty. I?rom the constant tlesire of true Freemasons, to aclot·n the countl'ics whue they reside with useful · nrts, tbt•y ba\'c been, fa·om the eat·liest ages, encoul'aged and protected hy wise!!t rulers of states and commonwealths; who have likewise th ght it all houur to have their names enrolled a. g the fra~ tet·uity, n.nd have become patl•ons of the craft. 'l'hus Masonry having always flourished most in t~





peaceable times of every countl·y. and having sur. fered in a particular manner throu~;h the calamitous effects of \'\'at·, the craftsmen arc the more strongly engagcll 0.11(1 inclined to act agreeably to tho true principles of their· art, in iollowing peace and love as far 1\.S possible, with all men; and as political affairs have occasioned discm·d amongst the near· est relations, aud most intimate fr·icnds, Masons are enjoined ncvet· to speak of, or discuss theJ,Jl in tha.


OJ P ·rivate Duties. Whoever would be a mason, should know how to practice all the private tluties. He should avoicl all manner of intemperance atu.l excess, whicll might prevent hiJ pm-formance of all the lautlnble duties of his cr·aft, or lead him into enormities, which would reflect disuonor on the craft. He is to be industrious·in his profession, and true to the lortl and mastet· he !lcrves. He is to labour justly for his meat aud his drink. What lei!:iut·e his labotlr allows, he is to employ in studying the at·ts a.nd sciences with a diligent mind , that he may the better perform all his duties to his et·eator, his coun. tt·y, his neighbor and himself. .ll'or, to •' walk humbly in the sight of God, l(~ do justice apd love mercy/' am the true charactel'istics of free and accept~d masons. He 1s to seek and acquh·e, as far as possible, the · ttfes of patience, meekness, self lleuial and for1Jear-4'11Qe which J!ih·e him the command over himself




. ncl enable him to gm'crn his own family with affe ction, (lignity , and prudence; at the same tim0 checking evel'y disposition injurious to the world, and promoting that love and service which brethren of tlte same houscholcl owe lo each other. '.fhere· fore, to afford succoul' to the distl'essed; to divide our bread with the industrious poor, and to put the mh;guidcd traveller in the way, are duties of the craft, suitable to it~ dignity and expressi,,e of it11 usefulness. Eut, alth ough a Mason is never to shut his car unkindly ag~lin s t th e complaints of any of the ltuman race, yet, when a brother is op· prcssetl or sull'ers, he is in a more particular mannet•, called upon to open his whole soul in love and compassion to him, and to relieve him without prej udice to himself or his family, acco.rding to hi~ capacity. lt is also necessary that all who woultl be true l\bsous, should learn to abstain from all malice, slander and evil speaking; f1·om all provoking, reproachful anti ungodly language, keeping always a. tongue of' good report. A Mason shonlcl know how to obey those wito at·e sl:'t over him; however inferior they may be in worldly raul{, or condition. For although Masonry divests no man of his honors antl titles, yet, in the lodge, preeminence of virtue, and knowledgQ in the royal art, are considered as the true source~ of all nobility, rule and government. The virtue indispensibly necessary in Masons, is secrecy. Tbis is the guard of their confidence, and the security of their trust. So great stress is laid upon it, that it is enf'orcecl under the strongest pen~ G




alties and obligations; nor in their esteem is any man accounted wise, who has not intellectual strength and ability sufficient to cover and conceal such honest secret~ as at·c committed to him, as well as his. own more scl'ious and private affairs.

Of proposing new ..7Jiembe1'S. No perAou is capahlc of becoming a member, unless, togeUu.•r with the virtues before mentione.d, or at least a disposition to seek ami acquit·e them, he is also '' ft·ceborn ; of mature ami discreet age; of good rep01·t ; of sufficient natural endowments and the senses of a man ; with atJ e!!tate, office, trade or occupation, or some visible way of acquiring an bon· est livelihood, and of working in his craft, as become members of this ancient fraternity. Who ought not only to eal'U what is sufficient for themselves anll fa.milieR, but likewise something fot• wot·ks of charity, and supporting the true dignity of the royal art. Evm·y person desiring admission, must also be upright in body, not dcfot·med OJ' dismembered, at the time of making; but of hale and entit·c limbs, as a man ought to be. No brother shall propose for admission any per· .son through pt·iva.te friendship or partiality, who does not possess the moral and socinl duties; or a sound head and goo(l heart; and who has not an exemption f1·om all tbose qualities and vices which WO!Jltl ln·ing dishonor on the craft. A strict (though private and imp1l.l'tial) enquiry will be m de into ·the character and ability of the



candidate, before he can he atlmittell into any lodge, and hy the rules of masomy, nu friend who may wish to propose him can shew him any favor. llnt if he has a ft·iend who is a mason, and is evrry way satisfied, his cluty is descrilwd as fullmvs : Every person desirous ol' being mnde a Freemason in nny lodge, shall he proposed by a member, who shall give an account of the candida es name, age, quality, tt·ade ot• occupation, place of residence and other neces!olary requisitr.s, as mentioueu in t.he foregoing sections. And iL is generally required, that such proposal be also seconded by some one or more members, who ~rc ac(tuaintecl with the candidate. Such pt·oposal shall also be made in lodge hours, at least one lodge night before initiation, in order that the bretht·en may have sufficient time and opportunity to make strict inquiry iuto the character, and circumstances of the candidate; for which purpose a special committee is generally appointed. 'l'he brother who proposes a camlidate, shall, at the same time, ,]eposit a sum of money for him, as the rules or bye -laws of the lodge may require; wltich is forfeited to the Lodge if tl1e candidate should not attend according to his proposal, if elected; but it is returned to him, if he sbou ld not be appt·ovetl or elected. In case he is rlcctetl, be is to pay, in addition, such further sum as the laws of the Lodge may require, 'l'he candidate bas a right, heforo his amission2 to desit·e his friend to shew him the warrant, or dis .. peusntion by which the lodge is heM; which if genuine, he will find to be an instrument written or



printed upon parchment, and signed by some Grall(} Master, his Deputy, the Grand Wardens a1Hl Graml Secretary; sealed with the seal of the G1·and Lodge, constituting particular per·sons therein nam ed, as Master and Wardens, with full power to· congregate and hold a Lodge at such place, and therein to'' make and n£lmit }'teemasons, accot·lling to the most ancient an<l houot·llhlc custom of the

l·oyal tu·t, in 11.11 u.ges t\lld Ull.~ious throughout the known world, witb full power to nominate and chuse their successors, &c." lie may also request the perusal of the bye-laws, which being short, he may read in the presence of' llis Mend, and be shown a list of U!e members of the J,odge; by all which he will be the better able to judge whether he could ~ssociate with them and confOI'm to their rules. Being thus free to judge for himself, he will not be liable to the dangers of' •leception. But, on the contrary, will be admitted into a society, where he may converse with men of l10nor and probity ; be exercised in all the offices of brotherly love, nml be made acquainted with some things, of which it iR not la.wful to speak, or make known out of the Lorlge.




OJ a Lodge and its Government. t. A Lodge is a place in which Masons meet to wm·k. 'fhe assembly, or organized botly of Masons is also called a Lodge, just as the wol'd Church is expressive both of Ute congregation, and an<l place in which they meet to worship. 2. 'fhe qualities of those who are a.dt.oitted members of a J.odge, have been mentioned in the pre• cetling chapter, and it is only necessa1•y to repeat here in general, " tllat the1 are f.9 be. men of good report, freeborn, of matare age, bale and sound, not deformed or dismembe1·ed at the time of making, and no woman or emmch. 3. A Lodge ought to assemble for work at least once in each calendar month, ancl must consist or at least one Master, Senior ami Junior Wardens, Secretary and Treasurer, Senior and Junior Deacons and Tyler, and as many members, as the Master and a majority of the brethren, shall from time think proper; although more than forty or 6Cfs1 are generally found inconvenient for working to advant9; and, therefore, wben a lodge becomes thus numerous, 1104116 of the a~lest master workmen and others under their directiou, will obtain lea\'~ to separate, and apply to the G1·and Lodge fo,r f G~

' .i:...


. .:::.



warrant to work by themselves, in order to the fm•w ther advance.mcut of the craft. But such warrant cannot be granted to. any number of Masons, nor can any lodge be formed, unless there be among them three Master Masons, to be nominated and installed as officers, for governing ami instructing the brethren of such Lodge. 4. When men of eminent quality, learning, rank and wealth, apply to be made and admitted into tlua Lodge, they arc to be accepte<l with propilr respect after due examination, for among such, are of~ ten found those, who afterwards prove good founders of work and exceU.ent officers, to the great honor of the craft. From among them also, the fraternity can generally have some honorable and learned Grand Master. These brethren, however, are alike subject to all the charges and regulations ; the prefet·ment of brethren must be upon real worth and personal merit, and not upon mere seniority, or any particular rank or quality. 5. In or<ler that due decorum may be observed, while the lodge is engaged in business, and for tho better preservation of secrecy and harmony, a brother well skilled in the Master's part, and one of pru<lence and discretion, shall be appointed to tyle the Lodge door, during the time of communication. 6. Every Lodge shall keel> a book containing ~teir bye-laws, the names of their members, with a list of all the lodges under the same Grand Lodge; with the usual times and places of meeting of such Lor¥es, and such other necessary parts of their transactions1 as are proper to be committed to wri~ ting.



1. No Lodge shall make more than five new brethren on the same evening, unless by dispcnsll~ tion from the Gt·an<l Master, or deputy, in his ab. sence; nor shRll any person be made or admitted a member of a Lodge, without being proposed one month before, (unless iu particular cases to bejudged of by the Lodge) that due notice may e given to nll the members, to make the necessary enquiries into the character and standing of the candidate. An(l no member can be imposed on any Lodge without its consent; nor can any brother be admitted until he procluces a certificate ot' his having paid all at·rearages to the Locl!;e of which he was last a member; for should any Lollge admit a brother, who is in arrears to another Lodge, the Lodge thus admitting h~m, makes the debt their own. 8. As every Lodge has a right to keep itselC an entire and distinct body, they ought never to interfere in the business of another Lodge. 'l'herefore it is highly improper to confer a degree on a broth· er who is not of their household; for every Lodge ought to be competent to its own business, and are certainly the best judges of the merits and qualifications of its own members. 9. As the officers of every Lodge are the proper representatives of their own IJodge in the Grand Lodge, still, for the sal{e of equal representation, the otH.cers are allowed deputies, when unable to attend t selves; which deputies must e ap· pointed by the majority of every Lodge, when duly congregated, and their appointment shall be attest.. ed by the Secretary, with the seal of the Lod 0 e ;



and every Lodge has the privilege of instructing their Master and Wardens, or their deputies, for their conduct in the Grand Lodge. 10. Every brother ought to be a member of &orne Lodge, nor is it proper tharany number of brethren should withdt·aw or separate themselves from the Lodge, in which they were made, oradmitted members, without good cause; although the right is an inherent one, and can . never be restrained by any power whate\'er; still such separation is improper, unless the lodge becomes too numerous for working, in which case a suffi.cient number may withdraw with the appr~ation of the Lodge, in order to form a new one. Before application can be made to the Grand Lodge, they shall pay all dues to their Lodge, and give them notice iu writing, that they intend to apply to the Gran(\ Lodge, for a warrant to form a new one. 'l'he Lodge then shall certify to the Gt·and Lodge, the cause of the application, and at the same time shall recommend the bretJP.-e-. b•st quali:O.ed as Master and Wartlens.No set of Masons shall take upon themselves, without such warrantl to work together, or form a

new Lo.dge.



Of attendance. L .Evct·y bt·other should 4{Jpcar in Lodge, pro· perly clo~hed, in clean and decent at>pa.t·el, tl·ult subjecting himself to all its bye-laws an£1 regula· tions. He must attend all meetinijs, whether stated or emergent, when duJy summoned, unless ha· can offet• to the Lodge such plea for his absence, as the saitl Jaws ancl regulations admit. By the an"' cient rules, no plea was deemed sufficient to excuse an absentee, unless he could satisiy the Lodge that he was sick, lame, in confinement, or upwards of three miles from the place of holding the meeting,· or detained by some unforseen or extraordinary necessity. 2. Whilst the Lodge is open fot wm·l{, Masons are not to hold private conversations or committees without leave from the Master; nor talk of any thing foreign to the work in hand, nor interrupt the Master or 'Vardcns, or any brothel' add1·essing the chai1·; but every ln·other is to pay due rever• ance to the .Master and Wanlcns. 3. Eve1·y brother found guilty of a fault, shall stand to award of his Loclge, unless be apifeals to the G nd Lodge ; but if tlJe wm·k be dered in the mean time, a particular referenc y be




4. No private piques, or quarrels about nation s,. religion 01· politics, must be I.H'ought within the doot·s of the Lodgr, as being directly contrary to the rules prescribed. Masons beiug decla1·ed of the oldest catholic religion, univet·sally aclmowledged as ~,uch, and of all nations ; bound to live on the square, level aud plumb, with each other, following the steps of their predecessors, in culliva .. ting the peace and harmony of the Lodse1 withuut distinction of sect or party. 5. Wben the Lodge is close£1, the bretiuen be .. fore they depart, may enjoy themselves in innocent :hlirth, enlivened and exalted by their own peculiar songs, avoiding all irregularity. Therefore, no brother is to he hindered from going home when he pleases; for although afte1· lodge hours, Mason• are as other men, yet, as the wol'ld views them with a jealous eye, if they should fall into excess, he blame, ihougb unjustly, may be cast on the in .. stitution. 6. You are to lute each other in a courteous manner, as you are instructed in the Lodge; call· 'ng each other broth£>r, freely communicating hints of kuowlellge, and always tllking care iu your actions and conversations, that you a1·e neither orerseen or ovet·heard by strangcl's. In this ft·ienllly intercourse, no brother shall derogate from the respect due to another, were he not a Mason. Fo1· though all Mao.;ons, as brothers:~, are npon the level, yet Masom·y dive'its no man of tl1e honors due to him be , o1· that mny become due to him afte1· l1e de a Mason. 7. efore those who are not Masons, you must



·b e cautious in your words and nctions ; so that the most penetL·ating sh·anger shnll not be able. to discover what is not proper to be intimated. The impertinent and ensnaring questions, which are often addressed by those who seck to pry into the secret• and mysteries committed to you, must be prudently answered and managed, as your discretion aml duty shall direct. 8. Masons ought 'to be moJ•al men ; consequently should be gootl husbands, good parents, good sons and good neighbors ; not staying too long from home, avoilling every excess, that would be injurious to themselves OL' theit· familie~. 9. You are cautiously to examine a stranger, or foreign brother, as prtu.lcnce aud the rules of the craft direct, that you may not be imposed upon by a pretender; and if you flnd any one to be such, you are to reject him with scot·n and shame, taking care to gh'e him no hints ; but such as lll'e fou d to be true and faithfu 1, you are to respect as l>t'others, according to what is directed abo\'e; relieving them if in want, to the utmost ot' your po\1 er, or directing them bow to find relief, antl employing them if you can, or else recommending them to cmployruent.. 10. F1•ee and accr.ptetl .Masons are charged to avoid all slandering and back biting of true and faithful IJrethren, or talking disrespectfully of a ln·others person or performance. .1\ or must they sufl'er others to spread unjust rep1·oaches or ca.lumnies nst a t.rothe•·, behind his back, nor to ll1Jlll'e ·bis fortune, occu1•ation or c acter; but they should defend such brother, an~ivc him notice of any danger or injury with which he may



be tln·eatened, to enable him to escape the same, n:4 far as consistent with honor, prudence and the safety of religion, m01·ality and the state, but no further. 1 t. If one brother do another an injury, or if any dift'erence exists between them about any temporal business or interest, they should apply to the lodge of which they are members, to have the matter in And if eithet· dispute adjusted by the brethren. party ben ot satisfied with the determination of the Lodge, an appeal may be carried to the Grand Lodge. Bt·etluen are not to enter into law suits, until the matter cannot be decided as above. lf the matter wholly concerns Masonry, law suits ar0 to be avoided, and the advice of pt•udeut brethren is to be followed, as they are the best referees of linch differences. 12. Whet·e references are either impracticable or unsuccessful, and courts of law, m· equity mu!.lt last decide, you must obset·ve the general rules of Masonry already laid ; avoiding aU wt·ath and malice, or personal ill will, in cal'fying on the 1ui~ with a brot r; neither saying or doing any ' thing to hinder the continuance or t·enewal of that brotherly love and fl'iendship, which are the glory and cement of this ancient fratet·nity. 13. By observing the rules laid down in thia aml tho forr.going chnptcrs, we will shew to the world the benign in1luence of Masonry, as true and faithful brethren before ns, lu~ve done, fa·om the he· ;inning of time J andlt!l all who shall follow us, and wouhl be worthy of that name will do, until

·Jhe worhl shall end. J,4. Eve1·y master of a lodge,~ should hims~lf



carcrully study the foregoing charges, and causo themto be fi'Cqucntly read in Lodge, that they may make that impression upon the minds of the breth· rcn, which, ft·om their importance, they deserve.


CHAPTER IV. OftlLe OJlcers qf a LolTge.

t. No Inother can be master of a lo<lge, unless be has served the otl\ce of Warden, somewhere, unlesi in extt·aot'(lina•·y cases, or wl1en~ a new lodge i& to be f01·med, and no past ot· Jlrcsent W at·tlen is to be found among the members. In such cases, three Master :Masons, altl10ugh tlwy ibcy have served in no fo1·mer offices, (if they be m~ll learned) may be constituted 1\'J aster nud W ::m lens of such new Lodge, or any Lodge on a similar cmergl'ucy. !. The mastrr of e\'cry Lodge shall be chosen hy ballot, a111.l present Wanlens (where they regulal'ly u·c) shall be put l.unong the number of candidates for the clraii·, but shall then withdraw, while every membet• (all who ha\'e pai1l their dues, or who have been e cused payment) gh·es his vote in favor of him whom he deems most worthy. Every f1·ee member has one vote, and the master two votes, where the numhe1· of votes happens to be equal, otluwwise he has but one. 3. ·w11en the ballot is closed, and hefore it be examined, the former master shall order the candidates to IJe brought back before him and take their 1eats as 'Vardens. He shall then carefully exine the poll, and audibly declare him that hath a Qaajority of voles, duly elt•cted. 4. ·The .Master elect shall then nominate one for Senior W arden1 and the present .Master and breth-.





ren shall nominate one in oppo .. ition ; both of whom shall withdt·aw till the ballot is closed ns nfot•estlid; aftet' which the.y shall be called Lefot·c the :\'1 astct·, nncl the poll shall be examined and cleclared hv him as above stated; in like manner Rhalt the lodge proceed to of all the inferior officers. 5. The Master of e\·ery J,oflge, elected ancl installed, is particularly requ' see that the hye· of his Lodge, as well ns tho genm·al rPgulations of the Grand Lodge, be duly ob~ened ; that his \V a rdcn'l discharge their office faithfully, atHliJe exarui)le.:3 of diligence and sobriety to the craft; that true and exact minutes and enhies of ttl\ the proceedings he made and kept by the Secretary; that the Treasurer keep and render exact and jnRt accounts at the stated times, according to the hye-laws and 01·ders of the Lodge; and in.general that all the goo,ls and monies belo ging to his Lodge, l.le truly managed and dispensed, acp cot•ding to the vote of the majority. 6. The Master shall further take care thnt no apprentice m· fcllow-ct·aft, be taken into his JJodge1 unless he finds him to be duly qualified accot•ding to the rnles already laid down. 7. The master has the right and authority of calling his lodge, upon any emergency, which in hii judgment may require their meeting, and he is to ilU the chair when preaent. It is ljkewise hi duty, t ther with his Wardens, to attend tha Grand Endg at the usual commonicati s, and such occasional and special communications, as the "Qod of the craft may require, '\Ybcn duly summo~ '



ed by the Gt·and Secretary. When in Gt•ntui Lodge they l1ave full powet· to transact all matters relative t11creto, as well and as tl'Lily as if the whol0 bo£1y were there lH'esent. · 8. Tbe maslet· has also the right of preventing the l'emoval of his Lollge fl'Om one house to anothcq and as several d' \1 s luwe lH·isen on this hea{l,

and it ha• been ma 11. que~ttion, in wbo111 the pow· er of removing a Lodge to any new place is in rested, wben the old place of meeting apJ>eal'S to bo inconvenient, the following rule for this purposa l1as been agreed upon, and settled IJy lawful authority, viz : 'flu1t no Lodge be removed without tl1e masters knowledge, nor any motion made for that purpose in the Lodge ,vhen he is absent. But if the Master be present, and a motion be made for removing the Lodge to some other convenient place, (within the dish·ict assigned in the warrant of such Lodge) and if the said motion be seconded aud thit·ded§ the master shall order summons to every individual member ofthe Lodge, specifying the business, an<l appointing a day for bearing and dete1·miniug the afl'air, at least ten clays before, and the determination shall be made by the majot·ity. But if the Master is not of the majority, the Lodge shall not be removed, unless full two tbit·ds of the members present have voted for such removal. But if the master refuse to {lirect such summons to be issued (upon motion duly made) then either of the Wardens may direct the same ; and if the Kaster neglects to attend on the day fixed, the W a en may preside in determining the a:trair1 in.



the manner before IH'CSCI'ibell. nut tbe Lodge shall nut in the Masters absence (on sucl1 special call) euter upon any other business, but what is mcntioued in the said summons. If the I..odge is thus l'egulal'ly removed, the Master or 'Vardens shall send t.rotioe the Grand Se~ cretary that such removal maybe dbly entered in the G1·and Lodge books at the next Granll Lodge. 9. The Masters duty in making anll admitting brethren, and other (luties of his office, being snch as cannot be written, are only to be acquired by study and experience.

== The JVa1•dens. None but Master Masons can be Wardens of a Lodge. 'I' he t5enior Warden succeeds to all the duties of the Mastel', and :lllls the chair when he absent; or if the Mastel' goes abroad on business resigns, demits m· is deposed, the Senior Warden: shall forthwith fill his place until the next stated election. And although it was formerly held, that in such cases the Masters authority ought to revert to the st Past Master who is present, yet it is now a settled rule, that the authority devoh•es upon the Senior W artlen, and in his absente, upon the Junior Warden, even although a former Master be present. But the Wardens will geo-eral1y wave this privilege in honor of any Past Master that may be present, au,t will call on him to take the chah·, upon the }ll'csumption of his experience and skill in toiu.lucting the business of the Lod~e. If none





of the officers be IH'eseut) uor any former M ac;ter to take tlle chait·, the members accot·lling to seniority, sllall fill the places ofthc ah~eut officers. 'fbe business of the \V artlens of a T. . mlgc, is generally to assist the Master in conducting the business thereof, antl managing the craft in (lue orller and fot·m, when the Mastt>t' is present, antl doing his duties when he is necessarily absent; all which is to be learned ft·om the foreging sections. articular Lodges, by thcit• hye-Laws, assign pat·ticular duties to their \Vardens, for their own betier government; which such I.otlges baYe a l'ight to do, provitled they do not transp·ess the andcnt land marlts, nor in any degree violate the t1·ue stJh·it and genius of Masot1ry.

--=== ':rlw Sec1·etm'!J·

'rhe Secretary shall keep a regular record of all tlte IJroceecliugs of t}1e Lodge tbat are proper to be committe<l to writing; which shall be faithfully entered in tlw Lodge books, from the minutes taken in open Lodge, after being duly read and approved, befot·e the close of e\'ery meeting, in or<ler tl1at Ute said transactions, or authentic copies thereof, may be reMly to be laitl before the Grand Lodge when required. The Secretary shall keep exact lists of all the members of the Lodge, with the times of admission of new members ; and at each annual meeting of . the Grand Lodge, or oftener if requh·ecl, shall pre~

pare and send to the Grand Secretary~ the list of




membet·s fm· the time, with those suspendcll 01' exJlellcd, which should be siguc!l by the Master and "\\rarden~ ; to the end that Grand Secretary may be enahled at all times to know the names and numbeJ' of memhe1·s in each Lodge, with the band writing of the dill'erent officers, nud pay all due respect to the brethren recommended or certified by them f1·om time to time.

The T1·easztre·J•. The 1\·easurer is to receive aml keep an exact account of all monies raised Ol' paid in, according rules for the advancement of the Lodge, and to pity all or<lers duly drawn on him by the authority ofthe Locl~e. He is to keep regular entries both of his receipts anll dislmrsements, and to ave his books and vouchers always ready for examination at such stated times as the bye-laws require, or when specially called on by the Ma,ster ancl \Vardens. He is also to have the charge of tl1e jewels and furn,iture of the Lodge, unless the master and a majot·ity of the brethren appoint some other brother for a.t particular duty; or when the officers of the LOdge may take the charge immediately up~ on themselves. The warrant in particular, ia in the charge and custody of the Master.



Previonsly to the Grand Convocation at York, the ft·aternity spread oyer the country, assembled and worked as Masons, without any wnrt·ant of constitution. Disorders and im~gularities incid cnt to such a mode of procetlure, t•etulere•l it necessary that a supreme head or Grand Loflge should beest.ablished JIOSsessing jurisdiction over infe1·ior :Lodges. A Grand 1.-odge consists of the Masters and Wardens ofall l'egular Lodges within its jurisdiction, with the Grand Master at their head, the deJluty Grand Master on hjs left, and the Grand 'Vardens in their proper places ; attended also lly the Grand Secretary, Gt·arul Treasurer, G1·antl Marshal, Gran•l Swot·d Bearer, G1·and Deacons, Grand 'l'yler, and other necessary officers ; all of whom must be Master Masons. No new Lodge is acknowledged, nor can their office&·s be admitted to vote in Graml Loclge, until such lodge is regularly constituted, and registered by authority of the Graud Lodge. All past Grand Masters, past Deputy Graud :Ma!!ters, past Gr~nd Wardens, and past .M.aste1•1 ofwm"ra?zted Lod~es on record, whilst they contin· ue members of a regular Lodge, are likewise by ~ourtesy as well as by custom, considered as member.& of, and admitted to vote in Grand Lodge. By

courtesy also1 past Grand Secreta1·ies and Grand


CO .'STlTU'rlO~S.


'f1· base the same privilege. of sitling in Grand Lodge and voting in such matters, as by ihe r ules of the Grand Lodge they might or coul have voted on, whi lc in office.* No Masttw, Warden, or other member of tha Gt·and Lodge, should eve1• attend the same without the jewel he ought to weal' in his own particu·

lal' Lo,lga, exce1>t fo1· some good and autncieut reason, to hl' allowed of in the Grand Lodge. And when any officer of a Lodge, cannot personally at. tend the Gram) Lodge, be may nominate and send a brother of his Lodge, with his jewel and clothini to supply his place. Brethren of the rank of Master, may be admitted into the Grand Lodge on motion, m· leave asked and given; hut such brethren thus admitted, are not entitled to vote, or to speak on any question, without leave, or unless desired by the Jn•esiding officer to pe his opinion. A Gr·and Lmlge shouhl meet four times a year, and shonhlalso have occasional meetings and ad.. journments, as business may requh·e.t All matters in Grand Lodge shall he determined

* It is a question still unsettled, (at least in some Grand Lodges) \fhether Past Masters, who have bPen nrade such in a Chapter of Royal Jlrch .hlasons, are eahtled to seats and to vote, as membet·s of a Grand Lodge; or whether this privilege should be confined to such only, ali have l.u~en regu· larZy elected and installed as masters of subordinate Lotlgts. This is a question of considerable interest, and demaods the serious consideration of the fraternity. t The Grand Lodge has the right of fixing the times of its meetings; hence some meet quarterly, some semi.annu·. ally and others annually,



Ly a majority of votes, each member l1aving one vote• unl1•ss the G1•and l,odge leave n.ny particular thirrg to the detel'miuation of the Grand Master, for the Aake of expedition. 'fhe bttsiness of the Granc1 Lodge is se1•iously to commuuieale.• and consider of, to t1•ansnct and settle nll matters that concern the pt·ospet·ity of the craft, nnd tho ft•aternity in general, or private Lodges and bt·ethren in particular. Thus all differences, that cannot be accommodated privately, nor hy n. particular I .. odge are to be seriously considered and an<l decided. And if any brother thinks himself nggrieved by such decision, he may by lodging an appeal in writing with the Grand Secretary, havo the matter reheat·d, and finally determined upon at the next ensuing communication.

tJf the Election of Grancl .iJiaster. The Grand Lodge must meet at the time fixed upon by their constitution, for the pmpose of elect· ing theit· officers. The election shall ue by holcling up of l1ands or by ballot, as may be directerl by the particular regulations of the Grand Lodge. When the election is made, the Grand Mastet• elect, is to be proclaime(l, installed nml salutctl, ii present; if not present, a day is to be appointed for this ceremony, or l1e may he installed by proxy, n his signifying his acceptance of the office. The ceremony of installation uf the new Hraml Master fs to be conducted by the last Grand Maste1·, but




h e mny order any brolher well skilled in the cere· mony to assist him, or to ad as his dclluty on th6 occasion. '£he Grand :.M:astet· thus elected and installed, bath an inhet·eut right to nominate and appoint ths deputy Grand .M aster; because, as the Grand Master, cannot be supposed to be able to give his attendance on every eme•·geney, it hath hceu always judged necessary not only to allow him u deputy, !Jut that such deputy should he a person in who111 l1e can perfectly confide, an<l with whom he cau .!lave full harmony.

The Grand JVardens. The Grand I~odge ha~ the right of electing the Grand Wanlens, an1l any member bas a right tu propose o ' or both of the candidates, either thts old Wardens, or new ones; and the two pe1·sons who have the mnjority of votes or ballots, a1·e de· •lnred duly elected.

The Grand Sec1•etary. The office of Grarul Secretary has become of\'e .. . ry great importance in tbe {jrand J.. odge. All the transaqlions ofthe Lodge, at·e to be drawn into and tluly recorded by him. All petitions, applica. tions and ttppeals, are to pass through hi• hands. ~ o warrant, certificate or instrument of writing frosu the Gran<l Lod15e is autllentic, without his at-:



testation an1l signature, and his affixing the great The general correspondence with Lodges and hretlll'en over the whol~ world is to manage1l by him, agreeably to the voic~a of the Grand Lodge, and directions of the Grand Master or his deputy, whom he must therefore, be always ready to . attend, with the books of tho Lodge, in oNier to give all neccssnt·y information concel'tliug the genet·al state of affairs, and what is propel' to be tlone upon any emergency. Tho Grand Sect·eta1·y, by l'irtue of his office, is a memthe Hnmd Lodge, and may set and vote ac. ber oordingl y. ~cal as the laws I'CfJUit·e.


Tlte Grand Treasure'1. The duties of Grand Tr·easm·e1·, are the same at prcscribe1l to lhe Tt•easurer of a aubor.,Jin!lte Lodge. By virtue of his office he is a member of the Grand Lod;;e, and may set and l'otc a.s such.• If the Grand Master is absent at any meeting of the Grand Lodge, the deputy is to supply tl1e place. If the drputy is likewise absent, tbe ~enior Orand Warden. All Grand officers, present and past, take precedence of e ry Master of a Lndgt> 1 nnd the present Grand officers, .of all past vmnd ofti. c:ers. N evet·tbeless, any of them may wave their J8 ilege, to do honor to any ancient brother and , whom the Lodge may be willing to


e chair on any particular occ ion, U



the Grand officers are not present at any {h·and Lodge, duly summoned, the Master of the senior private Lodge who may be present, is to take the chair, although there may be Masters of Lodges J_>l'C£cnt who are Qldcr Mason~ .








CHAPTER I . .O.dvantagea of F'l'eemCUD#'Ifl.' WHEN we a£1 \'ert to the origin of society, we disco~ ver that mutual wants impelled mankind to associate for mutual benefit and protection. The supreme architect of the universe, when he created man, endowed bim with reasoning faculties, the power of discriminating between right and wrong, good ancl e\'il, that he might enjoy tl1e pleasures · and benefits arising from a state of soci<'.ty. He is created with feelings, passions and inclinations, which dh·ect him to social intercourse, aud lead him to share with others, the plensures which he ltimself feels. The influence of society is felt in eve1·y nation and in every country; the uututo1·ed



and uncivilized savage who roams umestra.ined over his native woods, and the equally uncultivated native of the buming sands of Africa, feel its power, and act under its sovet·eign sway. They seek society with as much eagerness, perhaps, as the polished inhabitant ofthe city, and ft·om the same motire; the desire of participating in each othct·'s cujoyments. This propensity to associate i,; capal>lc of producing the most happy effcds, when undei; prope1· restrictions. }"rom this general pl'incipie of association is deduced that particular principle which leads to the establishment of societies l1aving particular o(Jjects in view; such as socie-ties for the t•elief of the distressed widow, the bel plcss orphan, the wandering stranger, and other benevolent and chat·itable purposei. In every conn• try where the minds of men have been eulightenened and their manners softened by the benign influ· ence of the Christian religion, societies have bee11. formed, which have been productive oi much good in ameliorating the evils which ":flesh is heir to." Misery in almost every form has raised her lan~uid head, and blessed the hand extended tore~ lieve. Charity and her sister Benevolence, have knelt by the side of the poor and the affiicted, and the balsam pom·ed into their wounds, has inspit·ed the suft'erer with new feelings, causing joy and glad. ness, where before w all despondency and sor. row. Amongst the numberless societies thus instituted for benevolent purposes, it is not arrogating too much to say, that Freemasomy occupies an eleva· ted -place, and that it is as preeminent in usefulness


as·in age.


)Vhilst other societies are limited to

particular cities, towns or districts, Freemasonry is as extensive as the globe we inhabit, embracin~; men of every religion and every country; east or west, north or south, Masons are found, ready and willing to administer to our comfort, or relieve our ilistt·esses. This is a subject of congratulatioJl which no other institution affords. May its mem~ bers cherish it fot• its benevolent designs, honor it for its precepts, and support it for the excellence of its moral doctl'ines, that it may continue to main· taiu that station wllicb it deserves to occUJ)Y• }'•·eemasomy nt its institution was no doubt sim.: ple in its regullltions, .consisting of but few rules for promoting order and charity among th6se who embraced it. As these '"et·e all of the same lan. guage, manners, religion and government, they would have but few peculiuities to restrain. Their doctrines would be, that a God of feet justice and mercy governs the universe, and that to him all men are accountable fot· their actions. Their precepts would enjoin obadience to the deity; com-' passion and forbearance to all the human race, and temperance, sobriety and charity to every particu·. lar individual. nut when Ft·eemasonry began to spread beyond the land of its nativity into llistant countries~ it would necessarily decline ft·om its primitive simplicity. The few rules which were sufficient to rego-: late and govem the society, when composed ofpeo-: ple belonging ~o the same nation, would require to be augmented when it consisted of members of different nations. Accordingly the brethren have a,..





dopted certain signs and tokc.ns, which serve as a. kind ofnniversallanguage, by which a brother in a foreign countl·y might make himself known to, and umlerstood by a brother who could relieve and :protect him; and also, that they might be able to distinguish one another with ease and certainty from the rest of the world, that impostors might not abuse theit· confidence, nor intercept the fruits of their benevolence. The method adopted by the craft fm· communicating instruction to theh• disciples, Walil in use be· fore the invention of letters. All the learning of the ancient world was conveyed in symbols, and cntrenche~l in mystery; ancl that is not only the most ancient, but the most impressive vehicle of knowl· edge, which, by applying sensible objects to a figurative use, affords amusement as well as instruction, and renders even the playfulness of imagination in·· etl'umental to moral improvement. Those who have made inquiry into the rise autl progl'ess of science, have found, that in the early ages all speculative knowledge was confined to a few, and by them (:arefully concealed ft·om vulgar curiosity, under the veil of mystery, into which none were initiated until not only their intellectual capas;ities, but the firmness of their characters, l1ad been put to a severe test; the r~sult of which, detet·mined tbe degree of probability that they would resist the stratagems of cmiosity and the demands oT authority. The weakness and prejudices manldncl, t·en<lere(l it necessary to conceal many truths, which the progress of civil society, and the


-equent ~~pansion o~ the huQla~ mind, 111ade it ·-



prudent to reveal ; and although thm·e m·e still secrets which we confine within the Circle of the initiatefl, w bich we communicate by different degrees, yet, whatever appcarccllikely to increase,. the stock of human happiness, antl seemed not dangerous in common hands, our ancient brethren have commu· nicatell to tho world. In every art the1·c is a mystery which requires ll gradual pt·ogrcssion of knowleclge, to arrive a.t any degree of pet·fection. Without much instruction and more exercise, no man can be skilful in any art ·; in like manner, without proper application to the various subjects treated of in the different lectures of 1\tlasonry, no person can be sufficiently acquaintell with its true v~lue, nor properly appreciate the advantages to be (le1·ivcd from it. It must not, however, be inferred, that persons who labour untler the disadvantages of a confined education, or whose sphere of life requires a more 'ntenso application to business and study, are to be discouraged in their endeavors to gain a knowledge of Masonry. Masonry is conftne(l to no particular country, but extends over the whole habitable world. By secl'et and inviolable signs carefully preserved amongst the fraternity, many advantages are gained. The distant Chinese, the Arab of the desert, and even the Indian of our own forests, will hail each other as brethren, and know that beside the aommon ties of humanity, there is still a stronger obligation to induce him to kind and friendly acts. If Masonry possessed no other advantage, this alone, is sufficient to entitle it to the esteem and at~chment ofits mem.be1·s. By this means they ca.a




communicate their history, their wants and thei» prayers to every mason throughout the globe; from whence it is certain, that many li\'es have been S&lt'ed iu foreign coun tries, when ship wreck and misery had overwhelmed tl1em; when robbers had pillaged, when sickness and want had bron(!jht them even to the ba·inlt of the grave, the discovery of Masonry has saved them. The mystic signal has staid the hand of the conqne1·or, when uplifted to destroy the um·esisting captive; it has withheld the sword imbrued in carnage aml slaughter, and ~tub<lued the insolence of triumJ>h, to pay homage to the craft. Even pirates on the high seas, who have disregarded every other law both human and divine, have acknowledged and ,yielded to the force of this. lfor proofs of the moral tendency of Freemasory, we need only appeal to our lectures and charges, a due attention to which cannot fail of pl'oving highly auxiliary to the practice oheligious and social duties. In them ill be found a summary of mor.. al conduct, which in soundness of principle and fa .. cility of npplication, may vie with the most celebra .. ted systems of ethics the whole rendered familiat• to our conceptions, amusing to our fancies, and im· pressive on our memories, by easy and apposite· symbols. By them we learn the analogy between pby!lical and moral good; to judge of the wisdom of the creator, by the works of his ca·eation; and bence we infer, that our wise Master Builder, who has planned and completed a habitation so suitable ·to our wants, so convenient to our enjoyments dur·

ingJ)Ilf temporary residence we, has exercise~



more wisdom in contriving, more st1•ength in supporting and more beauty in adorning, those eternal mansions where he has promised to receive and l'cwat·d all those who faithfully t:tractice the duties laid down in the Book of Life. Whoever divests himselr of prejudice, and atteuft tively considers the nature and tendency of the Ma· sonic institution will readily perceive its utility. The universal priuciplelJ of the art, unite in the l10nds of friendship, men of the most opposite tenets, of the most distant countries, anll of the most Gontradictory opinions; so that 'n every country a ma• son will ft~d a friend aud a home. ~very degree iu. Masonry inculcates some duty to be performed, some error to be avoided, and when its rule« are strictly observed, it is a sure foundation of tranquility amidst the various disappointme ts of life; a fdeml that will not deceive, but will comforf and assist in prosperity and adversity. He, therefore, who cultivates this science and acts conformably to its injunctions and precepts, has within himself, the spring of social virtue, and will command tlt&

e'Steem and respeqt of mankind.



Masonic Sec1•ecy. 'fhe enquiry is frequently made, if the secrets of Masonry are replete with such advantages to mankind, wby are they not divulged for tbegeneral good of mankind? Why invest them with the impene. trable veil of concealment? To this we answer, • that we consider it indispensibly necessary ; it is our means of seeurity against the sure estruction that has awaited all other establishments of man; the most important pledge for the continuance of our usefulness. So great a stress is laid on the virtue of secrecy among Masons, that the imtJortance of it is eufor. (;ed in the strongest manner; nor, in their esteem, ie any ma.n accoun ·~ wise, who is void of intellectu.. &1 strength and ability to conceal such secrets u are committed to him, as well as his own most serious affairs. B sacred and pt·oftme history ~aches us that numerous vhtuous attempts have failed of their intended end through defect of concealmeilt. The ancient philosophers and wise men, were 10 fully persuaded of the gt·eat virLue Gf scgrecy, that it was the fil'st lesson they taught theil' pupils and followers. Thus in lhe school of Pythagoras, was a l'ule that every noviciate was to be silent fqr & time, and refrain from sp.ea.king, unless when



a question was nske(l; to the end that the valuable sect·ets which he had to communicate might be the better preserve(} and valued. Lycurgus made a perpetual law, obliging every mau to keep secret whatever was committe(} to him, unless it were to the injury of the state. The Athenians had a sta· tue of brass, which was an object of their adoratio11. The figure was made without a tongu!J, as ab. em· blem of siience. The Egyptians, worshipped BsrpdQ).'l e.s, whom they denominated the God of Silence o which reason he was always represented as ~~lding is finger on his mouth. 'l'ba Persians considered the betra)ing a secret, so great a crime, that it was punishable with the utmost severity. Nor ls the recommendation of secrecy, as aq important virtue confined to the heathen philosophers and lawgivers, but the fathers of the church, and the insph·ed writers, have strongly recommended it. St. Ambrose places the gift of secrecy among tJu~ pt•incipal foundations of virtue; and the wise King Solomon, deems a man unworthy to reign, who cannot c mand him11elf, and keep his own secrets. A betrayer of secrets e brand& with the epithet or traitor; but he who keeps what bas been confidentially communicll.ted to him, he ranks Mth• ful brother. '• A tale bearer revealeth seOlle he that is of a faithful spirit concealetH them. is· cover not a secret to another, lest he that lu~areili it put thee to shame, and thine infi t not a .. 'Way." To the same purp08e, in the k of Eoele· ~iasticus, we :tlhd the ~ollo g beautiful passages,


ti-Ei';'J.mAL OBSERVA.TIO!\ g,

worthy to be indelibly engraven upon the heart of every Mason. · "Whosoever discovereth sect·ets, loseth his •redit, and shall never find a friend to his miml.Love thy fl'iend, and be faithful unto him ; but if thou betray.cst his secrets, follow no more after him; for as a ma.n bath destroyed his enemy, so hast thou lost the love of thy neighbor: as one that letteth a bird go out of his hand, so hast tho let thy neighbor go, ami shalt not get him again. Follow after him o mor for he is too far off; h is as a. r.oe escaped out the snare; as for a wound it may be hound up; and after reviling there may be reconcilement; but he that betrayeth secrets is without hope."* Communicated to all, the value of our mysteries would be mistakenly appreciated by many, and strange as the assertion may seem, it would really diminish, while it seemed to enlarge, the sphere of our practical benevolence. The commonness of the good, howeve1• estimable, would 1•ob it of its attractions ; tthe force of individual motive would be destroyed; and instead of those particulal' incentives, that now s~ powerfully influence the feelings of Masons in favor of eac 1 other, all would be confoun ed and lost in the fluctuating opinion~ fashions, and follies of the world. The universal langxage, by which brother recognizes brother, whatever clime may have given him birth, woul~ cease to exist, '.rhe privacy of our to the h11manity of each other, now attended with no pro•~

* Ec:c. chap. xxvii. 16, 2fZ.




tl'al.ion personal rerling, or manly sentiment, must also vanish, anti an invidious world must witness alms solicited with timidity, and bestowed, as of favor, not of right. Our distressed and unfortunate brethren, undet· the present regulations of the 'Order, have little occasion for the langua,ge of soli. citation. Their connexion with the ft·aternit,. en. titles them to claim, where it is necessary, w..t it is the happiness of eYet:y genuine Mason, spon ani· ()Usly, d. I • eakness of hum11n nature, that mankind are l' ptea ail with novelty and studious of 'Change." What is llifticu1t atlracts their attention, and is eagerly pursued ; that which is easily attained is little sought for. Innumerable instances might be adduced in proof of this waywardness ~ur nature. The most WOll(lerful operations ofthe Divine Architect, however beautiful, magnificent, or useful, are overlooked, because they are common and familiar, and excite no emotion of admiration fo1.· the great fil·st cause, and scarce any feeling of gratitude, for the numerous blessings his beneficence ·confers. Did th-e particu1ar secrets, or peculiar ceremo.· nics, prevale t among Masons, constitute the es·sence of the art, it might be alledged that timsements were trilling, and our ceremonies supe· ial. Hut this is not the case. Having t\eir use, they are carefully preserved ; and from the lessons the,; inculcate, the attentive and indus qs Mason derives instruction. Drawing to a n rer inspection, he views them through a roper medium; adverts to the circnmstanceitwllich save the;m rise? dwelliJ...




on the tenets they convey, and finding ibem replete with useful information, adopts them as the key to the privileges of his arl, and convinced of their utility prizes them as sacred. Notwithstanding the veil of mystery which enshrQUds the proceedings of MasoDI'y, we are permitted to declare, that its IHinciples, nature and designs, are founded on Charity, Benevolence, and all those virtues which adorn humanity, a that it in no way opposes the laws of God, or our country, but on the ontraey, the true Freemason, will find those several duties stt·engthencd and confirmed. "Set a watch 0 Lord, before my mouth, keep ~hou the door of my lips.'~


On Friendship and Brothe'l'l1J Lovei Fl'iendship! rich guest, to thee we OWl!', Full half the smiling joys of hfe; Thy soothing balm relieves our woe, And buries envy, wrath !lnd strife.

No subject is more wortl1y our attention, than the benevolent dispositions, which indulgent natur6 has bestowed upon the rational species. These are replete with, and aft'ord the mind, the most agreeable reft.ections. The breast which is inspired with tender feelings, is naturally prompted to a reciprocal intercourse of kind and generous actions. As human nature risei in the scale of being, the social affections likewise rise. · Where f1-iendship is unknown, jealousy and suspicion prevail; but where that virtue is the cement, true happiness exists. In every breast there is a propensity to friend .. ly acts, which,being executed to effect, sweetens ery temporal enjoyment; and although it may not remove the disquietudes, it tentls at least lay the calamities oflifc. · There are among mankind, friendships of differ.:· ent kinds, or at least'connexions which answer that name. When they are no more th confedeJades of bacl men, they ought to be calle conspiracies, rather than friendships. Some bond of common interest; some league against_ tho innocent and un:




su&pecting, may have united them for a time; at bottom they arc all rivals, and hostile to one ano· ther. Theil· friendship can subsist no longer thau interest unites them. .Kvery one looks with a jealous eye upon his supposed friend, and watches the first favorable opportunity to desert or betray. J3ut, when upon just, honorable and liberal princiJlles, this union is founded, it assumes another form and lll'oves favorable to good order, and tbe general interests seciety; and considered as the source of univcrsa benevolence, it ex tenus its influence more or less powe1·fully, as the objects it favours, are nearer or more remote. Hence the love of country and of friends, takes the lead in our a:ffec· tions, and gives rise to that true patriotism, which fires the soul with a generous flame, creates the best and most disinterested virtue, and inspires that pub1ic spirit and heroic ardour, which enables us to support a good cause, and risk our lh·es in its defence. The fundamental qualities of true frietat!ship, ~re constancy and fidelity; without these material ingrediellts it is of no value. An inconstant man ie incapable of true frirndship. He may, perhaps, imve affections whiciJ occasionally glow in his l1cai1; whiciJ excite fondness for amiable_ qualities, or connect him with seeming attachment, to one whom he esteems, or to whom he has been obliged. But after these feelings have lasted for a little, either fancied interests aleuiales him, or some new object attracts him. Where constancy is wanting there-can be no fidelity, and consequently, no true !riends p. For all friendships, suppose n entire




confitlt•nce and tt·nst; the seal of secrecy to be in· ,·iol:lble; jH'omises and engagements to be sacred; an1l no ad v a.I IL:t{.!;e of our own to l.Je pursue1l at the ex, ·cn'ie ot' out· f1·icnd.

Tho• man wiao is actu atcd by the pure principles of friendship·, will not desert his fr·icnd when dan· gers tt·e1\tcu, or misfm·tunes assail him. \Vhen he is calumniated he will openly and boldly espouse his cause, and eu1leavor to remove the aspersion. hen sickness or infh·mity occasion him to be de~ serted by otbct·s, he will seize the opportunity, and re«louhle all the .affectionate attentions which love suggests. 'Vheu his situation is changed, or his fortunes falliug, he will afford prompt and zealous aid. These at·e important duties, which religio11 and virtue enforce on every worthy mind. )friend· ships when contracted at an early age, retain to the last a tenderness and wat·mth, seldom possessed by friendships that at·e formed in the riper periods of life. 'fhe remembrance of ancient and youthful connexions melts every heat·t; antl the dissolution of them, is, perhaps, the most painful feeling to whiclJ we are exposed in this life. But at whatev.. er period they are formed, as long as they continuo sincere and aft'ectio ate, they form one of tbe great.. est blessings we can enjoy. By the pleasing communication of all our sentiments which they prompt, they are justly said to double oul' pleasures and div1de our sorrows. 'I'hey give a brighter sun~ shine to the gay incillents of life, a d they enlighten the glo of its darker hours, Jl.ft ttkJulfriPnil is the me icine of life. A variety of occasions happen, when to pour fortll the heart to one we love





and trust, is the cl1icf comfort, perhaps, the only relief we can enjoy. .Miserable indeed, must that man be, who, shut up within the narrow inclosure of interest, has no person to whom he can at all times expand his soul with perfect confidence. No society can exist for any length of time, noless brotherly love pt·evails amongst its members. Too often have associations, formed for useful and benevolent purposes, and established under the most favorable circumstances, failefl of their (]esigns, and been dissolved an(] destroyed, in consequence of discord and dissension arising among the individuals who ·compose it. ,.ro "dwell together in unity" is the lite and support of every institution, be their ob .. ject and designs wha:t they may; ancl the necessity ofliriog in peace, cannot be too often impressed upon the mason's mind! If a conh·ary spiritis manifested ; if instead of peace and unanimity, we find stl'ife and discord introduced; if we find broth· er calumniating brother, in vain will we proclaim ill we talk the atlvantaps 'Of Masonry ; in ufthe subjection of irregular passions; it will be like " sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal," It is not only expected of Masons, that they sl1ould refrain from e\'il speaking, that they should "keep a tongue of good· report," but also, that they should be careful t speak well of each othe1·, aJ... ways avoiding t t vice Who!e edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongue Out~enorua all the worms of Nile ; whose breath

Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie All corners of the world : Kings, Queens, and States, Maills, matrons, nay, the secrets of tbe grave, -~hit 'lipero

alander enters~



'To give a man his just and true clmracter, is so easy a duty, that it is impossible for a benevolent ruinll to avoid it; it is a dgree of common justice to which we are prompted by honesty itself. It is not enough that a mason should ref1·ain from slander; but it is required of him that he should speak with kindness and affection.; withholding nothing that can be uttered to his brothers praize or good name with truth. 1'bere is a secret joy in speaking well of our neighbours, as self approbation succeeds it ; the breast of such a man is enlarged, whilst he utters the praise due to his neighbor, and experiences those enviable sensations which ever arise from the performance of good and virtuous actions. 'rhe neutral disposition, frigid and reserved, aeither speaks good nm· evil ; hut the man who feels the emotions of brothel'ly love is warm to comm.end. tis easy and chea.1) means of bestowing good gi d working good works ; for by a just praise to industry, you recommend the indus. trious ma.n to those to whom he might never be known, ancl thereby enlarge his trade, a.nd contri· bute to the support of his family. By a just commendation of merit, u may open the road to ad· vancement. By a proper }>raise of genius and art, you may rouse the attention of those to whom .greatest merit and worth might ha e remained a se~ret. It is a degree ofjustice which every man ha1 a right to, and which no mason ought to Wlthholcl from ano To veil the imperrections and intlrmlties of ou1•


friend, is christian~like and charitable, consequent~


QEN F.U .\ L 01\"lP.TIY l,_'fTf'~S .

ly, hecomin.; tlw d t'!t"•ct·· · o . sh ould li lt ht• tol i ,:t ,, ;: lr, H' ; not approYe, it i:-; hetit'l W•' !'·t. ,,d ' Viw.t pl easnrc m· prulil ca 1 .ms.· fr.nn l'Xl_J•H·in ..!; the ittiling;,; of a lll'nLit l'l' ? 'V!Jeu a. orotllt l' \'itJ I.t tl'.-1 LillY known and e!'\ tahli•,hcd l' Uie, to :1 lmobi!', ,, hi m wdh kintluess, is vil'luous ; i;o re \ iic ill m is i!.ltu u an; and to set him ll(l as au ohj ed of l'iclicnle, Letrays a heat·t, voi<l of evc>t·y virtuou s feel ing. l•' t·t·Ul hence we must condu cle, th at th e 1lnty of a gooll man leads to benevolence; and bi ~ hem·t is tone hod with pity and joy, wluh; t he acts withiu her pre-



Were the virtues or ft·iendship and brothPrly love confined to the spot of om· nati vity, its opera. tions would be partial, and imply a li:ind of enmity to other nations, but the t1•ue Freemason is a citizen of the wm·d; his philanthropy does not embrace this or that part of the globe, but is coextensive with the whole human family, Uninfluenced by local prejudices, be knows no erence in vir· tue, but according to its degrees, from whatever climate it may spring. " As ointment and perfume rejoice the heart, so doth the sweetness of a man' s fdend by hearty eouncil. As iron sharpe.neth iron, so a man sharMake snre peneth the countenance of his ft·iend. of thy friend ; f1 faithful are the wounds of a friend. A friend loveth at all times ; and a brot~~ er is bom for adversity.'~



Charity ! decent, modest, easy, kind, 8ofteh8 the high, and rears the a · ect mind ;

Knows with just reins, aud ~ent e hnnd to guide, Betwixt vile ~ohatnc llJH.I arllitrary pdde.

Ohal'ity is the first of all gt•aces, the child of vir. tue; the first born of heaven; the connecting link between divinity and humanity; the only mediunt of intet•conrse between heaven and earth; so that inind destitute of this divine principle, knows noth· ing of real religion ; is a total stranger to the genu.. ine spirit of Christianity, and to el•ery anticipt.tioa of the joys of radise. tt Charil.y never fniletb." It is a perpetual cur· rent of good will and compassion, that flows to. war<ls tire whole family of rnunkind, and visits with.. {lat·ticular delight, the childt·en of sorrow and wretchedness. It f9els connexion with every son aud daughter of atnicl.ion. It is active and diligent in propol'tion to its means of benevolence; casual opportunities of doing good, do not circumscribe its bebignity, it seeks for objects of distress in their lone recesses. In order exercise this virtue,botb in the cliarac.. tcr of .m ntl i comm n life with pr~ty, we should forget every obligation but affection; for otherwise it were to confound chal'ity with duty.



'fhe feelings of heart ought to direct the hanll of charity. •ro this puq10se we should be dives ted of every idea of supr-riurity, and estimate om·sel vcs as being of tho same rank and t•ace ot' men; in this disposition of mind we may be susceptible of those sentiments, which chat·ity dt-lightetb in, to feel the woes and misel'ies of others with a genuine and true sympathy of soul. Compassion i& of heavenly birth ; it is one of the fit·st characteristics of humanity. Peculiar to our t•ace, it distingishes us fl"Orn the rest of the creation. It includes a supreme de~ree of love to the great creator and governor of the universe, and an unlimited afl'ection to the be. ings of his creation, of all characters and denomina'ons. In a pa1·ticular and impressive manner is he practice of this vit·tue inculcated on every brotk er, on his admission into the Lodge. He is taught and required to extend the helping hand to the wi. dow and the orphan, whatever may be their reli· gion, or their country. The bounds of the greatest nation, or most extensive empir ~ a.nnot circumsct·ibe the generosity of a liberal mind, A mutual chain of dependence, subsists throughout the animal creation. The whole human race, are therefore proper ohjccts of charity. Beings who partake of the same nature, ought to be actuated by the same motives and interests. Hence to soothe the unhappy by sympathising in their misfortunes, aml restore peace to their agitated spirits, constitutes the genet·al and great end of the Masonic institution. What kind of man is ~1e, who, full of opulencr, and in whose hand auumlance overfloweij can look on virtue in distress 1 and mel'it in misery, without



rity? 'Vho coul<l bchc.l(l without tears, the dcso1

lntc ancl forlm·n state of a widow, who, in early life, baving been brnugli up in thP boso m of a tender mo ther, without k nu ':' ing rare, nnd without. tasting necessity, was not l,cfHtml for adversi ty; whose soul was pure as innocence, and full of honor; whose miud hatl been bri by erudition, un· der an indulgent futhf'r ; whose youth, untutored in the school of sort·o w, had been flattered with the prospect of days of pt·osperity and plenty; one who at length, by the.cruel adversity ofwinds and seas, with her dying husband, is wrecked in total tlestruction and beggary; driYeu by illfortune, f1·om peace and plenty; aud from the bed of ease, changes her lot to the clank dunghill, for the relief her weariness and pain ; grown meagre fl'Om ne .. cessity, and sick with woe; at her bosom dangling ller famislted infant, draining oft' the dregs pal'entallife, for sustenance ; bestowed from maternal love-yielding e:xistance to support the babe.Hard hearted covetousness, and proud titles, can you behold such an objeet dry eyed? can aval'ice grasp the mite which should sustain such virtue? can high life lift its supm·cilious brow above such scenes in human life? above such miseries sustained by a fellow creature; If perchance the voice of the unfortunate and wretched widow is heard in complainings, when wearying patience and relaxing resignation breathes a sigh, whilst modesty forbids her supplication ; is not the groan, the sigh, more pathetic r ear, you rich bnes, than he flattering petitions of a cringing knU"e, w o touches

your vanity1 am\ tickles your follies; e:x.loriin0



from your very weakness, the prostituted portio!\ of charity? Pm·haps the fate(l hour is at hantl, when consolation is required, to close the last moments of this unfortunate one's life: can the man absurhed in pleasure roll his chariot wheels bcyontl the scene of sorrow, without compassion, ftncl without pity, see the last convulsion, and the deadly gaze, which paint misery upon the features an expiring saint? If angels weep in heaven, they 'veep for such ; if they can know contempt, they feel it for lbe wealthy, who bestow not their super:lluities, an(l snatch not ft·om their vices what would gladden souls sunk in the woes of worldly advet·sity. They as cherubims view with delight the excise of such henevolonce as forms the charactcl' of the good Samaritan : 8nints touch their lyres to hymn humanity's fait· history in the realms of bliss; and approbation shines upon the countenance di''inc of omnipl·csonce, when a man is found in the exercise of vil'tue. All human passions, when directed by the priu· ~iple of reason, promote some useful purpose, but compassion towards proper objects is the most IJoncficial of all the affections, and executes the most lasting dt'grees of happitiess; as it extends to gl'eat. er nuwiJet·s, and tends to alleviate the infirmities and evils which are incident to human uatW'e. Possesed of this amiable disposi'tJ.on, the....Jnan oC feeling is shocked at misery under "tWet·y form and appearance. When we behold an ol:Yect pining under the miseries of a distressed body o:J mind, the tpothiog ·acccnts which flow from tha tQhgue, miti·

..._ ·ske pain of the ..unhappy suJferer1 aad make



.even adversity in its dismal state look gay. When our pity is excited, we assuage grief, and re.:. relieve dh;tress. The dispensation of relief by masons, is qualified by but one restriction, while the sphere of its extension is enlarged, by disregarding se\'cral, to which common charities are subject. The indiscriminate lavisher of pecuniary grants, i1 oftou actuated by generosity of feeling, or the desire of doing good. · He throws away his money witla equal indifference and folly upon sutreriug merit, and the worthless ami undeserving; because enquiring into the justice of the peLitiou would intrude upon his leisure, or the lamentations of misery are unwelcome to his cars. Not so the Lodge; while her rulett prescribe a patient hearing to the tale florrow, she applies a guard to the impositions affected gl'ief. While she anticipates with anxious solicitude, the complaints of meritorious poverty, she refuses to administer to the passions of man. Not meanly fastidious; not unkindly slow and dilatm·y ; not seeking an excuse to withhold the required boon, she nevertheless, by her established plan of charity, prevents the treasury of the virtuous aud good, from being lavished on the idle and VlClous. She affords no reason fot· the dissolute and vile, to pursue their cout·se under the expectation, that when their resources are exhausted, they may find necessities of their own creating, relieved by the treasure laid up for the relief of the children of misfortun The o~ of true charity, are merit and vidue in distress; penons who are incapable of extricatin0 themselves from misfortunes which have over.

L .







taken U1em io old age; indush·ious men, from iue"itable accidents and acts of Providence plunged iutgruin; widows left survivors of theit· husbands, IJy whose labours they subsisted; ot·phans in tendql· years leit naked on the world. What are .tho .claims of such, on the band of c~arity, when you .cofnparo them to the misct·eants who infest the .doors of every dwelling with theit· impot·tunitie~ ; wrctcltes wandering from their homes, shewing theh· ,d istortions, and theit· sores, to excito compassion; with which illgotten gains, in concet·t with thieves and vagabonds, they revel away the hours of ~;tig~_t, ~vh~ch conceal their iniities and their vice.s. Charity, when misapp,l ied loses her titles.• and instead of being adorned with the dress of virtue, assumes the insignificance, the bells ap.d feat4el'S


CHAPTER Y. Of the dij}-'erent classes of JJJasonS'.' Ti1ere are several classes of Masons, under dit.fcrent appellations. The privileges of these class· es are distinct, and pat·ticulat• means are adopted to preser,·e those privileges to the just and meritorious of each class. Honor and probity are recommended to the first class, in which the _practice of virtue is enforced, and the duties of morality inculcated, while the mind is prepared for regular and social convers in the principles of knowledge and philosophy. Diligence, assiduity ami application, are qualifl-· cations for the second class, in which an accurate elucidation of science, b-oth in theory ancl practice is given. Here human reason is cultivated by a due exertion o( the rational and intellectual powers and faculties; wise and difficult theories are explained; new discoveries produced, and those already known beautifully emhellishcd. TJJC third class is composed of those whom trnth and fidelity have dist.inguished; who, when assailed by tlu·eats and violence, after solicitations have failed, ha,·c evinced their fhmness and 'integrity, violate tbe wysteries of the order. class, consists of those who have. died the scientific branches of the art, and exhibited proofs of tbcir sldll and acqnhc ~




quirements, and who have consequently obtained the honor of the degree as a reward of mm·it. The fifth class, consists of those who, having ac ~ quired a sufficiency of knowledge to become teach. crs, have been elected to preside over I'egularly constituted lodges of Masons. 'l'he sixth class, consists of tl10se who, luwiug;

cUscluU'god tbc du~lua ol' thu (:lu~h· whh llOI.HH' cuul reputation, are received and acknowledged as most excellent Masters. The seventh class, consists of a select few whom years and experience have improved, and whom merit and abilities have entitled to preferment.'Vith this class, the ancient land marks, and some of the most important secrets of Masonry are preserved; and from them we learn and practice the Jiccessary and instructive lessons, which at once «lignify the art, and qualify its professors to illush·ate its excellence anrl utility. By this judicious arrangement, true friendship is cultivated among diiferent ranks and degrees of men; IJOSJ>lta1ity promoled, industry rewarded, and ingenuity encomaged.

CHAPTER VI. The ceremony of opening and clo1ing a Lod~t~ A relJearsal of the ancient charges pl'operly succeeds the opening, anti precedes the closing of a Lodge. This was the constant practice of our an· dent brctJll'en, aml · ougllt never to be dispensed wilb in our regular assemblies. A 1·ecapitulation of om· duties to the craft and to each other, cannot be too ft·equent; and to d10se who know them not, should any such be, it is highly proper to recommend it. In all regular assemblies of men, who are tonvened for useful purposes, the commencement and conclusion of business are accompanied with some form. In every country in the world the practice 11revails and is deemed essential. From the most remote periods of antiquity, it may be traced, and the improvements of modern times have not abolished it. Men unacquainted with our mysteries are apt to imagine we have nothing to colt eal, and will frequently contend that the whole of Masonry consists· in conviviality, and in ceremonies at once trifling and superficial. Our ceremonies, as every brother kno paid them the attention they deuseful but necessary. Every sign we every implement we use, e'rery ob. ject we view in tl1c lotlge, inculcates some useful · , L 2 ·



lesson, and presents to our mind some error to be avoided, or some duty to be perfm·med. Ceremonies when simply considered, it is true, are little more than visionary delusions ; but their objects and effects are sometimes important. When they produce re\'erence on the mind; when they dit·ect out attention to the great and henifi.cent auauthor of our existence ; when they impress upon the mind great and important lessons, and engage the attention by external attraction, they are highly interesting. The cermony of opening and clo11ing a lodge witlt solemnity and decorum, is therefore, universally acknowledged among Masons, and although tlut mode may slightly vary in difterent lodges, and in every degree must v11.ry, still an uniformity in the general practice prevails, in every Lodge ; and the variation of any, is solely occasioned by want of method, which a little attention and application might easily remove. 'ro conduct this ce~emony with propriety, ought to be the peculiar study of every Mason, and particularly of those who have the honor to preside. To persons who bold the responsible and honm·able stations of MDtSters of Lodges, every eye is na· turally directed, for pro1uiety of conduct and behaviour, and from them other brethren, who are less informed, will natural expect to derive an exampla worthy of imitation.

ChaTge at opening- a LodgB'j.j li~t~~THREN ;

As usefW. knowledso of the objects of our· -·



usociation, we ought to apply ourselves with becom· ing zeal to the p1·actice of tho excellent principles inculcated by our order. Let us ever remember that the great objects of our association are, the restraint of improper desires and pasFiions, the promotion of acti\'e benevolence among men, aml a cor· J'cct knowledge of the duties we owe to God, our neighbours and ourselves. Let us be united and practice with assiduity the sacred tenets of our or· der. Let all private animosities, if any should unhappily exist, give place to affection aml brotherly love ; it is a useless par~de to talk of the subjection of irregular passions, within the walls of the Lodge; if we permit them to triumph in out• intercourse with each other. Uniting in the grand desi&;n, let us be happy ourselves, and endeavor to promote the happiness of others. · Let us cultivate the great moral virtues which are laid down on our Masonic trestleboard, and improve in every thing that is good, amiable and useful ; let the benign genius of the mystic art preside ovel' our councils, and under her sway let us act with becoming dignity. On ev· ery occasion let us presel'Ve a justness of conduct, a politeness of manner;, and an evenness of temper. Let our recreations be innocent, ever avoiding the demon intemperance, .and never suffer irregular in· dulgences, to expose our- characters, and the char· acter of our institution to derision. 1.'bus shall we act in con to our precepts, and support the respectable1 resular and unifol'ID



Jlnother charge at opening. Belwlcl! bow good au<l how . pleasant it is for ltrethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon the heard, C\'cn Aaron's beardthat wept down to the skirts of his garment. Like tl1e dew of Hermon, that descended upon the mountains of Zion, for there the l.ord commanmandcd a blessing, even fol' life evermore !

P1•ayer at opening. Most mercifu 1 God ! Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth! we beseech thee to guide and lh'O~ teet these thy sm·vants here assembled, and fulfil at this time, that divine promise thou wert pleased to make, to those who should be gathered together in thy name. Teach us to know and serve thee aright. Bless and prosper us in all our laudable undertakings, antl grant, that all our conduct may tend to thy glory, to the advancement of Masom~ and finally, to our salvation. Amen ! Response-so mote it be !

Charge at closing. BnETilliEN :

We are about to quit tl1is sacred retreat of fdellll-. ship auu virtue to mix again with the world.--~Vhilst busied in its concerns,





that around this sacred altar, we lta"ve repeatedly promised, to relieve, protect and vindicate each othe et·. Let us, therefore, be diligent, prudent and circumspect in our respective callings, that by libe· ral benevolence and diffusive charity, we ruay dis ~ cover to the world, the happy effects of this aneient and honorable institution.

:M11y :t'e be all of one miml ; live in peace J and may the God of love aud poac~, uoli~b4 t.u tlWt!ll with and bless you !

Benediction. May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us and all regular Masons I May brotherly love prevail, 11ud every moral and social virtue cement us!Amen!

Prayer at closing. Great aud glorious Lord God ! Ruler of HeaveR and Earth ! We are now about to sepat·ate, and return to our respective places of abode. Grant that every brother may practice out of the Lod; those great duties which are inculcated in it, a with reverence study and obey the laws w thou hast given us in thy Holy Word; and gr nt 0 Lord! that brotherly love may prevai and ev~ ery social virtue cement us.--Amen. So

CHAPTER VII. On the admission of Candidates. The operative 1\Iason in erecting his temporal huilding, is careful to select proper materials; upon this depends the durability of the edifice. Upon the same principle should speculative masons act, in the erection of their Masonic edifice. The irregular comluct of some of its meml1ers~ has long been urged as an obje'ction to the institu t1o·n; but it will be remembered, that among the various societies instituted among men, few are exempted from censure. Their regulations ·have seldom operated so powerrully as to promote .that &in· cere attaclt'men't to the welfare and prosperity of oach other, which constitutes frue happiness. This may be ascribed to various causes; amongst others to the reprehensible motives which too frequently lead men to a participation of social entertainments. It is a truth which cannot be denie<l, that the privileges of Masonry have been confened on unworthy persons, and have been prostiluted to un wort11y purposes. '\Vhen we consider the variety of members of which the 1\iasonic society is composed, a.nd how many are deficient in a JH'Oller knowledge of the tenets and principles of the institution~ we cannot wonder that many nre rem arke lar lives. .Many, when their curiosit gratified by initiation, think every thing is attained,


i 3£

give themselves no fartl1et' tl·ouble than to obtni11 the decorations of the order. They negl.cct the 1tudy of those sublime and important truths whi~h form its basis, and rem ail) perfectly ignorant of the principles of the art. From such persons, it can· not be ~xpected that they will pay much .attentio11 to the obse.r vance of duties which they perc 've ~penly v~~l~ted ]Jy their own initiation. · 'l''JC ,chal·acter .o.f tue Masonic institution is not now t.o be; !ts ,a ctive operation tlJt•uugh a a. successio.n of ages, in aid of civilization, of the ~~evelopement of moral prin.ciple, of the iuttOduction of the arts, of the ci1ltivati01i of t.he sciences; in fine, of whatever ha~ an~elior.atetl the conuition of man; on these founde(l its high character, and tllese form ~ts cl~ims t.o our vene1·ation and our best preserve it unimpa,it·ed. In order to exertio this, ou l'St business should J?e extremecaut' n in determining to whom this important trust is to be committed. All societies loose thcit· influence when the management of their concerns is entrusted to weak or wicked hands. Let him who is dcsit·ous becoming one of our order, have the impm·tant ~equisite of a pure heart. Without this he c!l.n neither bring the acceptable sacrifice of holy affections ~o the altar of(tod, or devote himself to the duties of charity in his i ntercourse with ma n. By a. rccm·ren~e to tl~ e obj t'cts of our association, we . cann~t misunderstand what qualifications are J,lecessary order that any one should become a candidate Dj.Uation. ltichcs and · ho,aors at·a hnt secondary qualifications. A ma n mny possess a. hese, yet, he may possess a mean anti selfis4



temper, sordid and contracted feelings, and indefi. nite views of moral principle. However our inter. osts and prrjudices as ruen may bias om· feelings, as ..lfasons we should say to him when he approaches our threshold, " thus far shalt thou come but ·no farther." Can we ho11e that the ceremonies of ini- . tiation will renovate his heart and feelings ? The ceremony of initiation can never efface the polutions of licentiousness ot· the stains of guilt; and he w110 in the ordinary walks of life exhibits the debasing l\ffects of malignant passions, will nut, on his admission, receive the amiable tem11er of chat·ity.:Masonry does not propose to ct·eate a.fl'pctions, but direct them, and piesent new motives to the head already enlisted on tht• side of vil'tue. The facility with which om· doors have been opened to those who seek admission, i not only .a subject of regret to many of the most z us sup• porters of the institution, but has occasionetl reproaches from those who are not of our number, and has, no doubt, lll'eventell many ft·om participa· ting in its beneftts. rroo many Lodges seem to think that numbet·i aloue constitute the t·espcctability of the society. If a man of inclift'et•ent character and reputation gains admission, his neighbour will look upon the transaction at least with suspi· cion, and probably will acquire prejudices which will never be effaced. 'I'hus, particular instances of irregularity create disaffection to the institution, and however erronttous the impression, it will be .of no avail to explain its professe(l objects when nt variance with practice. This always occasions a. lsu.miliating application of these words; "bJthe~

f33 (!'It it shall yc lmow them." It is in vain to at. icmpt disguising irregularities which too often rcn· llcr ineffectual the goo1l purposes of the institution. It is expected of masons, that they will live sob~r and moral lives. If they do this, they have tho reward which every good man feels from the consciousness of rectitUtle, the steady confidence of their bretlll'en, null the hope that at the consummation of thcit· works, it will be said to them, " well «lone good and faithful servants." Jly a regulation adopted by most of the Graml Lodges in America, no candidate for the myste1·ies of Masonry, can · be initialed without l1aving been proposed at a previous meeting of the Lodge, in or· tlet· that no one may he introduced without enquiry rclati ve to his character allfl q ualiilcations. All applications for initiation must be in writing, signed by the applicant, in the following for ;

u To tlle JVm•sltipful Jl1aste1', Waradens antl lJ1•elwe n of Lodge of F'ree and Jlcceptetl .illasona : "The petition of the subscriber respectfully rea favorable opinion your anGient and honorable institution, be is desirous of being aclmitted a membel' thereof, lf found worthy. His place of residence is his age yea1·s, his occupation he has 1•ead a.ud appro ,s y&ur bye-laws. {H'e~Sents, that having long entertained

A. B. Rccont

o. D.

ded by

After this petition is 1·0ad the candidate must be }!



proposed in form, by a member of the Lodge, an(l the proposition seconded by another member; a committee is then appointed to make enquiry into llis character and qualifications. Previous to initiation, the candidate is briefly in· formed of the nature and uesign of the institution~ an(l his assent is required to the following declar. a.tions: Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, thn t unbiassed by ft·ientls, and uninfluenced by met·ccnary motives, you f1·eely and voluntarily offer your self a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry? Do you serious}] declare, upon your honor, tl1at yon are prompted to solicit the privileges of Masonby a favorable opinion conceived of the institution, a desire of knowledge, ancl a sincere wish to be serviceable to your fel1ow creatu1·es? · Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, tllat you will cheet-fully conform to all the ancient established customs and usages of the frat!'l'nity ?* The ca. 1didate ha • g given his assent to the foregoing declarations, it is rcp01·ted to the Master, who makes it known to the Louge. lfthcre are no objections made, the candidate is introduce<! in due form, '* By a recent regulation of the G1·and Lodge of Tennessee, in addition to the above declarations; every candidate is re(jUired to gi his assent to the following: · "Do you s-eriously declare, upon your honor, that you believe in the ex· n oh God, and a future state of re~ wards and punishments.

CHA.PTER VIII.. Tlte Degree of Ente1•ed .a.pprentice. Freemasonry, for the more regular advancement in a knowledge of its mysteries, and tbe precepts which it inculcates, is divided into (litferent degrees; How theRe mysteries are revealed to Masons, they alone know. So steadfastly ha,·c t.h e fraternity preserved theh· faith, from time immemorial, that this remains secret to the worM; notwithstanding tho corruptions and vices of mnnkind.Like the Sybyl's lea\'es, lhe secr·ets of Masonr:r would appear like indistinct and scattered ft·agmcnts, while they convey to the Mason, an uniform and connectml system of mor·ality. The first lecture of ~Iasonry IS divided in ti e~ sections. In it is taught the necessity of a ft·ee heart, and morals unsullied by vicious propensities, in the ~:~.pproach to the altar of Masonry ; virtue is painted in beautiful colors, and the sublime truths of morality enforced in a marmer· peculiar to Masons. it we are taught useful lessons, which are impresse upon 'Our minds by lively and sensible images, to influence om· coQduct in the pr;oper discharge of the duties of social life. No Mason can tlischarge his duties with prop·· t without a familiat· acquaintance with this first St!ij) of the Masonic ladder This lee ore lead the way, cautiously, but nntnrally, to a developement of our earliest Masonic


nttainmcttts, and then t•ecurs to the solemn, impres sive and appropdatate ceremonies of initiatiou.:Few have ever received this degt·ee of Masonry. when propm·ly confer1·ed, without being forcibly struck with its beauty. Expectations are uo douht sometimes disnppoiutcd. Yngue and indistinct ideas of something splendid and a wfn 1, pass through the miud of' the candidate; when, therefore, hu comes to witness the realities of initiation; wht'JJ he fuuls lul is nut to Le Wl'l\l't iu cluu!l.;; tlwt hil!l scntee. are not to be ove1•wbelmetl by peals of thunder antl ffashcs of lightning, as in the mysteries of Eleusys, he ma1, {HWhaps, feel momentary dis· appointment. But let him follow the lecture ; let him listen to the second section and learn the meaning of the ceremonies he has passed through, and he cannot retire disappointed and dissatisfied. ~t is therefo1·e of imp1,1'tance, that the master of a Lodge should not only qualify himself to conduct the: actual rites of initiation, but he should becoms intimatel acquainted · the lectures in each de1nay be ena led to give the candidate a correct an<ladcquate idea of the extent, object, clcsign and tendency, of the first lcsbon he is taugh~


in Masonry.

it/a F.,.st.

'l'he cnndi<late htrVmg givt\n his nssent to the de· clarations contained in the preceding cbapte~·, is intt·oduccd, wben one of the following pra~ rs is r 'te(l by the ma.ste1·1 Q haplain :


u ¥Ouch safe thine aid ~I mighty li'athe1• of the universe, to this our presetit convention; and gran,t that this candidate for Masonry may dedicate an~ devote his life to thy service, and become a trllle and faiSJtful brother a,p1ong us. Endue him with a competency of thy divine lVil 1 that, by the seci'&k of our -art, )le may be bEStt nabled to .cHaM play the beautiel virtue, to the bl,}nor 01 mQiit boly name !-Amen l Sq teitbe!

"Thou Supreme Architect of Heaven and Earth, bless us in· the exercise of those kincland social afM ..............,.... thou ht1st give May we dis· ~iifd~bciltem as ou1· bo .andjoy. Mf§' is now to become our bfS'ttier, devote his life to thy service, hie eugft.lllSti~L;. 'fmltdn·m. to tl11'l~,..t.>lh'i strength, to him in all hts difficulties, a1$d 6eauty, to adorn his moral conlluct; and may we J -and individually waJk within uu.aum!!llll.t~o'41r11Lu. '~!quare our actions by the llictates of virtue _,,,..,._,,... example of the wise and good.-



lwld in mercy, n few of thy tmwotthy creatures,

assembled hc1·n at this tim~, to promote and exteml the heavenly principles of benevolence, friendship and harmony, amongst manldml, tln·ongh the mystic medium of Masonry; and 0 Lord! let the light of thy countenance shine amongst us, and particularly upon thy servant, now bowed before thee, and on his way to thy temple. Do thou graciously enlighten bis darkness ; annoint his eyes with the eye--salve of true wisdom, that he may see; clothe llis n11kedness with the gat·ments of true righteousness; and enrich his poverty with the celestial gold of thy kingdom. And though be y meet with Ya'rimls perHs, on his way to the po s of om· mystic temple, suffer not l1is courage to forsake him, no1· his timidity to prompt him to draw back, u!\fU he becomes more than a conquerot' over all that may oppose •I:IT.IIIV'.ra-. So shall he be enabled, in due time, to pass on to higher attainments, until be be miseil and exalted to the hi~hest or of t.b,: faithful and perfect ser'faDts, an ctlllbled to enter within the vails, into the most secret chambers ef thy holy tem We, therefGre, now commend him to thy providence and protection, beseeching thee to make him in due time, a master in Israel, and to tb1 holy name the glory, honor and praise shall be as-: cribed, now and forGvmf more t-Amen t So mote it be l The following passages of scripture are then re"

cited by the ma.ster1 or Bome brother appoiu; him. · · · -




'·I will bring the blind by a way they knew not ; I will lead them in paths that they have uot known, I will make the darkness light before them, and crooked things stt·ait; These things will I (lo unto them and not fm·sake them. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own un<let•standiog. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ' Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. For the Lord shall be thy coutidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. " A talebearer revealeth secrets; but he that is of a fait}lful spirit concealeth the matter. JliscoY· er not a secret io another, lest he that heareth thee }JUt thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away. "Be not fainthearted when thou make 1 prayer; an:d neglect not to give alms. S e ch thine hand unto the pool', that thy blesing may be perfected. Above all things, have fervent charity &WQQpt ourselves ; for cluuity shall cover a multitlule of sins. ~ ,....... en thou doest thy alms, let not thy right ~ w at t9 left ball,l.l doeth, that thine alms may be in secret, and thy fa her which seeth in secret may reward thee openly.~' Ill tllis section is explained .the ~ambskin., 01' WMtJt~q#ter Jl.p'l'on. '!'he l.a.~~kin .is ~emed & peculiar ensign Masonry J the of VIDA and the of a Masoa. !,. rnure $ut than the ~W}Jlllee~e or Roman Eagle ;

U is m~1·e hon~



orable than the Star and Garter, the diad ems of Kings or the pearls of Princes when 1t'm·thily worn, and which e\'cry Mason ought to wear with equal pleasure to himself and honor to the fraternity. The 1amb has in all ages been deeme£1 the emblem of innocence; he therefore, who wears the lambskin as a badge of Masonry, is continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct, which is essentially necessary to his gaining admission into the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand A1·chitect of the universe pt·esides. The ancients were accustomed to put on a wltite g:ttmcnt on a llerson babtised, to denote his having put oft' the lusts of the flesh, and his being cleansed from his fm·mer sins, and that he obligecl himself to maintain a life of unspottecl innocence. 1.,his white garment was tleliv. Bd with this charge: "Reeeive this white anll umleti}e(l garment and produce it without spot before tl1e tl'ibuual of Olll' Lord Jesus Ohrist, that you may obtain eternal ear llhm white garment for life." It was us the space of a week after they wm·e babtised, and urort, then put it oif and lay it up in the that it might be kept as a witness against t em, if tbey shouhl violate the babtismal covenant. 'l'his section closes with an explanation of the

Twenty-fou,. i'f}.Citr-tJuage and commtm Ga,el1 th& too~•kin~ 1«flij o£ dn Entered Apprentice.

The Ttventy-fofllf' i'nch Gu&ge, is an ilistrunie!W made use ofby operative M.asons, to measure and lay off their work ; but we, as free and acceptea Masons, are ·taught to make use of it for t o nuhl~ and slorio~s pul'pos~ o! dividing o



H beiug iliridetl into twe:nty-four equal parts, is emblcmatical of the twenty-four bours of the day, " ·hich we ll.l'e taught to divide into tln·ee parts, wllct·l•by we find eight hom·s, for senicc of God and a dish·esscd wot·thy brother ; eight, for our usual o.Yocatious, and eight for refreshment and elcep. A pt·npcr divi ~ ion of our time, and conforming asneat· as po1;sihlc to that dirhdou, is of ga•eat impot•· ltlii C ~ iu th e l t' a u naet it~ n of om• wol'lll\y bu . 1nc~ s .­ 'l'lw.divi&iou above set fot·th, is tuhuil'nh1y contd· Yctl fo1• the promotion of our comf01•t and eujoyments. A pm·tion of our time is thus allotted to tlte service of God ; of that benificent Being to wlwm we are indebted for our existence, and on whose bounty we are dependant for the comforts or this life. In the language of an eloquent w1·iter, ''what duty is more pleasing than that inter s~ which every reasonable creature ought to maintain with the great author of his being? The man who lh·es uudet• au habitual sense of the divine pre· sence, keeps up a cheerfulness of temper, and enjoys every moment the satisfaction of thinking bim· self iu company of his dcal'Cst and best friend. The time never lies heavy upo sible fm· him to be alone. oughts and passions at·e the most busied at sucl1 bout~ wlwn those of other men are most inaelivc. lie J rooner steps out of the world but his heart bqrns with de¥otion, swells with hope, ancl tl'iumpbs in the consciousuess of that presence wbi oev y where surl·ouuds him ; or1 on the contrary pours O\lt ita fea1·s1 its sol'l'ows,

1 12


i!s app1·chensions, to the gt·cat suppol'let•of his exis· tn.nce." The common Gavel, is au instrument made usc of by opet·ative Masons, to break off the corners of 1·ough stones, the better to fit them for the builders use; but we, as ft·ee and accepte(l Masons, are taught to make use it for the more noble and glori· ous purpose of divesting our minds and conscien. ccs of all the vices and superfluities of life, the1•ehy iltting ou1· Ludic~ as living stones, for tlu1.t sph·itual building, that bouse not made with hands, eternal in tho heavens. We are admonished by this instrument to divest onr minds and consciences of the vices and super:O.uities of this life. Let every brother ask himself, when this instrument is presented before him, ifin his life and conduct he adheres to tbis admonition? Let him endeavour to curb those unruly passions which produce dissention; restrain those propen. sities and inclinations which lead to vice and folly; let him give more,.attention to the instructtions con· tained in the Book of Life, which we profess to re. vet·e as the guide of our lives and the rule .of our faith, that he may be the better prepared, when the awful period of his seperation from the things of time and sense approaches, for the enjoyment happiness in another and a better world, where " moth and rust corrupt not, nor thieves break through and steal."


Sectio11, Second. The second section ma.kes us acquainted with the


11eeulia.t· forms and ceremonies use.{l at tl1e initiation of candidates, and convmces beyond the powet· of rontradiction of the propriety of our rites, while it clemoutrates theil' excellence atul utility. The ]iltision to the manner in which Solo111on's unii~m;,,i . the assitJ.tAlllOCi.

axe, an .....,,~,,..,.... ~~n-n•o,u,,.,u. cutoJll~l ed for the darkness wh' of aM promise given by our S_aVIOUr in the sospel; the impressive manner in which certam duties are urged UJ>O W... ate, cannot fail to t·ivit the tl.ttention, d the Cltriosity ,o( the intelli ellt and inquisitive entered appl·enfi . Ever use of tlds en is repletq wid! • te -11 ul inst d tends to contirm ibe truth oAtle ch~acter




From EasL to "\\.,.est, nnd between North anti South, }'reemasonry extends ; and in every clim 1~ a.nd nation at·c .Masons to bo founfl. Ou1· institution is said to be supported by wis. tlom, strength and beauty ; because it is necessary there shoultl be wisdom to contrive, st1•ength to support, nn<l beaztty to adorn, all gt•eat and important undertakings. Its dimensions arc unlimited, and its covering no less thnn tl1e canopy of heaven,To this object tho Mason's mind is ever directed~ and thither he hopes at last to art·ive by the aid of tho theological ladder, which Jacob sa''' in his vi~ " ion, ascen(Ung fr 011r to heaven; the three principal ro if:whi are denominated :Faith, Hope and Charity, which admonish us to have Faith in God, HopP. in immortality, and Charity to all manltind. The ga·eatestof. these is Qharity; for out· faith may be lost in sight; hope en"lt n ft·u· ition; but Chal'ity extends beyond the gra e, through of ett>rnity.


o tJ

Bible points outli:tb.O. (JMLI~!IJ.:.l!~

nnd is dedicated ble gift of God to man. 'l'he ~quare teaches us to re;ulate our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue, and is ~h,e Master, becauso, being the p1·oper M.,.on $n -Gfibis oftlce, it ia onstautly to remind him of the duty he owes to 4he Lodge O\'cr which he is appointed to presiilo. _.. 'the Oompass teaches us to limit our desire in ev.. station, and is dedicutcd to the craf,.._.._...... & due t\tteutiQn to i~ uee1 y




t•egulate theh· desires aml keep their passions within due bounds. The Bible is the inestimable gift of God to man, and by tbe sublime doctrines 'thercin contained, ev· ery Mason should study to regulate his conduct: 'l'hiR is a duty incumbent upon evet•y rational being, who has been favoured with its light, butm aTticularly upon Freemasons, who profess; to revere it as the guide of their conduct and the rule of theit· f!lith. The Dible is valuable also, as it affords the only authentic history of the origin and multiplication of mankind; and by exhihiting the acklal manner in which societies were formed, offers the best theory of the social compact. Its historical parts~ whilst it throws much light upon the tt•aditions of our order, tends alsg to shew with re robability, that QSC gene.ral principle'§ of r aleut amor1 rudest &llj most unlettered nationt, and wluth have, perhaps, been too hastily attribu· ted to the eforts of natural reason, are more rationally boibed to direct revelation ; and will appear, with 1 the errors and impurities which time1 situatiQn and the proclivity of corruption may d, Jo have been the broken ,umpses have p of a folleT and clearer light, originally radJitted d~­ rectly from heaven.* 'l'he aml sublimity of the morals of e at no time and in no vain do we look ~·.. Y~.ii·~

ro I. syst~m

! Hofman's course of Legal studr. N



comparable with it. From it may be collected a system of ethics in which every moral precept fouu. ded in reason, is carried to a higher degree of purity and perfection, than in any system of the wisest and most celebrated philosophers. Every moral lll'ecept founded on false principles is totally omitted, and many new precepts added, particularl7 corresponding with the objects of ibis religion;* 'l'he ornamental parts of n Lodge, are the Ho. aaic pavement, the Indented Tessel, and the Bla· ~ing Star. 'l'he 1\Iosaic payement is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon's Tern. pie; the indented Tessel, the beautiful tessellated border which s rrdunded it, and tl1e blazing star in the centre, is commemorative.'of the star which np· lleare(l to guide the wise men o.f the cast, to the I•lace of our Saviours nativity. The Mosaic paveJnent is emhlcmatical of human life, chequered with good ancl evil, and reminds us of tl1e tn·ecariousness of our state on earth : to tlay our feet trentl in pl'OSllerity, to-m o r on the un~~en paths of weakness, temptation aud ndvm·sHy. 'fhe tessellated border is emblematical of tho!t blessings which surroun(l us, and which we hope to attain by a faithful reliance on Divine Providence, which is

hieroglyphically represented by the blazing star in · the centre.

Wbilst the Mosa.ic:pavement is befqreus1 we are

instructed to I)o~tst of nothin1;; have compassion, an<l render assistance to those who are in adversi· ty; to walk uprightly and with humility; for such

Soame Jenyns.



js this present state of existence, that there is no situation in which we can be placed, but is subject to reverses. Whilst we tread this Mosaic, let every Mason bear these facts in remembrance, and as the dictates ofreason and conscience prompt him1 live iu brotherly love. 'rhe moveable and immo-,eable jewels next claim OUL' attention. The ·J•oztgh as1Lle1', is a stone taken from the quar ry in its rude and natural state. The pe1ject ash· le1·, is a stone made ready by the hands of the workmen, to be M\justed by the tooh ofthe fellow-craft. Tlie Trestleboa1•d, is for the maste1· workman to draw his designs upon, Hy the rough ashle1·, we a1·e reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; and by the pet·fect ashier, that state 0f perfection, at which we hope to arl'ive by a. virtuous el}ucatiou, o r own endeavo and the blessiug of God; and by the T1•estleboard, that as the operative Mason, erects l1is tempor11l building, by the rules and designs laid do y the master on his trestleboard, so should we both operative and speculative, endea~ vour to erect out· spiritual building, agreeably to the rules laid. dowu by the Supreme Architect of' the universe, on the book of life, which is our spit·itnal and Masonic Trestleboard. Our ancient bretbL·en dedicated their Lodges to King lomo~.; since the intrmluction of christian· ity, they. re dedicated to St. John the tist, and St. John the ,Evangelist, who were emibent patrons of the art. Since tbeir.ti e is represented in every well governed LodgE? a. certain po{1~




'Within a circle,repi·esenting the boundary line of J1is duty to God and mun, beyond which be is ncve1• to suffe1• his passions, interests or prejudices to he. tray him on any occasion. '.fhis circle is emborde1•• ed by two perpendicular parallel lines, representing St. John the Babtist and St.•John the Evangelist, and on the top rests the Holy Scriptures. 1u going round this circle, we necessarily touch upon these two lines as well as the lloly scriptures, and "bile a. Mason keeps himself circumscribed within theh· precepts, it is impossible he sbould materi· ally ur. This section strengthens those wflich precede, and enforces a due regard to character and beha. viour, in [mblic as well as in private life; within tl1e sacred enclosures of the Masonic Temple, as in our intercourse with the world.· It forcibly in· culcates the most instructive lessons. It plaoes before tbe noviciate in an impressive manner, the llOble virtues of brotherly love, relief and truth•.

( Brotherly Love, 1Jy the exercise of brotherly love, we are taught to rega1·d the whole human race as one family, the high and the low, the rich and the poor; who, as created by one Almighty Parent, aml inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, s11pport and protect each other. It unites men of every country, and of every 1·eligion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at I?er~etual distance,



The necessity there is for the exertion of brotherly love among Masons, must be apparent to every one. Within the Lodge, peace, regularity and de .. corum, are indispensible lluties; all the fire of resentment; and remembrance of injuries should be forgotten, and a warm and cheerful cordiality should ever exist, Tbe most material part of that brotherly love, which should subsist among Masons; is that of speaking well of each other to the worM ; mm·~ particularly every member should beware how he traduces his brother. Calumny and slander are detestible vices. Nothing can be more vile than to-traduce a man behind his back; it is like the. •·illaioy of an assassin, who has not virtue enouglt to give his adversary the means of self defence; but working in darkness, stabs him while he is un. armed and unsuspicious of an enemy. Shakes. peare has given a just dise'l'iption of this crime in his trttM.dY of Othello, Good name• in man or womaft, Is the immediate jewel of their souls; He who stt~als my purse, steals trash; 'tis something,nothin~; 'Twas mine. 'tis his. and has been slave to thousands ; :But he that filches from me my goorl name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, But makes me poor indeed.


Tore ave the distressed, is a dutyinc.pmbent oa all men, bq ore partic.olarly on Masons, who are united by an indisaolubk.:,ti~ Oha.rity is one of the principal supports N 2 of· our order.~ aud is stron~l,.. a~.



jnculcatcd in every degree of Masonry-remove it; and the fabric falls, and crumbles into dust. Itt order to exercise -this virtue both in the character of Masons and in common life, with propriety, we should forget every obligation of affection ; for oth . wise, it would be confounding cl1arity with duty. '.fhc feelings of the heart ought to dit·ect the hand of charity. For this purpose we should divest ourselves of every idea of fancied superiority, and look upon ourselves as beings of the same rank and r ace of men. In this disposition of mind we may ·be susceptible of those sentiments which charity de· lighteth in, to feel the woes and miseries of others with a. genuine a.nd true sympathy of soul. Tbe objects of charity are merit and virtue in distress. The Masons heart shoul£1 be ever ready to commisserate such distress; his band-ever open to re. lieve it; he should drop the cordial balm on the ·wounds aftliction bas made, and bind up the bea1·ts which sorrow has broken. "HaiU brightest attribute of God above, " Hail ! purest essence of celestial love, "Hail! sacred fountain ot each bliss below; " Whose streams in sympathy unbounded ftow.'~ m

Truth. "\V c arc taught in the sacred volume, that truth. is an ath·ibute of the deity, and that every one thould tell t1•uth to his neighbor. To lle good and true is one of the first lessons we are taught in ma.· sonry. On this theme we shw1ld contemplate, and


by its dictate! endea\'our to regulate our conduct.

Whilst iufluenccd by this principle, hypocricy and deceit will be unknown amongst amongst ·us, sin· cea·ity and plain dealing distinguish us, and the }teart and the tongue join in promoting each others welfare and rejoicing in each others prosperity. To this illustration succeeds an explanation of the four cardinal virtues1 'reu1perance1 Fortitu,de~ I'rullcncc and Justice.

Temperance. 'l'emperance is that dnc restraint upon om· affections and passions, which renders the body tame and govel'Dable, and frees the mind from the allurements of vice. This virtue should be the constant practice or every Mason, whilst its OPI•osite should he carefully guarded against. At the shrine of intemperance how many victims are daily offered; blooming youth and hoary age have alike bowed llcfore it. They continue offering libations on the unhallowed altar, until their fortunes are wasted• their credit lost; their constitutions impaired ; their children be~gared, and that life which might have heen usefully and honorably employed, becomes a burthen to the possessor. The dire effects ofintem~ },)Crance are elegantly described in the following • " In the embattled pl<lin, Thougtftleath exalts and claps his raven wings, Yet rei&ns he not even there so absolute, So mentltess, as in yon frantio scene.s Of mic!night revel, and tamu.kuoa• mirth ;

:Where ill t~e ~nt~Jicating draugh.t ~o~c:ealedi



Or coucb'd beneath the glance of lawless love, He s.11ares the simple youth, who nought suspecti11g·, Means to be blest-but finds himself undone. Down the smooth stream of lite the stripling darts, Gay as the morn; bright glow11 the vernal sky ; Hope swells his sails, and passion steers his course; Safe glides his little bal'k along the shore, Where virtue takes her stand ; but if too far He launches forth beyond discretion's mark, Sudden the tempest scowls, the surges roar, Blot his fair day, and plunge him in the deep.''

Fm·titude. }fOrtitude-is that noble and steady purpose' of-the :mind, whereby we are enabled to undergo any per. il, or danger, when prudently deemell expedient.This virtue is equally distant from rashness and cowardice; and, like the former virtue of temper· ance should be deeply impressed upon the mind of every Mason, as a safeguard ~st every illegal at tba.t may be made, by force· or: otherwise, to extort from. him any of those secrets with- which he ha.s been so solemnly entrusted, and which was em• blematically represented upon his first admissiaa into the Lodge.

Prurience• .Pru,lence teaches us to regulate our lives and actions agreeably to the dictates of reason, and is that 'lc&bit by which we.. Wi$ely judt;e1 and prud~ntially



tlJ!tcrmine, on all things relative to our 1wesent as well as future happiness. This virtue should be the peculiat· charactedstic of every Mason, not only for the gevernment of his co·nduct while .in the Lodge, but also when abroad iu the W011ld ; it should be particularly attended to in all strange and mixed companies, never to let fall the least aign, token or word, whereby the secrets of mason. J'Y wight be unlawfully obtained.

Justice. Justice io5 t11at standa1·d, or boundary of righ£1 which enables us to render to every man bib' jnst due, without clistinction. 1.'bis vh·tue is not only consisent with divine aud human laws, butis the· very cement an(l support of civil society; and _u justice in a great measure constitutes the real go·o d man, so should it be the invariablo practice of e'V• ery Mason, never to deviate from the mitmtest prin .. ciples the1·eof. , The illustration of these virtues is accompanied by some general observations, peculiar to Masons: Such is the arra.ngement of the different sections of the first lecture, which, with the forms adopted at opening aud closing a lodge, comprehends the whole of the first degree of Musonry. The whole is a regular stem of morality, conceivftd in a strain of interesting allegory, which must unfold its beau.._ ties to the ca did and industrious enquirer!


Charge at Initiation into the first degree : BROTHER:

As you ai·e now introduced into the :fit·st principles of Masonry, I congratulate you on being accepte(l into this ancient an(l honorable Ol'· der; ancient as having subsisted from time immemol'ial; and honorable, as tending in every parLic· ular, to render all men so, who will act conformably to its precepts. No institution was ever raise£1 on & better principle or mm·e solid foundation ; nor were ever more excellent rules and useful maxims laid down, than are inculcated in every :M:asonic lecture. )lere are thre& great duties which, as a Mason, you are charged to perform ; to God, your neigh. bour and yourself. To God, in never mentioning his name, but with that reverential awe, which is due from the creature to the ·creator; to implore his aid in all your laudable undertaldngs, and es. teem him as the chief good. To your neighbour~ by acting on the square, and doing unto him, as you w. d wish he sl1ould do unto you ; and to yourse , in avoiding all irre.gularity and intemperance~ which may impair your faculties, or debase the dignity of your profession. A zealous attP.chment to these duties will ensure you 1mblic and pl'ivate esteem . . In the state, you are to be a qniet and peaceful suhje.ct; true to your 'government, and just to your country. You are not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently submit to legal authority1




and conform with cheerfulness to the government of the country in which you live. In your outward demeanor, be particularly ca1·e· ful to avoid censure or reproach. Let not interest, farour or prejudice, bias your integrity, or influ· ence you to be guilty of a dishonorable action. Although, your frequent appearance at om· regular meetings is earnestly desired, yet it is not meant that Masonry shouhl interfere with your neo ccssary vocations ; for these are on no account to be neglected; neither are you to sufl'er your zeal for the institution to lead you into argumeiJt with those who tht·ough ignorance may ridicule it. At your leisure hours, that you may improve in 1\ta. sonic knowledge, you are to conve1·se with well informed brethren, who will always be as ready to give, as you will be to receive instruction. :Finally; keep lila.ored a.ncJ inviolable the mysteries of the erder, as these are to distinguish yotl ft·om the rest of the community, and mark your consequence llmong :Masons. If, i~ the circle of your 4\Cquaintance, you find n. person desh·ous of being in.itjated into }'lasonry, bo particularly attentive recommend him, uuJess you are convinced he will conform to our rules; that the honor, glo1·y and reputation of the institution may be firmly established, and the world at large convinced of its good eil'ects. 'l'he following addresses may be added as occasion requires. tAe Initit&tion of a Clergyman. You, brother, are a minister of that holy religion

which inculcates "1)eace on earth and iood will to



men;" wl1iclt teaches uni\·ersnl benevolence and uuhounded chal'ity, and which points out the paib th l!.t lealls to eternal happinE-ss in a world heyond t he ·.> !rt·nxe. Yon cannot, L~ "efore, but view ihe orriPr in a favorable light, an(l he zealous for the i nterf'sts of Freemasonry, wl1ich in the stl·ongest DllLD ner, inculcates the same charity and beuevo. lence, the same faith in God, and the same ho}Je in immortality; and which, like the benign spirit of reli;;ion, encourages and enforcefil every moral and social vit·tue; which introduces peace and gootl will amongst men, and is the centre of union to those who might otherwise have remained at a pcr-pettial distance. Whoever is warmed by the spirit of christianity, must vene1·ate the mystic order, for cltristians derive the tonets of their profession1 the principles of their faith, from the Holy Bible, ft·mo the s:une solll'ce do Freemasons derive tl10se tenets and principles whieh are the pillars of their order. The priuciples of :Freemasons, bowcvct· they may be pervtrted and abused by licentious and unprincipled members of the ft·aternity, are liO closely connected, so intimately interwoven with the great moral doctrines of Christianity, that they cannot be separated. Such is the nature of our institution, that in our lodges, union is cemented by affection, and pleasure is reciprocally communicated by a clJCerful observance of every .obl.iging office. Yirtue, the grand olJject in view, luminous as the meridian sun, shines refulgent on the mind; enlivens the heart, ancl con. verts cool approb11.ti!.m into warm sympathy an4 .cord.ia} NJ:'ecti.on.


Though every man, who carefully listens to the dictates oheason, may arrive at a clear persuasion of the beauty and necessity of virtue, both public an<l private, yet it is a fullrecomme1,1dation of a society to have these pursuits continually in view, as the principal objects ef their association ; and these are the laudable bonds which encircle us in one i ndissoluble fraternity •

.IJ.t ·tTte Initiation of a Foreignet•. You, brother, the native and su~ject of another country, by entering into our order, have connected yourself by sacred and indissoluble ties, with thousands of Masons scattered over the habitable globe. Ever recollect that the order you have entered into, bids you look upon thaworld as one great republic, of which every nation is a family, and every indi~ vidual a child. hen, therefore, you are return~ eel and settled in your uati ve country, take care that tbe progress of ft·iendship be not confined to the narrow circle of national connexion, or a particular religion ; but let it be universal and extend to ev· ery branch oftl1e human race. At the same time remember, that, besides the common ties of humanity, you have thil!l night ente1·ed into Qbligations, which engage you to kind and friendly acts to yonr brother Masons, of whatever sta.tioD, country>

arrelipon, 0

148 ~!J.t the Initiation

cif a Soldie1·.

Our institution ln·eathcs a spirit of g(lneral pllilanthrophy. its benefits, considered in a social view, are extensive. In the most endearing tics, (those of brotherly love and cha1·ity,) it unjtes all mankind. It opens in every nation, an asylum to 'Virtue distressed, and grants the comforts of hospi· tality to the neces~itous and unfortunate. Those sublime principles of uuiversal goodness aml love to all mankind, which a1·e essential to it, cannot be controuled or n~ttioualtJistinctious,

fJrr>juclices and ai1imosities. The rnge of coutest it bas abated, and suhstilutetl ~u its stc.a d, the mllder emotions of. humanity. ln the heat of hattie, tl1e arm upliftell to dest1·oy. bas been unestcu in its course, and it has cveu lau 0!1t the 1wiue of victul'Y to give way to an honoi'ahle .connexion. You, brother, are a soldier, ami slwpld your (;ountry be iurol veu in wars aud demand yuur services in the protection of ils rights, autl should captivity be your lot, you will fj.Qd aff~ctionate brethren to afford you relief alHl consolation, wlJCrc othetl would find ouly bitter enemies. In whatever country you b·anl, when you meet a Mason, yon will find n f1·icnd, who will do 1!-11 in his power to serve you, without being influenced by tbose motives, which too often ipfluenc_e man· ldnd, and who will relieve you should you be in want, and allminister to your comfort wit~1 rc~<ly checrl'u lncss.



Having given an illus~ration of the first degree of Masonry. with the charges which belong to it, the following remarks on the appard and jew!·ls of a Mason, from "Hutchinson's Spirit of Masonry," may not be unacceptable.

As one of the first principles, Masons, on tbeit· admission, profess innocence. As an emblem of tbat character, they are clothed in white Aprons, which bespeak purity of mind. The clothing which implies innocence or heart, an<l purity or conduct, is a hadge more.honorable than evm· Kings confcl'l'ed or Princes wore ; truo, it does not dazzle by its splendor, as the badge of the Roman Eagle, or the Rtar an(l Garter; tuesc decontions may be conferred by the whim and caprices of Pl'inces, but innocence is innate, and cannot be adopted. Our jewels imply, that we try our aft'ections by justice, 1uul our actions by truth, as the square tries the workmanship of th echanic; that we regarcl our mm·tal state, whether it is dignified by titles or not, whether it be opulent or in!lig;ent, as being of one nature in the begtnning, and of one rank in its olose. In seniiation.,, passions and plea... ures-ht iufirmities, mahdH·s :u d want.s, all manki nd are on a level. It is wisdom and vh·tue that constitute snperiority. From such maxims we makl' estimates ef our brother, when his calamities call for oul' counsel or mu· aid. The works of charity are sym~ pathetic feelings, and benevolence acts upon the le.. vel. rrhe emblem of these sentiments, is another of the jewels of our society. To walk uprightly bcfo1•e heaven and before man, neither inclining to the right nor to the left, is the tluty of a Mason. Neither becomin;_ an en~ft.u~·


siast, or a. persecutor in religitm, not· bending (a .. lVards infidelity. In civil governments, faithful in our allegiance to the constitution and laws of the country in which we live. In private life, yielding up every selfiish propensity, inclining neither to avarice or injustice, to malice or revenge ; but ae the builder erects his temporal buildi11g agreeably to rules laid down on his trestleboard, so should the Mason obse~ve the rules laid down in the hook oflife1 l1is Masonic trestleboard, and agreeably thereto conduct himself towards the world. To rule our affections by justice, and our actions ·by truth, is to wear a jewel, which would ornament the diadem of the highest potentate on earth ; human nature bas her impulses from desires, which are often too inordinate; love blinds with prejudi. ces, and resentment burns with fevers ; contempt J•enders us incredulous, and covetuousness deprives . us of every generous and humane feeling. 'l'o steer the bark of life upon the sea of passion, with· out quitting the course of rectitude, is one of the 'highest excellences to which human nature can be ·brought, and to eft'ect this is one of the greal ob. jects of our institution. Yet merely to act with justice and truth, is not all that man should attempt; we are not born for ourselves alone, only to shape our course through liCe in tracks of tranquility, and solely to study that wbich should afford peace to the conscience at home. Men are made as mutual aids to each other; tlo one among us, be he ever so opulent, can sublist without the usistance of his fellow creatures. Whell we look through the val'ied scene of life, we



~ce our fellow creatures attacked with innumerable

.calamities; nml were we without compassion, we shonhl exist wiLhout one of the fiuestfcelings or the human heart. To love and approve are movements of the soul of man, which yield him plea~ure; but to pity, gives him heavenly sensations; and to re,. 1ie\·c, is divine. To be an upright man is to add stiH greater Ius ~ trc to the Masonic character. To do justice and' Jmve ghaa·ity, are excellent steps in lmman life;' but to act upriglatly gives n superlative degree of excellence ; for in that station we shall become examples in ch·il and moral conduct. Uy such mites let ihc Mason be proved, and tcs~· tify that the jewels. which are represented in the LodgB, on hiA initiation, and his farther progress, are those by which his conduct is governed ; h6' will then stand approved before heaven and befor~ men, purchasing honor to his profession and to the

prtf/eBBO'f'. 02


The institution of Ft·eemasonry, as has been re.· marked in the 11receding pages, bas a direct tenden. cy to inculcate on the mind of its votary, eve1·y thing laudable and useful to society ; and its lead· ing qualities are, well directed philanthrophy, pure morality and inviolable secrecy. It instructs ·us in our duty to the supreme architect of Heaven and Eat·th, to ourselves and our neighbours; it bids us open our ears to the cries of the unfortunate, and extend our hands to them with the·cup of consolation. To those who have carelessly consillered them, many of our illustrations may appear unimportant; hut to l1im who will take the trouble of studying and investigating them, they will be found useful and entertaining. According to our talents and indus-t ry in the acquirement of knowledge, we attain a ,greater or less degree of perfection, and the man of wisdom will not check the progress of his abilities, though the task he attempts may be irksome. Perseverance lind application remove each difficulty as ·i t occurs; every step he advances, new pleasures open to his view, and instruction of the noblest kind attend his researches.

Men who are UILPJJ,Uainted _with our myateries1

and are disposetl to ridicule what they cannot comprehend, pretend to say our ceremonies a1·e trivial. It will be readily conceded that ceremonies and mysteries, when considered without reference to theh· ultimate ends; when they inculcate no useful or moral lesson, are little more than visionary delusions which strike the mind for a moment, ncl then fade from the remembrance "like tbe baseless fabric of a vision." But when they are calculated to produce important effects ; when they strike the mind with reverence and awe; when they incul· tate sublime lessons of morality, teaching us to regulate our actions by the square of virtue; when they direct our ·1·efl.ections and our feelings to that Almighty Being, who controuls the destinies of the world, and point out to us our dependance upoo~ on him, by 1·eminding us of his power and goodness, they are both useful and interesting. Suck is the tendency of every ceremony and every illua,. tration in masonry. Although every additional step in Masonry i• talculatetl, if pl!operly conferred, to impress more atrongly on the mind tbe value of the institution~ yet, the fellow craft's degree, is tl•eated in many Lodges with much less respect than it deserves.'£he secoqd section of the lectut!e, and a great proportion of the ceremony, are often omitted altogether, and the candidate is permitted to pa."B with a. very slight acquaintance with the· peculiarities and excellences of this degree. ~carcely a oew idea is advanced, scarcely an addition is made to what was before known and uud tg.od. · He bears nothing o~ ~he pecp.li11.r value ofp~ce1 unity a.nd plent3;. h~



is introduced to no familiarity with Ute peculiar moue of illustrating tl,e orders of architecture, the

human sensl•s, the liberal arts an<l sciences, nor docs he peceive auy thing to dit·cct his attention to the F~cieuce of geometry. The :fit·st degree of Masonry is admirably calcu. lated to enforce the duties of morality, and imprint em the memory some of the nohlest principles which can adorn the mind. The second degree extends the same plan, and comprehends a more . ·~itrusivc system af knowledge and morality. 'l'he accomplished master of a Lodge leads the candidate into the interior of the Masonic Temple, points out the objects worthy his attention, ancl directs him to a contemplation of their meaning ami allusions. Passing ft·om operative to speculative Masonry, he explai11s those moral and scientific leE· sons, which nrc taught in the ceremonies of this de. gree. Ho leads him to view wilh reverence aUll a. • ation the glorious works of the creation, and

inspires him with exalted ideas of the perfections of f,mr Divine Creator. In this degree, practice and tlieor;r join in qualifying the industrious Maso• to share the pleasures which an advancement in the art must necessarily afford. Listening with at. tention to the opinions uf experience(] c1·aftsmen., he gradually familiarizes his mind to useful instruction, aml is enabled to investigate truths of the ut· most concern in the general transactions of lil'e. In confering this degree, the Lodge rooms ought to be prepat·ed with the requisite apparatus, for in· troducing the candidate into the interior of the temP~ and for exhibiting to his view all those object$



properly belonging to the d~ree, whieb are calculated to impress on his mtiid the appropriate lessons. The expense woul be willing,. and woulll be amply compensated by the additiond satisfa.C' tion and .-dvantage which would be the result.

First Section. The first section of this degree eluci atet mode of introduction into that particular class q(l instructs the craftsman how to proceed with regu .. larity in the arrangement of the ceremonies usual on that occasion. While it qualifies him to lo.dp of their iwportance, it convinces of the necessity of a strict adhera.nce to every established usage of the order. Here he is sted with particula-r his title to the privi• tests, to ~altle }Jim to leges of t6_e degree, and satisfactor1 reasons ~-.. given for their Many h cement1 bre 11 of the craft, are opportmHty is given to make such advatices in Mason.·y, as will distinguish the abilities of those who have attained the degrcc.The knowI ge of this sP.ction is absolutely nece su·y to every ¥.ason, as it ny of initi • nd con of the utmo ance. a Lodge, shoulcl therefore be unacquainted with it. The following passages of Holy writ, bt· properly introduced during the ceremony.




hI speak Wl ()f angels, and have not e 'ty, am become as soauding brasa or a. tiJJklin; cymbal~



u Anc.l tltough I llave the 'gift of prophecy, an 1l unqerstanll all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity I am nothing. " And though I bestow all my goods to feed lhe poor, and U10ugh I give my body to be burned, and have not cbat·ity, it profiteth me nothing. "Charity suffereth long and is kind·; chal'ity en. vieth not; chuityvauntefh notitselr, is notpuJfed up. "Doth not behave itself unseemly, seelteth not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. "Rrjoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in trut11, ' " Bcaret}l all thinp,, Lelieveth all things, bopetlt all thinge, emlureth all things. "Charity never fa ; but whether there be prophecies th~y . shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether.. there be knowledge it shall vanish away. "For we know in part, and \Ve prophecy in part. But when that whiGh is perfect i; come, then tha.t which is in part shall be (lone away. tc When I was a cbilcl, I spake as e.. child, I Ull· tlerstoo(1 as a child, I tbougllt as a child; hut lVben I became a man, I put away childish things. "For we now see as through a glass, darkly, fmt then face to face ; uow I know in part ; but then shall I knQw, -eve\} as lam known. ".A ml now abirlelb Fa1tb, Hope, Oharity; but the greatest of these is charity." In this section, the Plumb, Square anll L ~'Del, those noble ariel usefuJ implements of the craft, are introduced antl moralized, and serve as a constant admonition to t4 practioe ef virtue aud m ity,.




'.['he Plumb is an instrumeo.t made u:~o of by DP• erative Mb9ns1 to raise perpendiculars; tJm Sqttare to square il(e work, and the LB'Del, to lay horizon· tal!:l ; but we, as free and accepted )la , .taught to, make nse of thelu for more noble and glo· ad,nouishes us to God

, and in· ers as 1 Th.e ually





ed; butfor centuries past its objects have beenwhot. ly ditlerent. It is now a system of morals dr-awn fl'om the word of God, and may be said to be a hand. maid to christianity. Its great object is to further the cause of benevolence, and its v.otaries are bound together by solemn tieE. of Brotherly affection. b this section, therefore, it is considered under two .denominations, .operative and speculative. In this section, also, circumstances of p-eat impor~nce are particularized, and many traditional tenets and ,G_ustoms conilrmed by sacred and pro. fane re(:ot4 Here the acGomplished master may display his talents a.nd acquirements to advantage, -in the · a• ;w:dQs of architecture, the an iUtura and the liberal arts ~md sciences, which e,re seteralJ,Y classed in a regular ar1·augement.

Operative Masonry.



Spec1£lative J1asom·y. By speculative Masonry, we leal'U to subdue our passions, to live within compass, and act upon the srruarc with the world, and one another. We leara to expand our hearts with generous sentiments, t~ root out bigotL·y, and stop the cruel lmnd of persecution. It hids us unite with virtuous men of the most distant countries and opposite opinions, in the firm aud pleasing hond of i'ratcrnal love. It is so far interwoven with religion, as to lay ns under ob· ligations to pay that rational homage to the deity, which at once constitutes our duty antl our happi:ucss. It leads the contemplative to view with rEW· erance and admiration the glorious. WOl'ks of the ereation, and inspires him with the most exalted ideas of the perfections of his divine creator. lu six days God created the heavens and tl1e Before he wag earth, and rested on the seventh. pleased to command this world into existance, the materials of creation were without fol'm or Ol'cler.

"Da1•kness was upon the face of the deep : anil tlte JpiJ·it of Goil moved upon the .f'ace of the waterrs."

He commanded, "Let there be light," and light came forth from the golden portals of the east; he "~;eparated the light from the darkness, aud called the light day, and the darkness night." :in order to keep the new fmmed matter within due bounds, on the second day, God said" Let there be a firm:\• mcut in the mid11t of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the watel·s,'' and he called the firm· ament heaven. On the third day he co.nimaudod ·"the waters under the heaven to be gatbered into




one place, and dry lnnd to appear." The eart4 being uncultivated, tbe almighty word was spoki!Jl. and the face of nature was clad in her " mantle ot green," producing h·ees, het·bs, flowers and fruits. On the fout·th day God placed "lights in the fit·ma~ Jnent of heaven to divide the day from the night;" the sun to rule the da.y, and the moon to rule the 11ight. On the fifth day, God created the fowls of the air, and the fish of the sea. On the sixth, the l1easts of the ficl<l; and lastly, pt·onounced, "let us make man iu our image and after our likeness, nntl let him have dominion over the fish of the . sea, an~ orer the fowl of the ail·, and over all the eartl~, and every craeping thing that ere ping on the earth.'' 'l'bis sait1, be formed man of the dust of the earth, breathed into him the breath of life, and man bel\1 hen we contemplate tbt came a living soul. cl'eation of the world, ft·om a mass of dieerder, well may we exclaim in the wot·us of the Psalmist, "0 Lord, how excellent is tl1y name in all the a.bove tb eq.vensl earth, who hast. t t Wh we consider the bcaYens, the work of th1 • fingers, the moon aml stars which thou bast ordain~ etl, ·what is man that thou lirt mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him." God rested on the seventh day ; the seventh day, ther , our aucieJlt brethten consecrated as a day of rest from tl1eir labo eb e.njoying frequent opportunities, while tbGfr '"1ni s were abstracted from the cares of life, of contemplating tbe gloriOllS works of creation, and adoring the Gr~ CreatQl', who "hath stretched forth tlle ·hea mts as-~ caflopy, and planted the earth as a ~ootstool."




TILe Globes; Are two spherical bodies, on which are rept·esented the situation of different countries, seas, the face of tl1c hearcns, and tbe re\·olutions of the heavenly bodies. Tbeir principal use, beside serving as maps to distinguish the ouhvard parts of the earth, and thB situation of the fixed stars, is, to illustrate and explain the,phenomena arising from the annual revo lution, and the diurnal rotation of the eR.rth roun<l its axis. They are the noblest instruments for im proving the mittd, and giving it the most distinct idea of any problem, ot• proposition, 1\.S well as enabling it to solve the same. Contemplating these bodies we are inspired with dne reverance for the deity and his works, for tbe " heavens declare l1is glory, and the firmament sheweth forth his handy lVOl'k,"

Orders oJ .architecture. 'l'he orders of Architecture come next under con.•sidePation, a brief description of them, may therefore, not be improper. By order in at·cbitecture, is meant, a system ot all tho members, pt•oportions and ornaments of co.·_ lnmns and pilastres; or, it is a regula tmge·rul'nt ofthe projecting parts of a building, whicJt_, united with tho~e of a column, form a beautiful an~ complete whole. The origin this science may lle traced in the Iudian'l hut, and the Greeli'ander's cave; they. shew the rude beginning f'r m whioli it bas gt·owu to its present perfection and magnificence. It is aa



art of the first necessity, and almost coeval with the Jmman species. Man from seeking shade and shelter under the trees of the forest, soon felt the uecessity, and saw the utility of bending tl1em to more commodious forlllB, than those in which he found them disposed by nature. To huts made or 1>t·anclles of tt·ccs, leaning togelhet• at top, and form. ing a conical .figure, plastered with mud, succeede(l more convenient habitations. The sides of these habitations, and the inner supp01·ts of the roofs be· ing trunks of trees ; from them were derived thqse beautifu~ symmetrical columns; tlte orders of arch·

itecture. Though the art Qf building was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians and Persians, with great success in the production of such gigau. tic structures as the pyramids of Egypt which exist to this day, and the labyrinth seen bJ,Herodotus,* with others of extraordinat·y and yast magnificence; yet we owe to the Greeks the :llrst structures, in which elegance and synunetry were conbined with comfort and oonvei\te e i thcrplft:n. The established o11de1·s of architecture were· lJrought to perfection und tile Greeks and Romans. Modern efforts ltave a(lded little or noth· -ing to the beauty and symmetry of these columns nnd the parts dependant on them. 1'he iive orders are thus lassed; the Tuscan, the Doric, the Ionic tbeCorinlliitn & the Composite.

The Tuscan Is the most complete and solid of the five orders; •

eloes Hero. vol. ii. p. 73-4, Euter.


It was called the Rustic by Vitruvius, a celebrated nrchitcct, who flourished 135 years before Christ; and the name of Tuscan was applied to it, because they were the ancient people of Lydia, who, coming •ut of Asia to settle in Tuscany, fh·st ma(le use this ordet' in the temples they erected. 'fhis orde1· wns an artless imitation of nature; yet, simple as it was, it opened the door to new improvements, stimulated rising genius, and insensibly led to scientific perfection. Its column is seven diameters high ; and its capital, base aml entablature have but few moulding~


'l'he Doric, Which is plain and natural, is the most nucieu!, and was inventet\ by the Greeks. The Doric is th~ best pt·oportioned of all the orders, and its solid composition gives it a preference in stru~ures where strength and uoble simplicity a1•e chie:By required. In its first invention it was more simple than in its present state. lu aftet• times, when it began to be atlorn~d, it gained the name of Doric; for when it was constructed in its primitive, simtlle form, the name of 'ruscan was conferred on it. Hence the Tuscan precedes the Doric in rank, on account of iUI resemblance to that pillar in its original state.

The Ionic. Before the invention of this order, buildings We1·.e admirably contrived for str§llgt and convenience ; yet, there was something wanting to captivate the ·eye and give them an aspect worthy the appella.-.

f ~




tion of a. scientific production ; this deficiency was partly made goocl by the introduction of a new or. der; for the ~ye being charmeu by woman's grnce, elegaJJce and beauty, they made this scientific un. ion of male and female by embellishing their boil. ·dings with a new order, formed after the model of -a young woman of elegant shape, as a contrast to tbe Doric, which was formed after that of a robust man. '£he invention of this order is attributed to the Ionians, as the famous temple of Diana of Ephesus was of this order; hence it was called the Ionic.. TILe Cori11tltian.

The Corinthianis the riel> est of the five orders,'& is deemed a master piece of art, and is used in state· Jy and snt>erb edifices. It was invented by Callimaclms at Corinth, who is said to ta en the ·hint of the capital of this pillar from the following ·circumstance. Accidently passing by the tomb of a young lady; he perceived a. basket of toys cover· -ed with a tile, placed ovel'..#lD acanthus root, having been left thcl'G by her nurse ; as the branches ~rew up, they encompassed the basket, until, vri. -ving at the tile, thay met with an obstruction and bent downwa1·<ls. Callimachus, struck with the o~je.ot. aet about imitating the figure ; · the base of -the capital he made to r~preeent the basket, the :abacus the tile, and the vdturea the bending leaves.

"l7l.e Comp08~~

l11 com~o~~d of t~e o~~ order~ an~~~ ilJ,veD~



ed by the Romans. Its capital bas the two rows -of leaves of the Corinthian, and the volutes of the · Ionic. Its column has the quarter ~ound, as the Tuscan and Doric. This pmar is generally found in buildings where strength, elegance and beauty, arc displayed. The ancient and original ordel's «lf architecture, revered by Masons, are no more than three, the Dcwic, Ionic and Ctrrinth·ian, which were invented by the Greeks, 'fo these the Bomans added the 'l'uscan, which they made plainer tbap. the Doric, and ibe Compo~:~ite, which was more o1·namental, if not more beautiful than the C.orinthian. The :first three orders alone, shew invention and particular ~haracter, and essentially differ ft·om each other; the two others noth.iu& but what is borrowed, and dift'er only accidental}f'. The Tuscan is the Doric in its earliest state; <l( d the Cop!poaite is th• Corinthian enl'iche<\ with tb njG. T e reeks, therefore, and not to the Roq:a'\Ds, are e indebtel. for what is great, judicious and <\istinct in archi-r


OJthe jive.Senses of Btunan Nature. An ~1\Alysis of the human faculti~s, is ne~t give& In this section, in which tl\e nve external sensee· particularly claim attention; these are, hearing,. seeing, feelint;, tasting and s~elling. · In elucidating these subjects in. opr R$•· we are not confi.n.ed to any particular .w.4~ .of ex.planation ; every JP.aU be~ at. lib~.f.l 9 oiJ;'er .bW .

sentiments under proper restrictions, 'fb.~ .follow.:

~~ thoughts however, ~ay be use{~



The senses we at•e to consider as the gifts of na· turc, and in the use of them we are subject to rea. son. Reason, properly employed, distinguishes the good f•·om the bad, rejects the last with motlcst;t and adheres to the first with reverence. The objects of human knowledge are innumerll· 'J tle; the channels by which this knowledge is conveyed are few. Among these, the perception of external things by the senses, aml the information we receive from human testimony, are not the least oonsiclerable ; the analogy between them is obvious, In the testimony of nature, given by the senses, as in human testimony given by information, things are signified by signs. In one as weil lloS the other, the mind, either by original principles, or by cuslom, passes from the sign to the conception of the thing signiftetl. The signs in the natural language; as well as the signs in om• original perception~; aave the same signification in all climates nncl na· 'ibns, and the skill of interpreting them is not as,~ fJUirell, but innate. Hearrin~

Is that sense by which we distinguish sound~ and are callable of enjoying the agreeable charm• . music. By it we are enabled to enjoy the pleas'ures of society, and reciprocally communicate te each other our thoughts and intentions, our ·purposes and desires, w st our reason capable of exThe wis~ erting its utmost powe~ and energy. and 'benificent author of nature intended by the formation ofthis sense, that we should be social ere&· 1 and receive the sreatest and most important




17'1 •

pa1·t of o~r knowledge from the information of others. },or these purposes we are endowed with hear~ in,, that by a proper exertion of our rational pow • ers, our happiness may be complete.

Seeing Is that sense by which we distinguish objects 1• an.instant of time, without change of place or-situation ; view armies in battle array, figures of the most stately structures, and all tbe agreeably variety displayed in the landscape of nature. .Dr. Blacklock, who at a very early age, was (Jepriv~a of sjght, speaking of this sense, remarks, "there l• not, perhaps, any sense or faculty of the corporeal frame, which affords so many resources of utility and entertainment, as the power of vision; nor is there any loss, or privation, which can be productive of disadvantages or ~amities so multiform, so various and so bitter, as the want o£ · ht. .By no avenue oorporeal perception, is knowledge in her full extent, and in all her forms, so accessible to the rational and enquiring soul, as by thti glorious and delightful medium of sight. For this Jlot only reveals external things in all their beauties, in all their changes and in all their varieties, but gives body, form and colour, to intellectual ideas and abstt·act essences ; so that the whole ma· tel'ial and intelligent creation lie in open prospect~ and th~ majestic frame of nature in its whole extent, is, if we IDILY so speak, .perce~ved at a siugle glance. 1Jy the aid of this sense, man beholds the obj eot of his attention from afar. Ta.ught by experience, lle- ~easures th~ir .relative) di&tauces ; diBtinsuilhe~



their qualities; determines theit· situations, "posi. tions ani! altitudes; presages what those lokeus inay import; selects bis favorites; tra\·er:;cs in se. curity the space which divides fheln ft·om him; stopnt the point where tht'oy were placed, anti either obtains them with ease, or immediately perceives the means by which the obstacles which in. 'tercept his passage to them, may be removed." Of all the faculties ti1e sight is the noblest. The structure of the eye, and its appurtenances, evinces the admirable conb·ivance of nature for pe.rforming all its vadous external and internal mot.ions; while the variety displayed in the eyes of tlifl'erent animals, suited to their eeveral ways of life, clearly demonstrates this organ to be the master piece of Dl· ture'i work.


Is that sense by which we distinguish the difThr~ ent qualities of bodies; such as heat and cold., hardness and softness, roughness and smoothnes~ iligure, solidity, motion and extension. These three senses, hea'ri:n&t seeing andfeelins1 ltl'e clccmet.l essential among l\'lason~. $melting Is that sense by which we distinguish odour•., the various kinds of which convey different imprea· sions to the mind. Animal and vegetable bodie~1 and indeed most other botlies, while exposed to the air, continually send fot'tb eftluvia of vast subtilty, A. . ell in a. state of life and ;rowtlt as in a siate e£ ·!!"

t79 fc1·mentation and putrifa.ction. These efHu via be4 ing drawn in to the nostrils with the air, arc the means by which all bodies are smelled. Hence it is evident, that th ere is manifest appearance of design in the creatot·'s having placed the organ of smell in the in side of that canaJ, througlt which th~ air continually pltsses in respiration.

2'asting Eua.J,les us to mal{e a proper distinction in. tha. choice of our food. 'rhe organ of this sense, guat·ds t110 enh·ancc of the alimentary canal, as that of smclliug.guards lhe entrance of that of respiration. :F'rom the situ11.tion of both these organ~, it is plai~ thal they wet·e intended by nl\ture to distinguish. wholesome foQd r, that which is nauseous.Smclling and .tMting .1\. l'e iuseperably connected, and it is by the unnatural kind of life men com monly lead in society, that these senses are renderell less fit to perf':trm tlteh· natural offices. '!'he prop Ill' use of these fi. ve senses e11ables us to furmjus u.d accurate notions of the operations or uat~re; and when we reflect on t)w objects, with which out· senses are grati:Q,ecl, we become conscious of them, and are enable<} ·to •tteud to them 1 until they become familia.r tQ the mind, The senl!es, and indeed all the operations of tha miml, are so ditlicult to understand and to ~n!!-lyse,

that the most learned may fail in t~ .e ~ttempt fnl:br. to explain them. 'rbe mind il11 ultim,ately aft'ected by the senses ; when that ia diseased every sense loses its virtue. The fabric of the mind, as well as ~~t o~ the body, is curiolls ~ud wonderful; tl~~



faculties of the one are adapte<l to their several ends with equal wisdom, and no less propriety than the organs of the other. The inconceivable wisdom of an Almighty Being is displayed in the atrncture of the mind, which extends its power over every branch of science., In the arts and sciences which have the least connexion with the mind, its faculties are still the engines which we must employ; the better we understand their nature and ltse, their llefects and disorders, we shall ap11ly-· them with greater success. )Vise men agree, that there is but one way to the knowledge of nature's works ; the way of obsm·vn.tion and experiment. By our constitution \'l'e have a sh·ong propensity to trace particular facts and observations to general rules, and apply those rules to account for other effects, or to direct us in the pt·oduction of them. This procedure of the under· stan £ling, is familiar to every human creature in tl1e common affairs oflife, and is the only means by wbich any real discovery in philoso by can be made. On the human mind all our knowledge must de.· pend; what, thet·efore, can be more proper the in· of Masons ? By anatomical dissection a.nll observation we become acquainte<l with the structure of the body; by th~anatomy of the niind, discover its powers an<l principles. To sum up the whole of this transcendent measure of God's bounty to his dependant creatures, we shall alld, that memory, imagination, taste, reasonin moral perception, and all the active powers of tli oul1 present ~ vast and boundless :field for phi·


t3 RAFT.


v~u phical uisquisition, which ftll' exceeds human

e1u1uiry, antl are peculiar mysteries known only to nature's God, to whom we all are indebteu for ere· atiou, preservation, and every blcssiu; we enjoy.


1.'he seven liberal arts aml sciences are next il· lustrateu in this section.

(harnmar Teaches the propm· arrangement of words, arcoruing to the idiom, 01' dialect of auy particular people; aml that excellency of pronunciation which enables us to speak or write a language with accuracy, agreebly to reason anti c01·rect usage. Grammar, as au art, refers only to particular lan· gnnges; because it woul<l be impossible tolay down any system ofrules which would apply to two languages. To a certain extent, the lll'inciples of grammar are general, and some of them may be said to be universal. The laws of the buman mind are the same in all ages, and iu all nations; ;~nd of those causes which have called forth its en .. ergies, many have operated universally. Whatever have been the variety of turm;, and of tlu~ modification and arrangement of them, the grand objects of men, in the formation and extension of language have been the same; to communicate their sensa.. tions, their judgments, their realionings; to ex .. press the objects of their thoughts, and the changes and connexions observed amons thcm1 and to do





this wilh dispatch. This has produced griat uni~ formity in the general principles of languagP. But tJ•e conncxion between words and. thoughts is arbii.t·.ary, as well as the mode of connecting words themselves. Hence, with ·much uniformity, "e meet with much vat·iety; and hen'ce, universal, ot· even get}eral gram~a.r, ruust be confined within ve~ ry nan·ow limits, till the phenomena of a variety or languages h~tve been examined, and their cotTespondence with each other, as well as their <liver!!\~ ties p.scertained,

Rhetoric, Uhetoric may be defined the art of speaking with persuasion. This art, like all others, is tLn r esult of observation nnd cxpm•imeuts mnde by men uf good capacity and enlightened minds. Aftt'l' multiplied and often defective essays, those principles at·e at length discovm·ed, which distinguish between the good and bad, between the faulty and the perfect. Tl1Cse1n·inciples whrn reduced to method, and well artang<'n, save succeetlinF; cnqnit·ers much 1mios and trouble, considerably shOl'teu the road to koowlctlgc, a11d materially as sist io the for~ ma.tion of a cort·cct judgmeut. A s, respect to poetry, it is contended, that though acClll'ate rules of criticism will not bestow genius, they will check redunrlency and bomhast, and detect all the er"rtn·s into which the competitors for the laurel arc too apt to be betrayed ; so, with regard to the precrpts of rhetol'ic, it may snfcly be as8 ertcd, tlmt thougl1


they will not generate that energy of miud which r\su to the hi15hcst flights of eloqucnce1 they will .



dfectually warn the orator against i ongruity iu the disposition of his matter, absurdity in argument, which amuses instead of convincing, or those inju dicious attempts to interest the feelings, which excite l'idicule rather than sympathy.

Logic ls the art of using l'eo.son well in om· euqumcs after tt·uth, and the communication of it to others. Its (}esign is to teach us the right use of our reason~ . or intellectual powers, and the impl'Ovemeut of them in ourselves and others; tli'is is not only necessary in order to attain any competent knowledge in the sciences, or ail'ait·s of learuicg, but to govet'Q hoth the greater and meaner actions of life. It is the cultivation of om· reason, by which we are hettet· enabled to distinguish good ft·om evil, as well as truth fl'om falsehood ; and both these are mat. ters of lhe highest importance, whethe1· we l'egart{ this life ot• the life to come. Logic consists of a regular train of argument)" whence we infer, deduce and conclude, according to premises laid down, admitted or granted; and iu it are employed tbc faculties of conceiving, judging, reasouing and disposing; nll of which at·e naturally loll on ft·om one gt·adation to anotlm·, till t.ltc point in question is finally determiucd. ·

.llt·itl! metic Teaches tl1e powers and prope1·ties of numbers, which is variously effected by letters, tables, figure s iu1d iastruments·. JJy this art, reasons and demo,n'-


stmtions a gi v~n, for finding out any certain llUW· ]Jet', l'ilwsc relation or ~tflinity to another is already

known or discovered. Geometi'!J Geotue.try treats of the powers nncl properties ot magnitudes in general, where lcnglll, l>readth and thickness are considered from a point to a line, from n line to a superjices, and from a superfices te a solid. A point is a dimensionless jigu1•e, or an indivisible pat·t of space. A line is a point continued, and a figure of one capacity, namely, lengtlt. A superflces is a figure of two dimensions, namely, length and b1•eadtlz. A solid is a figure of three dimensions, namely~ length, b1•eadth an(] tldckness. Geomeh·y is said odginally to have signified no. thing mm·e than the art of measuring the eal'tb, or any llistances or dimensions within it; but at pl'es~ ent it ueootes the sci~nce of magnitudes in general, comprehending the (loctrine and relations of what. soever is susccpti!Jlc of augmentation or diminution. So to geomeh·y may IJe referred not on]y the con· struction of lines, superfices nnd solids, but also of times, yelocity, numbet·s, weight and many other

mattm·s. This science is said to have its 1·ise, or at least its present rules, from the Egyptians, who, by nature, were under the necessity of using it, to remedy

the confusion which generally hnpllencd in their




Jan(ls, uy the overflowing of the Nile, which annually carriell away all boundaries, and effaced all limits of their JlOssessions. Thus this science~ wlliclJ copsislccl only in its first steps, of the means of measm·ing lands, that every person might l1ave his Jll'operty rcstured to hi~, was called geometry, or the art of measuring land ; and it is probable, that the dt'llllghts nnd scl1emes, the .Egyptians were annually compelled to make, helped them to disco• ver many excellent propm·ties of those figures, ani which speculation continually occasioned to be im• pt·oved. By this science, the architect is enabled to construct his plans, and execute his designs; the genei·al to ar1·ange his soldiers ; the engineer to mark out ground for encampments; the geographer to j!;ive us the dimensions of the world, and all things therein contained; to deliniate tbe extent of seas nnll speciry the disvisions of empires, kingdoms aml provinces; by it also, the astronomer is enablet1 io make his obset·vations, and fix the duration c;~f times and seasons, years and cycles .

.Music. Any succession of soumls, howe\·er much they may vary in regard to dit·ection, or however much they may partake of various modes or keys, providccl that succession he agi·eeable, and excites in a "ell toned ear, cPrtain agreeable sensations, is called music. All animals, however pernicious, appea.· delighted nith music, which effects them differently, according to their several dispositions • .Birds al·e even fascinated by the up pel' uotes of a.




fine voice, an(l at all times we find such as have a .. greeahle notes of their own, peculiarly attentive t() every succession of sounds. 'rhis art f1·om the time of Jubal, down to Hanllel, has been held iu the highest esteem, since it is productive not only of the highest entertainment, but the most beneficial effects. Shakespcar, speakiug of music thus expresses himself, •• The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is uot moved with concord of sweet suundsJ Is fit for treasons, villainies and spoils: 'fhe tnotions of his ipirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus Let no such man be trusted,"

And thus the fanciful author of the "Botanic Garden," ' ' - - - - - r e l e n t i n g tygers gaze, And pausing bull'aloes forget to graze; Admiring elephants forsake their woods, Stretch their wide ears, and wade into the floods ln silent herds the wondering sea calves lave, Or nod their slimy foreheads o'er .the wa\'e.; Poised on still wing attentive vultures sweep, .And winking crocodiles are lull'd to sleep •

., sh·onomy. Astronomy is that science, by which we are· taught to read the wisdom, strength and beauty of the Almighty Ct·eator, in those sacred pages, the celestial hemisphere. The science of astronomy is not speculative, but its truths are as demonstrabls· ns its study is sublime. By astronomy we learo. the velocity of any celestial bo£ly, however swift its 1notion; its magnitudes, however extensive, _and it~ dist~ce howev~r ~emoto! It ~liU!l'&\tes1 I'll~-


explains the Yarieties of the seasons, the causes of GUr unequal days and nights. lly its knowledge eommerce is promoted, and the intercourse between dista nt nations facilitated, so that the mariner guides his vessel across the trackless ocean, with as much certainty as he displays in his pedestrian journey fl'om one well known place to anothe1·. W bile we arc employed in its study,itcannot fail to give us the most exalted ideas of the wisdom, bcuificence and greatness of the Almighty Creator. It is in the· heavens that l1e has d1iefly wanifested his great~ uess aud majesty. It is in the heavens that tbt sovereign wisdom shines with the gt·eatest lustr~ and that sublime ideas of order and harmony reign. In this immense host of celestial bodies all is mag~ nificence ; all is regularity and proportion ; all announce a controuling power infinitely fertile in the production of beings, infinitely wise in their ar~ rangement and destination. How much then ought we to esteem that science through whose power it is given to man to discover the order of the heavenly bodies, their revolutions and their stations; thereby resolving the ope.ra· tions of the deity to an une1·t·ing system, {Jrovin; the mightiness of his wo1·ks, and the wisdom of hili decrees.

.JJ-Ioral aclvantages of Geomet1•y. Geometry is the basis on which the supe1•struc. ture of Masonry rests. By geometry, we may curiously trace nature through the various windings to her most concealed recesses. By it we discov·

e.- ij).e powe1·1 the wisdom aud the goodness of th~


gt·nml arc1tilect of the uui rersr., arHl view with deligllt the proportions which connect this vast ma. chine. J~y it, we lliscovct• how the planets move in their d tll'erent orbits, nuu demonstt·a.te. their various revolutions. By it we accouut for t11e return ef seasons, and the variety of scenes which each eeason displays to the discerning eye. Number. }ef'. s worlds arc around us, all framed by tbe same di \'ine artist, which roll through the vast ex pause, and all are comluctell by the same unel't'ing laws of ·:nature. A survey of nature, and tl1e observation of her \leautiful proportions, first lletermined man to imitate the divine plan, and study sym(•try and order. This gave rise to societies, and bit·th to every useful art. The architect began to design, and t.he plans which be laid down being impt·oved by exJlerience and time, have produced works which are the aflmiration of eYery age. The la}lSe of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance· and the devastations of war, bave laid vmste and destroyed many valuable monuments of antiquity; on which the utm t exertions of human genius have been displayed. E\·en the tem}lle of SolomonJ so spacious and magnificent, and constructed by st many celebrated artists, escaped not the unsparin; 1~avages of barbarous force. Freemasonry not with· stan cling has survived. The atte11tive ear receives the sound from the instructiue ton,gue, an<l the mysteries of Masomy at•e safely lodged in the repository of faithful breasts. 'Tools and implements of architecture are selected by the fraternity, to im· }.lJint on the memory wise and serious truths ;. «




(bus, t11rongh a succession of ages, at·c. transmittell uuimpail'cd, the excellent tenets of our instUut.ion.·

Chavge ta a Candidatt. BnoTnER,

Being advanced to the second degree ofl.ia~ sonry, permit me in tho name of the lmltlll'lm, tit congratulate you on your }ll'eferment. The internal and not the external qualifications of a man, are what 1\'Iasonry r egard s. As you inct·case in know· ledger you will increase in social intercourse. It is unnecessary to t·ecapitulate the duties whick as a fellow craft mason, you bound to perform, or enlarge upon the necessity of a strict adherence to them, your own expel'ience and examination will con vinr.e you (If their \'a.lue. Our laws anll regulations you 1\l'C streniously to 1upport, and he always ready to assist in seein; them duly executed. Yon are not to palliate, Ol' agt·avatc the offences of your brethren; bu t, in every trespass against our rules, you are tu judge with candor, admonish with fl'iendship a.nd I'eprc]Jend withjustice. The study of the liberal arts and sciences, that valunule branch of education, which te.nds so eftec~ tually to polish antl adorn the mind, is earnestly recommended to yout· conl'ideration; especially the science of geometry, which is established as the basis of our a1·t; Geometry or Masom·y, o1•iginally tynouymou• te1•ms, being of a divine or moral nature, is em·iched wiUl the most useful knowledge ; while it proves the wonderful J.lropertielil of maHer,


it demonstrates the more important tt·uths of mor· ality.

Your past bel1aviour and regular deportment have merited the honot• which we have co nfe n~d: ~tn d in your JH'esent character it is expected that you will conform to the pl'inciples of the oruer, bJ :steatlily persevedng iuthe study of every comtnen. virtue. Such is the nature of yo ill' engagement u a fellow craft, and to these cluties you are boun£1 by the

most sacred ties.

'thus end the two section of this degl'ee, wbic~ " 'ith tbe ceremony of opening and closing the lodge, c·omprehend tlte whole of the second degree of Masonry. The lectures of this degree, contain a r egular system ofmoral science, demonstt·ated on th e clearest principles, and established on the firmes t foun dation. The working toals and emblems present to the reflecting mind, a series of moral instrnction, eonveyed in an imp1·essive.manner, which ifrig;htly understooll, and propel'ly observell anfl pl'actised, will ensm·e to the mas on, the approbation of his own conscience, and that of the wot·ld. 'Ve. should, thei·efot·e, study to act wdl our parts on tlt c great theatre of life, and as an inducement to our persevcrence, let us "mark the perfect man, and

behold the upright; for the end of t!1at man is ncace.' '


OJ tke Degree of .lJ'Iaster Mason. 'rhe degree of Master Mason, is much more impm·taut than the preceeding degt·ecs. The ceremonies attending tbis stage of out· pl'Ofcssion, are so· }emu and imprc.ssive, aml duties aml obligations of tho highest ordet· are assigned us. From this chtss, lhc rulers of t•egular bodies of Masons, iu the first tbrl.'e degrees of Masonry are selected ; as it is only fl'Om those who are capnbla of giving instruction, that we can properly expect to rec.eive it. The 1ccture of this degree, considered separately ft·om the duties of present, or past Master1 is divi: dcd into three sectjons.

Fi1•st Section. The ceremony of initiation into the third degree is particularly specified iu this branch of the lecture, and many other useful instructions are given. Such • the importance of this section, that be

who is unacquainted with it, is illy lillltlified to at:t as a ruler or gove.t·uor of the w01·k. 'rhe following passages of scriptUl·e are introdu· ced iu t.his section.

JlzEUEL xxxvn. 1-10. " The hand of th rtl waa; me, and cnr· l'ie(\ me out in the spirit of the Lord1 and set JUG


YAST E lt ).J: A S U~ ,

don·n in the midst of the valley Lhat was full of bones. " And he caused me to pass them round about and behold, there were very many iu the open valley, and lo! they wm·e very dry. "And he said unto me, son of man can these bones live? and I answered, 0 Lord, thou know-

est. "Again he said unto me, prophecy upon these bones, and say unto them, 0 ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lot·d. "Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, anu

ye shall live; "And I will lay sinews u110n you, and will brin; up flesh upon you, antl cover you with skin, and lJllt bt·eatu in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall ]mow I am the Lord. "8o 1 prophecied as I was commanded ; and as l prophecicd, there was ft.cJ~oise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came t~ther, bone to his bone. "And when I behel~ lo 1 the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and- the- skin covered them above; but thet·e wa s no breath in them. "Then said he unto me, p1·ophecy unto the wind, prophecy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God : come from the four winds 0 bt·eath, and bt•eathe upon these slain that they may live. "So I prophecie<l ns he commanded me, and the breath came iuto them, antl they lived." . ~n this sccti are explained the working, tools


vfa laster ~Jason, which are all the implements

of t~.sonry indiscl'iminately, but more particularly tile bowel. Tl1e 'Crowel, is an instrument marla use of operative :M.asons, to spread which U· nite ding into one



e mason are


for the more noble and gl~ious purpose of sp ing the cement of brotherly love and affection ; tbt cotne unites us into one sacred hand, or aociety of rien s- and brothers, among whom no contention shoultl ever exist, but thatnoble conten• ti"on, or rather emulation, of who can best worl£ or best agree. The trowel teaches, that notbing c~n be united without proper cement, and tb~ the pf!ection o$_ a building must tlepend on the manner thll



to view &

t,Njj~1l'len.& to t~

of virtue, RJ


seldom equalled, and never excelled in the history of man. In this section is likewise inculcated th~ important doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Never has any nation been discovered on the face of the earth, so rude and barbarous, that in the n1idst of their wildest superstitious, ther~ was not cherished among them, some expectation of a state after death, in which virtue would be rewarded and vice punished. :Many of the sh·ongest passions of our nature are made to have a clea1· reference to a future existance of the soul. 'J'he love of fame, the ardent concern which so often prevails about futurity, all allude to somcwl1at in which men sup· pose themselves to be personally conce~ned after death. The concern of the good and the bad~ bear witness to a world which is to come .; and sl'l· il,om do men leave this world without some fea1·s Ol'

an. presages M'hat is hereafter to befal then1.

hopes res ecting it; some secret anticipations


Thou, .0 Go(l! know'JN .our an uprising, and understandest <>;ur thoughts af off. Shield and defend us ft:om t!lc evil intentiQDs of Qtu' enemies, and support us under tho trials au aftlictions we are destin.ecl to endure_, whilst travel· ling through this 'ale of tears. an that is ho-m of woman is few of days and full of b'ouble. He cometh forth as a flo wet· and is cut down ; e tleeth also as a shadow and continueth -not. S ing his days arc determined, the nnmtieJ' of months are with thee; tb.Q:\1 hast aPP'tp~!f!.:~~


bounds that he cannot pass ; turn from him that lu~ may rest till he shall accompli.s h his llay. For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and the tender branches thereof will not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man 5iveth up the ghost, and w~e is be? as the waters fail from the sea, and the Hood decayeth and d1ietb up, so man lieth dow~ and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. Yet, 0 Lord ! have compassion on t11e chil<lren of thy creation ; administer them comfort in time of tronlllr, ami save .them with an everlasting salvation.-Ameu! 8o mole it be !

'l'!tefollowing passages of Sc1'ip,tu1•e aJ•eint1•oduceil• • EccLESIASTES xu. t-1. II Re ember thy Creator fh the dlfS of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the year• draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleas .. ure io tl1em. - -"While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or tha stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after thei»aia. "In the day when the keepers of the bouse shall tremble, and the slrong men shalllJOw themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, ant these- that look oat of the windows be darkened; "And doors shall be shut in tl:te streets. when the sound of th~ grinding is low; and l1e shall rise up at tbe Yoice of t e bird; and all the daughters of music sh.a.ll be b~ought low; ·

196 "Also when they slmll be aft·aid of that which is higl1, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grassl10ppcr be a burthen, and desire shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and,.the mourners go about the streets: " Or ever the silrer chord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitchtw be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern ; " Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, am\ the sph·it unto Gotl who gave it,"

TM1•d Section. 1 strates certain hieroglyphical emblems, and incu cates many useful lessons, to extend kuowledge and promote virtue. In this branch of the lecture, many particulars relative to King Solomon's Temple are considered. This magnificent Temple was founded in the fourth year of the rei Df 8 mon, on the second of the month of Zif, being the second month of the sacred year. It was situate on ............r.t.,..""u' near the pla.ce where Abraham was up his son Isaac, and where David pcasell the destroying angel. No sb·ucture was eve1: like this for exact propor· tion and beautiful dime ions, from the magnificent Portico in the East, to the sanctum sartctorum in the west; with numerous apartments for the Kings and Princes, the Sanhe<lrim, the Priests and Le· vites oflsrael, an£1 the outer court for the Gentiles, it being~ honse.ofp1·aycr for all nations, and capable

to receive

lltrC)Cti,Onl ; the gate Pat>bar was at the nortli. R2



west of the temple. At the side of every gate, aud corner of the court, houses were built. Into this outer court, ercry clean Hebrew, or proselyte of the covenant, might enter. In our saviour's time there was a court of the Gentiles without this. In the middle of the outer court, but nearer to the west encl, there was a court of the Levites, sh·etching from. east to west, and was surrounded by a low wall about four feet high, that the people might 1 Q' er the top of it, see what was doing by the priests. This court :baa two entrances, one on the north side, the other on the south. In thi& court, just b~fore the e the temple, stood the brazen altar, tm4 azen sea ancl lav.ers. 'the temple, properly ailed, stood t't·om east to west, near the west en of the court of the Pries~. On each side of its en trance was a.: pillar. eig~ bits high and twelve cubits in circumference. assing tJuough this porch, you enteretl the sanctua. 1·y, or holy place, a.t the west end of which, stood s n 11 ride, and on twel foa.v. of shew




!louse was reared with alternate layers of fine cedar wood and hewn marble; the inside was carved with figures of cberubims and palm trees, and the whole inside, floor, walls and roof, was overlaid with gold. The oracle had no windows ; the sanctuary, narrow dows, light About elev mmrihR a er fhe lfn1111lM!J• ed, and just before the feast of the tal>erllicl:illlhi~ temple was furnished with the ark, cred utensils, and the shechinah, or cloud of divine glory, entered it and took up its rest over the ark, between the cherubims ; and it as dedicate~~ solemn prayer by Solomon, and by seven days sa. cred feasting, and by a peace offeriug of twenty thousand oxen, and one hundr and twenty thousand she~, to consume which, holy flreranew came down f:rom heaven. · Tbjj temple remained a~ut ia its glol'Yf" w n Shish~ King of Egypt .Tern· salem aml caried away its treasures, A. M. 3038. UndeJ Jchoram Ahaziah aml Athnliah, itwa:s much ec e , but J ehoida, and J oash repah·ell it about A . .1\'I . 3150. .O..ha~, Kin; of Judah, l1aviug bought the assis• tano eser, Kin et Assyr· ainst the Kings of Syrta ancl Damascus, e at war with him, robbed the temple of its riches, togive · foreig11 King. Not content with that, by setting up ther n altar cop1~~Plll-'l& llad ~sen at Dam~1 and taking ttdl.~lill~-lat;. Solo 1 mide.also tooli a.w t ~11ea. off the bra-

en that su1>1>orted it~ and the brazen basoXlt



from their pedestals, and the King's throne, to .f!lre.: vellt their being carried oft' by the King of Assyria. He pillaged the temple, broke tile sacred vessel~t, a-nd shut up the house of God. Bezekiak, the son and successor of Ahaz, open· ed and repait·ed the gates of the temple ; restored tbe worship of the Lord, and caused new sact·ecl yessels to be made. But in the 14th year of his· reign, Sennaclzerib, King of Assyria, coming witlt a.n army into the land of Judah, Hczckiab waa forced to the riches of the temple, to gi\'e them• to the King of Assyria . .Manasseh profaned the temple by setting up a\. tars and idols, by which he worshipped the host of heaven, even in tbe courts. Manasseh wastaken prisoner by the King of Babylon, who loaded him with chains, and carl'ied him bey,.ond the Eu· phrates. Here he repented of his sins, and bein§ ·restored to his dominions, be took away the idol1 he had erected, Jestroye<l their altars and set up the altar of burut oii · on which be oft'ere~ ltis ces. Josial~, King of Juda.b, repaired the ~i.ilces of the temple, which had been either neglected ur de. molisbed by his pre<lecessors. He also commanied the J)riests and Levites to replace the ark of the Lord in the. -.nctua~. A, M. 3398, Nebu ad'I)!J'%%af', King o.f Haby· lon, took away a part of tile sacred vessels, an.a. placed them in the temple of Bel us at Babylo under the reign of J choiakem, King of JudtLb. He also garried away othel'S in the 1•eign of Jeconiah1 4· l:l, 3i 5 ; aud i.u the eleventh fear of t!Je re~ll

20i ofZcdckiah, he took Jerusalem antl enth·ely des'royed the temple, A. M. 3416. '£he temple continued in its ruins fifty two years, \vhen Cyrus, King of Persia, A. M. 346~, pel'mittcd the Jews to return to J erusalem1 and rebuild the 'l'emple of the Lord. In this section are explained t e emblematical

symbols represented iu this de6L'Ce. The Pot of Incense Is an emblem of a pure heart, which is alwayS~ au acceptable sacrifice to the deity; and as this glows with fervent heat, so should our hearts continually glow with gratitude to the gt•eat and bcnefi.. cent author of our existance, for the many blessings and comforts we enjoy. "Blessed are the pur~ i.n heal't; fo1· they shall see their God."

The Bee-Hive

Is an emblem of industry, and should inculcate on our minds, that as we came into the world rtt.· tionaland intelligent beings, so should we be indus· trious ones ; never sitting down contented when our fellows around us are in want, when it is in our power to relieve them without injury to ourselves. It has pleased the Almighty Architect to hava formed an a dependant creature; dependant on }tim who created him, and dependa:at on each oth. er. He1 therefore, who is not indultrious, temper~


ate and discreet, in tbe station which Divine Pro. vidence has assigned him-wbo does not, according to the best ofbis abilities, exert his endeavours to promote the good of his fellow creatures, may be justly considered as a drone in the hit,e-a uselcu member of societf4

The Book of Constitution•, guarded bg the Tyler's Sword lteminlls us that we should ever be watchful ana guarded, in our thoughts words and actions, particularly before the enemies of Masonry ; ever bear~ ing in mind those truly Masonic vh·tues, silence and circumspection.


The Sword pointing to a naked, Be·a,rt' llemonsfrates that justice will sooner or later overtake us, and although our thoughts, words and actions, be hidden ~ t e eyes of man, yet noth. in; ca i11ceal them from tl:i.e omnipresent God.

The all seeing Eye '

Is emblematicai of the Omnipotent Sovereign of the univ~rse, whom the sun, moon and stars ohey ~ whose presence perva(les all space, ~nd to whom the secrets of all hearts are known. He penetrates our every thought; he hears every wo1·d ; he sees every action of our lives, and will ultimately l'C•

w.ard every o11e according to his works.



Tlle .4.nchm• anil Jlrlc• .The J11•l;: is an emblem of tbat divine Ark, whick safely wafts us over this sea oftroubles. The Jl.nch~ Dl' is emblematical of the well grounded hope, which tl1ey, who faithfully pe1·form their duty in this life, may entertain of being at last, happily ~oored in a. blessed harbom·: where the "wicked cease


h'oullling and tbe weat·y are at rest." 'l'lw 47th P2'ublem of EucUd. ' 'In a.ny right angled triangle, the &quare whick is dcscribctl upon the side subtcndiug the right angle, is et1n:tl to the squares desct·ihed upon the sitles, which contain the right angle." It is said that Pythagoras having discovered this proposition, sact·ificed a Hecatomb, (that is one hundrei en) to the muses, .to retut•n thanks for their assistance, su{'posing it above the power of human invention. 'fhis problem is introduced into Masom·y, to teach tho b1-ethrmt, the value o1'"lhc arts an£1 sciences, and that by patience and pcrsevet·eucc, they may at least, be able to make some discoveries, which will.enable them to render a se ce to the COJl1mu~

nity. The Hou1· Glass Is an lem of human life. Behold how swift~ ly the sands run, and how rapidly our lives are tlra.wing to a close!

The sand runs almost imper-

ceptibly to the end .of .the hour ; wastes man !



To tlay he 1mts forth the tenclcr leaves of hopei to-morrow, blossoms and bears his blushing honors thick upon him; the next llay comes a fro::.t which nips the shoot, and when lu~ thinks his greatness still aspiring, he falls like antmnu le:m~s. to enrich our mother earth. ·

Is an emblem of time, which cuts th e In·HU,1 thread oflife 11.nd launches us into eternity. 1Vhat ba~·oc tloes the scythe of time make among the Jm. man t•ace! If by chance we should escape the tmmerous evils incident to cllildhood and yout11, a111l with health and vigour arriYe to years of manhootl, yet, we must soon be cut dowu by the desh·oying

l1and of time, and be gathered unto our fathers.'l'he scythe should remind us, that yet a little while and the archangel will sound the trump and pro·

. claim "there will be time no longer." 'fllen aim· sell opportunities will J;JJVer return, and new opportuni tes will noL lie offered. "\Ve should, there· fore make good use of our time; reflect that yesterday cannot lte recalled; to-mo1·row cannot be assured; to day only is ours, which if we procrastinate we loose, and if lost, is lost forevet·.

The three Steps. Usually ueleniated upon the Master' rpet; are emblematical of the three principal stages of human life ; youth, manhood aud age. In youth, as en· tered lli>pl'entices1 we ought iudustriously to occupy



.our minds, in the attainment of useful knowledge; .in manhood, as fellow crafts, we should apply our knowledge to the discharge of our respective dutie~ to God, our neighbours am\ ouselves, so that in age as Master Mason&, we may enjoy the happy tions couseq uent on a well spent life, and tlic in the llope of a slorious immortality.

Chm•ge at Init·iation into the thiJ•d de~·ee . lJROTliElt:

Your zeal for the institution of Masonry; the progt·css you have made in the knowledge of its mystet·ies aud your conformity to our regulations, have pointed you out ns a prnper object of our favour and esteem. You are bound by duty, honor and gratitude, to be faithful to your trust, to support the dignity of your character on eve1·y occasion, and to enforce by precept. and example, obedience 'to the tenets of the order. In the character of zrMaste~Mason, you authorised to correct the irregularities of our less ·i n· i'o1·med brethren, and guard them aga: t a breach of fi.delity. To preserve un ullied the reputation of the fraternity must be your constant care; and for this purpose it is your province to recommend to your inferiors, obeuience and submission; to your equals, courtesy and affability; to your Sl.l• peri kindness and condescension. Universal benevolence, you are always to iooulcate ; and by the regularity of your own behav.our, afford the best ~J.ample _for the conduct of others less informed.





·M .-\STER


~L'he ancient land maries of the order, entrusted to ~our care, you are carefully, to presarve; and ll CV· er suffer them to be infringed, or countenance a !leviation ft·om the established usages and customs of the fraternity. Yom· virtue, honor and reputation, are concerned in supporting with dignity, the character you Let no motive, therefore, make ~· ott now beat·. swcl!Ve ft·om your duty, violate your vows, or he· tray your trust ; but be h'LJe and faithful, and imi· tate the ex ample of that celelnated artist you ha\·e this evening represented. Thus you will t·cndcr yourself deserving the honor which we have COl! · fel'l'ed, and merit t}te confidence we have reposed.


'l"he Master Mason imposes on llimsel£ duties 1uuch more important than in the preceding degrees; duties which are (ull of moral vil'tne and christian charity. When-tdftiction has assailed a brothrr, and his necessitiell~l for our aid atHl support, we shoultl be ever r to step forward to his relief, and af. forrl him such ~ssistance, as may not be injurious to our families if found worthy thereof. As the good things of this world are partially tlispense£1, and !ome are opulent, while others are contending with the storms and tempests of the wm·hl, we are solemnly enjoined to manifest our good will to a brother, be be ever so poor, because it is the internal and not the external qualifications .of a man which masonry regards •.





The Master Mason is solemnly requirell to clefcnd the reputation of a. brother when wrongfully assailed, in his absence, as well as in his presen~e ; and, as man in th~ present state of existence is imJ>Crfect, to cast the mantle of oblivion over his errors and imperfections; this is one great object of that charity which Masonry inculcates, and which is so eloquently £lescribed by the great apostle of the Gentiles. The neglect of this virtue has often been the sout•ce of great disorders; mankind are but too prone to indulge an unchal'itable disposition ; to ascribe to those who differ from them iu sentiment, the worst views aml motives. This imputation of sinister designs produces an acrimonious state of society, and causes divisions pl·oductivc of private misery and public unhappiness. Iu the ot·ganization of the human mind, and in the structure of civil society, it was intended there shoul<l exist a variety of opinions ; And when these neither disturb public order, or endanger the public welftue, shoulcl not camlor give c1·edit to others for the same purity or-moth•ee, which we are conscious of possessing om·sel ves ? So much is l'equired of o. mason in his charitable. donations, as discretion and his own situation shall. limit. 'rhis <luty is solemnly imposell upon the Mastet· Mason ; he is taught to consider it as one. of the brightest jewels in the temple of Masonry c. as a virtue which more than any other assimilates. man t 's beneficent creator. It is like a fruitful oli\'e tree, planted by the side of o. fountain; ito spreads its at•ms abroad from tire strength and opu~ lence of its situation,. ~nd lenlleth its shade fo~· the

20S repose nnd relief of iliosc who nrc gathe1·ed un 11er its branches. Charity, when given with a willi 11 :;, .,. IJand, is glorious as the beams of the morning, in lVhose beauty thousands rejoice; it opens the hcnt·t to the divine effusions of unlimited sympathy aJI(l bene,·olencc, rubs ofF that rnst which would gnthcr around it, aud corJ•ode every exquisite sens:ltion. Eut it is a ''irtae of l'Cilection as well as feeling ; iu the due exercise of it, reason, no less than impulsr.• l1as its dnty to perform; these should be properly t.empere and balanced; for while on the one han()~ cold •·cflcction oug1It not at all times to benumb the ·generous exertions of an amiable impulse, so, on the other, ought not an ardent sensibility to stitnU·· late to an improper lavishment of tbat which might be wanted for more fit occasions. Another duty which a Mason imposes upov. himself, is temperance-an inattention to wlticb, frequently leads to the prostration of every other virtue. Intemperance when it becomes a settletl )u,ijit is attended with innumerable evils ; it palsies all those :fine qualities of the mind which elevate man to the similitud-e of the So preme Being ; it ob· literates all those sublime rirtue!!l and excellences which ha\'e distinguished man as the noblest work of God; it sinks him below the inanimate brute; for the latter pursues tlte design of his creator, whereas mao, by wantonly deprh·ing himself that reason wberewith he is endowed, entirely disappoints the views of his creator. . Can there be a more melancholy object than a human being in this degraded state, where a dark and gloomy Yeil is drawn over the faculties of the min<l; where the ~




man, who a few hours before, was ad mit·ed for the brilliant display of his talents and genius, is now con· temned for his follies and extravagancies; a subject of derision or compassion. It is our duty then, to ei·adicatc from our hearts, the poisonous weeds of vice, that the seeds of temperance and virtue, may vegitate and flourish ; to beware of intemperuncc, tl1at \Vc may be prepared at all times dis·,. charge the tlutics of our profession. In addition to the duties here enumerated, thetlifl'crcnt degrees of .l\~Ltsonry inculcate others of the }Jighest consequence, which are necessary to pi·actice, to he approved as tnte :Freemasons. Begin:niug within tl.Jc circle of the mo1·e domestic and so.cial duties, tlJC :Mason's bosom should dilate to the more enla1·ged circle of public duties he owes to his country ; and not confining his affections even there, his heart sl10uld expand to the spacious cir. de of human nature, and swell with emotions of universal love and benevolence. A due attentiott to these virtues will invigorate the cementing principle :f brotherly love;- which-is- ihe grand basis of Masonry. The practice of these virtues, will also smooth those asperities which are found in the rogged path·of life, and make us glide more gently down to that future state of bli8s, which n: life thus spent will eusure us. Thus having fulfilled the purposes of our creation,.. and done honor to the inestimable principles oftheJ.nstitution, we will, by approving oursehtes good Freem ons, at the same time approve ourselves good men, good citizens and goo.d christians;


s 2


QJ the cef'emony of constituting a Lodge of MASTER MASONS.

Any numhe1• oi Master :Masons, not under ~;even , uesirous of forming a new Lotlge, must apply by petition, to the Grand Lodge of the state in whicll they reside, or to the Grand Master, setting forth, "1'hat they are Free and: Accepted Masons ; that tb .. re at present, or have been, members of I'egular lodges; that, having the prosperity of the fraternity at heart, they are willing to exert their best endeavors to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of ~iasonry; that, for the convenience .of their respective dwellings, and for other good I'Casons, they are desirous of forming a new Lotlge jn the town o f - - - to be named ; that in consequence of this desire, they pray for letters of dispensation, or a warrant of constitution, to empower them to assemble as a legal Lo(lge, to ftiecharge the duties of Masonry in a 1·egul&J: and



constitutional manner, accorcling to tl1e original ft>rms of the orcler, and the regulations of the & 1·and Loclge. That they have. nominatetl and do recommend A. B. to be first 1\laster, C. D. to b0 :lrst Senior Warden and E. }( to be first Jnnio~ ·warden of the said Lodge; that if the prayer oi their petition is granted, they p1•omise a strict conformity to all constitutional laws and regulations ~f the Grand Lodge." The petition being signed by at leaet seven regu~ lar Master Masons, and recommemled by a lodge ur lodges adjacent to the place where the new Lodge is to be holden, is forwarded to the Grand Sect·etary1 who lays it before tlte Grand Lodge Ol' the &rand Master.* If the petition is approved, a dispensatio · s gell· erally issued, signed by the Grand Master or Der puty Graml Master, which authorises the petitioners to assemble as a legal Lodge, for a certain spe:cifted time. In some jurisdictions, the Grand and Depu.ty 61'1md asters, respec~~ted with the power of granting dispensations during the recess of the Grand Lodge; in others, they arc nevar illsued without the 11pecial direction of the Grana Lodge. Lodges under dispensation are considered mere ..

'* lt the brethren petitioning for a dispensation, or warrant, re i~ at 10 great a distance from a regular Lodge, &It to render it inconvenient or impracticable to procure a re• commendation, i as been considered that the recommen· ~ation of three or more well koowtt and appnaved Master t{uons is sufficient~



ly as agents of the Grand J,odgc; tl1eh· presicli11g eflicers are not entitled to the rank of Past Mas. ters ; their officers have no vote in Grand Lotlge; they cannot change tueir oflicers without the special approbation and appointment of the Grand Lodge ; and in case of the cessation of such lodges, their funds, jewels and other property,. become the Ilro. perty of the Grand Lodge, and must be delivered. evet• to the Grand Trcasut·er. When Lodges instituted by dispensation have passed a proper time of probation, they make application to the Grand Lodge for a charter of con. stilulion. If this is granted, they are then confit·m· ed in the possession of their property, and possess all tl1e rights and privileges of regularly coustituted lodges as long as they conform to the constitutions f>f Masonry• .A.ftet· a charter is granted the Grand Ma.ster appoints a day for conHecraHng and constituting the new Lodge, and for installing its officers. If the Grand Master, i:u...person, p.ttends the cer· emon~J..odge is said to be constitut~d in ample form ; if the Deputy Grand 1\'Iaste only, it is said to be constituted in due form; but if the power is ''estecl in a subordinate Lodge, it is eaid to be con· stitntecl inform, When charte,·s are granted for places, wl1ere the distance is so great as to render it inconvenient for the Gt·and officers to attend, the Grand Master, or his deputy, issues a written instrument under his l1and and private seal, to some worthy present or Past Mastct·, with full power to CODj5l'egate1 con~ ~tute and install the petitioners,_ ·




of Ctmstitution and CongecJ•ation.

On the (lay and &our appointed, the Grand Mas .. ter and bis officers meet in a convenient room, neal' to that in which the Lodge to be constituted is as. ,;emhle<l, and open the Grand Lodge in the three cegrees of MasOIIl'f. The officers of the new Lodge ar~ to he examill· W. by the dep11ty Grand Master, after which they return to their Lodge-. The new lo-dge then sendsa messenger to the -Gra.nd Master with the follow..iog Message viz: :\{OST



The officers and brethren - - - - I~dge, 1tho are assembled at - - - llave instructed me to inform you that the Most Worshipful Grand Lod§c [orG:raudl\laster,] wu pleased te grant th.em a letter oC dispensation, bear.,. ing date the day o f - in the year au.. thorising them to form and open a Lodge of Free and Actepted Masons;-~ ; that since that period, they have regularly assembled and conducted the business of Masonry, accordln;. to the best of their abilities ; that their proceedings having received the approbation of the Most W or~ shipful Grand Lodge, they hnYe obtained a charter of constitution, and an desit·ous that theit· Lodge sbottld be consecrated, ami tlleir officers installed,. agreeably to the "ncient usages and customs of the craft; for which purpose they are now met, and await the pleasure of the Most Worshipful Grand aster.~'



He then 1·cturns to his Lodge, wbo prepare for the reception of the Grand Lodge. "V\rhen nolice is given that they are pre11ared, the Grand Lotlgc walk in procession to their ball. When the Grand Mastm· enters, the grand honors are given by tlm l'lew Lodge; the officers of which resign their seats to the Grand officers, and take their several stations on the left. The necessary cautions are then given, and all except· Masters, and past Mastet·s of Lodges, are requested to ntire until the master of the new Lodge is placed in the cha.h· ot Solomon. He is 'there hound to the faithful performance of his b·ust, and invested with the characteristics of the chair. Upon doe notice the Grand Marshal reconducts the brethren into the Hall, and all take their place• except the members of the new Lodge, who form & procession on one side of the hall to salute their Master. A~ they advance the Grand Master ad. <lresses them, "Br·etlwen beholiL yom• .Master."As they 11ass they make the proper salutation l and whetrthP.y have all passed he joins them ani takes his app.ropri~te station. A Grand Procession is then formed in the follow·. ing order )

'ryle1• with a dt·awn Swm•il ; Two Stewards U'ith white 1•ods ; Entered JlppJ•entices; :Fellow Crafts; Ste'WfJJrds ; Junior Deacons; Se1lio1• Deacons ; ·



Sec1•etm•ies; TreasU/rers J Past Warde'ns; •Tu,nior JVa,•dens ; Se.niot' JVardens J Past Masters; I~oyal .ll.rck .Masons 1 lt~niglzt 'l'empla,rs; Jllasters qf Lodge8. 'rhe new Lotlge then follows in the followin~ nnler: T!JlP1' with a cl1•aum Sword; StewUI·ds with White 1·ods ; Ente1•ed A.pprentices; Fellow Crafts ; .,'t[aster .:Uasons ; De;J,cons; SeePeta''Y aid Treasurer ; Two Brethren carrying tlze Lodge ; (jloo1•insJ. Jiozior• antl Senio1• TVardens; The Holy JV¥itings ~ldest member, not in office ; Tlte .illaste1• ;


TilE GRAND LODGE, Grand Tyler, with a draum Swo1•tl; Gro,nd Stewfl..1•ds, witlt wltite 1•ods ; J1 Brother ca'I"'"'!Jing a golden ~~ssel u:ith Co1'n; Two B1•eth1·en ca1'rying s-ilve1"vessels, one of wi1Ulz · the othe1' of Oil ;




Grand Secretary ; G1·and Treasurer ; ,A. b·urnio,g taper, borne by a Past Master ; ,A Past Master, bearing the Holy "\\rritinss ; Square and Compass, supported by Two Stcwar~s with ltods ; Two burning tapers, borne by two Past Masters ; Clergy a.nd Orator; The Tuscan ttnd Composite o1·ders ; 'J,'he Doric, Ionic and Corinthian ordc1·s ; Past .Grand ll"ardens ; Past Deputy Grand Masters ; Past Grand Masters ; The Globes; 1unior and Senior Grand Wardens; Rit;ht Worshipful Deputy Grand Master ; '.fhe Master of the oldest I~odge .c arrying the Book of Constitutions ; 'l,he M. W. Graml Master ; The Grand Deacons, on a line seven feet apart, oa the right antlleft of the Grand Maste1·, with .Hlack Rods ; Grand Sword Beare!'- with a drawn Sword$ Two Stewards with whi ods. The whole procession moves on to the Cborch or place where the ceremonies are to be pel'formed. When the front of the procession al'l'i ves at the door, tbey halt, open to the rit;ht and left, and face inward, wh.Uc the Grand Master, and others in sue • .cession, pass through and enter the 1\ouse. A platform is erected in front of the pulpit, and provided with seats for the accoDUilodation of tlw .~Jrand o.Qicers._



,.l'hc Billie, Square and Compass, an<l Book or Constitutions, are placed upon a table, in ft•ont of the Grand Master; the Lodge is placed in the centre, upon a platform, covered with white satin or linen, and encompassed by three tapers, and the vessels of .coro, wine aud oiL A piece of music is performed, aud the public services commence with prayer. An oration or &et·mou upon the design and principles of the in· stitutioo, is then deliv&·cd by the Grand Chaplain, or some one a.ppointed for that purpose, which is succeedetl by a piece of music. · 'l'he Gt·aud Marshall, then directs the ofticers and membm·s of the new Lodge to form in front of the Grand Master. The deputy Grand Master, then addt•esses the Grand Master as follows : ''MosT WonsUIPFUL : A IJnmbet· of brethren duly instructed in the mysteries of Masonry, having assembled togethet• at stated periods, fot• some time past, by virtue of a dispensation granted them for that pm·pose, do now desire to be constituted into a 'I'B!fltlar lodge, ap·eeably to the ancient usages and customs of the fra• ternity·" · The Secretary of the new Lodge then delivers the dispensation and records to the mastet• elect, who p1·eseuts them to the Grand Master. The Grand Master examines tho records, and if they ar.ofound c_orrect proclaims,

"The recor<}s appear tB b propet·ly entered, and are approved! Upon due deliberatiun, the Grand



. - - . ....




Lodge have granted the brethren of this new lodge a charter confirming them in the rights and privile· ges of a regularly constituted Louge, which the 6:raml Secretary will now read." After the charter is read the G1·and Master the11. says, " 1Ve shall now proceed according to ancient usage, io constitute these brethren into a regular Lo(]ge.' ' Whereupon ihe several officet·s oftbc new Loclga deliver up their jewels and badges to their Mas. ter, who iH"esents them with his own to the Depu· ty Grand Mastet;, and he to the Grand Master. The Deputy Gran(l Master then presents the Master elect of the new Lodge to ihi Grand Mas. ter, .saying,

"MosT W o~sruprur., I present you brother---·wbom the members of the Lodge now to be consti· tuted, have chosen for their Master." The ·Grand Master asks them if they remai11. satisfi.etl with their choice-(tlley bow i token of as.~ent.)

The Master then presents, severally, his War· ·dens and other officers, naming them and their res· pective offices. The C:Jrand Master ,a.sks the bre· thren, if they remain satisfi.e<l with each and all of

them-(they bow as bt>fore.) The officers and members of the new Lodge then form in the bl'Oad aisle. in front of tbe Grand :Master ; an<l the business of consecration commen~ ces with solemp music.



Ceremony of Consecration~ The Grand Master, attended by the Granll ofti... cm·s, and the Grand Chaplain, form themselves in ordet• round the Lodge, which is then uncovered. All devoutly kneeling, the first clause of the conse~ c.:t·ation praye1· is rehearsed, as follows, viz : -



u Gt·eat Architect of tbe universe ! Maker and t·uler of the world! deign, ft•om thy celestial tern~ ple, from realms of light and glory, to bless us iu all the put·poses of om· prese~t assembly! · " \V c humbly invoke thee to give us, at this aud all times, wisdom in all our doing<;~, st1·eng;tk of mind in all our difticu lties, and beauty of harmony in all our communications ! "Permit us, 0 thmt autlwr of ligllt and life, great source of love and happiness, to erect tbii Lodge, and now solemnly to consecrate it to tile honor of thy glory l "Glory be to God on ·high." Response by tke b1•eth1·en-" As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! Amen!" ]Juring the response, the Deputy Grand Master n.ntl the Grand \Vardens, take the vessels of corn, 'rine and oil, and sprinkle the elements of consecration upon the Lod~e. (The Ut·and Chaplain then continues,) "Grant 0 Lord, our God, that those who are now a.boot to be invested with the government of this Lodge, Dlft.Y be endued with wisdom te instruct their brethren in all their dunes. May brotherly lo ' relief and truth always preyail amons the



members of this Lodge; and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world! 't Bless all our brethren, wliCreve1· dispersed j and gnnt speedy relief to all who an~ either op. preuetl or cliatrellliltltl. tt We affectionately commend to thee all the 1nembe1·s of tby whole family. May they increase in the knowledge of thee and the love of each other. "Finally; may we finish all our work here be. low with thy approbation; and then have our transition ft·om this earthly abode to tby heavenly temple above, the1·e to enjoy light, glory and bliss, inetfable and eternal ! Glory be to God on high." Response by the brethren-" As it was in the be. ginning, is now, and ever shall he !-Amen ! So mote it be !-Amen ! The brethren t•ise while the Lodge is covered. The following ode is sung:

Ode at constituting a Lodge. Genius of Masonry descend, Anti witl1 thee bring thy spotless train ; Constant our sacred rites attend, While we adore thy pea~elul reign . Come, Charity, with goodnPss crown'~· Encircled in thy heavenly robe ; · Diffuse thy blessings all around , . 'l'o every come•· of the globe. Thy well built pile shall long endure,

'l'hrough rolling years preserve its prime,


V pon a rock it stands secure, And bears the rude assault of time.

¥ tl happy few, wbo here extend, In perfect lines from East to West, With fervent zeal the Lodge defend, And lock its aecrets in eaell breast. Behold the planets, how th'!y move, Yet keep due order as they run; 'rhen imitate the stars above, And shine resplendent as the sun ; That future Masons when they n1eet, May all our glorious deeds rehearse, And say, their fathers were so great, That they adorned the universe.

The Grand Chaplain then dedicates the Lodg~·· .in tbe following terms : "To the mem01·y of HoLY ST. JouN, we de,li~ cate this Lo(lge. May every brother revere his character and imitate his virtues." " Glory be to God on high." To wbich the brethren answer, "As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world ' without end !-Amel'l !-So mote it bel The following bymu is then sung, during which the officers ofthc new Lodge advance in procession to sa-lute the Grand Lodge, with their hands crossed npon their breast, and bowing as they pass... They then take their places, and stand as they were.



_ ',



Hymn. Great source of light and love, 'fo thee out· songs we raise ! 0 ! in thy temple, Lord, above, Hear and aecept our praise ! Shine on this festive day, Succeed its hop'd design, And may our charity display A love resembling thine.

May this fraternal band, Now consecrated-blest,

In uxion all diating~isb 'd stand., In purit!l be drest ! May all the sons of peace; Their every grace improve; 'Till discord through the nations ceas•, And all the world be love !

:As soon as the music ceases, the Grand Master rises, and constitutls the Ledge in the following form: "In the name of. the Most Worshipful Grand .Lodge or. I now constitute.and form you my goo brethren, into a Lodge of Free and accep· ted Masons. ]£rom. henceforth, by virtue of the power aacl &Ulliority in me vested, I empower you to act- as a regular lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of our order,. au·d the charges of our an• ~ient and ~onorable fraternity ; ~nd may the SU 4


prcme al·chitect of the universe prosper, direct and . " counsel you .m a11 your d omgs. To which tl1e brethren answer, "So mote it be.". The ceremony of installation then succeeds.

CeJ'emon1J oJ .btstallation. The Grand Master then asks his Depu , "have you examined the master nominated in the warrant, and do you find him well skilled in the science,.of Masonry, ancl worthy to be invested with the gov• ernmel_lt of a Lodge ?" The Deputy Grand Master answeriog in the affirmative, the Grand Master says, "P1·esent him to me." 'l'he Deputy Grand Master then takes the mast· elect by the hand and presents him to the Grand Master, saying : ·"MosT WoRSHIPFUL, "I present you my worthy brotiJei• - - - - t o be installed Master of this new Lodge. I ftnd him to be of good morals and of great skill, true and trusty; and as he is a lover of the whole fra.ieraity, wheresoever dispersed over the face of the earth, I doobt not he will discharge hil duty with :fidelity." The G1·and Chaplain then rehearses the follow· ~PIAJBr:

"Great Architect of Heaven and .Eutb ! in ~whose work all life is employed. The whole is llarmony in. thee, each par has its place and all isperfect. Behold us, who form this apart~nent in



1hy works, small indeed in itself, but vast enough for our full employment. "G1·ant that thy servant, uow to be solemnly invested with authorty and rule over this Lodge, may be endued with knowledge and wisdom; and may the brethren under his jurisdiction, unde1·stand, Jearn and k<'ep all the statutes of the .Lord, pure and undefiled. May brotherly love and charity always abound amon~; us. And when we have :tlnished our work here below, let our transition be from this earthly tabernacle to tlte heavenly tem_ple above; there, among tlty jewels, may we ap. pear in thy glory forever and ever. Bless and prosper, we pray thee, every brancl1 and member of this fraternity throughout the babi. table earth. May the kingdom of peace, love and llarmony, come; May thy will be done on earth, -as it is in heaven ; and the whole world be :llllei with thy ~lory.-Amen ! Response-" So mote it be!" 1'he Grand Master then addresses the Master

elect: li"BnoTHER1

Previous to your investure, it is necessary that yon signify your assent to those ancient charges and rej;ulations which point out the duty of a master of a lodge." The Grand Master then reads, or orders to be -tead; to the master elect, the following charges ~

L You agree to be a. good man and trne1 ana 8trictly to obey the mor~ll~w~



II. You agree to be a peaceful subject. and cheer.. fullJ to conform to the laws of the country in whicll ;you t·eside. III. You promise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against government, but patientlJ

to aubwit Wthe aiUilitU&I Uf thl •uttraw.e le&illiL•

ture. IV. You agree to pay a proper reap to the civil magiatrate, to work diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men. V. You agree to hold in veneration, tbe origin.: alrulcrs and patrons of tho order of Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, according to their several stations ; and to submit to the awards and resolutions of your brethren. when convened, in every case consistent with the. constitutions ot the order. VL You agree to avoid private piques and quar.. rels, and to guard against intemperance and ex.cess•. VII. You agree to be cautious in carriage and behaviour, courteous to your brethren, and faithful to your Lodge. VIII. You promise to reji;pect genuine brethren, and to discountenance impostors, and all dissenters from th~original plan of Masonry. IX. Yon agt·ee to promote the general good of socioty, to cultivate the social virtues, and to lll'Op:t!;ate the knowledge of the art. X. You promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time being, and his officers duly installed.; and strictly to conform to every edict of the Grand Lod~, that is no.t •abversi ~·e of the prin • ciples and ground work of Masonry,



XI. You ad'mit that it is not in the power of 1rny Jnan or body of men, to· make innovations in the body of Masonry. XII. You promise a 1·egnlar attendance on the communications of the grand Lodge on receiving jlroper notice, and to pey a proper attention to the euties of masonry on convenient occasions. XIII. You admit that no new Lodge shall be formed without p'Brmission of the Grand Lodge, . and that no countenance be given to any it·r~gular Lodge, or to any person clandestinely made therein, being contrary to the ancient usages of the order,· XIV. You admit that no· person can be made a Mason in, or admitted a member of any regular :Lodge, without previous notice, ami due enquiry into his character.. XV. Y o"u agree· that no visitors shall be reteived into your bodge without due examination, find producing prope1· vouchers' of' their having been in itiated in a regular I~odge. The Grand Master then addr-esses the Master elect, and says :· "These are the regulations of fi·ee·and aceepted Masons. Do you submit to these charges,· and promise to support these t•egu lations, as Masters have done in all ages before you ?" 1.'he new Master having answered in ihe affirmative, the Grand Mastel' tbua addresses him : fl .BROTHER,

" In consequence or your cheerful confor· lbity to the charges and regulations of the order~ you •e now to be installed master of this new


A.. - c!ENT



L odge, in full confidence of your skill and capac1l.y to govcr11 the same." The Grand .Master then proceecls as follows : " I in-vest you with the honorable badge of the office of Master, and now present you. with the furjtiture and implements of your Lod,;e. "The Holy W2itings, that great light in Masonry will guide you to all truth ; it will ditect our paths to the temple of happiness, and poin~ out the whole duty of man. " The 8qtta1•e, ·teaches to regulate om· nctious, and harmonize our cmuluct by the 1n·inciples ot' mot•ality and vit·tue. " The Compass teaches to limit our desires in every station, that rising to eminence by merit, we may-l-ive respecte£1 and die t•egretted. " The Rztle directs, that we shouJd punctually observe our duty; p1·es8 forwa1·d "n the path of virtue, and, neither .inclining to tlie right nor -t o the -left, in all our action~ have eternity in view. " The L ine teaches the cl'iterion of moral rectit ude, to avoid dissimulation in conversation and action, and to direct our steps to the path which. ·leads to immo1•tality. "Tl1e Book of Constitutions you are to search. at all times, cause it to be read. in your Lodge, that none may preten£1 ignorance of the e;x.cellcnt pre.cetlts it enjoins. • " Lastly; You receive in charge tl1e Bye-Laws of your Lodge, which you are to see ca1•efully and punctually executed." The j ewels of the om<:en of the new Lodge be~ "in15 then returned to the master, he delivetS the~



respectively to the several officers of the Grand Lodge according to their rank. The subordinate officet•s of the new 14odge ara then invested with thch· jewels, by the Graml offi. (:ers of corresponding rank ; a.ucl are by them, &e· verally in turn, conducted to the Grand Master, who delivers each a short charge as follows : To the S enio'l' Wa1•den . ·" HnoTllER,- You are appointed Seniol' Wilt·· den of this Lodge, and are now invested wilh the ensign of your office. . 'rhe Le1>el demonstrates that we are descended f1·om the Bame stock, partake of the same nature, and shan~ the same hope; and although distinctions among men are necessary to presrve subordina· tion, yet uo eminence of station should mlke us forget that we are brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest spoke of fortune's wheel, may be en. titled to ourregzu·d; because a time will come,~ and the wiseatJurows not how soon, when all distinctions but that of goodness liha.ll cease ; and death, the gnnd leveller of human greatness, reduce us all to tho same state. Your regular attendance on the stated and other meetings of the Lodge, is essentially necessary.In the absence of the .Master, you are to govern the LQdge; in his presence, ·to assist. him in the gov· m·nment ofit. I Jlrmly rely on your knowledge of Masomw aml attachment to the lodge, for the faith· ful clischas·ge of the duties of your trust. Look

wll to the weel ~~



To tlze Juniol' TFarilcn. HRoTmm,-You are appointed .T unioJ.' \Var Jcn of this Lodgt•, and arc now inycstcd wilh thr. l)[u]_;e of your office. 'l'he Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in. onr several stations, to hold the scale of · stice i11 etpt:tL poizc, to observe tho just medium between inlempc1'ance and pleasm·c, and to make OUl' pas· Hious and prejudices coiuci1le with the line of our duty. To you is entruste1l the examinatiou of visitors~ aud the t•eception of candillates. To you is also committed the supCI·inlcudnnce of the c1·aft during the hours of I'efresbmcnt; il is tuerefot·c iudispensibly necessary, that you should not only be temperate and discreet in the inclulgence of your own.· • cliuations, but carefully observe that none of fbc craft be suffered to convert the purposes of refreshment iuto intemperance and excess. Your regular and punctual attendance is particularly requested; and I h~ve no doubt that you will faithfully execute the duty which you owe to your pres~nt appointment. Look well to the aoutlt.

To the T1•easure1•. BRoTnEn,-You are .appointed Treasu~er of this Lodge, and have been invested with the badge of your omce. It is your dnty k a faithful ~ccounfrof all"mo· ;niesreceived (Qrt tJ e. oX the Lodge, and pay them out by consent of the Lodge. Your honor; and the




confidence the brethren repose in you, will excit8 to that faithfulness in the discharg~ of the dutiu of~our otlice which its important nature demands.

To tlte Secretary. BnoTilER,-You are appointed Secretary of this Lodge, and han been invested with the badge ofyour oftiae. It is your duty to keep the records regularly, fairly and faithfully; to receive all monies and }lay them into the hands of the Treasurer, and to issue summonses at the blastets direction. Your love .to the craft and attachment to the Lodge will induce you cheerfully to fulfil the duties of your of· :fice; and in: so doing you will merit the esteem or your brethren. To tlte Seni01' and JunilJ'fo DeaC't/n$. BaQTHBRS-You are appoibtea nenco'ns or thif Lodge. It is you1· duty to attend on the Malter and Wardens, and to act as tbeir proxies in the ac: tive duties of the Lodge; such u the reception of candidates, and the introduction and accommoda· lion of visitors. Those -columns, the badges oC your oftlce, I trust to your cate;, in full confidence of your vigilence and att-erllion.

To tn e st'ewa1'cta~

BnoTutms-You are appointed stewiltds olthis, J,odge. 'fhe UUti{'S Of your office arc, to assi in




the collection of all dues ; to lceep an account of J,odge expences; to see the tables properly fur· nished at refreshment, and that every brother is suitably provided for; and generally, to assist the Deacons and other officers, in performing their res· pective duties. Your regular and early attendance will afford the best proof of J'OUr zeal and attach· ment to the Lodge.

To the Tylet'. BaoTUEa-Yon are appoiated 'fyler to tliis Lodge; the duty assigned -you is ,of the utmost lm. portance. Your constant attendance cannot be dis. !lensed with but by permission of the :Master. Be careful, and dis~harge your duty with zeal and vi· gilence. The Grand :Master then addresses tbe oftlcer1 and members of the new Lodge, as follows . WoRsHIPFUL MAsTER-The Grand Lodge having committed to your care the superiotendance and government of the brethren, who are to compose this new Lodge, you cannot be insensible of the ob· ligations which devolve upon you as their head ; nor of your responsibility 1or the faithful discharge of the important duties annexed to your appointment. Tbe honor, reputation a.nd usefulness of your Lodge, witt materially depend upon the skill and assiduity with which you manage its concerns; while the happiness of its members will be general· Jy promoted, in proportion to the zeal and ability



with which you propognte the genuine principles of our institution. · In your cl1aracter as Master of this Lodge, it hecomes your duty to watch the hallowed :flames o£ piety to God, noel love to man ; never snft'el'in~ them to languish, burn tlim, or expire through neg. ligence in tl1e East, l'emisness in the lVest, or in· attention in the South. Exhort the breth1·cn to l'emember tl10se eternal truths, that wisdom and un· derstanding, or in other words, piety and virtue, "are more precious than l'Ubies, or jewels of gold ; ihan coral or pearls ; their fruits being better than gold; their reyenue superior to silver;'' for all ihe " ways of wisdilm are ways of 11leasantness, and all her paths are peace." then persuaded to reverance "the light a. gainst light in three ranlts," at this momenl shines around you, comprehending the light of the H oly Bible, the perfect square and tlw extended compass ; a light enlightning every man who aska and receives. The Holy Bible is given of God, a~ the rule at1d gui<le of tho faith' and practice of Masons. 'J'he Sf.ucwe is to square cvcr:y word and action, jn aH our concerns lVith mankind, by the immutable principles of rectitude and truth, and the sacred laws or morality atHl virtue. The Com'~~ pass teacltes to ciroumsoribe our desires within in·udcntin.llimits, aml keep our passions in those due bounds, wbich revelation bas assigned and reason must approve; constantly maintaining a tongue of good reporl ; evermore preserving inviolable secre· cy, and llnily pr acticiug the Godlike vil'tue of





Impress with feeling of heart, an«l with energy

or expression, the necessity of faith in God, hope in immortality, and the duty or charity to all martkind. Assure the fulness of the craft in the west and in the sooth, that neither strength nor beauty; will ever pass beyond the canopy of time, and rise to the starry heavens of eternal glory, wi\hout the vital encompassings of practical charity, that an, gel of perfection, who triumphs over, distructioo and the grave; puts oft' the mantle of corruption wove in dust, and rising from the tomb full robed in immortality and bliss, spreads the strong pinions of upholding Faith and Hope; and towers with 1·apid speed beyond the dusky vale of earth, to yon bright hill of eternal day, clear as the sun and fairer than the moon, where charity forever dwells an inmate of the throne of God. Charge the members of your Lod1e, to practice out of the Lodge, those duties which they have been taught in it; and by amiable, discreet and virtuous conduct, to convince mankiml of the goodness of the institution; so that when any one is said to be a member of it, the world may know that he is one to whom the burtheue(l heart m&J pour t ita sorrows ; to whom distress may prefer its suit; whose hand is guided by justice and whose heart is expanded by benevolence.

Btro'rsaa SsNIOR AND JUNIOR W ARDBNS-Yo11 are too Well acquainted with the principles of ma~ sonry to warrant any distrust, that 1011 will be found wanting in the discharge of 3our respec. tivo duties. Sumce it(') to mention, that what ytfn U,.



have seen Jlraisewortlly in othN·s, you sLuuld care. fully imitate; anti wlJat in il!eJU may have appea 1•• ell defective, yo u should in yourselves amend; us to you are committed t11e charge of tl1 c pillars of st1·er~gth and beaufl/, you ,;hould set before tLe ln·c. tln·en who sunonrullhosr. pillars, the com of nourishment, the wine ot' reft·cshmcnt and the oil of joy, i n those mo1·al and masonic lessons, which al'e ~ the balm of health, the bleshing of plenty, uull the balsam of peace to a tunsons soul. You shoultl be example~ of good ordet· and regularit~· ; for it is only by a due regar<l to the laws in yom· own cou. duct, that you can expect obedience to them in oth. crs. You are assiduously to assist the master in the discharge of his trust; diil'using light ancl im· l>al'ting lmowlcdgc to all under your cure. ln the absence of the master, you will succeed to higher d uties; your acquirements must, therefore, be such that the craft may never su:trer fot• want of proper instruction. ]from the spirit which you ha vc hjtb. erto evinced, I entertain no doubt that your future co,nduct :will be such as to merit tho applause Qf your brethren, and t,be t~sUJ,n.QUf of a sood CQJl·


B1•etlwen qj' Loclge-Such is the Jl&· ture oi ow· consti,t.1,1tiou, that ll.S some lDUSt of nece.s· sity rule an(l teach, so others must of course learn to submit and obey. Hu.m ilityin both is an es~en· tial duty. The otlicets who are appointed to gov· ern .your Lodge, are sufficiently con\'ersunt with the rules of propriety, RJlU the laws Qf the ipatitu.-

tioa1 to ayoid ~ceeilin~ ihe pow:e1·s w~tll ,whl~. '

ANCIEX1' C EJ:tmiO.NII:.i:lt


1liey arc enh·ustc<l, and yon arc of too generous dis· position~; to CU\'Y thch· JH'efel'llJCUt. I thercfo1·c trust

, ·on will have bnl one aim, to please each other, ;md uuile in the ;;raml ucsigu of IJeiug happy and lOmmuuicating happiness. :Finally, my Lrethreu, as this nssocilllion has been fo1•meu and pm·fected in so much unanimity autl coucord, in which we greatly njtlicc!, iO may it lung continue. :May you long enjoy every satisfac .. tiun n.uu delight which llisintet·estod fl'iellllship can afford. 1\'Iay · dnrss ancl Ll'Otbcrly affection disiin;;uish your conduct as men and as mnsons.'Witliiu your peaceful wa1ls, may your clJildren's children celebrate. with joy ancl gmtiturle tl:e transaclions of this solemnity. Allll may the tenets of ztottr professiO?~, he tt·ausmitteu thl'Ougb your lodge,

pure antl unimpairccl from generation to generation. The Grand Mat·shal then proclaims, "In the name of the Most \\7 orshipful Grantl Lollge of the State o f - - I proclaim this new Lodge, by name o f - - Lodge, uuly con. ,

&tituted. This proclamation is malic thrice, anll each time followed by a flomish of (]rums or trumpets. The Gt·aud Chaplain tben makes the conc~uding prayer, which ends the public ceremonies. The Gt·and J'rocessiou is then formed in the same onlet· as before, anll returns to the ball. he Gt·aud Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, being se!\ted, all but Master Ma:sons are caus d to retire, and procession continues

tound the hall1and upon pa.ssins the s~ve1·al 6rnud



officers, pays them homage, by the usual cengra~­ ulalions and. honors in the different degrees. The Lodge is then closed by the Grand l\last~r and his officers. This is the ceremony observed by l'egular Ma. eons at the constitution of a new Lodge, which the Grand Master may abridge or extr.ud at pleasure; but the material points are on no account to be omitted. The same ceremony an'l charges* attend every sueceediog installation of new ofticers. • With auch alteration io the ebar,es as may be suited the occasion.



Installatio-n of a Grand Mtqt~.. Ou lhc election of a Grand Master he is pro· daimed by the Grand Secretary, in the following words: " I proclaim the R. W. Brother dul;r elected Gran<l Master of-Masons for -the Sta.t.e or Which prodamation is made thrice. If the Gran<l Master elect is present; the Grand I~odge will proceed to the installation. If be is ab. sent, a day nlh.y be appointed for tbe ceremony, or he may be installed by proxy, bot such. proxy must be either the last or a fot·mer Grand Master, or else a reputable past Master. 'rlie ceremony of installntiou is <:onducted by . the Grand Mast('r in the chair, and the Lodge·· opened the Past Masters degree. 'l"'b& Qraud Ohaplain rellearaell tb.e followiu15 tnayer, "0 most glorious and eternal ~ G'oll! infi.nitelJ~ · wls rcbitect of the univet·se; we thy servants,. as•e iled in solemn (-lrand Lodge, would now ex· tol thy power and wisdom in the ranks of creatioJl;·


a'Bd 1}rovidence. Thor1 saidst, let tllere be. Ugbtt an.d there was· lipt; the heavens opened and declared thy glory,



and the firmament was spangled with thy han 11Y. work. The sun, who rules the day, gives light to the moon who rules the night, and tells to the attending .stars the surprising story of their birth ; so that there is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and one star differs from another star _ in glory; and all by most wonderous signs a.nd tokens, without voice, sound or language, solemn.· ly proclaim divine mysteries. We adore thee for our creation ; the excellent form and symmetry of our bodies ; for the breath of lire; for the light of reason and conscience; and for all the noble and usef~l faculties of our souls, whieh give us so-exalted a rank in th~ scale of be· ing, render us capable of knowing and serving thee, and suggest the hope aml justify the e:llpectation a more perfect mode of e~istance "When the present shall be closed. We thank thee for ttle conilrma· tion of' these doctrines in the gospel ortby son. We beseech thee to give us, thy Bervanta, at this and at all times, wisdom in all our doings ; stretaKfl mind mall our diftlclllties ; and the of harmony in our communication •th one another. Grant 0 Lord I that thy servant now about tG be solemnly invested with the authority and rule over the several Lodges in this state, may be ea· dued witb the knowledge and wisdom to instruct and explain to u11 the mysteries of Masonry ; .a.ntl ma.y we and all our brethren under his jurisdistion, understand, learn ancl keep, all the statutes and commandments of the Lord, and this holy mystery pure ancl undefiled to our live's end. May broth. erl,-love and charity al\ound am DJi us ; ma1 the7



always lae the cement of our society ; each one striving bow he may be most beneficial to mankind. And when we have finished our work here below, let our transition be from this earthly taber· nacle to the heavenly temple above; there safely lodged among thy jewel1J1 may we shiBe with thee .for ever -and ever. Bless ed prosper, we beseech thee, every branclt this fraternity throughout tlie habitable globe. May thy kingdom of •love, peace and harmony come. May thy will be done on earth as it is ill heaven, and the whole world be fi.lled with thy glo· ry ; and to thy most holy name would we ascribe praise, forever and ever-Amen! Response-So mote it -be 1 The Deputy Grand Master tbeo preseut,; the Grand Master elect, saying,


·"MosT WoR~lPFUL,.-...1 present you for inlftallation, our Right Worshipful Brothe1· - - who has been duly elected .b y the members of this

-Grlfod Lodge, Grand Maste1· of Masons for the :State of '' The Grand ~aster then addre!lliles the Grand

Kaster elMt ; " R. WoRSHIPFUL Sra .A.ND llRoTii!:a- Yon been electe(l by ~otlt brethren in Gr..and -assembled; Grand Master or Masons io and thrbti~out this state, and having signified your acceptance thereof, it devol yes 11pon.- e as your preish and honOl·adecessor, tG H\stall ou into y

ble omcr-, 'With the tl'.mal ceremonies.

PreVious to



your in vesture with the emblem of your powe1• nu<l office, it is necessary you should giv~ your as~:~enl; to those ancient charges and regulations which are poiute~l out in our general laws. The Gi·and Master then reads to the Grand Ma.~ ­ tcr elect, such pat·ts of the ancicut charges Q.s are upplicn.hle to the office of Grand Master. . '.fhe Grand Master elect having assentetl the1·elo the Grand master proceeds: u I noW'[ll'esent you with this jewel, the badge of"four office, and the emblem of your power and authority. Many of the most illustrious and dis. tinguished characters the world has producell, have worn it with satisfaction and delight. It will silently admonish you to do justice to the cause of Masonry, to consult as the exalted raul{ you no\r hold demands of you, jts real interests. It will justruct you to infuse into the many lodges of wl1ich you are now tbe head, the true spirit of our {)l'der. .It will direct you to give du.e comrp~ndation to the wo:rtby memt>e1·s of the fro.t~t·nity a.nd to-re-prove •kose who .act contvary to its.laws. · ·"' 'ro you are committed tlwse aacre.d writings .. in which.are to be found tha lmhlime parts of our ancient mysteries. From this g1•eat light oa(in· stitution derives its wisllom, strength and be ly, J.tnd deJAa.e.d~ from every good Ma~on, ihe most · ·ptofounl1·veneJ:~qJ;~, as ~he :word ,of: the s~me grti.nd·ll!rchitect of h'eaven and ea,rtb. .J. :w~ll ton. ::firm your faith, ~tr~qgtJ:~.eQ your qape, e!J((~e

. your ·charity, and tlir:ect yon to that ~flini~ent temple; alii~ harmony, l~ve; f'.ll~P,eaC2.

''l'l,lese wstr\lments of oper ive Ma.sJ;t.P.ry, cO)'l·


J,.._· crENT f!;EftEMOXIE s.

s tl'UCl~i~d lo assist the at•chitect in his various designs

·when speculatively applied to the duties of your important office, will direct you to square your actions by the principles of candor, justice and moderation; to keep and 1•egulate the craft within the prescr·bed compass of JJrutkeroly love, relief nd trztth aml11reserve that decorum on which the hon. or and usefulness of our institution so essentially de1>end. "I pre1eut you the constitution and bye-laws or this Grand Lodge, whicl1 it is your duty to see punctually observed and obeyed. "I also .present you the Hook of Constitutions, in which are contained the rules and regulations established for the ;overnment of the society, and the charges which exhibit its nature and otility.It contains the necessary doctt·ines and principles. which, if rightly observed, will maintain the repu· tation of the fraternity. With Utis book you will direct your Lotlges te make themselves acquain· ted." The Grand Master elect is tlwn seated in tho oriental chair. The members fo1•m a procession and him with the grand 'honors three times, whilst t Chand Mars al each time ptoola.ims, "In the name of the Holy St. John, I proclaim. the Most Worshpful Bl'other - - duly in· st Grand Master of Masons in the State a - - _,. for the ensuing twelve months." The Lodge is th&n closed to the degree master mason, wh-m all master maaoaa , admitted, who, under the direc on of the Grand Marshal, form a procession rouml the Hal11 and salute the





6 .r and 1\lastcr by the usual cougratulntions an~ aru1 honors of the different degrees. 'J'b.e following charge is then given. "l\fosT WonsmPFUL SIR AND BROTHER-Per-

mit. me to congt·atulate you on the honor of being 1~aised from the level of equality to the high station of presiding over all the Lodge.s of this state and ju:dsdiction. We look up with confidence to I\ bro. ther whose exp.erience in the mysteries of the craft, entitles him to our regard, and \ylwse person is en. uearcd to us by that love of the fraternity, which is sanctified by the e~pcrjcnce of many yeat·s,May the father of lights invest you with his choicest gifts; may heavenly wisdom illuminate your mind. May heavenly goodness fill and enlarge your breast. May your feet rest upon the rock of justice; from your hands may streams of benift. tence continually issue, ~tnd t•punll your head may there beboundacjrclemacJ_esplencJid by the rays of honor, and late, very late ·in life, may you be translated from tl,e fading honors of an earthly lodge, to the rnansiol)s prepal'ec:l for t}le fait~ful ·o 11- ~et· tcr world. Let me congratulate you, my brethren, on the ~le.ction of .om· Grand Master As it is his agreeably to the rules of our institution to command, so is it ours to obey. Look to the sun, and behold the planetary wol'ld around him in continual order, with the ba{lpiest effect, antl learn to imitate their regularity, in the hope of obtaining from the chair of Solomon, the light of wisdom, and the Or look isheJ." still, anll. warmth of loye.




behold the angels, those sister spirits, ch"eru• bim and seraphim, who are exhibited to us in the oracles of revelation, as :flaming spirits, burnin~ with heat in tlteir Heavenly Grand Master's scr~ ''icc, anll with love to his person, and to each other; they are styled ministering spirits, fl'om the part they take in exercising their kind offices to man, in, relieving their wants, securing them from danger, and making their lives more comfortable. Of them, let us learn to raise our aft'ections to the Great Father of all, the Supreme Grand Master o( the unh'erse, and thence descending, expand the heart from brother to brother, and to all mankind. Ofthem let us learn never to be weary in well doing, but to "mourn with them that mourn, andre· joice with them that rejoice," until having finished our work on earth, we shall be admitted to the temple of love, "not made with hands eternal ill tlte heavens." The ceremony concludes with the following

Benediction. May the Supreme Architect of the universe,. shed. bis bleoing .fbundantly upon t ·s society; enable llis servant, now raised the omce of Ga·and Master over our Lodges, to discharge the duties of his important trust, to the honor of his holy name, au~l. tot e credit of this ancient society. ·

OHAPTER Xlli. 'Ce1•emony nj lay-ing the 1/'oundation Stone of Pub· lie JJuildingtl. 'flle ceremony· is conducted by the Ut•ntul Mastet· and his officers, assisted by tbe members pf t11e Grand Lodge, and such officers and members of private Lodges as can conveniently attend. The chief magistrates and other civil officers of the place where the buiMing is to be erected, also generally attend on the occasion. At the time appointed, the Grand Lodge is convened in some suitable place, approved by the Graml Maiter. A band of martial music is provi· ded, and the brethren appear in the iusignia of their order. The Lodge is opened by the Gt·and Mas· tcr1 and the rules for regulating the procession to and from the place where the ceremony is to be performed, are t•ead by the {h·and S~creta,ry. The necessary cautions are given from the chair, and the Lodge is adjourned; aftct· which the lH'OCCS · sion sets out in the following order : Two Tylers wiU1 (lrawn SwOl'ds; 'l'ylers of the oldest lodges, wfth <lrawn Swords ; '.fwo Ste,vat·ds of the oldest Lodge with white rods ; Entered Apprentices;



Fellow Crafts ; Master Masons ; Stewards; Junior Deacons; Senior Deacons ; Secretaries ; Treasunrs ; Past Wardens; Junior Wardens ; Senior Warden& ; Past Masters ; Royal Arch Masons t Knights Templars; Masters; Music.

6ranil Lodge.· I

Grand Tyler with draWD Sword ; Grand Stewards with white rods ; A brother with a golden vessel containing com; Two brethren with silver vessels, one containiQg wine, and the other oil ; Principal Architect with Square, Level and Plumbs and Secretary and Treasurer; .Q.ible, Sq are and Compass, carried by a Hastv of a Lodge supported by two Stewards ; Grand Chaplain ; The ilve orders; . Past Grand Wardens; Past Deputy Grand Masten; . .Past Grand Masters ;

ftwe la.rge lishts1 b~Ve~by tw~ ~~tere o!~odges ~


Grand 'Vardens ; One la1•ge light boruc by a Mastet· of a Lotlge; Deputy Graml Master ; Master of the oldest Lotlgo, bearing the Book of. Constitutious on a velvet Cushion ; Grand Deacons, with black l'ods, on a line seven feet apart ; GRAND


Grand Sword bearer, with a drawn Sworll; Two Stewards with white l'O£ls.

A triumphal arch is usually m·ectetl at the place wl~ere the ceremony is to be performed.

'l'he procession passes th-rough the arch, and the brethren repairing to their stands, the Graral Master and his officers take their places on a temporal'Y platform, cove1·cd with a carpet. An Ode on Masonry is sung. The Grand Master commands silence, and the necessary prepttrations are mall.e for laying tbc stone, in which is placid a copper plats, eugrave£1 with the year of Masonry, the ~ame &114 titles of tbe Grand Master, &c. &c. The stone is rai~d up by means of an engine erected for that pnrpose, and the Grand Chaplain repeats a snort pt·ayer. The Grand Treasurer then, by the Grand Master's command, places un· der the stone various sorts of coin and medals of the present age. Solea11 music il!l introduced, and the stone let down in its place. 'l'he principat architect then 1wesents the working tools to the Gt·and Master, wh() applies tbe pl'ltmb, squm•e and level to the stone, in their proper positions, and pro~ UOIHlCOS it to bo ~~ well f()rmed., tr«e antt tru~tg.

A~CIE'S'f tEYtEllONIE&'.


'fhc. ~ohl and silver vessels are next bt·ongbt to the tahl~ and delivet·ed; the former to the Deputy 61·and 1\lastcr, and the latter to the Grand Wardeus, who successively present them to the Gt·aud Alaster; and be, according to ancient ceremony, JWUI'S the cm·n, wine ftnd oil1 w.hich they contain, on the stone~ saying ; "May the all bounteous author of natuTe l,lless the inhabitants of this Jllace, with all the necessaries, comforts ancl conveniences of life; assist in the erection and completion of this building; protect the wm·kmen against every accident, and long pt·eser,·e the sh'Ucture from decay ; and grant to us all, in ileecled supply, the cm•n ofrwurishment, ihe 1oine of refreshment and the oil ofjoy."-Amen! So mote it be !-Amen! He then strikes the stone thrice with the mallet, and the p1tblic honors of Masonry are given. The Grand Master then delivers over to the architect, the varieus implements of architecture, entrusting him with the superintendance and di· rection of the wm·k; after which he ascends th& platform, and an oration suitable to the occasion, is delivered. An ode in honor of Masonry concludes the cere. :mony. ; 'I he procession returns to the pla:c~ whence it lilet out, and the Lodge is closed.

:When first ete al justice bade Life's •aried ills untempered low,

trwae then Almighty goodness said,


Go Pity, cheer the realm s of woe. Go mtlt.l compassion, go charity and love, Tell man th er,~'s mercy yet above. Scarce fled from heaven the high behest, That whelm'd in light the smiling earth, Ere wide creation doubly blest, Hail'd Masonry's propitious birth. With strains majP.stic, ye Masons lift th~ skie~, Let grateful hallelujah's rise, Uail Royal art ! in humble zeal, The Mason greets thy glad'niog sway; 'Tis thine to teach his heart to feel, And thine to bid his hand obey. ·'Twas wisdom. fashioned, 'twas strength thy templeraia'd, , And beauty o'er the fallric blazed. Sweet charity, whose soothing art, Can b1d e'en apathy a<!ore, Can sweep the chords of ev·e ry heart, Primeval harmony restore. ·come lovely aister, come smooth life's rugged wa.y1 !t.n.d lead ou~ souls to re&lllUl o~ day.


Oe1•emonv at the Dedication of Jlfason's Balls. On tlH.l dny U.ll[JulnLo(l t'ul' tlw c1~lcb1•ation ot tl1e ceremony of dedication, the G1•and .Master and his omcers accompanied by the moinbers of the Grand I~odg~, meet in a room ncar place where the. ce1·emony is to be performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in ample form, in the three first degrees. of Masonry. The Master of the Lo(lge to which the Hall to be dedicated belongs, being prese11t, rises and addl·esses the Grand Master, as follo,ws: "MosT WoRSHIPFUL-'I'he brethren of--Lodga being .anima.ted with ihe .desire of promoting the honor and interest of the craft, ha\1e, at great pains and expence, erected a Masonic Hall~ fur their convenience and accommodation. They are now desirous that the same should be examinod by the Most Worshipful Grand Lotlge; and if it should meet their approbation, that it should b$.\ solemnly dedicated to Masonic purposes, agreeably to ancient fot·m." Tb 61·aud Master then dit•ects the Grand Secretary to read the 01·der of procession, which is delivered oyer to the G1·and Marshal; and a general charge respecting prapriety of behaviour is given. A grand p1·ocession is then formed in the order


laid uown in the preceding chapter. 'l'he who1e move to the Ha11 which is to bo dedicated, anu up . on the arrival of the front of the procession at thG door, they halt, open to the rigllt and left, and face iriward, while the Gt·aoll Master aml others in suc.cession pass through a:rici enter. 'fhe music con tin.

ues \vhile the processionwat·ches tlm~e times round the Hall. The Lodge is then placed in tba centre; and the Grand Master having taken the chair, underacano. py of state, the Grand officers, and the Masters and Wardens of the Lodges repair to the places previously prepared for their reception ; the three lights and the gold and silvet• pitchers, with the corn, wine and oil, are place(\ roulld the lodge, at the head of Which stands the pedestal, with the Bible open, and the square and compass laid thereon, with the constitution roll on a crimson velvet cush. ion. Matters being thus arranged, an anthem or hymn is sung, and an oration on Masonry1 deli· vered.

liYiiN• Supreme Grand Master! most sublime! High thron'd in Glory'>:~ ra•liant clime; Behold thy sons on bended knee, Conven'd 0 God i to wor$hip thee ! And as 'tis thine, with open ear, 'fhe supplh.nt voice of prayer to hear, Gt·:mt thou, 0 Lord, this one request, L et Mason's be, in blessing, blest. 0 give the craft, from pole to pole, The feeling heart, the pitying soul,



"'"fhe generous breast, the lill'ral hand, Compassion's bal~, and ~ercy's band.

"'ith charity that poars at·ound, 'fhe wine and oil on mis'rys wound ; And heal~ the widow't~, orphar.'s heal't, Deep pierced by sorto\v'ne ~ 'fhen to thy throne t~e craft sba 1 raise One deathless song of grateful praise; And, Masons, men, in chorusjuin, 'l'o h1mu the power ~.f love divine.

'l'hat love supreme, thy love, 0 God : 'Vhich hcav'n itselt shall pour abroad; Till light, life, peace, adorn the vale, And augel~, men, pronounce-all hail !

· The architept addresses the Grand Master, as

follows; "l\tos't' 'Vousa F'J.L-Ha.ving been entrustml with tb superiotcm ance and manugerneut of the wmkmen employed in the construction of this cdi;fl."ce; and having accompJished the ta~k assigned me, to the best of my ability ; I now returu my thanks for the honor of this appo.intmenh and be leave to surrender the implements whicb were mitted to my c~;, wh n the foundation of tb b1·ic was laid, hu-mbly hoping, ~bat the exe tons which have been made on this occt~.sion, will be crowned with your approbation, and that of the Most rsbipful Grand Lodge." To wbi,c.h the Graud Master makes the follow-

ing rep~y: -~' BnoTn:rm ARCHITECT-The skill and :fideli-



ty display~d in the execution of the trust l'eposed in you, at the commencement of .this undertakin"'0) have secured the entire appro b ahon of the Grand Lodge; and they sincerely pray, that this edifice may continue a lasting monument of the taste, spir. it and liberality of its founders." An ode or anthem, in honor of Masonry, is sung, accompanied with instrumental music. ANT !lEU.

" there be light," the Almighty spoke, Refulgent streams from chaos broke, To illume th.e risio~ earth ! Well pleas'd tho groat Jehovah stood, The power Supreme pt'ouounc'd it good, And gave the planets birth ! In choral numbers masons join; 'fo bless and praise this light divine,

Parent of light! acc11pt our praise ! Who shed'st o'er us thy brightest ray;;, The light that tills our mind; By choice selected, lo ! we stand; By fl'iendship join'di a social band ! That lov"• that aid mankind ! In Lhoral numbers, &c. The widow's tear, the orphan's cry, All wants our handl with speed supply,

As far a!l power is gilen! The naked clothe, the prisoner free, These are thy works, sweet charity ! Reveal'd to us from Heaven ! In choral numbers Masons join, 'fo bless and praise this light divine.

Deputy Grand )laster then rises and says:



u MosT WoRSHIPFUL-The Hall in which we arc assembled, and the plan upon which it has heen constructed having met your approbation, it is the desire of the fraternity that it should now b6 dedicated according to ancient form and usage." ts all to Whereupon the G Ill retire but snch as are ter Masons. A proce!· 'ilion is then formed in th~ following order = Graud Sword Bearer ; A Past Master with a light ; A Past Master with the Bible, Square and Compass on a volvet cushion ; Two Past Masters, each with a light ; Grand Secretary and Treasurer, eacb with emblems; Grand Junior Warden, with pitcher corn; Gt•tmd Senior Warden, with pitcher of wine; Deputy Grand MasteT, With pitcher of oil; flnAND


Two Stewarcls with rods. All the other brethren keep their places, and as· sist in performing the following hymn, which con· tinues during the processio11, except at the intervals of dedication. Master Supreme, accept our praise, Still llless this consec1·ated band; Parent of light illume our ways, And guide us by thy sovereign hand. May Faifh, Hope, Charity dil'ine, Here hold tbeir undivided reign ; ·Friendship anrt armony combine 'ro sooth o•11' c11res, to banish pain.




May wisdom here disciples find, Beauty unfold het· thousand charms, Science invigorate tile mind, Expand the soul tha.t virtue warms. May pity dwell within each breast, Rolief attend the sull'ering poor, 'fhousands by this J"odge be blest, Till worth distrest shall want no more,

The Lol1ge is uncovered, and the first proces sion IJeiog made round it, tl1e J uniQr G t•and ·w ar· den presents the pitcher of corn to ihe Gt•tuHl Mas. tet·, who pours it upon the lodge, at the same timo pl'onouncing, "ln the name of the great Jcho\'ab, to wlaom be all honour and glory, I do solemnly dedicate Lh\5 Hall to MASONHY. The gt·ar~d lwnm·s are {!,'iven. The second procession is then matle round the Lodge, nnd the Grand t-ienior "\\'. arden presents the }>itcher of wine to the Grand Master, who sprinldcs it upon the Lodge, at the same time saying, "In the name o be Holy Saint Johns, I clo solemnly dedicate this Hall to V IHTU E." The gra1lllltonors are thrice 1•epmted. The tlairrl procession is then ma<le ronnd the Lodge, and the Deputy Gran1l Master prest>nls the pitcher uf oil to the Grancl Master, who St>l'ink· les it upon the Loclge, saying, "In the name of the whole Fratcrnily, l do so· leumly dedicate tbis Hall to U!>iiVEHSAL lllcNEYO· LENCE."

The grand lzonors are thjce repeated • . A Solemn im·ocation is made to Heaven by the



Gt·aud Chaplain, and an anthem or hymn sung; after which the Lodge is covered and the Grand Master retires to his chair. An oration is then delivered, ani! the ceremonies conclude with music. ~.rhe Grand Lodge is tb.en closed in amJ.lle form in. the senral degree.. HYMN.

Unto thee, Great God, belong, Mystic rites and sacretl song! Lowly bending at thy shrin~, We hail thy majesty divine I Glorious architect above, ·source of light and source oflove, Here thy light and love prevail,Hail! Almighty Master, hail:


Whilr.t in yonder reF,on• bright, The 1un by day, the moon by night, And stara that gild the sky, Blazon forth thy praise on high ; Join, 0 Earth, and as you roll, From East to West, from po~e to pole, Lift to Heav'n your grateful lays; Join the universal praiae. Warm'd by thy benignant grac:~, Sweet Friendship link'd the human Pity lodg~d within her breast, Charity became her guest ; There the naked, raiment found ; Sicknet balsam for its wound ; Sorro.v, oir.fort; hunger, bread ; Strangers there, a wellb"me abed,

Still to us, 0 God, di ense Thy divine benevolence!

ce ,;




Teach the tender tear to Oow, Melting at a brother's woe ! Like Samaria's Son, that we Blest with boundleas charity, 'I'o th' admiring world may prove,

The¥ dwell in God, who dwell in Lovft


The Jl.nnivettBtl'l'ies oJ St. John t'lle Babtist aml St. John the Evangelirt. Iu almosl every age and country, mankind have l)hset·ve(l stated anniversaries aml festivals. The (hecks had thcit· Olympic games, the Homans lheit• S·atm·ualia, theh· sacretl, votive anti funeral games, and modem nations have set apart certain days fot• the celebration of important events. Be- • foro the knowh~dge ofletters became gene... "mong men, this custom was necessu·y to preserve t)te re· collection of cvenlfu l periods in the histo of na· tions; nnd although the knowledge or letters, by means of the art of priutin_p, is now widely difl:'uN sed, and hns, in a great degree, re.ndered unueces .. sary such celebrations, yet, when kept within reasonahle limits, they are of service to refinement, knowledge anli virtue. The conco~rse ofindivi· uals collected on such occasions, ming e their sympathies, and glow with one generaltt.entiment; religion catches a new inspiration when multitudes arc pouring out their thanks givings aud. praise to the Lord of Heaven and Earth. In conformi with a custom which they consi· <ler laudable, t•cemnsons ·f ,ommemora.te the anniversaries of St. Jolm the .lfa'btist and 'St. John the. Evangelist; the one the 'ft)reL·unner, the other bew

'v 2



loved disciple of the Prince of Peace. If they \Vere not actually initiated into the mysteries of the craft, they wm·e at least tlistinguis!Jed patrons 0 f the order, and hence they occupy a conspicuous place in the annals of the institution. They wct•c holy and iuspit·ed men, whose virtues were so ex. emplary, so honorable to themselves, so useful to mankind, and so acceptable to God, that they should be held in grateful remembrance, and their lives exbibited as lamps to the path of erring mau, On eacl1 anniversary, the members of the Lodge and such visitors. as think p1·opcr to atteml, assem· ble at the Lodge room ; the Lodge is opened in the first degree of Masonry, and the prefaratory business' being attended l o, a proce&sion is forme(l in the following order :

Tyler with drawn Swora; Music. '.fwo Stewards with white rods; Entered Ap rentices; Fijijow Crafts ; . Master Masons ; Senior a: Junior Wardens ; Scct·etary and Treasurer ; Senior anti Juniot· Deacons ; Past Masters ; :Most EX'cellent Masters ; Royal Arch Masons; H ly Bible, carried by the dest Master 1\bson • MASTJm.




bouse a.ppointed for the public services, which thet entel' in inverted order.

The services commence by singing the following Psalm.

PsALM cxxxm.. Lo ! what an entertaining sight, Are brethren who agree; Brethren, whose cheerful hearts unitP, In bands of piety. Tis like the oil divinely sweet, On Aaron's •·everend bead; 'l'hc tricklir.g drops perfum'd his feet, And o'er his garments spread, 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews, That fall on Zion's hill, Where God his mihJestglory shews, And makes his grace distil.

The 0haplain delivers tlte following or some other suitable prayer :

u We lift our hearts to tlJCe, great and adol'· altle God! Almighty Architect and Parent of the world ! We implore upon this, and all our lautlable undet·takings, thy favor, thy blessiu and th; without which, vain and fruitless are all the eft'ort11 of feeble man ! It is from r.rhee, benifl.cent founder of our frame, thl\t W6' ha\o·e received the ltearl to feel ; hand to labour ; the eye to be. hold e ear o hear; the tongue ; all t acuities which ake 8 ptible of ~:tra•l, and partakers of natUral go Teach us,



then, to delight in them, to improve them as t}1y Messing, and through the beauty, order and excel. lence of creatml things, to view, contemplate and adore thy uncreated excellence an£1 beauty ! \Ve look up to theo, to in~pire us with understanding, with science, with Yirtue, with all that can dignify, l'efinc, and exalt our nature, and render us worthy to inhabit thy holy temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Direct us to make the blessc1l volume of thy instructive wisdom, the nev. In·. erring squm·e to regulate our conduct; the com. pass within whose circle we shall walk with safety and with peace; the infallible? plumbline of recti. tude anrl truth. Enable us, 0 Lord, to fill up ev0ry sphere of duty with exactness anti honor, and hy amiable attention to all the sweet and blessed offices, the endearing chaa·ities of social life in par. ticular; teach us to win the love of those who unite with us in those temler offices, as faithful fathers, husbands, ft·iends-as worthy men and as worthy masons, to distinguish and exalt the professio1 which we boast. "Enable liS to imitate in our lives and conduct1 in our walk and conversation, that holy man whose memory we have this day met to cclehmtc. And while through thy hounty, rich tlispenscr of every .l}lessing! our cups overflow with plenty, and corn, wine and oil, delight and cheer .our boards; may we never be wanting in gratitude and thanksgivings to thee; in liberal sentiments and succoar towaa·ds evca·y laudable undertaking; in th ickest sensibility and readiest relief we ca give ;wges and di.trcsses of oul' fellow ct·entlftcs ; o!ev

26.1 ery being who bears thy image, and looks up to thy Providence, whe is fc'l by thy hand, and hopes for thy mer~y! And to thy great and exalted name, 9overeign Lord of the universe ! we would unite ia ascribing praise, glory anll dominion, now and for·. tWel·.-Amen I rt ri n1ot~ i6 a t

On Wings of harmony upborDe~ Wide flew the exulting sound ; Auspiciout beamed the festal . morn ~ That call'd the tribea a1·ound. 'I'o Salem'• favor'd towers and plains; The banda-fraternal move: Her ab,ore11 repe~t the 1olAJqo atrain1, That swell .to pt\llce and love.

Far o'er these-plains. the admiring eyet; See opulence spread wide s While toil ita beat exertion plies, To 11'erarch the fluent tide. On the fair work now science beams....; Descending powers approve ; .We waft across the honor'cl atream1, The Btreams of peace and love.

An oration on Masonry, or a sermon suited t• the occaRion, is then delivered, after which the fol~ lowing, or some other hymn is song : "Let there be liglit," J'ehovah said And nature apran birth Darkness bel'ore his p sener ed, And beauty crown'd the earth.



Man, by his word from dust he form'd, And woman from his side; Their souls with fit·c etherial warm'd , To heaven's dread king allied . But soon the gloom of sin o'erspread The lustre of the mind ; No light the lamp of reason abed, And man again was blind. llia walk wu darkness, and despah· Upon his spirit prey'd, Weary and worn with aching care, Along life's waste he stray'd. The Eternal saw-" Let there be light,". Again fn heaven was heard ; And lo I m•n's weak, bewilder'd sight,.The Sta.r of Bethl'em cheer'd. The sun of Righteousness, his beam1 Upon the spirit shed J The sleep of sin, and error's drea~ Were o'er, when Jes11s bled.

The service then concludes by prayer, and thl flr.enreturn in th~ same order. p




. •

CHAPTER XVI. Tl£e Funeral Service. 'l'JJc practice of interring the dead with some SQ~ lcmuity, is- general amongat all nations, wheti.J~r ;avagc and ignorant, or ch·ilized aud eulightenu. It atrorus an opportuuity fot· the happy recollection of the vh·tues of the deceased, as well as of giving a puLlic te!>timouy of the estimation in which they were held. The ceremonies oLset·vcd on such. occasious, are ditfel·ent in diflet·ent nations and in different societies. No :Masou can J.Je interred with the formalitie1 of the orucr, unle1s it be by his own special request, communicateJ} to the master of the Lodge of which l1e died a member, foreigners and sojourners excepted ; nor uuless he has beet~ t•aised to the third tlcgrr.e of Masom·y; and from this restriction there can be no exception. ~\·How crafts, or apprentices, are not entitled to fune•·~l obsequies, nor to attend the masonic processions on such occu.sions.* The master of a lodge having received notice of aMasler Mason's death? and his request to be inl''

"' It is now generally ad1pilter.l 1 that officers of a Lodg~~ or members whose zeal in the en use of masonry have afforded reason fo believe, that had they foreseen the certainty of tiealh, they wo!Jld have requeste masoniq burial, may be intenet.l with the formalities of tbe order.



terred with the ceremonies of the orcler, fixes the tlay hour fm· the funeral, and issues his commarul to summon the Lodge. He mn.y invite as mauy Lodges as he thinks proper, and the mmnbers of those Lodges may accompany their offices in form; but the whole ceremony must be under the dircc. tion of the master of the Lodge to which the decea. sed belonged, (unless the Grand or Deputy Grand Master is present, and exercises hi~ authority,) and he and his officers must be duly honored and cheerfully obeyed on the occasion. But in case the deceased was not a member of either of the· at. tending lodges, the pr·ocession and ceremony must be under the direction of the master of the oldest Lodge. All the br·ethren who appear in procession, should observe, as much as possible, an uniformity in tl1eir (hess. Decent mourning, with white gloves and a.11rons, is most suitable. The brethren being assembled in the Lodge room, (or some other convenient . place) the presi· dipg officer opens the Lodge; and having stated the purpose of the meeting! the service begins . .111aster. "What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soulfrom the hand of the grave?" Response. " Man walketh in a vain sha1low ; h~ heapcth up richeP, and cannot tell who shall gather them." :IJ'laste1•. " When he dieth he sball car·ry noth· ing away; his glory shall not descend after him." Response. '' Naked he came iuto the world,

and naked must he retul'n."





"The Lord gave, and the Lord take th a way; blessed be tbe name of the Lord." Tho grand honors are then given, and certain forms used, which cannot here be explaine<l. '£he master throws :flowers over the corpse, whilst thr. following psalm is sung: 90. PsALM, 1.. !If. <

Through' every age, eternal/ God, Thou art our rest, our safe' abode; High was thy throne e'er heaven was made, Or earth thy humble footstool laid.

J... ong hadst thou reign'd e'er time began, Or dust was fashioned into man; And long thy kingdom shall endure, When earth and time shall be no more. But man, weak man, is born to die, Made up of cuilt and vantty; •.rby dreadful sentence, Lord, was just, " Return, ye ainners, to your dust.'~ Death like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away; our life's a dream; An empty tale ; a morning flower, Cllt down and wither'd in an hour.

The master then, taking the Brlcrtrl f'oll, in his

hand, says: "Let us die the death of the righteous, and let our lut end be like his!" The Bf'ethren answe'l' :-tt God is our God for~ ever and ever~ he will be our guide even unt~ death.'~




The master then records the name antl age or the deceased upon the roll, and says: " Almighty Father ! into thy hands we com. n1end the soul of our loving brother." '!'he h1·etbren thr.:ee times, (give the granil honors each time,) "'!'he will of God is accomplished! So be it!" The master then deposits the roll in the archives and the .following prayer is repeated ~y him, o.r the Cbap.lainN · · · •' Mo~t .Glorious God! author of all goo•l, and giver of all mercy! pour tlown thy blessings upon us, and strengthen our solemn engagements.witb. the ties of sincere ail'ection ! May the present in· stance of mortality remind us of our approachio~ fate, and draw our attention towa1·ds thee, ou only refuge in time of need! that when the awful moment shall arrive, that we are about to quit tbi1 transitory scene, the enlivening prospect of thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death ; and after our departu1·e hence, in peace and in thy favour, we :may be receiv.ed into thine eve1·lasting kingdom, to enjoy in unio.n with the souls of our departed friends, the just reward of a pious and virtuous life. Amen! Response- So mote it be!" ~· The following, or some other suitable hymn be· ing sung, the closed.




c. u .

.Not from the dust affliction grows, :Nor trollblea rise by 9ance



Yet we are born to cares and woes ; A sarl inheritance ! As sparks break out from hurnlng coals, And still an upwards borne; So grief is rooted in our souls, And man grows up to mourn.

Yet with my God, I leue my cause, And trust his promis'd grace.; He rules me by his well known lawa or love and righteousness. Not all the pains that e'er I bore, Shall spoil my future peace; For death and hell can do no more Than what my Father please.

A proeesAion is then formed, which moves t• the house of th~ d1~ce ased ~ and from thence to the place of interment. The different L odges rank ac~ oot•ding to seniority, exc~>.pt that the Lodge of whick the deceased was a member, or has charge of the ceremony, walks nearest the cor pse. Each lodge forms one division, and the following order ii oll19erved: Tyler with drawn Sword; Stewards with white rods ; Musicians, {if they are Masons, otherwise they follow the Tyler ; ,. Master Masons ; fienior and Junior Deacons ; Secretary and Treasurer; Senior and Junior Wardens ~ Past Masters ;



Royal Arch Masons;

The Holy Writings, on a cushion covere.d with. black cloth, carried by the oldest member of the Lodge; The MAsTEn . Clergy; 'fh~_body wlth the in111i1nia.

1)11\vcd tllHJU

the Ootftn1 ami two Swordi crossed. The brethren at•e not to desert their rauks, or change places, but keep their different departments. When the procession arrives at the place of inter. ment, the members of the I~odge form a circle round the grave, and the Clet·gy and officers oftbe Lodge taking their station at the bead, the mom·n· ers at the foot, the service is resumed, when the fol·

lowing dirge may be sung : -~( o {I ,r. ·



Solemn Strikes the funeral chime, Notea of our departing timc1 As we journey here below, 1'hro' a pilgrimage of woe. Mortals now indulge a tear, Fo~ mortality is hl're, :See how \Vide her trophies wave, O'er the slumb ~rs of the grave ! Here anothP.r guest we bring! Seraphs of celestial wing, To our funeral altat· comE', 'Waft a friend amii.Jrother home.

God of life's eternal day!

• t

• ''



Quide us, lest from thee we stray, By a false obtrusive light, To the shades of endless night. Lord of all below, above, Fill our souls with truth and love; And when dissolv'd's our earthly tie, Take us to thy Lodge on high.

'Jbe following exl10rtation is then given _by tlle :Mastc1·. "BRETHREN-Hera we view anotb~r instance ttf the uncertainty of life, and the vanity of all bu.. JlltlD pursuits. The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living; from them we are to derive instruction, and consider every &olemnity of this kind, as a summons to prepare for our approaching (}issolution. Notwithstanding the va1·ious mementos of mor.; tRlity with which we daily meet; notwithstanding death bas established his empire over all the works of nature ; yet through some unaccountable infatuation we forget that we are born to die; we go ou. from one design to another, add hope to hope, and lay out plans for the employment of many years, till we are suddenly alarmed at the approach of death, when we least expect him, and at an hour which we probably conclude to be the meridian of eur cxistance. "What are all the externals of majesty, the pride ofwBa.ltb, or charms of beauty, when nature has paid her last, just (lebt? )fix your eyes, oa the last ~.;cene, and view life stript of her ornaments, and exposed in her natural meanness ; you will

X2 I•



then be convinced of the futility of those empty delusions. "\\'hen we contemplate this narrow house, now occupied by the hotly of our brother, we feel a mo. mentary contraction of tbe heat·t, a mournful pre. sage, that here too, the evening of om· days will soon be closed, and the tear of affection that tretnbles to day on another's tomb, may soon be transferred to the place we shall iuhabit. These be. come strong incentives to a weH regulated life, nud 'vhen tbe whispers of conscience plead in vain to our unsubdued passions, the gt·ave, that universal monitor, informs us this must be their final consum. mation. " While we 'lrop the sympathetic tear over the gt·ave of our departed friend and bl'Other, let charity incline us to throw a veil over his foibles, what. ever they may have been, and not withhold from his memory the praise which his vit·tues may han claimed. Suffer the apologies of human nature to plead in his behalf. Perfection on earth has never been attained ; the wisest as well as the best of men have erred. "Let the present example excite our most serious thoughts, and stt·engthen our resolutions or amendment. As life is uncertain, and all earthly pursuits are vain, let us no longer postpone the imJ1ortant concern of pa·eparing for eternity ; but em. brace the happy moment, while time and opportunity offer, to pro.viue against that great change, when all the pleasures of this w01·ld shall cease to delight, and the reflection of a virtuous life, yield

the only comfort a.n.d consolation.

Thus ur ex~




pectations will not be frustrated, nor we hurried unprepared into the pt·esence of an all wise and powerful Jutlge, to whom the secrets of all hearts are known. u Let us, then, while in this state of existence, support with propriety the cha1·acter of our profession, ad,·ert to the nature of our solemn ties, an(l pursue with assiduity the sacred tenets of our order. Then, wilh becoming reverence, let us sup~ Jllicate the Divine Grace, to ensure the favor of that Eternal Being, wl10sc gomlness and power know no bounds; that when the awful moment shall arrive, be it soon or late, we mas be enabled to prosecute our journey without <lreatl or apprehension, to that distant country, from whose bourne, no tra.· veller returns."

The following invocations are then made :

.Master. " May we be true and faithful ; and may we live and die in love!" Response. So mote it be ! ~laster. "May we profess what is good, and always act agt·ceaiJly to om· profession." Response. So mote it be ! Master. "May the Lord bless and prosper us; alld may all our good intentions be crowned with success." Response. So mote it be. JI&Bter. Glory be to (;;od on. higll! on eartla, peace! and good will towards men! Response. So mote it be1 now, f1·om henceforth, an<l forever more." :Whilst the following hymn ~ sung, the. .bretb~ ..;



ren move in procession thrice round the grave, a1 il severally drop a sprig of evergreen into it, accom~ .panied with the usual honors, repeating each tim~, " The will of God is accomplished-so be it ! HYMN.

c. )I.



Hark ! from thr. tomb a doleful sound ! Mine ears, attend the cry'' Ve living men come view the grou:cd Where you must shortly lie.


" Princes, this clay must be your bed; In spite of all yout· towert ; The tall, the "wise, the rev'rl!nd head ,

Must lie as low as ours." Great God, is this our certain doom? And arc we still secure? Slill walking downward to the tomlf. And yet prepar'd no more P 8:rant us the powers of quick'ning grace; To fit our souls to fly ; Then, when we drop this dying flesh We'll rise abo>ve the sky.

t.Phe master then concludes tlle ce1·emony at tlua ;rave in the following words : " l!'rom time immemorial, it l1as been ibe CUi• tom among the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, a.t the request of a brother, to accompany }tis corpse to the plaee of interment, aml there de, posit his remains with the usual formalities. " In conformity with this usage, and at tbe spe· cla.l request of our deceased brother, whose memo· ey we revere, an~ whos~ lo~~ w~ 110~ ~eplore1 we



Jlave assemble£1 in the character of masons, to resign hi!l body to the earth whence it came, and ta . oft'er up before the world, the last tribute of om arfection; thereby demonstrating the sincerity of our past esteem, and our steady attachment to the prin ciples of our ot•der,· "The Great Ct·eator ha:ving been pleased, out of his mercy, to remove ottt' bt·otber Ct•onl t11e cares and troubles of a transitory stato of existence, to a state of eternal duration, and thereby to weaken tha chain, by which we are united, man to man ; may we who survive him, anticipate our approaching fate, and be more sfrongly cemented in the ties of union and friend ship ; that, during the short space. .allotted to our present existance, we may wisely and usefully employ our time; and, in th~ reciprocal intercourse of kind and fl'iendly acts, mutually promote the welfare and bal>Plh~other. "Unto the grave we resign tbe body of our de~ ceased friend, there to remain until the genera.lresurrect.ion, in favorable expectation, that his immor· tal soul may then partake of joys which have beea prepared for the righteous ft·om the beginning o( the world. And may Almighty God, of his infinite goodness, at the grand tribunal of on biassed justice, extencl his mercy towards bim, and all of us, and crown our hope with everlasting bliss, in the expanded realms of a boundless eternity! This we beg for the honor of his name, to whom be glo ry, now and foreve1·~-Amen ! Response.-8o mote it be. The Master tllen tht·ows a shovel full of en.rth into the grave, repeating,




u Tbe dust shall return to earth as it was, and the spit·it unto Gocl who gave it." 'rhe grave is then filled up, and the processioll 1•eturus in form to the place whence it set out, where the necessary duties are complied with and the business of Masonry resumed. The insignia and ornaments of the decease£1, if an otllccr of the Lodge are retut•ned to the llllllter, and tbe Lodge closed.


1. the ancient ceremonies are considered 11 flroperly be· longing to the degree of Past Master; but as they are at. ways performed by Lodges ot Master Masocs,l have preferred placing them immediately after that degrel'. 2. If a Past or l'l·eeent Grand Master, Deputy Grand Mas. ter, or Grand Warden, should join in the pr~;cession of& private Lodge; they are to be treated with that attentioa which is due to their respective stations. They take place immediately after· the Master of the .l..odge. 'l'wo Deacons with Rods, one on the right and one on the left, attend a Grand· Master; and · wben a Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master is present, the Book ot Constitutions is borne before him, a sworcl bearer follows him, and !he Deacons are placed on his right and left, at an angular di.s tance of five feet. S Marshals are to walk or ride on the bft of the proces·

&ion. 4. On enteringpublicbuilrlingR,the 'Bible, square and com-

pa!ls, book of constitutions, &c. arl! placed before the Grand Master. The Grand Marshal and Gl'and Deacons keep near him, 5. All officers in processions, should wear the badges of their oflic e.


6. When two or more Lodges walk in procession they form in one body, or in seperate L!Jdges. If separately, the youngest Lodge takes precedence.



Prayer at opening a Lodge. }'ather of light, of life and of love ! Supreme Architect and rulet· of Heaven an<l Earth ! Infinite· ly glorious God I Thou at the beginning, wilJin~ to communicate bappiuess 1 and establish beauty, or(ler and harmony, didst, from tl.le womb of thine own awful eternity, give birth to time; aud, commanding the jan·iug elements of matter to ceasli their strife, didst marshal them into a universe com· 1)lete! Then, while the heavenly biet·at·chies, with voice and harp, sung the loud anthem of joy, thou <lidst crown thy glorious work by breathing the lJreath or life into thine own image-man l Be thou with us at our present beginning and to the end. In thy name we assemble. and in I

aame we desire to proceed in a.ll ow· doin6s •.-



Let the wistlom of thy blcsse<l sou, so subdue e'fer·y discordant passion within us, so harmonize and enrich our hearts with a portion of thine own love and goodness, that the Lodge may be a sincere though humble copy of that order, beauty and uni~ ty which t•eign fot•ever before thy heavenly throne. \Ve thankfully acknowledge that thou bast lov~ ed ns, 0 Lm·d, with an exceeding great love, and hast chosen us out of every people ami language • .Our fathers trusted in thee, and were not ashamed, for thou didst teach them the statutes of life, that. they might do thy pleasure with perfect and willing hcat·ts. As thou didst unto them, so do thou unto us; still remembering thy glorious promise, "that where two or three are gathered together in thy name, thou wilt be in the midst of them." lly thus seeking and loving thee, and by loYing each othct· for thy sake, shall thy blessing and peace be upon us from the four corners of the earth. Thou shalt put understamJing into our hearts, and mnke us diligent to l1ear, to teach and to do, all the words of thy law. So shall we he built up a spirituAl Lodge, never to be shaken, but cleaving to thy great name, and united to thee in love, and praise and freedom of soul forever.-Amen!

Jlt the Initiation of a Clergyman. '' 0 thou ! w ose offspring we are ! on the mouu. tain of thy trut ermit us to dwell with unspeak· able satisfaction, and with un uencbable zeal to · play thy glorious perfections.. :Behold us, we bcsecc~ bee, at thiyhoar, leading a young sou in~:


.l'BA YEUS .

to a knowledge and enjoyment of our l'ights and benefits. Like the temple, erected in ancient ages by Masons, and dedicated to thee, let him he beau. teous without and all glorious within. Let his soul he furnished with unsearchable grace, and his affections be pure as the serene heaveps, when the silent moon gives her light. Let him obey as the sun, who labours until pcl'fect day lrith iucrca11ing 111trengtb; and let all the purposes of his heart be as the stars, which tell of wol'lds unknown aud are uotices of boundless benevolence. Let him move like the heavenly orbs, in harmony, and while he flieg in the midst of heaven, may he preach thine everlasting gost>el to all nations. Within this Lodge, may he be sacred as the a}. tar, sweet as the in scnce, purr. as the most holy }>lace. Among thy minir;J tei·ing set·vants, may ha be 1·eady as an angel of God, and faithful as a belove<l son. A.ncl when his wotk is fini shed, may hi~ mcnwt·y be celebrated by 10\·e, on the dura!Jle tnonu meuts of eternity ; and. his reward, in the solemn joys of bca.vcn, be sul'e frum the .lmnd of Hod, to whom be glory fol'ever.-Amcn!

P1•ayer ctt the Const-itution rif a Lodge. "Great, adoraltle o.ntl Supreme Beint ! we pt·aisc thee for aU thy mercies, ntHl especially fot• gi ving us tle~ ires to enjoy, nml powe•·s or rnjoying the dt>lif!ihts of society. 'l'he ail'ections which tho~ hast impla'nted in us, nnd which we cannot destroy , -\rit.l~ont. violence to our nnture, are among_tbe ch ief blMsiug~ which thy benign wisdom. b'aal>estoweil.

rRAnms. upon us. Help us to improve all ~ur powers to the promotion of thy glory in this world, and the good of om· fellow creatures. Extend thy favour to us who are entering into a.

f,·a.tet·ual compact under peculiar obligations. Enable us to he faithful to thee, faithful in our respective calliugy in lifo, faithful Muona in all the du•. ties or the craft, and faithful to each other aa mem... be,·s oftkissocicty. 1~ake us umlet• thy special protection; and to thy service and glory may we consecrate our hearts. · May we always put faith iu thee, have hope in salvation, and be io. c:haritJ. with all maukind.-Amen r '



CHAPTER XVIII. :'rhe.followirig Precepts are from the German. They caq,. not be otherwise than acceptable, for the excellent max. ims laid down for our government in the various duties of life, whether as men, or as Masons.

I.-Duty towards God and Religio11. '.fhy first homage tltou owest to the Deity. &.· tlore the Being of all Beings, of which tl1y heart is full ; which, however, thy confined intellects, can neither conceive nor describe. Look down with pity upon the deplorable mad· ness of those that turn theia· ryes ft·om the light, and wander about in the darkness of accidental cYents. Deeply sensible of the parental benefactions oJ Ood, ami with a heart full of gratitude, r~ecl with contempt those shallow inferences, that prove noth· ing but bow much human reason degrades itself when it wanders ft·om its original source. Oft elevate iby heart aboye sublunary things~ anll



:a!!t thy eye with ar(lour towards those big er ~ phercs, which are thy inheritance. · Offer up in sacrifice to the Most High, thy will and thy wishes; sb·ive to deserve his animating · influence, and obey the commands he has prescribed for thy terrestrial career. Let it be thy only happiness to please thy God ; let it he thy incessant endeavour, the incitement to All thy actions, to effect an etet·Aal union with him. The sacred celle is the foundation of all thy duties ; if thou didst not believe it, thou wouldst cease to be a Freemason. Let every action be distingo.isbed by an enlight~. enetl piety, without bigoh·y or enthusiasm. Religion does not consist of speculative truths; exert thyself in fulfilling all those moral duties it prescribes, and then only thou shalt be happy; thy contempm·aries will bless thee, and with serenitJ thou mayest appear before the throne of the Eter... nal. .Particularly thou shouldst be penetrated by tha fee.l ing of benevolence and brothet·ly love, the fundamental pillars of our-sacred order. Pity him who is in ert'Ot', without beating Ol' per secuting him. Leave the judgment to Go(l, but do thou love anfl tolerate. Masons! children of the same God! ye who are already bt·etbren through the univel'sal faith. -bind closer the ties of bl'Otherly lt>ve, and banisk forever a.U p'rejudice that might distw·b our :b~:other-: ·~y union. 4




II.-ImmoJ•tality of the Soul. Mnn ! King of the Enrth ! Master piece of the -creation 1 animated by the breath of God! be sens. i ble of thy diguilie(l destination. The whole animal creation is subdued under thy dominion ; all that Iires an<l moves about thee, ceases again to be; but thy soul survives the "wreck ofmatlet• and the crush of worlds," and is, by vit·tue ·of its divine origin incapable of being destroyed. In this consisls thy true nobility. }'eel thy hap. piness without art·ogance ; pride was the cause of the degradation of man, it would certainly plunge thee into the same abyss. De~cnerate<l bring! 'Vhat nrt thou in the presence of the Eternal, with all the dignity oa·iginally appropriated to thee, and still distinguishing thee from other beings? Adore him, the Lord on high, in the utmost humility, and take care that the heavenly immortal essence, which animates thee, be not depraved. 'This essence is thy &oul ; exert thyself in en. dowing it; it .is capable ofinfi.nite perfections. J.\ it so susceptible, so open to vit·tuous impt·cssions, that, aftel' thy dissolution, it may, with. out impediment, return to the pm.·e and original source of vil·tue. . So [H", thou wilt be free in fetters ; serene in misfortunes ; the heaviest storm will not make ·t hee tremble, and with true heroism thou wilt ad'Unce ercn to the face of tleatlt.

Mason .1- 1f ever thou. couldst doubt the iDllllor:



tal nature of thy soul, and its lligh destination, in nin ha\'e we initiated thee. Thou wouldst not. be the adopted son, the darling of wisdom ; thou wouldst step back, and mix again with the multi· tude of the profane rabble, who, liko moles, crawl

in the (}ark.

111.-Duty towards tl1y Cou11try. Ente1•tain reverence for the supreme power. and

be faithful to it, in whatever c01·ner of tho world thou hast fixed thy residence. After tlJC bomnge thou owest to God, the duties towards the state nud country follow next. Should man wander rude and unsociable about woods and forests, be would be less inclined to answer the intentions of Pt·oridence, and to ensure to himself all the good intended for him. His being ennobles itself amongst bis equals, and the di:tfet•er.ce of opinions improves his genius. But in society, were every one 1-eft to himself., the possession of property, and the unrestrained passions would cause incessant quarrels, and cunning or power, would soon trample over innocence. },ol.' this reason laws w.ere necessary to regulate mankind, and rules to support aod keep inviolate those laws. Sensible man ! thou l10norest thy parents ; boa..-er the faihe1•s of the state also, for they 11eprescnt the Deity.. If they err, they are accountable for it to the 1 udge of Kings; but thy own, often very et·rone..ous jud~ment1 cannot exemtlt thee from obedienc~




Pray to God for their preservation, and exert all thy powers in favor of thy country. Sbouldst thou ever neglect this sacred duty; shonldst thy heart not beat with joy at the prosperity of thy country, every Mason would tnru thee away as a disturber of public tt·anquility and order, and an outcast that does not deserve to partake of the prerogatives of a society, that has particular daims upon the esteem ancl confidence of sovereign power; because, animated with patl'iotism and zeal .to form the best citizens, she makes it an innriable law for her pupils .to fulfU all civil duties, in the most distinguished mannet·, and f1·om the purest motives. A Mason ought to be the most valinnt warrior; :the most just jndge; the kindest master; the lenderest father; the most faithful husband; and the most obedient son ; fo1• his· duties as a. citizen iu ~enera-1, have been strengthened and t•tmdered sacreel by the voluntary Masonic obligation ; aml h~ ifever he should neglect them, not only woa~d ,shew a great want of foi·tiwlle, but also be guilty .of hypocrisy a.ud .perjury.

lV.-Duties to mankind in gene1•al. But should the compass of thy country, whick -epeos to thee such a f1•nitlul and charming field, still be too coufiued for tby benevolent activity ; 'lhoulcl thy srusib'le 1~art wish to expand beyond.: ·the Hmits of empires, antl to embrace all nations with teudcr feelings of humanity; s-honldst tb.ou,. :t·etlec~ing on the univers~ pedigree1 loQ6 to love




t·cndcrly all those that are with thee of the same S'hape, in the same need of benevolence; that have~ ]ike thee, the same desire to make themselves use· ful, and an immortal soul, come then into 6'\lr tem· plcs and lay down thy offerings on the sacred al-· lat• of humanity. '£he mothe1• country of a mason, is the world i wilhin the cirde of his compass is containt!d every thiug that concems maukiud. Reftect: with rererence on the majestic structure, -in which the ties of humanity and morality, too. much relaxed, are bound closer. Lo\'e this universal alliance of \'irtuous souls, that were capa!Jle of elevating themselves above the . dust. Thou wilt find it in every count•·y where enlightened rrason bas forced its way, existing under the sacretl banner of humanity, and under the guide of simple and uniform Be sensible of the sublime object of ou1· order,; let all thy difficulties, thy whole life, be consecrated to benevolence and the happiness of mankind. Cultivate incessantly thy moral perfection, ani effect the closest union with the Deity.

Y.-Benevolence. Deing created in the similitude of Go£1, who ik bis mercy and immense !Jounty communicated himielf to man and expanded O\'er them the nbuntlanceof his .blessings; strive assiduously, by making mankind as happy as possible, to resem!Jle thn.t

-1 ~



di riue original. Thou canst not imagine any thing that is goo«! that is not an object of masonic activity. Look down upon the helpless situation of infan. cy, it challenges thy assistance ; reflect on the sad inexperience of youth, it demands thy good conn· eels. 14~itul thy laatlph1CIII in p1•otuctiu; ttu~m againS~t m•t•ot•s and seduction•, tho common rock• of that age. Awake in them tbe heavenly fire ofgeniu1, and instruct them bow to unfold it, for the benefit of the world. Every suffering being has a sacred claim on thy assistance; take care not to deny it. Do not wait till thy ears rin; with the lameJ)t~­ tions of the miserable; affectionately anticipatl) the. wants of tbe unfortunate, and inspire them with courage. Thou shalt not find thy rewartl for thy beuefac~ tions in the vain and loud applauses of the multi.. tude; a Mason will always find it in the silent a.nd secret testimony of his own heart, and the sacred ple"'ure wi:tb. which he is contemplated by th~ Deity. ' Has Providence granted thee abundance? Let i~ .be far from thee to make an inconsiderate or sh~me·. ful use of it. Gotl has given thee above thy wants, that thou nta.yest cause those that have received a scanty lot to feel less the inequality of the distribution of the riches of the earth. Enjoy this glol'ious prerogative. May the most abominable of all passions, ava· rice, never predominate ovel' tbee ; may thy hef.l't



. 287

forever revolt ngains t the worthless calculations of covetousness. But Rhouhl tltis melancholy vice creep ovet· thee, approach no more the temples of philanthropy; they would have no cha1·ms for thee, and we could no longer discover in thee the image of God, Let religion, wisdom and prudence be the l'Ultl of thy benefactions. lnstt·uct, ad vise, intercetle; be chat·itable ~ con·· sole according to the exigency of ch·curustances. lf tbou findest at last that thou art confined, and that thy soul .hegins to mourn, and lament ·the inca. t•acity of expending as much l1appiuess as thou wish\.~st, then hasten to oul' temples. Behold he1•e the sact•ed tie of benevolence, nud 1 contributing as far as thy abilities permit, towarde the laudable institutions of tbefraterult)', rrjnic6 in being a f<lllow citizen of this little world ; and enjoy tbe sweet fl·uits ot' our faculties united and concentrated to one point•. 'fhe sout·ces of rrlief will then flow nlot•e'abun·• dantly; instead of lwlping one, thou wilt co-opeo l'ate to make thouRands ha1,PY1 and thy wishes will be fulfillc(l,

VI.-Furthev duties totvaPds man. Love thy neighbor aR thyself, and do unto otbers ns t'hon wisbest to be done by. The faculty of expt·essing tl1y thoughtA by words, iFl an external aign of tby command over naturtl; make use of tbls gift to rellev~ the wants of thy fcl-. low citizons, and encourage them to virtue,



Be affable ancl serviceable; edify others by thy exampl~, and bear thyself without repining at the prospel'ity of others. Do not suffer the head to cntcl'tain envy; it would uutlermioe thy happiness and rage in thy breast. Pat·dou thy enem~·, and hare manliness of henrt enough to do him gootl. This generous sac.rific(', one ol' the most e.xalleti precepts of t•eligion, will awake in thee the most benign sensations; thon wilt l'eprescnt the imnge of the Deity, who wilh auorable kinuness pa1·dons the Cl'l'Ors of men, and, tlisregtmling their ingl'ati. tude, pout·s (lown his blessings upon him. Always recollect that this is the most gl01·ions victory t•cason can ohtain O\'er the b1·utal instincts, and let tby motto be, ".ll .Mason fot·gets only i1tju.· 1·ies, never benefits."

VII.-Cttltivation nf one's self. By making the pro8perily of mankind the object


of thy labours, tlo not loose sight of the nfcessity of forwartliug thy own perfection, and do not neg· lect the concerns of thy immol'tal soul. Often unveil an<l examine thy heart, to disco\'er its most secret dispositions ; the knowledge of one's self is the sum of all masonic precepts. Thy soul is the rough ashier, which thou must labom· to polish ; thou canst not do bomage tnore worthy of the Supreme Being tha~ wben thou o:tfet·· est n p to him regular desil'e$ and .inclinations1 1\D4 passions,


Dy stt·ictness and modesty in thy moral conduct acquire the esteem of the ·worltL Distinguish thyself by discipline, rectitude, love of truth and humility. Pride is the most danget·ou~ enemy of mankind, and the source of all their evils. Do not look back to the point from which thou proccellcst, this would retard thy career ; let thinu . eye continually be cast townt·ds the goal ; the short time of thy joul'Oey will hardly aft'ord thee the hope of nrri ving at it. 'l'o compare thyself with tl10se that are possess· etl of infcriot· faculties, would a dangct·ous Hattct·y to thyself; rather let a virtuous emulation an~ imate thee, wl\{m thou pcrceivest supcriot• talents. Let thy tougue be a faithful ioter[ll'eter of thy heart. A mason who coulll abandon candor, aml hide himself behind the mask of dissimulation and deceit, woultl be unworthy to sit amongst us; he woul(l sow upon our peaceful soil ·the seed of dissention, and soou become t!Jc abomination and the scourge of om· assemblies. May the sublime idea, that thou walkest before the eyes of tile Omnipt·escnt, strengthen and suppod thee. Review daily the vow of mending thy life.1Vatch allCl mcditatl~, and call to thy recollection at night a nohle action, ot· a victm·y ovm· thy pas.;;ions, then lay down thy head in peace, and gather new strength. . Study eagel'ly tbe meaning of the hi oglyphics ami emblems which the order lays before thee; e\'Cll uatm·e does not always tmycil her s~cl'cis ; sb'e







must be obser\·etl, compared, and frequently watched with attention in her operations. Of all the sciences on whose extensive field the

industry of men gather useful illush·ations, none will afford thy heart heavenly satisfaction, but that which ipstmctcth thee in thy t•clation to God aud 11.te creation .

.. VII.-JJuties towards Bretln-e1l. Amongst tl1e numberless inhabitants of the eat·Lh,

thou hast chosen, by a voluntary \'ow, the Jfrecma" ~ons as brethren.

Therefore, never forget that every Ft·ecmasou, \Vitbout distinction of the profession of his faith, country or rank, the moment he offers thee his rigbt baud as the emblem of brotherly confidence, bas a. sacrell claim upon thy assistance and l'deodship. The Mason restot·es the original rights of manldnd; he never sacrifices to vulgar prejudices; Ute sacred plumb-rule amongst us puts all ranks ou a level. N everthelcss, lumor t11e (listinctions of rank in civil life, which society has introduced orpermitted. Oft at·e those gradations the productions of pride; lmt pride it would be in thee to ~>tl·uggle against or disavow thnse distinctions which civil society acknowledges. In out· assemblies, step behind him wl1o is more

virtuous and enlightl'ned ; the dignity which distinguishes thee in the world remains unnoticed here.


l1 l~ECEPTS,


Be not ashamed of an obscure, but honest man, out of the Lodge, whom thou hast acknowlged a short time before as a brother ; the order woulcl then be ashamed of thee also, and send tl1ee back to the profane theatre of the world, tl1ere to exe.rcise thy p1·ide. Is thy brother in danger? hasten to his assistance, aud hesitate not to endanger thy own life for

him. Is he distressed? open thy purse to him, andrejoice in having found an oppot·tuniiy to mak~ so benign a nse of thy gold. Thy obligation compels thee to be benevolent to mankintl, but particularly to thy brothm·. Is he blinded by er1·ors, and hastens toward a. precipice? take up the brotherly arms of rational . representation and stop him e'er he proceeds too far. Reconduct the wavering creatu1·es of God to the path of virtue, and raise up the fallen. Hast tl10u an animosity agains~ thy bt•other, on account of real or imaginary oft:imces? let not the sun set before thy reconciliatior,, Call in an unprejudicC(l arbitrator, and invite him to brotherly mediation ; but never step over the tht·cslwld of the Masonic temple, unless tby l1eart is clear of hah'ed and revenge. In vain wonldst thou attempt to supplicate the the presence oftbe Eternal iu our Temples, if they wer·e not ornamented by the virtues of our bretht•en and consecrated by their unanimity.


I X.- Dllties tou:m·ds the orile1·. By having admitted thee to parta]{e of the allrau tages w]Jich are the conseC{IICnces of our alliance, thou hn st resigned a part of thy naturallillet·ty. lfnlfil with religious stt·ictness all those mornl duties which the ot·ocl'[ll'escl'ibes. :Follow its p1·ecepts, and honor those who, by the confidence of their brethren, have been made the guardian of the laws, and the interpreters of the universal union. Thy will is subordinate, in the order, to the will of the law, and thy superiot·s. rrhou Wonldst not bA a true brother, if thou wouldst resist this subordination, so requisite in every social society; and nothing would remain for us then, but to banish thee from among us. In particular we have a law, the compliance with which thou hast promised before the face of heaven ; it is the strictest silence concerning our rites, ceremonies, liligns aml the form of out· alJiance. Do not imagine that tbis obligation is less sac1·ed than tbat which thou takest in civil life. Thott wm-t free when it wns administered tQ thee ; but it is not now at thy option to violate it ; the Eternal, whom thou hast invoked to witness it, has ratified it. Tremble at the punishments of perjury; never couldst tbou escape the gnawing l'C}ll'oaches of thy own heart. Thou wouldst lose forever the esteem and confi·



deuce of 11. numerous society; who would have an undoubted right to declare thee to be a pe1jured and infamous being.

X.-Conclusion. Should these prec s .(which the order commu.~ nicates to thee, to make the path to truth and happiness smooth) imprint themselves deep into thy heart, open to the impressions of virtue ; shotrldst thou make those excellent principles thine own, which distinguish each step of the Masonic career, and render them the plumb-line of all thy actions0 bt·other! bow great would be our joy! Thou wouldst then answer t.hy exaltell destination; thou wouldst resume that resemblance with God wbicll was the share of man in his state of innocence, which is the object of religion, and the principal end of Masonic initiation ; thou wouldst be once more the favorite of heaven ; the abundance of its blessings would be poured oYer thee, and acquir~ ing the title of a wise, free, happy and firm many thou wouldst run thy terrestrial career as





















"fHE three fhst degrees of Masonry are conduct• ed under the authority of Gt·and Lodges ; in like manner, Chnptet·s of Royal Arch Maso.ns, wiUt power to confer the preparatory degrees of Mark Master, Past Master and Most Excellent Master~ at•e held unuer the authot·ity of Orand Chapters, composed oft he three principal officers of all the Royal Arch Chapters, within a certain district, together with the proper Grand Officers. Until the year 1797, no Gt•ancl dhapier of Royal Arch Masons was organised in America. Previously to thnt period, a competent number of companions, possessed of sufficient abilities, under the Ranction of a Masters Wat·rant, proceeded to exereise the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Chapters, whenever they thought it expedient and proJler; although, in ruost cases, the approbation of a neighboring Chapter was deemed useful, if notes· sential. This unresh·ained mode of proceeding was subject to many incon\;'enienccs ; unsuitable characters might be admitted; h·rcgularties in the mode of working introduced; the purposes of the society J•erverted; and thus the order be degraded by fall ing into the hands of those who mighl be regard-



less of tlm reputation of the institution. If diU'ereu. ces should arise between two chapters, wl1o was to £lecide upon them? If unwol'lhy characters should attempt to open new chaptm·s, for their own emolument, or for the purposes of conviviality, who was to restrain them ? If the established regulations, or ancient land marl(s, should be violated or broken down, whet·e is there power sufficient ·to remedy the evil? Sensible of the existence of these, and many oth. er inconveniences, the chaptet·s in various parts of the United States, have formed Gt·and Royal A1·ch Chapters, for their better government and regula. tion. In the year 1797, a convention of represenfrom the several chapters in the state Pennsylvania, met at Philadelphia, and, after mature delibe. ration, formed a Grand Royal Arch Chapter for that state. Actuated by similar motives, on the 24th October, 1797, a convention of committees from several Chapters in the northern states assembled at Boston ; being appointed to meet with any or every Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, within the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Uho<le Island, Oonnecticut, V crmont anll New York, or with every comruittce, ot· committees, duly appointed and authorised, by any OL' all of said Chapters, and to deliberate upon the pt•opriety and expediency of fm·ming and establishing a Grand Chapter of Roy. al Arch .Masons, for the government and regulation of the several Ohapte1·s within the said states. Of this convention the most Excellent 1'bomas Smith Webb was osen chairman. The conven-



tion having taken the matter into 'consideration, came to a determination to forward to each of the Chapters within the six states before mentioned, a circular letter, expressive of their opinious on the subject, and recommending a meeting of delegates to be holden at Hartford, in the state of Uonnecticut, on the fourth Wednesday of January, 1798, inYcsting them with full power and authority to fol'ln and opl'n a G1·and CltajJte1' of lloyal .flrcll· Jflasons, and to establish a constitution fot· the gov·cl'llment and t·egulation of all the Chapters the11, or the.J•caftcr to be erected within the said states. In consequence ofthis address, the several Chaptet·s within the states therein enumerated, appoint~ ed delegates who assembled at the time anll place appointed, and after sevet•al days delibet·ation, foJ'IDt'·'l aud n<lopted a constitution for tbe governme ut 1.1 !" the R o_yal At·ch Chapters, and Lodges of Mar k M asters, Past Masters and Most Excellent M n.sters, tluoughout said states; and having electetl und installed their Grand Officers, the Grand C hnpieJ; ' ·as completely orgaoized. } ~; rN• al., l y to the constitution tlms allopted, 61~.>il Roy al Arch Chapters were established in the se eral northern states, whet·e there were CbaptN'8 ot' Rosal At•ch Masons existing; and iu evet•y iusta.nce the private Chapters have unitettwith, and acknowledged the authot·ity of, the said Grand

O'ltllpters.' The long desh·ed and necessary autbot·ity for conectinj; abuses, and regulating the concerns of !loyal A1·clJ M.aeoury i1l the no•bei·n states, llt'ing thus happily cstlll1li~hed, ·the sublime be ~



came flourishing and respectable. Royal A1•dt :A'la.son& iu the southern states, observed with sat. isfaction, the establishment of Gran(l Uhaptcrs in. the nm·thcrn states, undet• the authority of a gene. ral constitution, antl became desirons of uniting with them untlm· the same authority. Applications WCl'C accordingly made fm· the privilege of opening new Chapters in the the southern states; but there lleing no provision made iu the constitu lion for extending its autboriLy beyond the limits first contem. l)latcd, the state Grand Chapters took the sub. ject into consideration, and ptlssctl a concurrent tle. cree, vesting power aml authority in the tht·ce fit-st General Graud officers, or any two of them, conjointly to grant aml issue letters of tlispens~tiou fot· the institution of J...odges of Mark .Masters, Past Masters, Most I~xceUent Masters, and Obaptel's of Royal At·ch Masons, within any state iu which .thet·e was not a Gt·aud Chaptet· established. At a succeeding meeting of the Geueral n rand oCbaptet·, the powet·s l.lef(JL'e mentioned, wm·e coufh·med aLJu made pet· in the General Grand otlkers, autl tlJc proceec.lin•rs of Ute Geueral Grand officers mulet· the decree before meutoiued were ap· proved and confinucll. 01, the 9th JanuaL"y, 1806, the General Grand Chapter met at Middletown, (Onnn. ) and h11ving l'esulve(l itself into a committee of the wlwle, upon the General Gt·aud Royal ach ~ !onstitutiuo, sundt·y resolutions and amendments Wt'.re propos&l aml considct·ed, and Rfterwat•tls ratified and con· ih-meu, by the Genet·al Grand Chapter.

Among other .am ndments was the followi11g~



viz: The style a!Hl title to IJe, '~The General Grllnd Royal At·ch Cllnpter of the United States." The jurisdiction was declared to extend throughout the United States, and to any state or territory whet·cin no Grand Chapter was regularly estab. lis bed. The casualties of war having pt•evented the Septennial meeting of the General Grand Chapter in Septembet·, 1812, the presiding officers after the. rctm·u of peace, agreeably to the powers vested in them, convened a special meeting in the city or New York on the 6th June, 1806, when the contilitution, as it now stands, was ratified · and con:fit·med. The General Gt•and Chapter has now under its jurisdiction, the Grand Chapters of New Hampshi<e, .Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, South Carolina, Ollio, Kentucky and Alabama.It ha!;l also Chapters in the following states, where uo 6t·and Chapters yet been established, viz: North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri~ and the territory of :Michigan. -


CHAP'l'Elt H.

'l'his degt·ee of Masonr'y was not less useful in Itt original institution, not· at·e Hs effects less beneficial to those who possess it, than those which precede it. Indeed we consider it one of the most beautiful degrees of Masonry, affording an amtlle field for illustration. By its effects the disorder and confusion that might otherwise have attended so immense an un. del'taking was completely prevented ; and not only the craftsmen themselves, who were eighty thousand in numher, but evct·y pat't of tlu~ir workmanship was discriminated with the £;1'1'1\.test nicdy, aucl the utmost facility. If dcfc<.:ts were found ~ by tbc help of this degree, the over~ eers were en11hled witl10ut difficulty to ascertain whn wau; llw faulty ·workman; so that dPficien cies might he l'emedicd without injuring the credit m· d imini shin~ thereward of the industrious and faithful of the craft. Charl~e at openi11g the Loclge.

Wherefore, brcthren, .lay nside all malice, and guile, and hypocrisies, and en vies, and all evil speakin~s.

If so be ye have tasted tllat the Lol'd is gracious

303 to whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowetl

indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious ; ye, also, as living stones, be ye built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offet• up sacrifices ucccp tahle to Gotl. "\Vhcrefm·e, also, it is contained in the sct·iptures, Behold, I lay in Zion, for a foundation, 0: triell stone, n precious cornet· stone, a sme foundation ; he that bclicYctb shall not make haste to pass it over. Unto you, therefore, which believe it is au bonor; and even to them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the col'ller. Brethren, this is tlle will of God, thA.t with well doing ye put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. As free and not using your libel'ty fot• a cloak of maliciousness, but as the SPr\'ants ot' God. Honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God.

The first Section. The first section of the lecture appertaining to this degree, explains the manner of convocating and opening a M1uk Mastm·s J.. odge. It teaches the stations nnll duties of ihe rl'spcctive officers, and recnpitulales the mystic ceremony of introducing a. candidate. In this section is exemplified i11e regularity and good ordel' thnt was obsen~d by the craftsmen on Mount Libanlls, and in the plains and quarries of Zet·edathath. and it ends with a di,play of the manner in which one of the principal events originatecl which characterize this degt·ee.

80 4.


The second Section. In the socoutl section the Mark Mnstet• is particularly inslructed in Ute origin and hislot·y of this c1egree, and the indispensible obligations he is under to extend his hand to the relief of an indigent and worthy hrotl1er, to a certain and specified extent. Here an opportunity is presented to lhe pt·esitling officer of illustrating that first of virtues-Heaven. born charity, which is here inculcated and enjoin ed in a manner peculiar to Mark Masters. In the course of the lecture, the progress made in architecture, particularly in the reign of Solomon, rcmarlted ; the number of artists employed in building the temple of Jerusalem, and the privile. ges they enjoyed arc specified; the mode of rewarding merit, and punishing the guilty arc pointe(l out; and the marks of distinction which were conferred on our ancient brethren, as the rewat·ds of excellence are named. During the ceremonies the following passages of Scripture are recited.

llev. n.-17. To him that oycrcometh will I gire to eat of the l1iddcn manna, all(l will gh·e him a white stone, and in the stone a new name wrilten, which no mall knoweth, saving him that rccc.iveth it. •

2. Clwon. n.-16.

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, ItS mucl1



as thou shalt need, and we will bt·ing it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa, and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.

Psalm cxvm. 'l'hc stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

Math. xxi.-42. Did ye never read in the ~criptures, the stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner.

.O.cts. IV-H. 'fhis is the stone which was set at nought of you builders ; which is become the head or the cot·ner.

Bev. m-13. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.

E%elc. xnv-t, 8, ~. 'l.. hen he brought me back by the way of the gat& Q£ e outward sanctuary, which looketh towards th east, and it was shut. Then said the Lord unto me, this gate shall be elmt, it shall not be opened, and no man shall en· ter in by it : because the Lord, the God of Israelv has entered in by it, thercfol'e it shall be shut. AA 2



It is for the Pl'ince; the Pt·incc, he slmll sit iu H to eat bread before the Lm·d ; he shall enter in by the way of the porch of that gate, and sltall go out by the way of the same. And the Lord said unto me, son of man mark well, and behold with thine eyes and heat· with thine ears, all that I say unto thee concerning the ol'<linances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the bouse, with ercry going forth of the sanctnat·y.

lV01•lcing Tools. 'l'he wot·king tools of a ~lark Master, are the Chisel and .l!allet. Tlte Chisel morally dcmonstt·atcs the advantages of di~cipline and education. 'The mind, like the diamond in its original state, is rude and un}Wlishcd; but as the etl'ect of the chisel on the cxtet'llal coat soon presents to view the latent beauties of the diamond, so education (liscovers the latent virtues of the mind, and <h·aw.s them forth to rauge the large fielu of matter and space, to display the summit of human knowledge, our <luty to Go<l and to mau. ·

The .tlallet morally teaches us to correct irregu· larities, and to reduce man to a l>l'oper level; se that by quiet deportment, he may, in the school of discipline~ learn to be content. What the mallet is to the workman, enlightened reason is to the pas• sions; it curhs ambition, it depresses en\'y, it mod· crates anger, aml it encourages good dispositions ;




whence arises among good Masons that comely or· tier, " Which nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The souls calm sunshine, and tile heartfelt joy."

URoTnEn-1 congratulate you ou lmving been t hought wol'thy of being advanced to this honm·able degree of Masomy. Permit me to impress it en our mind, that yom· assiduity should ever be commensurate with your dutier-;, which become more and more extensive as you advance in mason ry. Iu the honorable charndet· of Mark 1\'Iastcr, it is more particulat·ly your duty to endeavor to let your condnct in the Lodge and among your brethl'en, be such as may stand the test of the Gl'aud Overseer's square; lbat you m11.y not, like the unfinished and lmpel'fect work of former times be rejected and thrown aside, as unfit for the sphitual building, that house not made with bands1 eternal iH. the heavens. While such is your conduct, should misfortunes assail you, .s hould friends forsake you, should eavy traduce your good name; and malice persecute you ; yet may you have confidence that amon; Mark Master Masons you willfind fl'iends who will administer to you distt·esses, and comfort to your aftlictions ; ever bearing in miud, as a consolation under all the frowns of fortune, and as an encouragement to hope for better prospects, that the stone which the builders rejected (possessing 1nerits to



them unknown) became tho chief stone of the corner. The following song is sung previous to closing. Mark Masters, all appear Before the chief o'erseer ; In concert move; J,et him your work inspect, l<'or the chief architect ; If there is no defectt He will approve. ;.

Those who have pass'd the &quare, For your rewards prepare, Join heart and hand; Each with his mark in view, 'March with the just and true, Wages to you are due, At your command. Hiram, the .widow's son, Sent unto Solomon, Our great key stone ; On it appears the name, Which raises high the fame or all to whom the same Ia truly known. Now to the westward move, Where, full ol strength and love, Hiram doth stand ; But if imposters are Mis.'d with the worthy there, Caution them to beware Of the right hand;


J.faUhew xx--i,f6t

For the kin~;dom o~ h.eaveu is like uto a mau



tlmt is nn housc-holdm·, which went out early in the morning to hit·e labom·ers into his vineyard.Aml when he had agreed with the labourers for a a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.Aml he went out about the thit·d hour, and saw oth ers standing idle in the market place, and said un to them, go ye also into the vineyard, antl wha.iso · evet· is right, I will give you. A.tul they want their way. And again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and £lid likewise. And about the ele-. Yenth hour, he went out and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle ? They say unto l1im, Because no man hath hit·ed us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So, when eYen was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when tlicy eame, f.hat were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But wl1en the first oamc, they supposed they should have received lllore, and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they receive(l it, they murmured against the good man of the house, saying-these last hnxe wrought bnt one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto ns, which have borne the bul'den and heat of the day. Hut he answered one of them, and said~ Jh·iend, I do thee no wrong; «lidst thon not agree with me for a penny? Take that thine is, and go thy way; I will give unto this last even as uuto thee. Is it not lawful for me to da what I will with mine own? Is thine rye evil, be·



cause I am good? So-the last shall be :lhst, anti the fit·st shall be last; for many be called, but few d wsen. Now to the praise of those 'Vho ~riumph 1 d o'er the fo es Of Mason's art;

To the prRiiiiWot•thy three; Who founded this degree; May all their virtue& bo Deep in our heute:

Prayer at closing. Glorious Architect of the universe, \vi.Jo nlonc art infinite an£1 eternal, omnipot.ent, omniscient aml omnipt'eient! 'Ve desit·e gt·atcfully to acknowledge thy protecting mercies through all the past and perilous scenes of life ; and we beseech thee still to continue to be gracious, and increase in us all those heavenly dispositions "hicb are calcull!.ted to dignify ou1· charactm·s as men ami as masons ; that we may thereby be enabled to let our light 10bine before men, and aid iu p1•omotiug tbe streugth and heaufy of thy spil'itual tt>mple. 1\ncl grant, 0 Lord, that when we 1ue call Pd off from all our eat·Lhly lahom·s, to recei \'e the wn.gcs thou l1ast promised to thy tt·ue and faithful Sl'l'vants, that we may receive tl1at white stone, in "llicb there is a new name \nitten, which uo man knoweth, sa,·e him that receiveth it. And to th y hi::;h ami exalted name, we will ascribe honrn·, and glory, and power, 110w and fore\' er.-Amen ! So n1ote it be !



Cha1·~·e at closing. BnETHREK-\Ve are now about io separate, and

1·etire to our respective places of abode. May we ever beat• in mind the excellent precepts which have here been inculcatell upon us; and let it I.Jo our constant care aiHl study to practice them in our inte1·course with mankinll, thereby exhibiting to the worM, the value of those principles which we 1nofess to re,·cre. l\'luy the pure whHe stone, the lattice window and the presented mark, ever admonish us of whnt we owe to ourselves and our bretlm:m, in the val'ious duties of life. Aud may the blessing of heaven rest and abide with you, uow and forever more.-Amen ! As before observed, Masonry is a prog1·cssive science; as WA ad \'a nee the more enlarged is the sphere in which we move, anu our obligations to each other become more extensive. The moral lessons of the three :fh'sl degt·ees arc well calcu late<l to enlighten the mind and improve the heart; but. it is the province of the l1igher degt·ces to cmich the mal'louic temple, by their splendid decorations of the several pillars which support it. The effect to he produced on the mind of tbe candidate in this degree, as in all others, matedal· ly depenils upon the manner in which it is con~ fcrt·cd. The lawyer who audresses a jury, must be completely master of his subject, elSe he presents but an impm·fect examination of the case, an<l he fails in proll ucing the cllect dosil·es. If the ministc1· of Peacc1 in proclaiming the


glatl tiui ng~ of lhe e\'erlasting Gospel, ascends the pulpit without prepat·ation, ot· acldt·esses his congregation in an iucohet·ent strain of noisy lleclamatiou, ot· in a cold, heat·tless and formal manner, his lwarers are neither enlightened, instructed or atfecrted by his discont·se. Thus it is in conferring the different degrees of :Masonry. If the presiding officer is inadequate to the discharge of his duty, his instructions fall upon the mind of the caudi· date, like • • - - - - snow upon the river, A moment white-then gone forever.

He should, then, not only be completely mastel' ctf his subject, but be should be capable of illu~tra­ ting it in an interesting and pleasing manner; to do which ample opportuuities are afl'orded. The subject is a fl'uitful one, and be is not c.onfincc} to a pa.rt.icular form of words. This talent is the more uecessa1·y in the presiding offict>r of a Lodge, because, although the general pt·inciples of tbe ortier are published to the worhl, yet mauy of the tenet~ and peculiar principles cannot be committed to writiug, but must be imJ>ressed upon the mind by verbal recitation ; to aid which, appropriate symbols at·e intl·oduced and explaiurcl. The lectut·cs appet·taining to this degree. explain the various ceremonies, to which the candidate is introducell, in a clear, distinct and satisfactory manner. They bring to light many interesting pn.l·ticulars relating to the craft, which occurred at the building of the fit·st temple, where Masonry, if it did not originate, at least received som~ of its

most essential embe~lisbments •





The ceremonies are particularly interesting, and whilst the canclidate is reminded, by the peculiarity of his situation, of the necessity he is un<ler or extending the helping hand to a worthy and distl·essed bt·other, it is also enjoined on him to pro.iect his w· dow and helQle1~ orphan when assailed. by the 1•ude blasts of adve sity, iJ dnty is impressed on his mind in a way calculated to make .a. deep and lasting impression, which no time or ch·cumstance can erase. 'rhe pure white stone, wrought with exquisite skill, and adorned with "a new name, which no man knoweth, saving him that receivetll it;" the lattice window, the present· ed mark, are elucidated and explained, and are calculated in after times, to recall the liveliest as~ sociations.. aml most pleasing recollections, to the mind of whose work has been approved. In short, this degree is one, which cannot fail to grat-: ify the intelli~;ent.mind. :


t:HAPTER III. 1Je.g1•ee of Past .JJiaste1•. lfot·mel'ly, none but those who had been e\ectea ),y their brethren to presitle ovet· a regularly constituted Lodge, were mt>de acquainted with tbo mysteries of this degree, and such only were considere<l as legally authorised to sit and act~ as repre. sentatives in tbe General Grand Conventions; but in consequence of the marmet• in which the i~ttlu. ence of masonl'y has been extended o r the greater parts of the habitable globe, it has been found convenient to confer this dt~gt·ee on any worthy mastet· mason, as preparatot·y to the de ee of Royal Arch Mason. No mastet• can leg obtain this degree, except in a Chapter of oyal Arch Masons, unless he has been elected to p e. side over a Lotlge. It is a degree which should be carefully studied and well understood by eve1·y master of a lodge.It treats of the government ol' our society; tlti disposition of our rulers ; aud illustrates their requi· site qualifications. It includes the ceremlJll of opening and closing lodges in the several '})receding degt·ees ; an<l also the forms of co s cration and installation, in the Grand Loclge, att Wdl as rivate lodges. It comprehends tbe ceremo · s of laying the foundation stones of public biiU gs,



nnd also at llcdications and funerals, by a variety of parliculars explanatory of those ceremonies. The following passages of scripture serve to elucidate this degree.

llev. xx-1. And there was given me a re~d like unto a t·od ; and the &1,\ge stoo.d, saying, rise a d measure the temple ofGod, and the altar, andthey t}lat wor · ship therein. ~zek.

XI--8, 4, 6, 8.

And he bought me thither, and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearancE'. of brass ; wjth a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed ; ancl he stood iu the gate, and thr. man said unto me, son of man behold with thine. eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all th I shall shew thee ; for the intent that I might shew them unto thee, art thou brought hither ; declat·e all that thou seest to the house or Israe '.Phen he unto the gate which looked towards the east, and went up the stairs thereof and measured the thresholtl of the gate which whs one reed broa<l; and the othet· thres hold of the gate, which was oue reed broad. He mea.snre e, the po11Gh ef the (ate wUliin1 one. reed. · 82, 49.

A he brought me into the inner co11rt toward the east,.. &nd he measur cl the gate co 'ng to these mes.sures. '£he length of the por was twent.y cubits, an<l tlfe b e tb ~lev n- cubits ; and lle brought me by t e step hereby they went up



to it; and tl1ere were pillars by the posts, one on this side and anothe1· on that side.

Jerem·iah XY-19. ;l~bou shalt stand Leforc me; and tl10u sbaH take fol'lh tl1e l>rccious from the yil~, thou shall be my


CHAPTER IV. Tlte degree of .J.lost EaJcellent .JJ1astet•. None but tl1e meritorious and praiseworthy ; 11one but those, ·who, through diligence and indus try, have progressed far towa.·ds perfection; none but those who have been seated in the oriental chair, by the unanimous sull't-ages of theh· brethren, can be aumitted to this degt·ee of Masonry. This degree was instituted at the dedication of King Solomon's Temple, which took place elevea months after its completion, at the feast of Taber• naclcs, when the fraternity celebrated the cape. stone with great joy. None were admitted to this honot·, who had not proved themselves complete masters of their profession; ancl indeell, the duties incumbent on every mason, wbo is accepted and acknowledged as a most cxce11ent master, are such as to render it..indispensi6Ie, that be should have a. perfect len owledge of all the preceding degrees. 'l'he following passages of scripture are read at opening.

Psalm 1XIV. The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof;· the world, and they that dwell therein. }'or be bath founded it upon the seas, and established it

Bn 2



upon the floods. 'V ho shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands and a pm·e heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn ueceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and •·ighteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, 0 Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates ; and be lifted UJt, :ye enrlasting tloors, and the king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord stl'oog and mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates ; m·en lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the king of glory shall come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord of hosts, be is the ldng of glo1·y. Selah." 'l'he following Psalm is read during the ce1·eme· ny _of receiving a candidate to this degree.

Psalm exxu. "I was glatl when they said unto me, let us gg into tbebouseofttbe Lo1·d. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem. Jerusalem is huilded as a city that is compact together: whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony o[ israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. Pray for tbe peac,e of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, anti prosperity within thy palaces. For my breth-

ren and companions'~sakes1 I will now say,:peace,


be within thee. Because or the house of the Lord t)Ur God, I will seek thy good." 'rhe following song is introduced accompanit~(l with solemn ceremonies. All bail to the morfting That bil!s us rejoice; The Temple 's completed, Exalt high each voice; 'fhe cape stone is finish'd, Our labour is o'er; The sound of the gavel l5hall hail us no more. 'lo the Power Almighty, 'II ho evet· has guided The tribes of old Israel, exalting U1cir f.lme; To Him who hath ~~:overn'd our hearts undivide~, Let's send forth our voices to praise his great name. Companions, assemble On this joyful day ; (The occasion is glorious,) The key stone to lay ; Fulfill'd is the promise By the anctent of days, To bring fot·th the cape stoae With shouting and praiae.

f llere ttpprop'l"iate ceremonies are introduced.} There is no more occasion for level or plumb line. Por trowel or gavel, for ompas11 or square; Our workll are complete , the ark safely aeated, And we ehall be greeted as workmen most tare.

Now tboae that are worthy, Our toils who ha!e shar'di


And prov'd themselves faithful , Shall meet their reward. Their virtue and knowlet.lge, lnt.lustry and skill, Have our approbation; Have gain'd out· good will. 'Ve accept and receive them most excellent masters, Invested with honors and power to preside; .Amongst wot·thy craftsmen, whet·ever assembled, 'l'he kaowledge of masons to spread far and wide •

•fllmighty Jehovah! Descend now and fill This lodge with thy glory, Our hearts with good wilL! 'Preside at our meetings Assist ns to find 'l'rue pleasure in teaching Good will to mankind. Thy wisdom inspired the great inQtitufion, Thy strength will support it, till nature expire; And when the creation shall fall into ruin, Its beauty shall rise througll the midst of the fire.

The following passages of scripture are also in· trounced, 1J,ccomp1111ied with solemn ceremonies.

2. Chron. VI. , Then said Solomon, the Lord hath said, that he would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling forever. And the king turned his face, and blessed the whole congregation of Israel ; (and all the congr~-: gatioa of Israel stood.)



And he saitl, Blesse<l be the Lord God of Israel rvho hath with his hand fultillc<l, that which he spake with his mouth unto my father David. And he stood before the altar of the Lortl, in the presaence of all the congt·egation of Israel, atHl sp:ead fot·th his hands; for Solomon had made a bt·azen scaffold of five cubits long, and fl.\'e cubits bt·oall, nn<l three cubits high, and set tin the midst of tbo cotu·t; null upon it h~ stootl, nud lmeeled down upon bis knees before all the congregation of Israel, and spread fol'tb his hands towards heaven, and said, 0 Lord God of Israel, there is no God. like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts ; thou whiclt has kept with thy servant David, my father, that 'vhich thou hast promised him, and speakest witla thy mouth and bast fultilled it with thine hand, 111 it is ibis day. Now, therefore, 0 Lord God of hl'ael, keep with thy servant David, · my father, that which thou hast promised him, saying, 'l'bere shall not fail a man in my sight to sit upon th1 throne of Israel ; yet so that thy children take heed to their w-a,- to walk in my law, as thou hast walkt.<l before me. Now then, 0 Lord, God of Israel, Jet thy word be verified, which thou hast spokea nuto thy servant David. ave respect to the prayet· of thy servant, and to ltis supplication,O Lord, my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer, which thy servant pra;relh before thee ; that thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night; upon the place whereof



thou hast said that thou wouldst put t11 y name there , to hearken unto the prayer, which thy scrnnt praycth townr(ls this place. Hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from Heaven; and when thou hearcst, forgive. ~.

Clwon. Yn-1, 4.

Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the flre came down from heaven, and consum. ed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests. could not enter the house of tl1e Lord, because the ~lory of the Lord filled the Lord's bouse.

And when all tho children. of lsrael saw the fire. come down, and the glory of the Lo1·d upon tb, house, they bowed themselves with their faces tQ the gt•ound upon the pavement, and worsh~pped aqd praised the Lord, saying,

]lor he is good; for 1Lis mercy endurethfor~ver. Oha;rge.

BaoTHmR-You ~li!Utillo-. to •i degree of Masonry, is a proof of the good opinion the bre. thren of this Lodge entertain of your Masonic abil· ities. Let this conside-.:ation induce you to be careful of forfeiting, by m conduct and inattentiWJ. , ... om· rules, that esteem whicb bas raised you to youl' present ran~ It is one of your great (luties, as a wost e;xcel· lent master, to dispense light and h·utb to the ul\ip .. fe~d ma.son ; and I need DQt remind Y-oU.




intpossibility of complying with this obligation, without possessing an accurate acquaintance with the lectures of each degree, If you are not alrefuly completely conversant iu all the llegt·ees bet·etofore conferred upon you, remember, is confidently expected by the brethren, that you will apply yourself with double diligence to the actl'tircment of the necessary inforru:\1 ion. J,l!f; it therefore be your unre • ting study to acquire such a degree of knowledge and information, as shall enable you to discharge with propriety tha various duties incumbent upon you, and }>reserve unsullied the title now coufe~·t·ed upon you of a

JJ1ost E:»ce!lent JJJ.aster. The following Psalm is 1·cad a.t closing. Psa~m cxxxiv.

Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye scr.v ants of the Lord, which by night sta.nd in the house ofthe Lortl. Lift up your hands in the sanctuat·y, and bless




e o d t m:ade Heaven ahCl Earth, blets thee out of Zion,


OJ tlze DPg1•ee of Royal .01•ch JJiason. The ori:;in of Rf\yal A1·ch Masonry, is traced h1 the erection of the second Temple, 532 years before Christ, when, in t tefulfilmentofprophccy, the founders of this degree, J'epah·cd f1·om Babylon toJ erusa· lem, to rebuild the bouseoftheLord, which had been destroyed by N elmchadnnzar, king of Babylon.Although the number through whose fidelity we l1a vc received the information it iwpa1·ts is comparitively small, yet the identity of tlu~ facts in dift'erent countl'ies, and among m.en of different languages, affords conclnsire evidence of theh· h·utb. Before proceeding to an illustration of the forms and ceremonies .of this degree, a few partic.glars with.•·egat·d to the fl.t·st and second temples, ma;r, with propriety be here introdu.ced. The temple of Solomon was situated on :1\'Iount :Moriah, ncar the place where Abraham was about to offer up his son Isaac, anti where David met a.nd appeased the destro. i g angel, It was begun in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon ; the!iltird after the death of Daviu ; four hundr.ed and eighty years after the pa~sage of the Red Sea, and on the second day of the month of Zif, bein5- the second month of the sacred year, which answers to ihe ~1st April, in the yeu of t}le. world1 ~99:2 1 an w~



cnrrictl on Wl sunh prodigious speed, that it was finished, in all its parts, in little more tha~ seven

,·enrs. · In the year of the world, 3029, king Solomon tliell, and was succeeded by his son Rehol>oam ; who, immediately after the death 9f his fathet·, went down to Shecltem, whet·e the chiefs of the 11eoplc wet·c met together, to proclaim him king. 'Vhcn J croboam, the son of N eba.t, who was in Egypt, whither he bad fled ft·om the presence of Solomon, and whose ambition had long aspired to the tht·oue, heard of the dcalh of the king, he hastCIH'tl to return ft·om Egypt, to put himself at the hea1l of the di ~ contcnted tribes, and lea1l them to rchcllion. He a.ccm·uingly assembled them together :uul came to king Uehohoam, and spake to him after this man net·: " Thy father made our yoke grie,·ious ; now the1·efore, ease thou somewhat the grievous sel'vitude of thy fathet·, and his heavy yoke t11at he put upon us, and we will serve thee." Hehouoam desired lhem to come again in three days and he would reply to their demand. They tlcparleu ; in the meantime, the king called togeth· cr the wise and aged counsellors of his father, and

t·equire<L nt lhem their advice. 1'bey answered blm, "If you be kind to this people, and please them, an<l speak good words to them, they will be thy sel'Vants forever." Rehoboam, puffed up with the pride of power, instead of following the advice of his aged counsell01·s, when Jet·oboam· came on the third day, made them this bar sh answer: "Think not that l will govern you otherwise than my pt'cdecessor. My ftlthcr loaded yon with a Oc


]JCavy yoh~ hut I will a!ld thereto; my father cl1astised you with wltips, but I will chastise you with scm·pions:· Ten tl'ihcs immediately rcnoutL cett lhei1· allegi:mc:c, :wd only J111lah aBillh'njn miu remained wilh the imprudent monarch. HelwllO· am sent ncgociators to ·indu ce the others to rctum i o their tlut.y; hut it was too late; .Jcwhoam had tnlwn advantage of the op[Hll'ttwity, can serl himself to be proclaimed king, antl mised a wall of ctt>rnal separation between the two parties of the same nation. The first care of J crnhonm, was to abo1i " h~ or at least, esse nti uUy dJUngc theit• religion. Then:~ ­ tional temple, and tho obligation lWct·y intli\'illual was untle1· to rcpait· to it annually to pay his vows, and carry lhithcl' his oil'l'ring!l, was, as it were,:\ bond of union to the Ueb;·el\'s, and t•entlt•rcll them a nation of bi·cthreu. Jcrobonm scvct·ed this sacretl knot; he every vdtet·e aulhot·isc1l idolau•y! an1l erected at the two extremities of hi~ kingdom, a.ltal·s, to which the Israelites might make their Jlil· grima~es, instead of the temple at .Jm·usalcm. The h'ib s of Ist·acl wet·e divided fur two hundred and 1i.fty-fourycars, when, by following the \1 ays ofwickcdness and idolatt·y, they lJecnme ' vea k and degen· rnte, and fell a prey to Sha1mauazar, king ofAfisy· ria, who in the reign of Hoshea, king of Israel, hesicgetl tbc cit.y of Samaria, laid theh· countl'y waste, tulll utterly destt·oyed the. government. Huch was the wretched fate of a people who disduiuccl subjection to the Jaws of the bouse. of Jlavitl, and whose impiety antl cficmiuacy ended in their clesh•uction. , After a scl'ics of changes alHl events, N elJuchad-


ot\'MH', king of Babylon, with his forces,


took pos-

.cssion of Jerusalem, and, having made captive J cwinchim, the king of Judah, elevated his um.: le · ~cdekiah t«;» the tht·onc, after binding him by a sowmn, neither to make innovations in thn government, nor to take pat·t with the .f:4}gyptians in thcit· wars agninst Babylon. At the end of eight yeat·~, Zetleldah violated bil-l oath to N cbuchadnazar, by fo1•ming a treaty otl'en sivennd defensi ve witll'the Egyptians. N ebuchadnazut· immeuintcly mal'ched all!lravaged the country of Zedekiah; seized his castle and fortr~ss, ancl p!'occederl to the siege of .T et•usalcm. Pharoah, learning how Zedekiah was pressed, advanced to his relief with a view of raising the siege. Nebuchndnazar, having intimation thereof, would not wait his app1·oach, but proceed~d to give him battle, and in one contest, drove him out of Hyria. This circumstance suspended the siege. In the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, the king ofBu.bylon n0 ain besieged Jerusalem, with a large army, an£1 for a year and a half exerted all his strength to ·conquer it; but the city did not yie'td, though enfeebled by famine and pestilenc-e. In the eleventh year the siege went on vigorous~ ly; the Babylonians completed theh· works, ha,·~ in; raised tower!~; all round the city, so as to driYe. the invaded party from its walls. The place, though a prey to plague and f'amine, was obstinate~ 1y defended during the space of a year and half ; hut at length, want of provisions and forces, comvellcd its surrender; and it was accordingly deli v. creel at midnight, to the officers of N ebuch adnazar.



Zedekiah, seeing tbc troops enter tho temple, absconuetl by a nal'row pass, to the desert, n·it h l1is officers and f1·ieods; hut advice of his escape lu~ing gh·cn to the Babylonians, they pursued the m early in the morning, and surl·onntle'tl them nent• .Jericho, wl1ere they were bound, nntl carrictl before the king, who ordered lheit• wires and chi! .· cl1·en to be put to death in l1L; sight; and then or . deretl Zedekiah's eye"i to he put out, nrul him sel f conducted in chains to llabylou, whl' l'll he l'cmainetl in prison until he died. According to J oseplms, Zedekiah was hurietl magnHicently, ancl the vessels which he had pillagell f1·om the temple of J erusa· lem, were dedicated to his own Gods. After this victory, N ebuchadnazat· dispatched l1is principal officer, Nebuzaradan, to Jerusalem, who destroyed all the palaces, aml sumptuous ell· ifices, and demolished the temple to the foundation. The sacrifices ceased, which had not happened before, even in tl1e greatest calamities. The ark of the covenant, and the sacred deposits contained itt it, ;v.ere profaned. 'fhe whole nation was hurried away captive. .Among the captives were lhe following persons of eminence; Seraiah, the high priest; Zephan·iah, next in rank; the Secretary of the King; illl'ec principal keepers of lhc temple ; seven of the King's chosen fl'iemls, anil other persons of distinction. :Fifty years nftet• the destruction of the temple, or at the end of the seventy years captivity, which had been foretoltl by Jeremiah, and wofnlly felt lly hy the nation, Cyrus published a tlecrec, autbol'i~iug the Jews to rr turn to the it· own land and rc-


hu ild the bouse of the J... ord ; He also sent the folw

lowing epistle to the governors of Syria.

" ICing Cyrus, to Sisinnis and Sathrabw~anes, sendeth, G1·eetin~ : ''I have given leave to as many of the Jews that elwell in my countt·y, as please to return to their own country, and to rebuild thci1· city, and to build the temple of God at Jerusalem, on the 8ame place where it was before. I have also sent my treusurm·, \J ithridates, and Zerobahel, the governor of the Jews, and uu~y may lay the foundations of the temple, and may build it sixty cubits high, and of the same latitude, making tlll'ee edifices of polished stones, and one of the wood of the country;uud the same orcle1· extends to the altar whereon they offer sacrifices to God. I require, also, that the sacrifices for these things be given out of my rcvcnue.s. :Moreover, I have also sent the vessels which king N chuchadnazar, pillaged out of the temple, and have given to Mithritlates, the treasu rer, nntl to Zm·obahel, the govet•nor of the Jews, that they may hnve them carried to JeriUialem, and may restot"e them to the tempie of God. Now, their number is as follows: fifty charger of gold, and five hundred of sih'er; forty Tluwiclean cups of gold, and five hutHh·ecl of silver; fifty basons of gold, and five hundred of sih·er; thirty vessels for pouring .and three hundred of silver; thirty vials of gold, and two thousand four hundred of silver; lvilh a thousand other large vessels. I permit them to have the same bonor wl'lich they were us.



ell to have from thcit· fm·efatucrs; as also, for their small cattle, anrl fm· wine and oil, two hundred and iivc thousnnll five hundred dmchmre, arHl fur whe 11 t :flom·, twenty thousand :fi\'e hundt•etl artabre; and I give m·der that these cxpences shall be given them out of the tributes due ft·om Samaria. The priest~ shall also oil'ct· these saritices according to the laws of Moses in Jel'Usnlem; and when they offer them, they shall pt·ay to God fm· the prese~·valion of the Kiug, and his family, that the ldngtlom of Persil\ may contiuut>. But my will is, that those who disobey these injunction8, and make them void, shall be huug upon a Cl'oss, and theit• substance ln·ought into the lliugs h·easm·y."* lu consequence of the proclamation of Cyt'UP 1 a gt·eat numi.Jet· of Jews r·epait·etl to Jerusalem, whet·e they began to reuuild the altar, that they might orfet• sacl'ificc immediately. In the following year they laid the foundation t1f the secontl temple, but they had not IH'oceeded far, when they were ol.llibligeu to desist on account of an order from Artaxerxea, king· of Persia, which had been procured through the misrept·esentations of the Samal'itans antl others. Matters remainetl in this state for fif. teen yeat·s, or until the sccoutl year of llal'ius, King of Persin, who penuitted them to continue the work accortling to the will of Cyrus, Assisted by the elders of the Jews, ancl the princes of the Sanhedt·im, the stntcture of the temple was, with great diligence, bt•ought to a conclusion; an~ on the . third day of the month of Adar, in the sixth yee.r t

Josephus.' Ant. vol. iii_ book xi. chap. i.




of Darius, it wns finishell anti <ledicatetl. Thus was its foundation stone laill in ,\ pril, 532 years before Christ, and it was finished on the 21st :F cbl'llnry, 511 year·s bt>fOI'e Clu·ist. The dimensions of lllis temple were larget• than that of t:iolomou. Its length was the same, viz : seventy cubits, hut its brendtb, instead of being thirty cubits, including the side chambers, was sixty ; t~ntl its height instead of being thit•ty en bits, was also sixty. Thus was the second temple twice the size of the fit·st, (the length only excepted) as tltc :fit·st was twice the size of the tabernacle. l?rom this account of the seconll temple, it is presumed that the weeping of the people, at the laying of the foundation, aml tllc manner in which they spoke of it, when compared with the :fit·st, was uot so much owing to its inferiority of size, as othe1· considerations ; to theit· contrasting the then abject slate ot' their nation, with its glory in the days of Solomon, and to their remembering that it wanted :five memorable things, which belonged to the fit·~t temple, viz : the n.rk; the urim and the thummim; the fire from heaven; the cloud of glory on the mer· cy seat; and the spil"it of prophecy, The second temple stood until the t9th year before Ch1•ist.* We flud from the sacred scriptures, hat many, who oft'ere(l their services to aid i11 the great and glol'ious work of rebuilding the llouse of the Lord, were deprived of that (ll'ivil~ge. and if we had no other evidence, it is a reasonable conjecture, that those who enjoyed this privilege, adopted some. ~ ~rown'~ Ant. of the Jews, vol. 1. p. 150.




means of distinguishing each othet· from the rest of the world. 1'hcse distinguishing marks have been handed down by a chosen few, together with an account of important and interesting facts which occm·t·ed, and discoveries matle at that period. The degree of Royal Arch unfolds many important particulars relative to the craft which had been long btit·ied in dat·kness. It impresses on the miml a belief of the existance of a Su1weme and Almighty Being, by whose will "we lire, move ancl have our being," and extends that system of morals which is inculcntell in the pt·ecetliilg degt·ees. This degt·ce is more sublime and important thau all which pt·ecede it. 'l'o coufet• it with pt·oper effect, the Chapter rooms Fihould be furnished with appropriate furniture, and every officer shouhl have a pel'fcct knowledge of the duties of his station.

The lcchll'e of this degree is di vi tied into two sections, an<l shoultl be well nnde•·stood by every Royal Arch Mason. Upon an accurate acquaintance with it, will depend his usefulness at our assemblies ; and without it, he will be unqualified to perfot·m the duties of the various stations in • which his services may be required by the Chapter.

:First Section. The first section opens to Yiew a large field· for contemplation and study. It furnishes us with

many inte1·esting particulars relative to the stitttr o~


33 ~

fhc fL·alcrnity, tluring and since the rcigu of King Solomon ; and illustrates the causes an<l consc . qucnces of some very important events which oc· currc<l dul'ing his reign. This section explains the mode of government in lhis class of Masons ; it designates the appella· tiou, numbe1· anll situation of the se\·eral office.·s, anrl points out the pnrposc and duties of thei1· res· llcctirc slation,;, 'rhc following passages from scripture will serrc to explain the furniture anll clothing of a. Ohapter.

2. Ch1•on. m-t4. And he malle the vail of blue anti purple, anil crimson, antl fine linen, antl w1·onght characters thereon. l!.~xodus,

xxxtx-9, 14.

And l1e made the breast plate of cunning wol'k., like the work of the ephod ; of gold, blue and pnr· plc, antl sctll'let, and fine twined linen. It was four square; they made the breast plate double; a span was tbe.length thereof, and a epan tbe breadth there or, being doubled. A n1l they set in it fom.· rows of stones; the fit·!ot row was 11. sanlius, a to. Jlnz and a ca!'lmnclc; this was Lhe fhst row. Anrl the second row, an cmcrahJ, n sapphiro and a uia· mond.. And the thit·tl t•ow, a ligure, ~n agate atHl an amethyst, Ancl the fourth row, a bea·yl, au onyx and o. jasper. And the stones were accordinQ to the names of I



3J1 the chilllrcn of Israel, twelve accortling to their uames, like the cngmving of n signet, every on e with his acconliug to tl1 e twelve tribes. 2.2, 31. And he matle the robe of the epboll of 'voYen work all of blue; and there was a hole in the midst of tbe robe, as the hole of a hahergeon, with a band round abot1t the bole, that it sbou1ll no t l'Clld. An1l they made upon the hems of the robe, pomegrates of blue and purple ancl scarlet and twined linen. And they made bells of pure gold, nnd put the bdls between the pomegranates upon the hem of the robe, rontHl about between the pomcgl'auates ; a bell antl pomegt·anate, round about the hel\1 of the robe to minister in; as the Lorcl commanded Moses. And th ey made coats of fine linen of woven work for Aaron and his sons, ancl a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen, and linen breeches of :fine twined linen ; and a girdle of fine twined linen, and blue, and ptll'ple and scarlet, of needle work; as the Lord commanded Moses. And they made the plate oftheholycrown,ofpure gold, and wrote upon it a. 'Yl'iting, like to the engl'aving of a signet, JloLIN"ESs TO THE LoRn. Aml they tied it upon a laclwf blue, to fasten it high upon the mitre; as the Lord commancled Moses.

Charge at opening. Now, we command you, brethren, that ye dt·aw yourselves ft·om every brother that walketh disorder· ly and not after the tradition ys have recei ve<l of us, ~·or yourse~ves, know how ye ought to follow

:\IA.SON. 11'<, fot'


we uclJa\'ccl ourselves not disorderly among

you. N cithet· lli<l we eat auy m an~s ht·eatl for nought, hut \Vl'onght with lahom• and travail day and night, that we might not he chargeable to any of you. ~ot hccausc we have uot power, but to make out·sehes au ensamplc. uuto you to follow us. Fur even when we were with you, this we comnuuulctl you, that if any won!d not work, neither shoultl he cut ; fut· '"c heat· that th~t·e at•e some who walk among you clisot•derly, working not at all, but at·e busy bodies; now them that at•e sucb, we command and exhort, that with quictness.thcy WOI'k, and l'at thdt· own IJJ·ctul. But ye, bt·ethren, be not wcat·y in well doiug;, and if auy mnn obey uot our word, note l11at mau, and haYc no colllpauy with him, that he mny be ashameil. Yet count him not as an enemy, but allmouislt him as a brothct·. Now the Lot·d ofPeaee, give you peace always.

PmyeJ• at opewing. Almighty and Supreme High Priest of Heaven null earth! we approach thee with reverence aml implore thy benediction upon lhe urposes of this assemhl Srtfnt, 0 Lord, that tins Ohapter may be conducted to tby hQ or; that the membet•s may be C\'er mindful of the sacred lluties imposed upon them, and faithfully pursue its truest iuterests.Ma.y the incense we pnt before thee upon thine altar, prove an acceptable sacrifice to thee. Hear us, 0 L01·d, fl'om tJJy dwelling lllace; bless us, the

lttWAL AiteH


wol'lt of thine bamls; accept us in mercy, and for. give our trausgressions. Glory be to God on high ! Responsc.-Amen !-So mote it be. The seconcl Section.

This section contains much \·aluablc information, anu discloses some impol'laut fads relati re to the tn•cscrvatiou of the sacred book of the law and tlte tcsti mony. lt prov~s, in the most striking manner, that pros perity and happiness n1·e the ultimate rewards ot' virtue and justice, while disgrace an<l ruin in.nria.bly follow the practices of vice and immorality. A propel' al'l·augemeut of tb.e following charges, &c. is essentially necessary to be observe<l in eveJ'Y Chapter; and theh· application should be familial' to every Royal A1·ch Mason.

Isaiah xm-16. I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in patlis tl\at they l1ave not known; I will make darkness light b<~fol'e the~, ancl c1·ooked things sh·aight J these things will! do unto them1 and not forsake them.

Prayer. Supreme Architect of universal nature, who by



thine almighty wor(l, didst speak into being the stupenclous arch of heaven, and for the instructiou and pleasure of thy rational creatures, didst adorn it with greater and lesser lights; thereby magnifying thy power, aml endearing thy goodness unto the sons of man : we humbly adole. and wo1•ship thine unspeakable perfection. We bless the th~t w.h~n man hatl fallen from his innocence and happiness, U10u didst still leave unto him the powers of reasoning, and capacity of improvement and pleasure We thank thee that amidst the pains and calamities of our present state, so many means of refreshment and satisfaction are reserved for us, wltile tt·avelling the rugged path of life. Especially would we at this time render thre our thanksgiving and praise for the institution, as members of which, we are at this time assemblecl, and for all the pleasure we have derive£1 ft·om it. We thank thee that the few, here assembled before thee, have been favour· cd with new inducementS, and laid under new and stronger obligations to virtue and holiness, May 'these obligations, 0 blessed :Father, have their full cft'ect upon us. •reach us, we pray thee, the true l'everence of thy great, mighty, · p· t ftmn .aluJ. un~J lieu re lion in our virtuous pu'ra iii. liive us grace dili§ qy to search thy word in the book of nature, wherein{IJ.e duties of our high vocation are inculcated with divine aut}Jority. May the solemnity of the ceremonies of our'institt:ition be dulyimpressed on our minds, and have p.]aating a.!Jd happy-effect ott out4MB.O thou, who didM at'oretime appftr unto thy ser-

vant Moses, in a1J:e iff ji1•e out of the midst of a


bush, enkindle, we beseech thee, in each of our l1earts, a flame of devotinn to thee, of lo\'e to each ()ther, and of charity to all mankind. May all thy 'miracles and miglzty u:m·ks, fill us with the dread: and thy goodness impress us with the love, of thy ltoly name. :May HoLINESS TO 'I'HE l.onn, bt eng.·aven on all our thoughts, words and actions. May the incense of }lit>ty ascend continually untQ thee from the altar of our hearts, and burn, day and llight, as a sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour, ll'ell pleasing into thee, And since sin has de. stroyed within us, the first temple of purity anti innocence, may thy heavenly grace guide and assist us iu rebuilding a second temple of reformation, and may the glory of this latter house be grealer than the ~lory of the furmer.-Ameu !" Exodus m-1, 6.

·''Now Moses }{ept the flock of J ctl1ro, llis fatherin-law, the Pa·iest of Midian ; and he lcd1:heilock {o th back side the desert, and came to the moun· tain of God, e unt Bore • And the 11.ngel of the Lord appe-a1•ed unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a Lush; and be Jookad_, aud behold, the blfSh but•ned with fire, nd the sb was not cQQsumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside ana sec this great sight, why tllis bush is not burnecl; and when the J.ord saw t at e tnrned aside to sec, 6od calle<l unto bi1n out of tlle midst of tbe bush, and said~ Moses, Moses, ! and he said, here am 1. . And he said, draw not nigh. hither; put oft tby



~ lwcs ft·om oft' thy feet; for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground . .Moreover, be said, I am the God of thy fatlle1·, the God of Abraham, the Go<l of Isaac, and tbe God of Jacob. And .Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look. upon God.''

2. Cln·on. xxxvr-11, ~0. '' zjedeltiah was one and twenty years old whetl he began to reign ; and he reigned ele1•en years in Jerusalem. And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord bis God, and bumbled not him· self befo1·e Jet·emiab, the Prophet, speaking from the mouth of the Lord. And he also t•cbelled against King N~bucba azzar, who h.f"l made him. swear by Go ; but be titfened his neck, and hardened his heart, from turning unto the Lord God o£ Israel . .Moreover, n.U the chiefs of th!Yp · sts and tba people transgressed yery much, after a th ab minatiops of the heathen, and polluted the house of the Lord, which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.And the Lord God of their fathers t to the y h' m up liy tiJPe 'on of hi eople, and on hi8 dwelling place. .But they moclted the mes· sengers of God, and despised his words, and mis· us his 1> ~~bets, until the wrath of the Lord a.rose aga.jptt liis people, till here was no re edy. Tbere.ii e be brought upon them the King o the Chaldees, w o slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and bad o.o com-,



passion upon young man or maiden, old man, or J1im that stooped with age; he gave them all into his hand. And all the vessels of the house of God, great and smal1, and the treasures ofthe house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king, anc1 of his friends ; all these he brought into Babylou.Aud they burnt the house of Goc.l 1 and IH'ake down the wall of J'erusalem, and burnt all the palaces thereof with :fire, and destl·oyed all the goodly vessels thereof. And them that bad escaped fa•o111 the sword, carried he away to Babylon, where they were set·vants to him and his sons, until the reign of the kingdom of Persia."

Ezra 1-1, 8. "Now, in the first year of Cyrus, King of Persia (that the word of the Lord by the mouth of J'eremiah, might be fulfilled) the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, King of Persia, that he made a pro· clamation throughout all his kingdom, and it · also i Wl'iting, sa.ying : '!'bus saith Cyrus, King .he e h given me ofPersia, t4.e Lord all the kingdom of the earth, an e atli charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you all of his 1,eople? his God be wit~ him; and let him go up to Jerusal~m, whio is in 1Udab, and build the house of the Lord Go£1 of Israel, which is in Jal'U lem." Exod~ ~

18, f.4.

•• Ancll\'Loses saitl unto 'od, Behold, wben I



come unto the cllildt·en of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers bath sent me un· to you ; and they shall say unto me, what is his amae ? what shall I say unto them? And Go(l said unto Moses, I AM, TB•T I AM,; L...,.~.uv•LAJO•'"'-' unto the sbildren of Israel, •


Psalm cxu.

" Lot·d, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me : gi\'e ear unto my voice· Let my prayer be set forth· befo1·e thee as incensr, and 'the lifting up ot' my hands as the evening sac1·ifice. Set a watch, 0 Lm·d, befot·e my mouth ; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to an yevil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity.Let the righteous smite me, it shall be a kindness; and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oil. Mine eyes are unto thee, 0 God the Lord; in the& is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. Keep me ti:om the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. Let tha wicked fall into their own nets, whi t t I ith· alescapeo" Psalm exm. to the Lord with my voice: with m7 e Lord did I make my supplication. I pour my cQmplmnt before him : I shewed before him my trouble. When my spirit was over· whelmed within me, ttien thou knewest my path :




in the way wl1erein I walked, have they lll'ivily laid a snue for me. I looked on my rit;ht hancl and beheld, but there was no man that woultl know me : refuge failed me : no man cared for my soul. I cried unto thee, 0 Lord : I slfid thou art my refuge, nnd my portion in tl1e Land of the living. Attend unto my cry; for I am brougllt very low: deliver me from my persecutors ; for they are stronger than I. Bring my soul out of darkness, that I may praise thy name."

Psalm, cxnn. "Hear my prayer, 0 Lord ; give ear to my supplications; in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for in thy sight sl1al1 no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he bath smitten my life down to tlte ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness.Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within JOe: my heart within me is desolate. Hear me speedily, 0 Lord; my spirit faileth : hide uot thy face from me, lest I be like unto them ttiat go down into the pit. Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust. cause me to know the ay whe1•ein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Teach me to do thy ·n; for thou art my God: bring my soul out of t1·ouble, and of thy mercy out cut oil' mine enemies, fol' I am thy servant.


Exodus xv-~, 10. "And Moses answered and said, But bebolil, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto thy voice: ft)t' they will say, ~l,he J ..ord hath not unt t ee. And the Lo1·d said unto l1im, What is t lin thine hand ? and he said, a rod. And he said, cast it on the ground; and he cast it on the grounll, and it becamea serpent; .and Moses flecl from before it. And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail; ami he put forth his hand and caught it, and it became a t·od in his hand. 'fhat they may believe that the Lord God of yom· fathers, the God of Abraham, the Go£1 of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath apJ>eared unto you . .A:nd the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom ; and he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, be· hol£1, his hand was leprous as snow. And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again : and be put his hand into his bosom again, and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it turned again as· his other flesh. And it shall come to pass, if they will tte}jwve •hee, neither hearken to the voice· of the :ltrst sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. d it shall come to pass, if they will not be· lie also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and po • upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out of the river1 shall becom~ blood upon the dry land." -~



Haggai 11-J, 9, 23. "In the se\'enth month, in the one and twentieth ilay of the month, came . the word of the LOI'fl by the pi·ophet Haggai, SRying: Speak now to Zerub'babel,. the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua, the son of Josedech, the high priest, and to the residue of the people, saying: 'Vho is left among you that saw this houee in her first glot·y ? and how do ye see it now ? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it, as nothing? yet now be strong, 0 Zet·ubbabel, and be strong, 0 Joshua, son Josedecb, the high [n·iest, and be strong all ye peol,le of the land, aml work ; for I am with you accorlling to the word which I covenanted with you when ye came out of .Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you : fear ye not. , For thus saith the Lortl hosts, yet once it is a liltle while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the· sea and the dt·y ·land : and I will shake all nations, and the desire ofall nation sha)l come, and I will fill this house .with glory. The glory of this latt~r house shall be greater than the former, and in this place will I give "Peace. In that day will I take thee, 0 Zet·ubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet : for I have chosen thee.'~



Zachariah Iv-6, 10. ''This is the word of the Lord unto Zerulibabel, &a.ying, not by might nor power, but by my spirit. Who u·t thou, 0 Great M~unt~~~ ~ ~~~or~ ~erub~



babel thou shalt become a plain, ana he shall bring forth the head stone thereof with shouting; crying, gt·ace, grace, unto it. Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying : The hands of Zeruubabel have laid the foundation of this house, his bands shall also finish it; an(l thou shalt know that the Lord of Hosts bath sent me unto who bath 'le!piMed

tho clay of amall thing•? for they !hall rejoice, n.nclshallsee the plummet in the hands of Zerubbabel with these seven.'' John 1-1, 5. "In tbe beginning was the word, and the wortl was with God, and the wortl was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the l~fe was the light of men. Aml the light sbineth iu darkness and the darkness comp1·ebendeth it not.".

})eute7'. XXXI-~1, ~6. "Antl it came to pass when Moees had made an etril ntl)tbe.wor of this law in book, until they were finished, that Moses commanded the Le.vites which bare the at·k of the covenant of the sayiug: Tnke this book of the law, and put it ·de of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there fol' a witness against thee."


Exodus xxv- .21. "And thou shalt put lhe mercy scat abon, upo 11 . the ark; and in lhe ark thou s~alt put the testimo · ny that I shall gire thee."

E.-codus x vr~32, 34. " And Moses sahl, this is the thing which the Lord commandeth, Fill an omer of manna, to keep for your generations ; that they may see the. bread "herewith I ha\'e fed you in the wilderness, wllCn I bt·ought you fodh from the land of Egypt. And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot and put an omer of manna tbet·ein, and lay it up before the Lord, to he ltept fot• your generations. As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up be • .fo!e the testimony to be kept."

Ilebrews Ix-2, 5. " :For there was a. tabernacle tnade ; the firs t., wherein was the candlestick, and the taiJle, and the shewbread; which is called the Sanctuary. And after the vails, the tabemadt>, which is called the Holiest of all; which bad the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant ovel'laid roundabout with gold wbet•ein was the golden pot that had m a, and Aarou's rod that budded, and the tables o the co\'enant; and ovet• it the chea·ubims of glory, shadowing the mercy seat; of which we cannot now speak particularly." .


.ll.nzos IX-1 L "In that day will I raise up the tabernacle cf David . that is fallen, and close up the breacl1es thereof, aml I will raise up his ruins, andl will buihl it s in the days of old."

E.voilus YI-2, 3. "And Gocl spnlm unto Moses, and said unto l1im, I am the Lord; nnd I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto J a.coh, by thr. name of Ooll Almighty, lmt hy my name, JEIWYAu, was I not known to them."

Charge to a newlu e.valtetl Companion. "'\VonTHY CoMP"\NION :-ny the consent nnd as-

sistance of the members of this Chnpter, you are now exalted to the suiJlime and honoraiJle degree of Royal Arch Mason. Having attained this de~ gt·ee, you have tm·ive<l at the summit and perfection of ancient .Masonry; and are consequenlly entitled to a f l explartation of the mysteries of the ot·dcr. e es- and cA.remouies developed in this degree, have been handed down through a chosen few, unchanged hy titne aml uncontrolled by [)l'rjudtce: an we eXJlCct and trust, they will be rcgaa·de.d by yo the same veneration, and transmitted wHh the the same scrupulous pm·ity to your successors. No one can ·reflect on th.e cet·emonics of gaining admission iuto this place, without being forcibly fitruck with the important lcs5ons thry teach.



Here we nrc necessarily led io contemplate with gratitude aml admiration, the sacre(l source ft·om whence all earthly comforts flow; here we find additional inducements to continue steadfast and immoveable in the clischarge of om· res11ective du. ties; aml here we at·e bound bythemostsolemn ties, to promote each othet•s welfat·e, and correct each otlt" crs failings, by aclvice, a{lmonition and reproof. As it is om· most earnest desire, and duty we owe a to our companions of this ortler, that the admission of every candidate into thi!~ Ohapter, should be attended by the approbation of the most scrutinizing eye, we ho11e a. Iways to possess the satisfaction of finding none amoug us, but such as will promote the great end of our· institution. By paying due attention to tl1is tlctet•mination, we expect you 'vill never recommend any candidate to this Chapter, wlJOse abilities and ]mowledge of the foregoing de. grees you cannot freely vouch for, and whom you do not ill'mly and confidently believe will fully con. form to the pl'iucipleH of oul' order, and fuHU thll obligations of a Royal Arch Masoh. While such are om· members, we may expect to he united in one object, without lukewarmness, inattention m• neglect; but ?.eal, fiuelity ami affection will be the distingnishing characteristics of· out• society, a.nd that satisfaction, harmony and peace be enjoy.

ed at our meetings whiob no othe1• society <lAP af. ford."

Closing the Chapter. 'rhe Chapter is closed with solemn CCl'Cmonles ;



an£1 the following prayer is rehearsed by the Most .Excellent High Priest. By I he wisdom of the Supreme High Priest, may we be directcll, by his stren~th may we be enabled, an(l by the beauty of virtue may we be incited, to perform the obligations here enjoin ell on us, fo keep inviolably the mysteries here unfolded to us, and invariably to practice all those duties out of the Chapter, which are inculcated in it. Rcsponse.-.-So mote it be.-Amen!


OHAPTER 'VI. fJ.l'ile1• of HigJr. Pt-iest.

'fh1s order appertains to the ofl\ce of High Priest or a Royal Arch Chapter; au(l no one can he legally entilled to receive it, until he has been duly elected to preside as High Priest in a regular Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. This order sl10uld not be confet'red when a less number than three duly qualifiell High Priebts are present. When* cvet· the ceremony is performed in due and ample form, the assistance of at least nine High Priests are requisite. 'fhough the High P1·iest of every regular !loyal Arch Ohaptct·, having himself oren duly qualified, can coufer the order under the preceding limitations a.s to number; yet it is desirable, when cil·cumstances will permit, that it should be conferred hy the Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Al'ch Chapter~ or such P1·esent or Past High Priest, as he may deeignate for that purpose. A convention notified to meet at the time of any communication of the Grand Chapter, will afford the best opportunity of couCel'l'ing this important degree of Masonry, with appropriate solemnities. "Whenever it is conferred the following directions are to be observed. A candidate desirous of receiving the order of High Priesthood, makes a written request to his





Jn·ctlccessor in office, or, when it can be done, to the Gt·and High Priest, respectfully reqesting t11at a. convention of High Priests may be called for the 1mrpose of conferring on bim the order. When the cmwentinn meets, and is duly organized, a cer~ tificatc of the due election of the candidate to the office of High Priest, must be produced. 1'his certificate is signed by his predecessor in office, attested by tho 8ecretnry of the Chapter. On exam· ination of this certificate, the qualifications of the candidate are ascertainel1. The solemn ceremonies of cunfctTing the order upon him, then ensue. When euJcd, the presiding officet· directs the secretary of the convention to make a record of the proceedings, and 1·eturn it to the secretat·y of the Graml Ohaptm·, to be by him laid before the Ht·and Higlt Priest, for the information of nll \vhom it may coucem. The convention is ihen tlissolve£1 in due


It is the duty of every companion, as soon after his election to the office of High Priest, as is consi!iitent with personal convenience, to apply for a<lmission to the ordel' of High Pl'iesthood, that be IUay be fully qualified to govern his Obapter. The following pass ages of scriptul·e arc malle use of during the ceremonies : Genesis, XIV-1~, 2<1. "And tltey took Lot, Abram's brother's son, (who dwelt in Sodom) and his goods, and departed. Antl there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Heb1·ew; fo1' he dwelt in the plain of


Ma~,tne, the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and Ll'Other of Aner : and these were confederate with Abram. And when Abram heard that his brother ll'as taken captive, he armed his trained serYants, born in his own house, three hundred allll eighteen, and pUl'sued them to Dan. And he divided himself against tl~em, he and his servants by night, and smote them, and pursued tlJem unto Hohab, lVhich is on the left hand of Dcmascus. And be brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother J..ot, aml his goods, and the women also, and the people. And the King of Sodom went out to meet him (after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of tl1e kings that were with him) at the valey of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And Mclchizedck, king of Halem, brought fortb l>l'ead and wine : and he was the Priest of the most J1igh God. Aml be blessed him, and said, blessell be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth : and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy bn.rul. And he gave him tithes of all. And the king of Soil om sail! unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyf>elf. And Auram said to the liing ofSotlom, I have lifted up mine han<l unto lhe Lord, the most l1igh God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take from a thread even to a shoe-latchet, and that I will not take auy tlting that is thine, lest thou should say, I ·have malle Abram rich: Save on,Jy that which tl1e young men have eaten, aud ~he pm·tion of the men which went with rue,



.Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take tbeil· por tion."

" Aud the L01•d spake unto Moses, saying, S peak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, saying, Ou this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lor<l make his face shine upon thee, and be gt·acious unto tlwe; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, :l.llll give thee peace." lleb1•ews, VII-1, 5, 17, 20, ~1. "~·or this Melchizedek, king of Salem, Priest of t he must high God, (who met Abram returning ft·om the slaughter of the kings, and blesse<l him; to whom also Abram gave a tenth part of all; first being, by interpretation, king of righteousnes, an<l afte1' that also king of Salem, which is, king of peace; without father, without mothet·, without descent, llaving neither beginning of days nor end of life ; but made like unto the Son of God ;) abitleth a priest continually. N ow consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patt·iarch Abraham gave a tenth of l1is spoils. And vel'ily they that at·e the sons o£ Levi, who receive the office of the Pl'iesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the. people according to the law, that is,oftheir brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham, EE 2


UHi ll

l' lUL~ r.

li'or he tcs lifie tb, T hou art a Priest iorcrer, afLer the order of MeldJi zedelr. And inasmucu as uot without an oa th h o was made pries t : J:i'or those priests (U11de1• the Levitical law) were made without an oath ; Lut this with an oath , by l1im thnt said unto him, The L ord swa1·c and will not repent. 'l'hou art a priest forever, aflc.l' the order of Melchiz.ctlck."


'fl1e following obsrrvutious with rrgnnl to the Office of High l 1 ricst of the Je\rs, may not be unin-· tcresting: The Ministers of the Temple wc.ra uivideu into four classes, but the High l 1 l'iesl held the highest rank. TllC office of High Pl'icst was confined to the family of Aaron, and to the first born originally of that family. As the cltler sons of families, before tlJC g iring of ilw law, were pries ts of these families after llw death of thcit· parcuts. This rrgard for pl'imogeuiturc, was nttenued · with ~;orne inconveniences; fur ucither grace nor natural abilities always desccud to the chlest by birth. Accordingly, the High Priest had always an assistant; and, on th e dn~r . oF expiation pal'ticularly, some elders, were appointed to remind him of the duties attacbcu to his station, lest age or iguorance might occasion mistakes. 'l'he garments of the High l 1 ricst, consisted fhs t, of a coat of fiue white linen, or tunic, which set dose to the body, and next to the skin, thereby supplying the pb~e of n. sbil·t. Josephus dc.-ibes




it to be a "tunic ci1·cumsct·iuing, or closely encom-

l: 1,

passing the lJody, with tigllt sleeves for the arms, and reaching down to the heels." The second part of his tlrcss was the h·owsers, maue of white fine twine1llincn. The thi1·d part was the girdle, or a long piece of fine twined linen, blue, purple n.ud scarlet, of needle-work, which went round the holly f1·om the b,·east to the loins. Tlwre were wrought in it several flowers aud fig~ ures in blue, plll'ple allll scarlet. The fourth part of the dre!-ls was l.he robe of the epholl, m· the g:ll'ment Ll1at was over and nhove the wltite linen coat, hut below the ephod, and fastened io his body by means of the cplwll. Its materials ·wm·e m·dm·ed to be of linen, of a sky hlue colour, cxtcnlliug ft·om the neck to the feet. The fiith part was the ephull. It consisted of a beautiful rich cloth, composed of blue, 1mrple, scarlet, and fine white linen, iuterworeu with threads of solid gold, intended for the back, and reaching from shoulder to shoulder. It extended from between the shoulders to the feet, thereby f01·ming a loose upper garment. The bindings above the shoulders had the name of shoult.ler pieces. They appear to have formed of the same kind of cloth as the epl10d ; and they bad socket of gold on the top of each shoulder, in whkh, as in a seal, were set two onyx stones, with the names of the childt·en of Israel engraven on them. 'I' he gh·dle of the ephod passed underneath the arms, and fastened the ephod to the breast plate below. 'l'he breast plate is described to have been a piece of embroide1·ed cloth of golt1 1 purple1 s~arlet, -"-



aull fine twined linen, the same as the ephod. It was a span square, and made strong, that it might the better hohl the precious stones that were set in it. lt had a gold ring at each corner, from the up permost of which went two golclen chains of wreathml work, to meet the chains that came from the shoulder pieces of the ephod, and fastened the one to the other; while the two unuermost rings of the ht·cast plate went two lines of blue, to fasten it to two l'ings of tl1e girdle of the ephod. The precious stones which were set in it hau the names of the twelve tL·ibes of Israel engraven thereon. They were twelve in number, antl arrangetl in four rows, three in eacl1 row. The fit·st row had a ruby, en. engt·aved with the tribe of Reuben; a topax, engraved with the tt·iiJe of Simeon ; a ca1•buncle, en· gmved with the tribe of Levi. The second row had an emerald, engraved with the tl'i!Je of J udab ; a sapphi1·e, engt·aved with tho . tl'ibe of Isachat·; a diamond, on which was engra· VC(l the tt·ibe of Zebulun. 'l'he thit·d row had a ligm•e, which is supposed io be the hyacyntb, on whicb was engraved the tL•ibe of Dan ; an agrtte, engraved with the tribe of N apthale; an amethyst, engt·aved with the tt·ibe of Gnd. The fourth row hatl a beryl, engraved with the tribe of Asher; an onyx, engraved with the tribe of Joseph ; ajaspe1·, engt·aved with the tribe of Benjamin. Such were the names of the precious stones 011 the bt·east plate of the high priest, and on which

the names of the twelve tribes w~re w1·itten. They



~S erved not only for beauty, but t>erpetually to remind bim of the lively interest tl1at the ministers of religion ought ever to take in the temp01·al and spiritual interests of their people. The seventh part of the dress of the high P1·iest was the mitre, on which was the golden plate, engraven with the words, "HoLINESS TO THF. Lonn.~~ It was fastened in front of the mitre, and the de clared intention of it was, that Aaron migl1,t bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Israel should hallow in all their holy gifts, that they might be accepted before the Lord. It was the duty of the High Priest to oft'er sacriJices fot· the people, some of wl1ich he perfot·med alone, as on the great day of atonement, in the most holy place; it was also a pa1·t of his office tn bless the people, which was eithet· at staled seasons, according to the form prescribed in Numbers, vr. 23, '27, or occasional, as when Eli hlcssed Hanna.* It was also part of his office to judge the people, either in thing.s concerning the house an(] worship of God, or in difficult cases of a civil natul'c when he wasjoinedby theciviljndgeorruler. The High Pt·icst held his office fot· life, until near the end of th<' Jewish polity, when money and powct· unfot·hwalely I'cndci'Ctl it an o!Jject of emolument Ol' ambition. In evm·y pet·iocl of the Jewish state, policy and piety united in rendering the anointed of the Lord respsctablc. They seem never to have allowed this principal functionary to forget that he was the Pl'iest of God, nml solemnly

.;- 1, S:tm. i-1 7.


lllGll I'RIF.ST.

sepcrateil from the rest of men. Yet high as \i a. l1is cbnt·actet· in a &act·ed point of view, he was not raised above the law, for in civil matters the crowu was always superior to the mitre. From the fit·st institution of the priesthootJ in the · wilderuess, to the building of Solomon's temple, there wm·o thil·tocn high Pl'iests. Between the buihling_ of the temple, and tbe r.aptivity, Josephus reckous eighteen high P1·iests.* During the exist. ance of the fhst temple, a steady regard was had to primogeniture, the eldest son always succeeding l1is fathtw; but during the second, they often obtained it for money, and more than once they wa· ded to the mitt·e through the blood of theil· predecessm·s. Dm·ing the existance of the second temple, Josephus reckous no fewer tha11 fifty-six high Priests.'j'

We have now traced the <litferent deg1•ees of Masonry, from the degt·ee of Eoterecl Apprentice, to that of Royal Arch; and having given copious il· lustrations, little more can be said to encourage the zealous Mason to perse\·ere in his researches. Each of the degt·ees ha\'e theit· distinct and peculiat· ex· cellencies ; they differ in tbeh· construction and cer· cmonies, but ultimately tend to the same entl-the Josephus' Ant. b. x,-c. B, t Jo3, Ant. b. u-c. 10,





present and future happiness of man. Whoever, tlten, has tt·ace(l the art in a regular progress, and with sufficient attention, will hafe amassed an am. ple store of useful knowledge, ancl must reflect witb pleasure upon the gooll effect of his past dilligence; while, by applying the whole to the general advantage of society, he will ob~erve method in the pl'Oper distribution of what he has acquired, and secure to himself the veneration of Masons, and the approbation of good men.


CHAPTEit VII, 'l1he Royal ~~faster's Deg1•ee. This degree cannot legalfy be conferred on n.ny but Royal Arch Masons, who have taken all the preceeding degrees ; and is a preparato1·y uegrco to that of Select Master. Although it is short, yet it contains some valuable information, and is intiJUately connectetl with the degree of Select Master, The following passages of Set·ipture are consi· dered to be appropriate to this degree,

1. ICings, vu-48, 50, 40. "And Solomon made all the vessels th&t pertain· ed to the house of the Lord: the altar of gold, an<l the table of gold, whereupon the shew bread was; and the candlesticks of pure gold ; five on the right side and :five on the left, before the oracle; with the flowers, and the lamps and the tongs of gold ; and the howls, and the snuffers and hasons, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to-wit, of the temple. ~o Hiram made an end of tloing ~11 the work, tbat be had made king Solo ~ moo, for the house of the Lord.'.~



Rev. xxu-12, 14. a Aml bel10ld I come quickley; and my rewartl is with me, to gire every man according as his work shall be. J: am Alpha and Omega, th'e beginning antl the end, the fi.t·st an(l the last. Blessed are they that. do his com!WlD<lments, that they may bav~ a rtght fo the tree or life, an may enter i~ through the gates into the city." 1. ICings, VI-27.

"As he set the chcrubims within tl1e inner house; anu they stretched forth the wings of the cht•t'U·

bims, so that the wjng of the one touchc(l the one wall, t,be wing of the othe1· cherub touchcu the other wa.ll ; n1ld their wingii touched one another in the mitlst of the house." The ark, called the glory of Israel, which was seat d in the Uliddlc of the Holy place, under the wings of the c\leruhims, was a small chest or coffer, three feet nine inches long, two feet three inches wide, &three feetthreeiuches high. It was made of wood, ·except the mercy seat, but overlaid with gold both inside aml out. It had a 1 lge of gold surrounding it Itt th t n hich the over, called the merocy seat, was let in. The. mm·cy se s of solid gold, the thickness of · an hanlls bt·eadth ; at tha two euds of it were two cherubims looking inwards towar' e clt othe ·, with their wings expa ; which e racing the whole circumference of the merf5y S~a t.ltey on each side in the middle ; all of wh' b eRabbins say was made out of the same mass "'ithout any soldedug of parts.




Here the Sli,elcinah, or Divine Presence rested, and was visible in the appea1·auce of a cloud over it, ~~l'om hence the Bathkoll issued, and gave answers '" ea God ·was consulted. And hence it is, that God is said, in the scriptures, to dwell between the cheruhims; that is, between the cherubim& on the·cy seat, because there was the seat or throne

of his visible appeu.rance, of his glory among them.

CHAPTER VIII. Select Jllaste,-.s Deg1'ee.

TbiM clagt•ee is highly important, nml wilhout it the Royai Arch Degree is incompl te. It rationally accounts for the concealment nn<l preservation oi those csscntil\1& of the craft, which were bt·ought to light at the erection of the second temple ; and which lay concealed t't·om the Masonic eye for four. , hunch·ed sevrutt.Y y~~ 1\')auy particulars relative to tllose tew, who were- selected for theh· superior skill, to complete an important part of Solomon's Temple, are explained. And here too, is exe lifted an instance of jus ~ tice and merc1J by .our ancienf patron, towards one. of the craft, who was led to disobey his commands, by an ove1·zealbl'ls attachment for the institution.-· It ends with a description of a particular circum. e1·izes tl degl'el'. 1m is 1·ead at ope ·

Psalm, LXXXVII. "His dation is in the bQly mot.mtains. The J.1ord loveth the gates of Zion mot·e than all the. clwellings of ob. lorious thm~s Rl'C spoken of thee, 0 oit clfG • l will make mention of Rahab uud Babylon to them that know me : bchol<l






Philistia, uud '.ryre, with Ethiot>ia ; this man was born there. And of Zion it sl1a1l ue said, This nnd that man was hom in her : and the Highest llimselfshall establish her. The J... ord shall count,

when be \Yriteth up the people, that this mnn was born there. As well the singers ns the playcl'e on instruments shall be there: all my spl'ings are il'l thee." The following passages of scripture are introduced and explained : 1. ICings, xv-1, 5, 6. tl So King Solomon was king over all lsmel.Azel'iah, the son of Nathan, was ovet· Llu~ officers; and Zabeed, the son of Nathan, {Hincipal officer, and kings friend; aml Ahishar was over the household, and Adoniram, the son of Abda, was over the


1.. ICings, v-17, 18. "And tl1e king command and they brought great stones, ancl hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the J10nse. And Solomon's bujJ.dcrS) an<l

Hiram's builders dicl hew them, and the stone squarers; so they prepat·ed timber and stones to build the bouse." 1.. ICings, vm-13, i4.

' An.d King Solomon.Bent and fctcbe(l

· am out



of Tyre. He was a widow's son, of the tribe of N apthali; aud his fathe1• was a man of Tyre, a worker uf hrass; and he was filled with wisdom and understanding, and cunning, to work all works in brass.

EzekeU, xxvu-9~ ':The ancients ofGelml, and the wise men thet·e~

of, wct·e in thee thy calkers;· all the ships of the sea, with their mariners, were in thee, to occupy thy met·cbandize.

lJetlt. XXXI-24, 26. "' Ancl it came to pass, when Moses J1ad m~u1o an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finished, that Moses commanded the Levites, which hare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying, 'rake this book of the law, and put it in the side of the at·k of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be lhe1·e fo1· a witness against thee." XO.

XVI-38, 34,

"And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot and put an omer full of Manna therein, and lay it up before the iLord, to be kept for your generations. As the Lot·d commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the testimony to be kept.

FF 2



Nttmb. xvn-10. And ilH~ Lord said unto Moses, Bring Aaron' s rod again hcfOI'e the testimony to he kept for a to·

xcn. ~·V'wnbe1·s, VII-89.

A111l wlwn Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation, to speak with l1im, then l1e 1teat·u the ''oice of one speaking unto him ft·om oft' the mercy scat, that was upon the a1·k of the testi· n10ny, from bet·wecn the two cl1erubims ; and he spake unto him. E:rodus, xxv-10. And look that thou make them after their pat- · tern, wllich was shewed thee in tl1e mount."

CoMPANION-Having attained to this degree, you have passed the ci1•cle of perfection in ancient Masonry. In the capacity of Select Master, you must be sensible that your obligations are increase<l in proportion to yom· privileges. Let it be your cons taut care to prove yourself worthy of the coniidence reJlOsed iu you, in admitting you to se· lect degree. Let up1·igbtness and integrity attend your steps ; let justice and mercy mark your conduct; letje1•vency and xeaZ stimulate you in the

discharge of the yarious duties.incumbent upon you;



lmt suffct· not an idle 01' impm·tincnt cul'iosity to l ead you astt·ay, ot· betray you into danger. De tleaf to every insinuation which would have a len cleitcy to weaken your resolution, m· tempt you to an act of disobedience. Be voluntarily dumb and l)lind, when the exercise of those facqlties wouhl endanger the peace of your mind, or the probity of y our conduct; and let silence and secrecy those cardinal vil'tucs of a ~elect Master, on all necessary occasions, be scrupulously observ(}d. By a steady adhern.nce to the important instructions contained in this degree, you will merit the approbation of the select number with whom you are associatl'd, and will enjoy the high snlisfaction of hav- . ing acted well your part in tbe important enterprise in which you at·e engaged ; and after having 1J.J roztght yowr 7'egulm• Jwzws, may you be admitted . to participate in all the privileges of a Select Mas· ter.

TlJC degree of Select Master is conferred in a. council of Select Masters, consisting of a Thrice lllustrioufl Granll Master, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Oonduotflr of tbe Work, of tbe Gun.t·ds, Treasurer, Recorder, Grand Steward and Tyler; and as many members as may be found convenient fot· working to advantage. A council should represent king oolomon's mos~



private l'OOln, lighted by nine lights, uistributed lll iht·ces trian gulal'ly, in ft·ont of each offi.cel'. The ihst officer rep1·escnts king S olomon. Ilc clothed in a robe of purple, wit.h a crown n pon his head and a sceptre in his hand ; h e is scatctl in the east behind a il'iaugul ar p edestal, covcre<l with crimson, with a golden triangle thereon. The second officer represents H iram K ing of Tyre. He is dressed in a rohe of purple, with a crown on his h~ad; he is seated on the right of th e first officer, bchin<ln h·iangular pedestal, covered with cl'imson, with a golden t dangle thereon. The third officer, 01' conductor of the work, is dt·essetl iu a robe of orangt>, with a turban on his bead, hohling a mallet an<l trowel. He is seate<l on the left of the first officer, behind a tl·iangular pedestal, covc1·ed with crimson, with a golden tri angle thereon. 'l'he jewels worn by each officer and acting mem· Ler, is a triangle, with a tt·owel suspemled thm·cin, numbered according to their rank and station.



Ceremonies and Chm•ges upon the Installation of Ojfice1's of a !loyal .l1.1'ch C.hapte1•. 1. The Grand Officers will meet at a convenient place ancl open. ~. The subordinate Chapter will meet in tlte oute?' com•ts of lheit· Hall, and form an avenue fol' the l'eception of the Grand Officers. 3, When formed they will dis ~h a commit· tee to the place where the Grant fticers are assembled, to imfm·m the Gt·and Marshal that the Chapter is prepared to receive them; tl1e Gt·and Marshal will announce the same to the Grand Officers, and introlluce the committee. 4. The Grand Officm·s will move in procession, conducted y the committee, to the hall of the Chap· ter; when the Gl'and High Priest enters the Chapter will give tlu~ Grand lwntJrs. 6. \V hen the Gl'Uud Officers lmV61Jassetftltrongh the avenue, they conntet·-march in the 1·ear of the left llll.IHl line, and face to the left; in the meantime the Chapter will flll'll1 a rank entire, and face to the ft ont; the officers of the Chapter then file oft', allll form a front rank two paces in advance of their memh~rs. 6. The Graud Secretary will then call over the


names of tbe officers elect, anq. the Grand lJiD'h . D Priest will ask whether they accept tbeh· respec~ tive offices. If they answer in the affirmative, he then asks the members whether they remain satis . :fled with their choice. lf they answer in the aftlrmative, he directs their officers to approach the sacred volume, and become qualifie£1 for installation,

acco•·cling to ancient usage and custom. . 7. 'rbe Grand Marslu~l will then form tile whol n in procession in sioglo file, and they will marc h through the veils into the inner apartment, where they_will~Ul'l'Onnd the altar, which

is to be previ· ously furnished and prepa1·ed, in ample form, fo1· the occasion. 8. AU present will then kneel, and the follow. iug pl'ayer will be recited.

Prager. Almighty and Supreme High Priest of heann and ea1'th ! who is there in heaven but thee, and who upon the earth can stand in competition with thee? Thy omniscient mind brings all things in review, past, present nCl to come; thine omnipotent ann tlit·ects the movements of the vast creation ; thine omnipresent eye pervades the secret recesses of every heart ; thy boumHess beniflcence supplies us with every comfm·t and enjoyment; and thine unspeakable perfections and glory, surpass the uu.. llerstamliugs of the childt·cn of men! Our Fathet· who art in heaven, we irivoke tl\y benediction upon the put·poses of this assembly; let this Chapter be established to thine honor ; let its ofllcers be en"'

4ND fmAltGES.


dowed with wisdom to discern, and fidelity to pur• sue its truest interests ; let its members be eveP mindful of the duty they owe to their God, the obellience they owe to their superiors, the lo\·e they owe to their equals, and the good will they owe to all mankind. · et. • r ecrated to thy glor , a d its mcm er ever eqw.u.wer.tJll~ love to God by their benificence to be to God ou high ! Res,Ponse. Amen !-So mote it be f 9. The whole then 1·epair to their a stations. 10. An anthem or ode is to be performed

Almighty Sire ! our heavenly Kin , Before whoJe sacred name we bend, Accept the praises which we sing, And to our humble p•yers attend ! All hail great Architect d ine ! This universal frame is thine . Thou who didst Persia's king command, A pcoclam.atil}n to. e end, That Israel's aon_s might c1uit their land, 1'beir holy tempi o attend . All hail, &c. On thy omnipotence we rest, Secure of the protection here ; And hope hereafter to be blest, .When we have left this world of care.

All hail, &c.

9rant ~s, great God, thy powerful aid,


'l'o guide us through this vale of tears; For where thy go01lnel>s is di splay'd, Peace soothes the mind and pleasure cheers. All hail, great Architect divine! This universal frame is thine.

U. An oration or address is to l>c delivered, '-~· Au ode, or piece of music. ODE. 'When first from cavern'd depths of night, Th' Almighty saitl," let there be lig,ht," 'Twas then the royal art b~gan, And wisdom form'd the crealure man.

Sound Jelwt•a.h's, the great Jehovah's Jll'aise, Who deigr,:cl the httman soul to raise. 'fhen sceptP.r'd wisdom from his thronl', Survey'd the work, and claim'd his own, And strength and beauty both combine, Qur hearts to raise, our hands to join.

Sound Jehovah's, the great Jehovah's pl'Uise, Who deign'd the aum~n soul to raise. !!'or concord form'Cl an,d social mirth, Man claims a high celestial birth, And peace an riendship, joy and love, ..l).re emanations ft·om above·

P1·aise the .!J.lmighty, th' .!J.l11Lighty .!J.I•chUect1 Who dicl the u•ond'rous plan perfect, Not oll the orient ge!DB that shine! Nor treasures of rich Ophir's mine. Can vie with friend~hip, love and truth, That flourish in immortal out!!.

Praise th' .!J.lmighty, the Jllmighty powe1• wh reigns,

Jlnd binds our hearts in f•·ienclship's ehaitrs.



In fellowship from envy free, .May all our hearts cemented be, Aud by our conduct may we pt·ove, We are the sons of light and love. Prai.~e

th' .almighty, the alm·ig-hty powtr who


Jlntl binds our heaJ•ts inJ,.ien

tp's chains.

:!3. [The Depuf.y GraudHigh Priest, t en rises and inf'm·ms the Gt·aud High Pt·icst, that a number of Companions, duly instructed in the sublime mysteries, heing desirous of promoting the honor, and propagating the principles of the craft, have applied to the Gmud Chapter for a warrant to constiute n. new Clutptcr of Royal Arch :Masons, whiclt having attaiuctl, they arc now as~emble<l for the pmposc of being constitutell, and having their ofticm·s installed iu due form.] 14. [The (hand :Marshal will then form the officers and mrmhers of the new Chapter in ft·ont of the G1·and Officet'8; aftl'r which the 61·aml High Pl'icst directs th~ Gt·aml Secretary to read the warrant.] 15. Th rancl High P1·iest then rises and says, "By virtue of the high powers in me vested, 1 <lo form yon, my respected Oo panions, in o a regular Chaptm· of Hoyal Arch .Masons ; from henceforth you are antl•ol'isecl aml empowered, to open nnil hold a IJo{lg~ of Mark Masters, Pa~t Masters, a Most Excellent Masters, and a Chapter of Royal Arch :Masons; and to do and perform all such things as thereunto may appertain ; coufoJ·ming iu all your doings to the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution, and the general regulation~:~ of





the State Grand Ohapiet•s; .. and may the Gotl of your Fathers be with you, guide and tlirect .YOU in a.ll your works.] 16. [The Public Grant\ Honors will then be given by the officers and membet·s of the new ('hapter, while passing in review in front of the Grand OfHcet·s.] 17. The furniture, clothing, jewels, implements utensils, &c. belonging to the chaple1·, (having been previously placed in the centi·e, in fi'Ont of the Grand Officers, covered) at·e now uncovct·cd, [and the new Chapter is dedicated in ancient manner and form, as is well dcscrtbed in the Most Excellent Mastet·s Degree.] 18. The Deputy Gt·ancl High Pl"irst will then present the first officer of the new Ohnptet·, to tho Grand High Priest, sa.Ying, "MosT FxcELI~ENT GRAND HwH PRIEST-I

present you my worthy Oompaninu uom i,oated in the warrant, to he in stalle1l High Pt·icst of this new Chapter; I find him to Le skilful in tl1e Royal Art. and attentive to lbe roOl'~t l p1·cc.epts of our forefathl't'R, t nd have thuefm·e no douht but he will discharge the duties of his offi ('e wilh fidel-

ity·" The Grand High Priest then adllresses him as follows: "~fosT ExcELLENT

Co PANTON-I feel much sati&faction in performing my (luty on the pt·esent occasiou, by installing you into the office of H igb Priest of this new Chapter. It is an ofiice highly

r A~D



lwnorah1e to all those who diligently perform tl1e impm·taut duties annexed to it; yom· reputed Masonic knowledge, howevel·, precludes a necessity of a particular enumeration of those duties; I shall th et·cf01·e, only observe., that by a ft·equent recurl'ence to the Constitution and general regulations, and a constant p1·actice of tl1e several sublime leeR tures and charges, you will be best able, to fulfil them; amll am confident that tl1e companions who are chosen to pt•eside with you, will give stt·englh to yotll' endeavours, and suppurt your exertions. I shall now propose certain questions to you, relative to the duties of yom office, and to which I must t•equest your mw.quivocal answer; 1. Uo you solemnly pt·omisc that you will re~ •louble your etulearours to cor1·ect the vices, pul'ify the morals, and promote the happiness of those o£ your brethren, who have attained this sul>lime degree? 2. That you will ne\'er suffer your Chapter to l>e opt•nNl, uuless there IJe present nino regular Royal Arch Maso s. 3. 1"hat you will never suffer either more or less than three brethren to IJe exalted in yo11r Chapter at one and the same time. 4. That you will not exalt any one to this dc gt·ee., who has not shewn a chal'ital.Jle and humane disposition; m· who has not made conside1·able pro!tiency ~n the fot·egoing degrees. 6. That you will promote the genet•al good of our order, and on all proper occasions be ready to give and l't'Ct->h·e inRtt·uctions, and particularly fro m the General antl btatc Grand Officers.



6. That to tl1e utmost of yonr power, you will preserve the solemnities of cercmouies, and Lcllavc, in open Chapter, with the most pt·ofound respect and reverence, as an example to your comtmuions. 7. Tl~at you will not ackno\Yledgc, or haYc in tcrcomse "·ith any Chaplet·, that does not wotk under a constitutional warrant or dispen satiou. 8. That you willuot admit !ltiJ' ,-isitot· into ynHJ' Chapter who has not been axaltcd in a Chapter legally constituted, without his being fil·st formally

bcaletl. 9. 1~hat you will obserre ancl support such Bye. Laws, as may IJe made by your Chapter, in conformity to the General Gt·aml Royal Arch Constitution, and Lhe genemlrcgulations of the G t•and Chap-

tm·. 10. That you will pay <lue respect and obedience to the instructions of the General and State Gt·and Officers, particularly relating to the several iectures and charges, and will resign the chair to them severally, when they may visit your Chapter. it. That you will su port and observe the General Grancl Royal Arch Constitution, -and the general regulations of the Grand Uoyal Arch Chapter under whose authOt·ity you act. Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to obsm·ve and pt•acticc them frtitbfnlly? -., 'fheso questions being answered in the aflit•mntive, the companions all kneel in llue form, ancl the Grand High Priest, or Grand Chaplain repeats the following ot• some other suitable pmycr,



"Most Holy and glorious Lm·€1 Gml, the Gt·eat H igh Pl'iest of heaven and eal'th ! We approaclt tht'e v;ith reverence, and nnplore thy blessing on the Cmnpaninn appointe(\ to jH'rside over this [new) asscmhly, ancl now prostrate before thee; fill his heat·t with tby fear tbat his tongue and actions m ay vrononnce thy glory. Make him sttii.Mast in thy service; grant him fhmuess of mind; animata llis heart antl strengthen his endeavours; may he teach thy judgment and thy laws; and may the incense he shall put before thee, upon thine altat·, JH'ovc au acceptable sacrifice unto thee. Bless him, 0 Lm·d, aml bless the work of his bands. Accept us in me1·cy; hear thou from thy dwelling place, and fm·give out· transga·essions. Glory be to God the Jfathet·; as it was in the be-

ginning. Uesponsc.

So mote it be.

19. 'rhe Grand High Priest will then cause the Iligh Pl'iest elect to be invested with the clothing, lJadges, &c. after which he will address him as fol-. lows: "Col\IPANI~N-Jn consequence of your cheerful acquiescence with the charges which you have beard rccite1l, you are now qualified for installation Hi~b Priest of 'this Royal Arch Chapter; is incumbent npon me, upon this occasion, to point out some of the particulat·s appertaining to your office, duty and dignity. "All legally constitute bodies of Royal Arclt Masons are called Chapters; as regul81' bodies of

GG ~




Masons of all olhcr uegt·ee.s arc caller\ Lodges.Evcry Chapter ough t {o assemble fur wo1·k at least once in c\·ery three mouths; aud must con si,;t of a High P.r icst, King, Scribe, Captain of t he Ho ~t, Principall'"lojourncr, Uoyu.l Al'th Captain, tht·ce :!\'lasters of the Yail s, Sccrct:u·y: T t·casut•rt·, antl as many members as may Lc found convenient fot· )l'urking to advantage. "The officers of the Chapter officiate in the Lodge ho]deu for conferring the pt·cpat·alory dcsrees, &.CCOI'ding to rank, as follow s : The High J>t·iest, as Master. 'fhe Ring, ;, s ~ cniot· 'Varclen, 'I' he Scribe, as J uniot· 'Vard eu. 'rhe Oaptain of lhe Host, as .Marshal OJ' Master of cet·cmon ies. 'l'he Principal Sqjoumer, as Jnuior Deacon, The Uoyal Arch Captain, as Senior JJeacon. 'l'he Master of the fit•st vnil, as Juuiot· oYerseer. 'The Master of the second Yail, as Senior Over-

see!'. The Master of the thh·d vail, as Master OYer-

seer. The Secretary, 1.'reasurer anil T er as fliccrs of col'l'esponding rank. The High Pt·icst of evm·y Chaptet· has special charge to sec that the bye-laws of his Ohapte1·, as w-ell as the Grdml Uoyal A-rch Constitution, al1'd the Regulations oftlJC Grand Chapter a1·e duly observed; that all the officers of his Chapter perform . the unties of their respective offices faithfully, and are examples of dilige1~ce and industry to thcil· companions ; that true and ~ccu~ate recQnls of all ibe


procecclin!:;" of the Ohap tel', arc kept Ly the Sect·e, tcu·y; that t he T reasul'et· lwcps arHlrenders Pxact and just accounts of all the moneys anti otbet· pro }.ll'l'!.y bl•lon,!!;i lig to the Chaptu; that regular rc· tnl'lls be macle. annually to the Grand Chapter; un<l that the annual ttues to the Grand ChaJ>tcr be r egularl y and punctually paid. He h1ls the right a.tul authority of calling his Chnptcr together at pleasure, upon any emergency Ol' occmt·ence, which in his judgment may rcqnil·e thcit· meeting. It ts his privilnge aml duty, together with his king and scribe, to attend the meeting~ of the Gt·anu Chaptl't', either in ptwson ot· l>y pt·oxy, aud the well JJCing ol'the institution t·eqnircs that this duty shoultl on no occasion be omitted. '£he office of High Priest is a stalion highly honorable to an those who cliligently pel'form the impot·tant cluties annexed to it. By n fl'equent recurrence to the constitution and general regulations, and a constant practice of t'he scvel'al sublime lectut·es null charges, you will be best enabled to fulfil those duties, and I am confident that the compau· ions who are chosen to 1n·eside with you, will gfve strength to ~ur endeavours and sup t o exertions. Let the mitre with which you are invested, l: • miud you of the dignity of tl1e office you sustain, inscl'iptiou impress npou yout· mind a sense dependance upon God ; that pe•·fection is not unto man upon earth, and t_hat perfect holiness belongeth alone unto the Lord. The breast-plate, with which you are decorated, i11 imitation of that on. which was cugra.ven th~



·names of f.lw t.1\·elre ll'ibes; and worn l>y lhe High Prieht of israel, ir; to teach you that yon arc always to lwar in mind you t· responsibility to the laws and Ot'dinanct•s of the institution, and tbat the honor and intet·csts of your Chapter and its members should be always nea1• yow· lwa1·t. The vro•ious colow·s of the 1·ubes you wear, are cml>lematicnl of cvrry grace and virtue which can adom aud beautify the human mind; each o1 which will be brit>fly illu stmtcd iu the course of the r:llat·· ges to he dt·lh ercd to your subonlinate You will now take charge of you1· officers, standing on theit· riglil, and prrsent them severally in succession to the Dt~puty Grand High i>rie,;;t, by whom they will be pre~euted to me forinstallation. ~0. The ll ig ll P l'ies t of the Ohaptc1· will then pt·eseut his ~:;eronu officer to the Deputy Grancl 11 i~;h Pl'iest, who will {H'Csent him to the Grand Iligh Priest, in the words of the constitution. 1'he G1·atHl High Pt·iest will ask him whether he has attended to tbe ancient charges anu regulations before reeited to his supel'ior officer ; if he answers in the affirm~tive, he- is asked whether be ly nnd ft·eely assents to the same; if be am,wet·s in the affh·mative, the Gt·and High Pl'icst dit·ects his depu· ty to invest him with his cloathing, &c. and theu addreses him as follows, viz : Charge to the seconil Ojice1• 0'1' Eing. "CoMPANION-The importa'n t

station to which y.ou are elected in this Ohapter, requires f1·om you

exemplary conduct, its duties demand your most as:



siduons aUcniiou; you arc to secon1l atHl support your chief in all the requit·cments of l1is office, and s houlu cas ualties at any time prevent his att.e udance, y ou al'c to succeed him in the pcl'formaucc of his duties. Your Ba1Jgc (tlte Level surmounted by a C1'01.V1Z ) slwuhl l'emiu tl ,y on, til at although you are the reprcsentath·e a K. ill )_~ , a ud l' Xaltcd hy ofli.ce a!Jove yout• compa11iotJ s, yl't yotlJ't•mn iu upon a level with them as respects your duty to God, to your neighbot• and to yom·sc1f; that you at·c equally bound with them to be oueuient to the laws and ordinances of the institution; to Lc charitable, humane and just, and to seck every occasion of doing goou. Your office teacllcs a stdldng lesson ot' humliity. The institutions of political society, teach us to considet· the king as the clJicf of ct·eatcd beings, and that the iit-st duty of his sul.ljccts is to obey his mandates; but the institutions of' om· sublime degrees, uy placing the Icing in a situation subot·ditlate to the High Priest, teach us that our duty to God is paramount to all other duties, nud should ever claim tbe pl'iority of our obedience to man ; and that however stt·ongly we may be Louud to obey the laws of ch·il society, yet that Rc laws to he just, should ue,·er intet·medllle with matters of conscience, nor t1icta.le articles of faith. Tbe Scarlet Uobe, an emblem ofimpel'ial dignild remind you of the pnte1'1Wl concwn, auu the t•dent zeal with which you shoulU cndcavom· to promote its prosperity. · In pl'esc;nting to you the C1•ou.m, whreh is an em' b1cm of Hoyn.lty, I would rcmiuLl you that to reign


CERE:.\10. 'IES

so,·ereign in the hearts and atrcctions of men. must be fat· mot·e gmtefnl to a grn~rous and brnevolent mind, than to rule over their lives and fortunes~ and that to enable you to enjoy this prce mincnc(~ with honor and satisfaction, you must subject yom· own passions and prejudices, to the dominion or reason and c!Jal'ity. You at·e eu.titled to the second sPat in the council of your companions. Let the hright example of your illustrious predecessot· in the Grand council at Jerusalem, stimulate yuu to the faithful discharge of yonr duties; and when the King of kings shall summon you into his immediate presence, from his hand may you receive a crown of glory which shall never fade a way." 21. The King will then retire to the line of of. ficers, and the ~criue will be r•·esented, in the manner before mentioned. After his investm·e the Grand High will address him as follows, viz :

Charge to the Thi1•d Officer 07' Scribe. Oo'ttiPANION-The oftice of Acribe, to which you are elected, is vet·y Important and respecta le; in the ahsenee of your superior officet·s, you are bound to ~-oucceed t1wm, and to perform theiL· duties. The pnt·poses of the in~titution ought ne\'er to suffer foL' waut ofintellige'nce in its propel' officers ; you will tbet·efm·e percei\'e the tH'eessity there is of you1• possessing .. uch qualifications, as will enable you to accomplish those duties which at·e incumbent upon you in your appropl'inte station, as well as those




w11ic11 may occasioually devoh-e upon you, by the absence of yom superiors. The Pu1'Ple Robe with which you arc invested is an emblem of ltnion, and is calculated to remind you that the harmony and unanimity of the Chapter shou ltl be yonr constant aim ; and to this eml you. are studiously to avoid giving offence, or countenancing any thing, that mny create di"isions or dissen tions. You are, by all the means in yom pow. er, to endeavor to establish a permanent union, and good understanding amongst all orders au(l degrees of Masonry ; and as the glorious sun at its mm·idian heights dispels the mists ancl clouds which ohscnre the hol'izon, so may yom exertions tend to dis~;ipate the gloom of jealousy, envy aml (liscord, wheuevel' they may appeat'. Yout· badge (a Plumb Rule, su,,·mountetl by the Tzwban) is au emblem of rectitude ami c(~ilunce, and while you stand as a watchman upon the Tow. er, to. guanl yom· companions again>~t th(' appt·oach of those enemies of human felicity. intern perance and excess, let this faithful monitot· ever t'eUJind you to walk uprigltlly in yout· station; admonishing ami animutiug your companions to fidelit,r and industt·y whilst at labour, and to tempe ce and ·mofleJ'ation whilst at •·efreshment. And when the great watchman of lst·ael, whose. Pye never slum· hers or, shallt·elieve you from yom· post on ay he permit you in heaven to pa1·tici1>ate at foutl which is Suc;1 as the santa in glory love,

And sllcb. ad angels eat,



22. The Scribe will tlH'n retit·e to the line of of. fleers, and the ncx.t ollicer ~ prcseuted as before.

Charge to thr> fuzwth Officer, or Captain oftlte Host.

I· ·

Co;uPANION"-The office with which you arc in· truste1l is of higl1 importance, aml demands your most zealons attention. The prescrration of the mo'it csHc.ntial h·nits of our ancient customs, usages, nn<ll:wclnuuks, 1\l'C within yom· pro\'ince; Rtul it is indi!Oipcusiuly n C'<'ssary that the ptu·ts ass1gnetl to yotl, in the immediate pt·acticc of om· rites and ceremouies, shonlcl be petofectly uuderstood and col't'ectly achninistct·cd. He that bt·ings tlw bliml by a way that th('y know uot, and leads them in paths that they have not kuown, should he always well r1ualifiecl to make darkness light before them, and crooked thiu~s stmight, Your office curresponds with that of Marshnl or Mastet• of ce1·emouics; you tl.l'e to supN·iutend all proceRRious ofyotu' Chapter wh!'n moving as a distinct body, either iu pu!Jlic or pl'ivnte; and as the w01·ld can only ju ge of our. private discipline by oUI' public dcportmrnt, you will be careful that the utmost o1·der atHl dccot·um lle ol.Jscrvl:d on nll such occasions. I invest you with the badge of your office and presume that yon will give to you1· dutir·s, all that etu<ly and attention which thcit· impol'taJlce demands. 23. He wi1l then retil·e to the line of offico1·s, aml the next officer will be pt·.eseulcd.


1 ·j




eharge to tlu~ jiftk OjJice1·, or P1·incipal Sojowrne~·. Co~IPANION-'rhe office confided to yon, though. subordinate in degree, is equal in importance to any in the Chapter, that of your chief alone excepted. Your office corresponds with that of Junior Deacon in the prepa1·atory llegrees. Amongst the duties requit·ed of' you, the preparation aml introduction ofcandidates are not the least. As in ourinter· course with the world, experience teaches that.ftJ•st imp1•essions m·e often the most durable, and the must difficult to eradicate, so it is of great importance in all cases, that those imprcisions should he correct and just; hence it is essential that the of. ftcer who sustains the station assigned to you, should possesR a thorough lwowledge of his vari· ous duties ; and that he should execute them with a pt·omptitu£le and propriety of deportment, that shall give them their propel' eft'ect. Your Robe of ojJlce is an emblem of humility, and teaches that in the prosecution of a laudable undertaking, we should nevc1• dr.cline taking any part that may be assigned us, although it may be the most difficult or dangerous. The ltose colou'I"P~ tassellated border, a orningthe robe, is an emblem of ardour and perseverance, and signifies, that when we have engaged in a virtuous cause, notwithstanding all the impeuiments, hips, and trials, we may be destined to en· counter, we should endure them all with fortitude and ar.lently persevere unto the end; resting as· au red of receiving, at the termination of our labours, a noble and glorious reward.



¥our past exertions will be con~oirlcrcd a.c; a lJlNlge of your future assiduity, in the faithful discharge


~our duties.

24. He will then retire to the line of officers, and

tue next ofticer will be presented. O.~arge to t!te sixth O.flicer, at' Bdyal JJ.rch Captain.

well known duties ofyour station requit·e but little elucidation. Your office in· the prepartory degrees corresponds with that of Senior Deacon. It is your particular province, conjointly with the Captain of the Host, to atte.nd to the examination of visitors, am} to take care that none are permitted to enter the Chapter but such as have tmvelled the r!tgged path ot' trial, and evinced tl1eir title to our favot• 1\nd frirnllship. You will be ever attentive to the commauds of your chief and always at haud to execute the.rn. I gi"e it you strongly in charge, never to suffer any one to pass your post w~tlwut the signet of truth. The Jflhite Banner entrusted to yom· care, is of that purity of life aml rectitude conduct, which should distinguish every one that }>asses the white vail of the sanctuary. I present you the badge of your office in expec· talion of your performing your (luties with intelli· ;ence, assiduity and propriety. !25. He then retires and the three masters of the vails are p1·esented together. CoMPANION-The




Chm•ge to the Master of the third Vail. CoMP.\.Niox-I present you with the Scarlet Bannet•, which is the ensign of your office, aml with a sword to protect and defend the same. Tlm t•ich and beautiful cQlonr of your banner, is emblem• atic of frrvency aral fidelity ; it is the appropriate colour of the Royal Arch degree ; it admonishes us that we should be fervent in the exercise of out· ·devotions to God, audfaithfztl in our endeavors t• pr.Jmote the happiness of man, Charge to the "Uaster of the second Vail. CoMP.\NION-1 invest you with the Pztrple Bmi· ner, which is the ensign of yom· office, autl arm you with a sword to enable you to maintain its bonm·. The colour of your bannm• is pt·oduced by the combination of two distinct colours, namely, blue and scarlet ; the former of which is the character· istic colour of the symbol-ic or first th1•ee degrees ot Masonry, and the latter of the Royal ,/J.rch. degree. It is an emblem of un-ion ; and is the characteristic colour of the intermediate degrees. It allmonishes· us to cnHiratc and improve that spil'H of u iou nml harmony, etween the brethren of the symfiolic de ... grees, aJHl the companions of the sublime degree~, which should ever distinguish the members of a. society founded upon the princi plcs of everla.sti~~ trui nd universal philanthropy. ·

Charge to the JJiaster of the first Vail. Co~IPANI0~-1 inYcst

you with the Blu~ Ban.



ner, which is t1Je ensigQ of your office, and a swotd for its defence and protection. The colour of your banner is one of the most du1•able and beautiful in nature. It is the approp1·iate colour adopted aull worn by our ancient brethren of the three symbolic dPgr"es, ami the peculiar characteristic of an institution which J1as stood the test of ages, and which is as much distinguished by the clu1·abilit!l of its materials, or pl·inciples, 111:1 by the beauty ot' .its superstructure. It is an emb1em of universal 'benevolence, and instructs us that in the mind of n. Mason, this virtue should be as expansive as tbe .blue arclt of Hea vcn itself. Charge to the three Masters ofthe .Vails as Overseers. Co:&tPANIONs-Those who are placed as overseers of any work, should he well qualified to judge of its beauties nnd deformities, its excellencies and defects ; they should be capable of estimating !he former and amending the latter. This consideration should induce you to cultivate and improve all those qualiiications with wbicb you at·e already endowed, as well as to persevere in your .endeavors to acquit·e those which you may be in any wise deficient in: Let the various colours of ·the banners committed to your cbage, admonish you to the exercise of the several vil'tues which they are emblematic of; and you arc to enjoin the practice of tl10se vh·tues npon all those who s,.all present tLemsclrcs, or the 'WOl'k of their hands .for your inspection. J.Jet no work recei"e yout'-aJl·



~HARG"liS .

pNbalion bul such as is calculatell to adom an(l stt·engtheu the ll)asonic edifice. Be industrious amt. faithful in practising and. disseminating a knowl• edge of the true and perfect work, which alone can stand the test of the Grand Overseer's square· in the gt·eat day of trial and reh·ibution ; " then, although every rod should become a serpent, and e\·ei'Y serpent an enemy to this in&titution, yet shall' their utmost exertions to destt·oy its reputations or sap its foundation, become impotent as the lep·rous lwnd, 01' as water spilled upon the ground, whid1 cannot be galhea·ed up again." ~6. They then retire, and the Secretary is pr9· scutcd. ·

Clzarge to tlte Secreta,.!!· 'UmtPANION-l with pleasure invest you· with your badge as Sccretat·y ,of this Chapter. Th& qualities which should recommeull a. secretary are, p1·omptit~tde io issuing the notifications and orderS' of his superior officers; punctuality is. attcndin~· the meetings of the Chapter; co'l'rectness i·n t•ccording their proceedings ; judgment in discl'i,wlnatin~ between what is proper and what is improper .to be committed to w•·iting ; regula1•itg in making his: annual return to the Grand Chapter; integrity in accounting for all monies that may pass through. his hands, and fidelity in paying the same over the hands of the Treasurer. The .possession of. these good qualities, I presume has designate(\ yOlt z.s a suitable character for this .important office, :~d I Clllnotentertain a doubt but that _you wjll dis,

RH ~



C ER E1110NIE!


charge its duties beneficially to the Chapter and l10norably to yourself. And\vhen you shall have complcated tl1e 1·ecm•d of your h·ansadions here below, and finisherl the term of your probation, may you be admitted in the celestial Gra11d Chapter of · saints and angels, and find you1· name rec01•ded in

the Boolc of Life Ete1•nal. '27. He then rethes and the 'rrcasm·er is>nted.

CoMPANION-You nre elected 'f•·easurcr of this Chapter, and I have the plcnsme of in,·csting yon 1vith the badge of yom· office. The qualities which sl10uld recommend a 'f1·easurer a1·e acc1wacy and jidelity; accuracy, in keeping a fair and minute account of all receipts and disbursements; fidelity iu carefully preserving all the JH'operty and fllluls of the Chapter that may be placed in his hands, aiJ(l rendering a just account of the same whenever be is called upon for that purpose. I pt·esume that your respect for the institution, your attachment to .the intet•ests of your Chapter, and your regard fot· a goo<l name, which is better than precious ointment, will prompt yon io the faithful disdJarge of tbe duties of your office. 28. He then retires and the Stewards are presentetl.



Charge to the Stewards. Co:MP ANIONS-You being elected Stewards of the


Chapter, 1 with pleasure invest yoa with the ba<ls·



It is your province to see that every necessary preparation is made for the conve-

es of yom· office.

nience and accommodation of the Chapter, }Jrevious to the time appointed for meeting. You are to see that the cl'>tl1ing, implements and furniture of each degree r('spectively, are properly disposed, and in suitah}t> RI'I'ay for use, whenever they may be rcquit'f'.d, and that they are scem·ecl and proper care taken of them, when the lmsiness of the Chapter is over. You are io see that necessary rcft·esh ments a1·e provided and that all your companions,and particularly visitors, are suitably accommodated aml supplied. You arc to be frugal and pruclent in your disbursements, and be careful that no extravagance or waste is committed in your department ; and when you have faithfully fulfilled your stewardship here below, may you receive f1·om hen.ve11 th~ happy greeting " well done good and faithful

servants.'' ~9.

Then these retireancl the Tyler is presented.

Chatoge to tlu~ Tylet•. Gol\IP ANION-You are a~11ointed Tyler of this ~ Obapter, and-1 invest you with this implementor your office. As the sword is placed in the hands of the •ryler to enable him effectually to guard a~ gainst the approach of couans and eyedroppers, and suifer ttone to pass or repass but such as are duly qualified, so should it morally serve as a. constant admonition to us to set a guard at the entrance of our thoughts; to place a watch at the door of our lips ; to post 11. centinel n.t the avenue of ou1· actions,



thel·ehy a\'oilling every unqualified anu unwoi·thy thought, wort.l and deed, a111l prescr·ving cumcience~ "r'oi«l of offence towanls GOll and towards man. As the fil'st application ft·om visitor" for aumis. aioa into the Chapter; i"' genc.-a\ly made to the Tyler at lhe doot·, your station '"ill often preseut yoll to lhc ol)set·vation of strangci·s, it is thet·eforc essentially necessary, that he who sustains tl1e oficc with which you are entrusted, should be a man ef gootl mot·ali!, steady habits, st1·ict discipline, (.empel'!lte, affable an1l tli!lct·eet. I trust a just rc;art.l for the honor aud I'eputation of the institutiot1 will eret• induce you to .pet·form with fidelity the trust reposed in you; and when the door of this earthly tabernacle shall be closed, may you find an &llundanl enlt·ance through the gates _into the tepl· ple and city of our God. 30. llc ~· ill retire, au1l follows an I

.ll.ddress to the High P1-iest.


M. E. CollPA.NION-Having been honored with the free sufl'1·ages of the membet·s of this Chapter, you are electe(l to tbe mos~ important otBce wbicb is in theit· power to bestow. This expt·ession of tbeh· esteem and respect, shoulcl dl'a\V from you corres[lOnding sensations, and yout• demeanour be sucb as to r.e(ltly the honor they have so conspic· uously conferred upon you, by an honorable and faithful discharge of tb.e duties of your office. The station you at·e ea.lled to ftll, is important Jlot ·as it respects the correct practice of our rite1 .-~d .ce~·emouies, &\D.d the ~ter11al e~OJlUIP.Y of U~t

: I



Chapter, over which you preside, but the public reputation of the institution will be genel'Rlly found to rise or fall according to the skill or fidelity allll discretion, with which its concerns are maunged, and in proportion as the characters and conduct of its principal otlicers' estimable or censurable. You have acceptNl. a trust to which is attached a weight of rcsposibility that will i:equh·e all your efforts to dischargt~, honorably to yourself nml satisfactorily to the Chapter, You are to see that yom· officers are capable aml faithful in tbe exercise ot' their offices ; should they want ability, you are ext,ected to supply their defects ; you are to watch carefully the progress of thch· performances, aml see that the long established customs of the institution suffer no derangement in their hands. · You are to have a ca1·eful eye over the generalconduct of your Chapter ; see that due order and subordination is observed on all occasions; that the members are properly insh·uctcd; that a clue solemnity be observed in the practice of our rites ; that no improper levity be permitted at any time, Lut more especially at the intt·oduction of strangers· among Lhe wot·kmen. In fin.e you r be an example to your o ccrs and members, which they need not hesitate to follow; thus securing to yourself the favonr of heaven and the applauscs of brethren and companions.

Jlddress to the OjJicers Generally. CoMPANIONS IN 0FFICE-"Precepts and examples should enr ad-vance with an equal pace.-



Those moral duties which you are required to teach nnto ofluws, you should never neglect to pt·acticc yourselves. · Do yon tlcsir·e that the demeanor ofyom· cquah and inferiors towat·us you shoultl be marketl with deference and res pet? Beware that you omit no opportunity of furuishing t~1em with examples in 'your own conduct towarus yom• superiors. Do you desit·e to obtain information from those who at·e more wise, or better inf-ormed than yourselves? Be 5tll'e that .you a1·e always ready to impart yom• knowledge to those within your sphere, who stand in of and nre entitled to receive it. Do you desire distinction among .your companions? Be sure that your claims to p-t•eferment at·e founded on superior attainments; let no ambitious passion be suffered to induce you to envy or supplant a com~ panion who may be considered as better qualified for pramntion than yt)Urselves; but rather let a lau-. ·dable emulati~n induce you to stl·ive to excel eacb olher in impi'O\'ement and discipline; ever remem~ bering that he who ja-itlifully performs his duty, even in a subm·dinate, or pt·ivate station, is as justly entillecl to esteem and rc pect, as be who is invested with supt·eme authority•

..JJ.ddt•ess to tlte 'Chapter at large. Cm.IPANIONs-The exercise and management

i>f the sublime dt•gt·ces of .i\llasonry in your Cbapte1· llitberto, is so highly appreciated, and the good re~ \)Utation of the Chapter so well established, that I must presume that those considratious alone, were

tltere 110t others of greater mn.guitudc, would be iu.fficient to induce you to persevere and perpetuata ~his valuable nu<l honorable character. But when to these are adtled. the pleasures which evea·y philanthropic heart must feel in doing good, in promo. ting gootl order, in diffusing light and knowledge, in cultivating ~Iasonic and christian clrarity, wlaich are the great objects of this sublime institution, I c:annot doubt your futm·e con<luct, and that of your successors, will be calculated still to inct·ease tbe hlsb·e or your justly esteemed l'eputation. May your Chapter become beautiful as the Tem1Jle, peacefttl as the .llrk, and sac1•ed as its most holy place. May your oblations of piety and praise, be grateful as the incense; yuur love, ap~1·m as ita flame, and your charity diffusive as its ft•agt•ance.May your heart~ he pure as the ulta1·, and your conduct acc('ptab{e as the jf>1·ir.g. May the l'Xet·cise of yom· cbat·ity he as constant as the retumiug wants of the dish·essed widow, aud the helpless m·phan, ..M.a~ the approbation of heaven be yout· encouragement and the testimony of a good conscirnce your sup11ort; may you be endowed with every good and perfect gift; whil!lt tra.. velliug the thorny path of life, and finally admitted within the vail of heaven to the full enjoyment of

life eternal.

So mote it be,

31. The otHcers and members of the Chapter will then pass in review, iQ front of the Gt·and Of·

:ficers, and pay them the customary salutations as

they pa.ssf



32. The Gt·ana :Marshal will then make procla.· .mation as follow"! : In th" amc of the M. E. Gt·and High Priest, I do proc rum this Uhaptcr by the name o f - - -to be re:;1•larly constituted and its officers duly installt· rl. as. ',he oilic:et·s of the Chapter will then take th(•h· stations npon the left of the Grand officers respectively, an() the memiJers will be seated until tha · Graud oflicet·s re!it·e. 34. The cere.monies conclude with an ode1 or appropt·iate music. ODE. 'When Orient wisdom beam't.l ~crene, And pillar'<! &tr~ngtb arose, When beauty ting'J the glowing scene, A'ld Faith her mansion chose; Exulting bands the fabric view'd, Mysterious powers ador'd ; And high the triple union stood, That gave the mystic word. Pale env1 }Vitber'd at the sight, And, frowning o~ e l'lle, Call'd murder up from realans of night, To blast the glorious toil. With ruffian outrage join'ol, in woe They form'd the lea1ue auh.m'c.l; And wounded scit>nce felt the blow, 'l'hat crush'd the JD.Ystic word. Concealment, from sequester'd cave, On sable pinions ftt!w ; And o'er the sacriligious gravt•, Her veil impervious threw.


' CIUR6E8.

'l'he associate band, in solemn statt', The awful loss deplor'tl,

.And wisdom mourned the ruthless fat('• That 'whclm'd the mystic word. At length, through time's expanded sphet·~, Fair science speeds her way; And warm'd by truth's effulgence, cleat:'

Reflr.cts the kindt·ed ray ; A aecond fabric's towerog- height3 Proclaims the sign restored; From wbose foundation brought to light, is drawn the mystic word.

To depth's obscure, the favor'd TrineJ A dreary course engage; ' Till through the arch, the ray divine; Illumes the sacred page. From the wide wonders of this blazP, Our ancient sign's restor'd; The royal at·ch alone displays ~l1e long lost, MYSTIC WORD.

35. When the Grand Offtcers retire, the Chap.: ter will fm·m an avenue for them .to {>asg.;through, :tnd salute them with the Grand Honors. They wil be attended as far as the door of their apadment by the corumittee wl Q introd ~·~~'iMb ·

86. Tlie ters.


close their respective Oba ~ NOTE.

The paragraphs enclosed in brackets; apply exclusively to cases when new Chapters are instituted, and tbeir offi· ·cers installed for the first time. The rest llpply equall.Y tC! such eases. as well as to annual installations.





nt:5TOU1 OJ? PRtEMASONRY lti 'rilE STA'l'& Of

TINNE88EE. PnEvtoos to December, A, L. S8i8, the Lodg·

~Ill\ the !;tate of 'fcnncssce WOl'ked UtldCl' the au~

thorit~ ot Oba.rtera from the G1•and Lodge of Nortll Oarolmu., at which time a Grand Lodge was estab· lished for the 8tate of Tennessee.

Pursuant to a resolution of Hiram Lodge, No.7~ and unanimously adopted by the several Lod~s.

in the State of Tennessee, proposing a conventiOn. of Ancient York .Masons at Knoxville, on the first. Monday in December, 181 t, for the purpose of es~ tablishing a Grand Lodge, delegates appeared from the following lodges, viz : Tennessee Lodge, No.2; G·ee eville , a.; No.1...; Overton, . 5 , mg Solomon, o. 6, nml l1i· ram, No. 7; when the Rev. brotber Stephen B7•oolt.9' was appointed Chairman, and brother Joltn Jl.. Rogers, 8ecl'ct.ary.

'rhe following resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted~ Resolved, That in the opinion of tbil ~vention, the numller of Lotl~es of Ancient York.J\:Iasons in this state,

well as the state of society, requil·e the



100 formation of a Grand Lodge within the same, fot· fl1e bcttet· regulation and extension of the craft. Resolved, That in the opinion of this covrntion, that for constituting a Gt·and I.odge, it will beneressru·y for the Masters, Past Masters and 'Var(lcns of the different IJodges, or delegates to he by the said J..,odges nppointed, to meet in convention RtKuoxville, on the second Monday in August next, fur the purpose of forming a con stitution and byelaws fot· the government of the Grand Lodge of rJ• enncssec, to elect officers thereof, an(l furt.l1er te ·t]o Whatever may be nccessat·y for its operation. Resolved, As the opinion of this convention, tl1o.t all Master Masons working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge ofN m·th Carolina in this state, be admitted for the purpose of giving theh· aid and asstatance, at the time of f01·miog a constitution fot• the gov-ernment of the Gt·atHl Lodge in the State of 'I'ennesse-e, the object of which is to obtain the benefit of all the light that can he thrown on so im JlOl'tunt a subject, notwithstanding such bretht·en may not be entitled to vote on such occasions. liesolved, That a committee he appointed for the put•pose of drawing up an address to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, soliciting theit· assent to t-he establishment of a Grand Lodge in this state, and that said committee draft a letter to be dit·ectetl to brother Rouert Williams, requesting him to lay said nddress, togetber with the proccctliugs of this con,·ention, before the Grand Lodge ; and in all things relative thereto, to give us his aid and assist ance, so fal' as he may tleem it correct. Agreeably to the foregoing l'esolutions, a committee was appointed, wlw rrported a letter and adclress, which beiug 1·cad and approrctl were signe(l by the Chairman and Secretary. Tl1e convention then ndjom·ned to meet on the ~th o~ August; 581~, nt which time a letter was L



received ft·om the 1\Tost Worshipful Robe1•t Williams, Gt·and Mastel' of the Grand LodgeofNortb. Carolina, i11 answer to the above mentioned com~ munications, which was read, and in pursuance or the request contained in said letter, it was agreed to postpone the further consideration of the establishment af a Gt·and Lodge, until after the next meeting of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina,. and until suGh time as the Lodges in this state might. agree upon. In Octobrr, A. L. 5813, a communication was re~ ccived from the {it-and :Mas ter of North Carolina,. directing the l . odg«~s in this state to assemble either collectively nr by ihei.t· representatives, in the town of Knoxville, on .the ~7th Der-. 5813, to constitute the Graud Lodge of Tennessee. Delegates ft·om Tennesse Lodge, No. 2 ; G1·eeneville; No. 3 ; New-Port, No.4; Overton, No.5; King Solomon, No. 6; Hiram, No. 7; Cumberland, No.8,; and Western ~tar, No. 9, accordingl.Y assembled at Knoxville on the day appointe<L The convention being duly organized, a cbartit';

or lleed of relinquishment, from the·Grand Lodge of N orLh Carolina, bearing date the 30th September, 5813~ was presented. By this instrument the Gt•and 'L odge of N m·th Oarlina relinquished all authority and jut·isdiction o\·er the several Lodges iil the ~tate of Tennessee, nnll assented to the erec~ tiou of the Grand Lodge of Tenn~ssee. •

.A. committee was appointed to report a constitu.: tiou and bye-laws, for the government of the Grand Lodge, who retired, and after some time, reported a conHtitution and bye-laws, which were read, a· ilopte<l and signed by the members on behalf of thoir respective lodges.

II ~ .


The following brethren were duly electctl, pro·

claimed and inslalled Grand Officet·s, viz:

The M. '"· Tnos. CLAIRORNE, Esq. G. M. H. W. GEORGE WILSON, D. G, M. R. W. JNo. HALL, s. G. w. R. W. A. K. SnAH'FFm, J. c. w.

n. w. Tnos. M'CORRY,

It W. Emv .uw ScoTT,

G, T.

G. s.

On the fit·st Monday in October, 58t4, the GratH~ Lodge met at Nashville (the then scat of government ofthc state) when the M. W. '1.1lwmas ClaH h01"1le, Esq. was l'e·elccted Gt·and Master. October, A. L. 581£'i, at a gt·and annual commu• 1lica.tiou, theM. W. Robert,Starcy, Esq. was elcc· ted Grand Mas~r. At this meeting the usual bu. f:iiness of the Grand Lodge was attended to, and some additional regulations for the government of t~ubordinate Lodges adopted. No Uharte1·s were issuecl. October, A. L. 5816, at a Grand annual commu. nication, tl1e M. W. llobert Searcy, Esq. was l'eelcctcd Ga·and Mastet·. At this meeting, charters were issuecl to Missouri Lodge, at •st. Louis, in the sta.te.ofMissouri; Whiteside Lodge, atBlountsv.ille, in tl,te ll!t,i\.te o 1.'ennessee, and to Andrew kckson Lodge, at Natchez, in the state ofMissis-


October, A. L. 5817, at a grand annual communi. cation, tl1e M. W. Wilkins Tannehill, Esq. was elected Grand Master. During this year charters '\vsre issued to the following f~odges; viz : Lawl'el_lce Lodge, in tho town of Pulaski; Mount Mo· · b, in. the town of Murfreesborougb ; Oarthaga &nevolent Lodge, in the town of Oartha~, and Warren Lodge in -the town of Fayetteville, stat of Tannessee; and to Washington Lodp1 at fo1t Gibson, in the state of•;



October, A. L. 5At8, at a grand annual connnn· nication, the M. W. JVilkins Tannehill, Esq. wa,; re-elected Gt·aml Vlaster, On the 24th June, 5818, Llfe comer stone of a. Masonic Hall, in tbe town of Nashville, was laid in ample form by the Grand Master, assistetl by the officers of the Gt·anrl Lodge, and the officers and members of Uumberland Lodge, No. 8. In the cornet· stone was deposited a copper plate, on one side of which was the following inscription;

''On the 24th June, A. L. 5818, A. D. 1~1~, was laicl this foundation stone of a HALL,

to be erected by the Members of CuMnERLAND LonoE,N~ &

Behold, saith the Lord God, I have laid iu Ziou, a stone, a tried stone, a 1n·ecious cot'Oer stone, a sure foundation." Tl1is Hall is built oi brick, seventy-three feet in ft'Ont, and two stm·ies high, with convenient apartments fot· the use of the Lodges and the Royal Arch Chapter. lluring this year, charters wel'e is40ed to the following Loclges, viz: St. John's Lodge, in tha· town of Oharlotte, Tennessee; Washington Loclge, Hazel nreen, and Alabama Lodge, in the town of Huntsville, in tl1e state of Alabama. October, A. L. 5g19, at a grand annual commu. nication, theM. W. Oliver B. Rays, Esq. was elected Grand Maste.r. During this year, chat·ters issued to the following Lodges, viz : Elkton J,odge, at Elkton ; Wincheste1· Lodge, nt Winchester, and St. John's Lo~ge, at Oait·o, in the state of Tennessee; 8t. Charles' Lodge, at St. Charle~:~ 1 and



Joachim Loclge, at Herculaneum, in the slate tlf Missouri; Libanus Lodge, at EclwardHille, in the state of Illinois, and Rising Virtue Lodge, al Tuscaloosa, in the state of Alabama. Octobm·, A. L. 5820, at a grand annual commuDication, the ~f. ,V. J¥illcins Tannehill, Esq. was clecte<l Grand Master. At this meeting, charters .issued to Columbia lorlge, at Columbia, and Spat·tu.n Band of Brothet·s, at Sparta, in the state of Tennessee; and to Moulton lodge, at Moulton in the state of Alabama. October, A. L. 5821, at a grand annual communication, the l\'1. W. Willcins Tannehill, Esq. was l'C · elected, an<l charters issued to tbe following loclges, \'iz : Kingston Union, at Kingston; Nash''ille, at Nashville; Mount Moriah, at Dover, ami Washington Luminary, at Washington, in the state of Tennessee; to :Franklin luclgc, at Russelville, and Tuscumbia, at CoU!·lland, in the slate of Ala-

bama. October, A. L. 5822, at a grancl annual commullication, the M. W. Gen. JJ.ndrew Jackson, was ~lectell Grand Master. A1n·il, A. IJ. lj823, a special meeting of the 6t·and Lodge was held by order of theM. W. Grand :Master, for the purpose of adopting a unifm·m mode of work in the several degrees of Maaonry. Tlie Granrl Lodge continued in session one week, during which many importantregulation~ were a<lopted. Dm·ing this year, charters were issued to lt'reedonia lodge at Reynoldsburgh, and Rising Star, at U.utledge, in the slate of Tennessee . . October, A. L. 5S23, ·at a grand annual communication the following brethren were elec~d and installed officet•s of the Grand lodge, viz; M. W. Gen. ANDREW JAcKsoN, G. u.

R. W. R. W.



a w. ~· E. IUN.N.EDY1 .



oJ. o.~ l.Y..







8EG1'·l ON 1. The Gt·and Lodge shall consist a Gran!l Master, lleputy Grand .Master, Gt·and St>nior and Junior W a.rdens, Grand 'l'l'easurer~ Gmud Secretary, Gt·ancl Senior ani.l Junior Deacons, Gt·ani.l Chaplain, Gi'and SWOl'd nearer, Grancl Marshal, two6nnd Stewards, Gmnd Tyler, Gmnd Punmiva.nt; ancl also the past Grand aml Depuf.y Gt·and Masters, past Gt·and Senior and· Junior Wardens, and past Masters of regular lodges while members of a regular lodge under ils jnJ•isdictiou, and the Mastet·s and anlens of regular lodges which are subordinate to the Gt·a.ncl Lodge. SEc. 2. In all cases where special representations shall unt be appointrd hy any subordinate . lodge, and tlte .Master and VV tml •ns cannot personally attend the-6nmd lodge, U ey shall have the privilet;e of constituting a proxy, and snch proxy shall be a :Mastrr Mason ancl member of sonte lodge under this ..Jmisclictiou; and he or they slutll be entitled to the same number of votes us ltis or thei1· constituent or constituents, SEc. 3. No Mas on shall be eligible to an office in the Grand lod~e, unless he has passed the chair in some regular lodge, except it be iu cases of emet·gency 1 nor shall any brother nnder the grade of l\1.aster M~tson be admitted into the Grantllodge.




ARTICLE II. SEc. t. ( .lls amended.) The G1·and lodge sl1ail be held ouce in each yMt·, in tl1e town of 'Nashville ~ which meeting shall take place on the first Monday of Octobet·; and shall be called the Graml Annual Communication; at which, the Grand Officer& shall be elected or appointed, as slJall be prescibed by this Constitution ; and special Grand lodges shall be held as the (hand Mastet• shaH appoidt. SEc. 2. A Hrand Master shall be chosen at the Grand Annual Oomtllunic&ltion 1 butM person ehall be eligible to tbia oftlccs more than two year• In IUC•


SEc. 8. 1'he election of Graml Master shall be by ballot; the last Grand Master shall, if eligible,

be amongst the number of candidates ; but no vote . eha.ll be given for any brother who may not be in nomination ; nor shall any nomination be consider• ed as good, unless it be seconded. When the bal· lot is closed, the Deputy Grand Master shall count out the votes, and (leclare him tha.t has the majori~ ity of the whole number present, duly elected; and the Grand Master so elected sho.ll be installed ac~ cording to ancient usage, at the session he is elected. SEc. 4. In case of sickness, or necessary ab· eence, the Grand Master or any other officer may be installed hy proxy; bnt whoever represents them must hnc-stu•tainetLtbe omco to which such absent ofticer is to l1c installecl, or such office as might have entitled him to fill the chair in the absence ofthe Gt·and .Master. SEc. 5. If in case of death, resignation, or rc woval from office, the chah· of the Grand lodge should become vacntcd, it is to he filled hy seniori· ty, until the next Grand Annual Communication; but the Deputy Grand Maste1· ceases to exist as tuch as soon as the chah· is vacated by the Gran(\ Master who appointerl him. tho. 6. The Grand Master sltall appoint his d6 4



tmty under tlte seal of the Grand lodge ; anu he t;hall appoint and declare the Grarullleacons, the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Sword Bearer, thn Grand Mat•shal, the Grand Stewards, the Grand Tyler and the Grand Pursuivant-wbich appointIDeuts shall be entered on the mi.nutes of tl1e Grand l odge. And in case any other oil1ce shall becomll ''ac'ated by death, I'esiguation, or otherwise, thG Grand Master for the time being, shall fill such of:lice 01' vacancy, by his nomination , SEc, 7. The Gmnd .Master shall, wl1en present, inllispensably fill tbe chait·. In his absence, the Deputy 6ran11 Master~In the ab~ence of both, the Seniot· (hand W at·dcu-In the abseuce of tbos·c, the Junior Gl'and W arllen. In case of the absence of all those officers, the oldest Geand officer in the lollge is to fill the chair. And that the Grand lodge may always appear in flue form, tl1e presi· tling officer shall weat· the Jewel of the grand mas ~ ter; and all others, the Jewels oi the officers they respectively represent. S!'c. 8, The grand master, with his deputy, grand wardens, h·easurer, or sec1·ettu·y, shall, if con.. venient during his mastership, visit the several lodges under his jLnisdiction, aml see that no innovation be committed in any of them-fit'st giving such lodges timely notice of his approach. But in case it should not be convenient. fm· the gra~~d mas .. tc1•, or hiitoffice~ttend 1DJ herein required, thell and in that ca'"e, the grantl master is authorised to t~ppoint a skilful and coufidential b1·other for this purpose, Stw. 9. The grand master has full rigltt and authority to pre&ide in every lodge under his jm·is-, diction, with the master of the lodge on lus rtght l1and; aml to summon his gt·and wardens, treas?" rcr and secretary to attend him-who are to act tn. their several capacities, whenever the grand mastet

tf\kcs the chair.


SEc. 10. The grand master, !lt~pu!y grand ma!'· ter and wardens, shttll severally at the time of their installation, make the following declaration:-" I solemnly promise, on the honor of a Mason, that in the office o f - - - - I wi11, according to the best of my abilities, strictly comply with the laws nnd ret;Ula.tions or this grand lodge, and all other ancient Masonic usages." SEc. 11. The grand master shall ha\'e power to grant dispensations upon propel' petition. That the Brethren to whom such dispensation shnll be be gNmtt>d, make application to the grand lodge a{; the next annual communic11.tiou for a chal'ter. And if such application shall not be made, or such char· ter not granted by tl1e grand lodge, the lodge ercc ~ ~ed by such dispensation shall be deemed dis , . solve~.

ARTICLE III. SEc. f. The gmncl wardens, grand secretary and grand treasut•er, shall be elected in the same manner as the master, and ingtalle.d at the samo time, ascording to th~ usages of Masom·y. tz;Ec. ~. 'fhe grand treasurer must be a brother of good w01·ldly substance ; ancl to him shall bll committed the moneyR belon;ing to the Gt·and lodge. He shall always keep a fair record of his accounts and b·ansactions, and the uses to wllich ey~ apJ!r pri.a.ted ; and shall lay the the aame when registered be ore the t:;rancl 1odge, and

account for the moneys as may be direct~d-for which be shall be compensated as the lodge may dil·ect. SEc. S. The grand secretary must be a brother wl1o can write a fair hand, and shall keep accua·ate records of o.ll b·ansactions of the grand lodge. He aball presentall votes antl orders of the gt•ttnd lodge after they a1•e enfered to the g1·and master for his &J,Wroba.tiou and signature. .tie shall is&ue sum-. p.s the grand mastel' may duect1 and shall



give a seasonable notice, in at least one puhlic news . p apct·, of every statt>tl meeting t~f the gt·nmllodgc ; and shall be rewarderl for his services from time to ti me, as ~rantl lodge may direct. ~h:c .. 4. The g•·:uul DL'ncons, grand Stewards, grand M ar.;hal and grand ~word Bearer, must he· :MaH ler M asons. T be grand ~tewarcls shall attend in preparing the feasts , on a regalar1rnmmons for that purpose; and they sha11 alwa.~s see that the tahlcs are regulud y and Masonically spread.The ~mnd Marshal shall attend ilie ~·east, and as.:. sist the g•·and Master in the m·de1· and arrangement of the clay, and the grand ~word Bearer shall atteml on all public occasious. Eh~c. 5. The gl'anll Tyler shall attentl every call of the gmnd Master, and be pt·csent at every ]odg;c-for which services he shall be rcwartlett f1·om time to time acc01·ding to his merit. 81w. 6. No brother whatever can e admitte<l into the g1·and lodge as a visitor, unless be is a. mem-

ber of some regnlar lodge; nor does the appointment of a brother to au office in the gramllodge prevcut his holding an olllce in the private lodge of which he is a member.

ARTifl LE IV. SEc. 1.. In the adoption of this Constitution; and all amendments hereafter made, and in the election of officers, the votes shall be ken a.ccor.. ding to-the · ittil1ord!IP., lftllllllnt: bers of the grand lodge. That is to say :-Every lodge present, by its representatives, shall be entitled to three votes, whether represented by one or more brethren; and C\'ery member of the grand lodge, otherwise entitled than by being a ret>resentntive. of a particular lodge, shall have one vote.All other matters in the grand lodge, 11hal1 be determined by a majority of the votes of tlte tnell'lbers present ; and the brother in the chair shall havo

the casting vote.



SEc. 2. The gt'illH1lot1ge shall have power, by clJal'tm· umlct' theiJ· seal, to constitute new lodr~~'es; io establish a uniform modo of woddng in al tho lo•lgt'S withiu til is state; and superintend nnll reg~ nlalc the general police of Masomy, according to ihc ancient usages nnd customs of ~Masons, carefully l'cgai·uiu~thc uld r..nm MAims, which arc on no nccou"fff1o Le l'ClllO\' e<l OJ' defaced. SEc. 3. The grand lodge, on granting a chnrte1· fo a newly couslitutclllodgc, may demand such reasonable fees as they may establish by law. SEc. 4. 'l'he granll lollgc shall haYe power to call on the scvca·al lodges fm· the annual customary dues. Sr.c. 'fhc gt•and lodge shall have power to establish a unifot·m rule, as to the sums to be paid in the scveml lodges within the jurisdiction of this grand lodge, for cutel'ing, passing an<l raising a IJrotheJ·. SEc. 6. The gl·:uul lodge shall have power to mnkc such laws for their own governmc.ut as they shall think proper.

ARTIOLR Y. · SEc. 1, No Yote ofthe grand lodge shall be reconsidered by a less number of members than were JlfCSent at the passing of the same. 'Stc. 2. No brother shall be admitted into the gl'!\ltd lo..dge, hut such as arc members, excepting. 1 ioucrs and witnesses, provide(\ that brethren propel·ly entitled by their g1·allc in .Masomy may, on motion, be a<lmitte<l as \'isHors. In neither of which cases shall they be admitted to vote. SJ::c. S. No new- charter sball be granted bnt upon tl1e petition of five kuown and a}lproved Master :Masons; nm· shall a new Wal'l'nut issue to any number of l\fac;ons rcahling within less than ton miles of the usunl place of meeting of any regularly established lodge, unless by special disjJensation·

of the gt·aud. lodge, au.d the petition sball contain.

i I



the cau~es which renflct· it expedient tl1at such ch:wte.r should he gt·antl'd, with the nomination of the Master and Wardens. And the petition shall lw apprm·ed by some regular constituted lou,ge in the vicinity of the petitioners.

ARTICLE VI. 81-~c. 1. Evf:'t'Y Todge uncler lhis jurisdiction slwll, once evct·y year, transmit to to the grand lodge, the nnnH·s of its officers, anll also the names of the ln·ellll'en who have been made Masons, passed Fellow crafts, and raiseu to the sublime dm·gce of Jtiaster Masons, in order that tho same may be duly noticed in this gt·and lodge. SEc. 2. Upon the demise of any lotlgc withiu the jurisdiction of this gt•arul lodge, the la11t Secretary and Tt·easurer of said lodge shall, within six months nftenv~rds, snrrcndet• to the grand ~ecre­ tat·y the books, papers, jewels, funds RJ!<l Cw:ni•e of said lodge so liemised. Sec. 3. The gt·and "'\Vardens and Setretar;r slmll make all necessary prepa1·ations fot' every feast, and they shall be assisted by the grand Stew· ards, or some general nnllet·taker. SEc. 4. Every brother p1·esent at a grand feast, shall Le contt·olled Ly tf1e grand Master in e"\'ery thing that pertains to the decency and decorum or his conduct. SF.c. • · h ie e.mber of the grantl lollp;e of this State1 at the tJJne of the adoption of this Constitution, shall continue to be a member of the, he paying his d11es as lll'escribcd by the laws of this gra.ncllodge. SEc. 6. No amenument to this Q~)Jlstitutiou shall be allopteu by the gtand lodge, u i1 the same after heiog pi'Oposed in writing to 1J1e gt-aud lodge, and thet·eby concul'l'ed with, sball be submitted to the considet·atiou of all the individual lodges, and adopt~d by at least two thirds of all the said lodge~


Ucad nnd nnnnimonsly concm·re(l with, ihi!9 ~7th day of Jlecembel': A. L. 5813, A. D. 1813.

BYE-LA,VS. 4.!11.ENDMEJVT, -oCTORER Stl,, 1818 Resolved, That the fund fur contingent expences of the Grand Lodge, shall be raised in the follo\vi ng manner, to-'ll it: Every member of the Granil Lodge present, at the meeting.; of the Grand Lodge, and every brnthar ad.nitted to visit the Grand Lodge at such meetlllgR, shall pay to the Grand Secretary lhe sum offl}ty cents for each m~cting, at which he shall attend, and that no member of the Grand Lodg,. shall be required to. pay any other sum than the 11. .10Ve, towards the fur,cls of' he Lodge. Sl!:c. 1. Every private Lodge ~hall transmit to the Grand . Lodge a copy ofthcir bye laws, together with such extracts from their joun•al of proceedings as the Grund Lodge may from time to time think proper to direct. SJ>c. 2. There shall be paid into the Trea&ury for every Charter or Warraott, for holding a new Loclge, the sum of twenty dol-: lars,.aud for every Chat·ter renewed, the sum 'Of five uollars. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of tile Gr md Treasure!', to lay his · account before the Lodge at each Grand Annual Communication,_ for inspection and adju•,tment; and upon going out offict>, he shall; forthwith, pay into the hands of his successor, the balance whicl1 mur appeat· to be due from him to the Lodge. SEc. 4, If any member shall leave the Lodge without the permission of the Master, he shall pay the sum offifty cents. SEc. 5, Every member who makes a motion shall deliver atr.ameript of tb e same to the Secreta1·y before it is put. SEc. 6. :\.Committee of correspondence shall be annually ap-



S 7 Each member of the Grand· Lodge shall be entitled to a certificate thereof; which shall entitle him to admission int& any Lodge in tbbl sl;ate, and to all the rights and privileges which the m~mlfcrs of such Lodges"l'e!lp'e1:tl o-ely pm1sess.· ADDITIONAL BYE-LAWS.

Passed October, 1818.

SJ.c:. 8. That eacil subot·binate Lodge, under this jutisdiction;.

pay annually to the Grand Lodge, the sum of one dollar for each

Clegree conferred, and for each member admitted into their res· pective Lodges. • SJI:c 9 That in all cases hereafter, where the Grand Secretary shall affix his seal of office ro any Charter, Warrant, or other ip,.tl'umeut of writing, l!.e shall be entitled to receive from the appl\oant therefor,. the aum of two dollars. A true coj1y. ~ M; NORVELL, Sec'y~ v'!'l' JJ. 1 182;.


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