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js this present state of existence, that there is no situation in which we can be placed, but is subject to reverses. Whilst we tread this Mosaic, let every Mason bear these facts in remembrance, and as the dictates ofreason and conscience prompt him1 live iu brotherly love. 'rhe moveable and immo-,eable jewels next claim OUL' attention. The ·J•oztgh as1Lle1', is a stone taken from the quar ry in its rude and natural state. The pe1ject ash· le1·, is a stone made ready by the hands of the workmen, to be M\justed by the tooh ofthe fellow-craft. Tlie Trestleboa1•d, is for the maste1· workman to draw his designs upon, Hy the rough ashle1·, we a1·e reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; and by the pet·fect ashier, that state 0f perfection, at which we hope to arl'ive by a. virtuous el}ucatiou, o r own endeavo and the blessiug of God; and by the T1•estleboard, that as the operative Mason, erects l1is tempor11l building, by the rules and designs laid do y the master on his trestleboard, so should we both operative and speculative, endea~ vour to erect out· spiritual building, agreeably to the rules laid. dowu by the Supreme Architect of' the universe, on the book of life, which is our spit·itnal and Masonic Trestleboard. Our ancient bretbL·en dedicated their Lodges to King lomo~.; since the intrmluction of christian· ity, they. re dedicated to St. John the tist, and St. John the ,Evangelist, who were emibent patrons of the art. Since tbeir.ti e is represented in every well governed LodgE? a. certain po{1~


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