1908 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 1

Page 18


Grand L~dge




death of two members of the original Committee, the completion of the work was interfered with and delayed. The Laws have been revised and printed, and distributed to the Lodges of the State, as directed by the Grand Lodge. The work of revision has required much labor and time of the Committee and, up to this time, no compensation for their services has been received, for the reason that the Committee, together with your Grand Master, did n9t construe the wording of the resolution sufficient to authorize the payment for compensation. I, therefore, recommend that a reasonable amount be appropri路 ated to compensate, in a measure, at least, the members of this Committee for their valuable services. '\Then the work of revision shall have been completed' by this Grand Lodge, the work of indexing and printing will necessarily follow. Therefore; I recommencl that the present Committee be continued for that purpose. There seems to be no provision in our By-Laws for the election of the Masonic Home Board. I, therefore, recommend that proper provision for their election be made at this session. DECISIONS. I have made no decisions, but have answered every communica-, tion sent me; and on all matters pertaining to questions of law, I , have been able to dispose of them by reference to the By-Laws, or decisions of the Grand, Lodge. There are a great many unnecessary question's asked of the Grand Master. If the officer.s and members of the locaJ Lodges would become more conversant with t.he laws, four-fifths of the questions asked of the Grand Master could be properly determined by themselves. I will admit that for a number of years, at least, the By-Laws and the Session Acts of the Grand Lodge have been somewhat complicated, t.o which the Committee on Revision can, no' doubt, attest, but with the closing of this Grand Lodge I trust that our laws will be in such shape that t.he Grand Masters for years to come will not be burdened with so many simple questions. CONCLUSION. I can not close this report without expressing my high appreciation for the advice and assistance given me by a number of Past Grand Masters, present Grand Lodge Officers, and a host of other Brethren. I have found ready response to every inquiry, and prompt action to every request. In this connection I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the valuable ser路 vices and counsel of our Grand Lecturer, 'R. W. Bro. J. R. McLachl~n,

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