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~10ST EXCELLENT l\IASTER. The 6th degree in the American rite. Its history refers to the dedication of the Tenlple by King Solomon, who is represented by its presiding officer, under the title of ~Iost Excellent. Its officers are the same as those in a synl bolic lodge. ~10ST \VORSHIPFUL. The style given to a Grand Iiodge: "nd to its presiding officer, the Grand Master. ~IUSIC. One of the seven liberal arts and sciences, whose beauties are inculcated in tbe Fellow Craft's degree. Music is recommended to the attention of IV[asons, because as the" con.. cord of sweet sounds" elevates the generous sentiments of the soul, so should the concord of good feeling reign among the brethren, that by the union of friendship and brotherly love, the boisterous passions nlay be lulled, and harmony exist throughout the craft.

l\IUSTARD SEED, ORDER OF. Ordre de la gra路ine de fJYeneue. This association, whose members also called themselves " The fraternity of l\Ioravian Brothers of the order of Religious Freernasons," was one of the first innovations introduced into German Freen1asonry. It was instituted in the yenr 1789. Its tnysteries were founded on that passage in the 4th chapter of St. l\Iark's gospel, in which Christ conlpares the kingdom of h.~a.v(~n to a mustard seed. ~rhe brethren wore a ring, on which was inf:c'l'ibed, " No one of us lives for himself." The jewel of the order was a cross of gold, surmounted by a Mustard plant, with the words, ""That was it before ? Nothing/' This wassus芦 pended froln a green ribbon.

MYSTAGOGUE. The one who presided at the Ancient l\lysteries, and explained the sacred things to the candidate. He was al~o called the hiero:phant.

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