1876 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 51

50 In view of the apparent confilct noticed by the Grand Master between th law of the Grand Lodge of New York and our own law, relative to dimits a ~

affiliation, we are of opinion that the certificate of the Secretary of the N n York lodge statin~ that the petitioner IS a member in good standing a~~ that dimit will be issued on notice of the petition being received,-dirhlt to be sent to the lodge before the ballot is takeu,-is "documentary evidence of the good standing" of the applicant," in accordance with the law- Article xvi, section 8, page 26, Book of Constitutions. Fraternally submitted, THOS. E. GARRErrT JOHN D. 'VINCIL ' S. W. B. CARNEGY JAIVIER E. CARTER' L. P. WOOD, '



Committee reported as follows-adopted: To the J.1Iost W01'ship!ul G1'and Lodge oj ...lIisso1.l1路i:

Your Committee appointed at the last Communication on memorial of Constantine Lodge, No. 129, respectfully submit the follOWing report: We have experienced some difficulty in obtaining information in regard to the matter submitted to us. One of our number, during a ViSIt to Charleston,. Mo., in February last, took occasion to interview as many of the mernorialists, as well as of the members, of Charleston Lodge, Under Dispensation, as he could find willing to give information. ...'\11 agreed in their statements of the condition of Constantine Lodge prior to the surrender of its charter, and according to their statements we are of opinion that the snrrender was right and proper, as the lodge was either utterl)T unable or un willing to enforce its By-Laws, or the laws of the Grand Lodge. Summon~ were dIsobeyed and even when m.embers appeared ill answer to summons and plead guilty to charges made, the lodge refused to assess any punishment. We think that. the sur.. render of charter was right, whether proper notice was given to all the members of the intentIon to surrender or not. Since the surrender of said charter, Charleston Lodge has been organized Under Dispensation, and we do not think that the interests of Masonry in general, or the members of Charleston in particular, require the existence of two lodges at that place, and as we find tbat a majority of the members of the old lodge are now members of the new, we think, that other things being regular and proper, a charter sllould be granted to Charleston Lodge. Both parties expressed a willingness to have us decide the matter on a statement of facts to be made by Brother BETHUNE, of Charleston, but that brother after being requested, in writing, so to do, has neglected to make any statement, or to even respond to our request.

We regret to know that a bad state of feeling exists among Masons of Charleston, and that the mem.bers of Charleston Lodge Under Dispensation are not all free from blam.e, and that some good Masons will be deprived of the privilege of affiliation at home as long as there is but one lodge in the place,

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