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Dth{~r officers, and establish such rules and regulaHons, as they shan, frorn lilne to time, cOllsider necessary ftnd proper: 1}?'ovided, Such regulations do not in any 'way interfere ,vith the proV'isiollS of this Constitution. 814:0. 2, The State Grand Chapters shall sevcrn.lly be holden once in every year, and oftener if they may consider it expedient or necessary, at such tiule and place a,s they shall respectively direct; and, at their ~lnnul11 Dleetings, the constitutiollnl officers shall be elect.ed or appointed in such nU1Ullel' as shall be provided for b,Y their l~ules and l~egullttions, and installed into their respective offices ~ and the Grand or Deputy Grnud FIigh Priests, respectively, for the thue-being, Inay call special meetings, to be holden n-t such times and places as they nlay think proper. SEC.S, The路 several St.ate Grand Chapters shan hn:ve the sole governnlent and superintendence of the several Hoyal.A.. reh Chapters, and Lodges of 1\1081. Ex.cellent, Past, a.nd l\lark I\laster l\lasons, ,,,,ithin their 'respective jurisdi13tions, to assign their lilnits, and to settle the controversies th~Lt Inay lULppen bet\veen thenl; and 811:111 power, under their respective seals :l.ud the signs nlaulw.l of their respective Grand or Deputy Grand High Priests, Kings, ~lnd Scribes, attested by their respective Grnnd Secretaries, to constitute new Ch.apters of Hoyal . .\ .reh l\Iasolls, within their respective Jurisdictions; but their jurisdictions shall in no CfLse be construed to extend bej'ond the Ihnits of the State, except by consent of the General Grn,Ild Chnptcr. , 8110. 4. The Grand and Deputy GTRUd lIigh l')riests, severally, shuJI ht1YC the power nnd :tuthoriJy, wllt~neYer tlH~Y shall dceln it expedient., during the recess of the Grand Chapter of:- \vhich they nrc officers., to grant let.ters of Dispenstlltion under their-respective hunds n-nd priyate seals, to it COlnpetent l1urnbel' or petitioners I)OSsessing tlH~ qualifications required by the 7th Seetioll of the second .A.rticl(~ of tIt is Constitution, eUlpo\yering them to open t1 ChaI)ter of Royal .Al'cll l\lu.sons, for a specified ternl of tillle: .Providt'd, ~rh~lt the said te1'111 of thue shn.llnot extend beyond the next uleeting of the Grn:nd Clull)tm~ of the 8tu.tein which such Dispensation shall he granted: . l lndprol'idcrl, furtlu1t, Thnt the 8:11110 fees us are req uil'(~d b:y thisCoIlstitution for Charters shall be first deposited in the h:uHIs of the Grand SeCl'ctary* A.ud ill all cases of such Dispensation, the officer ,\",110 llU1Y grnnt the sanHJ shall lnake report thel'eof at the next stated meeting of th<.~ Grund Chnptcr of his jurisdiction,whcn the said Grund Chnptel" tuuy either continue or reco.11 t.he sa/tel Dispensation, or Inay grant the petitioners a Charter of constitution. And in case suell Chnrter shall 1)0 granted, the fees first deposited shull be credited in paylnent of the SflnlC ~ but if ft Charter should not. be gr:tnted, nor the DiRpcnsntion eontinued, the said fees shall be refunded to the said petitioners, ex.cepting only such Ilftl't, t.hereof" Its shall have been. actually (~xpendetl by In0:111S of their UItpE.. cation. Se'C. 5. No Dispensfl,tion or Chn,rter shull he granted for instHuting

Lodges of 1\1051. Excellent, Pnst, or l\Iark l\lastcl'l::I




Clu1pter of J:tnyo,l . Arch l\lnsons, Sgc. 6. The Grand Chapters shn,H hayc 11ower, scYeral1y~ ifl requin~ frola the several Chapters lutder their l'esl)(~ctive jnrisd ietinn;-; Fudl r(~asonahlc proportion of sunu'l, received hy theln fCIl' th(~ eX:llt atioll 01' ndvl,lnoculont. of c::tndidrLtes, und suell Cel'lu.ill allllual ~;UIU;:$ frotH their 1

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